That’s all folks? (For the backline signings anyway)

Online Ed: Arsene never did prioritise defence

That’s all folks? (For the backline signings anyway)

So that’s the defensive shortfall sorted then…

(Ed’s note, written before the news of Per Mertesacker being out for five months. Surely, now, Arsene’s hand will be forced won’t it? Surely he won’t try and get by with just Koscielny and Gabriel until the New Year? Then again… Anyway, the piece as it was before the Per news…)

So Arsenal have bought an English centre back for £2 million. Potential. And you know what, I think that will be it for the strengthening of the central defence this summer. Calum Chambers was an expensive punt two years ago, who might still work out, although I suspect he would have done better if Steve Bould’s influence in training were greater than it is allowed to be. I believe he will have to move on the fulfill his potential or possibly wait out another season until a different manager arrives (in the event that this is Arsene’s final season – you’ve got to allow a man hope!)

But more immediately, the roster for the coming season is new club captain Per Mertesacker, Laurent Koscielny, Gabriel, Chambers and the new boy Rob Holding. A lot of money was paid for Chambers, and on what we have seen so far, it does not seem like money well spent. Mertesacker can read the game, but pace is an obvious weakness. There are even questions about Koscielny’s physicality in the Premier League environment, although some have him as a world class defender. He definitely had an impressive Euros, at least until the final. With Gabriel, one worries about effective communication with his team-mates. From what we have seen, the English language is not something he has really managed to grasp after 18 months at the club – has he ever done an interview, even for Arsenal TV, in anything but Portuguese?

The counter argument is that, compared with others, Arsenal’s goals against record last season was perfectly respectable. They only conceded one more than Tottenham and Manchester United, and the same amount as champions Leicester. However, 34 goals would normally be too many to win a title, and next season, with Jose Mourinho being at Old Trafford and Antonio Conte at Chelsea, I think it’s a good bet that both these clubs will concede less than 30. Even if Guardiola’s Manchester City are more generous at the back, you could envisage them more than making up for it at the other end.

So, certainly, Arsenal’s spending cannot be done yet – a striker has to be purchased. But by limiting the spending at the back to a £2 million buy from Bolton, a youngster who played in a team that suffered relegation from the Championship last season, the club are taking a huge gamble. Granit Xhaka might improve the amount of cover the defence enjoy. It is a gamble that might pay off. But my instincts are that Arsenal will concede more goals than last season unless they buy a proven centre back who is better than the majority of the current options. Mertesacker is a further year past his prime and Petr Cech in goal isn’t getting any younger.

Always two or three players away from that title challenging line-up, Arsenal need to make two statement signings before the season gets going in earnest. £2 million bargain buys from League One are rarely the stuff of titles. 30 years ago maybe, but the game has moved on.

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  1. mbg

    Jul 30, 2016, 18:20 #91175

    Exeter, his vacation on Waltons mountain has been invigorating, spiritual even, way up that mountain above the clouds with his other couple of mates from central command (it's only a matter of time until they return too with the same tired old crap as the rest of them from the last eleven years) has made him feel closer to his messiah again, reborn, the faith has returned (and they're probably feeling guilty to have lost even a bit of it) and nothing can be grasped, he is still the messiah, but reality will set in soon enough. wenger out now.

  2. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:59 #91168

    Gooner Ron- I've said this before but it's also a matter of Van DeSar or Almunia, Alonso or Arteta, Smalling, Cahill, Saurez, all could have been Arsenal players with a more decisive manager and a more football minded board. It's not just a nice stat of money spent against position. There's a whole lot of pragmatic and strategic thinking that Wenger sorely lacks.

  3. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 30, 2016, 10:42 #91161

    I'll make the point again as clearly as I can, GoonerRon - whether it's big spending Chelsea or little spending Leicester, the point is Wenger doesn't compete for the title. It's got nothing to do with how much money anyone else has got. I can't believe you're finding this so difficult to grasp - or maybe you just don't want to. And no, I don't feel inclined to give him credit for the endless top 4 finishes because he doesn't do anything with them - he doesn't get the players needed and doesn't do anything in Europe. He's a philosophy away anyway, as someone said recently. It's all pointless.

  4. GoonerRon

    Jul 30, 2016, 10:02 #91160

    @ Exeter / mbg - so for 10 or so years (i.e. a pretty long period of time) we have finished either on par or above where we should have done in relation to our wage spend and you give Wenger zero credit for that, and for one season someone finishes massively ahead of where their spend is and that now becomes the rule? Yes, it proves it CAN be done but hardly dispels the facts of over a decade that say the more you spend on wages and transfers the higher up the league you finish.

  5. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2016, 9:41 #91159

    Jamerson - I've always suspected you came upon Arsenal fairly recently probably helps that the nice wide seats support your corpulent behind. So you make comments that are outlandish unsupportable and frankly don't fit with long in the tooth Arsenal supporters. Your latest comment is either trying to say we have never bribed our way to a title ? Please provide evidence of who has. Or we have never knowingly tried to buy a player to help win the title? Lunancy.. Well yes the current useless bunch of Kronke, laughing boy Ivan and Grandma have desperately tried to avoid it. However Dein was definitely a fan of buying players and I suspect many other Arsenal managers were too. David Jack world record signing in 28 springs to mind. Oh yes Bribes... How did we finish 6th in 1919 and get promoted?

  6. mbg

    Jul 30, 2016, 9:05 #91158

    Joe S, yes it was only a matter of time until they were back giving their messiah Yet Another Chance. Sad.

  7. Joe S.

    Jul 30, 2016, 8:39 #91157

    All so boring, The season not yet stared and the predictable bunch of idiots telling us how well the club is being run and why not competing makes financial sense. Moron AKBs: who do you really support? Outside of that rant is anyone really surprised by the lack of action. All the usual excuses were already scripted in advance. Lets hope we receive a few thrashings and this ugly non football regime gets a reality check.

  8. Ozzie

    Jul 30, 2016, 5:55 #91156

    The race to buy the Premiership is hotting up, folks. Get your bets ready - you can't lose.

  9. mbg

    Jul 29, 2016, 22:13 #91155

    Exeter, that excuse was blown out of the water alright, in fact it was blown into orbit (and they didn't like it one little bit) but it doesn't count or matter you see because their messiah didn't do it. go now wenger.

  10. mbg

    Jul 29, 2016, 19:11 #91154

    Mark from Aylesbury, good post, we all slag Theo's performances off (well mostly all there's still some AKB's waiting for him to come good)and quite rightly so jesus he gives us good cause, but it could be the making off him, along with a lot more off these players to get away from about this old fraud off a manager who has regressed their careers to the point of ruin and has does some, I bet they (and a hell of a lot of others) rue the day they ever came near him. wenger out now.

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 18:38 #91153

    The 'freak' season proves the rule, GoonerRon, can you really not see that? Wenger cannot get his teams to even mount a challenge, no matter who else is up there. Simeone loses 2 CL finals in 3 seasons and brands it a failure. Yet Wenger's defenders still cite his single losing final of 10 years ago as one of his successes (along with 2 losing league cup finals!) It just shows you the paucity of the material they have to work with. Wenger is a hubristic recividist, a key player in a long con (as Bard refers to) who blames the fans for his team's failure to perform (that includes you, GoonerRon). He's lost any right to respect and just needs to go.

  12. Vinnie

    Jul 29, 2016, 18:35 #91152

    Your right Jamerson, we have had lean spells before. However they were in times when the club had much less money and charged significantly less for fans to go what them. It always felt in those times that we were a football club and not run for primarily business reasons or to profit the owner. There was also never a 'ground hog' day feeling, yes we had a few peaks and troughs but not so much predictability and feeling that the fans are being taken for a ride.

  13. Paul Ward

    Jul 29, 2016, 18:08 #91151

    Yes Jamerson we've had longer barren spells before( 53-71 and 71-89) , but did we stick with the same manager for both those periods? I think not. And that tired old line about best football in the country just isn't true anymore, and hasn't been since we started relying on a centre forward that can't run (giroud 2012)

  14. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:54 #91150

    Gooner Ron - good to see your faith renewed in old Weng. Suspect it might start failing in February. If you can find the posts where people said he would never win another trophy then good for you. Personally I think most on here suspect he can sneak the odd cup. But universally to a man I reckon a 100% disabelief in his capacity to win a tile or the Champions League. Remember Gooner Ron it wasn't always so . The fact that people belief he cannot challenge at the highest level is the true litmus test of whether you want him out (me) , you have some random belief or fear of change (Leekey) where you fit in I'm not sure

  15. Ron

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:52 #91149

    GR - A good answer if a little predicatble. Indeed a newcomer to following the Club would find it very persuasive. Its not so uch though to older hands. Being charitable we ve had one Season of a challenge for the title since 2004 and that was 2007/8. The reasons for the turgid campaigns other than that yr are well repeated on here daily. Yr response ignores too the underlying reasons behind the failed ECL Final and the Carling Cup losses. It glosses over the rank embarrassments we ve endured as well - indeed i was at nearly all of them for my sins. I know none of us are going to change each others minds now matey, but yr wrong when you say that many match goers dont think like many of us who want change think. Theyre just not every noisy. Theyve become resigned to the turgid and mundane. They feel beaten by their own inabilities to effect change because they can see a solid wall put before them in the form of Wenger and his Board who back him to the hilt in return for him taking the flak for them while earning a mammoth salary that doesn't befit his record in my view.All they have is the last vestiges of their Club loyalty and forlorn hopes that things might change. These morsels are charged to them at optimum prices. Some of us have said 'no more', others are gradually doing so. As a lead Shareholder, if you were, i can understand that you'd be happy as you say. Yr comments make you as dismissive of the fans of the Club as the Board are really as i read them. AFC is a football Club first and foremost. I think too many have allowed themselves to forget that, as they've bought into the Clubs spin. Its quite sad to see and even sadder to hear it being endorsed by fans such as your goodself.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:51 #91148

    You do know how to polish a turd. GoonerRon. Big picture every season: Wenger is 2-3 players short. Woeful in game management leads to several heavy beatings. No tactics. No leaders. No steel. Pressure = collapse. Wenger then blames everyone and everything except himself. Yes it is true - Wenger fails in the same ways every season.

  17. GoonerRon

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:48 #91147

    @ Exeter - what so one (unless proved otherwise in forthcoming campaigns) freak season is now the rule? So does than mean Wenger should be regarded as a top 2 manager not a top 4 manager based on last season's standings?

  18. Bard

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:48 #91146

    GR; the real problem is the the gap between the spin and the reality. If the club just came out with the truth, ie we are happy to plod along keeping massive cash reserves and trying to stay in the top 6 and charged the fans accordingly then I for one would be ok. But they fleece us, proclaim that we are a top club and tell us that we are genuine title contenders. Wenger is a the head of the queue with this rubbish and that to my mind is unforgivable. Over the years he has morphed from a top football manager into a bankers lap dog. Thats why the fans are so split

  19. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:40 #91145

    The 'bigger spending rivals' excuse was blown out of the water last season. Simply blown away. Wenger cannot get his teams to do it. He simply cannot, no matter who the challengers are. An owner with any sporting ambition would be rushing him out the door.

  20. GoonerRon

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:33 #91144

    @ Exeter - fails in the same predictable ways each season? Well that's not strictly true is it? There were plenty on here in the summer of 2013 saying we'll never win a trophy under Wenger and he went on to win another two. There have been plenty on every summer stretching back God knows how long that we won't make top 4 and he continues to do it. People say we only buy midget technical midfielders and in the last 6 months he's spent around £45m on Elneny and Xhaka. People say we only buy teenage french players but in 4 consecutive summers we've spent £122m on four 'finished article players'. I'm not saying he's perfect, far from it, and there are plenty of frustrations I have about how the club is run, but I don't believe that the majority of posters on here or Untold represent the what the majority of Arsenal supporters think.

  21. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:30 #91143

    I myself go abroad quite a lot every year and talk to football supporters in other countries i even watch games with some.I have never heard any say that they admire the football that Wenger serves up -in fact quite the contrary - they believe we are a soft touch and all the clubs supporters in Europe from what I have seen and heard much prefer playing us to the other English sides or top Euro ones. Why would they not with us having a manager who is obviously tactically inept and who overrates himself and the players whom he coaches. You can't argue with facts and Wenger is a flop in Europe and only regarded as someone whose teams make up the numbers after qualifying by finishing in a minor also ran place in the domestic league.

  22. GoonerRon

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:15 #91142

    @ Ron - if I was the main shareholder would I have been happy with the last 12 years? On balance, probably yes. Some really, really ****ty individual performances / results, falling short in title races are certainly massive lows offset to an extent by coming off an unprecedented unbeaten league season, 3 x FA Cup wins, first ever European cup final, 2 league cup finals, regular CL football, a brand of football that is well regarded, and generally remained strongly in the game despite two big potential disruptions - the move to The Emirates and influx of bigger spending rivals. I'd imagine from a financial point of view my shareholding would have rocketed in value over the period too. Would I give a new manager 12 years? Probably not, but it probably depends on your definition of 'barren'.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:03 #91141

    GoonerRon, the facts of the matter are Wenger fails in the same predictable ways every season. This should frustrate you far more than a perceived 'lack of balance' and it is this that has fuelled the ire of others who simply want him gone and so aren't going to worry overly about 'balance'. Why does this matter to you? Read this site and then read Untold - there's your 'balance'.

  24. Mark

    Jul 29, 2016, 17:01 #91140

    Arsenal are in fact top of one league. We are the very best around at being totally crap at handling Transfers... the bumbling idiots of Whinger + Ivan simply cannot strike the right Balance and very rarely pull anything off. They talk alot though and Play the game to Keep fans thinking theyre trying when we know theyre really not..

  25. gonersol

    Jul 29, 2016, 16:57 #91139

    Jamerson : Good effort, Im converted - NOT - Remind me what great football we played against Sheff Weds, Watford etc, getting tanked by our rivals 8-2, 6-1 etc , losing a 4- 0 lead, losing to Monaco at home, never winning when the pressure is on, etc etc.....Get real Jamerson....You Know it Makes Sense.........In Wenger we Rust.

  26. GoonerRon

    Jul 29, 2016, 16:56 #91138

    @ Exeter - contributors typically get mocked for saying anything positive and accused of being part of a cult, yet it seems those on the other side of the fence are equally as vehement and blinkered. I absolutely said Wenger time was up last year based on my criteria of success, and stand by that, but it doesn't mean I think he is ****, everything he has done is **** and everything he will do is ****. It's the lack of balance that frustrates me because it shows a level of ignorance to the facts of the matter which, in reality, are firmly between 'Wenger is the messiah' and 'Wenger is ****'. And whilst his time should be up in my opinion, I still have a huge amount of respect for the man and some of the abuse he gets is unwarranted, even if some of the sentiment is correct because he clearly isn't without fault.

  27. Jamerson

    Jul 29, 2016, 16:41 #91137

    The WOBs have proved year in year out that they have a very limited stereotypical knowledge of Arsenal and football,unless we are either Premiership or CL winners it goes down to them as another groundhog failed season.Previously they focused on trophies won and said they'd love to win the FAC yet now that has been achieved twice they have fixed their whinging on the fact we haven't won the league since 2004.Well even when we were this so called super club before Wenger arrived we went from 1953 to 71 without a title and then 71 to 89 so stop panicking.Enjoy the fact that you are watching the best football in the country and have been for decades,you could be watching Leicester,the totts or Liverpool still playing their tedious closing down lump ball,or the chavs,manure and City spending fortunes every season piecing together over priced stars yet failing to dominate.Only in this country are Arsenal held with such contempt,abroad we are seen as the only English side with real footballing talent the only true keepers of the flame.

  28. Ron

    Jul 29, 2016, 16:34 #91136

    GR - 'irrespective of what is happening'? Its a case of whats happened for 12 consecutive yrs that fuels the desire for change by those supporters who arent frightened to see change and run the risk that things might be worse before they get better. Please answer the oft asked questions as a Wenger apologist yself 1. If you were the main shareholder at Arsenal would you have been happy this last 12 yrs and remain happy with the status quo going forwards? 2. Will you afford a new Coach 12 nigh on barren yrs before you consider change? Straight answers would be nice as opposed to the guarded moralising youre indulging yself with in yr last post my friend.

  29. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 16:30 #91135

    How does an anti-cult work, exactly, GoonerRon? Who are we rallying behind? The anti-Wenger? As for 'irrespective of what's happening', if something different was happening I think you'd find a fair few would change their tune, but it never does. You know what's coming again next season as well as the rest of us. Incidentally, I do recall you saying during the collapse last season that you thought Wenger's time should be up, but seems it still upsets you to see him criticised. It's hard to let go, isn't it? Basically you're just a few years behind the 100 odd you complain about in the evolution of your thinking, but I'm sure you'll get there eventually.

  30. goonersol

    Jul 29, 2016, 15:59 #91134

    GoonerRon : fair point you make, but my view is most on here want what is best for Arsenal Fc , Not Mr Wenger, the AKB's just blindly support Wenger and cannot see the damage done to the club with his under achievements and lack of winning mentality...I ask the AKB's, as and when Wenger leaves will they stop supporting Arsenal , and will they give the new manager 12years to win major silverware.....

  31. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2016, 15:49 #91133

    The Troll is obviously on some sort of egotistical attempted wind up on here with lee k fc just being another deluded AKB in love with Wenger. Wengo himself loves certain players and sticks by them often as others have pointed ruining any chance they had of improving their game by either over-playing them or playing them out of position or in most cases both. The acceptance by Syrupy Stan and deluded AKB'sof mediocre results in the league and in Europe by claiming them as being a success has kept Wenger in his job .Anywhere else he would be history but here he is leading us into yet another season with a squad that - despite slippery Ivano's claims - is clearly not good enough to win the league or European Cup. So then just deju Vu the last decade of donkeys years of mediocrity - or worse >? You couldnt make it up.

  32. GoonerRon

    Jul 29, 2016, 15:43 #91132

    @ Exeter - reading the 100-odd posts on this article, it would it be fair to say that pretty much everyone else on here bar the two posters you refer to belong to an anti-Wenger cult, where irrespective of what is happening the sole aim is to ensure the anti-Christ leader doesn't remain on his throne.

  33. Ron

    Jul 29, 2016, 14:38 #91131

    Mark - ive always maintained that the worst things that ever happened to Theo were 1. Wenger buying him. 2 Eriksson picking him for the 06 WC (the barmy c--t)3. Wenger and whateever other prize d i c k s there has been in his life encouraging him to think he could ever be a central striker. The lad need coaching to help him become a flying winger type player, shown how to cross, how to cut in and how to drop deep and attack from deep. Arsenal and Wenger have f----d his career. He ll never hit the high notes now, esp as his pace falls away. He ll head for Everton or back to Saints or the Albion before you know it.

  34. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2016, 14:10 #91130

    Explains everything now we know Theo is in existential crisis. You would imagine his manager would steer him sensibly through the depthless quagmire of Satrean self-responsibility. Maybe he could just take a pay cut ......

  35. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 29, 2016, 13:35 #91129

    Chris Dee - it might be complete tosh but I know of a chap who had a quite in depth chat with Theo. What emerged was a likeable guy who is at a crossroads and frankly sounded depressed. The money against meaning of life, I earn loads of money but am not happy etc. Obviously loads of people will look at that disdainfully but rich people throw themselves from Windows as do the poor. I'm not for one minute suggesting he would top himself far from that but I think he needs a new club to discover himself and give himself more meaning.

  36. mbg

    Jul 29, 2016, 13:14 #91128

    Mark from Aylesbury, good question and one I have asked many times without an answer, but one things for sure they won't be giving the new man eleven years and counting of failure, they'll be screaming like banshees and spitting venom at him wanting him replaced, exactly what they're accusing us off now. You couldn't make it up. wenger out now.

  37. mbg

    Jul 29, 2016, 13:03 #91127

    I guess Wallys goal in the 5 a side didn't do him much good after all and was no indication that he had hit form (I know, I know, don't laugh) or maybe it was, anyway he'll not be running to the nearest reporter with a microphone to tell us all about this one as usual, woeful display from the waste of space against a team of MLS stiffs giving the ball away, mis hitting, two misses a ten year old would have put away, running around like a headless chicken, being described as with the brain of a twelve year old player, apparently the Arsenal faithful have lost patience,(would that be the arsene fc faithful who like their messiah have been backing him for years) well the real Arsenal faithful knew and lost patience years ago, apparently he's been destroyed on twitter, by the faithful ? that is until lord wenger comes out and tells those that will listen, he's just finding form, has shown great speeritt, and will be a tremendous player or us this season. wenger out before the season starts.

  38. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 29, 2016, 11:30 #91126

    The only thing that needs to be understood about the likes of Jamerson and lee kfc is they are members of a cult, and you never question the leader. If Wenger doesn't buy it's "We don't need anyone". If he does it's "Wenger has bought what we need". They are not Arsenal fans per se, all that matters to them is their cult leader remains on his throne.

  39. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2016, 11:09 #91125

    Leek having to call the current championes Freaks. Talk about sour grapes after a season that held no suprises for Asano FC. Imaging this time next season with Wenger leaving having taken Chelsea' spot from last season. Good old laugh a minute Arnold.

  40. chris dee

    Jul 29, 2016, 9:56 #91124

    I know I'm sad but I watched the game against the MLS team last night. I know it was only a friendly but what was very apparent is that Theo is at a crossroads.He was,and I'm not exaggerating,the worse player on the pitch.He missed two decent chances,his ball control was non existent,his appreciation and reading of the game was schoolboyish I can't see him being in the first team unless there are injuries.It might be better for him and the club to have a parting of the ways.

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 29, 2016, 7:11 #91123

    Jamerson and Leekey, you actually feel uncomfortable with winning don't you. My goodness, Wenger over achieves by finishing in the top 4 rather than 5th? So therefore it must have been a massive achievement finishing 2nd to Leicester? Answers please. Then we have Leekey who's such a coward he won't even tell us who he tips for the title. My God the AKB mob is full of poor specimens. No wonder Old Man Colesey (Leekey's sidekick in the bushes) scurried off , he realised how lacking you two really are.

  42. mbg

    Jul 29, 2016, 0:08 #91122

    John F, it doesn't bare thinking about mate, or if he'd gotton his hands on any of the other players George Graham made and who brought on all the other players and helped school the Arsenal way ( only for TOF to have ruined and abolished all that now) he'd have ruined them, they certainly wouldn't have the everlasting legacy they all have at the club at the moment they'd have been long forgotten like all the rest of his pet projects and failures. And one things also for damm sure he wouldn't have the trophies next to his name that he has today. wenger out now.

  43. CT Gooner

    Jul 28, 2016, 22:05 #91121

    26 quid is a class C game Jamerson, the cheapest season ticket is around 1100 quid, or around 50 quid a game. You're correct that there are some affordable games to go to, but there are some very expensive ones too. overall though, a season ticket holder at Arsenal pays more for it than a similar seat at any other football stadium in Europe, and given the reason for moving to Ashburton Groove in the first place, I don't understand your reluctance to encourage the manager to spend some of the money in the bank to improve the squad. You'll notice many posters aren't crying out for a pogba, we just don't want to start the season with the same obvious glaring holes

  44. Lee afc

    Jul 28, 2016, 21:44 #91120

    Paul ward. Trying but maybe not succeeding. Only one winner of the PL. And we were the closest last season. You can talk the talk and walk the walk but the fools on here have us mid table mediocrity but the fact is that is their hope and wishes as opposed to the punters who put money into the club. Time for change proved my words.

  45. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 28, 2016, 21:43 #91119

    Anyone remember the BC (before chihuahua) era when everyone got excited about new signings, new kit, new trophy aspirations etc. and one couldn't wait to get down to N5 (a proper football stadium with a real history) and meet up with familiar faces and sing yourself hoarse in the august sunshine and drink yourself daft before, during and after the game? Well that's a million metaphorical miles from where we are now and frankly I don't really want this season to start - could not give a flying feck. The money grubbing triumvrate of doom and the fick creepily loyal suffolk-based sewer dweller are welcome to it. Knock yourselves out you numpties.

  46. mbg

    Jul 28, 2016, 21:18 #91118

    TOF tells us mertesackers injury is worse than his medical staff first thought, and no doubt after the 3rd and 4th diagnosis also, incompetent wasters, just like their manager. wenger out before the season starts.

  47. Jamie

    Jul 28, 2016, 20:46 #91117

    Mark from Aylesbury : the signings of Trevor Francis Tracksuits and Supermac were 2 & 1/2 years apart so that particular comparison is the only unfair one in your post.

  48. Paul Ward

    Jul 28, 2016, 19:52 #91116

    Fair point Mark, and Gazidis trying to pretend that paying 40mill instead of 30 mill for Lacazzette is somehow gonna bankrupt the club at some point down the line is frankly laughable, and should be treated with the contempt it deserves

  49. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 28, 2016, 19:37 #91115

    When Notts Forest paid £1m for Trevor Francis we paid £333,000 for Malcolm MacDonald. When Suarez was sold for £50 mil we offered £42 mil. We then splashed out £42 mil on Ozil an accomplished player who can do bugger all when it's pressure / grinding tactics or as usual the forward line needs a 5/1 conversion rate. At the moment we are £10m behind the going rate on players. There is no need to spend £110m on Pogba but every need to spend £40-55 on a forward. We probably won't do it and the result is 3rd or 4th with a potential for as low as 7h

  50. Paul ward

    Jul 28, 2016, 19:23 #91114

    The difference is leek/Jamerson is that the other clubs you mentioned are trying to do something about it, you know changing manager, buying better players that type of thing? We on the other hand keep doing the same thing( ie nothing) and as any "fool " knows, if you keep doing the same thing you get the same result, in our case , failure. Wenger out

  51. Leek fc

    Jul 28, 2016, 19:03 #91113

    Well done Paul ward. You ask a question then you do not wish to discuss. We finished 10 behind the freaks. Spuds were a further point behind. Manc city and United 15 points away. Liverpool 21 and the mighty Chelsea 31 points behind . AND YOUR POINT BEING. Get over last season unless you are one of those who believe that this season is gone already. Wenger must stay.

  52. John F

    Jul 28, 2016, 18:29 #91112

    Good post Ron and CT.I was impressed with Chambers when I saw him play centre half against Hull.Chambers has had a raw deal at Arsenal as Wenger seems to think he is a player for many positions.He has been a right back,centre half and started training as a defensive midfielder last season.He has not been given the chance to learn his trade in one position and build his confidence.Can you imagine what would of happened if Wenger had got hold of a young Tony Adams.

  53. mbg

    Jul 28, 2016, 17:41 #91111

    Very apt heading indeed to describe TOF and Arsenal, That's all Folk's, wasn't that what flashed up (and probably still does)on screen after the cartoons finished ? only the cartoons never finish at this club their never ending thanks to the biggest cartoon character of all time. wenger out before the season starts.

  54. Paul ward

    Jul 28, 2016, 17:26 #91110

    So what's the excuse for finishing 10 points behind Leicester Jamerson? Are they financially doped aswell? Wengers so over its not even worth discussing anymore,

  55. Jamerson

    Jul 28, 2016, 17:13 #91109

    We don't pay the highest Season tickets Peter Wain,the spuds are the most expensive per game and that's to watch a team who haven't won a major trophy for 25 years,55 years if you're counting titles and who's main tactic is to sit deep and launch it.Thanks to the club we now have the cheapest adult ticket in London at £26.

  56. Ron

    Jul 28, 2016, 16:52 #91108

    CT - Agree totally mate, its just the daft purchases im alluding to. I still think Wanyama would have done us a bit of good. I must admit though, i do have sympathy for any Coach looking for good centre backs. Maybe this Holding is one? Theyre certainly thin on the ground in todays game. I always liked Scott Dann going back his Bham City days, he looked good in the right team.

  57. Jamerson

    Jul 28, 2016, 16:43 #91107

    £93 million for Pogba,what a waste of money.Manure doing what the WOBs would love us to do,attempt to buy the title.

  58. Peter Wain

    Jul 28, 2016, 16:36 #91106

    So Jamerson we are idiots for paying the highest season ticket prices and accepting that the club cannot compete in the transfer market when we go £100 million from tv last season. If we cannot generate sufficient funds to compete in the transfer market we could ask the shareholders to put in a bit. One bought a farm for 500 million so should be god for 50p or so and the other is one of the richest men in the world. Whilst I do not expect us to buy a player for 100 million but to buy a centre half and centre forward who are decent should not be impossible. If we cannot do that then the present management should go and lets see how Usmanov runs the club. I do not want to get to the Liverpool game with Chuba Akpom up front and Chambers and Holding starting. What would the bench be like?

  59. mbg

    Jul 28, 2016, 16:12 #91105

    divingrooney, bould does exactly as/what he's told and allowed to do, and followers TOF's orders to the letter, without complaint or as much as a squeak, because if he doesn't he knows he'll be out the door, i'd love to see bould left to his own devices for a season or even half a season to see what he can really do, i'd bet he'd be a different coach/man and put things right especially in defence i'd say we'd see a massive difference/improvement and he'd take no messing or suffer the nice boys, i'm not saying he's what we need or what we need long term but he couldn't be any worse than what we have. wenger out now.

  60. Barnaby

    Jul 28, 2016, 15:59 #91104

    I got some punani action last night

  61. Jamerson

    Jul 28, 2016, 15:50 #91103

    Gazidas is correct when he says Arsenal can't compete financially with money bags City,Chelsea and the ever monetary doped manure.Yet still we have fools like Paul Ward dripping on about ticket prices which is our main form of income.Untold Arsenal are 100% correct when they say that many Arsenal fans are footballing retards who understand nothing about how AFC go about their business or what hard work goes into the running of the club.

  62. Big Dave

    Jul 28, 2016, 15:44 #91102

    Its another ground hog day season again. Ivan say's "We can't compete with the big clubs" I assume he means WestHam, Stoke, and Everton.

  63. CT Gooner

    Jul 28, 2016, 14:57 #91101

    No one is disagreeing with your Ron, they value of some players is not there. But there are plenty of players out there in the 20-40 mil range that would upgrade our team. I've said before, with all the money in premier league teams pockets as of this year, prices have increased 50%, so that's what a club like Arsenal are going to have to get used to paying. Mourinho recently said he gave Woodward a list of 4 roles he wanted to fill, looks like they'll fill them. I'd have hoped that is what we'd have done, highlighted the roles required and then scouted for them. By the looks of things that did happen, only problem for many of us was the list was a strong CM. Now Wenger is in the position of knowing we need to strengthen at CB, but has left a selling team no time to find a replacement, so the price will be sky high. It's all to predictable I'm afraid...Wenger Out

  64. Mark

    Jul 28, 2016, 14:32 #91100

    only Arsenal can make their fans feel crap over the summer.... have we sold Theo yet????

  65. Avenell Road

    Jul 28, 2016, 13:53 #91099

    We certainly don't need to be spending 50 - 100 million on players so, yes, I get that Gazidis. But how about a player of £15m and a couple at £20m? That would break our bank and we all know it! But as it is, we are seeing either cheap youngsters for the future or nobody! For chrissakes can we not construct a squad to challenge for anything??? It's gone on too long now. Groundhog Part VIII

  66. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2016, 13:32 #91098

    Hi AKB,I guessed that it was the troll Jamerson at work again - he obviously has big problem with all of trolling that he does under various names .Also not least with his misapprehension that his efforts are clever and amusing .Also with being 80 but with the wit and intelligence of an 8 year old is not helping him either.

  67. Paul ward

    Jul 28, 2016, 13:30 #91097

    So right red member. Let's not sit on our hands and do nothing about the way our great club is being run. Does anybody think that the supporters of Liverpool or Manchester Utd would put up with this lack of investment and huge ticket prices without serious protest? They wouldn't and neither should we, protests inside and outside the stadium starting at the scousers game are required, and let's not let a few good results blind us to the fact that we need to remove this rotten regeme NOW!

  68. Ron

    Jul 28, 2016, 13:12 #91096

    Putting aside all of the age worn arguments and views lads, the 50 Mill for Stones (i cant honestly see why people rate him so highly), the 79 Mill for Higuain (nearly 30) and the likely 112 Mill for Pogba - another Adebayor surely and as for the price? really? i can see why Gazadis has made his comments and the context in which theyre set. If i was a regular at Arsenal i wouldn't want the Club challenging others to buy any of them 3 at those prices. Just my view of course.

  69. jjetplane

    Jul 28, 2016, 11:52 #91095

    AKB Central conclusively reveal the criticisms of the newly named Asano Armadillos began in 1895 when the first OB (out brigade) was formed. This has continued ever since and even though the Armadillos are the best managed club in world soccer the OB's are still there. Personally I look at the post 2004 con job that has resulted in massive increases in the earnings of certain individual Armadillos while the Ostrich and the Chicken rule the financial roost.

  70. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2016, 9:43 #91094

    How do you get Arsenknewbest to stop biting his nails? Make him wear shoes.

  71. Red Member

    Jul 28, 2016, 9:40 #91093

    The protests need to start immediately from match day 1. Wenger has had his opportunity to walk away with his legacy intact. He hasnt taken it. He must now be forcibly removed.

  72. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 28, 2016, 8:36 #91092

    Don't care... Won't care... as long as Wenger's there! WENGER/KROENKE/GAZIDIS OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  73. Peter Wain

    Jul 28, 2016, 8:03 #91091

    another day and no signings in site. Pogaba to United Stones to Man City the Napoli centre half to Chelski but no players for us. Because Gazidis says we cannot afford to pay the milkman's bill.Wenger out now and all of the board owner and take that footballing genius Gazidis with you.

  74. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 28, 2016, 7:41 #91090

    The fake website editor still remains, whereas Bojangles little quiz questions are removed. High strangeness

  75. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 28, 2016, 7:00 #91089

    Just as weng is about to penetrate his pet parisian groundhog (mme cochon de terre), she turns angrily towards him and says, "non, non, non monsieur wenger, every year you make love me in the same perfunctory way with no respect for my rodent feelings, and then expect me to perform the usual magic to allow your mediocre and uninspiring equipe to finish 4th. Ca suffit, this year no magic mon ami, and you can stick your milk tray where the sun doesn't shine. I'm leaving you monsieur wenger for good - je suis eloping to the suffolk sewers to live avec Jamee son. He's far less sophistique than you but at least he makes me laugh. So the die has been cast - weng can no longer rely on punxatawny phil's french cousin. Expect Asano to finish 8th.

  76. divingrooney

    Jul 28, 2016, 6:52 #91088

    What the f**k does Steve Bould do? He doesn't take trainings. He doesn't work one on one with players. He doesn't take strategy sessions. But he has been working with Arsene for 3 years now. So, what does he do? Clean the toilets or serve tea?

  77. mbg

    Jul 28, 2016, 0:05 #91087

    Give me sport report fans are outraged that midfielder coquelin has been training at center back after it was tweeted, out raged ? why ? are they surprised ? it's just this old fraud of a manager up to his usual antics he's been at it for years, why get outraged now ? it doesn't surprise a lot of us one bit, it's just the work of an old egoistic arrogant fraud of a manager and more proof (if any more was needed) that this season is going to be just like all the rest another failure, (but a lot of us know that already) and a lot of fans deserve it more than others. wenge out now.

  78. Website Admin (Toby)

    Jul 27, 2016, 23:02 #91086

    Anymore of your nasty little quips about us Arseneknewbest and you'll be getting a two month ban,so you can head off and meditate about your ridiculous behaviour.We no longer remove posts where it is clearly not that person as we think it livens up the discussions giving them a more rustic feel.We do however remove posts that are racist or homophobic so don't you get any ideas.You have been warned.

  79. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 22:54 #91085

    I see smoking jack is on the marijuana, asked to pick his all time five a side team he names messi, zidane, beckham, Ronaldinho, and then in goals old flappy himself szczesny, and they say all footballers aren't thick, well it must be a prerequisite of TOF's. You couldn't make it up.

  80. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 27, 2016, 22:09 #91084

    96505 - Irony of ironies. Fick Jamee son posts a nasty troll message under my name that is not about football but does have a semi-political dimension...and it doesn't get cut by the editor. You couldn't make it up. Jeff - no way I'd have called you that - the T-word supplanted the C-word as the nastiest insult in my lexicography years ago. Jamee - you, weng, ivan, merkin-heid and the groundhog need to stop the group reach around. It's time for your sedative.

  81. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 21:40 #91083

    Martyn, yes indeed the new York times, and I would doubt they give a fook about us, or even know who Arsenal are or even what sport they/we play, other than make plenty of bucks for stan, you can just see slap head in his interview filling them full of shyte, and afterwards them, and him none the wiser. wenger out.

  82. Dial square

    Jul 27, 2016, 19:41 #91082

    Ivan seems to be preparing us all for the Sh*t storm that is about to happen if we do not get some serious business done in the next few weeks. So don't buy what we need and see how long the grove faithful will put up with full backs playing at centre half or god forbid wally or nogoal leading the line. The last protest may not have been to everyone's cup of tea but fall to get some decent players in and the whole place could turn. We have no excuses not to get major players in as we have the cash so Ivan should stop the BS as regard we can not compete financially. If you want to go down that route then give every season ticket holder a 50% rebate and act like a small time club, oh wait we already do that with the exception of ticket prices. Strikers now being touted have scored up to 15 goals in 5 seasons in league 3 of a far away land same goes for the CB's being speculated on. I still think our shopping is done but hope to be proven wrong. A Don Howe quite springs to mind that should be shown to the 3 stooges when ever they are out "Remember Who We Are and act Accordingly" Get him out before it is too late

  83. jjetplane

    Jul 27, 2016, 19:21 #91081

    Clichy another one saying he has learnt more in a morning with Pep than 8 years with Arnold who lets the players have leetle pizza or whatever rocks your boat in Jack's case. Watch Hart get his marching orders and he would be perfect for Asano and would help the likes of Holding get a foot in the advertising world. Pep does love a team of ball players but he knows how to get them playing. He also won't even let you on the training pitch if your unfit. Asano Fc looking like Grandad's Army ....

  84. Time for change

    Jul 27, 2016, 19:10 #91080

    Holding will be the new Chambers and Mertesacker will be like a new signing when he returns [!!!!!!]

  85. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2016, 18:55 #91079

    It's the chickens coming home to roost time now for Wengo .He has accumulated a lot of much the sameness small technical players - who he has fallen in love with and can't bear to sell - or can't sell because no one else will pay their big wages that Wengo generously awarded them. One example of this soft approach was Arteta who Wenger loved and kept on well past his sell by date because he apparently mistook the Spaniard's own self-interest for loyalty to himslf. As soon as Pep took over at Poundland though his old amigo Arteta was off to join him and is now tapping up Bello for Pep ! Good old Arsene Slippery . Now we have slippery Ivanho, the man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing, put in his place after claiming a couple of years ago that we can afford to match anyone for wages .He now claims though that we can't afford to compete with the big clubs who have more money .What a dope. Just as well Raneiri and the Leicester players never adopted that approach last season .You couldn't make it up.

  86. Bard

    Jul 27, 2016, 18:53 #91078

    Oh dear Jamersons had a meltdown, all sorts of trolling going on under different names. Amazing what happens when we get our first injury of the season everyone panics. Jeff absolutely mate re Wenger and transfers. He thinks he is canny but he was sussed a long while ago. All the seller clubs know what we need and he thinks by prevaricating they will be fooled. He will be fuming over the Per injury because its is as clear as daylight we now need a CB. Still we can always play the young lad Holding and ruin his career for the sake of a few pence. Last time I read we had £250m ish in the bank for transfers. Think what we could have got for Higuain if we had stopped f****** about and bought him for £35/£40m a few years ago.

  87. Smithy

    Jul 27, 2016, 18:22 #91077

    Wenger has a plan don't worry . We won't play with any defenders this season . Cech in goal and ten in midfield as we don't have any forwards at the club or any fit defenders

  88. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 27, 2016, 17:22 #91076

    Less of the casual racism jeff you annoying little Thatcherite.

  89. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 17:08 #91075

    jw, yes mate maybe he'll have them out at one of his ranches for a bud and show Wally and Giroud and co some real thorough breds.

  90. Martyn

    Jul 27, 2016, 15:28 #91074

    'we can’t afford to make huge mistakes in the transfer market', says Mr Gazidis in New York Times interview. Draw your own conclusions.

  91. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2016, 15:18 #91073

    mbg,Syrupy will be as happy as Larry with Wengo and co earning a few more bucks in the good old US of A for him Also there is the added bonus that Syrupy doesent have to pay for an airfare and hotel to come over here to watch them! As Oscar Wilde once noted though ,the parties with the most gain never show up on the battlefield.

  92. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 15:04 #91072

    Oh and i forgot to add Cech won the cross bar challenge (it's not known if he was wearing his helmet) it sent the crowd wild, yes we're in the best shape in years, that has really set us up for a tilt at the title.

  93. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 14:51 #91071

    Rob, not to worry mate, Wally was in the team that won the 5 a side tourney in training, where the winning team stayed on out in the good ol USA (or wherever they are) and guess what ? he scored a goal, great menteel speeritte there, we're really good to go now. wenger out.

  94. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2016, 14:03 #91070

    The problem for Wengo regarding trying to sign players on the cheap is that everyone has him sussed out they know that he is running a business plan for Syrupy Stan and is trying to leg them over to help do this. Another big problem is that the managers of clubs such Southend United can point out to the player that Wengo is no big noise now days anyway and has not actually done anything of any note since when the cows last came home and they will be better off where they are and waiting until a club with ambition to do other than make money comes along .Rambo ,Theo,Chambo and such are happy to stay with Wengo they get well paid for doing nothing and would only be warming the bench at a big club that is if one actually came in for them. There is no financial decline at Stan's coliseum of profit but there is certainly a decline in the status of AFC regarding the prestige wham factor with players now not seeing AFC as being a top marquee club and they can get big wages at any Prem club these days .

  95. YCMIU!

    Jul 27, 2016, 13:59 #91069

    Clouseau looking at Terry Mancini!

  96. YCMIU!

    Jul 27, 2016, 13:49 #91068

    Latest Silvestre spotted back in training at LC! Clouseau tempted!

  97. Rob

    Jul 27, 2016, 13:47 #91067

    I find it jaw dropping that we look like we are going to start against Liverpool with Walcott upfront. Simply mind bending. Says all that you need to know about Arsenal in 2016/17.

  98. mbg

    Jul 27, 2016, 13:12 #91066

    Don Froth, your right there, just as he and his ilk have been making the same tired argument in defence of their messiah for the last ten years mate. wenger out now.

  99. Website Admin (Mike)

    Jul 27, 2016, 13:12 #91065

    Please be advised that any positive Arsenal or Arsene Wenger posts will be deleted immediately under the pretence that we found racist or homophobic content.We are not a democratic site and unless you are willing to bathe in a vat of negativity with the rest of us your views are not welcome.Political views are also a no no,especially if they come from squeeky little lefties with huge chips on their shoulders-Arseneknewbest take note.Thank you for your time and lets see if we can get out of the shadow of Untold Arsenal.

  100. jjetplane

    Jul 27, 2016, 12:10 #91064

    So Ivan cannot outdo err 3 clubs for player spend and concludes it is not about money anymore. It has not been about money since 2004 but much about players that mattered falling away and never being replaced by the most over rated 'coach' in the PL. Do you imagine Pep will be given 12 years to win 2 FA Cups? Do you imagine Conti will develop a sarky smirk to replace his tactical nous? Asano FC are in the game to shuffle money to other related enterprises in North America while selling cult shirts to the Far East. Wondering whether it is true that Per only comes up to Holding's vast shoulder? Strange rumour he lost the other one at the North Wall/Bank ....


    Jul 27, 2016, 11:03 #91063

    For all those who believe that next season will be any different than before,please read the BBC report of Ivan Gazidis interview with The New York Times.

  102. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2016, 9:22 #91062

    Ben stop whinging is my advice to you and go water the flowers instead.

  103. Don Froth

    Jul 27, 2016, 8:37 #91061

    Paul35mm.....dear oh dear son. You'll be making the same argument this time next year when we achieve jack again.

  104. Snowbiggee

    Jul 27, 2016, 6:23 #91060

    Don't want to tempt fate but surely Kos has got an injury in him this season if he's thrown straight into it.He put everything into the Euros after a full season. At 31 he needs a proper break. I do think Chambers is a decent footballer though. When Wenger stops moving him all over the pitch, we might see it.

  105. Vinnie

    Jul 26, 2016, 22:38 #91059

    What is really even more depressing than our usual transfer and title ambitions is the number of fans on here who remain so duluded in their positive perspective Everyone is entitled to their opinions but some of them concern me as much as the way that the club is now managed....

  106. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 26, 2016, 21:36 #91058

    Leekie - Not for the first time, your dictionary has let you down there and put you in the soup cock-a-leekie man. Fickle describes someone who changes one's mind suddenly and with no good reason. Well excuse me but I don't think AMGs change their mind all that frequently do you? Most of us have wanted weng out for over 5 years (in my case, a few more). Moreover, this sham of a club takes gambles-a-plenty on non-proven players, but why not take the odd gamble on PROVEN players like the main title contenders do? I won't wait for an answer to that rhetorical poser Leek because I know it's not your style to engage with people on here - better to troll from a distance eh, and keep your views about who'll win the title to yourself. Now that's a shame...

  107. Leek fc

    Jul 26, 2016, 21:03 #91057

    Give the boy a chance Kevin. If it works out to be a damp squib then so be it. We will not be the first club to gamble on a non proven premier league player and we won't be the last. Keep your time for change banner close this season, what happened to the positive online gooner. You shame Arsenal and your fickle opinions.

  108. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 26, 2016, 20:34 #91056

    Cornish - Fair point (about the cheerfulness). It's gallows humour versus the laugh at (not with), flat-earth groundhog fornicators who'd like weng to be ruling the club - albeit in a state of cryogenic suspension - for another hundred years. I think though that it's getting to the stage where many of us feel so detached from the club, and so alienated from it's non-strategy strategy, that it's becoming like a Brian (not Graham) Rix farce where a trouserless wenger is lustily chasing a drug crazed groundhog in and out of doorways around the wok. They're t*ssers and they deserve each other. I just want to laugh at weng and lord merkin.

  109. Hiccup

    Jul 26, 2016, 20:26 #91055

    mbg, two weeks ago we were 'on the cusp' of greatness. With the signing of Rob Holding, the status has been propelled to 'good to go'. I'm hopeful. In my view, anyone that finishes above Sunderland will win the league.


    Jul 26, 2016, 19:53 #91054

    Nice to see some cheerful posts on here. Personally I could never see the sense in getting all the new signings in early. Surely they will be stale & knackered by the start of the new season? We have plenty of promising pubescents for 2017/8 onwards. So I am looking forward to a value for money "trolley dash"in late August - you never know there might even be a super "twofer" around somewhere. Le Zip knows you know!!

  111. mbg

    Jul 26, 2016, 19:52 #91053

    What did I say a couple of weeks ago ? that it would be only matter of time until some AKB came on with the immortal statement, that's us we're all ready to go, and for some time too. You couldn't make it up, it's not right laughing.

  112. Paul ward

    Jul 26, 2016, 19:49 #91052

    It absolutely astounds me as a 44 year old life long loyal supporter of this club that people can still see fit to defend wenger and his utterly rotten regeme. As I speak people on talk sport are wondering why the hell we are offering under 30 million pound for a striker who will not be sold for less than 40 million from Lyon, meanwhile our frankly laughable injury record goes from bad to worse with news that yet another player is ruled out for months on end without a ball even being kicked this season. What really sickens me is that every man that sits on our pathetic excuse of a board is only too happy to accept their market value in terms of wages and dividends, but are complete hypocrites in refusing to pay market rates for players that might just see us compete for a big trophy,Were meant to be a bloody football club for pity's sake, get out of our club Arsene and take your rancid money grabbing pals on the board with you, Now!

  113. Tony Evans

    Jul 26, 2016, 18:13 #91051

    All I am expecting is more 'flying by the seat of his pants' from the master of taking unnecessary gambles. Once again we will be woefully short in the striker / centre half departments.

  114. mbg

    Jul 26, 2016, 18:02 #91050

    TOF has said of Holding we couldn't turn him down, you don't find young centre backs that often, and then he comes out with this gem, a real f*****g cracker, wait for it, We (of course he means I) can Educate them at that Age, Jesus H did you ever hear anything like it ? God help him that's him ruined then. wenger out now.

  115. mbg

    Jul 26, 2016, 15:20 #91047

    An Adams, Keown, O'Leary, already at the club, (said with a straight face no doubt) tee hee ho ho tee hee hee hee it certainly is the funny season again. You couldn't make it up. wenger out before the season starts.

  116. mbg

    Jul 26, 2016, 15:08 #91046

    More fooking potential and waiting to come good, the list is fooking endless where have they all gone ? what has happened to them ? as if we don't know, not up to the job or ruined, the latest potential will go the same under TOF you can be sure of that, after of course his apologists have told us it will take time to acclimatise, get used of his surroundings, get used to his team mates, get used to TOF's tactics (that's always been a good one don't laugh) etc, after been given a £50,60,000 a week contract for their/his trouble and potential of course.

  117. Peter Wain

    Jul 26, 2016, 13:38 #91045

    Mertesacker out for five months? Is his career over? Even OGL has to buy a replacement.

  118. Bard

    Jul 26, 2016, 12:37 #91044

    Good post Kev, although the idea that we might need two big signings could have been the mantra for the last 10 years. On the evidence it seems he likes to go into the season short and hope to get away with it. Paul the trouble with the stats argument is that it hides a multitude of sins as Jeff has pointed out. Its not the total numbers of goals conceded that matters it's when and how they are conceded. Also we have lost Welbeck to injury, Arteta and Flamini for starters. I rather agree with Ron you dont sound overly convinced of your arguments. The points you make are fine if its midtable security that you want but as a title challenging outfit we are miles off.

  119. jjetplane

    Jul 26, 2016, 11:59 #91043

    2nd last season was the limit of Wenger's calculated ambition while the big boys sought to do the things that really ambitious clubs do - sack the manager and get someone in who will thrive under pressure. Trouble at Arsenal is there is no pressure right through the club and this season is perfect for Arsenal to readjust to 'gunning for CL inclusion' again. No pressure as the league will be won by a bigger, richer club which is the reverted narrative Ivan has already slipped into place. That Leicester won it last season is an irrelevance according to AKB dogma though if Sunderland win they will no doubt brush that away too. The above AKB soft tirade ran out of steam with the mention of Theo who spent his time in France admiring his new boots. Back to the two liners from resident AKBs Jamerson and Leek ..... Good stuff Kev and yes the honeymoon of a decade is truly over. No doubt the 'Club' will have some spin on that.

  120. jeff wright

    Jul 26, 2016, 11:34 #91042

    English clubs were all poor defensively in EUROPE last season and that is the case most times.So another red herring using our goals conceded stats against that of the spuds in the push and shove technically poor Prem to claim that everything is honky dory at the back. Most teams come to park the bus and defend in depth at the Emirates in Prem matches - so not much for Keystone Kos and co to worry about there with the high line defending that old Clueless employs. However in Europe ,where the opposition are more attack minded, we conceded 8 goals in our group stage finishing second to the German side Dortmund ,who only conceded 4 goals .So no contest there regarding who had the best defence with the German side easily winning that argument. We did not do any better either in the KO first round losing to Barcelona with some shoddy defending involved. So then peeps how did we get on in the League Cup away to mighty Sheffield Wednesday >? Oh ! Watford at home in Wengo's historic attempt to win 3 FA Cups in a row anyone>? Sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture .Nit picking stats to try and prove points to defend Wengo is an old AKB trick . 10 points behind Lester in second place in the league is all we need to look at and the humiliations in the domestic cups and the usual out in the first KO round in Europe .You couldn't make it up.

  121. Ron

    Jul 26, 2016, 11:33 #91040

    Respect yr post Paul, but he cant be both overt and secretive at the same time can he? A contradiction in terms surely, but of course in my view thats what Wenger is anyway - a total contradiction. Im not sure that you have the total belief in Wenger or Arsenal though that yr post tries to portray. Good stuff though all the same. Ive heard good things about Holding too. Lets hope, but i keep thinking Chambers!!Saints are truly the top of the class when it comes to selling players to the so called top Clubs for good money, when im sure they know such players arent the real deal.

  122. goonersol

    Jul 26, 2016, 11:25 #91039

    Signings ?? whats then point - Wenger could sign Messi, Suarez etc, it would count for nothing, Wenger is the problem, he has no game plan, no tactics and no winning mentality........we just have to put up with the same old rubbish/failure that we are used too, until he moves on.......In Wenger we Rust.

  123. EN1AFC

    Jul 26, 2016, 10:55 #91037

    Paul More delusional mind boggling nonsense and Arsene FC drivel. You can point to the stats about our defence all you like. Did you watch us at all last season? Our defending was abysmal at times, man united away and West Ham away immediately spring to mind. We need a world class partner for kos not a young English prospect or Gabriel who positionally is a liability. Of all the players you talk about us having bought over the last 3-4 years, yes they are excellent players, however they have been bought years apart which has left us short every single season somewhere in the team. Wenger does not like to spend, he's admitted it himself for whatever reasons. I think it's his morals and he enjoys not having the extra accountability that would come with spending more money. As for your point about Waclott I find it staggering after last season how you think he is a viable option up front for a team with title aspirations. He flatters to deceive, and has done for the decade he's spent at the club! We didn't score enough goals last season, Wenger has done absolutely nothing to address this so far in the window with 2 weeks until the first game of the season. As for how many players does a team who finished second need? Well, considering we amassed 4 points less than last season and 8 less than the season before, I would say quite a few. Even Per admitted recently it was a miracle we finished second and the points total we managed confirms that. But hey, your happy with second, you sound happy with everything Arsenal and Arsene do. Long may we be the perennial under under achievers, with more money sat in the bank than most 3rd world countries and the highest ticket prices in European football.

  124. JB

    Jul 26, 2016, 10:47 #91036

    Wenger dithered 2 or 3 seasons ago when Kochielny had an achilles injury at the start of the season and he tried to get by with Monreal at centre half and you might recall we didn't get by !!

  125. Charles

    Jul 26, 2016, 10:43 #91035

    Please get rid of that donkey Gabriel. He single-handedly cost us 10+ points that would have won us the league last season.

  126. Made Up Stat

    Jul 26, 2016, 8:41 #91034

    On the plus side, at least this time around Wenger’s not intending to strengthen the spine of the team by signing a player with a broken back.

  127. Peter Wain

    Jul 26, 2016, 8:11 #91033

    you can whistle for two quality signings. I have doubts about whether we will sign anyone else. Based on previous experience Wenger is unlikely to spend big relying on good fortunate to get him by. If we lose big against Liverpool which is a possibility given the weakened side we will field that may trigger some panic buying. The trouble with that is the last time we panicked bought we got Arteta, Mertersacker and the worse Brazilian full back I have ever seen and the Israeli on loan from Chelski. Hardly a ringing endorsement of OGL eye for a footballer

  128. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 26, 2016, 7:48 #91032

    Paul35mm - that's the problem though Wenger is not prepared to pay for marginal gain. We've seen it time and time again and his conservatistism or should I say indecisiveness have killed him since Dein left (who would tell Wenger to go for it). Van deSar rather than Almunia, Chris Smalling, Cahill, Saurez, Alonso. All would have added marginal gain and some instances far more.

  129. Charlie George Orwell

    Jul 26, 2016, 7:43 #91031

    Think Kev is simply saying if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. Judging by the evidence over the last too many years, the argument seems fair enough to me.

  130. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 26, 2016, 7:38 #91030

    Paul - A much more eloquent defence of Arsene and Arsenal's shortcomings over the last 10-12 years than we usually get on here, but can you hear the sound of galloping on the horizon? That's the noise generated by about 400 horses and carriages on the horizon getting ready to drive a huge hole in your flawed arguments. One prognosis might be to say you're a little glass-half-full, but to be honest it's so full of half truths and simply erroneous judgments that it's more like sieve-half-full. Talking of sieves, our defence is a mess and not up to the job - it hasn't been for over a decade now - Senderos, Djourou, Oleg Luzhny, Stepanovs, Upton, Cygan, Gabriel, BFG - the list is as long as the poor goalkeepers in the post Lehman era whose names we laughingly remember. And Debuchy or Monreal as CBs? How well has that worked in the past? If one game sums up the error of your ways, it's west ham away last season. "Arsene Wenger is both the most overt and secretive manager" - what? I'd swap those two illogical and evidently contradictory adjectives for stubborn and hopeless. Kev - thanks - you've set the scene fairly and realistically for wenger's waterloo moment this season. If it's the only way it's going to result in his much-needed departure, then bring it on! He's an enemy within and a stain on our club.

  131. paul35mm

    Jul 26, 2016, 2:41 #91029

    More Wenger out drivel in the guise of reasoned analysis. The only person who knows if Arsenal are done in the window is Arsene Wenger and he doesn't give it away. Arsenal allowed 36 goals this past season and the same number as the season before. In both cases it was the second fewest goals allowed. And this is for a team that sets up, virtually every game, to attack. That means that Arsenals defenders are at a tactical disadvantage. And yet, they continue to be among the best defensive sides. What that means is that Arsenal's defense is not weak, nor is the 'spine' of the team feeble. Could Arsenal use another central defender? Maybe. Granit Xhaka, if he proves to be as mobile and adept at intecepting through balls as he seems to be, will address some of the difficulties Arsenals' hard-tested defense face. A fairer analysis of Gabriel would be that he shows pace and steel as well as the ability and instincts to make timely plays. On the down side he can be rash, less positionally aware than he could be, and not the idea partner for Koscielny as they two men actually play a lot alike. Chambers looked pretty good in his debut season. He got some games due to injury; enough to show he doesn't have the pace or the ability to change directions well enough to be an elite right back. Can he be a center back? Maybe. Ideally he would have gotten more experience at the position but he has not had enough chances to judge him either ready to take a key position in a top four club or deficient. Arsene Wenger is both the most overt and secretive transfer manager in the league. He tells us every year he'll buy if the right players become available and he won't if they don't. Jamie Vardy seemed an odd buy, not very 'Arsenal' but it seemed a legit attempt. Granit Xhaka seemed a priority target. Arsenal in at him hard, paid big, and landed him. So it's silly to say Arsene Wenger won't spend. He will. When and if he thinks the players is worth it and is better than what he has. Will he buy more? He will. If he can get the player he wants. Who does he want. No one, not one single pundit writing all those Mahrez, Higuain, Lacazette, or Lukaku stories, knows who Arsene Wenger really wants except Arsene Wenger. And everyone will know when Arsenal buys him or them. Holding and Asano seem good long-term, relatively inexpensive gambles. Finally, how many new players does the team that finished second in the league need to compete for the title? Especially if they don't lose anyone. Arsenal have not lost a ket first team player in four years, They've added Ozil, Sanchex, Cech, and now Xhaka. That's a lot of quality with no significant losses (unless you count Podolski or Szcsesny). A striker, given Welbeck's injury, seems like an obvious need, but Icardi? The guy's a dick and a dressing room toxin. Lacazette would be nice, but £45 million? Lukaku is a player who loks like he might be able to grown into the Arsneal system, but Everton seem determined to cash in huge or keep him. Walcott is probably better than al ot of the options available, so why risk upsetting the team chemistry for marginal gains? Signing players to placate disgruntled fans who would be disgruntled regardless of what the club does is silly.

  132. Andreas

    Jul 26, 2016, 1:19 #91028

    Looking at the defensive squad roster we have Mertesacker, Koscielny, Gabriel, Monreal, Jenkinson, Debuchy, Gibbs, Bellerin, and Chambers. All international defenders Debuchy and Monreal can cover CB. New signing Holding is a successful U-21 England defender. We won't sign another defender with that sort of coverage. Arsenal fans will say they are poor quality but none of the periphery defenders have had a run at the back. I'd like to see the quality in the squad rather than keep looking elsewhere. We might have an adams, keown, O'Leary etc... already at the club.

  133. Gabo

    Jul 26, 2016, 0:46 #91027

    ‏@afcstuff Reports suggesting that Per Mertesacker could miss up to 5 months are inaccurate. [@BenDinnery] #afc --------------------- move on