Will the real Arsenal please turn up more often?

Online Ed: Switched on Gunners show what they are capable of

Will the real Arsenal please turn up more often?

Often, in the past, when Arsene Wenger has really needed a result to quell the critics, his team has responded. So it was against Manchester United yesterday. We saw a hungry, determined group of players harrying down their opponents to win the ball and then make good use of it.

3-0 up in less than 20 minutes, they started the game like a whirlwind and United could not handle it. All three goals were stunning, and all featured Alexis. His backheeling played a key part in the first two and the third was a wonder strike a little reminiscent of his goal in the FA Cup Final. Critically, both Theo Walcott and Mesut Ozil came to the party, and had excellent performances. Both looked more interested in getting involved in the physical side of the game.

It was wonderful to see, but at the same time slightly frustrating. Why can’t the players show this kind of determination to win football matches more often? It was actually a little reminiscent of Barcelona’s hunting down of the ball to regain possession and counter as quickly as possible.

Still, it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Arsenal could have been four up before United seriously threatened, but on this day, we can forgive Aaron Ramsey for missing the most gilt edged of chances. As the home side decided to protect their lead, United created their own opportunities, and more than once were denied by the brilliance of Petr Cech. At times, the Gunners were guilty of overplaying in their own half and gifting possession, but it was a day when they got away with it. However, as a tendency, it has not gone away and will cost in other games unless it is ironed out pronto. It is an obvious weakness.

So going forward, there is hope, because there are signs that the team can actually play football that will defeat any opposition. Hell, if they play this well, they can beat Bayern Munich in just over a fortnight’s time. The fear is that we have seen too many false dawns in recent seasons, where performances of this standard have led to optimism that has ultimately been punctured by the days when the other Arsenal turns up.

Consistency is the key. God alone knows what the manager did to turn Theo Walcott into the player we saw yesterday, but credit to him for finally getting he and Ozil to put in a shift. It was revelatory.

In one sense, the international break has come just at the wrong time, but still, it is nice to go into it on a high. More performances with this kind of attitude and determination when the players return please.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 09, 2015, 12:38 #77256

    Westlower yes I know what you mean. When you add a few thoughts on the forum I always get an image of the stands at Highbury which of course was a lovely sight. All of you have a good weekend!

  2. Westlower

    Oct 09, 2015, 10:36 #77252

    @Mark, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday visiting a friend in The Mount at Bovingdon. It's disappointing to see a sign saying Aylesbury when obviously it should read Mark From Aylesbury. The power of the online Gooner is far reaching.

  3. Badarse

    Oct 09, 2015, 8:25 #77247

    Top man, Mark, top Gooner.

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 09, 2015, 8:17 #77246

    Badarse- I know where your coming from so no worries. One of those arms you mentioned ( not yours by the way) I would have handled with care as think it would have pressed rather worryingly over my throat lol. The keyboard warrior is a modern phenomenon and every day people get into the most dire trouble. Have a goodun and enjoy the weekend ahead!

  5. Badarse

    Oct 09, 2015, 7:26 #77243

    Mark, I wasn't being flippant just trying to be a little supportive fella. Am in accord with yourself. I get quite nasty jibes, often borderline but some stray over the line. As an exercise go back and view some but substitute Mark for Badarse. Not pleasant. Then there are the cowardly snipes with one liners with false monickers. Then the openly sly and spiteful. Why? For no real reason other than wanting the manager to see out his tenure. These clowns wouldn't be able to act this way face to face...more than once. What is worse in your opinion, 'the mugs on here', or, 'you are a sanctimonious, puffed up...etc'? One perhaps not so nice, the other a challenge? I have been called 'pseudo', 'a Blairite', for anything I am likely to say, despite never getting an answer to what is a 'pseud' and what is 'real', or that I despised Blair, stood for 'Not in My Name' from day one. Am delighted and excited by the political landscape more than ever in my life and expect the Labour party to split and am a JC man, why we agree on all, and are the same age! So here goes, on behalf of Mark, and other sweet innocents like myself, gentlemen please stop the personal, digs, jibes, snipes; but you can keep the custard pies coming. Did I ever say I love real, (not pseudo), egg custards?

  6. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 09, 2015, 7:24 #77242

    Cornish - talking about the man who cannot be named for fear of website admin. I would guess Chelsea and my money is on either Jody Morris or Kerry Dixon. Omg I can hear a swearing red faced mentalist about to hit the keyboards!

  7. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 09, 2015, 2:22 #77240

    goonercolesyboy. Interesting to read you were a professional footballer. Who did you play for?

  8. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 08, 2015, 20:33 #77233

    Badarse - yes this is amusing to all apart from me. My point recycled to boredom is a contribution calling people deviants is allowed to remain but the response is removed. A comment going on about my job is better than yours ( ok not aggressive or violent ) is allowed to remain but a simple retort is removed . A comment nick I could call you a prick is allowed to remain.... Shall I go on. Have to say Badarse you do keep company with a chap who calls people mugs and pricks for having differing opinions. This doesn't appear to fit in with your desire for world peace equality and so forth

  9. jjetplane

    Oct 08, 2015, 19:59 #77230

    Cameron boy and Blair boy sitting in a car park at a distance from each other. Nothing to say they trundle off .....

  10. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 19:55 #77229

    Mark, come into the light, (out of the dank car park),come into the light! Now sit here between me and goonercolesyboy, link arms, rock from side to side, offer a sunshine smile, and give it large with a Kumbaya. westlower will be around shortly administering cupcakes, a bread poultice, and odds on Arsene signing a new contract off the back of Klopp no longer being available. Things could be worse, fancy living next door to Ron or jeff!

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 08, 2015, 19:02 #77225

    Website editor: Okay you are like a referee and as such are not going to please people all the time but let's look at this. Effectively we are told if we are a WOB that we are sexual deviants (that comment has been allowed to remain) a rather long winded but light hearted input about going to dank car parks is then aired. I simply retorted back in a comic "body under the patio joke" this is pretty mainstream the old Aunt Maude might take offence. My further comment about being locked in a cellar ok... But the intended receipient gave me a proper response. Shut me up so what's the deal? Then we get some fella saying my job is better than yours. I note he is still trying to defend himself now. What do I say? Simply you sound stressy and angry perhaps you are not coping in your brilliant job. Please explain how is that trolling how is that aggressive. To me it is legitimate criticism.

  12. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 15:36 #77223

    Gentlemen, you undo yourselves. Little wonder that people are reluctant to post when you have children in the corner of the playground trying to behave disruptively, and sniggering together as the naughty little schoolboys they mirror. Take heed of the website editor, please.

  13. Website Admin

    Oct 08, 2015, 15:17 #77222

    Mark - The Editor is not the person who monitors the comments. That falls to me. There were quite a number of comments deleted yesterday (more than those you have referred to) because they were either abusive about other contributors or because they were considered to be trolling. I'm sorry you did not agree with those of yours which were removed. We have been trying to encourage more people to contribute to the comments but we know some are reluctant because of how people have responded in the past. That said, we recognise it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time.

  14. jjetplane

    Oct 08, 2015, 15:13 #77220

    Colsey comes across as a typical pro-Cameron lad and probably works in the city where he earns loads of ****ing wonga and hates amateur football because perhaps he failed at that level? Good to know brand Arsene can rely on his unwavering support. Funny to always see Baddie siding with people who possibly occupy different planets from his happy memories of Moscow with a Blairite topping. It's only football ....

  15. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 13:43 #77216

    People-working people-should forget the pyramid concept planted in young minds, which govern thought processes, and/or inhibit and curtail independent outlooks for the rest of their lives. Think instead of an even plateau, a ladder on it's side if you like. In this the manager, the checker, the supervisor and the fork lift driver may be on different rungs, but this aspect is academic, they are on an equal footing. Cast adrift on the high seas in a lifeboat then someone able to navigate by the stars, a pair of strong arms to row, and a person familiar with the ocean, are all necessary to find the shore. Where does that leave the fork lift driver, you ask? Well they may be adrift for a while, so would need someone to eat. I dedicate this post to Bard.

  16. Bard

    Oct 08, 2015, 12:20 #77210

    Cornish; I really enjoyed that book when I read it many years ago !!! Nick; Dont fall for it mate, Colseyboysetc is a wob in disguise. He's as fed up as the rest of us but he's too proud to jump ship. His last job was moving deckchairs around the Titanic, so he knows a thing or two about sinking ships

  17. Nick

    Oct 08, 2015, 11:32 #77207

    Gooncloyingboil, one-upmanship is a poor response, I was merely suggesting that in your working life hard physical labour probably paid a very small part, as we were talking of PHYSICAL, fatigue, or I was anyway, on behalf of our players being a factor in poor performances after international duty,I thought it a relevant response to your earlier uncalled for jibe. A " better " job you say, I take it you refer to money when you say that or to a job where a pen, paper, and possibly calculator made up the sum total of you physical exertion, just because I worked with my hands, and muscles, doesn't mean my job was lesser to yours not in either importance or prestige, not as far as I'm concerned, it does not mean either that I could not have earnt my living sitting on my arse either, in fact I did try working in the eponymous office for a time , it did not however suit my temperament, I have always been happier working outdoors, my point being that a " better" job is down to perspective, I stand by my original argument that fatigue as an excuse for highly paid footballers is not tenable, overtime never hurt anybody and has never been reason for not putting in a good shift on your return to work .

  18. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 10:43 #77204

    Admission prices cannot be used as an argument in favour of supporting bad taste in football awareness; £100 is OK for some, it is a relative measure, so is my aunty Mabel's 68inch hips.

  19. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 08, 2015, 8:13 #77200

    Website editor - 3 contributions 2 from me and 1 from Arsene Knew Best seem to have disappeared . They were retorts (not aggressive) to comments not directly aimed at us. What are the rules regarding this. They were pretty mild in comparison to what has been said before, were not aggressive and humourous in nature? I'm a bit perplexed. If it is because of a suggestion of a sexual nature I could draw your attention to the term "twisted old deviants" that has been used. I am a bit annoyed

  20. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 07, 2015, 22:41 #77199

    Bard. Your comment about the AKBs accepting the status quo reminded me of Baddie's favourite book 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' the story of a group of AKBs living in Mugsborough, who don't want change and are happy to line the pockets of the Arsenal bosses.

  21. mbg

    Oct 07, 2015, 19:36 #77198

    After our good win against the mancs which was welcomed and celebrated by everybody WOB's AKB's alike (with even some AKB's still on a high and buzzing three days later no surprise there) although no doubt the AKB's will not like to hear the WOB's found it very enjoyable too, but at the same time not getting carried away and warning of complacency (and quite rightly so)as we've all been here before over the last ten years with the same out come, and it's not going to be any different this time, but what was strange hardy a whimper from the AKB's, no it's one of our greatest victories, no that should shut all the WOB's up, no that proves you all wrong, no what have you got to complain about now, no get behind OGL etc, etc, in fact they were very quiet indeed over the victory, i guess after all this time they just realise and know what the rest of us have known for a long time.

  22. jjetplane

    Oct 07, 2015, 19:21 #77197

    8-2 and 6-0 were the hammerings whereas catching an average side napping at the WOK and then scoring three while not been able to extend that because there is no killer instinct while the club is being directed from an offshore location is the reality. Ozil is now wide awake and Theo the Invincible must be up for a Queen's medal and perhaps a little TV documentary. Anyway, back to Ozil who says the title is ours and bayern can be beaten. Glad that's all sorted and maybe poor old Colsey (little faithful gooner dog) will sleep easier in his little basket with the red and white ribbon attached. Yelp! Believe me 9th tier can be torturous but at 3 quid a throw I am only too happy to support. What's it like all those Sunday games with your 'mates' at a 100 quid a go? Sounds like a gas! Anyway - Theo is on national radio and forget Rooney - Theo is the real deal. Now that beard with an England shirt ...... Yap Yap

  23. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 18:49 #77196

    See what I mean about goonercolesyboy? He speaks in a fashion that even Bard cannot misinterpret. Ron glad you can still chuckle-am feverishly writing Xmas cracker jokes, so the gang will definitely be over for Xmas Dinner. The guys are insistent that they do not want chicken again this year though; have a word with mbg, please. I'll be happy with nut roast, as if you didn't know. No Mark, Pete wasn't there, but Jamerson did carry a cardboard cut out of Lenny McLean. I knew Len and was happy to give him an old advertising poster I had. By the way, any guys out there who knew him may be saddened by the recent news of Stuart Myers' death.

  24. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 07, 2015, 18:32 #77195

    Interesting snipe Nick, which tells me I have held a much better job than you ever have or will have. Ron, I mentioned in another article that the hammering of Utd would be accompanied by the usual caveats, one was that Utd were only an average team, so my assumption was correct as that is exactly what you posted. jj as I said before, you no longer support the team and along with Finsbury dough boy your opinion is worthless. Stick to the ninth, maybe soon to be tenth tier as Arsenal doesn't want your support either.

  25. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 17:45 #77194

    That's a bit below the belt Badarse, duping our security to get a peek in. Were you attired in your mitre and gown telling them you d been invited to preach? Jeff had mentioned inviting Central Command over for Xmas Dinner this year. Cant see that coming off now! Laughed at the background egg song Baddie!! Good stuff.

  26. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 17:40 #77193

    You are a funny man Bard. Thank you for the smile.

  27. mbg

    Oct 07, 2015, 17:37 #77192

    Westie, it certainly makes me feel good alright, being able to think for myself and say what I think, instead of towing the party line, even though i'm sure deep down you think the same as the rest of us have been doing for years but just can't admit it, (i'd hate to be in that position) yes it makes me feel good to able to admit that and say it. How do you know it doesn't make and not making a sh*t bit of difference? it makes all the difference believe me as a hell of a lot of others have copped on now and are thinking the same, there's more pressure on your messiah now than there ever was (and you know it) as he's no longer getting an easy ride, and the end of his reign is getting closer as every day goes by, why do you think that is? because people/fans have woken up, and not sitting on their hands smiling with acceptance of stagnation, mediocrity, and stability any more, it's certainly not because of fans like you who are quite happy with all the latter over anything else.

  28. Bard

    Oct 07, 2015, 17:14 #77191

    Some great posts today and thank you Baddie for teaching me the true meaning of eternity. Your posts need to be longer and less to the point. At one point today I started to hallucinate while reading one which is no bad thing in a world of every changing realities. Jeff; your post response to Colseyboysetc was very good indeed. There is something about this notion of AKB acceptance/adoration of the status quo that strikes me as rather childish. It might have some validity if what was being adored was some quasi religious/mystical figure but Wenger is no more than a jobbing football manager and not a great one at that, very odd.

  29. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:55 #77190

    Westlower - revelation of the day that is, i.e.that you've offered some heresy at some point during OGL's reign. Pray tell, o venerable statistician and tic-tac expert, what have you a actually said by way of criticism? Give us some examples, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's genuinely intrigued...next thing I know, Jamie son will admit to Jeremy Kyle that he's a chelsea troll on this site.

  30. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:47 #77189

    Have a nasty feeling the United game will prove little more than an outlier, the result of a team who for whatever reason just chose not to turn up. The performances against Olympiacos, Zagreb, West Ham , Chelsea, and much of the Liverpool game seem much nearer the norm. Alexis is starting to produce, but it is only a matter of time before he demands to test himself at a more ambitious outfit. With Klopps arrival likely to remove Arsenal from the manager and owners beloved 4th spot. If the owner had ambition, and the manager really cared about the club, Klopp would be Arsenal manager, but he will just be another that got away. Its all quite bleak if you look at things objectively

  31. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:35 #77188

    Just returned from a recce to WOB 'Low Command', it's not me being disrespectful, they call it that on account of the fact that it just happens to be situated in a big hole in the ground, bit like the lower level of a damp multi-story car park-bunker décor for bunker mentalities. Jamerson came with me carrying a huge hammer-see AKBs hammer too-he went back to Central Command though once he realised it wasn't a 'wrecky'. It was a dismal sight to behold. A small group were sat near a leak in the roof and took it in turns to wallop each tiny water droplet as it fell to the floor-all had splatter marks on their faces and clothing, but they wore them as badges of honour, one appeared to have a grubby mark like a chicken on his shirt, but I could be mistaken. In the far corner there was a pitiful moaning emanating from a cross-legged and cock-eyed individual. He seemed to be saying something about the 3-0 win but the message was lost in a mix of snot, dribble and tears. Another was looking at himself in a mirror. He had on horn-rimmed glasses and was voicing an impersonation, 'My name is Harry Kane, and not many people know that!' Yet he sounded a little like Jimmy Savile-with the emphasis on 'vile'. One, who resembled the Dark Lord Moany as he stood head, shoulders, a foot, and a knee above all others, was turning wine into water by glugging a bottle of red, (think it was wine but it was a bit thick), and peeing against the wall. All around the blue flags hung limply, and those with limps were clearly flagging, whilst arranging annual flu jabs-not for protection just for the pain. There were 'flyers' on the floor and it seems the new slogan and marketing drive is, "Third is turd to us, not just mgb!" In creeping away the strains of the Beatles could be heard coming from an old wind up record player. It was disconcerting to see a long line of them on their way to their canteen in white smocks down to the floor, shuffling along mumbling to the music 'We are the Egg Men!' Eggs were on the menu too.

  32. jjetplane

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:20 #77187

    'I want to win' must sting a bit when you forever lose on here. Glad to see Westie is talking in days enjoyed which has dropped from seasons though at the moment every spin is coming out of a very good twenty minutes against a side who player uncannily like Arsenal often do these days.

  33. jeff wright

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:19 #77186

    Well rather a lot of old waffle there Badarse about nothing really basket ball... Wrighty ... kids... sentimental tosh really it all kind of invokes thoughts of that old adage of patriotism being the last refuge of a ... and all that ...empathy is missing from your long winded around the houses sermons that you preach from your pulpit of condescending pomposity Bararse ... empathy being something that you either feel for some one or thing or you don't. I don't feel any at all with Wenger and Stan and the rest of the gang who are currently at AFC and want them GONE ! So no way will I buy into any of their claptrap or enjoy the pyrrhic victories that are regularly celebrated by them in Europe or celebrate finishing 3rd or 4th with the cretins. Players can and do move on to other pastures greener ,99% of them who leave AFC win the trophies that eluded them with Wenger . However, us lifetime AFC supporters can't move on and don't want to do so anyway,why should we ,we were here before Wenger and Stan and will be here when they have thankfully gone. For me Wenger's splitting of the AFC fan-base, of which he arrogantly clearly does not give a toss about , is the worse thing that he has done. Any-man with any self awareness and less greed then he possesses would have gone by now but not our arrogant Arsene ,he knows best , or so it is claimed. You will note I used a couple of US and OUR in my post I just pick and choose now days when I feel it appropriate to do so when referring to the club.

  34. mbg

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:08 #77185

    Nick, the same as myself mate, I used to drive for an hour to get to work, then jump into a cramped lorry with no toilet, air conditioning, and no personal chef to accompany me and attend my every dietary need, and drive close to 1,000 miles around Ireland jumping up and down onto the trailer 100 plus times a day lifting carrying heavy boxes, drive home, go to the pub drink five pints, and do it all again for six more days, and had no masseurs at hand for a wee twinge, and wasn't doing it for the love of it, and certainly wasn't doing it for between £70,000 and £150,000 a week like our poor wee tired hard done by pansie nice boys, tired my fooking arse.

  35. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 16:02 #77184

    Talking about stability, there is an interesting table released today showing the average stay period for managers. Surprise, surprise, Man U lead the way with 7.65 years, AFC 2nd with 7.58 years, Spurs 1.59 years, CFC 1.53 years. @mgb, Carry on moaning by all means but does it make a sh*ts worth of difference, apart from making you feel good about your undying commitment to your own personal crusade? Is Wenger still there? Will he be there tomorrow? Will he be there if we lose at Watford? Will he be there at Christmas? The answer is a most definite YES, he will be, unless he decides to retire. Yes, I do moan about Wenger, Bould, Stan, Ivan, the team, transfer policy, the medical staff, bad results, but I don't moan everyday! Enjoy the good days when they happen.

  36. mbg

    Oct 07, 2015, 15:39 #77183

    Westie, I could ask you on how many of those 6,942 days have you not moaned about him, them all?, that wouldn't really surprise me but i'm sure we've all moaned at/about him at one time or other even during the good old days when we were all wengerites and when he demanded and got respect from us all with a team to be feared and respected also, he still had it for a few years after the move, but sadly the last eight, nine, years that has completely gone as he certainly gave fans plenty of reasons and numerous occasions and still does and will continue to do so, (we'll not go into reasons why) obviously not for yourself and others who are still quite happy with what's went and going on, and that's your prerogative but not me i'll moan about him for another 1,000 days if need be till he's gone, as I've said he's given us numerous reasons and will continue to do so and nothings going to change in that department, and if it did it would change nothing its to late.

  37. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 15:29 #77182

    Well Ron and jeff, isn't too surprising that you two both bit, jeff with a tangled view, Ron with an insult, how typical. jeff you at least tried to deal with the post so warrant a response, Ron just hurled a custard pie and as it flew over my head I shall ignore that. jeff I remember a story regarding Ian Wright at the training ground. It involved him challenging anyone to a competition to score a basket when they were loitering near a basketball court. He grabs the ball and wants to score and is punching the air when he does so. Other players smile because they understand, as sportsmen do, that sometimes it is in the individual. I am a little like that, I always want to win and celebrate a winning chess game or darts match. Some while back my son and grandson were chipping a ball into the opening of a trampoline-trying to outdo each other and I joined in. I so want my son to succeed, I so want my grandson to do the same, but I need to also. All three were going for it, it's what some people do. If they are your team you cut them slack even if it is too troubling to absorb their joy, or competitiveness. Onwards and out the back.

  38. Nick

    Oct 07, 2015, 15:15 #77181

    Goonerscloysboy, ( bloody mouthful of a moniniker that is ) I wasn't complaining about my job I enjoyed it, and at least felt I had EARNED my.money at the end.of the week, I was merely pointing out that our players are lucky enough to do a JOB , they love ( or should) enjoying the best life can offer in the process and should not use fatigue as an excuse for poor performances after international duty, there wont be a next time for.me.job wise.im fortunately done with that , from your rhetoric and ridiculous pen.name.im guessing that actual real hard work has not.been a part of your life, so perhaps I should.make allowances for your petty little digs.

  39. jeff wright

    Oct 07, 2015, 14:43 #77180

    Right then Badarse will Arsene celebrate finishing 4th if there are only three money making CL places available >? Answers on a post-card to Stan K at The Pondering Over Cash Ranch .

  40. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 14:12 #77179

    Hi Jeff -appreciate all that Jeff of course. Jamie - there are 15 or 16 titles and about 5 CL wins exclusive to AW in amongst all of that averageness yr celebrating! Many of our fans base would have taken a few mid table finishes in exchange for some of them. Try harder next time maybe.

  41. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 14:10 #77178

    I love a nun in black and white, but I think that's just a habit. Funny how supposed Arsenal 'fans' talk from a position of distance as in, '..Wenger thinks he can win this one.' 'Those players are all dwarves and they won't beat x.' 'They will be lucky to make fourth place.' 'They celebrated coming fourth.' The personal collective nouns are always absent, i.e 'us, we'. Every picture tells a story-every post paints a picture. Onwards and up the tree!

  42. David

    Oct 07, 2015, 14:01 #77177

    Jamerson - Klopp might've been a good choice because his record at BD was outstanding - they won the BL and were runners-up in the CL. Whatever his brand of football, it seems to work pretty well. Which is why some WOBs were interested in him taking over. So far, AW hasn't proved his doubters wrong this season, in spite of this result.

  43. mbg

    Oct 07, 2015, 13:52 #77176

    England have wheeled wally out to talk a good game for them now (he must have had a good game at the weekend) and boy he did a good job, rabbiting on, not taking time to draw breath telling everybody nobody would have coped with what happened to him as well as him,and how much he loves playing for England (as if he's going to say he doesn't) all you had to do was change England for Arsenal you wouldn't have known any different, same old same old we've heard it all before.

  44. jjetplane

    Oct 07, 2015, 13:37 #77175

    Well statted! Jamerson for vice-president. Wonder if he looks like Norman Tebbit? Off to see a Polish film about a nun in B/W with sub titles of course. We'd best wrap up ... Internationals week and all that. Support your local film society and team. Don't just bleat about it. Go!

  45. jeff wright

    Oct 07, 2015, 13:23 #77174

    It's going to be very difficult for any side outside the 5 top wage clubs ,City,United Chelsea,Arsenal,Liverpool to break into the Champions League places Ron. Even more so when the Prem is down to just 3 in it. Wenger's had the benefit of the 4th place for donkey's years to help him out out without that he would have long ago disappeared into history where in reality he actually belongs - had the natural order of football evolution applied. The false positives of the top 4 place have sustained his position and have even been hailed a success despite the constant embarrassments that he suffers in Europe every season.The old winners of the league only play in the Champions League would make things more interesting but it is not going to happen with the TV companies calling the shots and needing the other minor Champions League places to help add 'excitement' to 'Super Sunday' live on TV games such as the one against United last Sunday . Wenger is already, after just two games in Europe, doing his well known attempting mission impossible task .Soon we will be hearing how we are not out of it despite Wenger himself having said last week that the game against Olympiacos was a must win one... in fact as I seem to recall he already has said that ! You couldn't make it up.

  46. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 13:06 #77173

    Confucius say, 'Difficulty of advancement within the realm of the consciousness, and the mental growth it brings, is a narrowing of outlook brought about by fear of the unknown-or as it is more commonly spoken of in Chinese Temples, 'The ninth tear of isolation.'

  47. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 13:03 #77172

    With Plopp due on Merseyside, Pep Guardiola has become the new favourite to succeed AW. A team of Pep & right hand man Thierry Henry would be interesting. Maybe the £200m is awaiting the new man to spend?

  48. jjetplane

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:50 #77171

    AKB directive (top secret): dig up any available dirt on Klopp. Let's nip this in the bud. There is only Arsene Wenger. Please note those wishing to attend the celebrations for are title deciding win against a top top side please meet outside the Scientology centre who have kindly let us have a free room for the evening. Please come early as there is only standing room for a dozen. Our president wishes you all a profitable season but cannot attend as he busy setting up a 24/7 statistics dept that will answer any questions the non-supporting WOB HERD try to throw at us. Stay firm (at the helm etc) and in the words of our resident 'funny man' - good old Arsenal.

  49. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:40 #77170

    Hi Mark - Yes, Utd have been declining for some yrs havent they. RVP was the Suarez of Liv s 2014 team wasnt he, the only difference being was that Utd didnt leak goals like a sieve. For me, the PL has spiralled down markedly since 2009. Its no mystery why the best players dont come here is it. Agree too, the Chelsea side in Moinho s first spell were excellent. Very much like GGs 91 team i reckon. The lifeblood of the PL now is the resurgence of the upcoming Clubs, just off the fabled top 4. Long may it continue for me. That top 4 is tedious and badly needs its posturing, smug faced edifice smashing down for footballs sanity here as i see it.

  50. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:26 #77169

    Ron - you got me thinking I reckon Maureen's mob 2nd season and 1st time around where good. They also had a very good half season last time out. City can be brilliant but flaky. Poorest side to win the title in years has got to be UTD's last title with fergie

  51. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:17 #77168

    Colesy - so, this Utd team isn't an average one then? Its a great team then is it? Some of you are so touchy about the truth. Theres no shame in beating an average team well as did, but it doesnt magically convert the average team into a really good one.At OT in 2010 the Utd supporters celebrated slaughtering us like mad though they beat possibly the worst (and certainly the most cowardly) Arsenal team ever to take the field. It was still a good win. If it helps you feel warmer, theres not a truly top quality team in that PL and there hasnt been one for 6 yrs in my view.

  52. jjetplane

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:15 #77167

    AKB dullards rampant on here (well two of them) and try as RON does to invite them to use their drug-addled minds to think for themselves, there will be no shift. That Utd side is very average as the AKBs have been going on about all season but now they are a top team, Sir Alex is their favourite source and all because Ozil had a decent half hour. How blind religion is. Reckon if Wenger had NEVER come near Arsenal we would have won at least two more PLs and at least one CL. Historically the most overrated 'manager' in the history of football. All the media cannot be wrong and boring just because Wenger has been found out (way too late) and like his little lambs can do no more than bleat and bleat some more. Anyway - about the 9th tier. Things are tough and we are struggling at this dizzy height. Look forward to getting whipped on saturday 'cause that is what happens. Still we support our team in person and not sit in armchairs pretending to follow a club. If everyone was like the self-appointed president of the AKB fraternity (gang of four) then the Emirates would be half full. Apparently the 'foot soldiers' go ...... and spent their days congratulating themselves.

  53. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 07, 2015, 12:10 #77166

    Jamerson - I know you live in la la land but you won't get 10 years of Wenger. Between 1 and 5 years with a demand that he delivers premierships in that period or he will simply get older bearing more pressure. Where's Pete? I'd like to have a word with him.

  54. jeff wright

    Oct 07, 2015, 11:44 #77165

    Colesy, what you call stability others call stagnation. If you are happy with this then bully for you.Some of us however would like to see a bit more risk taken and if this means less dosh in the club's accounts to enhance Stan's shares then who is bothered,apart from him and Wenger. I have no doubt at all that Wenger's job entails making profits for Stan at its epicentre . The recent results in Europe were no accident but a result of this policy we have a squad good enough to qualify for Europe every season but never good enough to win the Champions League or the Premier League either. If you are happy with that then you are obviously easily satisfied. Using the things could be worse argument is no argument at all because they could also get better with a change of direction - until we actually try it though we will never know - but surely it must be more fun than the going around in circles to back where we started from every season .

  55. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 07, 2015, 11:25 #77164

    Poor Nick, next time change your job. Wondered when this United team is average was going to be posted. Not the Newcastle draw again jeff! We are looking at history as no other manager in our life times will hold down the same job at the same club for as long as the current manager. Sir Alex has made some interesting remarks about who will replace him and how difficult it will be, spoken from experience. Too many glory hunters in this world, and on this site. I take stability any day of the week.

  56. jeff wright

    Oct 07, 2015, 11:07 #77163

    Since 1970 various Arsenal managers have won FA Cups or League ones during the various decades up until now. Two even managed a European Trophy as well. Graham won both the League and FA Cups in the same season, beating Sheffield Wednesday in both of the finals. So nothing much really to get excited about with Wenger's recent FA Cup wins. There is nothing new either in Wenger beating United away in one tie , it's the magic of the cup as they say, with even lower sides than us beating top ones - sometimes we have been on the receiving end of a 'giant killing' shock result.However, one thing that no previous manager since the Chapman era has managed to do is to defend a league title or since its inception to win a European Champions Cup . Wenger and our players manically celebrating finishing 4th in the changing room after beating Newcattle that time showed what the real agenda at AFC is these days under Stan's business plan - making money.

  57. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 10:46 #77162

    You conflate Wengers longevity with the corporate structure of the Club Westie as if the two are necessarily and interminably linked. Many fall into that trap and you and they do so, merely because his presence there has become habitual and not fundamental.I can see why its happened but it doest afford you a watertight argument. Your argument is based on affection and sentiment, nothing else.else. Im well aware that we re not a hire and fire Club as you say, but your also aware that no other incumbent has ever got close to being so institutionally enshrined in the Club like this and not near for so long. Ill remain with my view that its unhealthy and offers us a certain kind of stability, but its the stability of sterility only im afraid. Leave a garden pond unattended to for long enough and eventually its goes stagnant, though its architecture and surroundings still look the same. PS Utd just looked a very average team to me. They had to have one some time. Footballs cyclical.

  58. Nick

    Oct 07, 2015, 10:32 #77161

    Westflower so our poor lads having flew first class to and from their respective destinations, sleeping in five star hotels, then doing what after all is their JOB, and playing 180 minutes of football will be sooo tired after all that , that we should not expect them to actually be able to WORK on their return and therefore struggle to win against a side like Watford who although lacking our undoubted class and skill will nevertheless raise their game several levels to run us close or even beat us, which will then be explained away as fatigue from all the hard work and privations suffered while on international duty . I used to work away from home all year, coming home on occasional weekends , when I did come home having worked a sixty hour week, which involved hard physical work, staying in digs some of which most people wouldn't house their dog in, then driving on average four hours to get home, I would RELAX by playing football on a Sunday morning, a poor performance would have earned me the ire of my team mates and manager, no excuses of tiredness and lethargy would have been excepted, I will also except no similar excuse from our players and manager if we fail to " turn up " at Vicaridge Road !!

  59. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 10:29 #77160

    @Ron Another coach may well have beaten Hull & Villa in the finals but would he have beaten Everton, Liverpool, Spurs & Man U on route? Of course we'll never know how a different coach would have fared throughout Arsenal's history if we'd changed managers more often. Arsenal have never been a hire 'em, fire 'em club and it hasn't caused any harm by staying faithful to that philosophy of stability. If someone had offered me that in 2015 that my club would be lying 2nd in the PL, with every chance of winning it, new stadium & £200m in the coffers I'd have signed for that. Did anyone else think that Man U looked fatigued on Sunday, maybe caused by their playing a CL game 24 hours later than Arsenal? What did Gary Neville think about it?

  60. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 10:13 #77159

    I'm always interested in this 'stability' concept Westie? As i see it, its a misnomer. Apart from Wengers individual longevity, where's the stability at Arsenal? What has his personal longevity given the Club, that other Clubs haven't had as a result of employing shorter term term Coaches? How has he being there so long conferred benefits on Arsenal that haven't occurred elsewhere at other top Clubs? What 'success' wouldn't have occurred had he have been dispensed with at some stage in this last decade? If this stability of yours is all its cracked up to be, why have none of the better quality players we ve had this last decade bought into it and remained there to co exist alongside Wengers longevity? What exactly wouldnt AFC have had this past decade, if say Wenger had left at full time the day we beat Wigan at Highbury? I ask the questions to you as im curious how it is so certain that another Coach at AFC couldn't have beaten Villa and Hull to win 2 Cups in a decade?

  61. Ron

    Oct 07, 2015, 9:52 #77158

    Ever heard of options on contracts Westie? Nobody has suggested automatic sackings after 3 years. See Klopp re Liv. 3 yrs plus an option seemingly. Thats how it works in the real World though not Wenger World.

  62. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 07, 2015, 9:30 #77157

    westlower - as a man who favours statistical analysis, I think you might want to withdraw that last one. All that stuff you mention in what MIGHT have been a wenger-less world could still just as easily have happened - you don't know that it wouldn't, do you? Indeed, things might have been even rosier (and there is certainly a case for saying that in the past 10 years). You're getting a bit meta-physical in order to try and make spurious arguments.

  63. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 9:29 #77156

    @Ron This 3 year reign suggestion of yours is far worse than I initially thought. Herbert Chapman joined in 1925 & if he'd been sacked in 1928 there would have been no dominant 30's for the Arsenal. Bertie Mee joined in 1966 & wouldn't have managed the 1970 Fairs Cup win or the 71 double team. GG took over in 1986 & wouldn't have been around for the great 90/91 Championship & ECWC triumph. Be careful what you wish for? Victory through Harmony & STABILITY.

  64. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 8:56 #77155

    @Badarse, Your German friend is right calling Ozil a sunshine player. When the side is on song he's the conductor & long may it remain so. If we're struggling substitute him, I've no problem with that. Don't burn him out Maureen style by turning him into a work horse & habitual fouler. Reading today's papers it seems Capello & Cruyff have got Maureen sussed. @mgb, AW has managed AFC for 6,942 days, on how many of those days have you moaned about him? @Ron If the manager was automatically shown the door after a 3 year contract how Arsenal's history would have been different. No Invincibles, no Emirates, no PL Championships in 02 & 04, no FA Cup wins in 02, 03, 05, No European Cup Final 06. Would Arsenal have morphed into Spurs, Liverpool, Everton or Villa?

  65. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 07, 2015, 8:39 #77154

    badarse - are you sure that isn't just a knee-jerk reaction you get while watching the telly?

  66. Westlower

    Oct 07, 2015, 8:29 #77153

    @JJ You'll be disappointed to learn that I've never been a corporate guest at Highbury or the Emirates. If you went as often as you say when you were an Arsenal supporter, we've doubtless stood on the same terrace on the North Bank or the Clock End - did you ever return that fag I lent you? I must confess to being a corporate guest at OT a few times + Anfield, Villa & Forest. Would you turn down the chance?

  67. Badarse

    Oct 07, 2015, 8:24 #77152

    Possibly a bit deep for some but we all live in the past-as you age there is more of it too. It cannot be escaped from gentlefolk, the best that can be done is take on a less moralistic view, and recognise 'the times, they are a-changing'. Adjust and adapt. The ability to look back is intrinsic to humans, we need to absorb and alter tested methods and directions which have proven less rewarding-it's important for survival of the species-,but judgement is a clear factor in any decisions, obviously. I find myself still moving for the ball when watching a game, albeit in my head, though my legs occasionally give involuntary movements, so the past is all around us, memories of what went before. We have German friends with us at the moment and one spoke of Ozil as a 'sunshine' player. Easily understood. Ozil will never be an Alexis, that too is obvious-as all players have their own specific abilities and qualities. We are encouraged to go with the hype of 'today'. The 'new' position of wide attacking men is a conundrum. We expect these players to attack, then double up on defensive duties. An impossible requirement, especially as even 'perpetual motion' players like Alexis has question marks against him in defensive back up responsibilities. Having laid a personal blanket view it is also worth considering the basics we are reasonably able to expect, and that is the quality of 'pressing'. On Sunday we saw Mesut and Theo add this to their games-it was a revelation. If these two can harness that aspect they become better players immediately, chasing down, winning the ball higher up the pitch is, in the words of our very own dear 'Uncle Joe' (Mercer), just defending in their half. Good old Arsenal.

  68. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2015, 23:57 #77151

    So Westie was just another corporate freeloader who happened to see Arsenal a few times. And your exact relation with the club and your God is .... I think Colsey wants to be your mate ..... What a pair of gooners indeed ....

  69. Th14afc

    Oct 06, 2015, 21:26 #77150

    Still absolutely buzzing after sunday!That 30 mins was a real throw back to the invincibles era....made Van Gaal look a right mug after his cocky pre match predictions....Theo put in a stint defensively when needed and was brilliant going forward,when he's upfront ozil improves 100% as he needs pacey players in front if him....Alexis is a world beater,has the potential to be an arsenal legend but sadly I don't see him staying here too long unless we win the title.....oh and Chelsea's meltdown is brilliant,special one my a rse.....where's Finsbury joe these days?

  70. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 06, 2015, 20:07 #77149

    mbg - Fair points about L'pool fans being arch-exponents of that accusation that they're living in the past. Spuds, Newcastle and the Toffees are others at whom that criticism could be levelled among the top half teams. It's arguable that only manure, citeh and chelsea can claim meaningful recent success. So I'd argue that as each season of stagnation and under-achievement passes by, we move closer to facing the same rap sheet as the moustachioed, shell-suited bin dippers (how's that for pejorative language jamie son?). It already feels like we're living in the past when wobs and akbs alike look backwards, and seldom forwards, to argue the case.In Arsene we rust...and look back to better times.

  71. mbg

    Oct 06, 2015, 19:25 #77148

    I bet the great Neil Warnock wouldn't have as much to say in support of OGL if he had a shoe in for his job, now there's an idea.

  72. mbg

    Oct 06, 2015, 19:07 #77147

    Ron, jw, again your spot on about the Liverpool fans living in the past (just like a lot of our own)and still think their the top dogs even though their not (far from it)but at least the scoursers want success again and are quite happy to do something about it to ensure it (or at least try to ensure it) a mate who is a Liverpool season ticket holder told me a while ago some fans had already turned against/on Brenda and the majority were just days away before the axe fell, and we know what happens when Liverpool fans see no light at the end of the tunnel and turn on a manager, again it's down to ambition, as you've both rightly said they're not top dogs any more but more importantly they want to be, UNLIKE a lot our own fans who as I've already said are quite happy to put up with mediocrity and an old out of date failure season after season after season without a whimper.

  73. Torbay gooner

    Oct 06, 2015, 18:42 #77146

    Think Klopp is a class manager and too good for Pool. He has done something that our manager has not done with back to back titles and the season before he took over at Dortmund they finished 13th! He built a quality team there, before Bayern nicked some of his best players. Still turned it around in his final season. I would have loved to have seen him at Arsenal.

  74. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2015, 18:32 #77145

    Jamerson - oh dear twisted old deviants..... Hummm seems to me your making unpleasant insinuations. Just a quick question how is Pete? You see I'm still trying to figure out whether you are admitting you are making up family members or not? Seems that you did admit to making up cartoon characters and tried to say that only WOBs could not comprehend this. Trouble was no one came to your aid and you just appear more unstable than ever. I really would recommend keeping on the meds. I wonder if some of your quiet periods are when you are more under control (lithium maybe?) The general problem is that your general buffoonery and lack of knowledge actually make it more difficult for someone who is rational to make an argument for Wenger. I

  75. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 06, 2015, 18:30 #77144

    I , too, side with the manager at the helm, Westlower and will always do that whatever the result. It is interesting that most who detest the management no longer go or even care about the team yet continue to comment in a negative way just as a wind up. To want your team to lose and try to change the manager because of the results is the lowest of the low. The petition has disappeared from view bit like the black scarf movement and unless silent Stan needs to find his voice nothing will happen. More results and performances like Sunday will obviously help, and with an injury free run there is no reason not to be positive.

  76. mbg

    Oct 06, 2015, 18:20 #77143

    Ron, jw, good posts, the days of long term contracts for managers are gone, three four years will be the height of it, especially if there's no success, or at least any sign of it, they'll be gone, no renewal and if the board/owners don't do it the fans will, that's called having ambition unlike ours who are quite happy to put up with year after year after year, (10 and counting) with mediocrity embarrassments and failure thanks to an old past it one and waiting and hoping for success to arrive, and still waiting. That's the way it is now, football has moved on the AKB's wengerites keep telling us so, also to move on with it, if only they took their own advice.

  77. Badarse

    Oct 06, 2015, 18:12 #77142

    Guten tag mein kleine neo Englanders. Die Nederlandische thinken they ist supremacy, nein? Ich heisse Wolfgangster und ist gut to hearen ur viwerens. Deutsche-herren ist eine, Deutsche-frau ist zwai, aber ur drie. Aber ven vee on zer haute tafel ur vill be there bringen de essen und die drinken, danke schon. Die Niederlandische supremacy dumpkopfs, like Berkamp er ist serr kleine spitzer, aber vergessen him und Anne Franks. Nietsche spielen Niederlandische ist man aber neo Deutsche ist superman, nein? Wie spielen ZiggyStardustGarethHale. Er ist ein gut way wie spiel und die firstist und lastist ist serr important, nein? Auf wiedersehen meinen freundens.

  78. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 06, 2015, 17:38 #77141

    Hey Jamie son - you're back! No need to check the results, Arsene must have won! I see what you did there with the black scarf idea - you unloveable old homophobe. To plagiarise the great Gil Scott heron - I remember what I said about manure - meant it! And that takes some doing because I dislike them even more than I dislike you.

  79. Badarse

    Oct 06, 2015, 17:26 #77140

    News item on Radio 4 today had Klopp talking. He said so often he falls asleep with boring matches-he was laughing and very comfortable in what he was trying to imply of lots of football we see. A spokesman then came on trying to give a resume of Klopp's nature and intentions in football. The man was very articulate and extremely dignified in his reply, ending with the statement that said-'...he likes exciting football,you could really say he would like to play "The Arsenal Way!"

  80. jeff wright

    Oct 06, 2015, 17:20 #77139

    Seeing that the game was played on SUNDAY dear Jamie it is hardly so surprising that you did not see any protests ... I suggest you give up the trolling you are fooling no one with it.

  81. Peter Wain

    Oct 06, 2015, 17:04 #77138

    I am not Wenger's greatest fan but I do get annoyed when transient so called celebrities like Piers Morgan jump on the Klopp bandwagon. Klopp's last years as Dortmund's head coach was hardly a great advert for his talent so Morgan just do one or better still go back to the states.

  82. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 17:03 #77137

    Mark - Rooney does seem a decent lad. I thought that. Westie lad - ive been in a few houses in my time where its best to wipe yr feet on the way out! Enjoy yr evenings guys.

  83. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:49 #77136

    @Ron, Please wipe your feet before you enter my mud hut!

  84. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:37 #77135

    @Mark, I don't mourn or cheer the departure of any manager. I won't make any exception when AW retires. What has changed with the passing of the years is that all through my life I've defended Arsenal against all and sundry. Being the only Gooner at school I am well practiced in that particular art. It toughened me up mentally from an early age. These days I only seem to argue/debate with fellow Gooners rather than supporters from other teams. Having worked on Merseyside for many years until I retired the football banter was endless but always in good humour. I've worked with lads from Croxteth, Moss Side in Manchester, reds & blues from Liverpool & introduced Yanks, Mexicans & Austrians to games at Highbury. During my many years as a ST at Highbury I've taken along supporters from virtually every club you could name but I've never witnessed as much animosity towards Arsenal from any of these outsiders as we get from some of the disaffected on here. I guess it's partly down to the media wind up merchants who provoke dissent within supporter groups. I find that sad. Every result is over analysed and extreme conclusions usually follow. People with selfish agendas are to be treated with caution.

  85. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:30 #77134

    Seems most AKBs are still living in 'empire times' - WOBs see past that. Mind you - that old conquistador Martinez would be a great fit. He would get them playing like Sanchez every week.

  86. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:17 #77133

    The exit door is even wider and more readily accessible and oft used by the Clubs for the players Westie. Coaches get it easy by comparison. As individuals none of us can change much but im so glad the World isn't full of people with the view 'i cant change it, so ill sit on my hands like a lemon and be grateful with what ive got'. I find such an attitude rather pitiful really to be honest. Youre entitled to yr view of course but the premise of it seems a shame. You query how people deal with life's difficulties in one of yr earlier posts. You dont know people on here and are on iffy territory anyway by being so sanctimonious in my view. In any event those non copers in life to whom you allude could suggest to you that you live yr life as a door step carpet? We d be living in mud huts still if everyone had have taken yr approach to life historically.

  87. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:09 #77132

    Did you go much then! lol!

  88. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2015, 16:07 #77131

    Ron - yeah think Marinez needed to manage Everton first before doing top 4 but he could well be ready. Me and the Mrs watched the Rooney programme last night. It really made me realise we may not meet his like again. Meeting up with various in laws, grannies (please be serious no tittering) in the backs of terraces of Croxteth he comes across as a very likeable guy. Seems to get on with everyone in the squad as well. So none of that wanky Terry / Lampard attitude from previous times. Noted that Theo was giving him some banter and that can only be a good thing rather than having to jump through hoops to even receive a nod from a team mate. On other rambling thoughts I think your average WOB thinks a bit different. I was thinking back to 87 / 89 etc. How ever much I liked GG. It was always Arsenal . I celebrated Arsenal. Tbh I wasn't hollering for GG when Thomas Poked it in the net. I wonder if some of these AKB Tina's have got a bit cult obsessed. I mean why do you have to back Wenger through thick and thin... Does this mean Westlower is still mourning the loss of Terry Neill and Don Howe?

  89. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 15:52 #77130

    @AKB, You came close with your assessment of me as I'm a devoted cheerleader of all things ARSENAL. AW didn't exist in the first 40 years of me becoming a Gooner. You can knock Wenger down & kick him until the cows come home but does it achieve anything? For sure it hasn't so far!

  90. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 06, 2015, 15:36 #77129

    Westlower - Time for a bit of personal honesty mate. You're much more than an observers - in fact, you're a devoted cheerleader for all things Wenger. Can you point us towards ANY criticism you've made of the chihuahua-headed one over the last 19 years? Give me an "A-a-a"...give me an "R-r-r"

  91. Tony Evans

    Oct 06, 2015, 15:15 #77128

    Roy - Yes watching the Spuds lose to Coventry almost made the Watford result worth it! Ron - I like Martinez too. Also Koeman would be worth a shout - he is doing a great job down on the South Coast. Not that OGL is going anywhere fast but we can dream!

  92. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2015, 15:00 #77127

    Now WEsTIE thinks not only he is the self-appointed numero uno fan of Arsenal though he never ever goes to a game! but now he questions a WOB's ability to deal with the ups and downs of everyday life. Might I also assume that you deal with life's tragedies in the same way you deal with your virtual support of this spent regime by just not turning up. Least us WoBs have a reason for not spending money simply to get top 4 (as in fourth) for eternity. we are all in our own ways numb to Arsene's defeats (which fundamentally over a decade outweigh the paltry successes) and you are no different. Even a WOB can say well done Theo once in a blue moon. Talking of blue moons ....

  93. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:58 #77126

    @Ron, I take a simplistic view. I'd don't have the power to change the Arsenal manager, so as purely an observer I'll support him through thick & thin. Every coach has his strengths & weaknesses and the next one will not be any different. It says much for the 'must win' hysteria sweeping through football that Rodgers was the second longest serving manager. How can any manager build up a rapport with his players when the managers exit door is always ajar?

  94. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:31 #77125

    Westie. Didn't realise you valued Colin's opinion.

  95. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:29 #77124

    Hi Westie - there are those types of course, the 'every match' type you mention but i think you and NW are exaggerating really. Most of our fans inc myself have been staunch AW backers and in truth i think most fans at most Clubs do back their Coach. AFCs problem is more one of human nature reaching into the edifice i.e. its become stale as happens when a face at the helm becomes too long in the tooth and overly familiar. All the other stuff thrown at AW is superflous really in my view. Hes the first Coach ive ever wanted out. I just think hes lost his edge and his motivation. He doesn't admit it of course and i wdt expect him too but age does that, esp in a young mans game in todays society. AFC are hanging onto him like some selfish dog owners keep their pet alive when really the right and kind thing would be to take him to the vet and let him go with dignity. Even under the present regime a new vibrant Coach would thrive. im sure of it. On NW s all of these coaches back each other publicly demanding more time etc etc for each other. They do it for themselves in reality. Stick together even when it plain that change is needed. Change can be uncomfortable and will be at AFC. My view is constant to in that change may mean we get worse before things alter for the better and a new man would need a few years at least. Id back any man for 3 yrs. In todays game, any longer without a sound reason for a Club to go much beyond 3 yrs isnt plausible, either in football or in other high profile jobs in industry. Wenger is far far too comfortable and its the comfort mentality in the Club that keeps him glued to his seat.Its always been this way in Europe. Coaches dont last long, even at the lesser clubs. Here, its become a mantra and its a false one in AFC s case in my view.Yr view of supposedly backing a man forever and comewhat may is with respect a recipe for disaster. No business wanting success would ever sign up to such a short sighted and limiting vision and nor should AFC.

  96. jjetplane

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:13 #77123

    Wally had a great first half hour as did many of the team but has Shearer pointed out Man Utd (like Arsenal a lot of the time) had no game plan and nothing to combat Arsenal's passing. Hope Wally really means he and his mates are to turn in similar performances for the remaining season but as he has been at Arsenal for nine years he is still playing the 'we are evolving' card which is indulgence on a cosmic scale. That the smiley guvnor had been there for nineteen years is even more of a mystery and one he is prepared to wipe under the carpet. Would be great to now see a Utd implosion to go with the Chelski one which should give Arsenal an easy pass to next year's CL which we assume is still the main target. Twenty years in the CL would make Wenger a top top (sic) manager non? Ozil was majestic and well Sanchez is on his way to Bayern if he keeps this up. Camera only fell on the Stamford Russian once at the weekend and he was all alone for once at looking most upset with this particular toy. Think it was Westie who said Chelski won last year with their early blitz on sleeping teams and now appear quite ordinary but was not the jury always out on the likes of Oscar, William, Ramirez et al. Arsenal performance is a microcosm of Chelski's but it has to happen over a season and that includes the most welcome irritation of a good half dozen teams who really have no respect for their 'betters.' Lastly - that wee fella at Citeh is not bad either. Looks like himself and Sanchez are a class apart in this league. Interesting to see if Ozil can join them. Now then Jamerson - what colour is your SHED now? All is rosy with another break and I am all eyes for an improvement on the last sportingly vacuous past decade. Fast Show - now that was a laugh. Ask LVG.

  97. Roy

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:08 #77122

    Westie/Gaz/WABATTD/Tony Evans, I think we'll beat Watford, but it may well pan out the same way as the Leicester one did before we overcome them. Being an evening kick off, maybe we'll be slightly more awake at the start ! I was at that game in 87 too, a real sickener as I remember as I was sure we would win. Robbed us of a semi against the Spuds, I think. Still, Coventry made sure it all turned out alright in the end, eh ?

  98. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 14:00 #77121

    @Ron, My stance is constant in that I'll support WHOEVER is the Arsenal manager. I'll stay with him in the trenches while all around are lobbing grenades. Keep your self belief while all others are losing theirs. As much as I loathe Maureen as a human being I wouldn't have a bad word said against him should he ever be the Arsenal coach. Long live the king/queen, whoever he/she is. Neil Warnock opined this morning that some Gooners want a change of manager every 6 months. I think it's worse than that, the bad losers among us want a new manager every time we lose. How they cope with bad times in their own lives I can only imagine.

  99. jeff wright

    Oct 06, 2015, 13:49 #77120

    Personally Ron I prefer the Rom approach to managers these egotistical prima donas ( this includes our one) need a good kick up the arse and shown the door once they start to slack. Wenger anywhere else but business plan Stan AFC would have been history years ago. You have to smile though how quickly despite recent embarrassing defeats how one win suddenly makes him successful again. You are right about Liverpool their supporters live in the past they are not what they used to be and most likely never will be. Rodger's due to the Suarez factor came close to winning a league title with them but in the final analysis his side was found out to be the great pretenders that in reality they always were. Klopp might improve things if the new manager syndrome gets the players up for a fight -this is often though a short term fix and the impetus of the new man wears off and fades away faster than a Wenger Champions League tilt .This season's one has been in record time ! Personally I wouldn't mind a short term fix like Chelsea had when Di Matteo took over mid-season from AVB and he won the European Cup . It didn't save his hide though when things went awry in the Prem a few weeks later -if he had won the Champions League with us he would have got at least 5 years before he was fired ! Then again it's all about what the boss wants and Stan wants the dosh and Wenger provides it so different priorities apply to our man and Chelsea's one.

  100. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 13:38 #77119

    ps Mark - I wouldn't mind if Martinez became our man either. Just thought id throw him in as an option. I think hes becoming a better manager each season. Only 42/43 i think as well.

  101. mbg

    Oct 06, 2015, 13:24 #77118

    Mark, it looks like we've missed out on another vibrant young exciting manager to stick with a tired old past it one.

  102. mbg

    Oct 06, 2015, 13:11 #77117

    Mike, I draw your attention to post 81574.

  103. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 13:04 #77116

    I know he did ok at Dortmund Mark, but ive a sneaky feeling that it might just be a lot of huff puff and bol--cks from all and sundry over this Klopp guy? That Liverpool job will test him for sure. The Club and fans still think they're circa 1987 'giants'which theyre clearly not nowadays. How high does he rate himself really? Liverpool? He seems to get off with all this connecting to the fans stuff. It could be all a cover and lacking a bit of substance? We ll see wont we. Give me a Coach who does the job thoroughly and leaving no stones unturned and who players fear every time. If they dont like him, all the better. Theres been too much mateyness and love at Arsenal for too long. We need a hard nosed 'doer'. Yes, sound history but the Clubs a bit of a myth now surely. I d have Carlo every day of the week. Beyond him, Guardiola once hes restless again. I d have Mourinho too, despite what Westie might have to say on it ha ha! Im sure of Chelsea sacked him, h ed like nothing more than get on the tube and come across to jump into Wengers seat and show Chelsea how daft they would be to shift him.

  104. Ron

    Oct 06, 2015, 12:32 #77115

    No disrespect to Watford games, but its a Club i really struggle to get motivated for. Bit like Sunderland, Reading, QPR and Norwich. A few others too. Just cant get up for these games. Sorry Delia!

  105. Tony Evans

    Oct 06, 2015, 12:20 #77114

    Westlower / Gaz / WABATTD - It's about time we put the Watford hoodoo to bed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they bring us all back down to earth. After all that would be a typical result after thrashing the Mancs.

  106. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2015, 11:24 #77113

    Well it's all about the timing and the opportunity so sorry to see Klopp going to Liverpool though a number of people are saying the emotional side of Klopp will fit well with Liverpool. I think a better fit would have been with the more philosophical / worse case apathetic Arsenal support base. A nice romantic journey might have got us all an exciting ride. Ancelotti would be brilliant but maybe not offer quite the thrills

  107. Gaz

    Oct 06, 2015, 10:34 #77112

    Hi Tony. Remember that home defeat to Watford really well. 87 it was and we were on a good run in the other Cup too weren't we? Watched it from the Clock end and a few minutes after their third goal went in I looked over towards their fans and the very first person I made contact with was a good pal of mine with this huge grin on his face! Couldn't believe we'd picked eachother out!!!...

  108. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 06, 2015, 10:03 #77111

    Westlower; that 1-3 was the infamous game where the linesman flagged for a foul on Niall Quinn that would have been a penalty, ignored by ref, Watford break upfield and went 2-1 in front. Cue spat between Steve Williams and the Turnip. Got to hand to them, they were more streetwise than us that day.

  109. jeff wright

    Oct 06, 2015, 9:51 #77110

    Mike, Wenger forgoes the Champions League EVERY season - wake up and pay attention !He is worried about 4th place going to Italy next year so neeeds to get at least 2nd or 3rd to keep Stan happy with the CL cash group money.

  110. Westlower

    Oct 06, 2015, 9:44 #77109

    @Tony, Your memory serves you well as it was indeed a 6th tie of the FA Cup, 14th March 1987. Attendance 43,276. AFC team: Lukic, Anderson, Sansom, O'Leary, Adams, Williams, Rocastle, Groves, Hayes, Quinn, Allinson (goal scorer). Historically of the 21 games played between the two clubs, Watford have won 11, AFC 9 & only one draw. 2 of the Arsenal victories were when we were Woolwich Arsenal in 1906 & 1910, both games in the FA Cup. Prior to the Wenger era we have only won once from 6 attempts in the league at Watford, in 1984 we won 4-3. Team: Jennings, Anderson, Sansom, Talbot, Caton, O'Leary, Robson, Davis, Mariner, Woodcock, Nicholas. Goal scorers - Charlie Nicholas 2 , Brian Talbot & Tony Woodcock. Bogey team indeed but recent results are much improved with AFC winning all 4 PL games.

  111. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 06, 2015, 9:03 #77108

    Watford were our bogey side in the mid to late 80's for sure, though the record's a little skewiffed as we lost 0-2 and 0-3 to them home and away in the space of a few days in April 1986, just after Don Howe was sacked - the original fixture at Vicarage Road on Boxing Day 1985 was postponed, when we were playing really well and they were pretty ordinary. But yeah, they were awful in 1987/88 but still beat us home and away - the away one had more than a lot to do with the ref though. Home game was just before the League Cup final and AFC didn't look too bothered that night.

  112. Tony Evans

    Oct 06, 2015, 8:33 #77107

    Westie - Yes Watford were often a thorn in our side, and I recall a particularly depressing 1-3 reverse in the FA Cup. Must have been late 80s and I think was the 6th round.

  113. Mike

    Oct 06, 2015, 7:32 #77106

    I have a hunch that Arsene is willing to forgo the Champions League in pursuit of the premier league this year - hence his strange selections for the Champions League games.

  114. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 06, 2015, 7:02 #77105

    Ron - having once had to share a sauna with a Dutchman who insisted sitting there with his legs wide open whilst telling me about the problems with the English I can attest to that. A lack of Sauna culture in the UK is a plus not a minus! Rather than bring back more horrific memories. The other issue surprisingly for such a "liberal" culture is the race line that splits through their national team. The black players on one table , white players on the other was surprising. Apparently it was all down to menu. You would think they would be offered usual rota of grilled chicken that anyone can eat. The difference between that and seeing Wayne's world last night. He is a player who is possibly a last of his kind. Still as noted by Arsene Knew Best with Van Gaal working his oddity at Man U and Chelsea effectively having to keep Maureen to January? It is time for Arsenal to reap the harvest.

  115. divingrooney

    Oct 06, 2015, 6:01 #77104

    How sad the blogger is.... However, as a tendency, it has not gone away and will cost in other games unless it is ironed out pronto. It is an obvious weakness. How they Arsenal had lost, and they could have just pasted their pre-written rhetoric.

  116. CRIS

    Oct 05, 2015, 23:10 #77103


  117. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 22:48 #77102

    Mark - Van Gaal point -Dutch footie has suffered historically from that 'mental supremacy' thing. Quite a few of the top teams have gleaned success and wins v the Dutch simply by letting their arrogance subsume them in matches. They traditionally accuse Germany of the very thing that they themselves are the arch purveyors of. The converse is English footie at national level where we have no confidence at all in our abilities, despite the media distorted visons of our chances in tournies for so many yrs until recently. Capello and Sven are on record expressing surprise at the low level of self confidence they found amongst our players.

  118. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 05, 2015, 22:27 #77101

    Sir Mark of Aylesbury - I agree about LVG but the strong sense I get from hearing his interviews is that he simply doesn't give a toss if manure succeed or fail. That's the kind of manager we want for one of our perennial rivals! Plus that photo of him getting up off the bench after one of their games clutching some bourgeois wine catalogue gives the lie to the idea that he is totally devoted to the job. I'd like to see him hang around, waste even more of the Glazers' unearned money and help effect an even bigger decline/stagnation that the one we're sadly living through...

  119. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 05, 2015, 19:35 #77100

    West lower - good question re schnerderlin (spelling sorry) The only thing I would add is that LVG seemed to have taken UTD to the top temporarily while still being as mad as a box of frogs. Did I hear that he said "it's not if, it's when we beat Arsenal" anyone coming out with that before a big match is simply asking for it. I suspect he is a divisive figure and totally assured of his mental supremacy. Very odd man, thank god Utd have him and not us

  120. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 19:25 #77099

    Ron, that would be the Mr Benn from Festive Road.

  121. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 19:15 #77098

    Ron, especially if she engages Ray Parlours Lawyer. It could actually work in our favour, if the wife gets awarded half his future earnings he could retire.

  122. Torbay gooner

    Oct 05, 2015, 18:48 #77097

    Yes Kevin, fair report. A committed performance with incisive(not tippy tappy) passing and three quality goals. Even Walcott was tackling back and to my amazement Wenger was off his seat offering instructions to Ramsey and others! I can't remember the last time I saw that! Czech made a couple of decent saves and looks the reassuring presence that we all hoped he would be. Why can't these players produce these performances consistently is that 24 thousand dollar question? The answer I suspect has to lie with the manager. Too many false dawns to get too carried away, but as fans the minimum we expect to see is effort and they certainly produced that against Manure. Hope we can see the same against Watford, Everton and others over the next few weeks.

  123. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 05, 2015, 18:25 #77096

    Ron - Nice one. Maybe you were at the improbably named blue lagoon which is up the road a bit from me. No Brooke Shields unfortunately. Keeping the legs well and truly closed is a pre-requisite for the art of coasteering. Get it wrong and it can feel like being in the wall and facing a peter lorimer free kick.

  124. Dartford gooner

    Oct 05, 2015, 18:16 #77095

    Theo let the cat out of the bag, the players met on their own to sort out the mess on Tuesday. Ozil like Arshavin, Hleb and Reyes before him all had great skill but could not cope with the rigours of English football.It was great to see us out fight the Mancs and see Rooney do nothing but moan.

  125. Westlower

    Oct 05, 2015, 18:04 #77094

    Anyone have a theory why Schneiderlin wasn't used by LVG, even when their midfield was being ripped apart?

  126. Badarse

    Oct 05, 2015, 18:03 #77093

    Mmm, interesting bigotry-a conundrum?-Big Tory, as I said, interesting-anyway the 'Mo' sketch was in support of westlower, so it was in a good cause. goonercolesyboy, I had to speed read through the posts to catch up, but I lingered over your post 81493, it made me smile. Funny that the tacit message is that posters know and read situations and personas, yet misread mine but more importantly for this communique, misread your personality. I know you well, you are me through the looking glass buddy. John Lennon, a hero of mine, once said, 'I sincerely believe in love and peace. I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent.' Well it isn't exactly an overlay of my attitude but it's close enough for those who misread personalities anyway. I liked the likening of Tony Adams to yourself, westlower as the Merse, and myself? Well I would always want to be Frank McLintock if we were dressing up and playing games. The responsible older brother type, who would always draw off and chin a real threat...like Frank in the Battle of Rome against Lazio. I had a chat with Griff 23 years ago and he only wanted to talk of money.

  127. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:41 #77092

    arseneknew - mate, not many places nicer than yr part of the World either. Ive done some coasteering there from time to time, nearly s--t myself doing the cliff jumps into the water but when theres a few women queuing behind waiting to leap its sort of hard to bottle out!! ps cant abide it when they dredge up these 'celebs' to run those progs. I saw him in one where he was going into some lake for a skinny dip. I thought it was Llangorse lake though in Powys. Clearly it was nearer to your goodself though. Anyway, i watched it for 10 mins or so hoping that some as yet undiscovered pre historic Lochness type thing leapt up, gored and swallowed the horrible little squirt!

  128. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:33 #77091

    I read somewhere Ron that Wenger is getting the 'separation' with his wife done in a French Court .Probably to try and avoid the scenario that you suggest . It will still be costly though and living alone in that big mansion in North London can't be much fun. I picked up on a comment that he made the other day though that appears to have gone unnoticed. He said that LVG HAD MADE A MISTAKE BY DISCLOSING WHEN HE WILL LEAVE UNITED. Could we be in for a surprise surprise with Wenger like the one Sir Ferguson produced when he suddenly departed from United>?

  129. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:32 #77090

    Hi Ron - With England out of the Rugby WC, and the ennui of (footie) international week, there needs to be a bit of sport. And Griff RJ really gets my goat, not least because he frequently invades my current neck of the woods (pembrokeshire) in order to spout unfunny pseudo-celtic tosh in impeccably posh oxford english - horrible false little herbert. A bit like Jamie son but with a slightly higher IQ...

  130. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:23 #77089

    arseneknew - im onto you. Yr teasing out his nasty streak now arent you, you naughty lad you! You only have to wait as it always floods out of him without warning like night following day! You ll have him quoting Hancock and reciting extracts from his 'Benn diaries' next. Now look what you've risked by mentioning that 'nice' Rhys Jones fraud!

  131. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:19 #77088

    Is this the same Bale who helped win the European Cup for Real Madrid... >? They couldn't make a monkey out of him ... winning the European Cup was something that eluded world class Ozil when he was with Madrid... it's also something from what I have seen of him that will elude him with us as well... his FA Cup appearances have not been anything to remember either... he was supposed to take US up to another level - but we are no better with him and in Europe are doing even worse than before he joined! It's difficult not to make out a case for Madrid having got the better of the deal when they off-loaded him on us. The spuds though on the other-hand are doing worse now than when they had monkey-boy .You couldn't make it up.

  132. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:09 #77087

    The question has already been asked what Arsenal will turn up for the next game, or even the one after that, well if the TOF has anything to do with it it will be like strutting peacocks chest's out groomed to the 99's after this win thinking they've arrived and just having to turn up to win it, with the inevitable happening it always does.

  133. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:07 #77086

    I think his worst nightmare Jeff is if his Wife issues into the English Divorce Court and not the French one. Keep it amiable Proff lad!!

  134. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:04 #77085

    Badarsio - that mel and griff stuff is stale, derivative and even less humorous than your usual guff. Mel is brown (as in bread) and griff is a nasty money-grubbing tory who pretends to be welsh when BBC Wales is offering him cosy tv jobs (and who was straight-faced when moaning like a baby about Miliband's plans for the mansion tax). Choose some other false idols cos these two ain't making the rest of us laugh. The Chuckle brothers or Hale and Pace are more your level but I'm not sure they're anyone else's

  135. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 05, 2015, 17:01 #77084

    81493 was my prediction post from yesterday about the anti Arsenal brigade to Paul on another article but more or less spot on. Ozil is class Badarse, ran the game in his own elegant and languid way, and so glad Madrid bought Bale so we could have him in our team. Sanchez, Walcott and Ozil is a brilliant combination of players, that tore United apart, but the editor couldn't possible expand on the goals as he would have copped flak from his doom and gloom mongers on here.

  136. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 16:48 #77083

    No Badarse it's the same one that Real Madrid offloaded on to us and who has failed to live up to his hype. Every player had a great game yesterday it was one of those days.The sort of day when the chickens roosting in the rafters at the stadium fluffed their feathers and clucked clucked away for to wait for another day and the vultures hovering above in expectation of a feast flapped off to Stamford Bridge where there is now more chance of juicy pickings. I'm pleased for Arsene though believe it or not because he looked out of control on Friday in that media horror show prattling on with nonsense about Ospina being world class and all. So he at least has now got a breathing space while he sorts out other things in his life... and can pop off in good humour to Paris to make some money by commenting on the French football games and doing what ever else he gets up too while there... .As they say when in Rome do as, and I guess the same applies to Paris as well. My own visits there have been rather mundane though... Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees , Musee du Louve... and what have you.. but I guess it's the same for us London born we have seen everything cultural like in the our City ,well some of us have... and look for other things to do for our amusement...

  137. Westlower

    Oct 05, 2015, 16:34 #77082

    @Tony, I believe we wont see the razor sharp Arsenal we saw yesterday, mainly because of the International break. Until the Wenger era we had a terrible head to head record against Watford. Out of 12 games from Nov 1982 to Apr 1988 we lost 9, drew 1 & won 3. George Graham lost both his away games at Watford & lost 2 out of 3 at Highbury. In his last game at Watford we lost 0-2 with a good team: Lukic, Thomas, Sansom, Adams, O'Leary, Davis, Williams, Richardson, Rocastle, Smith, Groves. The good news is that Wenger has won all 5 games played against Watford , the last being a 2-1 away win in Dec 2006, team: Lehmann, Hoyte, Clichy, Toure, Djourou, Rosicky, Fabregas, Hleb, Gilberto, RVP, Adebayor. Goal scorers Gilberto & RVP. Ref - Mike Dean.

  138. Badarse

    Oct 05, 2015, 16:23 #77081

    Mmm, that Mesut Ozil, the man who was voted the German Football Ambassador by the German Foreign Ministry, for his charity work? The man who immediately donated the prize money to burns victims in Africa? (Barney Curley would be proud). The best passer of a ball at AFC? The man who cut Man U apart with the precision of a surgeon? Our very own Turkish Delight? Nah, must be some other Mesut Ozil.

  139. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 16:10 #77080

    Ron, my view is that Ozil would flourish better in the Turkish league .There were rumours that a Turkish club was interested in signing him but Stan and Wenger would lose face if they sold him for far less than what they over-paid. So that is a non starter for awhile at least... It really is a case with this guy of his price-tag being bigger than his contributions are on the field. Real did not off-load him like a bag of unwanted bad onions for no good reason and it was noticeable that no German club wanted him,why not is the question,seeing that he plays in their national side.

  140. Badarse

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:52 #77079

    Mel: So, the champions were beaten again.-Griff: Well in a way they were.-M: They lost at home 1-3, what other way is there?-G: You could say they came second in that game and were silver medallists.-M: Now you sound like the Portugeezer.-G: Ah, good old Mo.-M: Mo? You mean Mourhino?-G: Yes, but I can't spell Mourhino.-M: You just did.-G: No Mel, I think you'll find that was Badarse putting words in my mouth.-M: Pity he doesn't put more sensible words there then.-G: Oh no. He lets me have my own mind. Still Stamford Binge, like Big Ben, it has a ring to it.-M: you mean Bridge.-G: No Mel binge, you should see how the players behave when old Mo isn't around. It's one long binge.-M: So Terry's days are numbered then.-G: Ah, John Terry, Captain, Leader, Foot.-M; Foot?-G: Yes, the sign at the club says, Captain, Leader, Leg End.-M: Legend, not Leg End.-G: Legend? That's taking it a bit far isn't it?-M: Of course, it's an example of a hyperbolic statement.-G: Hyper bollack? Steady on Mel, next you'll be suggesting it's all balls.-M: Well he is a horrid little scrote of a man, isn't he?-G: But Mel, you must admit we at Chelsea FC have lots of class.-M: True, but it's all second class!-G: Now, now, remember Mel, blue is the collar.-M: Colour, not collar.-G: Really? Collar never did make any sense to me. Anyway on to more important matters, do you think Fabregas is getting fat?

  141. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:51 #77078

    arseneknew ... spot on mate. Those guys were the motivators too. Wenger never needed to motivate until just before we left Highbury and its been an issue since for me. More than tactically, ive always thought its been his main Achilles heel as a Coach. Its known he says nothing to little at HT and barely ever raises his voice. With Adams et al about he didn't need to im sure. Human nature would suggest that players have taken advantage of never being bawled out or of choosing to motivate themselves only when it suits them. It was clear in the 49 game run that players did what was needed to turn games round that had gone askew without messages from the bench. He could trust great players intelligence then. Hes trusted lesser players as having the same intelligence since and its hasnt worked out. The best players are the best players because of their footie brains. Theres no secret. Look at Rooney, Hes been a great footie player because he ha obvious astute football nous and match awareness, certainly not for his academic capabilities. Most need to be led by the nose, just like in junior and kids football. Arguably the great players dont need a Coach.

  142. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:43 #77077

    Amos, titles can be won under any number of differing scenarios-including by G/D on the last game of the season with the last kick of the ball. My point though was that City have not been that inconsistent they have won 6 out of 8 played scored 19 and conceded 7 .One of the games they lost was at Tottenham where 2 of the spuds goals were so far off-side that the calls were not even close ones . Brown envelopes >? Anyway it was not down to inconsistency . I make us odds on to get a top 3 place 2nd or 3rd .I will be surprised,and so will Wenger,if we win the league .Our squad is not as strong as City's. I don't rule out Chelsea making a belated charge for a top spot either -there is still a long way to go yet .If Mourinho will still be in charge when they do is another matter... I wouldn't bet on it but if he goes then the new manager syndrome could ki-in and the last time that occurred at Chelsea they won the European Cup -the game is not all about Arsene and his ways you know. The new manager syndrome could also have an impact at Liverpool. TBH,despite yesterday's win I think it would do so with us as well. No chance of course of that happening. Cheers make mine a double,what no chance,thought not !

  143. Man United Killer

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:40 #77076

    Great Result! But until Wenger is shown the door results like this will be a rarity.

  144. Tony Evans

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:40 #77075

    Arseneknewbest - It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Very difficult to give any credit to OGL because, as you say, it's just not his style.

  145. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:30 #77074

    Just a suspicion, but did anyone else get the impression that in yesterday's game the main personalities decided to grasp the nettle and set the tactics themselves, a little in the old days when TA, Bouldy, DB and others were de facto bosses on the pitch? Otherwise, how else does one explain the startling difference in approach from players such as Ozil and Wally who were tracking back and squeezing Manure's space. I mean one can hardly imagine OGL telling the lads to pull their fingers out and up their effort - it just isn't his style is it? Coquelin also had a major influence yesterday for me...

  146. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:30 #77073

    I dont think theres any mystery to the Ozil conundrum Jeff. Hes a fantastic player, in a slower less physical game than the PL as long as he has genuine quality players to feed off what he offers them. For ,me, im not a fan of his as an AFC player, but i was as a Madrid player and in a Ger shirt too. I think its a simple as saying that hes the wrong type of player in the wrong league. I'm sure he could still excel in Spain or Italy. The games littered with players like this. Diego Forlan is but one notable mention. Veron too. Mirandinho. Go back years to Tarrantino. Great as an Argentina WC winner in 78. A disaster in Bham Citys defence as the physicality beat him totally in 79. The Brazilian whos name i cant recall who Hughes bought for City in 2008, he who thought hed signed for Chelsea! ha. He was a great player but the speed and physicality didnt suit him either. Kazi Deyna for Man City in the 80s. Brilliant technique. Flopped for City. Loads of them.

  147. Tony Evans

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:28 #77072

    Westie - I think you are taking my Watford comment too literally.

  148. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:18 #77071

    Par for the course Chris is a standard number of shots and putts you have to make on a golf course . They have to be made though.Many golfers fail to make them. GK's are expected to make saves but as we know only too well they often make mistakes. Even Cech does so he must be given credit for keeping cool and saving the shots that he did-particularly the Martial one that I suspect Ospina might not have saved. ... Merci Arsene You know best of course about Ozil I am going to ignore these nasty people like Thierry Henry , what does he know anyway, and listen instead to your own unbiased views on Ozil. I think that he is another of those invisible men that only such as yourself can see the fantastic things that he does. Are there any glasses that you can buy to watch him play with that reveal his hidden talents >?

  149. RedPig

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:14 #77070

    Does anyone think performance related pay is workable in sport? I am not sure if you can do it in a team game like football. Win bonuses do not seem to offer the same incentive as they once did when players earned less ... but I would like to see players have to rewarded or penalised more in relation to their performances. Obviously there would be times when individuals who played well were let down by their teammates (an example being Sanchez playing very well against Olympiacos but the rest being dreadful). Would that be a bad thing? I would include managers in it too. We'd see Arsenal on fire every week if Wenger's precious salary depended on it.

  150. Its up for grabs now

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:07 #77069

    @mgb I would happily be first in line to throw away that key, given half a chance, and be more than happy to take all the flak from the Wenger disciples!

  151. Red Pig

    Oct 05, 2015, 15:01 #77068

    Would it be wrong to suggest the AKB salivating over yesterdays performance of being guilty of a knee jerk reaction to just one game? ;)

  152. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:59 #77067

    Hi Amos - indeed, our title win of 97/8 comes to mind re yr point earlier. We didn't have much title credibility by Xmas that yr.

  153. Chris

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:42 #77066

    Jeff - Point being that a goalkeeper making a couple of saves is not cause for caveating any victory, as it is par for the course and expected. And certainly not such a comprehensive all round victory as this....

  154. Amos

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:42 #77065

    @jeffwright. Chelsea's title last season was based on a blistering start. They stormed the first 12 games but we were actually more consistent and picked up more points than Chelsea over the next 26 games. There are plenty of examples where titles are won despite a weak start or a week ending to the season. What's needed is a strong enough run of results at some point. Our first half points tally in 2001/2002 for example wouldn't have been enough to win the title but few could live with the run we put together at the end of the season. It maybe a surprise to learn that the three season's with widest margins of disparity in terms of points gained in the first half of the season compared to the second half are all in the more 'successful' early Wenger period.

  155. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:39 #77064

    It's a fact Chris that the rules that apply to mere mortals do not do so for Arsene - he lives - along with Amos and Annie and the other A's in a parallel world where the laws of addition and multiplication are supplanted by bookmakers fluctuating odds and cries can be heard of ... Top of the head ! Consistency in this other world is inconsistency - unless it is consistent and if not then it is inconsistent ... inconsistent sides could easily be the most consistent if they are less inconsistent than other inconsistent ones . Winning points is irrelevant to that fact. Goalkeepers who Wenger signs in his parallel world are ALL world class and you have to understand that only he can decide which of them he plays in games. Unless it is a Premier League one in which case he always picks Peter Cech despite having the world class Ospina as well. It must be a difficult choice but Arsene knows best as they say. That's why he gets paid 8m a year to get these things right ...oh !

  156. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:15 #77063

    Maybe that will be the next thing/excuse we hear from the wengerites it's all part of their messiah's master plan, to not qualify for the CL in order to be able to concentrate on the premiership, you heard it here first.

  157. Badarse

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:11 #77062

    Thank you Kevin. Mark from Aylesbury, apologies for not responding to your post on the other article. Firstly let me begin by saying I vouchsafe your views on all mentioned instances, and recognise the huge advances made over the years in virtually every situation. People are people, and will always find ways of letting themselves down in the way that water finds it's own level. I was getting at the general disengagement of people, the callous and cowardly behaviour of some, and worse the acceptance of it by the silent majority. With it we become more bestial, so baa and moo to them. My dad was an amateur wrestler and weight-lifter and coached many Jewish youngsters in self defence when Mosely's 'blackshirts' roamed the streets, so I realise that violence was omnipresent. This is a form of infection. We talk of the 'nutters' in the States shooting up the place and going on killing sprees, but I believe the behaviour of their 'Joe public', is far less aggressive than our own society. I was referring to the damage to the fabric of everyday life. You take a step in one direction, (not necessarily forward though), towards a recognised/accepted improvement, i.e cinemas. Gone are the old 'flea pits' and in their place we have sterile, multiplex venues, with misspelt names, you crunch through popcorn underfoot and listen to slurping and chattering as people scoff rat burgers all around. We have a funny quaint old cinema nearby where it is run by three older people-they are all Peter Sellers in disguise! It is lovely. You buy a cup of tea and they give it to you on a saucer, where you then go into the hall and drink it at your seat. Marvellous stuff. Anyway would just add when I think of a good poster who has alternative views to my own I have a composite image, you make up the hybrid. By the way, be a little wary of painting Jack Jones so badly, he has a list of attributes as long as your arm in helping unfortunates, and the 'traitor' slur was on the words of one man's unsubstantiated claim. Oh yes at the moment my guess that we would finish as runners up and possibly win the League Cup took another step up yesterday-at this rate I would claim I am only second to Jamerson's guesses. Theo, Mesut and Alexis superb. Good old Arsenal.

  158. Westlower

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:03 #77061

    @Tony, The Arsenal team that will turn up at Watford will be fatigued from playing & travelling with their relevant national teams. Sanchez, if fit, with play against Brazil & Peru in the next 10 days.Conversely Watford will be refreshed and raring to go for their cup final day. There's been many debates on here into what constitutes challenging for the PL. Lying in 2nd spot doesn't count for much in the minds of the cynics. On the other hand the bookies consider AFC as the only real contenders to Citeh, with their updated betting to win the PL: Citeh 8/11, AFC 11/4, Man U 8/1, CFC 25/1, L'pool 100/1, TH 150/1. Just for the record AW has managed 1,078 AFC games, winning 628 (58.2%). Should he lose the next 100 games he'll still have the best win % of any Arsenal manager in history.

  159. Bard

    Oct 05, 2015, 14:03 #77060

    Amos; the consistency theme is an interesting one. Arsenal are undoubtedly consistently inconsistent as are the other teams. so the one that will win the PL is the side that is the least consistently inconsistent, which presumably means the most consistent or have I misunderstood that.

  160. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:57 #77059

    Bonjour Arsene , merci beaucoup for informing us that Ozil is not for sale - very comforting to know this . As you also once said big clubs don't sell their best players so that's why Real Madrid sold Ozil to us. Caesar salad Annie is struggling to work that out she thinks top clubs want to buy Ozil . You couldn't make it up.

  161. King Jeremy

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:55 #77058

    Great result, but so very frustrating. Arsenal won in spite, not because of the manager. Sunday was proof that with the right, fresh, motivated, ambitious manager this group of players could achieve great things. Sadly, very sadly, while Wenger remains in charge for every one of this type of result there will be an Olympiacos just around the corner.

  162. Chris

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:50 #77057

    Jeff - Yes that sly old dog, Arsene, playing a top keeper who actually made some saves! Wonder when he came up with that cunning ruse to pull the wool over people's eyes and continue to give the impression he's a decent manager. To build on another of Gooneron's thoughts - how long can the Goner tolerate an editor who goes on at massive length about defeats but can barely bring himself to scrape a few hundred words together after yesterday. And they say Wenger's a busted flush!

  163. Peter Wain

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:42 #77056

    As good a performance as the Tuesday one was dire. If only we could replicate this on a regular basis.

  164. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:41 #77055

    Don, like I said yesterday when he's in the dung he always comes up smelling like a boots perfume counter.

  165. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:39 #77054

    Not sure what to say apart from excellent. Will leave discussion about why we have such varying standards for another time

  166. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:31 #77053

    Im going to the City game. The last time i went there was on 'Adebayor day'! Hoping for better this time but wont hold my breath. At their best City will pulverize any team, including AFC ha. Just shows how far City have come in such a short time. Was that 2009?

  167. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:29 #77052

    Yes Kev the false dawns, how many times have we been here before ? how many of them have there been over the years? (and still to come) and a hell of a lot of them because of one game, one game proves nothing, and doesn't prove critics wrong (even though some will think it does)no doubt the usual suspects will be getting moist and believing (as always)this is it we've turned a corner, the new dawn is upon us having seen a flash of light in the sky last night, probably even TOF himself, as good as the result was and as good as the players performed, there's been far far to many days, years, like this to be getting excited because we know what's really round the corner.

  168. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:25 #77051

    Hi Ron, as I said to Amos I will wait and see how we get on when we play City away in December . The league has been there for the taking a few times during the last ten years so nothing new about this current scenario,again though as I pointed out to Amos City have not yet been knocked off the top of the table and it could be that they are just finding their best form now . Although to be fair they were not too bad prior to the two 'shock ' defeats . I guess though that at the start of the season they would have taken being where they are now regarding overall results. It is a results game in the final analysis.

  169. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:13 #77050

    Hi Gaz - i reckon that hoping for CL progress by fans of any Club here is a pipe dream to be honest. In todays football the team that wins it has 3 or 4 very top marque players of which 2-3 are usually the best in Europe, hence why its a cartel now shared between the few. We have one player (Sanchez) who 'might' on his best days be in the top 6 or 7 players in his position. City are toiling with one player (Aguero) who most certainly is in the top 3 in his position with another who on his best days (Silva) can be in the top 5 in his position but with 4-5 players in other positions better than we have throughout their team and look how they struggle. Its going to be many yrs before PL clubs make an imprint on the CL in my view.

  170. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:11 #77049

    Really Amos.? Chelsea were consistent last season they stayed top right to the end. How do you know that City will not be knocked off the top of the table ? Despite those two bad results ( they woz robbed at the spuds of course) they have still stayed on top . I just had a glance at the forthcoming fixtures after the bore-fest (yawn) International break . City have Bournemouth at Poundlands and without wanting to be disparaging to Bournemouth I can't see that being anything other than 3 points for City. They then play United away , it's not impossible that Pell's mercenaries could win that game and Norwich at home after doesn't look the hardest of tasks either. We should know more though on the 19th of December when we visit Poundlands.

  171. Tony Evans

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:08 #77048

    Brilliant result which I was virtually certain would happen, as we always seem to put in a performance when the knives are out for Wenger. As others have said why can't we turn up like this every game, or at least show this level of desire and commitment. This flaw has to be down to Wenger's arrogant complacency when facing the likes of Zagreb and Olympiakos, and is infuriatingly frustrating for us supporters. As 'Up For Grabs' said which Arsenal is going to turn up against Watford?

  172. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:02 #77047

    Jeff - daft as it migt seem, a title tilt isnt so wild an idea given that the CL is as good as having hit the buffers. No CL games and just the PL games assisted even Rodgers with all his limitations to mount a credible go at it. For Suarez substitute Sanchez of course. One man teams can go close. Bear in mind to that the PL is pretty weak right now. Wenger cd well do it.

  173. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 13:00 #77046

    It's up for grabs, maybe they stuffed OGL in the laundry basket or locked him in the bog and just took it upon themselves.

  174. Gaz

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:59 #77045

    Great performance yesterday with every single player AND the manager performing for a change. Sanchez, Walcott and Ozil the star men obviously with Theo growing into the role of CF. Great credit to Cech though who's save late on in the first half meant they never went into HT with a confidence building first goal. Of course one great result doesn't change anything for 'us' as much as one terrible result never changes anything for 'them'. If these performances and wins become the norm against the bigger sides though even the most one eyed critical fan might start to believe something is changing at the Club. Perhaps we're going back to the old glory days where we were great domestically but couldn't ever get out of the ECL group stages? Not sure how I'd feel about that in all honesty. I mean obviously if we win the PL thats fantastic but I for one want to see us progress on the really big stage and failing to get out of the group would be a disaster as far as I'm concerned. Certainly we'll never have a better chance of winning the PL though with both games against City looking like they'll make the difference. If it were to happen it would be the perfect moment for Wenger to leave and to pass on the batton to a manager who might take us that extra distance in Europe...

  175. Amos

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:57 #77044

    Consistency is the key.

    City are top of the league having won their first 5 games and then lost at home to West Ham and then getting tonked by Spurs before turning Newcastle over. United drew at home to current whipping boys Newcastle before losing to Swansea. Chelsea have been consistently inconsistent and last seasons champions are currently closer to the relegation zone. Nobody is truly consistent in football. You can just aim to be less inconsistent than those around you. Unexpected and disappointing defeats are the norm for everyone.

  176. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:50 #77043

    TOF was raving away about responding and showing a response with a smirk on his face, conveniently forgetting (as usual) complacency, embarrassment, stuffing, as why we had to and always do have to respond or show a response in the first place. I'm sure it won't be long until we'll have to show a response again, and as usual he'll have forgotten why.

  177. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:39 #77042

    Annie get your gun ,is this the same Ozil that usually vanishes at the first whiff of gunpowder , surely not... what about the last two years of firing blanks from him... doesn't that count then... for me Wally was the better of the two yesterday and 17 goals in his last 22 games make HIM look like world class ( he's not of course) compared with Ozil's contributions... come back and tell me about it in May... bang bang ! By the way for 8m a year I am open to offers if Arsene goes ! I can guarantee to go ten years without winning a title and forever in Europe never winning anything . You couldn't make it up.

  178. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:39 #77041

    A good result thanks to two crackers from Sanchez (what would we do without him)and the fact man yoo didn't turn up or rather they did with a defence as bad as our own at times certainly helped, a good performance from the players especially Cech (it's a pity he wasn't on the pitch the other night I wonder why) who fell into TOF's lap whether he wanted him or not who kept us from panicking at 3-0 god knows what would have happened had that gone in if history is anything to go by, an enjoyable game nonetheless and good to put one over on the mancs, it just goes to show how well the players can play when no coaching or tactics are required, unfortunately every game isn't going to be like that.

  179. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:11 #77040

    Those results you quote Ron were against Ferguson's United and Moyes in the main . Shocking results. The 4 played so far under LVG's reign are a bit better Wenger has won 2 drew one and lost one. I did predict before the Olympiacos game that Wenger was more likely to win the game on Sunday in the Prem and I was proven right! Also predictably he is now going on about title challenge ! You couldn't make it up. The league table though is very tight we went from 7th to 2nd in one quantum leap for tippy tappy - although to be fair we were more direct yesterday for the first 20 minutes . Onwards at upwards!

  180. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 12:02 #77039

    Westie - Ramsey should have buried his chance of course as would a decent striker had the chance Giroud fluffed been offered to such a player. Ox was unlucky. It should have been 6-0 really v (lets be honest) a shadow of the Utd sides that have tormented us for so many years. Sadly mate, without a high quality dribbler, all teams will struggle v a blanket defence. Theres no magic formula to defeat such a defence. None are totally porous though and all the Club can do is to invest in a truly top quality striker to take the chances/half chances which even the meanest, tightest defence always offer. This is why many of us shout for the correct investment. Sanchez cant go on pulling our nuts from the fire every game. Walcott improved his normal game by 30% yesterday, but hes not the answer in my view. His sale value should form part of the answer though if (as we expect) the Club isnt going to use its ready resources.

  181. GoonerRon

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:50 #77038

    @ Jeff - it was a great save from Martial and at a vital time. I struggle to remember the other two 'crucial' saves you're talking about? And it's ironic when you say after our victory that 'we saw nothing new', as if we had lost and made it 1 win in 15 against United you'd be saying exactly the same thing. You couldn't make it up.

  182. Westlower

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:46 #77037

    Our problem is finding a way to beat teams that park the bus. Given space to play in we're as good as anyone you care to name. After yesterday, every visiting team will park the bus at the Emirates. Scoring an early goal is the most effective way of combating teams that stay entrenched in their own half. The longer it remains goal less the more we are forced to play tippy tappy (sideways/backwards) in an attempt to lure the other team to come out of their defensive shell. Sanchez & Theo run into cul de sac's, frustration sets in & concentration is hindered by anxiety. The full backs raid down the wings to add width to our attack but we then become vulnerable to counter attacks, aka, Anderlecht, Monaco & Olympiacos, with the FB's caught upfield. There are positive signs that Sanchez & Theo are approaching their physical peaks & are looking sharp. Ozil is outstanding in a fast moving team but becomes almost redundant when we play tippy tappy. We need to spread the goals around the rest of the team, AR & the Ox need to start scoring. Flamini showed the way at the Lane. Looking ahead it's scary when you see Bayern beat their nearest challengers Dortmund 5-1 at the weekend, played 8, won 8, goals for 28, goals against 4, a goal ratio of 7:1, WOW, that is truly phenomenal!

  183. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:37 #77036

    Joe S - True mate. As one who was there for the 8-2 i felt slightly cheated that we didn't hit them for at least 6 yesterday. It would have gone a long way to exorcising the demons of that horrible and unforgettable day at OT wouldnt it.

  184. tick tock

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:32 #77035

    Testosterone patches might assist Wenger in being able to rouse himself to motivate the team on a more regular basis, well know fact natural production of this decreases with age. But then again 8 million a year should really do the trick.

  185. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:29 #77034

    Gooner Ron,I realize that it doesn't suit your agenda to give Cech some credit for making 3 vital saves ,now come on when Martial turned Per inside out and left him sitting on his arse and there was only Cech between the striker and the goal you must have been bricking it! Cech dived the wrong way but rescued the situation by saving with his left foot it was a world class save. It was also a very important save because had the game ended 3-1 at half-time then it might have been a different scenario in the second half knowing as we do how brittle our sides under Arsene can be in such situations. As regards Wenger changing tactics in the second half he had no choice it is impossible to play at the sort of pace we did for the first 20 minutes. This works if you score goals during the frantic fracas, if not then as we have seen before it can make life difficult if the opposition score against the run of play .Anyway as I said before we saw nothing new and Wenger's still not won a league title for 10 years and nothing in Europe at all. When he does I will crack open the Champers and toast him ! I know though that it will just be as Colseyboy would say deja vu again come next May . Yesterday was as I predicted last week more important to Wenger running Stan's business plan than winning the European game was .

  186. Red Member

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:27 #77033

    if yesterday is what the team is capable of then even more questions should be asked of Wenger because why havent we been at that level or close to it at other times this season? Wenger has basically admitted that the team just expected to turn up and beat Olympiakos. I guess the same was true v West Ham earlier in the season. The thing is because of complacency in the "lesser" games we will never win the league under Wenger

  187. Nick

    Oct 05, 2015, 11:27 #77032

    Well I enjoyed that, the first twenty minutes were the best we've played this season, probably season as well, scintillating stuff, I harboured hopes for a while of gaining revenge at last for our mauling at OT , a few years back, they were there for the taking and better finishing would have seen us score at least six , hey ho though 3-0 and the performance made it a good thumping if not the slaughter id hoped for . I too along with many others have to ask the question , why, are we forever having to have these " responses" to pi## poor results and displays ? I am forced to conclude as the only constant to these moments over the last decade is Wenger that the fault lies with him and his motivational skills, as a person he is laid back, unless of course his judgment is questioned then he stirs himself, and by turns spurs on his players the evidence is too strong to ignore, its my hope that he will now realize this too, and admit if only to himself that he is the problem and apply his not inconsiderable intelligence to putting this personal flaw to bed, if he doesn't I'm afraid that yesterdays sterling performance as heart warming as it was will prove to be yet another phoney spring.

  188. Bard

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:58 #77031

    Jamerson; are you blind as well as stupid. The Wobs are all on here praising the performance but urging caution on the issues of corners turned.

  189. Mike

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:56 #77030

    With the Champions League game in between the PL fixtures, the fact that we put 5 past Leicester is forgotten. Unfortunately all the English teams don't fare well in Europe. Chelsea, Man Utd and City all struggled last week week and were unconvincing in their performances. Well done to the whole team on yesterdays performance

  190. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:49 #77029

    Results like this make me want Wenger to sod off even more, because it shows what our team (his team!) can achieve. As Kev says "Why can't they show this kind of determination more often?" It is Wenger's job to prepare them for EVERY match and in that respect, he has failed on many, many occasions.

  191. mbg

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:39 #77028

    It wouldn't have mattered in case of another embarrassment Liverpool were there to take the pressure off him, after showing proper ambition, or it would have been the usual scrapegoat/goats.

  192. RedPig

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:38 #77027

    Well that was unexpectedly enjoyable. But in truth, it was further proof (if needed) as why Wenger needs to be replaced. Some will not accept that but he simply is not succeeding in getting his players to start games with the right attitude and approach on a regular basis. Basically what we saw yesterday just shows how often we get shortchanged by the manager and players. Attitude, effort, passion etc. cost nothing - but it makes a real difference. We get one of those type of displays every season. Last year it was Liverpool at home, the season before we blew Napoli away early in the game playing with tempo and desire. We've even done in to Barcelona. As enjoyable as it was, I cant help feeling there was an element of self-preservation about the whole thing. And I am not holding my breath waiting for the next display of that nature.

  193. Joe S.

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:35 #77026

    This is a result that should unify AKBs and WOBs although the Ozil haters may have nothing to gripe about until the next game at least. My only regret is that we didn't hanmmer six past them because they were there for the taking and our old friends Ramsey and Giroud were not quite sharp enough, surprise surprise. The first twenty minutes was a master class, the defence held firm while the goal keeper justified John Terry's early season proclamation. It's a shame we don't have any depth because the title is there for the winning.

  194. GoonerRon

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:35 #77025

    Great result, superb performances in both halves, for very different reasons. I see there was no mention of Wenger's tactical switch in the second half to help further control the game, something he is often criticised for not doing. I understand some level of restraint in excitement over what this could lead to (if anything)in our season, although the fact this match report is less than 500 words and the Olympiakos result was almost 1,500 says much about the agenda on this site. Jeff - you're delusional if you think Cech displayed 'heroics' to keep us from getting only a draw. OK, his save from Martial was really good, diving at the feet of Schweinsteiger was brave but he was hardly overworked was he?

  195. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:30 #77024

    Astonishing opening blitz - reminded me of our "bang bang your dead" performances when AW first arrived, these high tempo bursts of match winning qualities are Arsenal at their best. All I ask for is effort every week and effort that you can see from the whole team, that said we still gave Utd enough chances to turn that game into a nervy ending. Thankfully we played our best keeper and the clean sheet was preserved, still say this is turning out a very bizarre season.

  196. Alsace

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:28 #77023

    It was one of those days where everybody in the team was totally hacked off with the drift and the fannying around and decided to get stuck in in a major way. Walcott said it all afterwards. “ We have to do that every game”. Actually the second half was as impressive as the first. We soaked up the pressure and hit them on the break. An excellent afternoon.

  197. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:17 #77022

    Amazing isn't it.When the manager's under pressure, he does the business.I can't get carried away though,we've seen the complacency creep back in so often before. For Wenger,he seems to have seen off the Klopp threat to his job. All he has to do now is hold on for Gaurdiola to go to Manchester and Ancelotti to Bayern and the major threats to him won't be available.Then he'll get Stan to give him a contract until he's 70.

  198. Rocky RIP

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:10 #77021

    This Arsenal side leaves me scratching my head. We saw what we are capable of when we play with great intensity. Incredible stuff. Players harrying and pressing and forcing the issue all over the pitch, putting the opposition on the back foot. It was the same against Barca in the 2-1. The whole stadium seems 'up for it'. Yet when we play a team we are expected to beat, we all slip into coasting mode, with an 'we are better than this lot, it'll come eventually' attitude in the stands and on the pitch. This team (and several before it) don't seem to be switched on and completely professional consistently enough. We've had turning point games like this before and they've been false dawns. Our attitude needs to be spot on more consistently, not just playing like that as a reaction to something, with a point to prove or because the heat is on. We are too nice. Theo sums us up. I hope a change in his play and hunger/aggression/desire reflects a change in the team. We need to show that kind of change in attitude. We cannot let that be another one off. If we do show that desire and focus regularly, it could be a very interesting season. I agree with the author about our bad habits. I'm never comfortable with us sitting back and soaking up pressure, running down the clock and being 'professional.' It just seems unnatural to us. We are best on the front foot. Anyway, taken in isolation a brilliant performance, especially first half.

  199. jeff wright

    Oct 05, 2015, 10:04 #77020

    Great entertainment for the first 45 minutes yesterday and fantastic goals also to provide Arsene with a much needed win. It all looks rather familiar though and it was not entirely unexpected because Wenger often pulls rabbits out of his hat when the top 4 place looks in threat. We didn't see any of this bravado in the two recent Champions League games though did we - and you have to conclude that Wenger and our players are in the comfort zone in that tournament with Wenger , despite his protestations to the contrary not even playing his best sides that was available to him in those two games that he lost . Cech should also be congratulated for the 3 great crucial saves that he made yesterday - otherwise the early 3 goals would have only earned us a draw. Cech's display made nonsense of Wenger's claims that Ospina is his equal. Anyway, let's move on from that I have however seen these sort of displays before and my view still remains that we will never win the league or European Cup playing football like this . It's not possible to play at that tempo for 90-minutes and when it drops we allow the opposition chances - yesterday they ,due to Cech's heroics, were unable to take them. are not always conductive to do play at a high tempo. One good thing from Arsene's point of view is that a top 3 spot looks more likely now after that result against one of the contenders for the top 3 and another point is that the Champions League money earned from that again for next season. C est la vie!

  200. 600NER PETE

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:50 #77019

    We quite often start games like this but don't put our chances away and then struggle. Yesterday we took our opportunities brilliantly and could use this as a platform to mainly dominate the game. Not the greatest Utd team ever but who cares. Always nice to beat them and by doing so, so convincingly made it an excellent day to be a gooner.

  201. Malaysian gunner

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:48 #77018

    I came back from a wedding dinner and saw the3-0 scoreline after 20 min,I found it unbelieveble.Too often the gunners had let slip 2/3/4 goal leads disappear.I crossed my fingers. I agree 100% with the headline. Too often the gunners have been found wanting.Maybe they were more direct and shot instead of the usual pass to eternity. This with the speed of the attack contributed to the win.I don't know whether an extra day's rest helped. It could be . The stats showed the gunners had less possession and made less passes.That is why maybe Wenger has realized not belatedly that 99% possession and eternal passing aint no good. Now if they can really beat BM or get 4 points off the German team ,anything is possible.However it could be a bridge too far. Next match Watford. The hornets aint a pushover and the gunners have to be careful of hit and run or smash and grab.am

  202. Ron

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:47 #77017

    Great to beat them like that, we ve waited long enough for sure. Questions need seriously asking though as to why they cant 'turn up' like that every match. Win lose or draw, if the commitment never wavered people wouldnt be on Wengers back near so much.

  203. Wear Your Colours

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:45 #77016

    What a brilliant performance. We simply swept United aside in the opening stages. Mesut, Theo and Alexis were all outstanding. The noise at Emirates was phenomenal especially after the second goal went in. We tore them to shreds in the first half and then invited them to try and break us down in the second. United had no answers either way. In the second period Gabriel and Mertesacker were resilient in the centre and Bellerin and Monreal looked solid on the flanks. Cech dealt with anything that breached the back four. Fantastic performance, fantastic atmosphere and fantastic result. COYG!

  204. Rob

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:45 #77015

    Wenger said yesterday after the match that 'we answered our critics'. But as you say above, this poses at least as many questions as answers. Why don't we play like this against teams managed by Mourinho ? Why can't we play this way in Zagreb and at home to Olympiakos ? It wasn't so much the skill - although Alexis was brilliant - as the attitude ; the motivation and the awareness that was there yesterday but is all too often absent.

  205. Mathew

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:41 #77014

    Even I was calling for Bayern after watching the match, Kev , such is the emotional trauma we go thru as a Gooner. Enjoy the moment, as it was ManU and we havent won against anyone in less than 20 mins for a long time, so rejoice. Certainly, our pride and character were questioned after that 8-2 loss and will be etched in our memories for long. I am happy that Wenger got up from his seat yesterday, challenged few decisions, questioning injury time etc. You forgot to include Cazorla & Coq for their heroics yesterday, gave a stellar confidence to our front four. Per and Gabriel needs to iron out few flaws, especially passing around the box, glad that they were able to nullify Martial & Rooney.

  206. TJ

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:39 #77013

    Although the AKBs will erupt over this, I'm not 100% certain this shows a turned corner. We played like this in February 2014 against Bayern. Pressed high and had a fast tempo of passing, but once they established a foothold in the game we were bound to lose. Still, it was the best football we have played for years and a pleasure to watch. As Alan Shearer said, the other big teams have been in transition for years, and all we needed were a few quality additions and we could have easily dominated this weak league. That fact remains even now though apart from possibly City, so we really could give the title a proper challenge this season. If we didn't win it or come close I'm not sure Alexis et al. would be happy to stay thereafter...

  207. Spike

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:38 #77012

    I propose a negative-free zone following that awesome display. It does not get much better than yesterday.

  208. Bard

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:37 #77011

    Fantastic first half and excellent game. But as you say Kev how many times have we been here before. Alexis is the teams talisman, he was terrific. His groin strain is something to really worry about. The Arsenal injury curse is not what we need right now. For what its worth i think some of the problems are related to the modern day footballer. Look at Chelsea this season and Untd on Sunday. When you are paid millions upon millions where's the motivation. Chelsea look as though they cant be arsed and the same goes for Untd yesterday. They barely broke sweat. They hardly put in a tackle all game. Remember the blood and guts of the Fergie years, when they regularly tried to kick us off the park.

  209. chris dee

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:29 #77010

    Don't know if this win will be the springboard to great thing this year.It feels a bit like the 2-1 home win over Barcelona a few years ago when that lazy b*****d Arshavin got the winner but we still got knocked out.It's almost like we have won something but in fact we have just got another 3 points,probably because our performance sank so low against Olympiakos. Hope I'm wrong but we've been here many times before and have been let down so many times after promising results.

  210. Its up for grabs now

    Oct 05, 2015, 9:24 #77009

    Credit where credit is due, Arsenal for once played well against a big team and more than deserved the points, no arguments on that one performance. It still though begs the question what the hell happened earlier in the week against the Greeks? It’s this inconsistency which bugs me, where clearly they were up for it yesterday, but thought they could just turn up against Olympiakos and the points would automatically be in the bag. Why is Wenger not able to get the best out of his players each and every time they play? I have absolutely no idea what the outcome will be against Watford in the next PL fixture, because of this issue, which is why I still believe Wenger is no longer the man to get the best of the undoubted talented players he has at his disposal. This complacency attitude which can only stem from him, where they are clearly underprepared for a lot of games, unlike yesterday is something we are all too familiar with. Could Wenger’s grilling in the press during the week have contributed to him finally not mollycoddling his players prior to this game? Wenger hates his authority being undermined, so maybe if journalists were more direct with him more often we would collectively reap the rewards, as Wenger’s ego being bruised clearly produces a reaction!