Dear Arsene

A long term advocate of Arsène Wenger has lost the faith

Dear Arsene

Dear Arsene

A wiser man than me once said something to the effect of “it is easy to ignore the criticism of your enemies but beware the disappointment of a friend let down”. I am that friend and you have let me down.

I have been a passionate advocate in your favour, denouncing those who called for your demise, who sought to incite protest and a movement against you. I can do that no longer and with very heavy heart I urge you to recognise that the sands of your time at Arsenal have run out and to leave on your own terms, hopefully with a final history making flourish with a third consecutive FA Cup win and a personal record number of wins. In the event that happens (though goodness knows how difficult it is at the moment to see any prospect of your team being sufficiently galvanised to make it happen), please do not be deceived once more into believing it is a springboard for greater things. I hope that you will in that event find it within yourself to bow to the greater good and depart with a degree of dignity. And if it doesn’t happen, I am afraid I must ask you to still take your leave of us. Do that now in your way under your own steam and you will retain respect, even regain it from some who appeared to have lost it for ever.

Let me explain myself. Your critics have generally sought to characterise your tenure at Arsenal as being one of two distinct phases: the first half – the Winning Years; and the second half – the Failing years. I think that is wrong. I think there are three distinct phases, the first of which was indeed the glorious Winning Years. There is not an Arsenal fan alive who does not remain unfailingly grateful for those years – the opportunity to watch the purest football played by truly world class players delivering success and glory for the Club that we all love far more than is healthy for what is after all a mere institution. That will never be forgotten and on a personal level the pleasure that watching Bergkamp and Pires in particular gave me is immeasurable. That is not in any way to minimise any of the other players in those teams – Henry, Vieira, Petit and of course the English defence you inherited and allowed the freedom to play football – but walking down to Highbury it was the thought of those two in particular that put a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

Then came the second phase – the difficult one. I call this the Transitional Years. Any manager who spends more than three years at a club (though of course you are the only current example) goes through transitions on the field as one team morphs into the next. However the transition you guided Arsenal through was much more difficult and more fundamental than that. You reinvented the Club and made it fit for the future – self-sufficient, modern and ready for the new footballing world. You did all that while maintaining the Club’s place at the top footballing tables. I think many people underestimate how astonishing that achievement was in a football world that was changing around you. At the very time when the Club was tightening its belt to ensure that it came through the move unscathed financially, others were coming into untold wealth and simply blowing us out of the water. So I fully accept (though I recognise others reading this are not prepared to) that the mitigating circumstances through that period justified the failure genuinely to challenge for trophies.

However, that phase ended 3 years ago, leading into what should have been the Payback Years. Having survived the Transitional Years, even flourished to the maximum extent possible without winning a trophy, the platform was set. It is true that by now the fanbase was split and there were those who felt that the years without a trophy demanded your departure but my view then (and notwithstanding how I now feel and what I now know, I still believe it was the right view then) was that by guiding us to that position, you had earned yourself the right, if you wanted it, to be the first to try to benefit from the strong foundations the modern Arsenal had been rebuilt on.

It almost ended in tears but your team found the heart and commitment somehow to turn around a lost cause and retrieve the Cup Final of 2014. I think we all know, and I suspect in your heart of hearts that includes you, that defeat then would have been the end. But it wasn’t. Another Cup win last year and a marginal improvement in the League was progress of sorts.

Which brings us to this season. No manager could ever have wanted the stars to align in their favour in the way that they have this season. We entered the season on a wave of optimism. Relatively (by our standards at least) injury free, two Cup wins under our belt, no personnel losses, the recruitment of a world class goalkeeper to add to the two world class players signed in previous summers and a squad which appeared to have the minimum requirement of cover in every position.

Not only that but every one of our major rivals contrives to have a dismal season. The pre-season favourites are so bad they were talking about a relegation battle for goodness sake, at least until they sacked your favourite opponent. I am sure a smile will have passed your lips that day and I must confess that the possibility of you finally winning that 4th title in the very year Jose Mourinho imploded at Chelsea was a possibility that had me positively salivating. I cannot believe the thought may not have crossed your mind too.

Even better, like all the best long distance runners you had even been given a pacemaker in whose slipstream we could simply follow conserving energy until the final push when their inexperience would show and they would gracefully bow out letting us cruise past to glory.

And yet. AND YET! How on earth has it come to this? There we were in December neatly poised. We go to Southampton and are played off the park in a performance that now seems all too familiar but at that point in time came out of left field. Spineless and overrun, we caved in. Then we go to Liverpool and, yes, we fight hard to not only claw back a deficit but pull ourselves ahead. And then, in classic modern Arsenal style, we buckle and give them a last minute equaliser. That was the kick in the teeth – surely to goodness a team fighting for the title can manage to hold on to a lead they have fought so hard for against what is at best an average Liverpool side. But no. And so the odd bad result becomes, as it has done year after year after year, a bad run. Yet still, we go to Old Trafford last Sunday, at the start of a huge week for our title challenge which is still firmly on despite our best efforts. Playing a United team who are (performance wise at least) in the doldrums. When the teams were announced you could almost hear the collective sharp intake of breath among the home crowd and the collective anxiety was tangible. This was it. This was the day we had to bury the years of Old Trafford hurt and put out a statement of intent.

Your job was to motivate them and prepare them. If the performance we saw was the result of your powers of motivation and preparation then I am sorry but that alone would have justified a good long look in a mirror. The performance was astonishing in its timidity, its ineffectiveness, its sheer bloody ordinariness. Ricky Ponting, former Australian cricket captain, had a wonderful way of making it clear he disapproved of someone’s behaviour or performance. It involved simply describing it as “ordinary” but delivered in a manner which brooked no misunderstanding. He would have had no hesitation in applying it to that performance.

And then… to come out in front of the cameras and to have the effrontery to suggest to the fans who had just witnessed a feeble capitulation of astonishing (given the context) proportions that the team had shown unquestionable commitment and desire… well, I am sorry, but you might as well have walked on to the Old Trafford pitch, strolled down to the away end and stood there and blown raspberries at us or given us the finger. The performance was an insult. Your response to it rubbed salt into an already open sore.

And yet, talk about the stars aligning for you, everyone still gives you another chance. Leicester drop points, City lose badly and Spurs lose, meaning a win at home to Swansea puts us right back in it. Surely to goodness the team is going to come out not only with a fire in their belly but a raging vindaloo burning in their chests. Swansea are going to pay and pay badly for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Aren’t they? You will of course have got the team fully motivated and prepared. Won’t you? The result and let’s be honest the performance speak for themselves.

I cannot quite bring myself to boo the team at the final whistle but for the first time I understood the people that were.

I write this before the Tottenham game. For the first time in my life, I dread it not for the usual threatening and intimidating environment we face their as visitors especially after the game, but for what is going to happen on the pitch. Not a single Arsenal fan I have spoken to can bring themselves to believe in anything other than an impending defeat. You have killed the hope. We will I am sure do our best to back the team this lunchtime, because it is what we fans do. We keep going, week after week, year after year. Maybe the biggest indictment is that so many appear to have given up.

Arsene, this is your team. They are your players. You have no more excuses. The warchest is full. You have had the chance to strengthen as much as you felt necessary. The mitigation has gone. You now stand exposed by the psychological inadequacy of the team you have put together and, crucially, your inability to change that and somehow make winners of them. You give every impression now of a man who is managing by numbers, unable to find a way to effect change or instil dynamism. That individually they are good players (mostly) is beyond doubt. One or two of them are better than that. As a collective it is impossible to conclude that they are anything other than psychologically flawed and simply incapable through fear or a simple lack of killer instinct of grasping the moment. The fault for that can only and must rest at your door. You have failed those of us who believed in you. And all that is left is for you to acknowledge that sad fact and take your leave of us.

I hope that you can find it within yourself to leave with the dignity and respect that you deserve and, given that this team has shown itself psychologically incapable of the mental strength required to win a 38 game league even in a season which has appeared to be designed by the footballing gods with the sole purpose of letting it happen, the best we can all hope for is that you leave with a final Wembley win in May and a little bit of history. But whatever the outcome in May, it is time to leave with our thanks for all you have done and let someone else take the legacy you leave behind and try to ensure it reaps the harvest it warrants.

Rest assured, in years to come the good will always outweigh the bad and the scales will ensure your years at Arsenal are regarded positively. You will always have a place here. But that place is no longer the manager’s seat.

Yours, disappointedly

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  1. jjetplane

    Mar 09, 2016, 12:54 #85844

    I suspect from your cozy armchair you are happy to see the future of ASrsenal support get a kicking from uneducated, spud-like Wengerites ....Just another old man with nothing to add .... & then there is the coward himself.

  2. mbg

    Mar 09, 2016, 12:41 #85840

    Exeter, good post, or thinking of wengers, there's nothing like saying nice things about a club and it's past it manager especially when the fans are against him and want him out if your after the job yourself, well done Brucie you had a good teacher, you definitely have a shoe in there now. wenger out.

  3. jeff wright

    Mar 09, 2016, 11:54 #85827

    Leicesters last game is Chelsea away ,I don't count that one.Although I expect it to be relevant to both sides anyway - but should the Foxes need a point I don't see Chelsea breaking into a sweat to try and prevent it.Anyway if Leicester win at home Monday night they will be 11 points ahead of us and we could not manage to catch the Foxes when we had were only a couple of points behind them.Tally ho ! lee kfc we clearly were struggling to break down the Hull defence until they gifted us a goal. What was the score in the first game when they did not gift us one then... ...oh ! How about giving us your prediction for the Barcelona away game sunbeam - you don't have have the bottle to do that and only appear on here all full of it after we beat some one. You have no self awareness and just embarrass yourself. Where is your pal Colesyboy he has suddenly gone quiet . You couldn't make it up.

  4. Oscar de la Hooer

    Mar 09, 2016, 11:00 #85816

    It'll be 8 games left after the Leicester-Newcastle game on Monday, not 7

  5. leek fc

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:48 #85796

    And we weren't "understrength" eh bard. Jeff. I loved your comment "we did not have a clue how to break down there defence". Ahem it was 4 nil. I'll say it again 4-0.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:35 #85794

    Anyone who cannot understand why some want change either has very limited powers of insight, or another agenda. In Bruce's case, he's thinking of his own job (why managers usually back other managers). With some supporters, their support for Arsenal has hollowed out and been replaced by support for Arsene. Sad to see.

  7. Bard

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:33 #85793

    Westie; 'we are still on for the double'. Really funny post mate. I've put a tenner on us signing Hulk Hogan in the summer window. It reminds me of one of your other posts a while ago bigging up Sanogo as the next new wonderkind. Great stuff

  8. Jamerson

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:06 #85792

    Pearse Morgan and Adrian Durham are typical of the average WOB fan.They are both from the latest loud mouth I want everything now,tattoed,pierced,gay,celebrity,JCL's generation we have to put up with these days.Wengers staying for at least another three years,End of.

  9. Bard

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:06 #85791

    We have just beaten an understrength Hull side, whats the big deal. See Ronaldo was booed by RM fans last night. Fans doncha love them. He only score 40 goals a season

  10. Westlower

    Mar 09, 2016, 9:02 #85790

    @Mark, Just read another paper headline, 'Arsenal fans embarrass themselves with Wenger out banner.' Are you yearning for some comfort from the journalists? I think you are confusing Arsenal with Newcastle? Heaven forbid Gooners are encouraged by the journo's to turn us into Newcastle Ununited. We're still on for the double and some supporters are actively squealing for disruption - go figure? I'm visiting the Mount at Covingdon tomorrow, so I'll toot my hooter at your sign.

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 09, 2016, 8:52 #85789

    Westie - of course Brucie is probably feeling quite generous to old HasBeen as the wretched performance at the Emirates gave the club a nice pay day. As for injuries you mention yeah one thing would have stopped that a win at the Emirates but there you go. Jamerson - God was on here the other day and he said quite clearly he supports Raneri. I think you are a classic repressed individual probably a cottager.

  12. Jamerson

    Mar 09, 2016, 8:40 #85787

    Kids need a clip round the ear from their elders otherwise you end up with a generation full of tattooed weirdos and gays.Too many disrespectful youths about for my liking'Spare the rod spoil the child'

  13. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 09, 2016, 8:21 #85786

    John F - I suspected as much indeed if Arsenal TV is anything to go by there would have been a few who would have stepped in on their behalf. Sad though that someone spouting off about Pride in their title actually goes on about beating youngsters. Anyway on to WestIw, Arsene's no. 1😍 Fan. Seems the old back slappers Union is fighting on his behalf but the journo's and increasingly the supporters want him out. In this battle Journo's tend to win

  14. Westlower

    Mar 09, 2016, 8:08 #85785

    BRUCE BLASTS 'IDIOTS' : The Arsenal fans who unfurled a banner calling for Wenger's head were condemned as 'idiots' by Steve Bruce. "I can't understand that for the life of me. We're in a crazy industry at the moment. The fella's been immense for Arsenal for 20 years. These idiots want change and when they get change they could rue that for ever more. We're talking about one of the greats here." He didn't name the two idiots, but no one is certain of the whereabouts of Piers Morgan & Adrian Durham last night. MBG is in the clear, as he was home nursing his sick parrot after a gut wrenching 4-0 victory, although the new injuries gave him some cheer.

  15. John F

    Mar 09, 2016, 7:56 #85784

    Mark I came out at the same time as the Arsenal fans and stood for a while out side the away end hoping to see Arsenal fan TV as far as i could see there was not even a hint of trouble.

  16. Made Up Stat

    Mar 09, 2016, 7:52 #85783

    Wenger: 'I'm in shock.' No more than the many (and growing)number of us who also can't believe that you're still manager.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 09, 2016, 7:21 #85782

    Pride of London - well you should be proud kicking kids were you? Get off on beating children do you? Anyway the reports of kids being beaten like last season sure ain't putting them off. I suspect more banners will be seen soon. Jamerson - massive own goal? Well if you mean columns in the newspapers overshadowing the game and Arsenal supporters giving Wrightie barrel loads back ( come on now who actually likes him?) Yeah give me loads more own goals like that. On a last note if this greets him on a 4-0 win think what a bad loss will bring to the surface.

  18. Ozzie

    Mar 09, 2016, 2:56 #85781

    Got out of a nice cosy bed to watch a game that I thought was so un-Arsenal but, hang on...........

  19. mbg

    Mar 09, 2016, 0:10 #85780

    GoonerGoal, one step at a time mate, lets deal with the most important issue first ridding the club of an old fraud of a manager. wenger out.

  20. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:44 #85779

    The young lads who held up the banner deserve a medal, Sky have shown it three times already, a real message to wenger, and what a time to do it they couldn't have timed it better, well done indeed, lets hope it's on the back pages tomorrow. wenger out now.

  21. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:40 #85778

    The day Wenger goes will be a joyous one with much celebration amongst the 90% who recognise the truth. But to paraphrase Churchill "It won't be the end. It won't even be the beginning of the end..." The memory of the money grabbing, blood sucking, parasites Kroenke and Gazidis will have to be expunged from the history of Arsenal Football Club. We can all agree that they need to go! KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  22. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:25 #85777

    jw, your right nothing can save TOF now. That would be right, that tells us all we need to know (if we didn't already)about the AKB wengerites, give some young kids a kicking if they don't agree with them, that's all they have left now insults, violence and intimidation and they know it. Go now you old fraud.

  23. John F

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:10 #85776

    The ridiculous early kick off caused chaos with the traffic outside as it was mixed in with the rush hour traffic.A lot of Hull fans missed the start.I thought the make shift back four played really well and it was good to see howthe excellent chambers not turning his back when the ball was blasted at him.Eleny and Campbell worked hard too.The first half was awful too many sideway passes if it wasn't for the mistake it was hard to see us scoring.Giroud 2nd was a really good goal which made Hull put up the white flag.I was sat very close to the side of the pitch and got to get a good look at Walcott. What a strange game he had and he will get a lot of praise tomorrow but I have to say up until his assist for Girouds goal he was very poor.He seems to have lost his speed and his passing was dismal.Gibbs often when he had the ball would look up for Walcott to make a run down the channel only for Wally to remain static. Just as i thought this game was passing him by he gets an assist and two goals .Sitting in the Hull west stand I was surrounded by families and friendly looking people such a contrast to the low life that inhabit white Hart lane.The Hull fans did not look to bothered to be out and I suspect the team felt the same way.Our away support is very good and loud.

  24. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:07 #85775

    Huge Own Goal by the junior WOBs with their Wenger out banner,even Wrighty said they were out of order.Now all the media and the akb's will be on their case,while they look like a bunch of ungrateful glory hunters,you need to work on your timing more as your movement has been put back again after you made up a bit of ground recently.Great evening all round Walcott was excellent and Giroud wasn't bad,and the poor old WOBs made to look like mugs yet again hahaha.

  25. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 23:02 #85774

    Barnaby, indeed, we're up and running again after we can only beat what's in front of us, but that's not man u youth or Swansea reserves etc, etc, it's no wonder your laughing mate. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  26. jeff wright

    Mar 08, 2016, 22:59 #85773

    Kicking and abusing supporters whowant Wenger gone is not going to stop the protests it's all gone too far now for intimidation to do that.Come on now 20 years is enough of him for most normal folk who are bored stiff with him and his parsimonious accountant mentality management -the fun has gone for many and they want a change. .What the supporters were saying with that banner unfurled when we were 4-0 up was that another FA Cup is not going to change their view that Wenger should go. He quite clearly stated that he was going to challenge for the title this season and did not need to sign players last summer to do this.Many were rightly sceptical about that- with good reason of course. They were right and arrogant Arsene was wrong.End of. If Leicester win on Monday night against Newcastle,I wouldn't bet against that, they will be 11 points clear of us with 7 left to play .For us game set and match in the league. No wonder so much is being made out of a FA Cup win against a weak Championship side. Once again the old Cup comp that Hill-Wood said was not worth bothering with because 4th place in the league was more important is being used to paper over the ever enlarging cracks of Wenger's mis-management .These AKB nutters who go around assaulting Arsene's critics need some psychiatric help -they are complete tossers and not the tough guys that they think they are. This is what Wenger's management is resulting in.Good old Arsene.

  27. jeff wright

    Mar 08, 2016, 22:33 #85772

    It was like watching paint dry (yawn) we did not have a clue on how to break down the Hull defence, deja vu the first game at the Emirates Experience . The first gifted goal swung it in our favor though . After that it was a matter of how many we scored against an obviously very disinterested side . So then lee KFC ,your obvious knee-jerk reaction was predictable, so then enough of this meaningless nonsense how do you in YOUR la la land Arsene see things going at the Nou Camp against Messi and Co>? Will this heroic result start a charge to glory - or just yet more humiliation for Arsene playing against a proper side with something to play for>? Cluck..cluck...cluck...

  28. Pride of north London

    Mar 08, 2016, 22:21 #85771

    Just to report that the young kids who had the banner after the game got a severe kicking outside. COYG.

  29. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2016, 22:12 #85770

    Not sure I've ever been so bored watching a game before. Hull were pretty awful and didn't look overly bothered at going out. We did what we had to do and we're now one step closer to Wenger securing another huge contract. Happy days!!!...

  30. Roy

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:56 #85769

    Anyone get the feeling that Hull weren't really that bothered after they went behind ? Wenger out.

  31. anthony walters

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:51 #85768

    first half performance lacking a bit of tempo but played some good stuff second half iwobi gibbs elneny i thought were excellent and good to see walcott and giroud amongst the goals.tougher tests ahead of course.

  32. Cyril

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:49 #85767

    Red member: £289 to watch the 'ammers.' That's like a Russian doll to many of us. Thank you for that nugget !

  33. Smithy

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:38 #85766

    Good win all things considering. Thought per and Gabriel went off a bit too quickly- big tone and Martin wouldn't have done the same. Ramsey I sure was a total precaution being 2 nil up. Man of the match Iwobi, good use of the ball all night. Well done! Can only beat what is in front of you.

  34. Barnaby

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:32 #85765


  35. leek fc

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:31 #85764

    excellent performance, solid at the back, manager got it spot on, last 8, favourites to win the cup, history in the making, onwards and upwards. ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jeff and co.its all rosy in the land of my ARSENAL.

  36. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:31 #85763

    So the fast track bullies do it tonight against mighty hull, and the carthorse and wally get a brace, what strikers they are to do it against such opposition, cue wally telling us he's back. wenger out.

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 08, 2016, 21:02 #85762

    Despite the final result and the weakened team, I thought we were awful. And to confidently contradict our dinosaur of a manager for his typically crass comments of late, the same could not be said for our travelling support. They were brilliant, out-singing Hull throughout. Weng will try to claim the credit, but I reckon it was the fans that made the difference tonight. Take a bow - all 2,500 of you.

  38. Augustus Flair

    Mar 08, 2016, 20:12 #85761

    Abject, Abominable, Absurd, Abysmal - not your article, Charlie, which is excellent, but Mr Theodore Walnut who, when given two successive corners to take plants the first on the first defender's head and the second in the Humber Estuary. Woeful!

  39. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 08, 2016, 20:01 #85760

    Why the early kick off? At least I succeeded in missing some of it bringing Arseneknewbest Jr. home from his football training. What a goalasso for Giroud while poor Feo struggles to make an impact against Hull, Huddlestone and a bunch of huffers and puffers. Nevertheless, the yellow ribbon is coming out of the haberdashery box. Mick Jones - I agree with Jjet - Your stuff is Big AudioVisual Dynamite! If you're in the Crown tonight, have a drink on me.

  40. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 19:18 #85759

    There's not much being said about the Hull game, I wonder when the fast track bullies pass them to death will the AKB squawkers be back crowing about their messiah again ? no doubt for all the good it's going to do. Hold on wasn't the same thing said/asked before the mighty Swansea game and looked what happened there. wenger out.

  41. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 18:39 #85758

    It's good to see TOF on the run now, spitting and mumbling excuse after excuse and insulting everyone left right and centre trying to save face,(we can just imagine the excuses he'll and his followers will be spitting if/when we finish pot less and in fourth or fifth, he'll go into melt down) he's been found out big time (and it's not before time)as someone has already alluded to he knows his days are numbered and it's about fooking time, as the saying goes when you have someone on the ropes don't let them off them or when you have someone down don't let them up, keep the pressure on it's the only way. wenger out now.

  42. jjetplane

    Mar 08, 2016, 18:37 #85757

    Methinks WEStIe just loves the attention as every 2nd post is addressed to him now - probably a stone hard WOB or a Spud. The latter would be a good bet. Maybe a Tiger too with his new found love for Brucie 'nice to see ya...' Mr Jones - that is damnably funny stuff!

  43. Mick Jones

    Mar 08, 2016, 18:20 #85756

    - thought I'd sum up the usual AKB'S. It is Very noticeable that the level of aggressive vitriol and attack has diminished as one concludes that their morale has collapsed. Two main correspondents seem to have completely given up as they realise the pressure on their leader mounts and the likelihood of his failure to deliver a golden opportunity grows ever more present. Jamerson - vile bigot, supposed Chelsea fan. Tone has changed from arrogance to pleading and moaning on behalf of Wenger. Pete - supposed brother of Jamerson. Missing presumed cyber death Coleseyboy - not a boy more an old man. Racist, bitter claims to have played football at all levels. Attacks individuals on a geographical basis but won't admit where he is from. Therefore also a coward. Appears cyber dead or at least inert. Badarse - clue is in the name as speaks out of his anus. Normally makes bitter leaving announcements but appears to have disappeared. Westie - claims to be no 1. Arsenal fan but spends time continually betting on us losing. Wants to keep Wenger so one can be highly suspect of his reasons. Still posting. Gooner Ron - veers from quite reasonable to bouts of anger. Appears on here more since the game appears to be drawing to a close. Amos - rarely heard but when around poses turgid faux stats based arguaments.

  44. Roy

    Mar 08, 2016, 18:13 #85755

    What about Eddie Howe ? He'd be an Arsenal - type appointment. Think about it.

  45. Hi Berry

    Mar 08, 2016, 17:41 #85754

    Arseneknewbest.....alternatively for those thinking it may be too much of a step up for an untried Dennis, nab Frank de Boer with Bergkamp as his number two from Ajax. Despite what many say on here there are plenty of options available.

  46. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 17:34 #85753

    Hi Bard - sound idea too. Its one i wouldn't object too either. There are so many though whove taken against him for so long for all the reasons ramped up by the media and the anti Chelsea thing that i reckon even he would be on a hiding to nothing. Hes the type who could ride with the initial storm but such is the depth of ill will....? Im guessing there are a lot who to do the home games these days with the same paranoia and prejudice towards JM as Westie has on this site. It could scupper him. I dont think the AFC Board could cope either. Youre dead right though, its the dopey, comfy, lack lustre culture at the Club that needs steam rolling.

  47. jjetplane

    Mar 08, 2016, 17:07 #85752

    Errr WESTIE Brucie was taking the piss/zip out of mon uncle Wenker - read my earlier post where what Brucie really said is all down in black and white. Still waiting for Arteta's auto entitled 'I was Arsene's hod carrier'.... The book opens: 'I remember the first time I walked on site and there was le Boss standing on a mountain of rubble telling all and sundry how he has never worked a day in the building trade but from now on this site will not serve English Full Breakfast and all workers must be of a suitable height. They must be small and mobile with good mental .........' ... and so phase 3 began in earnest and the reat is bollocks! ......

  48. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 08, 2016, 17:04 #85751

    Hi Bard - Nice freudian slip that - describing Mourinho as a "winer". Frankly - were the portugeezer to find himself running the show at the wok, I think I'd vomit. Pellegrini bears all the hall marks of a weng mkII (an awful indictment I know). Despite his "aero-phobia" (made-up word) I'd go for Bergo, not least because the guy has steel, illustrious club history and a streak of nastiness running through him that we really need (a la Simeoni). It would also put an end to those ridiculous flights to places like Norwich! Were he to choose someone like Keown as his stable mate, I'm sure that the latter could ensure in Berg's absence that we grind out away euro draws to keep things interesting for the home leg. Alternatively, stealing Poch from the spuds would be up there with the Campbell signing and would put those uppity herberts back in their place. Or Koeman...basically, anyone but the present incumbent and twitching 'Arry.

  49. Marios

    Mar 08, 2016, 16:42 #85750


  50. Hiccup

    Mar 08, 2016, 16:39 #85749

    This article is flawed. Charlie, you need to identify who can replace Wenger. You can't simply state he must go? You have to throw a name in the ring as per AKB rule number 42 when suggesting Wenger must go. Come on now, you know the rules. You lot made them up. Or you'll be told to **** off down the Lane. I actually think Charlie is an imposter. He has all the traits of still being an AKB. The expectation that Wenger could win the league is still there. The despair when another tepid performance is put in. The anger is still there when this team waves a white flag in adversity. You still had hope in an abundance. A true wob has had years of these false dawns, and knows Wenger can and will do whatever is necessary to screw it up. A true wob wouldn't flicker with the calamities we keep seeing. Even laugh at the situation and the jokers that defend Wenger. I think Charlie is still in a transition period. A couple of good results could see him sway back to the tippy tappy side. To be a fully fledged wob, you need to become immune to the pain that Wenger inflicts on the club, shrug your shoulders, and then take the piss out of the Wenger disciples as Mike Dean and early kick off times are to blame for the last ten years. I think you've still got a couple of years of this clown in charge to get to true wob status. Enjoy the ride. It's a laugh and half.

  51. Bard

    Mar 08, 2016, 16:20 #85748

    Ron I know it sounds crazy but Id like Mourinho in for a season or two to change the culture and clear out the dead wood. He wouldnt last that long but I dont think that would be a problem. He is a proven winer in the short term and is a class above Wenger. Of course he would implode after a couple of seasons but we might have won a trophy or two in the interim.

  52. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 15:51 #85747

    jj, yes TOF telling everybody (who will listen) we beat Leicester home and away, so what ? and saying it's up to others now, obviously looking for help and favours ? As if anybody is going to do you any favours (intentionally anyway) you arrogant old fool. Go now old man.

  53. bromley boy

    Mar 08, 2016, 15:46 #85746

    with all the talk of wenger going or moving upstairs could bring us on to another seems common knowledge that wenger will choose his successor now do you think the new manager is going to rip up this team get rid of the medical team and tell wenger he has got it all wrong for the last 5 years , No chance !!! wenger wouldnt know where to put his face if all that happened and we went on to win the League in the new managers 1st season. so unless we want a manager in the same mould as wenger the only option i see is to sack wenger, whoever would have thought that could have happened after his first 9 years in charge. its a real shame its come to this as once was a great manager.

  54. big game chokers and losers

    Mar 08, 2016, 15:27 #85745

    looking around the press and the media clearly momentum has gathered that something is clearly wrong at Arsenal. some good may come of all this ? Viera made assistant ? DB10 ? Admams Henry ? Forget it the Emperor would not let any one of them near to his centre of power

  55. Far far away fan

    Mar 08, 2016, 15:18 #85744

    I still don't get what Westlower's argument is. What is it that you expect of Wenger? What do you think is going to happen with him in charge? Are you expecting a miraculous turnaround?

  56. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 14:29 #85743

    Yes, true Jamerson. This member ownership mularkey is ruinous to football clubs. You only have to see how Real Madrid and Barcelona have struggled for decades. Borussia Dortmund are clearly on the brink of extinction too. Bloody fans. Who needs them? You should get a job as Wengers PR man, youre daft enough clearly.

  57. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 14:19 #85742

    Nobody denies getting the right man in will be hard Westie. I cant recall many on here wanting Moyes either? Who would? Foe me, i think AFC needs a short sharp dose of bone juddering, earthy, tumultuous, passion fuelled footballing nous and tactical toughness. Simeone would be my man. He just might give Arsenal its pride and teak toughness back by recruiting players who ll play for what Arsenal means and not what Arsene means. The academy will likely prosper too. Westie - Leeds trod a path knowing the risks, went to the precipice and jumped off. They gambled all and lost, like all gamblers do. They could have stopped it, as could Mandaric. The latter was caught up in Redknapps charismatic lunacy and was too weak to stop it.

  58. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 14:10 #85741

    Mark from Aylesbury, yes indeed the AKB's created, publicised and helped promote the movement that is bringing/brought down their messiah, hilarious, (I'd love to know what they're saying about that over at central command) and one of the biggest helpers/instigators is nowhere to be seen, in hiding no doubt. wenger out.

  59. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 14:07 #85740

    Wengers right not to pander to the fans as they are holding AFC back,once supporters think they can do as they please,they will start taking liberties and Arsenal will fall from their perch,they have already pandered to the fans a few times this season instead of showing some back bone.I would tell the fans straight that AFC is not a poor mans Saturday afternoon plaything anymore.I would bring in the wealthier fans,double ticket prices,bring in the worlds best players and arrange venues for the poor to watch the matches on large screens,where they could drink as much ale as they want and probably enjoy the experience more at budget prices.Before long Arsenal would grow even larger and could upgrade to a stadium twice the size and invite some of their poorer supporters back into the ground at knockdown prices.Sometimes you have to be hard with these fans to improve things for them in the future.

  60. Westlower

    Mar 08, 2016, 14:06 #85739

    Story on the Metro that Joechim Loew has been backed with William Hill to be next Arsenal manager. Still available at 20/1 to 40/1 elsewhere though. Reads like a made up story to me, as exclusive stories invariably are. Loew is a highly successful National manager but his club career is less than inspiring. Moyes on his way to Newcastle. Yer another great manager we've missed out on? @Ron, Doesn't it make it even worse that some people could see the fall coming at previously successful clubs but were unable to prevent the collapse into the abyss?

  61. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:49 #85738

    It used to be the FFP rules or some silly rule like that that was going to save wenger and make him better, now it's goal line technology and stricter time keeping. You couldn't make it up, it really is not right laughing.

  62. CT Gooner

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:37 #85737

    And now the arrogant fool is stating he doesn't give a crap what the fans think, OK I'm paraphrasing, but if that's how he feels, why do we care about his feelings?? Time for all out protest in the stands, not waiting til it's too late for the message to heard. I'd have done it myself when I'm back in London next month, but 4 tickets away to west ham is coming in at over a grand!! I really feel for you guys who are bearing the brunt of paying for what we've become...

  63. mbg

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:29 #85736

    Isn't it hilarious to see the AKB's rushing about like busy bee's trying to make excuses (even making them up) for their messiah and defend him even though he's undefendable with silly, stupid, barrel scraping excuses, just look at TOF's chief bathroom attendant over the page with the old rotting carrot judge him in May attempt ? Hilarious. But do you know the funniest part of all ? the way they're all rubbished and swotted away effortlessly by the top men on here, keep it up. wenger out now.

  64. Reality Cech

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:24 #85735

    You know it, I know it & Wenger knows it, he will still be our manager next season, regardless of all the valid points made in this article. Stan loves him. Get your heads round it & prepare yourselves for much more of the same.

  65. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 13:08 #85733

    If I were the Arsenal manager we would win the league and the Champions league most seasons,the only real successful people ever have all been Gods elect,unfortunately I am not interested in the job,as it is beneath my calling.

  66. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 08, 2016, 12:57 #85732

    "Everyone needs support, jumping on their backs doesn't help one iota" Just fundamentally not true. If pressure lead to someone leaving and someone else coming in and doing a better job, then it does 'help' the organisation in question. Supporting stagnation is not virtuous. The board want different things to the fans. Trusting in their judgment to do the right thing is naïve at best, sucking up to power at worst. Thanks for confirming you don't say what you really think.

  67. Red Member

    Mar 08, 2016, 12:32 #85730

    Westlower - the trouble with those black and white days is that football was a lot cheaper to watch back then. If Arsenal were to lower prices in accordance with expectation then fine. A colleague of mine is paying £289 to watch West Ham next season in their new stadium. I would be quite happy to pay a similar amount at Arsenal and I would then think that Wenger was doing a wonderful job also.Also in terms of finishing positions 4th is meaningless to me. It is not as if we spend any of the money that we earn from that is it? Arsenal though throughout their history stretching back to WW1 have won the league title at least once every 18 years. Next year it will be 13 since we last won it. The clock is ticking not just for Wenger but for the club also.

  68. Bard

    Mar 08, 2016, 12:19 #85729

    Westie; football is different these days. it may still be bent but not in the way it was. Arsenal are 6th/7th biggest club in the world financially. The notion that no one else could achieve more than Wenger with the resources we have is nonsense. We also have one of the richest men in the world on the board in Usmanov so the club are unlikely to sink if the next apt wasnt up to it. Fear of our next manager is another of the myths peddled by the Wengolytes

  69. Westlower

    Mar 08, 2016, 12:17 #85728

    @Red Member, Some of us were reared for many years on mediocrity at Arsenal with only two top four finishes in 17 years. I wouldn't swap that lean period for the Wenger years, thanks very much. @Exeter, We have differing points of view and I'm very relaxed about that. I don't have the mentality or the desire to slag off any man on a daily basis. Yes, I would give TH my full backing throughout his tenure should it happen. Everyone needs support, jumping on their backs doesn't help one iota. To suppose the board would turn a blind eye to any Arsenal manager seriously under-performing is nonsensical. I would expect those in power would act accordingly in dismissing a poor manager, whatever I think.

  70. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:55 #85727

    jeff-Your doppelganger is still holding his own on UA and is about 40% popular with the current posters on there.Mark-Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines yet he was still Gods elect,David committed adultery yet they both had assurance not guilty consciences and no believer will live in sin,a Christians sin is not like that of a worldling,a natural man will attempt to keep the law outwardly yet whatever he does he sins against God,even his charitable works are an abomination to God.

  71. Red Member

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:42 #85726

    westlower - many would argue that the slide to mediocrity has already begun under Wenger. The longer he is here the more the club is likely to drift into decline. Most leading clubs change their managers frequently these days to remain at the top. Barcelona and Bayern Munich seem to do ok dont they?

  72. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:37 #85725

    Agree with you though Westl'r re those ex players getting the coach job. None could run a Christmas club in my view. Put Bould in yr list too. AFC will think about it though, you can bet on it and i think that the jabberer (Henry) is likely to get very close at least. Wenger will see to that.

  73. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:25 #85724

    Quite a few could. Redknapp and the then owner Mandaric at Pompey were both known to be fly by nights, so was Ridsdale and the financial press were casting doubts well in advance of when it went pear shaped at Leeds. Villa and Forest didnt go financially pear shaped in the aftermath of their success. Villa arent financially pear shaped now, nor are Forest and never have been. Yes, theyve hit hard times on the pitch but the solvency isnt and hasnt been in question. Reading the sporting life and the Daly Mail wont improve yr understanding of what takes an entity into financial dark waters or yr footie history Westlower, but keep shining that torch. Perhaps sticking to emptying yr coffers to make bent horse breeders richer than they already are is best.

  74. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:24 #85723

    Let's let fear of the unknown, of the future govern us then and stick with stagnation. Westlower, you've said before that you'd fear for AFC under Henry, but he'd get your full support. This means that, were he to take over and results go badly, you wouldn't be saying what you actually think, instead giving him your 'support'. So why should we believe a word of your current defence of Wenger? You have as good as told us you don't believe in honest appraisal, in expressing your genuine views. It's all cooked up excuses born of fear of change.

  75. Westlower

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:12 #85722

    @Torbay, Just another media interpretation after Wenger saying he's been in the job for 19 years. @Ron, Who could see Leeds demise coming during O'Leary's reign, when they never finished out of the top 5 & reached the semi's of Champions League & UEFA Cup. Succession of 'brilliant' managers, including Howard Wilkinson, George Graham, Peter Reid, Terry Venables, etc. Who could see the demise of Forest & Villa when winning Euro trophies? Who could see the demise of Portsmouth when rampant under Harry Redknapp. The demise of these once great clubs isn't tosh, it's become history. It only takes one 'dodgy' appointment to start the downward slide to mediocrity. The thought of ex-players PV, TH & DB10 fills me with dread. Jobs too big for a virgin manager.

  76. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:12 #85721

    If the next manager will have to satisfy the set targets, then it follows he won't be in a position to f*ck up the club even if he wanted to. At least try make sure whilst endlessly wriggling around trying to defend Wenger (now the main defence has been blown out of the water) that what you argue isn't inherently contradictory. Same problem with the 'resources' argument and the 'half a day' argument. This is weak stuff, easily pulled apart.

  77. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 08, 2016, 11:07 #85720

    Jamerson - I'm having difficulty reconciling the anti catholic hell fire preacher tosh with your watching football whilst having serving girls provide you with beer in your man cave ( surely sins of flesh ) and I do worry your rants might put off your billionaire buddies. Where the **** is Pete? Up the Arsenal, down with Arsene

  78. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:51 #85719

    AFC have always been well and prudently ran spanning whoever s been the Coach. Using those clubs as a barometer to measure AFC s base is yet another silly red herring designed to protect AW. Change of coach has to accompany a change of emphasis at the Boardroom level, that what those of us who want change wish to see. It doesn't equate to putting the Club at risk at all. How daft to liken such as Coventry to the 6th wealthiest club in the World. Such as Peter Ridsdale buying up AFC has about the same prospect of occurring as me buying the damn Club! The AKB tosh and bullshine knows no bounds on here.

  79. Torbay gooner

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:39 #85718

    Ha, so apparently according to him the board want him to stay for another 19 years, which would take him to 85. Why stop there? Bould might have to get involved a bit more in the training, but Wenger could still rock back and forth on the bench and maybe occasionally get up to rant at the 4th official.

  80. Westlower

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:36 #85716

    The people who keep AW in a job is the board, not the fans or critics. When the next guy takes over, he too will have to satisfy targets set by the board. AW has set a wonderful platform for the next manager, let's hope the next one doesn't f*ck up all the years of diligently building a solid base. Take a look at Newcastle, Villa, Forest, Coventry, QPR, Charlton, Bolton, Leeds & Portsmouth, if you have become complacent about how professionally AFC is run.

  81. Ron

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:31 #85715

    Bruce is a good bloke and in my view a good coach. Hes also AWS friend so he would say these things. AW has always been happy to loan Bruce players too. Its wrong though of Bruce to impute his views to others in football as its clear that Wenger has alienated many people in the game from him as a man and and as a Coach. Its right that most respect him as a Coach though probably and lets be honest, hes worthy of respect whatever we feel about him now. That doesn't mean that there isnt a strong case for change at AFC which there clearly is. The AKB fraternity on here could hear a glowing testament to him from almost anybody and they would use it to prop up there view that AW and the regime shouldn't be changed, such is the strength of the blinkers that each of them have firmly welded on to their two faces, which each of them seem to have, reading their posts on here.

  82. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:25 #85714

    ...or lets put this another way. When Mourinho calls him a 'specialist in failure' are we not to listen also to another manager with twenty years experience or does this only work when they say something nice about him?...

  83. jeff wright

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:22 #85713

    Thanks for the sermon rev Jamie. However my point was that Wenger is being put on the same sort of holier than thou saintly pedestal that Maria Theresa was put on and not whether or not she was worthy of that .Wenger is not beyond criticism and he is no saint either. Latest title odds from the bookies evens Leicester ,3-1 the spuds ,5-1 Arsenal,11/2 City. So in two weeks we have gone from being 6-4 favs for the title to 5-1 third best. I still think we are longer odds than that 6-1 is more realistic. Some bookies think it's all over if Leicester beat Newcattle at home Monday night. .Good old Arsene.

  84. Gaz

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:14 #85712

    Westlower-just because they've worked more than half a day in football it doesn't make everything they say right. If you really believe that then I'm sure we'll never find you criticising Mourinho, Moyes, Alladyce and McLaren...

  85. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 10:07 #85711

    jeff-Maria Theresa was a wicked religionist who went around doing all her good works for everybody to see,she was also a member of the great whore church of Roman Catholicism.Just thought I'd point that one out to you.Ozil's the only Arsenal player vainer enough to pray in public before games,which doesn't help him as God only answers his elect and not one of the elect is a fornicator,which Ozil is.Wengers just an honest heathen,who used to be a little superstitious and like all unbelievers relies heavily on his hard work to justify himself.

  86. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:48 #85710

    Bruce has taken the easy, lazy line there with a comment that bears no scrutiny. The notion that Wenger should be beyond criticism is of course utterly absurd, especially when he's showing he can't progress the team even in the most extraordinarily favourable of circumstances. What's really 'appalling' is those still backing him at this stage are making it clear they put the man before the club.

  87. Red Member

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:37 #85709

    the problem is that every May Wenger has a secret weapon - thousands of people pay £1,000 + for the privilege of a seat to watch the same story unfold each season. To be fair to Mr Kroenke watching from afar in the US he sees this as confirmation that the supporters still back Wenger as manager. Wenger said in his press conference that he will be told when to go. Each summer he is told by the fanbase to stay. Why would he leave?

  88. jeff wright

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:33 #85708

    All of this Wenger is the Maria Theresa of football and beyond any criticism nonsense is really funny . You couldn't make it up.Mind you old 'you get nothing for a pair in this game' Brucie ... ... learned the dark arts of mind games off Sir it might be wise to treat his comments about Wenger with caution. Brucie by making those supposed support for beleaguered ,bored with defending himself against those those who have never worked a day in their lives critics Arsene, is actually turning the spotlight on Arsene's problems. Well done Brucie...didn't he do well...!

  89. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:29 #85707

    Jamerson - Once again I applaud you for providing a banner for the anti Wenger crowd to gather. Your term has been used by the Evening Standard. Seen on T-shirts in Dublin and created a real movement. The Express said that an opinion poll had voted 80-20 Wenger going. The inference of the article was that board members had picked up on this. Heard the reaction at the Emirates and paid attention to Henry's quotes about the angry crowd. You have helped create a perfect storm against your Lord and Master and cannot put the Gennie back in the bottle. See how he is now continually fielding questions in regard to this. The great news is pressure is not just coming from the WOB's. Up the Arsenal down with Arsene

  90. cyril

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:26 #85706

    WL: I appreciate your stance and it is good to hear as it gives perspective. I try not to be spiteful but it's been hard not to really hurt. I am partly with FIA regarding moving upstairs. It's a bit like asking your tenant to move to the smaller room because they can't pay the rent anymore, instead of booting them out on the street!

  91. Dartford gooner

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:23 #85705

    Latest from Wenger, the press should sit down and rerun the Swansea game and see our commitment.While they are doing that how about Wenger sitting down and rerunning Southampton and the Mancs away and maybe he might see a total lack of guts and fight from his team. He knows his time is coming to an end and he can't take it that the fans have turned against him.

  92. Forth is Arsenal

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:19 #85704

    Wenger was a good Coach; then David Dein left and Wenger got involved in Stadium building, boardroom politics, power plays. started to think like an owner and stopped thinking like a sports Coach i.e. he lost his edge which i guess can happen when the Club insists on paying you £8mpa plus bonuses. If he was honourable he would have noticed this about himself and started to work on a succession plan. now that would be true love for the Club. Go upstairs but help bring in your successor and be there for him when he Needs you. But i think Arsene loves being Emperor of Arsenal and no longer sees himself as a sports Coach. Fergy went on to give man Management lessons in Harvard USA. Wenger will go to give Philosophy lessons in the Sorbonne. Fergy is sports Coach thru and thru. wenger is no longer and this has put him out of touch with Players. hence he has made some horrendous Transfer Errors last 7 years with some right 3rd rate Players being allowed into the Club and well paid.

  93. HowardL

    Mar 08, 2016, 9:01 #85703

    Absolutely brilliant article Charlie. Well written, balanced and fair. I particularly like the "three phases" as this helps put my own feelings in order. I think this article should be printed in the next Gooner and copies put in strategic places around the Emirates, to ensure it is read by some of the more influential people. Perhaps even a reprint of just the article also to hand out free (yes, Kev, Mike) to fans.

  94. Jamerson

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:56 #85702

    We are third in the league,still in the FAC and have an outside chance still in the CL,no one should be telling Wenger to leave.If anybody is a chav on here it's MARCUS.

  95. Westlower

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:43 #85701

    "From inside the game you're not going to hear people criticising him because when you're in management as long as he's been and what he's achieved, who is anyone to criticise him. I find it appalling that they can. He's helped build a fantastic club, he's helped finance it by selling players, he's never been able to really compete at the top level like others at a top club have, but he's kept them in the top four for 17 or 18 years." Comments from Steve Bruce, who has spent more than half a day in top class football.

  96. Ozzie

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:25 #85700

    I hope the mug puts his top players out against Hull. Let's face it the FA Cup is the club's only hope this year after all the dismal and embarrassing failures he has presented us with. At least give the diehards something to cheer about. Bloody hell, the fans shouldn't have to resort to begging the manager to leave. What a farce! My admiration for him has long soured.

  97. Bard

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:15 #85699

    Oh dear Weng seems to be losing the plot. 'everyone is entitled to their opinions, it doesnt bother me'. 'I am fed up with having to justify myself'. 'I ask everyone to be respectful and uphold the values of the club'. 'Why didnt Eric Dier get sent off'. Spot the contradictions.

  98. Lisa

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:13 #85698

    Take note,Be careful what you wish for.

  99. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 08, 2016, 8:03 #85697

    It’s not always easy to admit you were backing the wrong horse so to speak, so well done Charlie for being fairly analytical and coming to the sane conclusion that Wenger’s time is up. In reality it’s been up for a lot longer than the three years you suggest, but let’s not split hairs here, you deserve credit for writing what you have done, it couldn’t have been easy to do. There are still many who simply refuse to admit they are wrong about Wenger and would continue to do so even if we were relegated, but fortunately they are becoming smaller in number, as each new Wenger mismanagement or statements are witnessed or heard. Wenger’s problem is that he thinks he is bigger than the club, or in fact he is the club, which is why he behaves and acts with incredulous indignation when suggestions are made to him currently about fans wanting him to leave. He continues now almost on a daily basis destroying his own reputation, by stubbornly refusing to look in the mirror, because if he did, he would see a spent force that’s now just become an object of ridicule, which is very sad indeed, but he has brought it upon himself.

  100. Made Up Stat

    Mar 08, 2016, 7:41 #85696

    I see Wenger is saying he is 'bored' with defending himself against his critics. No honour, no respect, no shame.

  101. Far far away fan

    Mar 08, 2016, 7:12 #85695

    It is infuriating to hear allusions to us as "overbearing" fans. Our lives have become an episode of Tom & Jerry cartoons. Like Tom the cat, we are forever destined to fall comically short with this man as our manager, for the sheer amusement of the watching public. It is a testament to our patience that we have supported this perennial loser all this time. I'm sure when we die, we will be rewarded in footballing heaven where we support an Arsenal represented by . Such is our sacrifice supporting this inept man. And I'm inclined to attribute blind luck as much as anything to our early winning years. I refuse to believe that this man once had confidence to instill in his players. The reality would have been that he fed of the confidence of greats like Viera and Adams who would have said, "Don't worry, boss, we'll show those Spuds where they belong." Having money in the bank is meaningless if it is at the expense of greatness. @Westie- Too many teams play the passing game today for us to be referred to as "The passing team". That commendation never belonged to us, we only claimed it to the bemusement of true football fans.

  102. Cyril

    Mar 08, 2016, 1:10 #85694

    It seems at last, the truth to the many has finally been laid bare. Many years ago I stated to anyone who would listen amongst friends some basic housekeeping principles. You can pay a mortgage and save money at the same time. This is no different here. I understand it's a business as well, but we were sold this pup as the club were investing for the future so we could compete. This has been exposed as the new money into football levels the playing field for us as the business model is not to overspend. We pay the highest prices and we are now treated like naughty children. It's turning my stomach. I just hope the fans can at least have some fun days down at Wembley again this year while the sun is out. And I also get the ' sense of entitlement' quote. This is true but when you are sold a dream and it doesn't happen, it's gutting. I, amongst others have committed alone the cost of a decent deposit on a flat in London in the past ten years at the Emirates and that is why I have a feeling that I have been cheated as John Lydon put it. The patronising explanations and telling off are I am afraid ' the straw that has finally broken the camels back'.

  103. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:01 #85689

    Jamerson,you are no Arsenal supporter - just a psycho troll Chelsea one making boring repetitive posts attacking AFC supporters. All true blue Chelsea ones love Wenger and want him to stay forever at AFC.Why wouldn't they... You must gutted though that once again your hero Jose 's tenure ended in tears .Shame he never hung about a bit longer . It will be funny when he ends up at United and you end up with some other AVB type disaster . You couldn't make it up

  104. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 23:00 #85688

    "Open your eyes to what you're watching every week!" cries Westlower, whose own eyes tell him that only bad luck, cheating opponents, inept refs, the unfair advantage a club like Leicester enjoys and high level corruption are all that prevents Arsenal, the only honest team in the league,from taking their rightful place at the top of the game. Oh the irony!

  105. KC

    Mar 07, 2016, 22:55 #85687

    Great post. Wenger gave us our greatest moments and our greatest football. It was sublime and for a long spell we were the best, playing a brand of football that no other recent Arsenal manager got anywhere near. He changed the way the football world saw us and he even made the spuds life hell as we were winning with class something they could not handle. Sadly Wenger got to involved with the board, to obsessed with finance and more importantly to powerful within the club. His obsession of copying Barca, and ignoring the importance of a spine has destroyed any hope of future success. He must move on so we can.

  106. Dartford gooner

    Mar 07, 2016, 22:53 #85685

    Jameson and big Pete not at the lane? surely not just keyboard warriors!

  107. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 22:42 #85684

    Jamerson - I think you have confused WOBs with yourself and your morbidly obese but non existent brother Pete. I belief both of your personas used to come on here gloating about violence.

  108. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 22:36 #85683

    I heard that a lot of the WOBs were singing anti semitic and homophobic songs aimed at Tottenham fans on the way to the game.They then got involved in a mass brawl with tott fans outside the ground.Surely this can't be true as the WOBs are some of the most decent law abiding people you would ever want to meet.

  109. Hiccup

    Mar 07, 2016, 21:36 #85682

    I'm not sure how you deduce that the 'transitional' years ended 3 years ago? Was that stalling tactic number 58 from the club when Ivan told us that we were on the cusp of challenging to quell fan anger? I've said it before, but if City and Chelsea hadn't been so **** this season and we sat 3rd behind them, you'd still have your head in the sand and being content that we couldn't challenge with them. What we've seen this season has been no different to the last ten, in which time we've had great players mixed in with utter dross. The dross in the past was put down to financial restraint. Bendtner on £52k a week was hardly the thing of financial restraint? £200m in the bank? Did that just appear overnight? No, that was the result of selling our best players and not reinvesting. The 4 goal surrender at Newcastle was due to transition too I suppose? The AKB's are feeling worse than those who clicked on years ago what was going on. For crying out loud, it's taken Leicester and Spurs to be above us for the penny to drop. But keep telling yourselves it's just recently that wenger's lost the plot. To suggest the demise of City and Chelsea left Wenger salivating is incorrect. It is the worst thing to happen to the club, because it's woken you and your ilk up to expect and now even demand success. It's been a disaster for the club and their worst nightmare of the AKB's waking up to reality. It's great watching the AKB's now telling us we should be competing. You couldn't make it up. Thanks for the advice. But hey, in true style like wenger's ball boy and his assistant accountant on here, let's put this to one side for now, and look at it in a May. Articles like this won't help. And then in May, come and tell us wenger's here until the end of his contract whether we like it or not. Pure comedy gold! Looking forward to watching the AKB internal fighting unfold.

  110. God

    Mar 07, 2016, 21:05 #85681

    Jamerson - this is God speaking. I am very upset with your miss quotes and the use of my name without permission. Particularly in connection with Mr Wenger. I can confirm that any help provided to Mr Wenger ended in 2004 due to hubris and adulterous behaviour. Currently I am fully behind Mr Raneri and will continue providing help wherever possible. To this end any further misinformation and publicly broadcast quotes using my word without permission will end in action including possible one way trips to the fiery pits of hell. You have been warned! Yours Jehovah

  111. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 20:59 #85680

    @RON The borderline criminal class bookies are more honest than Mike Riley and his merry men. Things will improve when video technology becomes more widespread to get the correct decisions instead of the officials preferred version. The new FIFA President wants stricter time keeping, instead of variable Fergie time endings to matches. Can't even trust refs to be honest timekeepers. Don't talk to me about criminal class, as football is well immersed in corruption. Open your eyes to what you're watching every week!

  112. Bard

    Mar 07, 2016, 20:04 #85679

    Wenger in full spin mode. Now its 'respect everyone'. Does that exclude his crticism of the ref for not sending off Dier ?

  113. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 07, 2016, 20:04 #85678

    Charlie - Thanks for sharing your views in this thought-provoking "j'accuse" style letter. Wenger was far from blameless during the second phase you describe. We all remember the countless lies about buying quality if it was available (while he blundered on with Almunia, Bendtner et al). He played the game of corporate spin throughout this period because I suspect he knew even then that he didn't have what it takes to manage. In essence he talked incessantly through both sides of his mouth as soon as the trophies started to dry up. Moreover, it doesn't take a genius to understand that money could have been borrowed to buy players if they were wanted (on the understanding that our credit rating was/is high and that we would never be in the position of say Leeds). He's a complete fraud and I'm glad that you see that.

  114. N4

    Mar 07, 2016, 19:50 #85677

    Good article which reflects my view since 2006! However, he's not going anywhere and I doubt it that Henry is ready so we'll another of Arsene FC and his supporters for at least another year...if not more unfortunately!

  115. Begeegs

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:49 #85674

    Mark-I think that we all know how pulling the tail of the Tiger goes around Arsenal. The season tickets roll on in and a new contract for the Loser in Chief.

  116. Pearse Morgan

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:49 #85673

    The WOBs all hang off my every word and do exactly as I tell them aha.

  117. Nick

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:47 #85672

    Jamerson, your comment saying we should shape uo or ship out is typical of those who support Arsene and not the Arsenal, by your lights Billy Wright, Terry Neil Don Howe etc would never have been fired meaning we would have missed out on Mee and Graham, it is NOT heresy to critize a manager it is not heresy to want the BEST for our club and without protest and dissent NOTHING would ever change !!

  118. Nick

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:37 #85670

    Three phases? No I disagree only two, the first as you said lasted till 2004, The second has lasted since 2005, When Wenger and the entire squad sulked after the unbeaten run came to an unjust end but unlike GG, in 91 after having two vital points docked USED the injustice to galvanize the team into winning the league, no Wenger and the team wallowed in self pity, even winning an FA cup final on pens in a game from which in truth we deserved nothing, since then we have seen failure after failure, players leaving more for the lure of trophies than for money, and now with plentiful resources Wenger refuses to spend on the areas that need and have needed strengthening for ten years, the same old capitulations season after season , regular humiliations too,other teams and their supporters used to fear us now they laugh at us, Wenger once respected if not universally liked, is now a caricature of his former self and a figure of fun amongst other supporters, this reflects on us as well as the club, only Wengers arrogance can be stopping him from seeing that he is no longer the man for the job and that his continued tenure is to the detriment of our club .

  119. Mark From Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:29 #85669

    I believe Hitler blamed the German people for his ultimate failure. No doubt Sadam was very annoyed with Iraqi's and now we have Old Loser upset with Arsenal fans. In a way it's fair because it's now open war. He's pulling the tail of the tiger and we know where that will end. A desperate man turning nto an Arsehole before our eyes and diminishing in every way . I suspect he is cracking up

  120. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 18:23 #85668

    I fully agree with Stan Kroenke's statement earlier that the fans needed to either shape up or ship out.

  121. Jason

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:59 #85667

    Good article, but I still fear as others have alluded to, the problems at Arsenal are far greater than just Wenger. Where's in the past we had a hierarchy that genuinely cared about what happened on the pitch, Dein etc, we now have Kroenke and Gazidis who only care about what happens off it. Who out of those two would you trust to pick a successor? The whole heart and soul has been ripped out of the club in my opionion. By the way, I wish the propaganda king, Gazidis, would stop commenting on here under the alias of Westlower.

  122. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:32 #85664

    The 'great leveller' for those monoliths Leicester, playing as many games as everyone else next season. Their entire first team costing half an Ozil is not a factor this season, of course, so continues to not be mentioned. The 'resource' argument only applies when talking about teams with more than AFC, not less. Selective and dishonest appraisal continues from Westlower, who, with the moderate AKBs realising the game is up, is left aligned with the extremists.

  123. Ron

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:23 #85663

    Anybody thats had half an hours interest in football in their lives would suggest that Leics will struggle to combine a euro campaign with a PL campaign and wouldnt need a load of corrupt, borderline criminal class no marks like bookies to inform them. Yr faith in bookies to guide yr life Westie is a bit sad. Keep trying to lessen Leics achievement and any other Clubs too though. Its not working. Yr ill revive the Wenger legacy crusade dies its death a long time since. What odds would yr beloved bookies offer on the 6th richest Club in the World (reportedly)going 20 yrs consecutively and failing to win it?

  124. Nick T

    Mar 07, 2016, 17:22 #85662

    Westlower - 'the bookies offer us a glimpse into the future'....are you having a laugh?!? You mean in the same way that Chelsea were 6/4 and Leicester 5000/1 on day 1 to win the PL this season?? You got prices on Wenger to be in charge at the start of next season?

  125. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:49 #85660

    The bookies offer us a glimpse into the future: Odds for PL 2016/17. Citeh 6/4, AFC & CFC 7/2, MU 9/2, L'pool 14/1, TH 14/1, Leicester 50/1, Everton 200/1. That will be a first with the current champions going off at 50/1. Doubtless when they play as many games as everyone else it'll be a great leveller. Chelsea will probably be the team in that fortunate position next year, providing they don't win the ECL this season. It certainly worked wonders for L'pool 2013/14, MU 2014/15 & Leicester 2015/16. Top 4 betting for this season: MU 4/1, L'pool 7/1, WHam 9/1. @JJ pray tell us, what's your specialist subject, apart from stirring the sh*t?

  126. Clockend Mike

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:46 #85659

    Blaming the supporters for on pitch events is scraping the barrel to say the least and also pretty desperate and lacking in class. In life there are those that accept responsibility for their actions and those who look to blame. AW unfortunately is the latter. So what if we beat Leicester home and away. We did the same once to Man Utd when they won the title. Looking at other teams expecting them to do it for you is not the attitude of winners or those aspiring to win. If AW wants to know what it is really like perhaps he should ask Steve McLaren about the abuse he is suffering. As for being overbearing, please surely a joke. The supporters of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, Milan, Bayern etc. etc. are overbearing, not us.

  127. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:45 #85658

    Hey This article is a bit long winded and wobbite for my liking,and could have easily been written by a woman.However Wenger is now saying the same as what I have been saying for years that large sections of our supporters are overbearing and preventing our players from playing to their natural abilities.He was bang on the money when he questioned their loyalties though he was quick to point out the overwhelming support he still has.

  128. Bard

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:20 #85655

    Jamerson; yes of course its everyone elses fault but Wenger's, all the other excuses have been rumbled. Of course its the fans fault we bought the players, we trained them, we decide the tactics. Dear me its pathetic.

  129. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:16 #85654

    I'm afraid this article is a bit long winded and wobbite for my liking,and could have easily been written by a woman.However Wenger is now saying the same as what I have been saying for years that large sections of our supporters are overbearing and preventing our players from playing to their natural abilities.He was bang on the money when he questioned their loyalties though he was quick to point out the overwhelming support he still has.

  130. Highbury Boy

    Mar 07, 2016, 16:16 #85653

    At last Charlie you have smelt the coffee. Some of us have been saying this since 2008. But it doesn't make any difference. Why would he leave when he is on a basic £8m pa and in total control? Stan (the only one who can take action) is only worried if the income and brand falls away and that will only happen if we are out of the CL for more than a season or two. Ivan has said in the past that the budget can withstand being out of the CL for a season. That's why stories of Wenger being sacked if we lose against Hull are nonsense. With both Wenger and Bruce likely to have squad players in their line ups this match is an irrelevance to them both. If Leicester are crowned PL champions the Arsenal PR machine will go into overdrive and comments like us getting 6 points from them will be highlighted along with our injuries to key players and next season will see "new" players like Wilshere and Cazorla playing with a fully fit Welbeck. Plus of course the war chest available to buy quality players. Charlie ,we've seen it before. Just change the players' names and the seasons.

  131. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:59 #85652

    This article is a bit long winded and wobbite for my liking,and could have easily been written by a woman.However Wenger is now saying the same as what I have been saying for years that large sections of our supporters are overbearing and preventing our players from playing to their natural abilities.He was bang on the money when he questioned their loyalties though he was quick to point out the overwhelming support he still has.

  132. jjetplane

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:58 #85651

    Nice to have someone on here who understands betting .....

  133. JM - LONDON

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:56 #85650

    And now he's hot the bare arse cheek to blame us.

  134. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:41 #85648

    Westie,City have won the same number of games as us 15 and played a game less .The spuds have won 15 as well,they have only lost 4 though against our 7 . 5 is usually the most you can lose so for us to win the mathematics of probability will have to be reassessed. The bookies have already done that we have drifted from 6-4 favs two weeks ago out to 9/2 third best with the Foxes at 5-4 favs now and the spuds 11 -_4. I think that 9/2 is too short for us and that 6-1 is about the price that we should be. City at 11/2 is tempting ,but only for the brave or foolhardy ! I'm just sticking with my preseason bet although I now expect Leicester to win the league - not many thought that was likely last summer. A disgrace though that Wenger failed to take advantage of the other top clubs plight and is moaning about them not beating the Foxes .The old fool dropped 6 points against Chelsea 3 of them when everyone was turning them over and 3 at home - so why doesn't he mention this then>?

  135. jjetplane

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:33 #85647

    Mahrez v Ozil - no contest.

  136. Blackpool Gooner

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:24 #85645

    Couldnt agree more, though perhaps transitional period was tolerated too long.

  137. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 15:09 #85640

    As things stand, only Leicester have won more PL games than AFC. With 9 games remaining that stat can be reversed.

  138. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:52 #85638

    Wenger is the most shameless abdicator of responsibility: It's not our fault we can't compete with Leicester, it's the fault of the other teams for not beating them more. Never mind our other results.

  139. Blair

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:50 #85637

    Totally agree. With the funds available in recent years every failure just tarnishes the success of the earlier years. Mr Wenger should leave, hopefully with a final trophy, as it could get pretty ugly and undignified soon.

  140. Forth is Arsenal

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:31 #85633

    what part of Theo's game has grown over the last 10 years ? HIS BEARD is the correct answer. Fergy or Jose would have ironed out his weaknesses within the first 5 years. Ramsey ? tactically naive. No suprise there where do you think he picked that up from ? WENGER. Mertesecker's passive defending is creating hell for those that can read a Football match. he created Kane's Goal on saturday all on his own; like Barca's Penalty. 6ft 7inch pure passive jelly and he is the captain of the once great Arsenal Football Club. An Armband wore by Mclintok and Adams. What an absolute joke that is.

  141. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:28 #85631

    Westie - cut the bilge one or two of your fair weather mates might like Arsene but lots of supporters don't like him and take the piss out of Arsenal as bottlers so I'd love to know where this universal live in is. A further point of note is that people go on about Wenger like he built the stadium himself. Total bullshine. Neither was he doing high level negotiations with the developers like Keith Edelman. It probably suits Wengers corporate ego to envelope himself in the great project but is this just an example of the coffee machine guy saying he worked on the NASA project. Wengers job was to run a club on a restricted budget for some years. The deal was for his silence he got a pass on the sack if he could keep us top 4. Even at this point bargains were not taken up and we continued with the Almunias and Denilsons why ending careers to early of Pires and others

  142. anthony walters

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:15 #85629

    westie i agree with all that sense of entitlement arguement ,hysterical overreaction to defeats consistently in the top 4 which before wenger was was never a regular given .winning back to back fa cups etc.however balancing it out i do think arsene has taken us as far as he can.piers morgan is the ultimate extreme of wenger hating arsenal fan .i agree with you he is the best thing to happen to arsenal but let him leave on a reasonable high leaving the club in a good position which he consistently maintained.

  143. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:12 #85628

    We, who aren't in "the game", or have ever worked for more than five minutes in it, know nothing. Fed up of listening to washed-up ex pros and failed managers telling me what is bleeding obvious.

  144. jjetplane

    Mar 07, 2016, 14:09 #85627

    Wenger now saying 'we beat Leicester twice it is up to the rest now...' Think that should be a trophy in itself .... maybe it will be come May. What's Brucie saying ... 'well I think Arsene has built a club single-handedly .......' zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .......... Telegraph blah blah .....

  145. Wardy

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:47 #85624

    Excellent post ,,,, but I have lost confidence anything will change and unless Silent Stan goes, there seems little point changing the manager ,,,, as they will likely have the same objectives i.e. 4th and a profit

  146. Tony Evans

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:46 #85623

    RedPig - Agree with you on the transitional stage of Wenger's tenure. Leaving aside what monies were or weren't available, lack of money (if that was truly the case) doesn't forgive those awful gung-ho defensive horror shows, the persistence / misplaced faith shown in the likes of Denilson and Bendtner and the regular capitulations and implosions at the business end of the season. As I said I would have grudgingly forgiven all this had I seen any evidence of lessons learnt but, apart from better defensive showings all the old failures are still self evident: no backbone to the team and he is still indulging pet favourite players that really should have been moved on years ago. The fact that he is also leaving big cash reserves unspent when quite patently the team is lacking in sufficient quality makes it difficult to make any case for the defence now surely, although no doubt the blinkered will have a damn good go!

  147. jjetplane

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:40 #85621

    From the moment Wenger turned up with his bag of broccoli and room temperature bottle of French water I thought 'yeah right Pal' followed quickly by 'as Tony Adams was saying and doing' followed by Parlour saying 'lager bores me anyway.' You got to love Brucie though for saying just now 'you have to give respect to a man who single-handedly changed the course of not just football but humanity itself and to disrespect the man is to do our own selves a terrible, irreparable injustice ...' 'Did he really say that?' Smirks all around and the first one Offshore is the winner! .....

  148. Charles

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:29 #85618

    He hasn't built a squad that can cope with playing midweek games, he wants to have 18 players in the squad so they can all be on the bench and he doesn't have to drop anyone. When he does rotate, the players that come in after a long break aren't match ready and play terribly. With all his experience of champions league that he keeps telling us about, he should know the squad isn't good enough but does nothing in the transfer window.Wenger out.

  149. RedPig

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:26 #85617

    Well written piece Charlie and I agree with much of it even though I was at this stage as far back as 2009. One thing I do not agree with though is the leeway Wenger is given for this ‘’transitional phase’’. If finances were tight, how does that excuse all the areas Wenger came up short in that are free? i.e. lack of planning, tactics, motivation, desire etc. . The arrogance and complacency that has infested the club on the pitch since the move to the Emirates has never been properly addressed and we are still suffering from the ramifications of this neglect to parts of the game that cost nothing in financial terms. On the contrary, if and when money is tight, that is surely all the more reason to get the maximum performance from those areas of the game. As for Wenger leaving with dignity, this is a million miles away from what he deserves. He has already passed up so many opportunities to do this. And he shown such a lack of respect to so many fans for such a sustained period of time that he absolutely deserves to be forced out with his reputation destroyed. The man is contemptible and I cannot stand the sight or sound of him for what he has done.

  150. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:24 #85616

    " silly it seems to those of us on the outside" That'll be all those outsiders who are now saying Wenger's time is up all over the media. A deeply poor, badly thought out, 'I speak for everyone' article, easy to pull apart. Not a good choice to quote from, but I guess the pickings are pretty bare now the excuses have run out.

  151. Jamerson

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:24 #85615

    Wenger is correct when he says we are at risk of the WOBs sabotaging our end of season by their over emotional reactions to everything.These people have to decide whether they have the cajones for the run in or whether they need to find another club which matches their ridiculous expectations.

  152. CB

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:16 #85612

    A better article from the Torygraph headlined - Arsene Wenger should stop moaning at Arsenal fans - he and the players only have themselves to blame

  153. Torbay gooner

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:14 #85611

    Very respectful Charlie, bottom line is he has to go. Westlower,did not expect you to agree with the post. However, most won't really care what those on the 'outside' think, as for 'attractive football', not for quite a while I'm afraid!

  154. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:13 #85610

    Nice sentiments but you're about 6 years too late.

  155. jeff wright

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:12 #85609

    Westie , I can't see what playing in a nice stadium has to do with the Wenger shall he stay or shall he go argument.As for the football a clash of opinions on this,many find watching Wenger's tippy tappy passing game rather tedious. As the actress said to the bishop everyone ones to perform like Barcelona players do - but few can manage it. Wenger needs to get on his bike and peddle off at the end of this season - he is too old and stubborn and too set in his ways to take us forward.In fact in reality taking account of the other top clubs problems this season he is taking us backwards with less points won than at the same time last term. This is just not good enough really and all the blustering and same old excuses put up will not change that.

  156. Bob Matthews

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:05 #85606

    Excellent piece and echoes my own viewpoint. So very sad that you and i and many other genuine Arsenal fans now feel like this. Didnt go to WHL on Saturday as i could not face the drubbing i thought we would get. He has driven me to complete negativity

  157. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 07, 2016, 13:04 #85605

    Back to quoting from the Telegraph, Westlower. I note you didn't quote from the 7 reasons why Wenger should go article that appeared last week. These 'wild lurches' don't personify Arsenal fandom though, do they? You for instance, support Wenger and will always do so however bad it gets. Others have stuck to a consistent line that he must go for years. So the article is both overly generalist and inaccurate.

  158. mbg

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:57 #85604

    Good article Charlie and well said even though it is to nice and luvvie dovey at times, (he doesn't deserve such a nice epitaph) we've all been there and not afraid to admit it, but we seen the light with phase three some years ago it's just a pity you and others didn't also (unfortunately there's others who still don't and never will and if they caught him shagging their wife they'd still excuse/forgive him)we could have been well on our way now with the new man instead of having to start now years to late.wenger out.

  159. Tony Evans

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:53 #85603

    Charlie - can't argue with any of that. I agree with your 3 phases of Wenger's reign and I would have forgiven him his 'Project Youth' phase (albeit grudgingly) if he had invested properly in the squad when the purse strings were loosened. He didn't and the best opportunity to win the league (maybe for years to come) has been thrown away and Wenger is wholly to blame. OK technically we still have a chance but how many of us really believe we can turn it around now? He has to go and give someone else a chance; someone who is not afraid to spend money, plug the gaps and replace the serial under-achievers at our club with winners.

  160. Westlower

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:53 #85602

    'Final Whistle' article in Daily Telegraph. "Piers Morgan personifies Arsenal fandom. Like all Arsenal supporters, he cannot see how silly it seems to those of us on the outside, this idea that having to watch some of the best players in the country play attractive football in a magnificent stadium, sure in the knowledge that your club's financial future is assured for generations, is some sort of purgatory. The sense of entitlement, the tantrums every time the side concedes a goal, the wild lurches from vainglorious overconfidence to wailing despair."

  161. declan burke

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:50 #85601

    Good piece, Wenger must step down this summer, If Wenger has let us down, the Board have let us down unforgiveably. Is there no one on the board prepared to shout 'Enough is enough' ?

  162. anthony walters

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:47 #85600

    great article .sums it up in a nutshell.too many good players under performing. team often lacks balance,positional discipline and young players making little progress.we for example signed 3 young southampton players in 10 years .has any of the 3 made any real progress?ramsey and sanchez another 2 players who though they perform with plenty of effort and skill lack positional discipline and discipline in their use of the ball.

  163. Jude

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:44 #85599

    Spot on, Charlie. Brilliant.

  164. Gaz

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:20 #85591

    Excellent article. Sadly you are where some of us were two or three years ago and it's not a good place to be. Most refreshing part of this was that you resisted the temptation to suggest you hope he gets it right in the summer or he just needs to change. I think and hope that most fans are beyond this stage now and the general view is that he must be given no more chances and that he simply has to leave in the summer...

  165. Omollo gilbert

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:08 #85589

    What a summary of my thoughts for the last few years.

  166. Red Member

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:03 #85586

    now that you have seen the light you will realise that this season is no different to any of the last 5 or 6 and that you have been connned into thinking that Arsenal were "competing" for the title. We have not been and show no intention to do so whilst Wenger is in charge and Kroenke owns this club

  167. Bt

    Mar 07, 2016, 12:00 #85585

    I sincerely believe that Ferguson or Mourinho would have won at least two titles with Arsenal in the last 12 years or so with the same players Mr. Wenger had. No accountability whatsoever and it's always the fault of the refs, media,... Do we also really believe that Walcot's lack of progress in the past ten years is all his doing? Now Ox is going in the same path. Twenty years in the same job breeds complacency and it's time to give some fresh eyes a chance.

  168. George Latim

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:42 #85580

    That was very good.

  169. Forth is Arsenal

    Mar 07, 2016, 11:30 #85578

    The Manager should take the blame for the Implosion that we have experienced. Jose M had to, Brenden R had to, City Manager has to. LVG will have to. Normal Jobs have accountability somewhere. Wenger is no longer a Coach. he got involved in the Stadium and then in the ownership of the Club. He is ''upstairs'' already.. we Need a Coach in a tracksuit who gets back to Basics with the Players. This Emporer figure does not cut it with the Boys in the Dressing room and you can now see the result