Arsenal Circular 117 – A Blip or the Beginning of the End?

Can the Gunners get back on track against Bournemouth?

Arsenal Circular 117 – A Blip or the Beginning of the End?

Wenger: Brought us long term security and a great future

Dear Fellow Gunners

A Blip or the Beginning of the End?
The jury is still out – we don’t know the answer but to even ask the question is to flag serious reasons as to whether we have the ability and the commitment and the tenacity to win the Title.
That is what is at stake – there can be no hiding – we have never had a better chance to win and if we blow it this time the pressure on Wenger will be too difficult to resist.
And I am one of those who wants Wenger to succeed for reasons I have stated in previous Arsenal Circulars – I like his character, his approach, his football, his example.
There are others who now come close to his model like Koeman, Pocchetino and Pellegrini but for me Wenger was the first with his combination of qualities.
He has bought us a new stadium, long term security, a great future and all this while we were a selling Club.
And yet he kept us in the top four, never mid-table, never flirting with relegation but up there at the top punching way above our weight – that was down to Wenger and he deserves the accolades.
But all of this counts for nothing if having done so well and having the money to spend and having the support of his Board he falls short and for reasons that we have seen before. Do we have the character? – have we got the steel? – do we have the Leaders?

Now we are on the brink – now that we are tipped by most commentators – now that we are in with a real chance are we going to fumble the baton? – drop the catch? – career down the rankings?
One point in his favour is the injuries and this point was made by Danny Murphy on Match of the Day – we have lost Cazorla and Coquelin who have been the mainstay of the midfield.
Losing them both and at the same time is a big disruption – other players come in but there is a loss of momentum and continuity.
Lose one, yes you can cope. Lose two and it is like losing three.

The critics will say – you have the squad – you have the chequebook and there is something in that but not the whole story. If you lose your engine at the heart of the team it has a consequence.

That apart Koeman won and Wenger lost.
Koeman changed his approach to the game – by all accounts his build up was different – he got into the heads of his players – he gave them the strategy and the tactics and his players messed with us big time.
Maybe we underestimated a team on a losing streak – was it one point out of fifteen?
The approach is not to assume for a moment that Southampton were down and out. On the contrary you anticipate that they will fight for their lives. They will be all about commitment and intensity and running and tackling and harassing and chasing. They are a Premier team – Koeman did enough last year to show he is developing top four managerial credentials – there was bound to be a response.
The Southampton we faced was a different team from the Southampton that THFC faced seven days previously.

We did not look up to winning the one to one duels. They were on the front foot. We were just behind them but always behind them.
I do not believe the “We did not turn up” argument. We were there – we had possession and we had chances but the difference between 99% and 100% is about 10%. They were sharper, quicker, more creative and more analytical because Koeman had sent them into battle with the tools for victory.
Yes there was an offside for the first goal and a foul by Long for the second and no corner for the third.
And these things do matter – add them up and they helped to create three goals and you cannot just shrug them off.
But the judgment is not in the bad luck – it is in the intensity of the reaction.

Go back to 1970 – to 19 September in fact. We beat WBA 6-2 at Highbury. We had played nine matches – just one defeat at Stamford Bridge and we were going well. Seven days later we lost 0-5 at Stoke. Bertie Mee said the team and management collectively vowed in the dressing room never again to be complacent or to assume victory. With McClintock as Captain they went on to do the Double.
But we had characters in the dressing room – there were captains everywhere you looked – Wilson, McNab, Graham as well as Frank.
That is why the question today is: Was the defeat to Southampton merely a Blip or the Beginning of the End?

Do we have the character? – Do we have the steely determination to win the 40/60 tussles? There is no question we have the ability – but the character and the concentration?
I hope Arsene is stung by the questions – he has done so well for so long and now he is so close to the Big One.
How many times has the Ox gone AWOL – can you imagine what Gary Neville would say about allowing Fonte a free run for the goal from the corner - and Kevin Whitcher in his editorial comment was right to highlight Mertesacker’s feeble attempted intervention.
Everything is about the cause – about the challenge – about the title.

Every Premier coach will be examining the video of the Southampton game – they will all be desperate for points and they will want to know how Koeman did it.
The run-in begins tonight – the fight is on.
We have to keep to the game plan – we have to analyse how Long was able to create so much trouble for our centre backs – we have to have a tactical response to attempts to penetrate our back four.
Here I confess to a weakness – I have never been a coach – I have never had to set up a team – settle tactics – anticipate how the opposition are going to play.
I cannot tell whether our front three were slow to help the midfield or whether the midfield was slow to help the defence.
All this is for Wenger and Bould – but the character and the determination and the winning of the 40-60 challenges that has to be there – that is a given.

So to tonight – a big challenge – all games are big challenges but Bournemouth will see us as there for the taking. Howe’s team talk – “They are rocking, they are losing confidence. They have skill throughout the team but knock them out of their stride; get the challenges in – break up their rhythm and grab the chances when they come. We can win”

We love the key moments – tonight is one of them coming on the back of the defeat at St Mary’s.

All the best for 2016

* You can follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 15:51 #81208

    I could easily say the same thing about you, you have seen what we've been through since 2005, the humiliations, embarrassments, cock ups, duds, third raters, etc, etc, (or have you?)and nothing to do with what we went through but rank poor, clueless management from your messiah, Saturday being just the latest example of many, rank poor management that would have seen any manager sacked from any other club on the planet years ago, and wenger sacked from any decent club in Europe with any ambition years ago also for a fraction of his cockups here, but your so blinkered and up his a**e that you just can't see that (along with rest of your ilk) or don't want to, you'd rather just bumble along with him like you have been doing for years closing your eyes and ears to all the cockups and embarrassments, and everything else that went/goes with them, only opening them again when we win, waiting to judge him in May even if /when we finish third or fourth again nothing will have changed. Well whether you like it or not or believe it or not Mr arsene's Circular there are a hell of a lot of fans out there who are not prepared to do that, they've had enough, and have had enough as far back as 2010 and haven't forgotten all the embarrassments and humiliations and never will, and want him out, and him winning the league this season is not going to make a blind bit of difference to that, only to the blind of course.

  2. Ozzie

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:53 #81196

    Graham, you are right about one thing - my cynicism. I have always found the Cynics great reading; but you are wrong about their being no God - why is it that I have been here so long yet you still do not recognise me? Behold, the day is at hand where Wenger shall be cast out and there will be a great gnashing of teeth....

  3. Ron

    Dec 29, 2015, 10:09 #81188

    No, i wouldn't see his sacking as ridiculous at all. I've seen nothing in Arsenals performances this season to make me think that Wengers continued tenure provides any sort of blueprint for sustained success. No team has put a stranglehold on the PL this yr nor has any team looked remotely convincing. An 'in form Bournemouth'? Do me a favour. My suggestion of arrogance amongst Wengers backers was more generic than specific, but take my comments as you will. The fact is that many posters who arent happy with the direction of the Club under Wenger are often passed off merely as people who know not what they think by AKBs. Reality is that many if not most display far more foresight and knowledge of the game than do the backers of the present regime whos fear of change is self evident in my opinion.

  4. Moscow Gooner

    Dec 29, 2015, 8:31 #81183

    Why has AW 'bought us a new stadium'?? he managed the transition to a new stadium effectively (although I rememeber the 'cast iron' assurances from the Board that, through the way in which the stadium financing was managed, there would be no impact on our short term competitiveness). That is it: no more, no less.

  5. Arsenal Circular

    Dec 29, 2015, 8:16 #81182

    RON (85975) - Be careful what you wish for – his sacking at the end of the season. Just suppose we win the title do you not feel that your comments will be bordering on the faintly ridiculous – sacking a manager who comes top!. This morning’s Guardian carries a report by David Hytner and concludes “They had made their statement”. After the hair pulling performance against Southampton we had the response. A strong game against an in form Bournemouth. Well done Arsene! And Ron another comment – why am I arrogant? How can I be arrogant? I am just expressing a view and always providing reasons for my views. I never go down the slag route. All I ask is for dignity and fairness – see the whole picture. Wenger is not a God. There are no Gods anywhere in this world. He is human and like you and me he has weaknesses but he has strengths as well and your comments will have more credibility if instead of simply slagging him off you made your comments balanced and fair and not unbalanced and unfair. Sorry – I am sure if we met we would get on but in print you seem very one sided.
    MBG (85977) - You slag – you do not reason. You refuse to see the whole picture. You know what we have been through since 2005 and yet here we are a point ahead – for a day at least. Yesterday we were strong not flakey. We showed character and contended for every ball. Yes we were apprehensive for the first 20 minutes and understandably because the Southampton result damaged the players as much as the supporters. But we came through strong and could have had 5. .
    PETER R (85979) - You are contradicting yourself. You open by saying the Southampton result was not the Beginning of the End and then go on to give reasons why we cannot win the title – why it is the Beginning of the End. If Wenger “is past his expiry date” and the Southampton result marked the end of the title challenge then it is the end. Let’s see where we go from here. We all feel Leicester will fall away and maybe tonight Man City will hurt them. The real challenge we face is from THFC. No more condescending comments needed about Spuds from the Lane. They are almost the real thing – a good run of results – free from injuries. Yes very dependent on Kane but watch them. Their mental approach is strong and that counts for so much and for the same reason our win yesterday was a comment on our mental strength after the damage done by the Southampton defeat. .
    WENGER MUST GO ASAP (85980) - I can sense in your comments the deep seated animosity to Wenger. It is a shame. Unpleasant and unworthy. He has done – and here is the but you will not like – and continues to do – a great job. After Southampton on Saturday we were there for the taking. We were vulnerable. Any team would be after the mauling at St Mary’s (sounds like a case for Miss Marple) but we made a statement. You cannot talk in “ifs” only in actual. We have stumbled – which Champions have not stumbled but instead of digging in deeper look at yesterdays performance and ask yourself whether it was the response of a flawed team with serious structural weaknesses. Whose eyes are closed – yours or mine? .
    BARD (85983) - It is not a question of Maths. If you are slightly off the pace in the frenetic speed of the Premier you are completely off the pace. That is why 1% means 10%. Don’t you think we won the 50/50 tackles and more yesterday. The title of Arsenal Circular 117 was – A Blip or the Beginning of the End. I looked at it from both sides. I know we have crumbled in the past. Will we this season? After Saturday – Yes we will crumble. After last night – No we won’t crumble – we responded – it was energising – so welcome. You take the kid at school who has been written off for lack of effort – he has been battered – his self-confidence is at an all time low. He finds a teacher that cares – that takes time – that builds up his confidence – that has him getting the marks and the passes and the ability to move up a level. Individuals change and teams can change. Simply to assume that because we crumbled in the past we are going to crumble in the future is mechanical thinking.
    SLAP (85984) - Why don’t you think as much as me? .
    JJETPLANE (85990) - Thanks for the Major assignation bit I am just a humble Private. The unbeaten Invincibles have not been bettered and I doubt they ever will. The team that wins is the team with the fewest off days. This year may well be a significant changing point because with the Sky money in the game the smaller teams will be able to afford to buy better and buy bigger. It narrows the difference between top and bottom and makes the whole season more meritocratic. .
    SID (85995) - Love it – where are the other Sids. Why are the noisy few allowed to set the agenda. The silent majority needs to get a voice. Let’s hear it for our team.
    EBOR GUNNER (85999) - Give Wenger credit for his honesty. We were second best. Koeman got it right. The defeat by Spurs was a turning point for him. He changed things and they chased and chased and harried and harassed. And we were found wanting. I concede that but the question where you and I disagree is whether it was a one off from which they learn – like the 1970 Stoke City 0-5 drubbing or whether it triggers a turnaround. Defeats can kill you. But defeats can spark the bounce back. In my view out team are not as strong as teams under Bertie and George nor as strong as the teams that won so many trophies in the early years. But it does not mean we are destined to fail and yesterdays performance gave hope and encouragement that we can win the title. Mr Wenger earned his salary. Let’s see – is it 57 points at stake? .
    OZZIE (86001) - Well phrased cynicism. But are there any easy games anywhere? You miss the point – the win yesterday does not mean we will win the title any more than the defeat at Southampton means we won’t win the title. .

    Regards - Graham of ARSENAL CIRCULAR

  6. Ozzie

    Dec 29, 2015, 3:54 #81181

    I can't get over my excitement - never been so high since the 70s. Top spot going into 2016? I have already printed off the League Table and pinned it to the cork board where I can drool over it for a couple of days and I have a recording of the game Ars v Bournemouth - what a win! I am going to watch it again through the rose coloured glasses my wife put in the Xmas stocking along with my blow ups. If it wasn't for a rude awakening the other day I could still be dreaming away along with all the deluded Wengerites. Chin up, folks, there's two more 'easy' games coming up. Anyone for cricket?

  7. mbg

    Dec 28, 2015, 23:58 #81180

    Ebor Gooner, good post, it says it all about this old fraud of a manager and his bottlers, but the mighty Bournemouth rolled over for his little dwarfs tonight so that makes everything alright again.

  8. Ebor Gooner

    Dec 28, 2015, 23:28 #81179

    I was heartily sick of the same weaknesses, faults and errors occurring season after season - so I stopped posting because it was clear that nothing would change whilst TDOF remained in charge. However the lacklustre, insipid capitulation against Southampton was a new low. I could write about dozens of things but I will limit myself to 2 points. Firstly, after an appallingly bad first half it is the Managers job to get an improvement in the second half. Unbelievably we managed to be worse in the second half! I suggest that would not happen at any other club, or under any other Manager. Secondly, after the game, Mr Wenger said "Southampton wanted it more than us". Excuse me? We had a chance to go top of the table, place our fate in our own hands, and send a message to the rest of the League that we are genuine title contenders. By his own admission, his players weren't motivated, and inspired by this! That's a shocking statement on his managerial/motivational abilities. What are you doing, Mr Wenger, to earn your salary?

  9. Smithy

    Dec 28, 2015, 19:28 #81177

    Well done lads a good 3 points- pressure on the other two, let's see what they do tomorrow!

  10. jjetplane

    Dec 28, 2015, 19:26 #81176

    This season is looking like a lot of fun with dog fights between ManU and Chelski and the Spuds and Stoke looking imperious and Arsenal now the big boys on the block. Enjoying it all though sad for Hibs today. Hughsie is something isn't he? Pochie too and then Kloppie - the place is rampant and let's hope the Cherries make it top 10. Welcome back WEStIE and thanks for the lift Major Perry. Think you helped the 'troops' over the line in this 'toughest of times.' Bit laughable you knowing what happens in a Bournemouth type dressing room - them being simple folks and all that. Must have been a blip because the Hammers won .... Did they beat Arsenal too? ....

  11. mbg

    Dec 28, 2015, 17:42 #81174

    Ah well it doesn't matter when TOF and his fast track bullies come away with a result tonight everything will be rosy in the garden again, and everything alright again in AKB land (and they'll all have found their way home)as remember all the rest didn't/doesn't matter the run in begins tonight.

  12. mbg

    Dec 28, 2015, 16:19 #81171

    Do we have the character ? do we have the steely determination, concentration ? silly questions that were been asked eight nine seasons ago with the same answer, no of course we haven't (thanks to the manager)and never had, are you only asking that now, was Saturday's embarrassment and all the others not proof enough, it wasn't just a blip you know, and the ability can certainly be questioned also, especially the managers, but keep on kidding yourself with the rest.

  13. Slap

    Dec 28, 2015, 15:24 #81170

    Wish w thought as much as you

  14. Bard

    Dec 28, 2015, 14:52 #81169

    I think you will upset the likes of Amos and others who are very particular about stats Graham, its been a long time since I was at school but I dont think the difference between 99% and 100% is 10%. As for winning 40-60 challenges its self evident that you have less chance of winning them, It would be a start if we could win the 60-40's or even the 50-50's. I dont think it is the beginning of the end, this is Arsenal. They are capable of flattering to deceive at various points in the season and have done so for years but it never becomes a serious challenge.

  15. Ron

    Dec 28, 2015, 14:45 #81168

    Marcus - we see the same arrogance in the comments by the posters on here who still back Wenger. Its contagious, though a few are probably of a similar disposition.


    Dec 28, 2015, 14:15 #81166

    This team and many teams under Wenger over the last 10 years have been chokers. Once the pressure hits they can't handle it and bottle it!! They also seem to choke against teams they should beat and come in as the favourites I.e Monaco, Zagreb, olympiacos, Norwich, WBA and Southampton. It's shocking and shows a level of arrogance that surely must come from the manager. What does he tell them before these games?? That they will just lay over and let us collect the 3 points?? It's pure arrogance. They were celebrating beating man city who have no got those pints back on us in just FIVE days yes five days, like they has won the pl and some arsenal fans thought the same to?? What a joke!! Lee dixon on his facebook account has written a great post about the Southampton result!! Anyway this pl will be won by the team that can go on a 5 plus wining run!! And break away!! If we had beaten WBA, Norwich and Southampton we would be 6 points clear of Leicester, who are going to start tumbling down the table now!! Unfortunately my money is still on city. They have the experience of wining the title recently and I think if they go on a run they will pull away!! Also Tottenham are worrying me they look strong smh!! Wenger and his followers are holding this club back. One we go away to a tough team and they score first and know we are going to lose! If we go away to stoke and they score first I know it's a loss!! We have no fighters, no leaders nothing!! Our cbs got bullied by a midget. Long looked like drogba in his prime!!! It's a joke and all to predictable it's so unfortunate!!! Best chance to win the pl in years and we bottle it!!

  17. Peter R

    Dec 28, 2015, 14:00 #81165

    I don't think this is the beginning of the end, I think it is the same as it has been the last decade since we last won the Prem. We are a nearly there team, the weaknesses are obvious to all that read and post on these columns yet they have not been addressed by Wenger, in the type of players we buy. It must be a pleasure for managers to play against Arsenal, as to beat us is really not that difficult for teams with quality players. Stifle the mid field, and hope to score first against us; other than away at Leicester I cannot remember a game we have won this season having to come from behind, and lets be honest , we could easily have been 0-3 down before we scored with Varney twice hitting the post before Walcott equalised. I agree with the comments that Wenger is past his expiry date, and we should seize the chance, if there is a chance to get Pep !!

  18. mbg

    Dec 28, 2015, 13:41 #81163

    ArseneKnewBest, you weren't far wrong mate, he was consulting his special clichés machine alright, with old and tired Blip being used, you couldn't make it up, (how many blips is that now, I bet even you have lost count,) the jury is not still out, it's been in years ago, this old past it manager and the majority of his nice boys are not fit for purpose no matter how you try and dress him and them up. wenger out.

  19. Ron

    Dec 28, 2015, 13:12 #81162

    Hopefully its close to the end. Wengers been an excellent manager in his time, never a great Coach. In many ways he was a man before his time and as you say, an innovator to a degree though not near to the extent that people proclaim. Many of his dietary and conditioning methods and advice's had been the game for 5 years before he arrived. He needs to go and go in May whatever this season brings and if he wont go, he needs removing. Hes now a man well past his time and has failed to keep up with the rapidity of the changes in the game. Sentiment alone has kept him in his job for nearly 5 years now.

  20. Wolfgang

    Dec 28, 2015, 12:25 #81158

    I don't know. Arsenal still try to pass the ball in front of 8/9 defenders.Then you have a hdl. So its no wonder the saints had a good chance to score compared to Arsenal.The gunners had been playing in this way repeatedly against MU and Chelsea in the epl and cl. Wenger lost regularly to these 2 teams.Ronaldo/Drogba/Roony all scored many goals against Arsenal. Why not? Given the time and space. Bournemouth will play hit and run. You can be sure of that. They will stick close to the gunners.This a winnable game but there is no guarantee.