Arsenal Circular 150 – The Vardy dilemma is his comments off the pitch

Reservations about the Leicester striker signing for Arsenal

Arsenal Circular 150 – The Vardy dilemma is his comments off the pitch

No nostalgia today. No sentimental recollections. No Arsenal moments, Instead something for today, the here and now, the right now.

Hitherto I have been keen on Vardy for sound soccer reasons. He knows the Premier League. He has scored 29 goals last season. He knows the defenders. He knows the grounds, the pitches, the atmosphere. There maybe an adjustment to playing with Arsenal but no adjustment in terms of his soccer awareness, soccer routine, soccer experience.

His age counts against him for some. He is 29 and will be 30 in either December or January. He is not young. He is not 23 with years ahead. He is “old” in soccer terms with maybe two/three seasons ahead of him. But ranged against him is just three letters – RVP. He went to Man U and in his first year he won them the title. Moved on in season 3. Vardy can do the same.

One other advantage for Vardy is his late entry into the game. Playing quite recently for Halifax and Fleetwood he does not have the luxury of time. He wants success and he wants it now. Like Ian Wright, Vardy came late into the game but the big upside is the enthusiasm and excitement and energy. Wright played with such gusto – such a smile – such energy and we loved it, absolutely loved it. The ripples were wider and stronger. Ian Wright Wright Wright touched us all. Vardy could do the same. At anything under £30m he is value.

So what is the reservation? – what is it that makes me falter, drags me back, tweaks my conscience? It is not his recently married spouse, trouble though she is. No it is the allegation of racism. It worries me.

Now Arsenal is not a political party. We do not sign up to a set of political principles when we came to Highbury or come to the Emirates. We do not have a view on political issues – on the Referendum, on Trump, on immigration. We have our own views and they are just that - our views, private views. Except for one. Racism is the one issue which cuts across the game of football. A problem in society that has big implications for football. Football is not a game played by whites for whites. It is a game played by UK nationals and overseas players – from different origins – from different countries with a rich mix of ethnic, race, religious traditions. We are open not closed.

It has taken time to reach that basis. It was not so long ago that bananas were thrown at John Barnes at Goodison Park and Clyde Best was singled out for boos at Upton Park. Society has come a long way – white superiority has been dismantled, racist attitudes have been confronted, the game is healthier, it reaches out and has achieved much. Still a long way to go. Still too few faces from all of UK society. Some still feel they do not belong. The Kick Out Racism campaign has so much more to do.

So to the question – does the arrival of Vardy hinder the progress to more openness? A few years back I made clear Lee Bowyer was not welcome at AFC. He was found not guilty of a racist infused affray charge but significantly the Judge ordered that his own legal costs – approx £1m – be paid by him and not by the public purse. Bowyer was odious and at a 400 person public meeting I made clear that I would not set foot inside Highbury if he was signed. A line in the sand was drawn. For me racism was too important a principle to allow it to be compromised even for my beloved Arsenal.

Now I have looked into the Vardy “Jap” comment. I have seen the video and read the papers. Although it is not the whole story and one should avoid snap judgments based on incomplete information it is not nice. It looks bad. There is an odour. There is a suspicion that Vardy has racist instincts and that he gives expression to them.

This is not enough to bar him or to insist that Wenger pulls out of transfer discussions. But it is enough for us to require Wenger to raise the issue with him – to make clear that AFC is a racist free zone and there will be no tolerance or racist attitudes or racist expressions or racist links. If AFC play in Japan and Vardy is an Arsenal player he goes and he plays and he respects the host team and the host country.

We are dependent on Wenger to lance this boil. If he continues to want Vardy he needs to do the right thing and the honourable thing. He needs to look him straight in the eye and make clear – No Racism at Arsenal Football Club.

Remember you can follow my daily tweets on Arsenal by registering on I tweet as @arsenalcircular

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  1. Ozzie

    Jun 16, 2016, 7:40 #90302

    Why, after winning the title and now headed into next season's lucrative Champions League theatre and with the opportunity to establish a high league table ranking would Leicester want to part with one of their very few major trump cards? Hmmm...

  2. Peter Wain

    Jun 15, 2016, 12:44 #90291

    As he will not come to us what his personal traits are are not important. Come Wenger buy some top top quality and not your usual rubbish

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 15, 2016, 9:47 #90287

    Fact = Fiction = Jamerson + Bambie = Jambie

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 15, 2016, 9:36 #90286

    Dear Graham , if Lee Bowyer had been signed who would have done the signing? Could it have been your saintly Mr Wenger? Think more concern about Vardy is the nicotine patches and energy drinks which suggest a slight concern about his fueling methods.

  5. mbg

    Jun 14, 2016, 23:44 #90282

    The AKB's have formed another group the holier than though Arsenal PC brigade (APCB)under they're self appointed leader old circular and have just launched their latest petition to get rid of Arsenal songs with the word paddy in them and other songs that might offend.

  6. Rob

    Jun 14, 2016, 21:19 #90281

    Sorry Graham but this article is bollix. I mean seriously. We're a football club seeking credible players. Not a dinner party sponsored by the Guardian. Did Vardy really call someone from Japan - a Jap ! No surely not. If Vardy had once beaten someone up in a pub or held up a sub post office, I would indeed have my concerns. I had serious concerns about Tony Adams when he was convicted of drink driving and sent to prison. But he came back and turned it all around. Yes 'racism' does exist - sadly - and it is pernicious but one incident does not make Vardy persona no grata ; nor does it make him someone that Arsenal should reject. Didn't Jack Wilshere become involved in an altercation with a taxi driver wearing a Spurs hat ? To be honest I'm far more concerned at that stupidity and other Wilshere related idiocy than any of this. I would and do have reservations about Vardy's style and whether it will fit in with us. But it's football related. Is that the best you can do. 'It's not nice ? It looks bad ?' Roy Keane was a psycho who looked far worse. But he would have been a hell of a player for us if we and not Man U had signed him. I mean seriously. Pour yourself another cup of self righteousness or take another stroll on Hampstead Heath. Or better still realise that we need committed players of skill and quality to take us back to the top. Saints are few and far between. I suspect Vardy won't sign and we need to keep looking. But your pontifications on this subject are just risible. Do check your halo in the mirror before retiring, won't you.

  7. mbg

    Jun 14, 2016, 17:06 #90275

    Cheers Ron you'll see plenty of us there alright all willing to laugh at ourselves and enjoy the banter, Nick, good post, your right there's to many jumped on these days by the PC holier than thou brigade like old circular himself no doubt a paid up member of that cult also, they'd make you sick, brits, yanks, jocks you've referred to some good examples it's about time these do gooders got a life, if I had a quid for every time I was called or referred to as paddy or mick i'd be rich and have never been offended, hell (can I use that word ? it's not racist ?) a couple of the best Arsenal songs ever are about paddy's and have the words paddy in them, (forgot about that ?)does that make Arsenal racist after all then ? the Arsenal holier than thou brigade will be trying to get rid of them next. You couldn't make it up

  8. Ron

    Jun 14, 2016, 16:21 #90274

    Nick - the 'Facebook' (heaven help us from it!) age enables so many pilgrims these days to demonstrate theyre some thing theyre not and that their lives are better than their target recipients and that theyre morally superior than anybody else. Youre quite right, most thankfully havent seen racism in reality. Theyre lucky. I like yr thinking Nick. Lady friend of mine has just bought a Jap car by the way. She s taking it over to West Cork next month. Bound to see a few Micks there. Love Ireland MGB!!

  9. Nick

    Jun 14, 2016, 15:58 #90272

    Oh for pitys sake, he used the word " jap" what's the difference between that and " Brit" ? Its a shortening of a name it doesn't have to mean anything racist too many are too bloody sensitive these days and shout racist without the vaguest idea of what real racism really is, I lived in American during the early sixties for about a year I SAW real racism in action, what's jumped on as racist nowadays is more often than not just an excuse to seem holier than thou, we don't need political correctness we need EMPATHY and COMMON BLOODY SENSE!! I don't know if Vardy used the term disparagingly or just as a throw away remark but id be willing to bet the house that just about everybody of a certain age on here has used that word at some time or other and id be just as willing to bet that most if not all who did are not in the least bit racist, look up the definition of the word before accusing people of it, or hold to the same values when people call us Brits or Americans yanks , because its the exact same thing, I grew up being able to refer to Scots as jocks, the Welsh as taffs etc, they were not racist terms just slang words , no different to Scots calling us Sassanachs , Aussies ( maybe that's racist too) calling us poms , the Welsh referring to us as " bloody English" or Americans calling us limeys, none of those terms were thought of as racist, pc has gone to far much too far so that every word we say has to be thought through lest it offend someone or.other are we really all so thin skinned ? Context when using particular words is everything and yet totally ignored, so go on someone call me a racist now I'm sure someone will, they'd be wrong but when does that matter nowadays?

  10. Ron

    Jun 14, 2016, 15:53 #90271

    When you think Joey Barton has made a good living from pretending to play football, it explains what precedence Coach's give morals when they sign a player. In short - none. In fairness though i can see why a Wenger backer might think otherwise as for over a decade it seems like his alter boy potential governs who signs for the Arse. I might ask too if there is anyone, even the least racist of us, who have never uttered some thing that might be construed as racist? All paragons and saints amongst us please step up and proclaim immunity!

  11. AKB

    Jun 14, 2016, 15:36 #90270

    The middle and upper classes invented racism no real problem with normal people.Who was your b girlfriend jjetplane.

  12. mbg

    Jun 14, 2016, 15:26 #90269

    The use of the word Soccer three times in the first small paragraph tells us all we need to know, (I bet you pronounce Premier Premeer also)I stopped reading there and went straight to the bottom where there's only on boil needs lancing (pun intended)an old, out of date, past it manager.

  13. jjetplane

    Jun 14, 2016, 14:17 #90265

    Like Captain Frank says the 70s were awash with mediated racism and I would laugh at it and my best mate was from Ghana as was my/a girlfriend and I am white and had a killer afro to boot! Think Graham lives outside working class cultures and is an academic looking in though entrenched in some empirical sentimentality and possibly uncomfortable with more leftfield post colonial thinking such as Fanon or Malcolm X. Anyway - if you look at Vardy's teamates you have a good cross cultural collection of individuals who came together on a field (how ironically empirical) and strode their way to be championes. As some old civilising twat once remarked .... know thyself & git wiv da prog my man .... Boomlakka! Loving Vardy all day long but my main man has to be Bufoon for last night's performance beyond the call. Chelski have got something to look forward to with Conti. Really enjoying this tournament and laughing at the poor overhyped Belgium lads who are so like Arsene FC with De Bruyne playing the Ozil part while surrounded by an assortment of donkeys and dwarfs with discofied barnets. Pleeeease Sir! lol!

  14. Leggsy

    Jun 14, 2016, 14:10 #90264

    Lee Bowyer had allready been convicted of a racial attack BEFORE the incidents with Leeds he was a nasty and violent racist. Vardy's comments are not nice and are racist in nature but there is a difference .

  15. AKB

    Jun 14, 2016, 13:39 #90263

    I don't think Vardy is racist more set in his ways from a northern upbringing.He was mainly having a go at the mans features rather than being racist..

  16. Captain Frank

    Jun 14, 2016, 13:05 #90262

    Interesting piece Graham even if I'm not sure it needed to be said. The first comment by Iain nails it though - we all make mistakes and those of us of a certain age will I'm sure recall chuckling along to Love Thy Neighbour and Mind Your Language "comedy" TV shows in the 70s. If you watch them back now, you will grimace and question why you ever found them acceptable let alone funny. Does that make us racists? Not in my view. You've said you've no idea of the whole story and should not make a snap judgement, that appears to be what you have done even if you go on to put your trust in Wenger (no surprise there) to ensure we don't sign someone with racist tendencies. I much prefer your nostalgia stuff Graham and enjoyed the piece on 58-59 the other day. Stick to that would be my advice.

  17. RedPig

    Jun 14, 2016, 10:21 #90260

    Another dreadful and pointless Graham Perry circular. Good opportunity to remind us just how right thinking you are though wasnt it Graham?

  18. Bard

    Jun 14, 2016, 9:50 #90259

    Graham you seem to operate in a parallel universe. Vardy is yesterdays news. Vardys history does suggest one or two issues but if you think that attitudes and behaviour are a factor in football transfers then you are naive in the extreme. see Suarez et al. If they score goals even dodgy ones on a regular basis moreorless anything is forgiven. I doubt Wenger gave his history or his dodgy diving a moments thought.. Its only the unsullied that worry about such things. The Vardy offer was a no brainer. £20m for a striker. Walcott is valued at £25m so we are led to believe. Which one would you rather have in your team.

  19. goonersol

    Jun 14, 2016, 9:36 #90257

    zzzzzzz..... a nothing story in the close season. In the meantime, any more signings on the horizon, or is Mr Wenger taking a break from his duties and doing a bit of pundit work. Looks like the same old Arsenal will appear in August, with static Giroud leading the line, that's what we need to discuss , not nampy, pamby political correctness.

  20. Made Up Stat

    Jun 14, 2016, 7:56 #90255

    Sorry - got angry and stopped reading when I reached RvP going to Man Ure and winning titles. There's a photo of Vardy - I hope we don't sign him. Bloody northerner.

  21. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 13, 2016, 22:14 #90253

    Graham - I'll never defend racism, but there's some potentially libelous stuff in here. I think you're spouting opinions that you'd have difficulty substantiating (no surprise there I hear many of you say). Do you and/or the Gooner really want to face potential legal action? I'd abort this article asap, not least because it's unhinged. You're better sticking to the unsold anusol line about JV being prone to going over too easily in the opposition's box and is therefore unsuitable for the chihuahua's corinthian ideal. Besides mate, if you read all those right-wing newspapers then surely you're immune to a bit of anti-foreigner guff. And, "I made clear Lee Boywer was not welcome at AFC" - so you personally vetoed that potential transfer did you? Silly season is here.


    Jun 13, 2016, 19:29 #90250

    Well spoken Graham, let's keep AFC racist & winning mentality free. Whoops!

  23. oguntitosinclement

    Jun 13, 2016, 18:37 #90249

    Arsenal need vardy badly now' vardy is a fantastic player'I pray that mr wenger wont rest until he make up is mind and sign a five years deal for arsenal". I no it will happen and vardy will wash away arsenal long time tires next season.

  24. iain

    Jun 13, 2016, 17:30 #90248

    I agree with you Graham - however your holier than thou position may be a bit much. For you to engage in judgement you would never have laughed at a joke using creed or colour as a punchline, would never have referenced a visit to the local corner shop by the moniker of the owners country of origin and would never have had an opinion based on the xenophobic rhetoric so common in England. Bloody frogs- stupid Paddys etc. Maybe you havent- perhaps a sainthood awaits mate. I would posit that the language being used by Wilshere when he got caught up in the fight outside that club would also- by your judgement- mean he should be jettisoned as not 'fit and proper' enough for our club. By and large though clubs stick by players for misdemeanours and only react to law breaking errors of judgement. They know, like we all do that many footballers are less academic than most and their 'gift' is in the playing of a sport - not being set up as false examples to others. Its not a natural scenario- people are people and with too much money and a goldfish bowl existence it is too easy for some to fall from grace. The point is this - Vardy made a mistake of making himself look an utter dickhead in a public falling out with an individual and childishly made race a part of his petulant reaction- most likely fueled by alcohol and perhaps a poor Sheffield upbringing very different to your own. I dont condone his poor behaviour but at the same time he hasnt joined the Klan and doesnt sport swastikas as tatoos. Have some balance and employ some of the liberality your comments suggest you hold important. Personally - I dont want him at Arsenal cos he is 29 and I dont believe he will benefit from our style of play. To make a judgement on him when you don't personally know the guy or what he is actually like seems to me to fall into the same category you accuse him of - making sweeping generalisations based on what you think you see - rather than what you know.