What A Difference A Gabriel Makes

Online Ed: Excellent response v Bournemouth from Arsenal to go top of the league

What A Difference A Gabriel Makes

Four changes for Bournemouth. Gabriel came in for Koscielny. I suspect the Frenchman has been carrying a slight injury for a few weeks now, and that we will see all the centre backs rotated over the next few matches. Gibbs came in for Monreal, as much as anything to give the number 3 some gametime. Chambers for Flamini was a more interesting change. I have a feeling Chambers might be given the next two matches and possibly get a run in the team after that if he performs well. The Ox replaced Joel Campbell.

More significantly, Bournemouth were almost the perfect opposition for the Gunners after the events at St Mary’s. Another on the floor football team that allowed them space to play without over-doing the pressing game. In the early exchanges, they looked marginally the better side.

However, their defensive work left a bit to be desired, as could be seen from the number of headers Gabriel won from corners. The first was a much-needed goal, a simple case of a good cross and a free header. Ozil added to his assist tally with that one, and might have had another if the next corner had not see Gabriel’s effort hit the upright. No comment required about the BFG’s connection with the rebound.

Ozil continued to run amok, and set up numerous chances, most of them for Theo, who demonstrated that, although he can score the odd pearler, when all is said and done, he needs a hatful of chances to keep his goal tally up. Arsenal would do well to buy another forward in the January transfer window. I wonder what the German playmaker, who used to feed Cristiano Ronaldo, made of his work being wasted with such aplomb. No matter, he took things into his own hands with a sublime effort after the interval to make it 2-0, with an audacious flick by Giroud to set him up. It was worth the price of admission alone.

For me though, the key man was actually Gabriel, who rejuvenated the team with his challenges, interceptions and sheer will to win. He re-stated the case as to why he should feature more often, after waiting patiently on the bench to get another chance following the draw at Norwich in which he was culpable for the Canaries’ goal. Ozil was the obvious man of the match, but on a day that the sadly departed Don Howe was celebrated, an Arsenal defender really stepped up to the plate.

Calum Chambers’ contribution was also worthy of note. He has not really looked like a natural defensive midfielder in the limited opportunities he has had in the role so far, but there were signs of hope in his display, in which the errors were limited. Sure, it was only Bournemouth, but it was a start. He needs games and as stated, I think he may well get his chance.

Arsenal looked generally comfortable in defence, and coped with the Cherries’ efforts to rally. With hindsight, substitute Glenn Murray might have had more effect if introduced a bit earlier, but Bournemouth espouse the long ball, making Murray a last ditch plan B.

The victory took Arsenal top of the table. Last season, from the away fixtures against Stoke, Spurs, Manchester United, Manchester City, Everton and Liverpool, they took six points from 18 (thanks to Ian Henry for looking that up). My guess is that this season, a minimum of 82 points will be required to take the title. 19 games down, 39 points on the board. So 43 required out of 57. The reality is that the Gunners’ toughest away trips are still to come. They also visit Bournemouth, West Ham and Sunderland. Ten home fixtures will ideally provide them with the majority of the points they require.

It’s good to be in the top two at this stage (and possibly still first after this evening, although I think most would prefer a Leicester victory with an eye on the long term), but there is a lot of work to do and the events at Southampton will have provided a blueprint for many a side that have yet to entertain Arsenal.

It would also be interesting if anyone could work out the equivalent number of points the Gunners made from the matches played so far this season in 2014/15, as to how much progress they have made (and what might reasonably be expected in the remainder of the campaign).

Few would disagree that re-enforcements are needed in January. Does anyone think Welbeck or Wilshere will play again this season? Will Coquelin be able to return soon enough to play a key role in the title run-in? Can Giroud keep going? Good arguments for signing a quality defensive midfielder and a striker. The club have the funds, but do they have the ambition?

Over to you, M. Wenger…

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The new issue of The Gooner went on sale at the game yesterday evening, and can be bought at the home matches v Newcastle and Sunderland. It includes a free 2016 pullout calendar. The theme, with next year marking the 10th anniversary of the stadium move, is “10 Years at the Grove” and features a notable match from the last decade for every month. The issue can also be bought online here.

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  1. mbg

    Dec 31, 2015, 20:30 #81297

    Aw dear poor old hard done by grandpa Walton.

  2. Badarse

    Dec 31, 2015, 18:54 #81295

    Bard, just like your compadre mbg? Or is it one rule for one and another for the 'enemy'? This drivel is so trite. The Dark Moanies whine and whinge and throw accusations, tantrums, taunts, insults, and toys out of the pram-never acknowledging that the thing they readily complain about is offered in droves from their own side. Non? Here is an observation and I place you Bard in charge of policing and reprimanding the said offender. westlower posts an innocent POV. Ever the champion of free speech and all things democratic, 'whispering Ron' comes charging in accompanied by the sound of clattering dustbin lids to attack and denigrate the man. Taking man not ball? I expect you to watch for this and castigate accordingly throughout the new year. Oh, and have a dicky bird in mbg's shell-like and ask him to grow up-even in the Emerald Isle they find it difficult to grow down-and to post something others can debate. Bonsoir.

  3. Bard

    Dec 31, 2015, 16:57 #81292

    Proper gooner is your moniker a retort against what might be termed as 'improper gooners'. This seems something that Sir Chips would approve of but Im not sure what constitutes an improper gooner. We had this debate about 300 years ago it ended with everyone moreorless agreeing that we are all gooners but see things from differing perspectives. You have now emerged from underneath a rock trumpeting the same hackneyed rubbish. Uncritical devotion doesnt define whether you are a gooner or not. Grow up and post something we can all debate.

  4. mbg

    Dec 31, 2015, 14:04 #81287

    Badarse, tricked ? not at all, because that is exactly the sort of crap that you come out with time and time again, and obviously you still can't see it, and don't realise it.

  5. Website Admin (Mike)

    Dec 31, 2015, 11:15 #81283

    Apologies for not having kept on top of the comments over the last week or so. I've had family to stay over Christmas which has taken precedence. It's unfortunate that this has coincided with people trying to pass themselves off as others - I guess they have nothing better to do. I've tried to remove any posts where this is proven, but please let me know if there are others I've missed. Rather than responding on here, please email me at [email protected] with the details and I'll take a look as soon as I can.

  6. Badarse

    Dec 31, 2015, 10:40 #81282

    I quite respect you CT Gooner so I am prompted to respond. I no longer post on here, I am too disinterested. The policing of the site seems to be even more difficult than I imagined because my monicker has been trolled(?), (if that is the term-ask Bard),and has been used repeatedly. It has tricked the dim-witted. Ron, AKBest, mbg, jeff, and I added Nick to that list yesterday, now yourself-if these souls cannot differentiate between the two brands/styles of posting then their takes on all things Arsenal must also lack any credibility. To anyone vaguely able to retain information for longer than a goldfish I no longer post. It is too much to ask for posters to try to recognise the differences in the posts of myself and a.n.other, so please try to absorb that simple fact. I have returned to the real world where I deal with life simply, and walk away from nuts, you might say that I, along with my team-the Arsenal-are on the cusp, and enjoying the season. Once more adieu! Oh, yes, Good old Arsenal.

  7. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 31, 2015, 9:40 #81279

    Colesy: I am sorry my posts don't say how fab the PL is and how wonderful all our players are - I say it as I see it.

  8. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 31, 2015, 8:58 #81277

    SKG your first post was a generalisation about a poor league , overseas players and poor defending. Your reply was based on three Arsenal players, two of whom are fantastic and the other a game changer. None of them are defenders either. Typical of this site to slag off the players. And you have the mug uiresbridge nodding in agreement, says it all really.

  9. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 21:30 #81273

    My good God has anyone ever heard anything like that ? he's completely gone. I hope they have a good doctor on Walton's mountain.

  10. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 21:19 #81272

    SKG, a couple of excellent retorts, it really is that easy, and it also helps when they just can't see it.

  11. CT Gooner

    Dec 30, 2015, 19:42 #81267

    @ Gooner Ron - normalization, the lower tier teams have improved whole the higher tier teams have got worse. Overall though, the league is no stronger. We have a chance because of this. IMO we gave only got better by having a top notch keeper. I'd argue only the most optimistic Gooner thought before the season started that a keeper was all we'd need....

  12. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 30, 2015, 19:38 #81266

    Goonercolesyboy: I think you will find that the very best players are still in the European leagues, our two top players were not considered good enough for their respective European clubs and that is why they are here! As for poor technique, watching Wally tells me all I need to know and if you can't see the difference between the best in Europe and most of the English PL teams it is you with the problem not me. Last point, why do you think Watford, Bournemouth and Leicester are finding life quite comfortable after playing half a season in the so called best league in the world.

  13. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 30, 2015, 17:47 #81264

    SKG, so the league has 70% overseas players yet technically it is below the top European teams? What an astounding fact and deduction that proves what exactly? That the EPL is a poor league? 70% of the players are from overseas yet technically they are poor and can't defend? So do you watch all the French, Spanish, German and Italian teams apart from the top teams in those leagues? What do you think about their technical ability? How many of their players are from overseas? As for comparing eras, it can't be done with any certainty, your romantic heart might think that the 1991 side would walk this league by Easter but I sincerely doubt it, as good as they were.

  14. jjetplane

    Dec 30, 2015, 16:39 #81262

    Well said SKG and shows how much WEStIE reads poster's form on here or he would know he was punching above and flailing as usual. What is it with all this AKB persecution complex. We love Arsene/We suffer mantra. A very modern, plastic religion indeed ....

  15. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 30, 2015, 16:31 #81261

    Westie : I got a great deal out of watching Arsenal for 50 odd years and there were periods when our old first division stank and I knew it was poor. What we have now is a poor league with over 70% of the players in that league from overseas, hence England is now made up of players who cannot get a place in their club sides first team. The defending is poor and the technique of some of the players is well below that of the major teams in Europe. The players you picked from George Graham's "brown paper bag era" were real world beaters weren't they - instead of picking Wright, Smith or Adams you chose Jensen, Helder and Jimmy Carter. However give me Jensen ahead of Denilson any day. If George Graham's 1991 team played in this division they would be unbeaten throughout the season and would have it won by Easter. It is a poor league and you my friend are falling for Sky's graphics and the deep voiced announcers who, like trying to big up a crap film, are throwing eulogies at a sub standard game.

  16. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 30, 2015, 16:17 #81260

    jeffjunior, so your insecurity made you give up following Arsenal and take your cynicism to the ninth tier? i suggest you have no love for football anymore, just cynical opinions. And to hold up jeff as a font of knowledge is just as laughable. The master of all cynics.

  17. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2015, 14:41 #81252

    @SKG Don't fall for the media's mealy mouthed assessment of the PL. If Man U aren't top dogs they don't get paid a bonus and sulk like children who Father Christmas forgot. You'll be telling me next that football was better when we were watching John Jensen, Jimmy Carter & Glen Helder? Enjoy the likes of Ozil & Sanchez while you can. Top of the table and still you moan - what do you get out of supporting AFC?

  18. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 14:18 #81251

    chris dee, not a chance, and TOF's not capable of it, and anyway he's most likely just doing as he's told, or left to work it out for himself.

  19. jjetplane

    Dec 30, 2015, 13:32 #81249

    Like I said before. You neither like nor enjoy football and are completely insecure with your support for a club that is now just another brand no different than Tottenham or Liverpool except they have far more exciting coaches and it shows in their aspirations. Boring, boring Arsenal ..... Looking forward to Jeff's return - there's a bloke who knows his football.

  20. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 30, 2015, 13:28 #81248

    Arseal could win the PL because the standard is so poor and at last some serious sports writers are acknowledging that fact. How poor our Sky fuelled X Factor league is, will be born out by the early exits from the CL and our early homecoming from the Euro's. I finally think the excessive money being thrown around has done the Premier League to death. Leicester City is our only hope!

  21. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 30, 2015, 13:09 #81247

    Ah jeffjunior you really are a card, with your sweeping ill informed statements, people like you have no real love of football.......as has been said before, stick to your level of appreciation, right down there in tenth position with your young team of ninth tier performers and your new stand....be careful how far your tongue is in your cheek, it might look like you have been up to no good. Yagunnersya.

  22. jjetplane

    Dec 30, 2015, 12:31 #81245

    The PL this season is making Webster's Wombats an also run re entertainment. So many other teams now providing some hope for what was such a ****ty league for so long with the usual 4 buying their way in (including Arsenal) and boring football fans with their cynical ambitions. I would be surprised if the Wombats win the league with Wally and Olly up front. Does not pat to lower your ambitions with sub standard attackers - ask Citeh or Chelski re Bony and Remy. If Webster's Wannabees are serious then they need a top striker like super Harry up front. He is the kind of player that will keep Ozil at the club. feel a bit sorry for Giroud as he is bumped up by Webster on a good day only to fall the next week. Loving the 9th tier ColeSLAW (hard man)and we are in the top ten with a young team and we have purchased a second hand stand for behind one of the goals. People like you have no real love of football. Just one of those who likes to think he is part of the bigger picture. If I wanna go to a shopping Mall on a Monday night - I'll go to Bluewater .....

  23. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2015, 11:12 #81242

    Make a note of 5th March when AFC visit the Lane. For the first time in many years the game may well have a bearing of who goes on to be Champions. Before then the Spuds only have one difficult game on Feb 14th at the Etihad, otherwise their fixtures look winnable: Everton, Leicester, Sunderland, Palace, Norwich, Watford, Citeh, Swansea, West Ham. In the same period AFC play Newcastle, Liverpool, Stoke, Chelsea, Southampton, Bournemouth, Leicester, Man U, Swansea. Spurs also restart their Ropey Cup fixtures on Feb 18th. All eventualities remain possible!

  24. chris dee

    Dec 30, 2015, 10:42 #81241

    Nice win, but all Arsenal fans know in the pit of their stomach that the team are well capable of turning in performances a la Southampton. Will anyone on the coaching staff tell Ramsey that he is not a centre forward and has defensive duties as well?Will anyone tell Chambers that he is not quite Vieira,Petit or Giberto yet and that he should concentrate on protecting the back four and not go charging upfield like a kid in the playground.And will some one tell Theo that a top striker gets 20/25 goals a season.

  25. Spaced

    Dec 30, 2015, 10:30 #81240

    I have been thinking the same GoonerRon. When I hear people speak of 'mediocre', i think they must be watching a different league. I wouls argue that this season's premier league has an even higher standard than ever. Yes, some of the big clubs are struggling, but the 'average' is much higher. CT Gooner, I think your veiw of performance in Europe is not a good way of benchmarking... By that reasoning the terrible Spanish league would always be considered best purely on the basis of two teams. Even the Scottish league could've been considered a top league for decades... i think not! - I for one think this season has been great and not just for Chelsea's fantastic implosion!

  26. GoonerRon

    Dec 30, 2015, 9:51 #81239

    @ CT Gooner - I rationalised it in my post. The fact Stoke can attract players like Bojan and Shaqiri, home games to the likes of West Ham and Palace are not gimmes, Spuds not being as flaky as usual. Generally, the quality gap between the top teams and the rest has closed in my opinion hence why there have been lots of 'shock' results. This general improvement of 'the rest' means the brunt of available points are harder to come by.

  27. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2015, 9:17 #81238

    Half term report: Top of the league, winning more games than any other - AFC 12, Citeh & Leic 11, TH 9, Man U 8, L'pool 7. CFC 5. Now the bookies favourites to win PL. AFC 5/4, Citeh 6/4, TH 10/1, Leic 16/1, Man U & L'pool 33/1. Mesut Ozil 2/1 favourite to be PFA Player of the Year. Not a bad performance for a flaky team who don't like it up 'em, coached by a clueless old fool, who specialises in failure, while causing his key players to pick up long term injuries. What does that say about Maureen, LVG, et al? Those who want AW out, probably share the same mentality as the Charlton supporters who wanted Alan Curbishly out when he could only get them to 7th position in the PL in 03/04. Apparently his limited ambitions didn't match the fans great expectations - wonder where Charlton are now?

  28. CT Gooner

    Dec 30, 2015, 3:43 #81237

    @ Gooner Ron - you're having a laugh, surely! The league is the weakest it's ever been, God knows how you've rationalized even the possibility of the opposite. I base this on English club performances in Europe, and the fact we're top with all our injuries and poor performances.

  29. Joe S.

    Dec 30, 2015, 3:10 #81236

    AP; you are right about Ramsey. If there is one player who needs to carry the can and have a career defining season, he's the one, however he seems to consistently make the wrong decisions. Arsenal need a Roy Keane, Bryan Robson type inspiration, buut he doesn't quiet get there. If only he could realize the potential.This has to be his time.

  30. Ozzie

    Dec 30, 2015, 3:03 #81235

    We are top of the League....we are top of the League...oh how I love the Big Dipper

  31. sid

    Dec 29, 2015, 23:26 #81234

    Come on lads sing up at the back. We are top of the league say we are top of the league. We are top of the league say we are top of the league.

  32. Alsace

    Dec 29, 2015, 23:03 #81233

    I wonder what excuses the AKB's will concoct if Totteringham Hotspurs win the title because he wouldn't pull his finger out and do his job. Their manager has them playing well and with purpose, and OGL is too thick and complacent to see them coming. We have one player in the pipeline but apparently he is not a dedicated DM. You could not make it up. We need the right players and we need them now, otherwise we will be in a very unpleasant position, and even OGL with his head on a spike will not make us feel better. AKB's, if you love your club, start screaming at Mr Wenger. He doesn't listen if you don't.

  33. HowardL

    Dec 29, 2015, 22:58 #81232

    Yes, that's right, still top after tonight's game, despite BT Sport's continued emphasis on "Leicester being equal top". Nice try, but WE are Top of the League!

  34. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 22:53 #81231

    1975, he will look back and rue f**k all mate, just the way he doesn't rue all the other bad, ridiculous, laughable, embarrassing, etc, etc, decisions he's made over the last ten years, he's made millions out of our club, he's been indulged every where, and every which way he's turned (and still is)he's been allowed to run the club as if it's own, he's been allowed to indulge himself in his failed philosophies for years without a f*****g whimper from the top, or from his disciples and still is, and in his own mind that is/was the way to do it regardless of the out come, and being proved wrong on so many occasions, it's called egoism (although i'm sure there's a better word to describe someone like him) So no, he'll not be lying back in one of his (many) retirement villas with his latest floozy, being waited on hand and foot by AKB's regretting anything in his own mind he'll still have been right. As for your dream, you've been certainly drinking to many spirits this Christmas.

  35. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 21:55 #81230

    Still on top, just about, but you know what everybody says, TOF and his dwarfs don't like it up em.

  36. 1975

    Dec 29, 2015, 20:32 #81229

    Our managers in the last years of his career. If he doesn't use this transfer window in the way Kev suggests he will look back upon the season in his retirement Villa and rue the chance he had to put a final title to his list of honours. I have a dream that we will put 25 million on the table for wanYama. But that's The spirit of Christmas talking. The outcome of this transfer window will tell us about the level of ambition of our club and manager. As has been said before it feels pretty much like the last chance

  37. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 29, 2015, 20:26 #81228

    Yes good spot Highbury Boy, 22 players in the squad so room for additions without moving any out. Elneny the first signing?

  38. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 19:39 #81227

    ArseneKnewBest, good post, and he berates (sorry whips)others of doing the same. You couldn't make it up.

  39. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 19:29 #81226

    Ron, you have to laugh you really do, what would we do with out them, and the funniest thing of all is (or maybe the most dangerous)they actually believe it themselves.

  40. Highbury Boy

    Dec 29, 2015, 19:20 #81225

    @Westie 86023. Surely if the ref was bent at Manu why didn't he give them a nailed on penalty when Willian handled? Methinks from the sound of your recent posts youv'e had a cheeky bet on Spurs for the title. Am I right? And btw we only have 22 out of the 25 man allowed PL squad and with all our home grown players can sign 2 more foreign players without resorting to transferring the want-away Debuchy or giving early retirement to Arteta.

  41. GoonerRon

    Dec 29, 2015, 19:03 #81224

    I can't work out if it's a weak league or stronger than ever. On one hand the usual 'big' teams are struggling and the chances of taking points off Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool are arguably better than ever, but these three opponents only ever offer up 18 points per season. If you then view 'the rest' as getting broadly stronger (significantly in some cases) and accounting for many more of available points, is it generally more difficult to win points this year? I'm not sure either way to be honest.

  42. Hiccup

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:59 #81223

    But one win in 9 proves westies point? All it proved is that arsenal weren't fired up and turned up complacent. Next time we play a team that hasn't won for 2 months, we will have to put in a super human effort ourselves to match the opposition. That should at least restrict the defeat from a thrashing to a respectable one goal loss.

  43. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:53 #81222

    In defence of Westlower there is no Sporting Life racing newspaper, it was replaced by the Racing Post as a mainly horse racing newspaper that also covers any gambling that takes ones fancy. The online version of the sporting life is not in the same class as the Racing Post. Talking of fancies, old jeffjunior has been quiet about his ninth tier heroes so now shows his love for the s***s and anyone remotely mediocre, good choice of words. Our dwarves are standing tall at an average of 6 ft. Yagunnersya.

  44. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:38 #81221

    Poor old Westlower, he's just trying his best to disguise the fact that Soton knew what the Arsenal team would do and had a well executed game plan to counter it. Lots of 'lesser' teams have beaten us this way and will continue to do so. Bournemouth couldn't. Nothing to do with fatigue, bent refs, fixture lists, super human efforts, the list goes on...

  45. Ron

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:15 #81220

    ...i think its actually 'obscene' super human effort the last i read Hiccup. Damnation to these teams who try their best! A rule change is nigh surely?

  46. Nick

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:15 #81219

    Dear oh dear Badarse for your own sake stop taking the medication its having an lsd type effect on your prose and ruminations, I suppose somewhere in that epic essay of verbal dysentery there was a point ? Does anyone.on here know anything about this El Neny, ninny bloke from Basel ? Have to admit I know nothing about the player , I still think we should push the boat out and try to get Lukaku, he would surely jump at the chance to weigh into a title challenge not to mention a possible start against Barcelona, his power and finishing could see us over the line although he wouldn't come cheap.

  47. Hiccup

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:05 #81218

    Top trolling westie. After weeks of super human efforts by Bournemouth, it was clear to me they were fatigued yesterday. Funny how you failed to spot that one? Maybe that's the only reason we won? At least now we have another excuse for when we get beat. For future thrashings, default blame the opposition for putting in a super human effort? You're up there with Jamie now in akb folklore with some of the stuff you're coming out with.

  48. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 29, 2015, 18:05 #81217

    Westie - No it doesn't. All it proves is that they've won one of their last nine games - the rest is conjecture. Err, dude, the sporting life is online (just like this august publication). Even I know that (and the last time I placed a bet was on jesus's mum being a virgin!)

  49. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 17:51 #81216

    @AKB The Sporting Life newspaper ceased publication in 1998. 'Fatigue is no excuse for modern footballers' - try telling that to Southampton's players after their super human effort v AFC. It's not possible to maintain that level of high intensity in every game, especially when the games come thick & fast. One win from their last 9 games proves the point.

  50. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 29, 2015, 17:15 #81215

    Westie - Ha ha - nice one trying to compare footballers on the one hand with racehorses and greyhounds on the other. That's what too much of the horse's ketamine does for you at Christmas I suppose. One is, ahem, motivated by an homuncule with a whip and the other by a win bonus and a manager who couldn't motivate an obese person in a cream cake shop. Fatigue is no excuse for modern footballers - is that clear enough? Now get back to your sporting life -you're embarrassing yourself.

  51. Ron

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:52 #81214

    'Maybe, just maybe'.... - ffs, do you ever read back what you type Westie before you press submit? You must truly lead a difficult, (perhaps youve too much time to use up?) life if a daft old game like football creates such torment in it.

  52. Bard

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:46 #81213

    Colseyboysetc I couldnt agree more about Ozil at the moment. The problem we have is that he cant make them and score them. We were useless up front bar Giroud's flick. How many chances did Wally miss ? Westie all the stats in the world cant hide the fact that unless we buy a couple we wont be competing in May.

  53. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:45 #81212

    @Far far away fan, Arsenal are well placed to win the PL. Much will depend how we cope with FA Cup & ECL fixtures. If we go out to Barcelona as widely expected, it can only help our PL chances. Man City have a two leg COC tie to add to their ECL fixtures & may run out of steam. TH are on a good run and haven't any difficult games until mid Feb, when they may hit the buffers. Leicester are reaping the benefit of not being in Europe. Sadly for Gooners, Leicester play TH in the 3rd round of the FA Cup, so one of them will clear their potential fixture pile up. Ultimately, I expect Arsenal to go on and win the PL.

  54. Far far away fan

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:27 #81211

    Despite the win (Ozil was excellent), I'm not able to shake off the Saints mauling. I really want to like Ramsey but he is an annoying player to support. We will only be champions if every other team has collapse. I don't even want to think this, but the Spuds have a different look about them this season. I only whisper this: they might challenge us for the title. God, I keep telling myself that we will be champions, but I'm only deceiving myself. Westlower, please don't give me a stat, but do you honestly think we will be worthy champions in May

  55. jjetplane

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:13 #81210

    Was not that long ago WESTIE you were laughing at the efforts of Leicester,Bournemouth, Stoke, Tottenham, Watford, Liverpool, Everton, Palace, Southampton ..... What this lot all have in common is the bent officials are on their side against the only club (Webster's Wombats) who are the purity in a league polluted with mediocrity. All Hail The Wombats! They are The Special Ones .....

  56. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 16:03 #81209

    I think it was the way we looked them in the eye, alright our players had to look up but we still managed the stare.

  57. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 15:42 #81207

    @mbg You reckon Bournemouth are a team that roll over & have their bellies tickled? The results from their previous 6 games are: Swansea 2-2 (A); Everton 3-3 (H); Chelsea 0-1 (A); Man U 2-1 (H); WBA 1-2 (A); Palace 0-0 (H). 3 wins & 3 draws suggest your judgement is wide of the mark.

  58. jjetplane

    Dec 29, 2015, 15:28 #81206

    As you were saying about the Spuds WESTIE I can see a little warmth growing there ..... WEStIE the secret Spud. Next we will be hearing how JAMERSON is loving the new old Stoke. Nice to see COLSEY's Hammers punish the Saints for their lager-fuelled (see Merson) spoiling tactics. Time for all officials to be weeded out from the game - if Arsenal are involved and Mr Webster to do the refereeing himself. Reminds me - had some ostrich with sprouts and sweet pots (spuds) yesterday. Do you like your Spuds lilywhite or sweet WESTIE? Grrrrr ......

  59. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 14:50 #81205

    Well done bouldy for persuading TOF to bring Gabriel back (about time you started earning your money) the only problem now is he'll leave him out again when someone else starts getting the praise.

  60. mbg

    Dec 29, 2015, 14:31 #81204

    What a difference a team that roll over and let the opposition tickle their bellies make, I wonder does any AKB remember Saturday's embarrassment ? of course not, everything's rosy in the garden of their messiah again after mighty Bournemouth were tickled by their messiah and his little technicians, and they're moist again. We're up and running (again)the league started last night we're on a run, until the next time.

  61. CT Gooner

    Dec 29, 2015, 14:30 #81203

    Thank god some other players were given a chance, and showed how hungry they were. I for one feel this tactic should have been employed ages ago. We have seen some dreadful performances this season, probably why I have such a hard time seeing us as champions. If a player feels he's playing for his position, he gives his all, and we saw that. I love the Ox & Chambers and want to see them develop, l feel both have had a tough time with us....id likely add Gabriel to that list too.

  62. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 14:09 #81202

    @AKB, Not sure if you don't believe fatigue exists or you don't like AW using it as an excuse? Forget AFC for a moment & consider Southampton's performance at the Boleyn. Totally dominated the first half off the back of a 'dazzling' display 44 hours earlier. Different team in the 2nd half as their previous exertions caught up with them. After leading a team that hadn't won since Oct 24th, wouldn't you have expected them to go on and win from that strong position? Maybe, just maybe, their legs and minds wilted as the minutes ticked by (fatigue I call it). It happens with racehorses, greyhounds & athletes, why shouldn't it happen with footballers? It's termed 'going over the top' in the racing world. Maybe, just maybe Southampton were the better team on the day when they beat AFC. It helps when the right back scores a worldy to break his maiden & getting some iffy ref decisions going your way is the icing on the cake. Aren't Arsenal allowed to lose in your world? Anyone out there can tell me why Rooney wasn't shown a red card in injury time yesterday? Nothing to do with the shirt he was wearing was it? What a bunch of dishonest officials we have & good ole Fergie had 'em in his back pocket for years......show us your Lancs postcode!

  63. AP

    Dec 29, 2015, 13:43 #81201

    Firstly Great result, but did anyone think Ramsey had a shocker of a game giving the ball away getting caught on the ball and not tracking runners ? Ramsey and Flamini or Chambers in our midfield two worries the life out of me for the next few months. These are the reasons,all three of them are relatively slow their positioning leaves a lot to be desired which puts them in trouble when the play breaks down.Both Flam/Ramsey get caught watching the ball when they should be marking the player they was just next to e.g Toures' goal and chance for a second goal the other night.

  64. jjetplane

    Dec 29, 2015, 13:20 #81200

    Great to have you back WESTIE and good to see JAMERsON and COLSEY teaming up for the run-in. Soon as Baddie as worked off his 'injuries' we could be looking at the new invincibles. Ozil is officially the best player in the world having demolished the plainly silly Cherries who maybe more wine bar compared to the Saints pub personae .... Time for Sir Graham to put the royal seal on the greatest turnaround in the history of sport with not a god in sight. Surely Ozil is more than just a mere mortal. Touch of the Spielbergs about him. Must compare with one of those pics on a practice bike. No matter - it's over - get a top top bus ready .... This one will be going around Buckingham Palace. Makes you feel proud to b a goonaaaa .....

  65. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 12:42 #81199

    Forgive my poor grammar, it should have read if Spurs maintain their goal ratio of 2.2 to the end of the season they'll probably be Champions. Of course, the team with the most points will win it but it's inexorably related to the goal ratio. It's so much harder to win the PL if your goal ratio is inferior to your closest rivals.

  66. Hiccup

    Dec 29, 2015, 12:36 #81198

    So Southampton was just a blip then? Or did yesterday's pub team just not put in the same level of obscene effort as Southampton?

  67. Westlower

    Dec 29, 2015, 12:29 #81197

    @Kevin, The most reliable indicator of who will be Champions is the team with the best goal ratio (goals for divided by goals against). To be Champions, a goal ratio of at least 2 to 1 is a must. Last season CFC 2.28; Citeh 2.18, AFC 1.97, Man U 1.67, TH 1.09. In 2013/14 Citeh 2.75; 2012/13 Man U 2.0; 2011/12 Citeh 3.2. In 2003/04 the Invincibles 2.8. If the PL were to finish today, Spurs would be Champions on with a goal ratio of 2.2; Citeh 1.85, AFC 1.83, Leicester 1.48, Man U 1.37, L'pool 0.95, CFC 0.79. Of course we're only at halfway but our neighbour's are in a strong position. Maybe they'll implode when the pressure is applied should they reach the PL summit or the Ropey Cup fixtures will overload them? Either way, at the current odds of 12/1 they represent a good value bet.

  68. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:31 #81195

    Good result, but let's agree that what has happened in the past three days completely gives the lie to OGL's occasional use of fatigue as an excuse for losing. Scumhampton dismantled the team after they'd had a week's rest, yet only two days later the Arsenal put in a far more energetic and complete performance against Bournemouth (who were arguably on better form than their south coast neighbours). Were fatigue a real factor, then the probability is that the results would have been reversed, or that both games might have been lost. Time now for the club to grasp the nettle and for Chips to get out the chequebook - many sports teams that have a meaningful title within its reach will spend to make it that little bit more certain. Given all of those tough away games that are coming up, a DM with some real bite should be a must. It'll be a mistake to rely on Chambers in my view - far too error prone and a poor alternative to FC both technically and mentally.

  69. Win this open league

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:25 #81194

    Good result. From equivalent matches in 2014/15 Arsenal had 28 points and if you substitute Bournemouth at home for Hull, Watford away for Burnley and Norwich away for QPR it's 35.

  70. Wear Your Colours

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:09 #81193

    I thought it was a really solid team performance last night. Ozil was fantastic. I was also pleased with Theo’s performance too, he has been a bit subdued since returning from injury but last night his movement was very good. Gabriel had a solid game and I was impressed by the Ox too. We needed to respond after the disappointment at Southampton and we did it well. Another three-points in the bag, next up Newcastle. COYG!

  71. Torbay gooner

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:02 #81192

    Agree with you Kevin about Gabriel, always looks 'up for it' when he plays, which is a trait he shares with Sanchez. Like to see him play more often. Walcott missed 4/5 chances yesterday, penny for Ozil's thoughts at the time!!

  72. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 29, 2015, 11:01 #81191

    A good performance after the first goal went in and from then we should have regained the goal difference we let slip on Saturday. Anyone who still questions Ozil has no appreciation of a world class footballer. He ran the game, doesn't hide and works for the team. Gabriel was excellent and is a defender who loves a tackle and a battle, would have been perfect for Shane Long. Hope he gets a run. Same applies to the Ox, gained in confidence as the game wore on. Good to see Jamerson back up and running. Need to keep this site on a level playing field so the doom mongers aren't the only contributors on here. Yagunnersya

  73. Nick

    Dec 29, 2015, 10:56 #81190

    Fitting that we paid tribute to a stalwart Arsenal servant in the sadly departed Don Howe, his time with is was both inspirational and quite frankly the complete opposite, but he will always be remembered as the footballing brain behind the 71 double. Last nights win was no surprise, its amazing how after regular " accidents" as Wenger would characterize the St Marys debacle, that we show " speerit" and " mental strengths" in the following game, what last nights game really highlighted was the need for a truly clinical striker, the sheer amount of chances created by Ozil and spurned by our forward players was staggering, if Wenger and the board do not stretch our resources to the limit to secure a forward like Lukaku in the window then it will prove once and for all where their priorities are, for me we need not one but three signings of of significant class to become a team that can truly challenge consistently at the top , but id settle for two this window , but I doubt we'll get anyone that ticks the right boxes, still maybe in a league as mediocre as this one is this term what we have will be enough, I'm sure that's the way Wenger will look at it with returning players being like new signings in themselves.

  74. TJ

    Dec 29, 2015, 10:40 #81189

    It was telling that the only players who put in credible performances at Soton were ones who hadn't played many games (mainly the subs)- surely rotation should have started earlier? Anyway, Gabriel is an excellent defender you're right Kev and it's great to see Ozil having so much influence. The DM position is a worry- the position is so physically difficult you're bound to get injuries- Flamini can only play a handful of games. He's a great third choice but not more. We're now hoping Elneny can play that position well! We need to be able to play two DMs for those tough away games this season. I like Walcott a lot and he was on a solid run before his injury- if we play him as the lone striker with pace on the flanks then we can win against the big teams. I know Giroud hit some form recently but he's really but as Shearer said, he should be getting 25+ league goals this year with Ozil pulling the strings... I did say this summer that Lukaku would have been a decent investment and he is looking a great player now- but we'll probably stick with Giroud until Akpom is ready.

  75. David

    Dec 29, 2015, 10:07 #81187

    Well said - Arsenal have 3 world class players in Ozil, Sanchez and Cech. For Arsenal to win the league, Sanchez will need to make a contribution in the second half of the season. 82 points may be pushing it for any side to achieve this year. The winning tally might be 75-80. Can't remember a more mediocre season - on a par with 1975 when Derby won the 1st division with 52 points.

  76. Snowbiggee

    Dec 29, 2015, 10:02 #81186

    Gabriel was excellent and has to get a run.Chambers is a better passer than Flamini and doesn't go headless chicken positionally. He's a better partner for Ramsey. Up front Walcott looks the weak link at the moment out of him,the Ox and Campbell. Suspect that internal solutions will be the biggest signing this January but we still need two in.

  77. GoonerRon

    Dec 29, 2015, 9:46 #81185

    Solid performance brightened further by an exquisite performance from Ozil and a really encouraging 90 minutes from Gabriel. Has certainly eased the angst I felt after the saints game and hopefully we can kick on again from here. I know we've got difficult away games to come I the second half of the season but our form away has been really strong in the last 12-18 months and our counter-attacking set up best exposes the stronger teams away from home who try to come in to us. It really could work in our favour.

  78. Bard

    Dec 29, 2015, 9:33 #81184

    Good report as usual Kev. I dont know what Wally has going with Wenger but he has more chances than any other player I have ever known. He should be in his prime but he plays like youth team player. We should sell him in the summer. I share your feeling about Gabriel. Will we push on. Who knows Kev. The heart says yes but the head says we wont do anything major.