Arsenal Circular 109

Looking ahead to Norwich away

Arsenal Circular 109

Spirit of 89 required in Greece

Ed’s Note – Graham Perry sends out his views on matters Arsenal to an email list and happy for us to reproduce them for a wider audience. What follows is the text from his email sent out yesterday…

Dear Fellow Gunners

As we look forward to the Norwich match on Sunday I want to explain why following Tuesday’s win against Dynamo Zagreb I have been thinking of Mickey Thomas and Anfield ’89.
It is all to do with two clear goals.
After Liverpool put five or was it six past West Ham we knew we could win the League title if we beat Liverpool by “two clear goals”.
We needed two not one – we could score three and win if we kept them to one – it was all about two clear goals.

Almost the same as confronts us when we play Olympiakos on 9 December – we need to win 2-0.
Yes 3-2 or 4-3 will do and that is the difference with 1989 but let’s just focus on the need to win 2-0.
My point is this – we won at Anfield and Liverpool lost not simply because our goals came at the right time – and more of that later – but because Liverpool were caught in No Man’s Land.
In a phrase – they did not know whether to attack or defend – whether to press forward and score leaving Arsenal to get three goals or whether to defend and hold on to what they had.

Look again at the video of the game – they were off colour – they did not function effectively – not as a unit – and a number of their players finished poorly when offered a chance at goal.
By comparison Arsenal knew what to do – George’s instructions were clear and precise – keep it tight – get to half-time 0-0 and then we will begin to press.
And that is how it happened – the defence did keep it tight – our full backs did not push too far forward – we even had a chance or too – remember Bould’s early header.
We reached half-time 0-0.
We then scored through Alan Smith and even when Thomas missed with 15 minutes to go we knew there would be two or three more chances and then the goal came and the celebrations began.

These kinds of games are for cool heads – think it through – try to stay calm – play your own game and hopefully take the chances when they come.
Let me give you two instances when we lost our heads – the first was the famous 2-6 defeat by Man U in 1991 when Lee Sharpe scored a speedy hat trick.
We were three down and managed to get is back to 2-3 but then we continued to press forward and we weren’t even at half time – United exploited the gaps in our defence and ran out 2-6 winners.
George was angry – it was good to get two goals back but it was irresponsible to go looking for a third when we still in the first half.

Now the match against Monaco at the Emirates last season.
We were two down.
Chamberlain scored and we all went viral – the players did and the crowd did.
And what happened – Monaco scored a third.
It was a two legged match – the momentum was with us at 1-2 – it was with Monaco at 1-3.
We needed to avoid conceding a third goal instead of pressing for the equaliser.

So against Olympiakos the pressure will be on the Greeks – do they go forward and try to get a goal or do they withdraw and try to keep us out?
They have choices – they will listen to their coach but on the pitch their heads may be all over the place.
We by comparison have to know we have 90 minutes to score two goals.
Interesting psychological games.
Our players need to stay calm and we need to stay calm!!

One other point – we have injuries and we have a problem until most of the players return to fitness.
Does Wenger still buy in January?
Does he say to himself – “we have too many injuries I need a larger squad”?
Or does he say we have the right number and any additions will upset team spirit as players find it harder to get a game?
Yes Arteta and Flamini and Rosciky must be near the end of their time with Arsenal so does he replace them with signings or does he say to himself –“we spend millions on our young players we have to give them a chance”?
Reine-Adeleye is the one that has really caught the eye.

The above is all for the future – Sundays game is the next challenge – after the WBA defeat and then the win against Dynamo Zagreb we need to get win at Carrow Road.
No easy games – no automatic shoe-ins – in this league on their day anyone can beat anyone

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  1. mbg

    Nov 30, 2015, 18:33 #80014

    Joe S, the title is as far away now as it's been in the last ten seasons mate, and that's the way it's going to stay as long as we have this old past it manager in charge, it really is that simple, and no disrespect to yourself and as others have said on here anyone who thinks any different is delusional.

  2. Tony Evans

    Nov 30, 2015, 8:57 #79963

    Can't really be bothered to comment on the Norwich game - same old, same old is suffice. Nine injured players though; as a one off you could argue bad luck but it's every season ffs. Wenger risking Sanchez against lowly Norwich says it all really.

  3. Westlower

    Nov 30, 2015, 8:52 #79962

    @Hiccup, Keep up mate. Maybe you're not reading the regular posters missives as suggested by Mike Collins. I can't recall anyone saying AFC would win the league, with 2nd spot being the best forecast. Personally I backed AFC to finish out of the top 4 on 23rd November at 12/1. Also backed Man U to be champions at 7/1 on 19th Nov & CFC to finish top 4 the same day at 7/2. Ironically, it appears only the WOB's have pretensions of AFC to be Champions & I applaud your optimism. @Mike Collins, There would be lots of blank spaces if the regulars downed tools. When AFC are on a winning run there are noticeably fewer posters than when we don't win. Certain posters are good at kicking off debates during quiet spells. Robert Exley has provided an excellent forum for the old farts to recall their experiences from years when Arsenal really were a struggling football club. You choose to run away and detach yourself from the team, some of us do not. Father Christmas will be around shortly to replenish stocks of thrown away toys. Happy Christmas to readers & non readers alike, including pompous Mike.

  4. Hiccup

    Nov 30, 2015, 6:37 #79961

    Joe, it's been a long night here in the UK. I have been on caretaker duty for the AKB's, as they have been stuck in an emergency meeting all night. Reruns of the match have been thoroughly analysed to make a scapegoat of the ref. Interviews with ex players re examined for signs of brainwashing the fans. The thesaurus has been open all night, as new buzz words to replace 'fatigue' and 'Mike Dean' are required to freshen up their drivel. An announcement is expected shortly, which will be made up of the usual bollox that they are accustomed with. Odds of finishing outside the top 4 will be thrown in. Mourinho will be lambasted. Lack of sportsmanship from our opponents will be cited. Add all this together, and it produces a real feel good factor of where the club is right now. There's just no need for any of these reality checks that keep bopping us on the head.

  5. Nick T

    Nov 30, 2015, 1:37 #79960

    Ive had a thought.....if AW seemingly goes along with whatever Alexis says then perhaps our Chilean diamond could just tell him to do one?!?

  6. Joe S.

    Nov 30, 2015, 0:09 #79959

    Hiccup, living in Australia I have no idea who these people you mentioned are with the exception of Paul Merson At the same time I am not surprised that he sees most things in a realistic light. I have no qualms with the football that Arsenal play and don't really want them to change their playing style, but only the AKBs believe that this present administration including Wegner has the best interests of the club, read fans at heart.The title is tantalisingly close but nothing was done in the pre season to seriously strengthen the SQUAD. Been there before haven't we?

  7. mbg

    Nov 30, 2015, 0:08 #79958

    No doubt TOF and his little technicians made it home to their 5 star accommodation tonight, to their wags, mistresses and king size beds the works, most even went clubbing boogying the night away (with probably tomorrow off)with not a care in the world that they, and their useless manager have put in yet another embarrassing performance and that they've learned f**k all from all the others over the years, (even though they keep telling us they have) they're just to busy looking good, do they or their manager care ? do they f**k. wenger out.

  8. Nick T

    Nov 30, 2015, 0:05 #79957

    There is another scoobydoo style possibility of course...Alexis IS actually the manager!! Sanchez Out

  9. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 23:45 #79956

    Nick T, read post 84630 if you haven't already done so mate, but it will all be explained tomorrow, most likely the morning time, or when everybody else has gone to bed, with odds, stats, and in triplicate with fluent gobbledegook, as his disciples are still in lock down at central command, and anyway only come out early when he doesn't embarrass himself or the club, which isn't very often.

  10. Nick

    Nov 29, 2015, 23:44 #79955

    Once again we bottled the chance to go level at the top.and take advantage of.others slip ups, our.performance.lacked quality, cohesion and urgency, the fact we didn't lose was down to poor Norwich finishing and alert goal keeping, we once again surrendered a lead tamely , we yet again suffered injuries to key players, the fact that Alexis had to start at all is down to rank bad management, Wenger knew before the season started that Welbeck would be out long term , he chose to buy no outfield players , He chose not to get in cover for defensive midfield, he yet again fitness when past evidence should have made it.obvious it was madness, he insists on unbalanced by playing Ramsey.out wide, Ramsey's form.has suffered as a result in my.opinion, there are other.options, Debbuchy at right back and Bellerien.wide right ,in the absense of a fit forward option he could do the same on the.left with monreal and Gibbs , it would make us more solid defensively and both Gibbs and Bellerien have pace and are better usually going forward, but Wengers stubborn streak prevents him from admitting he.may be wrong and his caution prevents him from taking a chance on something new ! Todays performance was almost without exception.bloody awful !! Title bid ? MY ARSE !

  11. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 23:27 #79954

    jw, two goals for that price is a bargain.

  12. Nick T

    Nov 29, 2015, 23:17 #79953

    No point talking about the game same sh*t different weekend, the bit that winds me up is the Sanchez fiasco. Everyman and his dog knew the lad needed a rest.....even Wenger FFS (ive lost count of the number of times he talked about him being in the 'red zone')!!! When interviewed afterwards he then says that he spoke to Alexis before the game and said he felt fine and wanted to play......what is this a school playground of course he f*cking wants to play (!) but that doesnt mean you have to play him - YOURE THE F*CKING MANAGER YOU MAKE THE F*CKING CALL!! Chickens - Roost - PRAT

  13. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2015, 23:13 #79952

    @ Post No. 84625 "...a private talking shop for a handful of individuals masquerading as the Arsenal constituency"? Absolutely! You should have seen the bargains I picked up on Black Friday in Debenhams. Pants, socks, bog roll etc. all at bargain prices. Same in John Lewis. Starbucks had 20% off their coffee range too. As for Kev, he gave up caring for this site ages ago. Pure two-bob.

  14. Ho Hum

    Nov 29, 2015, 21:56 #79951

    mbg- I believe Linton Travel Tavern had rooms available, it's not 3 star but it's certainly competitive. Can just imagine Wenger turning up at the breakfast buffet with his big plate.

  15. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2015, 21:26 #79950

    That MIKE COLLiNS bloke is a laugh a minute type ..... Anyone heard from BONOBO? I wonder if that clattering performed on our friend from Chile signals a protracted transfer to the north west? Questions questions and Delia has left her eggs on poor old Arthur's boat. Never thought we would see the Spuds, Scousers, Toffees, Saints, 'Orcs', Eagles, Hammers lining up on the bypass now that Norwich and WBA have shown the way. Now that game with the Greeks .... cradle of civilisation .... time the 'young turks' took over.

  16. Hiccup

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:42 #79949

    Joe mate, I ask the same thing of you. Where do you find all of your pessimism from? I think you are guilty of listening to the anti arsenal press and sky pundits, instead of forming your own opinion. Your opinions seem identical to those of Henry and Smudger on Sky today re the injuries. I'm sure these pundits will be slaughtered on here now just as Merson is for his opinions that go against Wenger. Have faith. I'm not sure whether we are still in transition, or on the cusp of coming out of transition, or if this is the squad that is good to go? The status is always changing, but it's one of them, but wherever we are, when Wenger strengthens in January, I reckon next season will be our year. Stick with the plan buddie...

  17. jeff wright

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:35 #79948

    Ozil took his gifted chance well and obviously knows how to pick out a pass,shame that we have a slow as watching paint dry centre forward who can't make any runs to get on to the end of them . However, I still see Ozil playing in the wrong league, he looks like little boy lost when the tackles are flying in and easily got disposed today by the Norwich players as is usually the case. Anyone any idea what that weird goal celeb he does is when he sucks his thumb on one hand while with a limp wrist with the other he dangles 5 fingers downward.He doesent do this very often in the league because he has only scored 2 goals all season. Still a bit of work to do for Mezut if he is going to justify that 42million price tag in my view and to live up to the claims that he is better than Bergkamp was. You couldn't make it up..

  18. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:28 #79947

    Ho Hum, maybe it was the Norfolk beef, or the waitresses in the hotel didn't cut it up or mash the potatoes for the little softies.

  19. Joe S.

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:13 #79946

    Hiccup, I don't know where your optimism comes from but West Brom and Norwich were as winnable as they come. Truth is we are going to see the result of what happens when a squad as fragile as Arsenal's was not strengthened. The injury list is just the right smokescreen Wegner needed to avoid responsibility. We are now left with the mighty Giroud and Flaminini to perform wonders. Get real. Thanks to Ozil Arsenal still has some class standing. I don't know where those fools who constantly criticise him get their football nous. I don't think a team of Peter Stories or Ray Parlours ( God bless him ) would ever win anything on their own.

  20. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:13 #79945

    Roy, good post, any other manager worth his salt would have, like you say it's their job that's what they get paid for, in this case £8,000,000 plus a season, but those words, (declaring himself fit, i'm fit to play boss) were like music to OGL's ears, manna from heaven, the perfect get out of jail card, somebody else's fault, when helping himself look good and helping his own self interest, but back firing this time, (and not for the first time and wont be the last) but it wasn't his fault of course, did he even once admit he should have put his foot down and shouldn't have took a chance on him and rested him, I doubt it as it wasn't his fault. wenger out.

  21. Bard

    Nov 29, 2015, 20:07 #79944

    Mike Collins; some confusion there mate. Anger at the performance and at the posters on here. Dont get that. I would love to be posting positive stuff but I post as I see it. its only an opinion. Maybe the younger fans are too busy sh****** and playing computer games to be bothered. You are obviously fed up with it all. If thats the case how can you expect there to be positive stuff on here. Try Arseblog its endlessly optimistic.. You should read his posts on the sinking of the Titianic, they all survived and went on to great careers. One important point you may have missed its not Kev's fault that we are ****e.

  22. Hiccup

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:47 #79943

    Not going to join in with the knee jerking reactions of some on here that seems to have just recently broke out since 2009. As the AKB's rightly pointed out, we have some very winnable games coming up that should set us up well to go in to the new year, possibly leading the table. I think they got the start date to this 'winnable' run wrong, as it was supposed to start last weekend. To include relegation battlers West Brom and Norwich in this sequence was ludicrous. Hopefully AKB Central will keep us updated as to when this winnable run is due to commence.

  23. Ho Hum

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:44 #79942

    I blame whichever Norfolk local authority allowed roadworks to be planned for the precise moment we were meant to be travelling up to the great Norwich metropolis, resulting in a clear case of jet lag for many of our poor lambs. Very probably to blame for Alexis' muscle injury also. Can't blame Arsene for this one, he had no idea our best player was on the edge, or at least if he did he kept it to himself.

  24. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:36 #79941

    A mate just texted me from Luton Airport where he saw the team getting off the plane yawning and stretching looking fatigued, the Omens don't look good.

  25. Mike Collins

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:33 #79940

    I will use this forum as my final public words on Arsenal and yet another pathetic performance at Carrow Road (a well-taken goal from a defensive howler does not a title-winning campaign make) on a site that has sadly become a private talking shop for a handful of individuals masquerading as the Arsenal constituency (check the same old, same old names occupying space with self-referential claptrap - Kev, time for a whole new approach, mate, turf 'em all out!). Anyway, after the best part of 30 years of writing such cack, let's applaud the hard-working Flamini and Sanchez (crocked thanks to the Great Leader), and nod in the direction of Aaron Ramsey, who played such a valiant part in Norwich's equaliser, and Santi, performing as if he has a load of other issues on his mind. Oh well, I'll take some great memories away from the Gunners and my involvement in fanzines but the move to the Emirates finished it all for me really and it's time to call it a day. Anyway, readers, you really now want to know what Badarse said to Westlower and how jjetplane interjected with an amusing little aside... You younger ones out there, get busy and consign all of us stale old men to the dustbin! Come on Arsenal!

  26. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:20 #79939

    Where are you ? lets be havin you, come on, where are yea, come on lets be havin you ?

  27. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:09 #79938

    John Gage, I think Bard was being a bit tongue in cheek, we all seen it coming (except old clueless) and have known he's to blame (and been saying it)for years, (except for himself and his AKB disciples) all the medical team can do is patch them up after wenger and his out of date training regime and philosophies and ways breaks them, and on it goes. wenger out.

  28. Roy

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:06 #79937

    Physically jaded. Not incisive enough. I would have rested Sanchez but he declared himself fit. All Wengers words after the game. All the signs were there Arsene, sometimes you have to take it out of the players hands and make an important decision yourself once in a while. Is that not what your paid 8m a year for ? He could have softened the blows by going into the transfer market instead of showing misplaced loyalty to certain players who patently not up to the job anymore. If the next injury is Giroud, we could be completely f***** up front, but judging by his performance today, we already are. Also, although we're not that bad defensively when compared to others, how soft are the ones that we do let in ?? Please get the balance of the squad evened up then maybe, just maybe, you might not get so many injuries in the first place. So there you go - radical I know - and I don't have to be paid 8m a year to see it. In short, sort it or f*** off.

  29. Hiccup

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:06 #79936

    Bard, thank god you blame the referee too. I thought it was just westie and myself that sees these things. Yes, where was the punishment for Bennett nudging Sanchez? Should that have been a red card? A life ban? Deportation? Electric chair? Westie asks the right questions, but who has the answers? What punishment would an Arsenal approved referee have dished out? Let the petition against Moss begin!

  30. John F

    Nov 29, 2015, 19:04 #79935

    I don't think people would of critised Wenger for not playing Sanchez as he stated he was having a problem with his hamstring before the match.People would have seen it as a common sense decision.Now he may be out for a lot longer due to the poor decision to play him.

  31. Peter Wain

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:58 #79934

    not a great performance and second half we looked leggy. Another two injuries so looks as if we will have to raid the free transfer market. Adebayor is on a free and the way Giroud performed today he would be an improvement.

  32. jeff wright

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:56 #79933

    The Panto season is in full swing and there is no better one than the one that Arsene puts on .So just one fortunate point from a home game against the spuds,no points at mighty West Brum away and just a fortunate one point today against a modest Norwich side from the 9 available, not exactly title winning form this - is it ?. Actually more pants than Panto. As with the game at West Brum we were gifted a goal start and still couldn't win .This team is not really that good is it>? Now that away game in Athens looks even tougher because we are no Bayern Munich and a top 4 spot is not the certainty that it looked like a month ago.Never mind though Stan got his 3m divy again and has 200m hoarded away to help him soften the blow from these poor results - with obviously even more to follow - because we have not even played a run of tough fixtures yet . Wenger's management is again being exposed as being inept , as was predicted by many it was only when and not if when Sanchez became another patient in the casualty ward at AFC . This down to Wenger in his desperation over-playing him . Every manager and his dog has also got Wenger's tippy tappy tactics sussed out even the ordinariest of sides can beat us or get a draw .The bookies must be laughing all the way to the bank with the money that mugs put on us to win the league at ludicrous short odds. Any challenge to City will come from others,but tbh it looks like a doddle for City in reality with Chelsea too far behind them to make a challenge . A top 4 spot though is not mathematically or in reality impossible for them .Teams will be fighting over top 4 places like rabid dogs over scraps on the run-in .

  33. Westlower

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:52 #79932

    To pick up injuries to Coq, Kos, Cazorla & Alexis in the past week just about puts the tin hat on November. Five away trips from our last 7 games wasn't helpful, playing only one PL game at home in November & 2 in October. At Norwich there was hardly a decent cross all game from our fullbacks. Ox showed them how it should be done. If Alexis was left out people would have been critical of not playing the strongest possible team but for sure he'll get his rest period now. In his absence Theo & Ox will need to step up to fill the void. How was there no punishment for Bennett pushing Alexis into the camera pit? Shades of Debuchy's broken collarbone last season v Stoke.

  34. Bard

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:44 #79931

    Were Norwich drug tested? Yeah I bet they werent. Its a disgrace. 2 points from possible 9 this month but all good we're 4th and dont we love a 4th. Hiccup dont get me going about the ref, another disgrace. If he isnt a manc then I dont know who is.

  35. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:44 #79930

    jj, now your talking mate we could have down with George tonight also, he'd know how to handle and put manners on these nice smelling tippy tappy nancy boys, Hell get rid of this old fraud and get George back, and we can become a team to be feared and respected again, and not laughed at. wenger out.

  36. Hiccup

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:28 #79929

    Once again, we have been undone by poor officiating. Another referee in Jon Moss now also removed from the Arsenal Christmas card list. The booking of Cazorla was a disgrace. Two years ago, Rooney did exactly the same dive, but Moss never brandished a yellow card. Another ref with an anti arsenal agenda! And where is the consistency? Campbell's double forward somersault at the end had me in stitches! A much better effort and he waved play on? We need to appeal Santi's yellow, and get this bloody game replayed!

  37. John Gage

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:27 #79928

    @Bard: I'm afraid that I saw the Alexis Sanchez injury coming and the manager has to take the blame. Wenger acknowledged last Thursday that Alexis had a tight hamstring but still risked him at Norwich. He has done this many times with many different players. The medical dept is not to blame. Look at the manager. Wenger gambled in not strengthening the squad with the exception of Cech. That gamble has clearly failed.

  38. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:23 #79927

    Lets hope the pilot wasn't doing what that useless carthorse giroud was doing last night, and had an early night in preparation for this long haul flight home. lol

  39. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:21 #79926

    Love Sky! Love the PL! Love the prices! Love being fleeced! Love bore draws! Still there is fun to be had with the great top 4 compression in full swing with Stoke and Chelsea itching to join the party. WESTIE's favourite old boy Wrighty reckons season is over and Sanchez should be good to go in 3 months. Who will he go to is the thing. Anyway, bury the Greeks in a GG fashion (there was a man who could fire a bunch of pussy bwoys up) and the er triple is back on. Love Arthur Webster. Love SKY!

  40. Bard

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:14 #79925

    Timber !!!!!! Lucky to get a point and surprise surprise we lost Sanchez with a hammy. Didnt see that coming. You cannot win top level games without a decent striker. It was a one man show today, Ozil versus Norwich. He looked mega pissed off at the end. The much lauded squad looks threadbare.

  41. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:13 #79924

    So much for the Omens looking good, whatever they were, the films about the Devil and Damien ? maybe he's to blame for this embarrassment as fatigue can't be used.

  42. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 29, 2015, 18:08 #79923

    Ha ha ha - we can't even beat Norwich. How many more setbacks and humiliations before chihuahua man calls it a day? We're a joke, and are about to blow the easiest league race for years.

  43. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 17:59 #79922

    Danny, we're an absolute f*****g joke mate under this clueless excuse for a manager, how long is going to be allowed to continue. Go now old man, wenger out.

  44. Bard

    Nov 29, 2015, 17:15 #79921

    I have to stop my daughter posting under my name, apologies guys. Danny; totally agree. Playing with Giroud is like playing with 10 men he is useless. Got a real struggle on our hands as Ramsey has decided he doesnt need to do any defensive work.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 29, 2015, 17:10 #79920

    ...and that fookin stupid navy blue kit.

  46. Danny

    Nov 29, 2015, 17:07 #79919

    Norwich 1-1 at HT. We are slow and passing backwards. No penetrations and Giroud is absolutly crap I can Norwich winning and then goes our chances if we had any in the first place.

  47. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 29, 2015, 17:05 #79918

    All that good work undone... Dear oh dear

  48. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Nov 29, 2015, 16:19 #79917

    Arsene was already messing with his zip before kick -off was taken...what kind of an omen is that?!

  49. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 29, 2015, 16:01 #79916

    Cole-sky-boy, Ah, Rupert Murdoch evidently make you come over all moist. That's a powerful, if slightly disturbing, image. Your comment also revealed you as a lover of all things corporate. Sky, Barclays, Virgin, big money football. All enemies within comrade. Thanks Sky - now where's me copy of today's Sun?

  50. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 15:53 #79915

    Bardot, thanks for that. jj, you can be quite sure those stats will stay deep sixed at AKB central command.

  51. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 15:43 #79914

    jj, great post, post of the day, yes the wengerites just hate anyone better than their messiah don't they? any one who has got or can get one over him, (and there's a lot to hate) and puts him in the shade, even if it's one of our legends, and they accuse others of doing it to their messiah. Sad

  52. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 15:31 #79913

    Bojangles, and proper comedy from yourself also, and something we can all understand.

  53. mbg

    Nov 29, 2015, 15:21 #79912

    John F, great post, proper comedy, i'm surprised we haven't already heard from the wengerites how their messiah tried to sign him, and how that experience alone made him, I suppose it's early yet.

  54. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2015, 15:06 #79911

    Any stats for how 'accidents' your 'boss' has suffered in the last decade. He has managed 50 in the CL for starters and still the money support machine is left on. Webster's long winded end began when Viera put that penalty away. Your idea of entertainment is perverse indeed.

  55. Westlower

    Nov 29, 2015, 14:57 #79910

    I hope some of you availed yourselves of the 10/1 about 0-0 at the Lane that I predicted in post 88472 on 26th Nov, Arsenal in Europe part 1. You should now be on your way to your next £million. Oh Maureen we luv you!

  56. Westlower

    Nov 29, 2015, 14:28 #79909

    @Bardot, I completely agree with you that not enough money was made available to GG. His one big signing Ian Wright changed the dynamic of the team & we no longer contested for the league after the brilliant 90/91 season where we only lost once. GG's other signings were moderate & eventually cost him his job. Arsenal lost 40 league games in his last 3 seasons. Sad end for a great manager.

  57. Nick

    Nov 29, 2015, 14:05 #79908

    Wenger has referred to last Saturdays defeat at the Hawthorns as " an accident" its not the first time hes used that word to describe a loss, in fact hes said it so often it has become boring, repetitive and it just doesn't wash anymore !how many of these so called " accidents" have we suffered in the last ten years ? He bangs on about mental.strength all.the time but if the team truly.had that quality we wouldn't find ourselves having to " respond" to these set backs anywhere near so often , I'm also sick of hearing players wheeled.out to spout the party line , on how we must LEARN our lessons and react to such reverses, they are obviously not quick studies ! Luck does play a big part in football, buy as well you in large part make your OWN luck, the harder you work, and the more focused you are the luckier you will get ,oh well rant over, time for me to focus on todays trip to Carrow Road, where hopefully this time the eyponous lessons HAVE been finally learned and we come away with three vital points and a performance worthy.of the travelling faithful.unfortunately my health decrees that away days are off the menu for me,but I've done my time, travelling the length and breadth of our isle, in the early days on the old football specials, what a " joy" they were, so ill be watching from my armchair with every nerve ending.raw and on edge till the final whistle, hears hoping for an " accident" free day COME.ON YOU.GUNNERS!!

  58. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 29, 2015, 13:19 #79907

    All rise, all rise arseknowsbest in the house. Be upstanding for all that's good and righteous. Pay your money, make your choice.

  59. Bardot

    Nov 29, 2015, 13:15 #79906

    Westie the answer to your question is that GG made mistakes and the money he had available was a mere pittance compared to the funds Wenger has had and continues to have. I dont know where we were ranked in world football commercially in those days but I know now its 6th or 7th.

  60. Badarse

    Nov 29, 2015, 12:47 #79905

    He stands alone in his front room. Upturned bike in front of him. 'Puncture. Heal thyself!' The command falls flat-these days of deflation. 'Get up and walk!', is the cry, but the bike remains prostrate before him. He fingers the chain looking for the weakest link. He finds it; it has the name mbg on it. He gives way to emotion, crosses himself and nods it wide of the goal. Winkle pizza for tea!

  61. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2015, 12:28 #79904

    The Rise and Falling of Arthur Webster - coming in the new year on Prime Amazon. Arthur dons his best colonial whites as he goes in search of the ultimate unfinished talent. A project started in the last World Cup when Arthur W had a revelation (similar to those pronounced by the absurd Bonobo...) will see Arthur and his trusted batman Arteta make their way ..... see more ..... Loving how these Tory AKBs (inclu Bonobo) just hate hate hate hate GG who is an Arsenal legend. Went to a great game, great goals yesterday. Remember that WESTIE - football ground, players on pitch. Never mind .... Listening to the biggest London derby now with the two best coaches. Both unique in their own ways. Arthur W who celebrates his 100th year in football today will be interviewed by Jamerson for the Tory Telegraph pre match ...... The Orb's Fluffy White Clouds. Love Sky! Ha ha! Can just see Bonobo at the Sky Shrine with Westies and the Hammers lad chanting 'we hate GG ...' Read the Mail - what planet are you on .... I hear Corbyn loves Sky too ....Lol!

  62. Badarse

    Nov 29, 2015, 12:19 #79903

    Come in AKB Central Command, Roger here, over!-Copy Roger, Central here, over.-Roger, Central, is jimmy there, over?-Copy Roger, Jimmy here over.-Roger Central, over.-Copy Roger, Jimmy Over here, over.-Copy Over, Roger here over.-Copy Roger, but what is the message? Over.-Have deaded Arthur Over, over.-Roger he is deaded, roger. Send copy of confirmation. Copy Roger? Over.-Copy. Sending copy Over, roger and out. Copy. Copy received Roger, over and out.

  63. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 29, 2015, 10:54 #79902

    Coleslaw - Are you still on a high from last night mate? "Thanks Sky" - so you're a cheerleader for Murdoch as well as Arsene are you? You could not make that one up. Sky and Murdoch who bought us the phone hacking of dead children and others on an industrial scale. Sky, who won't be happy til they control all of the UK's media. Sky, and Fox, whose US reporting is turning America into a fascist state. Sky, who tried to break the unions at Wapping. And Sky, who have ruined football (and cricket) by putting it out of reach of lots of people and have turned it into a meaningless commodity. I guess by the standard of some of the stuff that you write on here that you're one of their journalists. Shameful. Thanks Sky!

  64. goonercolesyboy

    Nov 29, 2015, 10:30 #79901

    You won't get a response on that one Westlower, well nothing coherent that's for sure. Hell of a weekend of sport, Fury was excellent, Great Britain with a great chance of winning the World Cup of tennis and Arsenal could go back level top. Thanks sky.

  65. Westlower

    Nov 29, 2015, 9:46 #79900

    @mbg, If GG had all the answers, why did his last 4 seasons at Arsenal result in league finishing positions of 4th, 10th, 4th, 12th? Why couldn't he get the team up in the 2nd round of the European Cup when we lost 1-3 at home to Benfica? Yes we turned into a successful cup side after winning the league in 91 but anyone can win cups, or so we're often told on this site.

  66. Westlower

    Nov 29, 2015, 9:09 #79899

    Give yourselves a Sunday morning treat by reading Oliver Holt's (Mail) account of Maureen. Good to know that not all journalists are complicit with Maureen's bullsh*t.

  67. Alsace

    Nov 28, 2015, 21:18 #79898

    You are so right about the need to be calm and calculated in approach. Sometimes they work it out, and sometimes is just as if the screw ups of the past never happened.

  68. Badarse

    Nov 28, 2015, 20:16 #79897

    Arthur Webster adjusted his specs as Lois from the Lane swished past. 'I am on my way to the top, and you will always be a clerk to me, languishing at the hairy bottom.' Just then Petty White Hart the editor of the Daily Punnet began screaming for a coffee. 'You for coffee?' asked Jiminy from Oslo, the club foot reporter who spoke in a stereotypical Chinese accent-ah that old 'Ninth Tear'. It was his way of getting back, throwing a paper aeroplane at him when he turned around was also a way of getting him back. Arthur didn't like swearing, in fact he swore an oath never to swear, damn it! Just then he used his x chromosome sight and looked straight through the wall and saw a coach about to crash-then he looked straight through Lois' skirt. It made his glasses steam up so he looked again at the coach. It was a Daddy or chips moment, but he didn't need to see Lois naked, he knew that skin was only skin deep. He rushed from the building but realised he had to change to reveal his super hero costume. He rushed into the nearest phone box, but mbg and jeff were in there, one pressing Button A and the other pressing Button B. Arthur knew that they were really from the planet Kripple and rushed out again. 'That was Cock-rel and Pull-et.', he said to himself-he got no reply, but it was one of his favourite tracks. Changing into his red and white tunic-number, name and PL badge extra, from the Armoury-he leapt into the air and hit his head on the ceiling, he was inside a shop doorway. He flew to the Bridge to save the coach, but it was too late, Mourhino had gone into meltdown and dripped all over the floor. What a coach crash! Win some you lose some, in Mourhino's case, win some and lose too many. Then Arthur tripped on nothing and fell down, (that seemed to happen a lot at the Bridge); he tumbled into the water. A boat came along and squashed him dead-it was the Green Kripple Creek Ferry that got him in the end.

  69. John F

    Nov 28, 2015, 20:14 #79896

    Rumour has it Vardy was secretly invited by Wenger to the AFC training ground apparently the conversation went like this "Vardy I am thinking of putting in a 5 mil bid for you but I needed to make sure you are the right type for the Arsenal company". " Err OK Mr Wenger"."Now I noticed you play up front and you do not actually touch the ball that much during a game"."No but I know what to do with it when I get it" a slightly puzzled Vardy exclaimed."I am aware of your record but at Arsenal we like to get the players to touch the ball often and play little sideway passess,crabs Vardy"."I can assure you I have no sexually transmited diseases "an even more alarmed Vardy replied." No no we base are training methods on crabs".In the distance the Arsenal players were squating down ,feet pointing outwards moving from one side of the pitch to the other being overseen by guest coach Wilkins."Vardy I think your best position is left mid I have great success in moving players out on the flanks remember Henry and err"Wenger whispers the names of Ramsey,Llunberg,Jack and Diaby then quickly exclaims "I could of signed Ronaldo you know".Vardy at this point is slowly edging back towards his car ." Hold on Vardy "a desperate Wenger shouts at a rapidly departing Vardy," I have not shown you our treatment rooms yet if you sign for us you can sleep in one just to get to know it".

  70. mbg

    Nov 28, 2015, 20:04 #79895

    Now on the other hand if we were to get George Graham in for the night, just the one game, even just to give a proper team talk to rally the players before and at half time, (he could then go to the stands) we'd be in with a real chance, (would it not be worth £100,000 to the club when we went through ? they could put it down as a consultancy fee, after all there's an old fraud getting £8,000,000 to balls it up) and after all George has been there and done it, unlike the present incumbent we have, who can only dream of nights like that.

  71. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 28, 2015, 17:51 #79894

    Smithy. I thought, for a minute or two, that you were being serious about Sanogo's recent performances. He's not doing very well is he? Apparently Ajax didn't even send a scout to watch him. They just relied on what Webster told them.

  72. Smithy

    Nov 28, 2015, 17:22 #79893

    Totally agree on reign Adelaide- I think the lad could be brilliant - give him some game time - last 15 when comfortably in the lead. Phase him in , get him ready for next season.does anyone like me look at the out on loan section sanogo's playing a blinder for Ajax!

  73. mbg

    Nov 28, 2015, 17:09 #79892

    Serious turbulence's reported over East Anglia this evening, planes are been diverted or asked to climb so they can be avoided, it'll not worry TOF and his pampered nice boys though.

  74. Westlower

    Nov 28, 2015, 16:18 #79890

    @mbg, Where did the spirit of 89 disappear to after 91? Pissed it up the wall in nightclubs maybe? What were your thoughts when GG lost on the opening days to Norwich 2-4 & 0-3 to Coventry. How about losing to Wrexham in the FA Cup? All managers have good days/bad days but you only rubbish Wenger.

  75. mbg

    Nov 28, 2015, 14:01 #79885

    Luton to Norwich, excellent post, a proper post short and to the point, and the excuses for this latest embarrassment didn't take long to land.

  76. mbg

    Nov 28, 2015, 13:51 #79884

    Lets hope your not for one minute comparing or even trying to compare this bunch of softy no hopers and their past it manager with the spirit of 89 team and their manager, there's not even the smallest hint of a comparison and never likely to be.

  77. A Cornish Gooner

    Nov 28, 2015, 13:35 #79883

    Oh dear!

  78. Badarse

    Nov 28, 2015, 12:15 #79881

    Deep in the Amazon, where all the books grow, the morning sun touched the tree house. Arthur Webster stretched stiffly. Beside him Jane watched with one eye-but at least it was her good one. 'Please leave Stiffly alone, you know you will go blind.', she mumbled as she crossed her legs, her chest, and the ball to the far post. Arthur was in a playful mood, so winking and giving one of his arrogant smirks answered, 'Who said that?' Jane climbed out of bed, up the wall and hung from the rafter. 'Ah, mon petit chou.' Arthur purred. Jane gave him back his petty shoe and began picking her teeth, 'Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe.' she chose the red and white ones again. Arthur rolled out of bed, across the floor, around the commode, and into the bathroom door. He emerged in his new loincloth. It was embossed with the suggestive mighty cannon on the front, and 'Up the Arse' on the back. 'Come Cheetah!', Arthur commanded-the monkey was confused. Stepping onto the outside platform he 'goosed' Jane who kneed him in the groin. She then held his nuts for him as he sat for breakfast. His eyes watered-he loved nuts. He pointed and said, 'Elephant!' as a zebra passed below. He wasn't good at animals. 'I want it's striped tusks, so I should creep up behind it, shout "Food!" and not give it any, thereby starving it to death.' He wasn't good at tactics either. He picked up the biggest nut, called it "Colonel", and popped it into his ear for later. He reached up for a loose vine and said, 'Me Tarzan-you Jane.' Jane thought that one out of two was at least a pass mark, even if it was a tippy tappy pass. Arthur flexed his toes, did a Michael Jackson spin, and scratched his bum. He unwrapped the vine from his gleaming body and kissed Jane goodbye, reminding her that as it was a good buy she should perhaps get two. 'Are you swinging off to put the world right, Arthur?' Arthur was still doing his morning head-shaking routine so just continued. 'No, Jane the world is already right, it is why we have so much distress-I will try to make the world a little more left.' With that he swung straight into the tree opposite and promptly fell to the jungle floor.

  79. Westlower

    Nov 28, 2015, 11:35 #79880

    Correction to 84558 - 72 minutes gone & Philips equalised. Final score Arsenal 2 - Norwich 4. Remember walking away from Highbury thinking 'what the f*ck was that all about?' THE BACK FOUR, Captain Fantastic, 2-0 up, Scrooge coach GG & Norwich out 4 past us in 21 minutes at Highbury. Dreams for that season shattered on day one. Sound familiar?

  80. Badarse

    Nov 28, 2015, 11:28 #79878

    He steals in on the blind side, losing his marker he rises majestically to meet the ball and powers a header into the back of the net. The crowd go crazy surging down the terracing. The entire stadium moves to a samba beat. They chant his numbers, '2-4-6-0-1!' He has won the game for the faithful. Arise Sir Loin, I award you 'Post of the Day'.

  81. Westlower

    Nov 28, 2015, 11:04 #79876

    Perceived or real weaknesses in Wengers make-up. 1. Lack of preparation for the opposition, not identifying their strengths or weaknesses. 2. Tactically naive. 3. Unable to make substitutions at the right time. 4. Weak, indecisive leadership both on the field & on the bench. 5. Unable to close a game down when leading by two clear goals. 6. Vulnerable defence prone to silly errors. Cast your minds back to 15 August 1992. Arsenal were Champions in 90/91 playing some of the best football an Arsenal team has rarely bettered. Opening game of the season at Highbury & Arsenal take a 2-0 half time lead through Steve Bould & Kevin Campbell. 21 minutes remaining and Robins scores for Norwich. 72 minutes gone and Philips. GG subs Merson for Ian Wright. 6 minutes remaining and Norwich score 2 more as Arsenal press for the winner. The Arsenal team: Seaman, Dixon, Winterburn, Bould, Adams, Hillier, Jensen, Limpar, Merson (Wright), Smith, Campbell. Which of the 6 traits attributed to Wenger were applicable to George Graham on this particular day? Alternatively, were they still on their summer holidays and/or too much booze leading up to the game? At the end of the 90/91 we ruled football in UK, 15 months on & we were regressing badly. Where did it all go wrong GG? Our Kings turned into Queens overnight!

  82. Westlower

    Nov 28, 2015, 8:52 #79873

    @Hiccup, The omens are looking good. No travel fatigue expected from the 14 minute flight to Norwich. Sky have relented after their recent push to restore their beloved Man U to their rightful place at the top of the table by allowing us to kick off 15 minutes later than usual. An extra 15 minutes recovery time from Tuesday may not sound much but collectively over the 16 man squad that's 4 hours. Best of all we have a 'preferred' ref in Jon Sammels Thierry Anders Gilberto Moss. All is well!