Here We Go Again

Looking back at a 2012 Arsenal wish list

Here We Go Again

Alexis – Deal or no (extended) deal?

While clearing some space on my laptop recently, I came across a piece that I wrote for the Online Gooner in August 2012, setting out a 5 point wish list for the upcoming season (still available here). As four year cycles have a special place in football, now seems a good time to reflect on whether any of my wishes were granted and, more importantly, whether we have moved forward as a team and as a club in the intervening years. Taking each 2012 wish in turn…

Steve Bould is allowed to do more at the training ground than put out the cones, and more on the touchline than practise his Pat Rice whistle.

The point I was trying to make here was, of course, that our defence had been shambolic at times during the previous season and appeared entirely without proper coaching. I hoped that Bouldy’s appointment signalled the end to Wenger’s seemingly laissez-faire attitude to the dark arts of defending.

Let’s look at the stats first. I remarked back then that we had conceded more goals in the league, year on year, in each of the previous four seasons, shipping 49 in 2011/2012. That has improved. We have conceded “just” 36 goals in each of the last 2 seasons, following 41 the year before and 37 the year before that. Better, yes, but almost a goal a game is still hardly fantastic. The personnel available at the back has certainly improved with the signing of Cech and Monreal, the emergence of Bellerin and the blossoming of Koscielny into one of the best centre halves in the game. Le Coq and Elneny also now provide genuine cover in front of the back four, which had been missing for some time.

Wish fulfilled then? Well, not quite. Better isn’t always good enough we are still exposed as tactically naïve at the back too often and at too great a cost. Take our 3-3 draw at West Ham last season, for many the final straw that broke the back of our title aspirations (albeit for me that was taking one point in nine after beating Leicester at home). Faced with the one-trick-carthorse Andy Caroll, surely no other manager would have played Ospina and Gabriel instead of Cech and Mertesacker, particularly with Giroud on the bench. You all know what happened next and if Bouldy does have a voice in the coaching set-up, then either he wasn’t heard that day or he hasn’t transferred his natural talent for defending from the pitch to the dugout.

We start punching our weight in the transfer market.

Let’s have another quick look at some stats. At the time of writing the last piece I noted that on Wikipedia’s list of the 25 most expensive transfers (as I said then, it is as good a source as any), Real Madrid featured 5 times, Barcelona, Man U, Chelsea and PSG 3 times each and Man City twice, with the cheapest player costing just under double our then transfer record.

At the time of writing now, we have 1 player a list that is still dominated by the aforementioned clubs, although to be fair you have to accept that Alexis was a proper signing and that his place at joint 36th owes more to the insanity of the transfer market than it does our lack of ambition. Hulk, Sterling, David Luiz, Teixeira and Martial are all above him on the list.

So far this window we have made a promising early signing, flirted with but ultimately missed out on a big name up front and then bought an unknown 20 year old from a minor league. Sound depressingly familiar to you? Me too. Man U have set the pace this summer and I’d be surprised if City and Chelsea do not keep up. Liverpool are looking renewed and Spurs, sadly, haven’t had a fire sale and retain the squad which came close to finishing above us last year. That’s already 6 teams challenging for the top 4 and I haven’t even mentioned the defending champions.

We now live in a world in which Crystal Palace can bid £30m plus for an average centre forward. Every club in the league is cash rich and has aspirations of grandeur following Leicester’s remarkable romp to the title. Last year might well have looked like an easy title to win, but this year looks like it could be very different. We may well be trying harder in the transfer market than we were four years ago, but it still isn’t hard enough. The extent to which that is down to the manager or the board is an argument for others to have in the comments section.

We keep a tighter control of players’ contracts

This was a two-part wish. I wanted us to stop overpaying for mediocrity and to stop waiting until the final year of the top players’ contracts before offering new terms. On the first point, I have one word… Walcott. On the second, it is difficult to judge. Koscielny has been allowed to run down his contract to the final year, but perhaps we had little choice. Increasingly older players all over Europe are offered improved terms but elect to wait until they are free agents to really cash in. They are all so rich now that they don’t need the security of a longer contract. It is all just numbers on their accountants’ spreadsheets.

It will be interesting to see how the club deals with Ozil and Alexis now that both are entering the penultimate year of their deals. In the past we have been happy to let star players go to the final year of their contracts before trying to negotiate new terms or, if that fails, moving them on (think RvP). We accepted that could knock, say, 10-20% of their value, but back then our players weren’t worth as much. Alexis could fetch well north of £50 million if we sold him now. Losing 20% off that sort of figure starts to look like real money. I read recently that Juve are apparently preparing a significant bid for him and I do worry that we may be entering another period as a selling club. We shall see, but for the time being while I certainly don’t feel like this wish has been granted, I no longer think that there is a great deal the club can do about it.

The club stops treating us like idiots

I have to admit that I went on a bit of a rant here, furious as I was that it had just come out that RvP had told the club months earlier that he wasn’t going to sign a new contract and the club had supressed the news until after season ticket renewals had gong through. In fairness to the club, they have at least stopped announcing full houses when we could all see thousands of empty seats. They just stopped announcing the attendances during games altogether.

In signing the new Puma deal, which guarantees three new kits a season, the club also stopped any pretence of giving us new kits to honour our heritage, another complaint of mine at the time. In fact, the club has pretty much given up any pretence of giving a shit about its fans at all. Stan has maintained his silence for so long there is no reasonable expectation that he will ever break it. In almost 40 years of attending matches I cannot recall organised protests inside the ground like we had last year, but the club’s response was apathetic, at best.

So, I guess this wish has been granted. The club no longer treats us like idiots. It just treats us like assholes instead. Not exactly the kind of progress I was looking for.

And finally, please, for the love of god, win a trophy

Okay, we won two FA Cups. The first final may have taken years off my life, but I enjoyed the second perhaps more than any of the other dozen or so cup finals I have been lucky enough to attend with Arsenal. Wish granted.

In summary, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. We’ve made progress in some areas, but not enough. I do think we are a better team than we were in 2012, but then the competition has also improved. We may have finished closer to the title last year than we have done for a while (in terms of league position) but we were still very far away from winning it (in terms of absolutely everything else). We also seem to be drifting ever further away from the prospect of winning the Champions League, despite starting to buy players who individually have the talent to justify such lofty ambitions.

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  1. Ron

    Jul 14, 2016, 12:42 #90816

    AKB - Yes mate, its good to see the Higuian and Draxler stuff being re cycled again. Yawn! I wonder if AFC 'assist' the rumour mill leaking junk to the press? I think they do at times so to pacify fans. More chance of me playing for the Arse than them two.

  2. Jamerson

    Jul 14, 2016, 12:04 #90814

    How many strikers do you want Peter Wain,the spuds only had two recognised strikers in their whole squad last season,while we currently have about seven. Arseneknewbest Surely the torys should be allowed a few right wingers otherwise this country will just bathe in a pool of licentiousness with Teresa May's love in with the deviants and just trying to please everybody.The liberal party are now in government under the guise of conservatives yet nobody seems to care.Everybody loves to moan about the modern Arsenal yet the modern Arsenal are left wing and always promotes it's love of the sodomite.Herbert Chapmans Arsenal were the most British of British they even refused friendlies with Celtic because of their Romanist ways.You can't embrace a permissive society and expect things to be as they were.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 14, 2016, 9:48 #90806

    Laughably, the Guardian is covering the rumour (silly I know) that we'll be signing Higuian (£80m) or Draxler (£53m). Why not suggest both just to make the story even more ridiculous? What's the real answer? - yep, neither. The way our forward line is looking, I fear weng is set to wreck Akpom's (still) burgeoning career by playing him alone up front with a depleted midfield to open the season with sanoooooooo,no,no... as supersub. I really rate chuba but if his talent isn't nurtured properly (and it won't be) the ilk of last season's loan to Hull is likely to become a permanent one quite soon. The expectations in the last few seasons have been low but we're plumbing new sewers here. Only three people to blame for that - Yes redwhite Jamee, one of those is your pin-up boy weng.

  4. Peter Wain

    Jul 14, 2016, 8:04 #90805

    No Sanchez out of Liverpool game. On current form we will be luck to see him until October. And still OGL buys no one. Under 21 team available for Liverpool?

  5. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 14, 2016, 7:28 #90804

    With that awful right wing oik having been appointed as foreign secretary yesterday, Wenger now has a rival as the most unsuitable public figure in a position of seniority. Talking of bawbags, Redwhite (Jamee which one of your multiple personalities chose that moniker?) spends his entire day splitting ridiculous hairs about the chimera that is the pride of London.

  6. mbg

    Jul 13, 2016, 23:39 #90803

    Here we go again from the AKB luvvies I'll wait and see what happens in 16/17, now where and how often have we heard that before ? 15/16, 14/15, 13/14, 12/13, 11/12, 10/11, 9/10, you couldn't make it up, more to be pitied than laughed at.

  7. mbg

    Jul 13, 2016, 23:05 #90802

    jj, your right, although I never disliked Henry more turned against him because he was such an AKB wengerite luvvie, yes I've also warmed to him again now for telling it like it is speaking the truth, especially when it pisses TOF and his goonies off, it just shows again how big TOF's ego is and how he listens to or takes criticism from no one, what a fraud. wenger out now.

  8. jeff wright

    Jul 13, 2016, 22:49 #90801

    Much waffle about nothing from you Red white celebrating finishing second the other day you were on here praising Giro and Keystone Kos for not accepting thei runner up medals claiming this was class ! You really are a laugh a minute.Chelsea are obviously currently the top London club and were the first London one to win the European Cup and the only one to have won all 3 Euro trophies . They last won the league a year ago - so then us ,if you as self appointed keeper of the sacred flame don't mind me saying , finishing second last season to Leicester means very little really regarding who the current top club is . I have no problem with the view that we are a bigger club than Chelsea and have won more FA Cups and league titles than they have. The lack of a European Cup is a glaring omission though on our CV that can't easily be dismissed even though we did finish second last season .We also finished ahead of Chelsea in a minor runner-up top 4 spot in the season in which that they won the European cup.Surely you are not claiming that this made us more successful that season than them >? You couldn't make it up.

  9. Red White

    Jul 13, 2016, 22:20 #90800

    Well Jeff, you've gone off on a tangent and needed 280 words to ensure that you can defend the defenceless. Leicester are champions, we finished second. We, and I will use those words sparingly in your belief that you are a "we", beat them home and away last season. My first comment was that we are or are not London's best club. History proves we are, ignorance on some small minded, cynjcal non funders of the Arsenal believe we are not. You are more than welcome to keep going over ground older than yourself. Me, personally, I will see how 2016/17 pans out before joining your friends that we are doomed before a ball us kicked.

  10. jeff wright

    Jul 13, 2016, 17:43 #90799

    Red White ,according to you then judged purely on last season Leicester are a bigger club than us! It's simple really ,Chelsea have won more trophies,a lot more,than we have over the past decade , even during Wenger's entire tenure with us actually.The European Super Cup,Champions League and UEFA Cup knocks anything that Arsene has done in Europe, where he claims to have set out his stall to be successful, into a cocked hat. Historically we along with Liverpool are bigger clubs than Chelsea but at this point in time over the past decade Chelsea have been the more successful club and my guess is that they will be the one that the North West clubs will see as being the biggest threat from London to their own ambitions next season. Last season was a strange one with all the top clubs for various reasons imploding due to a unique type of set of circumstance that all transpired at once to cause this to happen. We did less well though points wise albeit finishing second than we did the previous season and despite everything being in his favor Wengo could not take the great opportunity that he had i front of him to win his first league title since Henry helped him to win the last one way back in 2004. Domestic Cups and Europe were deja vu after the euphoria of the previous rather fortuitous brace of FA Cup wins over moderate oppo at Wembley and with every game in the previous rounds bar one played at home despite the claims that Wengo wanted to win an historic treble of FA Cups we went out limply at home to, er,Watford! You couldn't make it up.

  11. Jamerson

    Jul 13, 2016, 17:14 #90798

    Once you start appearing on tv too much people get tired of you,Henry's problem has always been he's too in love with himself which will always get people preferring the quieter Bergkamp or the more goofier looking Brady.Look at Jack,everybody loved him when he first came on the scene yet come the tattoos and the smoking and suddenly he's no longer liked.The natural man judges by his flesh,what he sees,reputation etc.The only way you'd ever have a perfect club was if one of the 'elect' was in charge,yet most of the elect would see it as too beneath them and worldly.

  12. Red White

    Jul 13, 2016, 17:01 #90797

    So, Jeff, if football is for now, as you have stated. We must be THE top club in London based on the fact that we finished second, yep second in the league last season behind a non London club. I'm sure you and your friends will dress it up for your own agenda but they are your words and not mine.

  13. Ron

    Jul 13, 2016, 16:48 #90796

    MBG - Im no Henry sympathiser, far from it. As a pundit ive heard jackdaws jabber more sense. As a player, he was never in Bergys class either, but thats an aside isnt it. Hes backtracked on his initial more hard hitting views on Giroud last season and has attempted to temper them hasnt he. Shows how flaky a pundit he is. I suspect he was pulled up by AFC at the time he laid into Giroud last season. The Club have decided though that it wasnt a dead issue based on his comments in the Euros, in which in fairness Giroud was no worse than the other strikers really. All of the teams fired blanks didnt they. My personal view is that that Henry wouldnt like it one bit if AFC bought a striker that outshone him. His anti Giroud slant is tinged with and all about ' listen to me, the great TH - Giroud wasnt even half the player i was so eat yr hearts out Arse fans'. Thats his subliminal message as i hear him. I think both Shearer and Rio alike think Henrys a bit of a vacuous tit. Theyre both right. Hes a crap pundit, scored a lot of goals but bottled a lot of big games too in my view, the 2001 FAC Final and the 2006 CL Final to name but 2 of them.

  14. mbg

    Jul 13, 2016, 16:33 #90795

    Ron, jw, and it just proves what I've and others have been saying for seasons now, TOF and the club (especially TOF)don't like bad publicity, embarrassment, (although they don't seem to mind when it's on the pitch) they hate it, more reason for loud protesting inside the stadium, as I've said many times before they absolutely hate it and kept up and sustained would've worked before now i'm sure of it, and still would. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  15. jjetplane

    Jul 13, 2016, 15:54 #90794

    Henry's statue to be removed is the latest and Untold are in full hate mode for yesterday's hero. Notice I cannot even dislike the comments anymore which is not 'most amusing' .... I am warming to Henry again just to spite them though well imagine he would make as useless a coach as he does a pundit. Sounds like Wengo! lol! Good old Asano ...

  16. jeff wright

    Jul 13, 2016, 15:16 #90792

    Yes Ron good news indeed that Henry appears to have scuppered his hopes of replacing Wengo - or as you say at least for now! With the club being run on spin and imagery backed up with chicanery by the current regime anything could happen in the future.Once again though the stupidity of erecting statues of the living is exposed for the nonsense that it is . But those statues outside the coliseum of profit were put up at the time to distract attention away from the lack of trophies that were being won there instead of at the bridge of sighs . Also in a desperate attempt - along with a clock end and north bank that look nothing like the originals - to add some history to the stadium that the Diamond Geezer thought fit to burden with names such The Emirates Stadium - a lot of AFC history there ! Apart from areas known as the Diamond Club and other corporate business type ones .I agree with your views on Chelsea in the historical perspective a nasty horrible little club that was better when the stadium was a dog track but it is a results game and at this period in time it is up to us to wrest back our previous top of the dogs London place by winning top trophies - such as the Prem and in Europe. No hope of this of course with Wengo and the silent ones regime in place with these cretins happy as Larry with just making money. Als I agrre with you that largely speaking local supporters attending matches is not now so important as it once was. In reality as far as the multi-millions viewing games WW on TV are concerned and the sponsors the games could be played on the Moon.

  17. Ron

    Jul 13, 2016, 14:19 #90791

    Jamie - there is an argument to say that AFC are still the top Club in London of course but the view depends on the criteria to determine what 'top' means. In AFC s case, it cant mean the top footie Club. 12 yrs of Chelsea hegemony makes them the top dogs without any doubt. They have some CL pedigree now to add to their case too. They've a smallish stadium and their number of and type of support is dodgy and not so deep as Arsenals, but in today's game, fan bases means little. Supporters are arguably nigh on irrelevant anyway. Lets face it, does being Londons top Club mean much anyway? The size of the City and the sheer number of Clubs in it vis what theyve all achieved domestically and in Europe is surpassed by either Utd or Liverpool on their own. Claiming the top club in London mantle is frankly embarrassing and scorned by fans of the Clubs in those Cities.

  18. Ron

    Jul 13, 2016, 14:03 #90790

    Hi Jeff - I think Henry being disposed of by AFC shows that good news can come out of Arsenal FC as long as we wait long enough. It ll dent, if not destroy his designs to be the Clubs Coach. Gotta be good! Mind you, its the only good news that will emerge from N7 this Summer i venture.

  19. jeff wright

    Jul 13, 2016, 13:31 #90789

    According to Red white's 'logic' Liverpool are the top club in the country . In reality Chelsea have done better in modern times than they have and so have Manchester United .History is for geeks football is always about now and right now we languish well behind Chelsea in the trophies won stakes. Wenger has failed miserably in Europe during his tenure with us and has also failed to deliver even a challenge over the past decade for the league title with also ran places being claimed a triumph instead .Last season the title was there for the taking but good old Arsene failed to grasp the opportunity that fate had presented him with when it was laid on a plate for him .Lowly Leicester grasped that chance instead and Wenger finished a very poor second . No wonder Giro and Keystone Kos didn't want their losers medals after the Euro defeat for France ! Never mind Wengo has managed already to get the Sky pundits on his back due to him taking a dim view on Henry's comments about slow legend in his own underpants big Olly not being up to the job. Henry's new pals - such as big ears on MOTD - will no doubt be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of the ageing old fool Arsene facing yet more embarrassments this season. You couldn't make it up.

  20. Croker

    Jul 13, 2016, 11:51 #90788

    It really is "Here We Go Again" or Deja Vu all over again time with our beloved Gooners. Lessons learned from previous season's failings? Nope. Succession plan in place? Nope, Le Boss dictates the terms. Moving early in the transfer market to snap up pre-identified targets? Nope. The Tiny Totts look like they've done good business signing up Jannsen and ditto all the other clubs who've been buying Dortmund players. Listening to the fans about ticketing and rewarding loyalty in the face of astronomical ticket prices? Nope.

  21. jjetplane

    Jul 13, 2016, 11:09 #90787

    All roads lead to not quite Rome with Sanchez off to Juve and Olly going to Naples so Wenger can land the de luxe donkey Gonzalo (sic) Higuaine and then there is the very ordinary Draxler coming for 53m ..... with the banal Granite behind them (when he is not suspended) Asano FC lok ready and gunning for early exits on multiple fronts. Flawless business model really ....

  22. Bard

    Jul 13, 2016, 10:04 #90786

    Some fantastically funny posts from Red white and co to enliven the close season. I agree about us being the top club in London. If you look at the number of dodgy refereeing decisions from 1880 to now you will see that despite Chelsea winning any number of trophies in the last ten years the truth is more complex. If those decisions had been reversed then we would have won 40 titles and 10 Euro cups and thats a fact. As an aside Red White I am anti baboonist and resent you using these wonderful creatures to denote a lack of intelligence. So there is no comeback I want to make clear that I have copied and pasted this from a book called, The Lost Years a re-evaluation of Arsenal's lack of success.

  23. Edmund

    Jul 13, 2016, 5:24 #90785

    The only trophy I see us winning is for the most profitable club.

  24. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 12, 2016, 23:15 #90784

    Jamee - You have multiple personality disorder. You are the sole remaining voice on here defending Arsenal's ship of fools and you're becoming ultra tedious. Your various swivel eyed monikers are even less than the (low) sum of your parts. You are irrelevant.

  25. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 12, 2016, 22:20 #90783

    Red White - obviously you are in a fixed mindset. The problem for you is 10 years is a generation so generation X or Y or whatever the term for it is. Will tend to recognise Chelsea as the top team in London. For Liverpool supporters 20 years of UTD dominance left them also rans though some may cling onto a romantic view of their stature. It's legitimate to question the mindset of failure at the club. You yourself recognise this decade of failure as you tell us not to concentrate on it. However we chose to concentrate on it as we are not blinded to the clubs failings indeed we want a success orientated club, a rejection of the financial orientation above success on the field and the pathetic subservience to a Manager who is rapidly losing stature after this decade of mediocre achievement.

  26. Cyril

    Jul 12, 2016, 22:10 #90782

    A very wise Chinese friend of mine advised me that his great grand parents and beyond would say that you must accept the will of the people. Accept and respect the decision. He told me that dynasties progress and regress in light of this. I accept and respect the will of the people that believe in Mr Wenger. Ofcourse ah hem, no reference to the recent vote we decided upon ..... Power to the people as Wolfie says !!!!!

  27. Red White

    Jul 12, 2016, 22:01 #90781

    For the stupid, yep stupid fools who wish to criticise my comment concerning "we are londons top club". Please stop using the last 10 years as evidence that others may be better. Our history began in 1886 as opposed to Chelsea whom began in 2003. The Sours have replaced the manager 14 or so times since mr wenger took control winning a Mickey Mouse cup. Now who are Londons top club eh. Facts do not lie . History is forever. Class is permanent.

  28. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 12, 2016, 21:30 #90780

    JJetplane - indeed the Untold Cult is cracking. Big Linda is off after dark mutterings of double standards. No doubt her boyfriend Pat has followed having been in awe of Big L. Sadly for him I believe Big Linda and Walter had a little romance themselves. However the biggest news is that cult leader Tony Attwood with his sensational child labour claims has been outed as a plagiarist! The proof is out there Tony unfortunately it's egg all over your face. Ps: Where does ex cult member big Linda go now? Is there any other Pro Wenger site left? She needs to come on here for a bit of an education.

  29. mbg

    Jul 12, 2016, 20:21 #90779

    Red white, your messiah must love supporters like you, I bet he'd fill the stadium with half wits like you if he could, hold on, he's well on his way. wenger out.

  30. mbg

    Jul 12, 2016, 20:10 #90778

    And what has changed ? apart from two lucky FA Cups that TOF and his followers treated with disdain until of course they saved his neck and reputation, you could go back a lot earlier than 2012 too nothing has changed and that should tell us all something, of course it does a lot of us apart from the AKB wengerites still waiting for him to come good (that's if he ever did in the first place) even after all this time and with all this proof, and still they wait, how sad, it simply proves we've had an old fraudof a manager not up to the job for the last seven years. wenger out.

  31. jjetplane

    Jul 12, 2016, 19:23 #90777

    One thing for Henry to get the boot from Asano in order to stay with dear old Sky (thought they might sack him too after his euro borefest) but I think Linda resigning from Untold is the real shockwave as they now have no moral credibility and the desperation is well ... unmissable!

  32. Hiccup

    Jul 12, 2016, 19:09 #90776

    The club will continue to treat its fans like idiots/assholes while the fans allow them to do so. I don't know what's worse? Being treated like an idiot but knowing it, like yourself Gary, or being treated like an idiot and not knowing it, like the Untold subscribers? Either way, the club get a good laugh out of it all as the coffers continue to grow.

  33. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 12, 2016, 18:41 #90775

    Barnaby - that's an outrageous use of favourable stats. 75-25 I'd say for Wengzit. Thanks for the Wengzit term by the way. I was using Wexit but your term is better.

  34. Barnaby

    Jul 12, 2016, 18:35 #90774

    How I wish we could have a Arsene Wenger referendum. I would predict a 70/30 for Wenger to go. A Wengzit would be sensational!!!!

  35. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 12, 2016, 16:49 #90773

    More autocratic blundering from the board and particularly Wenger. Arsenal do not appear competently managed. I have a feeling Grandma might live to regret this

  36. jjetplane

    Jul 12, 2016, 16:31 #90772

    So Akpom is going to play up front against the Klopps though he faces competition from Sanogo and someone called Theo. Olly is having a well deserved rest having now put himself in the 50m plus league bracket with his err performance against a knackered Iceland who run out of frozen stock before closing time. No mention of Sanchez who is looking at Italian properties and has cut communication with Asano Fc. According to Untold Akpom is better than Henry ever was and suffice to mention that Untold have began open season on Henry, SKY, Talksport and everyone who does not bow down to the Untold investigative team who have scooped the 'other Purltzer' for telling it 'how they want it to be' .... Headlines will read eleswhere 'Akpo misses open goal after 409 pass movement as Asano lose 5 nil to a wildly grinning Klopp' ...

  37. Peter Wain

    Jul 12, 2016, 16:29 #90771

    Chuba Akpom or Walcott to lead line against Liverpool. Some much top top quality this is a really difficult decision.

  38. jjetplane

    Jul 12, 2016, 16:08 #90770

    With all the money swilling about am thinking perhaps past it managers like JM and Pep are going for the last top top pay day which makes Arsene Asano look past past it and for his own sake it's time he took himself off to the Alps and wrapped himself in a golden duvet and perhaps he could dive into a Thomas Mann tome or two. Now there was an epic midfielder ... lol! My predictor now says the PL will be won by the top three London clubs (Totts, Irons & Chavs) or Koeman's Toffees which sounds like a retro sweet make. Cannot though rule out Ranieri or Palace overloadin gthe top 6. Is there any room for Asano FC? ....

  39. AJH

    Jul 12, 2016, 14:03 #90769

    Rshirtswhitesleeves you are so right i am also in my forties and have not watched them live ( physically attend ) since 2008 and will not attempt to under the current regime. The club have just taken continually from supporters for years with not very much back just pure greed. Most exspensive ticket in London !! JOKE

  40. Tony Evans

    Jul 12, 2016, 13:14 #90768

    Redshirtswhitesleeves - I know just how you feel. Can't remember feeling so uninspired by the thought of the coming season. Our beloved football club (as us old school Gooners remember it) has disappeared - probably never to return.

  41. Peter Wain

    Jul 12, 2016, 13:02 #90767

    and now Henri is sacked. Totally scandalous behaviour by OGL he should be concentrated about getting in the top top top quality he raves on about. Wenger out now

  42. Ron

    Jul 12, 2016, 12:36 #90766

    redshirtswhitesleeves - Superb! Nothing else needs to be said except perhaps to those who cant or wont recognise whats happened to the Club.

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 12, 2016, 12:31 #90765

    Redwhite - Any chance I could send you a dry cleaning bill? I spat molten hot coffee all over myself after reading your post. The uncontrolable laughter has also given me a severe headache. We're as much "Pride of London" as our injury prone, self-regarding players are like a pride of lions. Gary - Good article - backed by some empirical data. While your wishes have remained largely unfulfilled, Mathew is right that Arsenanonal FC have made an obscene amount of money in the last 4 years, some of which has funded a new salt'n'pepa mirkin for Stan and a pointless zipping-up course for the chihuahua, but of which very little has been invested in the team. Arsenal appeared to stop being a selling team for a few seasons, not least because they, err, sold all the talent and the cupboard was bare. But what's to say that with Ozil and Sanchez reaching their peak, the receipt book will not be out again with a reversion to project youth? He might be erroneously thinking that Iwobi and Jeff R-A are already ideal replacements. Especially so if the three bawbags wrecking our club calculate that the fourth place trophy is still on. My prognostication is that 4th isn't on this year, and that by selling the only aforementioned genuine stars in our club, we'll sink even lower. Red White - I politely suggest you pen an article for unsold anusol on why AFC remain the top club in London - they'll lap it up over there.

  44. jjetplane

    Jul 12, 2016, 12:18 #90764

    Great post 96131 and just been on Untold where the melt down is hilarious with loyal posters attacking those who run the site and some who have left giving their reasons. Their agenda of attacking every other club with an envy stick is coming home to roost ... cluck cluck all the way.

  45. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Jul 12, 2016, 12:11 #90763

    There's no football club anymore just a vile, lying money making machine in its place. There is no footballing ambition beyond the '4th place trophy' keeping the filthy champions league money coming in, no pursuit of on field glory, no attempt to honour our proud history and tradition, not a thought for loyal long standing supporters beyond how much money they can extract out of them. The club I grew up loving and supporting with everything I had is dead and it hurts because the memories of how bloody amazing Arsenal used to be are still so fresh, I can still close my eyes and picture every inch of Highbury in all its majesterial beauty and I would give my right arm to be able to turn back the clock and let that be our home once again. I haven't been to a game since 2007 and never will again under this current regime, sad times for a 40somethig old school gooner like me

  46. jeff wright

    Jul 12, 2016, 11:25 #90762

    Stan and Wengo must love deluded fools such as Red white.Chelsea have won all 3 European trophies in the last 10 years and a league title a year ago apart from all domestic cups and other league titles during that period. We have won just 2 FA Cups .Good old Arsene.

  47. jjetplane

    Jul 12, 2016, 11:11 #90761

    By the end of next season Asano FC could be 5th best team in London after Chelsea, West Ham, Totts and Palace. Worth a bet .... Reckon on the old predictor that Asano FC will move to the far east in a decade to play in some silly 'global super league' (GSL) leaving the Wok available as a major venue for comedy and **** bands who have made it. County footer is the only way ....

  48. Ron

    Jul 12, 2016, 10:13 #90760

    Carry on dreaming Gary. Nothings changing there. Why would it? They're making money. Lots of it. Footballs an aside.

  49. Torbay gooner

    Jul 12, 2016, 9:41 #90759

    Agree with a lot of what you say Gary, but no mention of the elephant in the room. Until the manager is replaced with someone who can do tactics and motivate players, no real hope of ever winning another title.

  50. Mathew

    Jul 12, 2016, 9:16 #90758

    You arent talking about the money Gary, AFC has amassed wealth in ticket revenues, contracts with Puma, TV rights et all and we still havent made a realisitic challenge to the title. If 2nd place last year was a title challenge, then I would be really worried about this club and its future because it was all because of crisis at Chelsea, Guardiola's arrival at ManC and LVG's failed agendas at ManU, so no credit due for Arsenal there. I too expect Alexis and Ozil to leave as they are keen to win titles as they are used to. Wenger's failed bids are going to be the jokes for the next generations to come until then let's watch the mock show.

  51. Bard

    Jul 12, 2016, 8:45 #90757

    Red white: have you been in a coma this last 10 years. Sadly Chelsea are Londons top team and have been since the Russian took over.

  52. Red white

    Jul 12, 2016, 8:35 #90756

    Top club in London Peter. Stats don't lie. Put your negative spin on it as much as you crave but pure and simple we are THE top club in London.

  53. Peter Wain

    Jul 12, 2016, 8:17 #90755

    It is difficult to get excited about the new season with little to cheer on the transfer front. I worry that Sanchez and Ozil may well leave and our ability to attract top top quality as OGL says seems to get smaller and smaller . We seem to be the third club in London now and the management do not care.