Arsenal’s transfer policy - a coherent plan or chaos in action

Is the club geared to on field success or sustainability for ventures elsewhere?

Arsenal’s transfer policy - a coherent plan or chaos in action

Pogba – Setting a new bar

It is clear to everyone who follows Arsenal that Gazidis’s comments on our limited capacity to bid for players in the current market was a thinly veiled attempt to manage the fans’ expectations in the summer transfer window. Contrast this with the Gazidis of 2013 when he publically announced the end of austerity at Arsenal. While not saying we could match the Real Madrid’s of this world we could match a Bayern and afford Rooney type wages (approx £250,000 a week). He was in effect announcing that from now on the club were at long last going to be more competitive in the transfer market.

However the fact that he needed to come out last week and make such a statement suggests that the club have been caught napping by the increase in transfer prices. It is true as many have mentioned that the prices bandied about - £100m plus for Pogba, £50m for Stones - suggest a degree of overkill but no one who follows football should be surprised surely. I wrote a piece last season suggesting that the time for Arsenal to buy was coming to an end as a result of the Sterling and De Bruyne transfers fees and the Sky money. If I could see it surely then so could the club. There is little point in bemoaning the inflated prices as it is market economics. It’s a seller’s market and value has nothing to do with it. The price is decided by how much the buyer needs the player. Juventus have United by the short and curlies over Pogba because they are desperate to sign him.

If you know transfer prices are going to go through the roof next season then it makes sense to buy this season. With this in mind it makes the decision not to buy a single outfield player last summer look like a colossal error of judgment. A player we could have bought last season for £40m would now cost £60m+ in all probability. Did no one at the club make the connection? Or if they did what was the argument for not buying last season?

Gazidis also made much of the club’s plans for securing a sustainable future. It’s all well and good but how are they going to operate in a market where a bang average player now costs £30m+. We are, according to Gazidis, going to have to be more like Leicester. Really?

The bottom line is that the increase in transfer fees has cast doubt on the efficacy of the self-sustainability model adopted by the club. The club are either going to have to keep pulling rabbits out of the hat to stay competitive (unlikely) or they are going to have to tear up the business model because what is clear is that transfer fees are only going one way. I understand the arguments for self-sustainability but we have two of the richest men in the world on the board. Putting their hands in their pocket once a season to buy a proper player or two isn’t going to jeopardize the club’s long-term financial future.

The promotion of the self-sustainability model is disingenuous. It has, in my view, less to do with the protecting the future of the club and more to do with allowing Stan to use Arsenal’s finances to secure funding for other parts of his empire.

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2016, 9:18 #91315

    SKG and Ron - On Chambers, my feeling is that the die has already been cast. He's already had ample time and opportunity to prove himself and he's fallen short in my view. In mitigation, I would say that his chances have normally come as a result of some weng-inspired defensive crisis or other meaning that the pressure has been particularly acute. He cannot pass that accurately and his positional sense is awry and he's never been in the team when our defence as a unit has looked confident (nb: difficult to say there's ever been such a period since Campbell retired I suppose). But he's in a big boy's league earning big boy's money and he should be better. I agree about the ungainliness point - I watched him warming in a game last up last year - he's got a really odd, almost flat footed, gait and he's ponderous. The selfie and natty barnet malarkey is irrelevant to his playing abilities but it doesn't endear him to me. Another costly mistake to add to the lengthy list of weng's defensive disasters.

  2. Badarse

    Aug 04, 2016, 18:58 #91303

    What is the difference between a WOR and a magnet? Magnets have a positive side!Good old Arsenal..

  3. Ron

    Aug 04, 2016, 11:59 #91262

    SKG - Agree on Chambers. Need to know if he is a Centre Back or not dont we. If he isnt they should move him on as hes certainly not cut out to play in any other position as i see it. Hes no defensive midfielder. Too ungainly, lacks the physique and too lanky to play there. I feel sorry for him. Hes never had any structured coaching there. Hes just been used to plug holes here and there and be a Phil Neville type utility man. Wenger has done this to many players down the years in his quest to seek Wengerball type 'total football'. Ive long been sick to the back teeth of it and its why i no longer hardly go. Do i care what Wenger of the Club does anymore? Not really.

  4. Red Member

    Aug 04, 2016, 11:58 #91261

    over on the comedy blog "Untold Arsenal" today they are trying to justify why rushing Sanchez and Ramsey back will be fine, and it is not a panic decision at all! Furthermore they are justifying why Sanchez can be used as a striker and therefore there is no real need to buy anyone new in that position!

  5. goonersol

    Aug 04, 2016, 11:37 #91260

    That's right Leeky, name calling, about your standard.....You have never answered the question, you & Wenger deserve each other, as for 2014/15 , 2 FA cups in 12 years, great, lets party.....AKB's have no valid argument, bar conspiracy theories , bad refs, bad luck, injuries, our own fans...what a joke Wenger's Arsenal have become , along with AKB's like you who are happy to wallow in mediocrity...In WENGER we Rust..

  6. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 04, 2016, 8:26 #91259

    Ron, take you point about our "cavalier" defence, sort of last man do your best but as you say somehow on paper it does not look so bad. The short lived return of Tony Adams was the last chance of having a proper centre back at the club and I think he knew his influence would be very minor and that is why he turned it down. I just hope this season Chambers is given a run at centre half just to see if there is something for us to work on. Finishing fourth does n't really matter any more so in Wenger last year he could really come at the team "left field" and see what happens.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 04, 2016, 8:09 #91258

    Jamerson you really should desist from using Brian's name in vain. He stood by you through thick or thin and this how you repay him. Not very loyal are you. Neither to Arsenal by the sound of it as the radioactive waters of Southwold call you in 2017. At least unlike Leekey you do realise that Wenger is leaving.

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 04, 2016, 5:31 #91257

    Jamee -The real Finsbury Joe would not use the pronoun "we" would he when talking about asano. Thats because the real Finsbury Joe is a Spuds fan. I didn't read the rest of it and nor will anyone else. The southwold swamp beckons.

  9. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 04, 2016, 0:11 #91256

    Once, Wenger tried to build in the image of Barca, now, Ivan Gazidis says we will go into the the image of Leicester. Ivan lowers expectations as a matter of course, while Arsenal have Wenger , the only manager on the planet agonising over his perceived effects of Brexit. They have made Arsenal a laughing stock, an outfit elite players, and even one season wonders these days avoid. They way to get change.....we have been told by the most objective, professional, knowledgable ,erudite, switched on, the most amazing of all Arsenal bloggers..the man me and my mates in the pub refer to as "The Great.....Myles Palmer" . Check Arsenal News Review.....On the first of August, Mr Palmer told us ....of you want change, better hope Arsenal finish below Tottenham. This man never fails to write sense. We all know change is coming, tho quite what the likes of Gazidis and Kronke will do with this opportunity is open to debate.

  10. Badarse

    Aug 03, 2016, 23:49 #91255

    To the WOR-Roses are red. Your blood is too. You look like a monkey And belong in a zoo. Do not worry, I'll be there too. Not in the cage, But laughing at you.Haha good old Arsene.

  11. Big Dave

    Aug 03, 2016, 23:37 #91254

    We ain't going to buy jack S**t

  12. Leek fc

    Aug 03, 2016, 22:38 #91253

    Goonersol, Gooner sold or is it anusol. You asked that question last month and you got a reply. Or can you remember that far back. Mr Walters summed it up nicely. But probably because it wasn't to your liking you have to keep going on until it suits your agenda. Very much, par for the course in this site. 12 years with no trophy........ Just a guess but you didn't go to Wembley in 2014 & 15.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 03, 2016, 21:28 #91252

    Great news pop-pickers: Arsene and punxatawny Phil have shot to number 1 in the hit parade with a tasty cover version of "I've got you babe" by sonny bono and cher. In the video, the former football manager and close personal friend of cock-a-leekie, gazes loving into the amphibious rat-type thing and lightly fondles it's g-spot. This musical extravaganza coincides with a remake of the film "groundhog day" starring merkin man stan and nina bracwell smith in the bill murray and andi macdowell roles respectively. The whole enterprise has been funded by an increase in season tickets for hapless arsenal soccer matchday consumers. Repeat after me: They say our love won't pay the rent, before it's earned our money's all been spent, I guess that's so we don't have a plot, but at least I'm sure of all the things we got" Mother, where's my next dose of LSD?

  14. mbg

    Aug 03, 2016, 21:01 #91251

    Give me sport report TOF not interested in Draxler (obviously he can think for himself then) was he ever ? so you dreamers can go back to sleep now, or wake up. wenger out out out.

  15. Ron

    Aug 03, 2016, 17:15 #91250

    SKG - Yes mate, i sound like i was peeing on your chips for the sake of it. Apologies SK. Didnt mean too. Williams is a very game bloke and likes to defend. He might well be decent at Everton as you say. I just dont see him coping with the best forwards playing for Arsenal. Hes at his level now. This is what i meant really. Everton need a quick fix dont they as Stones is leaving. I suppose Williams is seen as a decent short term player. Centre half's are like gold dust arent they.John Terry is still the best probably, that how bad its got! I think any Centre half at Arsenal though is on a hiding to nothing. The high line, the full backs always AWOL having bombed on and no midfield men filling in for them when they do. Koschielny and Merter allow far too big a gap between them and that because they have to have half a mind on being part time full backs. I do like our two full backs, particularly Monreal who ive long thought is far better than Gibbs, but Bellerin in particular is ill disciplined as to when he chooses to bomb on. The CB s will always look like lemons from time to time, yet the goals against column isnt so bad is it? Its just that when we do all look at sea at the back its often in vital games, so the stats are misleading.

  16. mbg

    Aug 03, 2016, 15:06 #91249

    Tony, wally will only ever be considered and known as one thing, and he's already that. wenger out.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 03, 2016, 15:05 #91248

    Hi Ron - hope you are having a great summer mate, Williams is not the quickest I agree but I think he would relish another challenge. If Everton do get him we can swap notes in March next year, I like him because he reads the game well but he may be past his peak I grant you - time will tell. Can't be as slow as Per though can he??

  18. Ron

    Aug 03, 2016, 14:00 #91247

    SKG - I think Williams lacks mobility to be honest. He looked ok in the Euros as its slower football. A few yrs back, maybe but now? I think he d be a liability playing for us, he d be exposed and needing to breathe thro his arse hole to keep up. Bit of a donkey i think really mate. Sorry. PS As strikers go, they should try a bid for Costa. Seems all isnt well at the Bridge for him. Just what Arsenal need. Nobody will agree of course and Arsenal wouldn't ever do it, but there you go!

  19. mbg

    Aug 03, 2016, 13:24 #91246

    SKG, nail on head mate, that's exactly why all these players like him have never been signed over the years, they can think for themselves and know right from wrong, and know when they're been coached it, and wouldn't be afraid to speak out and say it and as we know TOF wouldn't have that, that just wouldn't do at all(what any decent manager worth his salt would welcome but not the arrogant egoistic wenger) unlike the second raters and carthorses we have now, and have had over the years and would toe the line and stand there and nod and knew and know no better, that has to be the first box ticked when TOF is looking at or dreaming of signing anyone, they must not answer back or think for themselves just nod and do it even wen it's obvious it's wrong. wenger out before the season starts.

  20. goonersol

    Aug 03, 2016, 12:48 #91245

    " Can you hear Leeky sing ??? I cant hear a xxxx thing" ....Come on Leeky put up your best case to keep Wenger at Arsenal and why change is not needed, and would you give a new manager 12years plus to win major silverware...."Its all gone quiet over there "........In Wenger we Rust...

  21. Tony Evans

    Aug 03, 2016, 12:17 #91244

    I see that Wally Walcott now wants to be considered as a winger. Let's hope a swap deal could be in order for Mahrez, and Walcott can go and try to be a winger at Leicester.

  22. Far far away fan

    Aug 03, 2016, 10:46 #91243

    Who knows we might also get Draxler! I feel we should buy him and turn him into a striker instead of spending an arm and a leg for average forwards. Thoughts, fellas

  23. Far far away fan

    Aug 03, 2016, 9:39 #91242

    I would love to see Mahrez, Ozil, Sanchez and Santi playing together. These are genuinely gifted players and perhaps they can lift each others game. The rumours are that we are inching towards signing Mahrez. Finally, some one to play on the right wing. Goalscorer and goal-maker

  24. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 03, 2016, 8:48 #91241

    I don't know if anyone's has made the point but Ashley Williams 10 million to Everton! We need a defender and our manager likes a cut price deal, surely this fits the definition of a good deal. Problem is, if AW came he would go beyond his remit and start telling the rest of the team were to stand and who to mark - can't have that kind free thinking at our football club. Really think the Welshman would make such a difference to Arsenal.

  25. goonersol

    Aug 03, 2016, 8:04 #91240

    Keeky : this site should be for all, both Pro & Anti Wenger, what I would like to see from the AKB's is a valid argument as to why Wenger is the right man to take us forward ( "be careful what you wish for " is not an reason)It is because of the lack of a valid reason that we have these constant debates....So, I ask again, why is Wenger the right man, and would the AKB's give then next manager 12 seasons plus to win Major Silverware??.....Over to you.

  26. Snowbiggee

    Aug 03, 2016, 6:59 #91239

    If Gazidis put more work into running a football club rather than trying to manipulate the fanbase we might start seeing progress. The club needs to start walking the walk.

  27. Leek fc

    Aug 02, 2016, 21:49 #91238

    Goonersol. As I have stated to my arch enemy Jeff who does not live within 200 miles of London. I will happily discuss the future of AFC at pretty much every home game in and around Highbury or the Emirates for whatever floats your boat. The sad thing about this website is that some are not allowed to voice an opinion that doesn't replicate the Most Boring Gooners on here in defence of Mr Wenger. The facts are there website editor.

  28. Ron

    Aug 02, 2016, 20:50 #91237

    That idiot Sutton, a never been player if ever there was one who basked in Shearers wake and lapped up the reflected glory from him, is just saying what he reads on here and elsewhere. Hes trying to sound smart. I doubt hes got an original thought in his daft head. Hes saying whats true enough, but only to curry a bit of favour with Arsenal dissenters and to make it sound like hard hitting comment. Hes about hard hitting as my cat, the big fairy he is.

  29. mbg

    Aug 02, 2016, 19:03 #91236

    There we have it then apparently TOF has to keep Gazidis in check and curb his enthusiasm for wanting new players signed, who says it's not all down to the old fraud himself then ? the AKB wengerites would believe anything and have others believe it too, and blame everybody apart from their messiah. go now wenger you old fraud.

  30. Loko Leipzig 78

    Aug 02, 2016, 18:39 #91235

    1978 > 2011 for me (that Shrewsbury debacle) but no else of our Twelve Pin's old school goes anyway, season-tickets given up, no aways anyway, I was TRS/Silver but went during all the early/mid 80s crap. 'D'ya go to York City '85? Nah, but went to Hereford the round before'. Anyway, to quote one word from above that sums it all up. Disingenuous.

  31. Mark

    Aug 02, 2016, 17:44 #91234

    have we sold Theo yet..? Jack ? I told you last year if you can get £20m from west ham then let him go ! Pep will now never ever take a Jack who Plays 20% of each season. Chris Sutton is absolutely bang on and Arsenal fans should be banging on the doors because we are really being taken for a ride by this board

  32. goonersol

    Aug 02, 2016, 17:22 #91233

    Leeky ; You never fail to come up with the same old tripe...I don't think you have every been to Highbury or the Emirates, your too busy polishing your signed photo of Mr Wenger..........Tell me Leeky, when Wenger leaves will you leave too?? Wind-up merchant, who knows sweet FA :) .........In Wenger we rust.

  33. Leek fc

    Aug 02, 2016, 16:54 #91232

    The daily contributors on this site are so much like Marmite and scousers..... Mostly hate but, yeah you know the theme. Anyway. If we sign a striker then he'll get ridiculed, sign a defender then he's no good. The previous comments on this site about Granit Xhaka proves my point. Very much a case of old men with very little to do during the day reliving the day they stood on the north bank and supported a working man's club. Move on fellas. During the war......

  34. Bojangles

    Aug 02, 2016, 16:25 #91231

    The Reverend Brian shouted " hallelujah my children, for I am the Baddest Arse preacher between here and the Appalachians, oh yes I've survived snake venom, fearsome storms, the laughter of the disbelievers and the Devil himself" oh Lordy I'm free , free to love the Mighty Wenger! At these words groaning, whimpering and exclamations could be heard in the congregation. As Mr Leek weeped, "oh please Mr Wenger please stay, for they do not know what they do!" Tears trickled to the floor. Behind him an extremely obese bald man in a high pitched voice shouted "Deviants, they are all Deviants, burn in hell. the excitement caused the man to pee into his Adult pleasure nappy. A drunken old man shouted, "they are all F'ing mugs. Mugs, F'ing mugs, I tell yer!" The Rev Brian mopped his brow and thought to himself, being struck off has its advantages. I've earned more from these fools then I did a lifetime in the Church of E. Five more years of this and I'll be made. The key is to keep the freaks screaming for Wenger!

  35. goonersol

    Aug 02, 2016, 16:19 #91230

    Not a great fan of Sutton, but with his views about Arsenal/Wenger he is right....The problem AKB's is Wenger, whoever we do or don't buy, it will not change a thing, huff & puff in CL, flatter to deceive in PL, it will just be a season of excuses, injuries, lack of belief, dodgy refs etc, etc....only when the pressure is off and we need a top 4 finish, will Wenger get his act together to please his paymasters......Giroudhog season awaits......

  36. Ron

    Aug 02, 2016, 16:19 #91229

    Peter W - Wilsheres the new Rosicky minus the skills, talent and the football nous. Hes no loss. Hes been injured for most of the 8 yrs hes been there. The Willy makes the Wally and the Welly seem like durable old campaigners. Wastes of space.

  37. mbg

    Aug 02, 2016, 15:59 #91228

    Yes indeed well done Chris Sutton for saying it just like it his, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, just the kind of talk old yellow and his fans hate. wenger out now.

  38. mbg

    Aug 02, 2016, 15:21 #91227

    Peter Wain, unbelievable ? not for some mate, more expected, and funny, and even funnier when he signs no one else only maybe one second rater who of course will be top top qualittee and a jack of all trades/positions and a master of none, and even funnier again after the deadline when we have/get a couple more injuries (and we will) because that's what we are now mate a funny club, a laughing stock that's why other fans love us so much, and it's all because of an old past it excuse for a manager with no balls. wenger out before the season starts.

  39. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 02, 2016, 15:18 #91226

    Jjet - Yeah maybe I need to be a bit more patient. Scottish fitba is vastly underrated for the craic and the atmosphere. I've seen Hibs play a few times in Embra, usually with mates for whom pub time was more important than the game, but nevertheless had a blast. I lived on Highbury Grange in the 80s and 90s when it was pretty unfashionable and still have my place there. It used to be magic feeling that you lived in and amongst the action, especially midday on any given saturday. And ALL my neighbours were gooners too. I hope your local team has a top season. Trust the suffolk sewer dweller to come out with a lazy xenophobic cliche about wales...get back to your groundhog Jamee son.

  40. Nick Oakleigh

    Aug 02, 2016, 15:15 #91225

    If things don't change between the time of writing and k.o against the scousers we WILL finish out of the top 4. Even if things do change, it may be too late.

  41. jjetplane

    Aug 02, 2016, 13:00 #91224

    AknewB cheers mate When I first dabbled with my local team who are 9th tier I was indifferent too. 3 seasons on and have had some great memories already and the quality of football is just fine and most would be suprised how technical most players are playing at any level these days. Used to live in Eddy so am a confirmed Hibs 'trainspotter' from the 80s. Always supported my local team and as I was within walking distance of Highbury from the 50s til 2005 have a very sizeable bank of memories of watching the Arsenal when they had something about them. Chris Sutton looking like a WOB king on the radio saying 'Arsenal will never win the PL with Wenger' Bet Untold have started the Sutton files now that they have shelved the Vardy files in perfect paranoic meltdown. Shall be crossing the line any minute for a daily laugh! Tony and Walter never lets me down.

  42. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 02, 2016, 12:34 #91223

    Mark from A - Add our very own triumvrate of doom (merkin-man stan, ivan the bullsh*tter, and the anoracked chihuahua) plus the voracious and under-sexed groundhog, and you've got the makings of a daisy chain of a delight there. Leekie - you are an unremitting troll. No-one, but no-one, really believes wengo (or Mr Wenger as you so reverentially call him - oops sorry, a lump of sick just came into my throat there) deserves £8 million a year for his labours. You need a sense of perspective. Jjet - I'm a little envious of you for having found a new team/league/set-up to follow. My local team - the mighty Haverfordwest County - are in the second tier of the welsh league. They no longer play some of the welsh great such as Airbus (!) and it's all a bit underwhelming. I've also seen a few cardiff games in the last 2-3 years - they're Arseneknewbest junior's second favourite team but they don't really raise my spirit in the way that the 70s/80s/90s gunners do. I'm going to keep plugging away though, and am hoping to take in a few hibees games with aforementioned mini-me on a trip north of the border. Your experiences are a refreshing antidote to the corporate football cack that revolves around asano fc inc.

  43. jjetplane

    Aug 02, 2016, 11:37 #91222

    Supporting football Leek whereas I see you are a bit of a foodie with a penchant for Sports Malls. Do you dine at the Wok or just get a Peter's cold pie to munch on the bus you take there. Peter's Pies are well good. I know you won't say who will win the PL this season but tell us the most you have spent on a pie at a match? Enjoy the Klopp visitation.

  44. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 02, 2016, 11:37 #91221

    I think Arsenal will beat Liverpool so sending Leekey and Jamerson into a 2 man circle jerk. Expect collapse at Christmas.

  45. Mark

    Aug 02, 2016, 11:12 #91220

    Arsenal are way behind the curve on how to monetise big Money signings. Utd are a PR machine and it works. Real Madrid + Barca often the same. the No of Shirts that Pogba will sell globally in the first month starts the pay back. eventually 100,000 Shirts globally @ 150/Shirt. Arsenal do not get it. the Board is slow and asleep and up against boards and owners who are on the front foot thinking how to expan their Club and take trophies along at same time. it can be done esp if you are a BIG LONDON Team but you have to have owners Management who are up for it !

  46. Paul ward

    Aug 02, 2016, 10:40 #91219

    Peter wain, can't say I'm too bothered about jacks latest setback. Not a starter for me and back up to Santi at best in a very strong midfield group( shame about defence and attack). Excessive loyalty to players who are almost permanently injured another symptom of the clubs malaise under wenger, the same can be said of our shocking number of long term serious injuries, one wonders what they're training on at Colney these days

  47. Peter Wain

    Aug 02, 2016, 7:59 #91218

    so no Jack or Cazorla for the start of the season. Just which players are fit? It certainly makes are transfer policy of non recruitment totally unbelievable. Wenger out now.

  48. mbg

    Aug 01, 2016, 22:40 #91217

    jw, didn't hear about smoking jack, but doesn't surprise me in the slightest and i'm sure no one else either, it'll be a couple of months alright you can be sure of that but no doubt lord wengers words will work on the gullible, maybe he changed his brand and they made him dizzy and run all funny and he fell over and injured himself, the little waste of space. He's another diaby alright and yes remember how TOF loved him and the wengerites too, remember how he was defended on here year after year by a couple of wengers chief apologists especially one ? waiting for him to come good some day/year, then whether TOF liked it or not he had to give up and get rid, no doubt TOF will do the same with this waste of space also just as he's been doing for years already he'll hang on and on and on rather than be proved wrong, and if those wengerites who thought we were and quite happy for us to be a charity for diaby were still here they'd be in full agreement. wenger out.

  49. Leek fc

    Aug 01, 2016, 21:43 #91216

    Confused JJ isn't quite sure which club to support. Maybe just stick to the 25 or so clubs and keep funding the mediocrity that you so much need after your divorce from the mighty Arsenal. Is Arry your neighbour. Wenger must stay.

  50. Vinnie

    Aug 01, 2016, 20:37 #91215

    Thanks good article sums up how bad things have got If Gazidis made the comment about needing to be more like Leicester thats really scary. But if he means it then go get Ranieri! (please) Arsenal as a club always used to be leading edge, forward looking and innovative, probably true up until about 10 years ago, not any more.. I doubt the people running the club really care.

  51. jjetplane

    Aug 01, 2016, 19:35 #91214

    Leek you talk/whine about people on this site but have you ever noticed how your apparently fave site has main contributors from Belgium, Thailand, Dubai who post every hour and who have perhaps between them seen a season's worth of games in the last few decades. You keep telling us they are your idea of an Arsenal supporter so where are you posting from - Tottenham probably .... Is it true that a lot of Asano injuries are down to the players feeling morally wounded at having to actually compete in a game awash with corrupt clubs and referees - it could explain the last 12 years of 'sacrifice' to attain something more than just trophies. Probably why they threw gainst Watford and Leicester - 'enough is enough' they chorused 'the kingdom of pure football art is ours!' .....

  52. Leek fc

    Aug 01, 2016, 19:17 #91213

    Mr Wenger well worth his yearly wage. Several people on here at the end of last season criticising the manager, ox, Walcott, Ramsey, ozil etc, got to leave the club as they have no fight, no belly, no bottle to win the league. Spend money they say, for which most of them do not put a penny into the club. Fickle as fickle can be on this site. WENGER must stay and of course he will until HE decides to leave.

  53. jeff wright

    Aug 01, 2016, 19:14 #91212

    mbg, Jack is already out injured 2 or 3 weeks ,make that months if past injuries are any yardstick to go by. Same old story Wilshere is the new sick-note taking over from Diaby . Money for nothing . Wengo loves him though and he loves Wenger the silly AKB's such as lee k fc love Wenger and he loves them - in fact they all love one another ! You couldnt make it.

  54. mbg

    Aug 01, 2016, 17:54 #91211

    jw, indeed, and while the top clubs have real world class players names on theirs what have we on ours ? (apart from carthorses) a streak, and we all know what a streak means or is associated with, puma should have coloured it yellow and then it would have been even more in TOF's image and his transformation of our club would have been complete. Go now you old fraud.

  55. Jason

    Aug 01, 2016, 17:53 #91210

    Wenger moaning about transfer fees whilst taking 8 million a year in wages, paying mediocre players ridiculously high wages (so much so we cant get rid of them. Hence so many loans) and the club charging the highest prices in the world. What a first class hypocrite!!

  56. Alsace

    Aug 01, 2016, 17:05 #91209

    Mr Wenger may run out of puff, out of competent players, out of motivational skills, out of hyperbole for his favourites, even out of his fans and his employers patience, but he will NEVER, NEVER, run out of excuses.

  57. Norsgeneral

    Aug 01, 2016, 13:38 #91208

    Haha, I knew it all along. The Vardy story was a total wool over the eyes puller. He didn't even speak to us. Its unbelievable, that after the unrest of last season, these chalatans, have the neck to repeat again the agonies of previous closed seasons. Well I think things may be about to change, as we will be well off the pace this season, with our opening 10 fixtures, a real potential for drama. My guess, come late October, we are in a real mess and this time, Wenger has nowhere to go with his excuses and instead starts to turn on Gazidis and Kroenke. Its all about to come tumbling down, they cannot get away with insufficient recruitment, not with the amount of genuine rivals now stacking up in the league. Hold onto your hats, our time has come.

  58. mbg

    Aug 01, 2016, 13:28 #91207

    Sean Williams, good post, that reminds me of Mr Spock and put a set of two big ears on TOF and they would be dead ringers, have they ever been seen together ? Beam him up scotty.

  59. West Cork FranK

    Aug 01, 2016, 13:25 #91206

    It could just be paper talk but the Metro said we're after Johnny Evans at centre- half for 16 mill. Why ? He is useless, why waste the little money our 'leaders' [sic] are willing to spend ? Really am not looking forward to this season.

  60. jjetplane

    Aug 01, 2016, 11:33 #91205

    Since 2004 been watching and supporting Blackhawks, Kansas Royals, Kansas Jayhawks, all Eastbourne teams, Brighton, Exeter City, Hibs, east coast soccer, lower French divisions and a few sneaky Asano aways for amusement. Meanwhile Leeky has been sitting on his hands at the Food/Sports Complex looking for an answer. For atmosphere you cannot beat Allen Fieldhouse ... Eastbourne Utd v Tunbridge Wells aaaah the romance and a very tough fixture.

  61. Arsene Must Go

    Aug 01, 2016, 11:18 #91204

    I predict that we will finish between fifth and tenth this season.I have predicted this for the last 12 seasons with no real evidence except my mindless negativity.The law of average shows it could happen this season.

  62. Squatter Wenger

    Aug 01, 2016, 11:13 #91203

    Yawn. Dejavu. Perennial Kafkaesque nightmare ad nauseum. Groundhog season number....I've lost count.

  63. Peter Wain

    Aug 01, 2016, 10:35 #91202

    Wenger should shut up about the Pogba transfer fee. It is nothing to do with us how much the Mancs pay and whether it is value for money or not. He should concentrate on our club and improving the quality of players by buying top top quality. Let us hope he does before the season starts other wise the 4th place trophy will be in doubt.

  64. Cyril

    Aug 01, 2016, 6:56 #91201

    I'm so frustrated with it all, And i do think Mr Kroenke needs to kop some flak here. If I see him about I have a good mind to strip him of his asset. See how he feels. I have visions of it floating off the coast of the Isle of Wight by way of the Thames estuary like an overturned coracle. Perhaps, I could even get some tips from Assange and get a 'wigileaks' forum going on all thinks Kroenke and the board. Boy, I'm angry right now!

  65. mbg

    Aug 01, 2016, 0:24 #91200

    Tommy H, you may well be right but I didn't see any criticism of wenger in there, why ? he's as much to blame as them, that's if they're to blame at all, the biggest culprit in all this is wenger whether you like it or not, if he wanted x amount of money for any player he'd get it, he runs the show, the fact is he doesn't and doesn't want to spend to accumulate and win he wants to do everything on the cheap just to try and fulfil his pet project and prove everybody else wrong, something he's been failing miserably at for the last eleven years. wenger out before the season starts.

  66. mbg

    Aug 01, 2016, 0:08 #91199

    It was a thinly veiled attempt to manage the fan alright Bard, and no doubt it worked (as usual)with the gullible who think him and TOF know best and lap up everything they say, but it certainly didn't/hasn't worked with the proper fans who know better and aren't as gullible, excuses, excuses, excuses before the season even starts, there's nothing like getting their excuses in early, (what a pathetic excuse for a manager wenger is) they must be taking lessons from the AKB's.

  67. Leek fc

    Jul 31, 2016, 23:47 #91198

    Jj. The 20th tier club you now support since 2004 must have some fans you can liaise with rather than bore the pants off us. See ya fella. Bye bye. Leave the Arsenal to the Arsenal fans.

  68. Cyril

    Jul 31, 2016, 23:17 #91197

    Ron, it has come to this. Maybe this will make me a more fair minded person. And you know why, any competitive edge , spirit, pride and posturing that I had towards the oppo fans in the way it was intended has all but gone. What's the point, but you have to go some to knock a footy fan's desire and passion to such a benign state. Perhaps they should introduce the ' Arsenal way' into the prison rehabilitation scheme Ron. By the time they would of done a 20 stretch, they would come out totally listless, with no desire for any further misbehaviour. I really do believe it has been a calculated slow creep into this state since 2006. Fun times ahead when Spurs move into the new stadium with 60,000 people chomping at the bit and West Ham offering season tickets for 250 quid. Anyway, no time to talk, must not forget to sign up for basket weaving at the local college this year ....

  69. Ron

    Jul 31, 2016, 21:47 #91196

    Right with you Cyril. Ironically though, ive landed a seat for the Leics match away towards the end of August. Going away means a far better atmosphere and AFC dont get much from the ticket cost. Does me half a dozen times per season. Catch up with a few old mates from the SE too who ive known from doing the games for yrs and only now see from time to time. The results are secondary. The bite to eat, a couple of pints and a catch up are whats its about for me. F--k the Board and Wenger as you say mate.

  70. Cyril

    Jul 31, 2016, 19:40 #91195

    Spot on article. I've said for many many years that the 'sugar daddy' owners was the perfect excuse for the board. They were able to peddle the the line about the costs of the stadium and not being able to compete whilst making plenty every year. Please remember, you can pay a mortgage, save and still make money at the same. That is exactly what they did. The response from my cohorts would always be some patronising explanation about business and importance of saving for the future and feeling really proud 'we do it the 'arsenal way'. I knew it was bullshine then and I know it know. They just have been exposed because they cannot get away with it now. I am one of those fans who have a season ticket. However, I am not a middle class North Londoner. I am a working class lad from an estate in Archway. I adore the club that I knew from a child. However, I am so bitter to the pit of my stomach by what Kroenke et al have taken from us. My only choices are not to go anymore, attend and enjoy the victories when they occur in a really silent atmosphere or stick two fingers up to the board at the seating area, which I have done in the past. I sit right opposite them on the opposite side of the stadium and believe me they can see us. I will just have to practice my stance - two legs wide apart and an exaggerated two finger gesture straight up the pipe. It would be handy if I could get hold of one of those pointy finger banners seen at the darts in 2 finger format. This is so juvenile of me but I feel the word 'hate' about these people now. I am really looking forward to the season because of the new managers and love footy, but why can't I have the excitement of seeing great players at my club. It feels like 'red' going to the parole board for the umpteenth time knowing he will he turned down. Surely, like in the film we will be free someday. Bloodsuckers !!

  71. jjetplane

    Jul 31, 2016, 17:40 #91194

    Off to my first away next week for the 1st FA Cup round qualifiers in Kent. Real FA romance that beats an Asano cup game every time ... 12 quid all in.

  72. Brighton Gooner

    Jul 31, 2016, 17:29 #91193

    totally agree with Alsace. I have never looked forward to a new season less. We all know what's going to happen - Liverpool will beat our weakened injury filled team, a couple of sub standard panic buys and out of the title race by October, followed by the usual mind numbing boring Champions League procession to second place in the group, yawn! I really am struggling to find the enthusiasm to travel up to a game! How has it come to this? 20 years of a past it manager who cant admit he's just not got it anymore.


    Jul 31, 2016, 12:51 #91192

    Well, well!! Same old, same old sigh!! It's getting so disgusting!! Every year this happens!! I just feel sick!! WHY IS THIS MAN ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT?? Oh yeah are weak fan base especially the ones who go to the emirates!! How can you folks sing one arsene wenger than keep on crying because he won't change his ways and always comes up short??? Wengers legacy for me is dead!! The man has completely out stayed his welcome and has become a laughing stock!!! Yesterday I saw a guy called Jon champion a commentator on espn say that there are two types of arsenal fans but he tried to spin it and say that the most recent fans and the ones who go to opera and are middle class snobs who support arsenal because it's in North London and trendy thing to do ate the ones who want wenger gone and the ones who remember failure are the ones who want him to stay. I had to laugh at this clown as he blatantly tried to spin it around. The fans who want wenger to stay ate the ones he talked about first the middle class snobs who populate the emirates and never chant or cheer! They are the fans who support arsenal because it's the trendy thing to do in North London! They are the type of people arsenal have purposefully gone after to make a staple at the emirates!! They where the ones singing one arsene wenger at the emirates like clowns! The second group can't afford to go the emirates who the club have purposefully tried to get rid off!! They are the ones who have supported arsenal and knew a arsenal before wenger came along!! So I hate it when akbs try to spin their nonsense!! I just want this man gone now!! The day I hear wenger is leaving arsenal is the day I will rejoice with happiness!!

  74. jjetplane

    Jul 31, 2016, 12:43 #91191

    Have not seen a picture of Asano yet but what of the rumours he is as wide (think Sumo) as Holding is tall ..... HICCUP with you on Untold watch and the paranoia is fantastically pathological and 24/7 and particularly love Walter's attempts to instruct humanity on leading the good life .... Maybe there is something in the 4th finish philosophy with Arnold Schowenger adapting Camusian theory of the Absurd to uphold his Aristotelian notion of said good life. Real success lies in failure .... What say Leeky!

  75. jeff wright

    Jul 31, 2016, 11:38 #91190

    Everything is relevant where football finance is concerned United have revealed that they have already made 76m in word wide sales of shirts with Ibrahimovic on the back.A catchy name that ! Whatever the cash made from Ibo's shirt sales helps to pay for Pogba's fee. Supporters would sooner see the money running around on field rather than it hoarded in the club account being used to pay dividends to share holders. Or used for collateral to fund their other nefarious financial activities elsewhere.Stan's 3m a year div and Wengo's 8m+ wages can't be justified by results on field and ticket prices that - despite the cobbling together of various stats to try and claim otherwise by some - remain the highest in world football. Never in the history of football has so much been paid for so little .

  76. KC

    Jul 31, 2016, 10:16 #91189

    The real concern with the clubs direction is that we are having this feed to us by a club that has spent the last 18 odd years in the champions league a club that has built a new stadium a club with a 60000 capacity a club earning massive tv money. How can Liverpool out spend us over the years? What happens to us when we stop qualifying for the champions league? If we have this lack of ambition when we have so much income then it's a depressing future when the champions league target is missed. Wenger and Gazidas destroy my interest they both talk about not going over the odds not competing with the city's cfc''s but we are not asking them to do that just fuc****spend the resources the club had to make us as good as we can be put the the tv money on the pitch. Understand that good strikers good central midfielders good central defenders make good teams without a top quality striker we cannot ever win the two trophies we all really want.

  77. Augustus Flair

    Jul 31, 2016, 10:00 #91188

    No-one has yet mentioned our first PL opponents this season, who have shelled out the thick end of £70m (mostly on Mane and Wijnaldum, who was average for NUFC last season) in their bid for success. I'm not a prophet but I think the Reds will give us the runaround on August 14, especially as we don't seem to have top-level cover for the lightning-fast, tactically astute Mertesacker at the moment. Still, at least we have strengthened our front line with the soon-to-be-legendary Takuma Asano, so perhaps I'm being a tad pessimistic. Come on you Gu... oh, what the hell, I can't be arsed anymore.

  78. Hiccup

    Jul 31, 2016, 9:18 #91187

    I for one am looking forward to the start of the season. My favourite comedy blog Untold has spent all summer, in true paranoid fashion, wondering why the media don't love Arsenal ( with weeks of research as evidence). Once the season starts, they can get back to what they do best, snd shift their paranoia to blaming corruption and cheating ref's. It sure is gonna be one big laugh on there as they scramble around trying to blame anything from BT Sports infiltrating the fanbase to the Mafia, anything other than the 3 leeches holding the club back. Can't wait!

  79. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 31, 2016, 8:28 #91186

    Thanks Bard - I think the club's transfer policy is wilfully not to engage in the upper reaches of the market whenever possible (unless looking to sell that is) and to make meaningless and unrealistic comments about how unhealthy it's all becoming as a way of covering their arses against accusations of parsimony/inertia. The stan-ivan-arsene nexus keeps everyone happy. Stan makes huge amounts of lucre; Ivan gets to crap on about business school theory and tell whopping corporate lies, and arsene is happy to deliver mediocrity while indulging his de gaulle sized ego. A perfect storm of tosspots - no wonder Jamee son loves them.

  80. Ali

    Jul 31, 2016, 6:37 #91185

    I have officially given up watching and supporting Arsenal until Wenger is gone because apparently to the majority of Arsenal fans this club belongs to Wenger and those who don't worship him should go and support other teams.

  81. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 30, 2016, 23:22 #91184

    Guess who the be-merkinned marauder from missoura is voting for in the US presidential elections? Yes, D Trump of course. Apparently, they are great pals and they see eye to eye on King comb-over's policy on Mexico. Two schlags that surely deserve each other. Two kerayzee geezers with even crazier barnets. I wonder if weng ever risks biting the hand that feeds him by entering into political discourse with his pay master. As an erudite economist and socialist, one would reckon the former football manager would have the balls to stand up to his eccentric, money grubbing boss but I'm not sure. I wonder too what Trumpy would think of weng and his lamentable record of failure - surely a "you're fired", uttered ooh over ten or so years ago. Eff you stan kroenke and the toupee you rode in under.

  82. Red Member

    Jul 30, 2016, 23:04 #91183

    Jameson - all I can say to you is that modern day Arsenal is made for people like you, so fair enough enjoy the coming season. I don't want to spoil any surprises for you but it is highly likely that we will have a tense end of season run in to finish in the top 4. Oh and don't forget that the Champions league finishes in March as per normal. Zzzzz

  83. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 30, 2016, 22:58 #91182

    Jamee son - you sound like an inebriated, pound-shop winston churchill, Desperate stuff. Your man love for weng - who hates you (as an arriviste match-day customer) as much as he does the likes of me - is creepy and far from wholesome. Face facts - the club is slowly dying under this awful regime. I agree with JW's point. Weng ain't frightened of high transfer fees when he's selling, it's only when he's faced with buying. Work that one out. The three stooges are anti-Arsenal. Their sh*t is utterly corrupt and should be boycotted by supporters. It's the only prospect for change. If we all spit in stan's direction, he'll be carried off in a rubber dinghy across the atlantic.

  84. Rob

    Jul 30, 2016, 21:43 #91181

    The final paragraph says it all. Because that's what we are now about. It is also clear that Arsenal are constantly, one, or one and a half seasons late in what they do. This window might have been great for last year but won't address this seasons short comings. New Managers at City, Utd and Chelsea will see to that. And so - from our point of view - it goes on...and on.....and on...and on.....

  85. Jason

    Jul 30, 2016, 19:41 #91180

    I agree with the points raised with regards Kroenke and Gazidis. However @Tommy H, we are dealing here with thick skinned ruthless business men where the only thing that matters is money. Protests and 15 minute boycotts are a complete waste of time. Its like standing outside Tesco's with banners protesting about their cost of food before then going in to do you weekly shop. If we are to go down the self sustainable route then in order to be successful we need a manager that is a) tactically astute, and b) one who can wheel and deal in the transfer market. ie, raise revenue by selling players in order to fund the players we need. Unfortunately Wenger is incapable of both.

  86. Hiccup

    Jul 30, 2016, 19:26 #91179

    Good stuff Bard. There's nothing chaotic about it. It's precisely what the club have planned in. Bar a disastrous start this season, which led to the trolley dash a few years back, things are going to plan. To be honest, the club don't even need to make excuses any more. The AKB's are more than happy with things and will provide the excuses on behalf of the club. Jeff makes a good point in that these obscene disgusting transfer fees that the AKB's hate and don't want to be a part of is all very well, unless Arsenal are the recipient, and then it's great work Arsene as the bank balance approaches half a billion. You couldn't make it up.

  87. Lauren k r

    Jul 30, 2016, 19:21 #91178

    Rather a waste of time this article. Sounds a bit like the computer version of Prem Manager 2017. The board, club, Wenger will not throw the supporters money away in getting carried away with the whole transfer scenario. Ozil, Sanchez, Giroud, Ramsey, Koscielny, world class. Chuba, Joel, Alex iwobi, Alex O-C. Hector, Mo El, Granit....... Need I go on. Settle down lightweights who claim to follow the Arsenal. Runners up last year, FA cup winners 2014 & 2015. Moaning must be your pastime. Boring boring Arsenal.

  88. Alsace

    Jul 30, 2016, 19:12 #91177

    Is anyone, like me wondering whether they can be arsed to turn up this season, when clearly the club can not?

  89. Tony Evans

    Jul 30, 2016, 18:55 #91176

    Hi Bard - what a volte face by Gazedis: competing with Bayern 2013 to being more like Leicester 2016! I fully accept that transfer values are ridiculous, as are top players wages but why should our team be the voice of reason. As you rightly say with two of the world's richest men on board we could easily compete right at the very top of the game but as most of us have realised over the years the simple truth is we don't want to. We hardly ever have if truth be told. It never really bothered me before but the lies, spin and half truths we are fed now, coupled with Wenger's kamikaze attitude - always leaving us short in key areas, leaves me cold.

  90. Smithy

    Jul 30, 2016, 18:00 #91174

    It's a very sad state of affairs of what Stan and gurning gazidis are doing to a club rich history. Under Arsene we have turned from challengers to also rans. We are the new Southampton buying young players , developing them and then selling them to man city, Barca or Bayern Munich. A club in decline. And will remain so until the Russian takes over.

  91. mbg

    Jul 30, 2016, 17:03 #91173

    So TOF is scared of the other clubs spending ? you don't have to confirm it you old fraud we already knew you were a coward. wenger out now.

  92. Ron

    Jul 30, 2016, 14:10 #91172

    Hi Bard - to be honest id be happy if they bought this Lacazette. Id have gone for Wanyama as well. Wdt want Pogba Higuain or Stones. None of them are that brilliant. Sounds like im defending the regime. Not at all. Much of what you say is right.Bank busting ? Griezmann had it have been possible. Fabulously clever player.

  93. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2016, 12:23 #91171

    Good article Bard , there is no doubt in my mind that Stan's business interests in the good ol' U S of A dictate fiscal policies at AFC .Wengo's comments yesterday that he finds the money being paid to buy players 'frightening' sums up his position. The irony is that Wenger started all of the mad money transfer malarkey when he sold 'le sulk' to Real Madrid donkey's years ago for what was then a staggering 20+m fee having signed him from PSG for £500,000. This set up the buy cheap sell big policy that was carried out for a decade by Wengo and co until other clubs sussed it out.This big bucks buy of Pogba looks on the face of it to be crazy with United having sold him for pea-nuts. However it may not be as crazy as it appears because he is now more experienced and probably a better player than he would be had he remained at United .The financial side of the deal has to take account of all aspects such as a clause that if he is sold for a certain amount United get a percentage of the fee .So as with the Bale situation at Madrid results will determine if Pogo was worth the money or not .With 2 European Cup wins already for Balo at Madrid I don't think that anyone at Real will be complaining about how much he cost. It's a result game and any manager who worries about money being spent is in the wrong job. That should not be his concern.

  94. Terry

    Jul 30, 2016, 12:12 #91170

    David Dein realised we needed a sugar daddy/oil oligarch/mega-rich person to take the club forward. Self-sustainability wasn't going to work. So, he looked for such a person (while many a massive profit on his shares). Unfortunately he found Kroenke. Realising his mistake he countered with Usmanov. But, too late. Hence, we are operating an out-dated model.

  95. Begeegs

    Jul 30, 2016, 12:05 #91169

    If only Usmanov was actually on the board. Hopefully this is the last year of Wenger in any form. He prides himself as an economist, but in reality he is someone who cris foul when the football world moves away from his vision. Sadly, he is outdated now.

  96. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:56 #91167

    As someone who supported Arsenal from 63 to 2004 I now would find it hard to even listen to an Arsenal game on the radio. No relationship with stadia, management, fans, players. Buying two or three 'top' players each season is beside the point. The main problem that has led to a sterile, characterless product is having a non football amateur economist running the club from top to bottom. If Tesco can change management why can't Arsenal. Personally think Arsenal will never get back to being a club teams find a difficult game. It's over - move on to county football.

  97. Dartford gooner

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:22 #91166

    Bard only one very rich man on the board, and that is the problem. They will not allow the man with the real money onto the board. Once again there will be no protest against the board and the owner, same crap different season.

  98. Tommy H

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:02 #91165

    Bard's comments are wright on! So we're many comments by others in the last few weeks. Stan and Gazidi are not football minded. For them Arsenal is money making business, with no ambition beyond being among the top four! I think the fans need to make a strong statement during ARS-LIV game in two weeks. Not showing up during the first 15 min of the game woul be one way to do it.

  99. ArseMart

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:01 #91164

    It's the perfect (****) storm really isn't it? Finished second last season to a team who hardly spent anything. A manager who has lost his mojo and his bottle but is massively well rewarded and can deliver top 4. An owner with a history of running sports franchises for profit rather than winning. A snake oil salesman always ready to go out and speak bull**** to the media. 2013 "We can take on Bayern". 2016 "We need to be more like Leicester" (glossing over that the previous team to go something like that was Forest nearly 40 years ago). Nothing changing here next season

  100. Sean Williams

    Jul 30, 2016, 11:00 #91163

    Spot on. Also it is common knowledge that Wenger dithers tremendously and changes his mind very quickly. I can understand not buying Higuain who has no resale value, but Lacazette, Lukaku, Drawled will gain in resale value. Wenger is notsuch a good business man. It seems it is ideological and not business orientated with Wenger. He is a Dodo. Totally extinct species. Sad man.

  101. Stella

    Jul 30, 2016, 10:52 #91162

    Commented yesterday on similar lines to Mail on Kroenke article. LA is a massive project. Its bankers likely to require ring fenced cash as well as pledged assets to support the build. Would make sense of contrasting Gazidiz 13/16 and strange inaction in summer 15. Requires dogged journalist to investigate. Would, surely, be xplosive if verified.