The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part Two

The Manager, the Club, the Fans

The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part Two

Simeone – Most popular choice if Arsene called it a day tomorrow

Continuing the results from yesterday…

Arsene Wenger has a year left on his current contract. At the time of the survey do you feel he should:
Go now - 19%
See out his current deal and then leave - 36%
Only sign a new deal if Arsenal win the league - 30%
Stay beyond his current contract even if he fails to deliver the title - 16%
Well there’s an interesting split if ever there was one. The answer to the next question will make interesting reading……

If we had a vacant managerial position this summer, who would you most like to fill the position, including any “unavailable” managers?
1. Simeone
2. Guardiola
3. Klopp
4. Koeman
5. Ancelotti
6. Loew
7. Tuchel
8. Bergkamp
9. De Boer
I better not mention that I voted for some bloke called Wenger, otherwise some wag will call me a bell end. But this is a hypothetical question: it’s not going to be. Mind you, with Fat Sam being appointed England manager, I suppose anything could happen. Just think how he ruined football with the Bolton Cloggers.

Do you believe the club are doing all they can under the self-sustaining model to improve our chances of winning the Premier League title and/or Champions League?
Yes - 17%
No - 71%
Don’t know - 13%
Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Hang on, what am I saying. I shuddered when I saw a team sheet containing a midfield of Eboue, Diaby, Song and Deckchair Denilson…..with Barry Bender up front.

Reflecting on your own relationship with Arsenal, do you now feel a stronger or weaker sense of belonging to the club than you did five years ago?
Stronger - 27%
Weaker - 39%
No different - 32%
Don’t know - 2%
Here’s another complete range of emotions. No wonder that the crowd is getting more and more restless with each other.

Are you satisfied with the atmosphere at The Emirates?
Yes - 13%
No - 87%
Well, the answer is in our own hands.

Do you think a louder home crowd would make a difference to the degree of determination to win shown by the Arsenal players?
Yes - 89%
No - 11%
Stupid question. Of course it would. I have always maintained that my presence inside the ground has the potential of altering the course of the match with the start of a chant here and a few choice remarks about the abysmal standard of referring there.

Do you chant or sing with any degree of regularity when you attend home matches?
Yes - 78%
No - 22%
So nearly a quarter of you just sit and say nothing. It’s not an embroidery evening class, you know.

Do you plan on buying the new home shirt next season?
Yes - 34%
No - 67%
Well, I won’t be doing so. There’s not enough room in my clothes cupboard. Come to think of it, there’s not enough room in my house.

If you answered yes to the last question, and if you are likely to get a player’s name on the back, which player would you choose?
1. Ozil - 29%
2. Alexis - 18%
3. Wilshere - 10%
Ozil is obviously the cheapest option with only four letters to pay for.

“Do you feel the atmosphere at home games has improved this season?
Yes - 14%
No - 86%
Interesting that this time last year 51% of you said “yes” whilst 49% said “no”.

Who have been the best opposition fans this season?
1. Bayern Munich - 33%
2. Leicester - 18%
3. Aston Villa - 16%
4. Crystal Palace - 16%
The Bayern Munich fans need to be seen to be believed. They are immense. Such a shame that they have to put up with watching that nasty specimen Robben every week.

Tomorrow we move on to supporters’ preferences, the ownership issue and The Gooner itself

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  1. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 0:40 #91621

    Father wenger he really wouldn't look out of place as a priest, better still Ted, but he would probably think he's the Pope.

  2. John F

    Aug 13, 2016, 13:21 #91608

    Akb just brilliant.I watch the re runs with a tinge of sadness after Dermot died.Who can forget the kick the bishop up the arse episode .

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:04 #91591

    John F and MBG- A top show - I loved it. My favourite is the one where the TV company appears on craggy island and they interview Dougal instead of Ted. The little duelling banjos pastiche is feckin hilarious. Derrrrrrink!

  4. mbg

    Aug 13, 2016, 0:46 #91589

    John F, a great comedy show it can't be denied, put a black collar with a wee bit of white sticking out on wenger and he'd fit right in, I can just imagine him in his tank top getting hooked up on the tunnel stantion at half time, and him standing there fiddling with it unable to free it, and giving up and just heading back down to the dressing room with a big line of wool trailing behind him. wenger out.

  5. John F

    Aug 12, 2016, 23:22 #91586

    Mgb,has to be my favourite Father Ted episode closely followed by the trapped the ladies underwear department christmas special.

  6. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 19:21 #91574

    John F, ha ha nice one, you can just imagine them all up dancing and chanting to their messiah when the caravan overturns. wenger out.

  7. John F

    Aug 12, 2016, 18:27 #91573

    Is it the same caravan that Father Ted used for his holiday.

  8. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 17:22 #91571

    goonersol, Bonzo, yes we're suddenly back to the glasses half full quip again (I wonder why)just as we have been hearing for the last ten seasons, more in the last five as they've no argument left, you couldn't make it up, it's only a matter of time until we hear the tired old AKB favourite been resurrected, but who do you replace him with ? even though there's always half a dozen names in the pot (or more) as can be seen in the survey. we want wenger out.

  9. Bonzo

    Aug 12, 2016, 14:37 #91563

    Jamerson I'm just studying a Hieronymus Bosch painting "The Last Judegement" if you look towards the top of the painting you'll see a chorus of Angels . A nice place for most of us on this site to reside. However look towards the bottom and a different story emerges. I was particularly taken with an image of a porky fella being force fed barrels of wine by Devils. It reminds me of you. Prepare for your certain fate as the gates of hell await!

  10. Bonzo

    Aug 12, 2016, 12:59 #91560

    Arsene Knew Best and Goonersol- somehow the conversation returns to glasses being half full. My view is best keep clear of it if Jamerson is involved as the contents won't be very nice. Leekey will no doubt enjoy it.

  11. goonersol

    Aug 12, 2016, 9:49 #91559

    Leeky, posting at 23.54pm, were you up late reading Wengers Autobiography ......remind me once again why Wenger Must Stay, cant recall you ever posting a VALID argument ( apart from "be careful what you wish for ") for Glass half full and all that, while Wenger is at Afc , we will always be glass half empty, as he is no longer a winner, just an also run for over 10seasons....I hope Arsenal have a good season, but the history of the last 10 tells me nothing will change , until Wenger leaves....In Wenger we Rust.

  12. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 12, 2016, 9:33 #91558

    It reminded me of the Housemartins and their immortal track, "Caravan of Love". Yuck... Brentford Nylons have got a lot to answer for if you ask me.

  13. Bonzo

    Aug 12, 2016, 8:56 #91557

    Leekey , if you are going to pop up to see your "friend" Jamerson this weekend, no doubt on the pre-text of enjoying the sunny weather. A word of warning. A respected authority on this site does suggest that Jamerson uses his cups and glasses to collect his bodily expulsions ( I'm sure you know what I mean) I would avoid drinking from these and perhaps wise to bring your own bedding as the two of you sweating under nylon bedding suggests potential risk for skin irritations such as impetigo and ring worm. Try and live a godly existence outside and avoid any devilry and temptation that wicked Jamerson will attempt to tempt you with.

  14. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 12, 2016, 7:27 #91556

    Bonzo - Nice one. I'll buy that for a dollar. Jamee and his rocking, squeaky caravan are already in Dante's vestibule of hell and having checked the nine circles of Dante's interpretation - limbo, lust gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy, violence fraud and treachery - he and his false idols wenger and stan are also well on their way to the bottom. Jamee - throw a horse meat burger on the grill for me you charmless old racist. I'll be down with my trepanning tools as soon as I've finished with Nigel Farage...

  15. Bonzo

    Aug 12, 2016, 6:26 #91555

    2017- Wenger leaves, Leekey leaves, Jamerson departs after caravan repossessed.

  16. Cyril

    Aug 12, 2016, 0:46 #91554

    Leeky, I'm sure he will stay. The 'Charles' boy from Strettons down the road will keep him sweet. Sorry about Norf lundan speek. Listen, it's bad son! It's not looking clever my end. It's not shaping up well. You see leaky, I effing love my club and when I know that I am being fu**ed in the passage, it really hurts - YOU KNOW !!

  17. Leek fc

    Aug 11, 2016, 23:54 #91553

    Good to see the anti Wengerites are in full flow for a survey in which a few thousand voiced there opinion. A very small minority concerning the massive support we have, and I'll use the word WE lightly. The Mostly Boring Gooners can scream, can shout but the fact remains Wenger must stay.... And Paul Ward, please enlighten me as to the bursting trophy cabinet that Antoine Griezmann has not got. As I have stated on here before...... You are either a glass half full , a glass half empty or Jeff always right kind of supporter...... Wenger must stay.

  18. mbg

    Aug 11, 2016, 23:28 #91552

    And again that will be believed, the gullible ba baaaaa's will be hanging on his every word, and waiting for news, talk about being a glutton for punishment but boy don't they deserve it, will they ever wake up. we want wenger out.

  19. John Gage

    Aug 11, 2016, 22:14 #91551

    What does Arsene Wenger mean when he says "he has the guts" to start Rob Holding? The only reason such a young, inexperienced player is starting is because of a failure to provide adequate cover at Centre Back.

  20. Paul Ward

    Aug 11, 2016, 19:52 #91550

    Yeah, cos the likes of Lewandowski and Greizman will be falling over themselves to join a club that ain't won the league in 12 years, and never go beyond the CL last 16! Or by superstar strikers does he mean the Japanese bloke that nobody's ever heard of ? Wenger out

  21. mbg

    Aug 11, 2016, 19:43 #91549

    jw, yes, and did you hear what he came out with according to one of the tabloids ? wait for it it's a gem, he/i will only buy a super star striker, yes a super star striker, have you ever heard anything like it in your entire life ? jesus wept, you just had to fooking laugh at the old waste of space, the journo/paper quipped wenger has finally lost the plot, and they're right, he's finished now, done, gone there's no way back mumbling to himself hallucinating. wenger out tonight.

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 11, 2016, 17:50 #91548

    Lying thieving b*stards - I'm just relieved they no longer get any of my money. Where i used to feel a bit of envy, I feel genuine pity for people that buy season tickets from this cash-obsessed monolith. I bet Ivan the terrible even has a commercial strategy for boosting the cost of Ozil lettering on jerseys by charging double for the unglaut thingy on top of the letter "O". Pigs at a trough - no wonder Jamee son idolises them.

  23. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2016, 15:43 #91546

    So 85% want him gone if we don't win the league. We'll see if the club feel the same way in the spring.

  24. Jamerson

    Aug 11, 2016, 15:27 #91545

    Wenger has already said he's happy with the current squad,get over it and start looking forward to the start of the season.I agree it's all just a smoke-screen to give the disgruntled a little teet to suck on before the season starts these signings are not needed as they're no better than what we have.Wenger knows once it all begins we'll be fine.

  25. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2016, 14:59 #91543

    As they say mbg ,talk is cheap. Buying those top qualiteee players that Wengo claims he tries to do costs big money and Syrupy is not in the game to spend money but to make it - for himself natch.

  26. mbg

    Aug 11, 2016, 14:14 #91542

    jw, and the funniest thing of all (as usual) it was believed, the sheep fall for it every time hook line and sinker, hilarious, TOF must love them. wenger out.

  27. Bard

    Aug 11, 2016, 14:07 #91541

    Cyril; I wrote about the issue of inflated transfer prices. It was blindingly obvious when the new TV money came through. Arsenal are a lot of things but they are not stupid. Of course they knew they would go through the roof. The current 'we didnt see this coming' is pure spin. It enables them to justify another round of austerity. If they truly didnt then they are not fit to be in charge of Arsenal.

  28. mbg

    Aug 11, 2016, 14:04 #91540

    There's a nice list of managers for the, but who do you get to replace him brigade (also known as AKB wengerites)when the come calling again. we want wenger out.

  29. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2016, 13:55 #91539

    The Mahrez is going to be signed story was deja vu the Vardy claim of the same - just more spin to make it look as though Wenger is trying to sign players but alas despite his valiant efforts the slings and arrows of adversity keep thwarting him from signing those top qualiteee players .There is no where other than in the club's accountant that Syrupy wants to see the cash kept that has been accumulated and Wengo is well paid to ensure it stays there.You couldn't make it up.

  30. mbg

    Aug 11, 2016, 13:42 #91537

    Well there you all are then (especially you AKB's) like I said yesterday Mahrez is not coming, and never was, fooled again, tee hee ho ho. wenger out out out.

  31. cyril

    Aug 11, 2016, 13:21 #91536

    The latest comments from the club are a real worry. Explaining to us that prices are going through the roof etc and being disturbed by it, is like saying the bath is overflowing in my house and I am really quite concerned. Effectively, we could be writing us off as major force right here, right now. Oh well, don't worry we will keep those millions in the bank nice and cosy on the lowest base rate ever. Mr Wenger, it ain't EBAY you know!!

  32. goonersol

    Aug 11, 2016, 12:14 #91534

    Audits, Surveys ?? they could stand for the last 10 seasons as nothing has changed , bar ticket increases - We are just filling in time until the new season starts, we all know nothing will change until Wenger leaves, so until then, claim and counter claim about his merits will's hoping for a good season, no reason we should not take all 9 points in Aug to give us a great hopeful , as Wenger is going nowhere fast :(

  33. Don

    Aug 11, 2016, 11:32 #91533

    The atmosphere at United Chelsea and City is **** but it hasn't stopped them winning titles in the last decade.People forget Highbury wasn't called the library for nothing.But we were winning things.Its the quality of players that wins leagues.Wenger is well passed his sell by date