Two FA Cup Semis Remembered

And details of free yellow ribbons at tomorrow’s game

Two FA Cup Semis Remembered

What did she wear?

Ed’s Note: The current issue of The Gooner has a special feature on Arsenal in the FA Cup semi-final, where contributors recall past ties from the many the Gunners have played in. There were a couple of ties that more than one writer submitted a contribution for, so we are running those online as a bit of a plug for the fanzine, which can be bought from sellers tomorrow on your approach to the stadium. It’s a bit of a Cup Final special with 16 extra pages, hence the cover price of £3.

Additionally, it’s a chance to mention that tomorrow (and indeed at Wembley assuming we still have copies left to sell) we will be giving yellow ribbons away to all females that buy a copy (at least as long as they last – we have 100 ribbons to give away at the match tomorrow). For those wondering why we are not giving them to male buyers, the clue is in the song… ‘She wore a yellow ribbon’.

So anyhow, onto the memories of a couple of past semi-finals, good and bad…

Arsenal v Stoke, 1971
Back in March 1971, we were still unaware that we were going to witness history. We were neck and neck with Dirty Leeds in the League and surpringingly still in The Cup. The semi-final game against Stoke at Hillsborough proved to be a turning point when we could really start to believe. I was a bit scared of Stoke, not because of their current propensity to maim as many of the opposition as possible in 90 minutes, but despite their mid table position, they were a useful team who tonked us 5-0 at their place earlier in the season.

The football special up to Sheffield was a rank compartmentalised cattle truck, but we had a couple of Watney’s Party Seven tins to keep us amused on the long journey. If you don’t know what I am talking about, take a tip from me – it was dreadful stuff. We were herded from the station into the vast open terrace where we witnessed a dismal first half. We went in at the break 2-0 down after some comical defending (sounds familiar?) Our very own Peter Storey (who would have fitted in well into the current Stoke team) hammered one in from the edge of the area to reduce the arrears. Then from a corner in stoppage time the ball was handled on the line and Storey bobbled in the equaliser from the penalty spot with Gordon Banks rooted to the spot.

The Double was still on.


Arsenal v Tottenham, 1991
“He is, you know.”

Commentators can often produce a piece of commentary that is forever quoted. They do think it’s all over when it’s up for grabs now and just look at that, look at that – you know the drill. But when Barry Davies remarked his surprise that Gazza was going to shot from 35yrds from that free kick that afternoon, I didn’t know that his comment would be the first thing that the old man would say to me as that game drew to a close, but I shouldn’t have been surprised, what with him being a big ABA.

Of course, if that is all I can remember from that day, his attempt at humour, then that shows I have blocked away as many as the memories of that day as possible. Lets see. Their fast start, that free kick, the hope that Smiths goal gave us and Dave Seaman then allowing that Lineker shot through his hand towards the end… Oh yes, it’s still there, if I want to remind myself. We were so much better than them that season, with our near invincible league season, whilst they were just a cup team. Maybe they had their name on the cup that year. Maybe it is best if I forget all about it.

“Is he really trying to wipe this from his memory, again? He is, you know”

Mike Hennessy

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  1. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 25, 2015, 7:33 #71428

    Two other instantly forgettable semis were the 2002 and 2003 ones v Middeslbrough and Sheffield Utd, both 1-0; a case of just doing a job.

  2. Tony pepe

    May 25, 2015, 0:02 #71427

    Mugsqiure gooner doesn't even know where Wembley is so he ain't buying no one a beer. Leave it to the true fans colesy ehh.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 24, 2015, 20:39 #71426

    Thanks Colsey appreciate that.

  4. goonercolesyboy

    May 24, 2015, 20:17 #71425

    You are a true fan muguiresbridge so let's meet at Wembkey and share a couple of beers and talk about our football club.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 24, 2015, 18:28 #71424

    And the welsh Jesus will find a big difference at Barca than he does with us where you have to do a hell of a lot more there to be given a name like that, they have to earn their fancy names and status there, unlike here where players (and a manager)are regarded as hero's and world class for winning nothing and being a failure.

  6. jjetplane

    May 24, 2015, 17:21 #71423

    Ramsay to Barca for 50m. Cannot imagine quite that much but a sale will be a sale and with everybody on board with the 20 year evolution program (how long?) and Theo now ready to be shipped for 40m still leaving Arsene Utd (sic) in top top 3/4 positioning until they eventually move wholesale to the east (China, Dubai ...) long ****ing sentence this errr yeah Onwards and Upwards. Plenty of candles being lit at the AKB Chapel this evening and why not. Job done.

  7. Westlower

    May 24, 2015, 12:38 #71417

    Further to my previous post, Arsenal were destined to play Chelsea again at the Lane in the semi-final of the 51/52 season. Again the first game ended in stalemate 1-1, after Freddie Cox had given Arsenal the lead before Chelsea equalised midway through the second half. Arsenal raised their game in the replay with magician Jimmy Logie setting up the opening goal for Freddie Cox. Cox & Doug Lishman added two more goals for a convincing 3-0 victory. Sadly, Arsenal were to lose the final 0-1 to Newcastle, who became the first club to retain the FA Cup in the 20th century. This was Newcastle's greatest ever team, with legendary Jackie Milburn as their ace centre forward. Arsenal never appeared in an FA Cup semi-final again until 1971 (see main story above). The rest, as they say, is history.

  8. Ron

    May 24, 2015, 11:42 #71415

    Theyre isnt an 'easy route' to any achievement Westie, not in sport, not in business not in our personal lives either. No Club has won a Cup 'easily'. A team needs the rub of the green every so often to win knock out Cups, think Utd in the treble season for eg. Title winning Cups are won on merit alone over 38 games and by teams who are well coached, well managed and who have talented players who have the nerve to go the extra mile and the loyalty to their Club and Coach. AFC can win a KO Cup here and there, but sadly lack all of the other ingredients to win the major honours, no matter how much you bang on about teams playing 'anti football'of which there is no such thing. SKYs concept and definition of football is which suits their own agenda. You shd cancel that subscription and go get out and actually watch a few other teams around the Country. I gtee you, your bias towards AFC will be tempered, yr blinkers removed and you ll learn to appreciate the diversity of football styles.

  9. Westlower

    May 24, 2015, 11:16 #71413

    Reading back through the history of Arsenal football club comes the realisation that we've never taken the easy route in any of our achievements. In 1950 we played Chelsea in the semi-final at the Lane. After 25 minutes we were 0-2 down (shades of the Stoke semi) but in the dying seconds of the first half Freddie Cox scored direct from a corner. With 15 minutes remaining we were still trailing 1-2 but then another corner. As Denis Compton prepared to take it he waved his bigger brother Leslie forward. Captain Joe Mercer ordered centre half Leslie to stay back but was ignored as Leslie headed the equaliser. The replay was again played at the Lane. 0-0 after ninety minutes, and then in the 14th minute of extra time Freddie Cox scored the winner with his weaker left foot. It must be in Arsenal's DNA to stretch the outcome to the nth degree before emerging successfully. Twas ever thus! Arsenal went on beat Liverpool 2-0 in the Final with Reg Lewis scoring both goals.

  10. Ron

    May 24, 2015, 11:11 #71412

    The Stoke team of 71 was a very good side and maybe played some of the best football in the division under Tony Waddington. The present team isnt so bad either. They dont play a dirty game either. They didnt when the Ramsey incident happened either. It was a horrid one off. You've clearly been brainwashed by Wenger re Stoke and any other team that plays a physical game this lat 10 years.

  11. Paul

    May 24, 2015, 8:57 #71410

    Patrick Vieira v the Spuds at OT.The man was a beast.2-1 going on 8-1

  12. Roy

    May 24, 2015, 5:08 #71409

    The article is worth it for the mention of the Watneys Party Seven alone ! Ah, memories. My worst memory of a semi final ( apart from the obvious one you've already mentioned ) is when we were also herded in exactly the same fashion into the very same end at Hillsborough against Liverpool in 1980. An absolutely dismal game with no sign of a goal other than Brian Talbot lobbing one on to the top of the crossbar. Took us 4 games to eventually beat them and I've always maintained that it cost us a trophy that season. Best memory ? Tough one, but I think Bobby Pires' winner against the Spuds takes some beating.

  13. Smithy

    May 23, 2015, 18:02 #71406

    I'd love to see a cup final where we play really well and win! We usually make it a struggle, it would be great if we could play to our maximum potential and play one touch at pace and really go for the throat. Fingers crossed for a good performance and a win!