The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part Three

Supporters’ preferences, the ownership issue and The Gooner

The Gooner 2015/16 Survey Results: Part Three

Favourite front cover from last season!

Concluding the results after parts 1 and 2 published Wednesday and yesterday...

Best chant
A fair smattering of responses tilted the result in favour of the Ozil chant, although “It’s Happened Again” seems to have been Top of the Pops all summer.

Best banner
Most of you tend to favour banners which involve waving goodbye to our manager or Silent Stan in the same way that we wave goodbye to any red carded member of the opposition party. Some of you don’t like banners per se, which makes this question rather challenging to collate.

Within the last two years, have you been to or are you considering going to an Arsenal reserves or youth team game?
Been to - 10%
Considering - 14%
Not practical - 50%
Not interested - 26%
Half of you reckon that it’s just too much to drive or get on a train to watch upcoming stars. We all lead such busy lives, which is a bit of a shame.

Within the last two years, have you been to or are you considering going to an Arsenal ladies game?
Been to - 5%
Considering - 14%
Not practical - 37%
Not interested - 45%
Looks like that I am well in the minority by snatching the odd ladies’ game, well worth the effort even if I say so myself, if my name is not Fozzette.

Player wages have continued to rise at an alarming rate and with Premier League clubs awash with cash from the latest broadcasting deal, agents will have pound signs in their eyes ahead of future contract negotiations. Is now the time to introduce a cap on player wages in the Premier League?
Yes - 43%
No - 29%
Not sure - 19%
No view - 9%
I totally agree with the majority but how the hell are you going to enforce it? We can all name a host of clubs which will find a way around any cap.

Favourite matchday pub
Following last season’s excellent series on this very subject in Gooner mag (those of you who don’t buy it missed a treat), even more choice has been landed on our feet. I can now provide you with a Who’s Who? List of every pub within a mile radius of Ashburton Grove because they all seem to have got a mention, with the Twelve Pins, Tollington, Compton Arms and Auld Triangle receiving plenty of support.

Favourite unofficial Arsenal website/blog
No surprises that Arseblog remains your firm favourite, even if listening to the chap on Arsecast with his scary Irish voice makes you want to dive for cover.

If you use Twitter, who is the best Arsenal fan to follow?
Pages and pages of them makes it impossible to work out the winner although many of you like Tim Stillman (so do I).

In general, how well run a club do you think Arsenal is?
Very well run - 28%
Moderately well run - 52%
Not very well run - 15%
Terribly run - 5%
This set of answers surprised me. 80% of you reckon that we are either well run or moderately well run. If that’s the case, I would add a rider that we could do better. Much better.

Stan Kroenke has been the majority shareholder of Arsenal Football Club for five years. How satisfied are you with Stan Kroenke's ownership?
Very satisfied - 1%
Quite satisfied - 6%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied - 24%
Quite dissatisfied - 34%
Very dissatisfied - 36%
Hang on, if only 7% of you are either very satisfied or quite satisfied (and I think that’s generous), how the hell do 80% of you think we are a decent run club?

Arsenal have paid Kroenke Sports Enterprises (owned by Stan obviously) £3m for advisory services in each of the past two years. There is an expectation that this is now a regular occurrence. Do you think that Arsenal should give a fuller description of how this fee is calculated and what are the specific services KSE perform?
Yes - 86%
No - 8%
Don’t know - 6%
This nasty piece of dough trousering has made my blood boil. For three million each year we could have afforded a couple of Sanogos each season. Hmmmm, on second thoughts, take the money and run, Stan.

How satisfied are you with the performance of Ivan Gazidis as Arsenal Chief Executive?
Very satisfied - 4%
Quite satisfied - 25%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied - 34%
Quite dissatisfied - 22%
Very dissatisfied - 14%
So here was your golden chance to let rip by analysing the performance of our chief executive during the past six years. Only 36% of you have not been impressed. For me, he has been all mouth and no action. Next question…..

Do you think new appointments are needed to the Arsenal Board?
Yes - 80%
No - 3%
Not sure - 13%
No view - 4%
Good to see that most of you want to see the board swept. Couldn’t agree more.

With the demise of Fanshare in 2015, less than 3% of the club's shares are now held by individuals not connected with either Stan Kroenke or Alisher Usmanov. How important do you believe it Is for fans to be Involved in the ownership of the Club?
Very important - 63%
Quite important - 25%
Not very important - 10%
Not important at all - 2%
I agree with the majority but sadly we it seems that we are closing the door after the horse has bolted. God, this is depressing!

Given the dwindling number of shareholders there is an increasing risk that if Stan Kroenke were able to buy out Alisher Usmanov's holding, he'd be able to take the Club into private hands. How important do you believe it is for Arsenal to retain its status as a company listed on the Stock Exchange with obligations towards financial transparency and accountability to shareholders?
Very important - 66%
Quite important - 25%
Not very important - 8%
Not important at all - 2%
Alisher, if you are reading this, please hang around, otherwise Kroenke’s dough trousering will become an epidemic. Pause for a quick break to open that bottle in the back of the cupboard.

Do you think that Alisher Usmanov, who owns a 30% equity stake in Arsenal, should be offered a place on the Arsenal Board?
Yes - 71%
No - 14%
Don’t know - 15%
Right, I’m back now. I just need a cloth to wipe up the dribble. My sleeve will do. Of course he should be on the board, complete with an interpreter and one of those large seats you get when you sit in the prawn sandwich tier.

Do you feel there should be a fan representative on the Board?
Yes - 85%
No - 9%
Don’t know - 6%
Jolly good. Who should we elect? The Highbury Spy would be a good starter.

With the Financial Fair Play rules having less impact than hoped for, if a Middle Eastern concern with money to burn offered to buy out Stan Kroenke, would you be supportive?
Yes - 46%
No - 27%
Don’t know - 27%
Nearly half of you would take a punt, although it’s another of those annoying hypothetical questions.

Please give your view of the work of the following supporters’ groups:
REDaction - Good: 30% Okay: 29% Poor: 16% Don’t know: 24%
Arsenal Supporters’ Trust (AST) - Good: 29% Okay: 32% Poor: 11% Don’t know: 28%
Arsenal Independent Supporters’ Association (AISA) - Good: 19% Okay: 27% Poor: 10% Don’t know: 44%
The Black Scarf Movement (BSM) - Good: 16% Okay: 25% Poor: 25% Don’t know: 34%
A fair percentage of you don’t know, but do you care? The people behind these groups are doing it for the love of The Arse and they need your support.

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 13, 2016, 22:39 #91620

    Jeff I notice you say "you couldn't make it up" rather a lot. I seem to recollect that was a favourite cliche of that spuds supporting guttersnipe and casual racist Richard Littlejohn. Exeter is right - you have a lot to say that is sensible about the Arsenal, but when it comes to politics you sound like, well, Richard Littlejohn, a frightened little englander who'll spout any old extremist rubbish that he's heard second hand from UKIP, the tory party and the tax evading press barons who are f*cking our country. I lived in N5 too and was happy to have an MP like Jeremy who I knew was standing up for people who didn't have a pot to p*ss in. He's ten times the man cameron, blair or wenger is.

  2. mbg

    Aug 13, 2016, 16:41 #91614

    Did you hear Barney the dinosaur with his fluent diarrhoea with the job means more than silverware and not about spending money, (what does that tell you) and apparently TOF's conscious of not having won title for a while a WHILE ? nice piece of spin there, eleven years is longer than a f*****g while you past it old coward, and referring to others spending money he saves the best mouthful of diarrhoea to last, what we must do (we ?) is prove the stability of Arsenal's values gives us the edge, ARSENAL's values ? you mean your values you sad waste of space. we want wenger out.

  3. Jamerson

    Aug 13, 2016, 15:24 #91613

    My predictionswp3 that 'long ball Leicester'and 'hoof it hotspur,will both finish midtable and go out in the group stages of the champions league is looking good.

  4. mbg

    Aug 13, 2016, 14:57 #91612

    Hiccup, yes I wonder what the first excuse will be, the weather, the tea lady ? the laundry lady ? wind blowing from the east ? grass to long (grounds man) ? or will it be the old tried and trusted excuse the referee. wenger out out out.

  5. Rt Hon J Corbyn MP

    Aug 13, 2016, 14:04 #91611

    Exeter Gunner - What you've got to understand is that Jeff Wright and I have history. He has never forgiven me for pipping him to the British Drain Cover Spotter Hunk of the Year 2001. He's the real weirdo because he doesn't appreciate the type 2309b!

  6. mbg

    Aug 13, 2016, 13:52 #91610

    Just saw a fantastic photo in the Sun today with TOF's head imposed on gunnersaurus with the heading, The Last Dinosaur, brilliant, now there's a photo that needs printed in they're thousands and distributed to be held up inside the ground, so come on you groups RED Action, AST, AISA, BSM, your supposedly doing what's best for the club, lets see what your made off, not much I suspect. Dinosaur out and be made extinct.

  7. John F

    Aug 13, 2016, 13:44 #91609

    Bard I think if you add that the groundsmen at away grounds are deliberately cutting the grass 1mm longer to slow our passing sideways game down you might be fully accepted on untold.

  8. Bonzo

    Aug 13, 2016, 13:13 #91607

    Leekey - you are of interest in a strange ironic way as you appear of such little genuine depth of character or complexity. You are a cypher a cryer of Wenger must stay, but for why and what good? You are like a religous manic on Oxford Street shouting some exaltation but cursed with the masses rushing past ignoring you. A comment he must stay perhaps uttered once by some becomes a verbal tick to you. Indulge us, why must he stay? for how long? I in turn must inform you that he looks old, very old and I feel the book is beginning to close. Do you love Wenger more than your mother? Is it a cry for something you've lost? Would it not be better to let the old dog rest? Please tell us who you tip to win the title. In this regard, though he is an imbecile Jamerson is far more a man than you. At least his bombastic confidence allows him to predict and engage at a childlike level with others. Step out of the shadows! You shall tell us!

  9. Bonzo

    Aug 13, 2016, 12:33 #91606

    Wenger is look old, very old.. Not long to go now. I'm a knuckle dragger apparently whereas poor feeble Leekey is a knuckle shuffler. Why Millwall? Your relationship with Jamerson is not love, whatever he tells you. it's abuse it really is. Ken Friar must stay, along with Vera the tea lady.

  10. Leek fc

    Aug 13, 2016, 12:18 #91605

    I agree Paul Ward in the fact that the playing 11 comes first in the support for the Arsenal. But several fools on here see the primary importance of our so called failings is slate the manager at any given time. Knuckle dragging Bonzo sums it up nicely whilst wearing his Millwall shirt. Simon Rose and Wenger must stay.

  11. jjetplane

    Aug 13, 2016, 11:47 #91604

    JW loves Tony Blair - fact!

  12. Hiccup

    Aug 13, 2016, 11:41 #91603

    Fascinating stuff Bard! Must have taken you months to arrive at those findings. You are wasted on here and I think you would be appreciated on Untold. Talking of the cranks, looks like tomorrow's officials are being blamed already? Pre match reviews on the officials is commitment to the Wenger cause.

  13. Bonzo

    Aug 13, 2016, 10:56 #91602

    Leekey started to write his letter. Dear Mr Wenger, I meant no offence, please do not prosecute me. I just want to write you another letter to tell you of my love and admiration. Five hundred letters telling you how much I love you!!! Please send me a sign, I know you will want me when you fiddle with your zip. Please Mr Wenger please don't call the police. I send you tokens of my love, a used cup from my friend in Suffolk and a pair of my underwear. Please don't ever leave me, please stay. In love and admiration Humphrey Leek

  14. jeff wright

    Aug 13, 2016, 10:41 #91601

    EG, the reason I don't like Corbo is because he was once my local MP ,I have actually met him and did not like him in fact I found him rather creepy and weird .I would have more respect for him and his 'Momentum' middle class so called Momentum activists who are just plastic Marxists under another name that have infiltrated the Labour Party if Corbo and them stood under their OWN banner - instead of trying to use the Labour Party ,of whom the vast majority of supporters do not share their nonsensical extreme views ,to try and get into power by using the Labour Party to do so. The Labour Party nationwide voters do not want them - end of . My views on Stan and Wenger's regime at AFC is that they use the club to make money for themselves and are aided and abetted by deluded fools who tolerate this. At least the vast majority of Labour traditional voters can see through Coro and his 'Momentum' Marxists for the frauds that they are.By the way it you and AKB who seem afraid on my little dig at silly Corbo for some reason and best not to encourage Jamie too much AKB - he thrives on attention .I'm not afraid of Corbo . He is an idiot as far as I am concerned and a bullying fraud to boot. I just want to see the Labour Party back to being a proper electable party so that we don't end up like th Jocks have living in a one party state run by a woman! By the way the Labour party used to be the main one in Scotland until Miliband ,Corbo and co came along and now it is non-existent .The same fate will befall it in England as well if Corbo and his Momentum Marxists are still in charge at the next election. Corbo has less chance of winning a general election that Wenger does the Prem or European Cup. You couldn't make it up.

  15. Bard

    Aug 13, 2016, 10:23 #91600

    Interesting survey as we welcome in the new season. I have to say though that Im gutted that Im not on the fav writers list. What has Simon Rose written about that I havent. I am not going to renew my contract and have applied to write for Untold. They are sceptical as you might imagine but I supplied them with a dossier of Arsenal's performances since 1897 and looked at how climate change and building regs have affected the results as the old ground built N-S facing. If the old ground was E-W facing we would have won at least 20 of the last 30 titles. I offered my suspicion that the architects responsible for the ground building were in fact paid off by a group of tiny totts. Untold are all over this and are, as we speak, looking at all planning applications lodged within 5 miles of the ground since the turn of the century. They reckon they should have a definitive answer sometime in the next 10 years.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2016, 10:13 #91599

    jw, whatever you think of Corbyn, it should be apparent to anyone that 'rigging' is trying to stop certain members voting in an election, not wanting them to be able to. As I say, you're much better at the Wenger stuff. The world has many problems and Corbyn isn't the one causing them, so quite why you're so fixated on him when there's so much else to worry about I don't know.

  17. Bonzo

    Aug 13, 2016, 10:09 #91598

    Jamerson - please search for 1: survey results you don't agree with. 2: Someone tells you you're going to hell and your crapping yourself. It's an amazing search engine isn't it. Ps: it's hot down in that pit.

  18. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:52 #91597

    Jeff - we were all enjoying the mr wenger/spunk/caravan analogies and you have to ruin it with your bullsh*ne about corbyn. You sound as if you're afraid of him (like everyone else on the right who are crappng themselves about their nest-egg, tax evasion straegies, people of colour etc. etc. ad nauseam. Put the Daily Mail/Heil down and enjoy the summer. Things are only going to get worse in the winter as Asano plummet and your tory idols fall like jamee's paper cups. You're like a poundshop Margaret Thatcher. Wenger out, Corbyn in.

  19. jeff wright

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:43 #91596

    EG, obviously the high court judges and the Labour Party executive plus 90% of the Parliamentary Labour MP's agree with my view on Corbo and his activists trying to rig the election in his favor. Anyway it was just an analogy with the AKB's desperately using any tactics or lies to defend the Stan and Wenger regieme .Some of it is now hilarious to behold.

  20. Paul Ward

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:40 #91595

    Leek, the reality is we attend matches to support the eleven players on the pitch, in the hope of sharing and enjoying success together. Who sits on the board or in the managers dug out is very much of secondary importance in terms of why we part with our hard earned cash, which is why so many people who want Wenger/ Gazidis out still attend matches I guess.

  21. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:35 #91594

    Leekey - what's all this lickspittle Mr Wenger crap, it's like you and Mandy Dodd are in the front row of class competing to see who can be teachers pet. It's a truth that nobody likes the teachers pet that's why poor old Mandy had spiders dropped into her pencil case and why you know doubt had your head flushed down the loo. Here's some truth. Wenger doesn't care a **** for what you say. Us WOB,'s know this so we build up media pressure to make his life uncomfortable whilst he stays. You my little lilly livered friend have no answer apart from slurp , lick ooh nice Mr Wenger. Go on , who's going to win the title?

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:21 #91593

    One of many flies on the wall in Jamee's caravan reports this typically bizarre exchange between cock-a-leekie-man and his mobile-home owning casual racist sidekick. "Jamee son- Mind that paper cup of dna, err I mean potato juice, doesn't fall on the keyboard of your Amstrad...oh there, you've gone and done it now and it's somehow conspired to produce your latest post. A truly "semenal" piece work my friend. To which Jamee son replied, "Leekie - get that straw and that knackered old groundhog out of here before the police arrive. Now, when are the Spurs and Chelsea games on this weekend? - they're our and Mr Wenger's favourite teams." Leekie - pass the biscuits jamee and i'll get some whor-licks on the log burner. No, no that digestive that already been "seasoned"...I' saving that for when asano finish eigth in the table and that git Arseneknewbest is proven right.

  23. Bonzo

    Aug 13, 2016, 9:15 #91592

    Jamerson and Leekey - glad to see I'm getting to you two. Jamerson is currently rocking in his chair as he hurriedly visits You think we don't see through this? It won't save you as the Lord of the Flies awaits. Now where's Leekey? that's it he's got his Mr Wenger Sticker book.pasting Wengers head onto male underwear models for his enjoyment. Enjoy the sunny weather down in Suffolk and don't catch anything from each other

  24. mbg

    Aug 13, 2016, 1:11 #91590

    CORNISH GOONER, post of the day, week, said like it is and the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, exactly what the AKB wengerites don't like. we want the dinosaur out.

  25. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 13, 2016, 0:18 #91588

    Leek and Jamerson - why do you hate Arsenal so much you support this slow death? Or should I be charitable and describe it as genuine stupidity?

  26. Bonzo

    Aug 12, 2016, 23:58 #91587

    Jamerson - you are getting there indeed you are a bodily part, not the heart more the rectum of Arsene Wenger, or as the spineless coward Leekey says Mr Wenger.

  27. Leek fc

    Aug 12, 2016, 22:48 #91585

    Paul Ward. More fool you then. So many people threaten to give up season tickets or never attend again under the current regime, yet keep stumping up the hard earned. You simply cannot have it both ways. Arsene Wenger is a massive part of Arsenal football club. Jump off the bus if you don't like it. Funding the club means support for the Manager and board. People like hiccup will criticise but sits on his Arse and talks drivel. He and his friends are quite meaningless. Very much like the anti Wengerites. Tomorrow, next year, 20 years....... Wenger is a legend.

  28. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2016, 21:02 #91584

    Poster of the year? 1st Jameson 65%, the gospel according to Wenger, 17 verse 3; 2nd Leekey - Wenger must stay. Clown!

  29. Paul Ward

    Aug 12, 2016, 20:58 #91583

    I must be one of the 10% ( made up figure) who still go to Emirates and want the old fraud out then Leek. Have been going since late 70s and won't be driven out of my club by this rotten regeme or anyone else for that matter. Trouble is most people with half a clue have been priced out or just given up on Wengers Arsenal as a lost cause. From what I see at games the people who go now are more interested in getting a burger or a pie at half time than supporting the team. The management and new Arsenal fan base truly do deserve each other, just don't expect to win the league any time soon. Wenger out

  30. Leek fc

    Aug 12, 2016, 20:32 #91582

    A handful of fools on here, and I'll leave Bonzo out of that cos he's much, much more than a fool, seem to forget that the poll was carried out by a few thousand Internet brigadiers. Time for change was a wet lettuce and it was drowned out by the Wenger backers who pay his wages. A banner can be taken into an away ground by a few people and this doesn't sentiment the other 4 or 5 thousand gooners whom are in attendance. It gets coverage but simply the press and online gooner like a story. Mr Wenger has arguably 90% backing from the fans who attend. The old folk on here can throw toys and dummies out of the pram because they want there Arsenal back, are very opinionated but put nothing into the club other than criticism. Get behind the team or get to the back of the queue and live on past memories. Keep up the good work mr Wenger. Forget about the plastics who can type with two hands whilst watching match of the day. Au revoir perdant .

  31. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 20:24 #91581

    These groups doing it for the love of the arse ? who's arse ?.

  32. Paul Ward

    Aug 12, 2016, 20:14 #91580

    Couldn't agree more Cornish, cut through all his waffle and the bottom line is this. He expects the purchase of Granite Xhaka to make up ten points on the foxes aswell as holding off a resurgent Manc duo aswell as Chelsea and Spurs. All logic suggests this just isn't going to happen, as for a CL "challenge" let's not even go there. This man needs to leave, preferably taking gazidis n Kroenke with him, In Wenger we rust

  33. Hiccup

    Aug 12, 2016, 20:11 #91579

    Lay off Simon Rose guys. I love his articles. Looking forward to more cut and paste repeats this season of how he predicts successfully we will finish top 4, and how after ten games we will have an idea of what will happen. Lazy journalism as the AKB's would call it.


    Aug 12, 2016, 19:46 #91578

    Well,well! How passive a lot have we become - just a load of flakey yoofs & day trippers if the surveys are to be believed. The "i" ran an article on Thursday criticising AFC & Der Fuehrer for a lousy transfer window by "LONDON'S BIGGEST CLUB". I wonder if that statement is true anymore - biggest in what precisely? Income, ticket prices, PR, "potential" or RESULTS? As for me, I have had more than enough of the be-zippered old fool The truth is that he is not a very nice guy with zero integrity. He is past it & I am sick & tired of the endless meaningless rambles & the raising of false hopes. Those of a certain age might remember a beautiful quote by our best post-war Prime Minister, Clem Atlee,a master of put downs. My favourite being " a period of silence on your part would be most welcome". Would that Ivan The Terrible or Wiggy (or anybody at AFC for that matter) had the sheer balls to tell our dinosaur of a manager that!!

  35. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 19:32 #91577, it's one of the mysteries of the universe alright, he's either invested in software that keeps voting for himself 24/7 or people just feel sorry for him. wenger out.

  36. Rob

    Aug 12, 2016, 19:25 #91576

    Mike - first post - most football blogs of this type are 'amateur', unless you can get your friend Kronke to finance you for one. The questions seemed fair enough and relevant to what we are and are not doing, to me. Most are the same type of questions we have had for years. So what's your beef ? How representative they are of the wider fan base, is anyone's guess. But at least the Gooner is around to ask them You certainly won't get anything similar from the match programme, will you ? Away from that - well done to Mike Francis, for all your endeavours since 1987 ! Let's all hope for happier times, if not this season, then very shortly afterwards.


    Aug 12, 2016, 19:22 #91575

    How the hell does Simon Rose keep topping the list of favourite writer year in, year out? His articles never say anything.

  38. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 12, 2016, 17:37 #91572

    jeff wright, you're basically right about Wenger & AFC so you'd be better of sticking to that and leaving off the Corbyn / political stuff, where you don't appear to have the same comprehension of events. Echo your call to Mike - why do these people support this man over the club? How else can it be viewed at this stage? It's almost like Wenger is taking the p*ss now.

  39. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 17:04 #91570

    It's happened again, very appropriate indeed as it has, and will continue to, until we get rid of this bumbling old fool of a manager, nurse ?

  40. mbg

    Aug 12, 2016, 16:53 #91569

    Guys it's not the real Website Editor. wenger out out out.

  41. jeff wright

    Aug 12, 2016, 16:27 #91568

    Mike is a well known Wenger lover and Kroenke apologist frantically defending them against the truth like a Jeremy Corbyn brief at the high court trying to allow Marxist stooges to be allowed to help rig a democratic election. So then Mike how about giving us YOUR own views on something for a change instead of just posting abuse at Arsene and Stan's critics. Will Arsene manage a top 4 spot this season for example . We already know that he won't win the league and as for Europe ,well please don't make me laugh ! 20 years of mind-numbing failure by the old tactically inept fool will just continue as sure as tock follows tick ( yawn) . This is what having a manager who doesn't have to win anything produces with profits instead being the main 'trophies' that count. Mutton dressed up as Lamb.

  42. Website Editor

    Aug 12, 2016, 16:12 #91567

    Rocky - 2344 people took part in the survey

  43. Roy

    Aug 12, 2016, 15:25 #91566

    Mike - I can see where you are coming from with the loaded questions reference regarding the ones about share holdings and ffp, but " biased propaganda " !!?? Really ? I think you better look up the real meaning of that. Have to agree with Website Editor here.

  44. Rocky

    Aug 12, 2016, 15:24 #91565

    Any chance of us being told how many people completed the survey?

  45. Website Editor

    Aug 12, 2016, 14:53 #91564

    Mike - "please don't then try and pretend it is either scientific or representative of the majority of fans" - Er, where did we make that claim? The survey is the result of the combined votes of everyone that voted. Nothing more, nothing less. I would though make the claim that most people that did vote were Arsenal fans. Whether that is representative of Arsenal fans that did not vote is for someone else to decide.

  46. Mike

    Aug 12, 2016, 13:53 #91561

    If you're going to constantly spout biased propaganda on your amateur blog and then ask completely loaded questions that's your perogative. However, please don't then try and pretend it is either scientific or representative of the majority of fans.