Arsenal v Olympiacos – a mistimed holiday

Watching the Gunners lose on TV in a bar in Crete

Arsenal v Olympiacos – a mistimed holiday

I suppose that it had to happen one day. Having attended every single Champions League home game in modern times at Highbury, Wembley and now Ashburton Grove, one day I was going to miss out.

It just happened that an autumn holiday to a remote part of southern Crete coincided with the home game against Olympiacos and that was the game to end my run. The outward flight took me directly over Athens and if I had craned my neck out of a Ryanair pothole a bit more I could have glimpsed their ground. Then came a bit of sea and almost immediately the plane landed at Chania airport. They were that close. I therefore assumed that Crete must be full of Olympiacos supporters.

One of my first jobs on arrival was to find a local taverna where the game was being shown on the box. As luck would have it, one such establishment had two TVs, except the bloody Germans had already grabbed the main bar to watch the Bayern game, so I was banished to a seaside shed where I sat quietly. I watched the proud “home” team supporters arrive in their pickup trucks and found seats where they were able to use the eternal pre-match adverts to sharpen their knives and fish hooks. That was I then made a note to self not to cheer too loudly when every one of our expected many goals went in. Should have I been concerned about my personal safety? The people of Crete have always been so welcoming and generous. However, put them behind the wheel of a car and they change into a totally different form of life, hell bent on overtaking anything in sight, especially on the brows of hills or around tight corners. If they can be like that in a motor, could they change again whilst watching footie on the box?

I have no intention to dwell too much on what happened on the pitch and what I saw on the box as we were second best in every department. I didn't really stir after Theo's equaliser as the camera angle appeared to show the shot missing the post and I put it down to yet another Walnutt miss from a promising position.

I must say that I enjoyed the Greek commentator who I reckoned must have been Ozil's love child. Every time Ozil was on the ball there was a squeak of "Oh Zeal!" along with an expectation that he was actually going to do something useful as opposed to gifting the ball to somebody not wearing a red shirt. I must say that I am yet to be convinced that Ozil is another in the category of highly overrated lazy luxury players who has done next to nothing for the team. What's more, this chap is looking more like that 1960s comedian Marty Feldman every day and on this occasion Ozil played like him too.

By the time that our only decent player on the night, Sanchez, had strained every muscle in his body to head us back into the game, the damage had been done after Ospina had chucked the ball into his own net and I felt that the locals were starting to feel a bit sorry for me being a Gooner on holiday. The icing on their cake came a minute later when we presented them with the winner. I wandered back to my apartment as cars and trucks zoomed past me with the horns tooting all the way up the gorges and hills.

As soon as I arrived back on British soil at the weekend I started scanning my diary for Thursday evening slots as I feared the worst for this season’s sortie into Europe. (If you fancy a punt on Arsenal’s chances of progressing in Europe, check out I wasn’t even tingling with usual apprehension and excitement prior to the ManUre game. I sat waiting for the match to start with a cloud hanging over my head, thinking about how this category A game had hit me hard in the pocket and expecting the compulsory Rooney dive in the box for yet another dodgy penalty. And then, as if by magic, we were served up a treat with the best ever first 30 minutes of football. It’s a funny old game.

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  1. mbg

    Oct 08, 2015, 20:25 #77232

    jw, you've started something now, the referees were doped up, (lets hope they don't fall over if we're getting beat)that's why the linos run like mad to catch up with the referee at the final whistle and lock their door and don't give any interviews afterwards their getting high again or coming down, i can see after the next embarrassment a petition for the ref to be given a drugs test.

  2. jjetplane

    Oct 08, 2015, 19:35 #77227

    Excellent read too Fozzy. Bit of a Kerouac there. You would imagine the 'poets' on here might appreciate that .... Great posts too Cornish Paradise Lost and all that ....

  3. mbg

    Oct 08, 2015, 18:09 #77224

    jj, you have a point there, i never thought about it like that in my eagerness to see the back of him, would any top manager want to come to us now with wengers grubby fingerprints every where, and maybe him skulking about in the back ground doing a job that under no circumstances would he hear tell of anybody else doing when he was manager, i'd say the new man if he's top notch will have to be given a few assurances before he comes about the place, or i expect Ron will be right when he said we'll probably have to do a man yoo with moyes, maybe before we get back to where we belong again, but it'll be worth it to get rid of this old past it fraud.

  4. Leggsy

    Oct 08, 2015, 15:13 #77221

    Cretans are cool people ,been there a few times . They are more likely to support anyone who plays Olympiakos as the local Club OFI had a kind of loan arrangement thing going int the 90's with Panithanikos !

  5. Ron

    Oct 08, 2015, 14:37 #77219

    Nail on the head there Westie.

  6. jeff wright

    Oct 08, 2015, 14:36 #77218

    Personally I liked the article the points about Ozil being spot on. Shame that or resident poet Badarse can't show a little more insight. How about adding in the 'poem' Arsene put the sours to the sword only to get Wednesday away as a reward. No doubt the sours will not be that overly bothered about missing out on that.

  7. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 08, 2015, 14:05 #77217

    Sorry, but this article is awful. So you went on holiday, watched the Arsenal game in a pub. And?

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 08, 2015, 13:43 #77215

    jj. What poem?

  9. jjetplane

    Oct 08, 2015, 13:39 #77214

    And some think Pep would come crawling to the Wok to work with Henry with Theo as Ambassador of Touchline Talks. next we will hear Muller loves Arsenal and would love to play in the PL ..... Wonder what the AKBs are on? lol! Anyone read that 'poem'? .....

  10. jeff wright

    Oct 08, 2015, 13:16 #77213

    yes mgb,more of a rumble in the bungle is likely though from Arsene when he faces Pep - who is winning games in Europe by scoring for fun........ Arsene is slippery as a wet bar of soap . In Europe though he is definitely tactically - a bit of a dope.

  11. mbg

    Oct 08, 2015, 12:33 #77212

    jw, that scenario would present a good headline, Rope a Dope.

  12. mbg

    Oct 08, 2015, 12:21 #77211

    Nice piece Fozzy, l would have dwelt more on what happened on the pitch as to many have already air brushed it out of history even if it was no great surprise as we've seen it all before and will again regardless of one or two of our usual false dawns a season.

  13. jeff wright

    Oct 08, 2015, 12:18 #77209

    So what was the excuse for the Olympiacos result then Westie were their players doped as well >? From what I perceived the only dopey looking ones in that game were in our team. Regarding the various scenarios mathematically that we now, due to our manager's ineptness in losing the first two games , is one where we could beat Bayern Munich in both games ( hey stop laughing at the back!) yet if the Greeks take enough points from their remaining fixtures, including their home one v us, then they can finish in the top 2 .We would be dependent on BM dropping points against Zagreb and the Greeks in their other games. Unlikely of course this scenario but it does indicate just how tough getting into the top 2 now is. 3rd place looks most likely although if Wenger had any sense ,and we know that he doesn't have anyway ( well some do) he would give it up for a lost cause and settle for 4th spot and thus avoid the dreaded Thursday night Ropey Cup. Knowing him though he will as usual try to turn things around and end up in the Ropey instead.

  14. Nick T

    Oct 08, 2015, 12:12 #77208

    Despite the cock ups 11/4 with PP is a very good price on Arsenal to qualify from their group....and 7/2 to beat BM at home is tempting aswell??

  15. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 11:14 #77206

    It's National Poetry Day, here is a tribute to goonercolesyboy who carried the banner. 'The Swamp', (Sours 1 Arsenal 2 23/9/15):-Bandy men, and bandicoots. Where snake does slither and old owl hoots. Snickersnack-attack, attack. An odd kind of animal, is this bod 'The Flaminal'. He cut them down, and cut them quick. Snack and snick, snack and snick. That night sky ringeth, as the red mass singeth. In marsh and swamp, they did gallomp, as those ran through, that evening dew. Oh, Tiny Tott, thou aren't so hot. The red mass grinned, and they would sup. The Sours were down-out of the cup! Lo, see prostrate, that Sour beast slain, snivelling in 'The Lane of Pain.'

  16. Badarse

    Oct 08, 2015, 10:59 #77205

    Am still mourning the final episode of 'The Newsroom', now they were a team!

  17. jjetplane

    Oct 08, 2015, 10:36 #77203

    So Klopp is going to deliver trophies for the half the price of nineteen attempts/nineteen failures Wenger. Have to say the Turks (but especially the Kurds) make the best kebabs. Green Lanes/Red Shirts. The way Theo has exploded onto all media should make that knee jerk Lewandowski quake in his 'black leather boots.' Here's to Arsenal winning the CL. Under Martinez, and without Henry.

  18. Westlower

    Oct 08, 2015, 9:54 #77202

    @Bard, Sadly you need two or more players to fail a dope test before a deduction of points or disqualification comes into play. Wouldn't it be just like Arsenal to take 4 points of Bayern Munich before losing the last game in Greece?

  19. Bard

    Oct 08, 2015, 9:36 #77201

    Funny post Fozzy, oh the joys of watching Arsenal abroad. Of course the latest revelations that a player from Zargreb has failed a drugs test explains everything. I knew that loss had nothing to do with our footballing incompetence, they were all doped up to the eyeballs, typical. its just not fair. They should be expelled from the competition and we should have the points.