Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 1

The Best and Worst Section

Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 1

Alexis – No surprise as your pick for best player

Arsenal Player of the Season 2014/15
1. Alexis Sanchez - 81%
2. Santi Cazorla – 11%
3. Francis Coquelin – 5%

No surprises here! Our red hot Chile pepper almost makes it a clean sweep at the end of his first season at The Arse. How we loved his desire, energy and commitment to the cause. We were quick to forgive him when matches towards the end of the season passed him by, and we prayed to the gods that he would remain fit despite being over played. Sanchez produced the goods in the FA Cup semi-final, and finished off the season with that goal in the final. Interesting that Rambo was our top man last year and I am sure his winning goal in that final swayed a few floating voters. Can we dream that our Chilean will be even better next season now that he’s more used to his team-mates style? He certainly developed more of an understanding with Ozil and Monreal as the season went on.

Most Improved Arsenal Player in the last 12 months
1. Francis Coquelin - 63%
2. Nacho Monreal - 20%
3. Hector Bellerin - 16%

Certainly no Coq and bull story here as young Francis received nearly two thirds of the votes to become our most improved player. How ironic that with Wiggy, Rambo and Jack all crocked, our esteemed manager realised that the cupboard was bare and turned to the Frenchman in what must have been a last resort with the season half gone. From the moment Coquelin stepped on the pitch at West Ham at the end of December, we never looked back as we went on a breathtaking run, hugely aided and abetted by this young warrior’s performances.

Most Disappointing Arsenal Player 2014/15
1. Mathieu Flamini - 31%
2. Kieran Gibbs - 23%
3. Danny Welbeck - 16%

A word in defence for M. Flamini, who, for no fault of his own this season, he’s become the poor man’s Coq. Is it fair that nearly a third of you voted him your duffer of the year whilst my selection, (whisper it quietly), Ozil, took a long time to get into gear following his World Cup sortie. I despaired when he fannied around the pitch just going through the motions until he started to click in recent weeks.

Best Team Performance 2014/15
1. 2-0 v Manchester City (A) - 43%
2. 4-0 v Aston Villa (FAC Final) - 30%
3. 4-1 v Liverpool (H) - 18%
4. 2-1 v Manchester United (A) - 7%

A bit spoilt for choice here because when we were good, we were very very good. A huge chunck of you voted for the away game at Citeh for obvious reasons as our win was not only unexpected, it also gave us a glimpse that we could at last mix it with the big boys with a rugged and resilient performance. This win gave the whole side confidence that we could go anywhere and do the business and demonstrated that it wasn’t a one off as the cup game at Old Trollop proved.

Worst Team Performance 2014/15
1. 1-3 v Monaco (H) - 67%
2. 0-2 v Southampton (A) - 9%
3. 1-2 v Tottenham (A) - 8%
4. 0-2 v Borussia Dortmund (A) - 6%

Alas, we were a bit spoilt for choice in this department, too, but a whopping 67% of you joined me in wanting to forget the Monaco game. There was a collective banging heads against a brick wall as we suffered during this game watching an embarrassing performance of tactical naivety. If only….. P.S. Anderlecht at home and Dortmund away were rather horrible too, so there is obvious work to do in Europe.

Best Arsenal Goals 2014/15
1. Sanchez v Aston Villa (FAC Final)
2. Ramsey’s 2nd v Galatasaray (A)
3. Wilshere v WestBrom (H)
4. Sanchez v Liverpool (H)
5. Rosicky v Brighton (A)
6. Giroud v Manchester United (H)
7. Walcott v WestBrom (H)

Every one of these magnificent seven strikes could be watched over and over again, and you would still derive much pleasure. But you’re right, folks. That Sanchez Cup Final goal will ensure that the stupid smile on my face will remain in place throughout the summer. Everything about the goal was top class, from the moment Alexis picked up the ball, to when Monreal took out two defenders on the dummy overlap, to that incredible strike from out of the blue. Bloody hell, it’s gone in……… GGOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!

Do you consider Arsenal have progressed this season in terms of football performance compared to the previous season?
Yes - 87%
No- 10%
Don’t Know - 3%

This could easily be the title of an essay, but 87% of you guys liked what you saw, although it didn’t start off that way at the start of the season. We will do even better next season if we can eliminate the assortment of rank displays like Swansea (H & A), ManUre (H), Stoke (A) and Totts (A). But it will be the last game of the season which we all tend to most remember and our Wembley performance showed a new confidence, mentality and “being used to the occasion”. Last year we were nervous against Hull, but this year we were totally focussed.

Whilst recognising that summer transfer dealings will play a large part in how we fare neat season, at this point in time how optimistic are you about our prospects of competing for the Premier League title in 2015/16?
Extremely optimistic 14%
Quite optimistic - 60%
Unsure - 15%
Quite pessimistic - 9%
Extremely pessimistic - 2%

Another essay title, and I am sure that much will be written in this vein between now and when the first ball is kicked in anger. Nice to see that a goodly chunk of you are quite optimistic, although there’s still 2% of you who have abandoned all hope. C’mon guys, at least we no longer have to watch a team sprinkled with the likes of The Spanish Waiter, Ebouseless, Diabolical, Deckchair Denilson and Barry.

A pdf of part one of the Gooner Survey results can be downloaded from this link

Part 2 of the results – the Squad section – will be online next week

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 08, 2015, 23:29 #72606

    Jammeeeepeeet - seriously mate, are you schizophrenic? If you've got a dual personality, you'll doubtless wish to be aware that I dislike both of them. Get back on that medicine pronto otherwise you'll end up being sectioned outside the Chelsea gift shop.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 08, 2015, 23:15 #72605

    Alsace, you couldn't make it up, sack able offence already, and no doubt more to come.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 08, 2015, 22:37 #72604

    The execrable Jamie. Wow you really are a superfan aren't cha? I hope you didn't racially abuse those girls (but I'd bet my mortgage that you did). So you got the blue (home) shirt and the away (white) one. You and your big, hard brother will look like a pair of dog's b*ll*x wearing those down at the bridge matey.

  4. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 21:33 #72603

    Janet and John were very affectionate towards each other, stray dogs, and on occasions lampposts. This stems from the problems Janet encountered at pre-school and everything that had happened to him since. John on the other hand was a chap with a stiff upper lip, which covered much of his chin, a sense of misguided purpose, and a belief system which only in extreme moments failed him. They sat well together, and often stood, sometimes they would just lean against each other, or put their heads against a wall for the sheer excitement of it all. When either felt overcome by the moment they would just wander off and pee through a nearby letterbox, yodelling as they did-what scamps they were! Oh and they also thought we'd be better off without Arsene Wenger, then again they both hid frozen peas in their trouser turn ups, so who knows if they were right or wrong.

  5. Alsace

    Jul 08, 2015, 20:00 #72602

    Have just heard the disastrous news that Arteta will be wasting everybody's time and money for another year. The idea that Podolski is dispensable but Arteta is not is ludicrous. The manager is back to his terrible worst.

  6. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 19:46 #72601

    Janet and John go to football match and get upset because it was like the circus they were at a week before. The man with the shed was also looking strangely at Janet and so they ran all the way home where mummy gave them chips and a new football to play in the garden with. Mummy says she will take Janet and John to the real circus again. They finished their chips and went out to play football. They laughed about the old man they had seen who was speaking with a funny accent. Goal!

  7. Bard

    Jul 08, 2015, 19:24 #72600

    Im delighted Pete managed to find a shirt to fit him. Next on the shopping list Pete is Janet and John volume 3. Then onto sentences and around November you can try paragraphs. Start with a something like I fully support the Boss because and then you try to back up your point. Then people respond to that point. I think its called a discussion or a debate. Or the other preferred method of many on here is to call one of the other posters a twat or something similar. If you really feel inspired I suggest you go and read all my posts which are full to the gills ( sorry cant get fishing out of my head) of magical ideas and football knowledge. I am happy to mentor you Pete. If you send me your thumb prints I will translate them into coherent arguments. I have to confess that I have tried and failed with Coleysboysetc, I wanted thumb prints and all he sent me were scribbles and dribbles.

  8. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 18:30 #72599

    There is no new stadium westlower, they are still flogging virtual reality tours-is that name in lieu of them being Tottenham?

  9. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 17:52 #72598

    Confessions of a Window Cleaner .....

  10. Westlower

    Jul 08, 2015, 17:38 #72597

    Good to hear that our neighbours new stadium has been named 'the toilet'. Great design feature that the sh*t has somewhere to go! Will they still be a PL club by the time it opens?

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 08, 2015, 17:05 #72596

    Jamerson - the Online Gooner has a Gallery section. How about sending in that picture of your magnificent physique in your new kit with girls hanging off your arms? I'm sure it'd be published.

  12. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 16:29 #72595

    Interesting E/G. a true artist with that one, but like a few it can be said, 'He draws a good line, but never knows where to draw it!'

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 08, 2015, 16:20 #72594

    Aside from AKB v WOB, there is another dividing line on this blog: Those who offer something to engage with, like Bard, jj, Badarse, Westlower... and those who don't, like Jamie/Peter, goonercolesyboy.

  14. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 16:07 #72593

    Oh jj, don't be a snob, you know humour is subjective. 'Last of...' whimsical, but not for me. All time favourite, 'MASH', modelled myself on Hawkeye Pearce-now I can't stop 'bleeping' when I watch Wimbledon. 'Fawlty'-untouchable! Soap was a favourite too. Loved Burt, by the way you and Ron remind me of Chuck and Bob. 'Cheers' a special show too. Baton handed over.

  15. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 15:44 #72592

    Aargh! mag and jj and another STD joke. Press button B to get your monet back.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 08, 2015, 15:15 #72591

    jj, it looks like they'll have to make the phone boxes bigger after all.

  17. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 08, 2015, 15:07 #72590

    Let me get that rather irritating hook out of your oversized and swollen lip Exeter. Gotta laugh.

  18. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 15:05 #72589

    Bet you love Last of the Summer Wine too .... Would explain your attempts at humour.

  19. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 14:58 #72588

    D: Whadja reckon, Rodders?-R: I think it's, er, very deep, but pacific Del Boy.-D: Deep? Pacific? Nah, it's just like a small pond or somefink, innit? You plonker!-R: No, not the lake in the painting Del, I mean, kinda deep in perspective, an' calm like, an' that.-D: You are a dipstick, Rodney. Now what's that one worth, I wonder?-R: What the Monet?-D: Of course the money. What's it worth?-R: No, it's a Monet, like 'Moan-ay'.-D: Like a Blue Moany, ha ha. Geddit?-R: Yeah, funny Del.-D: So and that one isn't too cushty, another Moany?-R: Cezanne.-D: Says Anne? Nah, says me, Rodney. Clean yer ears out. Now where is the nearest pie and mash shop? We might bump into old radfordkennedy in there with 'is 'trouble'.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 08, 2015, 14:53 #72587

    westie, nice one.

  21. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 13:53 #72586

    One size fits all cultural criticism. Would you know a Monet or a Cezanne if put in front of you? Paper thin .....

  22. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 13:26 #72585

    Don't get blood on them Pete, wear your rubber apron, practical as well as scary! Touche E/G, I liked that response. radfordkennedy loved your post-like jeff wright in his sandals, grey socks and shorts-very revealing. Never been but am in awe of those painters. Had a friend who went a few years ago and was stupefied by the splendour-and I suppose that deja vu feel you spoke of. Ethereal, mystifying...hang on my Thesaurus just fell off the table, and hauntingly beautiful, and that's enough about my wife. The trip radfordkennedy could only be bettered with a bowl of stewed eels as you perambulated around the gardens-I see you doing the eel-bone mouth contortions before spitting the offending and bare bone into the flowers. My wife bought red and white petunias for the garden, (often does), and in a Darwinian moment one grew through in red and white. I looked for the face of Arsene Wenger on the petals but had no joy, though have found a couple of snails resembling jj near it.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 08, 2015, 13:01 #72584

    Well done, goonercolesyboy, that's three lines, you're developing. Still nothing of substance there though. For a one liner to work, it needs to be witty or clever. But if you cant be bothered or are simply incapable of thinking, then fine.

  24. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 08, 2015, 12:53 #72583

    Oh Exeter, your lack of understanding of the one liner or snipe is strange. All of your anti Arsenal mates on here will hold their heads in disbelief, as that is their mode of operating, wondering why one of their own is perplexed. Can't handle it can you?

  25. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 12:48 #72582

    Pete/Jamie, shed/warehouse, armoury/xxxxl. Good to know Arsene FC have got some right hard men in their ranks. Wonder how it will look if Baddie stood shoulder to shoulder with Pete (who I'm assuming is a pre-digital animation). Gotta pie n mash! ho ho ho! Rumours re Kos seen shopping in Madrid are unfounded. Or Jack cruising Moss Side with some goalie. or that Ozil is having singing lessons is is about to embark on a career in pop music. lies, all lies ......

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 08, 2015, 11:50 #72581

    Be honest, Pete/Jamie - you're that big housebound fella off Paul Whitehouse's 'Nurse', aren't you?

  27. Pete

    Jul 08, 2015, 11:08 #72580

    I'm off down the armoury today to get the latest home and away shirts ready for the big kick.They were supposed to have got my size in specially as there were none last week,XXXXL all muscle not fat.Then it's 2 hours hard graft in the gym and then off to pick up some stock for two of my brothers shops from the warehouse.Stay positive Gooners and don't let the complainers like Exeter get you down.

  28. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 08, 2015, 10:31 #72579

    Badarse - The truth, as we both know, is I don't challenge the likes of jj because I get his disenchantment with modern football and AFC. It's funny as well. Similarly, you don't challenge Jamie's overtly offensive views or goonercolesy's dim-witted one line sniping (he's just done it again) because they are pro-Wenger. If they were otherwise you'd be regularly upbraiding them both, as they both post in the very manners you profess to find unedifying in others. That's what's behind both of us leaving some unchallenged. The router stuff is just a running joke that remains quite amusing.

  29. radfordkennedy

    Jul 08, 2015, 10:13 #72578

    Badarse...pie mash n liqour,with a bowl of eels on the side,now youre talking,food of the Gods mate...Manzes in chapel street market being my favourite a quick aside mate,i know both you and Ron like art,well ive got to tell you baddie my wife met me last week before coming back to blighty for a few days and took me to see Monets house and garden,what a stunningly beautiful place,i got the strong feeling of having been there before when walking round the gardens untill i realised that both Cezanne and Matise as well as the man himself had painted the bridge and surroundings many times.If you ever find yourself in the Giverny area you gotta go.

  30. Pete

    Jul 08, 2015, 9:54 #72577

    Best players,a bunch of donkey's more like Wenger was best rid of them.Fabregas the only good one among them and that was out of his hands.Arsenewbest if you want every Arsenal player ever to be your teddy,that's not going to happen,Wenger had to let some go back then but not anymore we're one of the top 3 attractions in Europe now along with Barca and Madrid.Got a season ticket for the first time in 15 years this year in the NB and can't wait to get back singing all those old songs the ones not considered pc mainly.I will also not tolerate anybody giving it large against the team.If they do have a care...

  31. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 9:52 #72576

    ArseneKB. That is an interesting list but the most illuminating is the club 'lying to fans', piece of criticism. I have never felt the club have lied to me. The government, yes. The monarchy, yes. The establishment, yes. The military, yes. Every advertising and marketing spiel, yes. The cinema, yes, theatre, TV, yes. In fact you name it. Oh you did, you cherry-picked the club. Does anyone truly believe the sales pitch of anyone in a selling mode? These are just sound bites, or rallying cries. Naivety of the highest order, surely? We want, nay desire, nay demand, so is it any wonder we are spoon fed a bitter pill sugar-coated? Try reading between the lines. The same goes for the long since used argument, used to pummel AW in cowardly and dim fashion, you know the one, 'I wouldn't mind if the club told us the truth and how it really is.' What? The club and it's position is sold daily, as is everything else today-one big frenetic market place. No club will say, 'Oh by the way, we haven't been able to do this, no money to achieve that, no desire to go this way, this player is no good, manager was wrong, etc'. We have to make up our own minds, though nowadays that seems even more a distant wish than it really should be. Ah, if only we were octopi, two brains, three hearts, and a penis as long as their arm-tentacle. You know if they lived for longer than their 5 year life span many believe they would have ruled the world, or ruled the waves, or was that waived the rules? Oh, my one brain aches. Perhaps Arsene will get another 5 years soon-how I hope for that.

  32. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 08, 2015, 9:31 #72575

    Hey Pete - another blunt, negative, limply-threatening wenger-man joins the diminishing band of brothers who'd welcome a love-in with the unacceptable faces of footballing mediocrity. Just a friendly word of advice - avoid the temptation to support the execrable Jamee 'cos I reckon he's a wrong 'un. Here's a reply to the question you posed which I hope is suitably brief and sanguine (as opposed to flemmy) for a busy reader such as yourself. "eightfookingtwo" If that didn't stir you sufficiently, then how does selling a number of our best players to our rivals, or perennially lying to fans that the good times are just around the corner.

  33. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 08, 2015, 8:42 #72574

    Exeter, your last post to me just sums you up, lost in a sea of disbelievers, like a sprat in a shoal just waiting to be eaten, no?

  34. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2015, 8:12 #72573

    Morning my little egg rolls, especially Bard-I liked that post. All this talk of fish takes me back to days before becoming a vegetarian, Hari Belafonte Krishna, and all round convert to Stan's empire building. I loved jellied eels-and stewed ones! Had a 'Daddy or chips' moment years ago when I first met my wife. Went to a party and was astonished to see two huge enamel bowls of jellied eels in the kitchen. Big decision, but the eels won, and rolling my sleeves up to my elbows I plunged into the bowl, and believe I did for the entire contents. Incidentally, pie and mash shops were probably the first take aways. Remember scuttling down to the shop off the Old Kent Road as a nipper-mid fifties; took an enamel jug for the liquor, bag of pies, and a dinner plate whereby the chap scraped portions of mash around the sides of it. Carried it home to the family. Ahh, Crabber-locker fish wife!

  35. Bard

    Jul 08, 2015, 7:59 #72572

    Some great stuff Westie, very funny. Pete good to see youre back. Are you out on day release or is this permanent ? Sorry you havent understood the complex arguments posted by the Wobs but in truth Im not surprised. I suspect that anything more complex than 'get behind the lads' probably causes a mental meltdown. If I might suggest a remedial course action Pete go back and read all my previous posts with a dictionary at hand and you will find that they will bring colour and wisdom to your black and white world.

  36. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2015, 0:13 #72571

    David O'Leary at Wimbledon today. He used to be at Leeds no? Looks well. Wonder if he is on first name terms with Stan? Someone has to put a stop to this trophy drought Pete has enlightened to. Cheers mucker! Apples and coffee are good for the old ahem .... flem .... Trout Mask Replica.

  37. Pete

    Jul 07, 2015, 23:21 #72570

    Don't expect any of my sweets you foolish WOB's if all you're going to do is drench us all in flem.I've been coming on this site for years and never heard any of you come up with any decent arguments as to why Wenger should leave accept the old trophy drought verbiage and made up poppycock.Lets see you put together some decent arguments for once instead of just name calling,you bunch of knuckle-headed numb-nuts.

  38. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2015, 22:17 #72569

    Oh you shiver of sharks, you shoal of Dorys, suck on a fisherman's friend, (if you know where he has been), no cockleshell heroes, an Octopussy's garden would be great as they are incredibly intelligent-ask James Bond, Stargazy pizza, semolina pilchard, and I am the Walrus! Goo Goo G'Joob.

  39. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2015, 21:59 #72568

    OK E/G. Most on this website have some sort of a problem, because most people do. OK so far? In a real life situation people adhere to general rules. Mainly because they are trained to-part of upbringing-and this accounts for the necessary amount of civility to just act as a glue to a reasonable level of behaviour. When people are let off the leash, like dogs, some roll on their backs to have their bellies tickled, but some find the nearest leg to hump. I personally found this site interesting but it quickly showed itself as a one trick pony and I grew bored. I tried to make light and josh around, but around every corner people were ready to do their 'crazy' thing. That too is boring. When I flit away that too is challenged. That my friend, is laughable. I leave Jamerson to his own devices as he doesn't represent me, and winds up many who need winding up. Tit for tat. Tell me why you never quiz jj, or any other poster when they slag off everyone and everything Arsenal under a cloak of pseudo enlightenment, or superior knowledge? See? Some go unchallenged, don't they? It isn't just you, none of the other crew pull up dim-witted posts etc, so all are guilty. Yet of what? Cowardice? You are mistaken, either obtusely so, or gullibility kicks in because People would have a go at me no matter what. I make a big enough target, and because I always do an Arnie, (cannot stand that man), I just melt away, then reappear-a veritable Cheshire Cat, no less. The civilization thing sounds pretty dramatic, but wasn't intended as a headline grabber. I genuinely am concerned for what we are leaving the kids, both materially but more importantly mentally/ethically. Without resources but with a determined approach anything is possible, not if the situation is reversed. This site has long since been a bun fight, and you know it. Just by way of an awkward but legitimate example, I am the world's worst techno man. I cannot abide all the 'stuff'. The computer-my wife's-played up and I just shrugged with a silly smile on my face. After talking to her friends she told me the router was something or other-broken! I mentioned that and it is regularly trotted out as a 'joke' months later. Humour? Mmm. Thing is it isn't, is it? Inference that I deserted my post. So daft. I do laugh at my own failings though, except I often think others can't. This site is made up of pretenders. People who profess, yet their ages do not quite stack up. Others who haven't said a good word about AFC so are probably 'sleepers' or whatever a Sour interloper is. Spelling players' names incorrectly. So many dead giveaways. Jamerson is outrageous and does it on purpose, his persona is chameleon-like and it often oversteps the line, and now we have Pete offering free flying lessons. This isn't a proper football site, is it? goonercolesyboy is a chap I'd be happy with, an Arsenal fan. He is insulted-posters regularly misspell his monicker-it is done to me, just schoolboy silly stuff. When he gives back I applaud, and had I been able would have sought him out at Wembley for a drink. That is a positive outlook directed towards a kindred spirit. Now think of some fish terms.

  40. Westlower

    Jul 07, 2015, 21:33 #72567

    Maguiresbridge, you were right all along, as Arsene has spent his summer holidays on the beach at Brighton with a gang of grumpy old mods. I belatedly received this postcard from him: "Here by the sea & sand, nothing goes to plan." He then went on to say, "I've got a Gibson without a case, but I can't get that even tanned look on my face, but I'm one." He must have been under enormous stress from Stan as he confessed, "There's a millionaire above you and you're under his suspicion." Stan demanded to know where Arsene had disappeared to & was not amused when AW replied "Where have I been? Out of my mind on the 5.15! A beach is a place where a man can feel he's the only soul in the world that's real. But I see a face coming through the haze, I remember him from those crazy days. Ain't you the guy who used to set the paces running up front of a thousand faces? I don't suppose you remember me but I used to follow you back in 63." Where would this country be without the Mod & Arsene revolution?? Latest odds on new Arsenal signings above £10m before 31st August- None 4/1; one 4/6; two 3/1; three 16/1; four or more 100/1.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 07, 2015, 21:24 #72566

    westie, cheers and there was me thinking he'd slipped into another dimension and was wandering around lost.

  42. Pete

    Jul 07, 2015, 18:46 #72565

    Well said Westlower.Arsenewbest and jjetplane,I find your posts rather irksome.

  43. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 07, 2015, 18:46 #72564

    Badarse - If you stand for 'reason, logic and common sense', then perhaps you could explain why you exercise it so selectively? Why, for instance, is Jamie - who regularly spews forth views you profess to have stood against all your life - never the recipient of your sage advice and guidance onto the right path? And how, from reading goonercolesy's posts, do you glean a 'positive outlook'? He embodies the sniping that you rail against. It's not even funny, clever sniping. It's really weak. So what is it about these two that makes you think you're somehow speaking for and with them, and that views and an approach you find wrongheaded and determined to speak up against in others should be excused and/or overlooked in their instances? And maybe calling others who don't share your particular strand of 'positive outlook' part of the 'simple herd' bringing about the downfall of civilisation could explain why people sometimes have a go at you, no?

  44. Westlower

    Jul 07, 2015, 17:56 #72563

    More fishing terms: Swimming against the tide; cod's wallop; slippery as an eel; trout mouth; leaps like a salmon; slimy as a bream; fishy story; WOB's carping again; Pikey's; cast a line, reel 'em in; fick'n'fin. @Maguiresbridge. Your hero has been spotted at London Colney By The Sea.

  45. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 07, 2015, 17:55 #72562

    I guess you think you're guarding against getting lost by simply traveling up and down the same one line street again and again, goonercolseyboy, but it blinds you to other avenues. Whatever you think of their actual views, if you think that Bard has 'nothing original to say' or that jj is 'illiterate' then that demonstrates very limited powers of comprehension. Which your little posts seem to confirm. Why don't you try expounding - why and where am I 'lost'? If you can't back up such statements, you're not saying anything at all. Try it.

  46. Bard

    Jul 07, 2015, 17:18 #72561

    Colesyboysetc; you got me there, hook line and sinker, done me up like a kipper, totally gutted. Have had a severe case of the fisherman's blues every since. I've run out of fishing cliches. Loyalty isnt a one way street, the club would do well to remember that the next time they start peddling porkies about ambition and while raising ticket prices. Blind loyalty is the domaine of the stupid.

  47. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 07, 2015, 17:12 #72560

    Got a sat nav Exeter? You are the one that is lost.

  48. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2015, 16:50 #72559

    You know goonercolseyboy, entering this website is like slipping into another dimension, isn't it? You have to suspend the reality you have existed in all your life; operate with an entirely alien set of ground rules, accept that the invisible man, with a limited understanding knows more than you, accept nonsense and rudeness-which wouldn't go unpunished in that other form of reality you believed to be common everywhere in the universe, even the Online Gooner. Determine that reason, logic and common sense shall not carry the day, but that a form of blustering, thinly veiled half-truths, griping, sniping, hyping, and wiping will offer the only way forward. That anyone who professes a positive outlook has somehow missed the whole point of existence. And all around the walls of civilisation come tumbling down because the path we all seem to be going down is that of the herd, and here they reside. They say that football is a simple game, but no one ever said that many fans are too.

  49. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 07, 2015, 16:49 #72558

    "You must have the fattest lip jj with that hook constantly engaged in your illiterate mouth"... "You have nothing original to say"... "Why discuss anything with the anti brigade"... "just a need to respond positively when the fortunes of this great club are discussed" goonercolesy, not only do you not understand the posts of others, you can't even follow yourself. But I'm sure what I'm pointing out here will be lost on you as well.

  50. Man United Killer

    Jul 07, 2015, 15:15 #72557

    Westlower, @ Gonzalo@67,000,000..I was thinking the same thing.Someone must really like writing zeros.

  51. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 07, 2015, 15:13 #72556

    Loyal to Arsenal football club, not an owner or chairman or even a manager. No paranoia here, just a need to respond positively when the fortunes of this great club are discussed. I can't say the same for others on here.

  52. Bard

    Jul 07, 2015, 15:09 #72555

    Very funny Baddie; I think the phrases that comes to mind are missing in action or router down, or internet malfunction. Meanwhile on we go hopefully to the awards presentation. Frankly I will be amazed if I dont get the gold medal for my unbelievably prescient post on needing a new keeper and lo and behold we have one in the bag the following week. You couldnt make it up.

  53. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2015, 14:43 #72554

    Ignored and persecuted. Life is so unfair. Good old reality.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 07, 2015, 13:39 #72553

    Bard, nice one.

  55. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2015, 13:39 #72552

    Bard and ArseneKB, if those views were valid then how come I get abuse? I mention something and the post responses degenerate into a custard pie throwing fiasco. Humour? Mmm, interesting. If I told you there is an 'Online Gooner Virtual Season's Award Presentation Evening', and the tickets are on sale soon, would it fill you with expectation or dread? Only asking.

  56. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 07, 2015, 12:35 #72551

    Coleslawboy - don't get paranoid, we're not ganging up on you. But Bard is right - all we get is reductionist one or two liners from you and the execrable Jameeeeee. You're the king of fishing metaphors these days, while your sidekick thinks it's funny to abuse minorities, women and people on low income. Why not raise your games and explain why you're so loyal to brand Kroenke. Moreover, it's just a cheap shot (and one which is easily seen through) to suggest that the rest of us are anti-Arsenal. If I was, do you think I'd spend any of my time of this site?

  57. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 07, 2015, 12:22 #72550

    Ah Bard, another one on the hook. Why discuss anything Arsenal with the anti brigade?

  58. Bard

    Jul 07, 2015, 11:44 #72549

    Colseyboysetc you obviously havent been reading my posts over the season many of which are now considered online gooner classics by the 83% who understand irony, humour and thoughtful debate. Moaning about wobs doesnt constitute thoughtful debate in my book. Why dont you give us all a treat and write something of length that we can discuss.

  59. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2015, 11:13 #72548

    Arteta makes a lot of sense as he works as both a mature model for the selling of shirts in the East while freeing up Theo from an ambassadorial overload so he can spend more time on the bench and in touchline interviews. The football is a by-product and I join the 87% in praising the Arsenal brand for it's unerring astuteness in the face of what is corrupt competition. Any rumours of Sanchez going back to Barca and Neymar coming to the Emirates are unfounded. Happy shopping.

  60. Ozzie

    Jul 07, 2015, 7:33 #72547

    You watch..and you watch..and you wait for it: Arteta signs a one year deal. Throw Cech into the mix and you wait..

  61. Bard

    Jul 07, 2015, 7:21 #72546

    Just read that Arteta has signed a new contract so we wont be buying a DM any time soon. He may be slow and always injured but by god he's cheap. 75% of those who support Arsenal but have never seen a football match think the boss has got that one spot on.

  62. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 06, 2015, 12:41 #72544

    Mark, if you bump into OGL on the beach say hello.

  63. Westlower

    Jul 06, 2015, 12:36 #72543

    Just read something extremely funny, Gonzalo Higuain has a £67,000,000 release clause in his contract. Someone must have forgot to put the decimal point between the 6 & 7?

  64. Mark from aylesbury

    Jul 06, 2015, 10:20 #72542

    Yes Jamerson I will . Wasn't the issue with Hobbits more their hairy feet? Cheers for now signing off for a week

  65. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 06, 2015, 9:41 #72541

    As I predicted in the last exchanges where you were using inapropriate language towards minority's you are using the Donald Trump defence of I can say what I want , freedom of speech Position. Fine Jamerson say whatever you want. As I suggested last time. It's more a question of why? Why are you railing against modern life. , why are you so against modern concepts of not isolating people by race or gender. As a number of people have suggested. At least some of what you say is made up tosh, perhaps all of it? Anyway superfan?!? Whatever! for all we know you might have been supporting Southampton from your Hampshire childhood. Still love Chelsea and zoned in on Wenger a few years back, Off on holiday now so happy days.

  66. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 05, 2015, 20:21 #72539

    Bard, pot and kettle. You have nothing original to say.

  67. Bard

    Jul 05, 2015, 19:53 #72538

    Goonercolseyboysee you need to guard against trespassing on Wob territory, always moaning about JJ or MG and others. As a brown noser you need to celebrate your devotion with an entertaining and thoughtful analysis. As far as I can see its a variation of 'get behind the boys'. We need a bit more analysis from the 'extremely optimistic' group. Cheap shots at other posters isnt an argument. Apparently 75% of the extremely optimistic group thought they were commenting on whether they would be alive the following day, Ed the questions need tweaking or twerking, I cant remember which it is.

  68. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2015, 18:38 #72537

    MG - we must be the 2% of the 2%. Quite on here. Must all be at Wenger Vespers. 'oh blessed Arsene ....' Funny stuff BARD and good to see at last some meaningful numbers on here. Looking forward to Sanchez's last season in England. Sure JAmERSOn will be following him when he goes to Spain or Germany or Chelsea. Right, that's my 2%. Cue teeth being gnashed and haloes adjusted. Glory, glory ....

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 05, 2015, 17:29 #72536

    Dear John Boy, yes indeed it looks we have a new super fan in our midst, wouldn't it be great to be like him, but you'll always find the real super fan is the one who doesn't feel the need to tell everyone. No doubt we'll hear all about the excursion from arsene's mountain in book form on here in due course maybe even in triplicate and it'll be back to speed reading again.

  70. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2015, 14:35 #72535

    Ha ha! so Baddie Walton (geddit) will have been to the Wok twice in a decade. Numero uno Tottero ..... Why, with your 'writing skills' not pen a book entitled 'good old Arsenal' - sure Colesy would buy a copy though imagine WESTIE would give it a big avoid as it appears to be one way traffic from you with little response .... Glory Glory ...

  71. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2015, 14:02 #72534

    24601, told you last year of our plans, so next month we have a group of family, grandkids and friends going on the Sunday-17 in total. A stop at the Hope Café on the Holloway Road. A sentimental wander to Avenell Road to pay our respects to the old lady, Highbury. I'll be looking for the ghost of that little ragamuffin I once was. Then to the Grove. Snaps and then into the stadium; will be making sure the younger ones wipe their feet before they go in. I'll be breathing just a little deeper when I first emerge and see the pitch-we are upstairs in the Clock End so the steps will puff me out. Front 3 rows, so flags will be draped. We try to get to sit in all sections of the stadium on different occasions, it's kind of like a baptism of sorts, perhaps for the stadium, not me. Generally sat in Lower East with a pal's STs, so nice to witness from a different seat and place in the ground. Will check out the new silhouette of the FA Cup 2015. Oh susej, if I lost this verve and excitement I'd jump off the roof. Always a kid but on match days just push it to the nth degree-any unguarded tables and I'll be up dancing on them calling for Rocky RIP-my dance partner, we only ever disagree about who will be Ginger Rogers, (we both share that preference). Good old Arsenal.

  72. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 05, 2015, 13:40 #72533

    You must have the fattest lip jj with that hook constantly engaged in your illiterate mouth. Gotta laugh.

  73. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2015, 13:33 #72532

    OK so that is a 100% vote for England in red. Well done the book ends! jj so Sour. You will no doubt be queuing alongside me to get in for the Emirates Cup Day 2. Oh no, of course not. You don't go-yet you still try to claim the moral high ground. Such a silly old chap you are. You are like a small child standing on a crumpled McDonald container and proclaiming yourself, 'King of the castle', as people just walk past shaking their heads, (westlower and myself would shake our knees). Gnabry the new 'Bellerin' next season anyone? As Ozzie says, a player to watch, and I shall-jj won't though.

  74. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2015, 13:12 #72531

    Never a fan of Wellbeck, that Manure were prepared to offload him should have been a forewarning. An expensive backup for sure. Hope to see more of Gnabry this coming season though. Nice to see Alexis & Chile succeed against the big boys. Cheers....

  75. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2015, 13:02 #72530

    Sanchez really is a class act with two sublime moments with that penalty and that goal in the FA Cup final. Different class but would be astonished if Wenger (Lord) was still in for Higuaine who is scarey but would look great with Welbeck .... Sanchez really needs some class alongside him and Vidal is off to RM as is .... Well done Engerland - nice dance moves.

  76. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2015, 12:36 #72529

    Old plastic WESTIE who will not be at the Wok this coming season because he is too busy on here. Some Arsenal supporter - see home counties fodder. Good to see AKB fundamentalism back in it's most base format. Must be time for a new church to be built. Happy folk ..... Coleys .... you are the one on the end of the line ... duh .... Love the Copa!

  77. Westlower

    Jul 05, 2015, 12:24 #72528

    @Bard, Who are the 2% who have abandoned all hope likely to be? Bitter & twisted ex Arsenal supporters (JJ). Belligerent souls who simply cannot move on from past defeats (too many to name). Envious spoilers who support other clubs (FJ). People lacking any kind of credible judgement (only kidding Ron). As you claim to be 100% confused, I take it you ticked the 'unsure' box? @Badarse, I agree that England look more purposeful in red than in lilywhite.

  78. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2015, 11:36 #72526

    I think England Ladies, as well as England men, look and play better in red! What percentage agree?

  79. Bard

    Jul 05, 2015, 10:42 #72524

    I have re read Fozzy's post and I see a glaring error that changes things completely. The 2% who deem themselves extremely pessimistic cannot be the same as the 2% who have abandoned hope because being extremely pessimistic is not the same as abandoning hope. So where does that extra 2% come from, who are they and how come the total is now 102% ??? Where is Amos when you need him ? A further thought, if the 74% majority are optimistic how come they never post and explain why ? I'm 100% confused.

  80. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2015, 9:50 #72523

    Talking to a chap yesterday who inferred he had been, 'in the know' at Chelsea, and that both Osgood and Terry were Arsenal fans as kids. Is this common knowledge that I have missed? Any confirmation out there?

  81. Westlower

    Jul 05, 2015, 8:08 #72522

    The Arsenal squad now contains a Copa America winner, World Cup winners & dual FA Cup winners. The momentum continues to build.....

  82. Ashley

    Jul 05, 2015, 1:58 #72521

    Congratulations to Alexis Sanchez for scoring the winning penalty for Chile against Argentina to secure their first ever trophy.

  83. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 04, 2015, 23:56 #72520

    Leanne Sanderson wins the penalty to beat Germany and Alexis Sanchez scores the winning penalty to see Chile past Argentina. Proud to be a gooner.

  84. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 04, 2015, 23:46 #72519

    And right on cue, badanus presses all the misery buttons..."cowardliness, sour, bumptious, sniping, bitterness", to name but a few. Lighten up big man. You ain't half gloomy considering you're such a genius... your star will begin to wane with colesy and your disciple in chief jamie son if you carry on like this.

  85. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 04, 2015, 23:41 #72518

    Well done England ladies. Glad to see all the moaners biting like mad, fishing is so easy with you lot. Badarse makes sense, you lot can't see past your own negativity...gotta laugh.

  86. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2015, 23:16 #72517

    The doors of perception opened, and the totter entered and sat in his favourite hard chair and put on his treasured 78 of the little sparrow. The tears ran freely as he saw the gleaming trophy rise up to the ceiling. Good old God. AknowsBest - nails on heads - they are a miserable, unimaginative lot who hope for a top 4 finish for another decade. Glory, glory .....

  87. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 23:01 #72516

    ArseneKB you think you've cornered the market on a form of acute awareness. It is a trait that every single one of you possesses in one form or another. It goes like this. 'I understand what is wrong, what needs to be done to put it right and anyone who disagrees is a fool, a coward, etc'. Well that is the narrowness of the herd comprehension. jj is different he is just a Sour, simples! You should know better but don't, that is your glitch, you are locked in. Many suffer from this complaint without realising it. Only those able to recognise it can see it graphically. Like maguiresbridge's indoctrination-everything is disciples and church inspired, and he is fearful of his own mortality, hence the focus on 'old' to an obsessive degree. The bumptious approach, sniping, pedantry, bitterness, bullying and cowardliness. I am glad I support the Arsenal, unlike whatever team, or teams it is you mobsters support. I feel ashamed for you. And all old enough to know better, I pity the youngsters you influence, they become the losers too, like yourselves. And it's goodnight from me, and goodnight from him, and may your gods go with you.

  88. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 04, 2015, 22:38 #72515

    Goonercoleslaw - there you go again - mythologising about miserable WOBs, and laughably inferring that you, badarsio and the execrable Jamie-son are somehow happy-go-lucky, fun geezers. Do you reeeeely believe that? I mean it's hardly borne out by some of the, ahem, material you lot write. I come on here because it's enlightening to communicate with fellow gooners who can see the club for what it has become, but who at least have the imagination to think that it could improve. Go on, give it a thine own-self be true and all that.

  89. maguiresbridge gooners

    Jul 04, 2015, 22:14 #72514

    Dear jj, yes it's in the bag there's no doubt about it, it's ours they might as well present OGL with the trophy on the first game of the season, I hear Islington council have already made plans and have road closure posters drawn up and dated for the victory parade.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2015, 22:01 #72513

    Badarse, whether it was or not it certainly got the reaction that it was intended to do.

  91. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 04, 2015, 21:46 #72512

    jj what is your role again, Nobel peace prize for illiterature? Got your mate muguiresbridge to help dot your t's and cross your i's. Never too far away Badarse, watching the dimwits post away, as Jamerson says, they must be beside themselves without anything to moan about.

  92. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2015, 19:44 #72510

    Nice to have you around again too lol ..... Phone box MG love it. The title is as good as won so why bother competing ... A decade's philosophy, hook, line and sinker ...... Yeah - with Giroud up front, Kos filling in for Ramos at RM Arsene Utd are good to go. Oh to be different!

  93. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 19:17 #72509

    Well said goonercolesyboy, nice to have you around again.

  94. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 04, 2015, 19:11 #72508

    I enjoyed the pod's stay, his hammer of a left foot and his initial games were most encouraging. But the serious hamstring injury really derailed him and he never regained his place or form. I wish you well in Turkey. As for Diaby, he played some fantastic matches but the tackle basically ruined his career. Anyone who derides his time at the club has no sense of compassion, irrelevant of his contract and the money he earned. I wish him luck if he does play in the MLS.

  95. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 18:56 #72507

    Is that another one of your STD jokes maguiresbridge? I see you and jj sitting on the floor opposite each other with legs outstretched. No shoes and socks on, trousers rolled up with your toes touching each other's. His turn to wiggle, then your turn. With you two you just never know what's afoot! (Do you say shiropodist, or Kiropodist, or like jj Sugar Puffs?)Thanks for the info 24601, and a thanks to the Pod. Another bit of business done early and one unloaded. Oh drat, the blue moanies will have something less to gripe about. Still there is always you and I. Charlie smashed his Parkrun record today.

  96. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2015, 17:31 #72506

    Dear jj, the temple is always full of followers at this time of year, but come Xmas it'll be back to the phone box.

  97. Westlower

    Jul 04, 2015, 16:26 #72505

    Podolski has joined Galatasary

  98. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 16:05 #72504

    Dear jj, you must really fear me to want to put in a cowardly jibe every time I post. Still it does give your life a little meaning even if not quite a raison d'etre. Fear, or seen as a threat probably prompts most spiteful and silly responses from the twit brigade to whoever challenges your comfort zones. Whether it be goonercolesyboy or westlower, or anyone who posts common sense. Anyway a sock in the wok is better than a roll in the bowl, (unless it's one of your dogfish rolls-ruff ruff).

  99. Westlower

    Jul 04, 2015, 14:58 #72503

    @Bard, I am 100% of two things re AFC. We won't finish in the bottom half in Wengers reign, that will happen post Wenger. We won't finish outside the top 4 during Wengers tenure. History shows this to be as true as night follows day!

  100. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2015, 14:37 #72502

    Exeter, or sitting up doing what that old bloke was doing in Eddie Murphy's movie Life when he put Ray off his jello.

  101. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2015, 14:16 #72501

    Badarse, and as relevant as ever with a lot more additions to the sheep enclosure since then, and even more Gullible.

  102. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2015, 14:05 #72500

    The romanticism of the hard chair gooner in his loft. Always fun to see the 'true believers' are the ones who don't actually attend games. Spout, spout, spout. The passion of the post-wood men ..... the plastic men.

  103. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 10:50 #72499

    Dear Bard as a numbers man, rather than a stats man, here is a response. Numbers can prove and disprove most forms of reality, it may be all forms but the numbers aren't in yet. That silent majority would indeed change the world if theY stopped being schtum-for better and for worst. Capital punishment? Probably. Homophobic laws? Certainly. Religious indoctrination? Witness it. So change of mentality from optimism to pessimism? Very likely. Have nurtured a playful idea for years that in voting politically-but read anything-your vote registers your understanding and knowledge of the subject. I console myself that I would then almost certainly take out and neutralise around 100 UKIP voters. Whilst not placing myself in such vaunted company, to imagine the intelligentsia, scientists, and mathematicians wresting control from the aristos, church, nouveau riche and those with piratical vested interests is a thought to savour. No more Sky TV, 'Stans', McDonalds, Coca Cola, football sugar daddies-wow the list is endless, and the end product might be a shade better than what is.

  104. Westlower

    Jul 04, 2015, 10:45 #72498

    @Bard The bookies are too shrewd to fall for the night follows day scam but they will offer the following: Arsenal to finish in bottom half of PL 150/1; finish bottom 1000/1; to be in top 4 on Sept 1st 4/7; top at Xmas 7/2; top London club 15/8; last team to remain unbeaten 10/3; PL Champions 9/2, top 2 13/8; top 3 3/5; top 4 1/6; not to finish in top 4 4/1. PFA player of the year Alexis Sanchez 12/1; Sunshine after the rain 1/3.

  105. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 04, 2015, 10:42 #72497

    Badarse - it's not your club. It's our club. Or was. I'm as aware the world is changing for the worse - including AFC - as you are. For one who is constantly telling others off for their views, you're rather sensitive about having your own critiqued.

  106. Bard

    Jul 04, 2015, 9:19 #72496

    Dear Stats men, I have just seen another survey that was carried out after the previous one. It states that only 26% of the fans who read the online gooner actually bothered to fill in the questionnaire. Of the 74% who didnt fill it in 80% thought that Arsenal havent progressed since last season ( see points tally ) and are unduly pessimistic about next season. They are called the silent majority

  107. Bard

    Jul 04, 2015, 8:29 #72495

    Westie; I tried to put a bet on Arsenal never winning the CL or the PL under Wenger and they wouldnt give me even ridiculous odds, Why is that do you think ? They also wouldnt take one on night not following day.

  108. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2015, 7:43 #72494

    E/G, neither is the Labour Party the same, politicians et al. Newspapers have changed along with all the media, the only bastion the BBC is being chipped away at until it too will implode in the foreseeable future. Monarchy, housing, NHS, you call it, I'll name it. It is all evolving, ergo changing as we speak, like my full head of hair it's growing too but it cannot be recognised until it's grown enough. All imperceptible changes, globalisation, or nationalisation as Tony Benn insisted on calling it, tweaking and influencing. I won't be around as long as the youngsters coming through so I just hand over the reins of the club to them. If they in turn destroy it then that is their call-it will be their club, so why not? In the meantime it's my club, and neither you, or anyone else dictates to my views, feelings or route to goal with my love affair with it. You can blindly gripe, moan, complain, pontificate and criticise as a number do-it just shows a form of shallowness of understanding as recognised by those of a similar ilk to me. Good old Arsenal, not so good old silly posters.

  109. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 04, 2015, 1:41 #72493

    One year from now, when the Arse haven't put in a challenge for the league and haven't negotiated it past a two leg EC affair again, Badarse and Westlower will be still staying the same things. That is because they do not recognise that their former support for Arsenal FC (going back to the 50s) has been replaced by a support for Arsene FC (going back to 2006). They will never wake up to this fact, during the years remaining to them. Unless Arsene actually leaves in their lifetime. Then they'll find themselves in such a state of consternation, the nurses will be wiping the drool from their mouths.

  110. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 04, 2015, 0:09 #72492

    Jamie son I think it was Groucho Marx who said 90% of all statistics are made up (geddit?), but your analysis of these ones is 100% flawed. Just back in from the garden wearing nothing but a fig leaf and a prosthetic nose and buggerme, you've summed up my evening with unerring accuracy. Even down to the "tattoo's" (sic). Makes a change from the usual xenophobic and misogynistic pish you've been posting recently (but it still ain't funny).

  111. Buy a centre forward

    Jul 03, 2015, 21:33 #72491

    My top 3 disappointing players would be:1.Welbeck 2.Chambers 3.The Ox

  112. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2015, 20:31 #72490

    Quite a surreal Madrid time, ole! Bard, taking the Hancock mantle as Hiccup goes through his retraining programme at AKB Central Command, showing very little percents. maguiresbridge reverting to type with a recycled, but punctured post from October 2009, "OGL can't/won't do what I want and buy everyone who's good because he thinks/doesn't think deeply enough on things I think on, he is very, very old too, saviours, angels, disciples and messi ahs. They're old too! Then jj with his Shredded Wheat philosophy, of don't do anything I don't agree with because it makes you wrong, not right, or left. Fish pizza in the Holloway wok, Brand AFC and silents of the Stan. Doesn't make any sense or persense but lots of nonsense. Beam me down Snotty. Oh and hi 24601, hope the wallet bulges buddy.

  113. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2015, 18:12 #72489

    The temple is full/the tambourines are deafening .... We are the 87%'ers! ... rama rama/Wenga Wenga/smokie smokie/Jackie Wilshere ..... Only the astute will remain rich.

  114. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2015, 17:44 #72488

    Gus Sneezer, that's the power of spin for you, and we have the best, and the most gullible, obviously.

  115. Westlower

    Jul 03, 2015, 17:33 #72487

    @Bard, To put some perspective on your 100% claim that Arsenal will never win the PL under Wenger, the bookies view this seasons PL betting thus: Chelsea have a 60% chance of NOT winning the PL; Man City 73.3%; Arsenal 82%; Man U 83.4%; L'pool 95.3%. TH 99% (bookie speak for no f***ing chance at all). Very extravagant & generous of you to offer better odds than the bookies. Beware you don't end up skint as your judgement is at least 18% adrift of reality!

  116. Bard

    Jul 03, 2015, 16:07 #72486

    Statistics dontcha love them. My wife says she is happy with me 67.5% of the time. Next season I am going to work harder and get that up to 67.75% although every time I go to an away game it goes down to 45% owing to the state Im in when I get home. But overall i'm optimistic that next year will be better than this year but then it might not. If I pick an injury in the garden early doors then my chances of a better year go down by about 15-20% as she has to do all the heavy lifting. When this happens ( it often does as I dont like gardening) we have to enter the job market and get someone in. This is a protracted business and we often arent able to do the deal until the last day of summer. What I am driving at is that we can be as optimistic or pessimistic as we like but some things never change. We will never win the PL or CL under Wenger, I am 100% certain.

  117. Gus Sneezer

    Jul 03, 2015, 15:32 #72485

    I find the result that 87% think we have progressed.When this season we collected less points than the previous season.Gazidis and Kroenke must be laughing their heads off.Like sheep they follow

  118. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2015, 13:02 #72484

    Another cracker from Fred N's right elbow.

  119. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2015, 12:35 #72482

    Good afternoon ArseneKB. amusingly I constantly encourage people with opposing views to regard them as different rather than right or wrong. That is fundamental, so I shouldn't be attracting criticism for a directly opposite claim by yourself. I have no issue with those wanting AW to go, as time and posts have proven. I shall always contest unnecessary sideswipes when I feel the need to-wouldn't you? My comment was based on a working assessment and laced with a tongue in cheek approach that the 2% were the regular doomsayers on here-would you disagree? I am no more connected to another poster than you are, so once more a weak statement. I am happy to stand alone as 'different', as you put it-I am different, as are we all, but some are frightened by the fact and need to disguise it and search for the imagined security of the herd. Speak your truth quietly and clearly. Desiderata. Avant-garde? Well I do like 'Badarsian', so perhaps I am. I think I might worry you because I think we have a few things in common.

  120. Wear Your Colours

    Jul 03, 2015, 9:45 #72479

    I feel us Gooners are right to feel positive and look forward to the new campaign. After twelve games last season we were in eighth spot and Chelsea were already out-of-sight in title race. As the press reminded us it was our worst start to the season since 1982-83, some 32 years previously. But from that point on the overall performance of the squad got better and better. Koscielny and Giroud returned to give the team a better shape. Santi starred in a deeper midfield role; Coquelin and Bellerin emerged from the shaddows; Ozil was brilliant in the number-ten role and Alexis continued to make the difference up top. The team steadily accumulated points in the league; they won twice in Manchester, blew Liverpool away at home and went toe to toe with Chelsea at Emirates not taking one backward step. We coasted to victory in the Cup final against Villa with glimpses of 'Wengerball' in all its 2002-04 pomp. The squad finished the season looking fitter and healthier under the new medical regime than for many a season. Hence, I for one have very high expectations for the forthcoming 2015-16 season. COYG!

  121. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 03, 2015, 9:05 #72478

    Badarsio - what a silly and dare I say negative and pessimistic way to kick off this exchange. I know you insist on being different and maybe a bit avant-garde, but you sound like the 2% of whom you speak so critically. You're also reminiscent of your pseudo-intellectual protegee Jamie son who like you equates a questioning approach to OGL and the club's establishment with doom and gloom. It's just critique matey, and an enduring sense among so-called WOBs that things could be much better with numerous changes at the top. Just accept that others think differently from you and you'll be calmer. There, does that sound patronising and sufficiently badarsian for you?

  122. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2015, 6:54 #72475

    Pretty spectacular in the common ground, no real surprises in this half of the survey, thanks Fozzy. You mustn't average an average, but dare I guess that the 'extremely pessimistic' 2% is comprised of nearly 100% of the negative posters who visit the Online Gooner.

  123. Brian Dawes

    Jul 02, 2015, 23:47 #72474

    Amazingly large percentage wins. Which in turn means an amazing amount of common consent among the Gooner rank and file. Hardly seems possible that various Gooner factions were at war with one another only very recently. Victoria Concordia Crescit combined with a couple of trophies works wonders.