The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part One

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The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part One

Ozil – Pick of the bunch

Many of you must be wondering what had happened to your “end of season survey” replies which thousands of you completed and sent in. For many years this has been a reflective ritual which helps to soften the blow when there is no Arsenal to watch. Mind you, this particular summer break we were treated to more than a few comedy moments with the meaningless European internationals.

I am indeed honoured to have been the chosen one to collate your results. I am even more pleased to know that this is the result of your work, which puts me less in the firing line when some of you have disagreed with my occasional contributions and I end up being called a bell end.

By the way, I still have a stupid smile on my face following the final game of the season against Villa and receiving news of that lot from up the road doing what we always knew they would, but leaving it a bit late this season.

So without any further ado, let’s get on with it……

Arsenal Player of the Season 2015/16 - First Place
1. Mesut Ozil - 72%
2. Hector Bellerin - 16%
3. Nacho Monreal - 7%
Well, we saw that coming a mile off with the bloke who set up so many of our goals this past season but can’t quite find the knack of putting the ball in the back of the net from ten yards. However, we had a fair number of “None of them played well enough to be awarded this accolade” type answers. My vote went to Eboue.

Arsenal Player of the Season 2015/16 Second Place
1. Hector Bellerin - 40%
2. Nacho Monreal - 24%
3. Mesut Ozil - 17%
Let’s shuffle the pack and pull out the same three names in a different order. Mind you, one percentage point behind Mesut came Petr Cech who might have nailed the bronze medal if he hadn’t had a howler on the opening day of last season.

Most Improved Arsenal Player in the last twelve months
1. Hector Bellerin - 41%
2. Alex Iwobi - 28%
3. Nacho Monreal - 17%
That Hector fellow seems to be getting more popular by the minute. Hello, is that Barcelona calling?

Most Disappointing Arsenal Player 2015/16
1. Theo Walcott - 57%
2. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain - 20%
3. Aaron Ramsey - 11%
This band of brothers were the only ones to reach double figure but Alex and Aaron were no match for the man who can hurtle down the right win at lightning speed, leaving defenders in his wake at will, and then boot the ball out for a goal kick.

Best Team Performance 2015/16
1. 3-0 Man United (H) - 62%
2. 2-0 Bayern Munich (H) - 17%
3. 5-2 Leicester (A) - 8%
It was a first half performance that made us think that it might be our year. To the annoyance of North Bankers, three incredible goals went in the net at the other end. I should know, for a rare change, I ended up behind that goal in company of two ManUre fans.

Worst Team Performance 2015/16
1. 0-4 Southampton (A) - 41%
2. 2-3 Man United (A) - 28%
3. 1-2 Swansea (H) - 11%
The top three of horrible performances, but the star on the top of the tree goes to the inept Boxing Day evening display which ruined many Christmases.

Best Arsenal Goal 2015/16
1. Sanchez’s 2nd v Man United (H) 4/10/15 - 29%
2. Flamini’s 2nd v Sp*rs, League Cup (A) 23/09/17 - 21%
3. Welbeck v Leicester (H) 14/02/16 - 14%
Can’t argue against any of these three pearlers, although many of you (12%) enjoyed Rambo’s cheeky effort away to The Totts in March.

Best Arsenal goal 2015/16 – Second Place
1. Sanchez’s 2nd v Man United (H) 4/10/15 - 21%
2. Flamini’s 2nd v Sp*rs, League Cup (A) 23/09/17 - 17%
3. Elneny v Barca (A) 16/03/16 - 16%
A new contender for third slot with the same Rambo goal coming just outside the medal positions with another 4th spot, this time with 14% of the votes.

Best Arsenal goal 2015/16 – Third Place
1. Sanchez’s 2nd v Man United (H) 4/10/15 - 16%
1. Elneny v Barca (A) 16/03/16 - 16%
2. Flamini’s 2nd v Sp*rs, League Cup (A) 23/09/17 - 13%
Elneny roars up the charts with an equal first. No prizes for guessing who came 4th again. At least the boy is consistent!

Do you consider Arsenal have progressed this season in terms of football performance compared to the previous season?
Yes - 20%
No - 74%
Don’t know - 6%
Let’s face it, most of us were disappointed about what might been, but amongst the dross there were a few encouraging signs for the future. Most of us said “no” by default although in fairness, the “don’t know” brigade may have achieved a more accurate vote.

Whilst recognising that the summer transfer dealings will play a large part in how we fare next season, at this point in time how optimistic are you about our prospects of competing for the Premier League title in 2016/17?
Extremely optimistic - 7%
Quite optimistic - 36%
Unsure - 22%
Quite pessimistic - 24%
Extremely pessimistic - 10%
As we take our places for the first game of the season, we are all full of hope and full of beer. As the season pans out, the barometer starts to swing. Mind you, on Christmas Day I was still full of hope and beer. By close of play on Boxing Day I had joined forces with the 10% brigade.

Do you think Arsenal’s 2015/16 transfer window activity (Cech and Elneny) was:
Good - 7%
Okay - 30%
Poor - 62%
Errr, ditto 2016/17. Next question……

Which ONE area of the team do you think needs addressing the most urgently?
Goalkeeper - 0%
Defence - 19%
Midfield - 2%
Attack - 64%
Manager - 15% Unfair question only being allowed one vote, although we might have nearly got some one-hit-wonder from Leicester.

Who would you most like Arsenal to buy this summer?
1. Aubameyang
2. Mkhitaryan
3. Higuain
4. Morata
5. Mahrez
6. Vardy
7. Kante
8. Lukaku
9. Greizmann
10. Lewandowski
Only one defensive minded player amongst this lot, which tells a bit of a story. Still at least we will probably see most of them at Ashburton Grove during the season, but playing for the other team. My vote for Mike Dean failed to attract any other support.

From the following list of players, who do you think will start the most number of games next season?
1. Granit Xhaka - 54%
2. Santi Cazorla - 18%
3. Aaron Ramsey - 13%
4. Mohammed Elneny - 8%
5. Francis Coquelin - 4%
6. Jack Wilshere - 2%
Over half of you are pinning your hopes on our new signing to remain fit throughout the season. Some hope!

From the following list of players, who do you think will start the least number of games next season?
1. Jack Wilshere - 48%
2. Francis Coquelin - 29%
3. Mohammed Elneny - 12%
4. Aaron Ramsey - 6%
5. Santi Cazorla - 4%
6. Granit Xhaka - 1%
Nearly half of you think that you won’t be seeing much of Happy Jack this season. This question was so much easier to answer with Rosicky was around.

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  1. Bonzo

    Aug 11, 2016, 15:46 #91547

    Jamerson - oh my poor brother for you have declared yourselves elect following your old God Baal who was overthrown by Jehovah. This is why you hate Jews, Muslims and Christians known as the Semite tribes as they follow the God Jehovah though they know him by other names. But all recognise Baal as being Lord of the Flies and see him as the devil. Your earth bound riches and miracle cures have been provided by Satan to give you earthly pleasure, it is also why you see no sin in yourself , just as Satan does not recognise sin either. I'm afraid you and your elected ones are all Satanists and conjurers. The Only route for you is hell. Continue with your goat sacrifices in Suffolk if you must but desist from false preaching.

  2. Jamerson

    Aug 11, 2016, 15:16 #91544

    Bonzo by name who needs to say anything else.You cannot be unelected the same was as an unelect person cannot be saved.Romans 8:29-30 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 11, 2016, 13:00 #91535

    Bonzo - Nice one. And we all know what flies are attracted to. Jamee son I bet you call yourself all sorts of things when you've filled your paper cup every night while sitting alone in your aluminium home - "sinner" doesn't even come close I'll bet. Keep worshipping wenger cowson - you're welcome to him.

  4. Bonzo

    Aug 11, 2016, 10:38 #91532

    Jamerson You are the biggest sinner on the site as you have been "Unelected" due to your worship of Baal, the Lord of the flies. The Elect is a Devil cult of which you are a chief member. Be gone Satan to your bog. The fiery pit awaits your obese body.

  5. Smithy

    Aug 11, 2016, 10:22 #91530

    Linked with William bony - he is not the quality we need . But unfortunately the polish lad and the French athletico forwards wouldn't touch us with a barge pole ( excuse the expression ) . Another sanogo special coming our way on deadline day I fear.

  6. Jamerson

    Aug 11, 2016, 9:05 #91528

    Arseneknewbest-I don't idolise Wenger at all to me he's just another sinner like you yet not as self righteous,he's more like old 'Badarse' used to be someone the elect would call'an honest heathen'Wenger is probably the un-coolest manager in the Premiership and he comes across as a bit of a Mr Bean character in his general actions yet his football knowledge, decision making,and the way his teams conduct themselves and play is the best around.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 11, 2016, 8:00 #91526

    Errr Jamee son, you're the one that idolises a chihuahua and follows the cult of the groundhog. You're an animalist and an old testament christian. An oecumenical melange of bollochry if ever I saw one. You need to lie down in a dark room and call 1-800-exorcism. I'll be straight round to the door of your caravan with my bosch 3-speed trepanning tools.

  8. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2016, 2:38 #91525

    I'd have let Theo walk last year when his contract expired, really 140k a week on him and Arsene's complaining about too much money in football?? i'll say the same about Jack if he doesn't put in a significant shift this year. How much did we waste on Rosicky & Diaby??

  9. Don

    Aug 10, 2016, 22:59 #91524

    Arsenal finished 10 points behind a team that the previous season were fighting relegation.How is that progress?

  10. mbg

    Aug 10, 2016, 20:19 #91522

    According to Sky (a well established source)and GMS TOF has never been interested in Mahrez and never even made a bid for him regardless of the rumour going round with a supposedly improved bid. I know who i'd believe, spin at it's best again to keep the sheep (gullible) happy and quiet, and boy how it works and boy how they bloody deserve it. wenger out out out.

  11. 600NER PETE

    Aug 10, 2016, 19:40 #91521

    We need a decent defender and yet we let Williams go to Everton for £9 million. He's 31 but still worth a punt at that price and would be another leader on the pitch. When is this nonsense ever going to end,

  12. Bonzo

    Aug 10, 2016, 19:31 #91519

    Jambie - you worship the devil, you're a fine one to talk

  13. mbg

    Aug 10, 2016, 18:02 #91516

    I bet the answer to the optimistic question would read a lot different if asked today, the Quite optimistic group (AKB's no doubt) should have listened to a lot of us on here more, but as always never do they have to wait and find out for themselves. wenger out now.

  14. mbg

    Aug 10, 2016, 17:40 #91515

    Good to hear from you as always Fozzy, and thanks for the results, but a lot of us hadn't a stupid smile on our face because it meant we'd have to put up with and look at the stupid smile on wengers gob for another season.

  15. rellends

    Aug 10, 2016, 17:23 #91514

    already licking my pencil nib in anticipation of next summer's survey.