Dear Mr. Gazidis...

Unconvinced supporter writes an open letter to the Arsenal CEO…

Dear Mr. Gazidis...

Ivan – We are progressing

Dear Mr. Gazidis

I read with interest your recent statement in justifying Arsenal`s transfer policy that considerable progress has been made on the playing side in the past five seasons, so much so that there is every reason to believe Arsenal can mount a serious challenge for major honours which I take to be a reference to the Premier League and The Champions League.

Considerable progress? Really? I was baffled so took a few minutes to check the playing records for the last five seasons as the word that came to mind rather than progress was stagnant.

So Mr. Gazidis are you referring to…

Last five seasons -oldest first ------ 70,73,79,75.71- nope, no progress there

Plus 25, 35, 27, 35, 29 – nope, no progress there

74, 72, 68, 71, 65 – nope, no progress there

Champions League
I need note quote even to you the record for last five seasons - no progress

So I am thinking - What does Mr Gazidis have in mind? Maybe the average age of the squad?
So at random I looked at the Boxing Day fixture starting XI for 2015 and compared it with the equivalent for 2011.
Average age 2011 - 26 years 10 months.
Average age 2015 - 28 years 2 months - fair to say no progress there and 10 out of starting XI remain at club, which means average age now even higher

So Mr Gazidis - the stats say YOU ARE WRONG -THERE HAS BEEN NO PROGRESS and if anything the stats show the club going backwards.

Another justification for the transfer policy - we cannot compete with the rich clubs. Really?

1. Arsenal have highest gate receipts in world football

2. Quite probably Arsenal are the only club in world football to have two independent billionaires as major shareholders.

3. Likewise Arsenal are probably the only club in world football who refuses to allow its wealthiest shareholder to invest in the club.

4. On the commercial side Arsenal fall behind its major rivals (and have done so for sometime). Every time the club announces a major sponsorship e.g. shirts deal, it’s a racing certainty within days a rival will be announcing a much bigger deal but then again what can one expect on the commercial side when the decision makers enter into probably the most ludicrous commercial deal in sporting history namely selling off naming rights for the stadium until 2029 for a relative pittance.

5. Symptomatic - Chelsea play in USA in front of 100,000 fans, Arsenal in front of 20,000.

I am not going to go into the ineptitude shown over past five years in conducting transfers but just imagine what an extra £1m offered for Xabi Alonso, £5-10m for Suarez or £5m for Higuain would have achieved both in terms of SUCCESS and PROFIT when those players could have been bought from Liverpool (Alonso and Suarez) and Real Madrid (Higuain).

Mr Gazidis - like an increasing number of loyal supporters - I despair

Yours sincerely

Roland Taylor

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  1. JM - LONDON

    Aug 10, 2016, 16:28 #91512

    Yep, enough really is enough now. Back to business on Sunday and people are just itching to blast at wallcot & that buffoon Giroud when they continually start ballsing it up again. I honestly thought last season would have been a watershed, but no, another year of discontent looms. If you can't beat them, then let's join then, it really is time for Usmanov and David Dein to take control.

  2. Tony Evans

    Aug 09, 2016, 13:38 #91444

    Hi Ron - you are most definitely not alone mate - I thought exactly the same thing myself.

  3. mbg

    Aug 08, 2016, 18:19 #91407

    Ray, there was once another on here who spoke fluent gobbledegook, he emigrated to waltons mountain a long time go never to return after a breakdown, your not related to him are you ?

  4. mbg

    Aug 08, 2016, 18:00 #91404

    Mark from Aylesbury, hopefully someone's also leaking it to embarrass the old billy goat (although that wouldn't be hard to do) and/or get him sacked, preferably the latter. wenger out.

  5. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2016, 15:25 #91386

    One thing Wenger has done very well is give himself endless time to build a personal fortune. Love reading Untold LEEK as it is hilarious when it is serious and **** when it tries to be funny. Assume you are living in the 70s with that lot in a mature student bedsit for a dozen in la la land. that's all they sound like - failed teachers and 2nd world expats. As long as it gives you something to hang onto because you will surely need this season. Assume you don't like this site but come on here because ...... in your heart you believe Wenger will win the PL this time. Go on - say it! You know you want to ....

  6. David

    Aug 08, 2016, 14:32 #91380

    @Gooner89 - I don't know why Koscielny, Giroud and Ozil can't play either. Three weeks after England won the World Cup in 1966 they were back playing the first game of the season for their clubs. Roger Hunt was playing (along with Alan Ball & Ray Wilson) and scoring in the Charity Shield just a fortnight after. There is plenty of opportunity to rest players in the season such as "injuries" prior to the September international call up when Arsenal play Watford. But for the first couple of games against Liverpool and Leicester who are both likely to be rivals for the 4th place trophy Koscielny has to play.

  7. Paul Ward

    Aug 08, 2016, 14:20 #91379

    On the contrary Ray, shying away from tough decisions is one of Wengers biggest weaknesses, staying loyal to chumps like Almunia ( where's he now mate?)and the forever injured likes of Diaby, Rosicky and Wilshere betray a lack of ruthlessness that doesn't exist with the likes of Mourinho or Ferguson.

  8. Leek fc

    Aug 08, 2016, 14:03 #91378

    Jj, hiccup and a few others appear to be spending a lot of time on UNTOLD. Deep down you're loving it really eh. You can't keep away.

  9. Ray

    Aug 08, 2016, 13:58 #91377

    Nobody can deny that Wenger is among the top managers for spotting talent, particularly a diamond in the rough like Elneny OR a superstar like Ozil and his ability to integrate these talents into an already talented team is well known. My guess is that talent for Wenger is more complex than your average supporter understands. For example, someone like Walcott, whose talent is hidden under a bushel all too often, is of particular interest to Wenger, who justifiably prides himself on getting the best out of his players. IMHO, I believe that Wenger sees potential talent and actual talent as too different things and that he loves to invest in both but doesn’t shy away from making the tough decision when it is evident a player will not achieve the goals Wenger sets for him. He does believe in giving players plenty of time and support before he releases them.

  10. Peter Wain

    Aug 08, 2016, 13:28 #91376

    is it me or has our injury crisis started a month earlier than last year?

  11. Paul ward

    Aug 08, 2016, 13:25 #91375

    Didn't we thrash man city in the charity shield a couple of years ago? 3 nil I think it was. Turned out to mean absolutely nothing in terms of our PL and CL "challenge" that year. Expect the same this season . In the old fraud we rust.

  12. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2016, 13:09 #91374

    Know what you're saying HICCUP but ex ref Walter skipped over the fact there was extra time against Viking. In that match Untold would be petitioning for another hour's play to see how many they could roll in against I assume the one Viking .... Some of the new kids are great but now more than ever Arsenal need a hungry energetic coach and not some rich bloke half asleep for we hope his final 8m pay packet. Few WOBs breaking through the AKB defenses and getting sizeable amounts of likes. Looks like their leader has backed himself into a retro sociology corner for jive dancing opportunists ....

  13. Ron

    Aug 08, 2016, 12:42 #91373

    I think i stand alone in not being concerned one iota that Gabriel is injured. Its a shame hes hurt himself of course but in reality, does it make much difference? Whoever lines up the heart of our defence, its always looks brittle and such are Gabriels past performances, im not at all sure hes any better than anybody else there who may have to fill in. Centre defence has been neglected for many years, so why worry now.

  14. Hiccup

    Aug 08, 2016, 12:40 #91372

    Mayhem over on Untold. Gabriel's injury is being blamed squarely on the referee. Untold's Referee Correspondent is cutting short his holiday in la la land and flying home to compose a dossier on the match official, and a petition is going out to have him banned from all future Arsenal games played in Sweden. Ref's have it in for Arsenal even during pre season friendlies. What hope do we have when the season starts for real?

  15. Red Member

    Aug 08, 2016, 11:32 #91371

    John Gage - but we have bought our players early - we bought Zhaka and Holding and they have both been integrated into the squad. Surely you can't be expecting more players to sign!

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 08, 2016, 11:31 #91370

    Grandma is risking it, so little cover in our defence. So much opportunity to fill gaps but once again his fear of splashing cash shoots us in the foot. Where's the dependable Andy Linigan style backup or as Utd used to have David May. If we get a bad result against the Pool questions again will be asked. One theory doing the rounds is that someone in Arsenal is leaking the cash availability into the media to try and get the old goat to spend it. Some chance.

  17. John Gage

    Aug 08, 2016, 10:55 #91369

    For a manager of his experience I'm baffled that he doesn't appreciate the importance of integrating a new player. Wenger does not seem to realise or care that the sooner he buys a player the quicker it is that he can adapt to the other players and have a successful pre-season, so he can hit the ground running when the season starts. This is what successful managers such as Mourinho and Ferguson do. In his obsession with penny pinching even if we buy players chances are they will not be match fit or will need several matches to integrate with the other players meaning points will be lost.

  18. Bard

    Aug 08, 2016, 10:30 #91368

    Its looking very much like business ( or in our case no business) as usual. Going into the first games of the season short in one dept or another. Caught with our pants down over transfers. Wanting to pay less than the market rate but not able to because every man and his dog knows we have shedloads of money. Expect the proverbial shopping trolley dash should we get tonked by Liverpool. You have to love the Weng for his commitment to austerity.

  19. Edmund

    Aug 08, 2016, 8:52 #91367

    There was a time when any player would have jumped at the chance to play for Arsenal. Now the likes of Vardy turns us down. Players are even turning down Champions League to play for Chelsea. I cant see how that can be considered progress. Hiccup, your post was in the money. Roland have you bought the latest jerseys from Puma yet? Yes? They will be so happy with the continued success of the current regime.

  20. Smithy

    Aug 08, 2016, 8:08 #91366

    Can't quite believe it we are only third top in the premier injury league table only hull and Liverpool to wrestle back now . Surely leek fc and Jamison could knobble a couple of our players to bump up their argument that we are number one in the world and we are sublimely best at everything.

  21. Goonerwoody

    Aug 08, 2016, 8:05 #91365

    Regardless of what anyone thinks, nobody can argue that some of the deals this summer that we could have gone for wouldn't have been smart business such as Zlatan (great player, but not at those wages) and Higuain (massively overpriced). Nobody wants the club to shoot themselves in the foot, but with the value we got for Ozil and Alexis then surely there must be players that can add something to the squad? Personally I don't give a monkeys whether we sign someone today or next week, it is an absolute DISGRACE for the planning to be so poor this close to the big kick off. Yes, Gabriel's injury was bad luck but when you add that alongside our bad planning, then it's a disaster. Quite why we couldn't have signed a centre back and striker by now is appalling and I feel sorry for the likes of Holding going into the season as Wenger isn't going to be able to haul him out of the action if he has a bad game and that's just unacceptable.

  22. mbg

    Aug 07, 2016, 23:00 #91364

    John F, I've also been saying something very similar on here for a few years now, TOF will not be told what to do, simple, under any circumstances especially where transfers are concerned, he' rather stick two fingers up at us, like I've said before if fans want something/someone ie players, signings etc, and make it known especially with spend some f*****g money chanting there's even less chance of getting him/them with wenger, yes the best way to get a player/players we want with TOF is to chant we don't need/want any players, or we don't want so and so then TOF will go out and buy him/them to spite us. wenger out out out.

  23. mbg

    Aug 07, 2016, 22:17 #91363

    John F, ha ha good one love it, wally will really confuse TOF (as well as himself) tomorrow when he tells him he sees himself as a defender and wants to play as a centre half. wenger out.

  24. mbg

    Aug 07, 2016, 21:51 #91362

    Here we go again another meaningless friendly with no pressure, we're certainly god to go. You couldn't make it up. wenger out out out.

  25. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 07, 2016, 21:10 #91361

    No surprises then - s.n.a.f.u...Rumour has it that weng will play jamee son and leekie as the all new central defensive pairing against the bin dippers. Jamee will wear his Ian Paisley autographed laser spex and deploy an 8ft high bible to repel atheists, deviants and any Liverpool players who do not share his world view. Leekie will spurn all dialogue with his own teammates and the ref, preferring instead to rush headlong at the opposition by pretending to be the hardest man in the northern hemisphere. These two dumkopfs can't be any worse than the nutjobs already in our defence can they? We might as well laugh at weng now.

  26. Smithy

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:38 #91360

    Big bid going in for Ashleigh Williams- a leader and experienced - 14 million and we would have him.?

  27. Old Man

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:27 #91359

    One Jonny Evans there's only one Jonny Evans! Just practising!!

  28. Gooner89

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:22 #91358

    When's the open top bus parade? Oh sorry it's another meaningless pre season one and a heavy price paid. So no BFG, no Gabriel and Kos too tired. I can't work out why Kos and Giroud can't play but Ramsey and Sanchez can. Buy Wenger and bye Wenger

  29. Peter Wain

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:14 #91357

    so Wengers appalling performance in the transfer market comes home to bite us. With Gabriel out probably for the season yet again the lack of investment in the first squad is apparent. No doubt a cheap fix will be made with much talk of top top quality.

  30. Smithy

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:09 #91356

    Well that's Gabriel out with a serious knee injury. We now need 2 centre backs - but will he spend anything? Or it's chambers, holding or bielik vrs the scousers?

  31. Mathew

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:04 #91355

    Well well well....looks like the doors to our medical room has been opened, jinxed ! Thanks to a meaningless friendly we are left with Holding, Beilik and Chambers in am so done with Wenger

  32. Leek fc

    Aug 07, 2016, 20:01 #91354

    Blindingly obvious that we have a sharp, youthful, entertaining side that will challenge yet again this season. The negatives on this site will be quite sour tonight. Excellent signings Mr Wenger. Wenger must stay.

  33. Smithy

    Aug 07, 2016, 18:42 #91353

    So far holding looks good but Gabriel still not good enough. And it is blindingly obvious we need to sign a striker!

  34. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 07, 2016, 17:32 #91352

    Do we need these soft bellied, no balls for the fight, Largest Shareholder, Chief Executive, and Manager? Certainly not! KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  35. mbg

    Aug 07, 2016, 16:57 #91351

    Peter Wain, your absolutely right, a complete waste of time and money (for the gullible) what was the point ? what did it achieve ? what was learnt ? what did it show us ? absolutely nothing, apart from something we already know, we can win when there's no pressure, when up against second third rate opposition with nothing to play for. wenger out tonight.

  36. mark parsons

    Aug 07, 2016, 16:55 #91350

    perfectly put,as already said this must go viral

  37. mbg

    Aug 07, 2016, 16:47 #91349

    jj, 96774, your dead right the AKB's are unconvincing they have no argument left and never have had for years now (and what's more they know it)they're just like the rest of us they know their messiah is done, has nothing left, finished, but they still back him, even pretending to I reckon, even though they know their on long lost clause rather than admit the truth and lose face. wenger out out out.

  38. Hiccup

    Aug 07, 2016, 14:29 #91348

    There seems to be a rift opening over on Untold. Middle of the road AKB's hoping that Wenger buys a striker are being shot down as traitors and being called wob's much to their disliking. It's all down to indisputable evidence. When Chelsea and City were winning leagues it was put down to them buying the league (backed up with evidence, of course). Now that Arsenal are flush with money, spending it won't help win titles (again, backed up by evidence, of course). No wonder there's such confusion amongst their happy clapping community. Actually, using their thought process, Wenger must be a wob too for trying to buy Vardy? Will be interesting to see the meltdown on there should Wenger actually buy a striker. Wenger wasting money on players that we don't need. Tut tut! Should be a scream.

  39. John F

    Aug 07, 2016, 9:56 #91347

    Our striker problem may be solved from within.Our very own hop,skip and jump gold medal prospect Wally is being talked up as a quality striker by Wenger.Wally appears not to agree as he wants to play as a winger but Wenger insists he plays as a central striker which contrasts with previous seasons when Wally wanted to play centrally but was played as a winger.Confused you will be, perhaps this is wally playing mind games with Wenger.I understand that a lot of backroom staff play the same game,the Arsenal groundsmen who want to remain cutting the grass ask to work in the kitchens.The more worrying prospect is that when Wenger starts talking up his strikers during the window it usually means one thing.We all should be E mailing the club that we do not want a new striker then perhaps he will sign one.

  40. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2016, 21:31 #91346

    Certainly pick the easy games and there you have Liverpool beating Barcelona for 4! It's the kids I feel sorry for. Happy playing the Vikings (who?) as was Wenger (not seeing the big picture) who was in total smirk mode with the Bouldie hologram placed beside him. Now if Asano FC could beat Barcelona 4-0 there might be a smidgin of interest ....

  41. Paul ward

    Aug 06, 2016, 20:20 #91345

    Apparently age and resale value are two of the criteria when buying new players( see wengers latest load of garbage after the Viking victory) . A question then, why the hell did he bid for the 29 year old Jamie Vardy? We've been listening to the same nonsense on transfers for the best part of ten years now, and still we neither win or threaten to win the big two trophies, surely it can't go on much longer, someone please please make it stop, the sooner the better. In wenger we rust

  42. Old Man

    Aug 06, 2016, 19:03 #91344

    What is the matter with all of you? Those two I refuse to name are absolutely slaughtering you all with their inane but admittedly very funny wind ups!! Come on! Don't buy into it but why not follow Roland's example and discuss the FACTS about this tragic farce that we are currently living and ignore irrelevant wind up trollops?

  43. Leek fc

    Aug 06, 2016, 14:24 #91343

    We win a game 8-0 and several on here grudge it and get upset and resent a win. Arseknewbest. Please feel free to comment on here as I do but if it doesn't fit in with your agenda. Tough. Get over it. Wenger must stay.

  44. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2016, 13:56 #91342

    Particularly when the Spuds beat Inter by 6! Chelsea also bossing the other Milan team. Methinks both of these teams will be swiping Asano off the pitch. Just heard Jack has a sore knee. Whatever next!

  45. Goonersol

    Aug 06, 2016, 12:58 #91341

    Oh dear 8-0, Wenger will now say all is well... Nothing changes, we can all see where new players are needed. Come on Wenger make this your last season, buy players to make a difference , and give us something to be proud of ....we live in hope ....failing that , use the sword for hari- kari on your way out ....

  46. Peter Wain

    Aug 06, 2016, 10:23 #91340

    waste of time that match last night. Only good thing is no new injuries. The opposition if you can call it that was pants. Still need top top top quality striker fat chance at those prices and still need a decent centre half. Wenger must go now.

  47. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 06, 2016, 10:00 #91339

    Leekie and Jamee son - here's a bit of rudimentary algebra: Troll multiplied by Troll = chuckle brothers. If you're going to waste your lives on here trying but failing to wind people up, for chrissakes do it with a bit more intelligence.

  48. Jamerson

    Aug 06, 2016, 8:58 #91338

    Back to temporal things.Arsenal looking awesome and my pre-season predictions seem spot on..

  49. Leek fc

    Aug 06, 2016, 7:20 #91337

    Yet another cracking pre season win. Scoring goals for fun. The spirit is there Sir Arsene Wenger. Next stop Man City. What is all this mumbling about a new striker, not forgetting that we have Giroud to come back too.

  50. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 06, 2016, 6:46 #91336

    Jamee - will you marry me?

  51. Cyril

    Aug 05, 2016, 23:21 #91335

    Sadly, the self-aggrandisement that Wenger has peddled has been swallowed and now we see the spawn that is romero's zombie's as known as the AKB's. The zombie apocalypse is alive and well in the stadium. There are but a few of us left, away to morrisons car park quick!!! Bloody E D UTS...

  52. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2016, 22:14 #91334

    Jamee son - Wow that's really interesting. Does that mean you have male AND female genitals like an hermaphroditic lizard, or none at all? When you write that stuff, the words "end" and "bell" come to mind. I think you've been sniffing the groundhog's urine again. You make David Icke seem Alfred Einstein. The burghers of sunny southwold are going to lurve you....

  53. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 21:25 #91333

    If only we could play the Vikings every week, there you are then those still holding out for another signing or two have got your answer (if you didn't already know) we're good to go, you couldn't make it up. Use that sword now wenger and fall on it. wenger out.

  54. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 19:34 #91332

    What the fook was TOF doing with a sword ? who does he think he is now ? William Wallace ? is he going to fall on it ? yes yippee, more like give himself a knight hood the old fraud. go now old man.

  55. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 19:23 #91331

    Just listened to Kevin Campbell tell us in the commentary studio wally needs a big season along with the ox, the same fooking thing has been said about them (especially wally)and others for the last five seasons, where/when is all this bullshyte going to end ? you couldn't make it up. wenger out out out.

  56. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 18:25 #91330

    GMS reporting that TOF is urging Akpom to stake his claim to start up front, any fooking excuse not to buy, what a f*****g coward and a fraud of a manager. go now wenger.

  57. drew

    Aug 05, 2016, 17:49 #91329

    Mike like you a supporter of well over 50+ years you may well remember in the 60's on certain matches you ended up sitting on the side of the pitch.Why on earth not go for kings cross where David Dean DID say a 80 thousand stadium would have been the possible or was caledonian road too far away!?

  58. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 05, 2016, 14:07 #91328

    Jamee:- I've noticed you have used the term worldings to describe individuals on a few occasions. This would suggest you see yourself as somewhat celestial. If this is the case you need to review your lithium dosage. Honestly you really do

  59. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 13:39 #91327

    Dial Square, good post, as I alluded to in a couple of posts TKOS has certainly been covering his own arse where money and buying has been concerned, obviously it/that hasn't went down well with TOF having slapped him down to toe the line more.

  60. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2016, 13:25 #91326

    Funny thing with the dribble of AKBs on here is they sound so unconvincing in their love for Asano FC. A little whine and a 'see if you can do better' and then they scurry off to la la land and tear open another prescription bag/Asano Fc email and lie back on the sofa and wait for the hit. Perhaps if you changed doctors the pain may hurt initially but come May (Ha ha!) you may be on a beach wondering for a moment whether Arnold picked up the virtual 4th trophy for a record ..... zzzzzzzzzzz Good old Stan - an admirer of Putin no doubt as part of the Trump axis of total hell .... Some of those AKBs may find they are closer to Putin and Trump than they wish.

  61. jjetplane

    Aug 05, 2016, 13:03 #91325

    Roland one of the best yet and you should get it onto Untold as it would be funny them saying in mantra style 'but where are the facts...' Some of those AKB bigwigs are good friends of Gazzi so perhaps they concoct their factless spin together. Excellent piece.

  62. goonersol

    Aug 05, 2016, 12:57 #91324

    Leaky, Ha,Ha very funny ....Which May is that, 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 or maybe 2017...You are a wind-up merchant who knows sweet FA, go and polish your Wenger Must Stay photo...don't think you know very much about anything, otherwise you would have a VALID argument, rather than pointless one liners....Leaky & Wenger OUT.......YKIMS

  63. Leek fc

    Aug 05, 2016, 12:27 #91323

    Gooner sold. Are you getting your latest outburst confused with Newcastle or Aston Villa. All's not rosy in your garden is it? Talk is cheap. Judge us in May!!!!

  64. Dial square

    Aug 05, 2016, 11:46 #91322

    So very clear from the article above we as a club have made no progress in the last 5yrs. We have also learnt nothing in that time to as our sh*t show transfer window shows us. Tof is doing his best Nero impression waiting till it's all gone before trying to get the bargains that no one else wants, true top quality management that, just shows we had no plan at the start of the summer and still don't have one except maybe not be bothered to try and win the big prises as the match going fans seem to put up with anything. Interestingly it looks like Ivan the terrible is a member of the self preservation society as the clubs statement regarding extra funds available for transfer targets in the over priced market puts all the pressure on Tof. If he fails to bring in the required centre half and forward Ivan can say "Not my fault, money was there". Could get very hot at the grove for Tof if we as most predict get off to a poor start you can not fool all of the people all of the time and I think that time is coming fast into view Get him out before it is too late.

  65. goonersol

    Aug 05, 2016, 10:52 #91321

    Mike : its not just about glory....Its about Honesty, commitment, trying to deliver, passion, having a plan, tactics, not making excuses, competing, dealing with pressure, winning when the chips are down, not caving in, covering injuries, giving the fans a reason to turn up, outwitting your rival managers, not getting hammered by top 4 opposition, ...shall I go on.....if we had the above , I do not give a stuff about not winning..but to be told all is well and trust me we will challenge for CL & PL is taking the P&&s..that is why most of us on here want Wenger out.....

  66. persiangooner

    Aug 05, 2016, 10:47 #91320

    Well said Roland, its what most of us think.

  67. Mike

    Aug 05, 2016, 10:24 #91319

    It really is time for most of you boys to go and support someone else. If glory is all you're interested in then it's a pretty poor show.

  68. Red Member

    Aug 05, 2016, 9:59 #91318

    great article. Meanwhile at the other end of the great Arsenal divide "Untold Arsenal" have just put up an article titled "Why the notion that Arsenal desperately need to sign a centre forward is nonsense" !!! It really is heads in the sand time from those crackpots.

  69. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 05, 2016, 9:40 #91317

    Roland - well said. This is how I think the corporate liar in charge of commercial operations in our club would respond if he were being honest: Dear Match-day Customer, Unless you are interested in making a multi-million dollar (no devalued post-brexit sterling offers please) bid for my boss stan's club, I don't give a flying f*ck what you think. Your p*ss-handed emotional attachment to this business makes no odds to me, not least because I don't even bother to understand you. You have to realise that I'm "strategizing" when I make unfullfilled forecasts and promises - these are done to placate people that pay the highest ticket prices around in the hope that they'll continue to part with cash, most of which ends up in our pockets. So get off my back - instead blame the chihuahua who gets £5 million a year more than me. You're a loser Roland just like that jerk-off Arseneknewbest and every other limey moaner on this site. Why can't you guys be more like my non-Arsenal friends leekie and jamee son who are so dumb they accept every indignity and lie I throw their way? Soon I'll be president of this goddam country and then you'll really notice me. Now leave me alone so I can properly wreck this club.

  70. goonersol

    Aug 05, 2016, 9:28 #91316

    Jamerson : Your last comment about being 100% sure, tells me you are nothing but a wind-up merchant ( along with your pal Leeky) I doubt you support Arsenal, your just an agent provocateur who has very little detail, just basic " we will win" & "Wenger must stay" thing you can do is pop over to Untold and increase your following, or put together a VALID argument for us all to understand ....In Wenger we Rust.....

  71. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 05, 2016, 7:42 #91314

    Wenger must go ASAP:- if it helps at all I've heard from a few sources that he's off plus rumour sites are saying the same. though I do of course accept that this could be completely wrong and we are dealing with a man who lacks the imagination to do anything else in his private world and will happily take a nice socialist 8m per year for mediocrity. We can of course compare that to a real left wing firebrand Ferguson who 1. Had a life outside of football. 2. Said if if I fail to win a trophy 3 years on the trot I would have retired. I think despite his unsavoury side I know who the better man is in all of that. Our future post Wenger will be interesting and probably a bit choppy. The board are sorely lacking in football understanding and might be better electing an ex player into a senior position to provide some cover for Gazidis ineptitude (one season Bayern , next season Leicester) what a joke that man is. What we will hopefully get in the change is not some tired old man who is happy to finish 2nd for the next twenty years, or third place is better than the cup. Notice how he continually down plays any sense of excelling. But an ambitious guy who wants to win.

  72. Snowbiggee

    Aug 05, 2016, 7:18 #91313

    Have to agree-no progress on the field whatsoever. The staff wages have however progressed very nicely. A study in how not to run a club for sporting success. The ground should be renamed the milk you dry stadium.

  73. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 05, 2016, 6:22 #91312

    Oh Leekey :- I'm giving you the get out clause on the new manager as option 1 has already been enacted. Wenger was our bestest ever managers 12 years ago. By 8 years previous he should have manned up and gone. By last year I see a man trading at Terry Neil's level.


    Aug 05, 2016, 3:55 #91311

    Look I have been writing on this site for 5 years now and I have pretty much said the same things!! It's like a never ending horror movie! I said back then and I still stand by it that we will NEVER win the premier league AGAIN under wenger!! It's as plain as that! He is just not the right man for the job. His like an annoying wasp that just won't go away. He for me has literally destroyed his legacy. He will be remembered as a old bumbling fool who did not know when it was up! Also arsenal as a club have set a awful precedent. No other big club has given its manager the type of power wenger has. He has more power than fergie ever had at manu!! There is no way fergie could interview David Gill his boss!! It's unheard off in any walk of life but especially football. I don't even care anymore because I know we won't be winning the league until this man has gone!! I'm ashamed of my club and the fan base we have. Too many people tolerate this. I just ask myself why? What is it?? I'm just baffled why so many fans out up with this?? Is it the comfortable top 4 football every year?? Is it loyalty to wenger?? I just don't get it and I wish I could see what they see it but I don't because I'm not gullible and easily led! I just hope this is wengers last season please God, please.

  75. mbg

    Aug 05, 2016, 1:49 #91310

    Mike, and what identity would that be ? any identity we had or did have was before wenger arrived and down to and thanks to the players he inherited, which now thanks to his failed philosophy and arrogance has slowly been eroded away especially over the last eleven years, so in case you haven't noticed we have no identity left, unless you class been a soft touch and easy pickings for other teams (something we never ever were when we had a proper identity) and a laughing stock, and made fun off with a manager the butt of jokes (with the humiliations and embarrassments over the last ten years) not only from rival fans (and managers)but Arsenal ones also, some identity that. wenger out now.

  76. Leekey fc

    Aug 04, 2016, 23:46 #91309

    So according to Mark from Aylesbury, Mr Wenger should never get the sack because he fulfills option no3 throughout his time at the Arsenal. And option 5 is pure and simple.... No other Arsenal manager can compare with Arsene Wenger because he is simply our best manager ever. Not your best post mark.

  77. Jamerson

    Aug 04, 2016, 23:20 #91308

    I am 100% sure we will be champions come May.I cannot see us losing more than three league games all season,at least semi's in the champions league as well.

  78. Paul ward

    Aug 04, 2016, 20:35 #91307

    Any chance of signing a defender to replace the injured Mertesacker, or a forward to replace the injured welbeck, no ? Thought not. How about a midfielder to replace the injured wilshere ? Think we've been here before somehow, tediously predictable season ahead, in wenger we rust.

  79. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 04, 2016, 19:32 #91306

    Jamerson :- simple experiment. 1:) Sack Wenger 2:) Bring in new manager 3:) Operate option to ditch manager if fails to achieve top 4 4:) measure points, cups, league titles over a 5 year period 5;) compare against Wenger Are you up for the challenge? Because feeble Leekey the moral coward and bottler isn't.

  80. goonersol

    Aug 04, 2016, 19:26 #91305

    Jamerson : What Im saying is , I want a club that deals in winning, so the offshoot of winning is demand, which in turn drives sales, the more you win , the more you make to hopefully reinvest in a wiinning formula, so whatever the Regime make now is just from being mediocre, imagine what we could achieve if we were successful...but while Wenger is at the helm 2nd best is all we can hope for..How do I know..take a look at the last 12 seasons..In Wenger We Rust.

  81. Hiccup

    Aug 04, 2016, 19:09 #91304

    An open letter reply from Mr Gazidis: Roland, thank you for letter and your loyalty to the club. I am sorry to hear about your despair, but look forward to your continued custom and loyalty which will allow the status quo to be maintained. Nothing much I can do about your despair, but I am surprised that there are still supporters out there that still have this feeling after ten years of our transfer malpractice. If you aren't numb to it by now, then you are incurable. Anyway, once again thanks for your loyalty and see you next weekend.

  82. goonersol

    Aug 04, 2016, 18:53 #91302

    Jamerson : Pricing is linked to performance and achievement, so yes Afc is overpriced, but that is not the issue, if we had a manager and team who can realistically challenge for CL & PL , then any price is worth paying...its the fact that we are taken as Mugs by whatever drivel and excuses Wenger can come up with that grates so much....If only they could see by spending on Quality players, they would get more back from shirt & merchandise sales, let alone the TV money, but while a large following is fickle and believes everything the Regime & Wenger say, than we will Rust for the foreseeable future....Excited about this season, no not yet, maybe a few tops signings might help, but I wont hold my breath.....

  83. crazygooner

    Aug 04, 2016, 18:30 #91301

    Oh dear, Mike what are you talking about? ATM our club identity is Groundhog day-mediocrity-Apathy! As Glenn Hoddle once said"its dejavous all over again" we would have secured Suarez for £50m two summers ago how much is he worth now? thats not to mention all the others that got away.All we do is antagonise other clubs with our paltry insulting offers that unsettle players before someone else comes in at the death with a realistic offer and BAM there gone!How will all you gooners feel if draxler goes to cash strapped Everton or Marehz goes to another pl team and we didnt make an offer?

  84. mbg

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:46 #91300

    Delford Magaya, spot on, wenger decides on everything (make no mistake about that) they have to listen to what he says and they have to stick to it,he calls the shots (make no mistake about that)he might have to go to Gazidis for money (and i'd doubt that too) but only to TELL him how much he wants, but as we know doesn't be very much. wenger out.

  85. jeff wright

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:45 #91299

    It's all about profits with Ivano if Syrupy had to choose beteen showing a profit or winning a trophy he would opt for the profit.By the way Mike no point in you getting into a froth over my comments because old Syrupy has admitted that making money is his only interest in buying sports clubs. While the dosh rolls in and mugs like yourself and your pal lee k fc are happy with that then nothing will change.You couldn't make it up.

  86. Alsace

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:38 #91298

    Oh goodness me Roland. There you go using facts. Facts will never convince Mr G. Like his master Mr Wenger, he lives in a consequence free environment. If we could only persuade the government to tax club and player income at 90% we might see some movement. Otherwise we are condemned to ennui.

  87. Reg

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:33 #91297

    Jambo - "an honest pair" you really are the 21st century Eric Sykes!

  88. Wardy

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:30 #91296

    Jamerson - when you refer to soft bellied, no balls for the fight ..... i think you mean the players ! and as for spending, no-one is expecting the club to pay ludicrous sums of money like the Chavs and the Mancs but surely even the most blinkered Wenger loyalists can see this team can be improved upon without spending a fortune (and by recouping some cash on the likes of Walcott, Sanogo, Gibbs) ..... this team needs some backbone and some new ideas as they are coasting along in a sea of apathy with little or no spirit when the going gets tough

  89. mbg

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:23 #91295

    He's certainly telling fans what they are, and what he and wenger think of them in the accompanying photo with his Arsenal mug in front of him,(and well deserved) but thankfully not all fans fall into that category. wenger out out out.

  90. Jamerson

    Aug 04, 2016, 17:11 #91294

    I like Gazidis just as I like Wenger,as worldlings go they seem a pretty honest pair in their handling of all things AFC.It's a shame so many of our fans have such simplified views on how a football club is run,not seeing the progress this club is making.Hardest thing is always to convince the WOB,our least loyal band of rogues who always come across as hypocrites to me with their constant complaining about pricing yet always wanting Arsenal to spend and to be bailed out by a billionaire sugar daddy.Do we need these soft bellied,no balls for the fight,fickle fans?Certainly not.

  91. Wardy

    Aug 04, 2016, 16:54 #91293

    Good post ...... but nothing will change ...... 4th place and a positive balance sheet are all that matters to Messrs Kroenke, Gazides and Wenger and us muggy supporters will keep on supporting a team that has no chance of winning a top trophy ..... how stupid are we to accept the same farce played out season after season ..... i'm bored already ...... just waiting to hear that Wilshere is ruled out long term and no doubt more injuries will pile in ...... at least we have Sanogoal back ...... and Cazorla is also like a new signing !!

  92. Ron

    Aug 04, 2016, 16:26 #91292

    The Clubs income continue to rise. Thats all theyre interested in. Theres lots of 'progress' there Roland. As long as the faithful keep turning up thats how it ll stay.

  93. Glee

    Aug 04, 2016, 16:20 #91291

    AFC is a business that happens to play football. The single biggest negative accusation you can level at a sports club is they dont strive to be the very best they can. This is blatantly obvious at Arsenal and the reason why many, many loyal fans have had enough with this regime. The constant drivel that Mr Gazidis spouts is utterly pointless. Who are his comments aimed at? Its my belief the club have an agenda to transform the Emirates fanbase from one that actually cares to one that us just grateful to have a ticket.

  94. Mike

    Aug 04, 2016, 16:07 #91290

    Not sure where "Drew" got his information from but believe me David Dean was totally against the plans to move away from Highbury so ideas about him wanting an 80,000 seater stadium are incorrect. Dean threw his hat into the ring with Ushminov and made a fortune from selling on his shares. As an Arsenal fan of 50 plus years I do not want "my" club owned/controlled by the Russian who is in the pocket of Putin. If this is the price we need to pay to achieve success then I woiuld rather keep our identity.

  95. nebiyu

    Aug 04, 2016, 15:22 #91289

    This is the time for change!!!

  96. adrian lohrey

    Aug 04, 2016, 15:11 #91288

    The only answer for despairing gooners is to not give the club any more money. In these hard times it is better in your pocket than 'Silent Stan'.

  97. Rob

    Aug 04, 2016, 15:11 #91287

    "I don't believe for one moment that Gazidis Kroenke or Wenger are perfect but I'm damned certain that I'd rather have them running the club than some bloke with a blog and an inflated ego " With reference to this quote from Mike - it should be pointed out that the author is not saying he should be running the show. He's passing a - valid - judgement on those who are. Put it like this : I have never sat in, much less driven, a Formula One Racing Car. But if Lewis Hamilton show me his and it's only got three wheels, I will guarantee him - and you - that he won't go anywhere until he finds a fourth wheel. Simples ! And AJ Pardon do you really think that because we moved up one league position last year that does show improvement ? If so, when we finish third, fourth or lower this coming season, will you be back on here this time next year to lament the fact ?

  98. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:48 #91286

    A succinct relaying of clear, unarguable facts. Obviously apologists for the status quo don't want this sort of thing aired so, having nothing else to offer in the face of the undeniable, resort to "Could you do any better, they know best" pitifully weak retorts.

  99. Rob

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:38 #91285

    Top Post ! The right opinions backed with killer facts. Although you omit the real area of progress. The Arsenal Bank Account. It's like Mr. Creosote in Monty Python's 'The Meaning of Life'. I just wonder what happens when it finally goes 'Pop'.

  100. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:27 #91284

    Thing is though Roland, is that even if "Gizidizi" (as our friend Delford refers to him above) was to reply, it would be in the form of waffle spun tighter than a silkworm's corset, and twice the length of your succinct delivery.

  101. Delford Magaya

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:16 #91283

    From my understanding, Gizidizi do not decide on most of the things which involved players, they listen to whatever Wenger says and they stick to that, even the owner he is the same, their knowledge of football is not much. When you talk of money, then you go to Gizidizi.

  102. Tony Evans

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:09 #91282

    SKG - So true. 46 years for me, and like you I thought my bond with Arsenal was unbreakable, but no Wenger, Stan and Gazedis between them have managed it. The season starts soon, and to be honest I couldn't care less at the moment.

  103. mbg

    Aug 04, 2016, 14:09 #91281

    Good article/letter Roland even though he probably doesn't even know it exists let alone seen or read it. Yes we are going backwards regressing rapidly, and some of that may be down to TKOS too but lets put the blame where it firmly belongs here at the door of the old past it arrogant egoistic wenger who runs the show and gives the orders. wenger out before the season starts.

  104. AJ Pardhan

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:53 #91280

    Greetings and Salutations Roland, Interesting in your piece that you omitted 1. Arsenals league position, which has improved over the past 3 seasons 2. Any acknowledgement of our owners position 3. Your understanding of sponsorship deals which clearly illustrate your lack therof. I know Arsenal supporters like yourself have got to a point where their assumptions have become facts, their patience to see thru a transfer window is minimal and they believe that 13 years warrants their position of patience. I'm glad the club continues to act in a manner that is based on intelligence. Yes the owner may be greedy, and? If you own something you build it as you please, Arsenal fans who have little insight and far less patience should just relax and enjoy the club as is.....or continue to be angered and hear your objections fall on Def ears....

  105. Norsgeneral

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:48 #91279

    Well his argument will be truly busted this season. With no improvement on last year's squad and a first team squad in danger of losing interest, as most do in the final year of a manager's contract(even with Fergie's first retirement announcement in 2002, we are in for a season, none of which any of us have seen since 1995, without the European CWC final. We will be studying the line, three from the bottom of the league, not the one four from the top, a lot more readily than any of us would want to. 750-1 to be relegated, Leicester were 5000-1 last year to be champions. Fancy a flutter?

  106. Mike

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:47 #91278

    So simplistic the kids will love it. I've googled Roland Taylor though and can't seem to find any reference to your experience at actually doing anything professional in the realms of world football. One can only assume that having watched Casualty and a few documentaries on cardiac surgery, you would expect to know better than a hospital consultant on how to carry out open heart surgery too. I don't believe for one moment that Gazidis Kroenke or Wenger are perfect but I'm damned certain that I'd rather have them running the club than some bloke with a blog and an inflated ego

  107. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:39 #91277

    This BOM have achieved something I would have thought impossible 50 years ago - they have made me indifferent to my beloved Arsenal.

  108. leegone

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:39 #91276

    couldn't agree more, Arsenal have turned from a strong ethical club into a commercially driven machine, I stopped going for all of the reasons listed it saddens me that the majority will accept another season of failures, vote with your feet if you want change otherwise it will be more of the same year in year out,

  109. Mark

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:34 #91275

    A reactive, fat, lazy, slow board who are short of ideas - up against pro-active, ambitious, passionate owners who drive their Clubs Forward to do more, bigger, better, faster. Ist a global game and EPL Clubs are all worth billions now. Transfer fees are financed in so many ways. As Piers Morgan perfect somes up - we have an ''Analogue'' Manager in a Digital Age....

  110. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:29 #91274

    I like the letter Roland, spot on. It makes me nauseous every time I see or hear Gazidis and Wenger, their lies and delusion make me sick. Along with Kroenke they have completely destroyed Arsenal and ruined mine and thousands of other Gooners relationship with the club. How 60'000 gullible fools carry on swallowing this **** and handing over their hard earnt money to these con men is beyond me. I have never been more depressed at the prospect of a new football season, the thought that Walcott is still at our football club and may well be 1st choice striker as the season starts makes me want to stick pins in my eyes! Utter madness!

  111. Paul Hem

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:21 #91273

    Bring back David Dean

  112. goonersol

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:20 #91272

    Roland : Excellent letter, with facts, something that is often overlooked by The regime & AKB,s ..."you can fool some of the people"...when will the rest wake up and see what is happening to our club, accept that spin will no longer please most of us and get something done...we all live in hope of Arsenal returning to being a club for the people, by the people...well I can dream....

  113. Daryl

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:13 #91271

    By progress I think he means that Stan the Am-eri-can has made more money and invested that into even bigger ranches in the US.

  114. Evan

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:13 #91270

    Only demonstration can bring tension into their gains. Stan and Gazidis out

  115. drew

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:08 #91269

    You could add to that the biggest cock up of all.... building a stadium TWO sizes too bloody small. David Dean quite rightly wanted 80 thousand but the Fools led by the Buffoon Peter Dense-Wood thought otherwise!!

  116. Peter Wain

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:07 #91268

    All so true but who is listening. Another day and still no transfers.

  117. Lee

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:04 #91267

    Really hope Ivan the terrible gets this emotional well written letter....whether he takes any notice is another matter. Only way he will is when loyal long term ST stop renewing....but has to be a thousands and not a few

  118. Ebere

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:02 #91266

    Mr Gazidis is only interested in making profit for himself. Who knows what he has told Wenger in areas of stalling until transfer market closes. Personally i am disappointed in the board and to Arsene Wenger for listening to their crazy policies.

  119. Ciaran

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:01 #91265

    Nail on the head. I wonder how this man spends his days, he has brought nothing to the club. Clearly the definition of progress is entirely different in his head. By progress he could only mean in terms of lining silent Stan's pockets as no progress has been made on the pitch. Maybe he sees progress as 4th - 2nd over the last 3 years but in terms of performances they've probably got worse in the same time and we were lucky to scrape 2nd in the end.

  120. IAN HILL

    Aug 04, 2016, 13:01 #91264

    Well said my friend its what most of us think

  121. Marcus

    Aug 04, 2016, 12:58 #91263

    This needs to go viral.