Who Will Watch the Watchmen?

Why FIFA needs to be taken apart and built from scratch

Who Will Watch the Watchmen?

Is the game in safe hands?

The ongoing FIFA saga has provoked all sorts of reactions, from ‘same old same old’ to ‘unbelievable’. It is my view that an extraordinary event like the one we are experiencing at this moment should not be viewed as a crisis but as an opportunity, a golden opportunity to bring the corporate governance of football into normalcy.

Something Happened on the Way to Heaven, or Not?
Sepp Blatter was about to celebrate his renewed mandate when police stormed into a Zurich hotel and indicted a number of high profile FIFA executive committee members. The first reaction was ‘we can fix it’, followed by ‘we should not judge the ethics of the FIFA football family by isolated incidents’. As much as I disagree with both statements, I think it makes sense to ask whether we are dealing with isolated incidents or with something endemic, if not pandemic.

The policy prescription, the ‘medicine’ in other words, will be different depending on whether we are in the former or the latter scenario. If we are dealing with isolated incidents, then the proper measure would be to punish those few refusing to play by the rules. If we are dealing with a generalized attitude of corruption, then we need to rethink the FIFA institutions.

I am afraid we are dealing with the latter. Several reasons would argue in favour of what I suggest here.

First, the number of culprits. A few members have already been indicted, others are in the process of following them.

Second, the issues involved. Some are accused for accepting bribes to vote in favour of a particular country to host important competitions. Others are accused for accepting illegal payments irrespective of voting.

Third, and probably worse, the contempt that FIFA Executive Committee members show for the procedures they themselves have put into place. Michel Platini, and indeed the UEFA through its de facto Head, complained that the FIFA Ethics Committee followed a rather inappropriate route to sanction Platini. Irrespective of the inconsistency here (why were not these voices heard when say Bin Hamam was being prosecuted?), it is at least worrisome that the framers of the FIFA corporate governance have issues with their brainchild.

This is a classic case of ‘heads you lose, tails you lose’. If Platini is right, then a number of people were condemned following the wrong procedure. If Platini is wrong, then he is simply guilty.

Various individuals involved in illegalities, coupled with different illegalities committed, argue for deep-rooted problems, and not for isolated incidents. We are not facing a quick fix problem. It is not that all was going well, and suddenly there was a deviation. It is rather all was going wrong. FIFA was an accident waiting to happen. Well, it happened.

Inquiring into the Causes
Did we have to wait for the intervention of US justice system to do the obvious? As a matter of fact, yes we did. And yet the writings were on the wall for some time now. I am not claiming to be exhaustive in what follows, but would like to highlight some issues that in my view, are serious candidates for the Guinness Book of Records under the heading ‘Mechanisms Inducing Corruption’.

Awarding World Cups
The FIFA Executive Committee votes having listened to presentations by candidate countries. The identity of the FIFA Executive Committee is known ex ante. The stakes are also known. Football is the world’s most popular sport, and TV stations are prepared to go the extra buck in order to secure the right to transmit games. And final decisions do not have to be justified.

Take Qatar as an illustration. Qatar wins the right to host games in the summer of 2022. A few months later, FIFA recognizes that it is impossible for Qatar to do that in the summer. Has climate change become so dramatic overnight? Was it not known that it is impossible for humans to play a series of games within a short time under the normal summer conditions in that part of the world? Did not anyone, anyone at FIFA feel that the awarding of the contract should be investigated? Or did they take the view that by punishing Bin Hamam their job was done?

The proximate cause for this mess might be corruption. The ultimate cause though, is the voting procedures. It just cannot be that a few guys vote in the dark room, and that is that. Someone should be held accountable, and this someone should at the very least be the guys that voted the way they did. This must change.

There is lot of relevant practice in the realm of bidding for contracts both in the field of government (government procurement) as well as in the private sector. One of the first things that must change is the awarding process. Law makers should be inspired by government procurement practices in the WTO for example, and proceed accordingly.

Awarding TV Rights
We have no idea how TV rights for the important competition like the World Cup are awarded. Rumour has it, a relative of the disgraced FIFA President is in control, and this fact in and of itself should raise eyebrows. And yet none have been risen, not so for a number of years by now.

The numbers involved are hallucinating. FIFA put into place the most opaque, nontransparent process to award TV rights, and further made sure that no one would be held accountable for following this procedure. Just pause for a moment and think if your government, or any public entity was behaving this way. What if for example, the UK Minister of Sport had assigned to his/her nephew the right to negotiate similar deals?

Even the thought is breathtaking. Alas, there is a lot of practice too.

Law-Making at FIFA
There is a plethora of statutes that are being adopted by various committees and voted into law by the Executive Committee.

Who are the people participating in these committees, and how have they been elected? Whose initiative is law making, and how do we respect public order? Blatter was going around famously threatening football associations that they would be expelled if they did not comply with FIFA’s rules? What? Since when has FIFA law trumped public order? Who is Blatter to behave in similar contempt of domestic legal traditions?

On the other hand, does the Executive Committee understand what is at stake every time it is called to adopt a proposition? Or is it simply rubberstamping whatever is brought before it? Is there any control of legality of the FIFA legislative output? Alas, we do not know. Worse, no one in the FIFA hierarchy felt that these questions should be asked.

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  1. mbg

    Nov 05, 2015, 1:00 #78614

    Not to many AKB wengerites about here, it mustn't be on the way home from central command, or else when they've got the length they've sobered up.

  2. mbg

    Nov 04, 2015, 17:06 #78576

    Gutless is the word Bard, you can hear the wengerites now, win and it's a great result for their messiah, and all in the master plan, lose or get stuffed and it'll be a great effort but for the best as we now concentrate on the league, also part the master plan, there'll be no mention of why we were in that position in the first place. Thankfully not everyone will be thinking like that.

  3. Made Up Stat

    Nov 04, 2015, 13:07 #78553

    Westie: Thanks for that incredible stat re Man Utd and 10 YEARS of continual FA Cup coverage. Similarly like you, TV companies saying they're not obsessed with MU is like saying Wayne Rooney's idea of a good night is reading Camus by the fireplace in his extensive library.

  4. Ron

    Nov 04, 2015, 12:57 #78551

    Westie - Maybe the BEEB are re balancing the scales seeing as Liverpool are Skys favourite Club by far these days. Utd have had to take second billing with them! Not sure about you, but im sick and tired of the names Utd, Klopp and Liverpool. Just when we had release from the name Gerrad, we ve got Klopp and soon to be Klopp and Gerrard! Is there no release? Not sure how you guys have stomached Sky for so long.Id happily run over Mike Wedderburn and Jim White. Nauseous or what!! Gray and that hairy idiot mate of his (cant recall his name) were on it when i last subscribed. They've not replaced them very well have they? I suppose it could be worse. It could be like BT s coverage that i saw at a friends house last night. How bad is that dross coverage! Owen Scholes and the Ferd et al plus the appalling commentators. Oh dear. Abysmal.

  5. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2015, 12:02 #78547

    @Made Up Stat, The BBC have come out with a statement denying they have an obsession with Man U. That was after featuring four documentaries related to the club in the past four weeks. Saying TV companies don't have an obsession with Man U is like saying Mike Dean is an honest ref. Every Man U FA Cup tie has been covered by TV since 2005.

  6. Ron

    Nov 04, 2015, 11:03 #78545

    Hi Bard lad. - respect yr view as always mate. We re not that far apart really. Im just mindful that a battering in Munich could upset the whole applecart at AFC. The Clubs team and Coach's collective mentality/strength hasnt been very good for years under AW. Losses are perceived as cataclysmic when they needn't have been and on other occasions are passed off as irrelevant asides when they should have been cataclysmic! On this occasion a bit of continuity of 'speeerit, focuus' and fabled 'mental strength and disssirre' are quite vital and we shouldn't let BM disrupt it. Can well see where you're coming from though mate.

  7. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 04, 2015, 10:58 #78544

    It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. However, If you look at the sp**s schedule, they played Monday, have an important in their eyes must win game against Anderlecht on Thursday and us on Sunday. Three games in seven days, hence the thinking that lets play more or less our best team tonight and then again on Sunday at home. No travelling of course but their squad isn't that deep either and have injuries too. Draw tonight then win on Sunday is my prediction. Ya gunners ya.

  8. Bard

    Nov 04, 2015, 10:45 #78543

    Hi Ron we will have to disagree on this one mate. Normally with a decent squad you can shuffle and rotate. We dont and with injuries we cant. I dont think we have much chance of getting through the group stage of the CL let alone winning it, so it becomes a unwelcome distraction really. However we are better placed in the PL than we have been in years with Chelsea and Manu struggling. Anyway he has made the call and we shall wait and see.

  9. Ron

    Nov 04, 2015, 10:22 #78540

    A strong team is needed tonight, notwithstanding the NLD. A decent performance v BM even if losing is vital for the momentum. Players really should be able to put it in absolutely and totally for these two successive games. If they cant, they shouldn't be playing for a top Club.Other opportunities to rest players from the 'red zone' will come up later. A narrow loss tonight wouldn't bother me at all. As others have said, we cant harbour any expectations of winning the CL. We re not near good enough. This team though in this particular (rather unique) season, can win the title. The latter takes it for me. No brainer. COYG.

  10. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2015, 10:05 #78538

    @Bard, An optimistic view is that should we win tonight we can go on and top the group. Any good result will put us in good heart for Sunday. A pessimistic (realistic) view is that should we suffer an embarrassing cricket score defeat, we'll be there for the taking on Sunday. Alternatively the team will be fired up to make amends? It's the uncertainty that makes it so fascinating. Imagine being a Celtic supporter with nothing to look forward to. @Made Up Stat, 1/3 Man U get a mention first.

  11. Made Up Stat

    Nov 04, 2015, 9:52 #78537

    Add interest to tonights viewing by having a side bet with your partner/mate/whoever: Each take a bet on what will happen first - an Arsenal injury or the first mention of Man Utd. It won't take long...

  12. Bard

    Nov 04, 2015, 9:38 #78536

    Westie; whats mad is putting out your strongest team for a competition you have a minimal chances of going further in thereby putting Sundays Spuds game in jeopardy, never mind the risks on the injury front. A proper bottle job. Its one thing to fall short because of money but here we are in a fantastic league position and he risks all in a pointless game. The bottom line is he didnt want to take the flak that would come with putting out a weakened side. Gutless.

  13. Bard

    Nov 04, 2015, 9:07 #78535

    Looks like we have sacrificed the spuds game. Maybe we're not that interested in the PL instead chasing the extra $ of group qualification.

  14. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2015, 9:01 #78534

    If today's papers have got it right, we'll put out our strongest team against BM. Gibbs was playing on the left side of midfield in training yesterday, suggesting he'll be helping out Monreal to snuff out Robben or Costa. Alexis will switch to the right, tracking back to help out Debuchy against the tricky/pacy BM wingers. Costa ripped Bellerin apart at the Emirates so maybe our different defensive formation will improve matters. Who says we don't study the opposition & plan accordingly? Pep is calling us a long ball team. Only when Giroud plays Pep & when needs must. BM had 22 attempts on our goal at the Emirates, expect more of the same this evening. Elf & Saffy recommend we wear hard hats in readiness for the German onslaught. Reine-Adelaide is back in the squad. Whoever's left standing will be playing on Sunday & then they're all away again on yet another International break. Utter madness, yet some wonder why players pick up so many injuries?

  15. Badarse

    Nov 04, 2015, 8:29 #78533

    Still with the theme of this article and corruption, VW have now admitted they fiddled with, and doctored some petrol driven emissions. Will this be the final straw which destroys the company?

  16. Made Up Stat

    Nov 04, 2015, 8:25 #78532


  17. Badarse

    Nov 04, 2015, 8:08 #78531

    Arsene certainly carries the credentials to enhance a position in governance at the highest level, but he wouldn't want the job, I feel fairly certain of that. He is a 'football freak' in that the ball holds mesmeric influence over him. I am similar, and if people are unsure then closer examination of themselves will reveal the same. He needs involvement with action, movement, and player interaction. For all criticisms levelled at him in tactical inabilities he still wants a kind of total immersion within the day to day running of a football team-and when his contract is offered for renewal he will prove that by carrying his extension through until 2021.

  18. Charlie George Orwell

    Nov 04, 2015, 7:44 #78530

    May be a bit naive here, but wouldn't an excellent message be a non confidence in FIFA motion by UEFA? There may be still be supporters of the Blatter/Platini regime in UEFA or at least a continuance of the existing set up (Russia, Germany or Spain pehaps), but surely any votes of confidence in FIFA or abstentions in voting are indefensible? I'm sure if UEFA passed such a motion it would be accepted well in world football - possibly even promoting further action from regional bodies. Finally, a point was made in some posts about the positives of Wenger taking control of FIFA. Not sure about that one, as past presidents have obviously been control freaks, secretive, stubborn ....oh.

  19. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 22:41 #78529

    Mark, Cesc has certainly lost his way alright, but you know what could be another cause? and this could go for when he was at Barca as well as the chavs, he hasn't been mollycoddled in any way at the two mentioned clubs by players or their fans, or by their managers like he was with us, he's found he wasn't the only superstar there and playing with a team of second raters like he was with us, and isn't getting his ball bag waxed and moisturised every day by Maureen like he did with his Uncle arsene.

  20. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 22:18 #78528

    jw, great post, post of the day, yes always some thing to divert attention from where it matters, on the pitch, and the cause of them and why their happening, start (or try to start) some cosy little debate about something (anything)and keep it going for as long as possible, then everybody might forget. I was more or less accused of coming on and breaking one up the other day because I didn't join in and chose instead to mention something more important (to me anyway)our fraud of a manager and his antics or lack of them. Ah yes Platini's fair play rules (another French fraud)remember them what they were going to do, even more laughable now that they were at the time after he's been caught been a member of the Bungo squad himself.

  21. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 21:39 #78527

    Danny, I see your point, but at least we'd be rid and he'd be someone else's problem.

  22. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 21:11 #78526

    John Gage, I think all of us accept what passes for the status quo. Yes in Africa and Asia certain things are accepted and we frown upon them-rightly so. However in our little corner of the world, though slightly more subtle, our masters get away with blue murder too. And guess what? We readily accept them just as easily.

  23. John Gage

    Nov 03, 2015, 20:49 #78525

    With regard to FIFA I wonder whether it is a cultural thing as well. In parts of Africa and Asia its common for the local FA to get their hands on at least some of the money when it comes to building stadiums. Its so commonits not even viewed as shocking but par for the course.

  24. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 20:44 #78524

    Arrggh! goonercolesyboy, I looked at my chips and they were suddenly replaced by jeff-a bit crinkly cut, but Parisian all the same for that, jeff pommes de frites wright. I pass on the Capri link jeff-it seemed a bit confusing and vague to me, and you seem to know more about New Labour than I do, as you do AFC, life, what mbg rubs on his feet at night, who will win the WC, how to divide three men by six feet, and who put the 'Bomp' in the 'Bomp, bha, bomp, bah, bomp'.

  25. Smithy

    Nov 03, 2015, 20:43 #78523

    We only have 9 in the sick bay. Make an effort surely we could get another 2 to go sick so we have a full side out sick!really not impressed hector is out, debuchy is plain awful as we will see tomorrow. As to uefa and Fifa they have always resented the English. We adhere to rules they like to bend them- a bit of corruption here and there greases the gravy train. Both organisations need to be disbanded.

  26. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 03, 2015, 19:08 #78522

    Post 83210 of jeff read the last seven lines and insert the following names. Stan replace with Muguiresbridge, Ivan replace with jj, chips replace with jeff.

  27. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:56 #78521

    Badarse,the only one rewriting history and making it up is you. Your previous posts today are an example of this fact. Hey , I have never owned a Capri ! They were horrible cars . Was that not however the motor the grinning chameleon leader of ' New Labour'( same old incompetence) once used to claim he was targeting the owners of because his policies would appeal to their needs? Whatever ,in no way do I see you as being someone who is known as being critical of the way that AFC is run by Wenger and he has to be right in the mix with Stan and co when judgement is given on the policies pursued in the name of profits before trophies. In fact as I recall it Badarse you have tried to justify this malarkey for donkey's years.

  28. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:49 #78520

    jj, good question, and answered or not, in gobbledegook as usual, and if any article was an excuse to get his soap box out (not that he needs one)it was this one, now all he needs is someone to listen to him.

  29. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:39 #78519

    Off topic but rumours around my workplace are that it is Tubby Cesc who said he would rather lose than win for Maureen. If it is true something has gone badly wrong since he left our fair club. Maybe the corrosive effect of mass player power at Chelsea. Anybody else think they do a very modern impression of 70's Leeds?

  30. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:21 #78518

    Your dead right there Ron, we can think and say what we like about the yanks when it comes to various situations(and a lot of us do)but when they feel aggrieved as chris suggested and their powers that be like the FBI and others get involved they take no prisoners and all the trough dwellers know it, and it's not before time.

  31. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:20 #78517

    And you I hold personally responsible jeff, you are a dyed in the wool old fashioned right winger, but not in the Haverty mould-more in the mouldy have a tea. You are the classic-(not a capri)-individual that supports all we see around us, but gripes when it affects yourself. You are also quite unobservant as the financial chicaneries are everywhere in our society, and AFC are not free from the practises. It's what I have been banging on about ever since I first visited this site. You must have conveniently napping at the time, or is it just a shallow and shoddy attempt to rewrite history?

  32. jjetplane

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:12 #78516

    Bloody hell JW! perfectly framed and damnably digestible and I believe some building is being stormed in Germany as we speak. It's like Basil Fawlty never went away and with Stan looking like Uncle Joe it's cold war part two with a 'multi-coloured' ball. They are all the rage now though they may well get the darts out in Eastern Europe. Take cover AKBs! The WOBs have it covered ....

  33. Danny

    Nov 03, 2015, 18:11 #78515

    I am sorry i would not have the biggest fraud and loser near FIFA. he has pocketed the money at Arsenal and bought crap and will not buy anyone who will takes us to the next level. I hear bellerin is injured now and he just said he could have signed Guardiola when he was laving BARCELONIA What a fraud........

  34. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2015, 17:56 #78514

    Good points Bard,I don't recall AFC supporters in the past showing any interest in the corrupt financial side of the game or linking it with corruption in general.Some of Badarses rantings are the sort that Marxist /Trots such as Jeremy Corbyn sprout on about in self righteous indignation. There is no doubt in my mind that these moralistic views on corruption stem from Wenger's use of them to try and divert attention away from his football on field failures and non-football extra-curricular activities off it. The absurd claims that Platini's so called Fair Play Rules would put us on top of the game when they made things a level playing field financially are one example of how a perceived financial unfairness by others ,such as City and Chelsea, were hampering poor Arsene who could not compete financially with them. The reality was that making profits was more important to Stan than winning trophies was.From what I can see of things it still is. Stan's taking money out of the club for himself and hoarding millions to boost his share prices in AFC. This may be legal but considering the ticket prices charged and the chucking of the game in the League Cup that supporters paid to go and see plus the non-signings in the summer having had a negative impact already and willdo so again as this transpires,you have to ask are Stan's antics morally right. With the morality of things being a factor in the case against FIFA and Uefa, apart from the corruption involved. Stan Kroenke in my view is a reprehensible character that no sane person would even buy a second hand car from he is known as Silent Stan because he cowers behind his dumbness using it like the 5th amendment to avoid answering awkward questions with about his own conduct while employing stooges such as Ivan and the dim witted Chips to dream up excuses for him and to shout down his critics by insulting them. Anyone who doesn't find all of this behaviour by Stan and his cohorts to be wrong have no right to complain about others.

  35. Bard

    Nov 03, 2015, 16:45 #78513

    Cheer up Amos. What other football site deals with dodgy refs one minute and world football politics the next. Do you think the Chavs have these sorts of debates, I doubt it ? A welcome distraction from the Bayern bashing tomorrow.

  36. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 16:28 #78512

    jj the difference between any two businessmen is probably marginal, though Barney Curley may disagree. The difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance is stark, one illegal, the other acceptably legal. The ethics decide the moral conclusion but the law decides guilt and innocence-I thought that was clear enough in my post, still spelling in block capitals is nothing new to an AKB, is it? Have worked on a submarine, though the yellow variety will always remain my own personal favourite. As for being on the floor; yes I sometimes crawl, commando like across my kitchen floor but the getting back up again is so testing on my knee, therefore I limit my exuberant activities to other things, like standing on one leg with both eyes closed, and playing 'Pooh sticks'.

  37. jjetplane

    Nov 03, 2015, 16:04 #78511

    ... and the difference between Seb and Stan is? ..... was that last post written while lying in front of a virtual submarine on wheels .... On a more pertinent note I see the Spuds are looking at the All (new) Blacks for 'cohesive inspiration' and the team are now cleaning their own boots - beware the men in White..... WeSTIE your love of referees is sounding more like JM everyday and good to see the see the unerring rationale of AMOS back while the team are suffering a unique vertigo ....

  38. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 16:00 #78510

    Hi 24601, agreed pretty much with your team selections so as I was on an adjacent sunbed to Arsene this morning I mentioned it. He seemed a little distracted and admitted he still awaits mbg's guidance on a new, 'injury free and avoidance technique', training regime, but would consider my suggestion. I said to him that mbg's plan will probably be exactly the same as the one already in place, but that he would just need to throw in a number of exclamations, 'gods, disciples, old, messi-ah!, hell, pray, fraud, bow down, heaven, old',and then end with a few yawns. When asked why he was sunning himself he explained he had kept meeting this odd couple at the Boots cosmetics counter, one in shorts with a hankie on his head, wooly socks and sandals, and a Hitler moustache; the other in blue and white wellies with pictures of Hoddle and Waddle on each, carrying a gnome under his arm, so his self-tan cream was no longer an option.

  39. Badarse

    Nov 03, 2015, 15:24 #78509

    Interesting article, but is there not an acknowledgement that all these large governing bodies are not to be trusted? It is an awkward one as we have to 'rely' on our military, police, monarchy, government, civil service, secret service et al, and all have corruption written through the middle of them like a stick of seaside rock. Large multinationals are corrupt, and poor ethics bleed into corruption at a nuanced level. The cartels that make up our supermarkets crush farmers and any suppliers who are without muscle-it's at this point ethics are compromised. As it happens within the framework of existing laws it is unethical, pass a sensible and a fair law and the practise stops or becomes corruption. The deed remains the same it's just a legality which changes. The World Cup, Olympics, all are tarnished. Seb Coe became an even richer man after banging the drum for the UK Olympics mob. Think he made upwards of £3million for his off shore business account-what a patriot! To prove the point many of his cronies in the Tory party scammed a sizeable windfall. He began buying properties for Olympics redevelopment etc and his muckers wanted a slice of the cake. Then there is Sky and all the other dodgy characters which make up today's monopoly players; no Top Hats or flat irons, but lots of dogs. Nothing should surprise anyone, and more voices should be raised against corrupt tyrannies, but better to moan about Arsene Wenger's inability to buy a handful of top strikers for a football team.

  40. Amos

    Nov 03, 2015, 15:14 #78508

    Not surprising on the Online Groaner that even an item on the need for reform of Fifa can provide an opportunity to bang the Wenger out drum. The more intriguing aspect of all this is that it has taken so long to bring Fifa to this position. It was 10 years ago that Andrew Jennings exposed the corruption and bribery at Fifa. Equally disturbing is that it seemed pretty obvious that none of the European states or institutions would or could do anything about it. It took the US justice system to get anything done and US pressure or the Swiss government to investigate corporate malpractice under their jurisdiction. Only now is the UK fraud squad emboldened to take an interest it what should have been investigated at least a decade ago.

  41. Ron

    Nov 03, 2015, 15:00 #78506

    MGB - I would suggest that any FA that has hosted a WC or EC in the last 40 yrs or so are bricking it worrying about when and if their bribes are going to be uncovered. The FIFA thing is the tip of the iceberg. The heads will roll from the top down. The whole lot of the FAs in football the World over has snorted from FIFA s rotten trough in some way or another. Its just a case of who takes the fall now.

  42. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 14:49 #78505

    SKG, maybe OGL isn't as good with a trowel as some thought after all, after ten years still trying to get it right and build a team, the stadium he built the same length of time ago is falling down, no surprise there then.

  43. mbg

    Nov 03, 2015, 14:33 #78504

    Excellent opening statement, but we know (like OGL winning the CL or Prem )it will never happen, because they're all in it, they've all they're noses in the trough, even the supposedly whiter than white Platini (thankfully he got exposed in time) even the German God Backenbaur (spelling)is been implicated God only knows how many others are in it up to their necks. We can fix it, maybe there is one person who can fix it, our very own French Bob the Builder, he's good with a trowel and he's seen as a God too (to some anyway) it would take him thirteen, fourteen, years to get it right but it would be worth it in the end, just the man for the job, (if he's not up to his neck in the trough too of course)no doubt the job would be to much for his massive ego to turn down , he'd just love it, to have them all opening doors and bowing to him (even more than there is now)and the best thing of all ? it would get him to hell away from us.

  44. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2015, 14:03 #78503

    Why not appoint Mike Dean as the head of world football. The guy is as straight as a gun barrel, goes to church every Sunday & loves his mum. Last night he watched a Villa player get smacked in the nose with a flailing arm, then ignored him as he lay on the ground clutching his head, suffering from concussion & blurred vision. Mr Dean was oblivious to all going on in front of his eyes & waved play on. He happily tolerates Costa's antics, yet ignores the wounded laying prostrate on the ground. I loved the way he celebrated the spuds opening goal, joyously running back to the centre circle wagging his finger. The guy is priceless. Is there any honesty left in football?

  45. Big Andy

    Nov 03, 2015, 13:59 #78502

    If only Platini hadn't got really stupid and greedy by taking the Qateri's brown envelopes then the whole corrupt gravy train would still be on the rails. Awarding the World Cup to a postage stamp in the desert was the final straw - especially as it pi**ed of the Yanks, who had already been promised the tournament. It's lovely watching these scumbags get what they deserve.

  46. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 03, 2015, 12:19 #78501

    Chris and Ron valid points. Opens up a bigger issue with general law and order in that American Justice see's itself as administering all over the world and holding primacy. Hence the begging and pleading over here when the yanks wanted to lock up a high spectrum autistic lad for hacking. This means any fraud carried out across America or through American wire networks is open to extraordinary rendition. So expect Blatter to spend time on a nice Island called Rykers and Plattini to go to an exotic location called San Quentin. As a flipside it is becoming increasing common for yanks living abroad to give up their citizenship as banks are scared to take on American customers. What fun awaits!

  47. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 03, 2015, 11:33 #78500

    Chris : You are a cynical bugger - however I think you're about right. I was told Blatter had the 2018 Russian winner's ticket in his pocket months before the vote, the FA outrage is farcical, they never offered a big enough back hander - get over it! Ron: Arsene would be brilliant at the job and from that position of power he could finally nail Jose! On a more serious note guys, did you all know that the roof leaks on our state of the art stadium? The bloody thing not 10 years old yet what is occurring!

  48. Bard

    Nov 03, 2015, 10:47 #78499

    Businessmen with their hands in the trough er..... whats new. Wherever there is money to be made then you will have corruption. Its all relative. By all means get rid and clean up but ....dont hold your breathe. Our beloved Stan is based in Delaware, why because he doesnt have to pay corporation tax. Its the Arsenal way !!!!

  49. Nick

    Nov 03, 2015, 9:40 #78497

    FIFA, and UEAFA have been corrupt , tyrannical rulers of the game for decades, their thought process geared to making themselves money rather than the good of the game, whatever the reason for the investigation now it I long overdue, the best thing would be for the major footballing nations to break away from these bodies and form.their own ruling authority, the power lies with them in this , it would be messy yes but I think it is necessary!

  50. Ron

    Nov 03, 2015, 9:40 #78496

    I honestly think Arsene W would be brilliant in Blatters role. AW is a consummate politician supreme. Hes got some standards too and would insist on those standards being applied to the game at that level. The thing is thiugh that FIFA is an enormous bureaucracy and almost impossible to 'police'. There s every chance that Blatters nowhere near as guilty as theyre painting him. Hes maybe been kept in the dark and it happens in orgs like that.

  51. chris dee

    Nov 03, 2015, 8:52 #78493

    Let's be honest if England had been awarded the 2018 or 2022 World Cup all the indignation from clowns like Greg Dyke and our 'outraged' media would not have surfaced.They would have kept schtum.And as for the US getting involved,this only happened because F I F A,according to Blatter, secretly agreed that 2018 would go to Russia and 2022 to the USA,but Platini engineered the 2022 bid for Qatar and then,and only then, did the F B I get involved.

  52. deejay1952

    Nov 03, 2015, 8:24 #78492

    Agree with all of the above, but the most important thing is to kick that sc*m costa and his girlfriend maureen out of the country