Cup Final tickets – What price loyalty? Part 2

A tale from Monday that one fears is all too common

Cup Final tickets – What price loyalty? Part 2

Wembley – Stress guaranteed… long before the final itself!

When I penned the first part of this blog Cup Final tickets – what price loyalty?, I never imagined that there would be a follow up. Anyway I am sure that the experience that I am about to recount will have been replayed thousands of times by other fans. The reason for writing this article is perhaps to get answers from Arsenal Football Club (a statement from the Box Office would be nice). I feel sad that this article will reconfirm how some aspects of Arsenal Football Club, a major multi-million pound company, treats the majority of its customers. If the major companies on the FTSE 100 treated its main consumer base like Arsenal do, then the share price would plummet like a stone. Oh wait… we have an owner of this club who apparently has interests in Arsenal Internet/Broadband and was paid a cool three million for “consultancy advice”. I don’t know what area this was to do with, but if it was related to the Arsenal Communications/ticketing services as currently is, I consider the services not fit for purpose and in that case this payment by the club did not merit value for money.

90 minute Timeline
Having previously registered online in good time, I received notification of a successful status on 7th May for one of my Gold memberships. Fair enough, a ballot was held, and I got lucky. The next date was 11th May. A telephone line and website booking were the options available. Arsenal have been in many finals. It plays a fixture once a week, it spends close to £50 million in its accounts under “other” expenditure which is related to running aspects of the stadium and box office services, so what could go wrong?

11th May
10:32am I rang 0844 2773625 – I received a BT message saying the number was unobtainable.

10:33am Redial x five to hear the same message followed finally by an engaged tone.

10:40am I decided to try the website.

11:08am The blue bar telling me of my position in the Online Box Office queue finally lets me in… Phew!

11:10am After logging in and selecting “find tickets for Arsenal v Aston Villa”, I am presented with an infographic of Wembley stadium. To choose my seat. What could be simpler???

11:26am After clicking on every lower East Stand block behind the goal, I start to try the upper tiers. The refresh rate is enough to try the patient of a saint. Airlines and major ticketing organisations (StubHub) can issue seat numbers and allow you to change them. Arsenal however decide to let you play “pass the digital packets” and when the music stops hope that you are seated on a chair.

12:15pm After repeated timeouts, and error messages I find a seat - WHOOPEE! Row 29, all I need to do is submit my payment details and it’s done! 40 minutes to navigate two web pages.

12:35pm I am losing the will to live. The cost of my ticket is £70 and the number of times that I have been unable to click the box “I have read the terms and conditions” followed by more long time outs is well exceeding five tries. I decide to change my strategy. Tick this box first then insert the card details…

DONE! OK I am on the home strait. I click the “confirm purchase” button, mindful of warnings on other purchase sites that repeated debiting of a card can occur if you confirm more than once, I wait with my breath held. The screen changes to “processing” then it also times out. The banner on this screen states “DO NOT REFRESH OR PRESS THE BACK BUTTON or this transaction will be interrupted or cancelled.” What do I do now???

12:45pm I download and install a completely different browser (Google Chrome) and whilst waiting I decide that either Arsenal Broadband or Microsoft just can’t hack it… (There’s a joke in there somewhere)

BRAINWAVE!!! I copy and paste the Internet Explorer “URL” from the original transaction into the Chrome’s menu bar. Miraculously I am transferred back to the online box office without having to watch that wretched blue queue bar again. I log in and search for my basket.


Ok don’t panic, back to the Wembley Infographic, choose the same block and cross my fingers. I then receive a message that I have two tickets in my basket and I must remove one of the offending items.

I utter one of the commonest obscenities known to fans. VERY LOUDLY!!!

12:55pm Having removed the duplicate, I book a seat, and receive confirmation of a single payment by e-mail, not the £350 in duplicate fees I had feared. SUCCESS!

To obtain this one ticket took the time of one game of football. Unfortunately it is now five rows higher in the upper tiers, so note to myself to bring binoculars! Uncanny eh? 90 minutes of frustration, I have aged at least two years in that time. Is it any wonder there are no “friends and family” surveys for many aspects of Arsenal Football Club services. Not wishing to tar all of the Arsenal commercial services with the same brush, I just despair that yet again Arsenal Football Club are not customer focused. They take their ordinary fans for granted, and exploit every opportunity to make more money out of you all. The price of Gold these days is clearly devalued.

For example I used the Arsenal ticket exchange for the first time recently and found out that I cannot get my hands on my cash for the Category A fixture, a sum of £144 (after admin fees are deducted!), until after the end of the season. This is not right! Any other major company would be reprimanded for not informing its clients of this arrangement in advance. Nowhere is it in the t’s & c’s. What if I had been waiting months for my money??? I bet if I was a Platinum member, this would never happen. A message to Ivan Gazidis, don’t collect your bonus this year, for your club’s customer service is amateurish and poor. Unfair? Well I dare you to put out customer surveys to test my allegations.

The services provided to ordinary Gold members is way below what should be expected for the price that we pay. Look at the quality of food, the absence of a dining option on match days, the changing of fixture dates on a whim. Well I have had enough. I am walking away. I shall not renew my two memberships. My 16 year love affair buying Season Tickets from Arsenal Football Club is over. I cannot become a silver member so I shall remain a life member of the Arsenal Supporter’s Trust and join a supporters club for the odd match ticket from time to time and become an armchair fan via Sky and BT.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 16, 2015, 13:31 #71114

    jj, just like a couple of small villages around the coast over here in N,Ireland where numerous new and old houses have been snapped up, and are only used now and again by their owners for a break and some r&r and remain empty the rest of the time as life long residents and members of the area can't rent or buy a house for the life of them and the council and housing associations not giving a shyte about them, Arsenal down to a tee.

  2. jjetplane

    May 15, 2015, 16:13 #71103

    Bit like the article in the Indy about second homes unoccupied in Kensington and Chelsea. The WOK is part of the trickle down aimed at those with money to throw away for occasional amusement. Football fans are an extinct species - welcome to the I'm alright Jack gated community of tight fitting shirts for lovers of good food .....

  3. Tony Evans

    May 15, 2015, 15:12 #71098

    Well said Brixham Gooner - Arsenal treat their fan base appallingly, presumably on the basis that there are plenty more mugs out there. No offence intended to any Red Members on here, but you have to admit it is a pretty raw deal and nothing short of a rip off by the club.

  4. David

    May 15, 2015, 13:51 #71092

    Their is always problems with distributing 35,000 tickets but I must say I registered, got 1 out of 2, ending up buying tickets for 4 other people and the process was done in 30 minutes with the block I wanted. COYR

  5. Brixham Gooner

    May 15, 2015, 13:13 #71089

    I have paid for 5 Red Memberships for the last 4 seasons (a car full). In those last 4 seasons I have managed to obtain 5 tickets (seated together) on only one occasion for a Saturday 3pm game. The rest have been League Cup, FA Cup (first two rounds) evening or Sundays. In other words precisely when I wouldn't choose to go (I may well choose to use the 500 mile round trip from Devon and fuel cost to do something extra whilst in London or make a weekend of it). The fact is that I accept the frustration of the Gold Member but it is precisely this tiered membership system coupled with demand that means the Club don't object to moving fixtures into anti-traditional football time slots. If every fixture was 3pm on a Saturday how many Red Members would get a ticket? NONE. The system is broken and for the first time in 5 years I am not renewing. Gazidis needs to understand the right to buy an imaginary ticket is not enough. Guarantee me the option to buy a set number of Saturday 3pm tickets, Sunday 4pm tickets, Monday 8pm tickets, one FA Cup ticket and one League Cup ticket per membership, per season(forget Europe) and you would engage so many more fans. Red Membership would surely increase? As it stands I often have the right to buy precisely nothing and this is with the team still underperforming and not challenging. As it stands I have the rights to the left overs and refuse to pay to be treated like a third class member. As for Gold Membership and Cup Finals, every paying Fan, once they have attended one Cup Final, should move to the back of the queue and allow another fan the once in a lifetime experience. We are all fans. If not stick your memberships and Murdoch gets my money. I will already have given thousands of pounds of hard earned cash with no hope of ever attending a Cup Final in my lifetime. As for you Gazidis, if there is one empty seat at that Operating Theatre of a "stadium" if there is one empty seat I want your resignation. What are you doing about the thousands of Seats each season that are paid for and yet left unoccupied? Does anyone else feel the same?

  6. jjetplane

    May 15, 2015, 11:42 #71083

    Probably why Arsenal have so many injuries. Santi looks like he's trying to strap his tits in and Theo (well fed statesman) looks well chubby and I bet he could not keep up with Henry in a race tomorrow. Perhaps they could have really long (night) shirts with dodgy zips designed by Le Boss ... AKBs last stand ...

  7. goonercolesyboy

    May 15, 2015, 11:18 #71080

    It's as though the cut of the shirt makes any difference to the way we or anybody that your point?

  8. Ron

    May 15, 2015, 10:39 #71078

    Nothing 'frantic' about it goonercolesy. You made the assertion that ALL Clubs strips are designed like that appalling effort that we've worn this Season and you've just been proved wrong again merely by reference to a match that was actually on going while you posted last night. How barmy is that? Youre used to being wrong though by now though im sure, that's what being as blinkered as you are does for you. Credit due though to you and Jamie. Youre each holding the AKB banner aloft while battling gamely to maintain some AKB credibility. There's not many of you left now is there.

  9. goonercolesyboy

    May 15, 2015, 9:24 #71077

    Nice one Ron, frantically looking out for something to justify your negative rant again eh. jj stick with your mate Finsbury Joe and hiccu, you need a pee.

  10. Hiccu

    May 15, 2015, 7:03 #71075

    Ron, you have to make allowances for people's lack of knowledge on here.

  11. Ron

    May 14, 2015, 21:23 #71073

    Switch yr TV on now (Napoli/Dnipro goonercolesy and you ll see 2 sets that arent as a starter for 10 or maybe yr blinkered in every respect? I wont bother listing all of the Clubs whos kits doesnt make them look like models in lycra from the PL. It might disrupt yr preference for the foolish use of 'all'.

  12. jjetplane

    May 14, 2015, 20:40 #71070

    Listen to Mr Meta Moan ....

  13. goonercolesyboy

    May 14, 2015, 19:47 #71069

    So now Ron you want to moan about the you don't think all kits are designed that way nowadays?

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2015, 18:38 #71065

    Ron, the softness has grown each year alright(and it's getting worse and that's sad) thanks to the squirts we have signed and keep signing (and the same can be said of fans we have and keep attracting) and you can be sure one or two more will spurt up like a mushroom out of nowhere in the transfer window to be fed bullshyte. To think we were once feared and respected on and off the pitch, instead of now as you say often laughed at and the butt of jokes (especially our past it manager) and seen as a soft touch bunch of posers, very sad. Where will it end you ask? God knows, but we know when it will that's if it's not to late already.

  15. Ron

    May 14, 2015, 16:50 #71063

    Tony - right with you. Our niceness is all tinged with french elan too. Right down to the kit. The sleek, tight shirt, 'sexy' look, the cut of the shorts etc. All done for smooth 'niceness'albeit i reckon they all look effeminate! We look like a team of weak willed posers basically and its all in keeping with the soft, touristy ambience of the Club isnt it.We have to admit though, football aside its a great business model and doesn't fail them. No other Club manages it, not even Chelsea, the traditional home of the 'look at me and see who im with 'set. Even they still have an air of menace in the Club and their line up. This new stylish softness has grown each yr since 1996 and had a spurt in the last few years. It must all give opponents a comfortable feeling must it. Add to this the long time Wenger sponsored crusade of protest v tackling, defending, fighting and toughing it out to get results and we re left with a soft banana of a Club, whose ways were once respected as the so called 'Arsenal way'now having leaked down to ways that are often laughed at by others Clubs and supporters. We threaten nobody, we re the inclusive Club, who have even developed an air of others fans '2nd team' - always a dangerous status to have! We ll be West Ham circa 1965 - 1985 before you know it. We ve already got the soft underbelly to match Greenwoods nice boys. Where will it end? Going to that ground with its cash flow bonuses has costs much in what we ve sacrificed as a football Club in my view.

  16. Tony Evans

    May 14, 2015, 14:32 #71061

    Ron and Bard - Completely agree. 'New Arsenal' have re-invented themselves as a club everyone likes, that attracts more and more of the new breed of fan who cares more about the hospitality than the match result. They will always be my club but much of what Arsenal aspire to now is difficult for me to swallow. I will be the first to admit that not every aspect of the 'Old Arsenal' was perfect but give me Highbury and the old style fans any day.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2015, 13:10 #71059

    Not to worry Arsenal and wenger have read this and all the comments, and taken it on board and have learned from it, and the same mistakes won't happen again. And there are actually some who have, would, and will believe a statement like that.

  18. Ron

    May 14, 2015, 13:02 #71058

    JJ - they do a Moms and Babies day. Its held during the Emirates Cup. You cant move for 'goo gooing' women, baby pee and nappies stench, baby spew and plastic pop bottles. PS Bard - youve hit the nail on the head there. Its a 'nice'day. Theyre a 'nice' Club now. We only have 'nice' players and we re nice to the opponents.The dome's ambience, even in the seats, not just the bars is very congenial for those who want to read their novel or catch up on some work, have a business meeting or just some where to take the Wife and Daughters for a family pow wow. Even the away fans love it!

  19. jjetplane

    May 14, 2015, 12:39 #71055

    Concur there Squire. Tried to book an all-dayer at the Rosy Lea cafe only to find out Bill and his missus had took the cash and run. Now it's an organic gastro for AKBs. I remember going to a few cup finals but do not remember how I ever got the tickets - looked after weren't I. Nice article and a good decision to stop going and it is a hoot who has stopped going. For instance, the AKB executive would not be seen near the WOK unless it's mums and babies day with Jules organising the singing. Do I hear 'somewhere over the rainbow' .... JAMERSON anyone can google a couple of facts and I bet you have one slave who does it all day ... The Dictator You could not make it up.

  20. Bard

    May 14, 2015, 11:58 #71052

    Rocky what makes your post so depressing is that it doesnt surprise in any way. Having said that Im sure Arsenal arent the only club who treats its fans in this way. As a subtext I think that Arsenal have morphed into a sort of metro club. Going to a match at the ground is classed along with a trip to the tower of london and tickets to Wimbledon. Its a nice day out.

  21. Colonel Blimp

    May 14, 2015, 8:14 #71045

    This damn new-fangled Internetwork thingymajig is more trouble than it's blasted worth. Cold showers, square bashing and the oath to the colours should be enough leisure for any decent chap. Harrrummmph.

  22. HowardL

    May 14, 2015, 7:48 #71044

    I remember lots of queueing for Cup tickets, swopping Cup Final Programme Vouchers outside Highbury, and generally spending even longer than you have online. But it was mostly a communal, enjoyable experience and a sense of achievement when you finally had those tickets in your hand. Virtual reality is not always what it's made out to be. Online booking for meals etc can often be a pleasant experience, but with Arsenal it seems to be invariably fraught.

  23. NickF

    May 13, 2015, 15:37 #71027

    If you use ticketmaster for any major event the experience is quite similar.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2015, 14:50 #71025

    Not surprised at all, just like manager and players not fit for purpose.

  25. "Supportertheclub"

    May 13, 2015, 14:22 #71024

    Moan, moan, moan. As for "Wenger obviously has a hand in this because it very much mismanaged to the point of incompetence". The club would certainly benefit from you not bothering to come to matches.

  26. Peter

    May 13, 2015, 13:56 #71021

    Firstly, thanks The Dec to remind me to renew my silvers. After I worked out I didn't need to upgrade it was straightforward. As for the final ticket process, I was buying one for my daughter and knew I had to get in quick so she could sit near to the rest of us already sorted. Timing when the queue starts is random but multiple browser refreshes helped and I got the lower tier block I wanted. It is frustration that people/groups are split but either that or you get priority to groups over single people and that's not right either.

  27. Dougie L

    May 13, 2015, 13:31 #71018

    i've been going to watch Arsenal for 45 years, have had 3 gold season tickets for at least the last 25 years and have been to away games all over the country and in europe. I cant imagine how much I've spent following the team. I got 1 seat from my application for my 3 season tickets for the final. No doubt someone who has had tickets for a year or two but went to 5 or 6 away games last year got mine. That's what you call a disgrace.

  28. In the interests of balance

    May 13, 2015, 13:08 #71014

    Rocky, it sounds like an extremely frustrating experience. It does become infuriating when you get into a web-site that starts defying you and logic! My experience with the site was a little less frustrating. I clicked onto the access link just around 10.00am and was in the Blue Bar queue for about half-an-hour. When I got into the site proper, the lower sections behind the goal were all amber orange and the first one I tried told me I couldn't get two seats together. I went to one of the higher blocks, which were all green and got two seats assigned in a row, not too far ahead of yours. As far as things go it was fairly hassle free. Whilst I empathise with your frustration, I think throwing in the towel after sixteen years of loyal support is a little extreme. Hopefully you will feel differently after we beat Villa to lift that famous old trophy again.

  29. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 12:45 #71013

    Not at all surprised to hear this. The relations between AFC and the fans and even the official supporters Clubs is dire and has been ever since the move to the silent dome. The Clubs admin is a total shambles. Platinum members have the cash they receive from selling their seats paid back vis reduction in the cost of the seat for the following season. Its saves Arsenal the cost and the bother of dealing with it on a usage basis. Disgraceful. Was near Bham the other day and chatting to a few Villans. They were all fairly happy with their allocation arrangements as well as being convinced the FAC s theirs!!I think theyre right too.

  30. David

    May 13, 2015, 12:24 #71011

    The ticket situation is crazy I agree! I was on the waiting list for season tickets at highbury for 5/6 years..they called me to tell me id FINALLY get seats when we moved to the Emirates. When I called back to arrange a date to come down and pick my seat they kindly informed me they had no record of me ever applying!!! One thing I would say is, if you are serious about not renewing your tickets and wanted to pass them over to another real fan and not a corporate who will probably skip the queue all together Id gladly take them off your hands Sir.. [Please contact The Gooner for David's contact details if needed]

  31. Steve R

    May 13, 2015, 12:13 #71010

    And you pay a "booking fee" surcharge of £2 per ticket for the pleasure. Oh plus the postage fee too!!

  32. Rocky the King

    May 13, 2015, 12:02 #71009

    Well said Dec, but Wenger is an easy target. What does Ivan Gazidis do to earn his bonus year after year? I think we should be told...

  33. The Dec

    May 13, 2015, 11:43 #71007

    Fully agree, ive even tried to renew my silvers this year at the invite of a mail from the club. Add 2 silvers to my basket...check Proceed to checkout...check Go to pay....."you already hold these memberships" even though it clearly states it for the 2015/16 season. Wenger obviously has a hand in this because it very much mismanaged to the point of incompetence!!!