A Gooner’s tale from the Villa End

Not everyone in the claret and blue half of Wembley had a bad day…

A Gooner’s tale from the Villa End

The author at approx. 7.30pm on Saturday

What a day (and night) Saturday was!

Most of you were able to support the team in the Arsenal end at Wembley, from the Live screening at the Emirates, or from the comfort of your own living room.

However, for two fanatic Gooners (a good friend and I), we had to sit amongst the 24,000 Aston Villa supporters and try to remain calm throughout the match. There were Aston Villa flags and scarves allocated to every seat in the Villa end and although we avoided any contact with these items, we had to remain silent and try to fit in so as not to stick out like sore thumbs!

Arriving into the stadium an hour before kick off, you could sense that the Villa supporters knew their team were in for an enormous battle and that to overcome their opponents was going to be a tall order. I felt quietly confident that we would not only win, but in a stylish and convincing way.

Paul Merson’s pitchside interview before the game provided his insight on how the game could swing. He mentioned it was Arsenal’s to lose but that the longer the game remained level, Villa would grow in confidence and that he could see them snatch a goal, to maybe clinch a smash and grab win.

It seemed this would be the case, as The Gunners started brightly but chance after chance came and went and frustration was growing, That was until Walcott stepped up to the plate, just before half time. My Fellow Gunner and I managed a nudge to each other as an acknowledgement that we were on our way but going to half time at only 1-0, we knew this was a precarious scoreline and that we needed to find another gear.

And find another gear we did.

Enter Alexis Sanchez. I had a side of view of the goal. How many times has he taken the ball on the outside of the pitch, cut inside and then unleashed something special? This one was even more so. He was probably further out than he would have wanted but as soon as he hit the ball I knew it was going to trouble Shay Given in goal. Not being able to see the line of the ball made it difficult to judge if Given was going to get near it, but seeing the net ripple was a huge weight off the shoulders and euphoria hit the Arsenal end. But for the two Arsenal supports in the Villa end, all we could do was raise a smile when we really wanted to join in with the celebrations and lead the applause.

Arsenal now needed to relax, enjoy their football and add to their tally. And what style was this achieved in. The third goal duly came from a set piece, after every single corner had been poor all day. Mertesacker rose highest to nod in and at this stage the game was home and dry.

And to top the day off, it was nice to see Giroud score his goal. He would have been disappointed to have been dropped for Theo but maybe on form, it was the correct decision.

Sitting in the Villa end actually worked to my advantage, as I was able to walk around to the Villa dugout and join in the celebrations with the Arsenal fans whilst watching the trophy presentation at close quarters. The match and celebrations are something that will live with me forever. A record 12th FA Cup win was the icing on the cake and will take some beating.

To sum it up, I feel Ozil, Alexis, Santi, Aaron and Theo all showed up on the day and Villa were unable to get near us. Apart from a couple of disappointing results against Swansea and Sunderland at the end of the season, Arsenal finished the season very strongly and coupled with a third place finish, the future looks very bright.

Arsene knows what he needs to do to improve the team and if we can add that little something extra to this talented side, then a Championship challenge is very close!

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 07, 2015, 16:07 #71840

    Hiccup, yes indeed the king of wind up's, and like big bream lazing on top of the water on a sunny day no matter how often you throw them a line they will always bite, even when there's nothing to defend their messiah with, then that's what they resort to.

  2. jjetplane

    Jun 07, 2015, 13:35 #71833

    A Spudful of Spuriousness helps the Sugar go down/the Sugar go down .... Why is it WESTIE and COLSEY are the two most unhappy posters on here? The Dinosaurs are loving it as always. Methinks AKB central to be a cave of shadows where glove puppets endlessly move sidewards .....

  3. Chris

    Jun 07, 2015, 10:06 #71827

    Westlower (75777) - Loving Maureen is to associated with a 'winner'. Hating Wenger is to reject a 'loser'. It's all very basic and childish.

  4. Hiccup

    Jun 07, 2015, 9:24 #71826

    I love Jeff. Looks like coldsore boy's having posts removed? What for this time? Calling people c*nts again? Or is he still upset that no one will meet up with him down Wembley way again...next Tuesday of course. How anyone can get so riled on a blog like this is hilarious. Still a prize prat. Keep winding him up Jeff!

  5. exiled&dangerous

    Jun 07, 2015, 8:55 #71825

    goonercolesyboy - kindly spell that word sp*rious, there's a good chap. Nearly choked on my coffee there.

  6. goonercolesyboy

    Jun 06, 2015, 20:10 #71823

    This site must love you jeff as all you do is post on here. The level of your spurious bollox knows no bounds.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 06, 2015, 17:10 #71822

    jj, you mean you didn't read them through? sit down and think about them? then have a cup of tea and read them again?

  8. jeff wright

    Jun 06, 2015, 17:10 #71821

    Er, no, Cashley ,it is my real name I have no reason to use someone else's one. I was disappointed when Bertie sold Frank and replaced him with Blockhead and recall the mare that he had in the semi final at Hillsbourgh v Sunderland.It's a long journey home fromn there after a bad result. Of course those that have only gone to semi's at Wembley wouldn't know that. Unfortunately your Cole namesake was not sold under duress but left for more money .You must love him considering all the trophies he helped Chelsea to win.

  9. jjetplane

    Jun 06, 2015, 14:19 #71820

    AKB heavyweights who don't even go to see their Lord in the flesh but beat themselves silly in front of the SKYbox. Keep posting - it's a laugh and a half though some of the sermons could do with editing. I read the first line then have a cuppa, go back to the middle and skip and half read the last line and then it's time for a cuppa. Thus Spake Arsene .....

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 06, 2015, 13:26 #71819

    I wonder what TV station will be wasting their money tonight and have TOF on commentating on proper players and teams in the CL? (sorry talking gobbledegook) i'd love to know how many times speeritt and mental strength will be mentioned. You couldn't make it up.

  11. jeff wright

    Jun 06, 2015, 12:17 #71818

    Baddie,I'm not convinced that things are as cut and dried regarding our 9 years without a trophy ,but as they are wont to say in Hollywood why let the truth stand in the way of a good story. For starters Wenger has said ( recently) when asked about this scenario that you portray regarding the top 4 and FAC that it was not true and he could have not finished in the top 4 without it causing any financial meltdown. Now with all due respect I think that he knows more about this than you and I do. So if it was not for financial reasons that Wenger neglected the FAC in the way that he does regularly with the League one,then what were the reasons then you may well ask. Personally I think the reasons are down to his self confessed obsession with trying to get a European Cup win on his CV and that having won the FAC cup a number of times already just lost interest in it. He also was convinced that a European Cup win was coming his way and just concentrated on that a getting a top 4 finish,which was not the great achievement anyway that some claim it was. The League Cup crops up early doors in the season and is little more than an annoyance for Arsene with him often brooding over qualifying from the group stage of the far more important CL and with the usual injury problems impacting on our thin in depth squad tricky league games and Internationals taking their toll as well ,blimey it's a nightmare ! For a long time he fielded youth team players in the League Cup or rested top ones and used second string also his own self confessed disinterest in the competition appears to rub off on our players. On somehow reaching the final one season Wenger then despite being long odds on to win lost it to a relegated Brum side made up of journeymen. C'est la vie! Back to the FAC though and suddenly with a top 4 berth assured for the last two seasons by the 5th round of the cup and with no hope of winning anything else Wenger put out teams to try and win the cup . This will not go on forever though and the victory parade this time looked a little stage managed and contrived .Jack's anti-spud tirade was deja vu the previous one .All a bit weird really from him and rather embarrassing with Chelsea not receiving any verbal from him and they after all are our rivals and not the spuds . we all know what they are anyway and don't need Jack to remind us. Wenger's failure to get second spot over City in the Prem was to me more significant than the FAC win it showed that despite what is claimed that this current side ,5 points less than last season, is not as good as has been claimed. The FAC win doesn't change that fact.

  12. Westlower

    Jun 06, 2015, 11:10 #71817

    @David Totally agree Chelsea are better than us. They were odds on to win the title from September onwards. I'm just amused how sensitive some 'Gooners' are to any criticism of their hero Maureen. Love Maureen, hate Wenger is a strange way to support your club. If it cheers you up let's have a chorus of "we love you Maureen we do, we love you Maureen we do, oh, Maureen we love you." Blue is the colour...........

  13. Badarse

    Jun 06, 2015, 10:49 #71816

    Hello jeff. Well I thought it was self-explanatory. We were in a position of the manager making a straight choice between keeping his powder dry for the war, rather than waste it on a battle. Was it a simple and easy decision? Not so obvious I believe, but one which managers are employed to make. It hurt me as it would all fans, but introducing a sense of realism I reasoned it sensible, and felt it necessary to accept, (I could have just moaned incessantly of course). I understand how and why others might arrive at a different conclusion. It was justified in that we have procured the CL places for 18 consecutive seasons. We are where we are due to the route we took. I am overjoyed that we are still in there slugging, with a couple of trophies in the cabinet, and a number of records picked up along the way. Of course two remarkably interesting finals also feed into the feel good factor. I still believe we are on the cusp, though I am now down off the table. Cup Final shirt washed, dried and being worn once more. Good old Arsenal.

  14. jeff wright

    Jun 06, 2015, 9:21 #71813

    Yes Badarse good points about the cup,but some of us were saying these things regarding winning it helping to promote the club's profile ,while you and others were singing from Hill-Wood song-sheet and following the party line that it was not worth bothering with. Why is it that Wenger has failed to win the League Cup and has come and and said that he wouldn't celebrate winning it when other top dogs who have won the European Cup such as Sir Fergiuson and Arsene's nemesis Mourinho compete for it and even celebrate winning it! The season before last City won it and the league and Chelsea deja vu last term. The only trophies won by Wenger since the 2004 league title are FA Cups. Three of them. For big clubs these domestic cups are add-ons or space fillers during blank title winning or challenging seasons and not a main target . No titles though for Wenger or even challengers he knows by the 5th round that he has blown any title chance in the league and that the top 4 place is secure so then goes all out towin the FA Cup to help divert attention away frm the league failure and usual humiliating departure in the first KO round of the Champions League. These FAC wins are just used for papering over the cracks jobs , you are supposed to build on them for better things ,but as we all know the 4th place trophy is the real one at AFC and the money that goes with it. Just as well the seeding system and that 4th place was in place during Wenger's fabled 'always qualified for Europe tenure' .These will soon be gone though the seeding system that helped Arsene out already has, I suspect that by the time the 4th place goes to Italy and we are left with just three, that Wenger will be gone as well with his FA Cup winner medals . Good old Arsene.

  15. Badarse

    Jun 06, 2015, 5:20 #71811

    Just for the dinosaurs amongst us here is a brief explanation of the FA Cup position. The financial gain-and lifeblood for us-dictated a huge rise in appreciation/desire/necessity to qualify for the CL. In a hurdy-gurdy rush, dominated by the nouveau riche and bank loan-funded clubs, trying to attain just one of four 'Golden Ticket' places, the status of the FA Cup naturally diminished. Having a thinner, younger and, slightly inferior squad meant us sadly concentrating focus on a league position finish. The better equipped squads were never faced with a similar dilemma, but having those superior groups meant despite following suit by playing weaker sides in the competition, (or just going with the trend), they were able to offer a better fist of their involvement annually. A realisation that the prestige connected with a domestic title has been slowly dawning on clubs, AFC included. For participation brings TV coverage, raises the club/brand profile and this affects merchandising-it promotes the brand 'Arsenal', ergo more money rolls into the coffers. Not particularly acceptable to a fan but it's a case nowadays; still most are prepared to more or less go along with a laissez faire approach if it means the club compete and perhaps win trophies. Of this I too stand condemned. For those with their troubled, 'anti-Arsene' agendas, chew on this. 'Arsene never tries to win the FA Cup', a perpetual gripe from some, has been turned on it's head, because he now clearly does, and has won it for two consecutive years. That is not a side swipe, just a simple fact. Hope this makes it a little clearer for those who are locked into a certain archaic and two-dimensional mind set.

  16. David

    Jun 05, 2015, 23:40 #71810

    Sorry westie but your tirades against Mourinho are more boring than anything Chelsea served up this season. And they weren't boring, they were better than us. And you've been around long enough to remember some pretty dull arsenal football, but I bet you didn't mind the trophies.

  17. jjetplane

    Jun 05, 2015, 19:14 #71808

    MARK from Aylesbury that is funny how both have retired off here for a while with one being a spud and the other a shed boy but both good family men and shrewd business blokies - velly in-ter-esting ...... perhaps both posters were created at akB central in a fit of (concurrent) madness. Scarey lot those AKBs .....

  18. jeff wright

    Jun 05, 2015, 14:37 #71807

    Actually Frothy the new stadium was called Ashburton Grove before a sponsor was found .Facts do not seem to be your strong point my Lord .I was in my original post about the name change for the FAC commenting on the loss of more tradition in our game for the sake of making some money,which as you conceded may not even be used to any great benefit to football.

  19. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 05, 2015, 14:06 #71806

    Hang about- lets look at Finsbury 's last post and compare to Jameson I think both sides of the same bi-polar, entrepreneur, super rich, business magnate. Somewhere in Islington or maybe Clacton resident.

  20. Lord Froth

    Jun 05, 2015, 13:50 #71805

    @ Jeff Wright. Most people call the Emirates Stadium by that name because that is the only name it's ever had. It was never called Ashburton Grove, which I think is a crap name anyway. Highbury Stadium was a good name and sounded befitting to a team of Arsenal's stature which is the only team to have a station named after it. Ashburton Grove just sounds like the rubbish tip it once was. If the FA use the Emirate's money that they gain from the sponsorship to fund grassroots football projects then that would be a good thing. What they actually do with the money in reality, well...

  21. jeff wright

    Jun 05, 2015, 13:50 #71804

    mg, blue shed Jamie and his pal dim... (afters) Tone /lee KFC ah! ah! ... ( cluck cluck)have it cracked... if a Champions League final ends in a draw at 90 minutes then both teams are declared the winner and both sets of supporters celebrate winning together . Great 0-0 that ...yeah fantastic... what a win though ! Frothing at the mouth Colesyboy claims to be an hard-on AKB ... but out of the hundreds of Arsenal names that he could use he chooses to employ the one of a player who is best known now days for his exploits with Chelsea. You couldn't make it up.

  22. Ron

    Jun 05, 2015, 13:43 #71803

    Westie's like the rest of them on here who slake off Mourinho jj,they would be creaming in their Y fronts if they woke up one day and seen he d joined the Arsenal. Its a combo of this and the fact that hes at Chelsea doing the business. If he was at Sheff Wed or some where, they d rate him.

  23. jjetplane

    Jun 05, 2015, 13:28 #71802

    WESTIE you just have to accept that Mourinho will be around for a few years and if Arsenal are to make it to second over the next ten years then Arsenal are going to have to park a bit themselves. I imagine you think Coquelin is a boring player or he would be if he were at Chelski or elsewhere. WESTiE I reckon you too like JAMErSON are partial to a bit of shed life. Bet you supported Liverpool, Chelski before you hit on the Arsenal.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 05, 2015, 13:04 #71801

    You can just imagine an opposition fan/fans in the Arsenal parts of the Emirates, with the soft tippy tappy loving wengerites who are indoctrinated not to disagree with anything, shaking hands with them making then most welcome, taking selfies with them and buying them drinks at the bar.

  25. radfordkennedy

    Jun 05, 2015, 12:36 #71800

    Don't know if the story has been covered in the UK but the French Football press are reporting that Rafa has told Madrid that a Cb is top of his list and he wants Kos

  26. Cranial Screwtop

    Jun 05, 2015, 11:14 #71799

    If you can't get a ticket in with your own fans but really need to be there the opposition end is the next best thing. Rather than stay quiet when they score though, which can be quite conspicuous, I find it's better to join in the celebrations when they score against your own team. In fact I've got carried away and had such a good time on a couple of occasions, I've actually ended up supporting the other team, in one instance even becoming a season ticket holder for a couple of years. It's good to keep an open mind.

  27. Westlower

    Jun 05, 2015, 9:00 #71798

    From season 2016/17 the Barclays Premier League is to be renamed the 'Premier Coaches Park The Bus League' in honour of Maureens contribution to mind numbing, serial fouling, boring football.

  28. Charlie George Orwell

    Jun 05, 2015, 8:18 #71797

    In the days when you could just turn up and pay at the turnstile, I remember being in the South Bank end at West Ham when we won 4-1 (late 80's I think). A ploy I used when we scored was to bury my face in my hands and quietly mouth 'Yes!!' I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid.

  29. Ron

    Jun 04, 2015, 20:33 #71795

    I think it ought to be called the 'Westlower FA Cup' to reflect its new status as the Cup that even those indifferent to it, can still celebrate it when it suits their agenda?

  30. jeff wright

    Jun 04, 2015, 16:56 #71794

    Frothy ,are right about everyone still calling it the FA Cup just like they call the Capital one the League Cup ,it was once the Milk Cup .Sponsors of the FA Cup have not changed its name though The controversy surrounds re-naming the competition as the Emirates FA Cup - previously to the plan to rename the FAC The Emirates Cup its main sponsorship deal was referred to as the FA Cup with Budweiser that is not the same as calling it the Budweiser Cup is it now>? Recent statements from the FA say that there is a discussion planned to consider renaming FA Cup as The Emirates Cup .Then it will be officially s it and will presumably be referred to by that name in the media and by clubs who partake in trying to win it. Does everyone call The Emirates Stadium ,Ashburton Grove >?>???? Just asking like.

  31. Lord Froth

    Jun 04, 2015, 16:23 #71793

    @ Jeff - post 75735. Moaning about the FA Cup being called the Emirates FA Cup. It's been sponsored for years and was recently the Axa FA Cup. Everyone will still just call if the FA Cup anyway.

  32. exiled&dangerous

    Jun 04, 2015, 15:44 #71791

    Spent many an away day in the wrong end, just because we couldn't get tickets for "our end." Mainly in the early 90s, post Taylor report, when clubs were re-building and away allocations were cut, and a few occasions where we just couldn't get tickets but wanted to see the game. West Ham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Coventry, Chelsea...... Liverpool was 1-0 win in the '91 season, I was 19 - and I'm as scrawny now as I was then. Merson scored in front of our fans at the other end, I was halfway-back in The Kop. "YESSSS... OH BASTARD!!!" Cue lots of laughing. Couple of guys turned around looking pure daggers, then this HUUUGE bloke behind me said "leave him alone, if he wants to see his team this badly he's ochhhay" (sorry, can't spell scouse Ks). Going out the ground, I bumped into a scouse fan I used to see on the train all over the country..... "alright fella, stood with our lot today?" Cheers for that...... Newcastle away was after our win in Copenhagen in '94. They were redeveloping St James's, no away tickets sold. I'd gone up on the Bank Holiday Monday because they were having a general sale the following morning, spent the night outside the ground with a couple of squaddies on leave from Germany. This guy who was the spit of Dan Petrescu stops his car, tells us they're only selling tickets with vouchers from the previous game. We got turned away the following morning, no tickets - unhappy me, unhappy squaddies. Drove straight to Stanstead, the rest is history. Drove back up to Newcastle and blagged tickets off touts an hour before kick-off, get on the terrace and immediately bump into not-quite Dan Petrescu and one of the squaddies! Cover well and truly blown..... but a good laugh before and after the game.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 04, 2015, 14:27 #71790

    I see smoking Jack is fuming at been charged by the FA over his anti spuds song on the victory parade, what does the little p***k expect after been reprimanded for doing exactly the same last year. And it hasn't taken Chesney long to get back into the swing of things again either with a fag stuck in his gob looking like Shane Mc Gowan with teeth, apparently wenger will be annoyed, do any of them give a fook about wenger? this is what happens when you have an old past it soft manager with no discipline and too many favourites.

  34. jjetplane

    Jun 04, 2015, 13:42 #71789

    Again well said RED MEMBER Sitting on your hands when you are romping it 4-0 is ridiculous and I think you have it there with the self seeking publicity stunt. If we could just get a photo of JAMERsOn hoofing a WOB down the steps at N7. That I would like to see. The stewards just turn a blind eye to that one according to Shed Man. One question for JAMERsON - was that barmaid on a zero hour contract? One more - wouldn't it be funny if Arsene did a Nigel and called a reporter an ostrich. Black kettles and all that .....

  35. Made Up Stat

    Jun 04, 2015, 11:55 #71787

    Jamerson was in the away end once v Chelsea. Must have been hell surrounded by Gooners...

  36. jeff wright

    Jun 04, 2015, 11:02 #71786

    Tone/lee KFC, thanks for the advice I appreciate of course that competing with your uber fan support, flawless mistake free posts and the numerous correct pre-match predictions that you make is impossible. Well done and keep up the good work you are a genius!

  37. Bard

    Jun 04, 2015, 10:58 #71785

    Its gone a bit Pete Tong must be the end of season blues. love the AKB posts. they are either of the brown nose variety or youre all a load of w******. JJ I think you will find that diaspora is a style of play. its short hand for diasporaupyour arsea ie barca lite. we need to rid ourselves of it immediately. Got caught in the Chelsea end at the Bridge when we played them last season. It was like being amongst the Wildlings from Game of Thrones.

  38. Red Member

    Jun 04, 2015, 10:51 #71784

    why any proper Arsenl fan would want to spend cup final day at Wembley sitting in silence amongst Villa fans is beyond me. This is not a way of saying you are some kind of super fan, it is a way in which you are (publicly) saying you are breathtakingly stupid.

  39. Brixham Gooner

    Jun 03, 2015, 22:56 #71782

    I remained sat down with my brother in the top tier at Elland Road when Oliver Dacourt scored that free kick over the wall and beat Alex Manninger. We lost. I lost. I had my head kicked in on the way out. At least me and my brother were the only two Arsenal fans there at the gate to welcome our team off the bus with a personal handshake from Patrick. That felt nice. Got free tickets again to follow my beloved Arse. This time at Southampton at the new St.Marys. Second time I ever saw Dennis play. Amazing just watching the bloke move...(first time was during coin (Carragher) throwing game at Highbury when Dennis scored a header. What a fool carragher was that day. At Southampton they knew we were Gooners but said nothing, just mumbled. I didn't like it nor did they. Think you were lucky at Wembley mate. I wasn't there but if I was a Villain someone else would be writing this for you...leave well alone. Stick to your own...

  40. Lee afc

    Jun 03, 2015, 22:55 #71781

    Ha ha ha ha ha. Jeff "always" Right is obviously not. Get it right stupid. I'll state the facts. You make it up as you go along. "Germany cant win the world cup" etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.etc

  41. jeff wright

    Jun 03, 2015, 22:41 #71780

    lee KFC, gluck cluck,cluck...

  42. Lee afc

    Jun 03, 2015, 21:56 #71779

    Hey "always" so you managed to attend the 1987 league cup but many moons on you thought it was the old charity shield. mmmm. Give it a rest stupid. You aint a gooner.....FACT.

  43. Ron

    Jun 03, 2015, 21:13 #71777

    Son Lyme - well said mate. Youre so right there. Its why many longstanding fans have given up on it, especially when you factor in the obscene cost. Assuming youre a Villan. Good luck under Sherwood. Villa are a great Club and your stature and standing in the game dwarfs the likes of Man C and Chelsea, yet, the modern fan no longer cares or maybe doesn't even know.

  44. jeff wright

    Jun 03, 2015, 20:29 #71776

    Actually Tone/ lee kfc I was at the league final myself with one of my sons I have posted on here before about it. So calm down chicken . I suggest you spend more time learning the rules of the Champions League before commenting on them and sort out your TV that shows West Brom playing in Black and White stripes . Perhaps it was a herd of Zebras that you saw on it and not a football game ........ Jamie I have backed Barca to win the European one on Saturday that will do for me. You claimed that we would win it ! How are you at picking lottery numbers. As for the Emirates Cup that could be the new name for the FA one shortly a bit depressing really a hundred years of history sold for a pocketful of mumbles.You couldn't make it up.

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 03, 2015, 20:10 #71775

    Ben Connelly, I don't think there's any of us in much doubt two good singings will happen, but that's all they'll be like the rest, good, just not good enough to make us serious title contenders.

  46. Lee afc

    Jun 03, 2015, 19:14 #71774

    The only thing I've worked out "always" is you must, must, must get your facts right, if not, you make yourself look pretty dumb, but that isn't difficult for you. For the record, my father and myself were both at the tunnel end at the old Wembley stadium on a baking hot day to see champagne charlie stuff the scousers. Feel free to ridicule and belittle because my views differ from yours. As I have stated, I'll support the arsenal, you stick to your keyboard.

  47. jeff wright

    Jun 03, 2015, 18:44 #71773

    Well googled chicken! Shame about your knowledge of club football shirts. How are you at crosswords ,probably just the easy ones for you . I prefer your KFC persona to your Tony Pepsi one though .Have you worked out yet that you can't win the Champions League by drawing all your games.

  48. Ben Connolly

    Jun 03, 2015, 18:39 #71772

    Great summary!! and from one gooner to another I can appreciate your need to be there despite having to sit on your hands. I agree that one or two good signings in the summer (which I've no doubt will happen) will make us serious title contenders. Whenever, wherever, forever, arsenal!!

  49. Lee afc

    Jun 03, 2015, 18:09 #71771

    Here he goes again. Jeff, it was the littlewoods cup final aka, the league cup. 1987 I believe. Certainly not the charity shield as you incorrectly stated. Call yourself a fan. Ooooopppppssss.

  50. Son Lyme

    Jun 03, 2015, 17:33 #71770

    Congratulations Gooners, a top drawer display. All the partisan nonsense aside, the awful way the FA carve up cup final tickets is behind this. I'm sorry if anyone was assaulted, but to be frank, sneaking tickets to sit in among opposition fans is not only stupid, it is illegal. Arsenal were dominant and fully deserved victory - but remember if you go to gloat, that the cost of the entire Villa team on that pitch would buy you just under one half of a Mezut Ozil. That is where football is now. Three or four super clubs - while the rest become also rans. The day of the underdog is done - barring two banks of five and a lucky goal.

  51. Finsbury Joe

    Jun 03, 2015, 17:17 #71769

    Have to say Arsenal have some strange fans. I come from a long line of winners, winners in all walks of life who do not accept second. I was always taught that given the resources, success or failures were choices we could make. Some, like Wenger, the Arsenal board and the AKBs are scared of success, mediocrity forms the bedrock of their comfort zone. I must admit, with my upbringing and family history, I find it mentally taxing even sharing a forum with those who celebrate 3rd, 4th, or an inferior trophy won only due to a succession of lucky draws. I need to take a break from such people on here for the next few months, so I bid the true Gooners on here a good summer. anon..

  52. jeff wright

    Jun 03, 2015, 16:37 #71768

    Me and a pal in '79 went to see us play Liverpool in the Charity Shield , as it were then called before the PC brigade took offence to the name, we paid at the gate to get in but could only get into the away end. We had nothing to jump up shouting about though unfortunately with the scousers winning the game easily. I seem to recall that wee Kenny scored one of their goals and Alan Sunderland grabbed a late belated consolation one for us. Things were a lot better of course years later when we beat Liverpool 2-1 in the Shield courtesy of 2 Champagne Charlie goals. Despite Ian Rush scoring first for the bin-dippers .Our win over Liverpool put an end to their record of never losing when he scored first .All things must pass . I think that Jamie is really a shop assistant he works at B/Q in Tunbridge Wells and speaks with a Mockney accent when he watches games in his local pub while wearing a Chelsea shirt with 'THE SPECIAL ONE' stencilled on the back of it . His favourite drink is Strong Bow cider with a dash of Blackcurrant .

  53. jjetplane

    Jun 03, 2015, 14:16 #71767

    Well a bit of post-theory reading on Diasporas within shifting cultural frontiers would not go amiss me old china ....

  54. Fryguy54

    Jun 03, 2015, 14:15 #71766

    I'm 60 years old and with my 33 year old son were in what supposed to be a"neutral" area next to the TV commentators except the FA or Wembley made it look like the stadium was divided half and half!!! All was well until I applauded Theo's goal a drunken Villa "fan" issued and kinds of threats towards me and I was told to get out of the Holte End.No other Villa fans joined in to their credit however the big brave Holte Ender complained to the stewards at half time and we had to move to the Gooners side. We could see the lad who got us moved and swear he was crying when it went to 3-0 glad his day was ruined ours was'nt.

  55. jjetplane

    Jun 03, 2015, 13:35 #71764

    I am thinking he be some form of empirical hologram that trolls cyber world in search of love. Whatever - the voice is inconsistent and there is a little teddy bear dying to break out. I guess it is just a AKB affliction which pushes them to a martyrdom of their own creation. On another point have a great image of Blatter sitting in a high security canteen surrounded by drug barons et al. He will get some great job offers and on that note Arsene is a perfect fit for that little number and by the time he is signed in Klopp will have had his rest and be ready for a major AKb clearout. Me also thinks JAMErSON may well be a London boy but has been 'at sea' most of his life. Well hard.

  56. Ron

    Jun 03, 2015, 13:18 #71762

    JJ - his regular references to 'cockneys'is amusing. I'm not sure he knows what it means, unless he is one which i strongly doubt. Its indicative of someone not from London and with little understanding of the City? Im suspecting our resident toff /come rapacious entrepreneur Jamie lives north of Durham somewhere and rarely if ever has visited the dome of dreams.

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 03, 2015, 13:11 #71761

    Gavin, you better be careful, sitting in the away end you could be accused by some of not being a true fan. And you didn't tell us how you came by the tickets.

  58. jjetplane

    Jun 03, 2015, 12:58 #71760

    Hark at JAMErsoN who watched the final from his Chelski shed with a barmaid and a few slaves. Big time Arsenal boy not but spends a lot of time on here on working days. Business slow taking the mums to the supermarket? I have relations who are Villa fans who have always been a well supported club and been there myself for Arsenal and Villa games and have never had a problem. people used to go into the away ends in the old days for the chance to kick off so why be suprised if some fans take offence. We used to have some great fun at Chelski and Spudworld in the 70s. Anyway, that Sanchez goal has really got me. Amazing to think if he was at Barca he may well be on the bench.

  59. Marks

    Jun 03, 2015, 12:50 #71759

    Daniel , what were you doing in the villa end , where did you get your tickets from ? I do wonder if you have been to many games at all , you must have known this was high risk ! very silly

  60. Ron

    Jun 03, 2015, 11:32 #71757

    Ive done away end stuff a few times down the years too. Ive been on the Holte End in fact twice v Villa, back in 2004 and 2009 and in fairness to them ive never had a problem. Theyre a very well supported Club. Ignore Jamie's drivel. All Clubs have low lifes following them and some of the worst trouble in recent years that ive seen has been at Stoke as Arsenal 'fans' fought each other! Its never an enjoyable experience being in the away section is it. You ought to have gone to the screening. The atmosphere was better than most actual home games which lets face it, isnt hard to surpass is it at 'manikin City'.

  61. Josh

    Jun 03, 2015, 10:44 #71756

    We want arsene out! Say we want arsene out! I have never witnessed such moody supporters after winning a cup final! Half of them had left before the trophy was lifted!!

  62. B23

    Jun 03, 2015, 10:38 #71755

    You really don't wanna be in the opposite end... You're not welcome and actually taking away from fans who deserve to be there. No wonder some idiots did something stupid and attacked people. Doesn't condone it at all but really why play with fire? Definitely not poorly supported. We always fill away stands. Always fill our allocation and we definitely oustung you, it's all we managed on Saturday :) I'm convinced arsenal have fans that fight too. Hypocrites.

  63. Robert

    Jun 03, 2015, 9:22 #71754

    You should be a little careful about what you post, as you shouldn't have taken tickets away from the other club's supporters. Arsenal thoroughly deserved to win and you got to experience an aspect of football you've never been a part of before - a noisy crowd. So, all in all, a great day for you.

  64. Bob

    Jun 03, 2015, 8:40 #71753

    Your head hair is upside down.

  65. Robbie

    Jun 03, 2015, 8:14 #71752

    I would be careful about reportig what happens to you to the authorities. You're likely to end up in trouble as it's made pretty clear about fan segregation when buying tickets.

  66. Daniel

    Jun 03, 2015, 8:09 #71751

    I wish our experience was like yours. Once arsenals first goal went in my dad stood up then apologised. Four of us were set upon by 20 fans. My dad was spat in his face and my other friend who was 58 was punched to the floor. We left the stadium after that missing the second half. What a disgrace those villa fans were. We have reported it to Wembley. Lets hope those animals get caught.