Latest Arsenal summer news roundup

Potpourri of possibilities

Latest Arsenal summer news roundup

Aliko Dangote: Will Kroenke bite for a £1 billion offer?

Looking at a number rumours doing the rounds on the newswires recently which ones do you think are likely?

Here are some of the most recent top stories

Man City want Jack Wilshere
Jack is Arsenal through and through, and I cannot see Arsene Wenger agreeing to let him go. After all he must have learnt from his mistake with Robin Van Persie surely? Jack’s stunning brace against Slovenia recently has signalled his renaissance after his bad fortune with injuries. Jack is a Gooner and I think that means more than cash and moving to Man City, when Arsenal could become title contenders next season with the right signings.

Brendan Rodgers ponders Raheem Stirling for Walcott deal
Raheem Stirling just keeps making the headlines and for the wrong reasons. The exciting striker has been linked with Rafa Benitez at Real Madrid and has been subject to a final £40 million from Man City. Now headlines concerning possible laughing gas abuse on board a yacht in Ibiza are likely to put Stirling’s relations with Liverpool FC on a further downward spiral. However it is the news that Stirling harbours a desire to join Arsenal and enjoy the London scene which might mean his next move could be to the Emirates with an astonishing deal of £25 million plus Theo Walcott, a player who Brendan Rodgers sees as a direct replacement. Theo Walcott is fond of Liverpool and he is more likely to get a regular slot playing down the middle. Stirling’s exit from Anfield now seems ever more likely after the revelations in ‘The Sun’.

Africa’s richest man wants Arsenal
The BBC are reporting that Aliko Dangote, a Nigerian billionaire who was recently listed at 67th in the Forbes rich list and reputedly worth an astonishing £11.5 billion following some new business deals, is now up for buying Arsenal. He claims to have been a Gooner for several years. Aliko Dangote is a self-made entrepreneur dealing in cement, sugar, flour and oil. Dangote revealed his plans to the BBC’s Hausa service. Hausa is the commonest spoken language in West African countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana. Dangote commented that he was in for Lady Bracewell-Smith’s shareholding before he pulled out due to business distractions. He also feel that Arsenal need a new direction and need to stop just developing players and selling them. He feels that he has the spending power to take Arsenal to the next level.

So how likely is this Nigerian businessman’s desire to own Arsenal likely to succeed? Stan Kroenke seems unlikely to sell as this would break with his loyal behaviour relating to his assets. Arsenal, Wenger and the continuing value of his shareholding seems likely to keep him happy, but where Kroenke might be tempted to take the bait, is in relation to his need for hard cash in moving his St Louis Rams NFC franchise to Inglewood Southern California. Stan Kroenke is reportedly using $2 billion of his own cash in association with the Stockbridge Capital group to build a new 80,000 stadium in Inglewood near LA, and as his team used to be the LA Rams from 1946 to 1994, there are many LA NFL fans who would love to see their team return home.

The other factor that make Dangote’s assertion more likely is the news that Alisher Usmanov is repatriating some of his wealth and assets back to Moscow to assist the beleaguered President Putin who is feeling battered after his snub from the recent World Leaders G7 meeting and a failure to get Pope Francis on side with his Ukraine invasion. Putin is said to be worrying about the next round of financial sanctions from Europe and the USA and to stop the Russian economy from going into meltdown, the markets have to have some good news. Usmanov has transferred his holdings in Megafon a telecoms company and also his holding in USM holdings, a steel and mining corporation in response to Vladimir Putin’s call for the Oligarchs to “de-offshore” their wealth to help Mother Russia. Arsenal’s share price is expected to rise to a new high of £16,000 from its current value of £15,750 in response to this speculation, valuing Arsenal at £995 million in capitalisation terms for its 62,217 shares.

Petr Cech to join Arsenal
Perhaps the worst kept secret of the summer so far, is the news that Chelsea have agreed to release the legend from Stamford Bridge as they try to target Tottenham’s Hugo Lloris - himself linked with Arsenal some seasons back. Chelsea has admitted failure to organise an Oxlade –Chamberlain deal in connection with this transfer. 33 year old Cech only made 16 appearances for Chelsea last season, still feels that he has a lot to offer, and joining Arsenal would be a new challenge. Hugo Lloris has been long admired by Arsene Wenger but he is unlikely to make the short trek across North London, as he is also being courted by Manchester United and is likely to cost £25 million as opposed to the £11 million for Cech.

So that’s it for now, a roundup of the most important breaking rumours about Arsenal. Many deals are being mooted but remember only when they appear on Arsenal’s official website can a transfer said to be final.


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  1. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 24, 2015, 12:57 #72275

    Arseneknewbest I'm an Arsenal supporter. You're an Arsenal supporter. I found the Arsenal related story online and brought it to the attention of other Arsenal supporters. The only response was from you, saying basically 'wtf are you doing reading the mail'. It's a bit like some people who give a one out of five review for a film or book they have bought because they didn't like the way it was packaged.

  2. Arsenekenwbest

    Jun 24, 2015, 8:02 #72266

    Yes, but what do you mean? For footie tittle-tattle or politics? If you're talking about politics, I'm sure you can think of something a bit more edifying (and honest) than those two. Even the guardian can be trusted a bit more than the daily heil or the Star. If it's gossip, then I like to get that from this site. It sounds like I may have touched a raw nerve- it's funny how many people like reading that stuff and then prefer to keep it on the down-low.

  3. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 23, 2015, 22:53 #72260

    Arseneknewbest. I asked which publications were acceptable to you, not which ones weren't.

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 23, 2015, 22:36 #72258

    Cornish - you probably won't read this now, but in a word, "neither". A tit rag versus a paper that supported the Nazi Party in the 1930's. I'd rather read the tea leaves...

  5. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 21, 2015, 17:32 #72183

    Arseneknewbest. How about this one then from the Star (online as per The Mail one)'EXCLUSIVE: Dan Smith: I'm FED UP with being the man who crocked Abou Diaby'. Which publications do you find acceptable?

  6. Alsace

    Jun 21, 2015, 9:29 #72170

    Oh dear, Southwold. Wenger probably told him that footballistically, it's sensible to take your holidays next to a nuclear power station. If I'm going to expose myself to all those radionuclides I would choose Aldeburgh. Still, when a guy's in love with Arsene, his judgment may be clouded.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 21, 2015, 8:21 #72167

    Ron - They'd have show trialled him and made him disappear, quite rightly in my view. And Joey S would have done the same without the first bit. Cornish - poor old Dan Smith. Yet more evidence of how the Daily Heil just likes to poke and provoke people with a sense of right and wrong. But for chrissakes comrade, what made you ruin your sacred Saturday by reading that arsewipe comic of reactionary lies? Tell us you were glancing at it in a dentist's waiting room, or you found it in a bush with some other, ahem, publications.

  8. Ron

    Jun 20, 2015, 23:46 #72166

    Baddie . Comrade Putin s just an old Russian bear with no teeth isnt he mate. Loves his old style KJB sabre rattling. Hes rooted in the 70s but cant accept Russia having been found out as a myth even after all this time. Hes as bad as a good few of the African despots. Bit like Alex Fergie was! Not sure what Trotty Lenny and Zinov would make of him. Loved Arshavin! Good night guys.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 20, 2015, 23:36 #72165

    jj, you could be onto something there, if that big bad toe rag Putin (a rag nail can be a sore thing, nearly as bad as an ingrowing toe nail) sends over a couple of nukes we'll all be living in a waste land, the new AKB central command will be barter town in the middle of a desert (yes some will have survived and they'll still be hailing and worshiping their messiah) the bust will have survived too it will have been placed in the time capsule at the four minute warning an AKB might have climbed in also to guard it, the bust will have pride of place in a tent fifty feet in the air inside barter town where all the chief AKB's live, and they'll be bowing to it everyday all dressed like Tina Turner, and when the lights go out all you'll hear coming from the tent is the shout can you shovel shyte to all the JCL's and other AKB's down below who know no better and are gathered round waiting for scrapes of news like has their messiah and the Emirates survived, as their already fed up listening to shyte (mind you you'd think they'd be used to it) they don't obey, then OGL's bust appears in a slit in the tent held up by the chief AKB (name, have a guess) and they drop to their knees and they promptly listen and do what their told without hesitation. Some things never change.

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 20, 2015, 22:03 #72164

    Article in The Mail today under the headline 'Abou Diaby's broken leg still haunts former Sunderland full back Dan Smith who says ex-Arsenal star's injury problems killed his reputation despite not being his fault'

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 20, 2015, 21:42 #72163

    Baddie. JW's fine is less than most fines dished out for racist chanting by a team's fans, but only half as much as Bendtner's fine for showing his pants. Is that right?

  12. jjetplane

    Jun 20, 2015, 20:25 #72162

    Ere JAMErSON - does that make the AKBs the unreal retards? Are the er Chavs and Citeh the reincarnation of the Hollow men? Are we lost in a brave new Waste land? and what with yourself just leaving Waterland. Here comes the summer ... sermons.

  13. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2015, 19:30 #72161

    Chris I am not for fining or heavy handed punishment at all. In an age of Big Brother it is usually the way though, so am an opponent-as my follow up post stated 'Liberty' as a prerequisite in life. It was lost in translation as I wanted to intimate that a large mega rich company-Man C FC-are able to skip quietly past any moral sensors and certainly all official constraints, whilst a silly lad who was over excited gets clobbered. Every picture tells a story and if the fine of JW was OK, a week's nett wage, is that the benchmark? I earn more than Jimmy so get fined pro rata? Not even worthy of discussion but a salient point. No fines, so thank you for the sensible nudge. Even toe rags is a bit silly Ron so I should have been more in control of my passion, but I despise what Putin is doing and my feelings occasionally bubble to the surface...and like West Ham they fade and die!

  14. Danny

    Jun 20, 2015, 16:34 #72160

    The African oil man will never buy Arsenal, because he has to shift the wig man and the Russian. Would take massive money exchange plus the idiots called AKB Until Wenger leaves nothing will change.

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 20, 2015, 14:54 #72159

    Chris. Granted the Jackson Martinez article is not quite the same as the Wilshere one. Maybe the articles from the Star/Mirror on Schneiderlin/Cech are closer. It seems that 'Media Watch' just reproduce any Arsenal related transfer stories as teasers(without confirming or denying the authenticity) They don't even have to make it up as per Bard's journo reference, somebody does it for them.

  16. jjetplane

    Jun 20, 2015, 14:43 #72158

    Funny enough, I was thinking months ago that the Citeh web site is one of the best out there. Happened on to it watching youth cup stuff and I have a rosy tinged love of Mother Russia for it's literature, cinema and groovy suprematist imagery. Anyway, I can see JW playing in the same team as Aguero and good luck to him if he gets there. Cannot wait for his back turning (on Arsenal) and some Blue Moon crooning. Moss Side Jack sounds about right. Not sure how Theo will get on singing 'back in the USSR' when he hits scouserland but Sterling would be a bad buy. He looked good when Suarez was running his team but then Suarez has even improved Messi's game while ressurecting Neymars and he isn't even fit! ps That is why Jack should also be on a ban - for displaying such callow (Telegaph) nuances that swam in a Spanish puddle of plastic passion. Which brings me to Carzola who as we post is packing his honcho and guitat and is dreaming of a villa in la Mancha. All will come to past as sure as Ozil will stop playing in order to concentate on clubbing more ..... Bluuuueeee Mooooon .....

  17. Chris

    Jun 20, 2015, 14:26 #72157

    Bard - Point taken, it is pervasive, esp as, if Cornish says, we're almost doing the same thing (although I'd argue that quoting a player who has said he's keen on a move to your club is a bit different to reproducing an entire article about your own club wanting to sign a player who has stated he wants to stay put and who's club have never shown any interest in selling him!). Cornish - I was drawn to the Citeh site by said article popping up on the NewsNow Arsenal feed. I don't usually visit or any other club site. And if they are simply playing the hits game, as this Media Watch stuff suggests, I won't be changing that soon. Badarse - A fine seems a bit harsh, although I can see that there is potential for tapping up / unsettling through such means. You would hope, though, that the clubs themselves would exercise a bit of self-regulation and self-awareness and desist. Surely hits on the website aren't that valuable and if they are, with the potential access they have to genuine quality content that can't be found elsewhere, you'd think there would be better ways of getting them.

  18. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 20, 2015, 13:48 #72156

    Chris. What about the articles under 'Media Watch' on the Arsenal site. eg 'Jackson Martinez has hinted he will move to Arsenal this summer, according to the Daily Star' Is that bizarre or classless? What drew you to the Man City site in the first place?

  19. Ron

    Jun 20, 2015, 12:48 #72155

    Feel free to think my views as such Baddie, i certainly wont find it 'offensive'. Only your goodself on here find 'offence'in posts that challenge you and on cue, there you go again. Its your long held default position. 'toe rags'? Not offensive then? Im sure there's somebody, some where who recognises redeeming features not garnered from yr preferred reading material in such as Mr P and Mr U, but alas toe rags it must be. Happy days though. Time for cricket practice.

  20. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2015, 12:22 #72154

    Ron am hard on all despots, homophobes, bigots, and suppressors of liberty. I have a very small voice, but have been known to use a megaphone when it's needed. You decide my view is skewed and oppressive? Just your view. I may decide that in making that kind of statement it means your view is very skewed and oppressive, but I wouldn't be quite so offensive.

  21. Ron

    Jun 20, 2015, 12:09 #72153

    So, under a link 'what the media says' an official site prints an article and its 'classless' and should be 'hit with a fine'? You oughtn't be so hard on Mr Putin Baddie, you appear to subscribe to a similarly skewed and oppressive stance as he or did the paper kid drop the Spectator in yr door today instead of yr New Statesman. Confusion reigns supreme seemingly.

  22. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2015, 11:34 #72152

    Morning Bard. You are so right. I just needed to type that to see what it looked like! Seriously, you of course are absolutely correct. My view is that we create a sea of confusion with quagmire ethics, in most of the things our world does. I just look for the minutiae of 'better', and celebrate every nuance in a resigned but upbeat fashion. They are small successes but worthy of recognition. Now we have that toe rag Putin calling in his favours and our very own Uzbekistan toe rag Usmanov, having to help bale out Mother Russia. Now Putin queries the first Moon Landing as a conspiracy-I mean it's not rocket science, is it?

  23. Bard

    Jun 20, 2015, 11:20 #72151

    Baddie/ Chris yes it is classless rather like the fine we got for breaching regulations over the transfer of Chambers. If someone is looking for the high ground in todays football you will waste a hell of a lot of time.

  24. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2015, 10:45 #72150

    Morning Chris, not odd as much nowadays is odd to my older conditionings, but unacceptable-and as you say, classless. I know Bard would probably disagree but it is things like this which separates us from many of our contemporaries, though I too believe we fail miserably on many counts. Ah, progressive evolution! They really should be hit with a fine, far more deserving than the fine on JW for his very silly and immature sing song, I think he deserved no more than a cursory rap on the knuckles. Still the way of the modern world. People mumble and grumble about benefit cheats when learning of sensationalist news, news that the Government feed to their masters in the media who then print to get the little man biting the backs of other little men, and all the while major chicaneries go unnoticed and unchallenged by both Government and rags. Again Bard might disagree, but I reckon it's all those nuances and vague misdemeanours which colour the zeitgeist of today. Now where are my crayons?

  25. Chris

    Jun 20, 2015, 9:07 #72149

    Does anyone find it as odd as me that the official Man Citeh site have this morning reproduced an entire article under the headline "Daily Star: City line up £40m bid for Wilshere". Seems a bizarre and classless thing to do. Especially as the article says they'll move for Wilshere if they fail to land Pogba.

  26. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 19, 2015, 22:57 #72148

    Jamie son - Pippa and I have already had Ugandan relations. She told me I was better than you were...not least because I can lick my own lizardy eyebrows! I'm glad I live on the other side of the country from Southmould...

  27. John F

    Jun 19, 2015, 20:27 #72147

    I think I have worked out who FJ might be by simple code breaking.If The amount of teeth the average Spurs fan has is 4.Average IQ of a Spurs fan is 14.Average age a Spud loses his/her virginity is 38 - the last time they finished above us 20=18.The percentage that lost it to a human is 5.The amount of sexual partners they average in a lifetime is 1.You get the numbers 4,14,18,5,1.If 1=A in the alphabet 14=N 4=D 18=R 5=E this spells Andre. I therefore submit that Finsbury Joe is really Peter Andre.

  28. Mark from aylesbury

    Jun 19, 2015, 18:32 #72146

    Lounge Lizard am I? Nearly choked on my g and t! Listen up folks rumours circulating we may be getting the Chelsea goal keeping coach as well! If that is the case I'll take that all day long. Did notice the coach had said a real courteous message in the press so maybe there is something in it

  29. jjetplane

    Jun 19, 2015, 17:51 #72145

    just been googling 'slave domination in the workplace' in order to better understand (princess) Pippa and my oh my - what business are you in jAMERSON? You would need to be a sturdy rogue to take that sort of beating. Anyway, obviously got the wrong end of the whip .... ouch! Notice Arsenal high line at youth level and chelski lads mugging them on the half way line and by the time the defenders get back they are flapping all over the shop - sounds familiar and obviously the culture is deep at Al Arsenal to play with freedom as in one's schoolyard circa 1970 ....

  30. Ron

    Jun 19, 2015, 17:16 #72144

    True Baddie but context is often a quality ignored too. Our defence was less keystone cops last season than the season before for sure as Tony has said, but its a defence thats one of a lot of defences in PL football these days that isn't that good.The Clubs Euro exits give the proof to that. You make a solid point or two but the real bane of defending for defenders has been the rule changes to tackling and offside. It started right back at the banning of the passback to the keeper and as TVs thirst for goals has grown and grown so have the rules to benefit forwards. The onus is now on Coaches to build formidable defences that play to order and discipline so to counter the disadvantage they have vis attackers. Its where Wenger falls down and such as Mourinho excel.

  31. Badarse

    Jun 19, 2015, 16:02 #72143

    Tony Evans, respect. You are getting it. FJ? My money is on Glenda, one of his reincarnations. Ah, Carnation evaporated milk in my Camp Coffee, (with Chicory Essence). Loved Fussells Condensed Milk. They would put it on banana puris in Thailand, yum yum. Wasn't she the character in Tropic of Cancer? Come on Greece, get it together, solidarity. Yassoo!

  32. Tony Evans

    Jun 19, 2015, 15:48 #72142

    Who is FJ - as Badarse says we would not make good Cluedo players. Is he a truly embittered Gooner who can never find anything good to say about his club, who would love to stick the dagger in to Wenger, and would climb over Mrs White and Miss Scarlett to get there first; or is he, as we all suspect, a Spud that has become so disillusioned with life at the Lane, and the years of being in Arsenal's shadow, that he can only find solace by posting negative comments on a Gooner blog site. Come on FJ reveal your true self!

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 19, 2015, 15:43 #72141

    Ron, OGL would hear a pound coin drop 100 yards away in a thunder storm, jj, it will/would be interesting to hear from all smoking jack's fans who think he's the bees knees what they'd think of him if he did jump ship to try and better his career, i'd say they'd soon change their tune, RVP, Nasri, Cesc, etc,etc, he'd be a traitor and a lot worse, with plans been put in place for a mass back turning on his return,but if OGL sold him it would be a great piece of business. You couldn't make it up.

  34. Badarse

    Jun 19, 2015, 15:41 #72140

    With all due respect, I think people should take a wider-angled view of things. Now I know that is asking a lot as it just isn't done nowadays, in any sphere. It's always the short and instant conclusion to any ills which carries the day. Nowadays forwards bully and manhandle defenders. They are super fast athletes. This is a distinctive improvement on men of yesteryear, the skill may not be, but the speed is-plus their fitness levels have improved to a very high level, meaning it can be sustained much longer. Add to this a plethora of subs making a defensive unit dizzy, (rarely does a manager interfere with his defence except through injury), so a fatigued backline against fresher legs, regularly. It is also much more difficult to be expressive and artistic at turbo speed, few manage it, Thierry was a remarkable exception mainly due to his balance and amazing close control. So it's a fast and direct approach, pushing and pulling, and a ball that moves in flight. The diving, feigning, and poor refereeing can also mean a defence is more under pressure from free kicks etc. In all of that chaos and mayhem our defence's figures showed they acquitted themselves well last term. On me 'ead Charlie!

  35. Tony Evans

    Jun 19, 2015, 15:06 #72139

    Ron - Unbelievably didn't we have the 3rd best goals against last season behind Chelsea and Saints? Not quite sure how we managed that and I suppose it only goes to show how bloomin awful the fine art of defending has become! As you say a 'Sergeant Major' type like Schmiecal between the sticks is what we really need to keep our rabble in check and you may be right that that may not be Cech's forte - after all at Chelsea he hasn't really needed to bellow at his back line much has he. Mind you with our lot usually so far up the field he would need a megaphone for them to hear him anyway!

  36. Ron

    Jun 19, 2015, 14:33 #72138

    Hi Tony - good shout. Im not anti Cech at all. Always quite liked him and youre right. New scene and all that might re invigorate him.Its how well he can become a different goal keeper at his age thats worrying. Hes going be exposed and have far less competent defenders in front of him and his involvement in games will increase by 25%. Much more to be expected of him. Can he do that at 33? Hope he does but hes opening himself up to become the new scapegoat for when the CB s both go awol and the full backs are up on the edge of the opposition box looking bemused back at the carnage they left behind them. I dont think Cech is a keeper who bullies his defenders into line as say Schmiecel did at Utd. Lets hope PC can do it. If he cant, hes better than them we have as you rightly say.

  37. jjetplane

    Jun 19, 2015, 14:27 #72137

    Dr Joe and Mr Jamerson. Can't wait for the sketch. Wonder if Mr Jamerson (Whisky) did that brandy bottle in one from the neck? Would explain his admiration for young captain Jack. Also interested in your usage of quazi-colonial empirespeak which makes me thinketh perhaps you are Crusoe and your man Friday be none other than FJ. Together they built a barge and traversed the Broads looking for a long lost brother who goes by the name of The Nose Tweaker. Your 'up the gunners' ending sounds Baddieish so we could be just talking a complexity of AKBistomy with a wobbish man servant in tow. Maybe i should fully sketch it out .....

  38. Ron

    Jun 19, 2015, 14:22 #72136

    FJ - I personally think that you're Justin Edinburgh. You invite so many who want to relish kicking your face in and revel in it.

  39. Finsbury Joe

    Jun 19, 2015, 14:05 #72135

    Who am I?

  40. Tony Evans

    Jun 19, 2015, 14:05 #72134

    Hi Ron and Mark - re Cech I am in favour but I can't help but to agree with both your comments, and there is a little nagging doubt in me that says he is not the complete answer to our keeper woes. Having said that, as Ron says, we have been starved of a top drawer keeper for so long now any half decent one looks the business. Cech may have lost his mojo since falling down the pecking order at Chelski but you have to hope that a new challenge at Arsenal, coupled with being first choice again will spark him back to his best. As I said before, especially if he is the only deal in town keeper wise, he has got to be worth a punt over what we have at present - with all due respect to Ospina who hasn't done too badly.

  41. Badarse

    Jun 19, 2015, 13:58 #72133

    Jamerson is Finsbury Joe? How silly. There are approaching a dozen prime suspects on this site and Jamerson isn't on that list. I can only assume those pursuing this line were never very good at Cluedo. General Confusion did it, in the kitchen, with a wok.

  42. Ron

    Jun 19, 2015, 13:11 #72132

    Hi Mark - that 'unsettling' feeling is because you know that Cech isnt that good anymore and that we look like buying Chelsea s worn out old goods. There are those who acclaim his purchase but thats because we ve been starved of a top goal keeper since Seaman and their blinded by Cech s role in Chelsea s success this last 11 years. Truth is that Mourinho knows Cechs best was some years ago or he d be his No 1 still. I still say that hes not a solution and nowhere near worth 11 Million quid. Cech at times looks a tired shadow of what he once was. Wengers not likely to notice though. Him and goalkeepers are alien to each other. Mourinho should be a salesman. Hes doing a number on Wenger - as usual!

  43. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 19, 2015, 12:59 #72131

    King Jerremy - through gritted teeth I would have to admire the sheer chutzpah of Maureen if that was the case. Cannot make my mind up on Cech ?!? It should be brilliant for us but something gives me an unsettled feeling. Oh well we can only wait and see.

  44. King Jeremy

    Jun 19, 2015, 12:49 #72130

    I dearly hope i'm wrong, but I suspect all the Cech talk is simply Maureen trolling Wenger on a grand scale. A likely scenario is De Gea to Madrid, Lloris to Man u, Cech to spu*s. How much of kick would Maureen get out of that!

  45. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 19, 2015, 12:25 #72129

    i reckon I have uncovered a can of worms here! Lol

  46. Ron

    Jun 19, 2015, 12:02 #72128

    If FJ is Jamie's alter ego or vice versa he should stick with the FJ version. The FJ version makes so many valid points from time to time that only the badly blinkered AKBs would ever find uncomfortable. He should be re named 'Reality Joe'.

  47. radfordkennedy

    Jun 19, 2015, 11:34 #72127

    Jamerson... I doubt if you're a Sole Bay Inn man or the Lord Nelson,I'm guessing you're more of a Harbour Inn man along with all the weekend sailors in yellow wellies and rugby shirts who all seem to be called Alisdair and Penelope...I hope you got paid the slave labour going rate for picking,and I'm sure the other guys will be delighted to be thought of as 'negros'

  48. Tony Evans

    Jun 19, 2015, 9:50 #72126

    Finsbury er I mean Jamerson doth protest too much methinks!

  49. Tony Evans

    Jun 19, 2015, 8:27 #72125

    Ron - Yes money alone is not enough, you need a top manager too. Now what club does that remind me of over in Fulham Road!

  50. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 18, 2015, 23:30 #72124

    Jameson and Finsbury depart the blog the same day then reappear at the same time. Very suspicious if you ask me. I live close to Southwold these days and frequent the pubs. Didn't hear of any DFL's having a barney but of course Jameson it must be true.

  51. Rocky the King

    Jun 18, 2015, 22:06 #72123

    Finsbury, You hit the nail on the head. Ambition Ambition Ambition!!!! Entrepreneurs realize how to change and take advantage of the market. Kroenke got given the dynasty by the late Danny Fizsman RIP who I blame for this mess. The late Fiszman let his feud with David Dein allow him to say anyone but the choice of Dein. Kroenke is no entrepreneur in Arsenal terms. He never risked any money yet got all the shares, Kroenke should hang his head in shame. A selfish yank who is scared of meeting fans and justifying his actions. Gazidis is his bitch and Wenger his stooge.

  52. Finsbury Joe

    Jun 18, 2015, 21:26 #72122

    This Nigerian guy will never happen. A guy seemingly with ambition , wanting success and a change of direction out of mediocrity! Success, now there's a thing. That concept alone would knock a few at the club, and fanbase right out of their little fluffy comfortable bubble

  53. Exeter Gunner

    Jun 18, 2015, 20:48 #72121

    The African billionaire represents the 'unknown' - who knows what changes he would make? - and therefore is feared by conservatives. The American billionaire represents the 'known' - and unconditionally supports the even greater 'known', the manager - and so is clung to by those same conservatives.

  54. Unchives

    Jun 18, 2015, 20:36 #72120

    We already have two wealthy owners, however under FFP rules, we can only spend what the club generates. As for getting rid of Jack...... Arteta, Rosicky, Flamini are on their last legs, Cazorla has maybe two seasons left because of his age, how much will it cost to replace these players?

  55. Badarse

    Jun 18, 2015, 20:23 #72119

    Leave the fish heads off the pizza jj. How uneducated is uneducated? Power without redress leads to...The South Downs Way, perhaps?

  56. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 18, 2015, 19:56 #72118

    Jamie son - Your offer of news about your sojourn in the Norfolk Suffolk borders is making me tremble with excitement. Were you up there scouting some canaries and tractor boys for your beloved chelski's fourth team perchance? I hope the trip there in your sedan chair went well and that not too many of your family, ooops, underlings died while trying to satisfy your need for speed. Tbh, I thought you'd have holidayed somewhere a little more exotically nouveau riche like canvey island.

  57. jjetplane

    Jun 18, 2015, 19:41 #72117

    BAdARSE goes all colonial and gets on his white horse with tales of African despots. Are you really that uneducated? Cue sketches, followed by persecution complexities (there have been stirrings) followed by an exit of sorts. Actually think if Arsenal moved to Nigeria would be an interesting development in the modern game and could change the nature of a sport which is losing it's way. Only way is Lagos. Bring it on and give back Arsenal the soul it has lost. I hear Chelsea are moving to NYC so anything is possible. The Championship will be the new PL and Giroud will play for the domestic B side. Sorted.

  58. Badarse

    Jun 18, 2015, 18:35 #72116

    Bonsoir Rocky. Thanks for the article. Speculation isn't my cup of tea, a cup of tea is my cup of tea. Boring! How diverse we are. AMG would celebrate Dangote's arrival, I would feel like jumping off the cliff. A despot is a dangerous mutation of humanity, why look what pizza does to jj, and don't ask what jj does to a pizza.

  59. Teo Walnutt

    Jun 18, 2015, 18:26 #72115

    Jameson is so brilliant he played 13 minutes in the biggest game of our season the cup final.You love Wenger so are you saying he is wrong by not playing Wilshere His injury record is a joke only surpassed by Douglas Diaby Bader.

  60. Rocky the King

    Jun 18, 2015, 17:53 #72114

    Well everyone, I had a right giggle reading all of your comments. I am trying to establish interactive blogs where your comments are not only read but replied too. However despite the ability to bring the Internet around on Smart phones, a little thing call the day job gets in the way of a prompt response. Special praise for the banter between the regulars Ron,Bard, Badarse and Tony. Ilaughed my socks off at the Jamerson "I'm here so I'll comment and let you know about my hols later too" contribution. but the star prize goes to Bard's friends son who got a bollocking for looking for serious facts. In for Messi? get lost he's got too much attitude...LMFAO!!!!

  61. AMG

    Jun 18, 2015, 17:49 #72113

    Would be brilliant to have Dangote as owner, not so much for his credentials or the money, but Arsenal are such a well supported team in Africa and becoming African owned would mean so much to the incredible supporters we have over there. I wouldn't touch Sterling with a barge pole and I'd leave Cech alone, once a great keeper, but not the answer to our problems.

  62. Badarse

    Jun 18, 2015, 17:31 #72112

    If Jack went for £40 million would that make project youth a success? Only asking.

  63. jjetplane

    Jun 18, 2015, 17:01 #72111

    Talking of ageing in the squad. Whatabout ageing at management level. Read that JW having had a 15 min final then drank straight for 24 hrs and I reckon the rest of the players who put in a shift gave him short shrift at the Town Hall. It is not any of that 'live and die for your club' line which does not exist in the modern game. Seems to be a regular conveyor belt to Citeh and 40m will make SK and AW very snug little bunnies. it would be a laugh seeing JW singing Blue Moon if he won a Pl medal. Kinda sum all the plastic passion up really. Anyway - seems Chelski have won the FA youth cup 4 times in the last 6 years with even with the gas man in attenadance. Say what you like he enjoys his footer more than Stan does and that is why they could go on to dominate for certainly the next decade. They even have a new Terry lined up in their own ranks. Whatever happened to Arsene's likely lads who also poorly defend at their level. If JW really is on all day benders is it any suprise his body is such a reckless entity that is forever going where it shouldn't. To reiterate a most tired point. Arsene in the PL days had a team that ran itself. Now he has a team that needs guidance and none is on offer. With all this transfer activity encircling cyberspace, what of dear Calum and family and Arsenal's part in their downfall ......

  64. Ron

    Jun 18, 2015, 16:50 #72110

    Tony - Never thought about FFP like that before, but you're right, it is a barrier to Utd ruling the roost. Gotta be good mate! Chelsea and City are our saviours!! Ive always thought much is made of Chelsea in the market, City too. It was always the case that Utd and years ago, Liverpool dominated the acquisition of the best players wasnt it. Liverpool's dominance was ran on big buys for 30 years and Utds was. Lost more money now of course, but the principle s the same. Utd still went 26 years without a title despite the cash flow they had, so it wasnt always money that gteed success, it was management which they lacked for years.

  65. Bard

    Jun 18, 2015, 16:42 #72109

    WearYC; sensible comment mate, just one problem Wenger doesnt rotate, never has. he only makes small adjustments if he has to. He prefers to play the same team for every game.

  66. Wear Your Colurs

    Jun 18, 2015, 15:52 #72108

    I expect them to play in a significant number of games as Le Prof rotates the squad throughout the season.

  67. Tony Evans

    Jun 18, 2015, 15:40 #72107

    Agree Ron - transfers are the life blood of football and when your club splashes the cash on a truly top player it sets the pulses racing doesn't it - even now when my enthusiasm for the game is nothing like it has been. I for one am glad FFP has been relaxed - at least this will ensure United don't rise back to the top completely unchallenged and they will still have Chelsea and City to reckon with. Would love to include Arsenal in the equation but that's not going to happen unless the club has a complete change of priorities.

  68. Ron

    Jun 18, 2015, 15:20 #72106

    True Tony. Its the other side of that coin that's so conditional and luck dependent isn't it. If the sheik shakes his wallet, Wenger and that Board will be all ears i guess.The Club is first and foremost a producer and seller of players as this African guy correctly states. All players are 'for sale' aren't they. Its only ever a matter of how much. When you think about it, if it wasn't for the transfer market footie would be pretty dull.Its what gives it the oxygen it needs esp in today's media fuelled superstar game. Its certainly not the quality of the play that keeps the punters gripped.

  69. Bard

    Jun 18, 2015, 14:54 #72105

    WearYC; who are Wally and Jack going to replace in the current set up ?

  70. Tony Evans

    Jun 18, 2015, 14:52 #72104

    If you look at Wilshire in the cold light of day, taking in to account his injury record, you would take the first serious offer over say £30M. The trouble is on the other side of the coin you have a player who could be coming in to his prime, whose talent has been completely wasted by Wenger playing him out of position. Then factor in that we have a relatively aging midfield who will need replacing before long and the answer as to whether we should cash in on him or not is far from clear cut. My worry is the thought of him coming good at City and Wenger doing nothing of note with the money raised anyway. On balance I think he has enough talent to merit keeping him, especially if Wenger starts to play to his strengths.

  71. Wear Your Colours

    Jun 18, 2015, 14:27 #72103

    I would not sell Wilshere to City for any price they care to name,he is quite simply the most creative young midfielder in England (have a look at the rest of Hodgson's squad!). Along with Jack, I believe that Walcott will be banging in plenty of goals for the Gunners over the next few season so I don't see a swap deal with Liverpool either. I keep an open mind about Cech; some reservations about his recent form, but I live in hope that should we secure his signing he could do a Van der Sar and play brilliantly in his mid-thirties. COYG!

  72. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 18, 2015, 14:10 #72102

    David, and as far as Arsenal and OGL are concerned if your reading them forget about them.

  73. Ron

    Jun 18, 2015, 14:04 #72101

    Baddie - id say its more than an outside chance that AW wont buy. Its quite a strong possibility.Interesting little comment by 'Mac'on Kev Whitchers thread re JW - 76062. Likens JW to 'a Spurs player'. Its a very good point, constructively made and strips back the hyperbole that surrounds and clouds the Wilshere enigma. Of course its all opinion, such is life.

  74. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 18, 2015, 13:59 #72100

    Thanks for the rumours round up (and there are a hell of a lot of them where this club and OGL are concerned)but the one that sticks out is the Africa's richest man wants Arsenal one, let's hope it's more than that and he does what he feels/says and starts with the manager.

  75. Bard

    Jun 18, 2015, 13:57 #72099

    Baddie I quite enjoy the silly season. A friend of mine's son is a journo and was asked to write a piece about transfers. After a day or so of scouring contacts he went back to the sports ed and told him there was nothing much going on. The ed gave him a bollocking and told him to just make it up. I have it on good authority that we are in for Messi !!!!

  76. Badarse

    Jun 18, 2015, 13:49 #72098

    David, wheat from the chaff? Sounds almost biblical. Come on mathematician, the media are doing a number on you. Short answer is you don't take any notice of the rags. I don't read so am disinterested-my voice will not influence, so why bother? I have things to say but once said the guns fall silent. Others just keep loading up and re-firing. JW isn't for sale-end of! Should he stay or go? Points for discussion but they are just personal views. Whisper this quietly but there is just the outside chance we may not buy anyone, and realistically a lone arrival may appear over the horizon. This will be the cue for much gnashing of teeth, renting of hair, and a surge of filled prescriptions for blood pressure tablets. Divisions of AFC fans will resemble the parting of the Red Sea-so make sure you bring a bucket and spade.

  77. David

    Jun 18, 2015, 13:18 #72094

    There seems to be more speculation about Arsenal targets than any other club. In today's press: Monaco’s Aymen Abdennour,Juve's Arturo Vidal, Napoli's Higuian, Porto's Jackson Martinez, amongst others. How are you supposed to separate the wheat from the chaff?

  78. shu

    Jun 18, 2015, 13:08 #72093

    I don't want Sterling but i can see us selling Jack for 30 mill +. Yes a great game last weekend but he is not first choice and his injury record unfortunately speaks for itself.

  79. Rocky the King

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:47 #72092

    Ok Bard, I see where you are coming from with the Wenger mentality and desire to make more money, but isn't time to stop selling our best players? As Dartford pointed out we have an ageing midfield and Jack is not even in his prime and Man City want to buy the best players. Tony, I agree with your comments about Raheem Stirling, definitely over hyped!!! As for an African owner? Arsenal would make millions more from a keen African interest, I still think that Kroenke might bite and as for Usmanov soon sanctions will bar him from the UK anyway.

  80. Ron

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:41 #72091

    Hi Rocky - ha. Alas, i think fundamentally they are still a selling Club at the right, albeit higher prices now. SK isn't a leopard to change his spots im guessing and ive mentioned be fore re JW ive an inkling that Wenger, deep down isn't too enamoured with him.The all action, bustle, tackle and charge style isnt for Wenger really is it. He abdicated from having any designs on physical football a very long time ago now. Personally i think 30 Mill plus would be good sell. I don't think JW will ever be consistently present in any team. Arsene does know a good sale opportunity when he sees one, credit due. Hes not made many errors on his sale prices this last 10 years. The old fox has ripped a few Clubs off and i reckon Man City if they buy Wilshere could just be his repeat victims again. AW s still celebrating the daft prices he got for Adebayor Toure Clichy and Nasri.

  81. Dartford gooner

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:35 #72090

    Yes great sell jack, we have three midfield players over 30 who will need replacing soon. It makes great sense to sell one of the best young players in the country. Even if we got £40m how far would that go if we buy the 3 players James seems to think we are going to buy. If jack is not a first choice pick even when fit why would Man City pay £40m for him?. People have very short memories when Ramsey came back from injury and looked poor many on here said get rid, not many saying that now.

  82. Bard

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:32 #72089

    Rocky mate I love your enthusiasm, 'title contenders with a couple of signings'. I nearly fell off my chair. Most of us have been saying that for the last 10 years but it never happens. Sorry but Im with Ron and James on the Wilshere situation. He doesnt love the club enough to spend his career on the bench. Under the current regime there isnt a spot for him. Ozil has that place, Santi is more consistent and Rambo scores more goals. We need to cash in before he becomes Diaby the second. We need reinforcements elsewhere.

  83. Tony Evans

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:24 #72088

    Certainly do not want to see Sterling at Arsenal - not as good as he likes to think he is and as usual the media have over-hyped him due to the paucity of English talent in general. As for Wilshire if a silly money offer is made I think James is right and Wenger would go for it big time. Personally I would like to see him have one more year to prove himself worthy of a more regular first team spot - assuming he stays free of injuries that is. As for the African billionaire story I can't see any mileage in that at all.

  84. Rocky the King

    Jun 18, 2015, 12:15 #72087

    James are you seriously saying that a fit Jack Wilshere is not one of the first names on the Arsenal team sheet??? Alongside Cazorla it has been a match made in heaven in my book. Makes up for the inconsistency of Özil as well. I'm shocked or just blinkered because he is so much a Gooner! Ron, please don't make me think that Arsenal are still a selling club. That would see me starting up with more Wenger out blogs. What about Kroenke? How useless has he been as an owner? Isn't it time that Arsenal fans gave him the stick he deserves? What a pathetic US import. Please Stan, if you are reading this, go back to Denver and take Ivan and Josh with you and don't return!!!

  85. Ron

    Jun 18, 2015, 11:57 #72086

    James has it right. Anything north of 30 plus would see Arsenal preparing to sell. It would be a good price too. Personally i wouldn't want Sterling. His next party piece is when he starts humping Madrids leg. Seems like a surly Adebayor type to me and moreover hes not brilliant.