Euro 2016 Diary – Day One: The Football Festival Turns Sour

Marseille for England v Russia

Euro 2016 Diary – Day One: The Football Festival Turns Sour

Post match chaos in the Velodrome

So let’s get straight into it. A first hand account of the trouble in the stadium immediately after the match. My experience of the incidents out here in Marseille is fortunately limited to my walking to the stadium before the game, being in it and returning to my hire car afterwards.

The reason for this is that I arrived in Marseille on Eurostar at 3pm on the day of the match, picked up the hire car that will take me round France for the next 12 days and drove out of town to the cheap hotel I am staying at for one night only.

I returned to the city after 7pm local time and after some crawling traffic found a precious parking spot about ten minutes’ walk from the newly refurbished Stade Velodrome. As I walked to the ground, there were a lot of Englishmen. Some had drunk way too much, some had drunk a fair bit but were complis mentis and some hadn’t drunk at all. Many were making their way to the stadium like myself, some were standing around singing. What was certain was that the huge amount of England fans easily outnumbered the Russians. There were a lot of tickets being offered for sale on the street. Whether or not these were genuine I have no idea. But there were a lot of them.

Anyway, there was a lot of singing, plenty of police, but no sign that they were considering the use of tear gas as happened at the old port. As for that, I have probably seen less than you have on TV and I certainly had no desire to head for the area at any time. However, as a cocktail, pissed up English fans, local Marseilles youths, Russian fans and tear gas wielding riot police is not going to be a combination that is ever going to work.

Inside the stadium, a football match took place, in an attempted good time ambience that those on the stadium PA and selecting the images for the big screen tried to create. England played better for most of the game and eventually took the lead, only to blow it in typical fashion in injury time. What happened afterwards was more worrying. As the game neared its end, rockets, fireworks and flares and something that sounded like a bomb were set off in the Russian section, below my ‘neutral’ seat and to the right. There was an announcement on the PA requesting Russian fans to remain in their seats afterwards. Fat chance of that. There were no police inside the stadium that I could see, only Marseille’s stewards. They were helpless at the final whistle. There was some lobbing of projectiles both in and out of the Russian section and then the Russian fans storming the area to their left, in the theoretical neutral section – in reality a mix of England fans, Russian fans and locals.

People panicked and ran in a fashion reminiscent of the tragedy at Heysel. At one point people streaming out of one of the exits suddenly turned back – at the sight of Russian fans meeting them head on from the concourse – and it turned into a very dangerous stampede. The photo that accompanies this article is taken just after that, and I can actually see myself in it, which is kind of worrying. The Russian aggressors have just made their way out into the stand through the exit and are in the process of attacking anyone within reach. I am damn certain there were a few twisted ankles as people panicked trying to make their way over seats and up steps to get away. I was right in the middle of it and for a few seconds was seriously worried that if someone tripped, dozens would end up going over them and people might get very seriously hurt. People tried to get over barriers into the next section. The security inside the stadium had lost control and it was like a scene from English football in the 1970s and early 1980s, except with a lot of women and kids in the crowd. But this at a showpiece event where supposedly safety and security is paramount. How on earth did the Russian fans get their pyros into the ground?

Apparently they did not show all this on ITV, but it was certainly shown on French TV. Why this game could not have been switched to the early kick off I am uncertain. I am sure that has happened in other tournaments. There was an alcohol ban on the Eurostar – not only were they not selling it, but you could not take any to drink in France on the train. But in Marseille, from what I saw, it was freely available.

Drunk English fans are certainly capable of getting involved in trouble abroad, but the Russian ultras are the real deal. Reports indicate that some were armed with knives during violence at the old port in the afternoon. The next World Cup, due to the influence of good old corruption in FIFA, is to be held in Russia. You have to wonder.

I would have preferred to write about a football match, the newly refurbished Velodrome, but you know what? I’ll save it for another day. I read that local youths attacked Northern Ireland fans in Nice. That’s where I am headed today…

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  1. mbg

    Jun 13, 2016, 13:35 #90247

    Gooner Ron, nice one, but maybe he was that tall guy with a scarf on his face urging and egging everyone on, no only joking i'm sure arsene had/has nothing to do with all this.

  2. Tony Evans

    Jun 13, 2016, 12:12 #90245

    Agree with the comments on Sterling - is he Walcott in disguise!

  3. GoonerRon

    Jun 13, 2016, 10:36 #90244

    @ mbg - you not blaming all of this on Wenger? Seriously, glad you escaped unhurt, Kevin.

  4. Ozzie

    Jun 13, 2016, 9:33 #90243

    Nick, truth doesn't create controversy which the media thrive on - as do their readers after being spoon fed tripe all their lives... the palate can get used to anything. So long as we uphold truth in our own lives is what matters.

  5. Nick

    Jun 13, 2016, 9:18 #90242

    My post regarding who was attacking who was written after I had heard the reports of the incidents from more than just the politically correct British media, who jump on the England fans as a default position as have some on here, maybe it escaped your notice that during the England game , the flares , bangers and smoke were coming from the RUSSIAN end, they have a notorious section of fans devoted to violence, I suggest some of you English bashers read up on them, the BBC also fueled the situation with their over the top pc reaction to the costumes some fans wear and have worn for years now, no doubt there are still some mindless morons amongst our fans but this time they were not to blame, why is the TRUTH so hated these days ?

  6. Ozzie

    Jun 13, 2016, 3:38 #90241

    Like your post, Ron. Love to see England pull out of these competitions and leave em all to it. Our domestic competitions are being trivialised alongside all this theatre (and the silent agenda to control world football by corporate/political heavyweights so they can use it get inside peoples heads.) Even here in Oz the FA CUP has always been prized viewing for the masses who are now whipped up by nationalistic media frenzy.

  7. mbg

    Jun 13, 2016, 0:02 #90240

    Kev, I haven't read all the posts before typing this so someone might have already mentioned it but regards the Norn Ireland fans getting attacked your dead right they were attacked, it was reported as NI fans involved in rioting until PSNI officers over there whether under cover or on duty i'm not sure reported they witnessed it all and the NI fans started nothing as you've said were attacked. It's also worth mentioning the two sets of Irish fans NI and the ROI are getting on great whenever they've met drinking and partying together without a problem and there are photos and videos all over the place showing it. Unfortunately there are those out there and just there for one reason to provoke, cause, and start trouble and in some cases get other fans the blame.

  8. AKB

    Jun 12, 2016, 16:48 #90239

    We seem to have some of the most loathsome people in the world following England at football.Bald fat bellied pale faced men with pictures all over their bodies,who seem to be unable to take their ale and are so easily provoked.Can the French not guillotine a few of them as examples and hang their heads from the Eiffel Tower?

  9. Ron

    Jun 12, 2016, 15:48 #90238

    Crowd trouble and violence attend this tournament every time and has done more or less ever since it began. Its time it was abandoned. In fact, international football could be done away with altogether. Just think, no more 'where will wayne play' and 'will it be a 433 or a diamond debates'. Lovely! Add in all of the modern day spurious 'faith' ingredients and it can only get worse. We all know the chief offenders of which drunken Brits, mainly ghastly ingerlund 'fans' have historically been the worse, theyve not altered for decades. Football should rid itself of this garbage and while it does so, disown UEFA and FIFA. Nobody will miss it save for the Corporations for whom this crap and the WC are run.

  10. Simon Rose

    Jun 12, 2016, 15:26 #90237

    Glad you're okay Kev, can only imagine the fear inside the stadium when things were clearly kicking off. England hooligans are bad enough, the knife-wielding Russians are on another level.

  11. John F

    Jun 12, 2016, 15:08 #90236

    The reports I have seen and supporters on radio 5 seem to confirm Nick's post although one report said a small minority of England fans did spend their time abusing the locals with songs about Muslims and Isis.I thought England played well and if Roy had put Vardy on in place of Kane we might have got more out of the game.There does not seem to be a dominant team in this tournament and as I said to my wife (who was shaking her head in disbelief ) that I fancy England to do well ,then the Russian goal went in.

  12. mbg

    Jun 12, 2016, 14:49 #90235

    Are you Arsenal in disguise ?

  13. Goonersol

    Jun 12, 2016, 14:38 #90234

    To hear your safe kev ... The "England fans" who want to give it large in terms of aggro , do well to remember that the Russian fans do national service , so in a head to head it is likely that Russian fans would be better equipped in normal hand to hand combat, so for the England houligan element , best to behave and be aware of who you are dealing with... As in most things though it's the innocent who get hurt the most.... As for the match, bit like watching Afc, plenty of huff & puff but no end product.

  14. AKB

    Jun 12, 2016, 14:00 #90233

    Agree with what Raheem says.The England forwards are so inept,sterling seems to just run about in camp circles while Kane is probably the most overrated English striker ever,not even as good as Bendtner.Giroud looks like a real warrior compared to our flops and can see him bagging the golden boot.

  15. Raheem

    Jun 12, 2016, 13:24 #90232

    Raheem Sterling. What a waste of money, a waste of space, and a waste of talent. Yes, he's got great skill, but unfortunately he has no footballing brain. In fact, he has no brain - full stop. And no bottle. It's worrying for Englan fans that, despite playing well, that two of your three front players (Kane, Lallana and Sterling) are so inept in front of goal. Can never understand why so-called professional players are so consistently poor and basics like crossing and shooting.

  16. Time for change

    Jun 12, 2016, 11:56 #90231

    Glad you're ok kev. Security? Who needs it eh?

  17. jjetplane

    Jun 12, 2016, 11:52 #90230

    Oh it's all the fault of the muslims and disingaged young Russians and not the squeaky clean Sun loving Ingerland contingent. Wonderful bits so far are watching Pogba all day, Payet's amazing tears and goal and the Welsh crowd who are ****ing beautiful. Kane looks a tad knackered so time for Vardy boy to run riot but of course he is a one season wonder and pretty rubbish like Suarez but some of those Engerlund Hotspurs look brilliant (backs/holding) and would be a fair bet to lift next year's PL. Granite looked OK but ordinary in the new Wenger idea of adding steel. Giroud must lead the most charmed life in football - forever playing in front of top midfield men who probably all deeply sigh at his appearance. You can see what Henry means ..... Ramsay looking well lively for the Welsh who may well win the group (Coleman as Ranieri) and Jack's cameo was promising though any friction and he will collect cards. Shame because he has more energy than old boy Shrek and interesting to see a Liverpool player going mad in a Klopp frenzy of pressing but then knackered for the second half. The violence seems to be part and parcel of the new global attrition but let us not forget the English with their empiricist ways have led a lot of opposing cultures down dark paths ... Let's hope things calm down a bit, the real thugs get locked up because the football so far is promising. Bloody Welsh singing hey! .....

  18. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 12, 2016, 11:37 #90229

    Glad you are OK Kev, you have given us a proper report on what happened rather than the stereotype accounts from the press. As for the game I think England are very much like the Spuds in that they look a better team than they actually are.

  19. Nick

    Jun 12, 2016, 11:22 #90228

    Doubtless the England fans will ne apportioned a large slice of the blame for the violence, it seems to me though that doing that would be extremely unfair, fans were attacked by locals in Marseilles ( sorry if that's spelt wrong) where the population is largely Muslim accounts I have heard say they made up the majority of the attackers, then after the game Russian " fans" attacked English supporters, all you hear on our media is that ENGLISH fans are involved in violence! We all know that our fans have a reputation for thuggery this time however it appears they are largely blameless apart from the sin of actually BEING THERE ! as for the match, a competent England side should have beaten a very average Russian team comfortably, but after spurning several decent chances then at last taking a deserved lead they did an Arsenal, Woy is a cautious man id argue far too cautious, his substitutions made very Wenger like around the Seventy minutes mark and after were cautious ones, the introduction of Milner being for me the catalyst that led to an equalizer, why do managers do it, after finally taking a lead they then make changes that INVITE the opposition to take the momentum and push us ever deeper, if instead he had replaced a tiring Kane with Vardys pace it would have made the Russian's open to a counter attack probably made them more wary of pushing everybody up and us back, how many times have we gooners seen the self same tactics adopted by Wenger and as a consequence snatched a draw from the jaws of victory ? I'm not advocating going charge of the light brigade in such circumstances but that old saying fortune favours the brave has a lot of truth in it, still England could yet qualify from the group I doubt however we will survive a meeting with one of Europe's heavyweights, again just like Arsenal really .Still no more signings for us I can see the Vardy thing doing a Suraez , and us starting the season still without the top striker we need, not convinced Vardy is the answer anyway, before last season he wasn't any sort of big deal , pacy but no real quality, I have the opinion last season was his purple patch and I doubt he will repeat it, but season tickets must be sold to the gullible!

  20. Ozzie

    Jun 12, 2016, 9:13 #90226

    I'll do a bit of football writing for you, Kevin: Will you please get some of your players off the cream puffs and feed em a good Aussie T bone steak! Dismayed at the crowd trouble, though, many of us are aware sport nowadays is an opportune theatre for political & nauseating nationalistic propaganda.

  21. Alsace

    Jun 12, 2016, 8:44 #90225

    It's time for England to organise their own international tournament in summer 2018. Either just don't bother to qualify or simply leave FIFA and set up our own thing. Nice big money for the greediest, proper policing, straight refs, TV replays, and proper crowd control involving No booze. What is going on is an absolute disgrace, and it's time we did our own thing. Maybe after bred it we will rediscover our balls and get stuff lik this done.

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 12, 2016, 8:41 #90224

    Kev - Good to know that you made it out in one piece. Russia should be nowhere near hosting an international tournament. As we all now know, that is solely down to Putin and Blatter's breathtaking levels of corruption. I've never been an Ingerland fan but if I was I would be saying "Niet" to the homophobic and racist hellholes that are Russia and Qatar. I was in a boozer last night full of welsh punters who were actively cheering Russia - if anything it shows the depth to which Ingerland fans are despised. It seems like pretty serious stuff, esp the incidents involving innocent bystanders, but there's also sense that it's all standard stuff and that everyone is getting their dues. Ingerland fans a foreign adventure, bar keepers are filling their pockets with record sales, insurance companies will be upping their premia and the bullying, paranoid French CRS are on overtime. For the Russian a-holes, there's a chance to flex their aggression outside of the dodgy stalinist housing schemes from which they come. And the dear old british media can write all of the usual shyte about disorder and how we should bring back the birch. Cameron will also step forward in the coming hours with a trite soundbite about embarrassing behaviour. So I sympathise with those who went to see a game but most people in Marseille are getting just what they want and that's pretty sad. Oh, and Joe Hart is terrible n'est-ce pas?