Gooner Podcast 141 now online

Recorded on Monday evening

Gooner Podcast 141 now online

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Gooner Podcast number 141, sponsored by is now online.

Recorded: Monday 9th November 2015

Topics Include -
Thoughts on the North London derby.
Are Spurs a bigger threat under Mario Pochettino?
Should the players be complaining of fatigue?
Is the criticism of Arsenal’s defence justified?
Will Arsene buy in January?
Are the Gunners finally equipped to win the title this season?
What’s with the long injury list?
Why was Tomas Rosicky retained?
Anti-Semitism amongst Arsenal fans.
Memories of the 1993/94 European Cup Winners’ Cup campaign.
Arsene Wenger’s fashion shoot for L’Equipe.

David Oudot (Twitter@davidoudot)
Layth Yousif (Twitter@laythy29)
Simon Rose (Twitter@thatsimonrose)
Host: Kevin Whitcher (Twitter@KevinWhitcher01)

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And we are also available on iTunes. Our page on iTunes can be found here, from where you can download the latest podcast, and the 140 that preceded it.

We’ll be back with another podcast in December

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  1. mbg

    Nov 17, 2015, 14:16 #79264

    Exeter, his expertise knows no bounds (well that's what he thinks anyway) he an expert on cannibalism now

  2. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 16, 2015, 16:33 #79223

    Badarse, as you're currently proving, you don't seem 'able to dismount' at all. I see very well what you do on here, not just in this instance. Because you have long since lost perspective by being on here too much, you see yourself as a sort of overseer and policeman ('reminds him to be more civil') of this website - this is objected to by others as it is sanctimonious and patronising. You don't like being exposed in this way and end up getting emotional and going ad hominem, as you have in that last comment.

  3. Badarse

    Nov 16, 2015, 15:24 #79219

    Exeter, just because you seem to have the memory and attention span of a goldfish it does not give you the right to pontificate. Misunderstanding is no excuse. mbg constantly insults AFC in all it's guises. goonercolesyboy posts his disapproval in his own inimitable way. Many then try to jump on goonercolesyboy's back, in order to bite him. I defend him/his approach with good reason-I in turn am criticised. It is a merry go round. We are all able to dismount whenever we feel inclined. If mbg insults and I choose to respond it does not require anyone steaming in telling me I am in err for what I deem necessary. It has nothing to do with turning things back on themselves. It is not valid. If you choose to support mbg-you do tacitly-then it marks your position. That is fine, but the peculiar stance you adopt that you are somehow advising me for my own good is laughable-you don't give a hoot about me, or what I represent. That as earlier stated, is fine, it is not a popularity contest. Why do you need to register your disapproval so consistently? A poster bad mouths AFC and I remind him to be more polite. What is your role? You just want to pitch in nonsense and unconnected drivel. You don't want to criticise the perpetrator, but he who reminds him to be more civil. What sort of an odd existence do you live? What world do you inhabit? Now, just for the final record, (but I know your glitch will entail another duplicate response), mbg criticises AFC-I reserve the right to respond. Freedom of speech and all that, eh? You can then of course criticise me-which is groundless, naturally, but if vacuity is your need please continue. We have travelled this path a few times, I mean it to be the last.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 16, 2015, 10:14 #79200

    Badarse, you are forever telling others on here they are wrongheaded, their behaviour is bad or they have a problem. You just don't like it when this is turned back on you. Spending all day every day on a single website basically saying the same things over and over - sounds like a glitch to me.

  5. Ozzie

    Nov 16, 2015, 4:31 #79198

    Cornish, Ave Maria/Caccini - sublime. Thanks for that and hadn't heard of Lesley Garrett - that too was a wonderful version. Thanks for filling in the details of the poem, remiss of me! Have you heard anything from the all male choir of St Petersburg? Arnhem Land? No, I've gone a bit soft in my older years - there's a limit to 'the great outdoors' for me :) My daughter nursed up there in Darwin for awhile among'st the Aboriginal population which toughened her up. She now runs A&E in provincial Victoria. Looking forward to some footy this weekend - am not a fan of the friendlies (and it seems nor are many of the players and managers although the Eng-France game now takes on some significance.) No doubt Giroud will score another meaningless goal before returning to the missed opportunities list. Cheers all.

  6. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 16, 2015, 0:39 #79197

    Hello again Ozzie. Song To The Moon. Yes, I like that. (Lesley Garrett version is the one I have) Try 'Ave Maria' by Caccini/Vavilov. Inessa Galante or Sumi Jo. Poem is 'Unbroken' by Rashani Rea. Mentioned Arnhem Land in previous post as it featured on a Ray Mears survival programme. Don't suppose you've been anywhere near it as it's four thousand miles away, but it sounds an awful place. Poisonous spiders/snakes alligators and mosquitoes! Have you ever ventured into the Northern Territory? mbg. Just read Major Les Hiddins was the bush tucker man.

  7. jeff wright

    Nov 15, 2015, 22:57 #79196

    Ha! mgb ,I like the old man living in a shoe analogy of Arsene . Another thing that struck me about his comments was the ones about liking the English because they applaud losers.Apparently in France they get carted off in a tumbrel to the guillotine ,figuratively speaking that is.This way of thinking helps to explain Wenger's apparent self satisfaction regarding his dismal 20 years of failure European record .He views it as being successful! You couldn't make it up.

  8. Badarse

    Nov 15, 2015, 20:23 #79194

    You need to take a chill pill Patrick. By the way, is it a chicken cage?

  9. Patrick

    Nov 15, 2015, 19:44 #79193

    It's not the disagreeing with opinions that would concern me, it's the clear, obvious annoyance created by your sanctimonious cobblers. That's what rattles my cage.

  10. mbg

    Nov 15, 2015, 19:40 #79192

    jw, great post, and a good description of TOF, I've used the old man who lives in a shoe and doesn't know what to do myself on occasions (i'll have to do something about that)yes he's well past his sell by date (as a football manager anyway) and should have been helping to grow rhubarb years ago, (i'd bet it would've/would be nice and tasty)instead of still here bumbling about trying to put things right, hoping it will all come good, trying to revive the glory days again, when it's plain to see (to all)and as you say even himself, it's never ever going to happen, but £8,000,000 plus for ten months every year is hard to turn down and would certainly cloud his judgement, (even if/when he does treat it like his own money) but not when it's going into his account, only when it's needed by the team to strengthen properly he's very clear on that. Yes these players wouldn't be as loyal to him if they were being payed what their worth (for some of them it's not much)instead of extortionate wages, and being dropped when they should be, and not be treated like little nice boys still being picked and played even when their crap, and been told it, like any other manager worth his salt would do. No i'm quite sure they'll have a different opinion of the next manager when he starts treating them the way they should be treated after he susses them out and sees what their like and starts bollocking them, dropping them, telling them what for and not renewing their nice fat contracts and selling them. The same goes for all his luvvies and mouthpieces behind the scenes who always have a lot to say in his defence, (although that has unusually changed all of a sudden)they'll not have as much to say either when he loses all his power (maybe they'll eventually grow balls and tell the truth as it is) and becomes a DOF for 3 or £4 million a season (a position or person he wouldn't in a million years have at or work under when he was manager, funny that) yes Director of football (DOF) God help us, from one old fraud to another.

  11. Badarse

    Nov 15, 2015, 19:35 #79191

    Who rang your bell Patrick? Majority rules? I think not. Try a wider perspective fella, as a group of people not agreeing with me is quite acceptable to me-why not you? Don't tell me you have an Exeter glitch too? Exeter I judge well enough, in posts-in the way they are couched. Pedantry is obvious, except to the pedant. I get under your skin and that is just such a shame-for you. Graded quantifiers lesson one: Many-More-Most. Most of my time is incorrect, go to the bottom of the class, and make sure it is a hairy one.

  12. Patrick

    Nov 15, 2015, 18:18 #79189

    It seems to be the case many take issues with the faux intellectual badass. At what point will 'awareness' kick in and make him think there might be an issue with his style/personality/demeanour?

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 15, 2015, 17:24 #79188

    Each further post just further emphasises my point, Badarse. Incidentally, I do not dislike you; I don't know you. You think you know and can judge others on here, when you're in no position to do so. You've no idea what people are doing beyond this or what they think about wider matters, yet constantly assert otherwise. I am simply pointing out that that is what you do and how you evidentially spend most of your time.

  14. Badarse

    Nov 15, 2015, 15:49 #79186

    You are obsessed Exeter. It should matter not a jot whether I am posting more, the same, or less than you. It is irrelevant. You do not like me, that is fine as the feeling is mutual. I don't care how often you post, where you go to pass the day, or anything else about you. You clearly have a glitch and it is your personal burden. Try to seek help. Failing any improvement take a bit of advice from a dark side member, see my name and just ignore it by scrolling onto the next post-one day it will be your last, so enjoy what you can. incidentally your grasp of awareness should not be based on someone's perceived regularity of posting. ergo, you can post drivel occasionally, and it may be recognised. That is awareness!

  15. jeff wright

    Nov 15, 2015, 15:10 #79185

    Wenger's musings on his future and past that he gave to some French magazine recently are those of a man living in a bubble .It's as though is whole life is football related and this can't be healthy for him. He really has stayed on past his time at AFC and probably knows it as well but due to his own weakness was unable to leave. He runs a cosy little system at AFC that depends for everything on his whims and actions ,mediocrity is rewarded and the club medical centre always has more patients being treated in it than the local hospital. Personally I believe that the money he gets is what motivates Wenger to stay and he has been generous to those players who are loyal to him by giving them new contracts and big wages instead of showing them the door as he should do if judging them on their performances on or off-field in some cases as these ones spend more time out than in the team. Pires names his best AFC eleven and manages to cuddle up to Arsene by including 4 of the current side in his starting eleven.Kos,santi,le coq and Sanchez. None of actually won anything of note with us and have flopped badly in Europe when up against any sort of Euro oppositions, but hey this is la la AFC Arsene land .Pires also includes Ozil and Big Olly in his subs on the bench. Sol Campbell doesent even get in the subs ! Now come on please Campbell twice selected in a FIFA World Eleven by the worlds top coaches and one of the key men in the Invincible 49's side should be in the first eleven and Keystone Kos who would struggle to get into the best ever eleven Sunday Pub side left out of the best Arsenal ever Eleven!Hey Bobby what's the French for ,youre having a laugh son,vous rencontrez un rire fils . Merci! The weekend atrocities committed by the terrorist scum in Paris were no laughing matter though and a display of solidarity with the French on Tuesday night by the England supporters at Wembley is required by joining in the singing of La Marseillaise.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 15, 2015, 12:50 #79183

    Badarse - if you had any awareness, you'd realise I am here only occasionally. Your comments, on the other hand, demonstrate that you are on here day and night. That is 'tireless' and a waste of life, I would suggest. If you had some perspective, you'd realise how pathetic the way you spend your days is. You are as 'locked in' to 'Wenger out' as anyone on the other side. You can't see it, but you're in the 'darkness'.

  17. Badarse

    Nov 15, 2015, 12:42 #79182

    How long are you going to continue your tireless dirge Exeter? Now that is an imponderable, isn't it? If we are locked in, then we are locked in, agreed? Since when does it befall a 'locked in', like yourself, to tell another 'locked in', like myself, to stop 'locking in' on another 'locked in' like mbg, who shouldn't be 'locked in' in the first place? Where is that phone box and a big padlock when you need it? Incidentally, the side of the fence you are on, where it is always shady, a bit damp, and decidedly chilly-where those wandering around with eyes and mouths wide open, looking up at the sky staring at the big yellow ball, waiting for it to drop on your heads, and are so incensed with the, 'F**k off down the Lane!' statement contort yourselves in insisting I do just that-but use differing but similar requests-I am here, get used to it. Did you know that big yellow ball becomes white after leaving the earth's atmosphere? A good floodlit ball, for the invention of. Now then, 'On me 'ead, son!'

  18. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 15, 2015, 12:27 #79180

    Badarse, mbg would like to get back his old feeling for Arsenal and is of the view that a change of manager would do this. As it happens I don't agree, I think the problem specifically AFC is we've lost Highbury and more generally the corporatisation of football, but that isn't going to change, and nor are mbg's posts. How much more of your life are you going to waste telling him and others they are wrong and wasting their life? It doesn't matter, it's just a silly game and Wenger neither knows nor cares he is 'insulted'. Your endless defending is thankless and he thinks no more of you than those who criticise him. Get some perspective, and find a more appropriate website for your non-football thoughts.

  19. Ozzie

    Nov 15, 2015, 5:41 #79177

    Cornish - g'day there! What can I recommend? Try this for your chilly Cornish nerves: Dvorak - Song to the moon - Renee Fleming - Last night of the Proms - Sept 2010. (Headphones a must.) Youtube, if you haven't the recording. Oooh I am besotted with her. Seeing while Baddie brought up the sad happening, here is a poem sent me this morning - very touching: There is a brokenness - out of which comes the unbroken - a shatteredness - out of which blooms the unshatterable. - There is a sorrow - beyond all grief which leads to joy - and a fragility - out of whose depths emerges strength. - There is a hollow space - too vast for words - through which we pass with each loss, - out of whose darkness - we are sanctioned into being. - There is a cry deeper than all sound - whose serrated edges cut the heart - as we break open to the place inside - which is unbreakable and whole - while learning to sing....

  20. mbg

    Nov 14, 2015, 20:44 #79176

    Cornish, you wouldn't want to live there, remember the bush tucker man ? (not you Ozzie) and what he put into himself we can just imagine what came out of him, well we know now as we have another one, and that's enough.

  21. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 14, 2015, 14:36 #79172

    Hello Ozzie from a cold, windy and very wet Cornwall. It could be worse though. I could be living in Arnhem Land! What are your musical recommendations these days?

  22. Badarse

    Nov 14, 2015, 11:17 #79169

    mbg, you are so insulting. I was on the site recently bemoaning corruption. I have known of the sad state of world affairs for ages-since I was a very young man, in fact I grew up hearing adult discussions of such. My grasp of life's ills and travails is so minimal it is unnerving-I know so little. If I quantified my personal awareness it may register a mere 10%, if so then most I encounter in everyday life are arguably single percentages. Where do you figure on that scale? I know it is wrong for people to suffer in Palestine, South Africa-the list is endless, but what can I do? That is the difficult question to answer. What should I not do? That is far easier. I should not bleat and wring my hands. Begin insulting in a cowardly fashion, offer vague and facile solutions. I should if all else fails, and am in a trough of hopelessness take counsel wisely. You too should follow this procedure; listen, absorb, then hopefully learn how to combat your personal darkness. Alternatively, you can wear your trousers back to front, put your wellies on the wrong feet, smear Boots moisturiser thickly on your face, and recite your lord's prayer backwards.

  23. Ozzie

    Nov 14, 2015, 8:03 #79166

    Wow, four Gooners acknowledging my post - I am honoured! John F, I referred to Bendtner only for the missed headers by Giroud the other day, at least Bendtner was fairly reliable with his head...oops, headers and I agree re Adebayor as excited me earlier on but his ego was his undoing, yes? Weather? A few weeks ago (mid Spring) we had a week of 35 degrees (unseasonal) and now it has shot down to 18-20. they say we can get 4 seasons in a day in Victoria - no snow yet, though. Ron, yes been watching the cricket - dour, isn't it? Warner is exciting for sure but he needs to mature a bit more. We have a new batsman playing Sheffield Shield for Victoria in his first season and so far he has 154* & 109* & today 84. Watch his name - remember the last Dean? dean Jones? mbg, thanks. I will stick by my comment and still believe AW will move in the transfer window. did I say move? Hah!, we won't get rid of this old fart in a hurry but so far things are going ok so we have to hold our breath...again. Bard, you're right about the beer....

  24. mbg

    Nov 13, 2015, 22:43 #79165

    So other teams/players were taking drugs, I've known about it for years (then why the fook didn't you say something you sad old man) there's always an excuse for TOF's failings (looking back over the years there always has been)now it's other players were taking drugs, pathetic, anything to cover up his own failings, every time we're now beaten or embarrassed we can expect a petition from the AKB's to have the other team drug tested, or their goal scorers, or even if their player is man of the match (except if it's us or ours of course) that'll be the next excuse trotted out, they must have been on some thing, their eyes looked glazed coming off the pitch, i suppose Sheffield Wednesday and Bayern and all the rest over the years were on something. I see he has suddenly pulled his horns in now the FA and other agencies are after him to explain himself with even more excuses, what a fraud, pathetic. Well I guess it might have done it's job for now (as far as the wengerites are concerned anyway) we could well hear their messiah would have had numerous CL's maybe even PL's if it weren't for drug cheats, You couldn't make it up.

  25. John F

    Nov 13, 2015, 20:19 #79160

    I can't see Wenger signing what we need there is usually a lack of options in the winter anyway.He will continue with Giroud and hope Wally and Welbeck recover fully.In the summer I can't see any changes either as Akpom is back who is well thought of in Hull and Sanogoals who one of the Deboar brothers could not believe how poor he was.We should have gone for Jackson Martinez in the summer who went to A Madrid.I would of loved to have seen him and Alexis in the same team.As was argued at the time the home grown players rule had to be considered but a more ruthless manager would of shipped out Rosicky,Flamini,Arteta and even BFG to create space for other slightly younger players.I have often heard ex players state that Wenger is like a football father figure perhaps this is the issue he maybe gets to attached to his players at times.

  26. Bard

    Nov 13, 2015, 19:28 #79157

    Ozzie; mate youve had too much sun or beer. We wont buy in the Jan window. We have been here before 2 seasons ago when we were top and our response to that situation was to bring in Kallstrom who was injured for another 8 weeks or so. Sadly the club dont aspire to winning titles these days. In their defence they dont need to as they are making money hand over fist.

  27. mbg

    Nov 13, 2015, 14:12 #79138

    Ozzie, good post, yes the tiredness and fatigue crap spouted is just that crap, and a convenient excuse for the wengerites when their lord and master suffers another embarrassment, and all this spuds bashing is just another excuse or way for them of averting (or trying to anyway) attention from TOF's failures and deficiencies. On the subject of transfers in January we've all been here before, and some have been saying it for years now, and don't let the fact if we did we could have a chance of winning the prem fool you, (as it is others yet again convinced we'll buy) we're been there before as well, and it's going to be no different this time, the fact it could help us is one of the reasons it won't, because this old arrogant egoistic manager would rather do it his way.

  28. Ron

    Nov 13, 2015, 12:24 #79134

    Oz - You been watching the cricket mate? Warner s developing into maybe the best opener in the game now. Hes always been destructive but getting his temperament right now The new guy too, Khawaja looks a real find. Brilliant. I love Aussie cricket! See yr point re the Scots game in the RWC but i think Aus played that in 2nd gear to be honest. I reckon it was always nailed on for the Blacks to win it. Great side and nigh unbeatable this time.

  29. John F

    Nov 13, 2015, 11:38 #79132

    Oz I let it all go long ago.Giroud is some one I can not make up my mind about I think he would be a good back up striker.Bendtnor I thought he did have some talent but lacked (a Wenger word coming) desire and lacked focus.In my language just lazy .Adebayor was the same which was a Shame really as I really rated him I remember Ferdinand saying he was the one of the hardest players to play against Rio I mean not Frans.Money was his God and he sacrificed a promising career because of it.Hope you are enjoying the weather,over here in rugby league land it's 88 hot and sunny and not a hint of a really cold biting wind off the North sea.

  30. Ozzie

    Nov 13, 2015, 10:00 #79129

    Hi John F, sad to hear about your dementia :) Sometimes I think one may be better off letting it all go. Now what was I going to say? Oh, yes, the rugby. I am a League fan and a member of Melbourne Storm and can't get into Union as I find it messy, stop-start and too many games decided by a whistle. Anyway, Scotland should have beaten Oz so it was justice to see the Kiwis win. Pity about the spuds game, how many opportunities does Giroud need? At least Bendtner would have nailed the odd chance.

  31. John F

    Nov 13, 2015, 9:08 #79128

    Hi Ozzie,I think you are right but hope you are wrong about spurs they certainly have a good manager.With Chelsea's demise they look good for a top four spot.How did you the Aussies take losing the Rugby w/c final having stayed in NZ for a while I know they love beating the Wallabies.They are obsessed with Rugby over there.

  32. Ozzie

    Nov 13, 2015, 7:21 #79125

    Having not experienced the football highs and lows close up that you fellow Gooners have it is hard to relate many of your stories though I do enjoy being enlightened and reading all the banter and I often wish I could share your conversations. I cannot feel the enmity that you show towards the spuds though I do understand how it came about and how 'love thy neighbour' is such good banter. having watched them several times I believe, from an objective angle, that they are a serious threat this year and seem to have most bases covered - they should, they've spent substantially and worked on strengthening long enough. Yes, Arsenal WILL buy in January this time (I sense that - mainly because there is a real opportunity here to grab the PM title.) As for fatigue, ask the old coal miners, who worked long shifts 300 metres down shafts what that is? Today's footballers are crean puffs and wouldn't know the meaning of "work." On a passing note:I think I may come back as a footballer, I reckon I would be quite adept at throwing myself on the ground and writhing in pain and, all that money? Ooooh, just think of all those women...

  33. mbg

    Nov 12, 2015, 13:54 #79119

    John F, don't worry mate, it's going around.

  34. John F

    Nov 11, 2015, 17:04 #79076

    Sorry posted on the wrong thread first sign of dementia.

  35. John F

    Nov 11, 2015, 16:52 #79074

    Hi Moscow you are right there was a bit of a dust up in the clockend that day which was the first time I had ever seen crowd trouble.It was 3-1.Lads you are destroying my memories of supermac he was a hero to me at 14 but I do remember he was a big head.Didn't he get sent home from a tour for late night drinking.Ron I agree with you about that team it was such a Shame it was mismanaged and when Brady left you could sense the imminent decline.1978 Cup Final was my first one.I had collected all my tokens,only missed Bristol city at home that year.Got my ticket convinced that a team with Brady and Supermac in could not lose.I was so upset I could face going to school on Monday.I turned up on the Tuesday only for my form teacher to read out my forged sick note to the whole class which stated I was feeling sick yesterday. The whole class laughed,oh the joy of being the only Gooner in my year.

  36. mbg

    Nov 11, 2015, 13:22 #79062

    Haven't got a chance to listen to it properly yet, but lets hope there's no blaming tiredness and fatigue, and using it as an excuse, there has been, and was enough of that done, and/as it was clearly put where it belongs, in the bin.

  37. Website Editor

    Nov 11, 2015, 9:27 #79052

    I am finding using Google Chrome on an Apple Mac to play the podcast from the site, there seems to be a problem with it loading. If you are suffering the same fate, try it in a different browser. Certainly works ok on Safari. Might be just me...