Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 3

The ‘General’ Section

Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 3

New kit – Were you tempted?

(Ed's note – Continuing from parts one and two of our end of season survey results, here’s the third part of five in total which we are running over the course of July)

What level of membership did you hold for the 2014/5 season?
Platinum 2%
Red 25%
Digital 12%
None 21%
None 21%? Ok, you have to give the club your email address, but just create a unique one if you don’t want to get bombarded with club spam. Then you can watch videos on Arsenal Player. It’s free you know.

Approximately how many home games did you attend this season (number only)?
Range 0 – 27 (All)
Average 8.4
That 0.4 is obviously to account for the time lost over the season with late arrivals, time queuing on the concourse for a hot dog either side of the interval and early leavers. Right?

If you're a season ticket holder and did not attend all the home games, what happened to your seat for the games you were unable to attend? Tick all which apply.
Sold it on Ticket Exchange 33%
Sold it privately 32%
Gave it to a friend 65%
It was left empty 13%
Left empty is always a shame, although sometimes it isn’t possible to shift your ticket (as we will see in the next question). One good initiative is the ability to produce a PDF e-ticket of a season ticket for individual matches for another member to use at £1 a pop. And that other member does not have to even be a paid up silver or red member. They just have to register with the club. They don’t get a card, but they do get a number. So it is getting easier once you know how and they get emailed the e-ticket without you needing to meet them to hand them a card or any of that inconvenient stuff.

If you sold your ticket privately or left your seat empty, why did you not use the ticket exchange system? Tick all which apply.
Game was not sold out so
Ticket Exchange was not available 17%
Game was too close so
Ticket Exchange was closed 28%
Don’t want to pay Ticket
Exchange admin fee 20%
Easier to sell it privately 59%
Other 12%
There really is no good reason Ticket Exchange should close such a long time before the game. Come on guys, this is 2015. Technology can handle it ok?

Do you think the method of allocating tickets for the Cup Final - based on away credits then a random ballot - was fair?
Yes 43%
No 31%
Don’t know 26%
Certainly can’t see it changing, and worst of all it’s like a self-sustaining elite when you get to about 20 plus credits. But wait…

Are you supportive of the idea of introducing "home credits" to encourage people to ensure their seat is used, which could then become an additional criteria for allocating tickets for Cup finals and semi-finals?
Yes 74%
No 7%
Don’t know 19%
But then, we get to the situation where the club does not offer Ticket Exchange because they do not sell out the stadium first, and that is the game you miss, and no-one takes your seat so you lose a “home credit”. It’s not a perfect science, this…

Are you more or less passionate about the game in general than you were five years ago?
More passionate 31%
Less passionate 27%
No different 42%
Familiarity breeds contempt?

Are you more or less passionate about Arsenal than you were five years ago?
More passionate 36%
Less passionate 16%
No different 48%
I’d say that having something at stake makes fans feel more passionate as opposed to going through the motions. Two FA Cups in two seasons is a damned good start.

Puma will be bringing out three new kits for the 2015/16 season. Does the fact the shirts will only be used for one season make you less likely to buy them?
Yes 43%
No 26%
Don’t buy replica shirts 31%
Good. The tide is turning against this particular evil empire. Home mens shirts can of course be bought with number and name on the back for about £12 if you know where to look!

What other factors will determine whether you buy the new replica home shirt - select all that apply?
Players we buy 
Performances on the pitch 9%
I won’t buy the home shirt 33%
Price is an obvious one, and probably ties in with many of the 33% who said won’t buy it. Design in an interesting one. When all is said and done, we are paying hard cash to become walking billboards for a Middle Eastern airline.

What other factors will determine whether you buy the new replica away shirt(s) - select all that apply?
Price 43%
Players we buy
Performances on the pitch 7%
I won’t buy the away shirt 39%
Design is the notably significant difference here. And certainly the away shirts are sometimes produced with the idea of a casual shirt rather than a team’s traditions. Declaration of interest here – I don’t wear the things.

Do you feel the atmosphere at home games has improved this season?
No 49%
How does anyone measure something so subjective? It often depends what is happening on the pitch of course.

What has been the best atmosphere at a game this season (home or away)?
1. Manchester United (A) FA Cup
2. Liverpool (H)

3. FA Cup Final v Aston Villa

4. Manchester City (A)
5. Tottenham (H)
Fair play to the 9,000 that made the Monday night trip to Old Trafford (and the club for helping them get back). With Wembley (rather like home games), I think it’s often a matter of where you sit. The Upper Tier can often feel like a morgue even when the fans downstairs are singing their hearts out. Time for some stadium acoustics analysis and recommendations? Er, thought not.

Do you think Arsenal should trial a safe standing section (as seen in Germany) at Ashburton Grove?
Yes 79%
No 10%
Don’t know 11%
Given their willingness to instigate the very reasonably priced Young Guns section, I think the club would go with this if legislation changed. We watch and wait.

Do you believe a safe standing section would improve the atmosphere at the ground?
Yes 80%
No 8%
Don’t know 12%
No brainer this one. No – 8%? What planet are these people on?

Would you personally prefer to watch games from a safe-standing section?
Yes 54%
No 28%
Don’t know 18%
Huge and significant majority here. The appetite is certainly there for it, and anyone that attends away games is effectively doing it already.

Who have been the best opposition fans this season?
1. Borussia Dortmund 51%
2. Crystal Palace 27%
3. Galatasaray 7%
4. Anderlecht 5%
5. Besiktas 5%
Hats off to our German friends. They never fail to deliver.

Best chant heard this season?
1. Alexis Sanchez Baby

2. What Do You Think of Tottenham?

3. Oooooooo-Ospina!

4. 49, 49 Undefeated

5. It’s Happened Again...

6. 3-0 and You Can’t Get Home (to Stoke)
I think if more people had remembered the Stoke chant it would have been number one, but one easily forgets such brilliant moments over the course of the season. Football can be hilarious… and downright cruel.

Which is the best banner seen at Arsenal this season?
1. The Cannon (as seen at Cup Final)
2. 49 (crowdsurfer)
3. In Arsene We Trust
4. Coq Blocked
5. Mia san Arsenal (German Gooners)
6. Gay Gooners
Coq Blocked is a nod to the old days and gets my vote.

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  1. Badarse

    Jul 24, 2015, 17:32 #73140

    Bard am not as convinced as yourself that the club believe this squad good enough to compete for the PL and the CL. I believe they, like everyone making a rational decision, weigh up the pros and cons. To sell it to a fan base is the trickiest job. They don't sell it to some, and those they don't sell it to fall into two camps, your camp and mine. I don't keep banging on about what should be, what would happen in a more perfect situation, what should be happening, who should do what, when and why. You do. Your prerogative but because I don't want to dance to that tune it doesn't favour your view. Your camp also embraces twits. Those who snipe, then there are the gutter-snipes, who add nothing but just tear down. Jamerson had some odd perceptions of normal behaviour if it was all for real, but he did bang the drum in support of a position. Those who are obsessed with AW's age, his ethics and principles, are those who I personally would give a wide berth to. Clearly they set a high standard when it comes to their own personal morals-it just never reveals itself. Those who joined a kick in of anyone on the floor-in the old 'boot boy' days-and ran away is personified by one poster in your camp. Nothing constructive or worthwhile, just a custard pie thrower-with a poor aim. The self satisfied and smug know it all who gets nasty when opposed. All your side of the fence. Glad I stand where I stand, and glad of those who share the ground with me. Sun's going down, owls are hooting, wolves are howling, kneecaps knocking, coffin lid shifting-I'm off!

  2. jjetplane

    Jul 24, 2015, 15:40 #73137

    What is happening in this world? How does football relate to society? When is a horse a horse? Genius.

  3. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 24, 2015, 15:30 #73136

    A centre forward. Benzema scored a cracker today against Man City and is perhaps the obvious choice, but will Madrid let him go? Defensive midfield is more of a challenge. Rosicky has never and will never be that player, so to put him in that category is an error on your part CT. Names have been thrown around like confetti, Schneiderlin, Wanyama, Bender, etc etc, but I don't see that position as such a big a deal as some are making it out to be. Is it a converted centre half position, so maybe Chambers could be used there as he learns the game management of playing centrally. Matic is probably the only current version around that I can think of.

  4. Bard

    Jul 24, 2015, 14:52 #73133

    Baddie giving the bit about the parallels with society a big swerve. i dont have a problem with the your analysis. The difficulty is that the club think this is a good enough squad to challenge for both of the main titles, therein lies the problem. I have posted many times what I think we need to do to give ourselves a shot but its not going to happen because the club sadly is more a business than a proper football club and secondly Wenger cant cut it at the top level anymore.

  5. jjetplane

    Jul 24, 2015, 14:04 #73131

    Lol Just caught that one ..... The validation of genius. This season will be a hoot!

  6. CT Gooner

    Jul 24, 2015, 14:00 #73130

    Look back a couple of posts, I gave you my wish list. Top of it is a striker that can win us games. This would be where we'd need to splash the cash, given the numbers you hear people mention. Unfortunately I try to watch all the gunners games, so I really only see our opposition, and none of there strikers have my heart pounding. I'd like to see a player that has quick feet, strong and create his own shot, who that is, I'd leave it to the scouts. Secondly, I'd like to see reinforcements at defensive midfield. I have been preaching for years that we never replace PV4, so how about we do that. Schneiderlin may not have been right, but again, there has to be someone out there that can provide cover and competition for Colquin, it certainly isn't the aging Arteta, Flamini or Rosicky (all of whom are very long in the tooth). I also believe we could use a solid left back, but that's way down on the list. So Colesyboy, two players, not a long list. A top class stiker and a strong DM to support our upcoming star.

  7. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 24, 2015, 13:12 #73129

    Ok CT, you have the purse strings at your command. Who are you going to buy that is available and who are you going to sell. I asked this question of another poster and he refused to answer until I wrote a pice about how we are going to win the League and Champions league with our current squad. And what purpose would that serve, none of us are in the mystic meg line of work. We will as always compete and see what happens. Westlower has all the odds you need and would have retired by now if he knew all the results before they happened. So CT, the floor is yours.

  8. CT Gooner

    Jul 24, 2015, 12:53 #73127

    Only problem is there's 200mil in the bank, so either drop the prices or improve the squad!! The argument we can't afford to spend prudently is false...

  9. Badarse

    Jul 24, 2015, 12:53 #73126

    Cheers goonercolesyboy, means a lot. The day I lose touch with people like yourself will be the day I hang up my boots.

  10. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 24, 2015, 12:18 #73123

    Nice reasoned response Badarse to a statement from Bard. Shame that your logic can't be seen or appreciated by those in need of the here and must have now brigade. Nice to see Begovic start his new career so well and Man City getting a thumping at the moment from Real Madrid. Still, they are only friendlies, unless it was Arsenal and then the knives would be well and truly out.

  11. Badarse

    Jul 24, 2015, 10:15 #73122

    Morning Bard. Halfway towards you. On paper not good enough to win the league, 2nd -4th very real possibility as usual. Personally I think we may be good for a runners up berth and if so we could be touching the hem of the leader. This in my guesswork world is CFC, so with a following wind, and we could always borrow a bit of hot air from groaners and Blue Moanys from this site to help, we may just breast the tape. No team enters not to win a competition, but realism must take the high road. We look at the opposition, recognise we may be the fourth invested, fourth this, fourth that, so pragmatism suggests a fourth place finish. I think our squad looks and feels balanced and primed. This then pushes me towards something beyond fourth, and second is perhaps possible, perhaps unrealistic, but a calculated guess, no more-the season itself dictates. If people recognise that the goalposts have been moved, and here I go again, look around, there are people carrying long white pieces of wood everywhere. The goalposts of most things have moved. Recognising that means the criteria has evolved beyond the, 'let's spend, catch up the others, and win the ...?' AFC's decision-making is based on sound common sense, with survival as a prime objective. Finances rule. We need to keep churning what's in the churn, and we need to keep feeding that ugly machine, just to stay where we are. As an analogy perhaps we are cantering to keep up, (be quiet westlower and eat your five Shredded Wheats, I have used the horse analogy as you suggested), to go into a gallop to win-against thoroughbreds means it may weaken us dramatically and we may fall at the next fence. That would be a Beecher's Brook too far. It was the USA's policy to outspend the USSR in the nuclear arm's race, they did, USSR ran to keep up, and the wall came tumbling down. My gripe is not with the policy-for or against-my gripe is with the failure of recognising the parallels in society, and accepting the realism of the scenario. Then the usual side-swiping and bitching that follows. I only give a perspective, albeit my own, but it is far more valid, certainly more joined up and cohesive than the 'buy him, and him, and him,' 'sack him, sell him', mentalities which abound this website's comments in the posts-more than most people's grasp of what is happening in the world too. Protest, rebel, demonstrate, (like Tony Benn, I prefer the word 'demand'), a better way, a more honest approach, all honourable and reasonable in their claims, virtually impossible to implement.

  12. Bard

    Jul 24, 2015, 8:26 #73119

    Baddie the squad is strong enough for what? To win the league or the CL, you must be kidding. It is strong enough for 4th place though so that ok then. Job done

  13. tony pepe

    Jul 23, 2015, 23:27 #73112

    2004 fa cup winners now ehh jeff. ?????? Ooooooopppppppppssssssss. Give it up as a bad job stupid. You ain't a gooner. Just a sad old man who has too much time on his hands and no one to play with.

  14. Badarse

    Jul 23, 2015, 22:58 #73110

    Well those three won't finish above us CT Gooner. You are talking of a massive investment to stand on an equal footing with those three you mentioned. It isn't going to happen for the reason that the huge financial clout required will just put us in a position to compete, not win, and as there are no guarantees in this game, it won't be considered as worthwhile. The modus operandi has changed, everything is quantifiable, so we will stick, not twist. We buy another then great, but if not is it really a case of sulking in the corner? If so then search around as most corners will be full with the whiners from this site occupying them.

  15. CT Gooner

    Jul 23, 2015, 22:25 #73108

    My point about luck with Coquelin was that Wenger got lucky. He brought him back because of the injuries and then it turned out he was a much better holding player than we had. Also, I don't think Colquin was loaned to gain experience, I believe he was seen as surplus to demand but nobody made an offer for him. I'm very happy about how that turned out by the way. As for us being deep in each position, I'd agree if we see our aim is to finish 4th, but to compete with Bayern, Chelsea or Barca, we need stronger starters. The Kings of London should not be aiming at 4th...

  16. Badarse

    Jul 23, 2015, 21:03 #73105

    CT Gooner, I'm afraid to say I'm with goonercolesyboy on the squad strength. I think we are very fortunate with Gibbsy and the much improved Monreal. But for Coquelin and Bellerin grabbing the headlines his improvement in the second half of the season would have been heralded. I prefer to think of two prime occasions he was a 'hero'. The opening goal at Old Trafford in the Cup, and his blindside run which opened up the opportunity for Alexis to strike the best ever cup final goal. I think he earned his winners' medal. Coquelin was not 'lucky'. Fortunate it happened as and when it did, but good fortune mustn't be confused with a 'lucky' tag. You secure a young player with potential, help to develop him, show continuing faith by sending him on loan to continue his development. Bring him back when an emergency occurs and he seizes a chance in an unexpected position. Great fortune.

  17. CT Gooner

    Jul 23, 2015, 20:34 #73103

    Colesyboy, I wish I had your rose colored lenses!!

  18. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 23, 2015, 20:21 #73102

    No I don't think we have any glaring weaknesses, double or triple covered in most positions and a large proportion of the squad of a good mature age.

  19. CT Gooner

    Jul 23, 2015, 18:41 #73098

    @Goonercolesyboy: Do I take it you feel we have no weaknesses, or did you not like the word glarring?? Here's my take, No striker that can create his own shot, left backs that either can't attack or cant defend. Midfielder who takes joy in marshaling the troops. Goalie. We've taken care of the Goalie, perhaps got lucky with Colquin, though have no backup if he gets hurt, and the other spots, well, I think I'll be waiting there for a while.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 23, 2015, 17:13 #73093

    Roy, R/K. apologies i thought you were referring to Barklie ref sounding like a whiskey, i was to busy thinking of all the Irish whiskeys that sounded like barklie to see the obvious, yes very suspicious he's decided to leave us at this time but like someone has already said he'll be back.

  21. Ho Hum

    Jul 23, 2015, 17:00 #73092

    The only transfer deadline date that should matter is the first day of the season. Unless of course you are an economics graduate obsessed with 'value', in which case you will ignore the fact that you are also manager of a club that can well afford to pay over the odds for real quality, and you will pray that firstly you don't drop any early points and secondly that any signings bought with hours to go on Sept 1st will hit the ground running. But it's always worth the risk to save a few bob, isn't it.

  22. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 23, 2015, 16:36 #73091

    Glaring deficiencies??

  23. CT Gooner

    Jul 23, 2015, 14:33 #73089

    Oops! I forgot this is the off-season, a time when all things Arsenal are full of promise and we should be happy, right? Unfortunately, I look at our squad and don't really see it getting any closer to winning the PL or CL. Yes, like anyone, we could win the FA cup again, but have we fixed the glaring deficiencies. I'd say no. And yes I know the transfer window has 5 weeks to go, but my belief is any business that is to be done should be completed by the end of July, that way the player won't be a stranger for the first few months.

  24. trollometer

    Jul 23, 2015, 11:58 #73086

    Not for nuffink is this site called Online Groaner DD!

  25. Bard

    Jul 23, 2015, 10:42 #73085

    Double decker is that what it is ? I thought what I was reading was enlightened debate bar the odd insult. The gap between seasons does things to fans.

  26. Double Decker

    Jul 23, 2015, 10:11 #73084

    My missus works at a kindergarten. I doubt she ever has to deal with anything quite so infantile as some people on this site with their constant bickering.

  27. Hiccup

    Jul 22, 2015, 23:55 #73081

    Whiskey boy will be back tomorrow after his enforced break due to court commitments. 5 year banning order won't apply to football blogs. Great stuff r/k and Roy! Abhorrent seems s bit strong? A bore, yes.

  28. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 21:38 #73080

    Yes nice one mg, poor old Jamie is no John Wayne type though he comes over more like Kenneth Williams in Carry On Camping along with Tonal Toad who informs that we normally hold a parade but we did not hold one but now we do unless don't hold one see that's normal ... you know it makes sense ... croak....croak...

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 22, 2015, 21:25 #73079

    Roy, R/K, he's a chav called Richard Barklie from Carickfergus (carrick)a few miles outside Belfast Co, Antrim about 80 miles from myself, an ex RUC, PSNI, officer, can't see the comparison with Irish whiskey myself and i'm sure they wouldn't want it.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 22, 2015, 20:48 #73078

    Exeter, that won't last long, it's all quiet now but as soon as the first humiliation and embarrassment comes along thanks to his messiah's incompetence (and it will) he'll dissapear quicker than you can say faulty router.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 22, 2015, 20:37 #73077

    jw, more like the Son of Katie Elder, i can just imagine Katie sitting at the head of the table at AKB Central in her rocking chair, smoking a pipe and in between every there's only one arsene wenger chant her false teeth popping out.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 22, 2015, 20:17 #73076

    So another one has been despatched from AKB central command to keep their messiah's end up (i'd imagine that would be a hard enough job at home) with nothing but accusations and venom (it's been a while since the last one and this one will not last long either) as well as their favourite site, and low and behold and it comes as no surprise she's been welcomed into the phone box.

  33. Bard

    Jul 22, 2015, 19:25 #73075

    Kate Mead; love your post. It made my morning.It had me in stitches A treatise on the need for rationality and then suggesting that Kev's 'fence sitting ' description of Arseblog is as a result of him being blinded by hatred of Wenger. Brilliant. You couldnt make it up or maybe you can. Would love to hear more of these rational thoughts and ideas. Im a big fan of rationality myself but Ive yet to read anyone on hear saying they hated Wenger. Advice for the future if you have supporters like Closeyboysetc you really need to rethink your post.

  34. Roy

    Jul 22, 2015, 19:19 #73074

    radfordkennedy - Haha, I don't know about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was there taking a break from controlling his Minions ! One of them was a 'former' police officer, though. Be interesting to know the reasons behind that.....

  35. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 19:02 #73073

    By the way Toad you hopped around the reason why a parade was not held in 2005 . I know that we normally,as do others ,hold a parade after winning the cup,it's a tradition and this ,although you are too dumb to understand it,was part of my own points on a parade not being held after we beat United in the 2005 final . The FA cup became devalued around that time after United deemed it not worth playing in when they were European Champions and were playing in some so called World Club Cup tournament in South America instead .It looked to many that Wenger when winning it in 2005 ,just after the unbeaten season , decided that a parade was not required with himself having delusions of grandeur regarding Europe having stated that winning the European Cup was his main ambition. Anyway, Toady why don't you explain your view on why no parade was held in 2005 ,if you can manage to string more than two lines together that is.

  36. radfordkennedy

    Jul 22, 2015, 18:19 #73072

    Roy...did one of those chavs have a surname similar to a bottle of irish whiskey by any chance..just asking

  37. Roy

    Jul 22, 2015, 18:08 #73071

    Interesting to see that those Chavski racists passed up the opportunity to defend themselves after the court hearing today. "Abhorrent " the Judge called them. Couldn't have put it better myself.

  38. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 18:00 #73070

    ....toad says we normally hold parades ... but we did not hold one in 2005 but now we have gone back to doing so ... well we never used to celebrate finishing 4th but in 2013 we did... now we don't.... knobs celebrate that .... and deep tonal toads with problems who think that ... Arsene knows best he celebrated winning the cup last season but no celeb for finishing 3rd in the Prem ... perhaps this season 4th will be back to being worth celebrating...if there is no FA Cup ... you couldn't make it up.

  39. toadhall suspicion

    Jul 22, 2015, 17:32 #73069

    @jeffwright. No you said not holding a parade was not worthwhile after winning the cup in 2004 ... when we didn't win it. We invariably do hold parades after winning the cup with 2005 being an exception. No reason not to do so now so simple point really ... you're a bit of a knob.

  40. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 16:50 #73068

    The only one doing he-haws here is you Tonal Problem .I said that holding a parade was not considered worthwhile after winning the FA Cup in 2005 , you agree with that right but then lose the plot. Obviously these days ,after a near decade of not winning anything by Arsene , the FA Cup is now a major trophy for him. It will be his best hope of a trophy again this season . So then Tonal what exactly ,apart from trying to appear clever ,is your point then>?

  41. tonal precision

    Jul 22, 2015, 16:33 #73067

    @jeffwright. The change of priority in holding parades was in 2005 as we usually held parades for the FA cup victories both before and after. Which makes you the donkey!

  42. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 16:10 #73066

    Thanks for pointing that out Zonal we did of course however celebrate winning the league unbeaten in 2004 .But the season after no parade was held through the crowded laurel leaf strewn streets of Islington with Arsene riding on a donkey to the town hall to celebrate winning the FA Cup . So a change of priority on holding parades after winning the old, not so long ago minor tropohy, with the 4th place money maker one being according to the messiah ,the first trophy to be won has taken place.

  43. Badarse

    Jul 22, 2015, 15:56 #73065

    And here is another comment. Both jeff wright and yourself E/G, (not a good e.g by any stretch), both immediately let yourselves down by using an ignorant bastardisation of another poster's name. Question, did you let yourselves down? Perhaps not, you both survive at that level normally. As for the policing of the site, it shows it is generally required. Think about it. Incidentally I have never seen you, amongst others, ever offer a positive and original post. Just mealy mouthed critical observations of others-but then only the ones you perceive to have an issue with. Laughable.

  44. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 22, 2015, 15:44 #73064

    Badarse, couple of points. No one 'responds and replies' on the level that you do. Not even close. Indeed your obsessive policing of this site is legendary. It's true you take the odd vacation, but then so do others with full time jobs. Secondly, please point me in the direction of a single thing coleboy has ever said that we can 'learn from'.

  45. Westlower

    Jul 22, 2015, 15:36 #73063

    Updated betting on 'club after summer transfer window' to join Arsenal: Higuain 3/1, Sissoko 4/1, Menez 4/1, Draxler 4/1, Benzema 5/1, Lacazette 11/2, Jonny Evans 7/1, McCarthy 14/1, Varane 14/1, Dzeko 16/1, Bolasie 16/1, Gundogan 16/1, Barkley 20/1, Cavani 20/1.

  46. jjetplane

    Jul 22, 2015, 15:06 #73062

    Still am amazed Arsenal are tabling a 30m bid for Benzema which is widely reported. We already have one immensely B Category striker. On the pitch would be fun with them fighting over the ball before eventually giving it the 'after you' when a ball pops up in the area. Benitez will be smirking if he offloads. Yhings could still get worst if Higuaine comes back into the reckoning. Newsflash - Bendtner is most unfit/teamless & Cesny the Craic is off to Roma.

  47. Badarse

    Jul 22, 2015, 15:00 #73061

    CT Gooner, I like the dig at the crazies on Fox. They are not in the real sense crazy but more narrow-minded obsessives, as are some who post on here. The great thing in real life-this site isn't real life-is that generally we can walk away and exclude the dummies from our everyday existence. It's why I like others just do that, either by not responding by not replying, or just taking a vacation from the site. Sunday's visit looms. Believe it or not I have received derisory digs for attending Emirates Cup events with my family. Arsenal people? Do me a favour.

  48. tonal vision

    Jul 22, 2015, 14:57 #73060

    @jeffwright. We had a very good reason for not having a victory parade for our FA cup win in 2004 ... we didn't win the FA Cup in 2004.

  49. jjetplane

    Jul 22, 2015, 14:29 #73059

    Was KATE's first job at AKB Central to clear out the deadwood? Think getting rid of JAMIE was a bad move. He actually goes to games and on good authority it is said certain AKB stalwarts are want to not even go to the towers but clock in via email and still get a full quota of brownie points. Bit like Ukip really .... ps Can Utd really land Muller while Chelsea get Pogba and we keep Arteta? The latter of course is a cert which 'is a positive' ....

  50. CT Gooner

    Jul 22, 2015, 14:28 #73058

    @ Kate, thanks for sharing your opinion. the main reason I don't like Arseblog is that it feels incredibly one directional. "Here's my opinion", while the debate section is conveniently hidden and difficult to post on (I think you need to be a member). the Gooner doesn't so that. Also, the Gooner publishes views from all Arsenal supporters, while when I was visiting Arseblog, I don't think I read any critical assessment of Wengers running of the club. Not even Baddie or Westie are that glowing in their views of our manager. Living in the states, I can tell you getting all your information from one viewpoint does not make you more informed, just look at the Fox news crazies (those voting for Trump). So I'm happy to come here so I can hear the views of those that feel we should stay the course or those that feels the manager should change. Both groups make fair points and I'll bet the best path is somewhere in the middle....

  51. Ho Hum

    Jul 22, 2015, 14:08 #73057

    Take your pick. Either righteous indignation or never ending, self-defeating sanctimonious preaching delivered totally devoid of self-awareness. The AKB certainly are a barrel of laughs, I wish I could be in their gang.

  52. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 13:50 #73056

    The only thing to be learned learned from people with tunnel-vision Badarse is that unlike those with a tendency to post capricious views the tunnel-vision posters are consistent in their beliefs. The problem with these folk though is that, like Wenger himself, they believe that their own views to be the right ones and everyone else who opposes them are wrong. These tunnel-vision types also often tend to use abuse ,Coleyboy and his side-kick the half-wit Problemboy in particular. They ape Wenger himself in doing so because when forced to answer his critics, we then get from him him the 'they have never worked a day in football ' jibes as though this prevents anyone from being able to have a point of view on his actions. Old Etonian Hill-Wood was even more blunt, he just called supporters who criticized Wenger idiots. The spin on everything at AFC these days is always aimed at critics of Wenger and club policies with the previously not very important FA Cup, that was not worth a victory parade back in 2004 when we won it, suddenly becoming a 'major trophy'that we worked hard all season to win. You couldn't make it up.

  53. Badarse

    Jul 22, 2015, 12:44 #73055

    And me jeff. It just endorses that we are very different people, with the tenuous link of 'liking' the same football team. Than goodness for the likes of goonercolesyboy and Kate Mead, some may learn from them. For others it is clearly too late.

  54. jeff wright

    Jul 22, 2015, 12:40 #73054

    Jamerson will now return calling himself the Son Of Kate Mead. 'Kate's ' post is oneof the most bigoted that has been posted on here .No surprise though to see Coleyboy supporting it .

  55. Badarse

    Jul 22, 2015, 11:46 #73053

    Good morning ArseneKB, I would suggest it isn't a generational thing as I think we sit astride different periods in time, and I enjoy the Gooner as a favourite. How news is served up to you is an innocent statement but am not convinced you meant it so sincerely-leopard and his spots and all that. I think it has more to do with the way something sits with the individual, along with those other considerations. Personally I think the Spy is a naïve twit, but I can enjoy his accounts by filtering out the drivel and bigotry. I think the silly use of changing a poster's monicker is a little childish, can we all stop now please?

  56. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 22, 2015, 11:28 #73052

    Kate - A forthright defence of Arseblog, but after reading your message I can help wondering whether, on the one hand, I've learnt more about Herr Whitcher or, on the other, I've learnt about what you think of him. Plaudits for getting off the fence and expressing your thoughts; it'll be interesting to see Kevin's right of reply. I've grown up reading the Gooner (well from being a 20 something year old), and it gives me more enjoyment than reading the competition. It might be a generational thing, or it might be to do with how you like to have opinions/news served up to you. There's room for all as far as I'm concerned, and some healthy inter-publication criticism to boot. By the way, I'd avoid Mr Coleslaw's prosthetic tin helmet - you probably won't need it anyway.

  57. Badarse

    Jul 22, 2015, 11:05 #73051

    Was that Kevin's editing? They didn't quite seem to be his words, but perhaps he is generally very guarded and the mask slipped a little. Well done Kate Mead, enjoyed that controlled but passionate defence-you did get the goonercolesyboy seal of approval which has only been bettered on a few occasions, in 1985 by the MFI Badge of Longevity, the 1986 Colgate Ring of Confidence, again in 1988 by the Bejam Always Here For You commitment, in 1990 by the Elastic Band of Bruvvers, (without Joe Brown), and latterly the Theo Because I'm Worth It I Promise To Pay The Bearer Loads of Dosh Agreement.

  58. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 22, 2015, 9:30 #73050

    Nice thoughts Kate Mead, you can share my tin helmet if you like.

  59. Kate Mead

    Jul 22, 2015, 8:42 #73049

    It doesn’t seem to have occurred to Mr Whitcher that having balanced and reasonable views, such as Arseblog, is not a bad thing. I imagine that Mr Whitcher’s pathetic adherence to binary thinking has caused him some amount of embarrassment in relation to his desire to oust a manager that went on to achieve more than the season before. As a defence against this embarrassment it seems Mr Whitcher has to put down or demean Arseblog for being a ‘fence sitter’ and goes on to imply he does this to keep his demographic. It seems that Mr Whitcher is so blinded by hatred for Arsene Wenger that instead of looking at the situation rationally with a clear head, he has to attack those that do just that.

  60. Ho Hum

    Jul 22, 2015, 1:00 #73048

    Jamerson, if you're feeling a little unloved I'm sure the guys at Untold Arsenal would gladly facilitate an arranged marriage to Mandy Dodd so you could breed the next generation of AKBs in your own little Brave New World. Alternatively, I'm sure you'll be back by the end of the week concealed behind one of your fiendishly clever disguises. I believe ante post favourite this time is Jamey Dodger, but as always with these things best check with Westlower first.

  61. jjetplane

    Jul 21, 2015, 23:41 #73047

    Good luck with Arseblog JAMERSON - knew you were destined for more than just outdoor security at AKB Towers. Just make sure it's WESTIE who does your reference. Back on topic and I am feeling quite reflective re the coming season now that I have seen Atsenal in Space so to speak. It got me thinking of the heroics of Yashin and Gangarin which leads me to the helmets worn by hone other than our new man in space (between the sticks) Cechy boy. Does this point to victory at last on terra firma in the shape of the post cold war CL. Long shots, space shots - it's all connected. Now if we just had some forwards to work with Sanchez ......

  62. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 22:59 #73046

    mag it's Lords not Lourdes.

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 21, 2015, 21:23 #73045

    Hiccup, good post the excuses and spin is rife at Lords too(I didn't know so many AKB's followed cricket)and no doubt they'll be believed and lapped up just as much there as they are here.

  64. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 21:21 #73044

    What was that mag? I need to understand what you are grumbling about before I take a shy at potting it. Did it have anything to do with hymn number 24? jeff if I assessed in the same way and agreed that a better quality player might make for a more productive outcome, but that we are very unlikely to buy said players, then what? We just agree on a basic principle that better could lead to better. Then what do we do? We cannot keep pulling hot stringy bits of cheese off our toast to make interesting shapes, or spell out rude words, can we? Could play crib though, love that game, 'Away in a manger...', look out we've awoken mag again. 15/2, 15/4, and one for his knob!

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 21, 2015, 21:00 #73043

    Bard, and good to see another one not even get a mention, i've never seen/read (not that I read or frequent it, once is/was enough) such a bunch of arse lickers, follow the party line fans, yes men in my life they'd make you sick, you really would have to be an alcoholic to frequent it.

  66. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 20:59 #73042

    You do make me laugh Hiccup, normally WOBs make me cry and splutter in my cuppa. Thing is I have no concept of cricket. It never fired me at all. Never followed a single day's play, wouldn't chance it since the stalker injunction. Silly mid way, off stumped, Midland Bank legs, over unders, wide no balls, the terms all sound decidedly dodgy, a bit like messing around with Ron in the dark. The spiel from the pundits sounds about right-a bit like listening to Osborne's justification for whipping the 'fags', and the lower classes. They try to keep it alive, and paint themselves into a corner of false hope. That may be true of AKBs, but have yet to meet one. A near neighbour has a silver ford with the licence plate WOB. Occasionally he parks outside my house and the first time I saw it I looked around for the Candid Camera chaps. currently Theo earns £600 per hour, every hour of every day of the year, clearly underpaid and seeks a very justified increase. What say you to £800-£900 per hour? Money well spent I say.

  67. jeff wright

    Jul 21, 2015, 20:54 #73041

    Yep, Badarse, better strikers = better chance of more goals = better chance of winning games ... instead of drawing or losing them ... as in our run of games at home at the end of last season when to coin an old adage our strikers couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo .... they had the chances and in Europe big Olly had enough v Monaco at home to have won us the tie but... he missed them ... and in the end the chances that strikers take are the goals that they score... Dear Jamie has flounced off leaving a whiff of brimstone behind him his attempts at wind-ups were an abysmal failure ... in truth he couldn't wind-up a clock . But fear not for as sure as tock follows tick he will return. A different name but with the same old music hall act of gags plagiarised from the Max Miller book of jokes . You couldn't make it up.

  68. Hiccup

    Jul 21, 2015, 20:37 #73040

    Baddie, I think football stadia can learn from Lord's. I love the way both teams have to walk through the Pavillion room where all the gents that are dressed up in their 'Where's Wally' attire sit. Never mind standing areas, let's experiment with this cricket idea! Would have been great years ago when Roy Keane led out the United team. Getting pushed and shoved by fans before he even got up to Vieira. I did have to laugh at the England excuses offered up through the last Test. At one stage I thought Sky had hired some help from AKB HQ? The belief that we couldn't bowl anyone out in their 1st innings was not down to our bowlers, but was due to the crap pitch (ring a bell?), and not to worry as England would knock up a 'cricket score' themselves. And then we found ourselves at 40 for 4. The perplexion amongst the pundits was hilarious. So the Aussies go in to bat again and start playing baseball style for fun. And then the pundits seemed to adapt that goldfish brain syndrome that frequents the AKB's. Once again we are told this game is not all over by a far stretch. On such a crap pitch that suits the batsmen, the Aussies still have a lot of work to do. The pundits seemed to have totally forgotten what went before their eyes only 2 days before? Needless to say, a couple of hours later the England team seemed more intent that the game should not pan out to a final day, as this would have bolloxed up plans to go shopping on what would be an additional day off. Bonus or what, eh? Anyway, apologies for digressing from socks. To wear them rolled up above or below the knee? Discuss...

  69. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 20:02 #73039

    The most elegant looking player ever in the red sock with the white hoop was Jon Sammels. He could have/should have been a sock model. On the subject of boots am often told to put a sock in it, but where's the surprise in that? Bard and jeff, do you realise you are talking to each other and saying the same things? Are you in a phone box? In essence you are both saying what we have as forwards won't do, we need better but won't get them, so we shan't do so well. Think that just about covers it. Anything I've missed? Think of proper rice pudding with the creamy toasted bits around the enamel tin; add a dollop of strawberry jam and scoff it all up. Now spotted dick could be painful, but it was cooked in a muslin rag, or an old pair of Granny's stockings, even her surgical ones would do-though they changed the taste of it a bit. Wonder what it would have tasted like if it was cooked in one of those red and white socks? Mmmm. 'Say goodnight Goldie.' 'Goodnight Goldie...sock it to me! Sock it to me!'

  70. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 21, 2015, 19:35 #73038

    Jamie son - see ya you bigot. I for one won't miss your racist, homophobic, sexist and generally misanthropic garbage. Hasta la vista pendejo. Although I fear you'll be back like a dog returning to its sick...I hope I'm proved wrong.

  71. Bard

    Jul 21, 2015, 19:27 #73037

    Sorry to see you go Jamerson,I expect we wont be seeing Pete either. Its tough on here having to think and write at the same time. Good luck. If you feel like a valium try Arseblog.

  72. jeff wright

    Jul 21, 2015, 17:29 #73036

    Bard, the points about the others being stronger as well was touched on by Cech in an interview after the obligatory talking up our chances of winning the league.This fact can't be overlooked when assessing our prospects for the new season. My guess is that Wenger will stick with Olly and Wally ( unless he sells him) and Danny Boy .I can't see us winning the league or the European Cup with these strikers both Olly and Danny miss too many chances and neither are 20 Prem goals a season men. They probably only managed that amount between them last season and Danny had a very poor record at United regarding scoring ,on the pitch that is, he was ace off it !

  73. Bard

    Jul 21, 2015, 16:54 #73035

    CT; at the risk of getting off piste good question re Wally. Here's little stat I came across. Since he signed for Arsenal the team have played 47,000 mins of football during that time Wally has played only 18000 mins. Its not quite Diabyesque but its getting there. And he wants a pay increase. Jeff, unless he buys a striker at the very least, and it will be difficult if we dont sell, youre dead right it will be another 4th place scramble. It was only a preseason granted but Giroud's not sharp enough for the top level. We may well be stronger than we were last year but then so is everyone else.

  74. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 21, 2015, 14:58 #73034

    Red socks for me, with the white stripe at the top that bad arse mentioned. I think they did us almost throughout the seventies, at least til the black and red hooped ones came in (I have a memory of T Woodcock wearing those and possibly the great Raphael Meade). Ah, remember the days when kits stayed the same for years on end? I'm also fond of those red and white hooped ones that Nike brought in during that golden period when our front line consisted of Helder, Hartson and Kiwomya. I wonder how much GG made out of those transfers...

  75. goonerbeau

    Jul 21, 2015, 14:43 #73033

    You state that..."Home mens shirts can of course be bought with number and name on the back for about £12 if you know where to look!" Brilliant - so how about giving the majority of supporters who didn't know about this the information so that they too can benefit from a £12 shirt.I for one would love to know "where to look" please

  76. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 14:22 #73032

    Afternoon Hiccup. Love the wry humour-would prefer whiskey and rye humour, though that tends to become a bit slurred and blurred, and the punch lines can really hurt. Interesting thing is whether we should discuss boots, (or in Fergie's case discus the boots), they are clearly afoot, bit like the chap who had a twelve inch penis but never used it as a rule. I remember being in awe at the sight of the first white ball, then came the white boots; Bally had a pair. Loved the idea. Now the players just look silly to me. I do not understand why suppliers/sponsors cannot offer a red and white pair, plus a yellow and blue pair to each player-they probably already supply a lackey to clean them after use anyway. Cohesion is the word, though could offer another from AKB Central Command-sympatico, has a nice ring to it, my precious. Ron was seen at Lord's biting the seats and tearing out the stuffing, whilst trying to sing 'Waltzing Matilda in between mouthfuls. When being escorted away his reason proffered was that the English cricketers are too 'tippy tappy', overpaid, spoilt, tattooed, have no spine in the team, 'don't like it up 'em', are a bit French looking, and that their bottoms are not nearly hairy enough. He was 'bailed' to appear at St. John's Wood magistrates court on Thursday.

  77. Hiccup

    Jul 21, 2015, 13:57 #73031

    I prefer the white socks as it highlights the individuality of our players when they select their footwear. Pink boots just do not go with red socks! In next year's survey, I suggest there should be a question on favourite coloured footwear. Yes CT Gooner, you are well off topic. Please keep your question for next week's "Is Theo worth £100k/ week" article, or I shall have to make a civilian arrest!

  78. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 13:49 #73030

    Am with Sammy on this one-(old? On me 'ead Sammy!', he makes sense. Hope at some stage we do get a standing area though-whoever makes up the numbers, at whatever price. Arseblog? Am not particularly versed in such matters but to me it seems a different animal so there isn't a need to be tetchy or spiteful. There is no competition, it is just a different mouthpiece, and I am interested and in accord with much espoused on it. He seems a really good lad.

  79. CT Gooner

    Jul 21, 2015, 13:37 #73029

    Arseblog the favorite unofficial website?? It just echoes what's on the official website!! I know this is a different topic, but who feels Wally is worth over 100k a week?? I know I don't...

  80. Sammy

    Jul 21, 2015, 12:10 #73028

    Interesting set of results. I do however share El Bodgeo’s view regarding the comment made on the safe standing atmosphere result. Sorry Kevin (and Brian Dawes whose articles in The Gooner I thoroughly enjoy), but if you’re going to ask a Yes/No question surely you shouldn’t dismiss those you don’t vote the same way as you feel they should have done so easily. Why ask the question if you feel it’s a “no brainer”? A tip for next year would be to only ask questions where you genuinely want to know the answer. 8% might be a small minority but it’s not statistically insignificant. Put another way 8% of the 3000 people who took the survey is 240 by my maths – that’s a lot of readers you’re decided are on another planet. Better to try to understand why their view is different to yours surely? On this I can help you as I voted “No” to this question. The reason I did so is because football has changed and the people going to games have changed. In the good old days, it cost a few quid to go and stand on the North Bank and sing and sway with everyone else. Now it costs £40 (and more) and plenty of the old crowd have been priced out or got too old – I’m in that latter category. If the clubs were to introduce safe standing – and I have to say I still feel we are a long way off – then are the clubs going to significantly reduce admission prices? I’d be very surprised and it’s for that reason that I’m not sure the atmosphere would change because it would still be largely the same group of people in the ground. Those who want to sing and cheer and make a lot of noise, do so regardless of whether they are standing or sitting thesedays. I’m quite happy to loudly remonstrate with the referee or sing “Good Old Arsenal” from the comfort of my seat in the upper tier, but there’s not many around me who join in. Also, safe-standing is a very different experience from what we used to have in the form of terracing. As I understand it, you still have an allotted space in a row and every row has a crush barrier. Safer yes, but it’s not a return to what we once had. Do I think we should trial safe-standing? Yes – choice is always better than no choice. Would I stand if it were an option? No – I’m too old and I like my view from the upper tier.

  81. Badarse

    Jul 21, 2015, 12:06 #73027

    The argument with socks has a hole in it. Actually a hole in a sock was called a 'spud' in my day. The coming generations no doubt will have socks sprayed on, special spray colour which will allow the tattoos to show through. Seriously Jamerson, I mentioned yonks ago that my favourite socks were the '71 red ones. They had a band of white at the top of the sock which when folded over gave that white hoop. We do look better in red socks in my opinion, even ArseneKB would.

  82. Hiccup

    Jul 21, 2015, 10:53 #73026

    Bard, not surprised in the least with arseblog being up there. Probably still a pampering, dull load of dishwater served up, with eternal 'corners turned' to keep the masses full of optimism.

  83. Bard

    Jul 21, 2015, 9:25 #73025

    Extraordinary to see Arseblog is the favourite Arsenal website. Id rather watch paint dry. Good to see Le Grove up there.

  84. Charlie George Orwell

    Jul 21, 2015, 7:45 #73024

    For those unlucky enough not to have known the terraces, to choose where to stand and to share the craic with whom you wanted to be with or near to were part of the magic of match days. Retroaction is Progression? Blimey, maybe 2+2 does equal 5.

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 21, 2015, 0:44 #73023

    Favourite unofficial Arsenal Website/Blog? there must have been a good turn out of wengerites at AKB central command's virtual garden party BBQ that night, where they were all asked to tick here on the way out.

  86. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 21, 2015, 0:19 #73022

    Interesting reaction to the Cup finals credits question 43% 74% I wonder how many of them were the ones happy with and wanted the League Cup and FA Cup aborted (before they suddenly became important)for so called bigger fish.

  87. Brian Dawes

    Jul 20, 2015, 22:45 #73021

    Totally agree with Ed. re "No brainer this one. No – 8%? What planet are these people on?" All the best atmospheres I've ever been in are at games where I've stood for the vast majority of the match. Can't believe what an unnecessarily snide comment was made by El Bodigo - has he/she never stood in a great atmosphere and has he/she ever sat in one? Were the 8% non-attendees?

  88. Hiccup

    Jul 20, 2015, 22:45 #73020

    I have it on good authority that Wenger wanted tassels on the socks, but Puma wouldn't foot the extra costs. Bring back Nike!

  89. Ho Hum

    Jul 20, 2015, 21:26 #73018

    I bloody hate white socks on the Arsenal kit. They look weak, they look shandy, they look Tottenham. Read somewhere once that they are Wenger's preferred option, no idea whether that's true but it suits my own agenda and gives me another reason to hate him as well so I'm going with it.

  90. jeff wright

    Jul 20, 2015, 16:54 #73009

    No Hiccup no retro shirts for me,I have the original ones ! No blue ones though,apparently blue is the best sell colour according to market research geeks that is, so this explains that anomaly. Anything for money.

  91. jjetplane

    Jul 20, 2015, 16:40 #73008

    On topic here and noticed Jack when running appeared to have a bit of material (discoloured red rag) sewn to the bottom of the shirt. Retro in a post modernist sense or simply pants (shirts). Cannot make my mind up as to whether I even want to see those shirts again, never mind purchasing one for one lucky reciprient in my ever growing AKB family. I had an Everton shirt about 50 years ago which I wore with Puma boots (or Pocock) in my school debut against Tolly Park. Still on topic and I used to have a couple in the Montague in the 80s after visiting the dump. Still have not been to the new one .... BooM!

  92. Hiccup

    Jul 20, 2015, 16:24 #73007

    Jeff, you continue to contravene the 2015 AKB Contravention of off topic posting, which they have taken upon themselves to ban.Now will you be buying the replica shirt or not?

  93. Mark Mywords

    Jul 20, 2015, 15:13 #73006

    Agree with the comments regarding recycling tickets. Sometimes my wife can't make it on a Saturday. I'm sometimes standing outside the stadium with a spare ticket. I'd willingly give it away, rather than see it go to waste. It only wants some soppy copper standing around and you get hauled off to the nick for being a ticket tout. Not worth the potential bother.

  94. Wear Your Colours

    Jul 20, 2015, 14:29 #73005

    I am very encouraged by the responses for the safe standing section. My children were born into the 'all seating'era of football stadiums. It would be nice for them to experience the pleasure of meeting your mates at a game and being able to watch and urge on the Gunners side-by-side. It is also interesting to see that a quarter of those surveyed are influenced by the colour of the shirt when considering whether to buy a replica kit. It would be nice to probe that a little further in next years survey. Perhaps we could get a message to the marketing department once and for all how much we despair when they choose blue for an Arsenal shirt.

  95. El Bodgeo

    Jul 20, 2015, 13:50 #73004

    Ed, Don't really understand your cocky & judgmental comments for each Survey result that you don't agree with. Why don't you just fill the answers in yourself next year? e.g. 'No brainer this one. No – 8%? What planet are these people on?' Same planet mate, just a different view to you. Next year, why not tell everybody what answers to choose so you can have 100% in agreement with your view. Are you Gazidis in disguise?

  96. jeff wright

    Jul 20, 2015, 13:20 #73003

    So what are the positions that need strengthening for us to take on City and Chelsea for the title - or even to hold off United for 3rd spot >? A top class striker of the Costa /Aquero class for starters that much is obvious .Danny Boy was a waste of time just another poor late panic buy and then the inevitable bigging up of him by those who a day earlier had dismissed him as being rubbish. Wenger gets paid 8m a year to find players to improve us so it is up to him to do so. We need also another midfield holding player to back up le Coq or even to play in tandem in certain games when required. More flexibility from Wenger other than gung-ho gung ho it's off to work we go tactics ... is needed ,however I won't be holding my breath on this happening because asphyxiation is an unpleasant way in which to leave the building. A top quick CB is another priority if we are serious about making a title tilt and I mean a proper challenge not a run of games at some period that is then claimed to make us calender year champions. Again I reiterate that 8m a year Wenger gets paid to find these players and not to award millions to duff players such as Arteta based on loyalty by them to himself. As it stands now all I can see is another season of competing for 3rd or 4th place because the current squad and manager were no where near winning the league last season or the other teams in the 9 previous ones under Wenger either . Once is chance,twice coincidence , but after that it becomes a pattern, a very familiar one.