Shocker in Sheffield

Online Ed: Arsenal exit League Cup at Hillsborough

Shocker in Sheffield

Have yourself a caption competition in the comments…

At the recent Arsenal AGM, in a 20 minute speech, Ivan Gazidis explained the lack of spending last summer in his discussion about the club’s “virtuous circle” policy, which basically breaks down to: invest in the team, achieve greater success, greater income and then spend the extra money on players. He stated that aside from developing players from the club’s Academy system that would give Arsenal “a competitive edge… we have a world class scouting system. We gave been very active in the transfer market in recent seasons… and have been disciplined in our strategy being talent led and not money led.” And the killer line, “Our squad is deeper, better and stronger as a consequence”. Just as well the AGM is on the third Thursday of October rather than the last, then.

Because the game at Hillsborough last night was a shambles of the highest order, right up there with some of Arsenal’s worst performances under Arsène Wenger. Granted, the competition is fairly low on the manager’s list of priorities, but it reminded me of when weakened sides have been played in domestic cup competitions before, and the players seemed to take their cue from the manager’s selection. This does not matter. Certainly, the Gunners played the fixture like it really was an irrelevance, a chore to be endured rather than a cup tie to win. Wenger is keen to talk about “disrespect” among the Arsenal supporters. His team’s performance was disrespectful to those that travelled to back the players.

There would have been a fair number of empty spaces in the away section, as the allocation for this cup tie meant it presented an opportunity for season ticket holders to buy a precious away ticket to boost their chances of a cup final ticket at some point before the end of the 2017/18 season when this away credit will expire. However, it felt as if a number of the players on the pitch didn’t turn up at Hillsborough in sympathy.

Going forward, perhaps there was some mitigation with the selection, the injuries to Oxlade-Chamberlain and Walcott (although the theory that the former did not warm up properly for this match beggars belief) and a couple of questionable offside calls. However, the back five were all players who should not look out of place in the first choice eleven (with Cech the first choice pick), shielded by Mathieu Flamini. So with £70 million at the manager’s disposal, the club could not afford better options than the Flamster? Gökhan İnler? Esteban Cambiasso? Scouting system? “Our squad is deeper, better and stronger as a consequence (of) our strategy being talent led and not money led.” Really?

The game does not require any great analysis. Wednesday were physical and were always going to rely on set pieces to create danger. Sure there was an element of this, but their opening goal would not have looked out of place if Mesut Ozil or Alexis Sanchez had scored it in a red and white shirt. Even if the Gunners had problems going forward, there was no real excuse for what happened at the back.

The selection of Giroud up front indicated a horses for courses policy, even if the Frenchman took it literally and played like a carthorse. It was going to be a night when the team needed to be strong in the air. They weren’t. Not that some of the crossing gave the number 12 any real ammunition, and one has to wonder whether the Joel Campbell that played for Olympiacos and Costa Rica has been replaced by an alien being. He was involved, but hopeless.

No blame to the debut boys, either those starting or coming off the bench. They failed to influence the game, but were not helped at all by the more experienced colleagues alongside them. The final minute of first half injury time witnessed the first Arsenal effort on target. This was a mid-table Championship team they were up against here. Not good enough.

And no discernable improvement after the interval, as 2-0 became 3-0. The humiliation complete. A comeback a la Reading away in 2012 anyone? 4-0 down in 45 minutes there. Not with this bunch of uncommitted no marks. Why does Ivan Gazidis say this crap about the strength of the squad? Does he actually believe a word the manager says? Is he blind? Another disciple of the church of Wenger, like so many attendees at the Emirates these days? Pay me over £2 million a year to spout sh*t about the reasons to leave £70 million in the bank that could have been used to improve the squad and I will happily join the flock.

With the game obviously lost, the away section made plenty of noise, with the kind of lunatic gallows dedication oft seen at the likes of Old Trafford. Some made better use of their time and headed down the M1 to beat the rush. Pete Mountford texted me to opine that he believed the senior pros felt that the game was beneath them, that not bothering to warm up properly was symptomatic of this.

It was a competition that was an irrelevance to the manager, and evidently the players, and the performance reflected this. A ramshackle starting eleven that produced what may have actually been the desired result. So no further distractions due to this competition then. All part of the masterplan. Good old Arsenal? Perhaps good old Arsène’s Arsenal would be more accurate.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 30, 2015, 18:09 #78328

    I wasn't 'worrying' about you, Badarse. I was engaging with points - or 'red herrings' if you will - that you have made. But wilfully or not, you don't seem able to follow the thread.

  2. mbg

    Oct 30, 2015, 17:31 #78321

    Exeter, your confusing him again.

  3. Badarse

    Oct 30, 2015, 17:27 #78320

    Why are you so concerned for my welfare Exeter? It seems hollow to me. Why don't you just stick to the point, stop throwing in red herrings and answer directly. If you get a response to a post enjoy, if not then move on. All so simple yet points seem to elude you. If I am on this site I can expect reality in posts. If not they are there to be dismissed or answered accordingly, again how difficult is that to grasp? If I choose to be here, then here I am, it shouldn't phase you, and mock concern falls on deaf ears. I am certain other sites are differently balanced as is the outside world but here I am. Any suggestions otherwise can easily fall into the 'f*** off down the lane', genre. Just rest assured that I am here until I choose otherwise. Just reread your last post-as I am dealing in the reality of this site, other sites are a smokescreen you have offered to confound. Again don't worry about me, or what sense of reality the woman behind the counter in the Co-Op has. I am here and I expect to deal in reality on this site.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 30, 2015, 16:46 #78317

    You clearly didn't follow my post properly, Badarse. 'Dealing in reality' is in quotes because I have quoted it from you. You are not dealing in the realty of the internet by only visiting one site. The 'few' are not the 'few' on here but the 'few' websites that don't adhere to the AFC status quo I was not talking about the wider world. But whilst we're on that, I'd agree there are all these far more important things we should all be concerning ourselves with. Which begs the question - why are you spending so much of every day on a football site? If you learn how to access other websites, you'll realise that the Labour Party, Greenpeace - whoever you're interested in - have internet forums in which I would agree with you these far more pressing matters can be debated.

  5. Badarse

    Oct 30, 2015, 15:24 #78304

    Thanks for the illuminating insight Exeter but once more skewed and wildly off target. You offer 'dealing in reality', as if it is somehow tainted, do you not deal in reality? Perhaps this is the problem then? The reality I search for is not dealt with in majorities or minorities it is observation and analysis of the facts as known, rather than guesswork and a patchwork of assumptions all laced together to beat AW with. That isn't real in anyone's concept of reality. Oasis suggests righteousness to me, in a desert of sterile outlooks. Not so. The clamour of many is 'mob' based, or at least a 'herd' construct. I would not disagree with the support of KW, he does an outstanding job, and deserves total admiration-are you misunderstanding posts again and laying a charge against me to the opposite? As for the 'few' others, you tacitly confirmed that they were the majority on this site; you cannot have it both ways. I neither see those against AW as heroic individuals, nor that they are battling against the odds and challenging the AFC status quo. AFC are not listening, the chaotic, but silent yelling and screaming is naturally unheard, and thankfully so, as most doing the mime work are as daft as their views. 'Let's get rid of Stan. Our training exercises are wrong. It's AW's fault. The squad is too lightweight even the taller ones. We get too many injuries-AW's fault. He can't do his zip up. We want more sweeties.' It's puerile and naïve. Heroes one and all. We live in the most one-sided and acutely rich and impoverished society imaginable-for an advanced and wealthy nation, where are the heroes challenging the status quo of the government and society's mentality? Under the bedcovers quaking in fear!

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 30, 2015, 14:02 #78294

    Badarse, if you 'deal in reality' then it would be worth your while learning how to visit other websites, as only visiting this one will give you a very skewed, narrow idea of reality (such as it is) in internet land. You would find that the 'balance' you crave or believe you bring is found (indeed the scales tip completely the other way) on these other sites. Indeed Online Gooner is something of an oasis and let's be glad we have K Whitcher and those few others with a voice speaking against the AFC status quo.

  7. Moscow Gooner

    Oct 30, 2015, 13:48 #78292

    Can we just retire those shirts for ever please? And ideally the Disneyesque cannon with them.... It just seems to me that weird shirts (OT and the 2-8) fit together with unconditional surrender on the pitch. And it may not entirely be a coincidence.

  8. mbg

    Oct 30, 2015, 13:17 #78288

    Yes Mark, well said and that makes the comments alright.

  9. Badarse

    Oct 30, 2015, 12:59 #78285

    Hi Mark, a good response. Yes I was talking of this site as Kate's post and our comments are on this site. I never visit other sites I probably couldn't even find them if I wanted to, such are my computer limitations. If I have a problem I call my wife! No I don't hanker after cynicism, that is something to avoid at all costs in my world. I am a pragmatist and recognise much is wrong in the world and there are limits to any amount of change I can bring, it is why I suffer from a form of ennui when it comes to the same tired topic of 'Wenger out', which cannot happen because some post on a football site. I have to deal in reality, it is my way. It is why I try to inject humour, make analogical comparisons so that some can see their foolishness, or narrow view. My Baldrick sketch was to point out the silly notion that AW would go to Sheffield and purposely lose. I do not think for one second that Kevin would manufacture fake texts to support his view, but they are mentioned and do support his case all the same. Possibly he reports texts saying how wonderful AW is and has got the tactics spot on, or that the team are on fire playing the correct way. I cannot remember these but that may just be my oversight. Others could easily create imaginary texts though. If I suddenly told you my two mates sitting at my shoulder as I type this were in total accord, you might be justified in thinking,'So what?'. That I think is the nub. The final point I agree with but with a qualification. I believe one poster offers those views to which you allude. I am opposed to all those aspects and have said so often. There are many from the other side though-your side?-who offer more subtle but dodgy comments. Pansies, go back to France, woman go back to the kitchen, broke his leg and he deserved it. These are so offensive to me. That is far more threatening than the one extremist in my book, as he is easily identified and becomes a figure of derision, the others slip under the radar and this insidious approach can be lethal, it turns people and makes the extreme view acceptable because it is couched in what appears to be common sense. Those slip by the Website Admin regularly. It is why I disagreed with the 'better or worse' scenario, to do with the old days compared with today.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 30, 2015, 11:58 #78276

    Badarse by saying Kevin is using these texts real or imagined it would suggest some sort of blocking against pro Wenger supporters. Sorry do not believe that . It is far more likely that very pro go to other sites. Therefore the general consensus on this site is more demanding of change and cynical in regard to him. If you want real dislike view Myles palmer and Le Grove regularly let rip. Therefore whether right or wrong the majority on this board do not support your view. Have to say for real venomous expletive laden , homophobic and racist comments seem to come from Wengers supporters on here

  11. Badarse

    Oct 30, 2015, 8:03 #78261

    Mark the use of 'sycophants' is evocative, which due to the 'boiled kettle' analogy, (so much water passed under the bridge, and quite destructive, means that often people just cut to the chase), and Kevin does use these texts,(real or imagined, to support his match report view). We all have different posting techniques too so some are just naturally abrasive, which naturally ruffles feathers-on both sides of the fan division. Kate's message is translated differently by myself, we use differing styles and vocabulary, but in essence she is saying, 'Using these texts in a report are unimportant. We lost in a minor competition, now back to business at Swansea'. The aspect of equality, 'for every one of those there is one of these', isn't at all accurate. Surely you can assess that? It is heavily biased by negativity, fans perceived as enemies. I know that only too well. An innocent post is suddenly savaged for the only reason I am seen as someone on the other side of the fence. So no, I do not agree. As for the same coin, it oversimplifies a profound split. Those on 'my' side are prepared to accept the status quo, not necessarily happily. Those opposing range through the spectrum of disgruntled pure Arsenal fans through to clowns, insurrectionists, other teams fans, troublemakers, and a whole raft of disparate individuals, some seriously challenged. Now to that, wouldn't you agree?

  12. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 30, 2015, 7:45 #78260

    Badarse - for every Wrinkly Voyeur there is a Kate. Do you not agree? Two sides of the same coin

  13. Badarse

    Oct 30, 2015, 7:24 #78257

    Morning Cornish, that is an interesting side to things. It comes as something quite refreshing when we move away from the 'in, out-and shake it all about' theme, don't you think. Lisa still ranks high for me, then Leonardo does too. @No Mark, tongue in cheek or otherwise your guess misses the target. It is more likely David-not saying it is at all, just a little more likely. The post is a poorly disguised attempt at a put down for AKBs, or to broaden it, a criticism of anyone who doesn't have an anti stance on Arsene Wenger. That isn't normal for an impartial, and non-football fan type. Agreed?

  14. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 30, 2015, 7:10 #78256

    Wrinkly Voyeur - your Jamerson really!

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 30, 2015, 0:37 #78254

    Baddie. Your Mona Lisa post reminds me of a bit of 'research' I did last year. On 24th September you mentioned it was the 100th anniversary of your father's birth. I had a quick look in the notable births for that date. No Badarses mentioned for that year. There was a birth on 24th September 1893 though, for a certain Blind Lemon Jefferson an American blues and gospel singer, guitarist, and songwriter. I had never heard of him. On reading more about him I discovered that he was the inspiration for a character named Bleeding Gums Murphy in one of The Simpsons episodes. The one which stars your favourite USA actress Lisa Simpson. The episode 'deals with Lisa's depression and her attempts to sublimate it by playing her saxophone'. The title of the episode 'Moaning Lisa'. Just thought you might be interested. I'm sure nobody else will be, as it's totally off topic.

  16. Kate

    Oct 29, 2015, 23:59 #78253

    Kevin, your use of sycophants texting you their opinion bores me. We lost in a competition that is less important. Get over it.

  17. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 22:18 #78250

    Website Editor, come on give us a winner of the Caption Competition, none of care who wins, but it'll prove we all have a sense of humour something we've certainly needed with this manager at the helm.

  18. Wrinkly Voyeur

    Oct 29, 2015, 20:39 #78248

    I don't support any football clubs. I could care less who wins. I just follow arsenal blogs because it's top quality comic entertainment, and it's free. I enjoy the dichotomy between AKB and WOB. But I have to say, I think I'd rather things stay exactly as they are, with Arsene at the helm because the largest part of the comic entertainment is generated by Arsene, AKBs and those who support him. They seem to have no dignity, without realizing it, and that is what makes the comic entertainment top top quality.

  19. John Abrehart

    Oct 29, 2015, 18:47 #78246

    Yes Ron, post 82774, you have brought back the memory of that debacle. My revised opinion is the Stoke FAC game shares its shame with the Wednesday result. Westflower, maybe even money Weds to beat Forest not such a good bet but how about Wednesday to get promotion to the Premiership? I would have a punt at 10/1 or better.

  20. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 17:58 #78242

    Nice one Ron. As Mona Lisa might have said if she'd ever spoken to Sky News,'I'm not as bad as I'm painted!'

  21. Ron

    Oct 29, 2015, 17:40 #78241

    Good stuff Baddie lad. Like it! made me smile that did. You can at times be a quite funny, sanctimonious waffling old blighter at times, it has to be said in all fairness. Keep it up. Mate, unless i developed a death wish id never use diet or weight as a stick to beat my gorgeous lady with. If i ever did, you d miss me on here as i d be perma gone!

  22. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 16:32 #78234

    Diets jeff are a sensible thing when discussing a regime, as in the case you mentioned. As a 'women's' thing it is another stick to beat them with-also becoming a 'men's' thing. Eat sensibly. That means avoid the dreaded animal fats when you can and concentrate on unsaturated fats. Beans are superb for fibre and protein. Recent news is alarming regarding processed meats but has been a likelihood for donkey's years. Just need the marmite connection of B12. On the down side it's rumoured that vegetarians can become a little sanctimonious, but I've witnessed no signs of that.

  23. jeff wright

    Oct 29, 2015, 16:06 #78232

    One man's meat is another man's poison Badarse ,as they say, I can't recall you saying that you were a veggie but if so then that is your prerogative. I'm no expert on diets so will leave it at that. I know that Arsene has his own ideas on diets and warned against eating baked beans. That seems reasonable enough there is enough wind blowing about in football as it is - you wouldn't want to be a rugby player either with your head down in one of those scrums with players in it that had eaten cans of them that's for sure !

  24. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 15:34 #78228

    Shouldn't be a surprise jeff, have mentioned being a vegetarian a number of times, and it's pretty clear to me that my credentials would suggest I am not a 'chain' USA type diner-never eat chips, love my six pack too much-well 5 pack now. Ruby every time. Life somewhere else in the cosmos is almost a certainty, though ask westlower how many certainties have proved uneventful. Life even in bacterial form is enough for me-that will nail so many myths and legends of popularity. And it isn't a race between a life on another planet and JC becoming PM-trust me on that one. A man's popularity does not denote the man-Hitler was quite popular in some circles, still is. There is no chance of aliens from another civilisation visiting earth, that would demand mastery of inter stellar travel-stellar/Latin-star. Too far for us, or 'them' to visit. The only green men you are ever likely to see are WOBs on a day Arsenal win. Characters in 'Alice'? Funny I have many posters' alter egos from Wonderland, like who would be the Cheshire Cat? That is an easy one. Jack of Hearts too, as is the March Hare. Surely they are simple observations-you do not figure in any, I promise. I see you more of an Eeyore-these are other really well written books.

  25. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 14:49 #78224

    Perspective, no doubt you are long gone back to AKB central or to la la land (much the same) or back to what ever stone you crawled out from under, what a joke this fanzine has become ? really ? I bet it would be the greatest fanzine in the world if the Editor and backroom staff, and everyone posting on here were here everyday bowing down to your messiah and kissing his arse.

  26. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 29, 2015, 14:30 #78223

    Thanks for the Saturn info. Baddie. Please no interseting facts regarding Uranus though.

  27. jeff wright

    Oct 29, 2015, 14:22 #78222

    You surprise me Badarse I had you down for a Big Mac and regular fries type... just goes to show how our perceptions of those that post on here can be so wrong. It doesn't surprise me however that there could be some sort of life form out in the cosmos after all if planet Earth can produce them then the chances are that other planets can as well. However,I believe that there is more chance of Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minster than there is of some sort of civilization ,for wont of a better word , being found in outer space. Belief in UFO's and Aliens from other worlds visiting us is rather like believing in Arsene knows best,a matter of faith. Logic doesn't come into it where believing in a faith is concerned. Regarding Alice In Wonderland I can't really relate myself to any of the characters there although the Mad Hatter is of course my fav one.I see our Arsene as being like the Queen autocratic and living in a fantasy land.

  28. Highbury Boy

    Oct 29, 2015, 14:12 #78221

    Say "We are top of the League,we are top of the League". First time this season. Back to top of the injury league with 8 out. And of course this year we don't even have Diaby who you could always rely on. Mind you giving Rosicky and Arteta new contracts was always going to keep the numbers up. Big clash with bottom of the table Swansea ( just 1 out) on Saturday.

  29. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:39 #78219

    I liked that jeff, ha ha. Just a heads up, I never eat in chains, particularly MacDonalds-I read a good book, 'Unchained America', by Dave Gorman, read it!-also 'Alice in Wonderland' is an extremely good book, rightfully a classic. What character would you be? If I said I had danced on the Mad Hatters table, and stuffed the dormouse into the teapot, would you believe me? westlower would. By the way, despite Saturn being a gas giant, it's moons are substantial. Scientists believe they have discovered water under one-water could mean life, even at a bacterial level it could still post on here. I am excited by the news-yet to be confirmed, but exciting all the same.

  30. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:36 #78218

    Badarse. 'I think the only ones concerned about my knowledge are those who find themselves on it's receiving end' Oscar Wilde? Yes?

  31. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:26 #78217

    jw, awesome, beam me up scotty.

  32. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:23 #78216

    Just for this week, Cornish? Interesting. No, my friend I encourage you to reread my original post, reread what you posted regarding it and see the anomalies presented. Incidentally you have an agenda. I posted to offer a description of how people are different and sometimes it is impossible to connect with them, due to lack of common material, rather than inestimable differences. A simple observation put into words. Had I been in your 'team' I believe you would have passed over it. As you see me as 'one of them', it is fair game for you to try to pull me up on it, or misrepresent to offer a crutch to support your attack. Think on that. I see these attacks coming from the other side of the fence and classify them accordingly. I know I can be accused of courting them and I think I do, often, but the vitriol that ensues draws a line in the sand. That is over the top-hence the playing the man and not the ball analogy. I have just recently had a crazy exchange with AKBest, following on the heels over a previous one. All very odd, as I oft repeat. The sanctimonious, snob, jibes are very silly. I am only able to offer myself on a post as it suits. I think the only ones concerned about my knowledge are those who find themselves on it's receiving end. All well earned I might say. How is it there are many who are not deserving of my criticisms? Thing is, I forgive and move on easily, despite the manufactured image of me going off in a huff or sulking. I never do either. In fact on the following article Ron and I are exchanging memories. Often going to war, but burying the hatchet just as easily. I have a spade, if you dig it!

  33. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:16 #78215

    Lads Lads how many times do I have to tell you all, don't confuse him, especially you Cornish.

  34. jeff wright

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:10 #78213

    Badarse here to AKB ground control can you read me over... AKB ground control to Bardarse we are reading you over where are you ... Badarse to AKB ground control...I'm on Mars... Gulp ... AKB ground control to Badarse what are doing there... over.. Badarse to AKB ground control .... I don't know I was sitting at home reading a book and suddenly woke up to find myself trapped under a stone on Mars... I have crawled out from under it but have nothing to eat or drink... help ! AKB ground control to Badarse ....what book were you reading... Badarse to AKB ground control.. I was reading Alice In Wonderland ... AKB ground control to Badarse... we are connecting you to the Interplanatary Resue Service ... IPS here to Badarse can you read me... you are not on Mars we have tracked your mobile phone signal to Mc Donald's in Great Yarmouth we advise you to take your vitamin pills put your crash helmet on get on your bike and go home... the budgie needs feeding... Roger and out.

  35. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:04 #78211

    Made up Stat, nice one, Bard, also, those are the sort of tactics OGL is any good at.

  36. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 29, 2015, 13:04 #78210

    Badarse. Thanks for the response and thanks for describing my post as magnificent. The alleged misrepresentation is not deliberate. Maybe I have incorrectly interpreted your 'lovely couple' story. Feel free to tell me where I am wrong. The 'Please make football comments' line is maybe something that you should bear in mind too. Peace (for this week)

  37. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:54 #78208

    Caption Competition, you think you won the match don't you ? Well you didn't we won it really.

  38. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:36 #78205

    Cornish your misrepresentation is magnificent. For one who trawls and repeats back posts to score points, the practise is often wrong. The lovely couple post is one such. You are in err, and misrepresentation is akin to lying or laying. Please make football comments, if you can, rather than sitting in judgement on another, accusing him of doing just that on others. All a little odd. I have never told you what I think of you, nor others, though that seems to be the order of the day when I am attacked by others. I find it all a little sad that an individual sits, hawk like awaiting something that they think gives them the right to take the man not the ball. Deal with it, as 'peace for now' suggests otherwise.

  39. jjetplane

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:19 #78203

    'I tell you Kevin Whitcher has not spent a day in football .....'

  40. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:17 #78202

    Badarse. I was typing my last response as you were posting yours, so you've covered some of my points. Peace (for now)

  41. Westlower

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:09 #78200

    @Exeter, What's changed in the past decade is the importance placed on players with a turn of foot, instant acceleration. Combine this speed training with then expecting them to run approx. 8 miles a game while sprinting from a jog demands much of the human body. Slow players like JT, Giroud & BFG don't normally suffer the muscle problems that the speedsters do. Their slower style of play gets compensated by their team mates who have to work that much harder to cover their vulnerable areas, eg, Kos around BFG . Maybe that's why tippy tappy is used as a means to give the team a breather? It's too easy to blame everything on Wenger. Maybe his weakness or strength, is his liking for pace in his side.

  42. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:06 #78199

    Badarse. 82797 and the (what was meant to be a light hearted) Caption Competition. It seems obvious to me (and I suspect several others on this site) that you believe that the only good and acceptable humour is your humour. You referred to a previous post as embarrassing. If you need to see another embarrassing post I suggest you reread your post 82738. In what way was that funny? Interesting that you use Baldrick, as you seem to be a graduate of the Baldrick School of Poetry too. Why is it that you still suggest posters who 'are not in accord' with you are suffering from some sort of mental illness. Is that not character assassination. You have also recently shown yourself to be an intellectual snob. 'A lovely couple' are not worthy of anything more than a passing hello, because they don't know the difference between dactylic hexameter and iambic pentameter, or understand physics, or love the works of Thackeray. Please stop the 'crawling from under a rock' comments. They show you up.

  43. mbg

    Oct 29, 2015, 12:03 #78198

    Kenny 82696, and we all know who those fans were, the very same ones saying it now, and just like the FA cup (that saved OGL's bacon and reputation) the very same ones who would be first in the queue to buy their league cup final tickets.

  44. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 11:52 #78197

    AKBest peace certainly. Just to rehash, I put a disconnected post on here regarding coming from beneath a stone. You seemed to decide it was a caption(?) I think but it is somewhat confusing what you were saying. I did say it wasn't but offered one as a casual respectful thing to yourself. It seemed to be rejected as if I was lying(?) again I believe so but your post was a little confusing. I do not lie. I am often mistaken and sometimes am insistent that I am not, then am readily able to eat humble pie-or umble pie as it should be but as a vegetarian I wouldn't partake. Humour is subjective fella, many try to engender humour from Corbyn being leader of the party, whilst I think he is the best thing that has happened in UK politics. Anyway as explained I avoided the feeding frenzy of the AKBs caption because it just doesn't do it for me. I wasn't being spiteful, I have been tangled up in a confusing exchange before with your good self. I am always chilled but have an innate sense of retaliation which is always under wraps-sometimes it creeps out, but as those in the west cannot grasp despite repeated explanations, it is always a reaction to a deed rather than an action. Cleverest on here(?), a bit daft don't you think. As stated yesterday a literary hero was Wilde, 'Nothing to declare but my genius' still rates as the most eloquent of ripostes-if he said it at all, were I his stature-now that is reality, and I have just said it. This is not a peace take.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 29, 2015, 11:16 #78195

    oooh baddie - I wonder if I might have probed a bit too far into your badarsian vortex. Your spiteful little message would suggest that is the case. Take as deep a breath as you can muster and simply conclude that it was a p*ss-take, albeit a harmless one. Relax, you don't have to imagine you're the cleverest person on here all the time. For example, Bard's latest bit of erotica is funnier and more sage than anything you've ever written in my view. Maybe you should have go at the captioning instead of the profound stuff? I'd also like to suggest that there is a common thread in any of the contretemps on here - it's you. Lighten up big man. Peace out.

  46. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 29, 2015, 10:47 #78193

    Westlower - I don't know if your theory is rubbish but your and others refusal to acknowledge that the decade long seasonal injury crisis means there must be something up at the club stretches credulity. Badarse - "I need an away day but have to stick with it so this mob of assassins do not have an easy ride." Spending too much time on one thing makes a man lose perspective. You can see you're part of the 'tiresome' exchanges, can't you?

  47. Badarse

    Oct 29, 2015, 10:31 #78192

    Really Hiccup? (Post 82785). I revise my opinion-your humorous posts which make me chuckle are probably accidental-possibly it is your real personality? Am only guessing, but people show themselves in minutiae, that accolade was so far off target it was embarrassing. Thing is the article writer has an agenda which has slowly become exposed-anti Wenger. The caption was designed to vilify the manager and the anti Wenger mob couldn't resist. Masking character assassination in humour is trite when the recipient has no recourse-just a bit cowardly?. It is why I ignored it. The tangled duo of AKBest and his cohort mbg had decided my post 82754 was a caption-it wasn't it was an abstract thought as something did come crawling out from under a stone, so I tossed it in. The insistence that it was a caption was laughable, AKBest does think he KnowsBest-I have been caught up in his maze like thought processes before. I did offer a caption as asked and avoided insult and attempted humour. As it wasn't a stick to beat Arsene with it didn't register-that is cul de sac thinking chum. The silliness of these exchanges are so tiresome, and that isn't made up. I need an away day but have to stick with it so this mob of assassins do not have an easy ride.

  48. Westlower

    Oct 29, 2015, 10:14 #78191

    Come on all you football experts & coaches tell me why my theory on players injuries is rubbish. In athletics, horse racing, greyhound racing the sprinters are trained differently than the stayers. Speed work v stamina. Why do we expect footballers to combine the two extreme elements without causing problems with their bodies? When called away on International duty, a different training regime is employed to their usual club workouts. Is it any coincidence that British lads Ramsey, Wilshere, Ox & Theo have a catalogue of past injuries? What's different about Alexis & Cazorla? They haven't succumbed to injury with Arsenal's training methods. Low centre of gravity perhaps, but so has Theo? Anyone got any bright ideas without resorting to your normal Wenger out mantra.

  49. Bard

    Oct 29, 2015, 10:11 #78189

    Fellow sufferers on the journey to the promised land. I have just got home from an eventful trip to Sheffield. Helen and I set out on Tuesday afternoon but took a wrong turning somewhere round the M25 and ended up in an lay-by 10m west of Exeter at 7pm. Helen told me in no uncertain terms to stop moaning and enjoy the match on the radio instead. I changed into my Liam Brady shirt and Helen wore a Wenger replica puffa jacket complete with dodgy zip. At 2-0 we both were in despair until Helen suggested we have our own a 5-aside in the Fiat Panda. After a bit of shuffling and midfield foreplay I managed to get behind her defence but couldnt penetrate her last line of defence. I decided to switch tac as I have always been strong in the tackle area. I decided to go straight up the middle and after about 5 minutes of sustained pressure I managed to score. 1-0 to the Bard. I thought game over but Helen bless her wanted a second half. Normally I am up for it but after Bayern and Everton I was ,as the boss would say, a little bit short. I cunningly suggested we have a break and read past posts by Arseblog. As I suspected she read one and promptly fell asleep. The moral of the story is that every cloud has a silver lining. Till tomorrow cherubs.

  50. Made Up Stat

    Oct 29, 2015, 8:24 #78187

    AW: 'I've got over 30,000 half days of football experience.' C Carvalhal: 'Yes Aresene, but you're reliving the same half day over and over again.'

  51. Made Up Stat

    Oct 29, 2015, 8:03 #78186

    Caption Competition: 'Yes, well just look at the possession statistics. No way was that a 3-0 performance. So who's the one looking foolish now, eh?'

  52. goonerchrisano

    Oct 29, 2015, 0:11 #78185

    Caption Competition. Wenger - " Bouldie if I catch you wearing one of Mr Kroenke's wigs again there will be little bit trouble"

  53. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:56 #78184

    Caption Competition, why are you not wearing a tie ? don't you know it's disrespectful not to wear a tie ? you disrespect your club and it's fans, but it's ok to buy and play duds, and cheat fans by disrespecting competitions and not turning up and being embarrassed, so here have my tie.

  54. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:31 #78183

    Secret footballer has a few nuggets in recent article. Unnamed Arsenal scout saying yet again Wenger procrastinated and lost key opportunities that had been lined up for him. Also says player civil war (divided dressing room) at Chelsea with Fabregas ( turning into tub of lard) being worst culprit.

  55. jjetplane

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:18 #78182

    'Stan says - way to go Blades ....'

  56. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:14 #78181

    RedPig, excellent post, well worth waiting for, it just says it all, pure arrogance and egoism of the highest order, it's always somebody else's fault somebody/something else is always to blame, he even has his AKB moonies thinking the same. And to think that song is sung at Liverpool and it's fans.

  57. Hiccup

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:11 #78180

    AKBest. jj wins hands down mate. That zip quip had me in stitches!

  58. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 21:08 #78179

    GR,some are obviously more disappointed than others by the performance and result last night.Some supporters were annoyed by Wenger's bizarre team selections in the first two CL games and the resulting performances and results.Some just accepted these results and found excuses for them. Some of us suggested a couple of years back that Wener should take the FAC seriously to end his long yawn inducing run of no trophies won since 2005.Some on here suggested he should not bother with the FAC because it would make things harder in the Prem .Some of us obliviously have more idea about the game than others do.

  59. Bard

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:53 #78178

    Colseyboysetc: arseblog balanced,really. I think he described the manu 8-2 thrashing as a slight dip in form. I think youre getting a touch paranoid about the ed.

  60. RedPig

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:51 #78177

    That was Wenger at his must despicable last night. Digging out the young players and saying none of the were ready to play at that level was an absolute disgrace. No mention of players who he'd paid millions for like Chambers and Debuchy who looked as. out of their depth as anyone. The real problem, as it so often is under Wenger, was not the personnel but the mindset and lack of motivation. Pure arrogance and a trait Wenger has imbedded into the club. Also there is just no defensive culture at Arsenal anymore. Wenger has slowly destroyed it and the lack of pride in keeping clean sheets and being tough to beat seems to run through every level of the club. Anyone excusing that woeful performance last night because it was only the league cup is missing the point. But then anyone still finding excuses for Wenger's inadequacies at this advanced stage is a lost cause. The division he has created in the fanbase seems like it will last forever.

  61. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:49 #78176

    ArseneKnewBest, I told you so, he's got wind now.

  62. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:39 #78175

    Andy M, they didn't travel mate, that wasn't them, that wasn't TOF's Arsenal they're all top top qualitee, that was an Arsenal team from a different dimension nothing to do with Lord arsene.

  63. GoonerRon

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:38 #78174

    Amazing how we can win back to back FA Cups and some AMG's dismiss them as inferior trophies that have little meaning, then get all bent out of shape over going out of the League Cup. Don't get me wrong, it was a **** performance and I usually REALLY hate it when we play badly and lose but given the context of this result in our season I think we've got to dust ourselves down and move on.

  64. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:28 #78173

    Caption Competition, that's one pissed off dude, I only told him what everybody else is thinking.

  65. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:23 #78172


  66. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:20 #78171

    badarse - 82768. Err, it's called comedic conflation, i.e. suggesting that your cod-phliosophical musing (which confuses everyone, you included) was actually a ham-fisted attempt at the caption competition. C'mon keep up! BTW, I think Hiccup's contribution leads at this point. An indication of how awful it was yesterday is that it raised the spectre of that game against stoke. Monsieur Wenger, j'accuse

  67. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 20:11 #78170

    ArseneKnewBest, please don't confuse him mate.

  68. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 19:53 #78169

    Hi John - Youve got it mate. 5 mins in up at the away end. Fabianski was so scared of the incoming forwards he just didnt want the ball anywhere near him. The preceding 5 mins had been the most twitchy opening to game ive ever seen. Total abdication. They were petrified weren't they. It was so clear to see they didnt want to be there as they walked out from that corner plastic tunnel thing they have at Stoke. I think it was the first game of Sol being back? He was so obviously bemused by the chaos around him that day. He was unfit and fat and did his best to assert some order into it. In the end he gave up. He had to didnt he. They were doing anything to dodge not just tackles but the ball. It was a disgrace. I think they d had some hopeless CL in the week before or had a game just after it. It was that period where if game was sandwiched between a CL game, cue Wenger aborting it and surrendering. That day though, he never needed to. The fear did it. To cap it all, they had laid new gravel and sand on that infamous away supporters South Car park there. It was a wet January day wasnt it and i had a Ford Kuga back then. Got back and cd barely see the wheels! Most cars were in the same situ and we spent an hour helping each other out of the boggy conditions. mud covered or what!! It was far better than that game. It's performances like that which have marked Wengers career out for me. Days when he and his team have shamed us and allowed home teams support to pour on the ridicule in barrow loads.

  69. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 19:21 #78168

    Always knew you might like a bit of genuflection mbg-you must have loved Terry Neill.

  70. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 19:00 #78166

    Ron, 82746, that will definitely take some beating tonight or even for the rest of the season, ouch.

  71. Mark from Aylesbury

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:59 #78165

    With Wenger looking to the team to prepare their own solutions and with his supposed lack of analysis of the opposition we are prone to these ambushes. Be interesting to know how much key management had studied Wednesday?. When key partnerships are split due to team changes any chance of a player led tactical gathering is diminished. This is where Wenger should fill the void but he does not hence a further humiliation to add to the many over the years. Thought his moaning over the newbies was pathetic. The experienced pro's should have been guiding them. But with apathetic management from the top should we expect anything different

  72. Hiccup

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:53 #78164

    Caption: Wenger - "Yeah, so you won. But we've got arseblog! What have you got... eh?"

  73. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:50 #78163

    Well David, it actually was 'War and Peace', though there is lots of war 'in' peace-you lot should know about that. Les Miserables may have been a dirge to you but 'Don Quixote' and 'The Iliad' outranked it. Les Miserables gave us Jean Valjean, arguably the greatest hero of literature ever, just ahead of Superman-not Nietzsche's. My rendition may be poorly penned, but to paraphrase a great man-Nye Bevan-'If you just sit and listen, you may learn something.' @AKBest, that wasn't a caption offering, just an extemporaneous thought. Caption? How about, 'I told you to stay in London Alexis; you are not playing!' @goonercolesyboy, blue shirts are anathema to me when worn by an Arsenal player-even training tops. The marketing men are human and also make mistakes like managers, players, and posters. I just think that blue should be avoided at all costs; it never has, nor will it in my lifetime, ever be 'Arsenal'.

  74. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:34 #78162

    If backed into a corner with nothing to say, Talk Shyte.

  75. David

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:23 #78161

    Top 3 most tedious,rambling, verbose pieces of work in the history of literature: War in Peace, Les Miserables and post #82758.

  76. CT Gooner

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:14 #78160

    What I loved about our performance against Bayern was the effort expelled by each player for the team. The fact we won was secondary to the performance and collective toil. Unfortunately (or fortunately having read a few match reports) I didn't get to see last nights game, but it feels that we have a culture at the club where effort and collective toil are not the baseline expectation. Until we get this back, a la George Graham's 1-0 to the Arsenal, performances will be a mixed bag.

  77. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:10 #78159

    Been out for the day and now catching up with the views of fans, non fans, supporters , non supporters and those somewhere in between. The editor in charge of this site obviously has an agenda to remove the current management and therefore sow the seeds for the contributors. At the end of the day, that is his preogative as it is his site. I enjoy reading or listening to Arseblog as it offers a balanced viewpoint offering anger about performances etc but also places a reasoned approach as to why. Unlike on here where it is the majority who vent their anger, with maybe a handful,of posters who try to send a rational report of club matters in defence of the management. The handful have been left by their fellow like minded supporters on this site as it really is pointless trying to reason with the venom that is posted on a daily basis. The warm up nonsense is just that, nonsense and forwarded by Merson as a possible reason, therefore it must be true. We are not alone in sustaining muscle injuries, it is the biggest reason for players to be away from the game. We are not the only club that this happens to. Until the editor changes his agenda then this site will continue to be anti the current management. I for one will continue to travel and support because I want to and in so doing have to take hapless performances every so often along the way as a given. It is the Arsenal way. As for the shirt, Badarse I certainly understand the marketing etc that comes with a third shirt as I worked for a major football company for a few years, but come on, that is the worst example of an Arsenal shirt ever and whoever approved that offering from Puma needs to be reacquainted with Arsenal football club.

  78. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:05 #78158

    @John Abrehart, You asked for odds on SW v Forest. SW Evens, NF 11/4, Draw 5/2. I personally wouldn't back Wednesday at even money as they will probably put in a flat performance on Saturday after giving their all last night. It was their Cup Final for this season. @mbg 2000 daggers through your heart.

  79. Hiccup

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:02 #78157

    Caption: Wenger - "So you think that was garbage, eh? You ain't seen nothing! Wait 'til you read what crap the AKB's write tomorrow!"

  80. jjetplane

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:01 #78156

    Is that the last of the AKBs then? Now they really do need JAMerson'S biblical musings .... One loss in a cup no one wants and bang! door shuts and they drift towards the Angel with sore eyes and hearts. What a cruel world this is Lord? Our speeeerits (sic) tire under the incessant statistics and spin. To the home counties we must haste. It is all but a dream - a conspiracy by the Manchester mafia to kill off the only purity in this vulgar game .... They waddle off, horsehair shirts and all .... Good old King James .....

  81. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 18:00 #78155

    badarse - 82754. The idea for the caption competition is that it's meant to be funny. Your offering reads like self-referential akb claptrap. I thought you fancied yourself as a self-styled wit and raconteur?

  82. Andy M

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:51 #78154

    That was the most woeful, crap and Rubbish Arsenal performance I have seen in a long while. They may as well have not travelled. Ffs.

  83. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:42 #78153

    Some only want evolutionary change at the club, others don't. Some go fishing, collect garden gnomes, snipe with internet aids, spit dummies out, and hurl toys from the pram. Some of these are questionable characters-at best. They want us all to appreciate the kick and rush of the Grimethorpe Colliery eleven; hairy bottoms a must. They demand we search for the perfection so absent in their everyday lives, as they do; championing the increased organ size it may bring with it's attainment. They have to rant, scream and hurl abuse at an individual, sometimes that is pluralised, but none at the club hear those insults and oaths. They go through paroxysms in formulating outlandish and flimsy attacks, in order to unseat any who are supportive of the club. A personalised attack is de rigueur. Transparent agendas religiously followed. The verbal contortions are obvious, but amongst the mob-who hears the truth. The ultimate outcome? Time ticks on, another game looms, and the wheel spins around. Bluster and ire unsatisfied they await the next opportunity to vent their spleen, and time ticks on, another game looms, and the wheel spins around.

  84. John Abrehart

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:41 #78152

    Yes Ron, your post 82727. I was at that Stoke FAC game. If I remember rightly they scored from a trademark Delap long throw within 5 minutes. A set piece that we couldn't handle even with Sol coming back into the side? Things haven't moved on much have they.

  85. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:37 #78151

    I'm sure the AKB's and wenger luvvies would have been very quick to point out a goal for us last night would have been the 2,000 of their lord and masters reign, Oh Dear, I guess it'll/they'll just have to wait.

  86. Perspective

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:20 #78150

    Can barely contain the glee eh Kev. What a joke this fanzine has become. So desperate to be proved right over Wenger that you are actually hoping Arsenal fail. My Spurs supporting mates at work do not gloat as much as you do about Arsenal defeats. It really is pathetic. Imagine if we were to win the league, you'd genuinely rather we didn't, wouldn't you. Get some perspective.

  87. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:16 #78149

    Definition of, 'Between a rock and a hard place', a Dark Moany crawling out from under a stone.

  88. Rob

    Oct 28, 2015, 17:01 #78148

    Arsenal play poorly and crash out to lower league opposition. For those of us following since the 60s or the year dot for that matter, it is hardly a new event. But what is new-ish and totally unacceptable is what Kev' says in the above report, of us having plenty of means to improve the squad but refusing to use the option. And that - refusing to move on the matter - is what Wenger did in the transfer window just passed. We are a permanent injury crisis waiting to happen anyway and they even knew Wilshere and Welbeck were long term crocks whilst the window was still running - and still they did nothing. Kev's perfectly correct to flay Gazedis for his sub David Brent waffle, that just insults even the most myopic on here. I'm not expecting every cent to be spent. Far from it. I'm financially conservative myself and I wouldn't want Arsenal to be otherwise. But there's a difference between an understandable desire to hold some reserves and this season after season farce, where we are always two player short, when it comes to the crunch. Schneiderlin would have been a must buy in the last window. It was inexcusable not to make the effort. But it's too late now and don't expect anything in January.

  89. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:53 #78147

    Cornish, it always comes to the surface in them all eventually, especially when they know they have nothing left to defend their sad old messiah with, a lie down is a good idea and sound advice just like their/his messiah and his little dwarfs did last night.

  90. jjetplane

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:51 #78146

    Where did you get this zip? I have been having problems with mine for a decade....'

  91. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:50 #78145

    @AKB Thanks for the correction and as you say it had little influence on the risk factor.The main point was that Man U had a free week while we had a hard battle to defeat Udinese in hot conditions. Our injury list going to OT was not dissimilar to how it is now. News breaking that Ox & Theo will miss the next 3 games. Maybe a plus if they miss the following International break.

  92. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:46 #78144

    Caption competition - Senhor Carvahal, I must insist: it was a pre-condition of my throwing the game that you kiss my ring, so show some mental speereet and do it!

  93. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:31 #78143

    Westie - 82739 There were actually 4 days between the cl game and the 8-2 humiliation, oh and the opponents were Udinese I think. So you possibly took slightly more of a risk than you think (but only slightly given the team we put out). That was when monsieur le cretin still harboured aims of winning the CL - ha ha. Nick - 82741 I agree with all of that.

  94. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:29 #78142

    Caption Competition, don't be like that old man, i only asked can I have your job ? after all if you can do it anybody can, i couldn't do any worse.

  95. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 16:06 #78141

    There are tonkings, there are hammering's, there are humiliations and there are total melt downs Westie. The 8-2 was a combination of the lot! 8-2 isnt a tonking, its the worse type of defeat. 3 or 4 -0 is a tonking. That was a defeat where the players and the Coach simply gave up. I know that you accept this and see it as normal, but for highly paid pros and a Coach to do it shamelessly and expect travelling supporters to sit and suffer it willingly is a feature of Wengers tenure this past decade. Yr winnings cdt have been much, the odds against anything other than a Utd win were as narrow that day as they are every yr at OT. The surrenders and dismal performances there for the entirety of the last 11 years have seen to that. Im sure Wenger could take your House, your savings, your Wife, your kids and your car and you d still kneel in homage to him.

  96. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:57 #78140

    Hang on a mo Westie, Badarse will be accusing you of being a troll , because you shortened Koscielny's name to Kos ! It was fairly obvious to most that players like Jenks and Chambers were not really good enough for a team supposedly challenging for top honours . These type of players reach a level that they can't progress beyond at various ages usually around 24. Tbh,I am getting concerned about AOC's development he is another who has looked potential top class but whether down to being injured so often or there is not any more potential to develop with him he has not pushed on to fulfil the early promise that he showed. Shades of that other great hope from the Saints academy - Wally. As others have said the injury problems under Wenger are beyond normal .It's his regime that there players operate under and the buck f ehor this ,as with so many other things, stops with him. The 30million needed to build new medical centre would be better spent on paying Wenger off and appointing a manager who has some idea of what he is doing and what is requires in today's game.Wenger is yesterday's news and really belongs back in the history of AFC and not here today ineptly running the whole show .

  97. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:34 #78139

    jw, like I've told you before mate, don't confuse them they become a danger to themselves then.

  98. Bard

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:33 #78138

    The angst on here today is not just to do with last nights abject performance. It has to do with the fact that we are about to go into the familiar injury crisis that has blighted at least half of our title challenges over the last 10 years. Despite our lofty position in the league, it will need a miracle to get through till Christmas with 8/9 of the squad out injured and still be in contention. Many on here believed the stuff about 'corners being turned' and last night was a reminder that we are exactly where we were last season and the seasons before that. How many times does it need stating that you cannot build a side around players who are perennially injured. Most of them bar Arteta have previous going back years. They will be injured next season and the season after that. To keep banging on about bad luck is frankly ridiculous.

  99. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:22 #78137

    jj, Ron, some excellent posts and it's still early.

  100. Nick

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:14 #78136

    Bloody hell some.of the posters on here don't tosh, some think their a moral censure admin, while waffling on like some awful.scouse " poet philosopher" the fact is Wenger has only ONCE treated this league cup competition seriously when we played Birmingham in the final and that out.of desperation to end the trophy drought, even then his lack of.proper defensive coaching cost us dear, even in the final.against Chelsea he STILL opted to play mostly kids with our.main men.looking.on from the stands as said kids failed valiantly to hold on to a 1-0 lead, the rest of the time he plays either all kids or a ridiculous mix n.match that leaves us disjointed and unbalanced, his lack of interest in this cup is mirrored by his senior.players and as in last nights shocker this transmits itself to the kids. I dont care what the likes of Badarse etc say the league cup is a TROPHY, a day out at WEMBLEY and most true gooners would love it were we ever to lift said cup again. The lack of reserve leagues is ridiculous especially with the stupid squad number limitations, loan spells are the.only.other option which then denys the loaned player from developing alongside other Arsenal.players and training with the first team giving them at least a chance.of getting an understanding and to develop a knowledge of how to with the first team when called.upon, similarly first teamers are done no favours by having to play with academy players while returning to fitness or fighting for a place, also once on loan.these players are mostly lost to you when.injury hits the first team squad. This unfortunately is a fact of football life right now so to alleviate these problems having QUALITY cover for every first team berth is essential, failing to such cover is NEGLIGENCE, there can be no excuses and the buck stops with the man in charge or it bloody well should do.!!

  101. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 15:06 #78135

    jj, excellent post, the arrogance of TOF has rubbed right off him right down to everybody involved with him, right down to the arrogant little bearded knowmes who just thought they had to turn up last night and not even warm up properly, well done Wednesday for spanking their arses how could/can you feel sorry for any of them. I feel sorry for the proper fans but well done also for sending the wengerite luvvies home with their tales between their legs

  102. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:59 #78134

    Carl Jenkinson was playing only his 2nd PL game v Man U in the 2-8 game. He was yellowed carded twice and sent off. Coquelin made his debut in that game but was substituted in the 62 minute. The back 4 were Jenkinson, Djourou, Kos, Traore. Henri Lansbury replaced Theo & Chamakh replaced RVP. Man U were also awarded a penalty when 6-2 up. Arsenal played a ECL qualifier in Naples 48 hours earlier in 35 degree heat. Every man and his dog knew Arsenal were set up for a right tonking. Every pro punter I know, including me, made a Man U victory a licence to print money and we indulged ourselves. It was the 2nd biggest bet of my life, beating Southampton in the FA Cup final was the biggest, thanks Bobby P. If it was a boxing match the towel would have been thrown in. Jenks played so many games due o the injury to Sagna in 12/13. He played more games in 13/14 when Sagna moved to CB to cover injuries to Kos & TV.

  103. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:52 #78133

    Baldrick: Ha, ha. I have a cunning plan.-Blackadder: And what pray tell, is your plan, my little scrofulous blot?-BaldricK: It is devious but simple M'Lud. I will take an army north, secretly leaving out our best fighters and their horses, and instead of weapons I shall ask them to throw swedes at the enemy.-Blackadder: Devious and simple, a bit like you. And what pray, is likely to be the outcome of such a dastardly plan, Baldrick? Surely you will be slaughtered, and heavily at that?-Baldrick: Ah yes sire, but the element of surprise will be on our side! They will not be expecting this as a strategy.-Blackadder: Er yes, but I see one main flaw in your game plan Baldrick, they will defeat and kill you, quarter you, and then probably boil up your heads along with the swedes.-Baldrick: Ah yes, but it won't taste very nice M'Lud.-Blackadder: And what is the purpose of this mincing and nefarious scheme, my little poxed dirtbag?-Baldrick: We will give them all the colly wobbles, sire.-Blackadder: Brilliant Baldrick! But nothing good can come of this. They get the trots overnight, meanwhile you and ten thousand Englishmen, stout and true, lie a mouldering in the grave.-Baldrick: Ah, that's where you are wrong M'Lud. In hundreds of years to come an army of sorts will sing these words as a symbol of lost causes, so it won't be a complete waste of time, sire.-Blackadder: You are a cloying clod Baldrick, and no one in their right mind could be expected to believe anyone would adopt such a plan. They would be simpletons themselves to believe so.-Baldrick: Thank you sire. Now where is my mangel-wurzel bag?

  104. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:48 #78132

    Caption comp: Wenger pointing out the important things again , asking : Why are you not wearing a tie ?

  105. jjetplane

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:47 #78131

    Great posts RON and nice to see some 'fans' (two anyway) climbing further and further down - remember - there is only so much rope! lol! Little word on OX and looking at that Bellerin moment against BM which was amazing as was the Ozil finish you see the OX lying on his belly smirking as he had just ballooned it .... No warm up and the smirking perfectly illustrate Wenger's Failing State. Monk is desperate for a win and do not mention Harry .....

  106. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:46 #78130

    Jeff - stop 'bullying'! Old Mr Spite and bile loves to have an episode unhindered and to insult at will. Carry on laughing at him, everybody else does! Wenger out!

  107. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:43 #78129

    Badarse, stop trying to bully and threaten from the safety of your bath chair, please try to adopt an adult approach to posting, insulting is your forte of course but try to contain yourself. I have no interest in your truncated views of anything. Take Jeff's advice and go and have a lie down (not a lay down)

  108. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:38 #78128

    Oh dear Badarse is getting angry. I know his name is Jenkinson I was just, as I do ,shortening his name because I couldn't be bothered typing it all out . Perhaps instead of posting childish abuse at others you could try answering my question ,why if Wenger knew that Jenks ( Am I allowed to call him that) was not ready for our first team then why did he play him in so many games in it. Including as I recall in the 8 goal trashing at OT >? If as Wenger claims some of the academy players that he used last night in the oh so embarrassing hiding at Wednesday were not ready for that level( Wenger's own words) than why did he play them>? Perhaps though the answer is that like you Badarse he is just an idiot who makes things up as he goes along . If by chance ( it happens)we had won last night then Wenger would have claimed that this showed what a great squad we have and that not making any signings during the summer by himself was proven to be correct. As regards trolling Badarse you are the one doing it on here and not me so give it rest and go and have a cuppa tea and a lie down ,you might feel a bit better for it . Good old Arsene.

  109. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:22 #78127

    billthered, good point, but this arrogant old past it manager apologise for anything ? you must be joking, it was the stupid rules fault.

  110. Barnaby

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:09 #78126

    I think we will have to have cech, monreal, kos, mert,debuchy flam, coq, bellerin, cazorla, ozil, and giroud in, with debuchy as right back and put bellerin on the wing, but we will have to play these all the time until these get injured lolololololololololololololol

  111. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:09 #78125

    Caption Competition, who does this old past it manager in a Halloween mask think he is pointing his bony finger at me.

  112. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 14:00 #78124

    Who wants to be the first to break the news to the troll that is jeff wright, that the Arsenal player's name is Jenkinson and not Jenkins-repeated error!!! Just to explain to those who do not understand the rules and agreements of sponsorship deals-'I just want their money, who cares what we have to do'-Puma have marketed a third strip, to sell and make a profit on it. It is incumbent on AFC to wear the horrid kit occasionally,to validate it, and make the strip a viable selling commodity. Ugly and not within the framework of AFC's traditions? Think again, the carousel has spun around a bit whilst you weren't watching.

  113. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:55 #78123

    Caption Competition, Looook I am still the best manager in England even after yet another embarrassment just ask my gullible followers, if you laugh at me and embarrass me more in the post match i'll never shake your hand again.

  114. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:54 #78122

    John Abrehart - yes, a good call for the worst. For me, its still the 3-1 FAC loss to Stoke back in 2010. That was total Wenger sponsored cowardice from minute 1 to minute 90 that afternoon. But then stoke are 'Neanderthals' and 'grubby' i suppose arent they, so i suppose it didnt matter!

  115. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:50 #78121

    Ron, stop trying to bully and threaten from the safety of your bath chair, please try to adopt an adult approach to posting, insulting is your forte of course but try to contain yourself. I have no interest in your truncated views of anything football, let alone your oversight on Jenkinson. He will never become a Bellerin, that was obvious from day one. Where we part company is in your judgement values. I knew he could, not would become a genuine PL full back. You denigrated him and dismissed him, now he is OK? What tosh. There are weather vanes and crossroads in life, I think you are a weather vane my friend. Usually they have a chicken on top, too.

  116. John Abrehart

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:47 #78120

    But we could turn out a mostly reserve team of a few pro's and kids and win these matches. Remember 3-6 at Anfield and stuffing Man U at home not that long ago? This was probably the most abject performance I have seen by an Arsenal side in 55 years of watching. Cech was left out to dry by our defending but he cared enough about the game to rush out of goal and put the ball in the centre circle after their second goal. On the programme, Wednesday's squad was 15 or so bigger than ours. With so many of our players (especially midfielders) injury prone and the wrong side of 30, to not have sought to strengthen in that area plus a striker in the transfer window now appears a matter of supreme folly. How about the Wednesday manager as Arsene's replacement? He is doing wonders there. Was Arsene warning him off? Wednesday to beat Forest on Saturday worth a punt? One of you will know the odds. And as for those shirts, why don't we wear our red and white with pride where there is no clash? O, of course, Mamon again.

  117. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:41 #78118

    Why did Wenger play Jenkins so many times in our first team if he needed more experience of playing at top level ? Was he not aware of that then >? Being good enough to Play in a Hammers side that sees survival in the Prem as being a trophy is not the same as playing in one that is supposedly competing for league titles and the European Cup . Jenkins would have done better than some last night against the big physical players that Wednesday had, it should be said though that technically and tactically they were also better than our little men were. I still believe that we have too many of these small would be technicians in our squad and a few heavier more pragmatic sorts with some technique and experience are needed to pad the weak squad out with.Wenger though obsessed with his beloved tippy tappy just caries on regardless . I suspect that another reality check will arrive away to Peps crew their record is a bit patchy in away games but as we have seen before they often put that to rights at home.

  118. Peter Wain

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:40 #78117

    No arguing we were well beaten last night and the major short comings of the squad were laid bare for all to see. Except that our OGL will not accept that the last transfer window was a total disaster and the snake oil salesman will witter on about spending wisely. If losing 3-0 to a mid table championship side does not raise peoples understanding of our problems then they must go. But then again not much chance of that. No doubt in January we will get the new players card played when Wiltshire Ramsey and co make brief appearances but do not be under any illusion that we buy any player.

  119. GTG

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:38 #78116

    Honestly reading through these comments it saddens me. It is literally like the 2 divisions WOB and AKB's forget that its actually the Arsenal that we support and are desperate to make their points against either view..... I am a WOB 100% but sometimes I read stuff and think it goes too far but last night we lost 3-0 to a championship side and barely registered a shot of note..... regardless of which side you sit on.... how can anybody justify that for a club of our stature? It has happened too many times over the years. How can these results always be down to bad luck i'd love to know from a AKB what has to happen for them to ever stop their support of Wenger? Will it be if we fail to sustain our current league form and finish 4th this year? What will it take?

  120. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:33 #78115

    The point that youre missing Westie is that it wasnt just the older heads who were going through the motions, it was the younger players too. The game was thrown in advance of the game. Sheff Wed arent a tremendous side, their workmanlike and most of all, like most Championship sides are honest. This latter quality is alien to Arsenal these days. The showing last night was totally dishonest. It was 25 quid stolen. Ive never been into this refunding fans and apology nonesense by Managers. It was some thing that started at AFC after the Utd 8-2. Many took the cash back or had vouchers for the Club shop. Most never bothered. Last night was a game where AFC should refund every travelling fan in my view. Particularly those with a high number of credits on their season tickets i.e.. the regular away supporters. They should have an extra credit added to their travel cards. Theres force of argument is saying that CC doesn't really matter of course, but the fact is that its not possible to opt out of it. It has to be played. Putting a team out sanctioned by its manager as not needing to try is contemptible. Losing a match, any match is fine. Giving up the ghost in advance of it is disgusting. Ill say this to you too. Watching Arsenal away in the last 6-7 years is to learn to gauge body language. Its almost an exact science now. So many there last night had it down as a thrown match just by watching Arsenal warm up 20 mins pre KO. You back up that regime if you want to. Not many of the away attender do. BADARSE - Jenkinson on a bad day offered far more than did Mr D last night. Hes not going to and wont ever be a top performer, but he offered desire, energy, fight and a will to win games in abundance. All qualities that AFC derogated from last night to the great detriment of the kids put out there. Get off your vacuous high horse you sanctimonious old waffler and lets see you at a few low grade mid week games ?

  121. Tony Evans

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:22 #78113

    It's like ruddy clockwork, as soon as you allow yourself a crumb of optimism you get kicked in the naggers! Awful performance and the injury list growing to it's usual proportions. Thank goodness we have a strong squad like that knowledgeable Mr Gazedis said.

  122. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:12 #78112

    What an odd post that was Ron. Anyone reciting what passes as fair comment but is actually poisonous, wouldn't get much change from myself and a group of friends if it was done in front of us, so what? 'My dad can fight your dad', nonsense. Debuchy? He was a top class defender, settling in well until a grubby Stoke Neanderthal took him out after the ball had gone-it should be registered in almost the same tones as the Edu and Aaron assassinations-perhaps a bit too subtle for those with an agenda, eh? The decision to get Carl playing time is linked to what westlower and myself keep banging on about, is it all passing you by? He is developing into a good PL full back-you said he never would, remember? I do! He will come back, as I stated weeks ago, as a permanent back up with Debuchy sold, unless Debuchy turns his career around. How can he do that without game time? These are imponderables and are only subject to passing fancies, not to fashion into another one of your weapons to hurt someone. Do you have form? It is always easy to talk a good fight, difficult to impress some with breast beating and war cries.

  123. Chris Nottingham

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:12 #78111

    Stuck in traffic, £60 outside for 2 tickets. Crap kit, crap selection, crap attitude by Wenger = crap performance. Giroud epitomised that, 2 goals & he thought CC was beneath him. I don't care if he never wears the shirt again. Skulked off down the tunnel, the fastest he moved all night. 4000 travelling Gooners taken the piss out of by Wenger, I don't mind losing but to give up on the game before a ball was kicked is not acceptable for The Arsenal

  124. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:10 #78109

    @Ron, I have to agree that the game was 'thrown' the moment Theo went off. Had the Ox not picked up his injury, swiftly followed by Theo I'm sure a different game would have unfolded. As you well know, you're never going to win a cup tie on an away ground with 3 young debutantes. It would have been remarkable if we had.

  125. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 13:06 #78108

    Here's an opening contribution to the caption competition (I'll doubtless come fourth and win nothing!). OGL to Carvahal, "What do you mean, you're not going to pay my backhander because we didn't even try to lose narrowly? Do you know who I am etc. etc."

  126. Alsace

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:58 #78107

    The only real downside of this game is the injury to Chamberlain. Walcott will hopefully be out for a fair wee while which will put paid to OGL's ridiculous playing of Walcott as an out and out striker. He's only going to have a clue what to do if you lock him in an indoor pitch with Ian Wright and Thierry Henry for a month or two.Giroud smashes up opposing defences and places them under pressure. He should play. Bellerin is faster down the wing and much more threatening than Walcott. Play him in that role and play Debuchy at right back and give him some game time. We will be without a serious driver of the team in the absence of Chamberlain. Rosicky can do that job but how far he is from fitness is anyone's guess. Kevin's analysis of squad depth is otherwise pretty much spot on. Wenger does not do his job in close season. Pure and simple fact. Last summer he gave a job to a world class goalkeeper who came up to him and said "give us a job". Otherwise he went to the pictures for two months.

  127. JB

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:56 #78106

    Mertesacker,Gibbs,Chambers,Debuchy,Flamini,Giroud and most deservedly Wenger you should all be ashamed or yourselves. I expect you to repay the money paid by fans to witness that shambles in Sheffield...but of course you won't you have no class

  128. Ron

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:51 #78104

    It should be said that some contributors on here, justifying last night and looking for positives really ought to have been in the away end last night and made to recite this rubbish amongst those of us who had travelled from Ireland, Scotland, Denmark and from all over England. Im not too sure that your state of health would be conducive to posting on here today had you have been. Last night was another abject surrender. The game was 'thrown'. There were performances all over the pitch that were nothing short of a disgrace. Players clearly permitted to go through the motions. Mertersacker and the hapless Debuchy in particular.(To think Jenks was farmed out to Hammers for him!). The game marked yet another to add to the list of Wengers surrenders and another notch to add to his hall of fame of games deliberately scuttled. An utter disgrace describing is being overly fair to it. Never mind though, the pre match food and drink was excellent and the the view of the carnage that later unfolded before us was excellent save for a roof support pillar and the drive back was good, unlike the M1 'car park' going up there. Our support was great as usual, though dont kid yourselves Arsenes apologists, it was for the Club not Wenger. Its quite qualnt seeing these AKB posts typed in the main by posters whos last attendance at a game was so far back to render them insignificant. Some heads need removing from rear ends as we know. No change at AFC. Wenger out!

  129. GoonerRon

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:44 #78103

    Really poor performance. Losing Ox was key as without him we didn't have any semblance of a play maker in the team. Harsh on Giroud as I can't remember a single pass he had into feet for the team to build from, which is probably linked to my previous point. On the brink of a full blown injury crisis in midfield and out wide - the bench on Saturday will be full of defenders and youngsters. Surely it suits all parties if we recalled Gnabry from his loan?

  130. AndyMed

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:44 #78102

    Have to say I agree with KW for once on most of the above, with a crap display like last night its pretty hard not to agree. I don't agree on the problem being a lack of depth in the squad - last nights back 4 were all first choice up until relatively recently, and with 2 experienced midfielders in Flamini and OX plus Giroud up front, this was hardly a 2nd string Arsenal team. As to Wenger not taking the competition seriously, the number of finals we've reached wouldn't suggest that to be true either. The problem was pretty obvious - a back 4 who seriously underperformed (what has happened to Chambers? He seems like a little boy lost now). None of them equipped themselves well and hardly fought to prove themselves as the first choice starters they once were (with the exception of the BFG, who we love, but again looks out of sorts without Koz to sweep up). I do agree with KW on the Scouting system - I thought AFC were streets ahead of the other clubs and in the past we have, but if these are the next generation coming through, then we best have £80m to spend cos we'll need it. As for Campbell, he's doesn't appear talented or switched on enough to iron an Arsenal shirt, let alone wear one. Let's just hope last night isn't quite the beginning of the end that so many on this site are predicting, as they have done so (prematurely) before.

  131. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:43 #78101

    I'm surprised that clubs involved in European competitions would want to play in the COC. How has playing in the COC going to help English clubs in next weeks ECL games? The structure of English football is fundamentally flawed. Without being able to play reserve teams how can players attain & keep the necessary level of match sharpness when required? Arsenal left the Combination league in 1999 to become founding members of FA Premier reserve League, finishing runners up in 01/02. The league was abandoned after season 11/12 when Arsenal finished 3rd. It's been a case of blooding youngsters in the LC ever since. What nonsense! Wake up whoever can do something about it and let's see some action. How can you judge where a player is in his development without having competitive games to assess them? The situation must surely make players reconsider joining a club if they're not guaranteed first team football. How many potential transfers have fallen through because assurances cannot be given. What top class player wants to rot on the subs bench or be made to play with the kids?

  132. jjetplane

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:42 #78100

    Amazing how no one mentions the buzz about the Owls presently with a fired up coach and racing up the table. They would have beaten a better Arsenal side in their current form and last night is another indicator of Wenger's inability to fire players up. Overpaid and disinterested and this probably feeds down to these 'youngsters' who have been told by all and sundry they are playing at the most watchable club on earth. No sympathies with any of them as they carry their boss's psyche with them into battle. On an earlier post WESTIE spoke of getting out of this 'turgid cup' sooner than later and has spent the season going on about the strength and depth of this squad though now the spin reverses as he puts paste to ripped wallpaper and for one who talks so disparagingly about other Arsenal fans I am sure they loved your contempt for their journey to the famous Owls last night. This present Arsene model are not worth the words and can understand Kevin's anger though some still think they occupy the high ground on all matters pertaining to society, global warming, the rise of the right in Europe and the state of football for the under 8s. Just been watching footer in France, Ireland and Scotland this last 2 weeks and what fresh times they have been. Next up is some Turkish footer and power to COLSEY who has my respect and is a good example of a good gooner. Remember the OWLS are out to join the Eagles and the Foxes in their fresh exploits. Wenger is looking like an endless version of Mourinho. Hopelessly overpaid and highly destructive ....

  133. Arsene Wenger

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:42 #78099


  134. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:24 #78098

    Excellent piece and summing up Kev, World class scouting system, (it's as biggest embarrassment as wenger) active in the transfer market, my arse, TKOS has been listening to TOF for too long i'm surprised he hasn't started to come out with speeritt. The whole fooking lot of them right down to the nice smelling, well groomed pansie nice boys are an embarrassment.

  135. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:19 #78097

    I genuinely think many people go through life in a trance. They buy into a capitalist system wholeheartedly and gripe when their football club mirrors many obvious comparisons-but never see the links. They bemoan a victory, and decry a loss. Always searching for perfection, the absolute, which clearly exists permanently in their everyday lives-or not!. The facts are distorted to an extent that anyone can say virtually anything and be applauded for it by those conceived as 'in their group', whereas anything offered in defence, or as a mitigating factor is bombed out as, 'blinkered or a disciple', or are personally insulted-put downs aplenty. Quantum leaps are made of character traits of the manager and players, whilst missing those similar flaws in others- those recognised as on the same side of the fence in being 'anti' a number of things connected with AFC. All a little beguiling. Fans turning off the TV and refusing to watch the game, others ranting and agreeing with pundits shallow views. All a little bleak. No wonder the world is going to hell in a handcart. As Homer once said, 'Mmm, donuts!'

  136. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:08 #78096

    Go now old man your an embarrassment, the biggest in our great clubs history, and that's all you'll be remembered for.

  137. Nick

    Oct 28, 2015, 12:08 #78095

    Amos, how do you conclude that our squad depth is strong when all the.players you.mentioned.Gnabry etc are ? The evidence.of last night proves otherwise, as for.out injury situation being down to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, laugh, if it was a even the second or third time we had suffered in this fashion you would have a point but long term highly.muscular injuries are a curse we have suffered for almost the whole of the last DECADE, that makes a pattern.of events, there is something wrong with either our training or medical set up or both , investing in quality cover or competition for.places would.have gone someway to relieving the situation but our arrogant manager decided to brown nose to Wiggy the Yank and save the money in the bank, id guess Wenger is on a massive bonus scheme for, our vaunted scouting system has.produced talent of.late in Bellerien. Kids are NEVER given a run out when the team is winning ie like Iwobi when a game is won to ease him into the top.level.of the game, no they are slung in lime.lambs to the slaughter and sacrificed on the altar of Wengers arrogance and hubris . Our academy is nowhere near as successful as Southampton's which.for.a club.our a scandal !

  138. mbg

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:56 #78094

    It's not really a shock Ed as another embarrassing crash down to earth with a sore arse was always a given, (but as usual some didn't think or believe it would happen)but with the embarrassing performance also no surprise there either I suppose when you have the biggest embarrassment of all overseeing it.

  139. Richard Hatton

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:54 #78093

    Brilliant, At last the result you and your cronies on this site have been desperate for. An Arsenal loss coupled with a reasonable excuse to batter the management. Mind you, even through the last couple of victories you all still found time to have a swipe at Arsene Wenger. I have taken to reading your editorial and the comments that follow as a source of entertainment. You are not fans just acquaintances of the club with too much time on your hands.

  140. Nick

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:46 #78092

    Good summation Kevin. I posted earlier that the senior pros attitude mirrored that of the manager, did he even rouse himself last night apart from his usual struggle with his ridiculous coat ? He then says of the youngsters playing some for the first time that " None of then are ready none." So that will help with the kids all important confidence ? His selection, his job to MOTIVATE, the senior.pros jobs to help steer the kids through, Both.manager and senior players failed abjectly to do their jobs. The league cup was winnable for us , the CL is NOT, we are unlikely to even qualify for the knockout stage let alone win it, other clubs with more success than us recently have used the league cup as a first trophy under the belt and a springboard to greater things, but despite all real supporters loving a Wembley visit and the thrill of lifting a cup there Wenger arrogantly compromises our chances of doing so on a regular basis, only the fact that wed had a poor start to the season and that it was the scum in the first round for us got us a half decent.performance,but with that won a championship side to face we could had we taken it seriously be in the quarter finals now only.three games from Wembley, but as ever money is the motivator,money in the bank that is,our squad depth has been shown up for what it is THREADBARE, the failure to secure proper cover and competition for places will undoubtedly come back to haunt us in more " important" games, mismanagement of this degree any other job in football or other walks.of life be seen as gross negligence and a sack able offence !!

  141. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:36 #78091

    Morning all. I said my piece about last night in the previous thread. Had some sleep to maybe clear the fog in my head read some opinions of last night and still despise that kit, a truly awful shirt. It of course made no difference to the way we played but sometimes you wonder if a player looks at his shirt and forgets he is representing the Arsenal, as not many last night if any put in a performance worthy of the club and its status. It is telling that our better young players are on loan, and the Gnabry situation is daft as Pulis has stated that he isn't ready to play at this level yet due to the academy experience. Well he was when he started as he looked extremely promising scoring at Swansea until the injury curse struck. As has been stated the reserve team football has disappeared and until we look at the way Spain place their reserve teams in the second or third tier then we are stuck with this situation. Imagine a team of squad players playing in the current first division, gaining experience as a team getting used to the physicality and having to tackle to win the ball back? Win headers. Play at a quicker pace, all elements where we were caught desperately short last night and not just the youngsters but the older squad players too. Swansea is now a huge test as we haven't had great results there in recent years and then of course Bayern. The counter attacking pace has been somewhat negated by the two injuries, but we have to make do for now. Sp**s is at home Westlower by the way.

  142. Miles Gooner

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:28 #78090

    A rubbish performance but that report is crap. Just feeding the agenda you have been pushing for the last 5 years. Who really gives a monkeys about this cup? I thought the team makeup was about right last night. In hindsight I wish we'd played all of the U21's! Every one of the OG's reports at the moment are snidey if we win and joyously damning if we lose. At least you are consistent.

  143. GTG

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:17 #78088

    I honestly can't believe this talk of a contract renewal. Its literally heartbreaking. Stupidly I allowed myself to actually believe that this contract would be Wenger's last,

  144. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:16 #78087

    Excellent posts from westlower and Amos.

  145. jeff wright

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:12 #78086

    Wenger made a complete mess of things last night and as others have said if he doesn't rate the League Cup then why did he not play a complete academy side. We had the ludicrous sight of Wenger's only striker left to him running around risking getting injured for nothing ! You couldn't make it up . Wenger reacts to events these days rather than making things happen.The clown put out a first team against the spuds because it was a local derby.He might as well have saved the bother of having to compete last night away in sunny Sheffield and played a youth side at the lane of pain ... if we had played Chelsea last night then Wenger would have risked every first team player to try and win the tie. As Wenger said the other week you are only as good as your last game . The reality is that right from the first game of the season v WHU we have suffered from a mixed bag of results ,the good the bad and the ugly , no matter what players were involved. Odd good results such as the win over United and the one against the run of play v Bayern Munich have been trumpeted as proof that Arsene has got it right and that the bad results are just freak ones. I don't buy this line in my view the current players and manager are capable of beating anyone or losing to anyone,no matter what team of players that Wenger puts out. The injury problems continue and Wenger's approach to training and it seems to warming up players properly before sending them on, must take a lot of the blame for this deplorable state of affairs that has gone on ad nauseam for donkey's years. In other words the whole scenario this season under Arsene is just deja vu the past failed ones due to the same problems that we have become all too familiar with.Injuries, weak squad, dodgy tactics from Arsene .Even the same old excuses from the usual suspects are being wheeled out like bins of old regurgitated garbage . Will Arsene win the Champions League ( he's any price you like to do so) he is most likely going into the the Ropey Cup ,he is priced at 16-1 for that and evens to end up in it . The question is if or when he does end up playing in the Thursday night TV competition will he put out sides that have a chance of winning it. We know what the answer to that is ,he will be looking at the Weekend Prem fixtures and resting players for those games. So Wenger will field similar sides in the Europa Cup to what he did last night in Sheffield .As for the Prem with his weak squad and the lack of consistency that it produces over a run of games the question is can Arsene win the league with it,we should be so lucky,because he will need to be.

  146. David

    Oct 28, 2015, 11:05 #78085

    The Bayern result was probably the same as any of the previous big results - too little too late. Would they have beaten Bayern if arsenal had been top of the group? And the current Manure side is their worst since the late 80s. Two good looking results in a very topsy-turvy start to the season. The inconsistency is evidence of where this side is likely to finish in May - 3rd with a good run in the Europa league. Enough for a contract renewel and enough for the AKBs to remain expectant.

  147. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:46 #78084

    Spot on as usual with your summary Kev, what staggers me is there seems no ground floor to the level in which we can sink to in our bad performances. I expected a defeat 1-0 or 2-1 and slip off home with bodies intact but everything was wrong and then some more. For starters, how did the officials allow us to wear that putrid blue kit, I thought blue v red was a classic colour encounter! I must say Wednesday look much better than a mid table Championship team, I have watched quite a bit of 2nd and 3rd tier football recently and IMO there are at least 6 teams in the PL who if they fell into the Championship just would not have to guile and strength to get out of it, it is easier to remain in the PL than it is to get out of the Championship. It is a relentless grind fighting you way out of the second tier and unfortunately some of our "stiffs" would not make it - as proven last night.

  148. Amos

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:43 #78083

    Of course players get injured but the extent to which we're compromised in a particular area at a particular time is just down to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Arteta's injury record had been good up until last season and Wilshere's hairline fracture has nothing to do with his previous injuries. Rosicky has been a bit more of a sicknote but has also had periods when he has been able to turnout with more consistency. It was just misfortune that we should have been so short in midfield at a time when it was imperative that we rest the key components of our midfield and had to field academy youngsters to provide virtually our whole midfield instead. As Westlower points out we had players like Akpom, Hayden, Gnabry out on loan and when you consider that we could also have had Maitland-Niles, Toral, Zelalem, Crowley, Wellington, all out playing regularly at Championship level dismissing the suggestion that overall we do have a deeper and better squad than we might have done in the past seems a bit blinkered to me.

  149. billthered

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:39 #78082

    Well I think we have all missed the point really whether you are for or against OGL. The first thing he should have done is appologise to the travelling faithful for the appalling performance and not blamed the inexperienced youngsters.The likes of Debouchy who is not given much playing time should have been sweating buckets. And lastly how many of you have played football and the manager has said to you dont go in half heartedly because that is the way to pick up an injury.

  150. chris dee

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:32 #78081

    Giroud played like a carthorse?After yet another two young English/British players joined the UK crocks list of Welbeck ,Wilshere and Ramsey, Giroud was not stupid enough to start charging around like a moron and run the risk of am injury.In fact Wenger should have taken him off well before the end. And yes it was shameful the way Arsene slaughtered the young players in his after match interview,Kamara and Iwobi were not that bad.The two worse players on the pitch?Debuchy (how the frigg did we let Jenkinson go out on loan and pay 11 mill for Debuchy )and never one to be more than average Kieron Gibbs. In the scheme of things this result means nothing,it's the Premiership that's important. Can't finish without noticing that the our playing kit was one of our most crap I've seen,worthy of Hackney Marshes.

  151. GTG

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:17 #78080

    Amos - Your point would be a valid one if these players weren\'t the same players that get injured every season, year in year out. Is it really a good idea to rely on Wilshere, Rosicky, Arteta etc for your "Squad depth?" how many more seasons do these players have to spend on the treatment table before fans understand that the manager is getting it wrong relying on these individuals? Lets not forget that Ramsey, Ox and Walcott are not far behind and these players are mostly regular starters or certainly would be if they could stay fit. A modern manager who moves with the times should take steps every year to rectify these issues especially when you have the money we now do.

  152. Badarse

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:13 #78079

    That report was quite an indictment. It is natural to be disappointed, natural to see the play last night as a mitigating factor in supporting a personal view-a view which demands change. Almost an application of the club's direction personifying that very difference by the passages of play last night. You want many things and the result supported all those things. Did it? Well the mob clamoured for no more 'project youth'-you got it and then decry the youngsters. No one recognises that no reserve team football disconnects some players-I would site Debuchy as an example who is perhaps on the edge of his Arsenal career. Enormous leaps of interpretation by Merson is seized upon as fact, and claimed as disrespectful by the herd mentality, because two senior players were deemed to have not warmed up. Ox did for goodness sake, and came off immediately saving at least two weeks in recovery-wisdom! Theo was overtaken by circumstance, which was a cruel blow and a double whammy. Our defence on paper was the strongest unit in that it was more experienced, the attacking options were lighter weight, and without two key experienced speed merchants we were in trouble. Some players played poorly, the youngsters acquitted themselves as best as. Bielik looked very composed on the ball-he will make it if any do. Campbell sunk without trace despite his endeavours. Giroud-were there any passes into the player at all? No leaping off tall buildings, or throwing oneself under a train; it's a time for regrouping and taking the fight to Swansea. Come out of your dark places.

  153. GTG

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:07 #78078

    The way Wenger hung the youngsters out to dry in his post match interview was nothing short of a disgrace but yet another example that he is answerable to no one. The Senior players out there were the ones that deserved to get slaughtered as they were all rubbish. The reason those young players, who clearly are nowhere near ready, were even out on the pitch last night was because Wenger has loaned every decent youngster out this season. Wengers post match comments about the youngsters coupled with the revelation at the AGM that we are spending £40m on improving the academy tells me that all is not well in the relationships between Wenger and the youth coaches.

  154. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:04 #78077

    Another low in OGL's lengthening list of embarrassments. He wanted to lose that much is evident and worthy of complete scorn, but given that was the case, why put out a team to beat the spuds in the previous round. There would have been slightly more dignity and less risk of injury by getting out earlier to a side that, despite what we think of our neighbours, are better than SW. I despise the way this club is now managed - always with an eye on the balance sheet and with complete disregard for the traditions of the club. A sh*tstorm in Sheffield.

  155. divingrooney

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:03 #78076

    Finally, this useless team lost, and all is great in universe of Onlinegooner. The situation was getting out of hand, they had to hire outsiders to write editorials, as they could not stand Arsenal in first position. Now, long the losses may continue, they can write what they truly feel...

  156. Amos

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:00 #78074

    Hmmm... nothing to say about the win against Everton (let someone else say anything remotely positive), grudging applause for the win against Bayern but a near meltdown over a defeat to Sheffield Wednesday in the COC? When you have to field even two or three academy players then it gives the old heads too much to consider. Flamini seemed a good enough squad player in the previous round against Spurs and he probably would have been good enough in this if we'd had more of the first team squad available. Does this result prove our squad isn't deeper and better than it has been for sometime? Clearly when without Rosicky, Arteta, Wilshere, Ramsey, Welbeck and on the night Ox and Walcott too, accepting that we also needed to rest Ozil, Cazorla, Monreal, Koscielny, Coquelin, Bellerin, Sanchez then it shouldn't be a conclusion any one would rush to make. On balance we should have fielded the whole academy team which may well have been a little more familiar as a team playing together rather than the mixture of two squads we did put out. Wednesday were more of a team and that showed.

  157. Westlower

    Oct 28, 2015, 10:00 #78075

    Wednesday played their game of the decade & well done to them. Last night was an ideal opportunity to play Akpom, Gnabry, Hayden & Szczesny or Martinez but they are all out on loan simply to get game time. Football has stupid rules that is preventing squad players from getting regular competitive games. A squad maximum of 25 players does little to help overcome a period of high numerical injuries which is now running at about 8. It was a risk playing Giroud, Ox & Theo and all should have been left at home. Wenger must be kicking himself to lose two key players at such a vital time, although he must be relieved to be out of the COC. I would rather have lost 6-0 but had my first team players available for what is a crunch time immediately ahead. Kevin, your criticism of Giroud is harsh because the service to him was negligible. He was wrongly flagged offside when receiving his only decent pass all night. At least he came through unscathed. Do we play our strongest team at Swansea & the Lane & send a weak team to Munich, which could result in a cricket score thumping? We've run out of players to be able to go full tilt in all 3 games. Joel Campbell your moment has arrived.

  158. TJ

    Oct 28, 2015, 9:49 #78073

    I personally don't rate the League Cup at all as a competition, but Wenger's comment "I have to manage the workload of the players and at the end of the day I still think I maybe brought too many experienced players here." shows just how poor his management can be. Not making Walcott warm up properly was reckless to say the least, but he, AOC, Giroud and Cech shouldn't have even been there last night- we have a big away match to Swansea followed by a huge visit to Munich. His policy therefore fell between two stools- not wanting to progress in the competition but bringing a few important first team players along to make the game more competitive! As for Campbell, he did really well on all his loan spells and for Costa Rica, but he was one of the main men in all those teams, whilst here he isn't given any substantial confidence through playing time.

  159. Bob

    Oct 28, 2015, 9:48 #78072

    Yep, it's Groundhog Day again, and time for those who were heralding the latest false dawn to take their annual reality check. This trophy was, apparently, not a priority. That would be tenable if we had a realistic chance of winning one of the two that we are continually led to believe are priorities. Despite a reasonable run of form in the Premiership and a good result of Bayern, that is never going to happen with our threadbare approach to achieving quality in depth. On a night like this, scratch below the surface and what we have (or don't) in reserve becomes all too apparent. The injuries to the Ox and most especially to Walcott are unfortunate, but they are a fact of life. City recently lost Aguero for a month - I expect they will cope without him. We are now left with Ollie Giroud (a decent impact sub these days, but not someone who is going to bang in 30 goals over a season) with no other viable option up front. It is criminal negligence. Yes, I can laugh at Chelsea and Mourinho's current misfortune, but they did win the premiership last year, in only his second season back. There is a whole generation of Gooners who can't remember the last time we were champions. I am personally sorry that we missed the boat with Jurgen Klopp, but we should be succession planning for the end of this season. We've wasted enough time.