They'd Take The Shirt Off Your Back!

Thoughts on the now annual change of the home kit

They'd Take The Shirt Off Your Back!

So my little consumers, how does the 'New Home Shirt' unveiling production grab you? By the throat is a sensible answer, I expect. The Online Gooners may insist that they shall never buy, displaying a defiant mentality in the mode of, 'Fill up the walls with our English dead!', yet no doubt this season many others will. The more balanced, longer in the tooth, and more cynical will shake their heads at the very suggestion, but others will undermine any imagined protest. We all know this. Whether it will continue is another matter. Changing a shirt style every year is a scamming, sales ploy, despite business insistencies to the contrary; it is to milk that poor little rich boy/girl - 'the fan', but a tail - off is easily predicted. Perhaps the strategy is, 'hit them in the first year of change, check out the figures, probably hit them again, recheck and if it becomes a case of not clawing back enough have a respite for a season then lay it on them in a new assault - or will they just go for the 'burn'? The hard money is on the latter; I am quite certain every sales and marketing base has been covered though, so just more of the same every season, I suppose. Changing the design annually would be a calculated gamble at any time; then all business projects are, still the current climate makes for a higher level of uncertainty, but we shan't spare any sympathetic considerations for Puma, shall we? Then perhaps Arsenal PLC deserve the same dismissal too?

How complicit are we as individuals? We are all caught up in the same spider's web, but grabbing for the sweets in the jar and running from the sweet shop, intent on not paying, isn't an option. There is no such thing as a free lunch - you always pay in the end - for females that has often been their fate, but enough of sexual repayment terms. You 'dance with the devil', and all that. If the club take the huge payment from a kit supplier, a global giant, they give up sovereignty. You cannot chop down the giant's beanstalk if the villagers are committed to protecting it! One interesting aspect is that the Arsenal poster on a website, who may align himself with another in critical terms, are at loggerheads and oppose each other in a subtle and tacit fashion, one they probably don't even recognise, and would baulk at that very idea. Yet if pointed out it would make an undeniable challenge to their conceived positions. As an example both might criticise current players as not good enough to 'win'. This fragile personal desire - to be a winner - is a considered opinion with much validity on many occasions. Yet here the twain. One distances himself from the club and it's current personnel with mock magnanimity and a pretence of higher standards, not accepting the globalisation of a football club once regarded as their own, citing a possible pursuance of other interests, whilst the other criticises those same players and/or manager demanding superior talent in it's place. This may not be done openly but it is by suggestion. i.e Many other players are better, (usually very pricey - as with potential managers), players of yesterday were better, then the systematic assassination of individual players of today, highlighting their frailties, personality flaws and then perhaps even the toothpaste brand they buy. All leading to an unstated inference that we should buy to replace, yet quite happily ignoring the money it requires, or it's acquirement. Two critics, one of the nemesis of commercialisation, and that the club has sold out, the other amigo skips lightly along in step, but then proclaims his tacit support of the status quo by demanding improvement, paid for by that filthy lucre, the blood money that comes in part in the guise of Sponsorship fees.

Returning to the subject of the shirt, I share with most traditionalists, a desire for a red home shirt, with it's customary white sleeves - those white sleeves are vital. Now given that, which is a very narrow remit, how many variations are there? This concerns me. The changes are likely to become ever more ridiculous. Red and white alternate blocks of colour on those very sleeves? Red sleeves with white stripes, both broad or narrow. Red top of the body, and white lower half of the shirt? The idea that the land of Disney oversees the design is a real threat in my opinion. The cockneys had it about right when they called them Dicky Dirts, 'dirt' being the operative word in this instance. My final gripe on the shirt front, (sorry about that), is that last season's home shirt really worked with me, and all too soon it's gone. As stated earlier in this article, I am a traditionalist, but one with one eye glancing over my shoulder at the past, and one peering ahead into the future. It's why I get strange looks from the fairer sex when I implement my imagined Harrison Ford cross-eyed look. So we happen upon a perceived good design and it's whisked away. The new one isn't bad either, but this I think is mainly due to its similarity with the last one. Next season's concerns me.

Widening the scope of this theme, if it is accepted that we are complicit in the money - spinning changes we see all around us by taking the 'King's shilling' - those money spinners which we denigrate openly - what else are we consciously, or even subconsciously responsible for? We bemoan the pundits and sly agendas of the satellite companies, whilst buying the product, and watching matches. We grumble about the idiocy of 'Talk' radio, and tune in. Wider still? We moan about too much traffic as we struggle to park our car. The cost of living and price of commodities is a sore point, yet we celebrate a wage or salary increase, so that we can push those prices even higher. Decry the violence in our society and suggest our laws are not draconian enough, and we should fight might with a stronger dose of the same. All things are inextricably linked - and in a way govern our lives.

There is a name given for the balance of the earth, Gaia. Referred to in human/godlike terms, it effectively pursues the sound reasoning that we are all involved in the environment of the planet - all linked - in its protection, and sadly its destruction. All of life's threads are connected, and have an impact, even a nominal one. Without taking a measured look at what, where, and why we allow and accept changes, or reject them, it reduces our claim to what is right. So who is responsible for this shirt-changing nonsense? I put it to you, perhaps we all are in a small way. However, in time-honoured keeping with the zeitgeist of the day, if some of the money gleaned from the design contract is spent on that new, specific player we crave, and he joins us, we might just turn a blind eye. You can put your shirt on that one!

Hot off the press the second strip is unveiled, and guess what? Oh, no! The new yellow strip is cloned from last season's kit too. Well, if this becomes the template for each successive 'new design', then it proffers the following, the alterations will not be too dramatic season upon season, however each will be just a slightly nuanced version of the previous. Roughly translated it suggests not a dramatic distancing from the generally accepted shirt style, but on the down side, you get basically the same kit for your money - approaching one hundred notes for a slight variance. The other day in Sports Direct the two home shirts were displayed together. Fifty pounds for the newer, twenty eight pounds for the older. To the untrained eye they were almost alike, marginal differences only, yet a price differential of almost one hundred per cent. That old beat group of Arsenal fans The Kinks, who sang so long ago without realising that their lyrics might have resonance with so many modern football fans, we have perhaps become, '...dedicated followers of fashion!'

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  1. Hi Berry

    Sep 17, 2015, 9:57 #75805

    I would just like to send my heartfelt thanks to BT for taking over the CL coverage. Not wanting to cough up more cash to watch footie on the television I found absolutely no withdrawal symptoms by not being able to watch last night. On the contrary I was able to get on with more constructive things and able to dip into the live score via the BBC website without having to be reduced to a resigned soprific state watching Arsenal away in Europe. Sad to say that not being able to watch the game did not bother me one way or the other quite honestly - a sad reflection on how so many posters on here feel these days. Don't know if I'm strong enough yet to cancel Sky Sports as well.

  2. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 17, 2015, 8:47 #75782

    Someone suggested during the game that Arteta was a bit off the pace - that was the cue for me to pick up my Kindle and get stuck in to the new Jack Reacher novel, how did the game end up?

  3. Ozzie

    Sep 17, 2015, 5:05 #75781

    Good! I hate the CL Circus. Now let's get on with the real thing and knock Chel$ea off...

  4. Man United Killer

    Sep 17, 2015, 0:44 #75780

    Normal Champions League Activity is resuming....Calm down.

  5. Ho Hum

    Sep 16, 2015, 23:41 #75779

    Looking forward to The Westlower Excuse Factory working overtime on this one.

  6. Gooner 89

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:55 #75778

    What an utter shambles. 6 changes. Whilst I accept that most AKB's have retreated to Central Command I welcome any of them who want to come on here and defend the deluded one from the indefensible. SHALL I SPELL IT FOR YOU? WENGER OUT

  7. mbg

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:49 #75777

    Roy, and he'll not be the only one to do that, as is the norm. Nick T, the only positive from tonight is it's another nail in this old past it managers coffin.

  8. Danny

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:42 #75776

    i hope the AKB will realize will not win the EPL or CL under this arrogant coach He needs to go. He is holding the club back

  9. mbg

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:30 #75775

    Big Dave, yes mate, and some wonder why, and have the gall to come on here and complain about others saying the same thing, and bringing the same things up over and over.

  10. Martyn

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:25 #75774

    One word, complacent!

  11. smithy

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:23 #75773

    Well what did we learn tonight? 1.Arsene's arrogance at changing 6 players- our squad aint that good- we missed francis,walcott, bellerin,ramsey big style. 2. Arsene's transfer window cost us without francis in the team, we put wiggy and santi as our defensive shield don't make me laugh. Are you telling me in the whole of Europe we couldn't find any defensive midfield cover?3. The French posing hatstand was a liability on the pitch- he simply is not a top 4 striker- why is he at our club?4. Walcott is our only forward - if he gets injured what the hell are we going to do? 5. Why is steve bould trained under the best manager for defensive tightness allowing the comedy zonal marking system to persist- it is not fit for purpose. Who really let us down tonight- ospina, debuchy, gibbs, kos, arteta, santi, ozil, sanchez, ox and giroud. I only thought Gabriel, Walcott and francis did well. Manager a 3 out of ten also. Yes its one game but things don't seem to improve year in and year out.

  12. Ron

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:19 #75772

    Im wondrin how the grueling journey back will affect them on Saturday? Another Wenger masterclass. One for his archives and a testament to tactical discipline and mental strength.

  13. Nick T

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:06 #75771

    There are a couple of positives from tonight, goal from Feo (and a massive 2 fingers at AWs team selection) and AFTV later....should be a belter!! Let battle commence

  14. mbg

    Sep 16, 2015, 22:05 #75770

    Come on now guys they were tired after that hard game against the mighty stoke, it took a lot out of them.

  15. Roy

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:58 #75769

    Wenger will blame some dodgy refereeing including the sending off, but really ?? Wrong team selection, too many non- performances from those that were out there, and probably means only second in the group at best after just one game. Do you think for one minute that Maureen would have approached it the same way if the Chavs had been playing there tonight before coming to our place on Sat ? Absolutely not. Stuck in his ways with no fresh ideas and thanks to his failed transfer policy yet another gamble that hasn't paid off. Nice confidence booster for the Chavs tonight as well which probably means the gamble won't pay off on Sat either. You couldn't make it up. Wenger out.

  16. wenger for ever and ever amen

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:54 #75768

    We passed the ball better than them

  17. KC

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:51 #75767

    The team were shocking tonight, the attitude stinks and while the usual suspects will get hammered, how bad was the Ox? It's time he actually got involved and wanted to play. Shocking for England last week and just as bad tonight. Usual story and the manager has to take the blame, his team and the often seen pathetic away performance in Europe, been happening for years, arrogant team just did not put it in. The manager just can not motivate or discipline.

  18. BigDavetheGooner

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:38 #75766

    Same old ****,different season,let the condemnation of Wenger begin!!!!!!!!!

  19. Paulo75

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:37 #75765

    Grim viewing. Unfortunately this type of non performance is all too common. Pathetic.

  20. Gav Lee

    Sep 16, 2015, 21:02 #75764

    2-0 against Zagreb! It's time for direct action otherwise we have this manager for another 10 years

  21. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 16, 2015, 17:15 #75763

    This article is appalling, I'd like some of what Alex Steine was smoking when he wrote it. Pseudo intellectual bulls**t.

  22. jeff wright

    Sep 16, 2015, 13:28 #75762

    That's the big problem Arseneknewbest with Wenger's bullet-proof position at AFC and also with him putting players in the comfort zone of the top 4 trophy malarkey rather than demanding first place. Jose of course knows that he has to win the league or European Cup and even then he is not safe ! There were some Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters on our plane coming over to watch the game in London tonight they seemed confident enough no doubt after seeing Everton demolish Chelsea at the weekend but all things being even I would expect Chelsea to win tonight. They have looked off the pace this season so far but can obviously do better and a win for them tonight could get them going again.

  23. Ron

    Sep 16, 2015, 13:21 #75761

    Wenger would be best served by doing some thing that wasnt false and pointless for the first time for donkeys years. Start by admitting AFC s chances of winnng the CL are less than nil. Admit that progression through the group is as good as it will ever get and then declare that hes keeping the best players he can muster for the Chelsea game and the Cap Cup derby v Tottenham given that recovering some domestic pride for the first time for 10 years is the Clubs priority. Only then might he recover some respect and redemption. As it stands, a poor showing in the CL (likely to happen anyway), a loss at the Bridge and a Derby defeat are about the only things that will jolt this increasingly arrogant Club from its own turgid existence.

  24. mbg

    Sep 16, 2015, 13:07 #75760

    C G O, good point, I wonder how these do gooders, holier than thou types who always like to lecture (well try) others on the rights and wrongs and the sins of the world would feel about and try and explain that exploitation as they took their family to the Armoury for the day and bought them new shirts.

  25. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 16, 2015, 12:40 #75759

    Jeff - quite. Losing both upcoming games could put the portugeezer's current career in serious jeopardy, but were the same to happen on the other, i.e. our, side of London, it'll be business as usual and "je ne regrette rien". I reckon abramovich will be oiling the trap door right now, but will keep his counsel 'til we've played them on saturday.

  26. jeff wright

    Sep 16, 2015, 12:08 #75758

    Despite Wenger's claims to being fully committed to winning the Champions League he is actually resting some players tonight whom he would normally use if we had an easier game to follow at home on Saturday instead of the away-day high-noon shoot-out fun-fest at the bridge of troubled waters .I recall him doing a similar thing against Rafa's Roma when we had to play City away at the weekend. The result being that he lost both games! The man is a genius. So fingers crossed then that things work out better this time. Wenger's biggest problem is himself,he is not a very confident person and his fretting and anxieties are passed on to the players .The mouthy one is also resting players for Saturday so neither manager will want to lose either game - losing both really would be a big blow to their big egos - albeit Wenger will just put it down to being an accident.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 16, 2015, 10:43 #75757

    It seems Jamerson's latest attire includes a dog collar... I note AW's 'immense drive' to win the CL. Why then doesn't he give himself the best possible chance by fully utilising the resources at hand?

  28. jeff wright

    Sep 16, 2015, 0:21 #75756

    Arseneknewbest, it was a bit warm there last week there was a sandstorm in Syria and the sand was blown over into Israel all the sky was full of dust for days it made things a bit unpleasant . The temperature at the dead sea resort was 45 degrees .It was my first trip to Israel And with us not being Jewish the religious side of things felt a bit strange especially in Jerusalem . I didn't find the gaff to be as bad as you imply although the pollution from Syria made things unpleasant - the constant checks by various armed personal at stores and on the highways etc,was also rather tiresome,but at least we stayed alive ! Then again we are not far away from having this scenario ourselves with the way things are going. Anyway , back to football - it looks like the 4th place for Prem clubs in Europe may be gone with the wind if tonight's results are anything to go by .What will Arsene do without it he has used it like a crutch to lean on for donkeys years.

  29. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 15, 2015, 23:07 #75755

    Did anyone else get a real buzz from seeing manchester's two finest losing after being 1-0 up tonight? Given that our exit from the tournament will, as usual, happen before spring 2016, I can't help feeling that tonight may have been somewhat of a highlight and the best we're likely to get. I see too that Herr Draxler banged in a goal for Wolfsburg on his CL debut tonight - does that name sound familiar? Jeff - Tel Aviv is a gargantuan cess pit i.m.o. that makes other middle eastern delights such as pre-war Damascus and Tehran seem like paradises. My trip there still gives me the wobbles - nasty place with a paranoid and authoritarian atmosphere.

  30. What's the point of this site?

    Sep 15, 2015, 23:02 #75754

    Is this a gathering of moaners as I am not sure what the last few postings have to do with the article...please explain.

  31. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 22:44 #75753

    Bard, it's a real shame they can turn water into wine but can't turn some of wengers second and third raters into proper world class players, but I guess there's just some miracles that can't be performed, but to fix the crocks 60 years to get them there ? not a problem the wengerites and his luvvies will have no problem waiting that long.

  32. Bard

    Sep 15, 2015, 22:11 #75752

    Earthlings and disciples, I write from the teleport in the Pearly gates. The transporter is delayed because of a strike by disillusioned disciples. What a day !!! I nearly signed Puskas but his forms got stuck in the system. Boy what an afternoon. I went to an exhibition by the Pearly Gates Medical Unit. It was load of guys in long white robes ( presumably the home kit ?) wandering around performing miracles. Guys with damaged ACLs and serious hammys were miraculously cured by the laying on of hands. During the lunch break I asked them whether they could help with one of our stars who is permanently injured and they said no problem if you can get him here. They suggested that it would take us 60 years or more to get Jack up here. Im all for building for the future but 60 years !!!! I took a few liberties and asked a few blokes with beards whether they could turn Theo into a world class striker. They pissed themselves laughing. 'Bard mate we can turn water into wine at the drop of a hat but turning Theo into a top striker is beyond our power'. I asked them what should we do. 'Its blindingly obvious Bard flog him for £40m+ and buy a new one, and by the way when you get down to earth can you ask your boss to stop saying " I believe' I have to go the chariot is here. Till tomorrow fellow believers.

  33. jeff wright

    Sep 15, 2015, 19:44 #75751

    thanks mgb , we had a nice holiday in Tel Aviv and did some touring around to places like Jerusalem and down through the desert to the Dead Sea the lowest point on Earth . Although Stamford Bridge must feel like that to Mourinho and the spoiled patrons there at present.Old Rom is not known for suffering fools gladly and Jose doesent have Wenger's 4th place is a trophy and let's celebrate it like it's 1999 safety net with Stan well happy with that scenario . Arsene though can always be relied on to help out poor stragglers when they need a helping hand and he has the T-shirts to prove it .So I'm not counting on that factor playing any part in Saturday's tete a tete .On paper it looks like a good chance for Arsene to bring down the curtain on Jose's time at the bridge - but I suspect that he may make a mess of things again. If so then then the midweek away game in Europe will be blamed for that . There is always, as you rightly say, some excuse and the midweek European midweek game one is an old stand-by that is employed to try and put some spin on poor weekend results. Old Peter the ex-Chelsea legend is still taking the blame for Arsene's embarrassing 2-0 opening day defeat at the coliseum to WHU - Wenger should have made clear to everyone that Cech was supposed to Score goals as well as to stop them ! You couldn't make it up.

  34. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 18:48 #75750

    Any one who hasn't already check out, Arsenal banter video, jose, arsene, in their own words, is there something we don't know? hilarious.

  35. Tony Evans

    Sep 15, 2015, 18:33 #75749

    Hi Ron - think you have summed up the situation with WIlshire very well. I feel a bit sorry for him as far as his football career has gone as he has had very few good examples to follow in that featherweight midfield so beloved of Wenger and also with a better coach he may have flourished in the hole behind a front two. He can pick a pass and has an eye for goal with a great shot on him but he is down the pecking order big time now because of his persistent injuries and with Wenger favourites Ozil and Ramsey more than likely to keep him out of the side. As you say I like his aggression (God knows we need some) but you always get the feeling he is an accident waiting to happen. On a wider point you could say there are question marks with all our British players, though I can't for the life of me fathom why The Ox isn't given more. of a run in the side. I know he is prone to giving the ball away in dangerous areas sometimes but I would put him in ahead of Wally any day.

  36. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 15, 2015, 18:28 #75748

    Alex - I got to the bit in your second paragraph about "sexual repayment terms" and spat my vol-au-vent all over the table cloth. Before I read on, can you please explain what that little nugget means? At first blush, it sounds a lot more worrying that the shoddy business of changing disposable nylon "fashion" every year.

  37. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 18:26 #75747

    jw, welcome back, all refreshed and ready to go for a new season? yes the usual suspects are still here, a couple of minor melt downs and still on a sabbatical but that's to be expected as we held the fort well, but still the air punching over a couple of results like the mighty stoke, but no surprise there, I think you missed the transfer deadline (just like OGL)you weren't in Paris were you? you might have ran into him lapping it up in a bar without a care in the world, I doubt he'd have bought a round though unless it was happy hour and even then it would have been chancy. Anyway it's got to the stage now where it's been all rates, stats, predictions, variations, short term, long term, in defence of the old man since you were away there's always an excuse to be found no matter how ridiculous so no nothings changed.

  38. Smithy

    Sep 15, 2015, 18:12 #75746

    I see Ug and Um Arsenals Neolithic medical team are still producing the goods!

  39. Ron

    Sep 15, 2015, 17:02 #75744

    Hi Tony - i put it down to the p--s poor coaching why JW has never developed. He wants to play a type of advanced/aggressive centre mid type role clearly. He seems to think thats his game. Personally i think hes more right or left sided mid man material. Hes too small for centre mid for me. Short arsed squirts cant hack it in the middle for me. His aggression though, if channelled is useful. Hes a ballsy player and in AFC s squad his approach is like water in the Sahara. The trouble is he doesnt know when to leave a tackle situation and when to go to one.He dosent know when to pass and when to run with the ball. His heads full of when he can be Roy of the Rovers. Probably thinks hes a pint sized Gerrard type. That tendency to rush headlong into situations should be coached out of him. How though there? His style is so anti Wenger philosophy and there are no aggressive players in the squad to learn from. He injures himself more often than not doesn't he.Its ever likely hes still a headless chicken. He does seem headstrong but many are and they all dont get injured like he does due to playing 'heroes'. Bryan Robson/Graeme Souness he certainly isnt. Hes more Brian Talbot level with a little more finesse of course, though i loved Talbot. I dont think OGL really knows what to do with him. Its maybe a relief to Wenger he s injured as i dont think hes one of Wengers first choice babes. Wilshere needs a good 'insurance man' around him to take the weight. The decision to use Wilshere as a DM was joke of the season. Theres a role that calls for reasoned, measured decision making on a pitch to do it effectively. Wilshere cant do that. Too erratic. Thats Coqelins main issue too. Hes a headstrong. Whos taking him to one side? Not Wenger. Bould? Whats his purpose? Wilshere needs to move on. He could play in a top side with the right Coach in my opinion. How long for? Who knows. He seems crock material to me.

  40. Tony Evans

    Sep 15, 2015, 16:08 #75743

    Peter / Ron - Wilshire's new kit should be a red and white hospital gown as he is clearly aiming to fill the large void in the treatment room left when Abou was finally let go. It's a shame really as I think there is a good player in there somewhere, but with his injuries and the rash impetuous nature he has (that he should have grown out of by now) I somehow don't think it is ever going to happen for him at Arsenal.

  41. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 15:01 #75742

    Nick T, i'm sure they're not superimposed it's just that OGL has given them such a good pep talk and motivational speech before they went out for the photo it has them motivated to no end, it has them standing there loud and proud for the camera, determined to give nothing away, it's just a pity he can't do it for a match.

  42. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 14:37 #75740

    Gaz, just like was said as OGL slithered out of the country to Paris and was pictured in a bar on deadline day yet again not having spent or strengthened properly, after a win or two all will have been forgiven and forgotten and the little sheep will have fallen back in line.

  43. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 15, 2015, 14:29 #75739

    Fear not Ron I would never turn to the dark side but just to make sure I will watch the Arsenal 90/91 season highlights, it will be good to watch Stevie B when he was his own man. I suppose all football kits have to be a spray painted look, it is to make the players wearing them look better, along with the pink, orange & blue boots. Trouble is when the ball arrives at their feet for 95% of today's pros the game is then up!

  44. mbg

    Sep 15, 2015, 14:23 #75738

    I would say i'm a traditionalist myself but I've never worried to much about the shirt as long as the club were doing the right things and the team were doing well. I haven't bought a shirt for a good twelve years now, certainly not for myself anyway, i used to for my junior gunner son but even he hasn't wanted one for the last four years, nor have i purchased one piece of memorabilia, book, magazine, pen, mug, etc, etc,(and won't while this old dried up manager is still in charge) of course my jesture on it's own might not make much of a difference but i'm quite sure i'm not alone so you never know, and yes no doubt there are still plenty of mugs that do (even if it's only off the internet)and in doing so makes them think they're some kind of super fan, loyal to the cause (we know the type) more fool them, yes the club love them alright but not for the reason they think.

  45. Ron

    Sep 15, 2015, 14:06 #75737

    SKG - Phew. Good that yr back. I thought maybe that you d been on a forced sabbatical to AKB Central Command and had to learn some of the edicts they preach! Yes, 71 kit. Never needed changing did it. Pete Wain - Wilsheres irrelevant now really. 3-4 yrs of injury saga. He has weak ankles it seems. Its a shame but hes in the class of players that Neville was very sensibly mentioning last night. He used Sturridge as his eg, saying that Managers basically forget them once they cant be relied on as they cant plan for them, not knowing when and how often they're available. Wilsheres never developed in 7 yeras in my view. He needs selling once hes some where close to fit in my view, esp with the daft prices now for English players. Not only that, but hes not near as good as his hype. Hes as clueless as ever the Wally is when it comes down to 'match nous'.

  46. Westlower

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:58 #75736

    It's our nephew Charlie's 16th birthday this Friday and it's become a family tradition that he gets an Arsenal shirt on his birthday. It has to be done! They seek him here, they seek him there, his clothes are loud but never square. It'll make or break him, so he's got to buy the best. Eagerly pursuing all the latest trends, thinks he's a (west)flower to be looked at. When he pulls up his frilly nylon panties right up tight, he feels a dedicated follower of fashion. Oh yes he is, oh yes he is....

  47. Tony Evans

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:54 #75735

    Hi Gaz - 3 of our greatest there mate. Don't think I have ever been more disappointed by one of our own leaving then I was when Chippy was sold.

  48. Gaz

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:39 #75734

    Hi Tony. Yep, its the classic late 70's shirt for me too! Got the version with no 7 on the back which nicely covers three of my favorite palyers of all time (Chippy, Rocky and Pires!)...

  49. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:31 #75733

    Sorry Ron, I was forgetting myself, sparring with Westflower has made me think of yesteryear. Seriously can anyone with a printing background compare the colours of Arsenal in the 50's 60' with the new kit - I genuinely think it is a couple of shades lighter. I have never bought a replica shirt in my life, shirts are for the players, scarves are for fans but what a money spinner it is for all clubs. Fans think they will perish if they don't have the latest offerings from the sports kit giants. I think my favourite will always be 71 season kit, both red & white and the yellow strips were class. This new one I don't like because that red is not Arsenal red.

  50. jeff wright

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:25 #75732

    Ho hum ,just back off holiday and tune in to see the usual suspects are at it again on here posting their yawn inducing OTT annual optimistic views about 27 year old Wally only becoming better ( you couldn't make it up ) with moans and barely suppressed groans on the oh so familiar gripes about lots of chances made and missed - this against rock bottom Stoke at home. This meaning that in reality the so called title challenge will once again like Cinderella's glass coach turn into a pumpkin at midnight . Despite this though hope springs eternal with some and the good news is that Chelsea are struggling so Arsene can use his well known tactical nous to give the mouthy one a good hiding at the weekend to enhance our 'title challenge'. How are Leicester getting on against us in the calender year chumps stakes >? Haven't we been here before though - it's all really deja vu just another top 4 finish in reality and hopefully Arsene getting lucky again later on in the season in the FAC to add a bit of flavour to the stodge . In the meantime while things are on a roll it's deja vu yet another change of kit design to try and make some more bucks for Stan to hoard .The heads on the players supposedly modelling the shirts are obviously superimposed - at first glance I thought Jeremy Corbyn's ugly one was on one of them - beards are more suited to lefty middle class revolutionary would be Chea Guevara types than pro-footballers .All I can add is,yawn.

  51. jjetplane

    Sep 15, 2015, 13:22 #75731

    Even more telling is a possible stat for how Arsenal are now positioned in TV ratings such as MOTD. They are now about as interesting to watch as Sunderland and dopey Wrighty (Sun Boy) bleating on about how 'Wally needs to learn.' Even funnier after the game was Wally wearing Arsene's suit and looking every inch the politician who tries to kick a ball sometimes. Bit like Blair really. So now when Arsenal have 80% possession in a match people are just turning off in droves. They want good, exciting football and Citeh, Leicester and Everton are providing it. Good point about the DB10 shirts (last one I ever had was a Paddy from Senegal self-design). Nothing to pick between the above. Nice little men who are not Arsenal but simply brand PL. Need a bit more than a sarky smile to rise above that brand. Look at Leicester and look at Citeh.

  52. Charlie George Orwell

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:56 #75730

    Agree with much of what you say Alex. Gaia’s got her work cut out when the worlds most disadvantaged are mass producing £50+ shirts for a bowlful of rice per shift. The mark-up must be extortionate. I would conservatively estimate that each shirt costs £2 to produce and ship to the UK. As you allude to – one of the unseen facets of blood money. I guess it all boils down to manipulation. Those on the work floor having to do what they do to live and we here buying a product through shameless corporate influence on our affiliations. Boycott.

  53. Exeter Gunner

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:52 #75729

    Some good points amongst the waffle. Basically, if there wasn't a market for this crap then it wouldn't happen. The current kit is too white. Only the torso is red. Never like it when the shoulders are white as well. We need - across football - en masse buying of the simple, classic kits and ignoring of this ever changing rubbish to stop them doing this. Not going to happen.

  54. Tony Evans

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:49 #75728

    As if they need the money anyway but if fans are daft enough to shell out...! Staunch traditionalist as I am, for me, you can't beat the home and away kit 70s style; and watching reruns of Alan, Alan Sunderland's winner in 79 only reinforces that view.

  55. rugbygooner

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:45 #75727

    It is not compulsory to buy the shirt you do have a choice and anyone buying it every year must have more money than sense. For me I like this years shirt so I bought it but it is my first in 3 years. Some of the shirts toward the end of Nike's tenure were not Arsenal shirts they didn't have proper white sleeves, the away shirts were blue (not an Arsenal colour) so I never bought any of them I wore my 1971 cup final retro shirt with s proper Arsenal cannon on it. Buying the merchandise every year simply plays into the hands of the corporate money making machine that helps to keep the likes of Wenger in a job. There was a time when shirt sales could be used to offset the cost of a player (king Dennis a good example at the time). Now we don't get any players so bol****s to them. Exercise your right of choice gooners, if you like it then buy it but not every year.

  56. Peter Wain

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:40 #75726

    So Wiltshire to have another operation. What happened to the root and branch review of our medical staff? Waste of time and money just like our scouting system. Wenger out.

  57. Ron

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:27 #75725

    SKG - Defo a lighter red mate, i agree. The wounds in battle aspect doesn't apply these days though. When was the last time a Wenger team ever engaged in a battle? I'm sure i cant recall one. Battles aren't part of the philosophy. Battles are for other teams who cant play cultured 'beautiful' football. They're crude and lack aesthetic taste. Where ever have you been mate? Im worried about you now!

  58. Gaz

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:26 #75724

    The fact they've slipped in three new kits this season is an absolute rip-off and disgrace. Simply allowing the Club to **** all over us again with little or no protest is another more perplexing matter...

  59. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:09 #75723

    Guys : Is that the right colour red - looks a bit like the scarlet red of Man U. Our red is a deeper red, a blood red so you cannot see our wounds in battle!

  60. Nick T

    Sep 15, 2015, 12:07 #75722

    Is it me or do their heads look superimposed in that picture....especially Santi?

  61. jjetplane

    Sep 15, 2015, 11:18 #75720

    Another black and white AKB waffle dressed up in BADARSian socio-terminology. I was waiting for Gaia to make an appearance. Possibly the earth's best defender but deemed to expensive by the aKB hoard culture that wants everything offshore. Those shirts and smiles express a very shallow notion and a good percentage of free loading Crocks on show tells you everything about the ambition. keep the religioso types vaguely interested so they might buy a shirt as they would a restaurant meal. About Leicester ....

  62. Ho Hum

    Sep 15, 2015, 11:11 #75718

    Red socks. Always.

  63. Ron

    Sep 15, 2015, 10:38 #75715

    For me, its a pretty awful kit. The white across the shoulders doesn't work and the white socks are just downright tottenhamish and cheleaish. Frankly horrible. Its looks like a kit for a team that wants to dress itself up as being delicate, sophisticated, soft and gentle ..............oh hang on, its meant to be that way isnt it.