Arsenal Circular 118 – Beware Newcastle

A guaranteed three points on Saturday? Think again

Arsenal Circular 118 – Beware Newcastle

Mertesacker – Leads the post-match circuit of interaction

Dear Fellow Gunners

A few points in this Arsenal Circular.

First it was an important and satisfying win against Bournemouth. It was a challenge – what happened to us at the hands of Southampton was uppermost in our minds – the manager, the players, the supporters.
Were we there for the taking? Were we a busted reed? Or were we able to regroup and meet the challenge and come out on top.
It is a phrase I like to use but it was “whites of the eyes” time.
We started cautiously, nervously. Bournemouth made the running and we wondered whether we were able to come through. We persevered, came through the uncertain period, took advantage of the Cherries lapse in defensive marking at a corner and went 1-0 up. It was far from plain sailing and we still had to continue to commit. The players did. There were options as we went forward. Theo and Giroud may have fluffed chances but there was sufficient in the overall team performance to take us through to three points – Ozil assisted with skill you want to see and see again. A beautiful moment.

OK it is history. Now to Newcastle and a supposed “three point banker”. We are the better team – we are at home – we are top of the league but we have it all to do.
And for Koeman read McClaren.
Koeman got it so right. The defeat by THFC was for him the final straw. One point out of the last fifteen. He changed things. He didn’t just enthuse his troops he changed the training content, focused not just on harrying us but on making the breaks with numbers. Yes Southampton were relentless and physical – but not dirty. They disrupted us, broke us up, caused doubts in the minds of our players, maintained the pace. They needed some luck and they got the refereeing breaks but the effort and the focus and the commitment came first.
With that in mind, what is happening at Newcastle today on the training ground? McClaren may not have a great track record as a manager but he is widely regarded as a quality coach. He knows about tactics and like Koeman he is desperate. Southampton were in free fall. A relegation scrap beckoned. Newcastle are already in a relegation scrap. They will come out fighting. They will be in our faces – first to the ball with a trailing leg if necessary to cause some additional damage.

On this topic today’s Guardian – Sport page 5 – carries an interesting article by Andy Hunter on Jurgen Klopp who expects Sunderland to react to their 4-1 defeat by Man City on Boxing Day with a “back to basics approach at the Stadium of Light with physical strength and defensive discipline paramount for a team second from bottom of the table”. Klopp says “Fighting for second balls is a physical fight and we have to do this... you need to have three or four players who fight for this and two or three who think; “we can get this second ball and now we can start playing... we have to change our kind of fighting for these balls”. He concludes “we have no problem with character. The character of the team is great. Maybe you can speak about mentality and that’s what we have to create. You need experience for a game, for a situation to change it and that’s what we try to do every day”

So mentality and second ball fights and reacting to change. It reminds me of the final against Parma when in the first 15 minutes Parma went through our defence like the proverbial knife through butter. Between them George and captain Tony re-grouped, re-organised the defence, stemmed the tide and the rest is history.

But there is more to it than just second balls and mentality and going head to head on the physical challenges. What also damaged us at St Marys was their forwards’ runs at our back four. They worked on the gaps – on pulling us apart and creating space. Here again I hold my hands up – I do not know enough about football to know how best to mess with a quality back four but again Koeman did it. Using Long in particular they challenged us in our defensive third of the pitch. We can expect more of the same from Newcastle. Cliché it may be – but there are no easy games – the lower teams are better because they have money to sign better players – their coaches have their eyes wide open and know where to hammer a weakness.

We came through it against Bournemouth. They are a good side and they have an excellent manager. Well Newcastle beat Liverpool and surprised us all before Christmas. I am confident we will rise to the challenge but it will be a struggle. The English Premier League is different from Spain and Italy and Germany where two/three teams dominate. Anyone can beat anyone on their day here in the UK.

A different topic – the end of the match and a few players go round the perimeter of the whole pitch applauding the supporters. It used to be just Mertesacker and Theo but the numbers of players joining in the walkabout are increasing albeit slowly. It goes down well with those of us that linger at the end. It is part of the performance – part of the event. The interaction between player and supporter. I like it. Some lead – like Per and Theo – some do the walk like Cech and the Ox and others simply (now this is the point) slink off to the dressing room. Maybe “slink” is too harsh a word. But it seems to be individual choice – no apparent rule. If you want to bond with the fans then do the walk – if you want to be first in the showers then shuffle off. Now compare this with the discipline of the centre circle wave immediately after the pre-kick off handshake. Mertesacker waits until everyone is lined up and then leads a wave to all four corners of the Stadium. But not at the end. There must have been discussion in the dressing room.
I don’t want a Klopp hand holding moment but I do like the atmosphere that is generated by the players who do remain on the pitch and engage in a very obvious prolonged hand clapping thank-you to the fans who are still in the stadium. If I am not mistaken the numbers who stay for the walkabout are growing. Any thoughts?

One last point – selling squad players at Christmas. George would not allow it. If the team were in contention in January he would not let anyone go. Flash back to 2008 our championship challenge foundered in the last two months of the season. We lacked the option of challenging squad players to come in and give the regulars a breather – one in particular was Cesc who was over-worked. But his ready made replacement who was purchased at the beginning of the season from Chelsea was sold in January to Portsmouth – Lassana Diarra. How we needed him!
Fast forward to today and Debuchy who needs first team football to recover his place in the France national team. Does Wenger let him go or does he hold on to him just in case something happens to Bellerin between now and May? Answers on a post card to H-O-R-A-C-E B-A-T-C-H-E-L-O-R of KEYNSHAM BRISTOL.

Memory Lane – Arsenal 4 – Man U 5 – the pre-Munich disaster match in February 1958. Many of us were there – a great game. United three up – we pull three back in three minutes but run out losers by one goal and many of the United players were dead within the week. A big impact on all of us. One of the big names to perish was Duncan Edwards. Our left back that day was Denis Evans. He was fouled badly by Edwards. Evans was angry. Minutes later, he recounted, he had the chance to “do” Edwards with a tackle that would have put him in the concrete perimeter surrounds with an injury that would have put him out for weeks. In the event Evans pulled out. The sportsman took over. He never took revenge. Had he done so Edwards would have been hurt, unable to fly to Belgrade for the European match. If Edwards, who wore the number 6 shirt and was already an English international had lived, who would have heard of Bobby Moore outside Upton Park?

* You can follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. Arsenal Circular

    Jan 01, 2016, 18:07 #81306

    SLAP (86067) - Why make four changes when things are going well? Sometimes you need the fall to trigger the reaction and then the resurgence. If we could all nip failure in the bud we would all be smiling.
    NICK (86070 and 86112) - You are right when you say that "a team aspiring to win the title could and should be able to overcome such tactics" meaning Southampton. But every team that wins the title - bar the Invincibles - loses matches. It happens. Keeping the focus and the concentration for every game of every match just does not happen. Setbacks occur. It is how you respond to them. Beating Bournemouth may prove we can learn the lesson. In your second paragraph you make contradictory points. At first you say defeats are down to Wenger and his arrogance in not studying our opponents tactics. Then you make a different point that the team is not properly motivated. I do not know what work you do or did but did you always give 100% - were you always at the cutting edge of commitment and concentration. McIlroy plays bad shots, Djokovic drops sets, cricket captains can score a total of 7 runs in two innings. Talent and skill are one thing. Total focus in another. Victory and defeat are two sides of the same penny.
    JEFF WRIGHT (86078) - You refer to the "quality of the league". You can only play against what is in front of you. The teams at the top are not so dominant but I think this will be a feature in the future as well. One of the reasons we are better is because we paid big money for big players - Sanchez and Ozil. We have money and no longer a selling club. The lower teams in the Premier also have more money from Sky. They buy better and the gap between top and bottom is now much narrower. Three points against Bournemouth was cause for celebration. It reinforced the view that we can bounce back and we can mount a challenge for top spot. A lot of us were very happy for the right reasons
    Rex P Skeeter (86079) - News today is that if the work permit is granted the Egyptian player with Basle will stiffen defensive midfield. My worry is that Chambers who I rate at centre back is less impressive at right back - the 3-3 draw with Anderlecht and the defeat last season at Swansea.
    RON (86080) - Moore was great but Edwards would have been the man in possession and in 1966 he would have been aged 27. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate Football is not just about the Here and Now. It is about generations and communities and life at large. Spectators roared on Arsenal when they scored three goals in three minutes in February 1958 with the same intensity that greeted Ozil's goal against Bournemouth. Read the obituary page in the Programme to see what football means to us all and not just the crowd on the day.
    JJETPLANE (86064) - I await my "ultimate deconstruction" but in due course. No rush. The Arsenal thing is in the blood, in the DNA, in the heart and the head. My lineage. I thought Tom Whittaker was wonderful in 1953, Bertie Mee in 1971, George in 89 and 91 and Wenger since 1996 in the good years and the not so good years
    WEAR YOUR COLOURS (86088) - Strikers are never more threatening that when they have missed here and there. Theo had that type of game against Bournemouth so maybe he will deliver against the Geordies. Life is about action and reaction.
    BARD (86091) - We will go the whole 15 rounds to middle of May. In Ozil we may have the equivalent of "Our Enery's left hook". Whites of the eyes is about desire and determination. "We will not be Beaten". The Adams Fist. The Mercer rolled up sleeves. Some like Sanchez chase everywhere. Others pick their moments. But the issue is whether the combination of talents is infused with commitment. Girl Guides?. Next thing you will be comparing Arsene Wenger with Enid Blyton.
    DAVID (86097) - This year will be won with fewer wins unless we go on a run until the end of the season. It is possible
    WESTLOWER (86106) - A Happy New Year A quiz question - what links Freddie Ljunberg, Sami Nasri and George Graham?

    Regards, Graham of Arsenal Circular

  2. Ozzie

    Jan 01, 2016, 6:28 #81301

    I don't believe Arsenal will win the title - no way! West Ham, West Brom, Norwich and a deflated Chelsea aside, Arsenal took on a Saints side with what was left after selling all their top players and were humiliated. As JW points out - the finishing on goal leaves a lot to be desired. I hate being pessimistic but time to be a realist. Happy New Year all, I'm off on a walkabout - 2 miles of golden beach and a foaming surf.

  3. mbg

    Jan 01, 2016, 0:00 #81300

    I wonder will that other old fraud the king of spin himself Gazidiz (spelling he's not worth it either)be on the embankment tonight telling/spinning to all who will listen that him and TOF are working their socks off to bring in top top top qualitee. ?

  4. mbg

    Dec 31, 2015, 20:50 #81299

    My God their messiah is just that after all, is there no end to his talents ? he's gone and got himself pregnant now.

  5. mbg

    Dec 31, 2015, 20:40 #81298

    Bard, they must be triplets.

  6. david

    Dec 31, 2015, 19:21 #81296

    Best wishes Westie - here's to finishing top.

  7. Badarse

    Dec 31, 2015, 17:00 #81293

    Regarding the previous article's trolling of the Badarse name and Website Admin's response I would like to thank Mike for his response-a good man. Would love to sit and write some amusing-and perhaps less than amusing-wishes for the posters in the new year. My pardner Hannibal Heyes has already done the biz so good for him. He got his name back in junior school from the girls who went behind the bike sheds with him. They called him elephant boy, which morphed naturally into Hannibal. As the youngster the year below I got my monicker-'Kid Curry' from being 'the kid'-always will be to him-and the fact that I usually had traces of the previous evening's vegetable dhansak down my shirt front. I wish all health, happiness and peace, throughout 2016, to the blinkered I also wish light,(or the wide-angled vision of Mesut), but to everyone connected with the Arsenal the title of Champions. Happy New Year my little fluffy soufflés.

  8. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2015, 15:45 #81291

    @Jeff, With our mentality the harder the fixtures the better, as we lose too many points in the 'easy'games. Good to hear you're thinking right by covering your original bet. Betting is all about profit, not sentiment. Arsenal are never going to win 38 PL games so try and make money from the bad days. @Bard, Stop exhausting yourself from the debates & arguments by joining the happy throng of expectant Gooners. Arsene has picked up the bit and just needs a good spank on the arse to get him over the finishing line. Start the singing - "you're simply the best, better than all the rest..." 2016 is the year of the ARSE!!

  9. jeff wright

    Dec 31, 2015, 15:23 #81290

    I have no problem with my bet on City at 3-1 to win the title Westie ending up losing . I like yourself take a pragmatic view of things when having a bet and do not allow personal matters such as sentiment to play a part in it all. Anyway, I had a small punt on us at 2-1 recently to cover my bet on City - so whoever wins I will show a profit ! Personally I think I have wasted my cash backing Arsene to come good - he looked a right bag of nerves again at Southampton and this reflected in our players performances,champions>? More like chumps. 81 points wins the league for me possibly 80 but this means us having to win more games than City do in the remaining half of the season and Pell's mercenaries have an easier run in than us and we have to play them at Poundlands in our last away game .It could all be over long before then though - indeed by the end of this month if any more Southampton type collapses occur for us. Our 3 fixtures following on the home banker against Brollyman's Newcattle ,Liverpool, A.Stoke,A.Chelsea at home look like ball-breakers and nervy Arsene will have his work cut out to take max points or even 5 from these games.City have Watford away then Everton and Palace at home.They could easily win all three games. Watch out for those cunning bookies offering dodgy odds on us Westie is my advice - because the bookies work on the assumption that a fool and his money are easily parted! Happy New Year and a prosperous one to all. I'm off to get started in some of the festivities .Cheers.

  10. Bard

    Dec 31, 2015, 15:16 #81289

    Fellow gooners and Wenger devotees I have some sensational news for you. I bumped into the boss in an internet cafe in Totteridge, apparently his router had gone down. He told me two bits of news that will have all fans leaping for joy. There is going to be 24 tv channel dedicated to the Boss in the new year. We will be able to hear all his pre and after match comments from the last 20 years. But more importantly he said we are working flat out to get new faces in. Dick Law is covering Ebay and Ivan Gumtree. He asked me not to share this but I couldnt resist the urge. Apparently we are in for 3 Latvians. The boss reckons we are going to get three for the price of one. He is waiting for the video of them having a kick about in a local park in Riga before finally committing. I asked him if they were any good and he gave me the death stare. He said he had no idea but by god they are cheap. So there you have it, what a fantastic way to end 2015.Here's wishing all gooners a happy new year. Westie; Helen sacked me a while ago, but you are right Im exhausted from all the debate and arguing !!!

  11. mbg

    Dec 31, 2015, 14:15 #81288

    jj, maybe he'll put that on his own new years wish list.

  12. jjetplane

    Dec 31, 2015, 12:19 #81286

    So the somewhat extreme WeSTiE proclaims Arsenal champions once the little matter of beating the Geordies is over and the walkabout (aboriginal appropriation - see Perry and the Empire) is in full swing as Theo and BFG lead the run around the pitch and the Mall shoppers (fans) politely applaud with one eye on their phones and what 'shall we eat Henrietta once we get back to the manor?' Thing is - will WEStIE actually get to a match after a coincidentally decade absence from Arsenal games because he is such a big fan.

  13. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2015, 12:04 #81285

    Ladbrokes now have Arsenal at Evens to win PL with Citeh at 8/5, TH 10/1, Leic 16/1, Man U & L'pool 28/1. LMA Manager of the Year - Ranieri 10/11, AW 7/2. To buy most players in transfer window - AFC 16/1. Wenger to leave at end of season 5/1. Top London club - AFC 1/5, TH 5/1, CFC 66/1. Additions to my New Years honours list: EXETER - A traditional phone box K6 red. MAUREEN - A huge slice of humility to dilute his me, myself & I ego. REFEREES - A job for life on retirement, licking the players boots clean at OT. Mike Riley would object to that on the grounds of 'been there, done that.' ARSENE WENGER - The PL title. CLAUDIO RANIERI - That Leicester can qualify for the Ropey Cup. ABRAMOVICH - Reaping the rewards for his billion pound investment by being dragged into a relegation scrap. BFG - Usain Bolt's legs. GIROUD - Bellerin's legs. REMI GARDE - A win at the weekend.

  14. Nick

    Dec 31, 2015, 11:30 #81284

    Without analyzing too much the facts of the matter are , if we play to the best of our abilities Newcastle will be swept aside, they are third bottom because they are ****e, we are top because we are slightly better than those around us at the present time, no matter the tactics employed by the comical Mclaren if we are on our game , focused and up for it we will win, if we don't it will be because our fragile prima donnas are either not in the mood for a scrap to ensure our better quality football can prevail, or arrogant enough to believe the toon will roll over in the face of our superior class, that is why we lose games like at Southampton, West Brom etc, that attitude stems from our manager who in his arrogance deems it unnecessary to study our opponents strengths and weaknesses, when this team is properly motivated we will give any team a run for its money and sweep aside the mediocre!

  15. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 31, 2015, 10:29 #81281

    Happy New Year to those critically minded Gooners who believe in honest appraisal and scrutiny. May more of those who would leave those with power unaccountable via their 'unconditional support' open their eyes in 2016.

  16. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2015, 9:35 #81278

    In honour of Gooner Sir A.P McCoy receiving a knighthood, some wishes for WOB's & AKB's in 2016. JEFF WRIGHT - May your ante-post bet on Citeh winning the PL be a losing bet. RON - May the hairy arsed bullies always destroy the technical dwarf's & make football as dull and uninteresting as Gary Neville's vision of how the game should be played. Plenty of 0-0 games to help combat insomnia - LGV is showing the way at the Theatre of Chess. MBG - A parrot with a short memory span of a goldfish to discuss the good ole days when Lyderson, Hillier, McGoldrick, Jensen, Selley, et al, thrilled the pants off us. BARD - A month laying on a sunny beach to recharge the batteries after suffering from an acute bout of fatigue. Leave Helen at home to ensure you get a complete rest - you must use a rotation system with the lusty Helen or you'll be worn to a frazzle. DAVID - Arsenal getting 14 more wins to achieve the title winning 26 wins. JJ - A new brain. HICCUP - A jeroboam of bubbly sarcasm. PIERS MORGAN - A long zip for your extra large mouth. GRAHAM - Keep posting your well balanced views on AFC to counter the usual nonsense posted by the above. ROBERT - Continue with your reflections on days gone by. BADARSE, R/K, GOONER RON, CHRIS, WYC & GOONERCOLSEY + all true Gooners - May your unconditional support be rewarded by your team being 2015/16 PL Champions. Altogether now " We are the Champions my friends, and we'll keep fighting to the end..."

  17. Bard

    Dec 31, 2015, 7:48 #81276

    Colseyboysetc; well spotted. I always thought it matters where you finish at the end of the season not where you are at the new year. What I will predict is that we will not be in with a chance in May if we dont buy some reinforcements but then I havent worked a day in football eh. By the way my reference to girl guides wasnt meant to be taken literally.

  18. trj

    Dec 31, 2015, 0:15 #81275

    And you've also concluded that man city are champions eh jeff .keep changing your mind TOF.

  19. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 22:18 #81274

    Wear Your Colours, it's just a pity this limited team and it's very limited manager can't do that.

  20. David

    Dec 30, 2015, 20:47 #81271

    You should have more confidence - Arsenal got chance-to-top-the-table jitters at Southampton, fluffed a couple of chances to take the lead, and slumped thereafter for all the reasons that you mentioned. However, it was Arsenal's jitteriness that opened the door for a rejuvenated Southampton. Any result is possible against Newcastle, but by far the likeliest is a convincing Arsenal win. Re: Westlower's goal ratio. You have to add that every winner of the PL since 2004 has won 26 games or more, except in one season. And Arsenal have never won more than 26 games in a 38 game season.

  21. jeff wright

    Dec 30, 2015, 20:35 #81270

    Hey Chicken picker,tell me about it in May!

  22. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 30, 2015, 19:48 #81269

    Nice to see the girl guides currently top of the league eh Bard.

  23. trj

    Dec 30, 2015, 19:47 #81268

    jeff wright you said we should sell ozil this shows how laughable your knowledge is.

  24. Bard

    Dec 30, 2015, 19:29 #81265

    Graham you are fond of boxing metaphors but they dont really seem relevant to this bunch of players whose performance has more to do with whether they are having a bad hair day or not. What you havent factored in of course is fatigue. Now many on this site are obsessed with it ( read any of Westie's last 50 posts) and I for one think we should always factor it in especially when we lose but not if we win. On that basis it probably is less relevant to be looking into the 'whites of their eyes' and more important to evaluate how they look when they bend down to tie up their boots. Are they fast and furious or is it a languid roll. I realise this goes against the grain of modern sports psychology but the Arsenal have more in common with the girl guides than a football team.

  25. Wear Your Colours

    Dec 30, 2015, 17:26 #81263

    Graham, I agree you cannot take any opponent lightly. Especially in this modern day of 'pro-zone' football where limited teams can drill their players ad nauseum on postional formations that will minimise the chances for their opponents to score. However, I have a sneaking feeling that Theo might bang in a couple of goals this week-end to keep the Gunners secure at the top of the tree. COYG!

  26. jjetplane

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:58 #81259

    We await the ultimate deconstruction of the Rev Perry (fiery AKB apostle) by super poster RON. Group stages presently but come the knock outs ..... Bobby Moore was football genius. Period. have a funny feeling Graham hopes to write a Fever Pitch type novel featuring big brave Frenchmen and one Big ****ing German. 'The first time I stood on the legendary North Bankside (sic), I surveyed the hungry masses of men all wearing top hats and waving red and white umbrellas and too a man they were singing Arsene Wenger will be magic! The year does not matter but little Arse(ne) was still a twinkle .....' pssss If teams have to put in a super super top top effort to beat a poor Arsenal side, what could possibly halt a good Arsenal - an Arsenal without fatigue, without dealing with bent officials, a Manchester based media and so on. I am in awe of Webster's Wondrous Warriors! Good old mythology ....

  27. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:53 #81258

    Was there much waving and bonding against Southampton and all the other humiliations and embarrassments from wenger and his players? who would have wanted that pathetic bunch waving at them at the end ? more to the point what type/kind of fan would want/wanted to stay behind and bond with them, only one of course, one eyed AKB's who can see no wrong and puts it down as just another blip who quickly forget and discard it as history so they can carry on waving back, happy lingering and bonding.

  28. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:47 #81257

    Six paragraphs analysing a home game v Newcastle. The internet equivalent of destroying a rainforest. Why the last paragraph about a game from 57 years ago? Whilst it lives in the memory, what relevance has it to the article?

  29. Hiccup

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:33 #81256

    Think you are over analysing the Newcastle game? There are 3 possibilities. We should thrash this pub team who can't win for toffee. However, if they put in a super human effort, then they will win. If the f@ckers decide to put in an 'obscene' super human effort, then God help us. They will massacre us 4-0. Never mind the whites of our eyes. It's all down to the effort the Geordies decide to put in.

  30. Ron

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:29 #81255

    You seriously think Moore would have been a sidenote if not for Edwards perishing at Munich? A very odd view. Moore was a diamond among defenders whos reading of a game was second to none to make up for his lack of speed. The walkabout and the waves? Its false, manufactured and all done for the cameras, not the stragglers and its all part of the 'match day experience'. A genuine hand shake with opponents is all thats needed in my view.

  31. Rex P. Skeeter

    Dec 30, 2015, 15:24 #81254

    Agree with your Debuchy comment. Assuming that holding midfield talent is not acquired in January,doesn't Debuchy also have Flamini like midfield capabilities?

  32. jeff wright

    Dec 30, 2015, 14:59 #81253

    The table says that Leicester are joint top of the table with us and that is no lie- but it doesn't really say much for the quality of the league. As I have said before I will wait until April the First before concluding that we are fighting for the title. Who are we fighting with for it anyway Leicester or City >? Also these Southampton type results crop up too frequently under Wenger every season for them to just be one of those things .They can happen at any time against anyone. There looked to be a touch of the desperations with the celebs after the two goals at home against mighty Bournemouth and some of the finishing on goal attempts was not much to get excited about either. The Newcattle game should be 3 points won - but as the actress said to the bishop, there will be harder ones to come.

  33. mbg

    Dec 30, 2015, 14:03 #81250

    Of course it is history, just like Southampton, and all the other embarrassments, jurying the rein of this past it manager, swept under the carpet, didn't happen, forgotten about ASAP well their not, and no amount of air brushing from pen or mouth is going to change that, it's just a pity there was no whites of the eyes time in all those, I wonder why that was? All these type of games should be plain sailing,(some would say they are but this is wenger we're talking about) they used to be, albeit a long time ago when we had proper players (are we not on top of the table ? where are these other teams? the statement the table doesn't lie is very commonly used) if they're not it's down to the regression of the team and players over the years under this old fraud of a manager and his philosophies and allowing all other managers to know and read him like a book and his nice boys turning up looking good applauding the crowd thinking they already have it won. And/or just another way devised by his apologists to make excuses for him even before the games are even played.

  34. Nick

    Dec 30, 2015, 12:38 #81246

    I'm sorry but I disagree with the thrust if this article, they say that the table does not lie, bearing that in mind we go into the Newcastle game top to their third bottom, they as we are where they are for a reason, they are a poor side, the result will balance on our ATTITUDE to the match, turn up thinking it won before a ball is kicked ala St Marys and an upset could be on the cards , focus , and treat them with respect then fear into them as we did vs manure red and we will not only prevail we will murder them. This tactic of getting in our faces, harrying and spoiling is nothing new, nor is it any act of coaching genius, an early goal throws a spanner in the game.plan if advocates of this approach,, then keeping our focus and shape means more chances to increase our tally will surely come , none.of this is rocket science or mystical juju, a team aspiring to win the title could and should be able to overcome such tactics . When we lose the Southampton match it is mainly down to our attitude more than the other sides competence,the much vaunted mental strengths go missing on such occasions as we run around like headless chickens, so the Newcastle game IS a home banker or damm well should be, if we lose it will be down to OUR attitude rather than any master plan of the umbrella carrying, Dutch wannabe balding ex manure coach !

  35. slap

    Dec 30, 2015, 11:43 #81243

    should chambers and gabriel and gobbs have played against southampton. chambers played well and very evident