Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 5

The fanzine, website and podcast

Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 5

Favourite Cover 2014/15

It’s my privilege to be bringing you the final part of The Gooner Survey Results for 2015. We’ve looked at what you thought about last season , the squad and manager, the Board, ticketing, atmosphere and all sorts of other stuff in the previous parts, so this section is dedicated to what you think about The Gooner and Online Gooner.

Almost 3,000 people took the survey this year from all over the world and unfortunately not all of them are readers of either the fanzine or our website, so the results in this section came from a subset of the total, but still provides us with some valuable feedback on what we’re doing well and what people would like to see us do differently.

Favourite Cover
1. Issue 250 – Achievements 1987-2015
2. Issue 251 – Let’s Do It Again!
3. Issue 244 – Red Hot Chilean
We started by asking you which was your favourite and least favourite front cover from the eight issues we published last season. I always feel that the result of this question proves the old adage that you can’t please all of the people all of the time because every single cover received votes in both categories.

However, the clear winner this season was our landmark 250th issue which featured a list of Arsenal’s achievements since we published our first issue in late 1987. Darren Rackham is our regular front cover designer and he updated this one at the end of the season to reflect our 7th FA Cup triumph during The Gooner’s lifetime and record 12th overall. The back cover of the same issue was also very popular as, for a comparison, it displayed what Spurs had won during the same period – just one FA Cup and two League Cups plus SIXTEEN managers. Big club my arse!

Filling the second and third positions in this category were the two covers with Alexis Sanchez - our Gooner Player of the Season – who lived up to the caption on our first cover of the season: Red Hot Chilean.

The least favourite cover was issue 247 which had a photo of Arsene Wenger and was captioned Enough’s Enough. The issue was published in December in the wake of a string of disappointing performances against the likes of Hull, Swansea, Anderlecht and a poor Manchester United side. There was a view that we could no longer ignore the tide of fan opinion with polls demonstrating the majority of fans were of the opinion a change was required. Difficult messages like that are rarely going to be popular, especially when viewed at the end of what was ultimately considered a successful season.

Regular Features
1. Talking Reds
2. Well Played / Pain in the Arse
3. In the Away End
4. The Spy
5. Mickey Cannon
6. Programme through the Years
7. Anger Management
Our regular features provide the backbone for each issue and it’s therefore pleasing to note that all those listed were positively received by our readers.

Kevin’s Talking Reds column sets the tone for each issue and deservedly finished as the most popular article once again. You may not always agree with Kevin’s views, but what you won’t get from him are knee-jerk reactions or ill-thought out opinions. You can also read more of his material on the website throughout the season as he generally posts his thoughts on every game the day after.

In second spot was the very popular Well Played/Pain in the Arse column which now resides on the inside front cover and, along with Talking Reds, can be read by everyone as part of the preview of each issue through The Gooner App or at Nominations for this section are always appreciated.

In third place was David O’Brien’s always entertaining In The Away End piece in which he visits the forums of opposing fans on the day we play their teams and reminds us how lucky we are to be Arsenal fans.

Favourite Writer
1. Simon Rose – 23%
2. Charlie Ashmore – 16%
3. Ian Henry – 11%
4. Robert Exley – 9%
Aside from the columnists responsible for the regular features, we asked who your favourite other Gooner writer was. Simon Rose, who is an ever-present in the fanzine and a regular contributor to the Online Gooner with his That Simon Rose blog, was a clear winner with 23% of the vote, followed by Charlie Ashmore (16%) and Ian Henry (11%).

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributes to The Gooner in whatever form it takes and invite anyone who would like to get involved in the future to get in touch. You can submit articles for the website and fanzine here or email us at [email protected].


How many of you hear our sellers shouting this on matchdays and walk past? More than we’d like is the answer – 44% of you didn’t buy a single issue of The Gooner last season. However, one in five of those people have said they expect to buy more next season.

Very many thanks to everyone else who bought one or more copies during the season. It’s very much appreciated and is largely the reason we will be around for at least one more season.

By the way, some people suggested The Gooner wasn’t available where they live, but mail order subscriptions and digital subscriptions are available wherever you in the world so there’s really no excuse.


As well as the fanzine, we try to make sure there are three or four articles a week posted on the Online Gooner website to keep you amused and almost half of you visit the site at least once every seven days to check the latest content. We hope those of you who don’t stop by as frequently were just not aware of us and won’t be strangers in the future.


To complete The Gooner experience, we also record a podcast about once a month during the season to discuss whatever is going on at the time with a panel of Gooner contributors and contacts.

To differentiate ourselves from most other Arsenal podcasts, we get together in one place to record each edition not only because we like the social aspect, but also because it makes it feel more like a typical pre/post-match pub discussion, the type you all have with your mates on a regular basis.

Last season we were hosted by Piebury Corner and we’re aware this led to some complaints about the sound quality. We like the pies too much to switch location so we’ve invested in some new equipment which we hope will combat much of the background noise.

Just over a third of survey respondents (36%) listened to at least one of our offerings last season and 10% of you are regular listeners.

NEW! Subscribe to our weekly Gooner Fanzine newsletter for all the latest news, views, and videos from the intelligent voice of Arsenal supporters since 1987.

Please note that we will not share your email address with any 3rd parties.

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  1. Badarse

    Aug 07, 2015, 9:10 #73696

    You wouldn't understand maguiresbridge-but don't fret, you are not alone in that, oh and kick the religious aspect of your posts. I know the Online Gooner says it is a 'broad church' of opinion, but it isn't a real church they are talking about, nor even a virtual one.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2015, 14:42 #73674

    Exeter, wasn't he supposed to be an investment last time too ? and the time before that ? if only someone with so called intellect and vision could explain an investment in what.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2015, 14:31 #73673

    jw,77760, good post and they (the AKB's) also ignore (very conveniently) it's Arsenal FC fans posting (not arsene fc fans like themselves and there is a difference)who have an opinion and are so called negative as they claim(and aren't afraid to be)and have the cheek to call the site negative because of others opinions,i thought that's what sites like this is for doh' what do they expect the Admin to do, bar, ban, exclude, others who have a different opinion than them and don't worship their messiah like they do, there are sites like that already thank god this isn't one. You couldn't make it up.

  4. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2015, 14:08 #73671

    CG I love that 9th tier thing. Usually comes from those who go to zilch games and pretend they do not have SKY. I listen to football on the radio and watch mainly 8th tier though will hope for a bit more. Off to see Bournemouth and Saints soon. Bit of Hibs up north and some lower division French and Dutch. Jack is out with ankle fracture and should be back in time for Theo to rest up. Loving the ambition. Baddie does not seem the type to get upset. Some persecution issues perhaps though that is probably just pathological empathy with Arsene. Quite admirable really ....

  5. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 06, 2015, 13:50 #73670

    Thanks jj. Any idea why it was deleted? Thanks for the response to my previous post. I think I've upset Baddie again. Hope to get up to Bournemouth this season. We've friends there, so I'm hoping I can get a ticket for the Arsenal game in Feb. You've been taking a bit of stick recently re. your '9th tier' football support, haven't you?

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 06, 2015, 13:24 #73668

    Oh coleslaw - you're back on that taciturn, reductionist tip aren't you. How tedious. Poncey toi meme.

  7. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2015, 13:12 #73667

    CORnIsH FJ finally told us he was a spud and his dad is Arsenal, his bird is Chelski and the budgie is a manc.

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 06, 2015, 12:42 #73665

    Georgecolesyboy. Pretentious moi? Mange tout.

  9. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 06, 2015, 12:14 #73662

    ArseneKB you are a such a pompous arrogant know it all, who can't read. Pensez.

  10. jeff wright

    Aug 06, 2015, 9:42 #73660

    Bard, with Pep at BM off-loading Swinestieger because he struggles to stay fit I can't see him buying a player like Wally ether with his injury record. Wenger should have sold Wally to Liverpool a few years ago when they were interested in him because Wally's limitations even back then and injury proneness were self- evident .Diaby should have been shown the door at the same time Lord Ferguson would never have put up with the Diaby nonsense that Wenger did and would have shown him the door long ago and used the millions he saved on doing that to better use. This is not speaking with hindsight either because many were advising that Wally was not good enough and Diaby a liability at that time. Herein lies the difference between Ferguson and Wenger .Ferguson would have made the tough calls and bought players to help him win the league as he did when he nicked RVP off Wenger. Wenger though never replaced the Dutchman with a striker who can score 20 + goals a season. We still need one. As you say trying to turn Wally into one is delusional but it is typical la la land Wenger .That's why I know that Wenger, as Ron said ,is not the man to take the club forward. For us to win the league the other top managers competing for it will all simultaneously have to fail spectacularly .Not very likely this scenario though is it. The reality is that we won less points last season than in the previous one .Chelsea and United improved, Liverpool predictably declined and City also ,but they still finished ahead of us in the league. Just signing a GK and giving Wally 140k a week is not going to make the difference that is required to make us champs. Onwards and upwards >? It looks to me more like a case of treading water for Arsene and him fighting it out with Van Gaal for 3rd spot again . C'est la vie !

  11. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 06, 2015, 9:03 #73659

    coleslaw- that was a pretty biscuit-ersed reply, even by your perennially low standards. To insinuate that someone is less of fan because they aren't in London (over-priced, funless capitalist hellhole these days) is dumb and over-simplistic. In any case, I seem to remember CT saying on here a few weeks ago that he was a former burgher of Islington so his credentials seem pretty sound by your yardstick. For my part, I moved out of Highbury Barn a couple of years ago. I don't think that should stop people like us having opinions, do you? Anyway, I see that Earl Grey has recently joined the Arsenal board so perhaps you can lobby him to support the carpet bagger in his spat with Darth Arsene over buying new players (and therefore having a chance at some meaningful silverware). Or maybe you could tea bag him instead?

  12. Ron

    Aug 06, 2015, 8:48 #73658

    Hi Cyril - ha. Yes, a big call that. The law of averages vis the size of the Club supports the view that a title cant be that far away can it? I personally dont think AW has it in his capacity now though to be the man at the helm when it happens. Its often not about the personnel in an organisation that determines success or failure ive always found. Its more about the underlying culture of it. AFC s culture changed massively when they moved as it had to. It then dipped further when the expected rise in fortunes never happened ie about 2009 ish. It dropped as the credit crunch bit and set them back economically. Its on a very slow upwards gradient now again. Theyve been in a trough though whatever the real reason and it takes an enormous heave to climb out, be it a footie Club or a conventional business. Some times the staff and bosses wear lead boots after all the yrs being in that trough and i believe that this describes Arsenal. They outwardly preach an expansive ambitious style but deep down caution is the byword. Big changes are needed at the Board room, the Coach and on the pitch. That glass ceiling they've got above them is a thick one Cyril and takes far bigger personalities than we have at the top right down to the bottom holding the hammers to break it. Thats my view Cyril but i hope that you're right.

  13. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 06, 2015, 8:16 #73657

    Interesting ct, so how do you withdraw your financial support when you live in America? Also no one says we haven't got the money now to compete, just not as much as two other clubs in particular. I have no intentions of smelling the coffee, I am a tea man, so stick with the 16%, if that's what makes you happy. But don't get sucked in by the negativity on here just because you are trying to make a statement.

  14. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 06, 2015, 7:20 #73656

    Finsbury Joe - Marx said that the triumph of socialism over capitalism is inevitble. The same goes for my football theory which is that everyone (yes everyone) will eventually become a devotee of the Arsenal. So why not make the jump now and join the light side before the 54 year anniversary goes by of the Spuds' last title (they didn't even win the second division after they got relegated and returned in the 70's did they?). You'd be welcomed in with open arms, except by the AKB fundamentalists who'd probably want to put you into a stalinist style re-education programme (aka torture). I'm getting positive vibes about Corbynmania, so the first half of the theory is already proving right (OK indulge me a little). So why not help me prove my Arsenal hegemony plan? Do the right thing Finsbury...

  15. Cyril

    Aug 06, 2015, 2:30 #73654

    Ron, love your comments as always- arsenal to win the league not this time but next. 2017. I was told this 8 years ago and I actually have given in and now believe. Any thoughts ?

  16. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 22:20 #73653

    Where's FJ's post? What was it all about?

  17. John F

    Aug 05, 2015, 21:00 #73652

    FJ I was thinking how I would react if one of my sons had told me what you told your dad.Coming out the closet I would not have a problem with.A partner who is a Chelsea season ticket holder,I have good friends who are Chelsea fans so I could accept that.If he had told me he was a Spurs fan I'm afraid I would have asked him to go to the shop then I would put on a false beard ,acquire a limp and put on a Scottish accent. When he returned and knocked on the door (locks would of been changed) I would tell him his dad has done a Reggie Perrin and left his clothes on a Brighton beach.The only thing that might give me away is if I forgot to take my Peter Cech headgear off.

  18. CT Gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 20:54 #73651

    You could have fooled me Colesboy, reading Arseblog feels just like listening to Gazidis, trying to put positive spin on everything. If you share the opinions posted there, good for you. I prefer to look critically at how our club's run, hoping for the best on field performances, but holding the responsible parties accountable if necessary. I choose to withdraw financial support currently as I believe we are mismanaged. Unfortunately it's all that I can do, untilmore folks from your side "smell the coffee" if you will. As for what other teams and sports pay, really immaterial for the discussion at hand. If Theo is worth what we paid, many of whom agree with me that he's not, then when the other contracts are renewed, we'll be paying Man City like wages, which seems to run against the arguement made by some AKBs that we don't have the money to compete!!

  19. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 20:34 #73650

    Nice one Baddie & 'we had joy we had fun/we had Tottenham on the run/.... was also in the top 10 at the time. All this building momentum to the Fairs Cup and half of the Double at SHL ..... & now we have had a decade of bad tatts and bad hair ha ha! & some silver paper cups.....

  20. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 20:12 #73649

    Meant the post before jj. Interesting that we posted similarly to FJ. Think Pat Boone was probably No.1 when I first went to the Bridge.

  21. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 20:00 #73648

    Finsbury Joe. that's a big post but I have to say what the f*** are you doing going out with a Chav and more importantly what are you doing posting on an Arsenal website. I presume it has something to do with annoying your old man. I would enjoy reading what that is all about ?

  22. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 20:00 #73647

    Loved your last post jj, very amusing. Finsbury Joe, that was a good post too-good luck for the season.

  23. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 19:59 #73646

    Nicely put FJ and you are a football fan and that is that. Good luck for the season. Break a leg and all that. Do not ask me why I was there when Chivers did. My eldest brother dragged me there 'cause he loved a wind up where the odds were stacked against us. Was funny though ... Course Forest were all the rage then. as for Chelski - up the old shed a couple times with Warren St lads. Seem to remember Thunderclap Newman were at number 1 then.

  24. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 19:29 #73645

    Jeff I dont know why there is a debate about Wally's worth, its a slam dunk. The facts speak for themselves He has been injured for two thirds of Arsenals games since he signed. He has shown minimal improvement. His game awareness poor and defensively he is hopeless. Hoping he is suddenly going to morph into a world class striker is delusional. He is a super sub at best. Maybe the fact that we are debating this is a sign of how low our expectations are. I doubt clubs like Bayern would be bothering with players like Wally.

  25. tony pepe

    Aug 05, 2015, 19:07 #73644

    You may be on to something there jjetplain. Le Boss may well retire at the end of the season cos once the title is in our hands, it makes perfect sense. Once a winner, always a winner.

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 05, 2015, 19:00 #73643

    Badarse doesn't give opinions, he gives explanations. He has explained to you that Wally's wages are an investment. There is no opinion on whether it is a worthy investment that can be given beyond that. Only he on here is able to place things in their proper societal context. It is our failure to understand, for example, the intricacies of TTIP that leads to such things as Wally's wages - it is our fault he's earning that much! The connection may not seem obvious - and it isn't. That's why only someone with the intellect and wide ranging vision of Badarse can see it.

  27. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 18:52 #73642

    I reckon Arsene will go at end of this season because with all the hard work WOBs have put in over the decade while some have sat on cosmological fences holding the club back, the penny has dropped. Coq and Cech are a nod to a new coach coming in who will assess Cech and Move Forward. The Wally fiasco will have to be sorted and not repeated. AkB towers are to be demolished and replaced by social housing for 'those behind the scenes' at the Wok. As a concession they will be allowed a room above that Pie Shop on alternate Thursdays. This may alter if the frankly impossible happens and Arsene leaves this club muscling in on Europa fixtures. The proposed statute of Theo will be shelved and instead there will be special memorial for the WOBs who have given their STs to mates in the line of dutiful support. They will not be forgotten. A book simply called 'How to make money' b Arsene 'Sally' Wenger will be ghost written by our very own Lord Westlower with an over long introduction off topic by our great chum Badarse. Onwards and upwards as always ....

  28. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 18:22 #73641

    Badarse I gave my view on your Wally is worth it because he is an investment in a previous post .His age and injury proness are against that scenario also no one would be crazy enough to pay him 140k a week so he will not go anywhere ,this current contract is his last big one also why should he leave to go somewhere for less anyway,he is not as far as I can discern mad .As for your other comments that criticism of Arsene did not force some changes,well how do you know that?

  29. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 18:03 #73639

    How funny is that by jeff? So all the griping and whinging has pushed AW in the current, correct direction. So funny, but well done to you and your posse jeff-thank you. I am aware this country lags way behind in most coherently understood social matters, and most couldn't see the connections or links if it was pointed out to them; the reasons for the mind set are too lengthy, (even for me), to go into. Just shame on most-you cannot arm yourselves so you certainly couldn't guide the kids. The fact is that the message has been lost, the brash, loud drumbeaters have their way and the minions run after them, proclaiming, 'Hosanna in ex-Chelsea'. People happy to sign away their all to the big corporations-I include the government, military, monarchy, police, and civil service in this-then start bleating if it affects their own parking place, their favourite route to work, their own personal job, or their football club. Hilarious. Tried to explain earlier that Walcott's rise is necessary to protect the investment-he isn't worth it, probably negotiated with a form of blackmail, but all do it now. Unpalatable and very ugly, but you gave them the weaponry to demand, as you do most things. Hand over the family jewels then moan. You are not called Dark Moanies for nothing.

  30. jeff wright

    Aug 05, 2015, 17:16 #73638

    The gooner is always a good read and the criticisms from AKB's that there is too much negativity as they call it ignores the fact that it is supporters complaining that forced Wenger to make some of the changes that he has made. He still stubbornly however insists that he knows best about everything and is slavishly backed up in this delusion by the faithful AKB .The public split among Stan's 'directors' and Usmanov's comments also regarding the need for Wenger to sign a top striker however shows that not everyone at the club believes now days that Wenger is the Pope in disguise .Amen.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 16:55 #73634

    Jeremy Corbyn, funnily enough that's one of the ideas I put on the ideas space in the survey, not only this one but last seasons one also, easier said than done i know but something i'm sure would go down well, but would some on here have the balls ? and if so could we get them to say anything coherent instead of just turning up in their robes chanting arsene arsene arsene or maybe going off into some meaningless rant just breaking off for long enough to tell us (while moving in close to the microphone)to just get behind the lads, or fook off down the lane, then there would be the problem Mike and Kevin would have identifying them with all these multiple personalities they'd be turning up with half a dozen names, that's if they turned up at all. But yes it's certainly something for gooner towers to think about in some form.

  32. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 15:56 #73633

    Westie, some cracking posts mate, informative and funny. You need to get Julesd to let you out more often. Sadly I dont get out much these days as Im locked in a dark room going through Baddie's posts. I am up to oct 2013 so far. Its a thankless task but someone has to do it.@jeremy corbyn i like your idea of having a wob, Abk debate in podcast form. My only reservation is that as it's sound only the noise of hot air being expelled from the a***holes of the akbs disguised as a coherent argument might not make for great listening.

  33. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 05, 2015, 15:37 #73632

    Reading Arseblog has got absolutely nothing to do with towing the club party line or feeling good about paying for a season ticket. If you don't want to pay, don't go, easy really. Also this wages dismay is also nothing to get your ct knickers in a twist about, it's par for the course. How about baseball or basketball or NFL wages then?

  34. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 15:30 #73631

    One of the best things about Onlinegooner is that unlike other Arsenal blogs you get many different writers and hence a number of different opinions and perspectives. You may not of course agree with them, but as my father says "Opinions are like a***holes son, everybody has one." More power to your elbows chaps, and I look forward to another season of Gooner fun and frolics. COYG!

  35. CT Gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 15:00 #73629

    Those 20% can go read Arseblog or the corporate line, that'll allow them to feel better about how much they paid for their season ticket. I still can't get over paying Theo 140k a week, now the rest of them will feel they deserve it (and who can argue that many are worth more than Theo), and we better get ready to give our only real superstar at least 200k a week.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:47 #73626

    The arse smacking is getting earlier every day, like AKB excuses there'll soon be nothing left to smack.

  37. Westlower

    Aug 05, 2015, 14:12 #73622

    @Ron Evertonians have a special place in their hearts for centre forwards Dixie Dean, Alex Young, Joe Royal & Duncan Ferguson. My favourite story being about the guy who came home early from work to find his wife in bed with Alex Young. "Alex, don't get up, let me tuck you in. Is there anything I can get you?" Anders Limpar is also held in high regard after being instrumental in them beating Man U to win the FA Cup.

  38. Ron

    Aug 05, 2015, 12:43 #73620

    Westie - just to qualify re my humble comments re manc fans. Ive not set foot in Surrey for over 20 years so what do i know really? The most reliable guide to an insight on Utd s actual and latent support is clearly to be found at the fountain of wisdom and humility (77735) and not by oft going to matches in the NW. Be sure to take yr hat off when you enter though if you seek learned counsel there.

  39. Ron

    Aug 05, 2015, 12:28 #73619

    Good stuff Westie. Thats funny! I know what you mean re Merseyside. As you know, i get up there quite a bit. Sadly, the red/blue stuff is tinged nowadays with an edge which was always there to a degree but its more pronounced now. Society? Certainly, but also a reflection of the red half not really accepting their lesser place in the game now overall yet still ostensibly lording it over the blue half. The blue half resist accordingly as they know it was the blues who were the dominant Club until the late 60s. Generally though, they have some sound footie fans in Liverpool and both stadiums are good for Arsenal fans to visit subject to odd anecdotes saying otherwise of course. Theres a lot of respect for the Arsenal on Merseyside ive always found. Youve maybe seen the Clubs shops in the City centre? Theyre 30 yards apart. Liverpool s is 'Liverpool 1', Evertons is' Everton 2'. Very cleverly done. The blues are very much the Liverpool Club. Theres a great site on the Mersey just along from the docks which Everton have wanted for years but cant get. I cant see a move under Kenwright unless the Club is bought by a mogul and tbh such are the fans there, most dont want it. Ive met Kenwright a time or two re previous work i did down the years. Lovely guy and passionate blue. Agree with you on fans on Boards. Cant really work can it. The actual Board would need personal protection today wouldnt they.!! Youre right re Fergie too. His levels were so high there that one slip and his level bottomed out in an instant based on them ive known and spoken too.Truly spoiled by success there. Their very frightened of City though too. Van Gaal i think is panic buying in an effort to appear to see the Club as still Manchesters No 1 in the eyes of their fans.

  40. Westlower

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:53 #73617

    @Ron Some of my Man U supporting friends wanted Fergie out when he was at the height of his powers. I'm not talking about fickle youngsters but old men who've supported them for 50/60 years. They have lived through the Man U drought & relegation. I guess it's the way people deal with the hurt that defeats bring. That's why it's a bad idea to let fans have a say in the boardroom as their emotions outweigh reasoned logic. A bad decision can lose you a game but in the eyes of some it's always the managers fault. The most enjoyable time of being among supporters of other clubs was my 20 years of working on Merseyside. It was non-stop Blues v Reds from breakfast until supper. Had some great times at Goodison & Anfield. The Blues particularly love the tradition of their club, from the Z Cars theme to the blue covered season ticket holder book. One year the club issued red covers & WW3 broke out until they were recalled and replaced with blue covers. I don't ever see them leaving Goodison as their fans are happy as they are. They remain suspicious of 'outsiders' supporting their club but it's not as bad as it once was. Being with a local saved me from being evicted from Anfield when once sat in the front row behind the goal. As soon as the stewards heard a southern accent they wanted me out. My worst experience was walking into an Evertonian pub wearing an Arsenal shirt with a plain clothed Liverpool supporter. Not sure if he was simply naive or he had set me up for a torrid time. Drink up Trig we're!

  41. Ron

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:41 #73615

    You should try practising what you preach Badarse. Your hypocrisy is boundless. Another contrived and tiresome utterance from you. Nothing changes though does it from you.

  42. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:24 #73614

    Good morning Ron and thank you for the pearls of wisdom, oh they're paste! To find out how people feel about their own club and Arsenal is easy, you just engage in conversation, you do not need to travel to Manchester, in fact Surrey might be a more sensible destination. You are colouring the water again my friend. 'Fergie devotion'(?) and Arsene's disciples? Who is a disciple, and better still I have never encountered a belief that such a thing as 'Fergie devotion' exists. I have told you before, just saying it doesn't make it so. jeff is proven incorrect yet again-you can make it up!

  43. Ron

    Aug 05, 2015, 11:09 #73613

    Great mag is the Gooner. Keep it up fellas. Ive always loved 'in the away end'. Its a pity its based only on blogs/forums etc. As an away match goer for many yrs ive found much can be learned by talking to the other teams fans about ones own Club. The perspectives are often surprising. Can be AKB or WOB supportive. Whats even better is to glean their views on their own Clubs. Equally surprising results. In all the years ive been going up to OT for instance, i was never able to detect 'Fergie devotion' like we see on here in the form that Arsenes disciples engender. Im guessing a high proportion of posters on here never get to a football ground of course, but a few away matches and a bit of mingling might well be beneficial to them for sure if they could. Their fans (Utds) always seem to have their Coach only as good as his last match. It ll be interesting to gauge the temperature at Utd this yr on Van Gaal.Its a measure of the expectation gulf and mentalities not only the Clubs but the respective teams fans too isnt it. Good article Mike.

  44. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2015, 10:58 #73611

    These AKB CEO's are well shirty with WESTIE protecting his nags and Baddie with his Harry Potter collection. Good to see Mr Rose has engineered such a commanding lead. No pressure on him - bit like Le Boss. This 140 a week now being handed out to 'the boys' - is it some kind of new hedge/tax scheme? This is where he really can work the magic. Oh well - off to see Inside Out with the 'family.' Sweet potato fries - lovely. Well done Gooner. Easy to use and a balance that suits all. Except Colsey .....

  45. Badarse

    Aug 05, 2015, 8:25 #73601

    Ha ha. Good morning Amos. A nice succinct post-like it. You are missed around these parts-mind you they miss me too most times-custard pies usually go whistling over my head! And good morning to you too Bard, get that coffin lid locked down tightly-the sun is up.

  46. Amos

    Aug 05, 2015, 8:12 #73599

    The issue was published in December in the wake of a string of disappointing performances against the likes of Hull, Swansea, Anderlecht and a poor Manchester United side. So a bit prematurely then! :)

  47. Bard

    Aug 05, 2015, 7:09 #73598

    Mike I am frankly appalled that over 20% think there's too much negatively. Are these the same 23% who think Simon Rose is the favourite writer ? I suspect that these are fans who think the club started when Wenger became manager. I see you are encouraging fans to post articles. This is good news as I know Baddie is desperate to get his thoughts in print. However he doesnt think he has enough space and wonders if he can have his own website attached called Much ado about nothing.

  48. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:56 #73588

    Thank you Mike. Top analysis, top fanzine. As for the covers, (and reverses), I think they are all on the money, some just resonate a little more. Now maguiresbridge say 'Three Hail Wenger's', and go to bed, your cocoa is getting cold; oh and you must stop rolling the skin when it forms and putting it under your nose. I know it is a tribute to jeff but enough is enough, and take the Hoddle gnome out of your bed!

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2015, 21:01 #73584

    Darren certainly does a great job. It's hard to argue with the 250th cover been the favourite, and certainly not hard to argue with the least favourite one, any one that has wengers bonce looking out is off putting.