In Arsenal’s case, you can tell a great deal from just one game

Post West Ham musings

In Arsenal’s case, you can tell a great deal from just one game

Wenger: Another season of what might have been?

In any other case one would agree that it is far too early to begin to draw inferences. Unfortunately, in Arsenal’s case, it isn’t. What our first game of the season tells us is that we still have the same bunch of toothless players who can only do well under minimal pressure; put them under any tiny bit of pressure, and they will consistently let you down. There’s no point blaming the goalkeeper (but I’m sure Chesney and Ospina would be unable to hold back a chuckle or two at home after that game – and who can blame them?).

I heard the phrase: “Cech can be my Van der Sar” and immediately, you cringe! There are a good few problems with that statement:

(1) Sorry Arsene, you are not Fergie!

(2) Van der Sar left Fulham, where he had won absolutely nothing, to ‘dreamland’ (Man Utd) where they had been winning everything anyway, and he helped them to win a bit more. Cech on the other hand, has left Chelsea, where he has won everything (including the Champions League) and where he has become surplus to requirements, to join a team that went 8 seasons with nothing and only won 2 FA cups in almost 10 years. That, my friends, is the key difference. Van der Sar got the chance of a lifetime, Cech has nothing to prove and is unlikely to be a success at Arsenal, because he won’t see us as a step up, as Van der Sar saw Man Utd.

All that aside, I read a very interesting article last week, which related to Roy Keane accusing Arsenal players of spending too much time taking selfies, and Oxlade-Chamberlain responding to him by telling him times have changed and if Keane had an iPhone in his footballing prime, he would have been taking selfies too. Again, a few problems with that line Mr.Ox:

(1) I very much doubt Keane would have been taking selfies even if iPhones were around in his days; as he just wants to win trophies

(2) Yes, Ox, times have changed. We are now in an era where a striker doesn’t have to score any goals but will receive a report card stating how many passes he completed and how many kilometres he covered during the match; and most interestingly, what his speed of running is (both from a standing position and from a moving position: his acceleration was x km/hr etc.). The sport has been buried under statistics because a bunch of media-graduates and glossy-haired pundits like Jamie Redknapp are lining their pockets at SKY, churning out all that crap! Gone are the days when a striker is brought in to score goals and if he isn’t scoring goals he knows he has some work to do. Today, it’s all gone so silly, to the point where some half-baked sprinter (looking for publicity) even challenges Theo Walcott and Hector Bellerin to a race (love or hate Wenger; thank goodness he forbade such silliness; or we would have had good old Wally and Ballerina heading off to SKY SPORTS to race against this fellow and make more money, while their day job further becomes a sideshow)

(3) The first 20 minutes of the game and indeed, the final 30 mins, tells it all: we should concentrate on the FA Cup again this season, as it is probably our only realistic chance of winning any trophy

After nearly 10 years of every pundit in the land, CORRECTLY predicting that Arsenal will not win the league, this summer brought a glimmer of hope, with at least half the pundits claiming that because Chelsea and Man City have not spent so much more than other clubs this summer, Arsenal may finally turn-up this season as contenders. Well, at least we know we do not have ‘Invincibles’ playing for us this season as we have already thrown the easiest of starts away; thanks to a typically toothless and tactless display.

Wenger has never been able to motivate his players or change a game, when it needs tactical changes. His first years of victories coincided with a bunch of players who didn’t require motivating and were trophy-hungry. If they had a manager who could motivate, those teams would have added the Champions League and countless other trophies to their haul, and they would have dominated the Premiership for years! That said, how many managers could have fit that bill? (only two: Fergie and Mourinho; and if one is being really critical, it is actually only Fergie. Mourinho is an idiot who the British press have seen as their cash-cow (he will always be a puppet; will always deliver them some drama to print; and in his stupidity, thinks he is the darling of the press and British public – what an idiot!).

Apparently, it is only a matter of time before Arsenal to win the Premier League again (according to Mourinho), because of the law of averages: perhaps I need to introduce him to Liverpool? Spurs? And countless other teams? (after all, only five teams have so far won the Premiership since it started in 1992); so, even the dumbest maths student would know that such laws of averages do not apply. But the press lapped it right up and made silly stories out of it, when it would have been so easy to point out to him how stupid his comments are. Alas! We live in a new world (according to the Ox), where it’s all about generating material for the press (be it selfies or dumb comments). And who am I to complain? (although I am not getting paid for this article, there must be a reason I’m spending my spare time typing it up? We’re all part of the ‘new world’ of self-publication and speeches and stats? --- perhaps the press are not to blame for everything?)

In closing, this result tells us a few things:

(1) It is highly unlikely we will win the league; even with 37 games left to go!

(2) Wenger is still the same old Wenger: good manager, poor motivator and very poor tactician.

(3) If one day we coincidentally find another group of players who just want to win and want to win trophies (not accumulate statistics), we will be back winning; and it won’t be thanks to Wenger, it will just be good fortune

Enjoy the season Gooners! Hopefully a third consecutive FA Cup for us!

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  1. Jason

    Aug 14, 2015, 12:11 #74179

    It does make me smile when people come up with comments like "one bad performance" This team come up with one every five games. Wenger must love the fact that Arsenal have so many easily pleased fans!!!! Wenger has no plan on the pitch and certainly no plan off it. Every time he comes up against a tactically astute manager he fails, badly.

  2. mbg

    Aug 14, 2015, 12:02 #74178

    Ebor Gooner, good post, short and to the point, I doubt the answer would be, so allow me, Because we just are.

  3. Ebor Gooner

    Aug 14, 2015, 1:03 #74164

    To everyone saying "it's only one game, get behind the team, we can still win the title etc". I am fully behind the team but, please tell me what is different this year, to the previous 6 or 7 years? Have we bought the 2 or 3 players we need (by general consensus) to improve? Have we changed our attitude? Tactics? Playing style? Manager? Have our potential rivals weakened significantly? As the answer to ALL these questions is "no" - why are you so confident that this season is going to be any different?

  4. mbg

    Aug 13, 2015, 16:49 #74132

    Maureen saying it is only a matter of time until Arsenal win the league is just another way of him winding TOF up, and he has many.

  5. Spaced

    Aug 13, 2015, 13:32 #74114

    Another great article from CanadaGooner and excellent posts from everyone else. Here's hoping we lose next weekend too eh? And this talk of relegation... one can only dream!

  6. Red Member

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:50 #74109

    Westlower - I am very pessimistic about Arsenal's chances this season but I am pretty confident that we won't lose our first 3 games. Likewise there is no chance that either will lose their jobs this season. I would give odds of 1/10 for Mourinho to leave before Wenger though

  7. AMG

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:45 #74108

    I don't always agree with you Canada, but can't fault this argument - Absolutely spot on, and pretty amusing with it! One point I would make is that I don't think West Ham are the walkover team you make them out to be, they will ruffle a few feathers this year under Billic (before disappearing into obscurity again for some, as yet, unknown reason).

  8. jeff wright

    Aug 13, 2015, 12:02 #74103

    Westie, there must be more to this tiff between the woman doc and the Portugeezer it all looks rather like a case of afters. Perhaps Jose tried to hit on her and got a blank that would have upset his massive ego! Regarding the odds on us losing 3 games on the trot the draw factor is like zero in roulette in the houses favour unless you cover it. Of course so is a win for us in one of the next two games ,unless you cover that as well,in which case you have every option covered ! It is a fact though that Ladbrokes took a few big hits on some weekend fixtures last season when all the big teams at short prices obliged. There is a lot of luck involved in gambling though and this season more of last weekend's 'shock results' involving big clubs at odds on could happen more often. C' est la vie!

  9. Westlower

    Aug 13, 2015, 11:41 #74102

    A week is a long time in PL football. Before a ball was kicked both Maureen & AW were 100/1 to be the next manager to lose his job. After mediocre performances by AFC & CFC, although the female Doc played a blinder, their odds have tumbled to a minimum of 20/1 to a max of 50/1 depending on your choice of bookie. Should they both not win again this weekend, and that is entirely possible with away games at Citeh & Palace, expect the odds to tumble even further come Monday. How many of you backed AFC to lose their first 3 games at 100/1, no I didn't either & I'm still beating myself up for not doing so, particularly as the 3rd game is Liverpool. For all the trophies Maureen wins he is still a ludicrous, deeply unpleasant individual. @JJ Is there such a thing as a humorous quisling? Onwards & Upwards towards the 8th tier.

  10. Alsace

    Aug 13, 2015, 10:01 #74099

    Crispen. The article could have been written in August, December, March or May of any season since 2004. He has not bought the players he needs. He doesn't know how to use them if he had done so. We don't have to wait and see. We have been waiting and we have seen quite enough.

  11. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 13, 2015, 10:00 #74098

    Great stuff. Arsenal show time and time again they are a shambolic outfit, incapable of living with the big fish, and only slightly ahead of other rivals due to vastly superior spending power. Still we had better get used to it, Wenger , Stan and Ivan are going nowhere, not as if anyone else would have them. Only the first game, but get used to a lot more of that I can assure you. I feel for Cech.

  12. Mathew

    Aug 13, 2015, 9:42 #74095

    Hope.....a glimmer of it is keeping us all alive. I am wondering what might have been your article if we had won the opening game. Teams are trying to put up a great show with huge cash influx from TV deals and sponsorships, football hasnt been the same. You win some, you loose some...hopefully we will win the next game, COYG

  13. John C

    Aug 13, 2015, 8:36 #74092

    We're doomed to failure with a manager who believes making 6 changes to a winning team will bring consistent results and we're further doomed when replacing Alexis with Chamberlain requires moving Ramsey and Cazorla to accommodate him disrupting a winning formula.

  14. Prince alexander

    Aug 13, 2015, 8:10 #74091

    Am really not happy with thing are going in arsenal football club will need great player now if will wanna win any thing thud season

  15. mbg

    Aug 13, 2015, 0:04 #74088

    jj, they're not early days at all, if we go down with Norwich and West Brom with only a point or two in it, this game will have been very costly, and if we do go down do you think it will be classed as a blessing in disguise in some quarters?

  16. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 23:49 #74087

    Bard, sorry to hear abut your bad fortune but your made for life now, i hope the AKB's are as happy about you earning thousands and thousands and been kept in the life of luxury while doing nothing for your employer as they were about diaby.

  17. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 22:42 #74086

    Hiccup - funny as ever. Love yr posts. Bard lad - Thats great news on Abou. Thats us showing our unique class again. Really surprised that the rehab unit was obviously unprepared for Abou s departure. Proper preparation would have seen Rosy, Arty Wally, Willy and Oxy all earmarked and trained up for solitary confinement in the luxury suite at Willesden. What odds would you have got on that happening?

  18. Bard

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:46 #74085

    I write this from outside the Willesden hospital A and E. I was just doing a little keep uppie wearing nothing but a pair of Wenger's Y fronts ( MG they were washed) while filming myself when I tripped over my ego and fell in front of a cab. He clipped my leg and initially was very sympathetic until he saw me in the 2015 Arsenal kit. He duly reversed and tried to run over my good leg while shouting that he was a spud. I rang the boss to tell him the news I admit I was expecting the mother of all bollockings but low and behold he was over the moon. The Diaby rehabilitation unit has been a ghost town since he left. The boss also said that although I am out of action for another 3 months he would be offering me a 10 year contract on £150000 a week. Can you adam and eve it ? Is this what they mean about the Arsenal doing things differently.

  19. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:28 #74084

    Some AKB's must have been locked out of central command at lunch time, i guess the EGM was still in progress.

  20. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:16 #74083

    Hiccup, Ah another one, the old get up and dust ourselves down and learn from the experience and move on one,how many times will we hear that over the season, if only TOF and his disciples were as quick to learn, as they are to move on.

  21. Joe S.

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:04 #74082

    Good to see you back, Canada and totally agree with your analysis. The depressing thing about the West Ham game wasn't really the loss, but the overall awareness that ho hum we fans are in for another season of pretty much the same apathy.If there are to be surprises they most likely will not be good. The prospect of a third consecutive FA Cup is a tantalizing one in terms of history, but that is still a long shot.

  22. jeff wright

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:03 #74081

    Eric's post as now vanished faster than a Wenger title tilt!

  23. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2015, 21:01 #74080

    Eric. Failure to provide any betting odds to back up your claims, makes it impossible to comment on or draw any conclusions from your statement. Thanks for showing an interest in our affairs though.

  24. Big Andy

    Aug 12, 2015, 20:41 #74079

    I agree with every word of this article. Only really stupid people believe that anything will change under Wenger. This season will be yet another one in which we fail to do anything serious in either the Premier or Champions Leagues. Wenger will get his usual fourth place and CL last 16 and the Board will love him for the money that he's brought in. Personally, I've given up even being angry any more: I just don't go to games and don't get too worked up when watching the matches on TV. It's just a case of waiting until he's gone.

  25. jeff wright

    Aug 12, 2015, 20:32 #74078

    Eric,I have had a life time of the spuds predicting that. Just as well Abramovich bought Chelsea though.

  26. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:27 #74075

    No point wallowing around. The lads need to dust themselves down, learn from the West Ham game, and move on. Eat your heart out arseblog! Up next are Palace. Hopefully we'll be better prepared this time round. How we go about that though, I don't know? After all, it was just preparation that was the difference between the two teams on Sunday. I mean, were we prepared for the West Ham game and they were they just better prepared? Or were they just prepared, and we were unprepared? Let's just hope that Palace are totally unprepared then, then we're in with a shout.

  27. Bard

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:19 #74074

    Colseyboysetc I saw those odds but Im not having any of it.I am sure you wont either. I am not sure about players wanting to win trophies. I am sure some of them do but I have never seen a player move for less money. I suspect it was more true in days gone by than now. They are multimillionaires by the time they have played a few years, where's the motivation ? It would make a interesting article. If you are right then last Sunday was a disaster from Wenger's point of view because he clearly has a squad full of duds.

  28. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 19:00 #74072

    Early days these are but could Arsenal go down with Norwich and West Brom? Look at the table and maybe WEsTIE could give us some early betting indicators. Have to say on current form that a seismic shift for any of these teams as unlikely. How did it get to this? Ashcroft? Mike? Doom? Gloom?

  29. CT Gooner

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:53 #74071

    I think cech will be fine. So far it's been one good, one bad. IMO that's at least on par with ospina or chez. The other problems haven't been addressed for the last 10 years. I see only one solution....

  30. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:34 #74070

    Impressive seeing BADCOTT getting angry. Like so many flies buzzing around the cell compound ..... Thanks HICCuP but I think top big articles exclaiming the virtues of .... erm online shopping perhaps with Gibbsy, Artsy and Ozzy hanging out with their Chelsea mates in SK and well .... juat buying jeans. Giroud can be the driver if he could just get a hat on his head. Looks the type who likes dressing up. Talking of dressing up/downs maybe BADOUD .....

  31. jeff wright

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:24 #74068

    I can't find anything to disagree with in the article everything is spot on results say so. Facts always beat fiction where the truth is concerned and all we ever se, and hear, to counter them are OTT optimism and rhetoric about getting behind the team from the increasingly under pressure AKB's .It's a results game though and Wenger and the AKB now use the FA Cup, that was not worth the bother not so long ago, to justify his policies like a drowning sailor clinging to a life-raft.... mbg , that Barca win playing kamikaze type tika-taka will have confirmed Aresene's belief that he is on the right track. As the actress said to the bishop though it takes two to tango and if our opponents turn up at the coliseum and park the bus then Wenger will still be facing the same scenario that he did last Sunday. Would we beat either Barca or Seville anyway is the question whatever tactics were used is the question ,well we couldn't beat Monaco and they are not as good as those pair so there must be a big doubt about it. C' est la vie !

  32. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:10 #74066

    Bard, Hiccup, for fooks sake don't encourage, another thesis is all we need.

  33. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 18:00 #74065

    Canada, apoligies my comment 78219 was meant for jw in the last article over the page, not that it matters to much i'm sure as i'd say he'll be here soon enough.

  34. goonercolesyboy

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:58 #74064

    We are 5/1 to win the league so not highly unlikely to win the league. Wenger has two more years. Every professional footballer wants to win trophies.

  35. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:52 #74063

    Well said jj. Time to draw a line under Sunday's fiasco. What is needed right now is a Simon Rose nicey nice article to calm everyone down. A rousing article that we should not worry, and will comfortably finish in the top 4 as he expertly predicts every season. And to get the feel good factor flowing again, how in 5,000 words or more, we will finish above Spurs. That should restore calm and cheer everyone up. After all, that's what this football club is here for.

  36. Th14afc

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:52 #74062

    Bull s article

  37. Badarse

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:49 #74061

    Hi again Canadagooner thank you, and what a breath of fresh air that was-only kidding! Same sort of stuff as the other clowns keep banging out. Who on this site said AFC would win the title? Ox is right, times have changed. Can you still work at developing a ruthless winning mentality? Absolutely, with some individuals. Roy Keane? Gifted footballing thug-when he wanted to be. You listen to him? Then listen to goonercolesyboy, they are just individuals with a personal POV. At least the muppets were amusing, run of the mill puppets have little personality and follow the leader. Next?

  38. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:49 #74060

    jw, i'm sure TOF was a little paler this morning alright, I bet he had bouldy out this morning putting cones all over the place then the team out running round them trying to imitate Barca, expect a few injuries this evening where some of them tripped over one or a cone put in a bad tackle.

  39. Bard

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:47 #74059

    There were moments of Baddishness in the article, the link with the 'new world' of self publication. I had been wondering about you Canada as this is the time of the year for your annual article. Next up Simon Rose with a 'view after 5 games'. Not quite sure I would be using Keane as my got to guy on all matters football but the point is taken. Also the link with selfies is a bit tenuous. Ronaldo is always posting and he seems to be reasonably good at his job. I think the malaise at the club is a little more complex than you make out.

  40. jjetplane

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:18 #74057

    Yeah - but wot about the ice hockey or the mountain police or the plight of the polar bear now the ice is melting? Stick to your topics as Simon does. Roses are red/Wenger is blue/...... Bad enough with us WOBs posting daily - can we have some articles that support The Holloway Project - bit like the Manhattan one but no real fall out ....

  41. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 17:10 #74056

    Stephen, Peter, good posts, as I've said myself often enough along with a lot of others, nothing will change as long as the old man who lives in a shoe remains in charge, all this hype over Cheh was just that, hype, there's still more positions that need filling and they've been called for on here on numerous occasions over the years, and that's my point even if they were and that's one hell of an if, there's still wenger would he know how to train them, coach them, look after them, would he get the best out of them or know how to? would he even know where to play them and if he did would he? he'd have them playing tippy tappy going nowhere all over the place and no doubt try and convert them into something their not and ruin them, and that's the problem it doesn't matter who we sigh, we need a manager who ticks all the above boxes and wenger doesn't tick any and hasn't for a long time and indeed some would argue never did.

  42. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2015, 16:20 #74053

    Don't agree with the Petr Cech surmising. Remember, he played his first game for us and they put a medal around his neck. He went straight home and took one of his PL medals out of his cabinet to make way for it. He played a second game, and again they put a medal around his neck. This time his CL medal went in to the drawer to make more room for it. Even if cech could get in the Chelsea team he'd have left them for arsenal. I'm sure he would have.

  43. Stephen

    Aug 12, 2015, 16:06 #74052

    Sunday was a dreadful reality shock. Same old, same old, and a goalkeeper bereft of any reflexes. I don't entirely blame the players who, individually seem highly skilled. I blame the Arsenal culture, fed by AW of huge caution, looking after the ball and taking no chances to lose it. We certainly have only one plan:- a slow cross field build up, giving ample time for opposition defenders to get into position, another 20-30 mainly cross field or back passes before the ball is lost. Most PL teams must enjoy defending against us. Until the players are told to take responsibility, attack as if they meant it, show leadership ( or even better buy a leader at CB or DM) and sadly, get a manager who will throw off the shackles, we will never sustain a run to win the PL. I have always supported AW, but the lack of effort,wish to raise a sweat or try something was just awful. Did I miss a shot in anger? I don t think so. The fact that the attitude in the second half was just the same, says it all. "They were a little nervous" It would be laughable but it isn't funny. Still there's always next season….

  44. Stuart

    Aug 12, 2015, 15:13 #74050

    There's no way we will ever win the league with Wenger in charge. Over the course of the season, there are too many chances for him to be found out tactically and as he never addresses the problems or buys the right players, we'll finish way off the pace and never really threaten to finish top.

  45. Lord Froth

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:45 #74048

    U ok hun? x

  46. mbg

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:14 #74045

    Canada, your opening statement says it all, we're the only club it's relevant to and we all know why, this old past it manager. Good Article.

  47. crispen

    Aug 12, 2015, 14:02 #74043

    Why don't you write this smug little article of yours at Christmas time.

  48. Tony Evans

    Aug 12, 2015, 13:16 #74041

    Canada - sad but true, not that the blinkered Wengerite muppets will realise though.

  49. Wear Your Colours

    Aug 12, 2015, 13:12 #74040

    The title is a marathon not a sprint. I am not giving up hope after one bad performance. COYG!

  50. Ron

    Aug 12, 2015, 13:03 #74038

    They had no chance of the title with 38 games to play. 4th beckons.

  51. Harshil

    Aug 12, 2015, 12:55 #74037

    Bull**** article with nothing noteworthy. A waste of 10 mins.

  52. wilson

    Aug 12, 2015, 12:47 #74035

    quite frank

  53. Savage

    Aug 12, 2015, 12:37 #74034

    I will keep my reply brief: LOL!