Arsenal Circular 119 – Evidence of title winners or nearly men?

Thoughts after the Newcastle game

Arsenal Circular 119 – Evidence of title winners or nearly men?

Mertesacker: mystifies

Dear Fellow Gunners

It was a tough match – we were not at our best against a team that had recently beat THFC.
We eked out a result – some are celebrating that achievement and some are saying the opposite and see the result as evidence of the “nearly men”.

If you are a critic you will seize on any shortcoming and see it as confirmation that we are not good enough; that Wenger has screwed up; that we are pretenders and Wenger should go.
Others will see it differently and will argue there are always matches that produce the points without the performance and that this is evidence of cool heads and total concentration to get the win and stay on top – in fact increase the lead – and worry the chasing pack.

A glance back to 1971 - when we did the Double and won the League with a record total of 66 points – shows that in our last eleven matches we won six matches by the 1-0 score. Things get tense. Players become cautious. The chances are not converted. But the Champions rise to the occasion – they hang on. They take the points. They take the title.
Seen in perspective during the four games at Christmas we garnered nine points out of twelve – a good bag.

And of course we are over-using our players without Welbeck, Wilshere, Rosicky, Coquelin, Cazorla and Sanchez. I mention this not to make excuses but to enquire where we would be if we had any three of the six available for selection. It is a sign of strength and not weakness that we are two points ahead of Leicester, four points ahead of Man City and six points ahead of THFC.
There is still such a fight ahead of us – not a bad league or a poor league but a league where anyone including Villa can take three points on their day. The difference between top and bottom is narrower and because of this the fight for points will be greater. Thankfully we have a rest and a chance to re-charge batteries, recover freshness, bring back injured players and maybe bring in new players. It is still ours to lose.

Some other points – Giroud has had a good press because he was alert enough to provide the key assist for Koscielny’s goal but does anyone else reading this column get fed up with his constant complaining. Hands in the air - lots of mouth at the referee. It is often self-deception because it reflects frustration with his own contribution and looking for the man with the whistle as a scapegoat. Sometimes things go wrong in life because of other people and you can justifiably play the blame game but more often than not people are looking to deflect responsibility – to pin the responsibility on others when the fault lies within.

Maybe some of this comes from Wenger who is renowned for his “arms in the air” gesticulation when the referee has made the wrong decision. He may think by complaining to the fourth official that he is putting pressure on the referee when the four officials gather at half time. And he may be right. Referees are human beings – they do make mistakes (was it four penalties we did not get from Lee Probert in the 2014 FA Cup Final against Hull City?) and there is that human tendency to “even up”. It happens. Was that why Steve Gerrard stayed on the pitch in the 5th Round Cup match at the Emirates after Howard Webb failed to give Liverpool a deserved second penalty? Was he giving something back to the side who suffered from his error? But Wenger is in danger of making himself a figure of fun.

Another point – The Ox. He is under-performing; snatching at chances, pulling shots wide of the target; not always tracking back. His head is low; his body movement is full of negatives. How do we respond? Do we mock and deride and humiliate him to further depths of despair or do we encourage and support and cheer him back to his best form? There is only one answer. It has to be to get behind him and roar our support as he tries to recover his best performance. Over the years some vocal supporters have taken their frustrations out on the players – cursed them, booed them, laughed at them. It may make you feel good but ask yourself whether it does any good? So often in sport we see top performers wrestling with a spate of bad form. On a bad day a tennis player misses his volleys; a golfer misses his putts, a cricketer puts down catches. Bear with the poor performer – his time will come again and for Arsenal fans we want the Ox back to his best. Support him with strong applause don’t scream at him with insult.

Other points – it seems to me that Theo has toughened up. He is getting involved with some heavy challenges, riding the tough tackles. Bellerin has come through a bad period and will be all the better for the experience. He is a mature player at a young age. No wild tackles. No revenge instincts. Just solid mental application. He is so good for us. Mertesacker still mystifies. He, like Wenger, looks more suited to lectures on 19th Century German Philosophers at Munich University. And yet he played 100+ games for Germany and has an instinct for anticipation that is second to none. That image of Holt brushing him aside in one of his early matches at the Emirates stays in the mind but in fairness to him he is so important to the mentality of the team. Finally Cech; I am saying the obvious – he is tremendous and he wants success again at Arsenal to prove to the world that he is so good.

Two Final Points – that question again – what links George Graham, Nasri and Ljungberg?

Memory Lane – Arsenal had made a success of signing players late in their careers – Ronnie Rooke and Joe Mercer were just two who made such a great contribution to League and Cup success from 1947 to 1953. One who did not quite come off was Tommy Lawton although he scored 6 goals in 18 matches in 1954-55 and 6 in eight matches the following season. But he was such a big name – an England international for many years - and people came just to see him in big numbers. What has this to do with 2015 you may enquire? It is the roots thing. The red shirt, Highbury, the hero wearing the no 9 shirt. It helped to cement the commitment to Arsenal and I get emails from older supporters who love the recollections and reminiscences.


* You can follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. mbg

    Jan 08, 2016, 12:13 #81530

    Exeter, good post well said, and yes simple enough even for him, he's backed into a corner now or dug himself a hole, his silence is deafening any respect he had left is gone.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 07, 2016, 22:20 #81517

    Badbum - I know you won't address me directly in the hope I'll stop subjecting your comments to the kind of scrutiny that you feel is your province on this website, however refering indirectly to me as a 'twit' hardly makes me less likely to let up on you, does it? As you seem confused let me try and put this in simple terms for you: Again on again on here you have proclaimed how all your life you've been fighting against bigotry and prejudice. Yet when faced with it on the website on which you spend much of your time, you don't confront it. That's not 'being your own man', it's quite the opposite - it's not standing up for the principles by which you profess to live. That's not 'pursuing a course in an opposite direction' - it's cowardly running away. If you'd never set yourself up as the policeman of this site, it's 'moral guide', you wouldn't be asked if you were prepared to condemn in the first place. Now you've demonstrated that, when push comes to shove, you're not prepared to confront those with the kind of views you have previously claimed must be confronted, perhaps we'll see an end to your patronising, highly irritating pretensions to intellectual and moral superiority on here. It's been shown to be a sham. To bring it back on topic - I predict Arsenal will easily beat Sunderland on Saturday and I hope Everton win the League Cup

  3. Badarse

    Jan 07, 2016, 21:36 #81515

    Mark am a bit confused by your post it seems a little disconnected? Am not sure if you are suggesting I should say this or that? Or was it Jamerson? As I said a little confusing. I am not in a popularity contest chum and would not count plaudits from those you allude to as valid or earned, in fact the more those types oppose the more I am comfortable in pursuing a course in an opposite direction. The thing I am raising my eyebrows at is your allusion to me 'lurking' (?) -I don't lurk, and on a website there is no vision to confirm such a silly suggestion-with angry and odd(?) individuals. I am aligned with none, a totally independent, a soloist and happy to applaud or denounce along my own personal journey. Answerable to no one, I owe nothing to anyone and am not my brother's keeper. A twit says 'Why don't you condemn him, her, them? It falls on deaf ears-twits' words do. So, anything else?

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jan 07, 2016, 14:35 #81499

    Badarse - my original comment has been wiped as I guess it linked to crazy Jamerson. Does seem odd that a reasoned reply gets removed but there you go. From my perspective and I guess others . You would have probably been better to answer A Jamerson style email along the lines off " though I think your views on Arsenal are valid. To start using phrases like "Nancy boys" , deviants, slaves or attacking nationality using terms such as "Oirish" is abhorrent. Nobody could have had a go and you may have won dome plaudits from otherwise less than friendly sources. Unfortunately it's not the first time and indeed from various individuals on this site have wondered why you seem to lurk around with some very angry and odd individuals

  5. mbg

    Jan 07, 2016, 14:08 #81498

    lee afc, obviously your post is aimed at the bloke and post after yours.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 07, 2016, 13:32 #81496

    Must be nice to still believe in fairy tales at 60 odd years old. There are a few like that on here.

  7. jjetplane

    Jan 07, 2016, 12:54 #81493

    Westlower/Westboro - it all makes sense now ..... 'I did hold down THE playmaker position well enough on a football pitch' ..... that's even better than 'standing all alone on a crowded platform' ..... More please! Good old AKBs .....

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 07, 2016, 10:55 #81489

    So Badarse won't overtly condemn goonercolesyboy and Jamerson because it's 'obvious' racism and homophobia are wrong so it doesn't need to be stated. Yes, I'm sure that would have worked out historically. And those who have thrown barbs on here regarding football are just as bad and experiencing 'karma' by being exposed to those views. To even draw an equivalent shows a shocking lack of perspective. Not someone to listen to lecturing on 'society', I'd suggest. Convoluted, weak, cowardly stuff. We all know why you won't condemn them, Badarse. Better to shut up than spend 24 hours coming up with this pathetic attempt at self-justification. I take AFC to beat Sunderland 3-0 tomorrow.

  9. Bard

    Jan 07, 2016, 9:26 #81485

    I noticed how much running around players do these days Westie. They must be exhausted. Ive always thought Sam was enlightened especially when his sides tried to kick the **** put of us.

  10. Westlower

    Jan 07, 2016, 8:54 #81484

    Sam Allardyce has gone up in my estimation as he too believes in the 'F' word. "..these lads are fatiguing now with so many games in such a short period of time..." Oh what it is to be enlightened! If hairy arsed ex defender Big Sam recognizes the phenomenon, what excuse is there for non believers in continually failing to acknowledge the existence of fatigue?

  11. Badarse

    Jan 07, 2016, 8:24 #81483

    Good morning Mark, just wanted to pick you up on a small point as you still seem to misinterpret when opponents slip by misunderstanding, as many do on this site, it does put question marks over their credibility regarding the myopic views they hold of both all things Arsenal as well as society in general. What can ever be challenged regarding a stance opposing racism and homophobia when stating it is abhorrent. That in itself cannot be described as high souled-I know no one who declares that with a dollop of magnanimity, do you? It is simply wrong-there are no rewards or medals attributed for the obvious. I shouldn't have to explain to you and others as I do a child, but it is important you comprehend as you carry the future through your own children. It is also worthy of a mention that I do not do strops, though my reactions can be as sharp as a razor-like that? My one past comment intimated that I found the reactions of opponents to Jamerson's posts ironically amusing. That is a vital fact you need to take on board, as it is my one and only position, though I did hold down the playmaker position well enough on a football pitch. The amusement came from the fact that rude, bullying, aggressive, and downright nasty posters suddenly became affronted recipients when Jamerson posted his nonsense. It was always a 'karma' moment for me. The criticism of being 'left' is archaic-incidentally as some info for jeff-he will hate this, and will want to wash his mouth out every time he again uses that term-'left' came about during the time of 'the terror', when those political individuals in favour of the French Revolution actually sat on the left-something else to explain to the kids. Here endeth the juxtaposition, and those who like an easy pick up should try Helen. Now share around those salt and vinegar cusps. Citeh and Liverpool still involved which is very good for us, so let's go all the way this term if we can my dear chap. Odd how I still like you-do you have a vision of Dick Emery when I say that? ha ha,(the laugh is to entertain mbg), Good old Arsenal.

  12. lee afc

    Jan 06, 2016, 23:16 #81482

    MBG...... so much to say, so little to offer.... aka Jeff right.

  13. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 06, 2016, 22:52 #81481

    There's not theirs, good old predictive text.

  14. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 06, 2016, 22:39 #81480

    Theirs a bloke who stands behind us at home games who is always moaning, no matter if we win lose or draw. Must be Arseknowsbest.

  15. jeff wright

    Jan 06, 2016, 21:31 #81479

    Well John had we lost at home to Newcastle after the 4-0 thrashing off lowly Southampton I guess a little criticism would have been in order-non>? Colseyboy, Kipling ,who dear Jamie thinks was a baker , and Enid Blyton plus others years back in the mists of time were racists or used racist language in their books -that doesn't mean however that in today's more ,well for some,enlightened age that you should be doing it. I will wager you loved Bernard Manning! Actually despite her use of racist words Enid Blyton is obviously old Badasses fav writer ... Noddy and Big Ears were out driving around Toy Town where the sun always shines in Noddy's little red car when Noddy spied a tall thin man wearing an ill-fitting track-suit sitting on a giant toadstool. Look there ,cried Noddy , there's a tramp loitering about! Yes, grunted Big Ears,we should report this to PC Plod he won't be best pleased though because is referring a Sunday league game this morning between Toy Town and La La Land Lurches .Noddy stopped his car to have a better look at the tramp and at that moment he got up off the toadstool and came toward the car and spoke to Noddy . Excuse me ,he said in a French accent,I am looking for the local football playing field. Oh ,stuttered Noddy , we thought that you was a tramp ! The tall stranger in the ill-fitting track-suit gave a ghastly smile and replied, oh no,I am a football manager and have heard good things about a young player called Tom Tit who plays for Toy Town Rovers. Big Ears shouted excitedly ,he is not playing, not playing this morning, he was injured last weekend when we played Neverland Nutters. Is the injury bad ,asked the tall thin stranger. Noddy sighed and replied , Tom broke his back and will be out for weeks. Good replied the football manager,he is just what I need ,I will sign him today!

  16. John Gage

    Jan 06, 2016, 19:43 #81478

    Based on the comments here I'm beginning to view games against teams such as Newcastle as essentially "no-win" games. If Arsenal wins, the comments will be that Newcastle have been playing badly and there is zero credit in beating them. If Arsenal loses, the refrain will then be that Arsenal is useless and have no chance of winning the Premiership. Is there no middle ground here? This year the top teams from last season are in transition which creates instability. The smaller clubs have more financial clout from TV money and have bought better players and to some extent have closed the gap. With this in mind surely our attitude should be, let's grab the 3 points and one game at a time...

  17. mbg

    Jan 06, 2016, 19:10 #81477

    Exeter, 86342, excellent post, no sign of the judge me in may the wengerites love using (and have been doing for ten years now)for TOF, well as we know it's one rule for their Mr moon and a different one for everybody else.

  18. mbg

    Jan 06, 2016, 18:45 #81476

    Ron, indeed and I wonder what Stoke and their fans excuse for defeat was, fatigue ?

  19. mbg

    Jan 06, 2016, 17:44 #81475

    CB, good one, you can just see it, we want wenger back we want wenger back (that would give TOF's ego some boost)they'll certainly not give the next manager ten years of failure trying to get it right you can be sure of that.

  20. jeff wright

    Jan 06, 2016, 16:56 #81474

    Wenger's never looked that convincing in away games Ron just the odd big results here and there usually when he has ditched his so called 'principles' for more pragmatic tactics.The title win at OT years back being one example of this when attacking Arsene left Henry and Bergkamp in London and defended in depth with Wiltord nicking the points in a rare counter attack for a 1-0 win to us. The Grupenfuhrer though did not allow any nonsense regarding title winning celebrations to take place - nor was there a 'guard of honour' provided by him to clap our champs off the pitch afterwards. Wenger of course provided one for United when RVP retuned as champ at our place some years ( yawn) later , but by then he was well and truly Ferguson's bitch, jumping through hoops at his beck and call.There was that good run in away games in the Champions League to the final in Paris when due to injury circumstances Wenger was forced to use more pragmatic defensive tactics - as he was in the final itself when mad Jens was sent off,albeit incorrectly as the Barca goal should have stood and him received just a yellow card under the rules of engagement . The big problem for dreamy idealists like Wenger is that clouds get in the way of their thinking and they never like anyone else telling them what they should do. For all of his obnoxious traits Ferguson was never too proud to bring in coaches to help him out -unlike Wenger he knew his own limitations. Good old Arsene.

  21. jjetplane

    Jan 06, 2016, 16:42 #81473

    Fear of perceived unknowns wot drives these AKB nearly men boys. Colonial to a fault, the lost empire echoes in their between two worlds mindset. They know not who they are. They are the Mall men ......

  22. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 06, 2016, 16:28 #81472

    On the one hand the AKBs preach not rushing to judgment and the virtue of 'stability', on the other here they are judging Klopp after a few weeks of mixed, not terrible, results. Liverpool's current position isn't so dissimilar to Arsenal's this time a year ago - outside the top 4, battling to get in it. Yet there was no judging a manager in his 19th year from them then. I wonder why?

  23. Ron

    Jan 06, 2016, 16:12 #81471

    Hi Jeff - we have a shout at Anfield of course and in fairness to Wenger, his record there is pretty decent over the last decade. The 5-1 mauling in 2013 tends to over shadow it. In truth though we always look nervy and shaky there and we ve had a few draws where maybe we got out of gaol in that period. Arsenal have been intimidated by the bigger stadiums for years and its been pathetic to see at times. Whenever ive been to such games, its easy to take a view that Wenger never really fancies being at such venues, as his teams have seemingly so often reflected his own mindset. In truth Wenger is far from being an advocate of swashbuckling attacking football in those type of games. Those of us who go and see away games have known this for years, though it doesn't stop him propagating the myth that style and verve is Wengers signature on a football match does it. I think the best AFC will get from Anfield this time will be a draw. A Liverpool win wdt surprise me at all though.

  24. jeff wright

    Jan 06, 2016, 15:51 #81470

    City are still lurking in the league cup mbg but Klopp turned them over at Poundlands in a convincing way,if this will work in a cup final, should both Klopp and Pel lock horns in it , is another matter. Klopp considering what he inherited from Rodgers and the position that they were in when he took over has done well only idiots with obsessed Arsene knows best agendas would try and claim otherwise. I don't think Liverpool are a top 4 side and they look better away from home than they do playing there. So in theory Wenger must have a shout of getting a result at Anfield,but taking account of nervy Arsene's current mental state if anyone can muck up a good chance then as we saw against Southampton away recently he can .

  25. Ron

    Jan 06, 2016, 15:40 #81469

    John F - Hi there. I honestly dont think Arsenal FC will ever ever surpass May 26th 1989, unless perhaps they win a CL against one of the real titan European Clubs in an impressive manner. We have to be careful about this though as we ve been here before and it prompted a Westlower envy ridden bull s--t tirade about that night based on Liverpools 'lack of fight' so we learned and his usual 'fatigue' fall back position reigned supreme of course.

  26. Ron

    Jan 06, 2016, 15:26 #81468

    The Klopp experiment is an interesting one. Prestigious a Club as Liverpool still are, he s very much on trial there and he will in my view be hopeful of a bigger job here than Liverpool. Maybe in the fullness of time, the Arsenal job? Liverpool's money now is being directed into their stadium and i dont think they ll be spending that big on players. It might frustrate him in due course as their squad right now is very average. Be that as it may, hes very refreshing and has a lovely way about him. Football seems a happy thing again on Merseyside with JK on one side and RM on the other. For those digging at him , its worth asking whether Wenger would have gone to Stoke last night and beat them hands down in the same manner as Liverpool did. I doubt it some how. Its easy to see why the media take to JK and opt to mock and torment the grimacing and surly Wenger. In nigh on 20 years, Wenger has learned little about press management, despite his supposed 'high' intelligence. AW brings it all upon himself through his own lack of grace. He might give JK a ring!

  27. mbg

    Jan 06, 2016, 13:58 #81467

    jw, yes indeed, what if Jurgen the great goes on to invent another stat,(we know how the AKB's love to)just like David Moyes did, and go on and win a trophy in his first few months on the job, (he'll really become another AKB hate figure then) when it took their messiah nine years of bumbling about and failure trying to build a side before he managed to do it.

  28. jjetplane

    Jan 06, 2016, 13:58 #81466

    Life in the Shed/Life on the Hill ..... Degrading by the Post. Still - imagine a post match drink with Nigel Coleslaw and lee KFC .... That would be like the horror Brando communicated in Apocalypse/Arsenal now. JEFF is bang on the nail there about Nigel Coleslaw taking it too seriously. Where there is no imagination, there is little irony. Stoke and Liverpool - I love 'em and they are simply more interesting than the oh so predictable soft dramatics from Arthur 'the ostrich' Webster's performing troupe - rock bottom of the league of global fancy clubs. Not bad for a couple of decades of number fiddling. One thing i do want to know is where has the bullish posts from before Xmas gone to. Having been spanked by the sadly awful Saints who it seems were handed Arsenal on a plate to devour and willingly they offered themselves up. The club's philosophy is we need the thrashings so the Emirate shoppers (fans) in their warm lager stupor do not build up their hopes too high. Definitely the Comedy Club of the Decade complete with it's own Steptoe & Son(s) construct .... Harry Worth 8 Million - here's comes another glass door - a very Spanish one.

  29. CB

    Jan 06, 2016, 13:35 #81465

    mbg, once Wenger goes they will become the WIBs. The Wenger In Brigade. They will want him brought out of retirement or even his coffin, where they can dust down the corpse and role chicken bones in front of him every Friday in order to divine the team selection and the 70 minute subs

  30. mbg

    Jan 06, 2016, 13:28 #81464

    ArseneKnewBest, good post, anyone more popular than their messiah always gets it, and him and his ilk would tell you, and some have, that they would give support and will give support our next manager, yeah right, as I've said before they'll be the first to start complaining after the first couple of defeats or embarrassments after all he won't be their messiah and they'll owe him nothing (just the same as a lot of others feel about TOF now) after a season or less they'll become the WOB''s or whatever, and wanting change and no doubt their messiah back.

  31. Bard

    Jan 06, 2016, 12:21 #81463

    Very funny posts Mick Jones. I do enjoy a bit of humour it relieves the tedium of endless rehab and rehash. This debate about Klopp is pointless. He's only been in the job a few weeks and has only bought one player. At least give him a few seasons and then see where he is. Liverpool arent in Arsenal's league financially these days so it hardly like for like. Arsenal are in the top 6/7 clubs in the world and meaningfully comparisons should be with these clubs not Liverpool or the spuds.

  32. John F

    Jan 06, 2016, 11:47 #81462

    Baddie as Paul McCartney said when he was asked about the sixties, I am not sure if it is the times i miss or i just miss being young.I am afraid I used to be in a bad mood for days after a poor result and the build up to the game just seemed to prolong my misery how wrong could I be.1989 win the league and the birth of my first boy could not be much better then that.

  33. jeff wright

    Jan 06, 2016, 10:54 #81461

    Colesyboy,Klopp is new to our league and needs time to adapt .I'm sure though that he doesn't need advice from failed manager Souness. Wenger's been in the job here with us for (yawn wake me up when it's over) 20 long years and never learns about over using players. There is no correlation between the situation with Klopp, a mere few weeks here , who did not sign players like past it Kolo anyway, and that of Wenger's years of having the worst injury record in the league every season. You couldn't make it up.

  34. Badarse

    Jan 06, 2016, 10:18 #81460

    24601 and John F. After the Wimbledon game I stood quietly alone on the platform of the Arsenal tube station. Crowds all around, yet I retreated within myself. I imagined all likely scenarios as I awaited the train; figures, goal difference, rainfall in May measured in both inches and cms, that numbers thing got the better of me, as Mick Jones' wit always does. It was a lonely and retrospective journey home that night, but by journey's end-the night through until morning not the tube ride, I had determined that we would just go to Anfield and win. By the middle of the week the hill had become a mountain-now we needed a two goal winning margin. I won the sweep at work-the only person to insist we would win by two goals-and that period passed into history, but it left each of us with an indelible experience, the resonance of which will continue to reverberate every time the subject is raised, and will for the rest of our lives-I just stood on that empty, but crowded platform again. 'Charging through the midfield...'

  35. John F

    Jan 06, 2016, 9:45 #81459

    Westie you described the emotions of the Derby and Wimbledon games perfectly.I stood in the clockend for the Derby game not believing what I was seeing but as you say i still felt confident.After the Wimbledon game I came away along with many others very despondent and as was described the line for the Arsenal tube was made up of very depressed looking gooners apart from my mate who was annoying optimistic.My memory may be wrong but wasn't Winterburn goal a long range shot that just flew in.

  36. Westlower

    Jan 06, 2016, 8:49 #81458

    @David, I did type in Wimbledon but I deleted it before I posted. After that miserable night at Highbury we all thought we'd blown it big time. For those too young to remember the events leading up to Anfield in 89. Arsenal had won 4 games on the trot and had virtually sown up the title as we had 3 games remaining, two at home & one away at Anfield. We all assumed we'd get beaten at Anfield but it didn't matter because we were sure to win our two remaining home games. Wrong!!! Derby beat us 2-1 with Dean Saunders scoring both goals, one a pen, Smudger scored Arsenal's goal. Didn't matter, as we were sure to beat Wimbledon at home as we'd already beaten them 5-1 away in the opening game of the season. Despite goals from Merson & Winterburn we could only manage a draw. The team were labelled bottlers by some sections of the media before the trip to Anfield shoved the criticism back where it came from. It's a funny ole game Saint? Let's hope 22 wins will suffice this year to win the title.

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 05, 2016, 23:26 #81456

    Jeff - Quite. Klopp is trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear at the moment. If he gets the same leeway with player budgets that his recent predecessors have had, then sadly the bin dippers' stock will only rise. Unlike our so-called manager, Klopp's full blooded, intelligent and committed attitude has him on the pool fans' side before a ball is even kicked. Different people entirely, but I felt that way about a certain Mr George Graham back in the day. But try getting those dense little AKB muppety robots to see that though...

  38. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 22:57 #81455

    Arseneknewbest ,at least Klopp is making a go of getting the poor side that he inherited from the hapless Rodgers into a cup final after just as you say a few weeks at Liverpool. Whereas our bloke went out with a whimper to a Championship side in the tournament. Colesyboy was there as well that night so he must have expected better and he said that it was not even cold ! Then again with his thick skin and hard boiled head he wouldn't have felt it anyway, a case of where there is no sense there is no feeling .His little shadow lee kfc comes over as being denser than reinforced concrete - he thinks just because I thought that Germany would not win the world cup that this should have been the case . You couldn't make it up.

  39. lee afc

    Jan 05, 2016, 22:56 #81454

    Upset a few applecarts tonight eh GCB. "They don't like it up em mate".

  40. mbg

    Jan 05, 2016, 21:55 #81453

    Hiccup, yes very brave of him indeed, there was another on here who used to do the same remember him ? where did he go ? Him and his brother used to nut the non AKB's then throw them over if they showed any dissent to or against their messiah. Your right Graham would have his work cut out trying to do it with the AKB's on here (or maybe as their in the same way of thinking as himself that makes it alright, there's another one who thinks like that who makes an appearance on here every now and again) as soon as any thing is said they don't like or agree with, or about their messiah (especially if it's true) or backed into a corner, or made fun off and look a fool, (which is quite often) it's resort to insults time, and foul mouthed tirades, but you never hear any wobs or those their directed at retaliating or complaining, and/or crying to the Admin or moderator do you ? no they keep their dignity and that tells you all you need to know about the difference in the individuals and both sets of fans.

  41. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 21:34 #81452

    Yet more cant like posting from you Coleseyboy and here is your little shadow lee kfc as well he who thinks that cunnilingus was a Chinese philosopher... so you believe what Fat Sam says it's just a ruse to lull Arsene into putting out Ospina, Chambers, Gibbs and a few academy kids... with Arteta getting another run out after all they did well against Wednesday in the League Cup... I'm watching the league cup game old Sparky is putting on a good show at pretending to be bothered getting all wet in his nice suit at least Klopp has the sense to wear a hood on his old track suit top...I expect to see Coutinho trotting against us next week he looked like he was playing the old soldier limping off like Koss does when it is all going pear-shaped the only thing was that Liverpool were on top and he thought they don't need me here ! You have to read between the lines sometimes... your trouble is you take it all too seriously ...

  42. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 05, 2016, 21:10 #81451

    Looks as if the pressing game is wearing on Liverpool's hamstrings. Or is it fatigue? That's five now. So mug uiresbridge who was in charge of our real embarrassment against Wrexham in the cup? Third division fodder.

  43. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 20:58 #81450

    oh it's leekfc who thinks that West Brom play in black and white striped shirts ... Arse will see off Klopp next week ...Stoke will be easy since when last did they beat us at their poky little gaff and Chelsea look a shoe-in for Arsene ...Barca leave it out please easy...! By the way chicken chewer how did we get on against Bayern in that second leg you know the tie you were on here gloating about when we won the first one... you couldn't make it up...

  44. David

    Jan 05, 2016, 20:55 #81449

    Westie - as a former westlower myself - remember them well. You missed out the massively deflating 2-2 with Wimbledon (I'm sure you remember?), which was followed by the glummest journey ever taken on the Piccadilly line. The biggest difference is the standing of the two managers. GG could do no wrong, whilst the feelings around AW are taking away from the drama on the pitch, which is every bit as excruciating. Perhaps the old man's reputation hangs on the outcome of this season; which is unfair - he deserves better than that. Although a lot of people won't be happy (AW included) until he's won the CL.

  45. lee afc

    Jan 05, 2016, 20:22 #81448

    well said goonercoleseyboy. the negative ones on this site and they totally know who i'm referring to..... yawn........ Klopp was going to completely re-invent English football and he should be the next Arsenal manager because the existing manager has turned us stale, so they tell us. well done lads keep up the good work in boring the arse of the true gooners. ''Germany cant win the world cup'' eh Jeff. dream on grandad...... dream on

  46. mbg

    Jan 05, 2016, 20:14 #81447

    If anyone even bothered to read that latest offering from waltons mountain did they even remotely understand it?

  47. Bard

    Jan 05, 2016, 18:57 #81446

    Goods news about Arteta Westie. Just the kind of news that will put the fear of god into opposition teams.

  48. Westlower

    Jan 05, 2016, 18:09 #81445

    Welcome back to the one and only Badarse. Your humour is irreplaceable. Reports that Aubameyang has 'missed' training today. Fingers crossed that he joins AFC. Given the choice of any striker out there, I'll happily settle for him. Meanwhile Reine-Adelaide scored 2 & Malen the other, in a 3-2 win for the U21's v Blackburn. Arteta played for 45 minutes.

  49. Westlower

    Jan 05, 2016, 17:13 #81444

    @David, You're spot on comparing this season with 88/89. It's worth noting that we only won 22 games that season & we've already won 13 from 20 games. Winning half of our remaining 18 games will match the total of 88/89. Some 'shock' results that season were losing at home to Villa, Derby, Forest, away to Sheffield Wednesday, Derby, Coventry + draws with Luton, Millwall & Charlton.

  50. David

    Jan 05, 2016, 16:41 #81443

    You made a reference to the 71 double year and all those 1-0 wins. Arsenal were a lot more convincing in that season though. This year it's closer to 88-89. Genuine underdogs, inconsistent and sometimes exciting, some shockers at home, whilst the best team in the league couldn't get their act together. And for Leicester read Norwich, who I believe were top until Christmas that year.

  51. Hiccup

    Jan 05, 2016, 16:41 #81442

    Graham, you may have cleared up the language around you in the ground, but you have no chance on here with the angry foul mouthed AKB's. Coldsore boy's favourite words are the f and c words. Westie can't write a sentence without using the M word. And poor Jamie needs another break in the loony bin again, as he's worked himself into another tizz on here. God bless their little cotton socks.

  52. Badarse

    Jan 05, 2016, 16:40 #81441

    I went to Elevenerife, which is one up on Tenerife so a cogent point must be given to any narratives held there. Told a story to this chap in sandals and grey wooly socks. Said there were three brothers, one would gurn, tongue poke, shake his booty, and annoy the second-the silly behaviour was never directed at the third brother. The second would tell the first to stop, but the face pulling, raspberry blowing, and wellie waving would continue. Now the third addressed the effect and not the cause by suggesting the silly behaviour should be ignored-easy to adopt a laissez-faire policy when it doesn't involve the individual proclaiming it as a remedy. I posed the question, 'Which is mbg, which goonercolesyboy, and which is Bard, in the story?' The chap shook his head, shook a passing woman's boobs, shook his legs, and fell off the barstool. I asked if he was alright and he asked how I had recognised him. I told him to get back on the stool but he couldn't make it up-then he just yawned. Glad to see the trolled Badarse post wiped again, and the posts of those who reacted, ha ha. Graham I like your articles, thanks-your post 86245 was a nice one. Opportunity to thank Robert Exley, so to you Robert, 'Son can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it goes, but it's sad and it's sweet, and I knew it complete-when I wore a younger man's clothes.' Time for a cusp of Rosie! Good old Arsenal.

  53. mbg

    Jan 05, 2016, 16:36 #81440

    jj, good post, i'm sure we all love and are laughing at what the manc's are going through at the moment (apart from westie)it was a long time coming, goodness knows they embarrassed us and our old fraud of a manager for long enough, but your right they'll do an arnie alright you can bet on that, and sooner rather than later too. And another thing you can bet on it'll not take ten years of bumbling about trying, (remember how many teams fergie built/rebuilt inside that time) and hoping, with pet projects and failed philosophies, the united fans will help see to that too they'll not sit on their hands like little sheep and hang on a failed managers word for years and allow him to indulge himself, and lap up the spin and lies, like him or loathe him there's managers and fans at the moment and none more than ourselves and especially old man wenger himself (he more than anybody must have sighed a huge sigh of relief when he heard) that have a lot to be grateful to fergie for his retirement, although the embarrassments didn't stop, there was/is certainly one less, for now anyway.

  54. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 15:52 #81439

    Hi Ron,yes Wenger's obsession with trying to play possesion Barca type football led him into signing so many of the same sort of small technical players that he then struggles to fit into his sides that he puts out. Wenger though has never really understood the dynamics of tika - taka and this style of play is best left to Barcelona .We will shortly once again be given another lesson in how to play it properly by the masters of it. Tbh I have never seen Giroud as being a centre forward who is blessed with the speed to play tika-taka football and can't see Barcelona ever having him in their side .Wall also is no tika taka man either if we had a top top super super striker such as Suarez up front it would make a big difference ,but these sort of players cost big money in transfer fees and wages and when Wenger had the chance to sign Suarez he bottled doing so .Instead he bought Ozil, this is like employing a chauffeur but not having a top of the range car to match with . There is a big difference between having Ronaldo to spray passes at and Giroud or Wally .I don't buy into the Sanchez claims either he goes on long runs without scoring and Barcelona did not sell and replace him with Suarez because he wouldn't pass the ball to Messi as is claimed.Suarez doesn't do this every-time that he gets the ball so how come then that he is not being sold.You do read some nonsense at times on here!You couldn't make it up

  55. Bard

    Jan 05, 2016, 15:42 #81438

    JJ; of course Jack has put his house up for sale, he's never there. I heard he's moved into the Arsenal treatment centre full time. Seems like a good move to me.

  56. mbg

    Jan 05, 2016, 15:41 #81437

    Oh Dear certainly hit a nerve there, a Busby babe after all.

  57. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2016, 15:30 #81436

    Now Brimstone and Fire JAMersON is back I wonder what he makes of the perfectly entertaining Spuds and Stoke who appear to be delighting the football public more than the oh so tough Wombats .... Talking of sheds - looks like your boys are back!

  58. John F

    Jan 05, 2016, 15:21 #81435

    Hi Ron it is my main gripe with Wenger.Ramsey started to show promise in the midfield but is then put out wide which resulted in a loss of form and sadly abuse from the crowd.Then he is moved back had a great season only to be moved out again with the predictable result.He has struggled to regain his form ever since.Welbeck stated that he did not like playing out wide for utd which made me wonder why he signed for us because that is where he will be played..

  59. Ron

    Jan 05, 2016, 14:55 #81434

    John F - Agree on Chamberlain. He seems a marginalised and confused player. Hes fallen into the'Wenger abyss' ie he might have a notion of where hes best deployed but hasn't had enough opportunities to prove it. I confess to not really knowing where his best use might be, but i suspect hes best used in an old fashioned inside forward type role and able to drift wide too. As it is, hes become a 'you must expect to play anywhere' position as have many before him in the last 10 yrs by dint the Proff s dubious notions of total football. It ruined Arshavin who gave up on Wenger, made Fabregas choose to depart and the same affliction bedevilles Wilshere and Ramsey. The Club have signed so many samey type players this last decade and its clearly because Wenger really does see these guys as imitation Barca type players who can play the type of game that the Proff has aspired too.

  60. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 14:21 #81433

    No porkies dear Jamie just a mistake with the games played at this stage - anyway we had lost 5 games after 20 played this time it' s 4 and with 3 points for a win and just one for a draw there is notreally any sign of any big improvement.Being top at this stage means very little Leicester were top recently and at this stage last season they were rock bottom of the league. So they have obviously improved but are unlikely to finish in the top 5 . I suggest you stick to the street preaching there are a lot of lost souls out there who need your advice on how to get to heaven. Amen.

  61. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2016, 13:54 #81432

    So Jack (remember him?) has put his house up for sale and I guess that is that. Wenger ultra keen on Troy Deeney and I concur that lad would be a monster hit and just watch the smiles and words disappear from Theo the Tough and Olly the Oink! Reckon Troy could be Arsenal's Vardy but would Watford want to sell him? Don't you just love the media and talking of there is a new wonderkid to be found at OT by the name of Keane (o) ....

  62. John F

    Jan 05, 2016, 13:49 #81431

    Sorry Bard i can not see a beefed up Wally as a DM but I can see him as a security officer in the rowdy junior gunners enclosure.As for the Ox a player i rate it is clearly a confidence problem and it probably does not help that he is in a sqaud with a lot of players like him who prefer to play centrally. He may have to move on to get regular football in his preferred position. No swearing,no berating the players,no standing ,not allowed to dislike the spuds what next applauding politely when the other team scores ."By George tarquin that was a lovely winning goal that nice boy Kane just scored against us and in the last minute too".

  63. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2016, 13:28 #81430

    I thought the PL was in the bag WEStiE? You're (wob)bling again which is a perverse AKB trsit and please try and control your mentions of the biggest club on earth. Every bleeding post - ManU this, ManU that. i remember when it was Maureen this, Maureen that. Anyone remember The Special One? .... Bloke's corner - Arse bird team have signed a right cracker. Theo the Tough - I like it. game of Trophies yeah?

  64. Westlower

    Jan 05, 2016, 12:48 #81429

    Even more than the next 3 PL games v L'pool(A), Stoke(A), CFC(H), the away games against Man U & Everton will go a long way in determining our chances of being PL Champions. We are away in Barcelona on 16th March & at Goodison on the 19th March. There's a greater recovery period after playing Barcelona at the Emirates on Feb 23rd, before we visit OT on the 28th Feb.

  65. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2016, 12:13 #81428

    Wayne Rooney just voted England player of the Year. Hope that helps. It's no good being emotional (bleatist) about it. The Mancs are simply colossal! Re the above and 'Wenger is in danger of becoming a figure of fun.' Errrr Sir Perry (aged 108 yrs) - methinks you need to play some biggg catch up. Think Harry Worth and get yer-self a time machine with forward default motion. Bet I know what Arthur/Harry always says to the 4th official - 'here! where's me washboard?!' ....

  66. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:49 #81427

    .... I remember the first time I saw Rooney at Highbury and the crowd anticipation (fear and awe) was simply electric. Reminds me of the first time I saw Giggs in his first season. I was sat for some unearthly reason in the West lower stand. Perhaps on one of his rare visits away from working in Manchester or sitting in front of cable TV he was near me. Again that fear factor was in vogue and oh how we hid behind our seats (like Westie watching SKY all day, everyday) when he raced up the wing. It really is perfectly understandable that all media eyes are on them. They are good copy and unlike poor old Webster and his toughening wombats who are lost in a default of non-deliverance, you know the mighty Red Devils will be back and the Wombats will tread football water ad nauseum. Lots of Fatigue and Chelsea for the new year! Glory Glory (optional) ...

  67. Ron

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:25 #81426

    I just handed in my CV and left it with them Westie. They said they ll contact me if i get short-listed! Only in a back conference room there. Didn't get to see the pitch this time. Good stadium is OT. The only one that you can actually park at.

  68. jeff wright

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:11 #81425

    Tbh I can't see what all the fuss is about regarding the expected anyway win over a very poor Newcastle side,whom Wenger elevated to a very good technical one after we had made hard work out of beating them. He will be claiming that Southampton are another top side next !You couldn't make it up. The fact is that Newcastle struggle to score goals,they have failed to do so in 14 league games played so far this season so a lot of Prem GK's have kept clean sheets against them - we also beat them 1-0 away in a similar sort of game as Saturday's one at St James Park .We should really be looking at why we struggled to score against Newcastle , predictable approach play,poor crosses ,especially from AOC ,a reverting back to anonymity by Wally ,Giroud struggling for air,Flim Flam out muscled and Ozil nowhere to be seen,plodding Per doing his TA impression,that's the one of the statue outside the stadium , rather than us making up fairy stories about how good Newcastle are and what a great result it was to 'grind out' a win against a side that struggles to score goals.If we can grind out wins in all of the real tough games away that we face in the second half of this season then we will have something to celebrate.I won't be holding my breath though on this happening because Wenger's one dimensional tactics and pre-planed fixed inflexible substitutions and our ever on going injury crisis makes this unlikely to happen. Pel must be well pleased that it's us and not Chelsea that he has to beat for the title in this what could well be a season of two halves .One gaffer will be over the moon at the end of it and another sick as a parrot.

  69. Bard

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:04 #81424

    Westie I was coming back from Madrid yesterday but was delayed. The reason given was some kind of Manc failure. I really let rip telling them to f*** off and calling them c**** and then I remembered our very own linguistic puritan's efforts to humanise the Highbury faithful. Incidentally have you noticed how tough Theo is these days ? Could he be the DM answer to our prayers because he as sure hell aint a striker.

  70. chris dee

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:00 #81423

    Yep good win against Newcastle. But against a top side we would have lost.Theo,Ramsey and Oxlade are huge liabilities when it comes to helping out the team when defending especially when we are relying on an average defensive midfielder like Flamini.Ramsey does not seem capable of a disciplined defensive display when it it required by the team.Shame Welbeck is out as he offers much better protection to our full back when he plays out wide. The next three league games, Stoke,Liverpool away and Chelsea home will answer a lot of questions.

  71. Westlower

    Jan 05, 2016, 11:00 #81422

    @Ron, I hope you showered & scrubbed yourself clean on returning home from OT? You weren't being interviewed as LVG's replacement were you? Your measured chess like style of coaching would make you a seamless fit after LVG. You could teach Giggys a thing or two.

  72. Tom Nash

    Jan 05, 2016, 10:20 #81421

    Why any Arsenal fan should be anything other than delighted at the Newcastle result is beyond me: lucky or not, the quality of the opposition questionable, but we ground out a win, which we rarely see with this side. It's almost become a cliche that if we're going to win the title we have to grind sometimes, in the way that ManU and Chelsea title-winning teams did. Giroud is a showman, a bit of a show-off, but he has a sense of humour, irritating, I agree, to do the on-pitch theatrics so much, but I think he's letting off steam for fun as much as whingeing, possibly 'strategically', as you say, to the ref. Chamberlain has failed on most counts to fulfil his fantastic potential: what a player, but I saw him against Sunderland, always taking a touch or two too many and failing to see the bigger picture, whether it was team mates on his shoulder or the chance to shoot on sight, at which he is very good. His head's not right, for whatever reasons; I hope it's not connected with the soppy videos of himself he insisted (and may still insist, I don't know) on putting on YouTube: that made me question whether he wants to be a world class footballer or an aspiring 'media star. I've finished ranting, have a good day.

  73. Ron

    Jan 05, 2016, 10:12 #81420

    I was up at OT yesterday Westie. Theyre the biggest club in the UK by a massive, , massive distance, like or loathe them, perhaps the World. Thats whey the media fawn all over them. SKYs viewers want it and thirst for it. Its the same in Ger over BM and in Sp over RM and the same in any Country about their flagship Clubs. No point whinging over it, end yr subscription or dont watch SKY News. You wont miss it. Its easy. A phone call or a pressed button on yr remote.

  74. Westlower

    Jan 05, 2016, 9:12 #81419

    Post of the century by mbg #86254. The master of repeat statements, railing against Graham's points from the Newcastle game. Graham, concentrate, I'll only say this once, TOF out. I'm sure mbg will approve of that inane repeat. He'll want to discuss that sentiment 24/7, just in case we're in any doubt about his feelings towards TOF. Put on your red shoes baby, cos we're going out tonight.....Bale to MANCHESTER UNITED, Maureen to MANCHESTER UNITED, Ronaldo to MANCHESTER UNITED, Vardy to MANCHESTER UNITED, Gary Neville to MANCHESTER UNITED, Ryan Giggs to take over at MANCHESTER UNITED, Sir Alex to come out of retirement at MANCHESTER UNITED, Mark Hughes ex MANCHESTER UNITED player/thug, Citeh are MANCHESTER UNITED'S neighbours. Salford City have ex MANCHESTER UNITED players as owners, MANCHESTER UNITED to MANCHESTER UNITED....Breaking News - We'll start with news from MANCHESTER UNITED. There is no news from MANCHESTER UNITED but we luuuuvvv to say that name, over & over. Hey, mbg I've found a meaningful job for you?

  75. mbg

    Jan 05, 2016, 0:05 #81417

    Hiccup, yes and it's always him complaining about it, you couldn't make it up, a secret manc after all, fair play to him he's hid it well.

  76. mbg

    Jan 04, 2016, 23:46 #81416

    ArseneKnewBest, jw, yes, wally toughening up, more proof if (any was needed) if some are told it, and told it often enough it will be believed (by some anyway) TOF's ways has certainly rubbed off on some. Wally Toughening up, you couldn't make it up.

  77. jeff wright

    Jan 04, 2016, 23:31 #81415

    They have done in the past Colseyboy remember Don Howe when the board tried to sign Venables behind Don's back>? Rioch also got short shift when Dein approached Wenger to take over from him -so lets not get too self righteous now! Wenger is an hyprocrite when he sheds crocodile tears over managers losing their jobs. Hey I will wager he did not shed any over the his nemesis the mouthy one getting the chop ! Old Gus though will be a formidable opponent he's got the blue slackers back on track and looking rather dangerous again. I still see the top 4 trophy as being job done for Arsene and to better that with our current squad will take some doing.We have by far the hardest away run of games than City and also the other top 4 pretenders . I tried winding the Barca supporter up in the bar in Tenerife by saying that we were due a change of fortune against them,he just smiled though and said ,you would have more chance with a new manager . Although I did not say so I made him right, Arsene's had too many drinks in the last chance saloon in European football and he is now too long in the tooth to come good. Yet another heroic or non-one awaits in Europe in his never ending (yawn) futile attempt to win his Holy Grail. You couldn't make it up.

  78. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 04, 2016, 22:53 #81414

    jeff when you were ordering your drinks in Tenerife you must have heard the barman ask who is that el cono watching the football in his sandals and socks? Rafa lost his job already and nothing has been won or lost. Is that the standard you want our club to resort to?

  79. jeff wright

    Jan 04, 2016, 21:54 #81413

    I did not forget the results Westie I was referring to the last two performances against modest opponents and that we will have to step up a gear in the next 3 league games .Anyway we only looked convincing against Bournemouth in the 2-0 home win in those 4 games and even then it was nothing special. The City game was a scrappy affair that could have gone pear-shaped for us had De Bruyne passed the ball to the unmarked in front of goal Silva instead of trying to score from a difficult angle himself. Games can often turn on such things . Of the next 3 league games Liverpool looks like the easiest Klopp has got his work cut out to try and turn Rodgers dullards into a top 4 side .We might nick the 3 points in that sure to be fretful affair on Merseyside. I don't think that we will beat Stoke away or Chelsea at home though . These are both bogey games for Arsene and with added pressure on top this term as well. And as we know only too well our bloke doesn't handle pressure very well at all and this rubs off on our players all that arm waving and screaming by Wenger at the 4th official can't do much for their confidence he really should be shouting at our players and telling them where it's going wrong,or even subbing them .But this is subs preplanned lets stick to the script and no ad-libbing please Arsene Wenger 66 years old and still wearing naff tracksuits. You couldn't make it up.

  80. Hiccup

    Jan 04, 2016, 21:07 #81412

    A full article, a dozen comments, and not one mention of the Mancs. What a relief. Then along comes Westie, and guess what, he brings up the Mancs? Looks like Westie is working for those prostitutes at Sky. Prostitution? What a guy...

  81. Westlower

    Jan 04, 2016, 20:50 #81411

    @Jeff, You've conveniently forgotten the 9 points from 12 over the Christmas period, Citeh 2-1, Southampton 0-4, Bournemouth 2-0, Newcastle 1-0. Your memory must have lapsed when you were sipping your sangria/moonshine in downtown Tenerife? @ Ron, Makes Neil Ashton's reverence to the Mancs even worse if he supports Palace? It's another form of prostitution, keeping SKY's favoured customers serviced. Finally, sad news of the passing of JOHN ROBERTS aged 69. He made 18 appearances in the double season of 70/71, usually as cover for Peter Simpson. Condolences to John's friends & family.

  82. mbg

    Jan 04, 2016, 20:02 #81410

    Personally don't see much point on commenting or giving thoughts on the game again, was that not what we did on the Editors piece yesterday, not much point doing it again nothing has changed since, we were still crap, garbage rubbish, just about scraped past another bottom of the table team, and OGL is still past it tracksuit or not, and all the excuses, what's, if's, maybe's, spin isn't going to change all that. I don't think there's to many on here who haven't realised your a big fan of OGL and his philosophy but personally along with everyone else I know, and even OGL himself (as far as i'm aware, i don't know about Stan and TKOS) but before all the yanks landed much preferred, and still do, to call it and refer to it as Football, but everyone to his own.

  83. Gazza

    Jan 04, 2016, 19:38 #81409

    correction to 86252 running around should have NOT in front

  84. Gazza

    Jan 04, 2016, 19:16 #81408

    Theo toughened up you are watching a different player to me i see a a lazy bastard running about to make space not making tackles was terrible in last three games did nothing other than score one goal needs to get out of his head that he is a central striker he ins only a fast winger only good when the ball is played on the floor in front of him to run onto

  85. deansway

    Jan 04, 2016, 19:06 #81407

    we should all wish the team the best of success for the rest of the season and withold criticisms now till the end of the season

  86. jeff wright

    Jan 04, 2016, 18:52 #81406

    Good grief! What are things coming to - Arsene waving his arms about like a dis-functioning wind-turbine attempting to coerce match-officials into making home-town decisions ...! Was this type of conduct not what some on here found obnoxious about Sir Ferguson >? I had to smile though at the Wally toughening up claims - the reality is that with him being an England player media and public fav he is one of those protected species that the hard boys are wary of giving a kicking too. His various injuries are self sustained ones . Wenger's training methods and his own designed part plastic pitch are said to be largely to blame for these continuous injuries to Wally and others and these matters are claimed to be under investigation. Not before time either.Whether we are champs or just chumps again will depend on future results and despite all of the hype going on about us being top of the league ,albeit still with half a season to play,the reality is that we have produced two poor performances against our last two opponents strugglers Southampton and Newcastle.3 points from a possible 6 ,4 goals conceded and just one scored. We will have to do a lot better than this if nervy Arsene is going to prove us doubters wrong by lifting the Prem trophy aloft in triumph come May.Arsene was wise to have not joined Real Madrid though,he would not have lasted long there! You couldn't make it up.

  87. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 04, 2016, 18:50 #81405

    I presume the f stands for fatigue and c stands for chelsea who we haven't beaten in the league for many moons...both words ought to be taboo at AFC Inc.

  88. arsenal circular

    Jan 04, 2016, 18:40 #81403

    86243 Me not objective - outrageous. Everything about me is "on the one hand and then on the other hand". I like wrath and you get a lot of that at Arsenal. Mind you where I sit and this is really going to irritate some - I have single handedly got rid of the F word and the C word. The passion is still there and frustration has to have an outlet but go over the top and I face it head on. Just won't have it. No one uses that language at home so why do we think Arsenal is different. I am not a prude at all but there are standards and limits and I can tell you that I have become friends with everyone I have confronted - stood on my seat and given a public lashing. It works. but it is still passionate and full of laughter. End of sermon. I am a big fan of AW - does not mean he is a God or above accountability. No one can be but I want him to succeed because I agree with his philosophy on soccer and always have done even when some were singing "You don't know what you're doing". Kipling's "If" always comes to mind. Last point - Just remember to give The Ox a cuddle. TLC does work for all of us. Anyone see Goodbye Mr Chips over the holiday. TLC worked there with Mrs Chipping.

  89. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 04, 2016, 16:58 #81401

    Graham - I genuinely think this is more objective than your usual fare. You will however face the wrath of lee kfc, cole-sky lover, jamee, westie et al for your (albeit mild) criticism of the hapless anorakked one. You see - first it's slagging off his up-in-air-gesticulations but it won't be long before you're calling for his P45. That's how we all started, ooh, ten years or so ago. Anyhoo welcome to the light side. For any big men to complain about being pushed around when physicality is part of their game is evident nonsense. Giroud is less of an offender than others but I agree that it rankles a bit. Costa is an arch-exponent and look at him (sorry Jamie I know he's one of your heroes) - and you also mention Holt who combined snidey dirtiness with a love of diving. But Theo? Toughening up? Nah mate, he's a bantamweight.

  90. LMCD

    Jan 04, 2016, 16:15 #81399

    Great stuff all round