Remember, remember… Arsenal in November

Online Ed: Defeat to West Brom at the Hawthorns

Remember, remember… Arsenal in November

November has often proved a troublesome month for Arsenal under Arsene Wenger. And so it seems to be the case in 2015. A bad defeat in Munich, a poor showing in the North London derby and now this. A game in the West Midlands which Arsenal should have won, but conspired to lose.

Things started well enough, a well taken free kick from Ozil found Giroud who converted with his header. All well and good, although by this time, Coquelin had been replaced by Mikel Arteta after an early injury. Arteta committed the foul that led to West Brom’s equalizer, and he habitually gives away free kicks with his style of challenge in dangerous areas.

Arsenal’s defensive record, at least in the Premier League so far this season, has been pretty good. However, it was not a good day yesterday. Poor marking at the back post by, well, Arteta allowed Morrison to level the scores from the set piece and Arsenal’s early good work was undone. Kieran Gibbs had spurned a pretty decent chance to make it 2-0 not long before. The decision to play him instead of Joel Campbell was presumably based on his contribution against Spurs a fortnight earlier, but it didn’t really work out, not that Campbell made much of a case for himself later on.

It got worse. Returning from injury, Hector Bellerin had a poor game and at times, his flank was targeted by the opposition. He was unable to do anything about the cross that hit the hapless Arteta and lead to an own goal. It was to be the final goal of the game. To complete the ignominy of his contribution, the club captain was withdrawn with injury ten minutes into the second half.

The final 45 minutes saw West Brom hit the bar, but Arsenal enjoy more excellent opportunities. Enough, certainly to have won. Ozil was unlucky to hit the post, whilst substitute Joel Campbell’s miss was unforgivable. The penalty awarded for Alexis being hauled back is the type rarely given, but the visitors were grateful for it. West Brom tried to psyche out the taker Santi Cazorla, but he did not seem fazed by their efforts. Even so, he slipped up as he struck the ball in a fashion reminiscent of John Terry in Moscow. It sailed over the bar and kind of summed up Arsenal’s day.

One of those days? West Brom tried hard to contain the visitors, but the quality of the chances that the Gunners created indicated that, although Tony Pulis’ side worked hard, ultimately, they should have lost this game. As it was, the mixture of poor Arsenal defending and wasted opportunities at the other end sacrificed the points. It’s goals that count. Can one blame injuries or fatigue for missing chances as they did? I’m unconvinced. On another day, Arsenal would have scored four and no-one would be concerned.

I think it is a bit early to draw any conclusions from this game except that the club do not really have quality back up for Francis Coquelin. That was a gamble Arsene Wenger took last summer when he decided Southampton’s asking price for Morgan Schneiderlin was too high. So they were reliant on Mikel Arteta to do a job at the Hawthorns and it proved costly. Bad luck? Maybe on the day, but not having better back up for Coquelin (or a player of enough quality to make Coquelin himself the reserve choice) has nothing to do with ill fortune. But hey, we have £70 million in the transfer kitty, so what’s not to like?

Norwich away next weekend gives the team the opportunity to demonstrate that West Brom was a blip. Liverpool’s 4-1 win at the Etihad Stadium provided a let off for Arsenal, although now Leicester and Man Utd are the top two. It does seem to be a league there for the taking. One just wonders if the mix of injuries, lack of squad depth in particular departments and a policy of playing for plaudits rather than results might end up costing Arsene Wenger the opportunity of a first Premier League title in 12 years. We’ll have a better idea after the visit to Norwich next weekend, but Arsenal don’t want to be dropping too many points against the also-rans.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. mbg

    Nov 24, 2015, 21:24 #79711

    MARCUS, Bojangles, Bard, ArseneKnewBest, and so early in the morning too.

  2. Ron

    Nov 24, 2015, 17:22 #79701

    Ohh Alsace that so made me laugh. Great funny post! Best for a long long time on the site. Im sure Hiccup will follow through with a riposte soon enough. Arthur indeed!

  3. Alsace

    Nov 24, 2015, 17:21 #79700


  4. mbg

    Nov 24, 2015, 15:49 #79693

    MARCUS, you have to laugh, other wise you'd cry, and we're certainly not going to cry for wenger.

  5. Made Up Stat

    Nov 24, 2015, 15:48 #79692

    Could we please drugs test the Arsenal medical staff? They must surely be on something...

  6. mbg

    Nov 24, 2015, 15:31 #79691

    AMG, those days are long long gone mate, with this old fraud it's the opposite, and anyway when was the last time (thanks to TOF) we had a player like that.

  7. Arthurknewbest

    Nov 24, 2015, 15:22 #79690

    It's still time for him to go!

  8. mbg

    Nov 24, 2015, 15:19 #79689

    SKG, I to would love to see Leister win it this season, yes what a big two fingers up to the big boys (or so called) you can just see the face on old frosty now trying to congratulate them. Sadly they will fall away (but it certainly wont be for the lack of trying unlike some) not having the dough others have to keep them there, i'd like to see how they and their manager would do with the same bank balance as us and our old fraud, i'd bet it would be used a hell of a lot more wisely, with the main point been USED and having the balls to use it and show real ambition, unlike our old fraud who'd rather bungle on with what he's got, and hoard the dough and show no ambition.

  9. jjetplane

    Nov 24, 2015, 14:19 #79685

    ALSACe love that! and Arthur Webster it is ..

  10. Alsace

    Nov 24, 2015, 14:07 #79684

    On planet Motson are the people who, like him, are surprised when Johnny foreigner, like the magical Hungarians of the 50's, hand us a good thrashing. Perhaps Wenger has just been here for so long that he has acquired English incompetence. Yes, that's it. He needs a new name. How about Arthur Webster ? "In today's press conference long standing Arsenal Manager Arthur Webster, sat addressing the assembled gentlemen of the press wearing a tweed suit and plus fours. He tapped his pipe bowl on the desk and declared that he was not worried that all of our players had broken legs as he had obtained permission to have each of the players with broken legs to lash the broken ones together and play three legged. Good old British pluck and the occasional ultimate sacrifice will make up for any managerial deficiencies". "It will be a said day", he opined, "when hashish crazed Balkan ruffians can compete with our brave and honest French and Spanish boys". Arthur Webster is 87 years young.

  11. Badarse

    Nov 24, 2015, 12:52 #79681

    Cut it out 24601, you don't get another Post of the Day for the last entry! Somebody mentioned recently that I should get a job, then a mate suggested, 'buying and selling'. Went to Oxford Street yesterday to Selfridges and never sold one, but did buy another kettle-that's eight I've bought in the last week. Must admit I prefer the buying bit to the selling, but not sure how you are supposed to make a profit. Anyway enough of the serious stuff; yes AKBest, I remember Cyril; the prog was hosted earlier by Bernard Braden-his own show, 'The Braden Beat' had morphed into it. A very funny man was our Bernard, remember listening to his funny radio shows way back, when I called it the 'wireless'.

  12. Westlower

    Nov 24, 2015, 10:38 #79672

    Impressive stats re Aaron Ramsey - Arsenals win % this season is 69.2 when he plays, 28.6% when he doesn't. AFC also concede 2 goals a game without him & only 0.8 with him in the side. Glad to see him back but I hope he's held back for the Norwich game. Bring him on tonight for the last 20 minutes after the game is won and put to bed. My delight at getting tickets for the Sunderland game has been tempered in the knowledge that Big Sam will play 8 defenders after his 'success' last night. Oh, joy! Memo to self, bet on a 0-0. @Bard, Glad you see that your penny has dropped - did it land heads or tails? @Badarse, Thank you for my 'post of the day' accolade, I feel I've come of age, what else is there left to achieve in life? Have you found like me, that it's harder to spot your spotted dick in extremely cold weather? I'm sure Albert had a theory for such a climatic phenomenon. Maybe it's all relative to how easy it is to spot in warmer conditions? 'The Germans now too have God on their side.' Ian Wright is suggesting AFC throw tonight's game. Come on Wrighty, how is an honest chap like me supposed to earn a living. I'm surrounded by dopes & cheats, yet I haven't been down the Lane for years.

  13. Bard

    Nov 24, 2015, 10:00 #79671

    Very funny Hi Berry. I think we all need to get to the Emirates and have one of those 'gatherings' that are so popular in the US. I will do my impersonation of Billy Graham (its an Xmas hit according to the family). Then we can replay extracts from the grandmaster of cobblers AW and have a terrific laugh. Oh yes and everyone will be required to take a drug test beforehand. We dont want dopers sullying the green field. Incidentally I have written to the FA and asked that all Arsenal's loses over the last 2 years be subject to retrospect drug analysis.

  14. B adarse

    Nov 24, 2015, 9:53 #79670

    Bojangles yes we are all nutty, but so is the whole species and we judge them don't we? Medical science is determining daily that we all have 'blips' and 'glitches', hang ups, and hang downs. Peace. @Bard, Einstein was German so wouldn't have said that, it would have translated as such though, especially as he was very interested in relatives-I'm a family man too. @Morning 24601, yes that sounds about right to me, both winners tonight. I award you post of the day, and a bit of fencing to go with it. Our young Charlie got posts of the day three weeks ago. He hit a screamer, it flew past the keeper and struck the right hand post about five feet up. Shot down behind the keeper and bounced on the line, hit the other post and came straight into the keeper's stomach as he turned to find out where the ball was. Anyway, 'How do you like your eggs in the morning? I like mine with a smile...' Forty first anniversary of 'Lucy', the oldest hominid ever discovered. So named because the discoverer loved The Beatles and had been hooked on playing 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds'.

  15. Hi Berry

    Nov 24, 2015, 9:49 #79669

    Arseneknewbest...funny you should think that - I was thinking the same myself....alternatively I have an image of the Grand Master in 'Kung Fu' knowing all and instructing 'Grasshopper'! For some reason completely beyond my control I also have images of Ron as Len Goodman and Jeff Wright as a rather suave David Gower when I read their posts. Perhaps I need to see someone!

  16. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 24, 2015, 9:39 #79668

    With badarse falling further into a slough of his own slurry, it suddenly came to me who the king of verbiage reminds me of. Anyone remember that that awful programme, "That's life" with Enid Rancid, the guy who impersonated a trim phone, and a dog that could growl the word "sausages" if it was provoked enough? Well that show also had a character called Cyril Fletcher whose party piece - if you can call it that - was to tell everyone to pin back their lugholes, while he regaled the british public with what he called odd odes - he made pam ayres sound like shakespeare. The comedy was enhanced because he wore a smoking jacket and had an almost 90 degree boss eye like marty feldman. Not sure if he's on you tube but his output is on a par with our very own badarse. would be good to know if anyone else also remembers him.

  17. Bard

    Nov 24, 2015, 9:26 #79667

    Bojangles of course its madness on this site. You only have to read Baddie and pals to realise that. What did Einstein say the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. It sums up our supremo to a T. Speaking of which his latest pronouncements on Dynamo's doping are manna from heaven for the faithful. The reason we never win anything is because other teams are off their faces on dope. Add to this injuries, bent refs, media bias etc etc etc. Next we will hear that the stars arent aligned. You couldnt make it up to coin a phrase.

  18. Westlower

    Nov 24, 2015, 9:26 #79666

    As a long standing inhabitant of planet Motson, I've invested in a Arsenal & Chelsea win double this evening. Putting food on the table is depending on it. They used to call me Spotted Dick at school, it took me years to realise it was because I'm so sweet & full of goodness. Just smother me with custard mama! Now Maureen's stop playing silly buggers his side will improve & I fully expect Arsenal to dispose of Zagreb whether the opposition are high on drugs or not. 'And you never ask questions when Gods on your side..........'

  19. Denis

    Nov 24, 2015, 8:51 #79665

    I have been a gooner for over 65 years, but,finally I think enough is enough. We should forget about this season and build for the future. Get those fit who will stay reasonably fit for a good part of the season and give fringe players more game time. Wenger just runs the trusted few into the ground and when they do break down brings in those who are on the way back (Aaron and The Ox looks likely this week)and they have to hit the ground running which it turn creates more injuries. I can see Santi, Alexis and Ozil picking up strains very soon. When you think that 3 very quality players have yet to play this season and will not until next year - well, its a disgrace

  20. Badarse

    Nov 24, 2015, 8:23 #79664

    Good morning Bojangles, 1948 only a babe, anyway back then no such thing as cream puffs, though Jam Roly Poly was a staple treat for many. Spotted dick, cooked in Granny's old nylons she got from an American Serviceman, who really liked her, was another, but rice pudding was the main one for us though, loved the burnt bits around the edges of the baking dish. Rationing didn't end until Summer '54-I had turned 6 by then, and found Arsenal the following Spring, they've never been rationed for me since. I have to put you on the list chum. That's the list that offers the opinion that I haven't quite aspired to the level you probably think I really have. Confused? Never mind, it is an improvement, you never called me a suedo, though if you saw my blue shoes you might change your mind on that one. Bit odd that you got up this morning and the burning issue in your life was to have a pop at me. Was it bubbling away all night long? @Ron, yes white handled and smoky black metal. Mind a 'Winchester' was a beautifully crafted rifle, wasn't it?


    Nov 24, 2015, 2:14 #79663

    Wow the man is out for 3 months Loool. The man has the gall to say he has options in the middle of the park looool. I'm sorry for laughing out loud but this man had finally lost the plot. Season is over now. Nothing will be won folks!!! Good luck winning anything with flamini wow just wow! What a deluded man we have in charge

  22. Nick

    Nov 23, 2015, 23:05 #79662

    Apology accepted Badarse, only those of us who are truly emotionally invested in the Arsenal would get so riled and agitated by defeats , though I am more mellow these days and gone are the times when I would savagely remove a door from its hinges after a loss to a particularly hated opponent, ( the repair bill and bruised knuckles are to be avoided ) but it still bloody hurts, in fact my gut will remain sore till our next victory or stirring performance soothes it, here's hoping our next game does just that !

  23. AMG

    Nov 23, 2015, 22:35 #79661

    I remember the days when the club captain was one of the best players in the squad, a real leader, first name on the teamsheet. How passé of me! Wenger you genius, always keeping 'em guessing.

  24. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 22:29 #79660

    westie westie, i'm disappointed, you were doing so well, you even had my admiration, no silly comebacks, no gobbledegook, no insults like you two mates, just going about and minding your own business, you were nearly getting to me by just ignoring me, but you go and spoil it, being a semi professional gambler i'd have thought you'd have been more cool and collected, i suppose even the coolest wengerite luvvie cracks and shows his true colours eventually when confronted with, and hearing the truth.

  25. Bard

    Nov 23, 2015, 21:47 #79659

    Paulo75 thats just one of the problems mate. Serious error though Arsenal have no intention of challenging thats a myth. They havent made a proper tilt for the last 10 years. Deconstruct it and you will find that the same mistakes have occurred over and over again. All spun and twisted in the name of progress. No other manager would get the free ride Wenger gets.The current crisis is now being spun as bad luck but you cant have bad luck for 10 years. Its incompetence on a grand scale.

  26. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 21:41 #79658

    Alsace, if only we had a couple of players with the balls to do just that, and a lot more, but as someone has already mentioned (Ron I think) they wouldn't dare rock the boat, TOF treats the little nice boys and over the hill favourites to well with nice fat contracts and games they wouldn't get at any other team in the premiership top to bottom, and anyway mate he makes and has made sure over the years those type of player/players wouldn't be and don't be about the place, and any that slipped through, or developed that trait wouldn't last long (as has been proved more than once)it would come as no surprise whatsoever if that's the first thing he looks at in a player the only criteria needed(whenever he does sign one)that they don't speak their mind, or have an opinion, or talk back, just keep quiet and do what their told regardless, meet that criteria and their in. wenger out.

  27. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 21:26 #79657

    Baddie - i knew an allusion to guns would draw you out ha. Yes recall the Buntline of course, White smooth handle, long matt black barrel was it? Dead envious of whoever had one. Mind you ,my Winchester rifle that fired red bullets was the subject of much desire mate. Though it might have been the Buffalo Bill hat!

  28. Paulo75

    Nov 23, 2015, 20:45 #79656

    Misguided loyalty to players who have passed their prime will be the undoing of Arsenal's league challenge yet again I suspect. Good servants though Arteta, Rosicky and Flamini to name but a few have been, they no longer possess the ability or reliability to be genuine competitors to the first team regulars. Getting these three off the wage bill earlier could have gone a long way to paying the wages / transfer fees of the likes of a Wanyama or Schneiderlin. Yet again we find ourselves short of numbers and quality due to injury and a failure to be decisive in the market.

  29. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 20:39 #79655

    A good quip over a photo of TOF on Bring back my Arsenal, Without recognition of ones own illness and inability to perform ones duties, social or otherwise Definitions of Insanity.

  30. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 20:03 #79654

    Oh Ron, don't you know it? I had a pair of twin 'peacemakers' as a kid-my Dad used to work at Olympia and often brought us two kids home toys that none had seen before, exhibition gear. I could draw, roll both at the same time, fire imaginary bullets and holster them in one slick move-well slickish, ha ha. Used to wear them low on my hips but could never look as threateningly mean as Peter Storey did, no matter how hard I tried. I also had a Wyatt Earp 'Buntline Special', do you remember when they came onto the market? Also had a 'Rip McCoy, Canadian Mountie gun and holster. It came equipped with the clip over holster cover, and the white roped lanyard attached. I sound like a right little militarist, think it must have been the cannon which attracted me to the Arsenal, ha ha. All I could find in the loft was my Dale Evans cowgirl boots!

  31. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 19:48 #79653

    Ha Westie - turned to it as son as i read yr post mate. Thanks. Love those B and W western films. Baddie s just climbing in to the loft to get his old holsters down as we speak. How can we not!!

  32. jeff wright

    Nov 23, 2015, 19:29 #79652

    Oh dear,yet more sanctimonious piffle from the Jeremy Corbyn of the forum,yawn.............

  33. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 19:05 #79651

    Moscow Gooner-did you realise that if Moscow was spelt with a double 'O', it would read 'Moos Cow'? By the way 'any old irony' will do for me, but you haven't highlighted any, sadly. I am opposed to much at AFC but recognise reality-you perhaps should try a slice sometime. That is being anything but an apologist. However when it comes to irony it is amazing that your grasp of politics matches your understanding of AFC, plus your comprehension of me. Still load up the planes for Cameron's middle eastern smokescreen, eh? That's a way of getting regime change at the Grove too...not! Anyway a silver lining is that, 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue!', is back on Radio 4 next Monday. Enjoy!

  34. John F

    Nov 23, 2015, 18:57 #79650

    The press had it in for Ranieri when he was at Chelsea nicknaming him the tinkerman because he kept changing the team.It would be funny if he did finish above Chelsea.

  35. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 23, 2015, 18:34 #79649

    Ron : Like your point about Ranieri being treated as some kind of comic figure in football by our so called expert pundits. When asked had he had a player before that had scored in ten games in a row he casually mentioned Batistuta (Seaman still wonders how he beat him at the near post at Wembley!) CR has also coached Crespo, Zola & Del Piero so I think he knows what he is doing. I would love Leicester to win the PL this season it would give the corporate giants a real headache as to how to invest their money in the already over inflated Premier League!


    Nov 23, 2015, 18:16 #79648

    I still see the Wenger loyalists are out in full delusional head in the sand mindset!!! Oh dear, dear!! HOW CAN YOU DEFEND NOT BUYING ANY OUTFIELD PLAYERS IN THE SUMMER?? NOT EVEN ONE?? PLEASE DEFEND THAT STUPIDITY??? I hate mourinho but he is right. Wenger is under no pressure to win the pl!! Mourinho almost got sacked after winning the pl Loool and can still get sacked any minute!! Yet we have a manager who had not won the pl for over 10 years Loool!! Comical.

  37. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 18:00 #79647

    It's so unfair, mbg never picks me for his post of the day. I'll have to report him to Miss if this discrimination continues. Miss, Miss, there's a one dimensional arse'ole on our site who only picks 'post of the day' from a member of his own gang. Miss, Miss, he needs putting over your knee & given a good spanking. Oh Miss, Miss, one more thing, what's a wirgin??

  38. Alsace

    Nov 23, 2015, 17:54 #79646

    Anyone who believes that we will blow Zagreb away has been living, I would respectfully suggest, on planet Motson. We didn't do it in Croatia and their manager will have done his homework. We need a dressing room revolt with the players saying that they aren't going to do a blasted thing for him unless he comes down to breakfast on Wednesday morning with his purchase list for January, so that Dick Law and his chaps can start tapping up grumpy niggly aggressive defensive midfielders in January. Better still I would just tell Flanimal to go out and get it done. He's the only person in that place apart from Sanchhez and Cech that I would trust to get anything done.

  39. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 17:18 #79645

    Good news on the injury front Ramsay returning, he is scheduled to return to just full training today, he is short along with chamberlain, and their the closest TOF says (don't laugh) he goes on to say he will have to accelerate his return, so it's not exactly good news a player that's not even half fit, but that doesn't worry TOF as his incompetence has left him no choice, so it will come as no surprise if he breaks down and is out for another two months or longer, i wonder who's fault that will be, or who'll get the blame. wenger out.

  40. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 17:15 #79644

    Wenger's biggest gaff this season is playing Giroud, Ox & Theo at Sheffield Wed. He got away with Giroud not getting injured but we've lost the other pair for some vital games since. I would argue that with them we'd have won our last 2 PL games and been clear top on 31 points. There should be an option to opt out of the League Cup for teams playing in Euro competitions. @Ron, The Toughest Gun In Tombstone is on Movie channels TCM HD 317 @ 7.35 & TCM +1 318 @ 8.35. Draw hombre...

  41. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 16:44 #79643

    Nick, nice one, post of the day.

  42. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 16:31 #79642

    Alsace, great post, and still even now after all this time the AKB wengerites still don't get it. wenger out.

  43. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 16:18 #79641

    Bard, like leaving no chambers empty and pointing the gun at his foot and pulling the trigger, then wondering why it went off, and then off course blaming the gun. wenger out.

  44. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 16:07 #79640

    Hi Westie - my post to you sounds a bit thorny towards you. Sorry for that. It wasnt meant to be. Youre right about how the media and so called experts almost universally derided Ranieri as if he was some fresh man, new to coaching. Amazing wasn't it. I think they would take a draw v Utd. If we can beat Norwich that would do too. Man Utd always seem to get wins and goals though just when it looks like they wont or dont deserve to dont they. They've always been the same ha! If Leics beat them, even they might get carried away!! Its a fantastic thing thats happened there. Restores a bit of my faith in football at Prem lge level. A good article by Redknapp in the Telegraph today about non lge footballers making it and needing to checked out more. I agree with Harry totally. We need to get loads more English players to the top. I saw Cyrille Regis play for Hayes and Pearce for Enfield, so it must still work if the willingness is there. Meantime i wish we could harness some of that belief that courses via Leics veins right now. Im sure quite a few of our players would be transformed by it. Arsenes biggest weakness for me i.e his powers to motivate.

  45. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 23, 2015, 15:52 #79639

    Badarse - I always appreciate the delicious irony here: staunch Leftist and 'renegade' that you claim to be, you are the arch apologist for the current junta in power at AFC. 4+4=5. Big Brother (aka AW) is watching you....

  46. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 15:37 #79638

    @Ron, I'm not knocking Leicester, on the contrary I'm enjoying watching Ranieri embarrass some expert pundits on their predictions he'd cock it all up. Only the one defeat all season & to come back from a 2-5 home defeat speaks volumes for their self belief. Vardy on 13 goals & Mahrez on 7 proves that they is another way to play football rather than the cowards way of parking the bus. No one will be happier than me should they beat Man U at the weekend, but it wont happen, will it? I must confess I've already backed Man U to win that game.

  47. Tony Evans

    Nov 23, 2015, 15:26 #79637

    Cornish Gooner - 12 games unbeaten for a Spuds fan must seem incredible. It's horses for courses, although, as Ron says, they do look much better than usual under Pochettino. With Klopp starting to inspire Liverpool as well you can't help but think Arsenal are missing the boat, but as long as Wenger gets top four that will be good enough for Stan.

  48. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 23, 2015, 15:23 #79636

    Ron I wouldn't disagree with you on the current AFC/Spurs comparison. My post was more a response to Tony's reference to AFC background. But, despite Spurs best ever run we are still above them.

  49. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 15:02 #79635

    Westie - why should Leics have to prove theyre 'the real deal'? Do you hear anyone at Leics talking in terms of anything but the need to get 40 points? I dont. You might ask more to the point if its AFC that have the need to show that theyre 'the real deal'. Save for blinkered Arsenal fans, not many think that they are. If Leics crashed and burned now, it wdt detract from what they've done. They've no need to prove anything. I wouldn't imagine there's one person inside the King Power who even allows thoughts of a title win, or even CL entry to enter their thoughts.They certainly don't need to show any thing to any Arsenal supporter that they're anything. I can tell you for real that their fans are loving every minute of it. There s a refreshing feel of joy at Leics right now and i doubt that will change if they lose a few on the bounce either. You ll not find any of that at any of the cartels stadia, for them and their fans its boos all round for going a goal down,stands emptying at a home loss and solemn navel gazing all round by their fans. In terms of blowing Zagrab away, they probably will. Games v such teams are even level matches for AFC in the CL. If entering the EL, they ll abort that by Gunnersauras and the ball boys at that stage. On balance , the big question is whether AFC will ever show anybody theyre the real deal and so far they aren't making much of a fist of it, but then they haven't for a decade or more have they.

  50. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 14:43 #79634

    CG - We can mock them and no doubt will do so but the fact is they look pretty strong and sure of where they're going or at least where they want to go. Can AFC say the same? Im not so sure. They look at least at ours Leics and Utds level right now. Can they sustain it? No idea. Probably not

  51. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 14:32 #79633

    It seems we have good news at last on the injury front with Ramsey returning. Plenty of possibilities to cover Coq's absence, with Flamini or Chambers seemingly the preferred option. A radical switch to 3 CB'S, BFG, Kos, Gabriel with Bellerin (Debuchy) & Monreal (Gibbs) as wing backs. I expect Arsenal will blow Zagreb away tomorrow, even if Gunnersaurus is our main striker, with ball boys on the wings. Keep the faith ye faint hearts!

  52. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 23, 2015, 14:27 #79632

    Tony Evans. The lot down the lane are celebrating today. A record twelve games unbeaten in the Prem League. Yes that's right. Just twelve.

  53. Tony Evans

    Nov 23, 2015, 13:54 #79631

    Thanks Badarse - endure being the operative word sometimes! Despite my frustrations with Wenger I still thank my lucky stars I come from a solid Arsenal family back-ground and not that lot down the Lane.

  54. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 13:46 #79630

    Colesoreboy, yes, their not racist, their to the point, their appropriate, their not illegal, the majority on here agree with them (apart from two) and that's only a few examples, and more importantly their the truth, and if you and your mate from the phone box don't like that tough.

  55. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 13:27 #79629

    Tony Evans, like Nick, I wouldn't let you go down the Lane-you have to stay and endure what happens to the Arsenal with me. Chin up buddy.

  56. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 13:25 #79628

    Well there's another name for the long list of replacements for TOF, Tony Pulis.

  57. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 12:59 #79627

    Hi Westie - i think not mate. I feel that we are a Europa Cup Club in terms of its management, owners and certainly based on the playing staff. Our chances of the title are still decent really, but i feel that we shd embrace the EC. It will perhaps allow us to shine in euro footie, give us a feeling of euro presence (we have none in the CL, lets be truthful here). It will give the players the chance to want to improve and reach the CL again and give it a real go. Euro evolution if you like. Im a beliver in seelkking to take a positive from a negative. I think the exit from the CL is a blessing now. The torture in it for years is depressingly routine now and adds to the Clubs feeling of failure. The EC can be a spring board and should be used as one. Its a good tourny. Its only PL Clubs arrogance that's deemed it otherwise. Arsenal FC are not structured and certainly have no basis to be arrogant and dismissive of the Europa League. So what if it gets in the way of a tile chase? I think its a mistake to for the Club to hang its hat solely on the hope that we might win the league, because in reality City will still take that prize. These players need to learn that abject performances in the CL has consequences.The need the basis to get better. I think the EL provides it. We re not a great team, we are a best a good team, on a good day when the wind blows favourably in our direction. Allowing a squad to deliberately side step a tourny like the EL gives them a reason to keep them thinking they're better than they really are. This latter aspect of AFC is a big part of the reason for why we underachieve in my view. If you want my view on what the Club will do, i think Wenger will abort the EL as you suggest. He has delusions that we re better than we really are and has done for years. Thats not going to change any time soon and certainly a loss to the Albion wont shift that mindset. You ll probably get yr wish granted.

  58. Tony Evans

    Nov 23, 2015, 12:32 #79626

    It is only one game and West Brom did have the rub of the green BUT depressingly familiar themes are appearing - namely injuries piling up and the holes in the squad being horribly exposed. Holes in the squad is of course down to Wenger (particularly if Coquelin is out for a while) and I would even lay the lamentable injury situation at Wenger's door. He knows damn well that we have a squad stuffed full of the perennial walking wounded (we all know who they are) and this has been the case for years, and yet he keeps the faith and then surprise, surprise we get yet another injury crisis! Frustration hardly begins to describe my feelings towards Wenger because we will make top four, despite everything, but another Premiership title chance is tossed away through sheer negligence. I shouldn't have to, but I will, add the caveat that I hope I am wrong about our title credentials, before I am asked to f off down the Lane to join Finsbury Joe.

  59. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 12:14 #79625

    It may feel as though we're the hardest hit club re injuries but a check on the physioroom website reveals that we're joint 3rd with L'pool with 8 behind Newcastle (10) & Man U (9). Should Flamini keel over on Tuesday how about playing Gabriel a role as DM protecting the two CB's, aka Martin Keown? @Cornish, Skybet are offering 150/1 to win PL. We'll found out at the weekend if they're for real when they play Man U.

  60. Alsace

    Nov 23, 2015, 12:03 #79624

    Imagine that OGL had a seizure and came for his next press conference, apologised for being an idiot and promised to strengthen where it was needed in January, with players scrapping hard to do a job and maximise points until then. How exciting would that be for fans and players alike?

  61. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:51 #79623

    Noble prize winner Daniel Kahneman told us that success equals skill plus luck. How fickle is lady luck? WBA had one shot on target & won 2-1. AFC score & own goal & miss a penalty. Credit to Tony Pulis for saying they had the rub of the green. Results need interpretation and shouldn't be taken at face value. Comment in the Telegraph previewing the D Zagreb game. 'With a tilt at the PL title under way, and injuries mounting, would it not be best for Arsenal to pick a team made up of ball boys & the Gunnersaurus here & try to avoid the "prize" for finishing 3rd in the group?"

  62. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:50 #79622

    Apologies Nick, it was a slur, and unwarranted. It is because an Arsenal defeat is, 'like a punch in the gut' to me, and then compounded by the usual bleating, that on occasions I get the hump. I kind of reason that anyone who wants to take a 'pop' at my club/players/manager is there for a 'pop' in return. Why draw the line at someone who may be a Sour or a supposed AFC man? Anyway, you probably just got in the firing line. I know you are an Arsenal man, so please rest assured on that, sorry once more chum-my gut isn't hurting anymore.

  63. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:44 #79621

    Nick. There are many if not all of those aspects of the Clubs methods that are lacking as you say. So often and for so long, we see the same trends and characteristics showing them and its hard to say that theryre not there now. However, im of the view and have been for a long time that AFCs real problems stem from some thing far more fundamental and that its the mentality of the collective at the Club ie coach, owners and players alike that is the true weakness. Success in Sport is derived from the 'inside', from the head as much as it ever is from talent and physical abilities etc. The Club from top to bottom (for me at least) seems like its very weak mentally. The signs were there going way back even to the invincible s time. AW proclaims loudly all of the time that his troops are mentally strong. I think deep down he knows that both they and he are truly not as such. Its a bit like the man who proclaims himself to be a 'hard' nut. He can convince some , but the more tuned in and discerning know that a truly hard character never has the need to say he is, other people just know.Is the mental weakness soley Wenger's fault I dont know. I suspect hes partly to blame as all teams reflect their Coach to a degree and the Coach chooses players in his own image. Its human nature really. Its a big fissure in Arsenal make up i think. It might take years to correct. Perhaps the Club needs to invest in suitable and proficient sports psychologists more than it does new strikers and DMs etc?

  64. jeff wright

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:37 #79620

    Alsace you are right about le Coq being a big miss.I'm not convinced though that we would have won the league with him anyway there are a number of problems in other positions as well , but we certainly would have had more chance with him playing. Of course as so many predicted predicated due to his style of play he was always going to get injured at some time and Wenger giving injury prone well past it as well faithful Arteta a new contract because of his loyalty to himself was a disgrace by Wenger .As I said the other day Wenger rules AFC like it is his own little fiefdom with players showing loyalty to himself being their main asset for him, mediocre and past it ones realize this and use it to their own advantage to get contracts with us that they would not get at any other top club. .This is one of the reasons why the better players always leave when a top club with ambition and a proper squad of players to pursue it with come calling for them. Top players can earn money anywhere however unless they are crazy they also want trophies as well a 4th place trophy is unlikely to get him jumping up and down splashing the champers around.Sanchez already has one FA Cup medal surely he must want better than that .This is assuming Wenger wins another FA Cup and that is no certainty.

  65. John F

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:30 #79619

    Hi Baddie,We have three players who lets face it would not be included in most of the other Prem squads especially now Rodgers has gone{we missed the boat there}.To me they are just taking up space in the squad on a substantial wage{i do not how much they are on}.Rosicky who a great player that he was is injury prone, never has a players name been more apt.Flamini and Arteta I am afraid age has caught up on them.Surely a club with ambition would assess players in the summer and think we at least need to replace at least one of them if not all.Bit like my gardening business I can operate with cheaper maybe older equipment that may break down and in the end cost me more money or buy quality machinery that will do the job and last longer.I opt for the cheaper version as in the areas I work my stuff keeps getting pinched out of my van, i'm not sure if Mr Wenger has this problem. Enjoy your nap i'm off to cause carnage to some bushes at a block of flats.

  66. Nick

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:25 #79618

    Badarse,I have absolutely no idea what your on about most of the time, you are certainly a man who will never use one word when a hundred will do , I detected a vague slur on my character in your missive or should that be TOME, in answer to said slur, I say this, if Arsenal losing is NOT like a punch in the gut to you then I would suggest that Arsenal doesn't really matter to you, all things Arsenal have been a large part of my life for as long as I can remember and as you alluded to in your essay that is a long time indeed.I do not throw tantrums whenever we lose, how deeply a loss cuts depends on the MANNER of said reverse, Saturdays worsting, is one that cuts deeply because of the circumstances that brought it about, most of which with PRUDENT and RESPONSIBLE management of our tactics, preparation, team selection, motivation and yes I will say it SENSIBLE transfer window which our shortcomings obvious to even the proverbial blind man and his dog were properly addressed!! As I have said Arsenal, not Arsene are one of the loves of my life and I shall once again be wearing my colours and my heart on my sleeve on Tuesday night as I hope as I always do in any game we play for my beloved gunners to WIN !!

  67. Red Member

    Nov 23, 2015, 11:25 #79617

    I dont need to add anything. The comment from Alsace says it all. Brilliant and depressing at the same time

  68. Ron

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:49 #79616

    Yes its fundamental change isn't it Baddie. Its become 'Americanised'. The striker is the winner of the game and the defenders are the shields as you say. I actiually think the players positions will be renamed in the not too distant future. Keeper will be 'stopper' for eg. The forward will be the 'hitter'. The CB s will become 'guards' etc etc and all of this rubbish. Whats clear is that the old type domination by 1 or 2 Clubs is being eroded rapidly. I'm happy with the latter but not so keen on the former. In a way footballs evolution in this way is akin to to how the limited over and 20/20 versions of cricket have usurped the old formats. In time fans will accept the changes and recognise that long winning sequences for one team are the exception rather than the rule.Coaches tenures will become seasonal in time and i reckon wage caps aren't that far away.

  69. Alsace

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:47 #79615

    Arteta is a liability as a defensive midfielder and I'm pleased that he isn't available for selection again. Long may it continue with an exit in the summer. Coquelin was bound to get injured or suspended at some stage and now that he is out for a prolonged period our season is at an end. The only cover we have is Flanimal and, much though I love him, he can't do a whole game, let alone two thirds of a season on his own. This, right here, is at the heart of the manager's gross negligence. The reason that so many of us want him gone. This is the most winnable championship in years yet we won't win it because Wenger is on the beach at transfer time. We will lose the league for want of a defensive midfielder, who are available for purchase for under ten million pounds. We now need two. He will do NOTHING in January because he lives in a consequence free environment. No amount of "getting behind the team" as the sheep constantly extol us to do, will make up for the lack of an essential piece of the machine. IT'S THE MIDFIELD STUPID. He who controls it, controls the game.

  70. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:36 #79614

    John F, I would immediately dismiss the first offering; mainly because I personally do not believe it, but more importantly it is unsubstantiated, so you have to focus on more credible alternatives. Bard is right in that Dein was AW's perfect foil-without him steadying the helm we become a little rudderless, (look out or radford/kennedy will come sailing in). The suggestion of thinking of the future is a good call but I think it also embraces finances in that 'future' aspect. Today development is paramount. To buy a top man it's around £70 million over four years, (that is probably a modest figure), and if you can find a nugget-Coq and Bellerin are obvious candidates for that title-you have saved/made a fortune for the club. A double-whammy of taking care of the future and being financially astute-AW doesn't get the credit he deserves for what he does in these areas! The other 'savings' John, are evident in the three men you named. They have been purchased, their contracts run down, and that has been costed into the expenditure for those men. They become 'FREE' agents, literally! Give them a year at around £30-40k per week and they are very cheap options. Whether it turns out to be a sound investment on one, two, or all three is open to argument-whether it was even a sound policy is also debatable, but I think it colours the reasoning. OK have done my Worzel Gummidge bit and, " 'ad me sensible 'ead on fer too long, me Aunt Sally!", so am going for a snooze.

  71. Badarse

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:12 #79613

    BeeBo-jangles! Shouting, 'You sane Bolt?'-yet he still wins the races. Castigating me screaming, 'You knock Badarse!'-but my bell's a-pealing. Anyway the howling at the moon usually subsides by a Monday morning, so we move on. I do note MARCUS STILL SHOUTS WHEN HE POSTS! @Ron you have touched on an important issue I think. I would like to go on about it, and on, and on...only kidding. (I note that amongst the waiting posters the bow ties are spinning, the sides of the hair rise up and down, and the big red noses are being 'honked', oh well. Ron, I genuinely believe that modern footie has evolved after a fashion, which has allowed coaches and managers to nullify bigger/better teams. The realisation that a better side might be nullified and more often is gives greater credence to the way a game is approached. The speed of the game and the fitness of the players has served it's own death knell on football. Faster and purer playing surfaces, a lighter ball, streamlined kit, and the type of player developed is as an athlete rather than a common or garden footballer. It means the play can switch from one end to the other in the blink of an eye-and we have speed merchants who can capitalise on that. It is a far more subtle version of 'the long ball' technique, but essentially similar. Sit back, soak up pressure, release a 'runner', perhaps score, go back into a defensive shell again. The better sides also attack with speed, but have to be more clinical against those packed defences. Clinical like surgeons, I might add. It means the game is asking for special players to do just that, and they are not about. There are a few but they are a rarity, Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez, and at a premium. It makes for a clamour amongst fans demanding a man to 'keep us safe'-the acclaimed DM, and the man to 'win it for us',-that special finisher. Reductionism to the 'nth' degree. This is not to negate the discussions of a team's requirements, a club's failings in the transfer market, or certain players being criticised for not being up to that specifically high calibre performance. Think it is a big shift in football, and goes part way towards what we are seeing in the PL this season. Perhaps football will never return to those 'old' days of previously recent seasons-until Sky TV push the buttons for a new rule change if what is occurring doesn't suit their agenda.

  72. Bard

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:03 #79612

    John F; maybe a bit of all three. My take is that he has a stubborn nature and with no one above to rein him in it spills over into delusion. He was at his best when he had Dein beside him. He has been nothing like as good since Dein left. He likes to play russian roulette with the squad and unfortunately he keeps getting it wrong.

  73. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 23, 2015, 10:00 #79611

    Not guilty Bard, but the posts had been deleted before I could read them. Many more could be deleted too, but the web editor has his own thoughts on why they stay on.

  74. John F

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:49 #79610

    As to why Wenger did not replace Arteta,Flamini,Rosicky all past their best I am caught between three schools of thought.First it just may be incompetence.Secondly,financial either Wenger or Wiggy just do not want to spend money if they can get by.Third and the one I tend to believe is Wenger is too busy looking towards the future rather then the present.He probably reasoned that le coq is playing very well and if he stays fit he will only have to play the other three for cup games.He has Bielik coming through and if he signed a quality midfielder on a long contract it may block his progress.The flaw in this thinking is the present team suffers with injuries with no credible back up.By the time Bielik and Akpom step up we will need to find players for other positions and so it goes on.He is a bit like me a mug punter hoping to find success on a long punt with less money rather then backing a more credible option with a bigger outlay.

  75. Westlower

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:49 #79609

    @FJ, Best Spurs team in over 100 years? Played Arsenal twice this season and you lost at the Lane & drew at the Emirates. Still behind AFC in the league. Scope for improvement from the best of the past 100 years would you say? Only won 6 PL games compared to Arsenal's 8. You should be worried as AFC are crap, apparently!

  76. Bard

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:33 #79607

    Oh dear AKBs having a touch of the Jamerson;s Web ed and mbg posts. My money is on CloseyBoysetc but hey impersonation is the Arsenal game these days. We impersonate a proper football club.

  77. Red Member

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:20 #79606

    so we are currently 4th, will probably finish 4th . job done again for the most overrated manager in world football

  78. Wear Your Colours

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:15 #79605

    Kevin, not much to add to an excellent report of the match. The decision to play Gibbs instead of Campbell was totally baffling. We huffed and puffed, dominated possession but at the end of the day we were not good enough. Hugely disappointing performance. Let's hope we bounce back on Tuesday night. COYG!

  79. GTG

    Nov 23, 2015, 9:09 #79604

    The way the whole season is heading is just so depressing! Even if you are a Wenger out person there is no pleasure in watching exactly what you predicted would happen actually come to fruition! I'd love nothing more than Wenger to prove me wrong and win what is undisputedly the weakest premier league in history (I mean Leicester are top ffs). These injuries were always going to happen and I think the most unforgiveable thing of all was offering Arteta a new deal rather than strengthening that area! The reason of "not being able to find anyone to improve our squad" could be used as a slightly fair arguement for the centre forward position because clubs won't sell but please to use it for the defensive mid position when Kondogbia moved for £25m is an utter disgrace. As also mentioned in these comments we'll never get anywhere until this defence gets proper coaching. Mertasacker shouldn't be anywhere near the team at present..... Gabriel is far from perfect but at least he has the heart and hunger!

  80. Bojangles

    Nov 23, 2015, 8:28 #79603

    Oh Badarse (Magnificent Bonobo) there are many ways to embarrass yourself. One of which was suffered by a man called Brian who spoke untruths and was unmasked as a Charlatan! Then there were rumours that Badarse himself threw many tantrums and would disappear into the wilderness. The very same wilderness (near Lowestoft) where Jameson now resides. Poor Badarse predicted that the tribe of WOB would be swept aside by the in depth strength of the Arsenal squad. Oh for that is embarrassment! Woe, woe is Badarse. For he suffers amongst the WOB!

  81. Mathew

    Nov 23, 2015, 5:41 #79602

    A perfect reminder of the Artic chill, maybe Wenger can goad on some ball possession to keep him warm. Teams of Tony Pulis have always made Arsene suffer, but rather than losing the match I am more worried about Coquelin and his lengthy absence we may face. Quite ironically, Wenger didn’t find anyone to replace Arteta/Flamini during summer and he hasn’t been a big fan of January windows, probably it’s time to find another Kim Kallstrom. Absence of jaded wingers were notable yesterday as most of our attacks were centrally. Could have given a role to Jeff or Iwobi rather than playing Fibbs to support Giroud, as he missed a glorious chance from Alexis. It’s that time of the year, which reminds us of not having quality backups to support our first team, 4th place looks safe as of now. Too many fragile players in the squad, and this will scupper Arsenal's season. Wenger had enough to spend in the summer and it's his fault the squad is short.

  82. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 0:34 #79601

    Anyway off to bed now, tomorrows another day for proper gooners, and nothing will change. wenger out.

  83. mbg

    Nov 23, 2015, 0:23 #79600

    Oh dear the AKB wengerites have cracked again, (not to hard to know who either)and as usual can't use their own names, while blaming others (what's new) just because they know the others are bigger and better gooners than them and always have been and always will be.

  84. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 23, 2015, 0:01 #79598

    John Gage. Not forgetting Abou Diaby, who still hasn't played a competitive game for Marseille, due to injury.

  85. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 22:51 #79597

    John Gage, their not injury prone mate, their f*****g wenger prone.

  86. John Gage

    Nov 22, 2015, 22:38 #79596

    There have been a lot of debate regarding the cause of Arsenal's injury's record. But could it simply be down to the fact that a lot of players that we have are injury prone? Wilshere, Arteta, Rosicky, Welbeck, Ramsay, Oxlade-Chamberlain, and Walcott are all players that have long and extensive injury records stretching back over several years. Essentially, the rest of the squad are carrying these players throughout the season and the team is now paying the price.

  87. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 22:37 #79595

    Cornish, thanks, knew it was something like that, unfortunately others just still will not see.

  88. DW Thomas

    Nov 22, 2015, 22:27 #79594

    Anyone that supports the current state of the club anymore just doesn't care about the malaise. No, that's not mayonnaise! Malaise. For years now most of us have been saying it. I too got suckered in a little this year. Then the CL results reminded me why Wenger just can't win the league anymore. It would be a pure miracle after we screwed up the summer transfers again. Jack and Welbecks injuries along with others in the past defy logic. Why is it we are always in the dam sinking boat? It's called blindness. Blind to our faults, while we are told all is well, we will compete. Straw men giving straw men arguments. No top team puts up with the lack of success where so much more is possible! Insanity is trying the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. This club is worse. We know what will happen each year, it's predictable, and no one cares! Nothing changes!

  89. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 22:07 #79593

    Bojangles you embarrass yourself-it was only a matter of time wasn't it? Speak to mbg, he is the time bandit and he will explain where you went wrong. E/G always embarrasses himself, that is just par for the course. Good to se I have riled you all, ha ha-earned and deserved.

  90. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:57 #79592

    I see a space man has come travelling again.

  91. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:47 #79591

    jj, if rumours are to be believed and truth be told OGL will not be feeling all that lonely.

  92. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:39 #79590

    Westie. Have to agree with Jeff and Bard re. the rejoicing comment. Not sure why you think that. However, now that I've put £50 on Leicester at 100/1 things might be different.

  93. Bard

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:27 #79589

    Westie; you completely miss the point. No one is rejoicing in the fact that Arsenal lost on Saturday. What frustrates me is the groundhog day nature of it; same defensive frailties, same injuries, same poor mental attitude, same plethora of missed chances. I thought it was the job of the manager to address those issues. If he cant fix them in ten years its unlikely he is ever going to. And thats just Saturday. How about always going into a season 2 or 3 players short, Then charge the highest ticket prices in football. Do you think any of the above might be the reason me and others get piss off Westie or is it a touch too complex to understand.

  94. jeff wright

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:26 #79588

    No one is rejoying in our defeat at the Hawthorns Westie,it's just a reaction to the absurd ott posts and the Simon Rose article and the claims about the supposed title challenge that we should be happy about with Chelsea fighting relegation and ruin.Interesting week ahead starting with Zagreb, a strange one this with the German and Greek result obviously casting a big shadow over affairs . Wenger is sure to take it very seriously though and will be hoping that Pep will also treat his game like wise. In reality both those foreign sides will be cautious as they only need a draw to both qualify and to dump us out into the Ropey. Pep will of course not take any chances on Olympiacos settling for a draw recalling that old warning of beware of Greeks bearing gifts. But it's a fact that these games where both sides do not need to win often end up as being a draw.So might be worth a punt on that with there being no value on backing us to beat Zagreb.

  95. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:22 #79587

    MARCUS, fan girls, nice one, you might have the PC fan boy spouting off about that one, not that any one passes any remarks on him or worries about him though.

  96. Westlower

    Nov 22, 2015, 21:09 #79586

    The organ grinders are especially noisy this evening? Perhaps their moving parts need oiling - rust never sleeps? To those of you who are rejoicing in Arsenal's defeat at the Hawthorns, Paddy Power are offering 12/1 about AFC not finishing in the top 4.

  97. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 20:56 #79585

    jw, 84186, great post, you tell em, but it will probably go in one lug out the other anyway, and another one now in the long list of replacements for his and others messiah is Tony Pulis. wenger out.

  98. jeff wright

    Nov 22, 2015, 20:54 #79584

    There is a theory that chained up monkeys in a basement, banging endlessly away at random on keyboards for a thousand years could, by some law of mathematical probability, come up with the works of Shakespeare. Badarse's posts however would only take the primates 5 minutes to cobble together . Grunt...grunt...squeal... gob... grrrrrrrrrrr.....

  99. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 20:35 #79583

    And TOF actually had the cheek to say we have learned from this, did you ever hear such bulls**t in your life ? Learn ? he doesn't know the meaning of the word, Jesus H you couldn't make it up, who is he trying to kid ? Oh sorry it's not hard to know, his disciples will be lapping it up. wenger out.

  100. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:57 #79582

    jj. I don't mind numbers from posters - they're better than posts from mind-numbers.

  101. Peter Wain

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:25 #79581

    OGL chickens are now comming home to roost. No defensive midfield player no decent centre half and no top top top quality striker. Time to go old man time to go. But dont worry Stan can have his 3mil no problem

  102. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:18 #79580

    Did you see TOF post match ? standing there with his arms folded, rocking back and forward trembling trying to make excuses for his failings ? bad day, unlucky, didn't deserve to lose, didn't focus, (only in an interview later saying they had tremendous focus) excuses, excuses, excuses, what a fraud, go now you're an embarrassment. wenger out.

  103. Ron

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:12 #79579

    As i saw it, it was a game that demonstrated 2 main issues. The first one being that our squad depth is nt as it should be, but we know that. The second is that it was a game that again underpinned that every single game has to be given the same intensity as the game before in the PL. The standard has evened out i think. Im always going on about it i know, but the top teams are no longer Worlds apart from the others immediately below them. Theyve learned, they've picked up the baton, they no longer tip their caps in deference to the better quality sides . For me, its fantastic for football that this has happened. Arsenal need to learn this still as do the other member's of the established cartel. Two other things arise. 1. im a big believer in the law of averages. Its been about 10 yrs since Albion beat us at the Hawthorns. It was a win about due to them. Its always a bit disappointing though rarely to never to see the opponent given due credit. WBA deserved their win. Pulis has shaped a decent side there on a shoestring. A few teams will be beaten at The Hawthorns before this seasons out. AFC had the chances to win it, but the lack of a truly top marque striker means that they didnt. I also think that Pulis did his home work on our defensive frailties and it paid off.

  104. DW Thomas

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:11 #79578

    So boring being a fan of this team sometimes. Season after season we fold, break down and lose the league. We bought Arteta years after he was at his peak, because he was cheap. And we were panicking. Now we hold on to him and he shows what any player shows that is past it. He's not good enough. Losing Coq will destroy the season. That and injuries with no squad depth. Every year the same old things happen. And the men running the club could care less. Money over glory is the point of this club. Winning is a secondary thing. Debuchey should be playing with Bellerin forward at right wing. And Mertesacker another past it player that should sub for Gabriel. What does Wenger promise these players? Why can't we retire a man who has obviously been over the hill for at least 5 years now? The same old boring story...

  105. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 19:00 #79577

    TOF, tells us it was a night mare, no shyte Sherlock, but has it ever crossed your mind your the fooking nightmare. So pulis, sorry put us, all out of our misery and go now.

  106. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:57 #79576

    Gloat? Defeat? We got a draw yesterday and as a semi retiree I love a quite life but it is a laugh to come on here and watch the AKB madness in full throttle. CORNISH bet you were waiting for those numbers all day .... chocolate bars are done with forest honey so that is what we will have tomorrow. Bloody spuds - Wrighty is having a right old love in. remember when they were just a little club. Now it's all bloody academies, young English players. Do remind us how Wenger's academy is going? Ahh the quiet life ...

  107. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:51 #79575

    Well, Badarse was asking for embarrassing responses... then duly provided them himself.

  108. Westlower

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:28 #79574

    @Cornish, I haven't got back to you re Leicester's odds of 80/1 until today's game finished. The bookies tend to overreact after every shock result, bless 'em! Taking Coral prices, they offer 100/1 Leicester. At face value it seems crazy odds for the team currently at the top of the pile. Everyone is waiting for the bubble to burst but what if it doesn't happen until next season? If Vardy stays fit & keeps scoring it'll be interesting to see where they end up. All I am sure about is that Arsenal's odds of 2/1 are too short considering they've got to visit the Etihad, OT, Anfield & the Lane. TH have entered the picture and should they beat CFC next week they're contenders. Latest Coral odds: Citeh 11/10, AFC 2/1, Man U 4/1, TH 20/1, L'pool 22/1, CFC 40/1, Leicester 100/1. Last week I backed Man u at 7/1 to win PL & CFC to finish top 4 at 7/2. There's no mileage in backing Citeh at any price under 3/1 or AFC at less than 5/1. If Man U buy a top striker in Jan even 4/1 will look a good price.

  109. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:23 #79573

    Nah, there isn't goonercolesyboy.

  110. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:15 #79572

    Why come on here to gloat over a defeat? I thought there was more to do in Eastbourne?

  111. Bard

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:12 #79571

    Now you are talking Hiccup.It's all relative. Starting points finishing points. Lets create our own reality and leave the Prem title bash to other clubs. i suggest we just play with ourselves as the AKBs are aways urging us to do. We can then exist in a parallel universe where we are the top club of one. Or we could relocate to Spain and sell the Emirates to the Spuds.

  112. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 18:10 #79570

    Just heard that Arsenal practice pitches are very hard to play on oh and Coq is out (matron) for at least three months which will interrupt Arteta's Xmas shopping ... or not. Flam cannot be contacted as he is presently offshore on corporate duties. Wonder if he has a place on the board for Arsene?

  113. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:53 #79569

    Sundays are always a sensitive time for a Miltonian meltdown. From a mountain to a cave and not a Plato to smash .... Bleedin Spuds hey and after them trouncing poor old Arsene's poodles. Where will it all end or maybe it has. The old spuds will have a few tips for Arsene re the Ropey One. Some serious math (sic) on tuesday night and who would know if they threw it anyway. Praetorius all the way ...

  114. Hiccup

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:40 #79568

    If we look at things from a sensible akb angle, we actually maintained our unbeaten second half run. Credit to the lads for coming out after losing the first half and getting a well earned second half draw. We actually matched Man Utd with their second half result, and look at City and Madrid who lost both halves in their games! Leicester are pressing us hard for the calendar year title, but we clearly lead the league since September based on second half results alone. Things always look better when such perspective is added.

  115. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:28 #79567

    mbg. WILL not see.

  116. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:27 #79566

    Badarse, No, you've embarrassed your self enough.

  117. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:25 #79565

    Good points about Arsenal being allowed to retake any penalty until it is scored and also the serial sending off of the opposition which will create the space for those 98 sideway passes but like jumping out of a plane, who has the strenght to put the ball in the net after all that. Anybody ever thought Santi (Claus) looks older than they say. I reckon about 42 and should be running a tapas bar or such like in dem Spanish hills. Probably slip over with plates flying everywhere. Brings me back to Fawlty Towers which can be picked up for a Fado .... making chocolate bars in the kitchen and all I can hear is oh when the Saints come marching in .... Sundays hey!

  118. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:17 #79564

    Torbay gooner, Gaz, it didn't take long for you to be proved right, with fans like Richard is it any wonder we're in this state, God help us. You really couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  119. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 17:07 #79563

    Hiccup, the altitude had a lot to do with it too, did you see Cazorla puffing and panting before taking the pen ? and not a canister of oxygen to be found, it had all been used up by TOF and the subs (if you could call them that)after the game the area around the bench was like the top of Everest with discarded Oxygen tanks and masks.

  120. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 16:55 #79562

    Torbay gooner, Gaz, good posts, indeed comical as jw pointed out last night, clowns, the whole clubs a fooking circus thanks to a tired old man, and that's the problem fans think they owe this tired old man something (they don't) such is their attachment and loyalty to him, they just can't see life without him, afraid of change even though i'm and indeed others are in no doubt they know and realise he's the problem and that's exactly what's needed. Whats the old saying ? there are none so blind that cannot see, or something like that. Go now wenger.

  121. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 16:39 #79561

    There you have it, it was the goading that was to blame. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  122. Finsbury Joe

    Nov 22, 2015, 16:32 #79560

    The weekend just gets worse and worse for Gooners, Kane running the show, Liverpool lagging it, Wenger and his team just provide comedy these days. The fear is, Arsenal will finish third, in London

  123. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 16:28 #79559

    Who would have thought it? New media darlings the Spuds are one up with yes you guessed and now the media will not know who to go to with an abundance of managers popular with public opinion and respected for their focused passion. Poor old Arsene must be feeling lonely in more ways than one. Right then - I believe the Lane is this way .....

  124. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 16:18 #79558

    Plastic? Not at all, drastic more like. So much must be wrong in your lives, to keep bleating and whinging. Do I misunderstand? Is everything in your lives perfect, which is why you expect the same from a football team? Humorous? Now that is the biggest giraffe of all. Even a funny joke retold loses it's mirth value. Happy go lucky? Now that is funny Nick. A man of your age should know better, but you are in good company on that failing though chum. I care but don't have a tantrum like yourself-what an immature conclusion to draw. We have insults delivered to a man who cannot hear, railing against the 'heavens' that's our brainwashed religious nut. Fillosoffy as edification for all from 'Pizza King'-'The Fisher of Menus'. What a lot of rubbish; and please keep a lid on your left-leaning tendencies AKBest, normally you should be slated for that from all those on the other flank-your brothers in arms. We lost a football match, which wasn't entirely unexpected. We are of a slightly superior standard to most teams, not to all, and we had a reasonable chance of getting a narrow win, as I'd hoped for-it didn't happen and clowns immediately post asking for excuses from other Arsenal fans. What children! 'Mummy, I still got the belly ache.' Embarrassment! Stand up and take it like an adult, or run and hide behind the sofa and accuse a football team of 'folding' in the way you lot are. Roll on Tuesday, good old Arsenal. Wish someone would do the same to you Danny, because I think you have a bad attack of wind too.

  125. Bard

    Nov 22, 2015, 15:52 #79557

    Some good stuff. I like Hiccups idea. Another would be to keep sending off the opposition players until we win, although in Bayerns case we might even struggle against a one man team.Speaking of which the team havent been the same since the Bayern thrashing. I agree withe Colseyboysetc as I am prone to do these days. Yesterday was a glitch. Its only relevant if you buy into the idea that Arsenal are challengers and they aren't and never had any intention of challenging, that much was clear from the summer transfer window. Every man and his dog knew we needed another DM and a striker. The lack of both is biting us in the proverbials as we knew it would. We will only buy in Jan if 4th place is in doubt.

  126. Hiccup

    Nov 22, 2015, 15:38 #79556

    So the penalty should have been retaken, and we should have been given another penalty? I've always been behind the akb argument that teams should just lie down before us and let us score at will, but this new idea that the refs should keep giving us penalties until we score is a great idea!

  127. jeff wright

    Nov 22, 2015, 15:34 #79555

    United have now got themselves into contention for a title tilt if they can maintain their form until April. Despite silly claims about titles being won in November the reality is as Wenger said recently that they are usually decided between April and May .The dynamics involved in league results this season so far suggest it could be a close run thing if these results after 13 ,unlucky for some, played. Personally I believe that squad strength will kick in over Xmas and after the festivities .United showed yesterday that they can cope without some of their top players - City are an enigma but have come good on run-ins in the past .I still think that they are favs for the title .Our lack of strength in depth and Wenger's weak management will again ensure that he will not be lifting the Prem trophy come May . He has had two chances to go top in the last two games and blew both of them. This is like a snooker player missing chances and then later being punished for doing so. United have capitalized on City's slip up we failed to do so. Confidence plays a big part in football and United's players and manager will be on a high. The same can't be said of our ones and Wenger who is looking ever more stressed out as time goes by . Suddenly no game looks easy now and that includes Norwich where we have come unstuck before when going there and not mentally being up for a fight. That looked the case to me against Bayern the spuds and West Brum yesterday .We scored from a corner but produced little end product from open play .We needed a penalty ,and although under the rules of engagement it was one, the truth is that you are lucky if awarded a spot kick for those sort of fouls in the box normally. If this was the case penalties would be given on virtualy every corner or set piece that is taken. The lack of consistency is the big problem here with refs playing at god on whether or not to award a penalty for shirt pulling or pushing in the box on set-pieces or in cases such as the Sanchez one yesterday and the pen awarded to Watford against United . It will interesting to see if the ref cracks down on these antics later on when Colseyboy's Irons take on the spuds .

  128. Nick

    Nov 22, 2015, 15:03 #79554

    Players who accept defeats with smiles are rightly castigated for not caring, yet when supporters care enough to criticise management and team for falling short year after year in the pl and cl , we are told were " plastic " fans to bog off down the lane !!when Arsenals results have the ability to make or break your day or weekend, when Arsenal leaving is a the guts , it means you care and railing against circumstances or actions that have bearing on said results is a natural reaction and a healthy one, meek acceptance of a regime is historically a very bad thing , so to those of you who accuse me and others of being " plastics" I say this DO ONE !!!

  129. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:56 #79553

    COLSEY it may be tiresome to you and your mate on here but from what I see most posters are a happy-go-lucky sort with some particularly funny and original. It is the AKB way to see EVERY defeat (a decade's worth) as knee jerk blips are you not tired of having to say the same thing on every post of how you are pure as the driven red and white snow and most others have no right to come on a football site to post what they like. Surely there is a site for you out there where you can all rub each others backs in cyberspace. God knows you're miserable now .... Cue 9th tier/Jeffjunior retort in that inimitable fashion so beloved .... Come on I bet even the penalty made you laugh .... ps would appear WESTIE is now blaming GG for yesterday's minor blip. Why oh why GG ...

  130. Danny

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:45 #79552

    Keep on saying this old fart will never win the EPL until some soccer guy kicks him up his ass and say buy better better quality squad players!. His arrogance on saying he knows everything just shows what a pillock he is Wenger and the board out!. When are the AKB going to realize this

  131. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:32 #79551

    I don't know who Alexis is praying to because there's nobody who can help us with this old has been in charge, unless he's praying for a new manager. wenger out.

  132. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:32 #79550

    I do like Guardiola and his style would suit us perfectly. However he has won with Barca in a two team league apart from Athletico's one off and Bayern as a one team league bar one year of Dortmund. This league is a one off and now the gap is closing all the time as this year's results are showing. Simeone is another, a couple of one off good years but yet to be a continued force. His passion perfect. Let's see with Klopp, early doors yet seems to have injected a new manager's spell over hitherto underperforming players under Rodgers. Who else in the frame? But for now this is the current management and will be until the end of next season. I understand frustration over yesterday and our defeats this season, but if it bothers you that much then take a break from the team and come back when your hopes and dreams are realised. Some would call them plastic fans or glory hunters. Some will stick to the ups and downs of following Arsenal. The choice is yours but continued rehashing is tiresome.

  133. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:32 #79549

    Westlower; try getting out a bit more mate. We're all fed up with the regime. I don't like any more than you pal. Deal with it. BTW that measly crowd was because Highbury was being rebuilt, and was still more than 2/3 of its then capacity.

  134. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:30 #79548

    This theme of missed chances, soft goals and injuries will continue throughout the season. On paper we should have won the last two matches and it would have put us 3 points clear but as has been said many times on this site, we only start playing when there is nothing left to win. That said this season is a strange one, there are at least a dozen teams who may get a top six place and as for the eventual PL winners I think this season it will be won by the best manager not the best team and I fancy a real surprise come May next year. If Arsenal cannot cure some of their failings we stand no chance, other than that I would love Leicester to win it - that would shake up the corporate sponsors big time but unfortunately it cannot happen.

  135. Westlower

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:24 #79547

    Hello, Marcus is back. Chelsea must have won & AFC lost? Why the surprise in losing to WBA when we've lost to them in every decade except for the war years 1940's & 1990's when WBA weren't in the 1st Division.1901 0-1,1902 2-1; 1912 0-2 & 2-1, 1920 1-0, 1922 7-0, 1923 4-0, 1925 2-0, 1926 2-1, 1931 0-1, 1932 1-2, 1933 1-0, 1937 3-1, 1951 2-0, 1952 3-1 & 2-0,1953 2-0, 1956 2-1, 1957 1-2, 1959 2-4, 1960 1-0, 1961 4-0, 1962 0-1, 1963 4-0, 1966 2-3, 1968 1-0, 1969 1-0, 1973 1-0, 1977 1-2, 1978 1-2, 1983 0-1, 2005 2-1, 2010 2-3 all WBA wins. Same story with next weeks opponents Norwich, whose victories over AFC were: 1954 1-2, 1960's no games, 1972 3-2 & 0-3, 1976 3-1, 1977 1-0, 1980 2-1, 1983 3-1, 1984 1-0, 1992 2-4, 2012 1-0. The infamous first game of the season in 1992, just 2 years on from Arsenal being champions, losing 2-4 at Highbury in front of a measly crowd of 24,030. Team: Seaman, Dixon, Bould, Adams, Winterburn, Hillier, Jensen, Limpar, Campbell, Smith, Merson. Manager George Graham. That must have been the good ole days that mgb keeps referring too.

  136. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:17 #79546

    Bard - "Stan's plans to fleece the fans" is a triple rhyme par excellence. Nice one. It was the only thing that stopped me from gagging after reading the badarse-coleslaw reach around - talk about a sinking ship of fools. Norwich away after the mighty dinamo is looking distinctly difficult. Weng's bathroom mirror must be getting some serious use as he continues to ask himself what he's doing to our club and his own dignity.

  137. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 14:02 #79545

    Begeegs, good write up yourself, but it's just One Old Man who is addicted to self harming our club not us, but i'm sure that's what you meant.

  138. jjetplane

    Nov 22, 2015, 13:55 #79544

    Same old same old and lots of good stuff from WOBsville but Kevin you are wrong when you think it was Arsenal's right to win yesterday. As Chelski are illustrating a dodgy mind culture can be advantaged by practically every team in the PL. Probably explains why Leicester are at the top and the London derby to watch is now Spuds V the Hammers. All eyes too on Klopp and LVG with his anti-Dutch football so getting top four will be a long haul for a team as ordinary as Arsenal and if Alexis is put in hibernation for the winter (same thing happened with Ozil) Arsenal will be very ordinary indeed. good point about Arteta and his 'tackling.' I thought he was just clinical but now we know he is just incapable. A poor man's Scholes and sinking under that fine hair ... Twas good pre-xmas pantomime with Santi doing his Manuel bit ala Fawlty Towers and Silly Walks Wenger only needing to give him a good head slap after. WESTIE loving your new 'why oh why' whining which is only surpassed by your batman's attempts to enlighten humanity - the tragedy of genius. Funniest thing is people feeling such angst when they were never there to experience it. The joys of virtuality. Been watching Hibs with Brighton up next with my 9th tier in the middle of it all. Welcome to Vardyworld and my money would be on Sanchez going to Kloppland if anywhere on this hedge fund of an island. Thing is - how dare the Baggies come out and boss Arsenal mentally off the pitch. Surely a petition in there .... Enjoy the festivities one and all - oh and Colsey who is a good honest lad and defo a Hammer ...


    Nov 22, 2015, 13:46 #79543

    We have a manger talking like he won the treble last season. By coming out and saying he will only buy players if they improve what we have got at the moment is just plain arrogance!! He talks like we have world class players in every position!! Look at Bayern Munich they won their league by over 10 points and were semi finalists in the cl. Yet pep was not happy with that and the team was clearly better than ours but what did he do he went and bought coman, costa, Vidal etc. He probably did not need to but them as they were probably not better than what he had but still did!! There is a manager who even though won the league by over 10 points yet he too could have used the famous Wenger line of buying players better than what we have Loool. I find that line comical he is talking like we won the pl and challenged for the cl!! Or like we have world class players in every position. I actually think he did not want to buy anyone. I actually believe that. Why would he say that?? The man is a joke now!! Why are we charge the most expensive ticket prices in Europe or the world?? When you ask then that they bring up the market looool.. Chelsea are in a far more desirable location in London than we are. They have won the pl three times more recently than us and have won the cl again more recently buy they don't charge the ticket prices we do?? Again what is the reason?? Smh!! I'm tired of this club taking me for a fool!! These Wenger fan girls need to wake up ASAP

  140. Bard

    Nov 22, 2015, 13:41 #79542

    I agree with Colseyboysetc if Clattenbrug had made a decision to re take the pen, Santi might have scored and the result would have been a draw. Also if we had taken all the chances we had we would have won. If Coq hadnt been injured Arteta wouldnt have been on the field to give away that goal. Funny ol game football. A passing aside, who would have thought that we would lose Coq to injury and not have a decent back up. Answer about 50,000 gooners. I would suggest there is a full blown panic in Delaware. A couple more of these results and Stan's plans to fleece the fans yet again next season might be in jeopardy.


    Nov 22, 2015, 13:22 #79541

    Again where do I start? We are in the same position points wise as last season. Yes 13 games in as last season the same number of points. Yes the same!! The only BIG difference is that chelsea have been absolutely poor!! That is the only difference well it's a big difference!! What the Wenger fanatics can't defend is the fact that this fool, did not buy any outfield players. I find that absolutely disgusting and suicidal!! Too relay on players like aretea and flamini and joel campbell is just plain stupidity!! This manager is a plain fool!! We had a lord come out who sits on the board and say we could buy any player in the world apart from messi and ronaldo. Guess what Wenger when asked about this denied it and said it's not true. So who is lying?? As clearly The Lord had access to the accounts as he is a board member!! I have said this for years now the problem at arsenal is threefold the manager, an awful CEO and a pathetic leaching owner!! The club is a total mess on the pitch! If pep guardaola became available tomorrow I would take him and get rid of Wenger!! He is a manager who loved attacking yes but takes organisation seriously and defending as well!! He also expects a certain standard from his players!! Wenger had to go!!! The man is living off what he did over 10 years ago!! If manure win the pl Wenger will have no excuses he has none now but boy that would be embarrassing if they do!! I saw ozil reaction to there first goal and he was going crazy at both bellerin and aretea as both were shocking whilst defending the set piece!! I'm sorry but this club is going no where under this clown! Also this is not a one off as the Wenger fan girls keep saying!! What happened with west ham, Sheffield Wednesday, Zagreb and olympinakos?? All one offs?? We are in the same position as last season after 13 games in the pl in terms of points. So there had been no improvements just that chelsea have been awful!!

  142. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 22, 2015, 13:08 #79540

    Reading through the comments so far, I don't see any of the infantile tantrums that Badarse says are there. There is a bit of humour, a bit of bemoaning certain failures - all of which presumably fit into Badarse's 'reasonable' category. Perhaps this was a preplanned comment (inspired by Wenger's substitutions?) that doesn't actually fit the context into which it has been placed. The 'you don't deserve Arsenal' and 'shame yourself with a response' is just obvious attention seeking.

  143. Nick

    Nov 22, 2015, 13:07 #79539

    Woeful, performance,even more woeful summer transfer window, Wengers in my opinion IDIOCY, in not strengthening in the right areas , defensive midfield and up front, possibly even in defence is coming home to roost, the now regular glut of injuries proving we do NOT have strength in depth,, the pen and og were bad luck to an extent, but better focus would have negated luck, our only real hope of title success is if Wenger does what I and many others doubt that he will , buys in the January window however with the games coming thick and fast mow up to and through the Christmas period by January we could have slipped right out of contention already and be in our oh so familiar dogfight for a top four finish.This isn't hindsight its a foresight many of us had before the seasons kick off, yet a man paid a fortune to see exactly these scenarios fails to prepare properly for their eventuality, in my book done once a verbal warning, done twice a written warning done three, four, five, six, seven times or more the Spanish Archer should surely drawing his bow !!!

  144. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:52 #79538

    Yes Kev things started well enough, the team coach started first time at the hotel, and yes then it got worse it arrived at the ground, so it's the drivers fault this time then. Go now old man, wenger out

  145. mbg

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:37 #79537

    The Dwarfs can't even take a pen now, I wonder who's fault that was. wenger out.

  146. Nick T

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:35 #79536

    Days like yesterday are why not all of us get ridiculously over excited when we pull off a great result like the ones against Bayern & the mancs. There is something very good about this group of players but there is also something critical thats been missing for far too long. Coq now out, which most predicted was inevitable at some stage in the season, really does re-open the questions regarding our lack of summer transfer business ....sorry but you dont win big prizes with Arteta or Flamini! Anyway we'll lose some, we'll win more but we will never win the CL or PL again under this stubborn man. Bonjour

  147. jeff wright

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:27 #79535

    The only one getting upset over a defeat is you Badarse, let's face it they are nothing unusual are they now... WHU,Zagreb,Olympiacos,Sheff Wednesday,Bayern Munich WBA ,that's 7 so far and we are only into November! Also the defeats were going on before this month,so November and chilly weather can't be used for an excuse. The sight of some of our little men wearing gloves yesterday at the start though did not inspire hope that they were going to dig in and grind out a win.In the end even a draw was beyond them despite having led 1-0 . Some just want to see a change of modus operandi at AFC from Wenger's injury crisis every season rule and his boring tippy tappy lightweight football and also Stan's business plan. Just because you and some others are happy to stick with and support Arsene in all of this malarkey while pretending that there is no alternative because it's your team is complete nonsense.You are a Wenger worshipper along with others on here and at games but this does not mean that we all have to be. Klopp who is younger than Wenger and more tactically astute and up with the pace modern game was there to be had but as long as Wenger keeps making Stan money he will stick with him. As regards your post all I can say is,yawn. You couldn't make it up.

  148. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:24 #79534

    Well done goonercolesyboy-we just need one more and we can say, 'Together, together, together!', perhaps this week we might say, 'Ensemble.'

  149. Mike Collins

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:23 #79533

    It's symptomatic of us Gooners' resignation - bordering on despair - that Badarse's post should appear so soon in this thread. We are all so wearied with saying the same old things in these dog days of AW's reign that any old rubbish will do now. As for Klopp - well, last night's destruction of Man City may be a one-off but Liverpool looked reminiscent of Borussia Dortmund at their best to me, hitherto sluggish and unmotivated players finding commitment, passion and their best form in a brilliantly set up team. And we had a chance of hiring this man? Shame on the board - and shame on AW for not seeing his time is over.

  150. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:18 #79532

    Sensible sentiments Badarse. Nobidy likes to lose a game in that manner, own goal and a missed penalty. Just curious as to what changed Clattenberg's mind not to retake the penalty for encroachment. Maybe Goals on Sunday will have a say on that.

  151. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:13 #79531

    That was the first vacuous post-anymore? Come on shame yourselves.

  152. Jumpers for goalposts

    Nov 22, 2015, 12:04 #79530

    Never has one person used so many words to say so little. And I don't mean you Kev . . . .

  153. Badarse

    Nov 22, 2015, 11:32 #79529

    Thanks for the report Kevin. Modern life, eh? Was it ever thus, and people just didn't have the opportunity to display their confused and immature limitations before? Zeigeist? The media hype? The mistaken belief that everyone knows everything? People buying into the 'me' filoffisy? Arsenal have the players they have; we knew that before this match-nothing will change for the next. Simples! Why are the same hackneyed-or should that read, 'kackneyed'-offerings regurgitated? Read above for that answer. In all things, you know, like in life-that thing you are trying to live but barely getting a pass mark at-things occur which we do not like or appreciate. That is the beguiling aspect of life-we do not like a lot, but we do some. Yesterday we lost a game of football. We had the better squad, better players on the pitch but it didn't happen for us. Aspects of the game to discuss, some things to bemoan; offering bemused views by the events which took place, even questioning why, or what needed to be done to put it right, or to have avoided the outcome. That is all reasonable. I have a blanket answer without specific analysis-these things do happen! What defies logic, and places some in the position of children is the inability to cope with defeat. Some believe that they have the right to demand an answer from me for the defeat, or another they see as an opponent/enemy, or just rail at the skies. That is the immaturity as in-'Mummy my belly aches, make it better!' You don't deserve a club like Arsenal. You should play tiddly winks with your arthritic granny, you can always win then...but possibly not! We are all different, though some are similar to others in their reactions. When my team lose, I lose! It hurts, and I am best away from others for a while. The sensible side of Badarse always triumphs eventually though. Here he is. Now any embarrassing responses to this post?

  154. jeff wright

    Nov 22, 2015, 11:11 #79528

    As Keown on MOTD pointed out Mertesacker was to blame for Morrison's goal scored from a set piece. With other clowns in our side adding their own comical cameos to the fun fest . Well it was funny to the Brummies. So yet again another shambles of ineptitude all around is excused by some as being 'one of those day' ,you couldn't make it up.Anyone thinking that Weneger aka Inspector Clueless is going to win the league is living in la la land .I predicted after the opening day defeat at home to WHU that there would be more of these alleged shock results' to come there will be some more ones as well before this season is done. Tuesday night's game against Zagreb is a poser for him if the other game ends in a draw then by beating Zagreb we end up in the Ropey on a Thursday night . Good old Arsene.

  155. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 22, 2015, 11:03 #79527

    I think you can solely blame fatigue for this one. The players were fatigued from travelling back from the international kickabouts. Now they'll be fatigued against Zagreb from this match. Then fatigued against Norwich from Zagreb. And to think there's months and months of the season left! How the hell is a team supposed to win the league if they have to keep playing football matches? The players will hardly be able to stay awake by season's end. No, with all this fatigue, 4th place this season will be Arsene's greatest ever achievement.

  156. Richard

    Nov 22, 2015, 10:38 #79525

    Yes not good but as stated by you November is a bad month notoriously for us. Campbell's chance came when he hadn't been on long and he just mistimed it and came off the outside of the boot instead of the inside of the boot. Cazorla a miss maybe down to stud type but those things happen occasionally. Just think as a team we tend to switch off once we go a goal up and believe we have game in the bag. Think it shows we need another dm at least in January arteta past it and though flamini slightly better he is not up to Coquelins ability anymore. Will we need any other re ingot enemy's no don't think so well ecl should come back and take right wing that will give you Sanchez and welbeck closing down and harrying winning balls back early. Walcott also will come back so up front we will be ok.

  157. Sputnik

    Nov 22, 2015, 10:36 #79524

    For me it was a combination of a bad day at the office and the ghost of transfer windows past coming to haunt us. We'll have better days at the office for sure- when penalties go in etc. but not purchasing a striker or defensive midfielder last summer will impact other games too.

  158. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 22, 2015, 10:31 #79523

    As a committed leftie and gooner, I'm in a real dichotomy over whether to support airstrikes on the arsenyrian regime. The atrocities this year have been piling up - who can forget the abject defeat at Hillsborough, and the poor showing on home territory against our traditional enemies when we barely got out of our own trenches. And now the latest abject setback in battle against ayatollah poolis and his baggy marauders? Should we hold the pacifist line and pray for regime change, or direct our wmds against stormin stan and his surrender monkeys? Maybe I should stop watching that idiot Andrew Marr and reading online gooner at the same time...

  159. Andy M

    Nov 22, 2015, 10:12 #79521

    I hope it was one of those days... Listening to the commentary, it sounded like everything was against us and I said to myself "Santi's going to miss this.." when we got the penalty award. It didn't help losing Coquelin and Flamini would have been better than Arteta. We had chances. We missed chances. We hit the woodwork. Write this one off and hope for better next week.

  160. Hiccup

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:57 #79520

    Bit harsh Kevin? As rightly pointed by the resident excuse maker, we should be looking to blame the ref when we lose. I shall be signing the online petition to have this ref removed from future arsenal games. Let's hope the FA start recruiting some more refs or we'll have a shortage for arsenal games. I think fatigue has a part to play in Cazorla's penalty miss. A fresh Santi would have buried it. I think what we're also overlooking is the sudden drop in temperature. It felt like winter yesterday! This is going to have an effect. I think the kit man needs blaming for this for not keeping an eye on the weather forecast. Apparently our players requested two pairs of gloves to keep their hands warm, but there weren't enough gloves to go around. Talking of petitions, we need to start one to lift the ban on snoods. You wrap our players up in electric blankets and hot water bottles, and results will improve in November!

  161. Gaz

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:44 #79519

    Unbelievably on twitter last night there were fans suggesting we shouldn't be overreacting to one single defeat. One single defeat? Its this exact 'lets just totally forget about the last 8/9 years' attitude that frustrates the hell out of me! I get the feeling now that some fans are so defensive of Wenger now that they don't want to or just cant accept him as any part of the overall problem. Its a weird situation we find ourselves in and one that'll never be seen again. Sadly we have no other option but to let it naturally run its course hence even those that are very much anti-AW cant seem to muster up the energy any more to offer any real and sustained criticism. That's certainly how I feel nowadays...

  162. Torbay gooner

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:37 #79518

    If I had watched that game on the stream, with one of our rivals playing in our place I would have laughed my head off, it was that comical. So much material from Arteta's nightmarish contributions, Cazorla's 'Terry' penalty and Campbell's miss. What a way to throw away three points. Once again, no-one of any quality to bring on off the bench to turn things around. Sanchez tried his heart out and was clearly our best player, but the ball did not run for him. This squad has so many limitations it's unreal. Still all will be right in the world when we beat Norwich eh!

  163. Mike Collins

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:35 #79517

    "Ozil was unlucky to hit the post, whilst substitute Joel Campbell’s miss was unforgivable." Your own words, Kev, and quite right too. But surely the position AW has put us in, where we have to depend on chumps like him, is unforgivable too. Another also-ran season to be played out now.

  164. Westlower

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:34 #79516

    Kevin, I wholeheartedly agree Bellerin had a mare in the first half, with his poor defending leading to both WBA's goals. He improved in the 2nd half doing what he does best, making forward runs. Why, oh why don't we play him as a right winger when Theo & Ox are unavailable, with Debuchy at RB? To me it makes more sense than playing Gibbs as a left winger. As you stated we should have won this game, Campbell's terribly miss probably spells the end of his Arsenal career. if Theo or Ox (or me) were in his position it's 2-2. Olson wrestling Giroud to the ground rugby style should have been another penalty. I thought the disgraceful antics of WBA's players goading Cazorla should have resulted in at least one of them getting a red card. Whatever happened to good sportsmanship?

  165. GoonGer

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:28 #79515

    Said from day one that as soon as Coquelin picked up the inevitable injury we where gubbed.. Arteta is just a terrible replacement for that position. Wenger made a statement in the transfer window by not buying anyone, that is squad is strong enough. It obviously isn't,it clearly lacks depth and class in key areas. As Zagreb, Olympiacos,Sheff Wed,Anderlecht, Monaco and now this prove

  166. Begeegs

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:24 #79514

    Good write up. Considering our addiction to self-harming by not adding to the squad, we played well enough to win. Now I am saying this with the acknowledgement that as long as Wenger stays at the helm, we are entirely predictable to play against. However, the whole feeble squad is down to Wenger. The wheels have fallen off and expect more of the same against our lesser opponents in games to come. With Arteta and Le Coq out, I expect to see Ramsey and Wilshire rushed back to be re-injured, thus keeping the self-harming going.

  167. Rob

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:21 #79513

    At the risk of sating the obvious, Wenger's decision, in the light of him knowing Welbeck and Wilshere would miss most of the season, not to purchase an outfield player, can only be described as insane. Too late now. But as you say, we do have a large pile of money and it must be growing as more sponsorship cash gets added. At least Stan is happy this morning.

  168. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:10 #79512

    For heaven's sake can people stop using possession % as equating to a teams god-given right to win a game. The game now is a counter-attacking one. Teams quite happy to sit back and let you play in front of them - even my local Sunday morning side can do that. Look at Liverpool last night, smothering City and then hit them hard with runners from midfield. The possession game should be consigned to the dustbin of history, like 3-5-2 and 2-3-5.

  169. Snowbiggee

    Nov 22, 2015, 9:04 #79511

    Did anyone notice Wenger's pre-match comment when he threw Welbeck into his poor us, unpredictable injuries round-up routine. There he goes re-inventing the past again. When he accepts that his squad of 25 players actually contains up to ten players that can't play more than 10 to 15 games a season he may actually start moving forward. Add to that the Arsene Wenger pension scheme for the over the hill and it's no wonder we have a shortage of players. Some years ago it was suggested that Wenger likes to have a squad that is always a few players short, as the inevitable injuries give him a great excuse for his tactical failings. Putting on Arteta yesterday cost us the game, you can't cover that up.

  170. Smithy

    Nov 22, 2015, 8:43 #79510

    The squad isn't good enough. Relying on arteta and Campbell demonstrate this. Spend some money on cavallio or use to lads whose legs have nearly gone. Arrogance in his squad management will ultimately end our title challenge. Without Francis in the middle or another pit bull type we will never be successful

  171. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Nov 22, 2015, 8:40 #79509

    73% possession and lose 2-1. Only a Wenger team could do that over and over again.