Euro 2016 Diary – Day Four: Cristiano Ronaldo foiled by the little guys

Portugal v Iceland in St Etienne

Euro 2016 Diary – Day Four: Cristiano Ronaldo foiled by the little guys

Iceland equalise

So, I worked out a good parking spot before heading off to St Etienne from my hotel half an hour away in Feurs. Only for some reason, my SatNav didn’t recognise St Etienne even existed, or maybe it did, but for some glitch decided to take me 100km south before turning back. I could see this before I even set out. So, being by nature an old fashioned map man, I took a screenshot of my hoped for destination on Google Maps and was able to work it out. All good. Parked up on the hilly side of town across the main road from the stadium and the 20 minute walk to get there did me the power of good.

St Etienne’s stadium has not really changed too much since I was last here in 1998. I watched Morocco eliminate Scotland and Holland draw with Mexico here 18 years ago. The seats have been replaced from basic wooden jobs to modern plastic versions. Rain threatened, and it did pour heavily for about five minutes once I was inside, but did not hang around. My seat was fairly low down in a corner sandwiched between the Iceland fans behind the goal and pitchside. I have to say I was impressed with the numbers that had travelled to support their country, and also the amount of noise they made. Interestingly, there were a lot more women and children amongst their contingent than you would normally see. It was like a lot of families had decided this was their holiday for the year. I have no idea of the Icelandic school calendar, but if school is not out yet, there are a number of youngsters that will be absent for a few days by the looks of things.

In sympathy with the Iceland fans either side of the area, even though it was a neutral zone, everyone stood up to watch the game. And in fairness, this was a good old fashioned real football stadium, so fair enough. However, my back tends to suffer if I stand for more than about 30 minutes continuously in the same spot, so this, combined with the fact the perspective on the pitch was not great – the equivalent of watching the game from the REDsection or family enclosure at Arsenal – meant I was scanning for empty seats with a better view where I could park my backside. I saw some on the opposite side of the stadium and decided to take my chances. A checkpoint between stands that was supposed to be manned was left vacant as the guy responsible had wandered a little to have a chat with a colleague. I walked through nonchalantly and I think he whistled a couple of times to stop me, but I didn’t look back and he didn’t bother running after me. I could not get round the back of the stand at the far corner, but was able to get to where I wanted to be inside the stand by using an emergency exit to access the stairways to the block I wanted to be in. I arrived in the seat of my choice with a cracking view just in time to see Nani put a header straight at the Iceland keeper.

Iceland started very well and initially impressed before Portugal took hold of the game. Generally, they chose to play it long, but at times mixed it up with some nice short passing. They were certainly no mugs and this was a lot more competitive than the Poland v Nortern Ireland match. Given that Hungary and Austria are the other two sides in this group, you couldn’t discount the Icelanders from progressing. Sure, Portugal created enough chances to win the game, but this was not as one-sided a match as many might have believed.

Granted, when Portugal did finally score, it felt like it had been coming, but in the second half, their opponents kept at it and got their just rewards. Cristiano Ronaldo had some attempts, the best a header straight at the keeper, but overall, he was kept a lot quieter than you might have expected. I think in the Real team, there are so many dangers that opponents cannot concentrate so much on denying him space. But at international level, his team-mates are not of the same standard. He can’t do it on his own and ultimately, he is now in decline as a footballer, his best years behind him. Even the free kicks don’t seem to come off so often anymore.

So a decent amount of drama and although Portugal were probably the better side, they didn’t make it count. And credit to the organisation of the Iceland team for that.

I try to give you a flavour of the non-football stuff in these pieces, so today, I am going to describe the “opening ceremony” that precedes each match. I would be surprised if they are showing this on TV back home as they don’t seem to here. Now of course, we had the full blown actual opening ceremony with David Guetta DJ-ing the tournament theme tune from the centre circle at the Stade de France last Friday night. But now, every match has to have what they describe as an opening ceremony. Gone are the days when the teams strolled out and we just had the national anthems. Mercifully for the players themselves, that is all they have to be out on the pitch for. But before they make their entrance, we have a choreographed routine on the pitch in which dozens of local schoolchildren are prancing around and lifting the two giant shirts of the countries playing as well as a circular tournament banner and giant letters to form the name of the host city. Sometimes there are entertaining aspects, such as the kid holding the final E of Marseille holding it upside down before someone told him to turn it the right way up, or one of the kids running around the Euro 2016 circular flag tripping up. Or failing that, there is the fascination of seeing teenage girls who have matured a little too much to be running around anywhere doing exactly that. Think of year 11 schoolgirls doing PE. There is something surreal about it. Not quite right, but somehow compelling. Now I understand the organisers should not be discriminatory, but there is a reason that – as a rule – women footballers are not of the ‘big mama’ physique. Because the days when the latter should be expected to do anything but walk are long gone.

Anyway, I digress. There is no need for this. Really. We are here to see an international football game. National anthems, yes. Opening ceremony? If you must do it, do it before the opening game, but not every single time. And this of course will become the standard now and doubtless seen at the next World Cup. Eventually, 22 guys will get on the field and kick a football, but until then, we have all of this.

I am writing this on the Thursday morning after actually having attended a further match. However, I will cover that in the next piece. Apologies for the delay, yesterday was a little too full to post anything.

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  1. mbg

    Jun 17, 2016, 17:51 #90327

    ArseneKnewBest, cracking post, gracious and humble, two excellent choices of words also to describe those who are just that, and then you have two more, arrogance and cockiness, from those who think they're something their not (and never will be) and we all know who they are, but as we know and have experienced only too well and often over the last eleven years at club level with our own arrogant and cocky players and a manager who hasn't a gracious bone in his body they'll be brought back down to earth with a bump just like they always are.

  2. Big Raddy

    Jun 17, 2016, 17:20 #90326

    Vardy is the only England player I'd want at Arsenal the rest are pretty average,which is why most of them tend to play for the smaller clubs-Totts,Everton,Liverpool etc.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 17, 2016, 17:20 #90325

    mbg - or Scotland...who still get my vote despite their halcyon period being in the 70s. Plus the Scottish kit is the best one of the UK teams in my view. Watching Rosicky at the mo. and wondering where all that talent went - down Monsieur Wenger's bidet of bollochry I fear. The Yogi Loew ball and anus sniffing "scandal" really caught my anti-football other half's attention. She was p*ssing herself when I told her. If Weng had tried it, he would not have been able to undo the zip first on the puma coat, thus sparing us further indignity.

  4. Hiccup

    Jun 17, 2016, 17:09 #90324

    To be honest, for the first two England games I haven't been paying too much attention to the players, but more rather focusing my time on watching the ref. I might try and do what you chaps do for the Slovakia game, and actually watch the game. I see Corrupt Clattenburg is reffing the current game. Hey up! What's going on? He's rejected the ball as being too flat? Got to go guys, and rewind. Something sinister is going on here me thinks!

  5. mbg

    Jun 17, 2016, 16:56 #90323

    Is there anyone in this England team or Arsenal team who would make it into the Norn Ireland team ? lol.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 17, 2016, 16:48 #90322

    Tony E - I agree mate - England are/is unloveable as a football team (and as a constituent part of the UK I'm sorry to say). At the top administrator level, the FA is loathed by their peers because of real and perceived arrogance and their smug superiority as so-called inventors of the game. There's also that weakness for living in the past that countries like Germany, Italy and France - who have actually won something recently - scoff at. And the players seem to morph from chirpy and hard-working under 20s into preening and conceited football stars. Our former england stars, Feo, Ox, Gibbo, Jack and Chambers all give off an unmerited aura of cockiness. Then there's the jingoistic fans and the lazy cliched media who love to hate ingerland half the time. It's a toxic cocktail that would test the most ardent of patriots (of which I am not). Alternatively, I feel differently about the rugby and especially cricket teams who do a more convincing job of appearing more humble and gracious towards their opponents. That being said, life here always seems a little more interesting if the 3 lions manage to miaow for a longer rather than shorter period during tournaments. But yeah, I'm no fan either, not least because ingerland conspire with weng to degrade our best players over the years.

  7. Tony Evans

    Jun 17, 2016, 15:59 #90321

    Seven Kings - absolutely. Walker apart none of them have looked that good to me.

  8. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 17, 2016, 15:49 #90320

    Tony - Any team that kicks off with 5 Spuds in the line up is going to take some hard work to love.

  9. Tony Evans

    Jun 17, 2016, 15:26 #90319

    Hi Ron - as I have said before I find it incredibly difficult to warm to this England team. I wanted them to win yesterday but can't deny I found it amusing when Hart made a complete hash of Bale's freekick. At least Hodgson managed to work out that your main aerial threat should not be taking corners; then he gets credit for subbing Sterling and Kane at half-time when they shouldn't have even started.

  10. Big Raddy

    Jun 17, 2016, 14:20 #90318

    Harry Kane reminds me of Lee Chapman.

  11. Ron

    Jun 17, 2016, 14:06 #90317

    Hi Hiccup - funny as ever mate. Love yr posts. Perhaps i need to try harder to revel in the hysteria behind the obvious outcome of all this which is clearly the 4 home nations fighting it out in the semis. On a serious note, yes i get yr point re Sturridge and that 'dance'. Its time some body told him what an effeminate d--k he looks like when he does it. Hes got talent for sure on the odd occasion they can get him onto the pitch, but for me he comes across as a difficult bloke to like. Perhaps he d like the media to call him 'Daniel'more often and then he d soften up a bit? Im thinking similarly as how 'Wayne' is always, well ....'Wayne'! So. lets discuss this 'diamond' shall we? or perhaps join the debate about dropping 'Harry' for 'Vardy'? On the other hand mate, i reckon ill just switch it all off until the Semis as planned. At least the putrid ingurland fans will have all gone home by then.

  12. mbg

    Jun 17, 2016, 14:00 #90316

    Hiccup, and did you see that big bad man up in heaven God conspiring against N,Ireland with those hailstones the size of marbles ? and sending secret messages to the ref to try and break up our rhythm by taking the players off the pitch, and officials giving towels to the Ukraine players first in the tunnel to dry themselves ? it just wasn't fair I can feel a petition to have this ref suspended and sent home coming on.

  13. Big Raddy

    Jun 17, 2016, 13:57 #90315

    Being half Italian and half Swede I don't know who to cheer for today.

  14. Hiccup

    Jun 17, 2016, 13:20 #90314

    Come on Ron, I can't get enough of this media saturation. The probing questions of who would get in to whose team, in your face for 48 hours has kept me going. Sky have got some Opta index analysis going on now, as we spend the next 48 hours of hearing who should play for England in the next game. It's riveting. Personally, I would leave Sturridge out for that cringeworthy goal celebration. Thank goodness someone got to him asap to cut it short before it escalated in to a money advert! Don't want to put a downer on the result, but did anyone else see Gary Neville jumping on the celebrations? Nothing against that, but he was technically on the pitch. I'm thinking his Man United ties prevented any caution from the ref. Anyway, give me until Sunday, and I'll publish my full report on the officials. Probably find Wales should have won 4-0 against an 8 man England team.

  15. Croker

    Jun 17, 2016, 12:32 #90313

    Really enjoying this diary, Kev.

  16. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 17, 2016, 11:20 #90312

    The standard's been pretty poor - there just aren't any outstanding players right now. Everyone's playing "just get it in the box and hope someone gets on the end of it" football. I'm gonna give the games a rest tonight and watch the highlights on catchup - the Middlesex-Surrey T20 looks kind of interesting (weather permitting). On the subject of meals of the country, Switzerland on Sunday means Rosti - one of mine and Mrs WABATTD's favourite dishes. Grated potatoes with cheese and bacon. Mmm. Mmm.

  17. Ron

    Jun 17, 2016, 10:12 #90311

    Nice read Kev. It ll be a good job when these groups are finished and the (supposed) real stuff starts wont it? A week down and im at saturation point with it. You seem to be enduring it well though mate. Im not sure if its all of the artificial media excitement and fervour about Wales England and the Irelands that grates more than the poor footie on offer really!! The former more than the latter i suspect. Roll on the semis and the Final.I ll return to it then.

  18. Bard

    Jun 17, 2016, 7:53 #90310

    Quite right Mark. Baddie's post were never that crass. This posting under someone elses name is beyond sad.

  19. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 17, 2016, 6:46 #90309

    I spot the hand of Jamerson... Or should I say stench. Post 95554

  20. mbg

    Jun 16, 2016, 23:56 #90308

    ArseneKnewBest, just in, over the moon, haven't been or got as excited about a football match for years, and don't remember when I was last screaming take it to the corner to run down the clock, no doubt under a George Graham game, yes REAL mental strength and speeritt shown tonight from players who genuinely possess it, and know what it takes and what it's all about and what it means to wear the shirt, and are nowhere near the wages wenger has his pampered premadonna dwarfs on, and to be honest probably nowhere near the same class/level, and what does that tell us about OGL and his so called management skills, i'd put my money on this team against one of wengers any day. wenger TOF would be laughed out of Ulster mate can you imagine him making the necessary decisions/changes that were needed tonight, and what these players would be like under his reign ? especially tonight ? No it's more like Michael O'Neill coming to Arsenal and we could and will do a fooking hell of a lot worse with TOF for another year and then Henry, at least O'Neill would know what he's doing and instil real mental strength and speeritt in the players and team.

  21. Arseneknewbest

    Jun 16, 2016, 21:25 #90307

    mbg - I hope Maguiresbridge is rocking tonight my man and that you are leading the victory conga. I hear that Weng is so impressed with the mental speereeet of the team that he is thinking of applying for Michael O'Neill's job. Have a good one.

  22. Hiccup

    Jun 16, 2016, 17:45 #90306

    So after all the 'who can get in whose team', the proper questions now need to be asked. Would Theo get in the Wales team? Would Ramsey get in the England team? Would Wilshere get in the England team? Would Bale get in the Arsenal team? If Cech was worth an extra 15 points for Arsenal, will Vardy be worth another 30 points? These are proper questions that need answering. Answers on a postcode.

  23. mbg

    Jun 16, 2016, 12:59 #90304

    Good read again Kevin just as we wait for England v Wales and the Norn Ireland games. I don't know either (I doubt any of us do)what the school holiday calendar is for the Icelanders, but I wonder have they got a couple of different football calendars that look good for failed managers like some do over here.