Would the real Arsenal please turn up?

Online Ed: Lacklustre display at home to West Ham

Would the real Arsenal please turn up?

West Ham looked the more determined side

Somewhere in Cobham, June 2015
‘So Petr, you can still serve the club well, even if Courtois will be the first choice. You can make interventions that will give us the title again’
‘Really Mr Abramovic?’
‘Oh yes, Petr, and you will be handsomely rewarded for these’
‘I don’t understand’
‘You will join Arsenal this summer Petr, and there will be times when you need to do things to ensure Chelsea retain an advantage over Arsene Wenger’s team’
‘What, like throw matches?’
‘You will be handsomely rewarded Petr, and still held in awe by Chelsea and its fans’
‘I see…’

If John Terry reckons Cech will be worth 12-15 points a season to Arsenal, I wonder what he made of yesterday’s performance against West Ham. Certainly, the players in front of him were equally culpable, losing the man they were marking or simply losing possession, but one would hope a keeper of Cech’s stature would have been able to compensate.

As good as he looked pre-season, one was found wondering if David Ospina might have done better on the two goals conceded to West Ham.

The other thing that came out of yesterday was confirmation that pre-season is an exercise in getting match fit, but in terms of influence on results once the games start to matter, it is completely meaningless. Five wins out of five. Great. But it was an irrelevance against Slaven Bilic’s side.

The most damning thing of all over the course of the match was that the Hammers seemed to have a greater appetite to win the game. They were more determined in the tackle, more organized in defence, and more clinical when opportunities presented themselves.

Arsenal created some half-chances, but nothing that really looked clear cut. West Ham found it all too easy to keep them at bay. As one email correspondent pointed out, “Too many players are either brilliant or rubbish with nothing in between. Ramsey, Ozil, Giroud (who should not be starting) in the main. Walcott too.” It’s a valid point. Some level of performance is required even when the team is having an off day. At the very least the home team should have kept a clean sheet, even if they were firing blanks. The entry of Alexis into proceedings at 2-0 down was sheer desperation. Here is a player that needs to be eased in far more gently, only back from his holidays in recent days. He should not have been anywhere near the subs’ bench and when he came on it was apparent why.

As to why the mentality and approach of the players was so lacklustre is a question that needs answering. Here, we were told, were a team that would challenge for the title this season, without needing additional players in. In fact, the lack of goal thrust from the forward players merely confirmed why the manager is trying to sign Karim Benzema from Real Madrid. And going on yesterday’s performance, his arrival can’t come a day too soon. Certainly, the £70 million available to the manager is going to help the team a lot more if it spent on the pitch rather than lying in a bank vault.

Can one point the finger at the manager for the mentality of the players? Perhaps. What was most damning was that, from the start of the second half, there seemed no real hunger to do anything different from the first, with the consequent arrival of a second West Ham goal. Had anything been said in the dressing room at half-time? It didn’t really look like it. The only spell when the Gunners seemed genuinely driven was the brief period between West Ham’s opener and half-time. Apart from that, for large passages of play, they resembled an already ‘on the beach’ team at season’s end.

Tactically, they were a one-trick pony. Little in the way of pace, with the exception of the Ox, too keen to keep their play down the middle rather than ask questions by taking the ball to the bi-line. Was Hector Bellerin that great a miss? West Ham were fielding a 16 year old centre back in central midfield. They should have been there for the taking.

The title is not sacrificed in one match, but this did serve as a worrying portent that, mentally, this team is not equipped for the consistency required to win the league. Beat Chelsea one week, fail to overcome a side that should be meat and drink, and at home to boot, the following weekend. The lack of inspiration was a real concern. Those who believe Arsenal will never win the title until there is a change in the dugout will not have seen anything to make them feel different. It was a rank performance on a fine summer’s day.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Spaced

    Aug 14, 2015, 13:20 #74188

    I take your points about Theo, but I don't like to say he CANNOT play in the centre. Yes, it doesn't appear that he is suited to it, but you never know. When Henry arrived, we all had our doubts in that first season didn't we... (yeah, I know, not a great comparison!). Theo will never be an all time great, but I think in years to come (injury permitting) that we may all look back on his time at Arsenal with fondness. And the money is pretty irrelevant to my mind. It's ridiculous, but that's modern football, I'd rather ignore it until the powers that be sort it out. - Oh and Mark, I have published a few over the years, under my real name rather than this Simon Pegg/Nick Frost inspired pseudonym. Received abuse for having a differing view from your mob of course...

  2. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 21:07 #74153

    This is so funny.

  3. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2015, 19:15 #74142

    Except we're not on the pitch here. All we have is words. 'I support Badarse' isn't quite the rebuff of all that's gone before that's required. 'You miss again' doesn't do it either. It's all too clear it's hit home.

  4. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 19:03 #74140

    You miss again E/G. I am a big fan of impassioned and irrational behaviour, it denotes life, vitality, vibrancy and a preparedness to stand your ground and pursue your principles/outlook/viewpoint. All admirable. I don't like cowardly sniping and am not a fan of ignorance-they defeat the soul and crush the spirit. So you get back into the ring, roll your sleeves a little higher and go again, 'twas ever thus. I see goonercolesyboy as a spirited individual who snarls and spits, now I like those traits when under attack. Were I on the pitch with him I'd be pulling him away, reluctantly, offering a calming mien though bubbling inside for him-I performed this job a few times on the pitch. I would not say, 'sort it out after', as on one occasion a man mountain who played for my side did just that. I stood holding him back in the dressing room corridor with my studs skidding and sliding on the floor as he tried to bulldoze his way to take on the entire side. Not a good ending for some that day. Now breath deeply goonercolesyboy, let's get back to the game kid. Incidentally me being bullied? Size 11s on my neck? You are having a giraffe.

  5. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2015, 18:51 #74139

    In 'The Badarse Debate' we have seen probably as rational, reasoned out comments as you could hope for on here, yet to goonercolesboy - one of the posters most given to emotional outbursts - Badarse bemoans a lack of rational behaviour. As is often said - you couldn't make it up!

  6. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 13, 2015, 18:44 #74137

    I support Badarse my West Country friend as you and I are on opposite sides of the divide.

  7. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 18:39 #74136

    Thanks for the words goonercolseyboy, it's all a wasted exercise though in hoping for rational behaviour. When people are locked in, then they are, pity is they perhaps should be locked into that room you talk of. @Spaced-Theo. My view hasn't changed since day one, long before his injury and that was a bad one-I had one just like it and it has effectively crippled me in later life as I never got the 'kid glove' treatment as an ordinary 'joe'-but my view is a modified one, not best explained in a post. I agree with you that he doesn't have much of a football brain-though anyone plying their trade in the PL, probably the fastest, hardest, (dirtiest?), league in the world, has something special. Some employ a reductionist approach and it becomes a black or white issue-nothing ever is. He certainly cannot play in the middle though, and a knock on demerit if he plays instead of Olly means we lose a big man in both boxes, to attack or defend the ball. I can comment on his salary in passing, but always lead people to ignore this as a consideration when evaluating. He is a worthy asset as a wide impact sub, that is a given, and until a better alternative comes along he remains an Arsenal player and like others and the manager, will always get my support. I have suggested his increase is peanuts and just secures him as an asset to our club. He may kick on from here, but I see that as unlikely, but he is a club man and offers all he can. He will score important goals and infuriate along the way but am glad he is an Arsenal player at the moment. Hope that is a little clearer.

  8. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 13, 2015, 17:39 #74134

    Spaced - you know the score AMG / AKB mods and rockers all part of the circle. Why don't you widen the field and publish something? Lost in my terrible bullying of badarse is a suggestion to do the same. As someone who has published its actually interesting steering the debate for a little while. We do genuinely need a range and really only see Simon Rose coming on to give a don't rock the boat view,

  9. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 13, 2015, 15:20 #74121

    goonercolesyboy. An interesting response. No problems with your loyalty to Baddie. However, you don't seem to disagree with our views on Baddie, only that we're ganging up on him.

  10. mbg

    Aug 13, 2015, 15:00 #74119

    In a hole but still digging springs to mind.

  11. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 13, 2015, 13:44 #74117

    This Badarse bashing is an interesting phenomenon..why don't you lock yourselves in a room and see who outdoes the other first, Westlower, the odds please on a wwe triple threat match...

  12. Spaced

    Aug 13, 2015, 13:08 #74112

    Why is it on this forum, that to say something positive about Arsenal you are immediately labelled an AKB? Does this mean that the definition of an Arsenal supporter is to celebrate failure and despise any success? That may be the case in here but it isn't out there in the real world of Arsenal supporters... I also don't understand the silly groundhog day comments, we are clearly improving since the tough financially constrained years, the proof is in the cabinet. - - - Badarse, whilst I am not a fan of Walcott, he has been very productive in the past. He is a dangerous player and I am quite pleased we have retained him. I don't think he is particularly gifted as a footballer, but he does score goals and provides too. It seems like a long time ago due to his injury, but you seem to forget what he brought to the team. I would like to see him out wide, I am not convinced he can play central/up front. But I am open to being pleasantly surprised.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:53 #74110

    Like I said, Badarse, it's all about how you come across to others. We would all like to believe we're full of good intentions and traits. So of course, for you, the current scrutiny you're enduring 'misses' and takes 'the wrong direction'. It must be uncomfortable to be scrutinised in this way and so if you wish this evidently still populated carousel to stop and for others to 'put a sock in it' you could try doing as Cornish Gooner suggests. By the way, you seem to have missed that some of my previous comment was a quote and have wrongly attributed the 'wondrous traits' to me.

  14. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:33 #74107

    Baddie. I'm afraid this tedium will continue if you keep responding as in your post 78269. I've long believed that there are two types of posters on here, the ones who love Arsenal and want to discuss their views, and those that love themselves but just happen to be Arsenal fans! Your line 'Though if I did slip away I would be playing into Ron's clammy hands-I have to remain as his keel and counterbalance-surely that is my gift to this site?' suggests you're in the latter group. We are trying to help you, but you just will not listen. An overlong response trying to justify yourself just makes things worse.

  15. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:07 #74104

    This is so painful and tedious Exeter Gunner. I know you mean to be insightfully observant and helpful, in a correcting guiding fashion-that is a teeny bit presumptuous and more than a bit pompously self absorbed, by both the original poster and yourself in acknowledging it as a truth. You also have that identifiable glitch of wanting to keep the carousel turning when none are taking a ride. If you take one small step in the wrong direction at the offset, you move progressively away from the point of commencement with each tiny pigeon step-and I am not asking you to do it in my blue and yellow clogs, so just put a sock in it! Your post as a beacon of well-informed assessment, which defends an insulting miscreant, misses like the original-the fact that none are attacked for holding that the current manager is inadequate and we should re-harness another in his stead. Introducing a licentious comment like 'wondrous traits' and others lacking them is a naughty introduction on your part, it also infers that any traits I may have are anything but. Think you should hold your well-intentioned but sometimes flawed advice, and take a closer look at what is written and what the words actually mean. You may even detect a similarity in yourself that you clearly do in me. See what I mean about tedium?

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2015, 10:45 #74101

    "The problem for you is that your contributions are ego centric therefore you connect your Arsenal support to what you think are your personal traits. E.g loyalty , fighting for causes, great insight, Those of us who would like change are therefore failing in these wondrous traits and so are attacked." Best bit of insight I've seen on a fellow poster. Badarse, you of course see your own 'traits' differently and will call it a 'mob mentality', a 'failure of understanding' but it simply is the case that's how you're coming across on here to many others.

  17. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 10:22 #74100

    Interestingly incorrect Mark from Aylesbury, but who could convince a stubborn mind set otherwise that they have evaluated incorrectly. If I post I post, if not I do not. It is tiresome when people fail to interpret correctly and the ennui moves me to find myself drifting away. I recognise that once a status quo is forged, rightly or wrongly, it cannot be shaken-it was why I tried to move from the toxic 'Badarse' name. That it failed was down to a poor deceptive approach-my heart wasn't in it. I think you are not naughty, just very silly and a bit rude. You miss the nuance, adopt the closest you can to identifying a trait, which is often a misconception, and employ a scything adaptation of comprehension. To bleat about the number of words posted just gives others a rest from your bleating about AFC, another service I perform? Vexed, a huff? Dispassionately disinterested disappointment, more like. Not one single poster has ever been attacked by myself for wanting change, quite the contrary as a well voiced reason has my endorsement. In fact the 'attacking' is generally modified through analogy, comparison or an attempt at humour as offered earlier. I see myself not spearing someone with a rapier thrust, but hitting someone on the head with a feather pillow. See what I mean about gleaning a superficial understanding from a post? Anyway, I release you from the hook, so you can swim off. Here is a question for you to ponder, as I know you love this side of me: 'Often wishes for fishes brings tears to my eyes; and if they don't have hands, how come they have fingers? It's lies I tell you, it's lies!'

  18. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2015, 9:46 #74097

    Badarse, not all of us with a smartphone have a 'gizmo' mentality, though it dominates the lives of some, especially amongst younger people. People will be coming and going from here all the time (of course there is a core of regulars) and also aren't going to remember everything that's been said so it's no surprise there is a lot of repetition or calls for views previously given. There's a lot of repetition in the source material as well, so that adds to it. Worthwhile debate that develops and builds on itself isn't going to happen on here (as I said, you can find places that does happen), it will always, by its nature, be fractured and repetitive in its themes. Rather like accepting Wenger will be there as long as he wants, we just have to accept it how it is. Or not. Finally, if you're typing one fingered, your posts must take you bloody ages!

  19. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 13, 2015, 9:45 #74096

    badarse - I admit to being a bit of a naughty contributor. The shoe business for instance seems to particularly vex you. Torrents of words followed from yourself justifying your beliefs. Generally I believe Ron, EG have got you right. The issue over you using wit and winding people up just rebounds back on you. I note you have left the site in a huff on s few occasions and also hilariously tried to post under a different moniker. The problem for you is that your contributions are ego centric therefore you connect your Arsenal support to what you think are your personal traits. E.g loyalty , fighting for causes, great insight, Those of us who would like change are therefore failing in these wondrous traits and so are attacked. Where you are being right royally shredded is that we can come on here and in 5 minutes tear your arguments apart and you feel exposed and so get stressed. In general I would recommend that you post something via the editors on an Arsenal related topic. This is the best platform for a personal view. The contributions from others will then flow back and forth. Better to spend an hour composing something in a Simon Rose style or similar. Than continually block up the airwaves with rambling fairy tales, poems and ultimate loss of self control, This took me 5 minutes to write. I bet you spend hours stressing over this site.

  20. Badarse

    Aug 13, 2015, 9:13 #74093

    Exeter Gunner, I know you are correct in what you say, apt websites and circumstances which surround the input. I don't have a phone but I know of the 'gizmo' mentality which envelopes those that do-and good for them. My work allows on many occasions to man the office and do my one-fingered tippy-tapping on the keyboard. I do weigh and try to be objective-the subjective always is knocking at the door though-give suggestions, alternative views to the stubborn mob views, where often one loud voice leads using humour, comparisons, or analogies. I do take your point it is valid and have become so disinterested with what passes for worthwhile 'debate', I mean once you have explained a personal view surely it isn't necessary to constantly rewrite those views to anyone who asks, again and again? Tedium gets us all sooner or later, so perhaps it's time to step away. It's tempting to just tippy tap out a post when am sitting here besides computer awaiting a call etc. Though if I did slip away I would be playing into Ron's clammy hands-I have to remain as his keel and counterbalance-surely that is my gift to this site?

  21. Ron

    Aug 13, 2015, 8:08 #74090

    Oh dear Badarse, youve plumbed depths there lower than yr normal self obsessed waffle. Im sure those that 'you wdt spit on etc' are mightily relieved to be at that end of yr spectrum. Your faking again and understandably dont like having been stripped to the bone of late by EG and a few others, so this latest shot of silly venom from you has been a while coming but its always there when youre threatened isnt it. You claim to admire politeness, debate and open mindedness lauding yourself as being far sighted and so on, yet your words over a long time only show that you crave those ideals and principles that you tediously espouse, yet none of them are part of yr persona. What we see from you is anger, spite and sanctimony and a deep discomfort when youre challenged. As EG has told you, an internet site is no place to strut around preaching values and morals you dont hold and cant live up to like some cyber based il duce. You really ought to give it up Badarse though while there's a few of the younger, less able contributors on here who are still the tiniest bit taken in by you i m sure you ll carry on regardless. Ironically though, your last post was also a better effort at sticking to the purpose of the site for once, but as they say in Parliament, the 'I's have it'. They certainly do in your case.

  22. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 13, 2015, 7:39 #74089

    Badarse - thank you for explaining the shoe business. What about Quislings?

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:49 #74077

    Badarse - the internet is a rough old game. People are often reading and answering quickly on smartphones, seizing on key words and phrases. This is the nature of the beast. There are still places you can genuinely debate, where people will give time and consideration to points in the way you'd like to see. The comments section of a footy site isn't one of them.

  24. Badarse

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:30 #74076

    Sorry Exeter Gunner, slipped up and didn't address the post to you as I should have-been practising walking a mile around the garden in the wife's heels so have been a little distracted.

  25. Badarse

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:13 #74073

    I agree that we have a surfeit of similar players, though with our injury record we generally find ourselves short-excuse the pun-sooner or later. Still, many applauded the arrival of Ozil, then Alexis, (though he brings a different dimension in playing style it's true), so we kind of want and don't want. That was true of Welbeck's arrival, will also be the pattern if we bought Benzema I guess. I do agree that things can become very frustrating but changing a manager is not necessarily the answer. The policy of the club will be constant I think, and a new man will struggle to meet the criteria imposed, whoever he is. I despised the B-liar, but felt I knew that Brown would not be an improvement, so that is a situation to consider. I don't despise AW. I am very happy that he is with us, and especially glad he happened by. Easy to say this man should play here, that player there, these two never together but no two minds are alike. I would never have dreamt of playing Santi alongside le Coq, and what a success that is. So in a nutshell am I content? I shall probably go to the grave in a dissatisfied huff so the answer is no, but that is my nature. Do I want a revolution to oust a man and install a new man? No, emphatically. Do I like the board and it's game plan-and I think under achieving flavours their decisions due to a similar financial return for first place as opposed to fourth currently enjoyed-no but it is a successful ploy and we are surrounded by a distillation of most things nowadays so take it in my stride. Do I bleat and then regurgitate the same mantra, which using the dilution idea again, no as it's pointless, I don't want a revolution at my club, am aware things will change and are constantly evolving, and again it's another facet of my make up. Do I get pissed off with drivel and sniping? Yes, do I mope or do I try to get even? I try to get even with my 'humour', sometimes the more acidic the better. There are people on here I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire, well I might, but generally people struggle to be polite. Guess it's a part of times changing, that and the fact that many misunderstand pointers-as with the 'walk a mile' business. How crass is that statement? Anyway it's quite refreshing to just exchange.

  26. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:30 #74069

    Mark from aylesbury, well they're coming to the right place then, and they'll certainly not find it as easy as they seem to think, i'll keep an eye out and if I see three lard arses cruising the chippies burgar bars and pubs accompanied by a skinny runt i'll know who they are.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:23 #74067

    Cannot believe I suddenly find myself in this position but... to be fair to Badarse, he has done something different from the usual offerings, and there are points there to engage with, e.g. 'For different reasons that I am not privy to our width is compromised with our team selections'. I'd suggest one reason as the amount of wannabe no.10s in the squad. Wenger stockpiles such players because they are his favourite type, then tries to fit as many of them in as he can. It's clear from this post Badarse recognises the need for change, it's just he'd like those changes with Wenger still in situ. Of course one can make the point that means there will be very little change, and off we go again...

  28. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:36 #74058

    Tony Evans, Gaz, did any of us really think it was going to be, or will be any different deep down? Gaz you can still back him by all means mate others do also, but I think you know the answer to the question like I do indeed we all do.

  29. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:07 #74055

    Why are there no funny AKBs? & yet some very funny WOBs like Hiccup, Bard, Ron to name the very best. With JW supplying historicisms along with RON the WOBs are seemingly invincible. It's one thing TRYING to be different, quite another actually being. Anyway, Baddie is alright. Like a little boy really in cyber world. looking forward to seeing more from MIKE who has really impressed so far as a sub .......

  30. Badarse

    Aug 12, 2015, 16:55 #74054

    Well that was a complete waste of time. Debate my arse, as Jim Royale would say-don't you agree Bard? As for that Cornish Gooner, thought it might take someone like yourself to look for the particular post, but am indebted, genuinely. The reason is it vindicates myself to me anyway, and that is all that matters. The first time it was mentioned passed over my head as just a loose phrase as a criticism-what else do I get? The second time it convinced me someone wanted to take a pot shot at me-not nice but then some people aren't. I know I would never use such an effete and trite phrase although it tells a succinct suggestion. It would be like seeing westlower use a phrase like '110% certain!', I'd know it was an imposter as he just wouldn't say it. I adopted that overused phrase to act as a vehicle to carry my clattering joke of blue and yellow clogs, the phrase was a disposable vehicle for the comedy. Anyway thanks, it's very reassuring to know I didn't use the phrase as a pompous dictate. Exeter Gunner-well done.

  31. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 15:20 #74051

    Good one Mike. His entrance will make it like onlinegooner at the Apollo then? Will he be accompanied by music when he makes his bow to wow us all? Old Badarse could certainly used some relief to be given by this paragon of persuasion you mention. Ive even felt kind of sorry for him of late as EG and Arseneknewbest have pressed their size 11 s on his neck. Toes curling? I wish! New shoes today. Killing me at the moment.

  32. Tony Evans

    Aug 12, 2015, 15:11 #74049

    Hi Gaz - the top quality striker / DM debate is a difficult one and I fluctuate from one to the other. Wasting my time even thinking about it really I suppose as I don't see Wenger bringing in either. If he does surprise us I think it will be a striker as we all know defensive attributes are not high on his list of must haves. As Ron says though I am not sure it would be enough anyway, and once the new fella was fully indoctrinated in the 'Wenger Way' he would no doubt be just as ineffective as the rest of them when push comes to shove. We live in hope though as always!

  33. Mark from aylesbury

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:20 #74047

    MBG - hate to tell you this but I hear Jamerson and his 3 X L (morbidly obese) brother Pete are also going to buy a holiday home in Ireland. Apparently they are selling up the Southwold residence after realising the odd white shaped dome they could see from their caravan window is in fact Sizewell B nuclear reactor. Plan is they are going to drink Ireland dry of Guiness and they don't care who gets hurt in the process. They are so tough it's frightening!!!

  34. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:17 #74046

    Hi Gaz - do you really think a truly top class striker would prosper in that team, under Wengers straitjacketed regime? I dont. In fact if i was that top striker i d think twice before committing to it. Its a hiding to nothing task, the same as any Goal keepers job there. Coqueline? The enthusiasm fo him is that of desperate fans whove wanted a quality performer in that role for years. He was at Charlton for a reason. Hes not brilliant and wont boss quality midfields about. At best, hes back up standard v lower third teams. As we know, Wengers regime for 10 years has been to ask back up level players to perform like top level players. It aint happenin! Nor will it.

  35. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:05 #74044

    AKB HQ - His bars not a high one. Ive not seen one AKB poster on here whos ever been close to believable. Laughable yes, Lucid and persuasive? Never yet.They have a battler in Westie who plows his own furrow. The rest defer to him as they hang on to his coat tails for scraps to hide their own ineptitude.

  36. Gaz

    Aug 12, 2015, 13:19 #74042

    Hi Tony: Must admit the romantic side of me would like to see a monster striker signing but if truth be know a rival and perhaps even a replacement for Coqualin is of far more importance. This became even more apparent watching those two Emirates Cup games-one with Coqualin in the side-and one with Arteta. The difference was horrendous with Arteta offering no protection to the back four. Certainly if Coqualin gets injured leaving Arteta to come in we are right royally screwed...

  37. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 13:05 #74039

    Badarse, your constructive thoughts on the game just needed five words, forget tippy tappy going nowhere, instead of the usual essay.

  38. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 12:50 #74036

    Smart arsed is a person who has had his arse smacked on here numerous times(and there are a few of those) and it smarts like hell in fact it smarts so much that they go away in a huff for a while, some even take mini breaks to get over it where it is windy, Ireland for example where one can drop their kecks on the beech while out reflecting and let the wind at it (it makes a change the wind coming in instead of going out) it is better than calamine lotion or sudo cream any day of the week, only for them to return home for the inevitable to happen again, just like their messiah.

  39. Tony Evans

    Aug 12, 2015, 12:20 #74033

    GAZ - I was swept up in the pre-season optimism too, albeit against my better judgement, and to have all my doubts about Wenger brought back right from the off was not what the doctor ordered. Hope we do see a big signing before the window closes, but would ideally want two. One means choosing between a striker and a defensive midfielder. I suppose on the evidence against Westham it would have to be a striker. Knowing Wenger though it will probably be another midfield midget clone! JASON, RON and BARD - fully agree re Walcott and I fear Wenger may have landed us with yet another dud in Welbeck too.

  40. Bard

    Aug 12, 2015, 11:43 #74032

    Jason; am in total agreement. As I wrote before, he has missed the moment to reshape the squad. He is moreorless stuck with what he has got. The resigning of Wally was heart over head. We could have sold him to Liverpool probably for £25+m and reinvested in a more complete footballer. It will be an interesting August with us having to play Palace and Liverpool. If we dont show a considerable improvement we could have an Aston Villa moment at the Emirates.

  41. Avenell Road

    Aug 12, 2015, 11:37 #74031

    It seems to me like we play football like we've got all the time in the world to get the goals we need. Not just the 90 minutes. Where is the manager to say 'get the ball in the net or i'll put someone on who does'. No pressure football. New players who join seem to adapt into that culture

  42. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 11:21 #74030

    Think Baddie is just a bit lonely and has nothing but contempt for his fellow AKBs. That does not include WESTIE who has a career to think about but WeSTIE you may notice never asks for a Baddiesque sketch/stretch. Anyway - I am your mate and as you progress from French scientology to basic Wobbistics you have my best wishes. Very exciting times at Chelski with Fizzio practically out the door for making a hazard of Hazard. Maureen is having a car park moment (see RM) and was not expecting Citeh to challenge until March. Quite like the PL at the moment and what is good is that mid table assortment and the potential to upset pretty carts. Trouble is the only pretty cart is of course pushed around by Doom and Gloom. Like that much better than Steptoe and Son. Doom and Gloom it is. Do think the new contract for Wally is the worst thing Gloom (Wenger) has ever done and a reason is hard to fathom. Mentioning Football Gods like Overmars and Pires in present company is also part of the problem. All we want is less Doom (Bouldie) and Gloom (Wenger) and something like that scarey Eagles bench when they scored. That is football. Baddie - you are amongst friends and we understand like Gloomy your football knowledge is mainly in the abstract but as they say a bit of practice when everyone has gone ..... Oh - you've tried that.

  43. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 11:02 #74029

    on the money Jason. The debate's futile really. Your post is succinct and dead on correct in stating the obvious save other than to them who fear wholesale change. Some times things just need dismantling and AFC is one of those entities that so badly needs its cobwebs removing. Walcott though sums up not on the modern Arsenal, he sums up modern football in the PL. Very limited ability, in fact he doesn't have much at all yet hes paid enormous sums of money to produce little. The thing is, hes safe hes sterile, TV savvy and represents a clean cut, pure image. A clubs dream for sponsors and marketing men pressing ahead the Arsenal 'brand'. They can afford to carry him for these reasons. The fact that he cant play that well is just an aside.

  44. jeff wright

    Aug 12, 2015, 11:01 #74028

    Nothing there in your musings Badarse that has not been pointed out before. Wally's limitations were obvious 10 years ago to everyone other than Arsene . As someone pointed out speed alone does not a good footballer make .Other clubs find wide-men who can put in decent crosses you make it sound as if doing so is on a par with finding Big Foot. Wenger has often struggled over the years since he tried to play football like Barcelona after stealing Fabregas from their academy to break down well organized sides that come to defend and refuse to have a play-ground kick about of 'let's see then who can score the most goals'.Barcelona played that game with Seville last night in their 5-4 win in the Super-Cup .Wenger must have been creaming himself watching that goal fest ! It helps though if you have players like Messi,Suarez,Pedro. Pedro who scored the winner,he looks rather quickish , could be joining United shortly,if so I can see him being a big plus for VG's crew. Anyway, we ourselves are fair-set to rumble up-front with Wally, ex-United reject Danny Boy and of course not forgetting big tattooed forever moaning goes down very easily Olly .All I can say is if Wenger can win the European and Super Cup with them then he really is a genius. Wenger's never played in a Super Cup has he .Who was our manager who did do,oh,it was GG ! He lost to AC Milan but they were the best side in the world at the time and we did give them a game at Highbury .Wenger is strictly come prancing FA Cup class ,his record says so. Tony (very angry) Pepe, uber super fan lee KFC, TH14 aka Problem Boy,Toad and Colseyboy ,you and Westie ,who once advised that Arsene should give the cup a swerve to concentrate on winning the league, use Wenger's FA Cup wins to cover for Wenger's ineptitude in the majors like a drunken man uses lampposts to lean on to help him find his way home from the pub .Cheers.

  45. Gaz

    Aug 12, 2015, 10:44 #74027

    Tony Evans-Sunday morning I was full of new found optimism too and was even supporting Wenger again! A few hours later and al those dnagging doubts I've had about HIM being the real problem came flooding back! In all fairness though I'm still going to back him until the window shuts as I'm still hopeful of at least one big signing. That support is hanging by a thread though and I know it wont take much for me to want him out again...

  46. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 12, 2015, 10:31 #74026

    Badarsio - venereal bede and now a football strategist eh? You ought to realise that a lot of what you've written there on your simian typewriter is in direct contradiction to the cack you've been bashing out all summer. So, straw man, can we infer from this that you recognise that our parsimonious, chihuahua-headed manager has made some serious errors in his transfer policy this summer? C'mon, have the pelotas to admit you're either a hypocrite or you were just plain wrong. Your mealy-mouthed, rambling reply is awaited with no eagerness.

  47. Badarse

    Aug 12, 2015, 9:54 #74025

    Good morning fellow bedwetters. OK constructive thoughts on the game? I think our game needs fast and competent wing men, we don't employ them regularly. We do have Theo and Ox, but that is it, whenever another takes up a wide position that plan or strategy is closed down to us. Theo is very limited and doesn't command a starting position anywhere on the pitch, so it effectively means we have just the OX, but even then he is a more complex player than a direct wing man-a dying, or dead breed? Our support plan is to play fast FBs in Gibbsy and Hector, if they are missing we have no width and the centre becomes compressed and almost impossible to pass through it. We also need our passing to be rapid in this system-that to my mind is a tandem requirement of speedy passing to feet and width used on the pitch. If it doesn't happen we struggle. Recently we have incorporated a pressing game which harries the opposition and we win back the ball. For different reasons that I am not privy to our width is compromised with our team selections. Secondly our passing isn't swift enough, which allows the opposition to rally, funnel back and sit in wait for our too slow approach. If we drop off our team work/energy levels/commitment the pressing game is virtually non-existant. We then seem to ponderously and unremittingly play the same methodical and generally sterile game. A breakthrough and all changes in our favour. An over commitment and we concede, then we are climbing a mountain. Solutions? A fast and direct real winger a la Overmaars, and a real leader on the pitch to drive people on, a la Tone. Bard don't go, there is always a new moon rising even if it's a bad one.

  48. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 12, 2015, 9:28 #74024

    Agreed Badarse, points have been made and going on and on becomes a bit silly. Well, it's all silly really but that's a larger point. I shall leave you to your other battles. Aside from that, those complaining about 'same old, same old' on here should perhaps note from where we all get our source material.

  49. Tony Evans

    Aug 12, 2015, 9:12 #74023

    The sickening Groundhog syndrome is with me already after one ruddy match! Top four, CL last 16 knockout and a cup run, if we are lucky with who we draw, beckons yet again. Perhaps I should just be pleased with that, like Finsbury Joe would be if the Spuds managed to up their game. I would be if I thought that was all we were capable of but surely we should be aiming higher?

  50. Bard

    Aug 12, 2015, 7:56 #74022

    Morning fellow sufferers and disciples I had a restless night grappling with the accusations of mooning. It was a practice I perfected at University but stopped it after my tenth conviction. The wife thought it was boring doing the same thing over and over again. I had made my point and the rest was boring. I started again in response to some of the comments on this site. It doesnt have the same effect so I have decided for a second time to give it up. There will be no more mooning from me.

  51. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2015, 6:30 #74021

    So I see the 'injury' excuse has taken on a whole new meaning. Last season when Debuchy got injured, his injury was was flouted on here as an excuse as to why we got off to a bad start. "He was doing so well and you just can't legislate for these injuries." Now that he's back, it's partially his fault we couldn't beat West Ham? Players coming back from injury is the new excuse! I love this site.

  52. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 0:41 #74020

    CT Gooner, the AKB's expect everyone to get behind everything wenger no matter what, beatings, humiliations, embarrassments it doesn't matter to them they'll not question or show dissent just accept it, their the smile Ah well better luck next time brigade, and when others don't follow suit and have the bare faced cheek to question and blame their messiah's decisions, tactics/lack off, methods, etc, their accused of moaning. And then the funniest thing of all happens they themselves come back on moaning about it.

  53. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 0:06 #74019

    I think smart arsenals are/is the way forward and I would like to see Arsene use that phrase a little bit and if they ever score a goal at the Emirates again it would be great if they ran to the cameras screaming smart arsenals! while messing each other's hair up. Think I am beginning to see why West Ham ****ed us up. think i can also see why leicester, Swansea, Palace will be lining up for a good swing. smart arsenals onwards and upwards yar!

  54. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 12, 2015, 0:03 #74018

    Badarse- so us dark moanies are not very happy regarding Sunday's result. I can only imagine you are happy then? I actually wonder if it's you who has the problem with Arsenal. Looks like mediocrity is fine with you. I'll leave you now so that you can carry on producing turds. sorry I meant meaningful input.

  55. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2015, 22:33 #74017

    Dark side, light side, not sure I agree, but hey Colesyboy, we're debating!!! I've posted my perspective and reason for it, I believe we were even debating new signings last week, with you sure that we didn't need anyone. Well you've won me over, I agree we need no new signings. Let's leave the money for our new manager next summer!! Fingers crossed

  56. Captain Frank

    Aug 11, 2015, 22:23 #74016

    I would say there is a variation of debate on here goonercolesyboy but grant you there are times when there isn't and it can get frustrating when people just want to take a pop at each other rather than argue the points each makes. Admittedly that can become tiresome when each person is saying much the same thing week after week and are never (or very rarely) swayed by the others argument which is of course what true debating is all about. I possibly missed your post when you answered the question Hiccup posed - or I've forgotten it because my memory is not what it used to be (although I can still vividly recall the moment I realised Alan Sunderland was going to latch on to Rixy's cross in the last minute at Wembley in 1979!) - so there would be no harm in repeating it, if not for me then for the benefit of newcomers of which I'm assured there are every single day. It's a great site in my opinion with lots of views offered both in the articles and in the comments. Could I humbly suggest you join in, rather than criticise?

  57. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 11, 2015, 22:22 #74015

    Baddie. 'Before being so critical you need to walk a mile in my shoes, they are the bright yellow and blue wooden ones, that play Good old Arsenal, and recite 26th of May 1989, you might call them clever clogs. - Post No. 69680'

  58. Jason B

    Aug 11, 2015, 22:11 #74014

    Couldn't agree more, Kevin.Looking at the bigger picture, that was the fourth home game out of the last five that we failed to win. As I have said in previous posts,the budget appears to have been very small and has all been spent on marketing Cech as our saviour. Another centre half and striker are a must and clear out the midfield.Arteta,Rosicky and Wilshire need to be pensioned as none of them can keep themselves fit for 5 minutes.Not good enough.

  59. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 11, 2015, 22:06 #74013

    hiccup, I gave my answer to your question ages ago and yes disagreed with the players used but did say what a loss Bellerin was on the day. We can all be clever in hindsight. CT do me a favour mate and don't tell me this site is full of debate, cos it ain't. But then again you are on the dark side of the support.

  60. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 21:21 #74012

    Thoughts on how to break down parked buses at the coliseum of showtime . Watching the way Barca go about playing the real deal tika-taka shows that Arsene doesn't really have a clue about playing it. This makes beating sides such as Swansea ,WHU and the others who have won or got a draw in the last 5 games played in the Prem last season and this at home harder because of that. Factors that contribute to this are Le Coq with his piss-poor mis-hit long passes ending up giving the ball-boys more to do than the opposition - would Barcelona have him in their side >? ... Giroud the drama queen forever missing chances instead of scoring goals ... Barcelona lite but not in the real ones class ... we play too narrow down the middle making it easier for the opposition to cut out our last pass ... we need to play with more width to stretch the parked bus merchants but have no proper wingers anyway who can put in decent crosses... Wally ...Danny Boy what are their best positions ... no one knows not even Wenger... AOC potential but is Wenger getting the best out of him.. the stats say non mon ami ... why not then is the next question>/ players losing possession and getting us caught out on counter-attacks... Ramsey trying to impress although looking like a garden gnome with his beard trying to do Hollywood tricks and score wonder goals when a simple pass to a player in a better position would suffice.. idiot... . Wenger Inspector Clueless personified no idea of influencing events in a game by making tactical changes ... just up and at 'em pass pass pass ... frustrated pained expressions sacre bleu ! keystone kop defending on set-pieces makes life a laugh for park the bus and nick the points sides ... Bould glummer and glummer does he have any imput or is he just another yes man ... we know the answer to that one... it's a fact though that scoring the first goal against the park the bus sides means that these anti-football ( well anti- that is unless we park the bus then it is great spireeeet and determination to be proud of) can't park it ... problem solved.. score some f******* goals you fools ! Now a striker who can take his chances better than Giroud does would help us to do that...after all is that not what strikers are paid to do... it's a simple game football only fools make it complicated.

  61. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2015, 21:17 #74011

    Interesting, I thought this forum did encourage debate. I express my opinion, and others comment on that. For the most part I find the comments to be open and constructive. Like most, I try and put my opinions into context. If you perceive an alternate view as "moaning" Colesyboy, I'd suggest you don't know what a debate is. I like this site as many share my views, and others are prepared to offer a counter argument (or tell me the betting odds), but most everyone loves the Gunners (Finsbury Joe not included).

  62. Bard

    Aug 11, 2015, 21:04 #74010

    Colseyboysetc; what the f*** is a smart arsenals. I get that you are passionate as am I and I have no problem with the fact that we come from different perspectives. If you want to seriously engage with the Arsenal conundrum you have to explain why we in groundhog day. If you can see the light, a light I have missed or cant see then explain it to me. My point is that you are as angry and frustrated as I am but you blame me and other who think likewise for stating the blindingly obvious.

  63. Hiccup

    Aug 11, 2015, 20:56 #74009

    Colesey, sounds like you're saying that the manager got it wrong all over the place? Is that permitted without being told to **** off down the Lane? As for the lack of chances that we created, you hope that's the wake up call we needed? I disagree. I think the wake up call has been calling for years, certainly at the end of last season when we couldn't score. So basically, let's hope it gets better next time we play because the players might realise now there's no easy games? So fingers crossed it is then. Nothing the manager can do then?

  64. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 11, 2015, 20:15 #74008

    Hiccup, I haven't seen your answer to the problem of breaking down a team, I suggest you read mine that I posted yesterday, then get back to me. And I assume that there isn't a site with more moaning than debating than this platform, as I am sure our regular smart arsenals would have let me know by now.

  65. Hiccup

    Aug 11, 2015, 19:56 #74007

    Nail on the head bard. The wobs try to engage in sensible debate, but it is the AKB's that resort to trolling on here. Far reaching questions are asked on here which the wobs attempt to answer. How can we break down teams that come to the Emirates and pack the back line? Solutions expressed by the wobs, but the AKB's spoil all debate by exclaiming nothing can be done about it until new legislation is brought in by Parliament. How do we break down teams that pack the middle of the field? Again, nothing forthcoming from the AKB's apart from shrugging their shoulders and accepting nothing can be done. How can we one minute be good to go, but apparently 90 minutes later, be not quite good to go? Plenty of stuff to debate, but the AKB's just want to cover their ears up and recite poems? They have ruined this site!

  66. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 19:22 #74006

    So young Reece is another one OGL nearly signed, or let go, missed out on, wasn't interested in, or that master of OGL's fine Academy Andries Jonker (sorry Joker) the same thing as i'm sure OGL would have been consulted on the decision as he runs the show anyway, but I doubt very much we'll hear about that, but you can bet your bottom dollar we'd have heard and been told if we'd signed him, but there again would he have been brought through as well as he has with West Ham at Arsenal with this outdated regime and joker of a manager running the show.

  67. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 19:16 #74005

    Sorry to steal your thunder mgb, (wasn't that Thor, another god?), but have to award Bard post of the day. 'Most of the posts are about debate, not moaning'. Wow, going to lie down for a while on that one!

  68. Bard

    Aug 11, 2015, 19:10 #74004

    Colseyboysetc; is that what you really think most of these posts are about ? Its not moaning its debate mate. Cant you tell the difference. If you think this site is only about moaning then may i recommend the Arsenal version of online valium Arseblog. Its the Truman show of online posting. maybe its up your street. Vacuous opinions, disasters described as bad days at the office. The fact that you continue to read whats on here suggests you are for 'turning'. I offer a years free membership of the 'wobs original'newsletter. Its a year on the dark side. Does wonders for the mind.

  69. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 18:55 #74003

    Oh dear they must be in a corner (yet again)as it's back to the name calling.

  70. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 18:54 #74002

    Thanks again Exeter Gunner, I don't think you are a bad man if it comes to that either, I just think you read dead letters on a page and miss the tease, the wi(l)t, the general fronting of the Dark Moany script. In reality do you honestly think I give a hoot what jeff says in perhaps having a dig at, or denigrating AW? It's a fixed agenda, using the same set of guidelines, whatever the topic raised. I just lob in a melon hand grenade, I don't want to hurt anyone, but do take a delight in seeing them splattered-it's not only them who can throw custard pies, is it? I understand perfectly how I operate, it's been my way for a long time. I tried the joined up writing approach. The discussions, the expanding of differences, and it came to nowt. You see, I don't want to just trot out a spiel, I have a desire to explore-so just call me Doctor Livingston-in drawing a blank I become bored quickly, my ADD no doubt, so I become a rascal. I think I change backwards and forwards regularly. It must be all that popping into and out of the phone box with mgb. Incidentally jeff tried to oil the wheels of a post by using the drivel espoused by the media hounds to support a point-now that you couldn't make up, but 'they' do. Anyway peace fella.

  71. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 18:45 #74001

    Derek Mc Govern wasn't holding back in his Mirror column today either, branding wengers men clueless and toothless (words that have been used by the fans for years now), very unfair I thought when they have a manager the same, or maybe that's who he meant, and then the departing shot, they looked like the spuds Ouch.

  72. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 11, 2015, 17:37 #74000

    All I've done is point out the way you operate on here, Badarse. All you've tried to directly counter is the 'not a bad person' line. Not much, is it? The usual bluster after that. What isn't real is your 'us v them', 'Badarse as dissenter' noble victim mentality. I pointed out to you why you wind people up but as I've already said, you're blind to it.

  73. TJ

    Aug 11, 2015, 16:44 #73999

    Regarding the debate over Benzema, he has hardly been ahead of Giroud for the French national team, and his place at RM is misleading at best. I watch revista de la liga quite a bit and they have on several occasions discussed the heavy criticism he endures because of his lack of goalscoring. And this is while playing against the poor quality, broke teams of Spain. The reason they kept him and not Higuain is that he's happy to pass to other players. That team is obviously built around Ronaldo, so they have a striker who complements that. He's Giroud with slightly better finishing. Higuain a few years ago would have been the perfect signing, or perhaps Lewandowski. Instead of that, Wenger preferred not to spend the £42m+ sitting in the bank and the board/owner hurriedly bought Ozil... He never looks up for big games and rarely makes a key difference, but we have to build the team around him. It's even more senseless after Cazorla had a full season adapting to the playmaker role. In any case, there are no top quality strikers available now... I actually think Walcott is pretty dynamic and could become respectable with a run of games, but again Wenger has inexplicably used Giroud. This has been manager will always hold us back.

  74. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 16:23 #73998

    Thank the heavens COLSEY is back to rescue the day! Colsey reckons/bleats (you will have Westie after you on that!) that all you realist types wot Don't understand a good bit of Olde style religion, be Gone! he says, putting out the magic carpet for him and the postmoderne BadSquash to fly back to the towers. Who are all those people taking pictures and sending emails to 'speculators' Stan to sell AKB Towers but retain Westie in a hut, or would that be Jamerson ... all very confusing as the eagles gather above ....

  75. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 16:01 #73997

    Red Member,no doubt in my mind that Sky and the media would prefer a North South battle for the title between United and us ,rather than City and Chelsea. Last season there was no battle at all with Chelsea strolling to the title .If City beat the chavs on Sunday it could be as Colesyboy says deja vu again ... with if City do it then that is a nightmare scenario for the media that they want to avoid happening . Wenger's FA Cup wins over moderate opposition at Wembley in the semis and finals are not the stuff of legend either can he make it 3 in a row adds a bit of spice ... surely though he should after 20 years be doing better or moving on to let someone else try to do so... Sky dropped the midweek Champions League bore-fest due to poor viewing figures and it remains to be seen if BT will avoid getting their fingers burnt with it. The Prem certainly needs a boost because as you say the City v Chelsea malarkey is rather dull. .... jj, Badarse is showing a greater lack of self awareness than Arsene - he can't manage despite posting more words than there are in the Bible to make any sense out of the result on Sunday - after his comments that the 'sours' were already after losing at OT ( hardly something unusual for them) below us - only for Arsene to muck things up by losing a game that Badarse clearly believed was 3 points in the bag. You couldn't make it up.

  76. Bard

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:56 #73996

    The debate about Benzema ( mostly not worth the money) is indicative of the dilemma Wenger is in. He is between a rock and a hard place on the way forward. How many top class strikers are available right now ? The mistake to my mind is his overarching loyalty. An admirable quality in most but not in sports managers. Its been obvious he needed a stronger mentality in the squad if he was going to build round Ozil. He needed to shift a few ( Wally and Jack for starters) and use those funds to bring in physically and mentally stronger players. Currently we have a load of Ozil wannabe's. Having opted for a 'happy family' he is well and truly stuffed.

  77. Ron

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:37 #73995

    CT - Youre so right. The thin veneer of 'success' Wenger brand needs scratching off and the tree shaking there. The majority of us stop short of asking for defeats, but s seen on here and there are those who go to games that oft mention that they wont complain when and if it happens. 8th or 9th in a couple of months and the brink of CL exit and into Europa Cup land is about all that will jolt the place to the point of making some much needed changes on and off the pitch. Some bloke said to me the other night that we need Billy Wright type upheaval conditions to emerge. Its not like that though is it. Then there was recognisable potential in the ranks that later blossomed despite Wrights rush to the bottom trajectory. Now, this almost guaranteed, infernal top 4 quadropoly glues the present edifice together and maintains its respectability. Its going to take a seismic shift to change things. Catastrophic results over a period will need to occur. Even then, there are many frightened apologists as you can see on here who ll defend things right to the point of the last light to dim in this sea of lethargy and humdrum that endures there today.

  78. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:27 #73994

    yes indeed Ron, not since Led Zep recorded the Battle Of Evermore has there been more cacophonous crescendo of noise than that regarding the supposed title battle for the Prem this season by the media.I never looked past Chelsea and City ,I have gone for City though because they sson when they easily brushed us aside to get second spot that they can string winning runs together home and away and with no Africa Cup this season things might be a little easier for them over the vital December to end of January period..... Badarse when I need advice on not making OTT comments you are not the one I will ask for it. How are we getting on regarding the sours ...oh...! I stick with my view that the Cech signing was touted as being a master-stroke one by Wenger that could be a title winner and a poor decision by Chelsea to sell him to a rival . This is yet to be proven - so until it is then I will stick with my view that it could be the other way around. At the moment the other way around is in front.You couldn't make it up.

  79. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:27 #73993

    Is there another online fanzine or whatever this is called that constantly rail roads the team, the manager, the players, the potential signings, the support staff, the stadium, the tea lady like this god awful platform for a moaning site? Just asking......

  80. Red Member

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:26 #73992

    Jeff - you are spot on. It made sense for the media to talk up the Arsenal title challenge as it provided them with a new story. The reality is though as you say yet another fight between City and Chelsea. I think this might worry the broadcasters as this is increasingly becoming a turn off. Arsenal v United always worked because both teams have huge fanbases - Chelsea and City do not

  81. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:11 #73991

    Sharp as a knife jj, be careful you could cut your own throat as we used to say in the East End, back in the day. If you count media hype as informed comment then we have to cut out the exchange. Had jeff qualified his statement rather than leave it hanging as an indirect criticism I wouldn't have posted. Good job he has you as a guardian angle-that's an angel with lots of sides and many corners.

  82. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 15:03 #73990

    JW you must laugh when you read the in-touch Baddie (media-savvy - duh? more like messenger meets the Bible) trying to instruct you on footer. JW just watched Swansea bits and yes with their coach (irony of being a Monk) and their fan base you can see how wrong the incredidly out-dated 'vision' of Arsene's is. Now Leicester have brought in a canny coach and we see the likes of Pardew and Koeman improving all the time, what will come from the media is 'let's ignore Arsenal until something changes and concentrate on the positives in the EPL.' This of course will inclede a bubbly Citeh, a whacked out Chelski and the scousers go better than last season. Forgot bloody Bournemouth there but in the world of attractive football there is so much more than 'pretty boys verses Cones' ... Good posts as ever JW but some are just too locked in to their own ills to appreciate. Hmmmmmmm ......

  83. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:53 #73989

    Spend what you want AW, but the real problem is larger than one or two players. We lack "spirit" and strength, and generally play with a naive tactical plan. Defensively we zone mark, our midfield is small and generally soft, and prone to play through the middle, and up top we have a good striker, but not one who'll win a game on his own. My conclusion is this system has run it's course, unfortunately things will have to deteriorate to a point of civil war for the change I feel is necessary to happen.

  84. Ron

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:51 #73988

    Good points Jeff - Radio and TV dont half talk it up dont they. Truth is, its a title for City or Chelsea. End of story. They speak of how the others have 'strengthened'. Its a mirage isnt it. Have they really? Do Liverpools buys look like game changers? Have Man U bought the real deal or just a bit of promise here and there and a rapidly declining crock? Theyve not strengthened in my view any more than Wenger has, they've just changed things a bit. City and Chelsea are on different planets to the rest in that helter skelter and severely limited PL. The thing is, the changes wont bite. The status quo remains and its just like Wenger and Arsenal like it to be. 4th place. Nailed on. No more. No less.

  85. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:47 #73987

    jeff nothing much wrong with the reasoning in your last post but would suggest you stop reading the Sun as your cryptic comments fall into two extremes, the 'broad brushstroke' variety, and the two-dimensional narrow perspective of over simplification. Please try to answer truthfully, who were those who 'touted the Cech signing as a stroke of genius'? I don't think you get out much to talk to people-they perhaps see you coming and cross over the street-so it must be this site you refer to. I have never seen such a clamour that you talk of. A new signing, a seasoned 'winner', stability to the defence perhaps, (always a question mark present), influence in the dressing room a possibility. I do believe from your 'set in stone' statements it is just how you view the world and the others sharing it with you. I also know from past experiences you and a number of others suffer from nuance recognition-as a fully paid up member of those who share your hackneyed viewpoint perhaps it's all about oldance?

  86. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:23 #73986

    Frank, with every player that anyone buys there is always a risk that they may come up short on expectations. Di Maria and Falcao are two recent examples of that.The Cech signing by Wenger that was touted as being a stroke of genius could well prove to be rather a costly blunder. Wenger doesent like buying players that great expectations are placed on because it reflects on himself if they don't live up to them. He much prefers cheap buys that there is no pressure on with them to succeed but if they do then he claims the credit for his forsight in buying them ,the flops are well just one of those things. On the laws of probability every manager must get some signings that work and some that don't. As they say though f you don't buy a ticket in a lottery then you can't win it. Regarding pre-season expectations of this title race being between 5 clubs , well the reality is that if City beat Chelsea on Sunday at Poundlands then it could easily become a one horse race again as it was last season. It suits SKY and the media , such as TalkSport radio to talk up Prem title fights to help sell the TV football packages and attract listeners and for the newspapers to sell their product.

  87. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:17 #73985

    The race for 4th, off the bottom ? we're up and running.

  88. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:11 #73984

    Payet and Oxford so strong so much time on the ball and Arsenal in a tagged on diamond at home that was truly hammered. You then have players on 140thou a week who want also to play down the middle but happy enough to sit on the bench and look vaguely involved. First game of the season and Arsenal management are being referred to as Doom and Gloom. Funny how aKBs think they are in happyland while the realists are somehow in the dark. That Doom and Gloom may well stick and the opposition coaches will be Earning all the laughs at the expense of a very naive club. Giroud is awful and is getting worse. Benzema is no better and if Wenger spends 40m on him it will put this team out of the CL. They have never really been it. Interesting stat that Arsene UnUtd have one one opening match in six seasons. Yeh but GG ..... Oh lawd. Arsenal need to prepare for next Sunday lunch time because Palace look well beefed up. Will Giroud say he is not too well and could Theo possibly find time for a full game. TeamPardew quite frankly are scarey so is this where we find out whether the BFG really is. Maybe they should all wear helmets ..... Anyone heard from Ashcroft, Mandrake. They also looked good pre-season.

  89. Captain Frank

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:04 #73983

    I agree with Ron’s observations on Benzema. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him have a decent game, yet because he’s at Real Madrid I sort of assume I’ve just caught him on a bad day(s) as they wouldn’t have someone who wasn’t “top top quality” would they? Certainly not for the length of time he’s been there. We obviously can’t know what Arsene is thinking with regards value, but he can’t really win can he? If he buys him and he does well, people will say “it was a no-brainer” and “you’re bound to get that sort of quality for that sort of money” or (to quote myself) “the big boys in Spain wouldn’t have someone who wasn’t top top quality”. If he fails it will be “we took their cast offs” or “Wenger should have known he wasn’t worth the money”. All of these phrases have been levelled when discussing Ozil and Sanchez in the last couple of years. I think Ozil is a magnificent player, but understand and to some extent agree with the criticism whilst Sanchez is just a joy to behold, but wasn’t he a Barca cast-off? Heads you win, tails I lose.

  90. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 14:00 #73982

    What an endorsement-it doesn't make me a bad person! Well thank you for those beneficent blessings Exeter Gunner, and I get labelled pompous? You are safe, you are in the majority, and a mood quickly becomes apparent-it is us against them. Sadly when any move or attitude begins to take root it attracts many different shades of individual. Just take the scales from your eyes and look around; see what odd bedfellows you have. As I said a general desire of some to have a new manager has long since been lost. Bard is consistent in his views and desires. He also offers a balanced but unremitting line. He sees the humour whilst recognising differences in others, it really is simple and as straightforward as that. I am not pleading my case but no matter what is said the old hackneyed and trite phrases come trotted out. The most vacuous is pseudo intellectual. I asked what a real one was and where were the lines of division, and surely it was a subjective view even if shared by many. Majority is not sacrosanct. I am quite happy with the diatribes or critiques which come my way, as stated oft they undo the critic rather than me. Who cares anyway? Nothing is real, certainly not this website with a lot of tired old men and sillier younger men, posting their sometimes egotistical views of football, tacitly giving away their narrow views of life. If a site contains the herd of dissenters moaning it is natural that some will pop up to challenge the status quo of the majority, don't you think? How about 'Joe's Blog'-kind of stylishly fashionable, or a bit passé?

  91. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:49 #73981

    JackL, good shout, some on here have been accused of regurgitating the same old same old for seasons now very conveniently forgetting that their messiah (and his team)has been doing exactly the same, with his whinging, excuses, beatings, embarrassments, etc, when this manager and his team of dwarfs give or start to give us good reason/reasons not to I've no doubt we'd see the end of it, or at least a lot less of it. But as you know they expect all fans to just get behind him and the team no matter what with no complaining just an acceptance of everything wenger, (and can't understand when they don't) but that's just not going to happen and don't expect it to any time soon, as long as he continues in the same vein and with his outdated ways and regime, if regurgitation is good enough for the lord and master and his fans it's good enough for others.

  92. Ron

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:48 #73980

    Bard - whenever ive seen Mr Benzema he looks like one of those players smugly pleased to be playing alongside such icons as Ronaldo and Co and knowing where his breads buttered. On his own, he never seems to be any great shakes to me, yet its possible for journeymen to bask in some reflected abilities off other players and we see it often. Sturridge re Saurez comes to mind as an eg. I suspect that placed in our team of ordinary players plus Sanchez he ll be an inglorious flop. Charlie Austin marque 2 even. No offence to C A intended as the lads not a bad player. Its maybe the case that Wenger feels some fan and media pressure to think of the Benzema 'solution' but sees him similarly to me and others ive spoke to too. Ive some sympathy with Wenger if its true that he doesn't see the value that RM put up for him, but it doesn't excuse running with no real striker for the last 3 years.

  93. Red Member

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:45 #73979

    looks like this season is another false dawn. we are still a long way behind the big clubs, Chelsea and Manchester City

  94. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:09 #73978

    1971, obviously some of the fans haven't, but no surprise there, as with the players and manager it's in one ear and straight out the other.

  95. Bard

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:03 #73977

    I dont have a good feeling about Wenger's position, despite the euphoria after the FAC win. The way it looked on Sunday is that he has altered his preferred ( and successful ) midfield to accommodate Ramsey who didnt look up to the job. He has problems up front because we dont have the class. Lets skip over the defensive shortcomings. He knows he cant just let the season slide, he has to buy. He has become a hostage to fortune. If he buys and still doesnt deliver what then ? Buying Benzema may make a difference. However whenever I have watched him I dont see the kind of application the side needs. Aside from Benzema the real problems are psychological as I posted earlier and I dont see him able to address those unless he is ruthless with the team and its a bit late in the day for that now. Compare and contrast; the season before last Maureen flogged twice Chelsea player of the year Mata and bought Matic, ruthless but it must have sent a message. If you dont deliver in the way I want then you are surplus to requirements, Ferguson was the same in the early days. If we spunk whatever on a Benzema and another and are still out of it by Xmas, to my mind his position becomes untenable. He could walk away as the manager who still couldnt get the job done despite having the money and squad, a sad legacy for a once great manager.

  96. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:02 #73976

    Hi Ron, yes the pressure up at the bar-codes might have contributed to Alan's surly violent ways .He does look now as though he has found his spiritual home but others such as Glenda thought that as well and it is a results game in the end. Only Arsene can ignore that rule. As you suggest he will probably come out on top in his tussle with Pardew .No doubt that will reignite the laughable claims that the home game against West Ham was just an accident. You couldn't make t up.

  97. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 11, 2015, 13:01 #73975

    Backed into a corner you are, Badarse, and trying to now play it down or turn it around won't wash. Trying to take the moral high ground over 'childish and churlish comments' then using terms like 'fannies' and 'your mum' is simple, undeniable, unarguable hypocrisy. And Mark from Aylesbury puts it well when he says you attempt to lord it over others on this site: "Word of advice... you fail to understand... I see the links and connections most others do not..." but I guess this character trait is so ****ded you cannot see it for what it is. We cannot see what we embody. It doesn't make you a bad person but don't be indignant if invective then comes your way, as it doesn't half wind people up to be preached to.

  98. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:50 #73974

    Nice one WEStIE I can look out for you in the form of a laser image ghosting the walls. Just is fun that you 2 guys specifically - the defenders of OGL have no wish to see him through paying at the gates or subscription. Like I say, lots of matches lined up and looking now to see the Arse twice before Xmas in amongst loads of other stuff. Guess you will be buried in the nag rags .... Strange club, strange supporters - Bring on The Jam!

  99. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:42 #73973

    jj the interpretation in posts is vague and general. No real admonishments or anything like. I am stunned by pompous people labelling me so-which is quite amusing, and a little barb can strike home, which makes it funnier. So too the rudeness and spiteful ones accusing me of just that. Acerbic wit has it's place wouldn't you agree? In recognising it many miss and are hoisted by their own petards, or in jeff's case his tartan braces. In truth I wouldn't want to be unkind to anyone-all those wibbly wobbly WOBs need comforting and a gently serene kind of solace from the harshness of reality-a welcome to Central Command is openly available. Just consider it a form of sanctuary, where there are no pressures of achieving, a bit like ninth tier stuff I guess.

  100. Ron

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:40 #73972

    Jeff - i have to say that Alan Ps proclivity to behave like a cretin has subsided greatly. Hes become a very competent Coach. I suspect it was suppressed by circumstances at Newcastle. Have to say well done to the bloke as he looked to be on a slippery slope at one time. I think the Arse might nick it on the week end oddly enough.

  101. Westlower

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:38 #73971

    @Jeff The lack of goals in our recent home fixtures is a major concern but in the Chelsea 0-0, Swansea 0-1 & Sunderland 0-0 it also shows the lack of ambition shown by our opponents. It just confirms how vital it is to score the first goal against the park the bus teams who then have to abandon their game plan & open up in an attempt to equalize. I doubt if West Ham would have got a sniff if we'd scored first. @JJ Looking forward to seeing you at the wok for your very first visit, although I'm not sure if we have a turnstile for quislings!

  102. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:27 #73970

    Ha ha Lighten up Badarsienne! You sound a little bit (sic) dark-cornered there mate. Get yerself a cup and do some deep reflection beyond wiki-fuelled philosphy and you will come out the other side. Sort of staring in the shop widow as Ozil buts a pair of jeans .... It will all come good - don't sweat .... ps might just say you have now reached the stage of admonishment and I am sure everyone heeds your cyber warnings. I did not take you for a hard man like say Pete. Maybe I will go to a pub with a TV .....

  103. Tony Evans

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:20 #73969

    Just waiting for the injury list to expand and then it's business as usual! Groundhog season number 9, or 10 is it, lining up nicely - as far as the PL and CL are concerned anyway.

  104. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:20 #73968

    Westlower, GG wasn't questioning the leadership on the basis of that single match. Like many others he is able to discern a pattern. How many 'accidents' does it take before the penny drops they aren't accidents? It wasn't a shock result, it is the confirmation that the old issues remain after the pre-season hope and hype that has led to the scale of the post-match enquiry. @Badarse, you criticise 'churlish and immature' comments then use a term like 'your mum Exeter'. It's interesting to hear you'll be giving 'no easy passage' - your hypocrisy and pomposity will continue to be exposed. A man regularly stripped bare who continues to insist he is fully clothed.

  105. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 12:04 #73967

    jj, why are you so mealy-mouthed and fixated on one thing at a time? You never go to Arsenal, and insist you perhaps never will again. Should that nullify your comments?Remember what LBJ said of Gerald Ford, he couldn't fart and chew gum at the same time. My advice to you jj, would be chew less and fart more gently. Ozil. He is a very one footed player. He will receive a pass on his left, touch as many times as necessary for control or to seek out options, always with just his left peg, then turn to play the ball-generally a pass as opposed to a shot because the latter option has evaporated in the passage of time. If on the left he can usually only pass square or curl an out swinging pass. He is unable to step inside and play a reverse pass outside with his right, or move across to chip a pass with, or shoot with his right. A serious consideration. It cements the notion high lighted by John Gage, he must play behind the main striker in the middle to attain his potential.

  106. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:58 #73966

    Westie, another point raised before is the struggle to score goals at home in the last 5 played in the league from last season to the one on Sunday. 4 games out of 5 with no goals scored is rather a lot . No one had a clue in those games how to improve things .This comes down to a passing the buck scenario. Wenger himself who does F all in any game to change anything sticking stubbornly to his training ground running around traffic cones moves and pre-set subs blames the players.As he did on Sunday,then later it was an 'accident' we lacked sharpness,the other side had unfairly prepared themselves for the game,blah blah and more blah... the players all blame each other no one takes responsibility for the poor performance. Cech after Sunday's game held his hands up for both goals ,he was not however entirely to blame Monreal did not win any medals for his ducking out of a challenge on the first goal the whole defensive wall looked as Wenger admitted himself like a disaster waiting to happen. That situation by the way is not an ACCIDENT . Plodding Per's non-heroics are legendary as are his after match musings.He is no leader end of and neither is Wenger . TA was a leader and that was GG's point this current side doesn't have one and it's debatable if control freak Arsene actually wants one .What he wants is HIS training ground coaching to be used so HE can claim the credit for any success. He was quick to come out and deny any responsibility for the win at City last term and the one over Chelsea in the Shield when questions about parking buses were raised. That's not the great Arsene's way .( yawn.) Anyway it's Alan up next away and that cretin would like nothing better than to annoy Arsene . Things might get a little tense !

  107. jjetplane

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:42 #73965

    WESTIE back to his default that all the others can do is bleat. Glad you said you were at the GG matches 'cause you ain't at them now and your boot cleaner does not even have a TV subscription so would Arsene UnUtd care or appreciate what you are saying. NO! Now JACKL who actually watches HIS team posted well there and with some active authority. Bet you two would steer clear of those kind of posts 'cause you would be found out. Calling people bleaters, slagging off Arsenal and you don't even go! Plain weird you boys ... With a new manager even I would make a few appearances at the WOk. Though there is the matter of Wally's and the tea lady's incomes. They should be swopped. I imagine she would be a better shout on the touch line too. Roll on Sunday lunchtime - I'm being dragged to a pub in the middle of nowhere. No TV was a condition to go. Also only caught the score last Sunday off the radio and thought 'iriot! - got the score wrong way around ...' You could not make it up. False scores, false supporters. FA cup this Saturday at Hailsham! Some 'a that.

  108. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:37 #73964

    OK that over with, back to football-based posts...for a while anyway. Just wanted to say Bard's post 78093 was amongst the most lucid I've read for a while-well put young man. Despite the banter and toing and froing westlower's posts are an attempt at reasoned balance. Many will find fault because they are locked into their own agendas, but how come I understand what he is saying? It isn't a loyalty thing to him or Arsenal, it is an acceptance of the facts. Anyway post 78071 John Gage, succinctly put, and am in accord with your views-I hate quantifying but they pretty much mirror my own.

  109. Ron

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:25 #73963

    Westie - theres been major question marks against Wengers players for a decade on the leadership issue. The same question marks are concurrent to this day and co exist against the character of the squads hes relied on in the same period. I take it further and question also the capacity of Wenger to lead and his character too. Yr pointless comparison of events 23 yrs ago to now hold no water at all. They were individual games. Not one sane person would question Grahams players capacity to lead nor Graham himself. On the contrary, these questions have rightly been laid at Wengers door for all these years and will continue to be so.As a result of the endemic doubts that have existed for so long without being redressed, Wenger has needed dismissing and continues to need to be dismissed to free the Club of the throttling lethargy that his management brings.I d like to say your latest smoke screen to protect him and his players was a good effort, but alas yr post is just another time worn idle excuse that carries no to little merit in your view. Im sure you must loan out your blinkers from time to the odd old nag you back. If you dont, you should. You d make a killing doing it.

  110. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:18 #73962

    The problem Westie with your point is that we have been here too many times before with the same excuses and scenarios being put forth. It was supposed to be different this season remember >? We were ready and fit to rumble. Wenger however is just a busted flush dining out on what he did way back in the early noughties - a couple of recent FA Cup wins have helped to divert attention from this fact . The FA Cup wins though are a double edged sword because they also raise expectations for better things . Wenger's attitude on Sunday during the game was pathetic him and Bould looked like Glum and Glummer a duo of misery neither got off their well over-paid arses to even try and motivate or change anything . It really is time for a change and the boos at the end showed that some of the least knowledgeable crowd in world football have a glimmer that something is not right - theatre crowds go to shows to be entertained - they expect happy endings . You couldn't make it up

  111. Badarse

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:17 #73961

    Mark from Aylesbury, do you have mental blips, or spend time between posts in a form of stasis? I genuinely ask, because of the reaction. I posted, you have the choice of reading or dismissing, simple. We are not friends and it was your call whether to post or not, positively or critically. You did but with churlish and immature comments. Why feel the need? Incidentally what is all this 'walk a mile' business? Me and my clogs are inseparable and I will not share them with anyone, though I did offer them to Bard once but he seemed confused that there were only two of them. So take out the invective, and stop offering clipped advice like your mum Exeter Gunner, and just get on with moaning to each other and the like-minded Dark Moanies. If I wasn't around then who would you rail at? goonercolesyboy and westlower are the likely candidates, but guess four, er three pairs of shoulders carry that load easier. I would rather be in mgb's phone box with those two than on a cruise liner with you lot of moaning 'fannies', er typo, I meant 'fans'. None of you Arsenal knockers will get an easy passage from me.

  112. Nick

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:07 #73960

    I wasn't confident before the game, unfortunately my fears were realized, there's been too much boasting from the players , and some supporters, West Ham were always going to be up for that match, an early Arsenal goal was needed but we could have still been playing now and wouldn't score, both goals were avoidable, yes cech was at fault but had our defenders done their jobs it wouldn't have mattered, too many of our players sulked like kids when things didn't go our way , Ozil in particular gave up, Wenger says its an " accident " ive heard that too many times before, the BDG says afterwards we MUST react, correct but what else could he say ? Imo the team looks unbalanced , toothless and fragile at the back, we needed to strengthen in attack ,defensive midfield and defense but one signing that in real terms hasn't cost us much at all was never going to be enough, I doubt Wenger will buy anyone now ,hes far too stubborn , I do NOT have high hopes or expectations for this season, too much has remained the same we have stayed static ,we are overconfident bordering on arrogant ,if I'm wrong ill be ecstatic, but unless we take one of the domestic cups seriously again I fear a fruitless season, 4th place at best, and a last sixteen exit from the champions league, in short nothing will change because nothing HAS changed !

  113. Westlower

    Aug 11, 2015, 11:01 #73959

    @Jeff, That's precisely the point. Because the early 90's team were so good, captained by a legend & managed by probably the most tactically astute manager/coach in our history it DID come as a major shock to concede 7 goals at home to lowly teams on the opening day. Being at both games there was no bleating about getting rid of GG who was an outstanding manager but we still left Highbury depressed and devastated. The reason I brought the subject up was because GG was claiming on Talksport that we lacked leadership but how come GG's team let in 7 goals against bottom half teams on the opening day also? Maybe they were ill prepared? Maybe mentally they were still on holiday? Maybe they were still hungover? Maybe the lesser teams were sharper on that particular day? GG also presided over a 2-6 home defeat to Man U & a 1-2 defeat at Wrexham. Not everything goes your way on any given day! Chelsea 2 - Bradford 4 , how does that happen, with CFC leading 2-0?

  114. Westlower

    Aug 11, 2015, 10:37 #73958

    @EG, My point is that no matter how great your team/captain/manager a shock result is always waiting around the corner. Hype & expectancy have never yet won a football match. In 93 we recovered quickly winning at the Lane two days later 1-0 (Ian Wright) but in 92 we lost at Blackburn 1-0 before winning at Anfield 2-0 (Ian Wright & Anders Limpar) the following weekend. From the dark end of the street to the bright side of the road.

  115. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2015, 10:29 #73957

    I don't recall any pre-season OTT from GG and the media claiming that he had sorted out the old problems ...we have turned a corner back then Westie ... or the... we look like title winners scoring goals for fun ... nor GG saying I was surprised by how fit and ready the players are I can assure our supporters that we will be challenging for the title this season ... he never had a 9 year trophyless period or 10 year one without a title challenge either... by the way those old players you are comparing with the current lot won league titles domestic cups including the FA Centenary one which we still hold and a European Cup Winners one ... it's not the fact that we lost our opening game but rather the manner of it and the reality check that came with it -after all of the pre-season hype.If you can't do the walk ,then don't do the talk,right , EASY TO UNDERSTAND THAT SURELY >?

  116. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 11, 2015, 9:14 #73956

    And your point is? It's ok that AW lost cos GG did too?? I'm sure there was criticism after those opening day defeats. But that was the early 90s and this is what's happening now, so people are talking about this. Or are you suggesting that any criticism now is balanced out by a historical critique of a pre-aW opening day defeat?

  117. Westlower

    Aug 11, 2015, 8:51 #73955

    George Graham questioned if the Arsenal squad has any leaders. Well GG, we had one of our greatest leaders ever in Tony Adams when we lost opening games to Coventry 0-3 & Norwich 2-4 but it didn't seem to make any difference to the scoreline. We also had a top top GK in Seaman, the best back 4 in our history, a forward line that contained Parlour, Wright, Merson, Limpar, Smith, Campbell & we still got heavily turned over. It's a funny ole game Saint.....

  118. Ozzie

    Aug 11, 2015, 8:01 #73954

    Methinks the comments and banter are more interesting than the footy played and most posts have merit; such is the ambiguous nature of competition. Thanks for the giggle Ron, I must admit I did take that loss pretty hard, especially after watching all pre season games and also being 'suckered' into feeling a (little) optimistic. Besides, not much to cheer about in the cricket but a 3-2 loss looks more attractive than 4-1. C'mon Aussie oi! oi! oi!

  119. The race for 4th begins here

    Aug 11, 2015, 4:32 #73953

    I watched David Silva tonight and yet again i wondered why Ozil cant dominate games like he does.If we had a more ruthless manager Ozil would be dropped.Strolling around half-hearted playing a few 5 yard square passes does not make a £42m player.The good thing about Citys 3-0 win was it took us off the bottom of the table.Rejoice you AKB's

  120. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 0:25 #73952

    Hiccup, and west brom prepared so well to.

  121. JackL

    Aug 11, 2015, 0:09 #73951

    I hate this phrase...same old same old...but you have to go with it. I don't mean the performance on Sunday, I mean the comments in this column as they have been the same for 5-6 years...and I agree with all of them. Same team same manager, why would this year be any different from previous seasons? OMG AW must go and nothing will be any different until that happens, please see that Stan. Forget the argument be careful what you wish for, who would you get etc That is a totally different matter. We are Arsenal and we will get a great manager..and it should be TH14 and DB10! Hardly missed a game now for 53 years but as sad now as ever I have been-please go Mr Wenger, all I want this season is just to be competitive...can't truly see it happening though. He got extra time for winning the cups, but boy what was good from both semis, and the final v Hull? Yes we'll win a few games and then it will be 'there's only one AW' but we will promptly come back down to earth. Oh and by the way Jack Wilshere should be our captain. Live in hope.

  122. mbg

    Aug 11, 2015, 0:06 #73950

    Well the fallout is still rife, OGL says on the first goal I knew if the delivery was good we would be in trouble even before the free kick was taken, Jesus H, he has some faith in his experienced defence then (his words) have you ever heard anything like that? is this man on the brink of a break down? I don't think for a minute this past it manager has any clue about free kicks, positioning, tactics, etc, but just for the sake of argument lets say by some miracle there was divine intervention at that particular time and he was given some knowledge and he could see it, then why the fook didn't he get off his arse and let his defence know and do something about it. You couldn't make this up, this old man is getting worse as every day goes by he really is, maybe it's not right laughing after all as he really is ill.

  123. Torbay gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 23:57 #73949

    How boring was that game to watch from an Arsenal point of view! Shocking that there was still no urgency, even after the 2nd goal went in. Same old story though, with passengers like Ozil, players played out of position like Cazorla, but mainly players like Mertesacker, Walcott and Giroud that do not play for title winning teams. Oh and of course the manager talking yet more gobbledegook in his post match meltdowns. Forget the league I say, let's go for another FA Cup, if we win it again this season they might just let us keep it!!

  124. Shaun Haffenden

    Aug 10, 2015, 22:32 #73948

    It's happened again, It's happened again, Arsene Wenger, it's happened again.

  125. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2015, 22:27 #73947

    'But Sir - GG lost as well Sir' 'Westie - go and stand by the corner flag for ninety minutes and hand your captain's band to Colsey who I must say delivered a more realistic report Has anyone seen Badarse today? I believe Jamerson popped in and he has fled already. This class, this project is a complete shambles.'

  126. lee armitt

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:58 #73946


  127. Hiccup

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:45 #73945

    Big shock on the cards tonight. Didn't see this coming. After City's thrashings by Madrid and Stuttgart, I really fancied West Brom on the back of them winning the ultra competitive Dudley Building Society Cup. But no need to worry about City, it's only Chelsea we need to keep our eye on.

  128. Bard

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:39 #73944

    In and amongst the navel gazing and point scoring are one or two fundamental truths. if you have watched or played top class sport you know that at the heart of any success is an inner psychological steel. Ferguson had it, Maureen has it and their sides replicate/d it. Without it you are an also ran period. You cant learnt it you cant grow it. The responsibility for the mental attitude on Sunday was Wenger's. If you cannot communicate the importance of the battle facing you then you are a spent force. Getting beaten happens but you have to die for the cause and Sunday was yet another example of the fact that the boss is an old warrior well past his sell by date. He has become a kindly grandfather tending his grandchildren. No shame in that but in the cut throat business of sport he's finished.

  129. Bob

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:38 #73943

    The perennial problem is a manager who rests on his laurels. While City, United and Liverpool have significantly strengthened, Wenger think that an FA cup win and a third-place finish 12 points behind the champions means he needs nothing more than a post-dated Cech. He lacks genuine ambition, and has done so for the past decade.

  130. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:32 #73942

    @Jeff, You've got yourself a nice bet at 3/1 on Citeh as the bookies have shortened them to 7/4 after their impressive display v WBA. Chelsea are out to 2/1, AFC 9/2, Man U 11/2, L'pool 18/1. Doubtless the odds will continue to be volatile unless one team breaks clear.

  131. 1971 Gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:20 #73941

    The team and management ought to take note of the boos that were evident at the end. I suspect however they will adopt the same defensive mechanism as 'Spinal Tap' when they said the crowd were still booing the previous act when they were on. Its not so much the loss of three precious home points as the manner in which they were lost - very worrying indeed.

  132. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:12 #73940

    Losing on the opening day is not confined to the Wenger era. GG lost on 4 occasions, 0-3 Coventry(H), 2-4 Norwich(H) 1-4 Man U(A), 1-2 L'pool(H). Other opening day defeats since 1946/47 are, 1-6 Wolves(A), 0-1 Burnley(H), 0-2 WBA(A), 1-3 Newcastle(H), 1-3 Blackpool(A), 1-2 Preston(A), 0-1 Sheffield Wed(H), 2-3 Burnley(A), 1-3 Wolves(H), 2-3 L'pool(A), 0-1 Bristol City(H), 0-1 Ipswich(A), 0-1 Stoke(H), 1-2 Stoke(A), 0-2 L'pool(A).

  133. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2015, 21:12 #73939

    Westie there were 3 possible results on Sunday ( other than an abandoned game due to floodlight failure or some such other event) a win a draw or a defeat. The bookies odds take account of this when offering odds to balance their books .Thousands or millions WW would have had us down for a home banker in their accumulators or perms. Few would have had single bets on us to win. The bookies offered bigger odds than the reality warranted on WHU winning to try and entice some money from punters on to that or to bet on a draw to help off-set the losses on us that they would have incurred had we won along with the other top sides. The bookies took a few beatings last season with the top sides all winning at times. Anyway, the Chelsea result had already scuttled most perms and accumaltors... I backed City last week at 3-1 to win the Prem 13/8 for Chelsea looked rather thin. I'm expecting the Poundlanders side to shorten up drastically over the next few games .As for that 4-1 on offer last week for us to win the title it was, as I suggested to you, too short. Rather like our ambitions under Arsene and Stanley K are. C'est la vie !

  134. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:55 #73938

    Noticed that old AKB narrative that most of the media has adapted for the past decade has finally run it's course They now sound as one pissed off when even talking about Arsenal. There will be no place to hide if the media are forced to really turn it up. The comfort zone has been removed and it's in Wenger's voice you can hear the endgame. I blame those blinking French Symbolists and do not get me started on Lautremout the Upstart. Trouble with the Prof is he should have stuck with the numbers game. He could have made even more money. Ask central's el presidente who hath belief like no other. Joking aside HICCUP I think this Arsenal construct (very French) would find it hard in the league below. For a start they would all have to have crew cuts and do that mean face like wot Theo does ......

  135. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:31 #73937

    Duck! Here's comes Citeh! If they do Chelski they could be 5 ahead of them for starters. Loving football when it matters!

  136. Stevo433

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:29 #73936

    Hate to pick holes, but it was 1976 Arsenal 0 Bristol City 1 Arsenal 0 Coventry 3, I was sat in a brand new North Bank stand, so no cardboard, sorry.

  137. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:16 #73935

    Hiccup, not to be confused with Birkenhead lol, i thought they sounded like something you'd put on a verruca, great post it finally puts that one to rest.

  138. Hiccup

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:06 #73934

    I don't mean to be alarmist, but has anyone else looked at the fixture list and think we've been done up like a kipper, again, for the tenth season running. I notice after CL matchday 1, the 'fixture riggers' have decided we have to go to Chelsea. What's the betting they get a nice easy home fixture in preparation while UEFA make sure that we have to travel to Australia and back ahead of the game. There's 3 points we can rub off straight away due to jet lag. After matchday 2 we have United. We are actually at home, which I can only put down as an error being made by the PL, but again I bet they switch the kick off time to a morning kick off which we all know suits other teams more than us. But matchday 5 really does take the p!ss. We finish the CL game, and then kick off against Norwich 15 minutes later. Gonna be unprepared and fatigued both together for that one! I also see the clocks go back in October too. That's gonna take some adapting to as well. Got our work cut out again this season.

  139. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 20:04 #73933

    Nice to see some of the regulars back after their holidays, Gaz, Ho Hum, Danny, the summer break has certainly done them the world of good all ready to go with some great posts and quips.

  140. Website Admin

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:56 #73932

    The deleted post by Badarse was because it wasn't by Badarse. There's a couple of people who seem to really like impersonating others at the moment. Trying to keep a lid on it, but some people seem to have more time on their hands than I have.

  141. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:45 #73931

    "it doesn't take much for one team to have an advantage over their opponents" West Ham pre-season matches in European backwaters instantly wipe out all those advantages Aresnal have over them like stadium, money, support, players - of course they do. Wrong team, wrong formation, wrong attitude, wrong subs at wrong times... nothing to do with all that. Being 'better primed' is the only factor at play here, clearly. It's hard to debate when the other guy's supporting 'philosophy' precludes him from including any factors which may even vaguely hint at criticism of the manager. You're inventive with the limitations you place on yourself, I'll say that, Westlower.

  142. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:27 #73930

    @EG, West Ham played Europa Cup games on July 2/9/16/23/30. The first team missed the game on 6th August to be fresh for the Emirates on the 9th. Where is the bullsh*t in that? Five competitive games followed by 10 days rest to freshen up for the Arsenal game. West Ham had played 2 Europa games before Arsenal players reported back from their holidays. AFC only played friendlies & didn't play a competitive game before yesterday. Through circumstance, one team was better primed than the other, albeit sacrificing the Europa Cup to do it. Bilic's gamble came off & well done him. It wasn't the same scenario in the days approaching 2-8 at OT when the Arsenal first team played in Italy midweek in hot weather conditions & turned up at OT drained & with a patched up team. West Ham were short of two strikers but at best only one would have played because their intention wasn't to take the game to Arsenal. It's a fine line and it doesn't take much for one team to have an advantage over their opponents. My judgement call was that WH didn't represent 13/1 shots with AFC at 1/4. A 17 point swing was plainly wrong regardless of the eventual outcome. Palace are 4/1, AFC 3/4, which is 4.25 point swing which highlights how wrong the bookies got their odds on Sunday. They too bought into the hype.

  143. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:18 #73929

    Aw, that life-changing effort by our resident poet has been deleted! So this too doesn't get deleted for being off topic - my worst opening day memory is when Coventry beat us 0-3 at a redeveloping Highbury, with some big fat bloke with a tasche scoring a hat trick in front of a cardboard cutout crowd. A crowd that much of the Emirates audience takes inspiration from to this day...

  144. Sarah Foster

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:06 #73928

    Captain Frank and Westie do make valid points but my worry is that these poor home performances started happening towards the end of last season and could be deemed a trend.It is the lack of width that is the problem the squad as I remember posting this time last year looks unbalenced with too many central midfield players which makes it too easy to park the bus against.Opening day shockers that I remember Bristol city 1-3 was a shocker in 77_78 Arsenal had a good team with Brady,SuperMac etc.Stoke city away the great Lee Chapman's debut 0-2 awful day as I got lost in stoke and not for the last time the team forgot to turn up.The worst was the Villa one as I got tickets for my son as a birthday present living in Grimsby he does not get to see many games happy birthday son.

  145. Hiccup

    Aug 10, 2015, 19:05 #73927

    Let's look at West Ham's 'competitive' start to the season that clearly gave them an edge over us. First up that powerhouse Lusitanos, who play in the well renowned Andorra league. This bunch of misfits aren't even the champions of Andorra, but the runners up! A real tough challenge there. Somehow, West Ham saw these off, and up next was a tougher proposition as Birkirkara came to town. Not to be confused with Birkenhead, who would have been a tougher proposition, this motley crüe play their amateur football in the Maltese league, and finished third last year. Actually, penalties were required, which I think just shows how seriously Bilic was taking this 'competitive' start. Finally, those European giants Astra Giurgiu from Romania completed this rigorous pre season for West Ham. Now if Arsenal had played 6 games against this rabble, and West Ham had played Chelsea, Everton and the French runners up, I think we'd be saying we've had a sh!t preparation, playing against dross with no real test. As Ron has pointed out, everyone was creaming themselves with the pre season performances, and we were 'good to go'. As the actress said to the bishop, you couldn't make this sh!t up, but westie still does!

  146. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:53 #73926

    Someone has quoted not pretty reading, true, and not pretty reading at all in some of the papers with the journos not afraid to say it as it is, and what it's really like, and what it's been like for the last ten seasons, it's just a pity they haven't the balls to say it when sitting in the same room with the cameras running or in front of a camera while interviewing this old fraud of a manager.

  147. Gaz

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:47 #73925

    Hi Ron-yep, different day, different defeat, different excuse...

  148. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:46 #73924

    Thank you, Brian the First. Like I say, there's no parody like self-parody. Who would've thought a bit of teasing could prompt a complete breakdown like that?

  149. John Gage

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:37 #73923

    Arsenal will recover from this result. Its the first match of the season, Chelsea dropped points, Man Utd were lucky to win, and Liverpool required a late goal to defeat Stoke. What is more worrying for me is evidence that Arsene Wenger has not learnt from any of his mistakes. Why was Ozil played wide? He is very clearly a No. 10 and is generally ineffective on the flanks. Why play both Oxlade-Chamberlain and Ramsay? By moving Ramsay into the middle, you are destroying the perfectly balanced midfield triumvirate of Ozil-Coquelin-Cazorla which was so crucial to your success last year. Believing in your players is an admirable trait. Indulging your players is another matter entirely. Wenger's weakness is his desire to fit everbody in. This leads to formations that simply do NOT work. Last season he played 4-1-4-1 just to accomodate Wilshere. Forget the fact that Wilshere and Ramsay have never played well together. But Wenger can't help himself. If Wilshere was fit, he would try to invent a formation to fit him in too. You CANNOT win a Premiership in this day and age without being RUTHLESS. Arsenal's best team is Coquelin-Cazorla-Ozil behind Ramsey-Sanchez and Giroud/Walcott. Wilshere and Chamberlain should be squad players. It not about how good these players are, its about which combinations works best for the team.

  150. Hiccup

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:35 #73922

    I blame corruption in the Premier League for yesterday's defeat. Anyone else find it strange that the 'fixture scheduling' gave Chelsea and United nice easy home fixtures on the opening day. Here you go LVG and Jose, nice easy gimmes for you to ease yourselves in to the season. Meanwhile, arsenal get given the one fixture you'd want to clearly avoid, against a team that's prepared themselves for the big kick off. Oh, and if that ain't bad enough, our next game is at Palace, who I hear have also been preparing for the game too. How the **** are we supposed to contend with this?

  151. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:28 #73921

    Badarse - you will note my comments about the game are of reasonable disappointment. My comments regarding Colseyboy (who I tend not to agree with ) are reasonable . Alas for yourself those very the same Richard The thirds come spewing from your mouth. It's random streams of bilge with odd prickly moments and some sort of desire to Lord it even though you are regularly torn to pieces. A standard piece about Arsenal on guess what!!! An Arsenal site may actually achieve some sort of reasonable return. Otherwise suggest as per EG comments that you attempt to blog. Cheerio.... Ps where are those shoes?

  152. Lord Froth

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:15 #73920

    Why are some of you getting so wound up after one defeat? Yes, I was annoyed that we lost but we have a very good squad and one crap performance (which was down to the players and not the manager in my opinion) does not suddenly make us a team of hopeless cloggers. I know that most of you are not having a knee-jerk reaction as this defeat was as Arsenal-like as they come and have quite a few seasons of disappointments but they will get better. I know we haven't bought anyone at the moment but we were fairly sound defensively last season and there are goals in the team and we've seen that we are capable of good performances so it's a case of building up to a good level, not trying to achieve one that we've never reached before so there is a solid platform. I'll start getting bent out of shape if we've not won after four games. Chelsea and United were also crap and Man City could be later so does that mean that none of these teams will be in the top four come May? Maybe we should all go and watch the tiddlywinks for a hobby instead.

  153. Wear Your Colours

    Aug 10, 2015, 18:03 #73919

    Very frustrating performance. The passing was astray and our off-the-ball-movement was often non-existent. On the left flank Monreal and Cazorla barely linked any moves and the same was on the right flank where the Ox and Debuchy looked like strangers. After such a groud swell of optimism among the squad, media and fans that we could be serious contenders this term; this was very deflating way to start the season. The only positive is that it could give everyone a real dose of reality. We may have the potential. But we really have to fight in every game if we want to become champions this term. Lets hope we show a little more determiation next week at Palace. COYG!

  154. Ho Hum

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:55 #73918

    Kev- The answer to the question of whether the manager of our club bears responsibility for the collective mentality of his players cannot possibly be 'perhaps'. Wenger assessed and bought every one of them and the fact that yesterday he described his players as 'nervous' for the zillionth time tells you all you need to know on that score. Westlower- Looking back at your posts over the past week you were certainly getting your excuses in early, but they were only of an indignant 'parking the bus' nature, certainly no mention anywhere of West Ham being better prepared until of course shortly after yesterday's final whistle. I did notice though that you kindly handed us amateurs a nugget by trumpeting Giroud's fine scoring record against the mighty Hammers, so can we presume you lumped on? And as Gaz alluded to, it really is hilarious that after a week in which Wenger has moaned about the short Summer we get turned over by the team that has had the shortest Summer of all!

  155. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:49 #73917

    Badarse - there's no poison, there's no pushing over the edge. There's just some making fun of you. You do offer such rich material to play with. Looking forward to the blog.

  156. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:37 #73916

    Ron,78025, a good idea or maybe they should all be made to run a gruelling 10k 24 hours before they play us the hillyier the better. jw, yes the squirming is vey amusing and yes they've brought it on themselves (and then complain to the Admin if and when we take advantage of it poor pets) at least some have had the good sense to lie low (if they haven't been barred for using different names)with a couple sent over from AKB central every now and again but their easily swotted, but we still have two or three of the regular mugs they just can't help themselves.

  157. Badarse

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:37 #73915

    Odd thing is this. My team lose and a little of me is lost-just for a short time admittedly. I want to lick my wounds and heal. Some however want to shout about it, rave, chastise and harangue others, despite them supporting the same team. Bizarre, as is the fractured delight in prophesying our demise, and clearly are wont to celebrate our destruction. It cannot be just dressed up as we want a new manager. Sure this was the party line initially but it has morphed into something poisonous. I still understand the narrative for the initial proclamation, and the frustrations no resolution brings to these people, but the bitterness is quite difficult to comprehend. Adults and children? My previous post was offered with the aside that it could push some over the edge-it's so easy to smoke some out. Enter Mark from Aylesbury, Exeter Gunner, and Ron. Now in that post I suggested there weren't any Richards posting, however clearly we have three, and in accordance with my strict adherence to equality I refuse to place them in any order. To this end I will therefore just refer to all as Richard the Thirds.

  158. Danny

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:31 #73914

    Disastrous start to the season, but not expected as we have a mentally weak culture at the club starting with a dinosaur of a coach who deserved to fired. We were beaten by a bigger work man like team who have bought well and should do well this season. Our players are weak physically and mentality like our French coward. He is stubborn and does not address the three positions everyone in the world thinks he should get. A WC striker, WC CM and a WC CB. Cech was a adequate start but is crap when balls come across the area. Always been. Chelsea had a great defence and masked his deficiencies. Until Wenger leaves and Korenke is kicked out, our sole ambition is top 4

  159. Captain Frank

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:09 #73913

    Haha! Fair point Gaz. It probably would have been, although not by me. I could have excused Sanchez saying he was tired, but somehow I doubt he knows the meaning of the word.

  160. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:06 #73912

    Westlower, I'm way beyond being affected by AFC's results to any great degree. But I'll call out bullsh*t when I see it. You can't have it both ways - you say they're benefiting from 7 competitive matches already but you also say their match day team benefited from being rested. Which one is it? And of course AFC are better than WHFC and will finish above them. This single result doesn't change my pre-season opinion that we'll finish 4th this season. There will be more days like Saturday, others where we steamroller W Ham level teams - same as every season. This is what the Wenger way gives you. It's not getting any better, it's not getting any worse.

  161. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:06 #73911

    Hi Gaz - they ll all trot off and confer on that one overnight and still come up with an oft re cycled excuse while damning you for confusing them.

  162. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 17:03 #73910

    MARCUS, he'd have been sacked at ANY club long ago mate. jw, here we go again it didn't take long for another one to come trotting out, this defeat was a blessing in disguise, did you ever hear such utter shyte from the AKB's in your life. You really really couldn't make it up.

  163. Gaz

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:58 #73909

    So let me get this straight. West Ham won because they've played more games than us this summer? Oh, right, so if we'd played more games than them and lost the old 'tiredness excuse' and them 'being fresher than us' wouldn't have been trotted out?...

  164. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:47 #73908

    That booing must have been at Norwich or Bournemouth or some other ground on Saturday.

  165. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:45 #73907

    Exeter, and that's his problem, he hasn't one and was never given one, but craves one but will never have one, and that really gets to him more than anything.

  166. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:30 #73906

    I haven't heard any mention of the booing ringing out around the ground at full time on Saturday, although I wouldn't expect to hear it from wengerites anyway.

  167. Captain Frank

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:14 #73905

    I know I’ll get ridiculed for saying this, but I completely agree with Westie about West Ham being further in their preparation. I never played to anything other than county league standard, but I do know it usually took three or four competitive games before we were anywhere near our best no matter how hard we trained or what friendlies we had. In fact we always made a point of having at least one friendly against a local rival, as we knew that would sharpen us up a bit more. I accept it’s reasonable to expect professionals to be better than this, but the human body does place restrictions on all of us which are hard to overcome. Speaking to a West Ham fan after the game, his first comment was that we didn’t look as sharp as they did and he actually put forward the “excuse” that perhaps this was because they had had a couple of competitive matches, albeit against poor sides. I watched the United and Chelsea games on Saturday and neither of them were exactly purring. United in particular I thought were poor and it’s only because Spurs were even worse that they go away with it. I’ve seen some opening day horrors over the years and not just under Wenger – Norwich at home in 92-93 and Coventry the following year come all too readily to mind – so whilst being seriously pissed off yesterday, I’ll keep the toys in the pram for at least another week or two.

  168. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 16:12 #73904

    Arsenal have been shouting to anybosy that wants to take them seriously that 'they're ready', 'its time', Cech s the 'final link', theyve had a 'great pre season', 'we dont need more strikers', 'we have cohesion' and all the rest of the tiresome sh--e that Wengers peddled for a decade. Even some of the pundits have bought it this time. Not one mention of any others team being 'ahead in prep' etc etc has been raised by Wenger, his players or anybody else, inc you before the WH game. Wenger was outthought, outplayed, outscored and outmuscled. He wasnt out prepped. Yr excuses are rubbish. Of course WHs place is fleeting. Its doesn't alter the bigger picture. AFC are winning no title because theyre not good enough and lack the mentality, players and aptitude.The place is a holiday camp Westie and and it has been for years. Sunday was just another stark reminder of what you already know. Face it fella.

  169. Fozzy

    Aug 10, 2015, 15:51 #73903

    I remember getting verbally slaughtered when I declared that Ozil was my selection as most disappointing player of last season. Every week he is lazy and not interested, losing the ball in key areas and not bothering to tackle back. He's got as much drive as a terraced house with a front door which opens out direct into the street.

  170. Mike Collins

    Aug 10, 2015, 15:22 #73902

    Lots here already sound fed up (after one game) about having to repeat the same old gubbins we've all been spouting for five or six years. So I'm going to up the ante and say that this "accident" (to quote an expert) will be soon forgotten in what from now on will be stunning march to the title, beginning with the annihilation of Palace this weekend. There, it's off my chest.

  171. Wardy

    Aug 10, 2015, 15:12 #73901

    Blah blah blah .... i've been saying for 2 years, you shouldn't pick Ozil, Cazorla and Ramsey in the same team & its so blindingly obvious to everyone except Mr Wenger .... until we pick a balanced team with 'real' desire & with a proven striker we'll beat most teams but will come up short in the end (just like we have for the last 10 years) ..... with the players at our disposal 4-4-2 might be worth a punt ... Walcott & Welbeck up front, Alexis & The Ox out wide, Coquelin and Ramsey (Or Wilshere when fit) in the middle ..... Ozil & Cazorla on the bench .... and its time to give Gabriel a go instead of the BFG

  172. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 15:04 #73900

    @Ron, My judgement is as sound as a pound (it's how I make my living). I bet West Ham to win this game at 9.15 on Friday morning after realising that not one first team member, save for Nolan as a late sub, featured in Romania. Surely as a coach you appreciate that when one team is further forward in condition than the other, they are sharper both physically & mentally. That edge will evaporate over the coming weeks. Don't forget West Ham were pace setters last season, being about 4th at Christmas before they faded and died. West Ham's supremacy over AFC is but a fleeting moment in time. Bilic knows how to stop the opposition from playing as he showed at Besiktas but let's see what he's made of when they have to play on the front foot.

  173. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:59 #73899

    mbg, the 'we are only one point behind Chelsea and a whole season to go' is another one . It's the way they tell 'em ! The spuds might as well point out that they are ahead of us on G/D after all Badarse somehow had us in front of them before we had even played our game. Watching the AKB's squirm like worms on a fishing hook over the performance yesterday is amusing and they bring the derision they get on themselves as does Wenger and the players with their own comments and claims. Another bad result,anything less than 3 points will be one, against Palace next weekend will put the cat among the pigeons with Liverpool and Chelsea coming up and the bar codes away can be a bit tricky as we know from past experience. Suddenly the fixtures do not look so easy as they did when Arsene was winning the FA Cup and Charity Shield .We have been (yawn) there before though haven't we....

  174. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:47 #73898

    Question, the answer to that question is no and it's evident why.

  175. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:39 #73897

    True enough Westie. Ive never been too much into additives and doping to generate a performance. Always preferred reality. Aligning those, c h e a t and corrupt ridden 'sports'for mugs (the latter 2) might float yr boat but it does nothing to make yr excuses for Wenger and his fancy boys this time being anything more than being any less thinner than normal. In fact yr excuses are borderline anorexic and have been for a long time.Be real man. It wont kill you off. AFC are ordinary. WHU s games vis Arses so called and supposed quality and superiority have no relationship, save each cancelling out by the other. Mimicking Wengers nuggets of eyewash does you no favours. Think for yself.

  176. Tony Evans

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:39 #73896

    Westie - the words clutching and straws come to mind, although I do understand the point you are making.

  177. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:37 #73895

    jw, yes I noticed it didn't take long for that excuse to be trotted out, but on the first day? and the funniest thing of all is they actually still believe it, deluded or what. You really couldn't make it up.

  178. DW Thomas

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:27 #73894

    Ridiculous performance. Strolling around like they had won the title already! Ozil is like having a beautiful Ferrari that only starts up and runs well 1 in 5 times you go to drive it. He is a passenger. I am tired of sticking up for him. Sure he has class, vision, but no grit. Payet looked a real talent. Think about this. A 16 year old inexperienced player helped to shut down seasoned internationals! Roy Keane was right. Selfies, without being stupid enough, are used by our team to say "hey look at us" when they haven't won s..t save the FA Cup versus bottom tier opponents in two finals!! Cech looked like a total rookie. I was thinking where was Scez? The only thing that doesn't change with our repeated league and CL failure year in year out is what? Or rather who? Yup, Wenger. He just finally beat Mo for the first time ever and he follows it up with this? Same old, same old! No other top 4 title challenger will lose their first match. Only the Arsenal! And at home to boot!

  179. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:26 #73893

    Ah yes, i see EG. Youre suggesting that hes released from the limited ambit of footie in which hes imprisoned, so that the the remorseless philosophical benefits he espouses are free to all aren't you? Truly Benthamesque in its aim ( or perhaps more Benn -thamite in the case of the instant!)I congratulate you EG. Such depth of understanding that i can only assume that youve actually walked a mile in the great mans shoes from time to time? The 'I' s do indeed have it then.

  180. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 14:24 #73892

    @EG, You can wallow in self pity until the cows come home but the fact remains it was WH's 7th competitive game of the season having started on July 2nd. They are simply in better shape than we are at this time. If you've ever been involved in the training of athletes, racehorses or greyhound you would understand this. Over time we will improve past them as the players get match sharp. Being a betting man I thought the bookies had lost their senses offering 13/1 WH & 11/2 the draw given the circumstances. I availed myself of both those prices before backing AFC at 10/1 when 0-2. For all that, if Arsenal had scored the first goal a different story would have been told as WH would have had to open up. Chelsea & Man U also struggled for form on the opening day but just about got away with it. It's a marathon not a sprint.

  181. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:44 #73891

    But Ron, it's cruel to keep Badarse confined on here, forced to read the boring Dark Moany comments over and over, forced to in turn moan about them over and over. It's manifestly crippling his self-awareness. No, this multicoloured ego buttefly needs to fly free, a wingspan encompassing a breadth of subject in a way he's only able to hint at in curent pupae form ('you can't see the links and connections between things'... 'I've probably read more books than you'.. etc). Imagine having those links and connections fully explained to us! Imagine the lengths of the reading lists he could hand out, given the space!! Imagine the amount of 'I's that could be packed into every paragraph!!!

  182. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:33 #73890

    Nice one Ron yes that 16 year old making a mug out of our 42m man said it all .How indeed dare Bilic give the Ropey Cup a swerve to have players fresher for facing Arsene's 'title challengers' .The big problem with Westies theory is that our men had a weeks rest anyway and the Charity Shield malarkey was hardly very strenuous with us parking the bus and all. It all looked yesterday deja vu recent home games to me a well organized side catching us out in defence by exploiting our well known aerial weakness on set-pieces and hitting us on the counter when we lost possession going gung-ho Inspector Clueless style forwards .Cech will have to learn that this is the norm and he was never that good anyway on dealing with those set-piece crosses into his area at Chelsea - but he had CB's who were to help him out on that. Welcome to the pain-zone Peter.

  183. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:31 #73889

    Thanks Mark from Aylesbury but would disagree that I am an ardent Arsene supporter. I have never said that in any post, and though I am not in the same camp as jeff, jj , and the mug from Northern Ireland etc etc I support the team and can see past the ups and downs I have endured in my years of following this great club. To denigrate Cech after one poor game is completely unfair as he will be a great addition in my opinion. I keep hearing about needing cover in certain positions, DM, centre forward in particular. Benzema, yes looks terrific and would be a great signing, but who are the DM's out there now that are available? I fancy that particular ship has sailed so a forward is our only potential signing. As for Badarse, he at least tries to add an entertaining spin on things on here, as the constant same old same old postings are all rather tedious as the points have been made even when having nothing to do with the article.

  184. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:28 #73888

    you're right, Westlower, West Ham just had too many advantages over us. Staying home to prepare for the game whilst Arsenal... stayed home to prepare for the game. Missing key men whilst we didn't is another clear advantage for them. Having 'desire to impress a new manager' was another advantage you can't possibly expect Wenger's boys to match given his 20 year tenure. Sorry Ron, there's no parody like self-parody.

  185. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:26 #73887

    Read some comments on other medias and a lot of fans out there are thinking 'gooners' the most arrogant yet bereft of the trophies that matter. West ham wobbled over the line last season but with their canny move on they look like a club who will be going somewhere sooner than later. Arsene's Soft Boys will be one of many scalps. Add in Stoke,Palace, Southampton, Everton, Leicester without mentioning that the North will be occupying the top spots this season it will come down to whether Arsenal are better than Chelski. My pennies are on Citeh with other Mans and Liverpool getting pragmatic. It's quite funny to see even Kevin think we have turned a corner with the 'Chelsea win.' Unyil they are beaten in a game that matters, there is nothing for the records to note. That a 16 yr old and a youthful manager put Arsene's boys to bed tells us everything we need to know about the complacency, arrogance and general non-football narratives that are poisoning this club. Am also amazed that anyone would think Benzema is a top player and worth millions. The guy is a second fiddle like Giroud and the sum of the two still don't equate with Sanchez's left toe. and do we need reminding that Arsenal's marquee players were surplus to requirements at their last clubs. Sanchez and possibly the Ox will be looking farther afield as soon as 'if they cave in against Palace' next week. Bellerin is another who is way too bright for this Soft House. as for the 9th tire we will be playing for a top 10 finish. That would be progress. The top 4 teams in our legue are playing with a grand a week! I kid you not as Wally sits on the bench and makes an occasional gob-out. Will anyone be listening anymore. A lot of people in the game are feeling very vocal after yesterday. arsenal are now nothing but Hoodwinkers. Disgusting really.

  186. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:22 #73886

    Ozzie - Cmon, learn to laugh at it. Wengers like a batsmen on the end of a Warne wrong un when hes faced with any team with power and discipline. He always was, even in his so called heady days. Hopefully, now that hes sinking, he wont find a flipper to save him, though dont count on it!

  187. Spaced

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:20 #73885

    First game of the season. Get a grip, Leicester will not win the league, will they. - This could well be a blessing in disguise, I'd rather a reality check/kick up the backside right at the offset. Next weekend Arsenal's season begins... and I remain optimistic.

  188. Ozzie

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:13 #73884

    I recall reading so many optimistic posts over the weeks and I said to myself "oh boy, suckers for punishment." When are you going to sever ties with the heady Henry-Bergkamp-Adams days? Today's bunch of assorted stars and top up players are but a shadow of that great TEAM and are incapable of emulating them. This current mob IS the real Arsenal and West Ham have given us all a good reminder. Until Arsenal bring in a new, young, dynamic manager with a fresh approach it is going to be more of the same. I cant believe this farce has entered yet another year.

  189. N4

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:11 #73883

    Look, even if we had Benzema (still think not good enough), Ronaldo or Messi the result would have still been the same...! The buck stop with no man only...and yes it's Wenger! ...just when I was about to re-believe in my Arsenal again after 7 years and this damper! Oh well back to ground zero again for another long wait... I think when we bought Cech we should have made sure his trainer comes with him as well!

  190. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 13:10 #73882

    I think all Clubs should be made to travel to Eastern Europe on 'gruelling' journeys on a Thursday before they play the arse. Only then, can our young potential and talent be realised. These gruels must be akin to heading out to the western front to fight? Hmm, im convinced. Only then can we impart fairness back into football, free up talent and it ll tire powerhouses like Reece Oxford from their odious, ruinous, bullying ways. His treatment of Ozil was nothing short of scandalous.

  191. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:59 #73881

    EG - stop it, stop it, stop it. There's no room for yr chiding, bile, barbs and insults on here. Moreover, there's even less room for inflicting the subject matter of yr post onto a wider audience. The www is in enough disrepute as it is. No, protect yr fellow man. Keep this particular virus within the confines of the OLG. Here, its controllable, rather like stubbing out a yankee candle every so often. Out there many others may suffer. Im sure yr conscience can see my point, made in a most utilitarian manner EG. Thank you.

  192. Tony Evans

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:52 #73880

    JJB Couldn't agree more - the players have been talking the talk and saying how up for the title they are and yet when the first opportunity comes around to back up the rhetoric we get a damp squib performance that was as bad as anything we have seen over the last few years.

  193. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:52 #73878

    @Mike Collins, Unfortunately the West Ham team that played us DIDN'T make the gruelling trip to Romania. They stayed home to prepare for the Arsenal game. Missing their two key strikers simplified their game plan to stopping us scoring but naively we gifted them two soft goals. Add in the desire to impress the new manager in his first PL game and we were set up for a fall. Things can only get better & they will.


    Aug 10, 2015, 12:47 #73877

    When you folks learn?? The problem at arsenal is threefold namely Kronke, wenger and gazadis!! All three culpable i arsenals demise in terms of being a pl CHALLENGER let alone winner of it. They say they want to win the pl but we dont see the evidence. You dont just jump from 3rd to 1st in the pl with the same players never seen it before. Clearly the team is not good enough in terms of quality. Some fools got kiddy becuase we signed cech and all of as sudden we had turned into chelsea lool. WE HAVE NO LEADERS as simple as that. As I predicted 8 years ago we wont be winning the pl with wenger in charge never again!!! The man is just so naive and puts trust into players who keep letting him down. He would have been sacked along time ago at a REALLY top club. Look at the way Ancelloti was sacked at Real Madrid. The man won them the la decima. Yet still not enough yet if wenger had won the cl it would have kept him at arsenal until hes grave smh

  195. Ian Ure's Son

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:45 #73876

    Roy Keane is right. The players are more interested in looking good than being good. They only react when they can see ridicule and shame approaching - like not finishing fourth. There is no real desire to be Champions, or understanding of what it really takes. The damage was done with the "fourth is a trophy" comment. Its like a sales manager telling his team "we don't want to be market leaders,we just want to sell enough to keep our jobs".

  196. JJB

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:39 #73875

    What I think is most worrying about this defeat, is the pre match/season rhetoric from the team and the manager. It was all, "this season is different, we have the belief and its time to deliver", I have no doubt that the team spirit is the best its ever been, but getting on with each other personally doesn't mean that a winning spirit has been forged. Cech was culpable for both goals, but the defending was shocking and Mert & kos have no excuses, they are both experienced defenders. I got given a free tix at Club level (which is underwhelming at best, when you are surrounded by rich foreing business men who cant pronounce the players names properly) and I was so glad I didn't pay to watch that disgrace. Yes it's one game, and we are only a point behind the only team we need to really worry about, but if they cannot lift themselves then something is seriously wrong. Why did Wenger play Ramsey next to Coq when Santi was so adept last season? Why wont someone tell Coq to stop playing hollywood passes that are beyond his ability, how many balls went out of play yesterday? It was shameful! And its now put us under pressure to beat a good palace team and Brenda's delusionals! West Ham were good, but not as outstanding as they have been lauded, they were just tough to break down, and with 1 winger playing we were never going to pick that lock, I was embarrassed how no one stood up and tried to take the game by the scruff of the neck, the Ox was the best of a bad bunch. We better see a reaction at Palace!

  197. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:34 #73874

    Badarse, genuinely - why don't you start your own blog? You clearly want a platform, and the comments section of a club fanzine website is perhaps a bit too limiting and not quite appropriate. You could then range across subjects as you want, have a comments section that you'd have the power to moderate (unlike this one) as you'd see fit. I'm sure a few on here would take a look, and it would be entertaining as it would be read on two levels - those that would take it seriously, and those that would think it was some sort of parody. Not taking the mick here, and it's very easy to start your own blog.

  198. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:31 #73873

    mgb, already we have the it was just one of those days excuses being put out. This despite the fact that it was the 4th game out of the last 5 played at home where we failed to score against opposition that came with a game plan - while Wenger relied on his version of Barca Lite to beat them. Some things can be argued about in football but facts are not one of them. Wenger is going to struggle again at home this season at times with his outdated tactics and other factors,the opposition have him well sussed out .Teams such as Swansea will not be shaking at the knees when they come to the coliseum for a tete a tete with the kings of Prem tippy tappy. Sometimes against the lesser sides we will look like world beaters, playing Palace away will suit Wenger's game better than playing them at home would . Probably still be a tight game though now with the pressure on to win it for us. Overall over the course of the season against the lower sides with the quality of players between us and them kicking-in we will most likely cobble together enough points for 3rd or more probably the usual 4th place. We should be doing much better though and Wenger's admission that West Ham were better prepared for the game than his players were is really a shocking indictment of his deluded poor management . You couldn't make it up. My tip for theb title is City with no Africa Cup nonsense to contend with this term they will be a lot stronger and have the players and experience to go all the way against Chelsea. It will be close for the other two minor places .

  199. DJ

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:30 #73872

    I know this is groundhog day as I posted it last season, but Wenger is trying to shoehorn all his star players. You can only perm two of Ozil, Ramsey and Carzola but Le Prof is scared of upsetting any egos which is why Coquelin is always first to be hooked when things go wrong. At home when we are playing ‘lesser teams’ if we persist playing only one up front we need two speedy widemen to open up teams who come to defend. I think Sissoko of Newcastle would be an ideal signing a direct pacey wideman who is physically strong.

  200. Tony Evans

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:28 #73871

    mbg - too many mate and on that evidence lots more to come. According to Le master bullsh*tter the poor lads were a tad nervous and we weren't good in attack or defence. Well sorry to disappoint him but we weren't that good in the middle either! As many have said we are so used to this type of casual, strolling non performance that it ceases to surprise us and Wenger seems incapable of coaching it out of them. Ron - your call on Cech looks worryingly accurate and we just have to hope that was a one off.

  201. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:21 #73870

    Badarse - full of unintelligible ****e as usual . Has Dark Moanies now taken over from Quislings or your god awful walk a mile in my shoes. Read Colsey Boy. his summing up from an ardent Wenger supporter puts your pompous old dirge to shame. Just to add Colesy thought your summing up really hit the nail on the head. Just a shame nothing could be positively reported. Oh well onwards and upwards

  202. Question

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:18 #73869

    Does anybody ever read beyond the first line of a Badarse post?

  203. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:01 #73868

    600NER PETE, good post, there would certainly have been a different winner, if only.

  204. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:51 #73867

    jw, you can just imagine TOF in his den in his Hertfordshire mansion Saturday and last night brooding and not letting Annie in, wondering and trying to figure out where it went wrong against the mighty hammers and not being able to, then turning to DVD's of the French Lique 2 3 for help.

  205. Badarse

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:51 #73866

    Thanks Kev, painful to read, but a good job-unlike the lad's performance. Here's something to offer some distraction-or push some over the edge. During the game on Sunday a fan was caught playing cards at the Grove. Serge the steward said to put away those cards. The fan said, 'Me no understandy eet-yam a tourister.' The steward gave up but nearby another was doing the same, and was also told. The fan-a solderer by trade-said, Serge, When I look at the Ace it makes me think of Ace minicabs which I use to get here 'coz the tubes usually on strike, or there are delays on the line. The deuce reminds me there are two fan groups the AKBs and the WOBs, and it's depressing. The three reminds me of the father Stan, his son Josh, and the wholly oily Ivan. the four says to me FOURTH and am reinvigorated. Five reminds me of the 5 wise virgins who said no to me years ago, and probably lived to regret it. The six speaks of a sixth sense and that we may be on the cusp of something or other. The seven reminds me that after the six days of rest the seventh means a long haul trip to Palace where we shall have to work very hard. The eight reminds me I eight the Sours, Oilers, Chavs, Manure, and a Prezzo pizza last night, which was good but probably not as good as jj's. The nine was Mesut's response to AW when asked to improve his strength in the tackle like the Coq. The ten just says BERGKAMP. The Jack reminds me of 20 Benson & Hedges. The Queen was Sol, loved his football but his politics are naff. The King reminds me that there are no Richards but lots of Dicks on the ....king Online Gooner. There are two jokers which reminds me of Sky and BT TV.When I count the spots it is so boring I stop, then remember how much more boring it is reading the Dark Moanies bleating, so I start counting again. There are fifty four cards including the jokers, the number of years since the Sours won the league. There are four suits, the number hanging in my wardrobe, a Zoot suit, Drape suit, a Beatle suit, and a more modern Jason King suit. There are twelve picture cards the number of points we will probably be off the title. There are thirteen tricks which reminds me it's an unlucky number and we are a very unlucky team, and that's just not fair. So you see Serge my deck of cards serves as a relief from the tedium occurring on the pitch, makes me feel more cocky when I shove them into the front pocket of my jeans, and reminds me of why I am still a Gooner. The story is true folks, I was that solderer.

  206. Lord Froth

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:40 #73865

    Yesterday was a shocking performance for whatever reason and I didn't personally believe that we would win the title this season but I did, and do, still think that they'll be closer points wise come the end of the season. It was an embarassment but they were playing really well at the end of the season and in the cup final so I think that we need to put it down to one of those days. On another note I also happen to know Reece Oxford's mother and he's a nice kid. I've met him a few times over the last couple of years and tried to (jokingly I might add) give him advice on tackling. I didn't know that five minutes spent with me would give him all the knowledge he would need to cause him to school our midfield so I apologise lads, it's all my fault.

  207. chris dee

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:34 #73864

    Unfortunately that was the real Arsenal. For some reason we have seen games like this far to often,and I am sure we'll see more during the season.Playing against 'weaker teams' who come prepared with a system and intense discipline while we bung 11 good footballers on the field expecting that will be enough.It shows lack of respect for your opponents and an unfounded arrogance.That should never happen and that's down to the manager. And I've been around long enough that one game doesn't make a season,but come on Arsenal,that was just a kick in the balls for the fans.

  208. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:27 #73863

    dirkus, and it didn't take long did it, Tony Evans, and how many years is it now that we've been saying that.

  209. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:23 #73862

    The result yesterday will worry Stan because if Liverpool improve a little on last season and that is not impossible then they will join the party for what could be just three European Champs league places. Making it 5 sides competing for those 3 money-spinner spots. Even if it is still 4th place is a trophy time there will still be 5 teams involved. Basically the result yesterday against the mighty 'Ammers was more about the damage done to Wenger's illusions of him being a title challenger having sorted out all the old problems . Some believed him but it did not take long for the usual reality check to kick-in. So much for the theory that we can afford to drop points against the top dogs because we can beat all the lesser ones,woof! woof! So then when will Wenger chuck in the towel and admit that he can't win the title this season,last term it was after the away defeat at Chelsea in November .It could be a little sooner this season. We play Mourinho's crew away next month and will our fancy Dans be able to cut it at the Bridge in a proper game under pressure >? I won't be putting any money on them doing so. Wenger however, although looking glummer than a Toad with a Bluebottle stuck in its throat, says that he will not rush out and buy anyone based on one result .Really>? Well it's not one result you clot ,we have only managed to win one game out of the last 5 at home in the league ( this includes the end of last season Tony ) we have failed to score a single goal in 4 of those games, with big Olly being the main culprit for missing chances . He also missed them against Monaco at home this resulted in us losing 3-1 due to having to chase the game. Henry is right,Giroud is not good enough ,a bottler who goes down for a big guy far too easily and all that moaning at the ref faking injuries and pained expressions is just sooo.. embarrassing.... Then we have Wally newly promoted to ,well actually still just a sub starting on the bench, but getting paid 140k a week to do that. A proper striker is obviously required but this is Arsene Wenger we are taking here running Stan's business plan - a move for Benzema would cost in total- with his wages - £60m . Things will have to get desperate before Stan sanctions that and time is running out. Benzema is out injured after a car crash anyway and will not be fit for a few weeks. Wenger says that he can make up the shortfall of goals from Giroud and Danny Boy by others such as Wally and Ozil chipping in. Another delusion this because the last 5 games at home saw these players score only in the massacre of West Brom - with the Brummies having nothing to play for and with their sun tan cream and suitcases packed for the beach on the last day of the season . That was another typical Wenger illusion - along with the 'complete performance ' against woeful Villa at Wembley in the Cup Final - the Asia Cup ,Emirates Cup and Charity Shield ,ho hum.

  210. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:04 #73860

    Title sacrificed? Cmon Kev, you know better than that. Arse FC had no chance of any title before that game. After the event, hasnt altered that. They ll get top 4. They ll win enough games for that. They desire nothing more.

  211. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:56 #73859

    Nice opening paragraph Kev, what can you say that hasn't been said before numerous times before and will again about Arsenal and this excuse for a manager, to many to mention yet here we are again with the same old same old, tippy tappy going nowhere thinking they just had to show up looking and smelling good to win the game complacency and arrogance at their highest level from both players and manager and nothings going to change until he's gone. So many optimistic (yet again) saying we're ready to go, it's our time, etc, etc, only for another well worn cliché to come in to play, brought back down to earth with a sore arse. And it will not be the last time you hear it where this team and especially it's past it manager are concerned, challenge for the title? my arse additional players or not, not while this past it manager is still here anyway. Good summing up Ed.

  212. AMG

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:54 #73858

    Might have been just the result we needed. The boys looked arrogant in the extreme yesterday, fully believing their own hype. It also once again proved that you can't win a title with a second rate striker like Giroud upfront, couldn't get out of the pocket of a 16 year old FFS and seemed to spend most of his time on the left wing??? Hopefully this will give the lads the kick up the backside they need and prompt Wenger into making that signature purchase, much like the Villa result told for Ozil's future. I'm not doom and gloom by any means, but yesterday was all too familiar, no plan B and sticking with old favourites rather than selection on form. Worryingly I'm already getting the urge to yank that stupid hat off Cech's head, really does make him look like the wally he played yesterday.

  213. Charles

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:52 #73856

    We drop too many points at home to ever have any chance of winning the league, because we just sleep walk through the first half without any real drive to score goals. One of Cazorla,Ramsey & Ozil should have been substituted at half time to add some balance to the team. Yet again Sanchez is going to be run into the ground.

  214. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:30 #73855

    Ed,I bet you were looking forward to writing a different type of match report this season but nothing changes in Wengerville.I particularly liked the idea of putting our best attacker on the day back to right-back just when we needed to chase the game.Genius.Also can we have more of completely reorganizing the midfield to accommodate the Welsh Jesus.I love it when he slows the game down by taking four touches where everyone else takes one or two.Perhaps we can have him and Arteta together in the next match so that they can pass sideways for 90 minutes.At least their passing stats will look good. That's important.Still, 37 more chances to embarrass ourselves. Yipee

  215. Rob

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:26 #73854

    It was a rank performance on a fine summer’s day. Can't put it better than that.

  216. EborGooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:20 #73853

    The same players are sent out, by the same Manager, with the same tactics, so why would we expect a different result? It's the kind of performance we have seen umpteen times over the last few years and other contributors have outlined the problems, so I won't repeat them here. Yes, it's only 1 game. Yes, there's a long way to go. Yes, we shouldn't get too despondent yet. But, am I alone in anticipating yet another "groundhog" season where we never really challenge for the title, finish third or fourth, buy 1 player, and expect to be title contenders next season? The fact that I could have written exactly this quite a few times,over several seasons, says it all really.

  217. 600NER PETE

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:01 #73852

    We need to score and our most effective player gets put at right back! If we had swapped managers with West Ham we know who would have won the match. Bilic had a game plan and an idea of tactics. We continue to be clueless particularly after we concede a goal. I got fed up with waiting for Wenger to go so actually bought a season ticket again this year after years without one. Already regretting it!

  218. Rob

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:48 #73851

    I'd rather know after one game that it was another false dawn than being strung along to November before the inevitable crash. Anyone else bored of the season already?

  219. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:36 #73850

    Dirkus : In fairness Ron made the point about Cech some weeks ago, we will find out our good our new keeper is in the next few months. What frightened me was how the line up of the team ended, the Ox at full back, that is real "tinkerman" management.

  220. Mike Collins

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:33 #73849

    Oh come on, Frank, playing a team that's just got back from a gruelling Romania trip and a European cup exit - and is missing two star strikers - isn't good for the nerves. Mine are shot already and it's still only Week One of the season.

  221. Tony Evans

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:32 #73848

    We looked lost, bereft of ideas and lacking leadership all over the pitch. Only one game in I know but the team clearly lacks leaders all over the pitch, players to grab a game by the scruff of the neck, and didn't that show yesterday.

  222. dirkus

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:07 #73847

    Couldn't agree more. I was a lone voice not happy with spending £11m on a 33yr old reserve keeper and then giving him a 5yr deal! Some decisions are totally mystifying, Theo £140000 a week! No new DM no new "top top" striker, the same squad who failed to deliver last season. Deja B....y Vu. Ground season again and again and ..... I was feeling fairly upbeat until 14.13 then back to Wenger reality

  223. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 10, 2015, 9:06 #73846

    A really disappointing performance. Shame about Bellerin as he was sorely missed. If he is missing then Gibbs should have played at left back as he at least likes to overlap but with both Debuchy and Monreal playing our wide options were virtually non existent. Especially with Tompkins at right back, he had a relatively easy day. Maybe it's time to play the Ox and Walcott as wide players and sacrifice one of the midfield to give us width and pace up front ? When everyone plays poorly apart from at times the Ox then yesterday happens. Not many chances created at all which was a worry. Hopefully this will make the players realise that there are no easy games anymore and a huge wake up call as the league will be even more competitive this year as teams will be harder to beat. I sincerely hope that Benzema is on his way here but not sure what he would have done yesterday apart from give the place a lift, Giroud didn't really miss any big chance that I can recall and his hold up play was excellent. One game down, plenty to go but a big performance is needed at Palace next weekend to get the season back on track.

  224. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:58 #73845

    An observation on the 'expert analysts'. Danny Murphy made a good point about the team being too narrow (another perennial problem) but then says "I am surprised he did not switch his formation or even his personnel at half-time, or alter his instructions to his players". To not be aware of Wenger's modus operandi after all these years shows you how much more us 'amateurs' know of our clubs than these highly paid 'experts'.

  225. Mathew

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:56 #73844

    Disagree to the Cech factor, I really dont think Ospina would've fared better. West Ham were organized and had a tactical plan, Couyate and Payet gave us a torrid time. I wish Ozil shines atleast against these small teams, he is a liability except for those odd passes and goals. He cant track back and easily gives up on tackles, probably every opposition is aware of this now. I think Arsene should have tweaked the system and play during halftime, players were crowded around the box and not a single decent cross was attempted towards Giroud, can't entirely blame for his poor show. Wenger should stay, less of tiki-taka and a good striker will do the needful.

  226. Bard

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:46 #73843

    Spot on Kev as usual. The only point of disagreement is that it was clear evidence that we wont win the title. Other sides will have noted that this side are as weak mentally as all the others in recent times and if you get at the them they don't have the appetite for the fight. On a tactical note, our struggle to fit players into proper positions early season means we always look unbalanced.

  227. lupus

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:42 #73842

    again no clinical finishing.this is arsenals problem. They should pay by performance. how many£000000 per week?.

  228. King Jeremy

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:38 #73841

    Another year, another groundhog moment. Abject performance where the attitude was clearly "it's only West Ham". And as usual, nothing from the touch line in terms of tactical changes. It's not the players themselves that remains the issue (although far too many didn't turn up yesterday) it's the man on £8million a year on the sides. at least we now won't have the pain of waiting until November for the penny to drop of just how far we are away form being champions. There is no way this team will Get beyond 73/74 points - 10 points shy of the title. Watch for a hungy, motivated Palace give us another lesson next week. Long, long season ahead gooners!

  229. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:25 #73840

    Spot report as usual Kev - we are never more than 90 minutes away from that kind of performance. As for Cech - may I suggest Kev that is was the "curse of the front cover" strikes again.

  230. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:16 #73839

    Boy I called this wrong, sitting in a pub in Ipswich the beer started tasting very sour and I thought 2 nil to us easy. 1. Wenger tends to get whipped by newer ambitious managers. A sign surely of stagnation. 2. Lack of prep lack of urgency once again. No leaders on the pitch to dig in. 3. When our little ballet dance fails what other option is there. 4. What happened to our more pragmatic driving play of last year, only Ox seems to have signed onto this. 5. My cynicism regarding Wenger remains but at least he is publicly slating the ineptitude. 6. I suppose this means deal will be done for benzema and we will break our transfer record to do it.

  231. Bhoy Gooner

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:03 #73838

    Shocking performance. Ox was the main guy yesterday. We've been having these "accidents" every year and are getting accident prone now. All talk of the title should be buried now, we're just not good enough. Giroud should seriously consider a career in modelling. WTF would Wenger rest Walcott on the bench when he was our best player pre-season ?? Wenger has gone back to his experimenting tactics. I expect a "hard fought" draw vs Crystal Palace or worse another loss. I hope Benzema is on Gazidis's speed dial

  232. Me

    Aug 10, 2015, 8:01 #73837

    The real Arsenal did turn up and were beaten by a better team. Its not about flair players and playing well in meaningless friendlies its about working as a team and grinding out results like West Ham did. I see another season of league failure for Arsenal were the usual fight for fourth place will take place. Arsenal don't need Benzema then need a new manager, not some washed up old dinosaur...

  233. Mike Collins

    Aug 10, 2015, 7:41 #73834

    Agree with every word, Kev, and I know exactly the comments - and their posters - that will be appearing here very soon. It's the same old, same old, as it always will be with AW. On a positive note I though the Ox was excellent, as much for his attitude as his play. He actually seemed to care, a quality which will never trouble the languid Mesut Ozil.