An Arsenal Fantasy

A delve back into The Gooner archives to a time when Arsenal defenders were a Fantasy League managers dream.

An Arsenal Fantasy

How are your Fantasy League teams doing so far? If it’s anything like mine, an Andrei Arshavin style four goal blitz from Alexis Sanchez tonight – without the four goals in our own net obviously - would go down very nicely indeed.

Our Gooner Gems article in the latest issue of The Gooner features Fantasy League which is now into its 25th season and is run by Arsenal fan Andrew Wainstein. The article can be read here, but it’s not the first time we’ve spoken to Andrew. He was our “Gooner on Parade” in issue 53 of The Gooner way back in 1994 when Fantasy League football was still in its infancy but was sweeping the nation. Here’s what he had to say at the time…

When did you love of football and Arsenal in particular start?
Not that long ago – around 1978. I went to a few games that season, but I was a bit young for the Cup Final that year although I did go to the next two and had a season ticket for the 1980-81 season. My support probably peaked three or four years ago, not that it’s gone down since then, it’s just turned a little bit sour because of the way the team has been playing. I was actually born in South Africa and we didn’t move to this country until 1976. My Dad had supported Arsenal through newspapers in South Africa and then the whole family moved to London in 1976 and they just happened to be our nearest side. Until then he hadn’t even known where Arsenal was, so it was like a natural progression.

Whereabouts is your season ticket?
It’s always been in the Upper West purely because it’s the family one. I’d much rather be in the North Bank. Occasionally, if I can get rid of my ticket I will get a seat in the new stand. The atmosphere at away games is really good, but at Highbury it’s dead and the West Upper is even worse. I haven’t been to that many away games this season although I did go to Liege, but the one I remember most from last year was the cup replay at Leeds. It was the best game for years and I was so close to not going. I had to have my arm twisted for which I was very grateful.

What is your earliest memory of Arsenal?
It’s so vague it’s probably wrong. I think it was against Villa sitting in the Lower East and Rix scored from long range. I think we won 3-1 and it was probably a league game in February or March 1979.

Do you view matches differently because of your Fantasy League involvement?
I think it depends on the game. Since I started Fantasy League we haven’t won the league for which I feel slightly responsible, so if it’s just a run of the mill game in the league where we’re not anywhere near the top, I do think about the assists too soon after celebrating the goal. I’d like it not to be, I’d really like to get it out of my head but it’s very difficult. I like the fact that Fantasy League doesn’t include cup games so there is still something is basically sacred. Having said that, I’d like to think that if we were on for the championship I would Fantasy League into the background.

Which Arsenal players are in your own Fantasy League team, what’s it called and why?
The team’s name is “Great Halibut of the Seventies” for no other reason than it has a nice ring to it. I got pipped on a lot of Arsenal players so I’ve actually only had one player for most of the season – Nigel Winterburn – which I was quite ashamed of, but I’ve recently added Ray Parlour. In a way, it was slightly deliberate because I thought we’d sign someone and I thought everyone else would have their quota of two and I’d be able to pick up Roy Keane. Then I thought, I’d be the one to get Dickov in the New Year when he’s on a hot streak, but of course you never know how the season is going to pan out. So I got Parlour, who I can’t say I’m overly excited with, but Winterburn has been a brilliant buy and he’s one of my favourite players.

Are there any Arsenal midfield players worth having
I’m a big fan of Merson, but I never really have a chance of getting him in the auction because everyone knows that I like him, so I end up getting frozen out as the bids go up and up. I’d love to have Limpar because I think he’d be a great Fantasy League player… if George ever picked him! Apart from that Parlour’s the next best. Jenson got his first Fantasy League points after a season-and-a-half at Leeds just before Christmas.

Given your Fantasy League managerial experience, what advice can you pass on to George about creative midfielders?
The top midfielder last season, although he’s probably a borderline midfielder, was Le Tissier and he’s probably on course to finish top again. As far as a proper central midfielder who creates, there is only one candidate and that’s Gary McAllister who I believe we were in for when left Leicester. We’ve found that most of the successful Fantasy League midfielders are wingers, which isn’t necessarily what Arsenal are after, but then maybe Merson or Limpar could be played for a decent run in the central midfield. I think that’s a possible answer, but they’d obviously need a more defensive partner like Jensen or Hillier alongside them.

When and how did Fantasy League start?
A friend of my Dad’s did an American basketball league and he showed me a report and said “What do you think of this?” I went away and over a number of months came up with a scoring system that would allow it to be adapted to football. That was just over three years ago, but it took another two or three months before I was confident it would work, so it was launched in a very very small way for 1991-92. We had seven hundred people doing it for the first year and we’ve now got about 15,000, ignoring the newspaper leagues where you didn’t have to pay.

Radio Five’s Sunday morning Fantasy football show is presented by Arsenal’s most fervent critic of the moment, Dominik Diamond. How have you dealt with him when you’ve been a guest on the show?
It’s very difficult because I have to be very professional , wearing my Fantasy League hat and appear as neutral as possible. I actually shy away from club allegiance because if people found that the person who runs it is an Arsenal fan, they’d be saying things like “no wonder clean sheets are rewarded”, so I have to have a diplomatic silence which is probably not what I’d want.

Off the subject of Fantasy League, who’s the player you have most enjoyed watching in an Arsenal shirt?
The last few years it’s Wright - that’s easy - but before that I’ve always been a big Merson fan. I can’t really say Brady because I wasn’t as committed when he was at Highbury as I was in the late 80s and I might have been a bit young to appreciate his more subtle talent. He was a bit of an older fans player.

Which club do you dislike most and why, even if it’s the obvious?
Manchester United. The thing with Spurs is that you only hate them when they’ve above you or if they’re actually doing anything, but at the moment you just laugh them off. However United seem to get all the breaks and their fans are unbelievably arrogant. I hate it.

What are the best and worst moments you’ve experienced as an Arsenal supporter?
Anfield has to be everyone’s best moment so I won’t go over it again. Second best is probably the 1987 Littlewoods Cup semi-final against Spurs and up there would be the Leeds game last season that I mentioned earlier. That could be because it was only last season.

As for the worst I suppose Valenica even though it’s going back a bit. Somehow the bad moments aren’t as strong in my memory as the victories. I keep thinking of moments from this season such as losing at home to Villa but in a years time I’m not going to care about it. The Luton cup final was bad because we’d come from behind and risen to a peak. Even when we missed the penalty it was like it didn’t matter because we were going to win anyway. You’d gone from feeling so low to so high, but then that almost incredulous more than anything else.

What game have you missed and most regretted afterwards?
There’s one that always crops up and I always get ragged about it by my friends - the 4-2 at Norwich in 1987 when we were 1-0 down at half-time. I had a new girlfriend who’d come from Paris and she persuaded me that I was better off spending the day with her than going to the game. The consolation was that as soon as I heard the result I was so pissed off that I finished with her that night. A lot of people missed the Anfield game in 89 but I think I’d have been suicidal if I’d not been there for that one.

Have there ever been any moments when you’ve thought ”why do I put myself through all this”?
I suppose you go through it a bit after a bad result but within an hour after the game you’re looking towards the next one. I always think that Arsenal fans get such a great deal because they get the real storybook endings every time. You can never take away the championship in 89 or even last seasons FA Cup Final. We’ve got so much to be thankful for that we can never really complain.

If you could interview George Graham what would be the first question you asked him?
I’d ask him why his overall approach appears to have become so much more cautious when it used to be so cavalier. Is it deliberate or is just using the players you have available? It’s a long first question but it seems to be that he’s become scared of losing gmaes, which is a bit of a cliché, but it’s true.

Do you have any superstitions or lucky mascots?
Yes, I’ve got loads. I always wear a baseball cap to matches. I used to be much worse than I am now and would keep statistics on all my caps to know which one had the best record. I generally go to matches with a group of people and we’ve lucky restaurants and lucky pubs and things like that. I never video a game either, but that one seems to be quite common now so I don’t think it’s a superstition, it’s got to be true!

Do you like the way the ground has changed in the last few years?
I fell really strongly about the North Bank because apart from the tradition side, it’s just diluted the atmosphere the North Bank had because it’s now full of a real cross-section of fans, it’s not actually full of the fans who want to go there and sing. The team has got to be playing really well for the North Bank to get behind them. You saw that in the Bolton game. Although it was bad performance, in a way the crowd lost it because if our fans had been half as much behind us as the Bolton fans it could have been different. I thought the abuse of Campbell was absolutely terrible, in fact the people I went with came out of the ground and we were saying that we deserved to lose because fans who do that do not deserve any success. You just don’t do that, there can never be any justification for it.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 25, 2015, 14:38 #74616

    jj, yes twenty years and still improving, that's alright then (i'd like to know where though) just another twenty to go under this manager and we'll have improved some more. You couldn't make it up.

  2. Badarse

    Aug 25, 2015, 14:10 #74612

    Don't get needled just yet jj, the Online Gooner Virtual Sewing, Darning and Patchwork sessions don't begin 'til October, you old crochet you.

  3. jjetplane

    Aug 25, 2015, 13:42 #74607

    Can't beat a cycle in the rain! You should try it. You need to get out more mate. Ever thought of going to a football match?

  4. Badarse

    Aug 25, 2015, 11:47 #74583

    Yeah, thank goodness you and your posse aren't in the field with me-small satisfactions, eh? Bit like being aligned with certain types and pedalling a certain dead line. Still, pedal away old chap-on yer bike!

  5. jjetplane

    Aug 25, 2015, 11:30 #74581

    er Rob1970 (I was there too) Go to matches all over the place almost every week so watching football gives me lots of joy whereas it clearly has you confused .... As for Baddie - flogging a dead sketch there mate lol! Bit lonely out in That Field ....

  6. Badarse

    Aug 25, 2015, 8:27 #74555

    Ha ha, the fifth beetle crawls to the phone box-'Misery'-but even they won't let him in, and all he wants is a pee.

  7. CT Gooner

    Aug 25, 2015, 4:09 #74543

    We've got to get the Ox on, if that means leaving out Corzola, so be it. You can tell confidence is low right now, but the team doesn't have any great leaders to get the players up. Cech was amazing, the spell later in the first half was MoM material.

  8. Rob1970

    Aug 25, 2015, 2:20 #74542

    Jetplane, there was a lot wrong with the Arsenal performance, but if you thought the game was boring you probably should think about following another sport

  9. jjetplane

    Aug 24, 2015, 23:54 #74541

    Still improving with two decades on the clock. Exactly who is negative here? Giroud is completely out of his depth as is the manager. So boring we watched Utopia on DVD. Amazing! Caught two minutes on the radio while making a snack. One side tippy-tappy and the other pragmatic. The light glares on Wally & his 6 figure salary while global markets shudder and struggle in an Ocean of greed and stupidity. I have nothing but contempt for the sorry state of Arsenal under that most unsporting manager. Plain ugly. Now The Cherries and the Foxes on the other hand and restricted bloody views at a football match and that bloody GG .... What a bleating old fart ....

  10. mbg

    Aug 24, 2015, 23:36 #74540

    Hiccup, yes indeed Saturday 2nd January Newcastle at home, the first game of our season three points and we're up and running and our good run will be on.

  11. Spaced

    Aug 24, 2015, 23:10 #74539

    How can you say we have no chance of winning anything, Bard? I would argue that we are still improving since our last two seasons, in which we have won a trophy in each. Was that just a rash statement or are you really that negative?

  12. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 23:00 #74538

    I will have to bow to your superior memory or googling Mick .I am obviously confusing the games - the game I was at was on OCTOBER 12 1974 and the crowd was 29,000 - i just looked it up! The North Bank was half empty as I recall it - tbh though I did not recall QPR finishing 3 times in a row ahead of us at that time. Just shows though how quickly things can change in football - no one in 1971 would have predicted that happening .

  13. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:45 #74537

    We need a new manager Bard with fresh ideas and ambition .The chickens have come to roost at The Emirates cluck...cluck...cluck... the opposition have Inspector Clueless well sussed out the slow podding build ups will still be on parade even if we do sign a top striker .Sanchez is looking like Arshavin did in his second season,disillusioned. 3rd or 4th place will be a tough call this season - we are no better than United and Liverpool - who are also trying to get 3rd or 4th .This is like 3 dogs fighting over 2 bones.

  14. Hiccup

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:44 #74536

    A good game. Enjoyed it. On their performance, I wouldn't write off the scousers challenging us for 3rd/4th. Providing we put another good winning run together when the season starts in January though, I'm sure we'll see them off.

  15. Mick

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:41 #74535

    Jeff you're wrong on a couple of counts. Frank didn't play in that Tuesday night game in 1974. The visitors weren't challenging for the title and they didn't challenge for the title the following season either. They challenged for the title in the subsequent season. The North Bank couldn't have been half empty either with a 40,000 crowd in the ground.

  16. Bard

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:35 #74534

    Too much knee jerking. Everyone needs to take a cool calm and collected view. We have absolutely no chance of winning anything and to believe otherwise is deluded nonsense. Giroud was an irrelevance. He wasnt even championship level.

  17. Spaced

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:32 #74533

    My seat was West lower, right next to the away fans. Was a good spot for atmosphere, fond memories there. - An entertaining match tonight, a draw is no good though. Ironic that we kept our first clean sheet with that defence and Petr has finally arrived. Ozil had a good game, he definitely needs a world class striker to act as his foil. I do hope we get one...

  18. mbg

    Aug 24, 2015, 22:32 #74532

    So we're insecure now, as good as excuse as any (you couldn't make it up) if ever you seen a manager with a face like a battered fart it's TOF in his post match.

  19. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 21:58 #74530

    He was! What a mess 1 win outr of the last 6 at home and 5 of the games goalless !!! You couldn't make it up.

  20. Smithy

    Aug 24, 2015, 21:30 #74529

    Walcott can't be any worse than Giroud!

  21. Smithy

    Aug 24, 2015, 20:34 #74527

    30 minutes of watching Giroud - I cannot see why the club won't by a forward. He is doing absolutely nothing !

  22. mbg

    Aug 24, 2015, 20:17 #74525

    Exeter, nice one, like a wee poodle throw him a bone and he'll bite every time.

  23. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 19:40 #74524

    Thanks Mick for pointing that out,it was actually on a Tuesday night in 1974 the game that I referred to - Frank joined QPR in 73 .They were ahead of us in the league when we played them and finished the season so. It was the following season that QPR challenged for the title. As I said a depressing time for us ,let's hope for a gopod result tonight. Onwards and upwards wot !

  24. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 24, 2015, 19:35 #74523

    The old man tapped on the glass of the phone box with his stick. "That nice Frenchman builds a lovely spaceship you're allowed to look at from the outside without charge, and all you can do is moan! You don't know you're born, you ungrateful young scamps. You should embrace the modern world like I have." And with that, he hobbled off home to spend the rest of the day tapping one fingered at the typewriter-lightbox his grandson had set up for him.

  25. Mick

    Aug 24, 2015, 19:10 #74522

    @Jeff "I can recall being at a night game on a half empty North Bank we were struggling in the league and while the visitors were challenging for the title,unbelievably they were QPR and our double winner captain Frank Mclintock was playing for them!" Your recollection is wrong. We never played a night fixture at home to QPR going for a title with Frank McLintock in their team.

  26. Badarse

    Aug 24, 2015, 18:56 #74521

    Hang on, there are four of them in the same phone box now. Bet they will hijack an article by arguably our, 'best and most passionate' writer, wring it's neck, hammer it into a shape to suit, then use it as a vehicle to attack, the current manager, the current stadium, and the currant raisons and sultanas. Oh, they have! 'Hello caller, which number do you require, please?'

  27. Westlower

    Aug 24, 2015, 17:31 #74519

    There are some dodgy memories on here re our Highbury days among the old farts. Have you forgotten the restricted view of the game from many areas of the ground. Corner flag areas of the North Bank was awful. Anywhere near the back in the East & West Lower and you lost the flight of the ball when it was over head height. Further back in time when it was all standing it was an achievement to see 60% of any well attended game with heads & bodies blocking the view. Support stanchions hindered a clear view of all areas of the pitch. At least in the Emirates a good view is afforded to everybody & I mean everybody! My last time in the sterile West Upper was 1991 when we drew 2-2 with Man City, Campbell & Merson scored. After Highbury went all seater I found the block next to the away support in the West Lower or Clock End as the areas with the best atmosphere. The North Bank became an area for tourists in the final years of Highbury.

  28. mbg

    Aug 24, 2015, 17:22 #74518

    Andrew, you'd much rather lose than draw ? I can see your point, and it was a while ago, but you run the risk of having the AKB's after you and accusing you of not being a proper fan, or even telling you to fook off down the lane, or maybe not as they've been scarce on the ground for a while.

  29. mbg

    Aug 24, 2015, 16:54 #74516

    I bet you wouldn't finish with a French bird nowadays because of an Arsenal result lose or win, certainly suicidal though because of the manager we have to put up with. Good read.

  30. jjetplane

    Aug 24, 2015, 14:53 #74514

    Certainly due an appearance. Probably on the Holloway Rd already trying to get someone to talk to. Might even catch a glimpse of his Lord cruising by in a Chaplinesque fashion in his chauffeured WOB-proof custom-built Citroen. Lot of Cs in that. Trying to keep up with Mandrake in the alliterative stakes ....

  31. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 14:18 #74512

    75-76 is right Ron. QPR finished 2nd we finished 17th ! jj Colesyboy will be singing his Cech is a gooner song tonight if things go to plan or whatever ... jesus wept some mothers...

  32. Ron

    Aug 24, 2015, 14:04 #74511

    Jeff - QPR title chase was maybe 1975/1976 ish thinking back? Was it? Used to work in mid Wales at the time and memory playing tricks of that time now!!

  33. jjetplane

    Aug 24, 2015, 13:47 #74509

    Must say RON like yourself I did the Uppers once each and it was all very quaint and a laugh trying to stifle the 'what the **** are you doing?' mantra though nearly got slung out of Westlower for being too passionate against bleeding Derby. JW as you say the 79s hangover was something else and remember wandering around the ground against West Ham and the atmosphere was dead. Very true also you say that Wenger has brought Arsenal right back to that souless period and has added a synthetic edge to it all. I hear more noise at a 9th tier game with a 150 (big crowd) in attendance. Think I will pop off and see Hereford soon. Know the area well and they are getting singing crowds of 2000 and more. The only emirates tunes are the you tube ones on Arsenal TV where a little chinese girl sings in a Big Brother type room. ****ing Arsenal - leave me out!

  34. Ron

    Aug 24, 2015, 13:36 #74508

    Could well be a bore draw V Liverpool Jeff as you say. That QPR team was 1978 when they battled with Liverpool for the title wasnt it. We all have our views on the stadium. For me, the place is frankly awful and it has masked many facets of AFC that died when they moved there, on and off the pitch. Its certainly been Wengers saviour as you say and kept the focus off his shortcomings.The design of it was never conducive to atmosphere. Far too removed from the fans and pitch and the open design is more suited to spanish or Italian football. Im sure other Clubs will learn from it and design more traditional stadia.I think AFC were a bit taken (deluded even) by their own perceived status when they came up with that stadium. Highbury was never a cauldron, far from it yet it seems that the lack of atmosphere at Highbury wasnt even given a thought when they came up with that bowl? Until i stopped going regularly in 2011, its 'rocked' once for 8 mins. The CL qtr final with Utd in 09. The night of the plastic flags!! Ronaldo peed on the party that night.Socio/economic factors have affected stadia and football of course, but AFC slipped up going there ive always thought.

  35. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2015, 12:13 #74506

    There was certainly a change in atmosphere at games after 1972 Ron when the expectations that were raised by the successes in the previous two seasons were not realized. I blame Mee for that he lost the plot . I can recall being at a night game on a half empty North Bank we were struggling in the league and while the visitors were challenging for the title,unbelievably they were QPR and our double winner captain Frank Mclintock was playing for them! It was all a bit surreal and the atmosphere on the North Bnk was rather gloomy. There was nothing much to shout about really with the realization that we were back to where we used to be prior to 1970. The move from Highbury to the new corporate and show-biz stadium has helped to disguise Wenger's decline with the 2004 season being the peak of his career. It's been all down hill since then with us not finishing in the top 2 in the league since going a season in the league unbeaten. At least no one can saay that the atmosphere at The Emirates has got worse because there has never been any atmosphere there! Lots of pre-match hype going on again though with an ordinary looking Liverpool side trotting out,I suspect they will park the bus as a draw would be a good result for them and the have a big striker up front to aim log balls at. As Wenger points out though our defenders dealt with him easily in the cup final - so the only problem is can we score at the other end and improve on our just one win in our last 5 played at home .

  36. Ron

    Aug 24, 2015, 11:31 #74505

    A good read. Ha It was certainly a morgue up in that West Upper wasn't it. Clapping even seemed to be taboo, never mind cheering and shouting! The East Upper wasn't much different. In all those years, im guessing i went in either no more than 3 times. North Bank always ruled for me, though its atmosphere (in most games, not all by any means) fell away such a lot from the late 70s/early to mid 80s really as it did at all London stadiums. West Ham was the last to lose its atmosphere i reckon.

  37. Westlower

    Aug 24, 2015, 10:41 #74503

    Great snapshot of a Gooners view of life in 1994. Andrews opinion that GG's fear of losing appeared to outweigh his desire to win was echoed by many. He went from being a fearless manager to becoming over pragmatic, witness the goal tally. From 86/87 to 91/92 Arsenal averaged 66 goals but between 92/93 to 94/95 the goal tally dropped to 48. In 92/93 a total of 40 goals from 42 games was the lowest in the inaugural season of the PL. Sadly our most exciting player of the era Anders Limpar was always made the scapegoat & GG was roundly booed whenever he substituted the crowds favourite player.