Laurent Koscielny talks to The Gooner

…and four other invited fans from various supporter groups

Laurent Koscielny talks to The Gooner

Layth with our number 6

Layth Yousif represented The Gooner at a recent ‘Club Day’ back in August and got to ask Mikel Arteta, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Laurent Koscielny a few questions, a selection of which are in the current issue of The Gooner. We are running the rest on the website during the international break. Today, we have the questions asked of Laurent Koscielny.

You love playing the accordion, is that right?
No no, I saved an accordion factory in my town because it was nearly a century old. Together with other people we tried to save the factory and put some money in to help and rebuild everything in the factory to save because it was important and it was in my city. It was very important for me to save it.

What was the deciding factor when you joined Arsenal?
It was simple. I came from a small team in France and it was my first season in Division 1 in France when I had the opportunity to sign for a big club. I always knew about Arsenal. For the French people Arsenal is a big club. I said ok I need to go and I want to go. The chairman in France, Florian, the coach, they knew my situation and they helped me to find a solution to come here.

How have the years been? You came here practically unknown and now you are one of the best defenders in the Premier League. How has that been for you?
When I arrived here, I did not know what would happen with me, if I would play a lot of games. In my first season, I played more than 35 games I think. I think I have improved myself every year, I’ve progressed in terms of heading, my position on the pitch, physically, technically, because the boss loves football. We need to play football, we start from the back so we need to have some defenders who can play football. So it was very important to progress on this and mentally because it is very hard to stay at a high level. Every weekend you play some games, you think it’s an easy game but every weekend it’s hard, it’s physical. You don’t have an easy game. When you play against Stoke for example, you have a hard game. You have different styles against your opponents but you have to be ready and I think mentally I have progressed in this. We talk about mentally but I think it’s a big part of the success for the player.

How has the start of the season been for you?
I think it’s good to have a slap in your face at the beginning of the season. I think we played well the last six months of the last season. We had a good pre-season, with a good win against Chelsea at the Community Shield and I think maybe we kept our quality. We thought we could keep this up and we would start easily but in England, it’s never like this. Every game is hard to win and we saw that against West Ham, we didn’t play well and in the end we lost the game. We needed to put some things right and I think we did at Crystal Palace. The first half was good because we played with quality and I think we could have gone into the dressing room at half-time with 3-0 but it was 1-1. In the second half we scored a lucky goal and the last 15 minutes was hard. It was almost a draw. It was the same last year if you remember, we won 2-1 and it was a big fight the last 10 minutes. So we need to go back to our basics and to how we finished last season. We can win a lot of games and the most important is to win a few games in a row because then you can maintain a high level.

Who is the most difficult player you have played against?
I think, I’ve said a lot of times, [Didier] Drogba because he is very strong and can keep the ball in front. He’s good technically and I think a lot of defenders have a lot of problems with him.

What are the biggest differences between English and French football?
Everything I think. In England, it’s a religion. The stadiums are amazing and the atmosphere is incredible. You can go to Anfield, Man United, Stoke City and they have a big atmosphere. You see the fans with their shirts. In France it’s very different. It’s most of a ‘spectacle’. People are going to watch a game, it’s more that they want to see some very nice football but it’s not supporters but in France you have some good players. You have PSG who are a big team with a lot of world class players and I think it’s better and better this season. You have teams like Lyon and Monaco who are good teams and qualify for the Champions League. There are some good players but not like in England.

What was your best moment at Arsenal?
For me it was the first FA Cup because it was the first trophy for a long time and because the game was very hard. Winning after going 2-0 down showed we have the mentality and the players to do special things. When the game was finished, it was an incredible moment with the players, with the staff and with the fans.

Follow Layth on Twitter@laythy29. Layth is the author of Arsene Wenger: 50 Defining Fixtures.

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  1. Born Gooner

    Oct 15, 2015, 14:33 #77408

    Rafa Benitez on Sam Allardyce: 'Do you know who Sam Allardyce is? Do you know how many trophies he has won? Well that’s my answer. It is what happens when someone has a book to sell. His opinion does not have a lot of value'

  2. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 15, 2015, 14:29 #77406

    I note Wenger told journalists that he wants to leave the club strong for his successor. All very laudable it does suggest that this contract is his last.

  3. jjetplane

    Oct 15, 2015, 12:10 #77401

    Just finished The Liar's Gospels which does a neat neo-realist demolition re God particles. Bit like the highly readable 'teasing out the BS' posts from those celebrated WOBS. AKBs - just keep on praying and now Sanchez has groin problems and must be thinking to keep himself fit for a new and better season at St Elsewhere .... If he goes it will not affect the present model too much especially if Theo starts banging in 30 a season ...

  4. Bard

    Oct 15, 2015, 11:08 #77397

    Looks like we are all in agreement about Simpson. Terrific player. Yes the Bayern games could define the season. If we give a good account of ourselves it will provide a major confidence boost regardless of whether we go through or not. Im not holding my breath with the form Lewandoski is in.

  5. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2015, 10:54 #77396

    Er, King Alexis ( ?) seeing that he went 9 games in the league without scoring it looked like a good impersonation of Arshavin. Bayern Munich home and away will be a good chance for him to show he can do it against the best sides. Also for one of the games top defenders Kos up against Lewandowski should be a doddle for him that ! You couldn't make it up.

  6. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2015, 10:33 #77395

    Far far away fan, we have heard this ,I'm happy with things under Wenger, from other players in the past. Only for them to wake up one day to the realization that Wenger is only the lord mayor of Toy Town where everything is not what it seems. If Sanchez is happy to be playing in a side that can't beat lowly European ones that Ronaldo and co wipe the floor with is a matter for conjecture. It would be odd though if he is. Of course at the moment he might believe that that due to circumstances ,the dodgy result the spuds got against City ironically being one of them, it's a funny old game, plus injuries to key players at City, that a golden opportunity to win a league title is on the agenda at AFC. Counting chickens before they are hatched is however a common mistake at Arsene FC these days - so it might be best to see where we are come April the first before getting too excited about things. Unlike Sanchez we have been here before and Wenger still doesn't look convincing when the pressure is on in big games.The defeat at the spuds and the injuries to Silva and Aguero have put Pell under pressure as well though and made things a bit more interesting than what they they were . As you rightly say though it's up to Wenger to exploit this but he still needs City to fail for him to succeed. They have the points and G/D on the board and as the bishop said to the actress ,a bird in a bed is worth two on a promise.

  7. King Alexis

    Oct 15, 2015, 10:13 #77394

    Off subject but the funniest quote of the year from jeff wright - "Alexis is looking like another Arshavin" hahahaha you couldn't make it up

  8. Far far away fan

    Oct 15, 2015, 9:03 #77393

    I'm sorry, but if Sanchez leaves, I will blame it on Wenger. Wenger needs to realize that we finally have a genuine match winner who can strike fear in the hearts of defenders. If Arsenal are a club that can compete with the very best in Europe, they should start by holding on to our best player. Sanchez has come out saying that he is happy where he is. So now it's Wenger's move.

  9. Tony Evans

    Oct 15, 2015, 8:26 #77392

    Gents - The 70/71 double winners were one hell of a side and unlucky to come up against a Cruyff inspired Ajax in the EC otherwise they may well have bagged that too. Agree too about Peter Simpson - great player.

  10. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:52 #77391

    Ron, I think the Stone's thing with Mourinho is about trying to find another Brit CB and was about trying to bring a boost factor to other players in his squad .I don't expect Wenger to go for him or any-other defender either this season. I agree about the TV situation influencing things in this country regarding the downer on defenders tackling but managers coaches are paid to try and find ways to overcome such things.In Wenger's case welcomes this nonsense .It suits his Kevin Keegan approach to football it also results in the parking buses tactics that many opponents use against him in home games and this is something that he struggles to overcome.

  11. Badarse

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:52 #77390

    Gentlemen, I concur. Peter Simpson-'Stan'-the greatest England uncapped player ever! Seventy years young.

  12. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:48 #77389

    With you all on Simpson there. He invented total football before the Dutch playing every position outfield before settling in with Frank. One of my all-time faves and a player i always remember watching and admiring. Tough as bloody nails too.

  13. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:35 #77388

    Yes, he was quality Westie wasnt he. Ramsey wd have played golden boy Moore with 2 broken legs if he could have done. He persisted with Moore for at least 3 yrs too long. Simmo rivalled Hunter as well didnt he and Leeds were flavour of the month from 70 to 73 ish. Good player Hunter was and was arguably better than Moore in my view though people hooked onn the Moore love in think ive lost my marbles when i say that, though he looked even better perhaps due to Leeds nigh impregnable defence. Simmo was unlucky not to have got at least 30 or 40 caps in my view. As you rightly say he was arguably the main man in the 71 team, ciggies and all!!My fave AFC team too mate as you know. None get close though we ve had some cracking teams.

  14. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:21 #77387

    Well said Ron in mentioning Peter Simpson's role. He was the most consistent defender I ever saw in an Arsenal shirt. Playing in Bobby Moore's position kept him out of the International limelight but he was ever reliable with his trusty left peg. Nothing flash, just did his job without losing his cool. First name on the team sheet for me in one of the best Arsenal sides I ever saw. Frank was the motivator & Peter was the calming influence.

  15. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:18 #77386

    Jeff - its not easy now to find defenders. Coaches would love to get them but its like Brazilian football yrs ago in that nobody cd find a goalkeepers as nobody wanted to play there! They all wanted to be Pele and Rivelinho Jair or Gerson et al. Now, in the modern game playing defence is a nightmare. Its a free passport to embarrassment because of the no tackling/rubbish ref syndrome and a game that just wants goals goals goals so to keep Murdoch in the style of living he keeps. Stones? Jeff, truly now, a good few Everton fans arent totally sold on him, but the media are. Hes had about 26 games and Chelsea are asked to pay getting on for 35 Million. I wdt blame any Coach for leaving him be, till hes proved hes the real deal.

  16. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 20:02 #77385

    Baddie - said in jest but closely watch keepers today. Tghey are coached to keep goal from the 18yd line. You must have noticed there are far more efforts by fwds these days to lob goals in Nayim/ Ronadinho style. The fwds at Clubs are aware of the coaching of keepers of course who are told they can be 'the extra CB'. Coaches are awere of the poor defenders and use this ploy as a way of getting in an extra defender. In turn the quality of keeping as well as defending has fallen. There are few truly up keepers now. De Gea is the only one left really in the PL. John Roberts was only a sub really in fairness to him wasnt he. Simmo s reading of the game protected McLintock in so many ways. Storey too plus we had 2 full backs who knew how to cover a CBs backside. Modern full backs are rarely told to bother doing that today hence porous defences and CBs who look foolish when exposed. Its often poor full back play that causes it. For at least 6 yrs its one of AFC worst failings. Ashley Cole always knew when to cover his CB. None have since. F McL was a hero of mine too. but in reality he was always a wing half in style and spirit. Baddie, Kos has been committing those cardinal sins for a CB ever since he arrived. Its only recently the cameras and media have hooked into it. It happens away from home usually and our away fans have had him down as a bit cowardly for a long time. His worst sin is the going side wards to the ball to avoid it hitting him not only at free kicks but any hard shot. Its happened so often, its just laughable and expected now. No longer a disgrace.

  17. Badarse

    Oct 14, 2015, 19:56 #77384

    jeff I wasn't comparing just mentioning with the reference as a nod towards differing aspects of the game, and how Frank struggled that night against a fleet-footed forward. Neither was I talking of leadership. So I think that was a muddying of the waters on your part. No one compares to Frank in my book, not even a wooly mammoth. Denigrating Hull to support your case is what you do best, but again it isn't relevant; a leg broken by a boot is still broken whether by a Hull player, or one of your Barcelona men. Anyway thank you for the input. @Mark from Aylesbury, an interesting aspect regarding pachyderms. The Hindu religion has Ganesh the elephant god-a bit odd, eh? However some are claiming in defence of the absurdity that it shows how god had mastered plastic surgery many moons ago-this is not a wind-up! Look out I've mentioned moon and there are some already howling.

  18. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2015, 19:53 #77383

    Bayern fans are to stage a protest at ticket prices at the Wok. They reckon clubs like the 'money grabbing' Arsenal are killing the game and that is without going into the murky world of possession stats. But with a free scoring Arsenal and Bayern the cheapest and best team in the world presently do I see a 3-7 score looming and the protest shifting onto the Arsenal fans ...

  19. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2015, 19:25 #77382

    And there was that Cretaceous Period about a month ago or was that Jurassic 2? Brings me nicely to the Coccolith holding up England's South Coast as well as populating Arsenal's midfield. Occasionally they break ranks like Ramsay and get a chance to express themselves on a bigger stage. Imagine those reflective conversations with Bale and in turn Alexis. Was it Dickens who wrote about Pontius Pilate? One question for Jamerson - 'when will the er Rapture be? and will Westlower/Higher lead the rise to heaven while the Adulterers go spinning into a 9th tier hell? Any stats on how many losses Arsenal suffered in the cups during this apparently invincible campaign with Arsene Caligua driving the gold (away colours) chariot .... ? Answers please in 'hissy fit' format .....

  20. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2015, 19:05 #77381

    Personally Badarse I don't see any comparison between Frank and Kos other than them both being on the small side for CB's. Frank was a natural leader in the John Terry mould,without the nastier side of things of course. Frank was a leader and organizer , whereas Kos is not a leader and couldnt organize an orgy in a brothel. I note the goal that he scored against mighty Hull was used by you to try and elevate him to an higher level than his record against top sides in the league and in Europe warrants,but most players have odd moments when they do something that is better than the norm. The great players - or even good ones ,do so more often. Many playes have scored MOTD type goals but CRonaldo and Messi do it far more often than these flash in t he pan types do. My point however was that we clearly need better defenders than Kos is , if we are to ever compete in Europe . As I said before the other English clubs are also suffering defensive problems when facing European sides. This was not always the case of course so something needs addressing to sort that out. My concern though is our own problems and the two recent defeats in Europe going back to Monaco at home last term and to lowly Zagreb away and Olympiacos at home recently show that Wenger has got things badly wrong defensively. Kos doesent convince either in the Prem against top teams only poor finishing in many cases by the lesser ones saves him from more embarrassment . . How about Wenger showing some va va boom for a change and gazumping mouthy Mourinho for that promising young CB at Everton, >? No chance , oh ! Thought not !

  21. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2015, 18:26 #77380

    The rumours of Real Madrid having an interest in signing Sanchez are interesting . The Sol Campbell signing by Wenger was a classic case of why a club and its supporters should never take any player's loyalty for granted. We of course had the I'm a gunner for life RVP disappearing faster than a Wenger European Cup challenge to United when the ambitious to win trophies Sir Ferguson gave him a call. The Deutschland clubs are suffering from the big money to be earned by players in England now days loyalty to supporters and clubs are irrelevant to their players . Even some Championship clubs are able to offer more than some Bundesliga ones are . Some German players can make 4 times the amount that they can back home. So no big surprise to see so many now playing in our league and the German Club managers are also getting in on the act now as well. Regarding our own players at AFC it is surely only be a matter of time before Sanchez wants more than parity with Wally and Ozil unless he has a philanthropist for an agent .Of the three he is the only one that is likely to attract Real Madrid with Barcelona having replaced him with Suarez . A big offer from the Madrid club will cause some consternation for old business plan Stan . However the Spanish club would obviously not be interested in Ozil having off-loaded him to help pay for Bale. Bellerin looks like the only other player at present who we have that would interest the big hitters elsewhere in England and in Europe . Players can make money anywhere so the prospect of winning top trophies can't be overlooked the game is about money predominantly these days but if the money is there and a better chance of winning top trophies as well then players will take that as history proves.The only players Wenger is ever guarnteed to keep are those who are happy with picking up their wages and winning FA Cups now and then. It's unlikely that City will get their fingers burned buying any of Arsene's overpriced duds again.

  22. mbg

    Oct 14, 2015, 17:58 #77379

    Ron, dead right, and there's no excuses for that, or for a manager who allows him to do it.

  23. Badarse

    Oct 14, 2015, 17:57 #77378

    Thank you Ron, pleasantly surprised by that post. I would reciprocate and gently tread partway down jeff's path, however I am also aware that a classification of good/bad is too broad a brush stroke. Frank McLintock and the parody that was Jeff Blockley; Terry Mancini anyone? John Roberts' crudity was reasonably effective, though Row Z seats needed constant repair, standing against 'bringing the ball out of defence' football of Koscielny? Ian Ure? Other clubs have their stories too, no doubt. I too find disquiet when players turn their backs, or duck out of headed challenges, and there are a couple of instances laid at Koscielny's door, however his turn and goal he scored in the Hull final was hugely brave-and helped us win the cup. It was a broken leg position, I knew it and would have known it had I been turning to strike the ball. Interesting comments though, and I did like your list of problems Ron in also analysing the change of direction football has taken. If it is as we have touched upon, then be prepared for a new rule soon, 'Rush Goalie' is coming!

  24. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 17:56 #77377

    @Jeff, Considering the Invincibles only conceded 2 goals on 3 occasions, Newcatle 3-2, Liverpool 4-2 & Spurs 2-2, to suggest they had to average 3 or more goals to win or avoid defeat is plainly wrong. There were 15 clean sheets & one goal conceded on 20 occasions. So in reality they only had to score more than 2 goals twice in 38 games to win games & score 2 once to avoid defeat (Spurs equalised with a 90th minute penalty).Too many negative thoughts are confusing your memory of events in 2003/04.

  25. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2015, 17:27 #77376

    Defending in Wenger's case Bard has always been the least of his priorities the last top CB he signed was Sol Campbell and that was because he got him on a free ! Even with him there was still 12 draws in the unbeaten season with 3 goals on average required to prevent us losing games or winning them . In reality with the big gap that exists between the top 5 clubs in the Prem and the also rans the only way to judge any top 4 contenders defending is when it is judged against the other top sides. Wenger's record against them and in Europe against anyone hardly suggests that we have a great defence or considering Kos's own performances against top teams that he is one of footballs best defenders . Some obviously have PROBLEMS working this out . Spotting Mourinho's personality deficiencies is a bit easier though for them. You couldn't make it up.

  26. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 17:26 #77375

    Good point baddie re defending. The rules removing tackling, esp the tackle from behind and the pass back to keepers altered football deeply. The atitudes of the rule changers to physical play and good tackling plus the money and all the points that you make has made defenders and Clubs use different tactics and in my view for the worse. The players have adopted grappling and holding and wrestling etc in place of good fair tackling as the latter so often is misread by the shoddy refs of todays games as fouls. The underhanded stuff is ironically penalised less and so to the defender, hes better off doing it. To the attacker, it gives him the chance to fake and dive to get pens and the defenders know the score. Coaches coach teams to defend from the front so we see the '2 banks of 4' so often these days don't we.All of this means there are so few great individual defenders. Its true, defending has been reduced to a far lesser status than it did once and should have in the game. The ones who are held up as great defenders are those who read the game well and defend by playing football hence the John Stones plaudits and before him Rio Ferdinand and his type. Our own Chambers is classed as potentially one of these, though im not so sure hes ever going to be much more than a John Oshea clone really. The upshot of all of this is that defensive tightness and abilities are greatly compromised. The games ran for attackers as Baddie rightly says.Overall the product is worse for all of this in my view. Having agree dwith Baddie and hear his sound points, Koschielny has one big flaw, he lacks a heart and as a result he fears being hurt. He closes his eyes when he goes for headers, he turns away from the ball at free kicks,he doesn't read situations very well. His last ditch lunge is always going to concede pens and free kicks and does do. Jeffs right. Hes a poor defender who even 10 yrs back would nt play at the top level.

  27. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 14, 2015, 16:25 #77374

    Jamerson- I'm slightly confused. When did Wooly Mamoths roam the earth? I know none of my ancestors mentioned seeing any. Most of them lived round the back of London Zoo so keen wild life watchers as well.

  28. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 16:19 #77373

    We were constantly told by the pundit experts & Gary Neville, that Chelsea won the PL last season due to it's mean defensive unit, the best CB & captain in the PL, aggressive midfield ankle tappers protecting the cb's & best of all the most tactically astute coach ever to walk planet earth. So how come clueless, rudderless, naive, schoolboy tactic driven Arsenal only conceded 4 more goals than the 'win at all costs' champions? Explanations please.

  29. Bard

    Oct 14, 2015, 15:47 #77372

    Jeff a good post. i agree wholeheartedly that the defending is abysmal by and large. The PL resembles basketball these days. Kompany is probably the best and thats not saying much.

  30. Badarse

    Oct 14, 2015, 15:36 #77371

    Interesting words jeff, like a few who post on here. However I recognise the recipe all too easily. Cook a dish, lace it with obvious facts and a dash of questionable ones, stir in a few half-truths, allow to simmer on a low brow heat, then for extra zest sprinkle with a personal perspective and serve up to those willing to swallow it greedily. I cannot disagree with your overall view as it is clearly a view genuinely held, but I will point out that McLintock wasn't very tall and his jumping was generally average for any CB as Koscielny's may be. What Frank had was a wonderful ability to read the game and time his jumps. If you occupy the space before an opponent-who may be taller, or jump higher-then you have a better than average chance of winning the ball. Frank played in an era when often he marked a static, though reasonably mobile, big CF. I saw him mark Malcolm Macdonald in a league cup fixture at Kenilworth Road. We beat Luton 0-1 that night but Frank was run ragged. Macdonald didn't score so Frank had the last laugh, but it leads me onto today's comparisons. Now we have supreme athletes; they are young fast and very mobile. There is a dramatic increase in physical contact in the box, nudges, shirt-holding, pushing etc, basically the game has changed. Money has seen to that. More emphasis on attack, speed, lighter ball that moves in flight, change of rules, these encourage goals...all for TV and it's sponsors. So many clubs want goal scorers, and perhaps defending is being sacrificed on the bloodstone of financial benefits. Everything is different. There is still the room to obtain an objective view, whether you particularly endorse a certain player or not, don't you think? I for one am not a Theo lover, it is documented, but I recognise the ability of the lad and what he can, sometimes might, bring to the team. I am able to applaud the fella for his achievements, and wring my hands at his failures, isn't that how it should be? Possibly moaning about his flaws every day, criticising and highlighting his mishaps, griping and using a character-assassination strategy may endear me to a few like-minded souls, but what a vacuous policy. I'd rather just answer to myself.

  31. mbg

    Oct 14, 2015, 14:31 #77370

    Obviously their even schooled on how to pose for photos, see the way they've all adapted the same lean in pose/stance. You can just imagine them all out on the training pitch at London Colney practising, with OGL blowing his whistle then giving the order lean in, lean out, lean in, lean out.

  32. mbg

    Oct 14, 2015, 14:20 #77369

    jw, and he has said as much himself in the second question if some had bothered to read, and the third one, we start from the back so we need to have defenders who can play football, it's very important to progress on this. I wonder who he's talking about there because it's certainly not himself on both counts.

  33. mbg

    Oct 14, 2015, 14:01 #77368

    Mark from Aylesbury, 5th December I bet Big Sam can't wait. We can just hear the excuses from all quarters now.

  34. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2015, 13:35 #77367

    It is a fact that the defending aspect of the game is at an all time low in the English game. Results against European sides prove this. Keystone Kos has played leading roles in the worst defeats suffered in AFC history at home and abroad. If this makes him one of the best defenders in the game then it doesn't say much for the state of things as they stand at the moment in English football.However he obviously is not one of the best defenders in the game because for starters he has a weakness that is fatal for any CB ,he can't deal with high crosses and gets easily out jumped by taller opponents when facing this situation on set pieces or in open play.He is best known for desperation tackles on opponents but this is all rather one dimensional and leaves him coming up short in any claims to being top class .As I said previously he is an average defender at best .It was not so long ago that Tommy the Verminator was receiving the accolades from the coffee latte crowd at The Emirates showing yet again , as with little Keystone Kos , that those fools have no idea of what a proper centre back is.That is another FACT.

  35. mbg

    Oct 14, 2015, 13:33 #77366

    It always works, tee hee.

  36. Mike

    Oct 14, 2015, 13:30 #77365

    Alladyce's claim to fame at the moment is that he has never been relegated....oh and I forgot about his silverware

  37. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 12:35 #77364

    Its early to suggest Sanchez is good enough for Real M but if he carries on at this rate, it ll be surprising if they didn't come in. Ronaldo isnt getting any younger good as he still is and Sanchez looks a 'fit' for RM in my view. Lets face it, AFC will relish the transfer as everything suggests a phenomenal fee. Once Real M call for a SA born player in particular, its when, not if he moves. RM are that type of Club.

  38. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2015, 12:26 #77363

    Further delving reveals Wenger has said 'how can we keep him?' This comment came after the little accident when the Greeks visited for a kickabout at the Wok and Wenger accepting a premature crash out of the CL with the Polish fella probably playing as a batsman. Sanchez will take over from Ronaldo though Wenger with Stan's advice have offered Alexis an extra pound a week in a manner reminiscent of the great Suarez dope smoking offer. Wenger of course needs to concentrate on a top 3 placing while Alexis needs to concentrate on playing in the near future for a club with concurrent ambition. I like Alexis and I wish him all the best. Latest on Bellerin is that Barcelona .....

  39. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 12:20 #77362

    @Ron Just to broaden it out from SA & AW, back in 9 Feb 1994 a very good Bolton side managed by Bruce Rioch beat GG's Arsenal 3-1 in an FA Cup 4th round replay. I think this win had much to do with Rioch later getting the Arsenal managers job. Arsenal had a very strong team out that day, with a world class GK, 'impregnable' defence, a warrior captain & a top class strike force, with not a Wenger wimp in sight. Team: Seaman, Dixon, Winterburn, Bould, Adams, Hillier (Keown), Parlour, Merson, Campbell, Smith, Wright (McGoldrick). Attendance at Highbury 33,863. Good ole days eh! Any criticism I may make about other clubs managers doesn't mean I have an obsession about them, aka, mbg.

  40. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2015, 12:10 #77361

    Great post Bard and much relevance re the irrelevant. Re the movement of Alexis to RM. Looks like that will be on as RM are willing to also secure rights to the Shamanistic curse that has been brought upon the House of Sanchez through the actions of a turtle. Said turtle will join the other creatures and such at a zoo Ronaldo has created in the manner Wenger created the Emirates. The Shaman is to join forces with Sam (the pundit) Allardyce with the task of demolishing the House of Wenger. Sanchez and Bale have become good friends and they are hoping to take the other Welsh Wizard with them. Wenger is as efficient at developing a team as he is at commanding an everyday press conference. Fact. Kos has he barnet designed by ......

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 14, 2015, 11:36 #77360

    Jamerson- you say that Sam is a poor manager but good at bending the rules. To me he must be or at least been pretty good as rule bending is an art as old as sport itself. When Sam was first on the scene he was seen as being progressive with his fitness regime. Dare I say he was the first to really put a hex over Wenger. Prior to that it was more Fergie and the top 2 clash that would be difficult which is not unexpected. Recently he had a credible performance for West Ham despite difficulties bonding with the home support. Golds comments regarding Sam saying being a manager is the worst job in the world point to burn out. It will be interesting to see how he galvanises Sunderland who I suspect will be responsive to him

  42. Bard

    Oct 14, 2015, 11:18 #77359

    Th14afc; Im being slightly pedantic mate but your post ends with the word fact when all you are doing is expressing an opinion. ( where is Amos when you need him ?) Whether Kos is world class can only ever be about opinion not fact. I know this causes problems on here. Once again I would welcome you to my class - 'how to construct an argument'. Its been quite successful although one or two have left recently. colsyboysetc left with concussion and mild lead poisoning. I told him to stop banging his head on the desk to make his point and to try to limit his chewing of pencils to one a day but.... Baddie went off in a huff. I asked him to put his name at the top of the paper but instead he wrote a 5000 word essay on the meaning of the Norman conquest. He said it was to illustrate how his name derives from Harold the Totally Irrelevant. But other than that its been a rip roaring success and thats a fact

  43. Far far away fan

    Oct 14, 2015, 10:35 #77358

    What's this talk of Madrid bidding for Alexis? Someone please tell me they are rumours. I had just settled down to the idea of a superstar in Arsenal.

  44. Ron

    Oct 14, 2015, 10:27 #77357

    Westie - yr smokescreening again! Boltons record under SA v AFC is very good taking into account the respective clubs sizes and resources.You obviously didn't attend the abject surrenders when the losses and draws occured at the Reebok as many of us did in both PL and the FAC and then having to listen to Wengers incessant and embarrassing groaning about what he considered Boltons strong arm tactics. Such losses and draws as there were occurred in that period shown Arsenal frail mental resolve and physical strength were at their most acute. Like him or not, Allardyce is a good manager and has results to prove it at the type of Clubs he s managed. Tell me that dont have a fixation over him in the same vein as your obsession with Mourinho?

  45. Badarse

    Oct 14, 2015, 9:50 #77356

    Ha ha, good morrow 24601, you never fail with those stats-they are always read by this young chap with a smile on his face, good work you, and the Arsenal scorers! goonercolesyboy, just wanted to place on record-going out on a limb? (at least it will give the Dark Moanies some scraps to whine and gloat over if it doesn't come to fruition-am always happy to toss a dog a bone! I really rate Serge Gnabry. I naturally hope he makes it but I think he is a younger 'Ox' in the making. 'Making it' can be such a precarious journey but he has the capabilities-it's why I generally shake my head in disbelief when some naive 'fan' trots out a list of poor purchases by Arsene, carefully avoiding to mention the good and the great purchases. They seem to have no real sense of the development of players. It makes me wonder if they have grasped any realities in life that present themselves to them.

  46. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 8:38 #77355

    The first time Big Sam beat a Wenger side was at the Reebok on 15 Jan 2005 by 1-0, Stelios the goal scorer. At the time Bolton were 11th in the league & AFC 2nd. Team: Almunia, Hoyte, Toure, Campbell, Cole, Vieira, Fabregas (Reyes), Ljungberg, Pires, RVP (Bergkamp), Henry. Ref - Mark Clattenburg. Two more goals for Alexis Sanchez & one for Joel Campbell making 11 goals for Arsenal players in the full International games this week. No other club came close to this tally.

  47. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2015, 8:09 #77354

    The last time Sam Allardyce beat Arsenal was on Nov 25 2006, almost 10 years ago, but apparently he has the hex over AW? The Arsenal team that lost 1-3 at the Reebok was: Lehmann, Eboue, Toure, Senderos, Clichy, Gilberto, Flamini, Fabregas, Walcott, Adebayor. Gilberto scored for AFC & Nicolas Anelka scored 2 for Bolton + Faye. Ref - Mike Dean. Four Arsenal players received yellow cards Ljungberg, Lehmann, Senderos & Toure.

  48. Rob

    Oct 14, 2015, 7:54 #77353

    Great interview!

  49. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 14, 2015, 7:37 #77352

    Jamerson - you can't just drop in a little teaser like 'I don't believe in evolution' and leave it dangling. Please explain more, it's got to be better than dear old Kos and his accordian factory.

  50. Th14afc

    Oct 13, 2015, 22:42 #77351

    Kos is one if the best defenders in the prem,fact...u really don't see that jeff?

  51. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 13, 2015, 22:29 #77350

    Nice one Westlower, reliable as always with the info. Don't forget Gnabry scored as well for Germany under 21's. Maybe muguiresbridge has an ace up his sleeve? He knows the lady in question? And my oh my, he is as jealous as hell!!

  52. Westlower

    Oct 13, 2015, 21:31 #77349

    Big Sam won 3 times from 18 attempts against Arsenal. All 3 were home wins for Bolton. AW won 10 times and 5 games were drawn. Arsenal scored 19 goals in 6 games when SA was West Ham's manager, with Arsenal winning all 6. You're awesome Big Sam!!

  53. Westlower

    Oct 13, 2015, 21:19 #77348

    @mbg There's nothing more one dimensional than parking the bus, then launching the ball skywards, Big Sam style. Good goal return from the Arsenal players during the International break: Giroud x2, Cazorla x2, Alexis, Theo, Ox, Ramsey + players out on loan, Maitland-Niles & Akpom.

  54. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 13, 2015, 20:16 #77347

    Allardyce as our manager eh muguiresbridge? I don't know the stat but Westlower, maybe you could dig up how many victories he had against the Arsenal?

  55. mbg

    Oct 13, 2015, 19:48 #77346

    Fat Sam went on to say regards wenger, we'd spend all week working on ways to nullify them and their skilful players (in other words preparation and tactics)and not let them have a second on the ball, finding their weaknesses and how to exploit them (more tactics)something any manager worth his salt would be capable of doing and indeed do, and not to hard to do especially against a tactic less, one dimensional manager like wenger, just imagine if we would have had, or did have a manager like that ? what we would have won and achieved over the last ten years ? it doesn't bear thinking about. I wonder has Allardyce signed his contract with Sunderland yet ?

  56. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 13, 2015, 18:38 #77345

    Must have missed the trophies Allardyce won, remind me muguiresbridge?

  57. Bard

    Oct 13, 2015, 18:36 #77344

    They arent crossing themselves. They are practicing counting. Get with the programme Jamerson

  58. Badarse

    Oct 13, 2015, 18:08 #77343

    Steady on, that's humanist talk-I've got that base covered already!

  59. mbg

    Oct 13, 2015, 17:56 #77342

    Jamerson, good point, that's something i've always wondered myself from players all this crossing and blessing themselves maybe ten times before they even come on the pitch and looking to the heavens fingers pointed up praying, players are at it again when they score, and miss, and beaten, as if there's some divine intervention, if their that religious who do they blame for stuffing's and misses ? every one to their own of course if they think it helps, but that's the point does it ? if it did they'd be scoring hat tricks and winning every game, come the next game they're at it again even after the misses and beatings, ones things for sure they certainly don't bear a grudge.

  60. mbg

    Oct 13, 2015, 17:01 #77341

    jj, read that interview earlier, fat Sam knew what he was like and all about and had him well sussed and in his pocket from way way back alright, just like the majority of other managers that still do, interesting to hear him talking about his time with Bolton when wenger, even then used to think his and other teams should just roll over and let us tickle their bellies with pretty tippy tappy play, and complained and whinged and made excuses when they didn't. But like you say he's told and telling us nothing we didn't/don't know already and nothings changed.

  61. mbg

    Oct 13, 2015, 16:36 #77340

    The first half was good, we played with qualitee, it was a big fight for the last 10 minutes, maintain a high level,we have mentality, go back until how we finished last season that's always a good one (for reasons we all know) certainly a good obedient student and quick learner (like the others) Koscielny, the only thing he left out in the answer to the second question was the reason, deciding factor he came here was because of wenger, what a great manager, etc etc, that will not have went down well detention and extra lessons for him now.

  62. jeff wright

    Oct 13, 2015, 16:18 #77339

    Wenger should be able to beat Watford with any of the players he has available Westie. It's not just dodgy defenders though there is also as I said before Wenger's biggest problem ,himself ! Because if anyone can cock things up against teams they should beat easily then Wenger is that man. Arseneknewbest, you would have a hard job finding any top manager who has signed more duff defenders and GK's than our bloke. jj surely Wenger can't get away with not putting in a title challenge this year. Europe though already, due to our usual Keystone Kops defending, looks well out of his reach,even sooner than normally. You couldn't make it up.

  63. Westlower

    Oct 13, 2015, 15:56 #77338

    @Jeff, We've established you'd get rid of Kos, Wilshere & Welbeck & keep Sanchez. Does that mean with the first 3 unavailable we'll have our best team playing at Watford?

  64. jjetplane

    Oct 13, 2015, 15:38 #77337

    More good stuff JW and reckon if there is no PL or CL attempts in a big style then Sanchez and Bellerin will be off and but that seems to be the resume to just keep in touch and make sure there is plenty of wonga for 'reinvestment.' Quite what most of it has to do with football is anyone's guess. Perhaps Sam's book has a few answers ..... Even A Cole's agent is in on the act bigging down Arsenal. It's all getting a bit not-awesome ...

  65. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 13, 2015, 15:34 #77336

    Jeff - Too true, and Kos isn't the worst example to be fair. Stepanovs, Squillaci, Luzhny, Djouorou, Senderos, Silvestre all come to mind. And the unfairness of putting Monreal and Denilson in there when we were predictably short of defensive cover shold be a crime in the court of football management. In the BW era (i.e. before Wenger - which I acknowledge is far too long ago), there was real competition with TA, Bouldy, Keown, Linighan and Colin Pates (who was a properly cultured defender). The point is he's never taken defending, nor goalkeeping, really seriously.

  66. jeff wright

    Oct 13, 2015, 15:06 #77335

    Westie, I just pointed out the facts regarding Kos,he is not good enough for a side that wants to win titles or the European Cup . The main problem however is Wenger himself - in my view his outdated training ,coaching and medical regime , plus his well known parsimonious use of the financial resources available to him is what makes him a loser. I do believe that he has some good players, although only one better than that in Sanchez ,there is though an over-kill in similarities between them in midfield . This is no doubt due to the injury proneness of these small technical types so Wenger can replace Jack with Jim so to speak without it being noticeable that Jack is missing for another season with the same sort of results overall being produced whatever eleven players Wenger picks . Welbeck is saying he is targeting a return in January. Tbh though only the most rabid OTT optimistic Arsene supporter believes that Danny Boy has been missed. He is another player rejected by a top club that ended up in Arsene's squad. We should have off-loaded Arsene like his wife did in the summer and moved on and one for Klopp when he was available - he would have been ideal to give a shot of much needed adrenaline into Stan's cosy little business plan world as it is Westie you and others on here will just have to keep on dreaming up excuses for fragile Arsene's continuing failures. And as sure as night follows day there will be many more to come. There always are.

  67. Westlower

    Oct 13, 2015, 14:25 #77334

    @Jeff, As you've rubbished Kos, how many of the current squad of players would you retain?

  68. jjetplane

    Oct 13, 2015, 14:16 #77333

    Think Conquistador, Spanish empire & Catholicism my friend. All roads lead to an offshore account. JW Super Sam also talking of Wenger's manipulation of referees via the meadia which should get the AKBs choking on their 'communion hosts' ....

  69. jeff wright

    Oct 13, 2015, 13:21 #77332

    I had to smile when I read those comments from Fat Sam regarding Arsene being in his view arrogant jj, now who would ever have thought that ! As I said the other day it doesn't really matter if managers are nice or nasty and Arsene got away with many things when he was winning league titles but his mental fragility was found out by Sir Ferguson in the end . He then used that weakness on Wenger's part to upset Wenger in the same way that he did with that other easily upset and prone to public strops Arsene's tactical mentor Kevin Keegan. Both are prone to public displays of raging against injustices and to their teams falling apart after perceived instances of them .Wenger did it after a game against Fat Sam 's side at Bolton that cost us a league title he couldn't keep his cool even though there was still plenty of points to be won but we dropped them at home against sides we had looked sure to beat only a short time before. There was of course the collapse after the 'Pizza Gate' ending of the 49 unbeaten run at OT . Our players went from being 'invincibles' to becoming nervous wrecks who couldnt beat anyone. Wenger differs from Ferguson in that he will not due to his control freak ways allow anyone else help him out in the way that Sir Ferguson used to do - he knew his own limitations..The difference between the two is like that between a rut and a grave. This getting Wenger upset still works as Mourinho showed recently when he beat him again .

  70. jjetplane

    Oct 13, 2015, 13:20 #77331

    Should have read Super Sam Allardyce and latest on Alexis is he is being cursed by a Peruvian Shaman with the help of a turtle but reckon Alexis (who warrants his tattoos) will just keep on finding the net, unlike Fabregas who is looking very old. That's it for now folks although Arsene is interested in a Dutch wonderkid which means he will be off to RM, BM or Barca in the near future. Come on you ahhh red and white brand in residence in Holloway, for now ....

  71. jjetplane

    Oct 13, 2015, 12:39 #77329

    Nicely clarified JW - good old reality. Good now to have a piece on the 'histories' behind the player's tattoos and how they shape their character. Still not enough stuff on haircuts and where they go to have their bonces chopped. On an upcoming topic that is sure to fill these pages that man Stan Alladyce reckons the cuddle Mr Wenger is 'arrogant' amongst other things .... News to us Lol!

  72. jeff wright

    Oct 13, 2015, 12:15 #77328

    Tbh, I believe that Keystone Kos is the type of signing Wenger makes that means we will never win another league title or the European Cup either under him . Kos has featured, not by accident either, in the worst defeats in AFC history and has antecedents on his rap-sheet for limping off in such games when the going gets tough. He belongs in a long list of dodgy CB's, such as Cygan, that Wenger has employed over the years. Kos is an average player that plays in an average Les Bleus French national side along with other average ones such as Giroud .These players would never have got near the top les bleus sides of previous years.

  73. Badarse

    Oct 13, 2015, 9:44 #77327

    Thanks Layth, a nice series of interviews. My first impression of Kos was that he was a footballing CB. I love this type of player. I know there can be drawbacks but recognise it comes with the territory, and providing there is a defensive partner alongside, (Gabriel), it is a real bonus. It is the name still showing on the back of my grandson's old shirt, so there is something in both our appreciations of his style which connects with us both.