#ThrowbackThursday – Friendlies: Part One

As the squad go through the motions in Singapore, a history of Arsenal’s ‘non-competitive’ fixtures

#ThrowbackThursday – Friendlies: Part One

Moscow Dynamo: Just check out those haircuts

After the long gap between the end of a football season and the start of new one (particularly in a year when the home nations are not involved in a major international tournament), it usually feels like relief when the season kicks off again, even though the earliest fixtures involve mere friendlies. However, though such so called ‘uncompetitive’ fixtures are generally considered to be meaningless, not all lack the competitive spirit and some have even had a historical significance of their own. One of the earliest regular friendly fixtures which Arsenal came to be involved in was against Racing Club of Paris, who are described on their Wikipedia entry as an ‘omni-sport’ club founded in 1882 with teams also participating in among other things Rugby Union, Basketball and Volleyball.

One of the reasons behind the original fixture had been the creation of international club tournaments such as the ‘Coupe des Nations’, created by Swiss champions Servette to showcase their new stadium in 1930 which involved many of the continent’s national Champions (but not the English or Scottish national champions as neither national association was affiliated to FIFA) as well as the forerunner to UEFA’s European Champions’ Cup – the Mitropa Cup – a name derived from the term ‘Mittel Europa’ (Central Europe) and mainly involving club sides from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy (though was actually founded by an English plumber called John Gramlick Snr. who was a founder member of the Vienna Cricket and Football Club).

With no time for the ‘splendid isolation’ of the home nation associations, Herbert Chapman’s footballing outlook was that of an avid internationalist. He was also friends with Hugo Meisl, the coach of Austria’s ‘Wunderteam’ who but for Hitler’s annexation of Austria would have been hotly tipped by many to win the 1938 World Cup. Before his death Chapman had even forecasted the creation of a western European version of the Mitropa Cup and as early as 1909, in his first managerial role at Northampton Town, had taken the then Southern League side on a tour of Germany. Arsenal themselves had undertaken tours of the continent as early as 1907, as can be seen here.

In 1930, Chapman had arranged for a friendly fixture with Racing Club in Paris on 11th November (the twelfth anniversary of the Armistice Day of the First World War), with the purpose of raising funds for veterans of the Great War. In the event, Arsenal ran out 7-2 winners. The fixture was to continue until the early 1960s and was arranged as close to the anniversary of Armistice Day as possible. The earliest newsreel footage of this fixture comes from Arsenal’s 5-2 victory in 1932, in which the French press had dubbed Joe Hulme ‘the eel’, Cliff Bastin ‘the firework’ and Alex James ‘the miracle’. As you can see here the fixture was overwhelmingly dominated by Arsenal, particularly in the pre-war era, as shown by a 5-0 victory which was briefly covered in this 1936 Pathe news bulletin

Racing Club had however managed two draws with Arsenal in 1935 and in 1939, the latter blamed on the fact that fog had held up their plane at Croydon Airport meaning they consequently missed their pre-match lunch. Racing Club fared better in the fixture after the war, scoring their first victory in 1946 against an Arsenal side who finished a lowly 13th in the league that season. The following year Arsenal enjoyed what was up to that point their best ever start to a campaign, unbeaten for their first seventeen fixtures, eventually taking the title the following May. They were however to lose their unbeaten record in Paris, with a 4-3 victory for Racing Club.

As well as their regular jaunt to the French capital, Arsenal also had a longstanding regular fixture with Glasgow Rangers, an association based on the fact that unbeknown to most Arsenal fans, the Gers had long been stakeholders in Arsenal F.C. As explained by the AISA’s ‘Woolwich Arsenal’ blog , Glasgow Rangers’ had bought a share of Woolwich Arsenal FC as the club teetered on the edge of bankruptcy back in 1910. As Arsenal became a success by 1930, further shares were gifted to Rangers in gratitude for their support two decades earlier. Rangers’ share in Arsenal remained until their controversial owner Craig Whyte sold them on to Alisher Usmanov as Rangers themselves faced bankruptcy in 2012.

A further post from this blog goes into even more, detail stating how the fixture was incepted as the ‘Game of Champions’ in 1933, with both clubs being title winners both North and South of the border and became an annual fixture which alternated between Ibrox and Highbury. The Highbury fixture was continued until August 1967, when Rangers fans took the North Bank and were reportedly throwing beer bottles onto the roof causing those underneath to be showered in glass. This blog post goes into greater detail about the 1967 fixture, as well as the trouble which occurred off the field. Into the 1970s, Arsenal seemingly developed closer links with Rangers’ Old Firm rivals Celtic, on account of the increased Irish presence in the area surrounding Highbury, as well as a greater number of Irish players on the pitch (however as seen here, it wasn’t until Sammy Nelson’s testimonial in 1980 that Celtic had made their first appearance at Highbury).

Aside from the series of friendlies with Rangers and Racing Club, in late 1945 just a few months after the end of the Second World War, came another important milestone in the development of Arsenal’s regular involvement in international club competition. The Russian Champions, Moscow Dynamo, had been invited to tour Britain at the request of the F.A., however had only agreed to the tour after submitting an exhaustive fourteen-point list of demands, one of which was to face Arsenal. Dynamo coach Mikhail Yakushin had claimed that: ‘to come to London and not play Arsenal would be like visiting Cairo without seeing the pyramids’.

However, as George Orwell had observed in an article that year for The Tribune, the match – and the tour as a whole – did little for East-West relations. The background to Arsenal’s friendly against Moscow Dynamo in 1945 is covered in an Online Gooner article I previously wrote in 2011, while the game itself can be viewed (if that’s right word to use for a game which took place in the middle of a ‘pea-souper’!) here in this Movietone News bulletin. As stated in my previous article, the friendly left a legacy of several teams named after Arsenal within the former Communist bloc, as well as further friendlies such as a return fixture in Moscow in 1954 (albeit on the receiving end of a 0-5 drubbing), as well as a 1-2 home defeat against Spartak Moscow a year later.

Seventy years on from the first game against Moscow Dynamo, we are now well accustomed to the idea of a midweek evening floodlit fixture. However, as was the norm at the time, the match with Moscow Dynamo in 1945 actually kicked off at 2.45 PM due to an FA ban on floodlit fixtures and those among the 54,000 in attendance had required leave from their employment in order to attend the fixture at White Hart Lane (Highbury was out of action as a result of suffering bomb damage during the war). However, as shall be seen in tomorrow’s follow up article, in the years that immediately followed the Second World War the FA would reconsider their stance toward another idea championed by the now departed Herbert Chapman – that of the midweek floodlit fixture.

*Follow me on Twitter@robert_exley

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  1. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 20, 2015, 21:27 #73019

    i ask you a simple question to a post of yours and still you skirt around the reply, now saying you have four players...woop di do. Name and shame and don't let the size of your cojones get in the way.

  2. Bard

    Jul 20, 2015, 21:04 #73017

    This is great entertainment Colseyboys. What would be the point of me putting 3 or more names up here. I have four in mind and will post when I have an article that I think is worthwhile. All you would do is say they are all rubbish whoever they were because thats all you do. You never put yourself on the line. You just knock on the door and run away. I have written several articles that have had varying responses. If youve got as big cojones as you pretend then write one. You epitomise whats wrong with our club, all froth and no action.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 20, 2015, 19:45 #73014

    Bard, 77054, don't confuse them.

  4. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 20, 2015, 19:33 #73013

    No Bard, I offered you to take a step and you refused. You still can't bring yourself to commit to three names, that is all I ask and continue to ask, clogging or no clogging, that is the question.

  5. Bard

    Jul 20, 2015, 19:08 #73011

    Apologies Colseyboys I should have realised that getting into a sensible debate about what we need or dont need is a step too far for you. Youre one of those 'knock down ginger' posters that clog up the site. Yes some of my comments are critical but many are full of wit and wisdom. i suggest you download them and print them out, someone will help you with the technology, you can read them over the summer at your leisure.

  6. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 20, 2015, 1:17 #72991

    Bard. Why should I put forth an article about the upcoming season just because you can't offer me three players to replace Theo, Jack and our left backs? It was you who made the statement in one of your recent posts, so I asked you the question. I assume you don't have an answer otherwise you would have offered a response. And don't pontificate to me about criticism either, when that is mostly what you do too.

  7. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 21:48 #72989

    Continuing the theme of sailing close to the wind, (need radfordkennedy for sailing, you will see the link in a moment), I am going to mention a friendly in a testimonial shape. In 1971 we did the double, it was a part of me then, perhaps more so as I age. Twenty years down the line, in April 1991, (heading for the title again as a 20th anniversary gift of that double's league title), I went to Highbury to salute a hero, Ray Kennedy. It was his testimonial Arsenal V Liverpool, a 1-3 result was insignificant. I saw Ray, suffering from Parkinson's Disease, totter onto the pitch, Big Raddy, wee Geordie, the elegant Jon Sammels, all the real heroes came to play and to stay that day. On the 28th of July, in just over a week, Ray will be 64. He is a defiant and brave shuffling wreck of a man. He looks a hundred and four, but within the shell is our Ray. Just thought it was worth a mention-he is so much a part of our more recent history, (cannot believe it is nearly a quarter of a century since I went to that game to stand in the North Bank with my wife, to show our respect). He remains a hero, and I love him to bits.

  8. Hiccup

    Jul 19, 2015, 20:21 #72988

    HFF. No dig at the article intended. Agree the article is good and informative too. However, seeing as there have been self imposed restrictions as that only pre war friendlies should be discussed in here, was just trying to get the ball rolling. Was the 5-2 pivotal? Probably not? Westie has made the best contribution on this article, but then had to go and ruin it by posting some random odds! Still, I suppose house rules are made to be broken?

  9. Bard

    Jul 19, 2015, 20:20 #72987

    Goonercolseys boys; nice try but Im not putting myself up to be shot at unless you do. Put a coherent argument as to why we can win the CL or the Pl with the current squad more especially with Giroud upfront and I will put a left back I would prefer. I have never read a post from you doing anything else than criticise others. I take the point that you dont think we need pace from our striker. We will have to disagree on that one.

  10. Highbury Fields Forever

    Jul 19, 2015, 19:49 #72986

    Hiccup - regardless of whether Arsenal beating Racing Club Paris 5-2 in 1933 was a pivotal result or not, this article is currently rated nine out of ten by those who have read it. I think you can do better try writing an article of your own on whether Wenger should stay or go. I believe there's a special prize for the 1,000,000 article to be written on this subject, especially if you repeat the same old cliches ad nausem.

  11. Lord Islington

    Jul 19, 2015, 19:29 #72985

    Hiccup and Jeff Wright - If you don't have any comment to make on the article DON'T comment on the thread. Simple really this, just like you

  12. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 19, 2015, 19:12 #72984

    Bard. Why should Giroud morph into Bolt, we have enough pace around him with Walcott, Welbeck, Sanchez and the Ox? As for a left back, then Gibbs and Moneeal are more than enough in my opinion. Delph is not worth it apart from being home grown. Theo is just at his peak as a player and Jack is due a full season and could be Santi's replacement next season. Name the home grown replacements and add your left back, you've had long enough to think about it and come up with some names. Got nothing to do with being paid £8 million, just send some names across and we can debate your choices.

  13. jeff wright

    Jul 19, 2015, 18:41 #72983

    Ah ! A pivotal moment in history that result Hiccup. Chapman persuading London Transport to change the name of Gillespie Rd to Arsenal pales into insignificance with beating a team in a friendly and what was the fool doing making THREE new signings after finishing in second spot to Everton the season before,he obviously was unaware that just a top 4 finish was enough and instead won the league with the help of the new players .Shame that Arsene can't try having a go at doing this. Chapman was no great fan of tippy tappy football either, a very sensible man him and still the greatest AFC manager.

  14. Bard

    Jul 19, 2015, 18:32 #72982

    Jamerson/Colseyboys; my argument is this, we need a striker and a decent one costs north of £45/50m. If we sell Jack and Theo we would raise more than enough. Theo is surplus to requirements for three reasons, he is always injured, he isnt good enough at the top level and he is useless defensively. If you play Ozil who also is rubbish defensively we become exposed. You cant play them both. The Ox isnt as prolific but he is a better bet. Jack isnt going to play much under the present regime if everyone is fit , Ozil, and Santi are in front of him, he is another of the perennially injured. Its obvious we need a left back, as to your question who ? I am not paid £8m a year and dont have the benefit of a multimillion pound scouting system. i like Cavanni and Benzema might or might not do. I see the home grown problem but we maybe have to be more creative. Delph is a bargain for that money. You dont have to agree with my view but unless we sign a striker we wont compete Im sure we all agree on that unless you believe that Giroud is suddenly going to morph into Usain Bolt.

  15. Hiccup

    Jul 19, 2015, 18:24 #72980

    It's anarchy on here! Jeff, do you have no opinion on our 5-2 win over Racing Club in 1932? A pivotal result in the history of Arsenal?

  16. jeff wright

    Jul 19, 2015, 17:55 #72979

    Problems, you are by far the dumbest poster I have ever come across on the internet. If you don't like my posts then DON'T read them ! Simple really this,just like you. Your claims to not being pro-Arsene are yet again proven to be nonsense because here you are yet again ( yawn)complaining about others complaining about him and your pathetic attempts to pretend that it is about not commenting on the article by others that irks you ,albeit you don't comment on it or any other ones yourself,just makes you look even more stupid than you already are. Now Problems when last I looked this forum was not run by you and if those who do run it want to remove any posts then they do so .My advice is for you to leave this to them sunshine okay >?You would obviously be more comfortable on forums where Arsene knows best and everyone agrees with that and where no one is allowed to criticize the great leader and this makes you very happy. You couldn't make it up. By the way if you again claim to have made posts not supporting Wenger on here Problems then can you point them out so we can read them otherwise it will just make you look like a bellyacher who posts abuse at those who do not share your own tunnel-vision views on Arsene and that your claims to have critical views on him are just porkie-pies. As they used to say in 1932: Roger,over and out.

  17. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 19, 2015, 17:49 #72978

    Sell Jack and Theo eh Bard. Two home grown players. Even Man City are stocking up their home grown pile, one for 11 million that has hardly played a game and Delph who is merely average at best. And a left back too? Who exactly do you have in mind to replace these three?

  18. Platitude Problem

    Jul 19, 2015, 17:04 #72977

    Jeff - perhaps I'm bored with repetitive content and those who want to perpetuate repetitive content. If want to endlessly debate Wenger you can always string two sentences together and write a piece on the issue instead of trolling on other people's articles by endlessly talking about a person you think everyone else overly obsessed about

  19. jeff wright

    Jul 19, 2015, 16:37 #72975

    Too tue mg, Problem is again claiming not to be defending Wenger,he himself never posts anything about any articles on here but insists that everyone else should do! You couldn't make it up.

  20. Platitude Problem

    Jul 19, 2015, 16:16 #72973

    Maguiresbridge Gooner - I'm not an AKB. I'm not even debating Wenger. This article, unless you've noticed has nothing to do with Wenger. It is about the Pre-Wenger utopia your kind are always banging on about. And yet, apropos of nothing, you want to ignore the article and debate Wenger.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 19, 2015, 16:04 #72972

    jw, the ultimate defence from the AKB's of their messiah (they've nothing left)if the comments don't relate to the article (or in other words praising their messiah) they should be deleted, there's already sites like that thankfully this isn't one.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 19, 2015, 15:52 #72971

    Bard, there you have it yet again, the favourite AKB (or more like the only one)defence of their messiah, you have missed the point/again. Isn't it funny how everyone keeps missing the point except one? You couldn't make it up, again.

  23. Puzzled

    Jul 19, 2015, 15:51 #72970

    Are you guys aware that there's a forum to debate the present side?

  24. Platitude Problem

    Jul 19, 2015, 15:05 #72969

    Bard - just find it odd how a group of people accuse others of thinking that Arsene is bigger than Arsenal and having an obsession with the bloke, then decide on an excellent article about the club's history covering 50 years prior to when Arsene turned up (which doesn't even mention him) decide to prattle on about Wenger. Surely you can see the irony there, no?

  25. Bard

    Jul 19, 2015, 14:46 #72968

    Westie, come on mate get up to speed. Of course we digress but Capt F and Plentitude get very upset when we dont stick to the script as you can see. Hiccup is trying to keep to the script in the interest of fan unity. Now where were we, We need to sell. Jack and Theo out a World class striker and a left back will do me. Will it happen no because we have all the ambition and mentality of a women's bowls team. Anyway as far as I could see from yesterday they have sold a shedload of shirts and won a trophy so the seasons almost over before its begun financially speaking.

  26. Westlower

    Jul 19, 2015, 14:08 #72967

    @Badarse, Rule #1 on a trip to USA was take a half empty suitcase because it would be loaded with 501's for the return journey. Thank you JC Penney & Sears. My first pair of Levi 501's in UK cost 15 shillings (75p for the younger generation). My first parka cost 37/6d (£1.75p). "I'M GOING BACK SOON, HOME TO GET THAT BABOON, WHO CUT UP MY EYE, MESSED UP MY LEVI'S. I'LL TAKE ON ANYONE, AIN'T SCARED OF A BLOODY NOSE......." Forever MOD!

  27. jeff wright

    Jul 19, 2015, 13:57 #72966

    I have no nNo problem with the performance yesterday or winning the cup either Baddie, I merely pointed out that this will mean nothing once the real action begins, deja vu beating City in last season's CS did not help us finish ahead of them in the Prem,non>? Beating United in the FAC at OT meant nothing when we played them there in the Prem and they had already beat us at the Emirates. Henry is right to point out ,as you appear to concede, that we are not as strong as Chelsea and City and Mourinho with his comments the other day regarding City clearly sees them as being his main danger and not us and United. This is not rocket science of course but as you have obviously bought into the' Emirates Experience' show and view football as being an entertainment rather than a sport I am happy to leave you with that view .Personally I would rather see us challenging Chelsea for the league and believe that with a different manager and approach that this ,even with the Kroenke , financial business plan in place,could be achieved. Alas once again Wenger though shows with his Arteta new contract ,that he lacks the ruthlessness to take on Mourinho and Pell and prefers the comfort zone of a 3rd or 4th place finish as being enough. Wenger himself admitted last season that he could not rest Sanchez and when he returns and the crunch games kick-in ,in Europe mid-week and at the weekends in the league that will againbe the case . If Sanchez comes up short or gets injured,then we could struggle,because our strikers are not that great compared with Chelsea and City's and our midfield is made up of players who in the main are very similar to one another with some bellyaching about being played out of their favoured positions and as I have said before you can perm any number of combinations of the current squad together and they will produce similar results.Good or bad. Only Sanchez adds any va va boom to the mix and to win the Prem we need a bit more of this,as Henry rightly says. It's not rocket science,anyway tell me about it next May !

  28. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 13:04 #72964

    Hello jeff. Well you have nailed your colours to the mast once more, the same colours nailed so often they resemble a line of bunting. In amongst the post are obvious relevances. Notably that the two richer, (arguably richer in squad talent), will be difficult to better this season. Well what else is new. We surely and most certainly know that-we've had to live with it for over a decade. You also cite friendlies as not important an unrepresentative of the season's likely produce. All known facts, however methinks you need a lesson in nuances from Bard, when the sun goes down. Better to win than lose a match, better to lift a mini-tournament trophy than not? Obvious, surely? Henry and four men? I trust westlower's arithmetic more. Thierry may weave his way to the bookies before him, but wouldn't know who to back. Here's a difficult question for you to answer, did you enjoy the performance yesterday?

  29. jeff wright

    Jul 19, 2015, 12:42 #72963

    Regarding the 4 players that Henry says we are short of a title challenge for ( no challenge from Wenger since Henry played for us in 2004 when we last won a title) surely it is all about quality and not numbers who make up the squad non Westie >? All the other top 4 sides can boast of having players to cover for this or that,even if like Wenger himself , they are often reluctant to use them. Sanchez has to play in virtually every game for in the Prem and in Europe and the FAC , so whats new this season then Westie>?......... A glance at the forthcoming league , dom cup and Champs League midweek bore fest games , reveals some tricky Prem games following on the European Cup ones .These games will show if Henry is right or wrong about the current squad and also the case for this squad being good enough over 38 games to win the league remains anyway rather suspect judged on the run-in at the end of last season that needed the FA Cup win to gloss over the obvious failure by our lot in the death to finish ahead of a Poundland side that at one point was even being touted to finish outside the top 4 ! However , City got their act together and as the say the rest is history........... Friendly games, even back in 1932, meant very little when it came to crunch-time in the league and let's face it we have heard ducks fart before in these pre-season exhibition matches only for reality to kick in come the end of the season in Europe and in the Prem as well .Anyway,it is still my belief that the biggest problem (that Henry tactfully swerves around ) that Arsene himself is the main problem,after all he has never beaten Mourinho at anything and his record against finishing ahead of Pelle-grini is nothing to smile about either . I doubt very much that either of those cretins see Arsene Wenger as being the main danger to their title hopes,but rather one another in that respect .C'est la vie !

  30. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 12:31 #72962

    Afternoon 24601, am typing this as I listen to Radio 4's 'I'm sorry I haven't a Clue.', the funniest thing since jj tried to convince me he was an Arsenal fan. Jeans! That was the basis for a financial clarity call many moons ago on a trip to San Francisco. I discovered that Levis were selling-shop bought-at approximately half the price of those back home. By the way were they 501s-you are such a numbers dude? Crack on the prog, in Hastings. 'Nearby is Beachy Head which has the second highest level of suicides each year; in San Francisco the Golden Gate Bridge has the highest with over 1200 suicides since it opened in 1937. What a terrible statistic, second highest!'

  31. Westlower

    Jul 19, 2015, 12:07 #72961

    @Hiccup, It was no mean feat to hold Everton to a goalless draw in 1932 as they were the Champions that year, with AFC runners up although we did the double over them 3-2 at home & 3-1 away which dispels the hoary old theory that you have to beat your closest opponent to win the league. In the following season of 1932/33 we regained the title, drawing at Goodison 1-1 & winning at Highbury 2-1. Eat your heart out Dixie Dean! @Badarse, You don't have any greyhounds or racehorses in your family do you? There is certainly some speed genes in there somewhere. The only genes I ever had were Levi's.

  32. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 11:57 #72960

    Morning Hancock, er, I mean Hiccup, just back from church? Flouting and flaunting are very suspect verbs when being used in a post regarding historical activities and events. 'Naysaying', and 'gainsaying' are the standard types of verb required and more appropriately acceptable. westlower the asteroid due to skim earth later today is supposedly estimated at £3.5 trillion because of it's platinum core. Is there any truth to the rumour that because of it's value it has been given the title, Asteroid-24601?

  33. Hiccup

    Jul 19, 2015, 11:14 #72959

    You lot can continue to flout the house rules and cause major upset and distress to others, but I shall wait until an article has been made on yesterday's friendly before commenting. On the subject matter, I recall a friendly against Everton back in 1932, where we held them to a goalless draw, and in doing so kept the great Dixie Dean at bay. Back then, that was a remarkable result.

  34. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 11:01 #72958

    Are you reading my emails 24601? I have sent a similar email to your post to a buddy of mine, broke down every position with every possible combination of player placements, and deputies for different positions. He knows his football but is not a 'poster freak'. He knows what he knows, chats to those he comes into contact with, reads the rags and listens to hype, (radio garbage too, sadly)...and me. He dismisses much but gets sucked in sometimes, I act as a keel. I genuinely think that barring a seismic change we are where we are-set to go! The Striker position is so well documented amongst us, that we can just watch and wait. The only other position is to augment the much-vaunted DM position, but see that as happening perhaps next season-buying in January is an unlikely possibility, we know how difficult that time is for transfers though. I play down my general view and try to be a big boy, but in all honesty I am quite excited about the coming season and our prospects. Vilified on here by the naysayers but I think our spirit could stand us in well this time around. This time next week I'll be at the Arsenal! My daughter won the Mum's race at the grandkids' Sports Day, (wife came third-two best lookers), daughter killed the field-many almost half her age. It completes the double because my son won the Dad's race couple of years ago, he too nearly twice the age of some. No Zimmer frame event for me though!

  35. Westlower

    Jul 19, 2015, 10:43 #72957

    While Citeh are busy topping up their squad with home grown players I reckon our squad is about complete, save the opportunity to buy an "exceptional player" whoever he maybe? We have 4 GK's, 2 of which are home grown, so through no fault of his own Ospina is probably the odd man out. Now that Chambers is being redefined as a CB, we now have 4 of them + capable deputies in Debuchy & Monreal in an emergency. 4 full backs with Chambers making up a 5th if required & Jenks out on loan. We are already overloaded in midfield & attack, so any new signing will have to be the bees knees! Thierry Henry reckons we're 4 players short - where would you play them TH? TV pundits, what would you do with eh?

  36. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 10:30 #72956

    Captain M: Your helmet's over there under the chair, goonercolseystupidboy. Need to keep it close to hand, 'Jerry' could come walking through that door at any moment. Be prepared!-goonercolesyboy: Isn't that what the scouts say Mr. Mainwaring, be prepared? I've got my scarf so am ready for the weather anyway, aren't I Uncle westlower? Anyway Gerry has a sore throat so isn't coming tonight.-Captain M: Put your helmet on, you goonercolesystupidboy. And what's that yellow ribbon on it for?-goonercolesyboy: We know Uncle westlower don't we? She wore, she wore, she wore a yellow ribbon...

  37. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 19, 2015, 10:05 #72955

    When Giroud doesn't start and then comes on, like against Reading, he immediately shows his ability to hold up the ball and bring others into play. Thee aren't many of his ilk around nowadays as the game is so geared around speed and searing pace. We often cry out for someone to be on the end of crosses, another skill that is not as prevalent as it used to be. He is our option as although not to everyone's taste is underrated in my opinion. Cost less than 10 million if that is relevant so looking in the next price bracket brings you Benzema Higuain Dzeko Lacazette and Aubemeyang. Also as Westlower has mentioned previously, the squad management isn't that easy, but Flamini could be on his way out therefore freeing up a spot. Now, where is my tin hat?

  38. Badarse

    Jul 19, 2015, 9:06 #72953

    Good morning gentlemen. I endorse westlower's view of those ingredients Olly brings to the side. Another type of front man would not complete the jigsaw. True enough he isn't the fastest Bard, and who would say no to all he has with an extra turbo burst from a standing start? As a package he is just right for the job description. If another pops up somewhere-a better option-and the price is right then fine, but trying to shuffle and balance a squad is astonishingly difficult. The difficulty in discussing means in a free forum you have to filter out white noise, which can be virtually impossible on occasions. Olly is not a carthorse, he is remarkably skilful, but you have to swat away flies parroting this before even dealing with the nucleus of the assessment and it's part in the make up of the side, including those damned nuances. Realise this is a little lengthy Bard, but haven't yet mastered shorthand, working on it though.

  39. Westlower

    Jul 19, 2015, 8:23 #72952

    @Bard, It's unrealistic to expect posters to stick rigidly to commenting on the main article. Robert has given us an historically factual piece that doesn't require comment, save for a memory stirred in us old farts. People will always post on what's currently happening or not as the case may be. No one will disagree with you that Giroud lacks speed but surely he is the ideal foil for the speedsters. If we play a front 3 of Theo, Alexis & Ox (Welbeck), the opposition will simply park the bus to deny us space to run into. A speedy front 3 will come into it's own on the counterattack especially in away games. Giroud is good at shielding, creating space for others, laying off the ball, plus his heading ability gives the option of running onto his knock downs. His height is also important defending corners & set pieces. Dzeco is mentioned in dispatches this morning but his attributes mirror Girouds. Are Benzema or Higuain speed merchants? Hardly! Who does that leave? Possibly Aubameyang but Dortmund would be reluctant to sell. Gotze? We already have Alexis in that role. Accommodating JW is another head scratcher because Ozil will always start ahead of him. A deeper role alongside Coq is his better chance of getting games but Cazorla is doing well in that position. My preferred starters in midfield/attack would be Ramsey, Coq, Cazorla, Ozil, Alexis, Giroud, using Ox, JW, Theo, & Welbeck from the bench. Akpom doesn't look ready for the PL just yet & will doubtless play in the LC.

  40. Bard

    Jul 18, 2015, 21:53 #72951

    Enjoyed the game. Ozil looked sublime. Less impressed by Wally and Giroud. Wallys lack of footballing intelligence is going to see him benched in favour of Ox. Giroud's lack of reaction speed is telling even in a friendly. He is too slow. And where for young Jack. Nowhere I suspect. Its sad but we need to sell him and use the money to buy a proper striker.He is never going to replace Ozil. If we do we might really have a team to compete. Wait for plentitude and Lord knows what to post that this has nothing to do with the current article..

  41. Westlower

    Jul 18, 2015, 21:07 #72950

    Martin Tyler missed most of Ozil's sublime touches. They had already happened before the commentator could see them coming. Put Alexis into that attack & we have a potent force.

  42. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 20:41 #72949

    goonercolesyboy, you touched on something in your post, the variability of this squad. Santi has been a revelation to me. Love his type of player and to see him in a new role at the base rather than the apex of the midfield is astonishing. He has created a new role there, picking up any loose passes but beginning almost every move. Certainly most balls go through him. Coq was the shadow, but today Aaron settled in beside him as the counterpoint. Theo on the left, Jack on the right. Mesut floating behind Olly, then drifted out wide when new men arrived. Callum still has a long way to go but the lad is learning his trade. Going forward is also a strong part of his game I think, tall but so composed on the ball. I am astounded that this squad-not worth a monkey's to some supposed sages on here-can show such expression on the pitch. There are those amongst us who decry everything red and white, not to mention yellow and blue, yet here we are...on the cusp!

  43. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 18, 2015, 19:39 #72948

    I too enjoy watching Mesut, the points about his style already mentioned by Badare and Westlower, so no need to add anything else. The players are definitely looking fitter and stronger and made Everton ordinary, and maybe they are, but there are many encouraging signs in this pre season. Good to see Chambers at centre half, when he started last season he looked very assured and that should be his position for the future. Interesting to see Ramsey and Cazorla at the spine of midfield to start. The squad looks strong with plenty of cover so can see one maybe two at the very most, if any at all added before the deadline. This notion of adding six players is fanciful.

  44. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 18:44 #72947

    Good evening westlower. Ready to discuss. I included your name as a Mesut lover, along with myself and Bard, unaware that you were posting that very endorsement. He is sublime, isn't he? He is the closest we have had to Dennis. Some of his passes confuse and confound even our own players as well as the opposition. He is micro seconds ahead of the pack in his vision and thought processes and the pass is attempted, sometimes before even the commentator is aware. On a broader note, if you go on physical signs of people, especially groups-as in teams-it is patently obvious that this squad of young men are really connected. Bard would explain it as the visible nuances. The feel good factor from this little jaunt will be worthwhile, as the WOBs know, every little helps. Now, where's me clubcard?

  45. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 17:29 #72946

    Westie, with the midweek TV bore fest top 4 motivated reverting back to the usual suspects Chelsea ,City, us and United with only Chelsea and City likely to win the Prem the bookies are only too happy to take bets on any number of combinations of who will finish where .The odds on both Chelsea and City collapsing and us or United finishing ahead of them are not in my view reflected properly by the odds on offer for this unlikely scenario . If I was forced to choose between having 10k on us to win the Prem at 9/2 or shorter odds to finish in one of the runner up places I would opt for the runner up bet . Realistically that is more likely than us winning the Prem after donkeys years of failing to do so.

  46. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 17:07 #72945

    Well boys we won the Singapore Trophy, and on the way home we may win the virtual Emirates Airlines Trophy. This would sit well with the Easyjet and Ryanair Trophies we have captured in recent soujourns on stopovers. Thought it showed a gulf between us and Everton-and therefore Stoke. In believing the top four shall remain as such, with Liverpool occupying fifth it leaves a cluster of candidates for sixth to tenth. I see the aforementioned as two suspects, Southampton the Sours and possibly Newcastle making up the group. We appeared light years ahead of Everton-sorry Ron-and Martinez is in AW's pocket-sorry WOBs. This is a bridge-building statement for poor old Bard, or should I say bridge erecting, as he seems a bit obsessive on such matters. I thought Mesut was fantastic today. I purred like a pussycat at some of his delicate passes and I know Bard and I, (westlower too), share the delight in watching some Berkampesque moves-my MotM. Ox off the boil, Theo still doesn't possess enough wherewithal to trick or dummy a defender, Santi a dream. Petr Cech turns up for his first kick about and they hang a medal around his neck. Had a Singapore Sling in Raffles years ago-(didn't care for it radfordkennedy, too sweet for my palate). Here's a funny story, (and I have so many), on arrival at our budget apartment, (which was excellent in standard), we showered individually, (no showers together because when we do I always man up); I put on my best travelling toupe, screwed on my elbow protectors, had a squirt of mosi spray, (does wonders for the North Bank-reared vocal chords), and then beetled off to the Asian quarter. We wandered through darkened streets and found a small food hall. We were the only clowns in the place, though my wife is a beautiful clown I am a royal clown-a clown prince. We got looks naturally, (there was an Asiatic Bard there who seemed to be salivating, I assumed it was the effect of the fayre on offer but perhaps he'd glanced at me manning up in my shorts, I always do when Indian food is in the air-yes I know, on this website it is usually custard pies in the air). We ordered an assortment of Indian food akin to a 'Rice Table', (calm down R/K), and it was deposited on a banana leaf upon a tray. I was so manned up I was ready to erupt as I surveyed my nosh. We sat at a table and deciding to 'go native' proceeded to eat the whole lot with the help of chapatis and latterly our fingers. As we got odd glances from the locals it washed over us. I sat smugly thinking these people thought we were dudes eating authentically and so smoothly, (International jetsetters). When we got up and dropped off our trays we spotted an array of plastic cutlery, as we left we noted everyone doing an 'English etiquette' move, cutting their food and delicately placing small pieces in their mouths. They had clearly thought we were cretins-so WOBs, you were not the first in that assessment of me. Just had a Guinness, in training for our Eire trip coming up soon.

  47. Westlower

    Jul 18, 2015, 16:30 #72944

    @Jeff, The bookies are always trying to tell us something. In the 'no trophy' market, only CFC are odds against at 7/4, Man City Evens, Man U 4/6, L'pool 4/11, TH 1/4. Hope you backed Make It Up, who won at Chester this afternoon? @Bard, The betting market is dynamic, unlike some of the entrenched 'debates' on here. Once the season kicks off we'll all have more to get our teeth into. Impressive display against Everton. I could watch Mesut Ozil all day long. Potentially the classiest Arsenal player ever - discuss?

  48. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:55 #72943

    Hiccup ,Problem certainly does have a few of them, his own posts are nothing to do with the article but he insists that everyone else must only comment on it. I'm still waiting for him to tell us what name he posted his anti-Wenger posts under that the genius claims to have made .

  49. Bard

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:30 #72942

    Was that an argument Platitude, if it was I missed it ? I extend the olive branch of friendship and invite you onto one of my workshops. 'How to turn an insult into a coherent argument'. It's been very popular with the AKBs recently. Reading your last post suggests to me that it might take a while though. Meanwhile dont let the comments on here get under your skin otherwise you'll end up being the hare to a load of greyhounds. Hiccup stick to the point tangential comments and humour cause havoc with some on here.

  50. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:25 #72941

    I never bother with 'friendlies but used to go to testimonial games in the days when players even top ones were not paid fortunes. I was at the Geordie Armstrong testimonial v Barcelona,Cruyff and co and among our side that included Ball and Kennedy was Steve Gatting the younger brother of Mike the cricket player. He looked well out of place among those players, at least Geordie made a few bob out of it all and deserved to do so .

  51. Hiccup

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:24 #72940

    Baddie, I might sound a bit pedantic, but according to Problem boy, only comments on the pre war friendlies should be made on here. Please stick to the subject matter, or your submission will be removed.

  52. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:05 #72939

    Here's an odd one-no it isn't jj arriving-but something involving the 1967 Rangers' friendly. I was at this match. I was late from work-drove, parked and jogged to the stadium. Coming down the Avenell Rd I fell into the first turnstile and went into the Lower East Stand Enclosure to watch the game. My attention was drawn to the Clock End-where the Rangers fans were. I witnessed the brown beer bottle barrage. Had never witnessed anything like it before or since. It made the air brown such was the constant stream of bottles hurled from the outsides towards the centre area of the terracing. I was wise enough then to realise this would be the end, and it was. The North Bank though? That didn't register on me if it took place. We won 3-0 I think.

  53. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 13:02 #72938

    Why don't you try taking your own advice Lord Ha Ha . How can Problems be right when he never himself ,just like you do ,never comments on articles but just posts stupid abuse at others comments.There was nothing in his own post that I commented on about the article.Grow up and act your age you idiot.

  54. Hiccp

    Jul 18, 2015, 12:57 #72937

    jj, yes I see Delph has left Villa. Have you seen the way the villa fans are all bleating about it like a bunch of babies? You'd never see that at arsenal. I bet some saddo will write a blog about him and how he is crazy leaving for a team that wants to win trophies and pay him more dosh. Well I say they're better off without him. He's hardly helped them win anything anyway! A bit off topic I know, so hope it doesn't give penile problem another fit of blog rage?

  55. Lord Islington

    Jul 18, 2015, 12:53 #72936

    Jeff - he's right. The comment section here is specifically related to the article. If you and others can't stick to that, then try taking your ignorant rantings elsewhere

  56. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 12:39 #72935

    Problem, for someone with an obviously low intelligence as yourself I suggest that you steer well clear of IQ's . My advice is for you to just stick to the very Mr Angry type foul language abuse that you post to others it is more your forte than trying to appear cleverer than what you are . Just what exactly is your point anyway,I was replying to a post made on here by Westie and since when did you ever stick to just commenting on articles >? You really are one very odd person.

  57. Platitude Problem

    Jul 18, 2015, 12:23 #72934

    Jeff - Let me simplify this for someone of your IQ level. This article is about PRE-WAR FRIENDLIES. The Second World War ended in NINETEEN FORTY FIVE Arsene Wenger joined Arsenal 51 years later in NINETEEN NINETY SIX. I mean, aside from being disrespectful to the author of this piece in completely ignoring the subject matter at hand, it's just plain idiotic.

  58. jeff wright

    Jul 18, 2015, 12:15 #72933

    Oh hum, it must be party time poor old Ivor Problem is back telling someone to *** off .You couldn't make it up.... Westie those odds that you quoted make us 9/2 to win the league but odds on to finish 4th . 8/13 to win nothing ,hmmm interesting that... are the bookies trying to tell us something...

  59. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 11:21 #72931

    Hello again Bard, I have manned up, and it looks even bigger and angrier than normal! I take your point-if you can take an eskimo then anything is possible-but reject it as a defence. There is nothing to stop random posts and I wouldn't advocate or support such a policy, but when 'bellyacher one' posts familiar drivel aimed at a criticism of AW, or the club again, using the same criteria then it is surely there to be criticised as the 'same old, same old'. Non? As for no debating history, rarely is anything debated on this website. It can set off a chain reaction of experiences though, true? Generally though a view is offered, then challenged, position defended and at some stage, (often after a chorus of 'digs' from the onlookers), the two walk away often in the same direction they approached in. Nothing much if anything changes-it reflects life, wouldn't you agree? As often stated I would defend anyone's right to criticise or hold an opposing view to my own, but the repetitious clamour of negativity is boring. Whoops, manning down!

  60. Bard

    Jul 18, 2015, 11:04 #72930

    Baddie; you need to man up mate. 'Cowardly sniping' , 'bellyaching', 'grave mental disorder' and you wonder why you get a bit of stick now and again. I acknowledged Cpt F and Plati's point but historical articles are not available for debate unless you are Amos and someone has one of the dates wrong. Most of the articles get hijacked along the way not just by 'moaners' and 'bellyachers'. One of your own, Westie, often posts randomly about odds for this or that. I think your post's a bit of reductionism to be honest.

  61. Badarse

    Jul 18, 2015, 8:13 #72928

    Morning Bard, was working at Polo Farm Sports Club and St. Martin's Hospital Thursday-I looked for you but couldn't prise any coffin lids off. Think you have missed Captain Frank's point-not an unusual occurrence. His was a lucid point that here is an article to discuss regarding our history, but the lemmings race straight over the cliff to start moaning and bitching. The status quo of 'bellyachers' is unchanging-why check posts of jj and mag, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum. Their posts are constant and have been for at least three years. They do not discuss or debate, they whine-it denotes a common but grave mentality disorder. Simon Rose is a red herring, and you know it, even if true it isn't relevant to the criticisms offered. As for the last point I tried to offer yourself, and others, a personal view and it just attracted cowardly sniping. Then I felt like the fastest gun in the west because every punk came with the intention of out-drawing me. Stay with me on this. I did a Gary Cooper High Noon-hung up my guns and became an Online Gooner Virtual Reality function organiser. Hence the sometimes poor, sometimes not, humour injected into some posts of mine-the written garbage from the bellyachers fills me with ennui, and if you've ever been filled with an eskimo you'll know how difficult it is to walk, let alone debate. Good old Arsenal-but can we win the title, Bob? 'Yes we can!'

  62. Bard

    Jul 18, 2015, 7:43 #72927

    Platitude and Capt F; its a fair point but there is nothing to debate, the article stands alone as history end of. Many fans are vexed about the up coming season. and want to air their feelings. My response to moaners who moan about the site is ether dont read it or write something for it. Have you noticed that bar the odd article from Simon Rose ( who incidentally seems to be turning) there isnt another poster who consistently writes articles in support of the current regime. Why do you think that is ?

  63. Captain Frank

    Jul 17, 2015, 22:04 #72925

    Well said Platitude Problem. It's depressing isn't it? There's a forum where people can go and moan to their hearts content about whatever they want to moan about, where they set the agenda, yet they prefer to comment beneath an excellently researched and written article. If I were Robert, I'd ask the website admin to delete all the comments which don't relate to his piece - it's within their right to do so under the house rules.

  64. Platitude Problem

    Jul 17, 2015, 22:01 #72924

    There's people moaning about Wenger on an article about Pre-War friendlies. I mean, really?

  65. jjetplane

    Jul 17, 2015, 16:40 #72923

    Perhaps a sedative would be better.

  66. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2015, 16:12 #72922

    Mum! jj is picking his nose again and says he is going to put his bogies in a pizza-mag said,'Good!', and that he would eat it. It's wrong innit Mum? Shall I rub my head against their heads and give them my nits? Aw, go on, let me?

  67. jjetplane

    Jul 17, 2015, 16:06 #72921

    Caught in the line again. Up the happy pill dose and you should be 'good to do'. Back into the sea. Newsflash - Villa have lost their captain .... Other news - Arsenal are in (eternally) relaxed mood. Also 'good to go' with side salad. Jack is not a happy bunny .....

  68. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2015, 15:47 #72920

    Quick lads, put a bar across the door, mag and jj are in the phone box again!

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 17, 2015, 15:41 #72919

    jj, I bet he has an X Box though, and has fog ever been used as an excuse by him or the wengerites ? and it doesn't mean it has/had to be foggy.

  70. jjetplane

    Jul 17, 2015, 12:34 #72918

    Arteta for manager. At last we are getting somewhere ..... Accidentally watched Ox & Chambers doing it smug on an Arsenal jet and it is easy to see why Arsene Utd have rolled over so much in the last decade. Add Giroud's pics in the far east and never has an Arsenal squad looked and sounded so .... unArsenal. ****ing embarrassing. Give me Stoke any day of the week over this superficial simulacra. Just wondering - does Arsene have a tattoo? With Liverpool still buying and manager under big pressure the odd man out is Wenger who appears under no pressure to do anything which makes me think - the odds for Arsene Disingenuous getting 5th place this coming season. Not ruling out a league cup.

  71. Westlower

    Jul 17, 2015, 12:02 #72917

    Some interesting bets to wet your appetites for the new season. No trophies 8/13, any major trophy 7/4; Points total, over 77.5 Evens, under 77.5 13/18; Champions 9/2; top 2, 8/5, top 3, 1/2, top 4, yes 1/5, no 3/1; To beat Spurs home & away 7/2; To win first 3 PL games 100/30; to lose first 3 PL games 100/1; Top goal scorer, Alexis Evens, OG 6/5, Theo 6/1, Welbeck 11/1; Next manager, Klopp 4/1; Pep 10/1; TH 12/1, Koeman 14/1, DB 16/1, Arteta (new addition) 33/1.

  72. Wear Your Colours

    Jul 17, 2015, 9:13 #72916

    A very nice insight to how the friendly fixture has evolved. A really enjoyable read. I am looknig forward to part 2.

  73. Westlower

    Jul 17, 2015, 8:31 #72914

    Growing up a kid playing Racing Club of Paris seemed a real glamorous fixture. We were in awe of any team from Europe after the Hungarians taught the English how football can be played. Artisan's against a pub team. By the time Real Madrid were in their pomp with Di Stefano, Gento & Puskas, swiftly followed by the magical Brazilians of Pele, Garrincha, Didi, Rivellino it opened a few English eyes & minds. Hard work & grafting adorned our game but it was something else to see these foreign artists make the ball do most of the work. Of course later in life Racing Club of Paris reinvented itself as Paris St Germain. On arriving at Finsbury Park station there was never a more intimidating sight than thousands of Celtic supporters, line a breast to a man, swigging straight from their beer/whisky bottles. They were always a popular attraction for testimonial games as they brought a legion of support with them. We can only wonder what effect it would have had on the PL & indeed Scottish football if Celtic & Rangers had been allowed to join in with their English counterparts?

  74. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2015, 8:21 #72913

    Thank you Robert, what an informative article, you truly are the Gooner Historian. I knew that dear old Herbie foresaw the European Cup/CL, such a gifted individual. All those links will be explored later when I have more time. Hiccup/David thank you guys for my biggest smile of the morning.

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 16, 2015, 22:38 #72911

    Shouldn't that be as the squad get motion sickness frockling about in a pool in Singapore thinking their the bees knees.

  76. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 16, 2015, 22:19 #72910

    Robert - Cheers, really good read. I particularly liked the quote from the Dynamo coach. Difficult to imagine the likes of Ancelotti or Guardiola thinking the same way these days. I hadn't seen the Orwell article - enjoyable to hear the great man's views on competitive sport. If that Dymano game had passed off more peacefully, perhaps the cold war would not have happened...

  77. Jason B

    Jul 16, 2015, 22:06 #72909

    Roll on August 9th!!

  78. David

    Jul 16, 2015, 21:45 #72908

    Hiccup - glad we're on the same page.

  79. Hiccup

    Jul 16, 2015, 20:08 #72907

    Hi David. Yes, its all rather confusing now. You speak in 'old money' terms, ie football seasons (August-May). This has since been decimalised by the AKB's in to calendar years, so I now try to converse in the new language. Going forward, I will use both languages. A bit like the weathermen used to say "it will be 20 degrees centigrade, which is 68 degrees Fahrenheit". So to reiterate, arsenal performed well in the first half of the season, which is the second half of the season in old money. Think that should clear it up...

  80. David

    Jul 16, 2015, 19:20 #72906

    Hiccup - wasn't it the second 19 games where arsenal produced PL winning form when there was no chance of winning the league?

  81. Hiccup

    Jul 16, 2015, 16:55 #72902

    This year in the PL, the first 19 games were 'uncompetitive' nothing to play for games. We do quite well in these pressure free friendlies.