Arsenal Fans: Get in early! Bayern Fans: Wait outside!

Two contrasting displays at this evening’s match

Arsenal Fans: Get in early! Bayern Fans: Wait outside!

Pre-match display in 2014

Ok, first up REDaction have organized what I imagine to be a stadium-wide display along the lines of Bayern’s previous visit to the Grove in 2014. Then, it worked a treat, as fans made a deliberate attempt to get to their seats early and play their part. The end result was fantastic, and the team started the game like a train, leading to the award of a penalty, such was the Gunners’ pressure. We’ll forget what happened next…

Anyway, here is the message from REDaction…

Get in early for Bayern!

We’ll keep this one fairly short and to the point - we need everybody in their seats by 7:35pm at the latest on Tuesday night for the Bayern game. There will be a display as the teams come out, which will rely on the stadium being full by then.

So we need you in your seat, we need you to make sure that your mates are in their seats, and we need you to spread the word online and in the pubs around the ground, for people to get in early. Last time we did a display like this, it looked fantastic - but it's only possible if everybody is in their seats in time. It looked great last time (also vs Bayern), and the team really need all the help we can give them this time!

Please get spreading the word, and make that small change to your pre match routine so that you're in the ground by 7:35pm. Hopefully it will look fantastic, and give the whole ground a boost. Talking of pre-match routines, The Rocket will be open from 5pm if you fancy a beer close to the ground. See you in the stadium!

Victory Through Harmony


However, although the Bayern players might be intimidated by the show of support, their travelling supporters will not, as they are not entering the stadium for the first five minutes of the match in protest at the £64 per seat that Arsenal are charging away fans. This is their statement…


We will not enter the away sector for the first five minutes of the game Arsenal FC against FC Bayern München on the 20th of October 2015. We will be taking this action to draw attention to the excessive ticket prices for this fixture. The cheapest ticket for this GROUP PHASE match is priced at £64, which with fees and postage included will cost Bayern fans almost €100.

This kind of a price structure makes a stadium visit impossible for younger and socially disadvantaged fans. It destroys fan culture, which is the basis of football. In England, this development has already taken place.

Our action in London is not only directed at ticket prices for a single game. During home games, Bayern fans pay €30 for a single ticket in the cheapest price category. In comparison, this seems moderate. However, seen over the course of a season, it adds up to a large sum, especially for younger fans. In Piraeus, Bayern fans had to pay €50 for away tickets, in Zagreb around €40 will be demanded. In comparison with the prices at Arsenal, this may seem reasonable, but during a qualification game against lesser opposition, the prices in Zagreb were only a tenth of that.

We want to protest at the price structure and at the same time changes in the stadia. We want to remind clubs and associations of their social responsibility and warn them of the effects, which we will all feel, both as fans and club officials. We express our support for campaigns like "20's Plenty" from England and "Kein Zwanni" in Germany. Especially the developments in English football should be a sobering example.

The first five minutes of the game in London will be, what future football will look like if this madness continues. Empty seats in the stands and no singing or emotion in the stands. In the following 85 minutes we want to show the alternative and show how fundamentally important a lively fan-culture is for football.

We call upon all Bayern fans to participate in the protest and to spread this word. It concerns all of us!

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  1. mbg

    Oct 21, 2015, 13:30 #77706

    Bard, yes funny how we always seem to perform when there's no pressure, or maybe it's just somebody else taking over tactics for the night. The next match will be interesting.

  2. Nick

    Oct 21, 2015, 9:19 #77678

    Credit where credit is due, Wenger got the tactics spot on last night, it was a footballing equivalent of Alis Rope a Dope vs Foreman, and it worked ! The result rounded off my birthday nicely, it also proved why it is a good idea to always play the STRONGEST side available to you and that our strength and quality in depth is not what our managers thinks it is ! We have the basis of a title winning team and one able to actually CHALLENGE in Europe but without investment in January we could well fall short yet again.

  3. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 21, 2015, 9:13 #77677

    Everyone; a big hug to cheer up Finsbury Joe this morning. Last night he would have been "enjoying" his well-worn DVD of Harry Kane's wonder season, only to discover the AFC result afterwards. Let's share the love.

  4. Bard

    Oct 21, 2015, 9:13 #77676

    Great win. Top class full backs. We are such a good team when there is nothing on it. What a mistake playing Ospina has turned out to be.

  5. Jamerson

    Oct 21, 2015, 9:00 #77675

    Just as Arsenal gave the Germans a footballing lesson last night.I shall give you all a lesson today involving 10 facts about God and the world which they never taught you in school or religious church's (both those places are synagogues of Satan by the way) you'd better be quick as this is my last day of posting for a while and admin normally remove anything that offends sinners..They will be posted at any time so stay focused and don't slack in your day job..EPHESIANS 6:6//Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart.

  6. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 21, 2015, 8:41 #77674

    Muguiresbridge, I deal in reality, you deal in the cosmetics counter. Drink another beer, it helps you regurgitate the same sh*t.

  7. Badarse

    Oct 21, 2015, 8:30 #77673

    Thank you lads, that was the close win I anticipated and hoped for. Am off today, have to re-skin westlower's drum; swallowed my trumpet mouthpiece and have to buy more popcorn and lemonade for Saturday.

  8. Smithy

    Oct 21, 2015, 7:05 #77672

    Well done lads- more of the same in the return leg please!

  9. mbg

    Oct 21, 2015, 1:05 #77671

    Oh dear wengerites conceding ? i'd have thought this means we're going to go on and win it now, this just won't do at all, the messiah won't be happy, this could mean an expulsion from AKB central command.

  10. John Gage

    Oct 21, 2015, 1:03 #77670

    Finsbury Joe was confident of a quiet night after Arsenal played Bayern. Am wondering if he has changed his mind. Great result and a very enjoyable win. Well done to AFC

  11. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 21, 2015, 0:35 #77669

    It just annoys you Muguiresbridge that the tactics were spot on by the manager. Go on say it, the manager got his tactics right. Go on Muguiresbridge, say it, you know you want to. Schhhhhhhhh....listen to what Muguiresbridge has to admit everybody......

  12. mbg

    Oct 20, 2015, 23:58 #77668

    jw, yes he decided not to stick two fingers up at the fans this time and played his best keeper, and to think he fell into OGL's lap, where would we have been tonight if he wouldn't have fallen out of favour with the chavs, nice boy chezz ? it doesn't bear thinking about. Great result indeed and well done and played the players, Cyril, if it was tactical genius it must have been some of the players because there's never been much evidence of it (if any)from the side lines before.

  13. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 20, 2015, 23:40 #77667

    Great result for the Arsenal. I think quite a few on here called the result before hand. It really is a case of will the real Arsenal stand up! Once again brilliant stuff

  14. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 20, 2015, 23:36 #77666

    Tactics, Muguiresbridge, tactics. Hair gel Muguiresbridge, hair gel. Deodorant Muguiresbridge, deodorant. Belly tickling Muguiresbridge, belly tickling. Super dwarves, Muguiresbridge, super dwarves. Perfect performance against a very very good team, who lacked a cutting edge if the truth be told. Cech was fantastic too and that's why he is one of the best keepers in the world, no matter his years. Got to keep this momentum up and who knows what this squad can achieve. The Champions League might be beyond us, the next game for all the teams is pivotal, so until it's done and dusted let's keep going. Easy isn't in the Arsenal vocabulary.

  15. jeff wright

    Oct 20, 2015, 22:51 #77665

    A great result on the night against all odds and the run of play but also a reminder to Wenger to always play your best GK in Europe until it's job done you silly fool. Still some work to do yet to rectify the situation that Wenger's poor management or arrogance has caused with the two first defeats. With the Greeks winning away to Zagreb it's probably too little too late now anyway as we will need to win all of our 3 remaining games with 2 away. Another pyrrhic victory in Europe for Arsene by the look of things and yet again a case of what might have been.

  16. Cyril

    Oct 20, 2015, 22:38 #77664

    With ten mins to go, it comes up - BM -600 passes to A - 175. If it was a boxing match you would of stopped it before the sixth round. It reminded me when I was young and played with the older lads - it was a case of 'let me have a kick mate!'. You have to give it to Wenger as I would never of called this game. I was curling up in embarrassment for 80 mins. What a win! I hope this was tactical genius. I will accept that it was and well done lads!

  17. Ron

    Oct 20, 2015, 22:33 #77663

    Well played indeed you Gunner boys. Need more of that in all our football and certainly some more in Germany. Enjoy the moment players and Arsene. You can play pragmatic game after all. Well done all at AFC.

  18. Westlower

    Oct 20, 2015, 21:56 #77662

    What a fabulous run by Bellerin so late in the game. Who says we can't adapt our game? This parking the bus tactic is a walk in the park. Well played, Cech, Kos, BFG & Monreal.

  19. Paulo75

    Oct 20, 2015, 21:46 #77661

    Absolutely buzzing! Well deserved result, will do wonders for this team. Let's keep it going Saturday. Delighted for Giroud who made a big difference in last 20 mins. Up the Arsenal

  20. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 20, 2015, 19:11 #77660

    I agree with those who wanted all fans to boycott the first 5 minutes of tonight's game. Where I live many of the lads have applied, and received their season tickets for West Ham's new Olympic Stadium. From Colchester it is under an hour to Stratford and the facilities there are perfect to make a family day out. The key thing is the season tickets cost £450 and yes obviously, once you are hooked the price will go up but as watching football becomes more about social point scoring than supporting a team, our board will be under pressure from West Ham as they will offer the chance to watch Premier League football for half the price, plus the opportunity to shop, dine and have a few bevvies before taking the late "rattler" home. Interesting times ahead.

  21. Ron

    Oct 20, 2015, 19:07 #77659

    Lewendewski s never gonna cope with Mertersackers pace. 1-1 PS Web site admin - well done on removing the dirge posted by the 'Jameson' earlier. Not quite sure why my post alerting you to it was taken too, though no matter, ive put it down to a penalty given at one end and then you've re set the balance by giving one at the other. Shades of Graham Poll! Be sure to shift his drivel of the same ilk off other threads too in the interests of referee consistency though. There must be a refs job in that PL waiting for you mate.

  22. mbg

    Oct 20, 2015, 18:47 #77658

    GTG, yes, You couldn't make it up, maybe their going to unveil another new banner also.

  23. Badarse

    Oct 20, 2015, 18:26 #77657

    Keep banging that drum 24601, I'm on trumpet! We have mbg smelling like a wellie boots counter, jj is supporting Cowdenbeath tonight, Ron's refused to eat a hot dog for a week in protest, Hiccup is back to his grumpy Hancock self-missed him-jeff is hitching up his braces, straightening the hankie on his head and blowing raspberries at a picture of the team holding aloft the FA Cup. Bard is his usual sardonic self now the sun is down, 'You take me up...'. Though ArseneKB has the right idea-that's funny! Meanwhile back at Central Command, armed with buckets of popcorn and cold lemonade the voices can be heard, 'One Arsene Wenger, there's only one...' Close victory tonight fellas. Good old Arsenal.

  24. Hiccup

    Oct 20, 2015, 17:16 #77656

    Yes, everyone early at the ground please to provide entertaining pictures for the BT Sports subscribers. Got to laugh at these Germans. So they're going to show us what an empty corner of the ground is going to look like for 5 minutes? I think we all know what an empty stadium looks like. These games in Eastern Europe played behind closed doors for racism show us clearly how crap it is without atmosphere. But we know games won't be played in empty stadiums, because all that the Bayern fans are proving is that they are still willing to pay. How many more articles and years of complaining about the prices will we have to endure, without any action being taken? Anyone willing to pay these prices week in week must be crackers. I'm sure most realise they're being robbed, but take it on board for what it is. But those that keep droning on about it but keep handing over the cash? It's hard to have any sympathy for. Can we also ask that fans get back to their seats early after half time and stay to the end, as it ruins my viewing on the telly.

  25. Westlower

    Oct 20, 2015, 17:14 #77655

    When the Bavarians eventually turn up, how about a rousing chorus of "you've only come to see THE ARSENAL."

  26. jjetplane

    Oct 20, 2015, 16:32 #77654

    Will Redaction be greeting the Chinese fans with a special show of North Korean type displays of 'solidarity.' Remember when the fans would get to the ground two hours before the game without being ordered to. Wondering if the redacion politburo will be in their titled seats in time or are they strictly club level. I blame all this Leninist/capitalist expansionism for the plight of the Republic of Holloway and Chairman Stan's five year plan ....

  27. Bard

    Oct 20, 2015, 15:41 #77653

    Im surprised at the strength of feeling the club is very well run and makes lots of money. Occasionally the teams competes. Whats not to like about that ?

  28. GTG

    Oct 20, 2015, 14:47 #77652

    It tells you everything you need to know about our "action" group, finally when something is being done (by the opposition) to protest against our ridiculous prices..... what to red action do? tell everyone to get in early. They should be joining forces with Bayern on this every step of the way..... sometimes the immediate success of the team comes second. Enough is enough.

  29. mbg

    Oct 20, 2015, 14:44 #77651

    Anyway is there any need for the fans to look fantastic, when our nice boys will have all that in hand with their hair done, gell on, beards trimmed, moisturiser applied and smelling like a boots tester counter.

  30. Ron

    Oct 20, 2015, 14:34 #77650

    Red M - True, but they're still there aren't they. Air fairs paid, hotels etc, cost of visit. It s a waste of time. BM will laugh at them just like AFC laugh at all our action groups.

  31. Red Member

    Oct 20, 2015, 14:26 #77648

    how embarrassing that the Germans are doing what we should have been doing for the last few seasons - protesting at the ridiculous ticket prices. and also why can't supporters get to their seats 10 minutes before EVERY match!! You never know if there had been more of an atmosphere for the Olympiakos game we might have played a bit better. bit late now....

  32. mbg

    Oct 20, 2015, 14:07 #77647

    That would be right make a good display, if only we had the same balls as the Bayern fans, no we're to busy concentrating on looking good. Victory Through Harmony ? lets hope the ref has a good game then as we wouldn't want to ruin that with petitions.

  33. jeff wright

    Oct 20, 2015, 13:43 #77646

    If it were a game of poker tonight Wenger would have nothing in his hand to bluff with. Pep has the better team and fire power. As they used to say in the old west a Colt.45 beats 4 aces every time.

  34. jjetplane

    Oct 20, 2015, 13:31 #77645

    These absences from the ground will hardly affect AKB high command - they have been absent for a decade from the Emirates. Pathetic and well done Bayern fans for illustrating the greed that is brand Arsenal.' Loving Hibs!

  35. Ron

    Oct 20, 2015, 13:23 #77644

    AKB - i honestly think that BM will be happy just to keep as tight as they need to tonight. A draw mentality is likely to exist or even a narrow loss would leave them fairly contented. It could be one of those CL matches that stokes up a rare bit of pre match interest for a change but then ends up a damp squib like nearly all of those group games do.

  36. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 20, 2015, 13:15 #77643

    ...might be a good idea to put towels on seats nice and early.

  37. Westlower

    Oct 20, 2015, 13:07 #77642

    Let's make their absence from the ground really count in the first 5 minutes. Go at them like an express train. 2-0 and you've no support.......

  38. Ron

    Oct 20, 2015, 12:46 #77641

    The reality is Kev that only fans stopping buying the rip off season and match tickets will change anything there. Its been a rip off at that stadium in all of its aspects since it opened. It hurts to stop going but its the only message the bean counters there will ever understand.

  39. Made Up Stat

    Oct 20, 2015, 12:41 #77640

    If I've learned anything from history, it's be careful of aggrieved Germans. Seriously though, a commendable action - let's hope we see many more protests both domestically and abroad.

  40. Vini

    Oct 20, 2015, 12:40 #77639

    Fair play to the Germans..this action should be copied in England.. I especially like the comment "socially disadvantaged" AFC fans on low income must get to see games once in a blue moon...or should that be Red !! As has been said 1000 time already enough is enough !