Retiring Arsenal Season Ticket Holder Writes to Stan Kroenke

Disenfranchised long time Gooner responds to annual renewal request

Retiring Arsenal Season Ticket Holder Writes to Stan Kroenke

Stan: Remember the penalties in 1980?

May 2016

Dear Mr Kroenke,

Thank you for the email inviting me to renew my season ticket for next season for the sum of £1400. I write to inform you that I will be declining your generous offer and I would like to give you a few reasons. Please bear with me as my association with Arsenal FC goes back a little further than yours and I may appear emotional at times.

I was born in Finsbury Park (quite close to the Arsenal Stadium at Highbury) in 1954 and my dad, who came from Sligo in Ireland, first took me to the ground in about 1958. In those days 20,000 people would turn up for a reserve game against Spurs and I would get lost on the terraces.

I never got to see the double matches in 1971. I walked to White Hart Lane for the final league match and couldn’t get in and I didn’t have a ticket for the final against Liverpool. I’m not going into it too deeply as I’m sure you are aware of all the historical details and emotional impact 1971 has.

I was at Wembley in 1972, 78, 79 and 80. I went to the Heysel in 1980 and got into big trouble at work because of the extra time and penalties and getting back a day late. But you know all about that obviously.

I supported through the wilderness years until George Graham taught the team how to win again. We were functional but we won. “One-nil to the Arsenal”. I was even in the Parc des Princes in Paris when our fans inaugurated that song in the Cup-Winners’ Cup semi-final after Wrighty scored. Remember that?

Then in a flash Stroller was gone and this professorial French guy comes in and we’ve signed Bergkamp and Vieira and Diawara. Okay you can’t get everything perfect. And all of a sudden we’re no longer boring boring Arsenal but everyone’s second favourite team and young kids who live near Chelsea and West Ham and Shanghai start supporting us.

I was never a particular fan of David Dein but when he was kicked out things seemed to get nasty. Arsene managed the finances incredibly well. We moved from Highbury to the new stadium. I shed tears listening to Roger Daltrey singing “Highbury Highs” against Wigan. You know, Mr Kroenke, the guy from The Who who sings stuff on CSI.

And I was prepared to dig deep to fund the move. We had to compete with ManU and Real and Bayern and those new stadia don’t come cheap as you well know. So I bought into the idea that we, the fans, were doing our bit to push our beloved club towards solvency and beyond. We even accepted the idea we couldn’t compete for the signing of certain players because they were pricing themselves out of our realistic range.

All this time we were paying more than any other fans in the world and you, Mr Kroenke, were sitting pretty and laughing at us. I have never been anti-Wenger. I was one of those who chanted his name recently to quell the protesters. But I’m too old for this lark now and, frankly, I can’t afford live football, Sky and BT. The obscene amount of money flooding into Premier League clubs now warrants a drastic reduction in prices. We can never go back to squalid, cramped standing areas. We can never go back to the days when my dad searched frantically for me in a dense crowd.

But we can say “Enough is enough”, and stop letting people like you take the mickey out of true supporters. I’ll continue to scream at the TV and attend odd games when tickets become available, unless the Thought Police see me coming and bar my entry. I’m off. I’ve had enough. But I do have a long, long memory,


Kevin Carty. Life-long Arsenal fan and author of “The Moray”, a book about growing up in Finsbury Park, going to a great local pub and supporting Arsenal.

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  1. mbg

    Jul 06, 2016, 19:51 #90685

    Time for change, the wengerites would and do blame every fooking thing and anything on anybody, no matter who it was/is, except the one fooking person who is wholly responsible and deserves it, but gladly there's more and more of them seeing the light.

  2. Kev Carty

    Jul 06, 2016, 13:07 #90678

    Yes I know absentee landlord Kroenke will never get to see my letter. Yes the income from attendances is a drop in the ocean compared to TV and sponsorship cash (all the more reason to reward loyal fans by dropping prices?). Yes I even accept that Wenger is at least part, and the longer he stays maybe a major part of the problem. But the soul's going out of the club. I hope my seat has gone to a genuine fan and not to some corporate deal which only gets it used for "glamour" games and whose empty seat cotributes to the consistently ludicrous 59,890 attendance we all laugh at. By the way after not renewing after 30 years of contributing to the coffers I got a bill for £47.45 for a cup credit from last year. Nice one AFC PLC. Don't think I can pin that one on Wenger

  3. Tony Evans

    Jul 06, 2016, 12:22 #90677

    Kevin - don't think you will regret your decision. So many of us former die-hard fans have gone through a whole range of emotions as our frustrations with Arsenal started to overtake the love affair we have had with our club for 30, 40, 50 years and more. It was a painful 'divorce' for me, but I have come to terms with it, and now (as Ron says) wish I had jacked it in sooner. I still 'support' Arsenal and want them to do well, but the old passion has completely left me - probably never to return.

  4. divingrooney

    Jul 06, 2016, 12:04 #90675

    Aah!! What a pitiful tale. So, sad to hear a f**cking Ar****le wont be destroying the atmosphere at the stadium anymore...

  5. Time for change

    Jul 05, 2016, 21:57 #90666

    Seeing as someone else has already taken your ticket, Stan doesn't give a damn. Ticket prices and Sky moving matches came a long time before Kronke got involved so you can't blame that on him.

  6. mbg

    Jul 05, 2016, 17:23 #90658

    RedPig, yes indeed, and then he had the cheek to claim and complain that it's ascended into another in or out. You couldn't make it up.

  7. Ron

    Jul 05, 2016, 13:27 #90652

    Noodles and Mike - Nice posts both. the fact of being replaced when surrendering yr season ticket shouldn't really enter the mindset. It didn't with me, though it too me 12 months to actually do it!. Its a case for me of the successor being welcome to it. To be honest, i d like to see the true figures of STs sold there and match tickets sold too. I dont believe for a minute in the mythical waiting list. I can get tickets off any of 3 supporters Clubs if i wanted to go again and had e mails until 2014 offering me STs. I think the average attendance there is roughly 53000 give or take, save for the odd game. They could have developed Highbury to cater for that. Mike - yes, i was reared on Joe Baker and Geoff Strong et al too. Frustrating as a kid and it got worse in the mid 70s didnt it, but the passion and commitment was there for all of us. The skill factor in football today isnt much different either in my view. There were hackers of course and there are those now, but in my view this notion of greatly improved football is a PL media generated misnomer. The defending in particular today throughout that league is dire. The attacking looks potent because they've bent the rules to give all of the advantages to the forwards so TV can gorge on goal fests and keep the viewing figures up.

  8. David

    Jul 05, 2016, 10:52 #90647

    "I was prepared to dig deep to fund the move." That is a very odd point of view from a supporter. I don't think for one minute the money I spend on tickets is funding anything. I pay it because that's what it costs to see the game. I'm not sure what ticket revenue contributes to any clubs, but I suspect less than 20% of their revenue.

  9. RedPig

    Jul 05, 2016, 10:45 #90646

    Its sad to see such a long term fan as yourself giving up like many of us before Kevin (see Ron's excellent post). However, I am just as sad to see you chanted Wengers name recently too. This is undermining to the efforts others were making to bring about the change that might have stopped you giving up. I see in a comment you claim to be neither Wenger in or out ... so why not keep quiet then? Instead you align yourself with those who back the manager. I lose all sympathy for your argument if you cannot see WENGER as part of the problem.

  10. Noodles

    Jul 04, 2016, 23:34 #90645

    Sadly this letter could come from any premier league fan regarding the state of their club ... We are so far from the days of £3.50 to stand in the north bank and being able to buy a bagel or "lucky" horse burger and being able to moan about ****e players mostly from the UK playing on a ****e pitch whilst smoking! As a few people have mentioned about its supply and demand and we are miles away from nostalgia and reality with the like of Rooney on £250k a week so like it or lump it it's never going to be how it was ... we jack our season ticket in and we are replaced by the next generation of premier league fan FACT? I've renewed and I'll be there next season but not being able to take my 2 boys as I'm season ticket locked in my space I'll be taking them to Charlton for some **** football but great horse burgers for admissions less that the Arsenal program ... 😞

  11. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2016, 18:55 #90642

    AKB logistics division are back with a bang. Have they all got books coming out? Might try the Parlour one as it sounds like a piss take of Wenger throughout. Good old non-plastic Arsenal ....

  12. Mike Walsh

    Jul 04, 2016, 17:59 #90641

    Hi Kevin, I'm of a similar age and background to yourself. Arsenal are in my DNA as a result of a father who introduced me to the club, the traditions and history. I followed a team in the sixties that would drive the majority of the new fan base to distraction I feel privileged to have supported the Arsenal over the years and feel indebted to the best manager in the clubs history for delivering football of a standard beyond my wildest expectations. I appreciate your thoughts about foreign owners and the disconnect but those reservations will never drive a wedge between me and my club, like a marriage for "good days and bad" Regards Mike Walsh

  13. jeff wright

    Jul 04, 2016, 11:26 #90632

    Fact Stat ,this latest signing from Japan is just another 'Tee Shirt' one made for commercial reasons to help Stan's business plan ( yawn) in the Asian market. Why don't you just call yourself ,I Love Arsene , this would suffice and save you the trouble of trying to dream up excuses.All stats are facts but just what are the stats that are facts anyway that you can reveal >? On another note Pep reveals that he thinks that their are some good managers in the Prem,Josie, Klopp,Conte, Raneriri, Koeman whom he will have to contend with . Can anyone spot Peps deliberate mistake>? You couldn't make it up.

  14. mbg

    Jul 03, 2016, 22:16 #90630

    Fact stat, fair enough, you remain positive, I'm not digging my heels in, I don't have to, the fact/facts are my criticisms and glass half empty attitude are well founded and have been well proved over the years how many time have your half full glass and positiveness paid off and come to fruition over the last eleven years/seasons and counting ? the law of averages say you messiah should have got it right at least once in that time, but he cant even do that, so you keep on being been positive but we all know what's coming (even you I suspect)just the same as the last ten seasons, and if you and others were been honest you'd admit it.

  15. Fact stat

    Jul 03, 2016, 21:19 #90629

    John F...... Alex Iwobi for starters.

  16. Hiccup

    Jul 03, 2016, 20:01 #90628

    John F, I think it's all too easy to pick on the 'one for the long term' failures that you have listed. Walcott was 'one for the long term', and ten years on has fruitioned to be the most successful of the 'one for the long term' signings, probably even pipping Djourou who stayed for just as long. Let's judge this 21 year old Asano in May, 2026, and if he turns out as half as good as Theo, he will be deemed a success.

  17. John F

    Jul 03, 2016, 19:26 #90627

    Previous Wenger Asian signings park chu young,Inamoto and miyaichi played a total of 24 minutes for us.Miyaichi was signed as one for the future and played 17 minutes. Asano might fare better as he was discovered by the scout that we poached off Leicester .The bigger issue is why we are not bringing through decent strikers from our own youth system.

  18. mbg

    Jul 03, 2016, 19:07 #90626

    Fact stat, and if you believe that you'll believe anything, Oh hold on, you do. You couldn't make it up.

  19. Ron

    Jul 03, 2016, 18:58 #90625

    Kevin - 2010 I waved bye bye. Ive been back once since, a turgid 1-0 win v Spurs after they had blown the Bale money. Was it 2013? More atmosphere in my bike shed than there was there that afternoon and that day it dawned on me that the old passions and motivation had gone for many, not just myself even in games v the old enemy. Wengers as fundamental as the Board are to the continuation of the sanitized dross served up there though mate. You seem to excuse him, unless i read yr message wrongly? For all what Arsenal have become though, you should be honest enough to admit that modern football just doesn't float yr boat anymore. There are millions of fans of many Clubs who feel like you and i do and have deserted live football this last 7 or 8 years. Once you get used to it i hope that your eyes are opened to football as played by other Clubs. Its very liberating not too feel duty bound to be 'one eyed' about one Club anymore to the exclusion of the good stuff played by other teams as we have all been at some stage by being regular match goers. Its all the more enjoyable when you see Clubs doing it better than Arsenal do. I venture that before long you will wish that you had packed it in many years ago and not served your Ashburton Grove pennance while trying gamely to convince yourself that the AFC as you once knew it wasnt really disappearing down Kroenkes and Wengs toilet, when really you knew every well that it was and has . I certainly do. I wished that i didnt feel totally unattached and lacking passion for Arsenal now, but ill never lose sleep over it. Too many other things to do of far greater merit and pleasure than AFC ever gave to me, especially during this last 10 years of garbage. All the best.

  20. mbg

    Jul 03, 2016, 18:44 #90624

    Finsbury Joe, I do believe your right, and my God when you see those names written down in black and white it just shows (if we didn't already know)how limited this clubs ambitions are and how far this club has fallen and been left behind, thanks to an old past it, out of date manager and his failed philosophies.

  21. peter wain

    Jul 03, 2016, 18:19 #90623

    so we appear to have signed Takuma Asano. Whata stiker of genius cannot wait for next year such a strong squad Oh but he is playing in the Olympics so prboable get the Zika virus and an injury. Come on Wenger buy world class players you ahve the money we need them you just seem to have lost your bottle in the transfer window. Time to go I think.

  22. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jul 03, 2016, 17:32 #90622

    OK folks that's Kevin Carty, who's book "The Moray" is on sale. Hey let's all go online and look it up. I think in this new-fangled "digital age" we live in it's called "Click Bait" or something like that.

  23. Smithy

    Jul 03, 2016, 17:23 #90621

    I suspect Zaza the penalty King will be Arsenes next one signed!

  24. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2016, 17:17 #90620

    As The Yellow Magic Orchestra once put it 'stand up Japanese gentlemen please' - great 80s band (listen to their Space Invaders theme) and then on the movie front we have the blind warrior Zatoichi but do hope the new chap does not do the old hari kari if he does a Granite from the penalty spot. Think Clueless should sign that Polish bloke who missed everything. Perhaps even a coconut stand on the practice pitch. Good old Arsenal - great for a laugh.

  25. Fact stat

    Jul 03, 2016, 16:52 #90619

    John f. And if half of your remaining brain cell listened to the whole signing scenario. He was signed long term.

  26. Smithy

    Jul 03, 2016, 16:48 #90618

    Wenger signs a Japanese Unknown - that's worked well before hasn't it. Still at least we ve got sanogo coming back so all is well!!!

  27. John F

    Jul 03, 2016, 16:39 #90617

    We have finally got our top striker we have been waiting for.Asano superstar striker with a highly impressive 9 J league goals in 52 matches is having a medical..There will be thousands outside the bowl waiting for a glimpse tonight.I can't wait for the Wenger press statement .

  28. declan burke

    Jul 03, 2016, 13:59 #90616

    and that my dear folks says it all. well done Kevin Carty

  29. jeff wright

    Jul 03, 2016, 12:08 #90615

    Xhaka one of the best players in the Euros >? You're having a laugh Henry .Or you have been watching a different player .The old stadium being built excuse is once again wheeled out like a bin full of old regurgitated garbage.How did this force brilliant Arsene into keeping Almunia in goal for 5 years and to go for 'project youth'a policy that had got him fired at Monaco>/ ? Was Arsene trying toi prove a point ,surely not! Also the dire boring failed tippy-tappy lightweight football with lightweight tippy tappy players signed to play the tippy tappy ...the ludicrous brain dead fixed 70th minute subs and a refusal to listen to advice from anyone or to employ a modern coach to help out a'la Sir Ferguson style >? Enlighten us please.

  30. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 03, 2016, 10:49 #90614

    Chris Henry - I'm crying all right crying with laughter at your deluded love note to Mr Clueless. No titles in is it now 13 years? We are going to be the next Bayern Munich (Ivan's comedy humour) Ivan offering publicly to never leave when Arsenal were top in December only to see us trail in behind a commited Leicester the continue humiliations against top 5 opponents. You know when I was a lad and saw supposedly more limited sides a thrashing was rare. I reckon once every 3 years or so. The last 5 seasons have seemed to average one a season. Its obvious that he is actually more limited in tactics than Don Howe, Bertie Mee, Graham. The good days for Wenger ended 10 years ago and a more honest man would have resigned 5 years ago

  31. Chris Henry

    Jul 03, 2016, 9:51 #90613

    You people, this guy has pretty much seen the rise and fall of AFC and choses to support the club truly from the heart you new age fans who think you know something about this game are so blind that you can't even see that there is no manger that could have done what Wenger has of course a PL/CL trophy is something that we all want but actually setting the club up so that they can survive the financial competition in football with the top clubs ain't easy he did this kept us playing at the highest Level in the CL the guy has had 3 years (if you take away the time the stadium was being built) in which to try and complete for the top titles and in that 3yrs left with 2 fa cups and a 2nd place we've signed ozil best passer in football sanchez the dynamo and xhaka one of the top performing players in the euros. I do agree that work is needed in other areas but I would rather not waste 30mil on a benteke if I thought he wouldn't do the job. Wenger is doing what is best for the club not just for now but the future when he leaves you will ask cry for him to come back

  32. Ozzie

    Jul 03, 2016, 9:33 #90612

    The bidding continues and the "premier league" is a joke.

  33. OBG

    Jul 03, 2016, 9:31 #90611

    This very passionate and welcome letter speaks for many Gooners born in the 1950's - Who can no longer afford the extortionate prices that Arsenal FC (no longer Football Club but now: Financial Company)continue to charge and increase as part of their globalisation and removal of Old Skool fans. To try and get Kevein's letter to Kroenke is nigh on impossible, BUt if everyone prints off a copy and sends it to one of the papers - It will get an airing and then some brave journo - One of the one's not part of the Arsenal FC gravy train who haven't sold their soul for the freebies at every pre-match conference/post match interview - Can bring it to his attention and see what he has to say or at least see the clueless baffoon squirm.

  34. Finsbury Joe

    Jul 03, 2016, 1:55 #90610

    Arsenal have long banished your sort from their thoughts. Stan is just the owner, the faults lie with Wenger and his trusted players. Still, next season will be amazing, just forget about Arsenal, and enjoy Pochettino, Pep, Jose, Conti, Klopp, Koeman, Ranieri going head to head. It will not be pretty for us Arsenal fans, but just enjoy the ride, and the football, as opposed to what wengerball has become. By May, Wenger will have the credibility Hodgson has now. Win win for all

  35. Shu

    Jul 02, 2016, 21:11 #90609

    I would have understood your feelings but then the book got mentioned , a good plug hey !

  36. Snowbiggee

    Jul 02, 2016, 20:56 #90608

    You join many of us who never thought we'd give up our season tickets. Let me say it's liberating and when I go I actually enjoy it more. Still it's sad that so many lifelong fans can't take the abuse from the club any longer. There seems no sign that anything will change soon. The transfer strategy, if there is one, is going to the wall yet again. Meanwhile it appears Wenger will stay for another three years. Sigh.

  37. mbg

    Jul 02, 2016, 19:39 #90607

    Kevin a letter to Stan Kroenke when/where is your letter to wenger blaming him ? when is it coming ? can we expect to see it soon ? another wengerite with someone else to blame, (your sixth paragraph says it all, you can't get everything perfect) at last you and others of your ilk can now see there is something badly wrong at our club and things need to change (others have for years) but you still just won't/can't blame/bring yourselves to blame just as biggest culprit as Kroenke or the biggest of them all, your messiah.

  38. Hiccup

    Jul 02, 2016, 17:22 #90605

    Agree with Leekey. This is pathetic. Well you said bear with me as you had a few reasons, but after all that, I can only make out one reason? That you can't afford to go anymore? You were happy to pay high prices when we moved ground to keep the club solvent. Well done to you sir, you helped that objective, so don't know what your problem is? And now you make out Kroenke has been laughing at you through all these years? Just to remind you, we moved ground before Kroenke took over. And if I remember rightly, wasn't it wenger that said we needed a new ground to increase revenues so he could spend it on players. This is the guy that has the war chest available but can't find value in the market, and we're always good to go each August. If anyone's laughing at you, it's Wenger. Oh, and me, because if you could still afford to go to you would, and you'd still sing one Arsene Wenger whilst knowingly being ripped off by a manager with no desire to win the league.

  39. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jul 02, 2016, 17:19 #90604

    Nice article Kevin, me and my pals grew up in north London as avid die hard gooners, we all fell in love with Highbury and the team and as we got older the pubs and the camaraderie and the away days. Then our beloved club turned into a fan-fleecing financial institution and uprooted us to the soulless horrible new ground etc etc none of us go anymore and probably none of us will ever go back although we all remember the club we used know and love, sad that it's happened to so many proper old school gooners like us and a lot of you fellas on here

  40. jeff wright

    Jul 02, 2016, 16:52 #90603

    Jim, the theater crowd at home games don't go to away ones they don't get those big comfy seats to sit in and can't get home by leaving early so quickly . So the demand for away tickets is not that great by them .It's all about supply and demand with football now being run as a business. If the demand was greater then the away tickets would be more costly . My guess regarding Wenger and the England job is that he is looking at the 8m+ a year dosh that he gets from Stan if the'we don't know anything about football' FA offered him more money than Stan pays him and gave him a three year contract then he would take it .Money obviously plays a part in Wenger's staying at AFC because he demanded more to do so before he signed his current contract. Two FA Cups in the last decade is not value for money for a proper big club other than in la la land. Good old Arsene.

  41. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2016, 16:28 #90602

    Leeky is having a good moan again about the worst manager in Arsenal's history .... lol! Wenger should have stayed in the far east but they did not want him there either. Oh to have a Conti or a Klopp instead of an accountant whose vocab stretches to erm speeeerit and erm mental strenght ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Conti is scary as is Coleman and Ranieri. Wenger is plain boring ..... Stand up/for the real Arsenal ....

  42. Kev Carty

    Jul 02, 2016, 15:58 #90601

    Interesting feedback so far, almost all of which hinged on whether the responder was ArseneRemain or ArseneLeave. I am neither but I reacted recently to the "OUT" lobby who, a bit like the Brexiteers, seem to want an immediate solution with no Plan B, or, worse, will leave Plan B to the current board. Surely they are the ones the songs should be directed towards. Brilliant to see reactions from passionate Gooners.

  43. mbg

    Jul 02, 2016, 15:54 #90600

    Kevin, I doubt very much he has any historical emotional awareness, details whatsoever, (although he'd like us to think he has) just like others who support him and his regime, wenger included, who has supported him, who i'm sure has none either, or he wouldn't have dismantled and ruined all the historical and emotional awareness involved with the club, to try, and fail miserably (or should that be successfully) and turn it all into an image of himself, yet you still chanted his name ? so, with respect I don't know or see what your complaining about, as it's too late now. And I doubt very much Stan or wenger are even aware of your letter let alone seen it, you'd have been far better off and would have had more of an impact chanting with the protesters instead of against them recently, and I would assume other occasions and them maybe you wouldn't have had to write your lovely polite letter that i'm quite sure hasn't even seen the light of day.

  44. Leek fc

    Jul 02, 2016, 15:04 #90599

    Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. So let me get this right. You've been a gooner since 1958. Seen the highs and lows. And there have been many of both. This era of Arsenal FC no longer appeals to you. The greatest manager in our history gets one compliment in your letter. The club won't beg you to come back Kevin. And why should they. Most punters on here moan because it's their way of life.

  45. Peter Wain

    Jul 02, 2016, 14:49 #90597

    The trouble is now all of the money comming into the club goes stright to Kroenke's coffers. He nebver puts his hand in his pocket to finance a player or maybe he does which is why we buy only substandard rejects. Another day and not a new player in sight.

  46. jeff wright

    Jul 02, 2016, 13:41 #90596

    Rioch signed Bergkamp, not the French guy, but as they say in Hollywood why let the truth stand in the way of a good story.I also found the author's chanting Arsene's name to be a bit odd after all he buys the players picks the team makes the fixed substitutions and probably makes the tea as well at AFC .The apportioning of all the blame on the current sad state of affairs at AFC on to Silent Stan the businessman looks to be so as not to upset the AKB brigade who might possibly buy copies of the writers book . I doubt myself though that many of them grew up in North London and have little interest in anyone who did. Most would look more at home watching West End theatre shows they are known for leaving home games early so as not to miss the start of Stickly Come Dancing on TV. Their odd obsession with the French guy is not actually football related - if it were then they would surely want him to bid us au revoir instead of chanting for him to stay. C'est la vie!

  47. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2016, 13:40 #90595

    Two years later than you and just up the road though my dad was more Kerry up the field than Arsenal FC. Went there from the 60s onwards but cannily gave up in 2004 because my 'premier predicter' (Amazon 2 bob ...) said this club is officially no longer competing for trophies but is competing for new fanz (foodies most welcome) .... and have been proved most correct though I got in at WHL That Night (unforgettable) but missed cup like yourself but was outside the Gunners all saturday .... Little point on Daltrey the right wing trout killer - used to love the proper old Who (kids are alright - now old man Daltry deserts them with a Leave agenda) but like the Good Old Arsenal all has bent to the ill winds of bleeding running dog capitalist piggie merchants .... Never liked Wenger, wish Rioch had stayed and I say that because we would have won more and the club would have stayed hungry. ps cannot wait for county football to start up again and at 5 squid a throw I am not complaining. Fonthill bleeding Rd hey!

  48. TJ not hooker

    Jul 02, 2016, 12:35 #90594

    That's one way of plugging your new book deal. Did he have to be so condescending about it though. Sounds like his issues are more the pricing, rather than the football. If his book sells well, he will have Arsenal to thank, so there could end up being a bit of compensation in it.

  49. Bard

    Jul 02, 2016, 10:35 #90593

    Painful to read Kevin but understandable. Those supporters of the current regime continue to make stupid criticisms of us as gloryhunters, not proper fans and Wenger haters. None of it is true. It is as you suggest, its the betrayal that stinks.

  50. Smithy

    Jul 02, 2016, 9:08 #90592

    Good letter. There is a lot wrong at the gunners at the moment.Silent Stan and gazidis are at the heart of most of it. If we are told there is no value in the market and therefore we won't sign anyone - we need to look harder. There must be diamonds sat in our non leagues and hungry South American forwards and defenders who would give their right arm for a chance in the premiership. We need to end this culture of mediocraty.we need hungry players- we have too many wenger passengers at the club. We need a clear out- get rid of Gibbs, mert, Gabriel,Walcott ,Giroud England we don't need superstars in round peg holes we need a team that will run through brick walls .

  51. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 02, 2016, 8:59 #90591

    Kevin - Thanks for sharing that heartfelt and eloquent article. Most of us have all been through some sort of divorce from Arsenal over the past 10 years. You're right to direct your fire towards the be-mirkinned marauder from Missoura, but what I cannot fathom out is why you think Wenger is somehow inured/immune from involvement in the crass commercialisation and deterioration of our club. He will happily tell anyone who'll listen how he built the stadium and gets involved in all aspects of the club etc. Indeed, so immersed is he in "new" Arsenal that you know he would not have had it any other way, and that this would have been a pre-requisite for staying as long as he has. To that extent, he has to be culpable. You sound like a thoroughly loyal and decent person Kevin who really cares about AFC. But we all do (otherwise we wouldn't waste away our dotages on here!). It'd be interesting to hear if/how your attitude has changed in 12 months time as a result of no longer going to the wok - I reckon some distance from Wenger and the interminable spin that the club spews forth might help you to see him in a different, albeit more negative, light. I hope you can find something enjoyable to do with the £1400 you'll have saved.

  52. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 02, 2016, 8:40 #90590

    Mate - I get this and I am full of agreement but why in the hell did you chant his name? What were you thinking fella? The board have had one win in the media this year and that was trying to pass off the protest as a damp squib. The infernal triangle of Stan, Ivan and Arsene are killing the club. Well done once again for this article but I sense you Wegret (poor I know) your decision to chant that past it managers name.

  53. Kipmonster

    Jul 02, 2016, 8:16 #90589

    Did you have an address to send letter to Kroenke? I tried to find email contact address but all contact is via his 'Pepsi Center' & I'm sure with no direct contact he is buffered against any correspondence & does not see any. Pointless sending via Arsenal as again sure he won't see it.