The Game is about Glory

Online Ed: Arsenal romp to record 12th FA Cup triumph

The Game is about Glory

Two seasons, two trophies. This is more like it. In the financial stakes, the two domestic cups may be insignificant poorer cousins, but to supporters, and I think players, trophies such as the FA Cup have real meaning. Football, when I was young, was about winning prizes. Second place meant nothing. Things have changed.

I remember my first real interest in football being sparked by the Sun Soccer Stamps Book in the autumn of 1971. One of the sections featured stamps of clubs that had won the FA Cup, I recall with the years of victory imprinted on a graphic of the trophy. Aston Villa held the record then, with seven. They’ve not won any more since, although have made two finals. Arsenal had won four, and were the holders. There were colour photos of them parading the FA Cup trophy in yellow shirts after winning the Double the previous May. 44 years on, and there have been a further eight such days, six of them under Arsene Wenger. Yesterday may well have been the least challenging final the club have ever played. As contributor Ian Tanner texted me after about an hour of the game, “A boxing bout would be stopped”.

The team selection had been the subject of much debate in the build-up. Szczesny kept his place in goal, in spite of not being given a run out v West Brom. At left back, Nacho Monreal returned, whilst up front Theo Walcott’s performance last weekend meant he retained the centre forward position with Olivier Giroud missing out.

Villa seemed to be eating the clock from the off, and did not play the kind of attacking football that previews had indicated they might. In spite of their opponents’ caution, Arsenal ran riot. A flurry of chances came once the game settled down, and the Gunners could have been two or three up before the deadlock was finally broken as half time beckoned.

Coquelin played a long pass wide to Walcott, who fed Monreal, the left back proving he can deliver with aplomb as his cross found Alexis. The Chilean headed back across the goal into space and teed up Walcott on his weaker foot. It could have gone into row Z and often they have, but Theo found the net and Villa never recovered.

Alexis’ goal soon after half-time was worthy of a showpiece final, probably his best of the season. The Chilean’s contribution over the campaign belies the notion that imported players need a season to adapt to the league, if they have the right attitude. Initially, he took possession of a loose ball simply because he seemed more determined to win it than the Villa defence. He then fashioned the space to deliver a knockout blow. What followed felt like a formality. Mertesacker’s header from Cazorla’s corner was an example of how, if the delivery from set pieces is right, Arsenal can score goals aplenty to take advantage of the fouls and corners their play often draws.

At 3-0, Villa had a couple of shouts for a penalty, and seeing highlights later, certainly had a good case for one of them. However, one did not get the feeling they would have gained enough momentum at 3-1 to make a comeback. Arsenal looked like they could score more if they wanted to, but adopted cruise control with a three goal cushion.

The Giroud goal with injury time almost up was the icing on the cake, or a further dagger in the heart for the Villa fans who had not opted to depart early. It concluded an utterly dominant performance. Villa were as poor as Arsenal were good, although in truth, the Gunners should have made easy weather of a team that only finished one place clear of relegation. However, the same could be said of previous recent finals where Wenger’s team have struggled. It does not always happen that way.

Santi Cazorla was named man of the match, but it was difficult to pick out one man from a superb Gunners performance. Everyone played well, and it was a real team effort. There does seem to be a unity in the current crop that, perhaps, has not always been evident of late. Perhaps winning fosters this.

After what seemed like a long run without a trophy, days like yesterday’s are no longer taken for granted. Perhaps Gooners might have been guilty of that at times when the club were habitually winning trophies just over a decade ago. Spare a thought for Villa fans, who have won just two League Cups in the 33 seasons since winning the European Cup in 1982, and the last of those was before Arsene Wenger had arrived in North London.

For once, it was a pleasure for Gooners to enjoy a relatively stress-free final. And back at the Grove, the club allowed spectators to get on the pitch after the game had been screened, although some took it too far and climbed onto the scaffolding that was supporting the giant screens. The free scarves at the screening were a nice gesture from the club, so well played to them there. I suspect the influence of former REDaction stalwart Mark Brindle, now employed by the club as the Supporters Liaison Manager is having a positive effect, especially remembering the travel facilities laid on for the trips to Manchester United and Hull on Monday nights in recent weeks.

So we have a club moving in the right direction on and off the field. Winning silverware can become a habit, so the FA Cup is an important trophy in this respect. The key moment in the run was undoubtedly the quarter final win at Old Trafford, and the significance of that result may become more apparent with time.

The summer beckons, and there is business to be done. Petr Cech looks a likely arrival, although talk of Arturo Vidal joining his compatriot Alexis in a move from Juventus may prove false hope as it looks like Manchester United may be about to tie up a deal. That would be a shame, as one imagines he would add more fighting spirit to a team that has, on occasion, looked a little short in that area.

Still, there are plenty of targets out there and the club are awash with cash. Let’s hope they use it, and use it well, don’t dither, get their business done early and anticipate problems that are likely next season (not least with Alexis after the Copa America). In 2015/16, it’s time for a genuine campaign-long title challenge to continue a very decent couple of seasons for Arsenal.

Enjoy the summer, I will post the occasional editorial to keep things ticking over as time allows. Up the Gunners and Victory Through Harmony!

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Esso

    Jun 04, 2015, 6:57 #71783

    Mahna Mahna

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 02, 2015, 16:07 #71735

    Tony Evans, it certainly was, I was in the same bar as last year with fellow gooners but with chavs, mancs, and others all villa fans for 90 minutes and it was great to see right from the first five minutes or so there was only going to be one winner (unlike last year)where we could actually relax and enjoy the match with no fear, and seeing the chavs and mancs sitting there with their mouths shut having realised that too made it even sweeter.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 02, 2015, 15:42 #71734

    jj, and where have we heard/been told that before, of course we know who AKB central always take their lead from regardless, you can imagine the bulletin from Central command if their messiah had come out with he would be buying two or three qualitee players.

  4. Ron

    Jun 02, 2015, 14:52 #71730

    Nick - on Wilsheres little burst, had he have been playing out of his skin and influencing matters, the media wouldn't have bothered with it. He d have been the great english hope again having 'high jinks'. Where hes gone wrong with his cameo is to have done it when hes a bit of a passenger at the Club. Hes a sitting duck for them to make mischief over and he failed to recognise it. Such as Gazza got away with it for years because of his cult status. Wilshere doesn't have anything like the innate talent that Gazza had and doesn't look like the innocent, slightly dense lad up to his tricks which Gazza milked to its limits. JW is at the crossroads with AFC and he needs to be careful. Id say he s got 12 months to show Wenger that hes indispensable otherwise they ll off load him. Similar to the Wally really. What he actually did was nothing as you say in the fans eyes, but for him personally it was a massive mistake, especially seeing as he s not 18 anymore.

  5. Tony Evans

    Jun 02, 2015, 13:44 #71726

    Maguiresbridge - Don't worry mate I fully expect to be let down by our summer transfer dealings but am allowing myself to get carried away by the euphoria of Saturdays result / performance. It was so good to actually see an Arsenal team properly turn up for a change wasn't it. It hasn't happened for such a long time, especially in a final.

  6. Bob

    Jun 02, 2015, 13:19 #71725

    Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of Jack's little cameo, I don't think maths is his strong point: "I have one question, and one question only"...he then proceeded to ask two, albeit closely related, questions

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 02, 2015, 12:46 #71721

    Gaz, Tony Evans, you should know better than that lads.

  8. Bard

    Jun 02, 2015, 12:22 #71718

    Red Member; I agree but only to an extent. Top class players win games not set ups. GR I did read the whole Wenger response there was no misunderstanding.The bottom line is if we want to progress we have to enter the market at the top end. Prices have gone up since we paid 40m for Ozil. Benteke for 30m+ says it all. Secondly its a lie that we cant afford a Pogba or a Bale. yes we would have to sell Jack, Wally, Podolski, Sanogo, Arteta, Flamini that would get us there or thereabouts. There is no point in filling this current side with second rate players, we need real class to take us up a level. To the argument that they are squad players i would counter since when does Wenger ever use a squad. He plays the same 11 if he can and rarely rotates so we could fill those other slots with youngsters without losing anything. Again I repeat his comments were the equivalent of a non statement of intent. Im still buzzing after the FAC win but Im not stupid enough to believe that this signals a change of direction.

  9. jjetplane

    Jun 02, 2015, 11:33 #71716

    Nice one RED MEMBER and funny how WESTIE can never get around to the elephant in the room when he does his bible checks .... If there is no significant push for the PL next season to add to a decade's worth of spin then someone glaringly is not fit for purpose. Pat Rice saying last night Giroud is not the ticket as is the case with Arteta, BFG, Gibbs, Wilshere, Walcott but the spin is happening already. According to AKB Central no players are needed.

  10. Badarse

    Jun 02, 2015, 11:25 #71714

    Seems we go around again. I was looking back through old articles recently and stumbled across the following. I offered a view that CFC would win the league, City as runners' up, us third with Everton, Liverpool, Tottenham and Man U falling away. westlower responded by reminding me that Man U had no European commitments. I immediately upgraded them to fourth place. Not bad, guessing all four and in correct order, but it was just a guess, though based on a reasonable form of assessment. It never attracted criticism, though when I said I expected a keeper, and RB as direct replacements, possibly a CH, and hopefully a striker, but wouldn't be surprised if the last two didn't arrive it was again a, 'shoot the messenger' response. Criticised for a reasoned point of view. It's why I've slowly disappeared off the threads, the dinosaurs hold the sway. We did get Callum and then Alexis, and in January Gabriel. So I kind of got that about right. This isn't about me being right, though I hit it with the earlier assessments, it's about the nonsense which passes for discussion. Last year Ron, and his two acolytes jj and jeff wright made a case for Balotelli joining us. Reasonable call. However Ron had the temerity to compare him with Charlie George. The broad brush stroke approach again. Thing is most swallow it. If you offer an opposing view then woe betide you. The insults and dismissive digs follow. GoonerRon, westlower, Jamerson, get them regularly. Anyway I challenged the view and got back negativity in typical blustering, bumptious fashion. Well we have seen what happened to Balotelli. On the subject jeff wright thought Fabregas would fail at CFC, enough said about that. Is this a negative post, or a statement of occurrences? Well to offer balance the man who came out with great credit was DJ. He contested the likely failure of Fabregas on the same thread, then offered a coup de grace, he nailed his colours up proclaiming that he wanted Alexis to come our way. Good call. Still, it is just viewpoints, however the unnecessary personal rebukes for going against the status quo is a difficulty in coming to terms with. Open question, who said he thought AV had their name on the cup since the 4th round, and that Sherwood would get them up and firing, oh yes, and that Pulis would get WBA stoked up? Answers on a postcard please. Still as I said, it's just a reasoned assessment, the future always is.

  11. Nick

    Jun 02, 2015, 11:21 #71713

    Benteke didn't freeze he was STARVED, starved of service and chances,apart from the likes of Henry, Messi etc how many top modern strikers can create a goal out of absolutely nothing ( Sanchez obviously) the one half chance created for him was snuffed out by our much maligned Polish keeper, as i said before ARSENAL did not ALLOW villa to play apart from on two occasions at 3-0 up when we reverted to our early season gung ho style and escaped punishment from the ref, it was at most a five minute blip, by the way Huttons hand ball from Ramseys effort was also a penalty his arms scooped the ball away , nothing was made of that by the media, i maintain villa were poor because we MADE them look poor, all this vitriol aimed at Jack for doing a Ray Parlour is unedifying too, Arsenal hate spurs end of, if you don't then your beyond my understanding, it doesn't matter that they don't challenge for the title ( we don't much these days either) its a traditional rivalry and a part of what makes an Arsenal supporter, can you imagine the stick they'd have given us had we lost ? As for swearing in front of kids , have none of you ever heard a group of five to ten year olds when they think adults cant hear them ? Were you never that age yourself?

  12. Phil

    Jun 02, 2015, 10:52 #71710

    As someone who has always loved Wenger but had a 2 month critical spell about him 2 years ago (after the fiasco of celebrations at Newcastle) I am now getting stick from mates for not realising how great he has always been! I would say however that those of us who were doubtful in the summer of 2013 have been proved right! We said he should go if he couldn't change and he has changed: 1) He started spending money and spent it well 2) He finally got someone in midfield who can tackle (but only last Xmas!) 3) As Jack and Rosicky said recently, we started to prepare more for the opposition and the way they played (starting at City in January I think). I found this ' revelation' quite amazing. Are we saying that for the previous 7/8 years we weren't doing this enough?? But so happy we are back.........

  13. Red Member

    Jun 02, 2015, 10:04 #71708

    @westlower it is not about who we buy and who we dont. it is about who can best set up a team. Mourinho has come in and taken a Chelsea team which were no better than ours and in 2 years taken them to the title. Wenger has not managed top 2 in the past decade. why should next season be any different?

  14. Chris

    Jun 02, 2015, 9:28 #71707

    Westlower - Agree with most of that but I'd say most of those players would improve our squad, not necessarily our team. I defintiely think there's more to come from the current squad but i also think 1 or 2 top additions, if possible, would help that happen.

  15. Westlower

    Jun 02, 2015, 9:24 #71706

    Reality check. In 2013/14 only two English clubs won silverware (Man City & Arsenal). In 2014/15 only two English clubs won silverware (Chelsea & Arsenal). Before any new signings are made we can expect further improvement, because of age or returning from long term injuries, from Bellerin, Debuchy, Gibbs, Chambers, Gabriel, Jack, Ox, Gnabry, Welbeck, Coquelin & Theo. Ozil & Sanchez will continue to stamp their class. Before we get our knickers in a twist about transfers, who is available to improve our squad? Cech (past his best), Scheinderlin (is he any better than Coq), Milner (give me Ox any day), Sterling (Theo clone), Khedira (injury prone), Carvalho (too slow), Martinez (will he be able to cut it in PL), Benzema (Giroud clone). The highest priced players will continue to be bought by the two Manchester clubs, Abramovich, RM, PSG & Barca. Just be thankful we didn't get sucked in by big buys Balotelli, Soldado, Di Maria, Falcao, Mangala, Shaw, Cuadrado, etc.

  16. Chris

    Jun 02, 2015, 8:44 #71705

    I'd be very surprised if Wenger didn't bring in one or two very decent players. When he says his priority is keeping the current squad together surely he just means that any deals won't involve Kos going to RM, Ramsey to Barca, Wallcott or Wilshere to Chekski / Citeh? All of those have been mooted and if so, I think Wenger is right. But it then gets increasingly hard to bring players in because they see the competition for places, hence Milner apparently opting for Liverpool etc. We'd all love to see a couple of top players come in but I don't think it's as easy as we'd like to think and big money for marginal improvement whi may not feature all that much is not going to happen.

  17. Tony Evans

    Jun 02, 2015, 8:16 #71704

    Gaz - agree, there is absolutely no excuse now. We are so close Wenger must bring in the two or three really top players required to give us a genuine shout at the title / CL. At the very least a quality keeper and a holding midfielder who, along with Coquelin will give the added steel required. I don't want to see the likes of Arteta, Flamini and Sczesney anywhere the Arsenal first team next season. The icing on the cake would be the clinical striker but Wenger may feel he has enough already offensively - although I am not so sure.

  18. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 02, 2015, 7:26 #71703

    Jameeeee - 75624 - suggesting that I'm a tory boy obviously shows that you've been thinking about me which is sweet. But if anyone on here has dodgy politics it's the self-professed upper class slave driver who hates cockneys and is apparently a xenophobe when it comes to foreign footbsll (75634). "What do you think of Jamie (and Tottenham)?"

  19. Gaz

    Jun 01, 2015, 23:44 #71702

    Hi Tony. Yeah our opinions on most things Arsenal have been pretty similar. Great minds and all that I'd say!!! Still buzzing from Saturday although I'm now heading into full blown transfer mode! Hope Wengers comments are just him with his poker head on. If not he's gonna pass up on a great chance of doing something special next season. If we were to fail to strengthen AND we have a worse season there's absolutely no way he should get his last year and I'd hope the Club would agree and we can both move on...

  20. Toeknee Addums

    Jun 01, 2015, 23:04 #71701

    I think this is boiling down to a debate of what rivalry is. You can't slate jack for chanting stuff he hears every game we play, if we shouldn't care about spurs then why do we the fans still sing it? Either your rivals are near you in proximity or you're in direct competition with them, that's what rivals are. Tbh I'm not that fussed about spurs & I can happily wait till we play them to sing about them, but to try and pull Jack up on that is silly. Using the c word when there's obviously kids around is another matter, however.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 01, 2015, 22:40 #71700

    jw, spot on, this crap by smoking jack is a joke he's making it look like the spuds are some kind of rivals while they shouldn't be, they should have been left behind and a distant memory years ago after Highbury, the fact their still regarded as rivals and still biting and yapping at our heels and we're still celebrating finishing above them every year is down to an old past it manager who has stood still and allowed it.

  22. Jason B

    Jun 01, 2015, 22:35 #71699

    @Chris Dee. Why has Jack need to apologise to Spurs for? Can you see Harry Kane/Adebayor apologise if they did something similar? Did Adebayor apologise for his celebration against when he played for Man City?

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 01, 2015, 22:10 #71698

    I see a 14 year old lad who fell in a lake and was under the water for ten minutes or so has come out of a coma, and the first question he asked was, is Juventus still in the Champions League? it's certainly not a question a young Arsenal supporter could ask, but you could imagine smoking jack coming out of his booze induced coma this morning and asking did we win the FA Cup?

  24. tony pepe

    Jun 01, 2015, 22:03 #71697

    FA CUP WINNERS 2015........... to all the negatives. jeff, mugsquire, jj...... Aint life a bore when you hate the Arsenal. I bet church this weekend was a chore, hoping that Saturday never happened. well it did and you are all just trying to make out that it didn't. CONGRATULATIONS ARSENE WENGER and ARSENAL FC.

  25. Captain Frank

    Jun 01, 2015, 21:10 #71696

    One of the reasons I come on here is to remind myself that everyone views a game through different eyes. Kevin can nearly always be relied upon to write a fair report of the game with some interesting observations of his own which he usually caveats with something like "to these eyes" thus enforcing the point that it is only his view. Then we get the diversity of the comments. Some I have to admit I believe are wind-ups but that may simply be because their view differs so dramatically from mine - some positively and some negatively. My own thoughts on Saturday were that it was a magnificent performance. One aspect I've not seen mentioned was how well we reduced the supply line to Benteke, particularly in the first half. There was only one decent cross in the first period which I can remember and Szczesny dealt with it very well. I know some of you will reject the idea that this could have been a tactical move on the part of the manager, but I thought it was very noticeable how quickly we closed down the space whenever the ball went wide. In my view that was one of the main reasons Villa seemed to poor and why I prefer to credit Arsenal with an excellent performance rather than bemoan the fact the opposition were outclassed. Anyone would think it would have been better to have won 1-0 with a deflection! I'm not getting carried away, but I do feel there are signs this team can grow into title challengers with one or two more additions. I suspect the Community Shield will be more than the usual pre-season friendly this year because it's chance for us to lay down a marker by beating a Mourinho side and you can be sure JM won't want that to happen. Enjoy the summer guys (those of you who can).

  26. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2015, 21:09 #71695

    Jack has missed the boat on that one. A lot of Arsene raised fans would know little of the spud type rivalries that existed in the last century. And why should they as to all intents and purposes it is Chelski we are chasing now and will be if we lets say keep Arteta and the BFG as key squad players while perhaps buying a Benzema and Cech and thinking that is it. What it could result in is a move for Sanchez by perhaps RM and Ozil not taking Arsene aspirations to his heart which may lead to a 'mindblowing' FA Cup win again creating the monster of all groundhog days and by 2020 Jack will be sitting on the bus having popped out of rehab for the weekend. Alternatively - well let's see what Pat Rice has to say. It's the PL and at least a semi CL or nothing and Arsene can ignore all at his peril. Pat Rice is on 5 live nowish.

  27. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2015, 20:42 #71694

    Personally I have no problem with Jack's rants about the spuds but sadly it does show where we are still at. Chelsea are the London club that we should be comparing ourselves with ambition wise there supporters laugh at Wenger.The spuds are irrelevant to every one else in the world.Someone should point this out to Jack he is not doing us any favours with his nonsense.

  28. Ho Hum

    Jun 01, 2015, 20:00 #71693

    chris dee- Now you've made me feel bad! The sarcasm was aimed more at Untold Arsenal than you mate, but there are some who believe that our trophyless years were down to far more than simply a lack of money (which tbf you alluded to in your second post after I'd bitten). Anyway, I had to look up 'laconic' so I reckon you're the winner.

  29. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2015, 19:59 #71692

    Unfortunately good players don't come cheap and we should also remember when all the sanctimonious preaching about this is made by Arsene that it was himself who started the madness when he sold le sulk to Real Madrid for what was then an astronomical 20m+. That is allowing for the years that have passed since why average Joe's such as Benteke are priced at such ludicrous amounts. 32M and 500k for that donkey. Apparently he has one of those clauses where if someone offers over 32m for him Villa will snatch their hand-off. Wenger could of course offer 32m and one pound that should do the trick. Not that I expect him to do so although it's only the money that would off-put him because he has signed worse strikers.Two of them , Sanago and plodding Pold, are even still with us . Good old Arsene.

  30. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 19:58 #71691

    Jamie - you mean the handbags that flew at OT after Winterburn said some thing not nice to McLair? You must have been at home riding or grouse shooting that day. Barely a fist was raised. oh, and by the way it was Lazio.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 01, 2015, 19:56 #71690

    jj, spot on, smoking jack is another wally, far to much to say and he thinks he's been smart when saying it (he's not) who thinks he's arrived,(when he hasn't) and he's been tipped as a future captain (God help us) i'd have liked to seen the expression on Mersons and Adams face and heard what they had to say as after not letting anyone else near it, he looked at his up turned empty bottle of champagne with sheer disappointment. Then the next morning coming out swigging a bottle of lager giving it large. I'm sure he'll have a good summer in all the usual hotspots, with all the rest of the great England saviours Carroll, Hart, etc, etc, etc, and yobs, smoking fags, shisha pipes, swigging lager, say what you like about the foreigners (and we have)they know how to conduct themselves in public especially in front of fans.

  32. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 19:47 #71689

    GR - i think youre missing the point really. Its the case in reality, recognised by most professional observers that spending the cash they do have on one or two stellar signings, say like Bale for instance would do far more for Arsenal than repeated signings of your Ozils and Schneiderlins and bloody Benzema (heaven forbid! (maybe) type players. Theyre 2nd tier who will keep AFC where they are. AFC need maybe 2 top tier performers to guarantee the bar is raised. Long term it saves money. The quality they do have in the form of Sanchez and Bellerin (these are the only 2 they have now who would be prized by the truly top Clubs) are more likely to stay and thus not need replacing in 12 months as he/they surely will if they cant win the title or make an imprint on the CL for all to see. AFC will though keep buying 2nd tier and spinning them off as top drawer. Its time they bought a couple of top drawer, ready made players. Its been decades since they have. Yes, there are no gtees. What is gteed though is that without such quality, no titles are heading N7 way. Theyve got the cash, make no mistake. They just lack the Coach and the balls. Keep justifying his every perspective as you are serves no purpose. As for all the hype of titles next Season etc etc, every team whove ever stood on the pitch after an FAC win have made the same rash predictions of ''greater goods next season'. Rarely does it come to fruition and it wont for AFC without a jolt to its comfort zone.

  33. Westlower

    Jun 01, 2015, 19:25 #71688

    As the transfer window is only open from July 1st until August 31st, most of what we'll hear in June is players agents farting like ducks under water. A marquee (mega bucks) signing for Arsenal will probably only happen if we get well beaten by Chelsea in the Community Shield.

  34. colonel chunder - harrow

    Jun 01, 2015, 18:06 #71687

    for all the doom mongers saying we beat a poor Villa side "you can only beat whats put in front of you"

  35. GoonerRon

    Jun 01, 2015, 18:02 #71686

    I wonder whether those having a go at Wenger for 'giving up' on next season for saying he isn't going to spend stratospheric amounts of money actually heard the conversation for themselves? He was referencing whether we would spend the c. £70m valuation on players like Pogba or Bale, to which he basically replied it's too much money. He didn't say he wasn't going to spend any money, just not that much on a single player.

  36. jjetplane

    Jun 01, 2015, 17:58 #71685

    Villa did start playing in the final ten minutes and that left them open to Giroud's last big moment as an Arsenal player. He's off to PSG for some serious medal collecting. I for one am not impressed by JW's attempts to be 'one of the lads.' Those are fan's songs and it was chavvy in the extreme to behave like that at what is a parade. If Peter Story or Frank he would have got a slap. Walcott talks too much and after his amazing hit he reverted to barn door misses because that is really his level. In the ten minutes Villa played they could have had a interesting free kick and a penalty rewarded. Arsenal clicked big time and the energy levels were amazing and the tempo for practically the whole match at a near perfect level. Fell a bit sorry for Ollie as he really is out of his depth though rumours of Benzema would also be a step backwards when Arsenal really need something quicker and with more confidence. A big head in the Henry sense and not in the 'oh so democratic' Walcott sense. Like the Tony Blair of the PL. Motherwell, Motherwell ...... Love football. That Messi goal was nearly as good as Sanchez's effort but for shock value the Sanchez goal was nearly/as good/better than Parlour's against Chelski. Do the math but Sanchez is as gold as Parlour's bonce. Someone should tell Jack when you're that short you really need to think about the kind of jeans you wear ...... Were the squad laughing with or at him .....JAMERSON loves him.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 01, 2015, 17:21 #71684

    Ho Hum, good post, as good as the win was facts and stats like that do and have (very conveniently) gone over heads as usual.

  38. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 17:07 #71683

    I think Grealish and Benteke did freeze for sure Nick. Goonercoles .. nobodys saying that an FAC win isnt 'enjoyed'. It was a good win and Villa didnt have the players to do anything about the result. They were poor though. No width, no crosses for their striker and a workmanlike midfield who seemed shapeless. Tactically they didn't know whether to stick or twist it seemed to me i.e. blanket defend or press, play a high line and play on the break. They ended up doing none of this. Only Richardson held his own. To win, they always needed luck and for every player to play to their best and for Sherwood to get it smack on. None occurred hence they were poor. It isnt denigrating Arsenal to say they beat a poor team well. Its the truth. Stop being so precious about it. AFC have been beating such teams out of sight for years. Its the better sides we fail to draw blood from. Saturday was nothing new, so its wise not to treat it as if it is just because it was the FAC Final. Its always good to win the Cup. Villa havent just escaped the drop by the skin of their teeth for nothing. Theyre a team about to be broken up, whatever occurred on Saturday. We beat a team who were waiting to be beaten. Kid yourself they were Chelsea if you want though by all means.

  39. chris dee

    Jun 01, 2015, 16:57 #71682

    Ho hum You are very droll,very laconic,very sarcastic.Can't compete with that.Apologies for enjoying the match I will in future find negative things to say even on the day we win a trophy.But after supporting the club since 1964 I still get a buzz seeing our players lift a cup ,more fool me.

  40. goonercolesyboy

    Jun 01, 2015, 16:48 #71681

    It is amazing how so many can turn a positive result and immediately throw in all sorts of negatives...we are the most successful FA cup winning team in history, what's not to like about that? Last year's win really helped the players this year, they were sharp from the kick off and were completely dominant and made Villa look distinctly poor, but that's because we played so well and didn't let them settle or have any meaningful possession. Nice to see Knowman on here admiring Ozil's performance, pure class. A couple of signings will put us right in the mix for league and CL honours. Onwards and upwards.

  41. Nick

    Jun 01, 2015, 16:40 #71680

    Did Villa freeze ? I don't think so they weren't much of an attacking force all through but from the start they looked up for it , and had Szerney not been on his toes might well have gone ahead from a cross to Benteke but for the pole beating him to the " punch" but with Coqulien standing firm in midfield and snuffing out their attacks before recycling the ball forward and Santi pulling the strings almost next to him they were stifled and then put to the sword by our fluid attacking play, Given and Richardson keeping them in the game untill Walcott struck , they then looked poor but mainly down to our not letting them get anywhere near the ball , credit where its due we were damm good , I for one have high expectations for next term , especially if we make two or perhaps three additions to the squad re

  42. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 16:10 #71679

    Jeff - it looked a bit like the Wally wasnt going to hit too much other than a corner flag before his goal. Hes no centre forward and im betting Wenger picked him through gritted teeth on the back of that hat trick and against the back drop of the contract stuff. Wenger came out looking like he d made a good call, but then Giroud popped in a nice goal anyway to confound the managerial wisdom!! Good for him and im also betting Wenger would have afforded himself a wry leathery grin at that. He deserved to start and had he have done we would still have won 4-0 with Villa in that state. They were very disappointing and had a few who froze it seems.

  43. Peter Hughes

    Jun 01, 2015, 15:00 #71678

    If we had lost it would have been claimed we failed when the pressure was on. It was claimed the Swansea & Sunderland games were examples of failure under pressure. I am not Walcott's biggest fan due to him not tracking back etc but another 0-0 was on the cards until he smashed that one in against west brom. He got us on the way again so it proves even though he offers less in some areas he is a match winner so hats off to Wenger. We have often played weaker opposition in finals & lost.4-0 equals the biggest FA Cup final win since Bury won 6-0 in 1903.I know it bores some but the 2 Manchester's & Chelsea are still way ahead financially so we are probably 4th pick for the top players.

  44. The Fonz

    Jun 01, 2015, 14:44 #71677

    Peter, you just have to accept that no matter how we played on Sat there are those who are happily waiting to denigrate the result and performance. "It was only Villa", "they are a terrible team", the irony being that those who espouse such silliness clearly don’t know how cup finals work. League form goes out the window, Villa are still an established prem team with some decent players, we simply turned up from min 1 & didn’t let them play at all. Those who want to look for the negatives are the ones who can’t take any real enjoyment from watching their team. They seem to forget that 99% of fans would give an awful lot to not only see their team in the cup final, but to win seem them win it back to back would be a dream. Of course it’s not the league title, and there seem to be a load of moron’s who feel the nee to point that out, as if we don’t know the difference! Personally, I was happy to hear the pre-ordained narrative in the post match interviews focus on the title next season! No one was getting carried away…….would they have preferred we didn’t win anything and come a close 2nd in the league? Silverware is silverware and let’s just enjoy have a rare summer where we should be able to relax nicely for once!

  45. Red Member

    Jun 01, 2015, 14:41 #71676

    @westlower I am not going to get excited over beating a team that finished 18th in the PL this season. We always look good when we beat these inferior sides. Had we played Chelsea on Saturday we wouldnt have even scored a goal probably! It is all about perspective. We won the Cup but nothing has really changed in the big picture. Wenger is still years away from winning the title.

  46. Ho Hum

    Jun 01, 2015, 14:40 #71675

    chris dee- Apologies mate, but if all the ungratefulness and untimely negativity on here gets a bit too much you can always nip over to Untold Arsenal where I'm sure you'll find dozens of Malaysian Gooners (and Mandy Dodd) hanging on The Great Man's every word.

  47. Westlower

    Jun 01, 2015, 14:33 #71674

    @Red member, If that performance was only 'decent' then you must have seen some wonderful Arsenal displays in your life.

  48. Nick

    Jun 01, 2015, 14:28 #71673

    I can't understand some of the negative comments on here, yes Villa were poor but as the old adage truthfully says, " you can only plays as well as your allowed to play " and we simply didn't ALLOW villa to get any rhythm going, any team can and have upset a better team in a one off game, we best what was in front of us with panache and power, , if you cant enjoy that then I feel sorry for you, as for Chris Dee calling Jack Wilshere a Pratt for indulging in a bit of spurs baiting, that Mr Dee is what Arsenal supporters do ! Jack did it yesterday and good on him I also remember Ray Parlour leading a parade crowd in a rendition of " my old man said be a Tottenham fan " nothing was made of that as I recall, so I submit that YOU Mr Dee are being a " Pratt" not Jack who was merely connecting with the supporters, if your upset about an Arsenal man taking the proverbial out of the spuds then perhaps your not following the right sport, perhaps the genteel atmosphere at tennis games, cricket or polo are more suited to you, we just won the cup for consecutive years and for a record number of times , ENJOY IT !!

  49. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:29 #71672

    Sorry Peter but you have to take account of the opposition when arriving at these sort of conclusions that you make. Of course the eye-candy performances are nice to watch but I can't put us beating a poor Villa side over the win against a top notch United one in Cardiff .Even if it was on penalties. Or when we beat a top Chelsea one with that 'oh it's only Ray Parlour' goal zooming in . I was pleased to see Walcot's shot go flying in in on Saturday because for near 40 minutes it was looking like another one of those days. Sanchez's goal is the best we have scored in a final since Charlie's in the double season way back in the mists of time. That final remains my favourite non-Wenger one with the two of his that I mentioned being runners-up . At one time the spuds were the cup kings of London with Chas and Dave singing silly songs about them but we have stolen their crown and their efforts to try and win the Ropey Cup in Europe have not been very successful either.It's time now though for us to get on Chelsea's case in the league because these FA Cup wins are nice but they are not fooling anyone - other than fools.

  50. chris dee

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:21 #71671

    Clucking bell! It's almost like we lost the final with some people.Blimey,let some of us enjoy the moment for a few days at least before the moaning and whinging starts again.Miserable bleedin' sods!

  51. Peter Wain

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:19 #71670

    Cannot understand why Wiltshire is being casticated by the media. Its only the scum get a life media.

  52. Tony Evans

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:13 #71669

    Gaz - You have been on the same path as me, Wenger wise, for quite a while post 2006. Started out cutting him some slack and being patient during the first few years of Project Youth and then becoming increasingly frustrated by the gung-ho nature of our football and the increasingly poor transfer dealings. All culminating in our support hanging by a thread and wanting Wenger out no matter what. I have been encouraged this year by some of our football and at last Wenger seems to have realised that it doesn't matter how good you are going forward, if your defence leaks like a sieve, you may as well forget a proper title challenge or progressing in the CL. A little disappointed by his comments today about not spending big in the summer but like you I will tentatively back him for the next two years and hope those two or three big name players required are signed and the final deadwood is sold off. Still basking in the glow of Saturday's result and although we were off the pace in the Premiership, the FA Cup, in my book, is still a massive trophy - just ask any Spuds fan who must be despairing big time at the moment eh FJ!

  53. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:11 #71668

    Thanks for pointing that out Westie I thought that he was Wills flunky!

  54. Ho Hum

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:05 #71667

    chris dee- Stadium doesn't get paid off till 2031 mate, and as we all now know as fact, the board never deemed Champions League qualification every year as financially essential. As you say, after spending big on wages for many years Wenger's now been spending bigger on transfer fees for a couple of years and still we're 3rd/4th and early exit from Champions League. We all know the FA Cup's not the yardstick. If he keeps spending big of course we'll eventually challenge for the trophies everyone wants to win, and AKBs everywhere will forget they ever slagged Chelsea/City for buying success. Saturday was great fun but it didn't tell us anything new, we know can thrash crap teams. Wilshere is of course a prat and he's welcome to apologise to any kids listening, but definitely not to Tottenham fans.

  55. Peter Hughes

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:00 #71666

    Did not take long for the doom & gloom brigade to put a downer on one of the greatest performances ever seen in an FA Cup final.The truth is that when we play to the best of our ability it totally nullifies the opposition no matter however physical they get, or how much they try & close us down.This reflected in the amount of cynical challenges that went on early but did little to stop us.Villa were up for it no doubt about that we just blew them away. It is generally easier to stop a team playing than creating. I take it Saturday did not count as performing under pressure? Best cup final performance by Arsenal in my time which started in 1968

  56. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 01, 2015, 13:00 #71665

    Great to see us start an important game at a high tempo and when Szczesny was so positive punching away Villa's only decent cross in 90 minutes I think we all knew the outcome. Our possession play drained & disheartened Villa who were really just waiting to lose the match. That said Wenger got all the tactics right and it was a real team effort which is all I really wanted. Must say Theo really knows how to prepare for contract negotiations!

  57. Toe knee add ums

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:49 #71664

    Bit of dead wood to shift.Out - Arteta, Flam,Pod,Szech,Diaby,Jenks,would consider selling Walcott if he's going to play hard ball with the contract again. In - Cech, Schneiderlin or khedira, Milner, maybe Jackson Martinez if he's good enough and perhaps try and raid Dortmund for a few now klopps gone.Falcao could be worth a punt if his values divebombed after this season but not likely. Scan top clubs in Europe for any unhappy stars on the bench or players losing out in their clubs transfer dealings. If we hit the ground running, next season could be interesting and ffs let's beat Chelsea!!!

  58. Bard

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:48 #71663

    Only took 24 hours for the boss to dampen expectations about next season. I think we can safely say it means no we arent going to make a really big push for the big ones next season by buying 2 or 3 worldies.

  59. Westlower

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:39 #71662

    @Jeff, Randy Lerner was the guy sitting next to Prince William, Greg Dyke & Silent Stan in the Royal Box.

  60. RDT - 4

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:37 #71661

    I'll think you'll find the stadium won't be paid off until 2032.

  61. chris dee

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:22 #71660

    ho hum. Austerity years?No ,just decent seasons. Ask Birmingham Spurs,Wigan or Swansea fans,one Carling Cup win or a 60,000 stadium paid off and 9 consecutive years in the Champions League while paying off the stadium.I know Arsene has mucked up many times in the 9 years of 'austerity'but now when he has to deliver because the stadium is no longer an issue he has delivered. Can I just add what a total prat Jack Wilshere is,hopefully he will apologise to Spurs .

  62. Vanpire Persie

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:19 #71659

    A record 12th FA Cup, and six under one manager. How's that Wenger out campaign going?....

  63. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 12:00 #71658

    Jeff - all pretty much given that is. Quite right. Such is football, that like it or not and however much the Club and Wenger rail at the odd 'stratospheric' signing (Wengers description), there's no titles or CL s going Arsenals way. I and many others im sure wish that it could be different but it cant. There will be days out at Wembley though. Arsenal in its present mode are walking on air at 3rd and the Cup and its good, lets be honest here. Most Clubs would die for that and if Arsenal were Tottenham, so would they. Will Arsenals fans ever accept being the also ran just above the pack that cherishes what they are ie Tottenham and Liverpool, maybe Everton? Yes, in time they will. The 'conditioning process' is on going and the newer fans are or are nearly at that level of acceptance. The older generation of fans are getting there (just read the daily posts on here) but many are close to or have already given up on football by and large. Even Alex Ferguson has now said that Chelsea s hegemony could be long and fruitful and that coming from a man steeped in Manchester Utd tells it all.

  64. Ho Hum

    Jun 01, 2015, 11:34 #71657

    chris dee- If domestic cups were beyond us during the 'austerity' years, how did Birmingham, Swansea, Wigan and Tottenham manage to win them? Very good performance on Saturday but let's get things in perspective, Villa's last two results before the cup final were a 6-1 defeat to Southampton and a home defeat to Burnley, and they finished lower than Hull did last season.

  65. jeff wright

    Jun 01, 2015, 11:20 #71656

    Business plan Silent Stan and Ivan were seated in the Royal Box watching events on Saturday neither of these pair know anything much about football though but will be happy with a 3rd place finish in the league and another domestic cup win .However, Stan's fellow Yankee Randy gave the final a swerve he was no doubt happy enough to amazingly avoid seeing his club avoid being relegated .It's all about priorities with these businessmen . He no doubt already knew the result of Saturday's final and decided to avoid any embarrassment. Without some major investment by both clubs Villa will struggle again to survive in the league and we will struggle to win it . Chelsea and City are already ahead of us, albeit by different degrees, but the way that City swept us aside to snatch second spot, when at one time some were claiming that they would struggle to get 4th, can't be easily dismissed. Also the 3 games we played at home without scoring a goal that cost us second place can't be easily explained away either . There was pressure on Wenger and our players in those games to finish ahead of City so as to lay down a marker for next season .Wenger and our players came up short again when the pressure was on them and it looks more likely that with Chelsea and City strengthening in the summer that we will be 'challenging' United, who are also spending big on new players, for 3rd place again rather than Chelsea and City for first spot. Optimism and FA Cup wins do not win you league titles. Portsmouth and Wigan won the Cup in recent times it's just 5 games played in the cup against 38 in the league.

  66. Red Member

    Jun 01, 2015, 10:42 #71655

    decent win over a mediocre side.

  67. chris dee

    Jun 01, 2015, 10:13 #71654

    No ifs or buts,a great performance and a great win.A record 12 Cup wins and 6 of them under Arsene, a remarkable record. Again it's worth pointing out that since we stopped having to sell our top players to fund the stadium two years ago we have bought two world class players in Ozil and Sanchez and have now won a trophy in each year. Hopefully with one more 'big' signing this summer we can challenge properly for the Premiership and Champions League.Already looking forward to next year!

  68. Ron

    Jun 01, 2015, 7:52 #71653

    Great win. The screening was top class at the dome too. Pub atmosphere was quality all day too. Cd have been 6 or even 7-0 with a ruthless striker. Yes , we still need one AW and a keeper, but not Cech. His best was 4 years back and hes not one who ll be playing great at 39/40 im afraid. Bad as as AV were, it was good to see a Wenger team take their task seriously and get the job done in a committed, determined way. Thats all most of us ever ask for, total, hard headed commitment harnessed to the skills that are there. I d guess only City or Chelsea could have coped with the Arse on Saturday.

  69. Wenger Is Jose's Bitch

    Jun 01, 2015, 7:35 #71652

    Sadly the noise from Wenger towers is he wont spend big this summer.The the euphoria of saturday lasted a good 24 hours.When will he learn you have to buy big to catch up with our rivals.And dont bury your head in the sand we are playing catch up big style.We are starting a mile behind Chelsea.Wenger is not ruthless enough like Fergie and Mourinho and thats what is holding us back.Next year is the 10th anniversary of our move to Ashburton grove so we could compete with Barca Real and Bayern in that time we havent had a top 2 finish.

  70. radfordkennedy

    Jun 01, 2015, 7:34 #71651

    Great performance all round,I thought Monreal had a terrific game,and Santi passed the ball like Charlie George.The older ones among you may agree with me that the game reminded me of the 78 final against ipswich,where we were just not at the races that day and the game just passed us by,let's hope this time round we build on this.

  71. Ozzie

    Jun 01, 2015, 7:22 #71650

    Latest: Chel$ea greeted in Sydney by hordes of bandwagoners. Spuds manage to get one goal against a team Melbourne flogged 3-0 in the final and the mighty Gooners create another record. Eat your heart out Mourinho. Great game lads!

  72. Brigham600

    Jun 01, 2015, 4:49 #71649

    A fine win indeed and we went at them from the off, a much better start than last season! It is now very important to bring in those players we have all posted about and Wenger must not dilly dally about, go get them early. Watched the game out here in the North Sea (work offshore) and why is there never any Spurs fans on the rig when you need one?!? Saying that, I did get a Facebook message from a Spurs supporting mate saying that he thought we were excellent, grudgingly mind! Lets all bask in the glory of another trophy and hopefully we can challenge for the bigger one next season. Onwards and upwards.

  73. W

    Jun 01, 2015, 0:34 #71648

    'Sanchez...Oh Sanchez!! has scored an absolute beauty!!' -That's my boy :)

  74. Th14afc

    May 31, 2015, 23:21 #71647

    Fantastic performance im still buzzing! It was so refreshing to see Arsenal win in style in a game of massive importance,I could actually enjoy the 2nd half without any worry of the outcome of the game!if ur wenger out or wenger in lets at least put it on hold til at least the transfer window and bask in the glory of Arsenal,the most succesful fa cup team in history! I really believe that with afew smart additions we can really go places....Arsene Wenger,well done sir

  75. Finsbury Joe

    May 31, 2015, 23:13 #71646

    Just be thankful to Bradford, without them, Chelsea would have a domestic treble

  76. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2015, 23:12 #71645

    Billy, good post, maybe it's so long since he made one, it's surprising what proper decisions can do,(maybe he's listening to somebody after all) some fans have such short memories, but will the proper decisions be made next season? or will he return to type with the cart horses of this world returned to prominence.

  77. Rj

    May 31, 2015, 22:09 #71644

    My favourite moment is per's goal. Watch it and you see an arsenal player already celebrating wi arms out and short over his head before per even gets head to ball. Ballsy I thought. Then watch the replay. In fact it is Kos and he has had shirt pulled over his head by some av Neanderthal and is appalling for a penalty. Genius. Fab performance. More next season please.

  78. HowardL

    May 31, 2015, 21:50 #71643

    Fantastic performance by Arsenal! I thought Le Coq was the pick, but Ozil and Theo ran him close. That said, all were fantastic and not a weak link. Villa were poor because they were made to look poor. One of the more memorable Cup Finals of recent years. Onwards and upwards next season. For now, happy summer Gooners!

  79. Alsace

    May 31, 2015, 21:22 #71642

    This new shed of Jemersons sounds very fancy. He even has staff. Perhaps he is a sort of latter day Lord Grantham, but a more traditional sort of medieval Lord who rides roughshod over local (wob type) opinion and exercises drought de seigneur in his local village. Naturally we are all pleased that he had a lovely day with like minded folk and assorted barmaids. Presumably they only speak when spoken to, like Arsene's players,and the Highbury press corps. A good day for his deity, Monsieur Wenger, who appears to be in a lucid spell of mental faculty. Let's hope it survives the summer.

  80. Billy

    May 31, 2015, 20:27 #71641

    Great performance.Everyone is praising Wenger for leaving out the Donkey upfront and playing Walcott.But it has taken 3 years for him to drop Giroud.Arsenal's game with midfielders like Santi Ozil and Rambo is all about PACE and Giroud is as quick as a carthorse pulling a milk float he slows everything up.I just hope yesterday will wake Wenger up about Giroud.I dont think Walcott is the answer we wont be playing Villa every week.Welbeck has pace but couldnt finish a fish supper.So we need a striker with pace who can finish.Plus a GK please god be Cech a CB a DM Schneiderlin (prem proven).If we dont we will be fighting for 3rd again next season as both Chelsea and City will spend big.We need to move on not stand still.

  81. David

    May 31, 2015, 20:01 #71640

    Great performance and achievement by the gunners. getting back to the real business - not convinced that arsenal are capable of winning the premiership without major investment over the summer.

  82. Chril

    May 31, 2015, 19:58 #71639

    @gooner Ron: they were all great, we sang all the songs at Wembley and got the Ozil song going many times. I think everyone is really starting to get Ozil. There is room for all this talent. Theo and Jack can really master their game with these players alongside him. Happy days hopefully....

  83. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    May 31, 2015, 19:38 #71638

    Stunning day. Wenger got his tactics right and I can't knock him. In 2008 I said he wouldn't win the Premier League again. Will he prove me wrong. I hope so.

  84. Dartford gooner

    May 31, 2015, 18:51 #71637

    Wonderful win, can we have more shoot on sight next season, given room Ozil can rip teams apart but he needs to be in the mood more often. Got a ticket in the end but it does make you feel sick to see fans? missing the second goal because its more important to get a drink and a burger.How nice for the spurs fans to see the cup on tv because they have not seen it anywhere near the lane for years. Just off to make some humble pie, the old boy got it right at last

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2015, 17:39 #71635

    Nick, good post it's just a pity it couldn't be everyday or at least the majority of them, instead of just one. And indeed if proper decisions would have been made, and proper players bought, with proper tactics employed over the years that could have been the case.

  86. jeff wright

    May 31, 2015, 17:32 #71634

    Yes dear Jamie you did keep claiming that we would cause a surprise in the Champions League and wrote off any chance that rubbishy Monaco could beat us. You couldnt make it up. You also claimed that second place was on failure to secure that from our good position casts doubts about the current manager again being up to cutting the mustard,English or French, in the Prem . I suggest you stick to pointing out such unintended hilarities such as we could win the Champions League by drawing every game played .There again you could throw a tea part and invite some Chimps to it you and them would help Darwin's case for evolution being proven correct.

  87. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 31, 2015, 17:25 #71633

    Where's Finsbury Joe today?

  88. Tony Evans

    May 31, 2015, 17:24 #71632

    Fantastic performance. Huge relief when Theo scored as I was thinking it might be one of those games after several missed chances. Nothing yet from FInsbury Joe, how are you mate, hope you enjoyed the final. Ha Ha Ha.

  89. jjetplane

    May 31, 2015, 17:00 #71631

    You de Man JAMERsON .... Is your shed as big as the Chelsea one? Barmaid too ..... What a card. You also predicted Arsenal to finish 2nd and win the CL - next season yeah? Motherwell victorious and Rangers in total disgrace ... Happy days.

  90. jjetplane

    May 31, 2015, 16:12 #71630

    Poor parade turn out - don't tell JAMERsON and again at Wembley the mid section saw fit to not bother with the second half what with foregone conclusions (this was a boxing bout)and the champers and prawnee bits on offer. Arsene Ra Ra Ra ..... Still - there must have been some gooners there. Anyone see WESTIE or BADDIE, or JAMERsON and his shed building entorage. Still, Giroud got his moment and it was poignant as I assume he will be moving over to allow room for ..... BALE. Unless Ramsay is off to RM ... Have to laugh listening to pundits yesterday saying where are the anti-Wenger brigade now! Just got to remove the yolky bits (joking) and WOBs are ready to go. let's be having yer!

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2015, 16:05 #71629

    Yes (regardless of the win) there is business to be done, and needs to be done, but will it? talk is cheap we've all been here/there before.

  92. Sanchez 17

    May 31, 2015, 15:48 #71628

    Just got back from the parade.A really poor turn out compared to last year.Sanchez showed yesterday if you sign true quality they dont need a season to settle in.A true world class player.Now the hard work starts.We still need 3-4 quality players to make us real challengers.The gap between us and Chelsea is still huge.Wenger has to make though decisions on Szczesny Walcott and Wilshere. Having seen our midfield yesterday i cant see Wilshere starting many games.And will Wenger play Walcott as an out and out striker? Chelsea did there business early last year lets hope Wenger doesnt wait till deadline day to get cheap bargins

  93. DW Thomas

    May 31, 2015, 15:43 #71627

    Great win. Sanchez is a true winner. Santi played well, Coq shielded our defense, and Ozil? He was terrific. Offensively he can be so poetic. Such skill, trickery, and vision. All around great team performance. Now, to next season. This is the time. We must bring in the right players. We have the solid foundation. Others should be shipped off to make room. Spend wisely but big this summer. Players that have that never say die attitude. Do that and we might challenge. Keep the pressure on the club to get better, go further. Speculate to accumulate. Kev's right. Grew up on teams that wanted glory. Trophies were everything. Pretty play is fine, if it delivers. Most teams need a balance of style and grit. Trophies, real ones, are fantastic. BS about 2nd place is no longer acceptable. Silverware is remembered, not just CL qualification.

  94. jeff wright

    May 31, 2015, 15:38 #71626

    Pleased to see that despite Westie urging him otherwise that Arsene went with my advice to start Wally instead of Olly . A jolly good show all around from our boys against a side that lost 1-0 at home to Burnley and got trahed 6-1 away to Saints recently . I Still want to see better though from us in the league and in Europe before getting too carried away with it all . Well now would you Adam and Eve it it's only Arsene's nemesis the mouthy one in the Community Shield this time around hey that should be interesting ! Anyway, well done Arsene for winning the cup again and with a touch of panache as well. So as was the case after he won the cup last season - onwards and upwards wot !

  95. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2015, 15:22 #71625

    Yes it has to be said has there ever been a more one sided final? from the first ten minutes an Arsenal result never looked in doubt, a lot thought they'd have put up more of a fight, real low class out of their depth completely out classed.

  96. Eddie

    May 31, 2015, 15:22 #71624

    Wenger now has to be ruthless and not sit on his laurels like he has done so many summers before.Neither Szczesny or Ospina are top class.We need a world class keeper lets hope its Cech.We also need a quality CB.And most of all we need a 30 goal a season striker even the Spuds have one.Giroud and the woeful Welbeck will not get that total of goals.The biggest crime Wenger can make is standing still.Sorry to burst the bubble but to win the cup takes 6 games to win the title takes 38

  97. jjetplane

    May 31, 2015, 14:18 #71623

    An extraordinary performance by Arsenal against a team who were emotionally spent having had their Wembley day against a Liverpool in meltdown. Great hit by young Lord Theo of 'Barnsbury' and did he not do it at the end when he was spokesman for AFC with Gabby holding the mic. The sanchez goal was a world class strike from a bloke who needs a rest or is it that he is a fighter and just keeps going where others drop off into mid term obscurities. Arsene looked very dapper (lovely shirt) and poor old Tim was a dead man walking from a fortnight ago. Interesting game for Coquelin as he was playing total insurance in case but not once had to really do much but for that his was the best performance as he is like Sanchez do not go in for hand brake suggestion. Two FA Cup wins against a team that has just gone down and one who have just stayed up. Arsenal look far more cohesive than last May but to push on there needs to be a ruthless streak somewhere. JM had it when he shipped out Mata for a tidy sum and all I am asking is Bye Bye Arteta for starters and a few of the midfielders knowing that they have to give that kind of performance (tactically disciplined) week in a nd week out in order to keep the shirt. Interesting times ahead and let's hpoe there really is a challenge afoot. If there isn't then there is something terribly wrong at the club. Right other matters include the Highlands now have the Scottish cup and come on Motherwell today! & as for that Messi goal from half way on the wing, well .... Expect PSG to go very far in CL and demanding that Arsenal do same. Why not? Still need 4 or 5 players to reset the reality check nad offloading those that are wasting good space and old Nick got himself another medal ... football hey.

  98. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 31, 2015, 14:18 #71622

    Yes Kev this is what it's all about (and fans on here have been slagged off on here for wanting it?)real trophies not imaginary ones and it's a damm pity other fans don't realise that instead of being happy with mediocrity and third and fourth, what will we be remembered for next season coming third or winning the cup? Well done the team the players something we can see to get excited about and celebrate again. Well done Sanchez (lets hope he's still here next season) great strike great goal to grace the final thank god you didn't follow OGL's team orders, although you might find yourself dropped for the CS.

  99. Badarse

    May 31, 2015, 14:17 #71621

    Mesut was superb! Our three maestros orchestrated precision movements like a Swiss watch, and the team treated us to a performance akin to a night at the ballet. How I wish that they had hairier bottoms though. Absolutely stunning best ever FA Final goal from Alexis-add Freddie to the list of apologies 24601. Le Coq was outstanding and his combination with Santi is amazing, who is playing his best football ever in a unique set up at the base of our midfield. Nice goal by Olly the thoroughbred. Well done Arsene, and thank you for a wonderful experience Arsenal. Still wearing my '71 Final shirt, and only fallen off the table twice. Anyone mentioned the cusp today?

  100. GoonerRon

    May 31, 2015, 13:46 #71620

    @ Cyril - I said exactly the same about Ozil when I came out of the game - his first half performance was football poetry and artistry in all its glory.

  101. KC

    May 31, 2015, 13:43 #71619

    Great performance and that's what made it so enjoyable. We do require some perspective as we did finish way behind CFC and will require 2 or 3 players goalkeeper and defensive midfielder especially. Today is a day to applaud Wenger it was good that he went with Walcott showed he can be flexible. The attitude, movement tempo were first class we must now press on, but after attending so many poor semis and finals how fantastic it was for us to produce. Ironic that our other final in recent times when we were superb we were robbed by Owen so again it makes it all so sweet. Thank you Arsene and thank you to the squad.

  102. 80's Gooner

    May 31, 2015, 13:25 #71618

    I was having a few in bar in Tenerife on boxing day watching Arsenal beat West Ham after the game I had half an hours kip by the pool & dreamt that Giroud scored winner in the cup final wearing yellow against a team (which thought at the time was West Ham) wearing Claret & Blue. I remember it vividly very surreal.

  103. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 31, 2015, 12:59 #71617

    A perfect day. A positive attitude from the start. Pressing at the front and dedication to defensive priorities throughout the team. Tireless working. Our attacking players having shots after fast build ups. An excellent defensive midfield performance. No one had a nad game. On days like this it is possible to believe in the competent application of sound principles. The keeper had clearly been COACHED as to his tactics regarding a specific threat. A competent professional performance and a joy to watch. A great day out.

  104. Torbay gooner

    May 31, 2015, 12:51 #71616

    As Bard has commented, not a time for negatives. I would like to add my congratulations to the team and manager for a a truly stunning, professional and comprehensive performance yesterday. Yes Villa were cr@p, but I could not care less. It's the first time I have watched Arsenal in a final, where after 20 minutes or so you just knew the result was never in any doubt. There were no passengers in the team yesterday and I have to feel a bit sorry for the Villa supporters. They wait 15 years and get a performance like that!!

  105. tippytappynowwithcoqqy

    May 31, 2015, 12:34 #71615

    Awesome! These performances and intensity levels are getting more regular, well done Arsene. Get Cech, Schneiderlin and Martinez in and we'll take Mourinhos classless "Wimbledon with cash" cloggers to the cleaners.

  106. Westlower

    May 31, 2015, 12:34 #71614

    Love or hate him, that was an Arsene Wenger team performing to their optimum. Playing on the front foot is bold and exhilarating & it's wonderful to watch. It's not hard to see why opposing coaches 'park the bus' when playing against us. Ozil was the stand out player for me. When this team is on it's game he's poetry in motion. Alexis scored the best goal I've ever seen in a cup final (sorry Ray & Charlie). Roll on next season.

  107. Phil

    May 31, 2015, 12:28 #71613

    A hugely enjoyable final for once! No quarter given well done Wenger! As for summer business, I agree for a title challenge theres lots to do; Cech would be a god start. If we can add Hummels & Scneiderlin to the spine and get a 25+ goals a season striker in we will be up there! Easier said than done but for now we are Arsenal; we are FA Cup winners :)

  108. Mark from aylesbury

    May 31, 2015, 12:19 #71612

    Total comprehensive victory like a few on here I have been very critical of Wenger but nothing but praise can be offered today. Perhaps the last 3 Wembley appearances did go Villa as we knew we needed tempo from the start. Our season included tactics spot on at City away and Utd away FA Cup. The Utd bogie is almost done with. Chelsea did a job on us at Stamford Bridge so we know that is a development we need to bring to our game. The club and us know the poor start did for us in the league so that will be worked on, word I hear is that the club want to go for it in 2016. For once I am now really confident that things are going the right way. Good luck to us all 2015/2016

  109. We retained the FA Cup (a la 2003)

    May 31, 2015, 12:18 #71611

    Great victory. Two trophies for the first time since 2005 and a comfortable final. First cup final win in yellow since 1979!!! Now let's get closer to the Chavs and Citeh in the league.

  110. Hiccup

    May 31, 2015, 12:16 #71610

    Thats how you do it. Destroy the opposition and have it ruined for all the neutrals complaining it was too one sided a final. Keep the foot on the throat, no tippy tappy after the first goal, and keep the pressure on when Villa tried to get out their own half. With AKB glasses on I even have to admit the ref should have been brandishing the yellow cards earlier to Villa players, as they couldn't cope with us defensively or muster an attack. Let's hope this time it is the springboard to go after Chelsea next year. Well done Wenger and the team.

  111. Westlower fan

    May 31, 2015, 12:09 #71609

    Nice article Kev. I am convinced however that Arsene Wenger will not spend a single penny this summer. He has shown that he does listen to supporters at times and we must keep pushing him to land a quality goalkeeper.

  112. Cyril

    May 31, 2015, 12:09 #71608

    Probably one of the most outstanding individual performances I have witnessed live - take a bow Mr Ozil. Wll done you Gunners.

  113. Fozzy

    May 31, 2015, 12:08 #71607

    Magnificent performance on the big stage. This will inspire a whole load of closet Gooners to take the leap. Poor Chelsea fans must have been well confused watching a team that entertains and excites the crowd. They would have never seen anything like this before.

  114. Bard

    May 31, 2015, 12:03 #71606

    This is not the time for negatives.There will be plenty of time for that as the summer wears on. Lets enjoy a terrific performance. Villa were rubbish but they couldnt live with us yesterday.

  115. Dan h

    May 31, 2015, 11:54 #71605

    Totally dominant from the start,fantastic.The most complete performance I have ever seen from us in a final.Alexis shot hit with such power it could of ended up in Wembley high st,where a I saw a man called Tim clutching a can of bitter late in the evening looking annoyed when asked if he wanted extra chilli on his kebab...

  116. Nick

    May 31, 2015, 11:51 #71604

    Ive been critical of Wenger in the past but there can be no criticism today, ive seen Arsenal in 14 finals before yesterday we'd won eight and lost six of those, ( not counting the two legged inter city fairs cup in 70 which remains one of the greatest nights of my life) but I have NEVER seen us play so well as we did yesterday, EVERY player had a standout game, Cazorla, Sanchez, Ozil, and Walcott were excellent! Wenger got it right , WE WON THE CUP and life doesn't have many better moments than that !! PROUD TO BE A GOONER TODAY, not that I'm not always proud to be such but yesterday was a SPECIAL day !!

  117. AMG

    May 31, 2015, 11:45 #71603

    That was up there with the most dominant cup final performances ever. Tactics were spot on, though was dubious about Ramsey starting on the right, it didn't seem to matter as in truth he played all over the pitch. Very disappointed by Villa, though Arsenal were all over them from the off, special mention to Le Coq in that regard, what a performance! He took their lunch money and flushed their heads down the toilet for good measure, exactly the type of player we've been crying out for at Arsenal. Let's get the business done early this summer, a top striker, a solid goalie and a midfield bruiser to give Coqeulin some competition. Would like to see a decent left-back too, but the lads we've got can do a job if correctly managed. Good day to be a goner, onwards and upwards... please

  118. Mike Collins

    May 31, 2015, 11:37 #71602

    I agree with all the superlatives on here (existing and on their way), and Walcott and Sanchez's goals were things of rare beauty. But now the hard work begins...

  119. Rob

    May 31, 2015, 11:28 #71600

    After the last couple of Finals - Birmingham and Hull - this was a real 90 minute performance. Yes Villa were poor but we were really good and Wenger got his tactics and selection just right. I reckon we are two - assuming they are the right two - signings, away from at least pushing Chelsea and City all the way over a nine month season, if not winning it out right. Like you say, we are at last heading in the right direction. Let's hope we keep it going.

  120. Wear Your Colours

    May 31, 2015, 11:28 #71601

    An absolutely brilliant performance. The most comprehensive and crushing victory ever seen at Wembley. The whole team to a man were outstanding. Le Prof got it 100% right with team selection and tactics. Still wearing my yellow shirt today. What a great way to conclude the season. COYG!

  121. Gaz

    May 31, 2015, 11:25 #71599

    I've been real critical of Wenger for a number of years now but as I've mentioned recently I've softened towards him and I'm going to back him through these last two years. I expect him to strengthen properly this summer and I expect us to make a real bid for the title next season. As for yesterday he nailed every decision and the performance was far better than I was expecting. Dominated from start to finish and never let them have a sniff. Watched the game at the Emirates where the atmosphere was absolutely buzzing!!! Far far better than match day and the scenes at the end when we all made it into the pitch were some I'll never forget. I've found it difficult getting behind Wenger again but yesterday was a reminder of how good he used to be. And whilst I'll always believe he got it very wrong for a number of years in genuinely happy to at least think we might be on the right track again. Only downside was that I couldn't share the day with my daughter who was desperate to be at the Emirates with me. Hopefully we'll be celebrating bigger trophies together next year...

  122. GoonerRon

    May 31, 2015, 11:23 #71598

    ****ING GET IN! Fabulous performance that rounds off a really good season for us. I know there have been plenty of false dawns before but this time, with this group of players, with real money to spend, with a seemingly re-energised manager, a happier group of supporters, it really feels like we could be on to something great. COME ON YOU WONDERFUL GUNNERS.

  123. Jumpers for goalposts

    May 31, 2015, 11:08 #71597

    I've been a WOB since May 2009 but today there can be NO complaints. A truly brilliant performance and the manager chose exactly the right tactics. Proud to be a Gooner today