Monkey gone to heaven*

Online Ed: Arsène finally beats Mourinho

Monkey gone to heaven*

In the greater scheme of things, the victory over Chelsea at Wembley yesterday will probably not count for much, but nevertheless, it was an enjoyable afternoon in the sunshine. Whether or not defeat for Arsenal would have had any psychological knock-on effect when the teams meet for real over the course of the season, we will never know, but the displays of the likes of Petr Cech and Laurent Koscielny gave confidence that the team may be in better shape to get the results required than they looked at times during the opening months of last season.

With Alexis unavailable, Wenger fielded a similar line-up to the FA Cup final against Villa, bringing in Oxlade-Chamberlain on the right wing. It meant shifting Aaron Ramsey, and rather than put him on the other flank, the Coquelin-Cazorla axis was broken up, with the Spaniard moved wide and Ramsey playing in the centre. It’s certainly where the Welshman would prefer to play, but Cazorla, as a consequence, seemed less influential.

Generally, in attack, Arsenal did not look particularly inspired, and going on chances before things got frantic as Chelsea chased the game, in fairness the result could have gone either way. Ramires missed a couple of excellent chances, whilst Eden Hazard blasted over in the second half with clear sight of goal.

When Arsenal got their chance, they took it, a fine move starting with Ozil and going through Walcott, was finished with aplomb on his weaker foot by the Ox with a pearl of a strike.

At the other end, it felt like the opposition were targeting Hector Bellerin a bit, and certainly the young Spaniard had a busy afternoon. His selection indicates that, for now, he will retain his place when West Ham visit next weekend. At times, the Gunners’ play out of defence was sloppy, and the attempt to play the short passing game in their own half did lead to danger. They got away with it yesterday, but it is a weakness that pressing teams are going to exploit. Sometimes, it is better to play safe.

Mesut Ozil was generally peripheral. Often shadowed by Matic, he struggled to influence matters. His pass to Walcott that led to the goal did open things up, but he needs to become more dominant in terms of his involvement if we are to see the best of him.

The amount of pressure Jose Mourinho’s side put on as the second half wore on was a good test for the defensive side of The Gunners’ game, and they came through it well. The difference that the qualities Petr Cech brings to the side were obvious, with his saves, punches and excellent distribution, whilst the back four grew in strength as the game wore on. Chelsea were ultimately nullified, their pressure soaked up. We hold what we have stuff from Arsenal with sub Giroud left to plough a loan furrow (and miss a couple of good chances).

Late on, both Cazorla and Gibbs should have made the margin of victory greater as Arsenal exploited gaps at Chelsea’s rear, but Courtois demonstrated why Cech spent most of last season on the bench.

As for the non-handshake after the presentation of the shield, both managers looked like they were happy to avoid it. Does it matter? Not really. But it was an indication of the genuine dislike between the two men. Wenger should have risen above it, offered his hand and let it be rejected. That would make Mourinho look like the sore one. As it is, it demonstrates that the Portuguese has got to the Arsenal manager. That his words have actually bothered him. He should be old enough and wise enough to know better. He has allowed himself to get wound up.

Next week, the real thing. There is still the best part of the month to make a couple more signings that could really help the side to push on, and certainly the money to do it. To bed new arrivals in, it would be good to have done the business already, but such is the Arsenal way…

*Title of a 1980s track by the Pixies, referring to the Mourinho record monkey now off AW’s back.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. julesd

    Aug 06, 2015, 5:57 #73655

    RON the patroniser, it's okay 'dearie' is now back in the kitchen!!!!

  2. Mark from aylesbury

    Aug 05, 2015, 18:06 #73640

    I going to paste the following "The divide is obvious, those who support the football club, the manager and the way the club is run and those that want it all, now and forever. Win at all costs no matter the financial implications. - Post No. 77703 Colesey - Jamerson has already said he does not want a new forward. £50m is a lot of cash and probably a fair whack of our disposable cash. There is still a strong possibility that we will spend it on a forward. Rumours suggest that the board want to do it. Plus the titanic ego of Ronaldo and demands of Bale could push Benzema out. Virtually every WOB on this site wants a top forward. Question to you. Will you support this wild spend by Wenger? Is it appropriate considering your desire for caution? Can you live with this new model of Wenger abandoning youth by sending Akpom on loan?

  3. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 17:11 #73637

    What fun and who says the posts are boring. I do love an allegory or even a fable. Great stuff Jeff , Arseneknewbest and congratulations to your boy Baddie. How you find the time to watch him run and write lengthy missives is beyond me ? Surely the moral of the story is that Sally needs to get a grip and stop f****** about. Letting Simon beat her that easily shows a lack of mental strength. I also heard that she burnt her hand baking the pies and was out of action for months leaving Simon with a free run. It was bad luck so they say but she has done the same thing for the last 10 years and still refuses to wear oven gloves.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 17:10 #73636

    My(16 year old) son entered a bog snorkelling competition last week it wasn't very hilly as you can imagine but he came last anyway (he must have ate to many pies) but i'm still tremendously proud of him anyway.

  5. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 17:10 #73635

    Is that the same Charlie who is also to be the next DB10? Aaaah Cornish - nice to hear you! Blarneyarse - it's the way you tell 'em ...... lawd knows what will happen when Colesy gets his bubble machine out for Sunday ..... Happy days. Bournemouth here I come!

  6. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 15:07 #73630

    Even 'car tyre' ,reading Badarse's running men analogies is making me tired ..... Colesyboy ,Arsene is not short of money now , he just needs to spend it better. Onwards and upwards !

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:56 #73628

    Err Coleslaw - do you mean "poncey" mon ami?

  8. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:48 #73627

    Arseneknewbest, yes Simon served his apple pie with cream while poor Sally had to make do with Tesco's ready made custard . Usmanov's comments about Arsene now having a team that can compete for the European Cup are somewhat deflated like a car tire with a slow puncture when he added ,apart that is from one position. We all know what position that is. Personally I think he is swerving around the fact that Wenger himself who has had teams in the past wth a top striker in them still couldn't win his holy grail and European sides are stronger now days to boot.Even ones like Monaco cause our man problems.

  9. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:41 #73625

    Blarneyarse. Brilliant results for Charlie. I think the Ramsgate 10k result/time was more impressive than the Dublin parkrun. I know how good he is for your local parkrun, but I didn’t know how good he was over longer distances. I class myself as one of Charlie’s ‘vicarious supporters’ and was genuinely pleased to see his results, and Mrs Baddie’s in the 5k. I accept your point about being able to enjoy the moment, but wouldn’t you have enjoyed Charlie coming first in the Dublin 10k rather than the fourth place trophy he won? Obviously at his age it’s a great result, he’s got talent and he will get better, but if he came fourth year after year would you not feel that maybe a different approach to training/motivation was needed? On the Arsenal being top in a calendar year point, does anyone ever suggest that the last 5k of a 10k race and the first 5k of the next 10k race show that an athlete was the fastest over 10k, despite losing both races? On a sad note, shame Charlie’s dad (your son?) couldn’t be there.

  10. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:30 #73624

    Jeff - It probably goes without saying but I thought your satire of what passes for badarsian humour was much better than the original, ahem, piece of reportage about young relatives taking part in cross country races (whatever next)?. Plus the allegory in your story is spot on. Without a new goalscorer in the squad, watch that pie with cheap ingredients turn into a crumble (oh or maybe a turnover!)

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:23 #73623

    Wally is, and will go down in history as, just another one of TOF's second rate over paid players (and my god there have been plenty of them over the last ten years)that we're still stuck with along with others.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 13:57 #73621

    Arseneknewbest, your cracking me up.

  13. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 05, 2015, 12:13 #73618

    Conveniently forgot to mention that Simon met a pie man dressed as an oil rich oligarch on the way who gave him a few hundred million. Pensez.

  14. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:48 #73616

    Badarse, Sally entered an apple pie baking contest and reached the final where she was faced with Simon - who had once met a pie-man going to a fair and had then become infatuated for ever after with baking pies. Sally was an old spendthrift counting every penny and bought the cheapest apples and flour and sugar that she could find to bake her apple pies . Whereas Simon on the otherhand spent lots of money on buying the best apples , flour and sugar to bake his pies with . The judges were unanimous in awarding Simon first prize in the apple pie baking contest commenting on the superior taste to Sally's pie of his one . Sally did however score more marks for artistic merit with her presentation that was better than Simon's more humble pragmatic efforts. But as one judge remarked ,the proof is in the pudding,and Simon's pie was much the tastier of the two . Simon was elated on winning the pie baking contest beaming with joy and waving his trophy, a silver spoon victoriously in the air along with his tickets for a holiday for two in Hawaii for a fortnight . Poor old spendthrift Sally was devastated and could only gaze disconsolately at her runners up prize - a wooden spoon and a weekend for two in Southend . Never mind love said her husband ,there is always next year... or the year after ...

  15. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:09 #73612

    jeff et al...are there some amongst you WOBs thinking, 'Here who is this ET Al character-sounds a bit alien to me?', just before we left for Dublin Charlie, (15 years 2 months) entered a sponsored (very hilly) 10k run. Age restriction was 15 and above, so I mentioned his age. He came 4th out of 124 runners with a time of 40m 45s(they timed him as 47s but I have photographic evidence as he crossed the line). In Dublin on a very hilly course besides the banks of the Liffey he won the parkrun, returning a time of 19m 27s. Am justifiably pleased for him, myself, and all vicarious supporters, should I not be? It isn't a European gold, or anything amazingly similar, but we cheered him home and had a good time in doing so. For Charlie read the three recent competitions/trophies. If you cannot be pleased for the winning of them then you and everyone of a similar ilk do not have a Charlie growing up in your ranks-or deserve one. Pensez!

  16. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:56 #73610

    Badarse - I gave you fair warning so here's the D minus for that rambling, incoherent stream of so-called consciousness. You've got a 10 month season of badarsian witticisms ahead of you (and so have we come to think of it - nurse!). This was not an auspicious start. Why not fill up your flotation tank with warm custard and get out your Peruvian prescription - you need a pre-season power nap and an altered state comrade.

  17. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:54 #73609

    John every team can claim that if they did that they could win the league it's not very likely though because all though these games look easy on paper they often turn out to be tougher than expected. Even the Invincibles in 2004 drew 12 games winning the league on 90 points. Chelsea won it the season after with 95 points although they lost one game. United did once win the league by taking more points from the lesser sides while posting poor ones against the top ones .That is the only instance of this scenario having worked. A one off just like their treble was. For it to work you need a lot of draws between the other top sides when you are beating the lesser ones and for the other top sides obviously to win a lesser amount of points against the also rans than you do . Chelsea did better than us against those lesser sides last season though and even had we matched them in that respect we would have still required 8 more points than we got from the games we played against the other top 4 teams,6 points from a possible 18 is not good enough. We can't rely on the other three top teams winning less points off the lower ones than we win . Also as I pointed out when you win points from your rivals you also deprive them of points in the fight for the title - so it's a double whammy - against when you beat a non-title rival and your title opponents also win their games - so nothing changes unless G/D is involved and our one was inferior to Chelsea and City anyway .

  18. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:44 #73608

    AKnewB Great Dexy album (shut it/till you know the truth) along with the UB40 first and Sound Effects. Nice one and it were JP and Joycey lad.

  19. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:18 #73607

    Good on you G, I was refering to the Asia and Emirates cups being fake tournaments ,not the FAA Cup. As for the 'friendly Shield a something that after doing the double in 71 we declined to play in surely no one takes that seriously >? Sunday was all about Jose and Arsene's egos more than anything else .It's now Jose 14 - Arsene 1 .But hey our man is fighting back at last ! I'm looking forward to the rematch in September that should be more than a chimps tea-party .

  20. GoonerRon

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:04 #73606

    New season, same old **** on here! @ Jeff re: post 77707 - I was at Wembley for both FA Cup finals and I can assure you the glow felt by every Arsenal supporter there certainly wasn't fake. I presume you were at home watching both finals whilst waving your Hull and Villa flags.

  21. John Gage

    Aug 05, 2015, 9:35 #73605

    @jeff wright: Is there another route to the Premiership title other than defeating Chelsea, Man City, and Man Utd? The gap between Arsenal and Chelsea was 12 points. Now Arsenal dropped 2 points against Everton, 2 points against Leicester, 5 points against Tottenham, 2 points against Hull, 6 points against Swansea, 3 points against Stoke, 4 points against Liverpool, 3 points against Southampton, 2 points against Sunderland. Now I'm not a maths genius by any stretch of the imagination but that's 29 points you've dropped !!! 29 points against sides which Arsenal should be more than capable of beating. It strikes me that if were more consistent against those sides you might be able to get closer or even win the Premiership without taking points off Chelsea, Man City, or Man Utd.

  22. Westlower

    Aug 05, 2015, 9:32 #73604

    @JJ I would avoid being a gambler if I were you as you seem to lack the vital ingredients for being a successful punter. Good judgement, patience, discipline & intelligence. All items found in abundance in the make up of an AKB but sadly lacking in our WOB brothers who compensate by owning lots of toys contained within extra large prams. Stick to what you do best - 9th tier football. Littlehampton is your level & it's important to realise your limitations. My best advice to you is ALWAYS BACK WINNERS but within your own little 9th tier bubble! It seems West Ham are taking the kids to Romania as the first team are staying home to practice efficient ways of parking the bus in readiness for the Emirates on Sunday.

  23. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 9:17 #73603

    Good morning gentlemen-yes I'm referring to you two ArseneKB and jj. May be a bit unusual being addressed in such a way but I am always polite, even if being cutting, (or attempting to be). Now if I was a pedant I would point out your misspelling of Donleavy AKB, but what's a letter, but a missive? I post and have a very large family, extended one included. My reading is accepted within but in this strange ethereal vacuum called the Online Gooner I am challenged. Books to read are piled high, and reading matter available has long been measured in inches-currently around two feet. Mmm, criticism, groundless, but interesting though. Bit like 'my Dad can fight your Dad', don't you think? Note also that I never revert to that type of slap and run technique? As for my literature it counts for nothing. I buy regularly, often in 2nd hand shops, prezzies etc, though it's thinned over the years because it becomes a dilemma for the 'givers' as what I haven't read becomes more of an unknown-that and the fact many have either fallen off the end of that old conveyor belt we all ride, or are no longer enamoured enough to buy any more. Can recommend John Fante as a genuine offer of conciliation, or not. Just to put the record straight-have done this so often on here due to inabilities to comprehend standard personal responses, (shows that people look without seeing), I am totally opposed to racism. During Titi's/Nike 'selling' wristbands 'Stand up, speak out', I often did. Name-changing isn't racism, just silly, and impolite sometimes, occasionally pushing the offensive, but 'sticks and stones' always does more to injure the perpetrator, don't you think? Books. Means zilch whether I have read more than you to or not-but probably have-it's what is gleaned from the literature. I know of a person who read Animal Farm and thought it was just an amusing little book about animals. I have no mates on here, just one or two I admire, westlower I regard as a friend, a few I am genuinely interested in reading, but all are respected. That includes the twits! Even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.

  24. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 05, 2015, 9:12 #73602

    84% of supporters polled by the Arsenal supporters trust backed the manager in a recent survey. I guess unfortunately we have the 16% dissenters on here posting all the time.

  25. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 8:16 #73600

    I read that Jack is out till mid Sept with another ankle injury and that the boss is keen to sign him up for another 4 years on £140000 per week. Westie wha are the odds on JW and Wally not playing more than one third of the games this season ?

  26. jeffwrightisananagramoftourettes

    Aug 05, 2015, 0:24 #73597

    Jeff, learn some self censorship. We're dying here. Go on a 'keep it concise course'. Please.

  27. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 0:19 #73596

    You are right WESTIE. Bit hard on you there. Hands up and I am sure most of those horses are as drug free as Woj. Joking mate. Pass the laughing gas .... Jack! may even start betting this season. Got a mate who is gamble mad and he supports Man U. Stick with the winners .....

  28. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2015, 0:16 #73595

    jjet - quite. His offering also read a little like the chorus of "dance stance", the opening track on the first (and truly brilliant) Dexy's album. Except he missed out Sean O'Casey, GBS and Edna O'Brien. I guess the blue nun (and tristram shandy) was kicking in by that stage. Did I spot a melange of Joyce and Dunleavy in your message?

  29. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2015, 23:58 #73594

    At least he googled up a list of Irish writers. Fair play to him. Wondering if that title should read The Sad Summer/s of Arsene W. Portrait of an Accountant as a Football Manager. With me so far. Have you got the shape yet?

  30. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 23:15 #73593

    Badarschloch (your mate jamie thinks I'm a racist 'cos I like to have fun with your nom de plume - what a nutjob eh?). Your reply was predictably sub-par and underwhelming. Before writing that lump of words, did you drink all of your duty free liebfraumilch in the mini-cab on the way back from luton airport? That would explain a lot. You've just had a break which means you really ought to be at the top of your game, so let's see some improvements over the coming days please. Otherwise, it'll be a D minus again.

  31. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 22:39 #73592

    Tony Pepe says "@Jeff Words that you need to add your vocabulary." Hmm that @ looks rather familiar along with the dodgy grammar ... well er,Tone... I suggest sunbeam that you try taking some grammar lessons before advising others on what words they should use. You could start by adding 'YOUR' to your own vocabulary . You couldn't make it up.

  32. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 22:27 #73591

    A few problems with that Wally scenario Badarse ,for starters Wally is injury prone and his career regarding that has been touch and go at times .He will 29 knocking on 30 by the time that rosy picture of him being off-loaded to some gullible club arrives and worth only a bag of magic beans and a two dozen brass coat buttons. Wenger is off anyway himself when his contract runs out ,he will do what Sir Ferguson did and just announce it then it will be all over he is 66 in October and by the time his contract is up I reckon that he will go back to France with his wife and young daughter. There is more to life than football,and despite what he claims,that also applies to Wenger . I think he has just settled a few scores this summer such as ditching the rebellious Woj and rewarded his loyal pets such as Arteta and Wally .It's all going to get a lot tougher as well when the 4th place is no longer a trophy .I can't see the Prem clubs picking up enough points in Europe this term to avoid 4th place going to Italy. Wenger will not want the stress of fighting for just 3 places against 4 other sides . I'm looking at what Wenger said himself about how much money he had to spend this summer and the Cech signing and Wally being with his huge increase in wages like another one. The saving grace for Stan is that Wally did not cost 40m to buy - giving him a new contract was just about increasing his wages. All rather crazy in my view given his injury proneness and age - plus not least the fact that he is not worth 140k a week. The league has been there to be won a few times over the last few seasons but Wenger never has the squad to stay the course and distances and always drops away before coming into the last furlong .It will be the same this season as well.

  33. tony pepe

    Aug 04, 2015, 22:03 #73590

    @jeff...... never, ever, forever, clever ????? Words that you need to add your vocabulary.

  34. Bard

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:57 #73589

    What fun tonight. Baddie in full flow and Colsyeboysetc getting his knockers sorry meant knickers, in a twist at not getting answers to his questions about the make up of our squad. If he pays me £8m a year my memory might click into gear. I get overwhelmed by the complexity of the AKBs agenda. Can you remind me what it is that I havent provided you with ?

  35. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:36 #73587

    Evening jeff, I've got your Horlicks here-you did say you like Hor-licks, didn't you? OK, try this. Walcott leaves next year for nowt-that would not be seen as protecting our investment. Sign him up for 4 years and we have an extra three to bargain with when selling if done next season-covering all options. Dismiss that aspect, though it may be worthy. Next year he is a 'free' agent-worthless to us, now he is valuable and for just £2million. That is what that money does for us, it hurts to spend it on a player who in my opinion isn't worth it but it is good business sense. He is also valuable to us as an impact sub, so again am pleased Arsene is managing the club's finances and not yourself. This is where the world of football is right now, get used to it; no need to strive to be a dinosaur or to become a fossil, that is easily attainable, you have many role models on here. Come into the light Carol Anne, er jeff...

  36. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:17 #73586

    What you mean like Wenger wasting millions on Diaby and awarding more millions and contracts to past it players. Or 140k a week to one that he doesn't even know after donkeys years of coaching him what his best position is >? It's about how you use resources as well as just spending money . 2 cups and 2 plates for the millions spent over the past 12 years is not a good return for that and there have been some nasty humiliating defeats as well .It's fairly obvious to anyone who doesn't need a guide dog and a white stick that we need a better striker than Giroud or Wally no best position . So why wate millions on Wally when Wenger could have called his bluff on not signing a new contract .Danny Boy was a waste of millions as well . Wenger signs him, a striker from United with an history of struggling to score goals. Now come on what is the purpose of that>? Again poor management and a waste of money by Wenger . That's why he celebrates now days just winning fake cup comps the FA Cup and the Charity Shield . Yawn.

  37. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:03 #73585

    Evening ArseneKB. I know your post was aimed below the belt, but am in good company, or not bad-whichever works for me. In successive posts you rant at myself, aim at westlower, then Ashcroft, whilst slipping in a supportive post for uncle jeff. In amongst your tangled reasoning you offer a diamond in Laurence Sterne-now that's interesting, (did you know he was vilified at the time?). You conveniently overlooked the iconic master in Wilde, though Joyce stood tall too, Brendan Behan lit up the pages, as did the Irish-American and perhaps my favourite J.P.Donleavy-but that is just a fairy tale of New York, even Bram Stoker,(did you know he was a fair footballer too?). So pogue mahone-it's 'bad'!.

  38. Mark from Arsenal

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:00 #73583

    Coleslaw - all I am asking is for a little slice of that £200m on a top top striker. Even carpet king Lord Harris wants it. Arsenal - always and forever ( Is that a song title) Arsene - well let's be generous and say 2 more years then pack up your bags. kronke - well saying goodbye now would be so sweet.

  39. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 04, 2015, 20:30 #73582

    Ah the shakesperian fraud is at it again asking people to write something on here for us all to debate. Yet when he is asked the question he ducks the issue, not once but twice. The divide is obvious, those who support the football club, the manager and the way the club is run and those that want it all, now and forever. Win at all costs no matter the financial implications.

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 20:24 #73581

    Oh dear the king troll is back, nothing left to say under his own name (or just hasn't the nuts to do so) maybe we should take it as a compliment, anyway he didn't last long it's been deleted already so he's off back to AKB central as he's booked in for the electrodes and then it's his turn with the wenger wipes.

  41. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2015, 20:14 #73580

    Evening children, and the few grown ups. Sorry was flying at 29,000 feet, and many were a long way below. I have to report on last night's "Virtual Annual Annuals' Awards"-originally known as the "Virtual Annual Albums Award" but one amongst us got stroppy and insisted that Albums should be hairy, and the "Virtual Annual Hairy Albums Award" didn't get past the censors. In first place, was as expected, 'The Beano'. Runner up was The Dandy. 'Highly Commended' were The Beezer, The Topper, The Eagle and The Wizard. The Hotspur was disqualified on naming issues, and was last seen with pages torn and holed, strung together, hanging on a nail in the Gents loo at Central Command. Comic Cuts failed to receive a nomination on the grounds that those in the audience were far more comical. I'm looking forward to 'The Virtual Online Gooner Season's Awards' tomorrow evening. 'Jes pull up a chair', in your case 24601 a fully loaded shooting stick is optional.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 19:10 #73579

    Arseneknewbest, i'm giving you detention you have to stay behind after school and write 100 lines, I must not upset the wee hard done by sensitive AKB's I must not upset the wee hard done by sensitive AKB's I must not upset the wee hard done by sensitive AKB's

  43. Mark from aylesbury

    Aug 04, 2015, 19:07 #73578

    Is Maureen being racist when he calls Pellegrini Pellegrino! Can a Portuguese nation use a comic book name against a Latin South American? That Maureen he is naughty. Other news is that evening standard suggests split amongst the board with some wanting an active pursuit of a top top striker! Hence Lord Harris intervention makes more sense.

  44. Bard

    Aug 04, 2015, 18:54 #73577

    Ashcroft post of the day mate.77672 What a surreal little number. Linking Wenger's knockers to phoney Maureen was blinding ( note to self the strict pc term is man boobs).To be honest I had never noticed. I had always thought Maureen was a complete p**** but I can now see him as a total t** brilliant. Incidentally I can see you are only a selective reader of posts on here. If you find the wob posts disappointing you obviously havent read Coseyboysetc or dear old Jamie/Jamerson/Pete. You can lose the will to live trying the fathom what their point is. The other route of course is to write something yourself. Poor old Simon Rose needs a friend and I am sure Kev would be only too pleased to put it up for consumption. but I suspect the of parameters of your arguments probably begin and end with 'get behind the boys'.

  45. Ashcroft

    Aug 04, 2015, 17:27 #73576

    ..Being a true fan is more than just jeff standing in front of the tv in his Y fronts moaning to his kids about Wenger,or Arseneknewbest attending one cup game a season with his latest boyfriend or jjetplane cheering every time the opposition score..

  46. Hiccup

    Aug 04, 2015, 17:03 #73574

    Jesus wept! The AKB's are easy enough to wind up as it is, but they've managed to wind themselves up in to a right frenzy today. Baddie is taking another sabbatical because julesd was told to get out more? Ron, please go easy and think about what you're saying next time. Hangable offence that. But Jamie gets post of the day (hope this doesn't cause baddie to explode again) because changing someone's name on here from badarse to badarsio is racist? And then westie comes steaming in again, throwing odds around to save the day. You guys really would be better off at arseblog, where you can all exchange knitting patterns with like minded people.

  47. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 16:42 #73573

    'JJ, I can honestly say that you're the only doped up nag that I know. Try running your next 9th tier race minus the blinkers. The race comments would read, "started slowly, struggled to go pace & faded badly. Needs a drop in grade & trip. Not one to trust."

  48. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:47 #73572

    it would be great if Ox stays injury free and along with Coq helps this soft side to be winners in a sense more than Wenger touting 'I have won the Community Shield SIX times' .... almost expected with the accompanying grin that it was all aimed at Mourinho who quite clearly has not got a lion's share of the community shield. There's spin and there's spin but it illustrates exactly where WESTIE'a optimism lies. Low impact trophies and a nice portfolio. Are you sure you're a football fan? Methinks you are too sensitve and perhaps doped up nags (talking of ...) are a better option. One can but dream while others chant inbetween the 'offerings' ....

  49. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:37 #73571

    @JJ, If you're feeling pessimistic Skybet offer 125/1 AFC to lose their first 3 PL games. For the more optimistic you can have a life changing bet on a clean sweep of PL, COC, FA Cup & CL at 3000/1. For the less optimistic a PL & COC double pays 33/1; PL & FA Cup 50/1; domestic treble 300/1; PL & CL 100/1. PFA Player of the Year, Alexis 10/1, Ozil 20/1. PFA Young Player of the Year, Ox 25/1, Reine-Adelaide 66/1. Quack, quack....

  50. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:23 #73570

    Whoops! That should be Ashcroft I have NEVER said that Wenger should not try to win the league or European Cup. I'm trying to watch Racing UK ,At The Races place bets and post on here as well ... c'est la vie!

  51. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:19 #73569

    Ashcroftio (does adding the "io" here make me a nazi I wonder?). Cast your mind back to those awful bigoted comments you made about England women's football team and a real racist you will find, you apostrophe-phobic wrong 'un. (now, read the next bit from me to you in an Arfur Mullard voice Jamie). Cor blimey guvnor, you PC AKBs are all the same, moaning about a harmless bit of banter. All I called you was a semi-lierate twerp, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Now you can stop doing that voice. Get back to your grammar books Jamie - you're still not ready to deal with the bigger boys.

  52. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:12 #73568

    I have said that Wenger should not try to win the league or European Cup .I have said that he should take the FA Cup more seriously though after he went 9 years without a trophy . As it turns out I was right about that. There were some AKB's on here who parroted the Hill-Wood party-line that the FA Cup was not worth bothering with because 4th place was more important ,financially speaking this was true but a bit of a shallow attitude to take that annoyed me and others. The Charity Shield getting bigged up is a joke though because the moment someone else wins it then it will revert back with the AKB 's to being worthless, same with the FA Cup that Wigan and Portsmouth with Arry in charge also won in recent times. Winning the Shield with United did buy Moyes any slack ,big clubs expect big trophies not baubles dressed up as them.

  53. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:12 #73567

    Misssss! They're calling Uncle Baddie names Misssss! 'Get back in your shed this instance!' .... But Missssss .... Uncle Buzzard ..... I mean Uncle Badarse (snigger)' .....

  54. Ashcroft

    Aug 04, 2015, 15:06 #73566

    You're the twerp Arsenknewbest.You love to go around like a school teacher,telling everybody they're this and that calling people racists yet you happily change Badarses name to Badarsio,hypocrite..

  55. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:59 #73565

    Maybe that Asian Cup will be domestic in a decade. Bit worried about you and Jules there WESTIE. What's gonna happen should Arsenal lose a couple on the trot. We are all friends so deep breaths and 'reload the pram'!

  56. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:55 #73564

    Ashcroft - How "tack" less of you you semi-literate twerp. If you're going to use lazy sailing cliches, for gawd's sake get them right. Serves you right for sitting on the same table as Jamie and his even nuttier alter-ego Pete when you were all in Borstal together.

  57. Ashcroft

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:44 #73563

    The same way you lot choose your trophies jeff.When Wenger used to concentrate on the Premiership and Champions league you all complained that he was neglecting the domestic cups.Now he's winning the domestics you've changed tact and only the Premiership and Champions league count..

  58. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:43 #73562

    Westlower - Based on your spurious logic, the Leicester Filberts probably have a greater claim on the well-known english calendar title than we. Or perhaps west brom deserve it for that little boost they got when gruppenfuhrer Pulis took over in late winter? Or what about plucky reading considering that they got to the semi-finals of the FA cup? It's right now when you need one of those old cliches from shankly or tommy docherty along the lines of football being a marathon not a sprint or some such tosh. Unless you can get the PL retrospectively to change the rules to award us a big shiny trophy based on our performance over a shortish space of time...

  59. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:42 #73561

    Yes Arseneknewbest ,Chelsea,City,us and United have formed a gang of four that loot the Prem and the Champions League midweek cash cow most seasons. Other than Blackburn, with Jack Walker splashing the cash ,at least he was a supporter of the club, no one else has ever won the Prem. Liverpool due to the Ferguson factor missing managed to nick United's top 4 spot with Suarez on fire to get aChampions League place last season ,but have quickly reverted back to their non-top 4 place in the pecking order. It's not exactly rocket science,although the way some struggle to grasp it one would think so, that taking points from other top 4 and title contenders is a double whammy that helps to give you a better chance of winning the title .

  60. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:23 #73560

    A bit of mix and piffle going on there Westie,why this year ? The season is over part of two years. Last season the second half is claimeds to make us champs the season before it was the first half before Xmas that worked the oracle. You pick and choose results to try and make things look better than they are.You have included the FA Cup win against United while omitting the 0-0 draw with them afterwards in the league and it looks as if you added thee Charity Shield as well in that list! Sorry but it''s all just nonsense .At least you are on sage ground with the Champions League result 'this year' the embarrassing 3-1 defeat at home to Monaco not counting with them not being a top team . Anyway, my prediction that backing the nag Solow at Goodwood was a better bet than having money on Benzema signing for us proved correct. My advice is to wait until we see what our result in the real game at the bridge is next month before getting too excited about our chances winning the title .

  61. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 14:10 #73559

    Jeff - I agree. The financial inequalty in the league is making it more and more like scotland used to be before rangers's meltdown. The other games were all three points in the bag but the old firm games decided the title's destination. Despite what the westlower tic-tac man says, it's highly questionable that we'll come out top in the table of 4 (or table of six if we add les dippeurs du poubelle et les pommes de terre). Unless we sign a proper goalscorer that is.....

  62. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 13:47 #73558

    How reassuring that the ducks are honing their farting techniques in readiness for the PL kickoff. An unconvincing win, draw or heaven forbid a defeat & it really will be DUCK, as the toys leave the prams at speed. We must be on the cusp of season 2015/16. Can anyone name the only team to have beaten the other top 4 sides 4-1, 2-0, 2-1, 1-0 this year? Correct - it's THE ARSENAL......Well f**k a duck!

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 13:38 #73557

    Arseneknewbest, post of the day, that's his problem you see he craves to be top dog on here and respected like a few others and the fact he's not,(on both counts) and never will be really gets to him.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 13:27 #73556

    Maybe if Arsenal had become as big a club as the red mancs and Lord wenger won as much as they did under fergie instead of going ten years of winning nothing with all the embarrassments and humiliations thrown in like the biggest embarrassment of wengers career, (and the clubs) taking place at Old trafford Manchester talk sport would be talking about us instead.

  65. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 13:24 #73555

    Bard is right when he says that if we can take more points from Chelsea,City and United then we will be in business regarding winning the league . The 12 points we lost last term , out of the 18 possible against those sides, put paid to any hopes of us winning the title. It's a fact that Wenger's 3 titles came in seasons when he won at Old Trafford. We need to up the ante against the top 4 teams from 6 points last season to at least 14 points this time.That is the mammoth task that faces us and why you can back us at 4-1 to win the Prem while Chelsea are 13/8 favourites to retain their crown. We need to win all of our 3 home games against Chelsea,City and United.We lost to United at home last season and could only manage draws against City and Chelsea. That's not good enough we have to do better. We won away though to City and scraped a draw at United but lost at Chelsea. Again we have to do better than that. Starting with Chelsea away next month. I'm not convinced that these current players are good enough ,they talk a good fight ,but all too often go missing when the going gets tough. FA Cup wins that involved semi-s against mediocre opposition do not change that fact. I see however that old plodding Per puts a good deal of significance,surprise surprise to winning the Shield again he has now elevated the Charity Shield to being a Cup and the friendly played for it to being a Cup Final! Claiming that we have won 4 cup finals recently ... You couldn't make it up.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 13:11 #73554

    As far as the shaking hands pantomime goes you can defend who you like but the two of them are just as bad as each other, egotistic d**k heads.

  67. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2015, 12:38 #73553

    JAMERSON you express yourself with emotion (Daily Mail) but do attend to the 2 full stops and commas being used to break up 'play' and does the use of Tiny Totts remind you of the creche that is your mind. Good to have you back and now the 'PL is finally on' let us all cyber hug .... Baddie has finally come home and is lost in Joycean epiphanies. Does the man know any limits to his construct of palstic existential romanticism. Beckett would not be impressed. What with WESTIE throwing darts all day at Mourinho we now have Jules ranting (toy throwing) about those nasty nasty Macunicans and the horrible media. Nice one coming from Telegraph leaders. COLSEY my football experience which also takes in PL (ask your AKB Directors), Championship, Scottish with some French and Dutch on the cards appears a more satifying experience than waddling down to the WOK to look at the Armoury discounts. Bet you still can't decide what to do with your RVP mug. You could try ebay .... Let's all have a good season and let's face it, it should be fun watching overpaid dogs of phoney wars make squeaky noises about each other. Glad to see you are on the case of Stoke Westie - some mileage there ....

  68. Ashcroft

    Aug 04, 2015, 11:58 #73552

    The Wenger knockers remind me very much of the phoney Mourinho,they love to make out they're so righteous in what they say and that the world is just sitting there waiting for their next words of wisdom..When it arrives it's just the usual tedious talk sport vomited dung you'd expect to hear from a tiddly tott or chav fan..As far as manure are concerned they appear to be following Chelsea's policy and buying up over the hill crocks..

  69. Ron

    Aug 04, 2015, 11:52 #73551

    arseneknewbest - nails being on hit hard and firmly on head comes to mind there 77669. The Right Rev Badarse mastered hypocrisy if nothing else a long time since though and yr wasting time and words. "Phoney" certainly nails it though. Many have said it before and alas, many will again doubtless.

  70. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 04, 2015, 11:52 #73550

    I was having a good chuckle reading the various comments about who was worse Ian Ure, Per, Tommy Caton?? Everybody having good interaction , interesting stuff and then enter left from the axis of the odd....... Badarse yes you the man who wants us to walk in his shoes, Quislings no doubt. You do intrigue me jumping up and down like a spiteful goblin if we dont fit your little narrow axis (Kim Il Jung) however one of your homophobe , racist pals starts off. Not a peep from you? Or was it just banter? I thought an old comrade like you would have an issue with your bedmates but all seem fine with you. Anyway carry on. What was that again ..... Quislings , shoes , bull****?

  71. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2015, 11:14 #73549

    Badarsio - Being in the land that produced literary greats such as Laurence Sterne has clearly done little for your own levels of penmanship. I think you labour under the delusion that you're somehow a patriarch on this site who is not only the self-appointed el presidente of the Wenger cheerleaders squad, but who is also able to see some inner truth to which the rest of us are blind. As Holden would have said, you're a phoney...and a pompous patronising blow-hard to boot. Have a guinness, pick up a book, enjoy the rest of your holiday, and get some rest. You've got a long season of twaddle ahead of you.

  72. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 10:43 #73548

    Obviously though Bard my quoting real statistics , rather than agreeing with the la la land calendar year ( yawn) ones, hits a raw nerve with some deluded AKB's living in their ivory towers. With another of the usual suspects, posting yet again under another different silly name (how desperate can you get ,silly little man) demanding yet again that I be silenced ,as if this would somehow change the reality of the facts that I posted . You couldn't make it up.

  73. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2015, 10:14 #73547

    Oh dear, such mealy-mouthed sniping. Ron tells julesd to get out more, whilst lighting up the exchanges by calling another a bigot. Then his nephew jeff wright reverts to a sexist throwaway by calling julesd 'dearie', are you Michael Winner incarnate? You have some similarities it's true. maguiresbridge dolling out post of the day to Alsace for a straight comparison that Mourhino is George Graham.Really? Is that how you see things, you two? Goodies and baddies, black and white, ebony and ivory...whoops, broke into song. Farewell to the Bad Ass Cafe, Temple Bar, Dublin. Be in touch soon, don't get miffed gentlemen, just remember you are just insignificant individuals with narrow perspectives. If you can't take it don't give it out. Oh, he's defending julesd bet, no hang on it's westlower who bets, I'm the defender, er, hang on, I was a midfielder. Oh you work it out. Piss. I mean peace.

  74. Bard

    Aug 04, 2015, 9:56 #73546

    Not the bad luck injury story again Westie. Great post Jeff. Change that stat and we are in business

  75. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 9:53 #73545

    Westie perhaps we should start the season in January ! So then already before a ball is kicked in anger, or a sweaty hand shaken, we are back to injuries and calendar year champs excuses ! Somethings never change.There is a deja vuness about the cursed Wenger injuries scenario Jack is already out injured in training .... who would ever have thought that... However regarding points won against top opponents how we fared over the course of the season against the two Manc clubs and Chelsea is what mattered . They were the ones who contested the top 4 places with us. For the record out of a possible 18 points to be won against them we won just 6 . Mind the gap!

  76. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2015, 9:36 #73543

    julesd ,yes dearie it is all a bit tiresome the Man United this and that ( yawn) the media should be concentrating on all the that Arsene is signing, such as how is the Benzema transfer going? Oh...! Arsene not shaking the Portugeezer's hand got plenty of air-time though and newspaper space as well. Wenger however missed a trick in how he handled the 1-0 win ,he was more worried about how he would fend off questions about the tactics that were used to get the result judging by his comments afterwards to the media. Wenger clearly has no idea of how to wind-up Mourinho all the self righteous indignation and flouncing off in a huff was a bit silly really. Old Sir Ferguson would have done it much better -then again he would never have gone 14 games without a win against the mouthy one. Wenger's still not settled the score with Mourinho yet ,there is more work to do other than a facile Charity Shield win needed to do that . He needs to put Mourinho in his place in the league ,now that would be worth a celebration !

  77. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 9:35 #73542

    Consider this 2: Since the turn of the year Arsenal's record in all games against both Manchester clubs, Chelsea & Liverpool now stands at P6, W4, D2, L0, F10, A3. Giroud's record against West Ham P5, W5, Scored 5. High fives for Olly then!

  78. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 8:52 #73541

    Consider this: Just 3 Arsenal players started more than 26 league games last term. Chelsea had 9. I wonder how the mischievous one would have coped had the stats been reversed? JW started 9, Theo 4, Welbeck fewer than half + long term injuries to Giroud, Ozil, Koscielny, Ramsey, Debuchy, Ox, Arteta, Gnabry, Gibbs. Keeping these players fit this season will decide if we challenge for the title.

  79. Westlower

    Aug 04, 2015, 8:30 #73540

    @Ron, Detest is too strong a word & you know very well that I was saddened by the way GG left our club. A great opportunity was missed to take Arsenal to the next level. Not all GG's fault of course but he took his eye off the ball & he must have deeply regretted the way it all ended. @Hiccup, The ankle tappers you so revere are the same players preventing JW from fulfilling his potential. Paddy McNairs late tackle when he didn't have the remotest chance of getting the ball being a classic example of breaking up play + a bone or two.

  80. Ron

    Aug 04, 2015, 8:29 #73539

    oh dear ... wrong side of the bed julesd? You ought to get out more perhaps?

  81. julesd

    Aug 04, 2015, 7:59 #73538

    Anyone else tune into TalkManchesterunitedSport this morning. Transfer news: Manchester United Bale, Manchester United Ronaldo, Manchester United Ramos, Manchester United De Gea. Other news: Manchester United Schweinsteiger, Manchester United Schneiderlin, Manchester United LVG, Manchester United, Manchester United, after the break we're off to guess where? Manchester of course you dopes! When the subject matter is so obviously all things Manchester United why, oh why do they have to mention their name in EVERY sentence? Brainwashing is alive and well with the English media, United in Manchester United.

  82. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 6:04 #73537

    Never been Wenger's biggest fan but can't blame him for snubbing the insufferable Maureen. Most people confronted with someone constantly undermining and belittling them, would want to blank them. Wenger's problem is that he rises to it instead of making Maureen look the pr**k he is. Think the squad is far better than in previous few years but we all know they are a back up for Coq and a quality finisher away from winning the title. I don't think we'll buy anyone else this summer which will inevitably result in glorious failure but a new extended contract for Wenger. As Harris of Peckham intimated, with piles of cash in the bank, not spending where we need to, is negligent.

  83. julesd

    Aug 04, 2015, 5:50 #73536

    Marks, very well said re Mourinho, I can't understand why gullible people are so taken in by him, when has he ever stood by to congratulate another team? As long as he believes it in his own mind, what an idiot, well done Arsene Wenger for brushing him aside as the insignificant being that he is.

  84. N16

    Aug 04, 2015, 2:57 #73535

    Lord Froth. Glad somebody else also spotted that. Bit strange!

  85. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 04, 2015, 0:14 #73534

    wenger is a disgrace, he refused the hand of a rival manager, he clearly aspires to be, to be a debaser , but big Deal.

  86. Lord Froth

    Aug 03, 2015, 23:59 #73533

    Sean, post 77607, that's a good post *cough* Arseblog *cough*.

  87. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 03, 2015, 23:52 #73532

    Now now jeff junior, why are you bothered in your ninth tier world?

  88. jjetplane

    Aug 03, 2015, 23:15 #73531

    Tiny Totts another giveaway. What a defence the AkBs have.

  89. Tom from St Albans

    Aug 03, 2015, 22:14 #73530

    Marks - Spot on re: Maureen, this is the modern day equivalent of Keane Vs Vieira, doesn't it feel great knowing AW has the upper hand this time. Nice to see Cahill and Ivanovic being outmuscled on several occasions, long way to go yet but v happy with this as a starting block. Onwards.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 22:06 #73529

    Ashcroft, wenger out brigade starting to look desperate ? really ? did you not say you popped in and out of the site regularly but never posted, you should know better then, as there's only one set of fans who are desperate, or as someone has already said are you back again as just another troll who have changed their name for the tenth time.

  91. Bard

    Aug 03, 2015, 21:41 #73528

    Much merriment following our rout of the champions and rightly so. @ Alsace I have begun to notice curiosities in your posts. i commented on your worry about 'someone from the east' taking over Arsenal and today its allegedly about Dickie Attenborough. i do love a contradiction, nay even a nuance, but the shift from worry about foreigners owning the club to Dickie Attenborough, who if Im not mistaken made the celebrated film Gandhi needs illumination. Is Gandhi not someone from the east ? Look forward to clarification.

  92. Roy

    Aug 03, 2015, 20:42 #73527

    Ron, I personally don't think BFG is THAT bad, but I know where your coming from. Credit where credits due though, you made me laugh. Good old Ian Ure, eh ?!

  93. Ashcroft

    Aug 03, 2015, 19:50 #73526

    The Wenger Out Brigade starting to look rather desperate in my eyes with today's posts,more fiction than a history lesson from a tiny totts fan..

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 19:13 #73525

    Ron, isn't there some guy from China who has.

  95. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 19:00 #73524

    Alsace, post of the day.

  96. Peter Wain

    Aug 03, 2015, 18:39 #73523

    Good for Wenger why should he be required to shake the hand of someone is personally abusive time amd time again.

  97. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 18:20 #73522

    Oh the optimism the optimism, from all the usual suspects how many times have we been here before ? to many to remember and here we are again, a new dawn, we're going to do it this time, they'll never learn.

  98. jeff wright

    Aug 03, 2015, 17:33 #73521

    The game its self was rather tame Ron ,it looked what it was a pre-season warm up .Only the silly Wenger-Mourinho thingy made it of more interest. If Wenger had somehow not managed to go 14 games without a win over Mourinho and had also taken a few nasty beatings among that mess of blues then the interest in the event would have been even less so. All this talk of titles and Europe ignores one fact that Wenger really doesent have a clue what he is doing. He stumbled on Coq by accident and as you said he doesn't really like playing him .The Wally situation is a travesty ,one thing is for sure if Wally is worth 140k a week then Sanchez and others will soon be demanding a pay rise ! You couldn't make it up.

  99. Ron

    Aug 03, 2015, 17:22 #73520

    Hi Jeff - yes, have always had the view that his teams of 01-04 coached themselves and achieved what they did despite Wenger. Credit him with picking the right players to supplement what GG left him to work with, primarily a fully functioning defence but it ended there in my view. Wengers problem has been that hes expected lesser players to do it since. On the so called 'BFG' (isnt that just a dire and misplaced name for a bloke that isnt strong and cant run or jump?) - poor old Kos had to be in 2 places at the same time to cover for the plodding imitation drey horse next to him even in a training ground exercise like that CS game. They got lucky that Chelsea were so slovenly. That was never a '1-0 to the Arse' as people are making out, it was more 1-0 and we got lucky. Its like Hansen said back in 2010, Per M must be 'the worst CB he s ever seen in a German shirt'. Hansen wasnt lying. Positionally hes terrible and he doesnt even have that as a redeeming feature. He makes Ian Ure look like Franco Baresi. The time will come when Merter has a new back side torn for him. Get a proper CB Wenger you stubborn old bigot!

  100. Hiccup

    Aug 03, 2015, 17:10 #73519

    As long as Wenger sticks to his tried and tested principles and philosophies, this will be our year. All those around us seem to be changing their stances. As Wenger as pointed out, United have abandoned their principles while ours remain strong. Chelsea accuse us of abandoning our philosophy, but we've always defended like yesterday with men behind the ball. I'm all for a midfielder like coq tactically breaking play up. It needs to be done sensibly, and you need to play the ref right. Would probably have been booked earlier in a PL game, with the ref not wanting to show too many cards. Westie won't be keen on this style of play, as Chelsea have several players that play like this. But I guess it's one rule for one...

  101. jjetplane

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:59 #73518

    Just looked at that - excellent! If Wenger keeps the bus parked it could be the season of the WOB. Sure he would appreciate that though the BFG is gonna have some bigger tests than a half fit Chelski. It will be hilarious if it all blows up for Mourinho. WEStIE will be out in his birthday suit! Always Arsenal, always a WOB.

  102. jeff wright

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:57 #73517

    It looks again Ron ,as was the case with the win at City last season, that the players took it upon themselves to park the bus and drop the tippy tappy once we went a goal up. Wenger gets a bit shirty when it's pointed out that he is winning these games by being more defensive, non non not me it was the players who done it! Is his response. Well what he actually said was: "THEY ( not himself) were more concerned once we were 1-0 ahead to protect our lead than to play." It can't be any clearer that that ,the players took it upon themselves to defend the lead .Perhaps at last the players have realized what Bergkamp and Henry,did that when it comes to tactics Arsene's are a bit too gung-ho and at times they have to ignore them. It can't be much fun for them getting beaten by 8 or 6 goals while Arsene sits twitching like Nero watching Rome burn. At least Nero intended that! You couldn't make it up.

  103. Danny

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:55 #73516

    Good result but i still feel Chelsea will win the EPL It was apparent that we were weak in midfield and Chelsea were physically bigger and better we need a qualify striker and central midfielder. Unfortunately we have a tactically clueless coach who does not see that

  104. Ron

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:53 #73515

    Alsace - im not sure Wenger get stung by anybody really. To be stung denotes humility. Wenger just gets irked and irritable when hes faced by home truths. Theres little what Mourinho says or has said that isnt bang on the nail right about The Proff in my view but im guessing that a little bit of Bouldy is having a peripheral effect now. Not Mourinho. Westlowers posts betray his detest for GG. He bought the Wenger bible in 1996 and anything pre that time is tainted as well as being jilted at the alter by a Chelsea fan girlfriend when he was 31 years old. Mourinho has GGs tendencies of course but GG was never such a motor mouth was he. He had lots of class, till he slighted it of course with Rune Hauge's help.

  105. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:41 #73514

    Ron - nice one. A tough nut in front of the back four is a prerequisite, no doubt about it. Steve W is obviously a Southampton legend as well, but as a native of Finsbury Park and a full-on Gooner, he is also one of ours. I remember him leaving Ardiles in no doubt about what he thought of him in an NLD. Just checked on youtube and it's still there under the euphemistic title, Steve Williams tell Ossie to go away - check it out - pure magic. You don't have to be a lipreader to work out what he really says...

  106. Ron

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:18 #73513

    I think the chances of the Arse, City and Utd winning the title this yr are enhanced by Chelsea's focus being on the CL. Mourinho will know that his boss wants that again and it may just dilute their desire for the title again. I tend to agree that his departure from there might be sooner than he thinks if he cant win it again. 'Arseneknewbest' - very good points. Theres never been a team yet who've won a league without some steely cynicism in it. Certainly Arsenal have never won a title without it. The Wenger apologists on here speak of the free flowing football philosophy that Wenger has engendered, but in truth we ve only got close to fulfilling it in the yrs 01-04 and even then we had players who could morph into hatchet men when needed. Coq is our Mikel and he needs cover. The EPL cant be won without some cyclical fouling in my view - loved Steve Wiliams!. PS the only team i can recall winning a title with almost pure football were Everton in 1969/70. Then though, Colin Harvey wasnt averse to leaving his foot in when needed. Nothing changes. Its the nature of the game here right or wrongly. Wenger seems to be reluctantly accepting it again now, but only because his bacon was on fire when he bought Coq back to douse the flames. Wenger wont want too many Coqs in the house for sure, so he wont buy back up. We all know that. I think Coq is a kind of resented necessity as far as the Proff sees it. He must cringe when the Coq barges into players from behind and leaves a boot on the opponents heel. Carry on Coq. I wish we had two coqs, the same as any right thinking bloke!

  107. Alsace

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:06 #73512

    Dear Westlower, George Graham is EXACTLY who Mourinho is. I remember remarking to the late and much loved Lord Dickie Attenborough that Mourinho would be Chelsea's GG. He fixed me with a concerned eye, but I was proved to be correct. He has given Chelsea self respect and they are Champions pretty regularly. We by contrast have a bloke who has acquired no defensive midfield cover for Coquelin and who thinks that he will "chance it". Fortunately, in Maureen we have a bloke who will speak the truth about Wenger publicly, and it has had some effect. Stung by the criticism, Wenger has made changes. Going 1-0 up and shutting up shop and closing the game out. Nirvana. For this relief much thanks. Nice new kit as well.

  108. jjetplane

    Aug 03, 2015, 16:02 #73511

    Think of how Viera picked up cards and Coq looks the part too. Think OX is getting that way and bet these two are best buddies. Think Ramsay is growing too and looking at these players you see Olly (feel a bit sorry for him), Wally and Arteta as the soft touches. Flin flam has just been left behind but while the likes of Arteta are holding up the cups predominantly, top 3 is as good as it gets. amazing strike from Ox and he talks a far better match than Theo and has the effort to back it up. Both out of the Saints factory and the Ox is 7 years younger. Even Wally's verbal contribution looks as hollow as a lot of his play. Bit of a daft league so who knows. Mourinho will be gone if they don't win either the PL or CL. That's the pressure at the top and the same applies to LVG and Pelly whereas Arsene has such a hold he probably will go again after this contract but will he ever win the PL again? & the CL looks like it is orbiting in a different galaxy. Still - not winning big over a decade has not hurt the finances of a few too much. But back to the Stoke effect ......

  109. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 03, 2015, 14:53 #73510

    This idea that Coquelin is somehow flawed because he commits fouls suggests that some on here have short memories. A top screening midfielder will foul strategically, many times in a game, if his side is under pressure. It's what they're meant to do. Think of all the great recent DMs we've had - Storey, PV, Steve Williams, Gilberto, Kevin Richardson, Stefan Schwartz, Mickey Thomas etc. They knew when to foul in order to stop a counter-attack and thus greatly reduce the likelihood of conceding. Let's not get on Coq's back just because he's doing his job. What would we be like if were back to relying on the likes of Denilson or David Hillier again? Like someone said on here last week, OGL looks to me to be lining up Hayden as a Coq prototype.

  110. Red Member

    Aug 03, 2015, 14:17 #73509

    didnt watch it as I dont do friendlies but nevertheless it is pleasing to beat Chelsea

  111. jjetplane

    Aug 03, 2015, 14:02 #73508

    Great, balanced report there Kevin and a special mention to Colsey and Adams for their expansive contributions. Notice Ashcroft likes the PC/disgruntles? narrative which makes me wonder could it be the Shed Man is back. I said a million posts back that Arsenal would win this and in reflection Chelsea won last year's PL while everyone else was still busy with warm ups. I think this Arsenal has seemingly improved athletically and they do know each other better, but it still comes down to younger, more alert coach could win the PL this season for Arsenal. This team is fine, but it could be much better. Still deadwood around on ludicrous wages and no wonder you cannot get the grins off some of their faces. So really, squad-wise we can do without Wally, Arteta, Flam and keep Giroud as understudy till West ham come in for him. ps got that funny image of Colsey wandering home to Acton singing his Cech ditty all on his lonesome. Good on yer kid .... has anyone noticed how the AKBs have neglected to talk about the coach in footballing terms but have simply waffled on about wet Fish moments. PC ha ha!

  112. CT Gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 13:52 #73506

    Great result, but I thought it was more down to Chelsea's poor play in the final third than how we played. I think we may have scored with our only first half shot! Loved cech, and the confidence he inspires. I really like coq too, but like others have said, he's going to spend much of a full season suspended. He doesn't seem to have the smarts to stay out of the refs book. I'm sure that will come with experience though. I too think our transfer business is finished, so to win anything, we're going to need to huge amount of luck!!

  113. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 13:38 #73505

    Did you see and hear wally on MOTD last night ? Jesus H he was like one of those wind up dolls you couldn't shut him up, telling us this and that how good we are, how far we can go, all the usual bullshyte that we've heard and been hearing from him for years. It was pretty obvious what he was resigned for, his mouth not his feet and it didn't take him long to start earning his £140,000 a week.

  114. jeff wright

    Aug 03, 2015, 13:36 #73504

    Mark,tbh I don't think that City and Chelsea are that weak both showed last season that they can beat the also rans of the league the same as we can. So once again it comes down to the results against one another with Wenger's record against top opposition in the Prem not being anything to shout about. The first big test in the league is the away to Chelsea September 19th, due to the fixtures in the way they have fallen on paper we look likely to be at or near the top of the table come Xmas a tricky looking treble of games to come in January though,Liverpool away,Stoke away,Chelsea at home, those 3 games and the earlier one at the bridge of sighs will have a big impct on our title hopes, I stick with my view though that our squad is not strong enough to win it and that another top 4 trophy is the best that we will get. United are an enigma they put some good results together last season and a run of poor ones as well top 4 place looks to be their best hope as well. however with the change to the Prem receiving just 2 automatic Euro places and 3rd spot a qualifier next term 4th place will not be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that helped to keep Wenger in his job for so many years.

  115. Tony Evans

    Aug 03, 2015, 13:32 #73503

    Confidence booster undoubtedly. Would still love to see another DM and striker but I am not holding my breath.

  116. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 13:09 #73501

    Yes Ed the monkey's gone to heaven and lets hope it stays there and doesn't appear again when it matters. The first time he's beaten Maureen in his career no doubt some will have been, and still are, celebrating OGL finally getting the better of him not exactly something to be crowing about after it has taken him this long considering some of the defeats and embarrassments suffered but as we know some fans have short memories. Not a great game but it was never going to be and anyway it didn't matter, tippy tappy going nowhere was on show of course but it was good to see us revert from it to defend properly when needed a lovely goal from Chamberlain was enough to clinch it in the end and get rid of this unwanted record for OGL at last not one i'd be celebrating getting rid off but more embarrassed to have had it in the first place.

  117. Ashcroft

    Aug 03, 2015, 12:57 #73500

    The PC brigade among Arsenal fans will love Mourinho because he does exactly what self righteous people want him to do..Wengers always a couple of classes ahead of him and was right not to join in in the hand shaking British ritual.Mourinho hates not to be the center of attention and like a lot of the disgruntles on here always wants his own way,being more popular than Wenger is his main aim.Wenger on the other hand probably never gives much thought to what Mourinho thinks...

  118. Mark from aylesbury

    Aug 03, 2015, 12:45 #73499

    Wenger must go - get what your saying but think difference this year is that our side is maturing just as Chelsea could be hitting some issues, city look like they cannot necessarily buy their way out of trouble and Van Gaal is doing a fine comic turn at the boggy pitch of dreams. My unusual level of confidence is more based on perceived weekness of the opposition.


    Aug 03, 2015, 12:37 #73498

    Look it was a good result, but again it's taken with caution, a lot of my fellow fans seem to have short memories. Did we not beat man city last year 3-0 in the same fixture?? They still finished ahead of us. I fear now the dinosaur won't buy a wc striker as he has handed wally 140k pw. He looked out of he's depth against wc defenders. I don't rate giroud but I would start him over wally in the big games!! We are two players short if actually CHALLENGING for the pl. Why in the hell is arteta are no2 dm?? He looks out of he's depth in that position!! I would take mikel over him. we have to start the pl well. Last year we were 11 points behind chelski after ONLY 8 games therefore already out of the pl. Finally Wenger is just so infuriating why does he just not go and buy those 2 players we need?? The man puts too much trust in players who are not good enough I.e giroud, wally and arteta etc. I'm expecting big seasons from a couple players this year!! Ozil I hope brings he's a game this season. Etc

  120. Ozzie

    Aug 03, 2015, 12:26 #73497

    Still, you've got to wonder how Mourinho would go at the helm of an average squad rather than one built with an endless supply of cash. Would his ego take on a real challenge? Doubtful. His days in the sun are numbered and like all fading Prima donnas he will have to spend time in front of the mirror with just a boring image gloating back at him.

  121. Mark from aylesbury

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:55 #73496

    We all have weaknesses , all of us even the perceived greatest. Mourinho will never build a dynasty the reason being his in built niggly nasty petulance. Admittedly within a very spoilt and petulant world. Too many fall outs with players , directors, controversial behaviour with authorities. I would not be surprised if Roman Abromovitch is getting a bit embarrassed and concerned with the showy antics. Got a feeling Maureen has got 18 months at best.

  122. Ron

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:54 #73495

    All of this handshaking mullarkey is utter rubbish. Its time it was stopped as being a required courtesy. Its crept in between coaches as the TV has exerted its grip and ownership of the game. If the combatants in a contest ie the players want to shake hands with each other so be it. If not, that's fine too. The coaches aren't in direct contention so there's no need and nor should there be. Its daft. Good to beat them. Meaningless game that was a stroll in the sun by and large by two teams who gave it about 60% each. Not worthy of more discussion really.

  123. jeff wright

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:39 #73494

    I agree that a top striker is required and cover for le Coq if we are to make the huge quantum leap from being just a cup side to title challengers. Note the challengers ,we have not managed to mount a title tilt since 2004 so a bit of a reality check is required for some who predictably are getting all excited over the shield. As I recall we won it last year as well and David Moyes with United the season before. Wenger will not be signing a top striker he has spent the money on giving Wally 140k a week wages and will now stubbornly,as is his way, try to prove that this was the clever thing to do and those who say we need a top striker are wrong. Deja vu cover for le Coq,Wenger gave his pet poodle Arteta a new contract and he is that cover. That's Wenger though,the nearly man. Nearly there but not quite.Wally looked nothing like a striker more like little boy lost up against those big Chelsea defenders and was up staged by the younger AOC ,he will want 200k a week wages now! Giroud started on the bench and should have stayed there for all the good that he did when Wenger eventually allowed him to come on missing as usual good chances that a better striker would have scored from. Jack's already out injured in training , we have set no time limit on his return said a club spokesman .Just as well then if the time out that he has had in the past after getting injured is anything to go by.There will be others it will be a miracle if Wally manages a full term he has never done it yet and he is older now .If le Coq gets injured or suspended more likely ,at a crucial time we are down to the bare bones of relying on Arteta or Flim Flam . My verdict is a minor top 4 finish again the squad is not strong enough to win more points over 38 games against Chelsea and City in the Prem and play domestic cup and European games as well . We don't know if United will improve on last season either they may do though. Just a quick reminder here and another reality check ,psssst ,we won the Shield last season as well...wink wink... nudge nudge...

  124. Bard

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:38 #73493

    Its a sign of the frustrations we have endured that a win over the Chavs suddenly makes us challengers. I loved it yesterday because I hate Chelsea and Maureen's ridiculous tantrums but we beat City in the corresponding fixture and were out of contention 10 games later. Chelsea didnt have striker playing and neither did we. They have good one injured, we dont have one period. The idea that Wally is going to morph into a top class player is frankly ludicrous on previous evidence. Every man and his dog knows we need a coulpe of top class reinforcements. if we dont get them then I dont see us being on contention. @Ashcroft where did you get the 10% chance of signing someone come from mate ? Have I missed something ?

  125. Mathew

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:14 #73492

    Overall a good game, I too hope the players takes it as a boost towards the next season. All the best wishes to Arsene and his team, looking forward to an amazing season ahead.

  126. 80's Gooner

    Aug 03, 2015, 11:09 #73491

    Arsenal will not drop many points this season as a result of defeats but I fear that unless we sign a world class CF we will be drawing games against the park the bus merchants Coquelin will have clocked up enough yellow cards to earn him a suspension by October & I'm surprised that he hasn't seen a red yet just by shear aggregation of niggley fouls committed. Therefore Arsenal need to have a ready made DM replacement. Cazorla has to play in the centre, Ramsey & Wilshire will just have to bide their time. One last thing, thank god we did not sign Remy!

  127. Rob

    Aug 03, 2015, 10:59 #73490

    The Monkey has indeed departed and that was an important win accordingly. Nonetheless you still have to feel that they need one more signing to really beef up the squad p quality wise. And also make it abundantly plain that we think this can be - at last - our year. No signings - a couple of injuries and Hey-Ho we're back to square one. So a quality signing is still a must.

  128. GoonerRon

    Aug 03, 2015, 10:52 #73489

    An encouraging type of performance in that we tried to play the way we want, when we could, otherwise we had a good shape and defended well overall. Only time will tell if this is us hurdling a psychological barrier or not, but mentally we should be in a much better place having exorcised the ghosts of 2013/14 season by having beaten Citeh and United away, battering Liverpool and now getting past Chelsea. I'm feeling quietly confident about our prospects this season, we have an assuredness about us I haven't genuinely felt for quite a while.

  129. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 03, 2015, 10:03 #73488

    I have a sneaky fealing that we still have a biggish signing to come. Either way at least we are finally in a place where one major signing a season is supplementing the team rather than trying to plaster over holes. We will see but fixture list favouritism to Chelsea aside. I like what I see so far and that also includes the ongoing comedy at old trafford

  130. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:52 #73487

    Paul Adams, beware what you say about those two.

  131. David

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:34 #73485

    Westie - All true, with the exception of the Ox and 20 goals. Surely you mean Benzema?

  132. Savage

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:32 #73484

    "but such is the Arsenal way… " I would be careful with these quotes. The Arsenal game plan has changed a lot since 5 years ago.

  133. Westlower

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:17 #73483

    Both teams played their strongest teams with the exception of Costa & Alexis so it was a good a pre-season test as one could wish for. Maureen favours functional over flair players, remind anyone of GG? He got lucky inheriting Hazard but he's working hard to transform him into a work horse which may take the edge off his best player in front of goal. Ramires did his best Peter Storey impression & will see red cards occasionally this season. Terry & Cahill look as slow as ever and are largely dependent on the defensive wall set up in front of them. CFC are due a season where long term injuries inhibit their ambitions. For Arsenal, much will depend on the Ox fulfilling his undoubted talent. Currently the best English player in Arsenals team with outstanding pace & power. He could easily weigh in with 15-20 goals this season. His goals could be vital in this years pursuit of silverware. I suspect we'll have to overcome the Bilic parked bus next week, aka Besiktas in last years CL qualifier, 0-0 & 1-0. Arsenal are now generally 4/1 to win the PL with Stoke bookmakers BET365 as low as 7/2.

  134. Cup Kings

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:16 #73482

    Great stuff. Will Cazorla stay on the left for West Ham you think, Kev? Who would you like to see come in before the window shuts? Defensive midfielder for me

  135. chris dee

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:13 #73481

    Arsene was spot on in not shaking Mourinho's hand.Why should he shake the hand of an obnoxious little burke who has over many years has, with deliberate and pre planned intention, hurled insults at Wenger and the club. Perhaps he should have poked Mourinho in the eye,but that really would be beyond the pale. One small point about the match,Coquelin gives away far too many fouls in and around the penalty box,it will cost us over a long season.

  136. Paul Adams

    Aug 03, 2015, 9:05 #73480

    JJ & Jeff, how are you going to put your always negative spin on yesterday's result, or are you still crying? COYG.

  137. Ashcroft

    Aug 03, 2015, 8:55 #73478

    I think there's only about a 10% chance of Wenger signing anybody new and if he did it would only disrupt the squad,he's not going to up Walcott's wages and then bring in some big name Euro star who could well flop.. Maureen's in a flap as he's probably thinking Wenger now knows how to beat him playing his own game yet he knows his limited team can't beat Wenger playing Wenger's game if you know what I mean.

  138. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 03, 2015, 8:44 #73477

    A positive afternoon all round, not least for the seeds of doubt that it may sow in SW London. Chelski did not pose much of a threat for me, which was just as well considering we looked like we only had one goal in us. But winning games like that augur well. Coquelin looks really settled and close to if not the finished article. Cech added that unmeasurable layer of confidence to the defence a la Lehmann/Spunky/Lukic etc. But without a proper threat up front, I fear we'll all be having Wally/Olly collywobbles before too long. That first game against a possibly knackered and dispirited Hammers team is looking, shall we say, favourable.

  139. Ozzie

    Aug 03, 2015, 8:20 #73475

    Someone dig out the old top - we're all in a spin - Three pieces of silverware in just over a year and more on the horizon? Two quality signings should do it. Up the Gooners!

  140. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 03, 2015, 8:18 #73474

    My usual Wenger cynicism aside. I actually more hopeful than I have been over the last decade. Maureen is also very gripey at the moment even a voyuer ? Certainly seems to be obsessing with us. Looks like he wants a few of our team and this suggests unease. There are a few players on the periphery of the chav 11 who also seem to have a desire to go. Terry's legs could go. Crazy horse Van Gaal. Is still operating his philosophy of telling his players they are crap. Admiting their weakness publicly and falling out with agents. Whilst demanding some random Galatico. Both amusing and strange at the same time. Pelegrino (dear old Maureen!) not convinced at all. The big issue to me is the fixture list really works in favour of Chelsea. But if we can keep in touch you never know!