How I became Arsenal’s SLO

Club’s supporter liaison officer chats to The Gooner

How I became Arsenal’s SLO

Mark at his desk in Highbury House

Ed’s note – The rest of this interview appears in the new issue of The Gooner on sale this evening on your approach to the stadium for the game against Olympiacos. However, as a taster, we are reproducing some of the interview that we didn’t have space for in the issue…

The Gooner spoke to Mark Brindle, Arsenal’s Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO), for our second issue of the season.

The interview covers a lot of different topics including how he works with the Supporters Clubs around the world and other fan organisations, what’s being done regarding ticket prices and improving the atmosphere, and what’s been his highlight of the year he’s been in the role.

He also told us about how he came to get the job which unfortunately we didn’t have room for in the issue so we are producing that here instead.

I used to be Chairman of the Essex Supporters Club and as such received related messages from the club. One popped into my Inbox saying that Jill Smith was retiring. I used to talk to Jill and tell her, tongue-in-cheek, how I’d love her job and she’d always reply that it was tough and a lot of hassle. However she also loved the job and I think the majority of people who knew her would say they could never have imagined her retiring.

I had been self-employed as a Financial Advisor for over 20 years and knew I needed a change as I’d had enough, so I had a chat with my wife and the following day I rang Sue (Campbell).

She immediately expressed surprise that it had taken me a day to get in touch, but she also made it clear that I would not be at an advantage, it was not her decision and I’d have to go through the application process like everyone else.

So I logged on to – well worth keeping an eye on if you’d like to work at the club – and submitted my application. I didn’t hear anything for over a month so figured I hadn’t got past the initial filter, but then I got a call inviting me to take a telephone interview which involved me answering questions about Arsenal. Let’s just say they were at a level where I would have been distraught if I hadn’t known the answers!

After that I had two face-to-face interviews. I was outside of my comfort zone as I hadn’t had an interview in 25 years and throughout the process I kept thinking I wouldn’t get the job because I was convinced they wouldn’t want an Arsenal fan or they would want someone younger or with a degree in Marketing. Perhaps because I had this attitude it relaxed me.

By the time I got invited back for a third interview I knew it was down to the final three. For this one I had to put together a presentation for developing the Arsenal supporters clubs around the world. They really put me through it, but I also knew it had gone well.

At the end of the interview, which was in Highbury House, Sue was seeing me out and we were waiting for a lift and I was telling her how much I’d enjoyed the process regardless of the outcome when Mr Friar and Frank McLintock appeared. My son is named after Frank – although my wife thinks it’s after Frank Sinatra – so I’m a bit awestruck at this point to say the least.

Sue has introduced me to them and straight away Frank is asking me if I play golf and is telling me about a lesson he’d had to improve his swing which he started to demonstrate. It was surreal.

Then, just as the lift turns up, Liam Brady appears as well. So I’m in the lift with Sir Ken Friar, Frank McLintock and Liam Brady – two of my biggest heroes along with Dennis Bergkamp, plus a man who has been at Arsenal all his working life. I walk out of Highbury House thinking if I haven’t got the job, I’ve still had a pretty good day!

I headed home to Chelmsford and was on a packed commuter train when my phone rings. It was an unknown number so I binned it thinking it was probably PPI or something. Then the phone rings again and this time it’s “Sue Campbell – Mobile”. Me being me I immediately think I must have left something behind. This was on a Thursday and Sue had said before I’d left that she’d let me know the outcome the following Monday, so I wasn’t expecting to hear from her.

Anyway, she asks if I’m in a quiet place, so I told her where I was and that I couldn’t move. She asks if I was at least sitting down. Yes.

“We don’t want to wait until Monday Mark. Your presentation was by far the best and we’d like you to have the job.”

I was gob-smacked. Absolutely speechless and Sue’s going “Mark? Mark? Are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m here Sue.” She asked me if I was happy and I told her I couldn’t even begin to say how I felt as I’m just an illiterate Essex boy who can’t find the words to describe it, but I did manage to say thank you and that I wouldn’t let her down.

She then pointed out that the one question I hadn’t asked was about the salary. I told her I didn’t care! [No wonder you got the job Mark]

I had to tell the wife but I literally couldn’t speak so I decided to text her. She was in the park with my younger son who’s 10 and his mate turned to him and said “Is your Mum OK?” and he’s looked round and she’s going mental, shouting and screaming.

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  1. mbg

    Sep 30, 2015, 14:08 #76678

    Captain Frank, I take your point, and it certainly wasn't intended for fans who booed and shouted abuse at wenger and fans who think like myself who were there that are sick to the teeth of him and want him gone, but fans who can see no wrong in him and think he's doing a sterling job when it's pretty obvious he's not, and hasn't been for a while, and want him to remain at all costs, and as you said yourself there's still plenty of them willing to hand over their hard earned, and if you fall into that category that's your prerogative, but as far as i'm concerned (and a hell of a lot of others) that's why we're in this mess, and highly likely to remain it for a long time if that's the way our young supporters are led to believe and think.

  2. mbg

    Sep 30, 2015, 13:37 #76671

    Ron, you can be sure there's a full house at central command alright, there always is at wakes, but when the grieving's done and the prayers said they'll send a couple of them along to tell us the official line of the out come (excuses) with a few odds and some gobbledegook.

  3. Captain Frank

    Sep 30, 2015, 13:22 #76667

    MBG - Every last one of them? Understand the frustration but really? What about those who booed? What about those who shouted abuse at Wenger? What about those who might have liked to have done but had children with them trying to make sure we have a future fanbase after the AKBs have departed with their leader? I fall into that latter category by the way. I know some believe things will never change as long as I hand over my hard earned pennies every week and they might be right, but I think they underestimate how many there are who would happily take my place and further dilute our traditional/core support. I know an internet message board is not a place where people tend to think before they write, but generalising a crowd of 60,000 - actually, cancel that - 50,000 when you weren't there does not do you any favours in my opinion. P.S. Can admin do something about stopping people from abusing each other in the comments? Just because you disagree with anothers view should not give you the right to describe them as a mug. I know it's not the worst type of name-calling but it just strikes me as childish and we should be better than that.

  4. mbg

    Sep 30, 2015, 13:18 #76663

    Peter Wain, I've no doubt this leaving Cech out is another case of the deluded one flexing his muscle and showing Cech who's the boss even when it's detriment to the team. wenger out.

  5. Website Admin

    Sep 30, 2015, 13:10 #76660

    @Mark - Not sure what happened to your comment I'm afraid. I've not deleted any today and I've looked in the database and there's no record of it which suggests it didn't go through properly - either an incorrect verification code or posting too close together. Apologies.

  6. FPGooner

    Sep 30, 2015, 10:44 #76624

    We Gooners are a strange bunch. This season, our defence either parts like the Red sea, and if doesn't, our goalkeeper picks up the ball and throws it in the back of the net. Our response? We compose a new song for Koscielny about how much we love him. Our Coach drops our keeper for a, in his words, 'must win' game, because he picked up a calf injury BEFORE the last game, which we won convincingly. While all the other teams invested in their teams in preparation for the new season, we shut up shop, having bought just a goalkeeper. Do you remember when the hapless Moyes was in charge at Manure? Half of Manchester would have gone to war to remove him. They even flew aircraft over the ground in preparation. What do we do? We say that we should judge him at the end of the season. There are some on here, who have even compiled league tables showing that Arsenal have had the most shots in the CL, that we have won the most games between month x and month y in the Year xxxx. We are buffoons, led by a buffoon. But, in his favour, he is a buffoon on £8 million a year. This largesse on the part of AFC has been made possible because we and generations before us, trundled through the gates at Highbury handing over hard earned money and giving birth to the cash-rich AFC brand of today, that is able to attract huge commercial sponsorship. I have to accept that there are those gooners who want to boil Wenger in hot oil. There are also those who cling on tightly to his apron strings and cannot see life worth living if he is gone. Then, there are moderates on either side, but we are witnessing more and more gooners asking themselves if Wenger finally needs to go. From the time that I first went to Highbury clutching my dad's hand, I have never seen our fanbase so divided and I find that one of the most sickening aspects of Wenger's tenure. Wenger is shameless; he will not resign. Gazidis is happy; another £2 million bonus for er.. Not sure. Kroenke sees AFC as his cash cow for his more important US sporting ventures. One big gravy train. They must be laughing at us the morons who pay to watch the nonsense last night and even sing their praises. I will continue to be a fan of AFC without compromise, despite the current occupants of the posts of CEO, Coach and Owner. However, I do say to those clinging on tightly to Wenger's apron. You can let go, it won't hurt.

  7. Ron

    Sep 30, 2015, 10:12 #76610

    Has Westie convened an EGM at Central Command? There should be a full house there today surely? Im eagerly awaiting the official release diluting last night by celebrating Chelsea's demise in Porto.

  8. jjetplane

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:57 #76607

    Fantastic post RON and really it is like putting a wounded animal out of it's misery. BM will probably produce cricket scores though the very grey one says 'we are still in it' ..... and wins away will secure the Yank's remuneration envelope. Oh dear - even Bob Wilson has turned on Wenger as he splutters 'I do not have to explain myself to anyone and if you have a pretty wife ......' See Per was back up front again - you know the season is already over and we await a Sanchez tremor come January ....

  9. rippy

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:50 #76603

    wenger saying cech could have dropped the ball is a pathetic excuse to make. if my aunt had a cock she would be my uncle whats the point again...the real problem with mr wenger is everyone else can see these slow motion car crashes a mile off. there was a big surprise at the ground that cech wasn't playing. there was a big surprise pre season he again didn't do his job and recruit properly pre season. a battling midfielder was a must. to either back up le coq or replace him. last season it was a defender zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz shall we go on. bored with this same old same old. love arsenal but really trying hard to see the point with wenger anymore. new fresh face needed. new ideas. or just doing whats really needed. selling the future forever is is about the here and now. 8 million a year. be honest we could do better. arteta and sicknote use up 150k a week on wages. that could have paid for a top quality midfielder like carvalho. they were both out of contract as well. ridiculous decisions. happening way to much with wenger now.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:36 #76601

    Bit odd just had a contribution deleted and it didn't appear to break house rules?!?

  11. Gaz

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:33 #76600

    goonercolesyboy: why on earth would you use three separate results in games that even though we won west ill went out of the competition? Absolutely ****ing pointless victories...

  12. GarySeddonAustralia

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:24 #76599

    Good luck at Arseblog, Tick Tock - you'll find that a certain amount of realism has finally permeated there, too. The penny dropped for Mr. Mangan a couple of years back, so if you're expecting everybody gathered there to still be rolling around in sepia - tinted recollections of F.A. Cup final wins against relegation standard opposition, as opposed to dealing with the current ownership's / management's apparent disinterest in genuine challenges for the league or European Cup, you might get a wee shock.

  13. Red Member

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:21 #76598

    @Highbury Boy - spot on. I was there as well and the lack of atmosphere all night was for me more worrying than the result and that is saying something. Slowly the Arsenal most on here knew and loved is slipping away.

  14. Mark from aylesbury

    Sep 30, 2015, 9:15 #76597

    Ron - I think and hope you are right. My angry looking contribution was really a little dig to Colesy to remind him who are the true mugs! Yes let's look at the positives. Wenger will hate this and will feel shattered as his international credibility is really under the cosh. I wonder if his increasing isolation post divorce will also send him earlier to France. It must be genuinely lonely not knowing how to fix something , baring your soul and no suport. Even if Josh kronke involved himself more it might at least create some useful ambition, though Kronkes out would be good. Hopefully the erosion of Wengers power will also push Gazidis to the exit. There are simply no football men at board level a serious weakness. Onwards towards Wengers exit. The media are turning so little friendship there either

  15. tick tock

    Sep 30, 2015, 8:57 #76596

    Too much negativity, I`m off to Arseblog

  16. Peter Wain

    Sep 30, 2015, 8:45 #76595

    an appalling performance last night. quite what defensive coaching is given to these muppets I do not know but it is not adequate. As for dropping Czech again what a joke. No OGL Czech could not have made that mistake because you did not pick him. He is unlikely to make that kind of mistake because he is our first choice keeper. As for the transfer strategy it was certainly laid bare last night. No striker on the bench because we do not have one no defensive midfield player on the bench because we do not possess another one and no world class centre half because you did not buy one. Still you got your bonus and there is at least £200 million in the bank terrific!

  17. Ron

    Sep 30, 2015, 8:07 #76594

    Forgive me for asking this lads, but from where do you find the energy to be angry at fiasco's like that last night? Even more so, how can you still be surprised? Best look for the positives surely? Exiting at the group stage avoids the annual hammering in the knock outs. You saw more compelling evidence of which players a top incoming Coach would jettison (potentially 10 of that starting 11 last night) - Sanchez is safe, though if hes wise he ll wave au revoir soon enough of his own volition. It was certainly another nail in the Wenger coffin for sure ( hes had that pallid, haunted look before though maybe not to last nights levels). Perhaps less hopefully but for sure, last night just might trigger the inevitable spiral of disinterest within the Kroenke regime of remaining there long term - dont ever forget, theres no real, untarnished success of a Club under Yank stewardship in that PL. Best is to look at last night as a positive i think. Everything that those of us who saw what was happening at the Club some 5-7 years ago crystallized last night. I think that we saw what Arsenal PLC are encapsulated in the form of one player and broken Coach last night. I give you Messrs Ozil and Wenger. Both an utter disgrace, but then you all (save for the few remaining totally deluded amongst us) knew that anyway didnt you. Onwards. At least the writings on the wall now. Change is around the corner and nearer than we know to be the case. We ve nothing at all to feel down about. Thank you Olympiakos.

  18. Bard

    Sep 30, 2015, 8:03 #76593

    There's too much negativity. We were tired from the away trip to Leicester, we have one or two injured and the referee was clearly biased against us. We should have had at least 4 penalties before half time. Have I left anything out ? Oh yes Olympiacos are a top european side who could go all the way. Looking forward to Westie's spin, the black knight will have trouble with last nights result. What it confirmed for me is that we were right not to strengthen in the summer window.

  19. GarySeddonAustralia

    Sep 30, 2015, 5:37 #76591

    I missed it all. Yawn. I usually get up for the 5am starts but I can only assume that I wasn't subconsciously bothered enough. Did Cambiasso play / play well for them? Without Coquelin on the pitch I imagine Cambiasso had the run of the midfield. Feel free to correct me if I've got that one wrong.

  20. Smithy

    Sep 30, 2015, 4:50 #76590

    "...we feel guilty..." That's what arsene said in his press conference. Then do the decent thing , you are not part of the solution you are the problem!

  21. mbg

    Sep 30, 2015, 0:56 #76589

    Highbury Boy, spot on, no doubt they all trundled out tonight like good little AKB's without as much as a whimper hands rammed in their pockets just looking at each other, they should be ashamed of themselves every last one of them.

  22. Cyril

    Sep 30, 2015, 0:54 #76588

    We choose to stick with the boffoon, we choose to stick not because it is easy but because it is hard! it is because the goal (when we score one) will serve to measure the best of our energies and will!! It is a challenge we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone ( dickie Davies Seventies Crimbo footy - orange ball aside!) and one we intend to win, but if not made a pound note eh!!!!

  23. Highbury Boy

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:46 #76586

    I have to say as fans we get what we deserve. At the match tonight the defeat was just accepted. No anti Wenger feelings were expressed. I feel sorry for Sanchez. He should have joined an ambitious club.

  24. mbg

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:33 #76584

    jw, jj, some great posts it really has gone beyond a joke now, Hiccup, great post also, router problems you reckon?

  25. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:32 #76583

    Once again, apologies, as we are still encountering connection problems with AKB HQ, which brings us to the end of today's transmission. Please join us tomorrow though, as I'm very confident Dads Army and the Muppet Show will return with all your usual favourites westie, Jamie and coldsore. We leave you tonight with the National Anthem, ''One Arsene Wenger'.

  26. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:17 #76581

    Perhaps they should hook up with Highbury Hill (HH) - they appear euphorically unaffected by these BLIPS. Why is it always Vivaldi's bleeding four seasons? .... Looks like this one is already over for the 'champions elect' ..... Hello? .... Is that Westie? .... Jamerson's gone back to his brother's farm .....

  27. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:03 #76580

    For those tuning in expecting to see the latest odds for arsenal qualifying, I apologise, as we are currently experiencing a technical breakdown. We have satellite connection problems with AKB HQ, and hope to retrieve pictures soon. In the meantime, here's some music ...

  28. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:02 #76579

    Religion hey! Put all your fish in one Prophet's basket and what does he do? Whatever it is it does not involve a little Holy Speeret ...... I wonder if that beard will come off? I wonder what texts Sanchez is receiving from his agent? Who will Le boss go home to now? Questions, questions and an AKB silence only matched by the Emirates which apart from the Greeks was a very sad and immeasurably hollow place. Champions League you say .....

  29. mbg

    Sep 29, 2015, 23:02 #76578

    West Cork Frank, good post, but with respect a lot has been said on this site from others for years now including myself, the problem lies with the same old tired AKB wengerites who think the sun shines out of the managers arse and he can do no wrong propping him up with their support. wenger out.

  30. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:56 #76576

    Rippy, the answer is because he gave his faithful one Arteta a new contract so in Arsene la la land that means he did not need another defensive midfield player. Wenger 'rested Cech' in the delusional belief that Ospina is a suitable back-up - he Colq who is not match-fit to give him playing time so he would be fitter for Sunday's tussle with United's strong midfield. These are the arrogant underestimating opponents things that wacky Wenger is known for doing.Tonight's result was nothing to do with the Prem being weaker than Europeans sides,albeit we are not in the same league as BM and Barcelona but certainly should be well capable of beating at home sides like tonight's one. But you have to play your best sides in Europe and Wenger has failed twice to do that this term result being two defeats and he must carry the blame for this.Worringly he can't motivate the players or as we know change tactics during games to try and change things. It was no surprise either to see Kos limping off again when things were going the shape of a rugby ball.Plodding Per might as well have stayed on the bench. I dread to think how he will get on against the speedy cunning Martial and co on Sunday.

  31. mbg

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:46 #76575

    So we've been brought back down to earth with a big sore arse (well some have anyway)a lot quicker than was expected and anticipated who's fault was it this time ? god help us on sunday cushions may be needed for the wengerites.

  32. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:36 #76574

    ...and coming back to the theme of this thread, spare a though for dear old Mark Brindle who is going to have an interesting day tomorrow at Highbury House (surely that'll be changed to Emirates House soon...) Monsieur Wenger - ca suffit mon ami. Il faut aller maintenant - je vous en prie...Where are the mind-bending drugs when you need them?

  33. Th14afc

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:34 #76573

    Awful awful game....I agree with with someone else who said at home our balance is completely wrong.... I just had a feeling that this sort of game would play out....prem best league & teams in the world?ur havign a laugh

  34. Barnaby

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:29 #76572

    Its nothing we haven't seen before, atleast they lost so we might come bottom of the group, so we don't have to do the Europa league lolol

  35. John F

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:16 #76569

    3rd goal was a direct result of le coq being off the pitch.Ball came out of the area into space that lecoq occupies and because none of our dipsticks has the discipline of lecoq it was picked up by them and the rest is history.Mesut(he only plays when he wants)Ozil should have come off.The look on Sanchez face when Ozil was caught offside again said it all.My worry is Sanchez leaves but Ozil and Wenger remain hand in hand blowing kisses at each other.

  36. Rippy

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:15 #76568

    Can anyone work out why Wenger never bought a defensive midfielder ?!? Even as cover. Why he insists on playing Walcott upfront when his like a fish out of water. He is never going to be a striker! Never. And why is Wenger paid so much money to get it so wrong. We are **** at home. The balance is all wrong. Tonight's game isn't a fluke because it keeps happening. The manager isn't up to the job anymore. His a decent bloke . An arsenal man. But he should be honest and walk away.

  37. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:13 #76567

    The defeat I can take. But why didn't any of the arsenal players try and get themselves sent off at the end? This would have preserved our unbeaten run when finishing a game with 11 players since the opening day? This has really messed the excuse process up.

  38. jeff wright

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:13 #76566

    Wenger = IDIOT. Someone at the club should be held responsible for wasting 42m and millions more in wages on Ozil did it not occur to Wenger AND OTHERS that Real Madrid would not be so desperate to off-load him if he really was world class >? WHAT SAY YOU lee KFC? Oh I forget though you only appear AFTER we win! You couldn't make it up. That was another massive embarrassment tonight for AFC and as someone else pointed out the Greeks have lost their last 12 games played in England but if anyone cam make a pig's ear out of a silk purse then that person is our own Inspector Clueless. I suspected actually that the old has been was going to cock things up again by leaving Cech out but even with him we would still have only managed a draw at best and that would have been bad enough - but still better than losing. United will be looking forward to Sunday's tete a tete playing against our defence ,or rather a lack of one. You have to wonder though if the penny has still not dropped for some regarding Wenger's wins over the likes of Prem sides such as Leicester the way they get carried away by these sort of results is the joke of football. Wenger and his silly AKB have turned us into a laughing-stock . Enough is enough hands up time surely for all real supporters to demand a change of manager. Klopp is available - so go and get him Stan you miserable money grabbing piece of ****e! Wenger should have gone 6 or 7 years ago and certainly after he won the FA Cup rather fortunately against Hull. 8m a year wages paid for him to preside over mediocrity.Nice money THAT - if you can get it.

  39. Martyn

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:03 #76564

    Success now will be to finish last in the group to avoid Thursday football. Play the kids against Bayern!! Forgot, they're all out on loan.

  40. Bard

    Sep 29, 2015, 22:00 #76563

    Keep calm, it give us a better than average chance of winning the league cup now we are out of the CL. Keystone cops 2 Anyone else 3.

  41. Smithy

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:59 #76562

    We need a clear out. Bound and arsene, Gibbs, ospina, kos , ozil,Giroud.get in anchelotti , pep or klopp.we need people who can play with passion and brains, we have no brains and no passion. We do not have a winning formula or mentality. Have a clear out and start again next year!

  42. tick tock

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:47 #76561

    Another record for Wenger. First time the Greeks have beaten an English team away. He sure is piling them up. No wonder he is our greatest ever manager.

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:46 #76560

    Complete pissssss - Weng's going to have one of those look in the mirror moments of truth and resign. Not even sure we'll have Thursday nights to be bored by at this rate...Go now and stop embarrassing yourself.

  44. BigDavethegooner

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:43 #76559

    Well Wenger,you,ve surpassed yourself tonight,hang your head in shame. How much more have we got to suffer this buffoon?? Words fail me,I,m utterly speechless.Come on Bayern put us out of our misery and make Wenger's exit come sooner rather than later. A total disgrace and embarrassment to this great football club.

  45. Smithy

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:40 #76557

    Resign for gods sake!

  46. Paulo75

    Sep 29, 2015, 21:37 #76556

    Monaco then Olympiakos - losing 3 poor goals at home again. Amateur night at the Emirates ...... Again

  47. Smithy

    Sep 29, 2015, 20:46 #76554

    I see chesney has done a ospina for Roma tonight as well! Is it just me or does it look like we have a tatically lobotomy before each game? Why did we have an unmarked player on the edge of the box on the first goal and another zonal shambles on the 2nd goal with ospina uncertain as who was doing what.

  48. West Cork Frank

    Sep 29, 2015, 20:41 #76553

    ENOUGH ! Losing 2-1 at moment to Olymiapkous. First goal, The Ox ha ha ! bottled it turned sideways stuck out his tip-toes. If he had simply blocked it properely the ball would have come off his shins. While since i played football but shin- guards must be crap now the poor boy. Sick of our players not blocking shots when they are ankle high even. Well paid cowards, yet nothing is said even on this site. Opina in goal, that was a joke from the start. Bot wenger must be right,ospina will eventually replace Czech so must be kept happy. SAME OLD SAME OLD. League wide open, could have... but that costs money and a hint of managherial compenance. Dont hold your breath

  49. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2015, 20:38 #76552

    JJetplane - the stage is yours Wobbists should be proud! My own little ditty on proud to be a WOB was eagerly discussed. Get in there!

  50. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2015, 20:32 #76551

    How I became a WOB would make a better read ......

  51. Smithy

    Sep 29, 2015, 20:17 #76550

    Again a big game that we haven't started well!

  52. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2015, 18:12 #76548

    Actually he does look a bit like me.... Echo other people's thoughts it's really great it has gone to an Arsenal boy. Helps to keep the passion!

  53. mbg

    Sep 29, 2015, 15:59 #76538

    A great story mark, and well done lucky you, it's great to see the job go to a gooner not some jcl just out of university keep up the good work.

  54. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2015, 13:39 #76531

    I heard Olly is going for a nose job and could be out to January. The hair is an ongoing problem and you would think a club of Arsene's stature could sort out a club stylist ... ps 'does his silicon baps show in the new shirt? you can laugh Santi! ...'

  55. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 29, 2015, 12:31 #76530

    Jamerson - Ho Ho you card! I have hair! it becomes very awkward describing ones looks on an Arsenal site as it feels a bit like internet dating gone very badly wrong. being a married man I stay well clear. A man of mystery would be best description I feel

  56. Ron

    Sep 29, 2015, 12:30 #76529

    Barnaby - dont worry, hes only having a bad hair bouffant day.

  57. barnaby

    Sep 29, 2015, 12:25 #76528

    How bad is giroud injured? I didn't even know he was injured

  58. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2015, 11:16 #76525

    Cor blimey strike a bleedin' light and all that. Pray tell why you are not a Hammer? One brand is as good as another .... Is this the Fever Pitch for the 21st century? I bet Theo does all the IT troubleshooting .... that beard .... that corporation ..... Highbury House Ha ha! Love that first post - 10/10 for slurpiness ...

  59. Arseneknewbest

    Sep 29, 2015, 10:34 #76523

    Mark - "Big up yourself" for having such an interesting job, and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Mr Friar and I assume Messrs Wenger and Gazidis and good old Mr Kroenke of course. I don't doubt your Gooner credentials but I'd love to hear your honest (repeat honest) thoughts on how the club is run from your perspective as a relative insider (of course you're not a full-on insider because I suspect you're not making millions out of the fans and the wonderful TV companies unlike the people I just mentioned). Would I like to do your job? Possibly, but please don't write this off as the politics of envy - I've been close to footie capitalists/administrators in the past in my work and I know it ain't fun (Tony Banks, Bobby Charlto and Grondona the corrupt former head of the Argentine FA so I feel your pain). So it'd be great to hear your in depth thinking on the club and what it has become. Oh, and here's a tip to bolster fan club numbers around the world - tell the money-grubbers who run our club to spend a little bit more of their vast sums of money on players and actually start competing for something meaningful. Oh, and Badarse and Jamie son are dim-witted wenger sycophants in case you were wondering. Up the Gunners!

  60. Tony Evans

    Sep 29, 2015, 8:26 #76520

    What a great story. Green with envy sat here at my desk!

  61. Badarse

    Sep 29, 2015, 8:08 #76519

    What a lovely account. Well done Mark, and of course thank you Mike. Have the Gooner on the side to read but haven't opened it yet-eke out a couple of a pages at a time to make it last-but am looking forward to the rest of this interview. Continued subscription? You bet!