The Ox talks to The Gooner

…and four other invited fans from various supporter groups

The Ox talks to The Gooner

Layth with the Ox

Layth Yousif represented The Gooner at a recent ‘Club Day’ back in August and got to ask Mikel Arteta, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Laurent Koscielny a few questions, a selection of which are in the current issue of The Gooner. We are running the rest on the website during the international break. Today, we have the questions asked of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.

After the last home game last season, you signed things and took pictures with fans – why did you do that?
I started with one and then the queue was a bit longer than I thought so I just thought I would finish everyone off. It was at the end of the season and obviously it was a long season and you see a lot of faces that you see all year. They come to support us all year home and away and I think it’s right that we give time back to them whenever we can. That was just a time when I wasn’t in a rush to go anywhere so I could spend that 45 minutes to do it. I think we should do more of that, it’s important.

So it was just your decision to stay there alone?
Yes I just stayed out there. There were a lot of young kids as well down there in the end so I needed to make sure I got to them.

You had a very good pre-season. Is this going to be your best year so far?
You’ll have to ask me at the end I think. I feel good at the moment. I feel like I had a good pre-season, I feel strong. I felt last year, I played the majority of games in pain and not 100% right and I was battling through up until Christmas. I managed to get around 22 games under my belt and then my body sort of gave up on me again so that’s frustrating. So to feel like I do now is almost a bit of freedom. It’s nice to be able to train every day, play every game and not be in pain. It’s a massive thing you take for granted, your fitness. So that’s something that has been really nice so far this season and it stands you in the best stead to go and do what you love to do.

There’s nothing more frustrating than playing games when you know in yourself that you’re not 100% right. Obviously last season I started and I’d be running around and no one would know there’s anything up but I’d come of the pitch and I couldn’t walk for a day or two properly. I was really sore, my groins were sore and that can be very demoralising, especially when you’re only 21 and thinking “what’s going on with me?” So this year, to have that freedom and that feeling throughout pre-season, even now it’s really nice, and that obviously gives me the best opportunity to hopefully play as much football as possible. Hopefully for me and the team we can have our best year in a while.

I remember watching your dad as a kid. What did he say to you after the 2-2 draw at the Maracana a couple of years ago?
He just said well done. He was asleep for the game. When I don’t play, even if you catch him at the Emirates, if I’m not on he’ll 100% be asleep. He’s only awake if I’m on, otherwise he drifts off.

Is he your biggest fan would you say?
Probably but I wouldn’t know it. He’s very calm and casual, laid-back, not bothered and he’s always been like that. He must have just said well done, brilliant. I can tell when he’s happy. He doesn’t say a lot but in the few words he tells me I know I’ve done well. Likewise, he lets me know when I’ve not done well. That’s just the way he is, he doesn’t let me get carried away with myself at all. He’s always pushing me to do more and rightly so.

With England coming up in September, what are your thoughts on that? (Asked before San Marino and Switzerland qualifiers)
I’d love to be involved in the squad. I’ve been a part of that squad now for a number of years and I’d love to obviously continue to do my part in that squad. I feel that I’ve got a bit to offer the team still but obviously first commitments are with Arsenal and you have to do as well as you can for your club to then get selected. So that’s my main focus and when the international squad gets announced, if I’m in it then you can switch your focus to that for the 10 days you’re away.

What team did you support as a boy and who are your footballing heroes?
I wasn’t the most loyal fan as a boy, I’m not going to lie. I used to support Zola and Henry so whenever Chelsea or Arsenal were playing and those two were playing, I would support them and the team. As I grew older, as I understood football more, watching the whole Arsenal team and how they used to play, that’s what I fell in love with and that was a massive part of why I chose to come to Arsenal at the time I did. I think my family, because my dad was a footballer and his brother, my uncle, was a footballer, I don’t think there was ever really that fanatical support towards one team. It was almost something that was taken for granted that football was just football and we all just loved playing it and appreciated it. I was never brought up supporting a team, it was more just supporting players and what style of play I loved. My dad used to love watching Man U back in the day when they used to play some good stuff and then he used to love Arsenal and used to love Chelsea before that but he was more of a Stoke fan because that’s where he’s from. I couldn’t see myself getting involved with that. I never really supported a team. I used to love Arsenal but I’m from down south so could never come to games. I think the only games I used to ever be able to go to was as a ball boy at Southampton. They used to let the Academy boys be the ball boys down there. I wasn’t the best football fan back in the day but just loved watching and supporting players.

You scored a great goal against Chelsea, how was it to start the season in such a good way?
Yes it was really nice to get that goal and more importantly for us to get that result. I think two FA Cups and two Community Shields back to back against good teams. Obviously at the start of the season last year, Man City we beat 3-0 and then Chelsea this year, that’s two big teams early on which is always important to do. It’s important that we get into that winning mentality against those teams that are competing with us right at the top of the table. So that’s important that we did that.

For me personally, it’s nice to get a goal. I want to be able to score more goals this year so it’s important that I can contribute in that way whenever possible, especially in the big games. It’s important as well to step up and be accounted for and make things happen in big games. So that was nice but more importantly for the team it was good to get that one under our belt so early on in the season as well and hopefully it will stand us in good stead going into the up and coming fixtures this season against the big teams.

You’ve got a few different names – which nickname do you want to be called from supporters?
Honestly I don’t mind. I think The Ox is one that’s probably here to stay which I quite like, my mum loves it. I was considering binning off the Oxlade part of my name for the first part of my career but The Ox is a good one. I think that one’s here to stay. I hear a lot of Chambo as well which is nice. I don’t mind honestly.

Do you see yourself ending your career at Arsenal?
I don’t know where I see myself ending my career. It’s a long way away and you never know what can come in between that. It’s the way football goes. At the moment, I’m absolutely over the moon to be at this club, I love every minute here and I’m really looking forward to the future, especially with the squad that we’ve got. The only focus I’ve got at the moment is being part of that, being a part of Arsenal’s future and hopefully moving forward in a successful way and winning things. I wouldn’t even think about the end of my career yet. Hopefully I’ve got a good few more years to go.

What did you think of Mourinho at the end when waited to shake your hand?
I don’t know, he does stuff like that all the time. I didn’t really think anything of it.

Did he say anything to you?
No I think he was just saying well done to the boys as we came down. I think if it was anyone else, people probably would just take it as a manager being genuine and saying well done. I think because of who it was, there were maybe people trying to twist it but I thought he was being genuine and just saying congratulations to the lads and losing gracefully. So I didn’t think anything of it.

How does Mikel keep his hair so straight?
I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Mikel! I think it’s a lot of product. It’s very thunderbird-like isn’t it, so perfect. I think he’s just been blessed with genes to be fair. It is the most perfect hair.

Follow Layth on Twitter@laythy29. Layth is the author of Arsene Wenger: 50 Defining Fixtures.

Just a quick note at this point to mention that we are recording the October edition of The Gooner podcast this evening. Our panellists will be the Highbury Spy, Mustafa Goldstein and Tim Stillman. If you have any topics or questions you wish the panel to debate, and get a namecheck in the process, please either…
Email them to [email protected]
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or just leave them in the comments below this article. Thanks.

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  1. Badarse

    Oct 13, 2015, 8:16 #77326

    Mark from Aylesbury just to offer a linked arm of solidarity, I had an issue regarding posts struck off the article. I was-IMO-insulted, (a personal name calling etc). The post stood. I responded in somewhat assertive fashion, but without insults and my post was deleted. I was flummoxed so responded once more by carefully repeating verbatim the other poster's words-that too was deleted whilst the original still stood. In desperation and in a very frustrated posts asked why the inconsistency. I got no response. I then said OK am finished. I am acutely sensitive to equality, or my perception of it. Then I noted that original post had at last been deleted. I was now in a quandary as I enjoy and respect this website. I had cooled and decided I would give benefit of the doubt, as I do recognise the difficulties regarding policing the posts. So here I am, and there you are. All water under the bridge fella. Now who can I throw an egg at next? Oh be fair website admin, you know my eggs are always free range.

  2. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 12, 2015, 20:35 #77325

    Badarse- the wound runs deep lol. For all our sanity I'll stop moaning!

  3. mbg

    Oct 12, 2015, 19:22 #77324

    Vintage Gooner, spot on, as I've already alluded to it's called coaching, with a proper coach behind him bringing him on properly in all areas he may well have already become a top player ages ago, (just like others)not ones/one always waiting to happen.

  4. Badarse

    Oct 12, 2015, 19:07 #77323

    Mark, I see the wounds still open, so time to steam in and show my support, you are good by me buddy. Mark of!

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 12, 2015, 18:26 #77322

    Mr Jamerson I suspect if I ever met you and potentially your multiple personalities I would be highly amused . We would just have to disagree over old Wenger. Only thing riles me is sanctimonious claptrap (probably guilty myself) and obvious discrimination take heed! Talking about discrimination I was most put out to have my body in the patio entry removed. A simple response to being labelled a deviant. Then mr angry calls me an A Hole. Sometimes old fella you have to take the rough with the smooth but boy was I angry!! Let's keep the Gunners on a roll!

  6. Vintage Gooner

    Oct 12, 2015, 17:39 #77321

    I fear that the Ox currently has a serious concentration problem. His talent and natural skill is not in doubt and it is good to know he is feeling good physically this season. But very often his shooting is weak or even off target and his last ball is poor. Even worse when he gets back to defend he really is abysmal. He flashes a foot at balls which he needs to make sure he gets a lot of leather on and will let people run away from him into very dangerous positions. I think this has led in part to nearly half the goals conceded by us this season. Shame that our frustration at this is not reflected in the anodyne questions.

  7. Badarse

    Oct 12, 2015, 16:13 #77320

    Think he likes oxtail, Bard. Oh and am sure it's Wilko Cheapo toothpaste, the same as Arsene.

  8. Bard

    Oct 12, 2015, 14:49 #77319

    I think we should give Jaqui Oakley these gigs. Im afraid its the usual bland stuff you get from sportsmen and women these days. They cant have an opinion about anything other than the next game. The question about Arteta's hair took the biscuit. It was almost Wengeresque in its banality. I know it feeds the AKBs need for trivial news but us wobs want more meat and less fluff. What toothpaste does he use ?

  9. Badarse

    Oct 12, 2015, 14:34 #77318

    mbg, you aren't one of Arsene's spurned ladies, by any chance are you? And you don't 'bunny boil' do you, as you seem a little obsessed with him to me?

  10. mbg

    Oct 12, 2015, 14:28 #77317

    A top player waiting to happen, (another one right out of the wenger book of spin) regurgitated by his followers, where and how many times have we heard that before, no doubt we'll be saying the same thing next season and the one after that waiting for him/them to come good, the list of those type is endless but if Lord arsene says or thinks it it must be true. To be fair if any of the little fairies is going to come good he's the most likely but as long as TOF is in charge of his progress I fully expect to be still waiting and waiting ingredients or not.

  11. Badarse

    Oct 12, 2015, 13:35 #77316

    Sorry 24601, I'd 'black ball' mbg if he applied for Junior Gunner membership-we don't want his sort around here! Only kidding mbg, I think the Junior Gunners section is ideal for you, but the kids may drive you mad with their joyful excitement and enthusiasm. jj's beard is in fact his pony tail, we never know if he is coming or going.

  12. jjetplane

    Oct 12, 2015, 13:15 #77315

    Is JAMErsON being his usual racist self here? Something about Layth he thinks is a joke. Layth looks like a cool guy and certainly someone to go to a match with. Imagine sitting beside multiple personality shed man Jamie/Pete in his blazer with the cheap medals pinned on and a bagful of smelly egg sandwiches and the tinny sounds of the Bee Gees playing throughout. I don't have a beard but i have a funny feeling Jamerson has one stuck on his head .... Footballer interviews are that and the only good reads I can think of were Adam's book and of course The End .....

  13. RedPig

    Oct 12, 2015, 11:16 #77313

    mbg - again I agree with you on this. It was a bit like a Shoot! magazine interview I used to read in the 80s. I dont like to be critical because I do appreciate the time and effort gone into these articles. However, there is a widespread problem these days where the vast majority of interviews are so bland that they become pointless. TV chat shows are virtually unteachable because they're mainly a platform for someone plugging a latest book or film. Maybe I am getting old but the way things were done in the past seems so much more interesting than the present. I'm sure interesting things still happen but you have to search for them, they are not given to you. There is a fascinating Tommy Docherty interview on youtube (called No Grey Areas). Whatever you might think of him (and as a player and manager he was before my time) he doesnt pull any punches when answering questions, even if it shows himself in a bad light. I am not expecting Arteta and Ox to say what I suspect is the truth .. i.e. that Wenger isnt the manager they thought he was, that they dont feel they have progressed at the club and that the club itself is stagnating ... but something a bit more open would be welcome. As mbg says, the answers they have given are right out of the Wenger handbook. A pity really.

  14. Westlower

    Oct 12, 2015, 10:59 #77312

    I'm sure the Ox is a top player just waiting to happen. He's got all the ingredients needed, pace, strength, good crosser & a powerful shot. It's frustrating waiting for the penny to drop when he puts all these attributes together & becomes the complete player. @mbg Don't despair, you too can become a Junior Gunner when you grow up!

  15. mbg

    Oct 12, 2015, 9:58 #77311

    Another set of answers right out of the wenger handbook of schooling, and no disrespect but the questions don't help, we're not junior gunners on here.