Is that the odour of rebellion I detect in the air?

Online Ed: The Arsenal AGM 2015

Is that the odour of rebellion I detect in the air?

I chatted briefly with one time Gooner contributor and these days respected Guardian and Observer writer Amy Lawrence before the 2015 Arsenal Holdings Ltd Annual General Meeting kicked off.

I suggested the line for her report might be – the Arsenal defence of old is back – in the form of the board of directors, easily rebuffing any threats from attackers. In fact, the next hour and 35 minutes saw them resemble a latter-era Arsene Wenger backline faced with a set piece… looking anything but solid and with questions over their positioning.

This meeting took me back to 2012 and the near carnage that was that year’s AGM. Because there were some unhappy shareholders in the room who were not afraid to express their discontent, specifically over the continued £3 million payment to Kroenke Sports Enterprises, the defeat to Olympiacos and the mere fact that Arsene Wenger was still in his job after a number of humiliating reverses in recent seasons.

A question about the KSE payment started things off, and chairman Sir Chips Keswick re-iterated his answer from 2014. He added that the advice had contributed to the positive evolution of the club in recent years, pointing to the upturn in revenues as a direct consequence. It would have been better just to ‘fess up really. Kroenke owns over 66% of the club, and as such has the power to dip into the coffers to take as much as he sees fit, because that, legally, is the situation as far as minds more expert than myself informed me. Then, at least there would be genuine clarity. But no, Sir Chips stuck to his guns despite shouts from the floor for him to detail what form the advice provided took. The atmosphere was, at times, hostile. And that is healthy in itself, demonstrating to the board that although they might have the power to do what they so choose, as long as they had to face the shareholders once a year, they would be reminded that people were not necessarily okay with it.

All of the board were present. Aside from the chairman, Lord Harris, Josh Kroenke, Ivan Gazidis, Stan Kroenke and Ken Friar were sat on the top table, joined by club secretary David Miles and manager Arsene Wenger. Stan Kroenke did not say anything this year, unlike on previous occasions, perhaps wary of being heckled. His hairpiece these days is a darker shade of grey, which at least looks vaguely more plausible, although still doesn’t quite go with the natural colour of his sideburns and moustache.

After the formalities of voting on Lord Harris and Ivan Gazidis back on to the committee, a couple of speeches. Ivan Gazidis filled up 20 minutes of the meeting with his report, with powerpoint slides. The vision of the club is to win trophies playing the game the way it is meant to be played, with joy and not cynicism. So that would rule out Jose Mourinho as a replacement for Arsene then. He showed us a virtuous circle diagram, with investment in the team leading to more on field success, more fans and more income, which could then be invested in the team and off we go again. ‘Investment in the team’. Something went wrong there last summer then, eh? But no, we have a “world class scouting system” according to the CEO. I attend these things for the entertainment and to watch the board, just occasionally, squirm. For clarification of anything, I wouldn’t go within 100 miles of the place. It’s a good social too. And they gave out a natty key ring with an ‘anti-tarnish silver polish cloth’. Are you telling me this key ring is actually silver? Someone who might know can tell me in the comments. “We gave been very active in the transfer market in recent seasons, as only nine of 27 in the first team squad photo were at club four years ago.” So 18 players in eight transfer windows. In other words, it may be a case of I Know What You Did Last Summer, (or actually didn’t do) but let’s move on. “We have been disciplined in our strategy being talent led and not money led. Our squad is deeper, better and stronger as a consequence.” Hmmm… once Le Coq gets injured. Theo’s goals dry up and Alexis’ body gives up on him, the truth of that statement will be tested. “Of the buys of last four years, only Lukas Podolski has left the club. We won’t spend money for the sake of it or to appease commentators. Our football vision is the most ambitious there can be. To win and to win with style. We have to be strong to win things our way.” And idealistic. Ah well, as long as the club are not actually winning anything, everyone loves us. The speech went down fairly well, but there are plenty of loyalists at these AGMs with the protesting voices dotted liberally around.

Next up, Arsene’s customary address. And as I always state he is under no obligation to attend these meetings, so fair play to him for turning up. The reality that he attends board meetings means he is effectively on the board in all but name, but anyway. “I am at the best club where I can work with my ideas with the board behind me.” And who can argue with that. No other club would have indulged him over the last nine years to the extent that Arsenal have. “We had restricted finances with the stadium move – we did it – paid off the debt and stayed in the Champions League. The first quality of the club is to be consistent. Only Real Madrid have done better than 18 years straight in the Champions League” (and er… won it four times in that period, but hey, let’s not let actually winning the damn thing poop the party). “To remain at the top is difficult and we do not rate it enough. I would not do it again – it is so difficult.” And here’s one we were waiting for, “Since 1st January 2015, we have won more points than any other team.” Yippee. And what do we have to show for it? “We are not scared to spend the money. Success is about talent and cohesion. Players know what it means to wear the shirt in every single game. You need people that carry the values of the club through generations. Top, top class we bring from outside. Others we develop from youth. We are more motivated and committed than ever. 19 years ago I was more relaxed. Now, I know what it means for people – how sad they are when we do not do well, the responsibility on my shoulders.”

12 minutes’ worth of this sort of stuff, and warmly applauded at the end. Then, some pre-submitted questions were summarized by secretary David Miles, answered by Sir Chips or Ivan Gazidis.

Here are some bullet points…
* Ticket prices have, in real terms fallen 20% since stadium move. Renewals last summer for season tickets were 97%
* Arsene is heavily involved in boardroom discussions
* Targets for the season? To win titles and trophies
* 200,000 people went on the stadium tour last year
* Regarding all the cash in the bank: ‘Compromising on quality means compromising on ambition. As we strengthen the squad, the market for improving it becomes smaller. First 20% of finding players for the squad is easier than the last 5%”
* (In response to a question about how Arsene Wenger is still in the job after a series of humiliating defeats) “Arsene is the best man to take Arsenal forward for as long as he feels inclined.” (Er, what if he went mad?)
* (In response to a question about what it takes to win the title, AW responded) “100% commitment in every game. Win the big games at home. Do not lose them away. Be lucky with injuries. Win games 1-0 that you might not deserve to. We have the ingredients, it is about doing it week in, week out.”
* (Back to the KSE £3 million payment) Sir Chips: “The best advice you can get is from people that know more about the problem than you do. I am responsible for the money management of the club and am determined that it is well spent. The answer to your question cannot be codified. As for proof of what it is worth – look at these trophies (FA Cup and Community Shield) and the accounts.”

Then it was time for questions from the floor, and a healthy line of shareholders or their proxies lined up behind the solitary mic available to the floor. An American accented man heaped praise on the board and the manager and said it was the best AGM he had ever attended. With Josh Kroenke already on the board, there is obviously now a thought to fill the audience with friends and family to provide some light relief at these gatherings.

This was like a jamboree bag of sweets – with some pointless questions and others merely making statements. As the queue dwindled with a few people quite aggressive in their questioning, lunch was beckoning and Sir Chips told the last three people waiting to ask questions to sit down as he was going to close the meeting. Why he couldn’t have allowed another five minutes is beyond me.

Someone asked if we could hear some words from Mr Kroenke. “No,” responded the chairman. As he tried to wrap the meeting up, Arsene Wenger interjected. One questioner at the mic had asked how it was possible to have three such performances as the home games against Anderlecht, Monaco and Olympiacos within 12 months and had been dismissed by Sir Chips. Wenger decided he wanted to respond by informing the questioner that Arsenal were the in top five clubs in the competition in terms of their percentage of games won. My thought on that is that if you are top seeded in the group stage for as long as Arsenal have been, then I can see how. Mind you, surely if it were a true test of the club’s achievement, it would by extension mean that every other year, they would make the semi-final stage. Flat track bullies anyone?

Anyway, Sir Chips finally wrapped up with “Thank you for the passion with which you attend – I am very grateful for it,” expressing all the sincerity of a Spurs fan congratulating Arsenal on winning anything.

Arsene Wenger stayed behind to do some autographs and selfies, as did Ivan Gazidis – although only to be grilled by unhappy shareholders over some of the answers.

Ah well, all good fun, free tea and biscuits and the chance to have your photo taken with the two trophies afterwards.

And the board know that as long as they are obliged to hold an AGM, they are going to be held to account by the shareholders verbally, even if they are ultimately powerless. It is a good exercise though, in letting them know that, at least once a year, they have to explain themselves… or at least find a way of avoiding explaining themselves.

A more detailed account of proceedings by Tim Stillman is available on the arseblog site, whilst the Guardian offers us a full transcript of Arsene Wenger’s speech.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Alsace

    Oct 19, 2015, 18:10 #77617

    Dear J Lynch. Why the vitriol at a working journalist ? I'm just reading her book about the invincibles and it is VERY revealing (perhaps unintentionally)and just why the wheels have come off Mr Wenger's horse and cart.

  2. Badarse

    Oct 18, 2015, 12:11 #77547

    Now if ever 'Strictly' pairings were obvious, we have in the 'Blue' corner-maguiresbridge and jj wearing number 6; however in the 'Red' corner we have goonercolesyboy and Badarse wearing smiles. The judges may find themselves concerned that the number 9 couple appear to be in trouble by dancing on the ceiling.

  3. jjetplane

    Oct 18, 2015, 11:46 #77545

    Baddie likes him and they seem to have a lot in common. Seem a bit shy with each other ... Lol! Hibernia here I come!

  4. mbg

    Oct 18, 2015, 0:36 #77531

    jj, what mates.

  5. jjetplane

    Oct 17, 2015, 23:37 #77530

    The site is all yours COLESORE to fill with your humourless drivel - I'm off to watch other teams for a while - have fun with 'your mates' .....

  6. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 17, 2015, 21:36 #77528

    Finsbury dough boy, what are you doing reading about us on other sites? Your bunch of one season wonders aren't exactly pulling up any trees are they? Not sure what was lucky about the win, maybe cheek pieces are needed instead of blinkers. Watford worked really hard but ran out of legs and couldn't keep chasing the ever moving ball. Muguiresbridge stop posting about our players as like jeffjunior you no longer support the team.

  7. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 17, 2015, 20:50 #77527

    Anyone that lives anywhere near AKBs has my sympathies. Car horns will be blaring until the early hours as they celebrate for what I have read on other sites seems a monumental result for them. Still, at least we will get an u disturbed night after the Bayern game

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 17, 2015, 20:01 #77526

    If a 0-3 win can ever be described as lucky, I think that was it. WTF-ord were pants and the Arsenal passively reflected that 'til the goal came. There were a few moments when a better team would have taken advantage. But hey, three points and salt & pepper Stan's syrup didn't blow off. I wonder what he made of vicarage road and our early struggles as he idly calculated how much he makes out of the club every minute...

  9. mbg

    Oct 17, 2015, 19:50 #77525

    Did we even break sweat against the mighty Watford, anyway Ramseys got in on the act now, talking a good game after he score, lets hope it's not as long to the next one, and the cart horse has come trotting back onto the scene with a goal, we're going to win the league now no doubt about it, it's the beards wot have done it definitely the beards, so at least the barber can't be blamed now.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 17, 2015, 18:07 #77524

    Badarse- I make you right on a lot of what you said. Funny enough during a recent bitching session at work we were discussing job responsibilities compared to the reward. Effectively a lot of companies can have you out on your ear for not fulfilling ridiculous elements of the job. Oddly this seams to have crept in from evangelical American right such as the Koch brothers. No doubt sprinkled with heavy dose of Ann Rands "when Atlas Shrugged". I'm going to give my boy a gentle nudge into science if that is his bag to maybe avoid the dismissal modern corporate life. Amused at being a coppers nark! Suddenly I'm back in Rotherhithe with all the tough guys down the local!

  11. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 15:42 #77523

    Sorry Nark, I mean Mark-well it made me laugh when I saw the post appear.

  12. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 15:32 #77522

    Nark from Aylesbury my experience has shown that there is a distinct character to the two types of controlling governance. The old and the new. Old is typified by the 'aristo' mentality of which our illustrious club is steeped. The condescension is rampant and has worked for generations along with the tugging of the forelock and the bending of the knee. That is an antiquated mode now and is laughingly inept. We practise it at AFC to such a degree that it seems a parody of itself. The new type is far more sinister and extremely effective. This is the imported variety from across the 'pond'. It is more subtle, more persuasive and increasingly prevalent. Look to your left, to your right, behind and in front. See it? No, probably not. You have to be cynically-charged and on your toes to recognise it, I do but then I have a sonic screwdriver. They've even begun using the far more delicate strands recently and have called them 'nudges'. We are being led by the noses, matey. The denouement? The old and archaic style is being lost up and down the country, only in moth-balled emporiums like the AFC boardroom does it exist, but that too is being swept away. Beware, because the new style will soon be upon us...I am not Josh-ing!

  13. mbg

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:51 #77521

    Bard, as long as their in good old plain English and not gobbledegook or triplicate you'll not go far wrong.

  14. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:41 #77520

    With consideration to other comments on here. The Arsenal AGM's are an embarrassment. It's all very well going on about good governance then you see a complete load of amateurism from Chips, previously we had Hillwood doing the same. The joke is they are talking down to shareholders calling them fools or speaking to them in a condescending manner. I seem to remember Hillwood doing this to a high court judge. Probably thought he was some oik. Eventually this catches up with you (beware the lawyers in their garrets) meaning you can try and suppress the workers all you want but you start pissing off the bourgeois and your goose is cooked. Hence revolutions start within radical elements of the middle classes. In this instance it's a case of the board being undermined and creating scenarios for a takeover. Tend to agree with Ron that a debt free Arsenal with current opportunity for revenue increases is too hot a prize to not be bid upon by a billionaire

  15. mbg

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:36 #77519

    Ron, you definitely had an early night last night and woke with a clear head excellent post, Post of the day.

  16. mbg

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:23 #77518

    I see Gary Neville has got TOF all wound up again, branding Arsenal arrogant and claiming him and his dwarfs don't spend enough time working on ways to stop the opposition, and reckons they go into training every morning thinking of the fun they're going to have just having to think how they'll pass the ball or score a fancy dan goal (he's not to far wrong at all but of course TOF doesn't like being told the truth)coming out with the old tired (when he's in a corner) I have been in this job 30 years, yawn, and this one that was aired at the AGM (expect to hear it a few times more)we have taken more prem league points than anybody since January (is there a trophy for that ?)and this cracker we have made big strides forward, you couldn't make it up. But I have to give the Old Fraud credit for being honest and telling the truth (there's a first time for everything) when he said yes we just turn up Saturdays and play. Well done Gary.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:21 #77517

    RIP Howard they played a respected part on my teenage years. Funny enough their breaking of the Liverpool homogeny allowed me to dream of Arsenal winning titles to. Probably could have gone on to win the European Cup of Heysel ban had not interrupted. Sad news.

  18. RedPig

    Oct 17, 2015, 14:02 #77516

    Ron - fantastic post at 10.45 mate.

  19. Bard

    Oct 17, 2015, 13:43 #77513

    RIP Howard Kendall. Loved that Everton team back in the day. Baddie my comedy sketches such as they are make up part of my portfolio of Online commentaries. I am hoping to have them published in several languages. Quite what they will make of them in North Korea is anyone's guess but they will certainly identify with the need for slavish adoration of a great leader. Of course instead of my sketches we could show Arsenal's worst 50 defensive displays under the boss. There is nothing more hilarious than that.

  20. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 13:15 #77512

    SKG on that particular point we concur, as I stated in a post yesterday, all organisations need to be accountable. I always want transparency in anything which concerns or involves myself, and others, even if they don't quite understand why they themselves should. AFC are not excluded from this. I do think that a team which underperforms and on a separate occasion performs well are not necessarily the fodder for conspiracy theorists though. In the absence of details or facts people use their imaginations and often these run riot. Before too long they are using a form of character assassination; who the manager slept with, whether this player smokes weed or not. Then comes the quantum leap whereby this person is arrogant, that one sly, and so on. Often posted by those who show symptoms of questionable characteristics themselves.

  21. Ron

    Oct 17, 2015, 13:13 #77511

    Seconded Westie lad. Evtn do have a good record v Man U at Goodison. Not sure theyll win today today though mate. Draw perhaps. Gunners to nick a 1-0 is my prediction v Watford.

  22. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 17, 2015, 13:00 #77510

    Badarse : It was always a given that Arsenal was a well run club, if at times, slight dubious matters had occurred. The players who performed so woefully in the CL are the same ones that spanked United 3-0, so that has nothing to do with money. Nor does it have anything to do with money that our manager grossly under uses his coaching staff, I consider it sound constructive criticism that needs addressing by the board.

  23. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:42 #77509

    Hi Ron, no I was 16, Kendall and Sissons were both just under 18, Sissons a little younger.

  24. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:37 #77508

    @Ron, I wasn't being disrespectful towards fans on Merseyside, it was just a tongue in cheek remark. Most of my football mates on Merseyside are Blues and will be upset about HK's death, although as you say his health has been in decline for some years. Let's hope it galvanizes them to put the Mancs away this afternoon.

  25. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:35 #77507

    Saw Howard Kendall score a lovely volley in 1-1 draw (72-73?) at the North Bank end, very good footballer and part of that Ball Harvey trio. That is sad news.

  26. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:30 #77506

    Yeah good memories 24601. I was at the '64 cup final when Kendall played for Preston and Johnny Sissons-WHU-were both acclaimed as the two youngest players to appear In an FA Cup Final. Ironic statement in terms of that opening game, as a season later when Everton came to Highbury we bounced them 4-0. I knew then we were looking at the old and new champions.

  27. Ron

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:28 #77505

    Hi Baddie - yes, sad day for blues fans. Incredible blue team of the mid 80s he built and then was denied a go at the Euro Cup due to the ban. They cd have bagged a EC possibly. They did win the ECWC and deserved to go better i thought. I knew HK had been poorly for quite some time but only 69 wasn't he. Lovely chap. A gent. Always think of him too re 64 FAC final for Preston. Do you? 16 i think he was wasnt he.

  28. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:20 #77504

    Sad news regarding the death of Howard Kendall. He was an integral part, along with Harvey & Ball, of the best Everton team I ever saw back in 1969. He later went on to be a great Everton manager. R.I.P Howard. Two great teams in the opening game of the 69/70 season which Everton won 1-0. Every Gooner in the ground that day knew we had just witnessed the upcoming Champions, Everton that day were a class apart. Teams: Wilson, Rice, McNab, Neill, Simpson, McLintock, Robertson, George, Raford, Gould, Graham. Everton; West, Brown, Wright, Labone, Hurst, Jackson, Kendall, Harvey, Ball, Morrisey, Royle, Husband. Attendance 44,364. Goal scorer - John Hurst. It was the Arsenal debut game for Charlie George.

  29. Ron

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:15 #77503

    Westie - GN has a point. Ive not seen his comments though. Theyre excited on Merseyside though as theyve had no real Coach with a colorful identity since Shanks and Paisley really. They shd be allowed to enjoy it i think. GN maybe a tad envious too? . Im aware that many Utd fans arent big LVG fans and im not totally sure that GN is either mate? Branding the Mersey fans like that isnt for me mate. I ve grown very fond of the Mersey people down the years. If you want to see real rip off, take a walk thro and a bite to eat in those dreadful Club level bars at Arsenal. For me anyway, footies a rip off across the board.

  30. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:11 #77502

    Just heard that Howard Kendall has died, aged 69. Will affect a few of your Toffeemen friends Ron, a sad day for Everton.

  31. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 12:01 #77501

    Firstly SKG you wouldn't have spoken about the balance sheet at a game with your dad as it was a different era, and am sure westlower never does at a match either-it is probably dwarfed by his own anyway. I am happy to engage at most times though as an interesting subject. Not a necessarily riveting one I admit, but a topic of interest in the wider scheme of things. It is what is governing our lives all around us so isn't it a wise man who acknowledges the reality which stares him in the face? A simple question, why do ministers, even the PM, visit other countries? Answer, unless in an emergency it is to chum up to the head of state he meets to promote trade, or in other words he is a glorified salesman. There is an abject recognition that trade outweighs human rights. Now isn't that something worth campaigning against, rather than the price of an AFC Key ring sold in the Armoury? The rest is just a topic to chat about when it involves AFC. You don't wave banners celebrating, though the knowledge that AFC are financially sound pleases me, doesn't it you? You don't have to discuss it, just think of it. @Ron a very good post. I would add that this country is very conservative. The further north you go from London the less so, and the more you meet trades unionists. I am in accord with trades unions, but have met many northern ones who are quite chauvinistic and anything but concerned about the 'sharing' considerations which fire most socialists. What they are, in a general sense are a larger body of people who are less conservative-the further north you go the more so, ergo Scotland.So with that as a background it is no wonder that those beyond London, deprived and marginalised for eons by central(London)government are a bit more family oriented, more obvious in most things, and football has always been a personification of those powerful emotions that it taps into. Don't forget they had a head start. They formed the football league with us being the first southern team to join. Amateurs in the south, the keepers standing to one side as a penalty was taken, as to save it was deemed ungentlemanly. We were the 'untouchables' by our peers in the south for behaving in a 'low' way. These circumstances, these models and behavioural patterns are hard to break. In fact more so now. London is richer than ever, and the board at AFC have long since realised they have arguably the best brand to grow in England. Capital team, top stadium, world wide reputation for attacking football, great shirts-and the colour does affect punters-always near the top in the division so often a 'big' game label is attached, merchandising outlets that are second to none-and punters want that nowadays-with some high profile players. Things are as they are for a variety of reasons, just some of which I have touched upon, and it ain't going away. if anything it will get 'worse', so people have to get used to the concept, even if they don't like it. Oh and don't worry about Bard, he is working on his next comedy sketch.

  32. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2015, 11:32 #77500

    @Ron Just reading comments from Gary Neville that he's 'uncomfortable' with all the adulation being showered on Klopp. "It's almost as if Liverpool have to prove themselves to Klopp. It should be the other way round." Obviously it's going to be cheaper for Liverpool to build a new stadium. It's just a walk in Stanley Park. While we're on the cost of attending football matches, how about Liverpool charging £2.50 for a mug of tea? Still a bunch of scallywag's after all these years.

  33. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 17, 2015, 11:19 #77499

    Ron : Excellent post (82066) - I see Westflower has his calculator out again, I went to Arsenal with my father for over 30 years and I cannot remember ever talking about our balance sheet, what kind of supporter does that?

  34. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2015, 11:01 #77498

    Interesting double page story in today's Mail under the heading "Does he(AW) deserve more respect? Between 2000 & 2012 Arsenal's net spend was £57m compared to Chelsea's £570m. Perhaps it was unfair to expect Wenger to compete. Perhaps, in that context, he is right to view 18 top-four finishes as an achievement. Equally however, his financial circumstances are now vastly improved. Last year the club's wage bill went up from £164m to £192m. Now though, this is Wenger's time, and he senses it. Maybe, after 18 years shaping our game on and off the field, Wenger deserves a little more respect, regardless of what happens." Is it a coincidence that our cash reserves of £192m exactly matches our annual wage bill? I fancy today will be tough going at Watford having read they may play 3 DM's in front of the back four. An early goal is essential to open the game up. We're not generally at our best after the International break & with BM coming up on Tuesday a win at Watford will be a tremendous result.

  35. Gaz

    Oct 17, 2015, 10:57 #77497

    Excellent stuff Ron. Couldn't argue with any single word of it...

  36. Ron

    Oct 17, 2015, 10:45 #77496

    Youre wasting yr time making yr point like that Bard. Still now, getting on for 10 yrs after that infernal stadium opened, there are so many who remain beguiled by its existence, the supposed glitter and shimmer of it etc etc. Westie s post stands testament to the illusion that many fans have about men such as SK being on the AFC scene where yrs back they would have been nowhere near. His post certainly shows how so many fail to understand why such moguls exist, but more importantly, betrays a failure to understand that they put not a penny into these Clubs. Yr absolutely right though, these new type fans do worship a new type entity, not a football Club but a financial organisation. Im sure that you like me will often speak to these fans and find that they've developed a certain kind of bizarre 'snobbery' about it. Its amazes me how they seem to love to bask in the reflected 'glory' of Arsenals financial success. Thankfully football is alive and kicking though. I was up on the Wirral this week for a couple of days and the fervour around the area and in Liverpool is simply all embracing. Its hard not to feel exited for them. Anfield is going to be a stadium equally as good as AFCs, at far less a cost, they've remained at home and theyve took a leap fwd for their football in appointing an energetic and bubbly new top Coach. Like or dislike Liverpool the whole journey their owners are taking the Club on has football as its basis, not cash and more importantly, the Club gives its fans precedence. AFC certainly are wealthy, but as a Club its arrogantly soulless and is quite happy to be so. Ive expressed the view many times on here, but in my opinion the AFC phenomena could not and would not have been allowed to unfold and happen as it has in any other area of this Country.We ve seen the arguments in the media that the fans are in some way to blame for Arsenals stagnancy. Its a simple and partial view of course, but im of the opinion its at least partly right. London football followers have never been very passionate about football, compared to the fans in the regions ( you have to have left London to appreciate this). Couple that with the Capitals bent towards finance and you have Arsenal PLC as the end product. In my view had a similar path been trodden in Liverpool, Manchester, the NE, Birmingham or anywhere there would have been hell to pay. The passivity of SE football fans and in particular the very peculiar ( embarrassing even?) passivity of Arsenals fans has reaped what theyve allowed to have been sown. Its not too late for the fans to wrestle an element of control to a certain degree, but Westies post doesn't fill me with any hope that its possible. I hope the younger fans can though. I speak of the fans as detached from myself now as i no longer go to home games and my time as a blinkered AFC enthusiast has long since passed, but the younger generation of Gunners need to do some thing, if it really isn't too late to do so.

  37. Badarse

    Oct 17, 2015, 10:30 #77495

    Bard, on the subject of Waitrose-a well run cooperative style organisation-I have my reward card in an embossed 'Waitrose, wallet', and my grandchildren are 'Junior Waitrosers'-their newsletter is top, top notch. New uniforms are imminent, and they are definitely keeping the white sleeves!. However I am irritated by the green token nonsense and refuse them at the checkouts. Think all the cashiers know me now. Surprisingly it affects their view of me-as if I am a Dark Moany. Recently I tried to explain my position on the subject to a group of them. Two nodded off, and one of those fell off her chair. Am forming my own protest group. Our strategy will be very, very vibrant, virile and enough of the alliteration, we are planning to post all day, every day, to their company website forum. We thought the best and most effective option would be to focus on one aspect as a form of retaliation. We selected the young shelf stacker's green jumper as the focal point-it is quite old, past it's best, and not what it used to be.

  38. Bard

    Oct 17, 2015, 9:31 #77494

    Westie; you seem to take an odd pleasure in the fact that club is being run well as a financial company. Its a bit like supporting Waitrose. No one on here as ever said they dont think the club is well run in financial terms or that great strides have been made re the stadium. The issue is that the club are now more interested in a raking in the dosh than competing on the field. That is why so many are pissed off.

  39. mbg

    Oct 17, 2015, 0:34 #77492

    BigGoonerDave, didn't you know all that never happened to this Arsenal ? there's no such person as George Graham, all that and before happened to a different one in another dimension (under real men, players, and managers)as far as wenger and his followers are concerned. And as we know there's those who think he's God (as well as himself)and arrived here and formed us in 96, and then built the Emirates with his own bare hands (no gloves or steel toe capped boots needed of course)but a lot of us know better and will never let that happen. Even though wenger (aided and abeted by his cohorts, followers, and wengerites) has done everything in his power to try and make sure all the great things that happened and went on in/at this great club before he arrived such as history, traditions, (especially on the pitch) etc, etc, etc, is wiped and air brushed out of history (I've no doubt one of his main aims and goals over the last nine years such is his jealousy, arrogance, and ego) but like I've said it hasn't happened and won't, and won't be allowed to because George Graham's and those before him legacy's live on and will, long after wengers (what there is of it) is forgotten, and that's what pisses some off even now, because George's and the others are still talked about fondly over their messiah and that's the way it's always going to be.

  40. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 16, 2015, 20:53 #77491

    Muguiresbridge please show us your coaching badges, as you seem to know a lot about the game and how to coach football at the top level.

  41. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 20:36 #77490

    SKG, I have heard those whispers myself just like others i'm sure (but some will certainly not mention them on here) but when you think about it how on earth can ANYTHING be right there, it couldn't be under the wenger regime when/where he controls everything and rules with a rod of iron, where everything he says goes and nothing can be said or done without his say so, that can't be good or healthy. Our programme and style of coaching for our juniors is not the only coaching that needs looked at, the whole tired outdated programme and style through out the club does, more so and especially the seniors, but as long as wenger runs the show that will never happen nothing will change, fact, we'll just continue with the the same old same old, hopefully we only have 19 months of it left.

  42. BigGoonerDave

    Oct 16, 2015, 19:50 #77489

    So under yesterday's board meeting everything we achieved under Geoerge Graham amounted to nothing,given we did,not achieve it the right way!!! Basically then unless we,ve won titles and cups the Wenger way it means nothing!!What a sham.

  43. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 19:39 #77488

    Who's and what money ? it looks like he with all the odds has already thrown himself a curved ball.

  44. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 19:06 #77487

    ArseneKnewBest, indeed mate 30m investment into something that's already supposed to be state of the art, spin spin and it'll be lapped up by the sheep and never questioned again even if their messiah brings in Blatter and Platini to oversee it. And if the state of the art one that we've already got isn't making any difference now a new one or new wing to the hospital ward will hardly (espcially to our injuries and diabys)when all they/we really need is a manager who knows how to train and treat the players properly in the first place.

  45. Hi Berry

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:40 #77486

    Jamerson - you just make it up as you go along don't you. Along with the common misconception that Arsenal's history only started when Arsene Wenger became manager, Watford were a stolid 3rd division team before Graham Taylor and Elton John catapulted them to 1st Division runners up and a Cup Final appearance and were managed by the likes of Bill McGarry and Ken Furphy - a lovely man who took time out from his job to come and talk to our school football team. By the way, how is your family farm in Southwold - the one that grows beetroot?

  46. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:39 #77485

    Kev : Did n't anyone mention the poor performance of our academy, apparently all is not well among the coaching staff and we certainly are not a Southampton, in terms of producing home grown talent. I always find it strange that the more money and resources that are thrown at football the poorer the teams become - England anyone! I know great home grown players only come along once in a while but consider Billy Wright's legacy and the wonderful crop that George Graham was able to choose from in 86,87. When was our last Davis, Rocky, Thomas, Adams & Merse, I am sorry but Jack has not won a title yet - those guys did! Our programme and style of coaching for our juniors needs to be looked at very carefully because clearly it is not working.

  47. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:21 #77484

    Highbury Boy, no surprise there, who ever supports they're messiah or visa versa gets their vote regardless.

  48. Jamerson

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:18 #77483

    Talking of Watford I refused to watch England games whilst 'turnip Taylor' was the manager,even worse hoofers than Stoke,Manure and the spuds..

  49. Cyril

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:18 #77482

    Yep, all we need is Redknapp in and he can have a bit of 'Harry' to go with it!

  50. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2015, 18:10 #77481

    Would that be Chips served on a hot Platini with a French prawn in Blatter .... That will be 3m Sir!

  51. Cyril

    Oct 16, 2015, 17:59 #77480

    West lower- not really! My ticket was about 4 at Highbury watching bergkamp and now it's 12. Come off it, fans see the reality of their lot. Please enlighten me of how much of stan's money we have used. He bought the shares and the stock is rocketing. Unless I am mistaken, when he sells his shares[if he sells] he sells the bank account balance too. I assume the share price will reflect this. If we compete for the top competitions then we are happy. Keep your profit, good luck to ya! But when you don't, it sticks in the craw mate... !

  52. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 17:33 #77479

    H Boy - bang on the nail. These people do not put a penny in, they simply suck it out. Kroenke will sell once the stadium debt is barely there. The value of the Club with little to no debt plus a massive cash reserve and 3 or 4 decent value players, in the CL will be astronomical. Usmanov will sweep his shares up and everybody elses too. Rather get the feeling that SK thinks that by then the value of the shares will be too much even for AU. Not going to happen Stanley. Theres no way that AU would have hung around this long without being on the Board if he wasn't intending to buy it. Hes maybe now staying just for the pleasure he ll derive from getting the lot of them out the door. I think Arsene knows this too, despite the slightly conciliatory noises AU has made towards him these last 2 years. Its a factor why AW is going to go.

  53. Highbury Boy

    Oct 16, 2015, 17:15 #77478

    Westie: we have never had the benefit of Stan's money or Usmanov's for that matter. All they did was buy shares in Arsenal PLC from other shareholders. I think the last shareholder to actually put money INTO the club was David Dein who made a loan at the same time as buying a tranche of shares from Hill-Wood.

  54. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 17:14 #77477

    Hi Berry - mate, yr excellent point re non tribal stuff - i can only recall as a kid going to Villa Park when Villa beat us. It was my first game and that was in 1963. Still mixed terraces then it was, but it was starting to get spiky even to my young senses, even on that day.

  55. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2015, 17:08 #77476

    Enough of this high finance wheeling & dealing. Why don't we go back to being a small family run club that stayed in our run down stadium on the Avenell Road. That way we could compete on a level footing with Charlton, Orient, Brentford & Millwall. We don't need your money Stan, Usmanov & co. As far as we're concerned you're just a bunch of crooks & your team is just a bunch of overpaid crocks, managed by a clueless t*sser. Why,oh why didn't the board negotiate for the Olympic Stadium at a cost of five 'bent' payments to Stan? Does that sum up the general feeling on here today?

  56. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 16:50 #77475

    Hi Berry - great stuff mate. Its a small World isnt it. Recall Scullion well. Good player. You've maybe seen some of my old posts too re Best Law etc. We used to get to as many of the central region grounds when Utd were there, just like you. Strangely, Utd still carry the same magnetism from way back then. Its incredible how its stuck to them, though the TV helps them. On here, we have Jameson telling us they were a 'hoof ball' team!! Astonishing, though we shdt be surprised i suppose. Bro in law was a Watford fan, but used to go to the Lane as well. I went quite a few times. Chivers, Gilzean, Mullery and Knowles and Co. Good side Tottenham, though also deemed Hoofers by our friend Jamie. Cdt get there for May 71 though unfortunately. Its a big miss off my CV!

  57. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2015, 16:30 #77474

    Spot on Highbury Boy,supporting Wenger and creepy Stan is one and the same thing now days with the increasingly desperate AKB. Wenger is obviously up to his 8m a year wages neck in it with the Silent one. Another point is the claim that the club needs near 200m hoarded to be able to operate fiscally properly. This is nonsense and the only reason that money is hoarded - instead of being invested in the team - so that we can compete properly in Europe and in the league , is to help the cash enhance the value of greedy Stan's shares in AFC. He uses this for collateral in his other nefarious dealings with hedge fund dealers and banks in the good old US of A to help finance his other clubs there that he owns. Of course if competing properly in Europe is not a priority and we are only there to pick up group stage cash and finishing 3rd or 4th in the league is our trophy then it doesn't matter if Stan hoards cash and legally pilfers a few million from the club's coffers under some lame pretext dreamed up by his stooge Ivan and is excused by paid for mouthpiece old ex-Etonian Chips. That old duffer does a passable impression of Peter Hill-Wood minus the half-bottle of Claret drunk before appearing on stage to help utter his well rehearsed lines.You couldn't make it up.

  58. Hi Berry

    Oct 16, 2015, 16:18 #77473

    Ron, I was at that Watford/Liverpool game as well. I used to cycle the 7 miles from St Albans to Watford quite regularly as a schoolboy on a Saturday afternoon - a cheap afternoon's football with the Vicarage Road terrace costing probably no more than two or three bob and a programme 6d!! Watford had quite a few high profile cup games towards around that time and were unlucky on a few occasions not to have claimed a few more illustrious scalps. I seem to recall them playing Liverpool again and Stoke and bringing Man U there for a replay after an unexpected draw at OT. They had a nippy little winger, Stuart Scullion, and Dennis Bond (son of John, I think) who was sold to spurs for what to Watford was a huge £20K. I think the first game I saw at Vicarage Road at the end of the 1962/3 they must have had Pat Jennings in goal. Of course, football was a lot less slavishly tribal in those days and you went to games to see the star players whoever they played for. Heresy for some on here, I know, but remember going to White Hart Lane when 14 or 15 because Best, Law and Charlton were in town. Great times and a bit 'jumpers for goalposts'!

  59. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 16, 2015, 16:15 #77472

    The Guardian also reports that it was announced at the AGM that the club is to spend £30 million improving its medical facilities and "analytics". Given all the earlier bluster about being state-of-the-art when it comes to preparing players, am I the only one to wonder whether that sounds like a big amount of money? I wonder where it'll really end up being spent, and whether our shocking injury record will improve? So it looks like there'll only be £170 million available for players now...what a bunch of self-interested wasters.

  60. Highbury Boy

    Oct 16, 2015, 16:01 #77471

    Not content to always supporting Wenger I see the usual suspects are now supporting Stan and the rest of the Board. I suppose though that's the same thing really. I have to say that providing "services" at £3m pa in one part of an empire to another is NOT common practice in commerce. It may sometimes happen when PRIVATE companies are all wholly owned but even then directors have a duty of care to the company they are directors of to make sure the payment is bona fide and commercial. However in Arsenal's case where it is a PUBLIC company there are certain matters which require approval from a 75% majority of ALL shareholders. Stan doesn't have this and that's why he sneaks his annual£3m "divi" out the back door. Usmanov has gone on record as saying he doesn't want the PLC to pay a divi. It is amazing how Chips can get away with saying how lucky Arsenal are to have Stan as shareholders. He doesn't put anything in but just takes out. Barclays,Vodafone etc are probably all similarly lucky with their shareholders.

  61. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2015, 15:28 #77470

    Dave Bowen played for Arsenal from 1950-1959 before becoming player/manager of Northampton. He captained Wales in the 1956 World Cup & later managed Wales. One of his 146 appearances for AFC was in the 2-0 win v Chelsea on Boxing day 1956, attendance 22,526. Teams: Kelsey, Charlton, Evans, Dodgin, Bowen, Bloomfield, Clapton, Tapscott, Holton, Herd, Haverty, Goal scorers - Danny Clapton & Derek Tapscott. Dave Bowen died in 1995, aged 67.

  62. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:55 #77469

    Thanks for pointing out that Arsene delivered a 3rd place trophy as many times as a 4th place one Amos over the past 8 years. It's a fact though that his last first place one was way back in 2004. So why are you citing only 8 years for your case>? If a top 4 place is the target then any place from first to fourth is a top 4 place anyway . First place in the real world though is the only one that wins a trophy. In Arsene's world 4th place is one as long as it offers a route into the cash-cow Champions League. When only 3 places do so then 4th place will become irrelevant. Wenger is doing his best with his own poor results in Europe to help bring that about.

  63. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:41 #77468

    Good to hear it was hostile but i'll bet not hostile enough, where were the eggs and rotten tomatoes. The whole rotten regime especially wenger should have been sent on their way dripping.

  64. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:40 #77467

    CT and Hi Berry - both very pertinent posts. It is nauseating as you both say, but AFC present a solidly utd front dont they. I dont distinguish Wenger from the Board, haven't done for years and am past caring now what they say really. If nothing else AW is a very clever politician. Cant see why he doesn't run for President of FIFA. Credit to him, hes made for that type of post.

  65. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:25 #77466

    Thanks Westie - i was a bit older than i thought then mate! Yes, Callaghan and Thompson both good lads. Just shows how much their team had changed in a year or so by when we beat them in 71 doesn't it. They were a very young team that day.Went to 'an evening with' Hughes about 15 yrs back. Funny chap he was too. Said some really funny stuff about Frank Worthington who he knew well. Not for repeat on here though save to say, when he was about it was a case of lock up yr wives as well as yr daughters!!

  66. mbg

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:23 #77465

    So TOF has realised what he is at last and it's 19 months more, yippee, i'll take that any day of the week, roll on.

  67. Hi Berry

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:21 #77464

    I do like the way Wenger deflects criticism by defending his position with completely arbitrary facts. To hear him trot out the 'fifth most successful side in the CL' chestnut by focusing on our (mainly group stage) win percentage is so typical of what is thought of as success at the club. To massage the facts in such a way is disingenuous to say the least...and to compare our record with that of Real Madrid is spin of the highest order. Is Alastair Campbell on the board? 'You pick only three games out of a hundred and fifty' well, no...those are the three most recent aberrations. How about Milan away 4-0, how about any number of away games in Russia, Ukraine and Greece where the performances have been abject. Jamerson's post seems to indicate that as long as we are being 'entertained' we should be happy....funny, I thought this was competitive professional football where the aim is to bust a gut to win. Wenger has obviously made it his life's work to prove how he can win the big prizes playing 'beautiful' football. Personally I'd forgo some of the 'entertainment' if it meant a home draw was turned into a win.

  68. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:14 #77463

    I think Bowen managed Wales didnt he later Baddie? Or was that another Bowen? PS Clapton emulated EJ at Glasgow last yr Baddie when i d travelled up there to see him. He stropped off like a spoilt kid over nothing that he was prepared to explain, leaving Fairweatherlow and Carrack bemused as they remained on stage. What a prima donna he is. Suspect the smack has taken its toll on him though. He s very 'vacant' when he performs. Grossly disappointed in him that night.

  69. CT Gooner

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:11 #77462

    Talking about false achievements is just nonsense. We have the "top 5 winning percentage in the CL", SO WHAT!! Porto dont, they just won the trophy. Can I remind people, Arsenal won the European Cup, not with Wenger though. We have the highest number of points in the league since last Tuesday, again, F. off, it's meaningless. You'll win me back when the team perform well consistently, not by highlighting positive statistics. Can someone also explain how in "real world terms" the ticket prices are down 20% since Highbury??

  70. Bard

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:11 #77461

    Stevo; interesting post. You seem to be suggesting that the reason we dont win anything significant is because fans 'dont get behind the team'. Can you explain how that works ? I have always been of the view, and perhaps mistakenly, that it had to do with players, tactics and mental strength. Yours is an interesting point because it might suggest we dont need a manager only a lot of nutters in the stands screaming their heads off.

  71. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:10 #77460

    @Ron Just for you, FA Cup 1/4 final 21st Feb 1970, attendance 34,047. Liverpool team: Lawrence, Lawler, Ross, Wall, Yeats, Hughes, Callaghan, Evans, Graham, St John, Strong. Can see Yeat's name without visualising Joe Baker chinning him, best punch I've ever seen. Bumped into the late Emlyn Hughes on Bath racetrack many years ago. I always liked Ian Callaghan from that Liverpool side. With Peter Thompson on the other wing they were formidable wingers.

  72. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 14:05 #77459

    Absolutely correct, there are those 'sliding doors' moments again. I remember seeing Dave Bowen at Highbury-though an Arsenal player, my older friend told me he had been a star at Northampton Town and from that day to this I see in my head, 'Dave Bowen/Northampton'.

  73. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2015, 13:51 #77458

    It's almost perverse that we criticise AFC for being an extremely well run club.In my region, the focus is on the plight of Northampton Town, who yesterday failed to meet a deadline in repaying the Borough Council a loan of £10.25m & have been served with a winding up order by HMRC over unpaid tax. So what you may say, but even Northampton have had their day in the sun. AFC have only played them twice in the old 1st division, and both games ended 1-1. Both sides have beaten each other in FA Cup ties. One club is skint, going nowhere & the other is one of the richest elite clubs in world football, we're spending £30m upgrading our training ground facilities over the next 2 years. Think on, but for the grace of God (AFC board anyway), go I. Sept 28 1965 Arsenal v Northampton 1-1, attendance 33,240. Furnell, Howe, McCullough, Neill, McLintock, Court, Sammels (Skirton), Baker, Radford, Eastham, Armstong. Goal scorer - John Radford.

  74. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 13:42 #77457

    Ha ha, remember getting Tommy Lawrence's autograph outside the main entrance at Highbury in the early sixties(?). Heard poor reports of Elton John from a buddy at one of his concerts at Wembley Arena in the early-mid eighties, where he walked off stage and never returned. A bizarre ending to a concert. I saw him when he double billed with Clapton at the old Wembley stadium. Clapton 9/10-John 2/10, was a fair reflection of their performances that day, I think.

  75. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 13:28 #77456

    True enough Baddie . The managerial sands move daily like the sands on Portmeor beach as you say. When ever i think of Watford i always think of a day when i was a kid and my late Bro in law took me to Vic Road and they knocked Liverpool out the FAC. It was a big scalp. I think they were Div 2 or 3 even? That was the liv of 1968 ish i think?. Very powerful but getting a bit long in the tooth. Recall Tommy Lawrence playing? Watford never been on my radar since. No disrespect Hornets, though ive never been much on Elton John either. As over rated as Tom Cleverley!!

  76. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 16, 2015, 13:17 #77455

    Jamerson- if the earth was created 5660 years ago, I think Noah's flood was around 4898 years ago. How old is Chips Keswick? I think he is 2347. I also suspect he is a member of the illuminati, a great annointed elder and a shape shifting Lizard. I also think you may be all three as well. Honestly I'm not mad!

  77. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 13:15 #77454

    Koeman does seem a good call Ron, but in a year or so,(not kidding this time), it becomes a little unclear what the manager market may be-do like him though. Good post 24601, bet julesd has the same difficulty with comprehension over your winnings. We were at the Watford v Arsenal game in April 2000-with Watford associates in their corporate box. Remember-I think-that we ran into a 0-3 lead and Thierry was on fire, before it was dragged back to 2-3 in a spirited fight back. Watford are often a thorn in the side, aren't they?

  78. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:59 #77453

    Common practice it is Westie but it needs close shareholder scrutiny. The cash AFC have isnt a massive amount relatively speaking and in far larger companies than AFC such payments are scrutinized in quite some depth. I think Platini ought to instruct you as Counsel mate. Yr plea in mitigation is an awesome one, though the evidence might throw you a curved ball or two i rather suspect. A cry of 'its common practice' just might not hack it. Thank you Mr Perez. You saved us!!

  79. Website Editor

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:56 #77452

    Stevo - It is difficult not to be cynical when straight answers are not given to straight questions. I take your point though. I should have qualified the not winning anything phrase. Not challenging for the title would have been better, but I'll leave it now.

  80. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:46 #77451

    The £3m payment to Kroenke for providing services from elsewhere in his empire is common business practice in commerce. The finances have multiplied beyond the comprehension of some supporters & have to be managed accordingly. With £192m cash reserve (needed for the ongoing business of running the club, with 550 employees & the players wages) + £40m transfer budget, there are a team of dedicated people doing their job very well. If AFC take advice from Stan's other companies to achieve financial targets, then it's £3m well spent. My take on the transfer kitty is that it was kept in tact (and not partly used on a DM) believing it would get Benzema but when it came to the crunch, RM president Florentino Perez wouldn't let the player go.

  81. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:40 #77450

    Baddie - yes, we do seek integrity. We ve always had it havent we. Yr clearly a Big Sams camp man then ha! Seriously though, Koeman is looking like a very strong candidate for any big job. Carries himself superbly, tactically good. Seems a nice chap and honest too. Great apprenticeship.

  82. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:30 #77449

    Ron the footballing landscape will be altogether different-'DIFFERENT!'(Sshhh.)-in four years time when Arsene sees out his next contract, (only kidding). Personally I am little help in these matters, Ron. I seem to have an aversion to these kind of speculative issues, consequently they register very little impact. I do hope we get a man of some integrity and there is the crux of the problem, who's sense of integrity do we go with, how should that be measured etc. I will just watch and wait.@ Bard your humour is good; I can see you have definitely changed your scriptwriters. He shows his fangs, and with arms outstretched raises his cape, a rasping, throaty laugh, hisses from him and he flies off into the night.

  83. Ron

    Oct 16, 2015, 12:12 #77447

    Lets discuss Arsenes successor and lighten things up. Im in the Ronnie Koeman camp right now on the basis that his name is fitting for an Arsenal supremo. Ive been in the Pep camp before now but i fear that he fears the thought of working with a few fearfully bad players in our squad who frighten me watching them from time to time. Pep is surely a Mr Ready made team man isnt he? Next week i might be back in the Robbie Martinez camp as ive been there before too. I like RM but ive a few Toffee fan friends who might hang draw and qtr me if Arsenal poach him, so its bad luck Robbie, i value my nads and entrails more than i do you heading South down the M40 after lunch at my house cos youre a top fella without a doubt. Paddy V? I think somebody's joking. Top and lovely man, but needs a proper apprenticeship. Remi Garde? Not sure how Remi squeaks there in really. I confess, i never took too much notice of him as a player so as a potential Coach? Im clueless to comment. Most of all, no mention of Mr bloody Henry, so lets all say cheers to that! Thoughts lads?

  84. Bard

    Oct 16, 2015, 11:46 #77446

    Fellow travellers on the Arsenal fun bus, i have just returned belatedly from the AGM yesterday having been delayed by an unscheduled overnight stop at her maj's pleasure in Wandsworth. It all started so innocently. Ivan was wittering on about rubbing shoulders with the game's elite when I asked , tongue in cheek, whether we should stop rubbing shoulders with the elite and try instead to beat them, and added was this rubbing shoulders a euphemism for our defensive strategy. Arsene leapt to hie feet. Bard I read your insightful comments with interest ( I made that bit up) We dont have a defensive strategy, I believe in total freedom of expression. There was a stunned silence at which point a very large man appeared behind me and put a very large hand on my shoulder and told me to sit down. The thorny question of Stan's £3m backhander rose its ugly head, and Chips ( an abbreviation of 'thick cut chips' , his schoolboy nickname) blustered about services rendered. Looking back I realise I then made a critical error. I shouted out ,why dont we stop f****** about and buy a striker, a CB and another DM and then we might win something. I added that I offered this advice for considerably less than £3m. The next thing I knew the large man behind me had me over his shoulder and took me off to the paddy wagon outside the ground. I protested as you do but was told in no uncertain terms that 'regime Arsenal' is not for turning.

  85. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 11:39 #77445

    Hello Amos, good to read a clear, but extremely sharp point from you again. @Jamerson a post to be worthy of.

  86. Johnny Lynch

    Oct 16, 2015, 11:30 #77444

    Amy Lawrence. Really ? She's in the pocket of Wenger , she can't move a pen without consulting Wenger , her books are prefaced by the French Con Man , each time she appears on , say MOTD Extra she sits there blandness personified.. She wouldn't say a bad word against the regime as it would be the proverbial hand that feeds you.. She's the worst kind of supporter , she has a platform and a voice that refuses to criticise. Just like Wenger. A total Fraud

  87. Amos

    Oct 16, 2015, 11:21 #77443

    And to be fair probably still delivering the 4th place trophy year in year out ... Sadly we've failed at that over the last 8 seasons having delivered a 3rd place trophy as often as we have 4th place.

  88. Stevo

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:49 #77442

    You write really well, but it's completely undermined by your underlying cynicism and dismissiveness."as long as the club are not actually winning anything ..." Been on back-to-back gap years since 2014 have you? And of course picking up the most points since January 1 doesn't win you anything, but no-one is or was claiming that it does - simply that it shows we are a team in good form on an overall great trajectory. Might be even better if people actually supported them rather than always positing that nothing is ever good enough.

  89. Nicosia Gooner

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:35 #77441

    What's the betting that Wenger is still running the club when he is 85? And to be fair probably still delivering the 4th place trophy year in year out - although by then it might not even secure a place in the Europa League....

  90. Red Member

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:33 #77440

    the key statement from the AGM is that renewals for season tickets are 97%. whilst this continues then nothing will change and why should it? The board see this as proof that the fanbase is happy about what is being provided. They can state that we are aiming for the title but the reality is that we are not- a top 4 place is the height of the ambition at the club

  91. Rob

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:30 #77439

    There was one really crucial question, that Keswick fudged away but nailed it nonetheless. It related to KSE using Arsenal's £200 million cash pile as leverage for any deals that dear old KSE might want to do State side. Risibly - or perhaps with ironic overload - the questioner said he/she was sure that hasn't happened but asked for confirmation that it never would. Needless to say Keswick waffled past that one. But anyone with half a pea for a brain can work out whether that is indeed happening. Happy Days !

  92. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:24 #77438

    Excellent piece again Ed.It seems, more than ever,that Wenger runs this club top to bottom and without him the Board are at a total loss on football matters.Gazidis and Harris seem to be the main hope for keeping him in check but as always they have no power.It appears obvious that Stan will allow Wenger to decide when he leaves as manager and will invite him to stay on at the club when that happens.The prospect of Wenger being heavily involved in choosing the next man looks very real and if that's the case the serial underinvestment and underachievement will continue.Joy.

  93. Badarse

    Oct 16, 2015, 10:04 #77437

    Thanks Kevin, this AGM is as intimated, a 'staged' exercise. However I am with you in essence that as long as they have to hold one the home truths are spoken. True those views are doctored by undisguised platitudes from the chairman, and the chicanery of the 'sit down now' instructions etc, but all the same it is a good thing to let the foot know that the wild thing under it's boot is alive and struggling.