What’s next?

Is there cause for optimism in the transfer market?

What’s next?

Vardy: Sign of an active summer this time?

The off-season is usually a time for reflection and renewed optimism. Wherever you stand on the Wenger issue there isn’t much to look forward to if truth be told. If you look at Arsenal’s league position you might reasonably conclude that it has been a successful season. Runners up spot, albeit a distant second, replaced the perennial 4th place. Did it represent a triumph of sorts or was it in fact a fantastic opportunity blown?

Looking back over the course of the season I can’t remember a game when we put in a spellbinding performance over 90 minutes. There were moments undoubtedly; the first half at home against Man U comes to mind, but for the most part it was functional at best and at times dire. We had our usual spate of long-term injuries and the absence of a top class striker cost us dear as we all knew it would.

With the notable exceptions of Monreal, Bellerin and half a season from Ozil no one stood out and many like Walcott, Ramsey and the Ox look to have taken a huge step backwards. Despite our deficiencies we were there or thereabouts at the turn of the year but true to form we collapsed when it really mattered, not for the first time our lauded mental strength proved to be something of a mirage. My view is that the season was a fantastic opportunity blown. Our league position says more about the state of our challengers than it does about Arsenal’s progress.

So what about next season? Can we approach it with renewed optimism or is it likely to be more of the same? Wenger will be in charge again, that’s a given and it is rumoured that a new three year deal awaits his signature. If we take the league position in isolation it’s possible to argue that Wenger has done his job. But my view is that the team has gone backwards and is in need of an overhaul. At the end of every season Ferguson would ask himself this question; what do we need to be able to compete with the likes of Real Madrid ? It was a question but also a statement of intent. Arsenal don’t have either that level of ambition or even the same focus, the Arsenal question is a very different one, what do we need to do to convince the fans that we are competing while in reality we just need to stay in touch with the challengers and maximize profits?

If I’m wrong we will need to see a statement of intent this transfer window. A good case can be made for moving on at least half a dozen players: Per, Walcott, Gibbs, Ox, Ramsey, Campbell. They have all been found wanting for a variety of reasons and are not at the level required to make a serious challenge. We have also lost Flamini, Arteta and Rosicky. It is clear if we are serious about competing we need to be active in the transfer window. Is that likely? My view is that it isn’t for the following reasons. The massive increase in money sloshing around the league will inflate transfer fees and we know from experience that Arsenal’s valuations exist in their own microclimate that is Arsene’s valuation of worth. This is usually a lot less than the market price. Secondly Arsenal don’t get into bidding wars. With agents touting average players around for massive fees, I don’t see Arsenal competing in this kind of market. Thirdly it is a well known fact that Wenger procrastinates and dithers, relatively simple deals take forever to sort out, so I don’t see major activity in the transfer window. At best I see a couple of relatively unknowns coming in for Elneny level transfer fees.

Will it be enough to seriously compete? No it won’t. For too many seasons we have gone into campaigns 2/3 players short, and still managed to hang in there, why should it be any different this time? Much as I would like to feel more positive about the coming season I suspect it will be more of the same. For me the really interesting question is how the club manages to spin this to the fans. Discontent is bubbling under the surface, will this be the season when it erupts ?

(Ed's note - The end of season Gooner survey should be online tomorrow)

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  1. mbg

    Jun 06, 2016, 18:30 #90111

    Ron, good shout pretty accurate i'd say (after all TOF has been very easy to read over the years), GoonerGoal!, good post, yes you can bet we will already have seen the best of Vardy, TOF will try and turn him into a globe trotter and will have him running around and round like a blue arsed fly playing tippy tappy completely alien to his game coaching it out of him (that's one thing he is good at) and that will be the end of him.

  2. GoonerGoal!

    Jun 06, 2016, 0:53 #90077

    Vardy to Arsenal, really? Can't see that working the way Vardy plays as a striker. So I fear another frustrating case of a square peg failing to fit into a left wing round hole. However, if I really cared for one second what happens to Arsenal as long as Wenger is Manager, I'd concern myself more that Héctor Bellerín and/or Jack Wilshire will be this year's candidates to make the pilgrimage to City... WENGER OUT! KROENKE and GAZIDS OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  3. Ron

    Jun 05, 2016, 23:46 #90076

    As good as Vardy was with his team, hes an odd signing by AFC, if it happens. I suspect hes there to fill in for Wally and one or two others of the home growns who ll leave as some have said already. Its a great sale for Leics. They ll not moan about losing him. Hes 30 nearly. He cost them about 1.5 Mill. Great business. Vardy wont do an RVP at Arsenal in my view. Hes not good enough and doesnt have the game to suit Wengers high ideals, fantasies aand philosophies. The Wengs wont change to suit him either, though hell dream that Vardy is going to do what Walcotts always failed to do, His goal scoring until this last season wasnt great. He had a great purple patch for the Foxes though for sure, but its unlikely to repeat itself. Letcs are getting the good deal here. They ll never get 20 Million quid offers again if he stayed at Leics and then didnt carry on where he left off so theyre cleverly cashing in on Wengs need to buy a name as a sop to those of us who want him gone. Vardy is in reality a panic buy, in keeping with the the type of buys AFC rushed through on trolley dash day when we bought Arteta and Co. Wily old Claudio! Its a typical purchase that a Club with no genuine ambition to play at the top of the European game makes. Lets see who Arse off load to recoup some of the 50 Mill spent so far. Could be one or two surprises. PS if its true that Man C want Wilshere, Arse could do worse than get him on a fast train to Manchester asap pre Euros, as he wont pull up any trees there. Another empty vessel he is, along with quite a few more in that hapless squad.

  4. Alpha6bw

    Jun 05, 2016, 22:56 #90075

    Vardy is a cheaper option and fulfills the home grown player rule than buying Álvaro Morata who would of been the better long term option but I know purchasing someone of Morata quality is going to be expensive and won't fulfill the home grown player rule either.

  5. GoonerRon

    Jun 05, 2016, 22:32 #90074

    @ mbg - what help did we get to finish second? All teams had 38 opportunities to win matches and some won more than others. When the dust has settled on the season your 'we had help' argument means absolutely nothing.

  6. John F

    Jun 05, 2016, 20:55 #90072

    IF Vardy and Rodriguez arrive along with Granit then we have three good signings.The worry is can Wenger change his style of play to suit Vardy and will he resist trying to shoe horn players in .After seeing Roy H playing Vardy out wide I do hope Wenger does not try the same tactic but history tells us he might.Vardys age is also an issue as he is 30 in January and might be good enough for one season which will mean being stuck with him on vast wages for two more.W enger must be thinking of the homegrown rule with Wally ,Gibbs and the Ox heading out.If this spending is to be believed there may be some balancing of the books by the time the window closes.

  7. mbg

    Jun 05, 2016, 20:49 #90071

    The teams gone backwards alright regardless of our false position of 2nd, statement of intent in the transfer window ? (where have we heard that phrase before) we may well be active in it alright but we all know who and what with, optimism ? oh there'll be optimists alright like there have been for the last ten seasons but the rest of us know better and what way it will all pan out again, yes more of the same and you can bet on it with this old fraud in charge. Good article.

  8. mbg

    Jun 05, 2016, 20:20 #90070

    Bard, It certainly wasn't or hasn't been a successful season, it was just like all the rest, a failure, thanks to a failure of a manager, of course some will tell you (or try) that it has been a successful season just because we've finished/scraped 2nd, conveniently forgetting the embarrassments and the help from others we've had, and the other big clubs who were in transition and all over the place playing shyte. Unlike ourselves they'll not be in transition next season like we have been for the last ten, TOF's luck is long due to run out and no better season for it to happen than in his last.

  9. Hiccup

    Jun 05, 2016, 20:08 #90069

    There's a major tournament starting next week Bard, so it's impossible to make any transfers until that's all over. That's not me talking, that's been the gospel according to AKB Central for the last ten years. Which makes me believe all this Vardy talk has to be poppycock.

  10. Clarky

    Jun 05, 2016, 20:03 #90068

    Or a goal keeper 😀

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Jun 05, 2016, 19:40 #90067

    Wenger will play Vardy as a winger.

  12. Billthered

    Jun 05, 2016, 19:32 #90066

    Campbell is a trier and a half decent player but unfortunately not the player to push us forward we need world class not premier class. Coq showed us what we needed in the middle but yet again not the class required. Jamie Vardy is a strange one we will not change our system to go from back to front with one pass and have him running behind the opposition cutting out the midfield it is not in our managers DNA and in my opinion won't work.By the way I was coming back from Edmonton this morning and passing through Tottenham where the sun was shining at midnight turned out it was just another false dawn.

  13. CB

    Jun 05, 2016, 18:56 #90065

    He will buy more players this summer but only because the competition for a top 4 place will be harder than ever. Wont be enough to win it. Agree with Robb1971 re Campbell. He should be one of the first names on the team sheet IMO.

  14. Robb1971

    Jun 05, 2016, 17:31 #90064

    Cannot agree with The Bard re Campbell.....he is a fighter and badly under used this past season.......sidelined by Wegner, as is Wegner's tendency, a la Arshavin to name one.

  15. Kenny

    Jun 05, 2016, 16:54 #90063

    JamieB-Yes Vardy is a strange one.He's a winner,fighter and a centre forward who scores goals.Definitely not an Arsenal player.We like pussies who roll over and die at the slightest bit of pressure

  16. Mark

    Jun 05, 2016, 16:43 #90062

    Wenger is still manager.Thats all you need to know

  17. Ken

    Jun 05, 2016, 16:41 #90061

    Absolute Nonsense droning on when we have already made TWO statements of intent!!! So boring to read the same droning on and on. Literally nothing new said. We are about to sign Jamie Vardy. we have signed Xhaka. that is comment worthy stuff yet no articles on the Gooner???

  18. Goonersol

    Jun 05, 2016, 14:08 #90060

    Vardy : not sure if Wenger has any sort of strategy , it's more like "hit and hope", will Wenger change Arsenal's game all of a sudden, has the penny dropped that endless possession does not win games, I very much doubt that Wenger will how Arsenal play next season, can he turn a game, turn defeat into victory , come back from 1/2 goals down, make that game changing substitution , I /we live in hope but history tells us otherwise .

  19. jjetplane

    Jun 05, 2016, 13:55 #90059

    Why would Vardy leave an Athletico type team spirit for a bunch of dislocated serial losers with **** hair-dos ....? Giroud says he will be 'happy with the competition' .... - something he has not experienced in his mundane career as Arsene's lead striker hologram with painted body (see circus) & requisite **** hairstyle. Fact is Vardy is off to join Koeman at Everton .... Sanogo (new signing ...) is coming home!

  20. Jason B

    Jun 05, 2016, 12:00 #90058

    Vardy is a strange one. Can't see him fitting in to our system.

  21. Since 66

    Jun 05, 2016, 11:21 #90057

    It would already appear you are long windedly way off beam

  22. NB gooner

    Jun 05, 2016, 11:01 #90056

    Agreed, but Granit would appear to be what we really need, someone with some guts. If we do get Vardy, which I still can't really believe, we might actually have a scorer who scores. Then all we need is a defender that can defend (perish the thought) & bingo, 4th spot, elimination in the last 16 of the champions league, just after being knocked out in the 6th round of the FA Cup having fielded the weakened team in preparation for elimination at the Bernabau. 👍

  23. Rocky RIP

    Jun 05, 2016, 11:01 #90055

    Answer- a fantastic opportunity blown. I may be cynical, but there's something a bit transparent about our 'big' signings. It's as though they are made to appease the grumbling fans rather than as part of any coherent strategy. The world could see we needed a natural finisher last season, so why the wait? Signings are made like parents on a long car journey listening to their grizzly kids' mithering and eventually relenting and stopping for an ice cream or a treat. Signings are treats to keep us happy or shut us up. And sell shirts. The non cynical side of me is glad we are being proactive and hope we clinch those elusive 2-3 players we've been missing for years. Ozil creates a staggering number of chances for other players. Someone ruthless on the end of them is a mouth watering prospect.