Good Times

Online Ed: Arsenal go top after beating Everton in the rain

Good Times

Ed’s note – I could not make the game yesterday, so my thanks to regular Gooner contributor Charlie Ashmore who kindly agreed to write the online editorial for the visit of Everton.

I suppose it can only be a good thing that we find ourselves in a situation where every game feels like the most important game of the season so far. This has been a big week for us and we have come through it well.

A good win against a resilient Watford was important. It showed our ability to maintain patience and concentration against worthy but ultimately second best opposition and followed wins at Leicester, Newcastle and Palace. Will many teams win all four of those? I doubt it. Bayern showed another side to our game with an ability to soak up a lot of pressure before allowing the quality of our attack minded players to hit them on the break.

As for yesterday, well it felt for much of the first half as if we should be streets ahead yet at half time thanks to a deflected goal we were only one ahead. We had chances to bury them in the second half but didn't and they had two very good chances which they did not take, the second courtesy of yet another one on one save from Cech.

In the end it felt as if we were hanging on. The pessimists will say that we should have buried Everton long before the end and the fact that we didn't is evidence of why ultimately we will again fall short. The optimists will say that winning games like this is evidence that we are strong enough to hold out even when things are not going all our way which is an essential quality in a winning team. I say does it matter. You win you get three points you move on. Win more than the next team you win trophies.

So let's all just enjoy where we are right now. Top of the league - for a day only (probably) but a taste of it can only encourage the troops; winning games - that's four on the bounce now; scoring goals - 10 in 4; and defending well - 1 conceded in 4. So what's not to like?

It is perhaps surprising that we are scoring well. The old theory was always you need a top striker playing well and consistently and for any striker to do that we are always told they need to be playing regularly. Yet here we are turning up week after week not knowing who our front man will be. Two very different players bringing very different styles to the team and as a result getting very different styles from the team. Wenger has chosen a difficult course because if the one he picks for a particular game has a bad game he needs the other to be ready and willing to come on and take up the mantle and there are plenty out there waiting for him to fall flat on his face. So far he is pulling it off and I can't help feeling that there is more than luck to it. If Mourinho was doing it (before his current implosion) he would have been lauded as a tactical genius. Wenger doesn't get that credit. Many argue that he is doing his best of a bad job having failed to sign anyone. You pays your money you takes your choice. One thought - if we don't know who is playing nor do the opponents and that cannot help their preparation.

At the other end how big a mistake does it now look for Chelsea to have let us have Cech? The talk was of him being worth 12 points to us. Even starting on -3 as he did in the eyes of many after the West Ham game, he is significantly in credit already. The defence has settled well and Gabriel is now slotting in seamlessly as needed.

And the Ozil-Sanchez dynamic is increasingly a delight to watch. I remain staggered by those who cannot see the brilliance of Ozil for what it is. Yes there is a huge contrast between Alexis’ perpetual motion and Ozil's rather more languid apparently effortless style yet the patters belies a work rate which remains hugely under appreciated. I understand that the stats show that yet again he ran further than any player today and I know I am not alone in having seen him as our man of the match. To those who can't see it I say open your eyes and revel in the stylish way he makes our attacking play tick and if you can't revel in it well I am sorry but you are watching the wrong sport.

If I was being picky the one position I feel is still in need of a genuine answer and is on the right side of midfield. We know it is not Ramsey's natural position yet he appears to be first choice there. Now he is injured the Ox has a chance to make it his own but at the moment for all his talent (and goodness me he has plenty of that) there remains something lacking in his decision making and end product and perhaps worst of all he has developed a terrible knack of finding his loss of possession leading directly to us conceding. I hope the next few games see him develop into a genuine challenger for that first team starting place we all want him to get but which he is just a little short of currently.

So there are we are. Top of the league and no fewer than eleven, yes eleven, points ahead of last season’s champions. Who would have thought that after opening day? Enjoy - after all it's not been that often in recent times we have enjoyed the double joy of going top and laughing at Chelsea… and that's something I can never get enough of!

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  1. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:55 #78105

    Baddie do you honestly think we didn't realise the contract extension was a wind up, your self importance knows no bounds, and that's all it is.

  2. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 9:41 #78071

    You just don't get it Mark, do you? mbg never has got it-he is a lost cause-and you are moving into that category, despite warnings. The contract extension was a wind up for all those clamouring for change, it was suggestive of the knee jerk reaction expected-I believe I started it. Hilarious that it registered as reality to you two, and you were probably as taut as bow strings with indignity. Chill! As for the Kinnock-Bitch analogy you can never anticipate people who are led. The right wing media is too powerful for some, and our electoral system means just a small percentage is required to shift a degree or two. That gives a winner and a loser. Think of you and mbg on a see saw, finely balanced, but then his mum gives him a bigger gobstopper than you, his side becomes slightly heavier and he wins.

  3. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 0:23 #78059

    Mark from Aylsebury, yes mate it doesn't take much for the triumphalist nonsense, you'd think they'd know better and have learned by now (but when the players cant/don/t you'd hardly expect the luvvies to)yes the extension is on hold unless it's for some of the pampered premadonnas hair.

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 27, 2015, 20:52 #78046

    Oh dear oh dear. As many of us warned all this triumphalist nonsense about extending contracts on a back of a good euro result. Note nothing has been actually won, no extraordinary effort to win a trophy against the odds. Just a good win. What do we have now an embarrassing loss unless we somehow rescue this carnage. Any takers for pulling back on the contract extension? Whenever I hear chat from the Arsenal board it reminds me of another event at Sheffield and that was Nei Kinnocks triumphal rally. Queue a towering majority for Thatch.

  5. mbg

    Oct 27, 2015, 14:48 #78029

    Danny, not tonight they/it won't, it's another win win situation for TOF and his followers, lose and it'll be, it was only the league cup no big deal we have bigger fish to fry treating it with contempt, win and it'll be what a great squad we have we can win this now regarding it a great comp with wet patches appearing, and what a great tactician our lord and master is. You couldn't make it up.

  6. mbg

    Oct 27, 2015, 14:37 #78028

    jw, don't confuse him, there's enough doing that on here already.

  7. Danny

    Oct 27, 2015, 13:18 #78021

    Good wins against, ManU and Bayern, however i feel tactics and the coach's stupid decision to rest people will be his undoing i also feel apart form the first team, the squad is weak. We need to get a CM and another striker in January to even compete with with Citeh How about Vardy and Riyad Mahrez from Leicester. Mahrez can actually be our Pires/Lundberg and Ramsay can be our sub for the midfield Swansea and Bayern will put back to where we should be 3/4th

  8. jeff wright

    Oct 27, 2015, 12:02 #78015

    Hey, Off line goon, how can you be 'off line' when you are posting on here >? All rather silly really and since when did you decide who can post on here. I suggest that you follow your own advice and f...k off !

  9. Westlower

    Oct 27, 2015, 10:38 #78009

    The last 6 visits to Hillsborough have yielded 4 defeats & 2 draws. Our last win there was in 1993 by 1-0, Ian Wright was the scorer. We drew 1-1 on our last visit in 2000. Team: Seaman, Luzhny, Silvinho, Grimandi, Adams, Vieira, Petit, Ljungberg, Kanu (Suker), Henry, Overmars (Winterburn). Goal scorers - Emmanuel Petit. Gerald Sibon for SW. @Goonercolseyboy, Thanks for the heads up on Reine-Adelaide. Striker Chris Willock is also out there for England. Midfielder Ben Sheaf has been catching the eye for the academy teams. Be good to see him on the bench tonight.

  10. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 27, 2015, 9:58 #78008

    Westlower, Adelaide is playing in the under 17 World Cup in South America for France me old China..height needed for the long bal/crosses/dead all situations. Therefore Gabriel and the Bfg with Chambers in one of the holding roles. Head it away and hit them on the break with pace, Walcott, The Ox and Campbell.

  11. Badarse

    Oct 27, 2015, 9:51 #78007

    Time, 24601, it's time that opens the eyes, and seals the script. Maureen is as odious an individual as can be imagined in the forefront of football. He is puffed up and certainly narcissistic as you rightly suggest. His man management works within a narrow framework, as it often does with megalomaniacs. It requires a core support, Terry, Lampard, Cole, Drogba, Cech. Undoubted talents-therefore not to be challenged by newly arrived, or lesser teammates. If they sing from a similar song sheet newcomers become complicit and dance to the same tune. That support has disintegrated-time saw to that. Now he is challenged-the 'emperor's clothes' scenario plays out. It is a car crash happening in slow motion. All very tacky and classless. Inevitability stares CFC full in the face. Abramovitch is lost too. Pinned hopes on a man he didn't like, only to recognise he has painted himself into a corner-and in England it is more difficult to send out a faceless assassin to solve the dilemma. I wholeheartedly wish all of their unseemly problems that they have created on themselves. Parvenus jumping off the Bridge of Sighs-and not a life belt to be had. As the plumber might say, 'Sink!'

  12. Bard

    Oct 27, 2015, 9:21 #78004

    Youre more than welcome Colseyboysetc. Ypu can take him for a walk in the mornings and he can keep you company through the long winter nights. Keep us posted om how it pans out.

  13. Westlower

    Oct 27, 2015, 9:19 #78003

    'Badarse, Adelaide must be injured as he's not been playing in the academy games recently. Iwobi & Ben Sheaf are the most likely to feature. Good article in Mail by Michael Henderson re Maureen. "It has been clear for some time that many Chelsea fans find his narcissism as tiresome as the rest of us. When he goes it will be with everybody's blessing. Who can say, hand on heart that the teams he has sent into the field have raised spirits? Maureens teams are not designed to delight or entertain, no wonder Sir Bobby Charlton let it be known that Man U shouldn't touch Maureen with a bargepole when Fergie eventually left. Maureen's minstrels song is a solitary one. It says: Not you, me. Not the players, me. Not the game as it could be, when good players join forces with a successful manager. Just me. When he stares into the pool,like Narcissus, he likes what he sees. But the tune has worn thin. There are few wisps of melody now. Even the players have put down their instruments. And when that happens the dressing room is usually one man lighter. We are approaching the final act, not with tears but with mocking laughter. To borrow from My Fair Lady: Poor Jose, how simply frightful. How humiliating. How delightful.

  14. Badarse

    Oct 27, 2015, 8:32 #78002

    Heads up on tonight's game. Wednesday are defence minded. Have division's most booked player in their midst,(learned his trade at CFC). Have committed more fouls in the division than any other side. Likely to defend deep. Score a high percentage of their goals from set pieces, and to a man have very hairy bottoms. The lads could be in for a rough ride this evening.

  15. Badarse

    Oct 27, 2015, 7:36 #78001

    Great vote in the 'Lords' last night; I understand the review for Arsene's new contract extension is likely to go there and be passed.

  16. Badarse

    Oct 27, 2015, 7:22 #78000

    Team tonight? Well Arsene is not putting the raw kid in goal, so Cech plays. That to me sets a standard-a declaration. We shall rotate, naturally, but the identity must be somehow retained. Per is fit and will almost certainly partner Callum. We have two full backs under starter's orders in Gibbsy and Debuchy. That is the defence. Theo will hopefully start he needs a full game, as will Joel. Flaminal will cover the defence and perhaps that unsung hero Santi will make it happen from the back. Ox is a likely, as is Adelaide, as is Iwobi. So perm two from perhaps those three. May have overlooked someone but it looks a side to progress. Joel needs a big performance. Have a good trip goonercolesyboy, and a good game.

  17. Badarse

    Oct 27, 2015, 7:07 #77999

    Good moaning peeps. mike unsung? Not in this family household. Santi is a magnificent player, two footed, with perhaps the fastest feet I've, hang on, he is a dwarf, old, a midget, a lightweight, old, a tippy tappy, a 'pansy'-regarded as a little flower by some, and foreign. I understand that he is a comedian in the dressing room too, that is vital. All places need jokers for a successful ambience-we have so many here at the Online Gooner to prove the point.

  18. mike

    Oct 27, 2015, 6:46 #77998

    That Ozil fellow is a great player, but to me Cazorla remains the unsung hero of the team

  19. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 26, 2015, 23:50 #77997

    Give me Jamerson anytime rather than the posts that Muguiresbridge has written, absolute garbage. Supporter? Fan? Venomous claptrap. See you in Sheffield Ron. Up the Arsenal.

  20. offline goon

    Oct 26, 2015, 22:29 #77996

    mbg equals jw. please grow up and get off the site which is for people who support AFC.

  21. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 20:44 #77995

    ArseneKnewBest, thanks for reminding me about that, what a farce, ( I should have kicked up a stink at the time that there were no paddies on show) they'll certainly have their work cut out this time, but it will be better organised and thought out this time with OGL running the show, everyone will be accommodated (and quite rightly so) so there won't be one complaint this time about anyone's skin colour, any complaints and it will be because they weren't/aren't all AKB's and wengerites all dressed in white robes with a red tie with speech bubbles all over the place saying we love you arsene we do, there's only one arsene wenger, arsene arsene give us a wave. Any sign of a WOB with an arsene out banner even if it's away up behind somebody in the back of the top tier will bring numerous complaints with a petition to have it painted out.

  22. Bard

    Oct 26, 2015, 20:29 #77994

    An interesting but largely academic debate about finances. In many ways its irrelevant in the sense that the problem for Arsenal is one of failing to compete not lack of money. Of course having oodles of dosh increases your chances of winning things but it has no bearing on being competitive that is down to the club's ambition. I dont care much if we dont win anything as long as we try our hardest to compete. What I object to is the endless b******* that we are trying to compete when what we are really about is the celebration of mediocrity + a healthy bank balance.

  23. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 19:59 #77993

    CT Gooner, good post, a lot of fans understand exactly that, and realise the difference, but such is others devotion to their messiah they can't get their head around it, or just don't want to.

  24. Badarse

    Oct 26, 2015, 19:28 #77992

    I have to go and lay down! Someone mentions the mural, and after amusing anecdotes jeff steams in with his own personalised brand of misery. ArseneKB, Wilde was a great favourite of mine, and the book he wrote he modelled on me. The old portrait in the attic is falling apart, but I'm still smooth skinned and vibrant. I wanted to be a painter myself but ended up as a plumber instead.

  25. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 19:21 #77991

    mgb, I recall those cardboard cut-out type supporter images that replaced the real supporters who used to stand on the North Bank they still had a more realism about them though than the theatre type crowd who replaced them sitting there in their seats. Dummies will probably be placed in the seats at The Emirates in the future the great thing being from the club's view that no one will notice it !

  26. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 19:05 #77990

    Cech, it's easy mate, he thought he knew best, and when he realised he didn't and had a dud/duds on his hands rather than admit it due to his arrogance and massive ego he choose to prevail with said dud/duds rather that admit he was wrong even when it was detriment to the team, and remember although it will never be admitted (especially by his fans) he's done nothing special as we'd still be in a goalkeeping wilderness if Cech hadn't fallen into his lap.

  27. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 26, 2015, 18:57 #77989

    mbg - interesting idea. D'you think they'd remember to add some non-white faces this time? All the AKBs could pay a fortune to have their own boat races immortalised and the pictures would age while badarse became the dorian gray of Holloway...

  28. Badarse

    Oct 26, 2015, 18:56 #77988

    CT Gooner, hello there, why the inflammatory invective? I sent Bard to sleep yesterday regarding a diatribe of the misuse of words-that changes the meaning of the post-and is dangerous, as pointed out. 'As for Charlie and his hatred of Ozil bashing.' No my friend, he didn't say that. He doesn't hate imaginary people who 'bash' in an imaginary fashion. No one was bashing, therefore no one was hating, simples. It was a point that suggested that some cannot recognise Ozil's talent, and his sympathy for their loss in that respect. Hatred-Sympathy. Quite different. You are right of course that mileage doesn't mean a lot sometimes, but it means everything when people call him lazy and many do, or have. Running a distance in a match has to be productive so it maybe questioned, on a finer point. Personally I am an Ozil lover, that pass for Olly's goal was perhaps the best cross I have ever seen, certainly for a long, long, time. So we possibly get different things from facets of play, and the value we place on them. Sorry to appear so strident but we must use the correct terminology and words, otherwise arrogant people will begin calling the Arsenal manager arrogant, and we can't have that, can we?

  29. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 18:41 #77987

    jw, it could be only a matter of time until we return to the days the Mural, only this time there'd be one at every side of the ground, apart from the executive boxes and club level of course they'd stay the same the big wigs and pigs and all the big spenders would still have to be accommodated, think of the advantage that would be to TOF, he could achieve what he's been striving for for years in one swoop, he could have fans saying and singing what HE liked and wanted, with none even there, with speakers blasting out there's only one arsene wenger and cheering we love you arsene we do no boing to be heard (he could even give the murals a wave now and again just like the old days) just like in the film escape to victory, him and TKOS could put out there's 65,195 in attendance with a big cheer from the murals. And just think of all the money making potential and saving, they could charge for having your face on the murals like a season ticket only in this case a season face, (that would suit a lot of wengerites)with the red and silver members charged 60 quid a game, all the armchair AKB's would jump at the chance to be at a match and seen they'd be able to tell us all they were there(think of the excitement there would be if the camera zoomed in on their face)without even having to go, with an auction every match to be pictured behind their messiah. The savings on the cleaning company would be immense, and the bar staff, and OGL's little hitlers in orange coats. The bidders to sponsor the murals would be queuing up, Stan would be over the moon with the profit, TOF would take credit for it (whether it was his idea or not)and get a new contract out of it and all his fans would be happy.

  30. Alsace

    Oct 26, 2015, 17:41 #77986

    Fozzy. Flamini has realised that he is on borrowed time and now asks himself "why not?". The result was the smacking of Totteringham Hotspurs at their ground and steadying of the ship on Saturday when he came on. Easily one of my favourite Arsenal players of all time, especially when he is verbally threatening those who like to hurt our players.

  31. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 26, 2015, 16:49 #77985

    Westie - Those clubs fell from grace in a different era, largely as a result of gross mismanagement of one kind or another - the excessive influences of K Bates and a possibly less-than-sober Mr Clough must have been factors. To that extent, we should be thankful that OGL appears not to have a penchant for absinthe or benedictine because he probably has more than cloughie-level autonomy at AFC without challenge (and that ain't good is it?). Moreover, it's difficult to imagine a large business/leisure entity in central London ever suffering financial setbacks in the current world economic order. But your argument consistently negates the fact that we were promised more throughout this period of underachievement, and the well-repeated list of players that were sold and not replaced amply bears that out. You never seem to want to accept the widely held view that OGL has been economical with the truth. Be honest - do you not even feel a little bit as though you've been conned these past ten years? Just imagine if the board had taken a few more risks with their and our money. We could have had glory and they could have had their pound of flesh.

  32. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 16:47 #77984

    supporter, nice one, but i'm afraid you've just described some supporters too, young and old.

  33. CT Gooner

    Oct 26, 2015, 16:46 #77983

    I'm finding all this debate on Wenger tedious, and to a large extent the main issue dividing Gooners. I think we all have to just understand that two camps exist, and then get to supporting the team. We win and lose because of him and despite him, so I'd prefer we focus on the players moving forward, that way neither set of fans is alienated by the other. We can all understand I hope that cheering for the team does not mean cheering for the manager... As for Charlie and his hatred of Ozil bashing, perhaps he should blame Ozil for not leaving it all on the field, running a half marathon every week does not make you impact a game.

  34. Bard

    Oct 26, 2015, 16:39 #77982

    Westie I am always grateful. When I write my cheque for my season ticket I add a little note saying thank you for rinsing me again,long may it continue.

  35. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 16:04 #77981

    Westie - the ticket demand is higher now because of the team showing a bit of form and the promise at least of a title. Its been hard for the Supporters clubs to get them for Swansea away even, which in recent years hasnt been the case.The 'plastics' and glory hunters are back making demands of the ticketing officers that theyre not entitled to do seeing as large amounts have been off the scene for 5 years.

  36. Westlower

    Oct 26, 2015, 15:41 #77980

    @AKB, Ask supporters of past European Cup winners Aston Villa, double winners Nottingham Forest & runners up Leeds, how difficult it is to keep your club in the top echelons of football. Gooners take an awful lot for granted. Wenger earns his wages for keeping up us in the elite club band, especially in times of financial restraint. Our worldwide support growth actually defies logic because as you point out it's been a lean 10 years trophy wise. We play attractive football & it's rarely boring. I was shocked to find out how difficult it was getting two tickets for the Sunderland game, hardly the most exciting fixture. Not every punter turns up on the day but these tickets do get sold. You try and get one?

  37. Tych

    Oct 26, 2015, 15:27 #77979

    John F is so apt.Apart from the signing of Ozil, Sanchez and Cech, we've gotten rid of the culture of carrying a lot of deadwood. Now we have some decent backup in most positions, compared to the days when we had to call od Manone, Squillaci, Djourou, Senderos, Ebueo, Denilso, Bendtner,Diaby etc. Now we can call on quality backups like Ospina, Gabriel, Chambers, Arteta,Oxlade-Chamberlin,Gibbs etc.

  38. Ho Hum

    Oct 26, 2015, 15:25 #77978

    Westlower- You've just repeated what I said, that we have stadium debt, and then made the Greg Rutherford leap to Wenger being instructed to make £15-20m transfer profit every season. If you don't take my word for it being nonsense you should at least take Arsene's. And is this on top of him being instructed to finish top 4 every season? Because we know for a fact that that's not true either. Ask disciple extraordinaire Martin Keown.

  39. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 15:22 #77977

    A rather idealistic view there Amos of businessmen saving football . What is more likely to happen is an ever increasing move toward the American NFL type business and no financial risk structure. This may save clubs from going broke as they did in the past under the stewardship of such as Cap'n Birds Eye Bates at Chelsea . It is all becoming rather boring though and personally I was not bothered if clubs went bust I found that more interesting than the comfort zone safety net that Stan and Ivan the Glazers etc are steadily implementing into our national game to cover their own financial backs with. The no risks policy at AFC also extends to the financial costs involved to win trophies. Stan prefers the 200m hoarded in the club accounts to spending some of it to better the chances of winning top trophies. At the moment Wenger is claiming that he is trying to do this. Later on the FA Cup and the 'historic' chance for him to win 3 in a row will come riding to the rescue when needed. This works again if he wins the cup.If not then cue the spin doctors!

  40. Badarse

    Oct 26, 2015, 15:07 #77976

    Interesting views but a little blinkered I believe. It is impossible to separate the direction of football and the directional acceptance of society's path. We are all products of the zeitgeist we are encapsulated by. We were wide-eyed with wonder-at least I was-in April 1961 when the newspaper placards announced, 'Man in Space'. Now kids are blasé about everything, and have long since been 'burned out' with information-both real, and virtual. Next week an asteroid passes close to earth, spotted too late to even attempt to do anything about it, because of the looped orbit it took from the asteroid belt. It could have been curtains had it been a little larger than it's 400m, and on a collision course. 'So what? Where's me X Box?' Nothing is 'fantastic' anymore. If anyone wants to bale out of their love of football, or love/involvement of their team they are perfectly entitled to. I wouldn't castigate or rubbish their decision. Who am I to do such a thing? The next question is a loaded one, who is anyone else to do such a thing? Anyway, the 'lucky' tag came about in the 30's. The punters saw a different approach to that which other sides took. Arsenal, when they visited their opponents home ground applied a startlingly novel strategy. The home side huffed and puffed and the Arsenal soaked up the pressure. Herbie Roberts, (Radford/Kennedy's man), was 'the policeman'. He played in front of the defence and broke up play in Herbie Chapman's side. Quickly passed to Alex James who released a front man speedily. Swift and accurate counter attacking football. Bang, the ball was in the net. More tireless work by the home side and 'bang, a second Arsenal goal. Those supporters went home really upset, 'We had all the play, Arsenal only had four shots and won 0-2-lucky blighters!' They were yesterday's version of the Online Gooner, gentlemen. Do we thank canny Herbert Chapman for the concept? Nope! The players thought of the new strategy, voiced it to him, got his nod, practised it and it won us bundles-but he did get us the white sleeves!

  41. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:49 #77975

    Westie - I think your claim that OGL could have gone elsewhere while the club was lying to us and paying off the debt is risible. Who in their right mind would forsake £8 million a year, complete autonomy on, and apparently off, the field, no pressure to deliver results, and a chance to experiment with questionable practices such as putting youth before winning experience? Let's face it, he's done pretty well out of the past 10 years hasn't he. He was worth every penny in the pre-mediocrity era, but you have to accept even a grain of truth in the portugeezer's comments. Otherwise, there's no debate.

  42. Amos

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:46 #77974

    Sure Abramovich and Mansour bought their present status but how much has gone into their clubs? Take a look at Chelsea's balance sheet and they have a net worth of minus £780m (or almost minus £900m at the holding company level). Chelsea supporters have some trophies but they're much less solvent and self sustaining without Abramovich now than they were before. Abramovich can't afford to get out but he can't afford to ignore the need for spending and revenues to be more balanced either. It's a good thing for football to be run on sensible pragmatic business lines with sensible pragmatic businessmen at the helm rather than a billionaire's poker game, or sovereign states buying political clout, or even the previous old boys club nudge and wink system where brown envelopes were discreetly handed out in motorway service stations or dog's could have offshore bank accounts. A more equal footing will make for more interesting competition with investment and deployment of some young talent, rather than the stale 'who can spend most in the transfer window' distortion of the last decade or so. Businesses can be regulated and genuine businessmen could be the saving of football.

  43. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:20 #77973

    Have to hand it SKY Amos the way that they keep breathing the oxygen into that football bubble. Its the clever hype and spawning of contentiousness on so many levels that does it plus the creating of the perception that every defeat is 'catastrophic' etc etc. The quality of the TV visuals too has to be said to be excellent, aided by superb TV technology which is getting cheaper and cheaper. They peddle imagery of high drama and energy. Truth is that most of the games are rubbish to average and played in the main by players all at the same level. Look at that Manchester derby for another example and there i was idly watching it, so im guilty of sustaining the rubbish too!!. Good grief! A large portion of the crowds there now are there as its the 'seen to be doing' thing, 'im here and on the tele' mentality and so on and so forth isnt it. Im sure you, as i have, spoken to punters there who clearly know nothing about football and in fact have little interest in the game. Its the passivity of the new generation of customer going for 'the match day experience' that does its bit to inflate the bubble as i see it. Quite pathetic, false and limp, but that's the way it is. The London customer is far more limp than at any other stadia in my experience but theyve all got them.

  44. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:18 #77972

    I can't dispute your points Amos but it was the initial investment of multi-millions that turned bankrupt Chelsea and yo-yo-club City into top clubs winning titles that were previously out of reach. It could all become much of a sameness though with so much money around. Finding the ways to add a cutting edge to things regarding players is the main problem as Mourinho this season is once again finding out and Pell at City suffered from it last term as well. Wenger in his comfort zone at AFC doesent have to worry about this .

  45. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:12 #77971

    Mark from Aylesbury, I'm only catching up now as I had to go to Church last night to pray for Arsenal to lose so I must have missed that one, it must have been removed.

  46. Westlower

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:05 #77970

    @Ho Hum, Arsenal's Stadium Debt - The Inside Track by Daniel Cowan (real estate finance expert). The stadium cost was £390m,with AFC putting up £130m & having to borrow £260m in bonds & bank loans. Arsenal owed £26m every year to the lender + interest so it meant AFC had to make a profit of £30m which went to the lender, not the clubs coffers. If AFC had spent this £30m profit on new players they would have been in default of the loan. The lender could then have match day revenue flow directly to the lender. AFC still have a big debt to pay but because of increased TV & sponsor revenue are able to buy new players. Whoever the new manager is going forward, they should be thankful to Arsene for ushering the club through this challenging period and leading it to a new era of financial freedom & prosperity.

  47. Amos

    Oct 26, 2015, 14:00 #77969

    It isn't just the Spuds and West Ham looking to increase capacity - both Chelsea and City are looking to increase matchday revenue and rely less on hand outs from their owners. With or without FFP an unsustainable financial policy, by it's nature, can't be sustained findefintely and those clubs look enviously at the more sustainable income of clubs like ManU and Bayern. There have always been clubs that have been able to give their clubs a leg up - Jack Walker did so in the early days of the PL but we seem to be entering a period when revenue generation is becoming more important than a now more limited capacity for owners pump money in. It certainly doesn't seem possible owners to put unlimited amounts in on the same scale of the previous 10 years. The domestic cups and the Europa league aren't anything like the cash cows that CL and PL titles are but they still add some value to sponsorship deals.

  48. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 13:46 #77968

    Hiccup, it's always surprising what a win avoids, or brings out or maybe not.

  49. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 13:44 #77967

    Yes there is no sign at the moment of the football bubble bursting and of course WHU supporters will be blowing lots of them into the air around Stratford .I'm not convinced though that this move by the Hammers to the Olympic Stadium or the spuds alleged one to a bigger stadium will actually be of any great benefit to these clubs. It's the multi-millions that the oil rich owners poured into Chelsea and City that brought them to the party and not building new stadiums.With all of the money to be made at present from sponsors and TV stations stadium cash is not as important as it once was. To get a bigger share of that pie though you have to win the top trophies,perhaps that is why Stan and Ivan did not look that bothered when Arsene won the FA Cup again last season. After all they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.How they react to the Thursday night dirge like no cash to be made out of Ropey Cup is another matter. Perhaps Ivan can cobble together a DVD of the highlights.

  50. mbg

    Oct 26, 2015, 13:35 #77966

    Bard 82518, maybe that's the very reason it was thrown in there, to have that effect.

  51. Amos

    Oct 26, 2015, 13:22 #77965

    The thought that you might be able to apply for free tickets to make up the audience for a football match, much as you do with TV shows, is an interesting one Jeff but not borne out by the present reality. When the PL was launched, on the back of TV rights, attendances were totalling around 10m for a 42 game season. Now with 38 game season it's just shy of 14m - an effective increase of almost 50%. Attendances have increased steadily over that period and clubs like Chelsea, Liverpool and Spuds are looking to increase capacity while West Ham's move to the Olympic stadium should see them adding to numbers. There may come a time when the football bubble bursts but there's absolutely no sign of it at the moment.

  52. Ho Hum

    Oct 26, 2015, 13:04 #77964

    Westlower- 'Name a top manager who would have accepted the boards directive of having to make £15m-£20m profit every season until two years ago'. You are well aware that no-one ever gave Wenger any such directive. Le Fraud implied (in the crafty way he does) that this was the case in a press conference a few years ago, but when pressed by suspicious hacks he hastily backtracked and admitted that he was merely referring to the stadium debt payments that the club as a whole had to find and not specifically to his player transfer transactions. But we've been here before, haven't we?

  53. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 12:46 #77963

    Hi Westie - good points mate. Theres a case to be made that those Clubs could win stuff without a Coach without a doubt. They get the best players because of who they are.Our invincible s won many matches by doing their own thing im sure of that. Many of us on here saw the team pull itself out of so many holes just by a player or two doing his party piece irrespective of the teams dynamic. Wenger has been a really good coach and manager as you say, still is one of the best. I d never argue otherwise. His edge has gone though. Hes 66. Fit or not, the drive goes and the motivation. Happens to us all. I think his went quite markedly about 3 yrs back.

  54. Barnaby

    Oct 26, 2015, 12:42 #77962

    I think if we put in a bid for 70 mill, we should be able to land Vardy

  55. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 12:38 #77961

    Amos makes a good point about the non-stadia finances surpassing the attendance at matches ones. Already more people watch football world wide on TV or on the Internet than they do at football Stadiums. The likes of Stan and co see this world wide market as being more important than the old local support that clubs relied on during the last century or so. Stan has no interest really in the football side of things at AFC other than when this impacts on his shares value. Games being played to near empty stadiums could be the norm in the future . Ivan solved this problem though by just announcing fictitious figures to claim that theempty seats were filled. . With atmosphere at games now virtually non-existent , many teams actually do better away than at home , the old let's get the crowd behind the team days are a thing of the past. In reality football games could be played on Mars as far as the mass audience watching them in various ways word wide are concerned. Football is just now a part of the entertainment industry. Westie and co have bought into this and he can't wait for Ivan to get out a DVD of Arsene's 2000 goals .C'est la vie!

  56. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 26, 2015, 12:35 #77960

    Westlower - very impassioned it doesn't quite explain Manuel Almunia the replacement of Vierra with diddy men when he actually told YaYa to do one (ok it would have been politer) Wenger could and and should have got at least one team over the line in the previous 10 years. Spectacular crashes and humiliations against rivals have set the tone over the last 10 years. Not canny league and cup wins

  57. Westlower

    Oct 26, 2015, 12:10 #77959

    @Ron, I don't have a downer on GN other than he's view on football is too rigid for me. As you say he's played with many top class flair players & crunched a few also. He's a disciplined full back who faithfully carried out his role as instructed. Life as seen from a full backs eyes. He may do a GG and completely change character when he becomes a manager. Teams with the best players win the big prizes. It doesn't matter who manages Real Madrid, Chelsea, Citeh, Barcelona & Bayern Munich, they will still win things because of the class of player they have. The clubs with the biggest wage bills win the prizes. The role of the manager/coach is overrated in my opinion. History writes them up as greats because their teams have won things on their behalf. Once the players want a manager out they stop trying for him. Wenger has earned his high wages by dint of taking on board far more responsibilities than the average manager. Some simply don't have the intelligence to carry out many of the tasks that Wenger has undertaken. What a great DVD box set would 2000 Arsenal goals under Wenger be? Hope someone in the marketing dept at the club makes it happen.

  58. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 11:34 #77958

    Hi Amos - ive maybe not been clear. I agree with you, most who go are quite happy still otherwise they wouldn't go unless they were masochistic. Im just saying that many of those who dont attend matches speak up in support of AW and the regime and castigate those who do actually 'support' the Club by getting down to the ground and paying to get in. In my view they've a bit of a cheek doing so though its a free Country (sort of!!)

  59. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 11:00 #77957

    That last post should have read prawn sandwich brigade got to get back home to watch strictly... and.. thankfully we still have an old Etonian Chairman the blathering fool,etc... OzzieKfEz ... it's all really just relief like suppressed wind being released by the AKB's because Arsene won a couple of games... the reality is that we were top of the league because City played their game a day later... so along with the win over BM just more illusionism from the master of illusion Monsieur Wenger .Fear not though because experience tells us that a reality check is never far away...

  60. Amos

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:56 #77956

    I can share much of your regret that football has made consumers of supporters Ron but that applies to supporters of most clubs. I don't see it as those who go to games as more likely to be voicing their discontent than those who don't as you seem to suggest. A good number of those I talk to on match days are pretty supportive and undertsanding of what the club has done and achieved in the competitive landscape of the last decade or so. You're likely to find as many of those least contented among those who have not been to a match as among those who have. Matchday revenues now are less than broadcasting or commercial revenues so the same sense of entitlement, which is created as a consequence of football making consumers of supporters, can as easily exist among those only 'supporting' from their armchairs and buying tv subscriptions and/or club merchandise as those who buy tickets.

  61. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:53 #77955

    Partially true Westie. Managers are vital to winning matches though, otherwise why have them and more to the point, why pay them so much and why change them? The Clubs with the best managers generally win the most matches and for a reason too. How do you know Neville will become a head club Coach and how do you know what his methods will be? He played for the most part of his career in far better and more adventurous teams than Arsenal after all. I hope he does. Hes a wonderful pundit and a very bright, clear guy who speaks more sense than the majority of those holding down the coaches jobs. I know you've added him to one of seemingly lots of others for whom you hold corn dollies. Mourinhos must be shredded by now by dint of the sheath knife digs you must drive into every every night Cant at all see why.

  62. jeff wright

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:45 #77954

    The only one suffering from nerves is you Closetboys as for you passing judgement you're having a laugh surely... Oh yes Westie the old lucky Arsenal tag... I fondly recall the opposition supporters doing their: Oh lucky lucky lucky Arsenal ,chants years ago when we turned them over 1-0 .We used to turn up at away grounds clapping hands and doing the: We are the famous ...the famous Arsenal ... they loved that ! These days it's all seated prawn sandwich brigade got to get back home to watch though and the blathering old fool thinks that hoarding millions for Silent Stan while charging rip-off ticket prices to the supporters or customers as Ivan terms them, is justified by winning the Community shield>! Closetboys is made up with it all and goes home happily singing songs about Peter Cech the crash helmet turns him on ! You couldn't make it up.

  63. OzzieKfEz

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:39 #77953

    Didn't Arsenal lose both games to Swansea and away to the Spuds last season? I wouldn't get complacent about the next run of games...

  64. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:38 #77952

    Supporter - Good point and very apt. Youre still a 'supporter' if you go to the games though as i see it. You contribute by your 'support' when you buy the ticket. Those who don't go are fans. They don't support. As a supporter who goes to a decent number of games each yr, you're entitled to have whatever views that you have on the Club given precedence too. You're right though, the 'fans' of today are quite happy to elevate themselves to being a 'supporter'. Its not happening and nor should it. A good many who've never set foot in the ground for donkeys years, still do seemingly wet their pants about things too. Its all a bit false isnt it, but then football is just that now in my view, a false shadow of what it once was.Each to their own though.

  65. Westlower

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:33 #77951

    @AKB Spin your logic around the other way. Why have the board kept him on during the barren years? Why haven't they replaced him with half a dozen managers since the stadium move? Name a top manager who would have accepted the boards directive of having to make £15m-£20m profit every season until two years ago to repay the clubs debt. Wenger could have jumped ship & joined Real Madrid or PSG. We know Maureen wouldn't have touched us with a barge pole because he has to be sponsored by a free spending club to regularly replenish his burnt out players. I suspect our board would never employ Maureen because of the baggage that comes with him. Wenger has admitted he wouldn't go through that fallow period again with the same conditions imposed on him. I salute him for keeping us in the top 4 during this dodgy financial period. I love his philosophy of free flowing football. His courage in letting the players work out their own game plan. Footballers win matches, not managers. Who wants a team of robots who carry out the coaches instructions to the letter. When Gary Neville becomes a manager, the supporters of that club will have their minds numbed by his chess playing tactics. Not for me. I hope Arsenal's next manager has the balls to carry on playing with verve & flair. You can keep your thuggish pub team players, thanks very much.

  66. supporter

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:24 #77950

    I dont like the term fan. We used to be called supporters. I missed the point in time when it changed over to being a fan. To me a fan is a spotty adolescent screaming at a no talent "artist" such as Mily Cyrus or knicker wetting while watching some boy band.

  67. Ron

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:17 #77949

    AKB - to be honest with you and speaking to many followers of other Clubs on my travels, there are so many these days who are as very much detached from their Clubs as many of us are (in my case its a life choice and ive no regrets about it as i cant abide what AFC and football has become as you know, for many its not that way of course) and no longer care much whether they feel 'lucky' or not, even in the lower leagues. Football is consumerist now and totally consumer driven of course.It has willingly sacrificed its old connections and roots with 'fans'. Indeed, by my perception of it all of the fans are far from being fans as we used to understand the meaning of that.Today, a fan is as much one who sits there only seeing football on SKY these days as one who actually goes to games. We see it on here don't we. Its fairly easily gleaned as to who does go to games and who doesn't. Those who never contribute to the Club by going are thought nowadays no less fans than those who do go. It irks me and its quite mad really but such is the TV fueled consumerist nature of the game. Those who've not gone for years often stridently profess to support what the Clubs doing and what's its become and feel comfortable taking to task the opposite and adverse views of the Club made by those who still go to games. The cheek of them! Many justify it by showing their fans medals from years ago, when football was a totally different animal. Theres some justification for them doing that, but only to a certain limit. This i feel goes to the root of a lot of angst and annoyance amongst those who go and want serious change at the Club, for whatever reason they suggest. Best way, to become a generalist 'footie follower' ive found. This way, there's no disappointment in losses or even humiliations, no need to bother too much with issues faced by the root and branch fans and no need to have any real expectations, but to still have 'your team' and enjoy the fleeting good moments that all followers have from time to time (save for the fans of the Clubs who dominate trophy wins in today s fabricated game). Ive got a ticket for the League Cup game this week!! Do i care too much if we lose? No. Do i want to see us win? Of course. Do i want a good night out with a couple of mates? Yes, that's the reason for going. Arsenal can do what they want with the tie.I ll still be happy the morning after.

  68. Radfordkennedy

    Oct 26, 2015, 10:13 #77948

    Ron....Baddie...I agree with a lot of what you say about the Ox, sadly for him there's others who will picked ahead of him as a matter of course,personally I'd like to see him given a '007' licensed to roam brief playing in that space between the edge of the centre circle and the edge of the D, coming and getting the ball and running straight at the heart of the opposition he's built like Sonny Liston and should use it to his advantage rather than trying to feel his way into a game in what is really an old inside right position.....incidentally I'm convinced that Gabriel is making the tea , since he arrived the BFG has had endless bouts of the squitters !

  69. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 26, 2015, 9:19 #77947

    Westlower - You could certainly argue that some people associated with (and paid by) the club are fortunate. It's impossible to say with any certainty, but would any other club's board have withstood Wenger's dismal trophy winning record and his persistent blurring of the truth in the past 10-11 years without pressing the eject button? Moreover, would any other club have rewarded said manager with such generous wages? And thirdly, would any other club have spurned the considerable offers of gifted cash from a dodgy russian benefactor because it would have meant possibly ceding power among equally dodgy old etonians and a transatlantic money grubber? From Chelski, the Spuds and Manure, to clubs like Leicester and Bournemouth, I contend that the answer to all three questions would be a resounding "no". So yes, there is plenty of luck around for some at the Arsenal, but I wouldn't say the fans have been that lucky recently.

  70. Westlower

    Oct 26, 2015, 8:28 #77946

    It's reassuring that some are referring to AFC as 'Lucky Arsenal.' This tag originated in the 1930's. Came across a comment under the heading of Herbert Chapman visionary tactician: By the 1930's Arsenal were the most famous club in the world, a team that was natural and perfect expression of Chapman's professionalism. Yet the Club were actually dubbed by many as 'Lucky Arsenal.' Lucky red Army...

  71. Badarse

    Oct 26, 2015, 7:49 #77945

    GoonerRon am just going to say what you already know, but will all the same. It is difficult to discuss most things with many people. You can discuss some subjects with a number. That is an axiom. You chat and find a receptive ear. You continue and on another occasion discover a broader similarity of thought. This is a vital platform, you do actually go onwards and upwards. Sometimes there isn't enough to even really exchange words. These are the two ends of the spectrum roughly speaking. Unfortunately most people occupy that broad band between. These offer some common ground, but stray off the path-occasionally a very narrow one-and often you do so at your peril. It is a tentative time when you chat as I did with a lovely couple at a 'do' last year. We touched on the subject of weekends in London. No, they were not fans of any club-but he liked and played footie so never went to a game. They had been to the theatre but couldn't remember what it was they saw. They liked music. This was a chance, what type? Quite a bit, but nothing in particular. They couldn't really offer anything for me to get my teeth into. A complete waste of time. Really nice couple but unable to join up a conversation. Now I keep to small talk when I see them, (ah, Bard can only dream of that). Most of the people you encounter, even if they are on a common footing with Arsenal you may find that is all there is. So too on here. Some who do not agree regarding Arsenal of course may be like minded in many other subjects, but invariably it doesn't show. Anyway if you want to talk footie it doesn't matter if a chap shares your musical tastes and not Arsenal matters. This is the dilemma friend. We are all complex organisms. When I post, it is for my own satisfaction. Do the same chum, you have a number who agree with you on most AFC matters-I for one. To become embroiled in a discussion with someone who doesn't see eye to eye with you is a waste of energy. Just get it off your chest and move on. Oh, you have. Well done.

  72. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 25, 2015, 23:30 #77944

    No it's ok jeff I certainky don't need another username to pass judgement on you. Obviously hit a bit of a nerve though, eh?

  73. jeff wright

    Oct 25, 2015, 23:18 #77943

    I think Colseyboy and offline goon have remarkable similarities in the terminology that they use - of course it could be that they are both just idiots .Or struggling to come out of the closet.

  74. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 25, 2015, 21:43 #77942

    I just love our new keeper Petre Czech....well worth 12 points or more every season. My spellchecker just doesn't do me any favours. So it's the next leg of the quadruple on Tuesday. Don't think Jeff Is available as on World Cup duty for France I believe so be interested Westlower who he slots into midfield along with Flamini and the Ox. Unless Chambers moves into a holding role and the Bfg has recovered from his illness.

  75. KC

    Oct 25, 2015, 21:41 #77941

    Charlie, good report. I totally appreciate Ozil but you have to be honest and he has often not been involved enough. When he is he is a pleasure to watch. It's great at present but the season is long and will find any weakness in the squad which is a concern. Enjoying the show as when we play well we are great to watch and so different from the up and at em British mentality of so many.

  76. GoonerRon

    Oct 25, 2015, 21:41 #77940

    @ mbg - so just because I choose to be positive about the club and the manager it means I can't distinguish between the two? Santicmonous nonsense I'm afraid. I was equally as positive about George Graham and even Bruce Rioch during their tenure because I CAN AND DO distinguish between the club and its manager. Don't let your anti-Wenger clouded brain from recognising this. I totally missed your delight about us doing so well - it is so well hidden in your vitriol and negativity. And anyway, who is throwing a party in relation to our current good run? I've certainly not mentioned it - but I know in AMG speak "throwing a party" can be translated to "saying anything that is not scathing about our manager or team". And just so I'm clear, when the team do well the players get credit (nothing positive for Wenger) and when we don't do well it's all Wenger's fault? Got it. Nice and balanced there mbg.

  77. jeff wright

    Oct 25, 2015, 21:29 #77939

    Offline goon ( way off the mark is more suitable) is obviously another mug punter.... What are the odds though on HIMSELF posting under other names on here>?> You couldn't make it up.

  78. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:56 #77938

    Around three weeks ago I suggested Arsene had signed a two year extension as a tease, I admitted in the post that it was a light hearted joke. Have just seen a rumour that a two year extension is on the table gents. Oh how wickedly amused am I. Now then, altogether, 'Arsene Wenger's magic...'

  79. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:39 #77937

    Westie. Judge us in May!

  80. offline goon

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:26 #77936

    Hey westie. What price that mbg is jw. Mmmmmmm. Conspiracy theory.

  81. Bard

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:24 #77935

    Westie mate hamburgers sold at half time up 20%. A reduction in onions has had no effect on sales. We are 3-1 on to sell more hamburgers than any other top flight team in Europe. Odds on whether this makes any difference to our chances of winning the PL are 2000-1. Im having some, surely well fed supporters must be worth a dozen points a season. Odds on Joe Baker being the top scorer in the Prem next season are incalculable unless you are a AKB who believe that Wenger is capable of delivering the championship this side of 2050. Stats dontcha love them.

  82. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:22 #77934

    Timmy sacked, my first part of the triple 'guess' complete.

  83. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:16 #77933

    @AKB, You're working well. It's important that us Gooners celebrate our new found lucky streak. It surely cant last with old clueless in charge. When the jammy bubble bursts we'll surely be in the bottom half of the table by Xmas & in a dog fight in the relegation zone by Easter. We never finish the season well you see. There is a rumour going round that we've got a quality manager lined up to replace TOF, I'm not sure how to spell Maclaren or Sherwood but either of those cracking Brit managers will due a far better job than the old fraud. Even Piers Morgan reckons he's miles better than our present incompetent, albeit lucky incumbent. Red Army, Red army...Lucky Red Army, Lucky, lucky Red Army, Lucky, lucky, lucky.. I should coco!

  84. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 20:10 #77932

    Baddie. Ich habe nicht 'meine' kleine 'Gemüse' vergessen. Ich denke, Sie haben!

  85. Fozzy

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:59 #77931

    Great fun watching Flamini believe that he is Pele.

  86. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:44 #77930

    westman 82528 - here's an alternative top five songs - in no particular order - for the Johnny Halliday of managers when he leads the team out next time. 1. You can't always get what you want by the geriatric stones 2. the same old song by the four tops 3. what have i done to deserve this? by the PSBs and Dusty 4. heaven knows I'm miserable now by the Smiths (with guest appearance by Rev Jamee son) and 5. something we can all sing along to, love will tear us apart by the wonderful Joy Division. Better than Kylie I think.

  87. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:39 #77929

    AMG, well said, he was always class, and then he came to Arsenal and started to be schooled by wenger, and the last couple of years showed us all the outcome of that, now this so called revival of his that has a lot of fans creaming their pants about is because Ozil like a lot of us thinks and is hoping TOF is on his last legs, now that would make any player up his game.

  88. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:17 #77928

    Charlie, no, the big mistake was made by OGL, (i'll not call him your messiah as i'm just not sure as you've managed to hid it enough)by not buying Cech or a world class keeper like him in the first place, instead of buying and sticking with second and third rate wasters like the waiter for years, trying to convince those that listened (and did) he was world class, just think what we'd have achieved and won over the last ten years with a Cech? like I've already said it's to late now.

  89. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:11 #77927

    MBG - I appreciate your comments , I thought your riposte was excellent. Where do these idiots get off thinking we come on here to enjoy Arsenal lose. Totally half baked. I note one of your main protagonists literally went into meltdown when his word of attack was turned back on him. Talk about not being able to take what you give out. One other member of the club seems to have gone on a religious rant even though it's one hell of a funny belief that allows you to lie (making up pretend characters to back your viewpoint) whilst preaching hellfire. What a bunch of non entities. Like you I do not have the core belief that Wenger will do it but would be extremely pleased if he did. Like you I hold the right to support Arsenal without obsequious support for Arsene. Earlier on a different thread I was probably over the top with a holier than thou winger. I have noted though he had not tried to defend himself. Up the Arsenal!

  90. Bard

    Oct 25, 2015, 19:07 #77926

    Westie; you ignored the fact that taking last week as the starting point, we are unbeaten in Europe under Wenger. Stats and stats dont you love them. How about trophies won in the last 10 years, how are we doing ?

  91. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2015, 18:56 #77925

    The next goal Arsenal score will be goal number 2,000 in all competitions during the present managers reign. Which begs the question, what has Arsene 'Lucky Boy Boy' Wenger ever done for Arsenal Football Club? For those who don't know, Lucky Boy Boy won the 1963 Greyhound Derby at White City, mind you, he was lucky to do so! Maybe Arsenal should run out to "I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky" at the Emirates.

  92. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 25, 2015, 18:36 #77924

    hello all, now that the weekend's games over and we've had our first annual blow-job courtesy of NFL Marketing UK, let's talk about yesterday. Bloody good win anyone?

  93. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2015, 18:18 #77923

    Updated betting to win the PL after this weekends games: Citeh 19/20, AFC 7/4, Man U 6/1, CFC 50/1. Remi Garde is 1/2 favourite to be next Villa manager. Maureen 9/4 to be next manager to lose his post.

  94. jeff wright

    Oct 25, 2015, 18:17 #77922

    tbh Westie I think it's a case of being fortunate that our players sometimes ignore Inspector Clueless' instructions to play on the front foot . Seeing as he has admitted that they do this himself there is really no argument to put up against this view. Team selections and subs are another matter and as we all know Arsene is no genius at doing these with recent results against Zagreb and Olypiacos confirming it. I thought we did okay, against Everton who got caught out by the high balls that were headed in but had Wally started those aerial crosses would have been passes on the ground to try and put him in on goal and Everton would probably have dealt better with that scenario.Starting with Giroud however was no tactical stroke of genius on Arsene's part but down to his paranoid fear of players being tired after playing too many games - albeit he often ignores this when there is a case for it - as he admitted he did with Ramsey. So he is not as bright as you claim. As said I thought we played okay against Everton without looking all that convincing - Everton could have nicked a draw because at 2-1 we never put the game to bed. But all is well that ends well and laugh while you are winning and all that. City will not be too bothered about today's result a draw is always a good point away if you win your home games in a title challenge. As I said before I will wait until April the first before getting excited about our one .Arsene's squad is not as deep in depth as Pells is and City always put in a strong finish on the run in after Easter in the league. Which as you know is not the case with our team .With the FAC having to be taken seriously by Wenger now days to help gloss over this fact. I will be surprised if we are in the next round of the European Cup as well considering the position that our alleged smarty-pants manager has put us in. And if we are it won't be down to Wenger having been clever, we should be so lucky! You couldn't make it up.

  95. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2015, 17:53 #77921

    The good run continues, and again no need for silly excuses. Long may it continue. Treacherous conditions yesterday, and I was concerned that had we lost, a petition would have been in full swing now against the referee for not abandoning the game. Thankfully, that was avoided. Incidentally, I was surprised to see Lee Mason officiating our game. I was under the impression that he was one of several referees blackballed by arsenal fans for past misdemeanours against arsenal. Maybe I'm getting my referees all mixed up?

  96. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 17:24 #77919

    GoonerRon, I know you won't or can't distinguish from the two, in fact i'm quite sure you don't even think there is two, just one arsene FC, and that's your prerogative of course, just like it is with the rest of your ilk, but there is two whether you like it or not, Arsenal FC and it's manager arsene wenger (it's manager that's all nothing else he doesn't own this club although he thinks he does) and there always will be two even if your lord and master is still here when he's 110. Others including myself do and can distinguish between the two, because of many reasons we'll still be here when he's gone (God knows he's tried his best to get rid of all those from the bottom up who disagree with him) just a distant memory, unlike yourself and others I suspect. Whether you or others think it, or like it, (I suspect neither especially the last) i'm delighted we're doing so well, i'm delighted the team are winning and I always am, i'd love us to win the league (but I'll wait until we do before getting to excited as like I've already said we've all been here before (even you) but if you want to get excited and throw a party at this moment and time by all means do so. Unfortunately when the team wins and are doing well and receiving praise (and quite rightly so) this old fraud of a manager receives it too, (and takes it whether deserved or not)I happen to think he doesn't deserve it, though that'll come as no surprise to you, there's to much has gone on over the last ten years for that and the reasons for have been well documented, and again if you chose to forget them or air brush them out of history that's your prerogative, i certainly don't or/and won't and if you don't like that and it gets up your nose to bad, in fact good.

  97. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2015, 16:14 #77918

    Bore-fest at OT. Gary Neville must be delighted that both sides cancelled each other out. United missed a trick not beating a Citeh side minus Silva & Aguero. How fortunate are we to have a coach who is brave enough to play on the front foot whenever the opportunity presents itself.

  98. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:49 #77917

    Ich habe nicht vergessen mien kleine germuse.

  99. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:40 #77916

    Mark from Aylesbury, some great posts, others choose to forget but some do remember we've all been here before.

  100. Bard

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:40 #77915

    Interesting slant Charlie. You're obviously not much bothered by the reasons behind the last 10 years of failure . Unfortunately happy as I am that we are winning we have been here many times before and we will fall short for the same reasons we do every season.At present we aren't converting half enough of our chances which is why we needed a striker in the summer. It didnt matter much against Everton but it will when games get tighter and the stakes get higher. Ozil does look as though he is in good form but he hasnt displayed much heart for the fight until recently. My enjoyment was somewhat tempered by the article suggesting Wenger might be offered another two year contract.

  101. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:21 #77914

    This is for both Mark from Aylesbury, and Ron. Mark it is OK to have a chiding manner in posts, as the script was written long ago. A recently boiled kettle looks normal but comes back to the boil quite quickly. There are negative posters who post regularly, some have agendas some don't, but are quite negative all the same. Justified? Perhaps. Open to rebuke? Absolutely. Much is tongue in cheek, much is historical. Providing no personal insults are offered it is OK, surely? I react, never act, except where history possibly demands. You are taking this far too seriously. There are Dark Moanies, even I alluded to them, difficult to see as they linger in the shadows. It is harmless fun. There is a distinction between those who offer a reason for a position, ie 'change the manager', and those who just use a post as a veiled way of character assassination of an individual. We are talking semantics here, and the incorrect terminology of subjects, human or inanimate. Ron you clearly are opposed to the author of the article, but he wrote it. You post and others are opposed to your views-it is still OK for you to write, no one tells you to go back to the bench. All is OK in that simple understanding. Where you misfire is to attack an individual for an opposing view. Charlie is neither arrogant, nor does he have a limited repertoire. This is misunderstanding of the word 'arrogant' at a dangerous level because it fuels wars. It is easy to see why AW is labelled arrogant, not because he portrays such traits but because he says or does things others might not do. That is not arrogance. In fact it is perhaps arrogance personified, to misappropriate the word and ascribe it to an innocent. Charlie's view was a personal one, and offered with passion. The bone of contention is not in his style of writing or phraseology but in a differing of his view to your own. You wouldn't have raised a peep had he been dancing to your tune. Now come on Ron, admit that small thing. Anyway you two guys are bigger than this so just accept some posts might rub you up the wrong way, but resist the temptation to become personal. One major point is Charlie was not threatening your coaching credentials or experience. However let me suggest a spot of introspection, Arsene Wenger's are definitely challenged and vilified, on a daily basis on this website, and he is at the very pinnacle. Now peace, and let's have some more 'Victories Through Harmony', gents.

  102. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:20 #77913

    Kenny, your not, bet on it.

  103. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:06 #77912

    4th is not a trophy, don't worry it's an early April fool.

  104. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 15:03 #77910

    It's been an excellent week but if we could hold off giving Wenger a new contract until we see how it all pans out it would be handy.

  105. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 14:45 #77909

    Ron, he'll go down well with some on here then, expect a petition to stop Kevin writing another report and keep him.

  106. AMG

    Oct 25, 2015, 14:12 #77908

    Ozil is class, always has been. But all the criticism he had aimed at him up until the end of last season was bob on. He's come on leaps and bounds since then and rightly deserves credit for it.

  107. GoonerRon

    Oct 25, 2015, 13:53 #77907

    @ mbg - I know you're gutted we won again and fair play for not trying to mask it. Do you honestly believe that Everton turned up and intentionally meant to not mark our players at set pieces and stand off us at every opportunity? Believe it or not we have a team full of really good players and we get respect for that, consequently teams line up in the way they see fit to counteract that. More often than not it doesn't work because of our quality. I'm sure that's really tough for you to swallow but it's the truth.

  108. Andreas

    Oct 25, 2015, 12:37 #77906

    I wish more people would watch the game with the sound off. Cech is our goalkeeper it's his job to stop attempts on our goal. He made 2 saves, one attempt hit the bar, yet he made two mistakes that fortunately didn't end up in the back of our net. Gabriel was unfortunate with the goal but Barkley should've been dealt with earlier in the move. Was hoping to see Theo on in the 70th minute as he would've given us a counter attacking option when we conceded possession to Everton. Don't be fooled this was a very, very good victory. A united win today will see us stay top.

  109. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 12:22 #77905

    4th is not a trophy and Kenny - very odd comment from high command isn't. We may be top for a matter of hours so let's send out triumphalist comments to the media talking about contract extensions. I can imagine but not agree with if he'd just come off the premiership title. But it shows again a satisfaction without actually winning anything. A different site is reporting that Wenger may have come close to leaving end of this season (suspect divorce) but has decided to see out 2017. I personally would be surprised if he goes beyond that. Pepe has stalled on a contract with BM who want him long term. It would be very interesting if he gins s one year extension. Pepe G would like to come to London. Suspect Chelsea would be wrong environment. Which leaves City trying to persuade him to not go to London. I reckon Pep G is in the frame for 2017

  110. Moscow Gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 12:20 #77904

    FJ - given the team you support I'm surprised that you had access to that piece of arcane knowledge... Up until now I have been all for replacing AW as soon as possible, however (and I still think that at 66 retirement should beckon), but for a number of reasons (Ozil's higher level of commitment, the tactical subtlety we now employ rather than playing the same 'ersatz Barce' style against one and all, Coq's emergence in the midfield etc etc) this has the feel of a different season and a different team. Excellent performances now being strung together. To maintain a genuine title challenge well into April would be a very pleasant surprise - to be eleven points clear of Chelsea already is!

  111. Westlower

    Oct 25, 2015, 12:16 #77903

    Now that we're in contention for the PL we need to bow out of the Capital One Cup at the earliest opportunity. If not Tuesday to Wednesday (I left that in for Baddies benefit) then the following round. Even if we don't qualify for the ECL we'll be playing Thur/Sun in the Ropey Cup. With a squad full of Internationals who will be away periodically for their national teams they need to be given a break from the relentless fixture pile up. More games equates to more injuries/fatique & burn out. Sods law that when we need Arteta he's out with an ankle injury & still no return on the horizon for JW, Rosicky & Welbeck. Possible team for tuesday: Macey, Debuchy, Gibbs, Chambers, Gabriel, Flamini, Ox, Reine-Adelaide, Campbell, Walcott, Iwobi.

  112. Born Gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 12:01 #77902

    Yes Joe. And when is your team ever going to win one?

  113. Finsbury Joe

    Oct 25, 2015, 11:56 #77901

    If you come across any AKBs, might be worth reminding them that actual trophies, or the two that count are handed out in the month of May

  114. mbg

    Oct 25, 2015, 11:12 #77900

    Charlie, as we all know we've all been here before, will the outcome be any different? especially when the pressures on? In the meantime isn't it great to have a team/teams who just let us do whatever we like, (Bayern will not be as accommodating)just roll over and let us play our tippy tappy,(obviously TOF has his power back)give us all the room in the world, stand back and admire, don't mark our players, even afford us a mistake while a couple of our players are having fun with a game among themselves playing our tippy tappy around the box trying to walk the ball into the net with you have it, no you have it, no it's yours you take it, by taking it off them and scoring from it. So we're top of the league (for now anyway cue the celebrations) big deal, like I've said we've been here before and we all know what happened/happens. If we remain there what good will it be/have been if we're knocked off it with two or three games to go. Maybe TOF is really going for it after all, and going to go out with a bang, it's a pity the season didn't end yesterday.

  115. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 11:02 #77899

    Continued - flashback Friday 82473 82471 Ttfn - off to the zoo next

  116. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 10:56 #77898

    Badarse- two posts on flashback Friday speculating how we would deal with us winning without any evidence of negative input. Post 82482 on this thread again speculating how we will deal with us winning. Again no evidence of negative posting. The main input from Charlie suggests no room for arguament and is agenda led though I would suggest this is more the case of over excitement and perhaps less posting experience. That's 3 for you already. As I said prior if someone is having s grot by all means have a dig back . But to come on here and try to say only part of the fanbase can enjoy a win is petty and juvenile. Bet a fiver that these glory boys will be nowhere to be seen if we blow up.

  117. Ron

    Oct 25, 2015, 10:34 #77897

    Hi Baddie - like you im a Chamberlain fan. Strong, nice temperament, skilful. Saw his Dad play a few times too. A cultured player himself. Sadly hes at risk of being wasted. Hes clearly not sure of his true position. His heads down a bit i reckon. He s a 'frustrated midfielder' whos probably more of a Valencia type winger (another player i like he is at Utd). Ox needs coaching of a type that tells him where his future lies. Im not sure you can learn 'judgment' on a footie pitch and as such im far from sure he can be a centre middle man. Ox has the tools in his box to be a strong thrusting Johnny Morrisey type Winger. He needs to be able to play with the shackes off. He ll have bad days . All wide players do. Some games dont 'sit' well for wingers on a given day.Presently hes drifting. If he is to become a center mid man, he s got a wait on his hands at AFC and one that not likely to see off all the candidates for those centre positions. Accordingly, OX s drift could well see him move on. Its not quite a Walcott situ yet, where hes been allowed to harbour these inane ideas that hes a CF, but it getting that way. Ox has far more in his locker than does Walcott of course but needs direction. In many ways he suffers because of the modern games obsession with using full backs as 'wingers'. Its squeezing players with Ox s qualities out. So, for me, Ox is a wide player who shd be given licence to come in and do as he sees fit. He could score 8-10 goals per season if hes given his head to do so. Hes potentially a more heavy weight, durable version of his Dad! Im not sure Wenger has full faith in him. He could have if he used him correctly. We ve had far too many players who fall between 2 stools in recent yrs in so far as their knowledge of their positions are concerned. Its grossly unsatisfactory and unfair on players whose careers are being stunted. Wilshere is another. Ramsey too. Always the home grown lads there who are compromised and has been for a decade.

  118. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 10:14 #77896

    Mark, I repeat, what is happening? Who are these, 'at least 3 or 4 posters'? Post numbers please. And please don't make anymore bullets for Ron, he has enough of his own, being an 'Arsenal' ensures that.

  119. GoonerRon

    Oct 25, 2015, 10:10 #77895

    Three wins in a week, all achieved with varying types of performance and tactics. Being top at this stage means nothing - after being out of the title race at this point last season we just need to stay in the mix. Some decent looking fixtures on paper coming up so if we continue the work rate and quality we've got every chance of staying right in there with the pack at the top.

  120. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 10:02 #77894

    John F, a clear sighted post buddy. I do agree with your view. Am not sure about the Wenger is Godot thing though, last time I heard he was still being waited for. Ox is a firm favourite of mine. I have anticipated him rising to the next level for a while, but injuries have possibly interfered with his progress. However I predicted that he would have a good season and 'break through' this year. He then went and scored the goal that won us the Community Shield, my tail as well as my umbrella, was up. He has failed to nail a position this season for who knows what reason. His judgement is the key perhaps as westlower has touched upon a couple of times. I tend to agree with him. He has been caught and lost possession in danger zones, and made the wrong decisions when in an advanced position. His strongest card is running at defenders with the ball, and adapting to a quick release in deeper areas of the pitch. I don't think the mitigating factor is that Aaron gets picked before him, but it could be a factor. Still all the more reason to grasp every opportunity wouldn't you say? If you are correct and it is, then it shouldn't be laid at AW's door. Pro footballers have to learn to live with decisions every day of their footballing lives. I am an optimist and I know there is a huge amount of talent locked up inside this lad. When the lid is prised off it could come pouring out. Any time soon would suit us all.

  121. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:55 #77893

    Ron - for some reason at least 3 or 4 have come on here picking fights over imaginary views they think others hold. Really peculiar and perhaps indicative of a mindset that is more interested in point scoring then actually enjoying an Arsenal win which "they" supposedly better supporters are meant to enjoy. Id and irritating at the same time

  122. Torbay gooner

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:51 #77892

    Good win and excellent performances particularly from Giroud and Ozil. Yes the latter has finally upped his game after his first two frankly average seasons. As others has said his quality was never in doubt, but his previous lack of industry and commitment attracted justifiable criticism. Loved Gabriel's fist pump after some good defending! Can we carry this form on and still be up there in April rather depends as usual on our key players remaining fit and Wenger actually using a mid season transfer window to our advantage. Enjoying it whilst it lasts!

  123. John F

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:37 #77891

    I think the difference between this side and other Wenger sides post 2007 is we don't have some really awful players in this side ie almunia,eboue,Dennison,lord Bendy the list could go on.I like Gabriel he and le coq are just the sort of players we needed .If you look at the ratio of win games with le coq in the side you realise how vital he is doing all the dirty work for us.If I am allowed to be critical during this Wenger is God period it is the treatment of the Ox.His confidence has been affected watching Ramsey playing out of position while he sat on the bench.Giroud/Walcott debate I think if we are playing park the bus teams then it is Giroud other teams such as t.he spuds Wally,although he does lack a bit of quality he does keep the centre backs occupied in the more attacking sides.Wouldn't it be great if we had a player who could do both Vardy?

  124. Paulo

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:32 #77890

    Good article Charlie. I standby criticism of much of Ozil's first 2 years with us when he wasn't influencing proceedings as much as he should have but he has upped his game recently and the team are reaping the benefits. We look in good shape just now but the old cliche about each game at a time rings true. If we aren't going to sign a striker in January then we really need Welbeck back in the New Year as an injury to Giroud or Theo (still only 2 goals so far) would put us in real difficulty. Keep it up lads, up the Arsenal.

  125. Mathew

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:26 #77889

    The good news is that we have come out unscathed from a busy footballing week, except for the loss of Ramsey. And the bad news is Arsene will be offered another deal to extend his contract. Debatable for few, but I feel someone should take over the mantle as we need fresh ideas to usurp the club to an elevated level, otherwise we will remain 4th placed ever ! I am not against Wenger and his achievements, but I feel the Board and the Club is so rich that trophies aren't a concern. Looks like we have an easy run ahead in PL, hopefully we can capitalize on them and make the most of it. Mourinho still seems to be rue about the loss of Cech to us, I am loving his downfall, way too arrogant.

  126. Badarse

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:09 #77888

    Thanks Charlie, a really upbeat report, and your mention of Ozil is valid. Always been a superbly intelligent footballer, with a deftness of touch that is beguiling. The adjustment to English PL football can be a tempestuous journey. Some adapt immediately-Alexis-others take a while, some even longer. Mesut perhaps falls into the last category. His work rate is immense, his skill sublime, he has bulked up for the physical aspects of the English game and is now beginning to show. Those that would have said 'away with him' were justified-providing you agree that a baby's first steps should mean that it can then nip down to the bookies and put a bet on for dad. Patience is a virtue. I also think that Giroud is a very good front man, amongst the best we have had, and amongst the best in the PL. He too has his critics amongst fans. They also should perhaps try to appreciate the rigours of the modern game in our PL. What a birthday week for Arsene, absolutely magnificent. Pass the Cheese and Onion cusps please, only Salt and Vinegar cusps that side of the table, please mum. Will Timmy last the week?

  127. Hornsey Bill

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:07 #77887

    A good read Charlie. Always happy with 3 points. Completely agree with your points on Ozil and the Ox - both things I have being saying all season I couldn't have put it better myself! The Cech save near the end earned us 2 points. Everton are a decent outfit and kept our nerves on edge near the end so good to come away with all 3 points. Confidence is building let's enjoy these moments

  128. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 25, 2015, 9:06 #77886

    Good win against a toffees side that has shown a bit more at the wok in recent years than they did last night (although I was screaming for a bit of corner flag action in the last 5 minutes). Lukaku header and a blocked shot from that ex-Barca diving expert aside, Everton offered little. Coquelin had another outstanding game for me, and look at what happens when Ozil has a(nother) complete game. Thoughts around our group after the game turned to the next transfer window - invest in the good times and the bad. Oh no, we don't tend to do either do we.

  129. Ron

    Oct 25, 2015, 8:57 #77885

    PS - Might is ay as well that yr comments aimed at those of us who have criticized Ozil are well out of order. Many footie experts have echoed the negative views of him from time to time. Many of us on here too have doubtless seen, played and Coached more football in our lifetimes than ever you will Mr Ashmore. Be pleased with the win by all means but please dont make wild assumptions about posters you dont know and whos sporting lives and achievements you know nothing about. I ll carry on watching football to the extent that i do and criticize as i see fit thank you. Hurry back Kev, this substitute off yr bench has a limited reportoire, yet quite arrogant with it.

  130. Ron

    Oct 25, 2015, 8:45 #77884

    A good win. Not sure why yr surprised about the Ozil debate. The main criticism has been that he doesnt put as much in as he should. He has in these last 2 games. Hes upped his tempo and his work rate. its clear to see. His skills allied to that and theres a great player in there. Its English footie. the aesthetes of the game have to accept that sublime skills without the effort doesn't do. It leaves a team light. Well done Mesut accordingly. I like Giroud. The lad is a real grafter. His slight lack of quality though does show itself nontheless. Ollie ought to have had a hat trick. That slight lack of quality in his game stopped it happenening. He links oplay so well though. Ought to be an automatic pick at CF v the better sides like Everton in my view. Cech saved us again. Hes showing his value now. I doubted his signing but hes proving me wrong and im glad to be wrong. Well done Pete. The humble pie tastes lovely! PS - any amateur artists out there ( no, not the pee artists ha, the painter artists). Get yself along to the Mall Gallery today. Marine Exhibition. Last day. Only £ 3.00. Its wonderful!!

  131. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 25, 2015, 8:45 #77883

    Charlie - to some extent we are a little spoiled with playmakers these days and the technical level of Arsenal is extremely high whatever our differing views on overall end product. Therefore he may not shine such as a Brady or dare I say it Hoddle. In those days they were obviously acting on a higher plane. Anyway he needs to keep the work rate up and avoid sulkiness. But overall his contribution with the assist to Giroud was immense

  132. AndyMed

    Oct 25, 2015, 8:41 #77881

    What's this? A positive report from the OLG. It can mean only one thing...KW must be on holiday! Great week for AFC and I still bet KW's loyal disciples will STILL moan, complain and find a reason to knock Wenger, Ozil, bring top for a day, the price of beer or the queues for the loo. Red Army!

  133. Ozzie

    Oct 25, 2015, 8:28 #77880

    Very positive, Charlie. People must know it has a ripple effect.