Free Alexis poster with the new issue of The Gooner

First edition of the season on sale today at the Liverpool game

Free Alexis poster with the new issue of The Gooner

Free A2 sized poster with every copy bought at the stadium

The first Gooner of the season will be on sale this afternoon before and after the Liverpool game. Costing £3, the 48 page ad free fanzine comes with a free A2 sized poster of Alexis Sanchez for buyers purchasing their copy at the ground.

The features inside include plenty of reminiscence on how last season ended, including an ‘In The Away End’ feature looking at the Spurs’ forums on the day they allowed Arsenal to overtake them. The notion of whether there is going to be a power shift in North London is examined as well.

There is an interview with the former Invincible, right back Lauren, as well as plenty of nostalgic pieces, recalling the 1990-91 season, Clive Allen’s transfer to Arsenal in 1980 and Gunners that joined the club from the continent over the last 40 years. There are reflections on Euro2016 and the immediate future for the England team, a trip report from the club’s pre-season tour of the States and an article discussing Aaron Ramsey’s best position after his performances in France during the summer.

There are a couple of articles on how Arsenal need to adapt their tactics if they are to achieve the success of the past under Arsene Wenger, as well as cartoon capers with our favourite Spurs fan, Dwight Hart-Lane. Regulars such as Talking Reds, the Spy, Mickey Cannon, Anger Management, Well Played, Inbox, North Bank Times and the 91st Minute are also in the issue.

The fanzine can be bought from sellers on your route to the stadium (although try and pick it up by 3.45 as the sellers go into the match themselves). If you don’t manage to pick one up before the game, you should be able to find a seller on your way out.

If you are not attending the game today, the fanzine can be bought through our Gooner store here for £3 plus 60p postage. Full details of the issue contents can be found here. If you prefer to pay via online bank transfer, please make a payment for £3.60 to the following account
The Gooner
Sort Code - 20-76-90
Account number - 03004112
Please put your surname as a reference and follow up payment with an email to [email protected] informing us that you have made a bank transfer for the issue and full details of the postal address to send the issue to. (NB – Due to postage rates, the poster is not sent out with mail orders for the issue. Add £1 if you wish to receive the poster as well. The poster can be ordered separately through the online shop here.

The Gooner is also available in digital form, through The Gooner App on iPhones and iPads, the Exactly App for Android devices and now Kindle Fire owners can also get their fix by searching the Amazon App Store for The Gooner.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 15, 2016, 18:14 #91764

    ArseneKnewBest, yes mate his comeuppance is on it's way it can't come quick enough and long long over due, I hope and pray he gets shat on from a great height.

  2. Rob

    Aug 15, 2016, 10:20 #91711

    I read this as "Free Alexis Sanchez"... from the debarcle that is Arsenal so that he can save his career

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 15, 2016, 10:18 #91710

    Jamee son - big up yourself for even managing to type that verbiage after wading through a veritable caravan-sized reservoir of your and silent leeky's ejaculate. And as for all the stickiness on your amstrad...In a sane world, weng's appalling post match comments would represent a surrogate resignation letter. Feck you stan-k and the toupee you rode in under.

  4. goonersol

    Aug 15, 2016, 9:36 #91697

    Jamerson : very funny - now Jog On and take Wenger the Loser with you....just before you go, gives us all reasons that will make you finally accept Wenger needs to leave ??

  5. Jamerson

    Aug 15, 2016, 9:07 #91696

    We were let down a bit by our foreign players yesterday,as three of our Englishmen were on target.Can see these players getting stronger as the season goes on the Ox looks awesome.

  6. goonersol

    Aug 15, 2016, 8:59 #91695

    according to reports today ...Wenger " We were not ready for the Liverpool game, and I don;t know when we will be ready"...if these quotes are correct, what more damning evidence do we need that the old fool/fraud is NOT up to the the decent thing and resign now....Wenger, while your in Charge Arsenal will never be ready....Wenger OUT.

  7. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 15, 2016, 8:55 #91694

    Giving away a free poster of Alexis? Might as well have given away a white flag to wave, which is what our XI did for most of yesterday.

  8. Reg

    Aug 15, 2016, 8:45 #91693

    Ah the ref that's it! Nothing to do with the absolute shambles totally created by Clouseau! 1. Players on holiday therefore not fit for the start of the season! (would've thought France and Germany would get to the latter stages - didn't see that one coming). 2. We have 5 centre backs at the club only 2 injured so not a crisis but it is if you don't play the best of a poor bunch and Chambers is not a rookie! He's been here 2 seasons. The problem is that he was so ****ed up by Wenger in his first shambolic season he has never got over it! I feel sorry for the guy as this really isn't the place to learn your trade and it shows! 3. Goals 2,3 and 4 all down our left. Monreal absolutely piss poor! Holding hands with the centre half on 2, his usual non effort to stop a cross on 3 and 4? ****s sake Chambers is so dragged out of position while Monreal does **** all! In Monreal's defence, Iwobi on the left! I can't remember him getting near old Nacho let alone working as a duo! Iwobi has obviously learnt the role from the Ozil and Sanchez who are allowed to do anything but defend by a weak manager. Again feel sorry for Iwobi as this isn't the place to learn! Sanchez - like Ian Alinson on speed but less effective. Wally - well he's Wally! Totally self inflicted ****e from a manager who just sits on his hands, what a ****ing joke! Untold Leeky Jambo will blame the ref but then they really don't know **** from clay!

  9. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 15, 2016, 8:36 #91692

    Wenger must stay? Wenger must stay? Where's that shrivelled old Ball Sack Leekey gone.

  10. Mungo

    Aug 15, 2016, 7:48 #91691

    Jamerson- if Leicester beat Arsenal on Saturday you really will be eating poo.

  11. Bonzo

    Aug 15, 2016, 6:27 #91690

    Jamerson- at some point the truth will emerge regarding Wengers profit share within Arsenal. I fear like you he is too interested in receiving his reward on earth. Whereas the reward should be building on excellence and winning titles in the right spirit. Your devilish Elect have taken you down the wrong path, praying for money, seeking miracle cures after your drinking and licentious behaviour. I see only one end for you and that is Old Nicks Fork rammed firmly in your behind whilst his minions cackle and sing Wenger he wears a magic hat.

  12. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 15, 2016, 0:21 #91689

    Brilliant. As long as Asano keep losing, I can discipline myself not to watch or devote any mental effort into wondering "what if". Bring it on - enemy within "Mr" Wenger just keeps having to lose and his sh*t-stinking reign will come to an end. I hope he gets screwed next by the better manager that is Ranieri and the Filberts players who show more fight and commitment than our irritating gutless little frauds. Your waterloo moment is arriving weng and I cannot wait. We should celebrate this - it's the beginning of the end.

  13. mbg

    Aug 15, 2016, 0:14 #91688

    Just watched a 15 minute clip on Sky of the NLD at Highbury in 96/97, DB, TA, IW, PM, DS, SB, RP, etc, etc, all George Graham men, a real team of men, no coaching needed, we used to have a football team then, wenger you'll never be forgiven. wenger out.

  14. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 23:07 #91686

    Hiccup, you know what ? i'm looking forward to the season too, I can't wait for the circus to really begin, for the fun the laughs and embarrassments coming our way but especially for/at this old past it fraud of a manager at him being humiliated and getting his arse kicked and his arrogance and ego brought right back down to earth where it firmly belongs and he thoroughly deserves it. wenger out now.

  15. Jamerson

    Aug 14, 2016, 23:06 #91685

    mbg-At least they are fans unlike the WOB who are just a bunch of pathetic only turn up when there's trophies to be had.Being negative is the mark of the reprobate and we seem to have plenty of these jcl's having major knee-jerks all season.Wenger was right to call these fans sunshine fans with no knowledge of the game and no real understanding of the history of the club..

  16. jeff wright

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:53 #91684

    BB, I have always thought that it would all end in tears for Wenger .He has in truth had more than his fair share of good fortune over the past decade . He should have retired after the fortuitous win over Hull in the Cup final ,he stayed though due to his greed , arrogance and stubbornness . It could all become rather nasty for him and he has only himself to blame for this.

  17. bromley boy

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:11 #91683

    agree on the cech comment Jeff, The chavs saw the best of him but then he did have a strong back four ahead of him. not his fault we lost today that belongs to Wenger and his stubberness to move with the times. With one game gone we are allready top of the injury league some things never change !!!!

  18. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:08 #91682

    Hiccup, your dead right about the/these fans, it is a circus/pantomime, as soon as we roll over some relegation fodder everything will be rosey again and it will be on, the latest embarrassment forgotten (until the next one of course which will be just round the corner) these fans fooking deserve him.

  19. Big Dave

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:06 #91681

    Alexis sold in January poster coming soon

  20. KC

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:03 #91680

    Red member it's easy to bracket all fans that attend together. It's cheap and disrespectful. There is a lot of good people many that want change. It's delusional to believe you will get a total boycott, tickets get sold as soon as you post them for some games. Wenger will get twitchy if there were chants of Wenger out and for that we need more fans that feel that way. Buy a ticket and start a chant it would be far more effective.

  21. jeff wright

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:01 #91679

    Wenger's blaming the ref is laughable the ref was not the one who signed Cech and put that defence if you can call it that out today .Wenger himself did that. Klopp needs a new GK as well ,I could have saved 2 of those goals that Mingo let in. Cech looked slow again as well flapping about like a line of wet washing in the wind and is well well past his best.He looks more like a motorbike courier than a GK. At this rate Almunia will look like he was world class !

  22. Ron

    Aug 14, 2016, 22:00 #91678

    Positive vibes guys. I feel a trolley dash is now firmly on. Clubs, ready your past its, yr rejects and yr contract rebels. The Arse is a comin for em!

  23. bromley boy

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:58 #91677

    so one game in and we are allready top of the injury league again same as last several seasons with the same excuces. Wenger out

  24. Bonzo

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:56 #91676

    Jamerson- you and your devil worshiping Elect are to blame for this, a cabal of Wengerists. Mixing your potions to keep him in place. Wenger out and Old Nick awaits you and your deviants pals.

  25. Goonersol

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:46 #91675

    Jameson - cocko leeky etc -, the ref - really ??? Take your heads out of wengers backside and see wengers arsenal for what they truly are - a team without a winning manager - Wenger fiddles while arsenal burns ----.

  26. Jamerson

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:37 #91674

    The ref cost us by awarding a non freekick at the end of the first half.After the break Liverpool could play their dour counterattacking closing down game which benefited them enormously.Because of the dubious decisions Wenger was correct in calling it a 'non sequitur' of a game..

  27. Goonersol

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:35 #91673

    Protest in the stadium or online - until the AKBs realise what Wenger is doing to our club and begin to stop worshipping him , only then will we see change - I challenge any AKBs to tell us all what it would take for them to stop worshipping and believing in the old deluded fool, and give arsenal a chance to be a great team once again with a manager who is young , fresh and with new ideas .....AKBs explain please .

  28. Red Member

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:21 #91672

    KC - I agree that if more of the real fans attended then yes change would happen quicker. However I am afraid that things have gone too far for that now. It has to be an all out boycott or protest at the Emirates from now on. Just going along hoping that things will get better WILL not work now. There looked like 60,000 sheep sitting there today.

  29. KC

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:11 #91671

    Red member, I'm an Arsenal fan. I don't keep him in a job his top four position each season does. If you think me not going helps in any way then your deluded. If I give my ST up I won't get it back if there is any change. I can use ticket exchange and wait. Plus I still believe that if more fans attended and got on his back you would see change so much quicker and it would be a lot more effective than key board warriors never attending but getting upset from their bedrooms.

  30. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:05 #91670

    KC, good post, and just wait until it's turn of the two specialists in winning, mourniho and pep, plus the chavs (and indeed any other manager worth his salt for that matter) it doesn't bear thinking about. go now wenger.

  31. Hiccup

    Aug 14, 2016, 21:05 #91669

    As for the booing, it's just as groundhog as the circus show on the pitch. It's all part of the pantomime. "Oh yes he is" "Oh no he isn't". Screw up on the opening season and it's "you don't know what you're doing." Smash 4 past some dross in the next game and it's back to "one Arsene Wenger." Great stuff. And all for eighty quid a throw. The audience participation in this farce adds to the armchair experience. Really looking forward to more of this entertainment.

  32. Red Member

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:52 #91668

    KC - how do you feel about keeping Wenger in a £8 million a year job for doing **** all?

  33. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:43 #91667

    Word has it AKB central command which has been on lock down since 6.50pm has now sent a bolo to all it's outlets to close immediately and everybody make their way to HQ, more news as it comes in, in the meantime if anyone hears anything let us know. we want the old fraud out.

  34. Hiccup

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:43 #91666

    Really looking forward to the Referee Review on this one. I hear it may be late in being published, as extra camera footage from Sky has been requested. In fact I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Will be interesting how Untold report on Xhaka, with his persistent fouling and ankle tapping which the AKB's detest so much? I'm sure had he been playing in a Chelsea shirt today, the AKB's would have been demanding several yellow cards. But then any less lenient refs would have been called corrupt. I can see them tying themselves up in all sorts of knots over this one. It's gonna be a scream!

  35. KC

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:38 #91665

    Every season we start with a car crash. This man is not fit for purpose. Knee jerk! Not sure if after 10 years it can be described as knee jerk? Souness was right sadly this club is a business and I'm the mug for renewing. I live in hope that each season will be his last but sadly for real progress we need kronke out as well and our super rich Russian in!

  36. Peter Wain

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:28 #91664

    The worst possible start though not unexpected. Wenger out now.

  37. Paul Ward

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:19 #91663

    Obviously I want Wenger to go, but we re lumbered for at least 12 months so let's not knee jerk too much. Missed kos , ozil n giroud today, n while we ain't gonna win the league would have a fair punt we ll finish above scousers , they're turning into a right bunch of sad cases, ain't won the league for 25, every euro cup they won was jammy, penalties , lucky 1 nils, not exactly Real or Barca! No , let's not panic .... Lose to the foxes however !

  38. KC

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:11 #91662

    All summer he knew there were the Euros. He has no clue or interest in defence. This man is now a joke, we just go backwards. How can you go into a game with that centre back pairing? We needed a centre back before the tortoise got injured then we really needed one then our world class Brazilian got injured so we really really needed one but no we destroy the confidence of two young guys. Another 4 conceded. We just know how to concede under Wenger. So f***** off with this man that has no ambition. Can a journalist ask this greedy bas**** if his contract pays a bonus for top 4 with the least outlay?? What is the point of top four other than to make the board richer?

  39. Augustus Flair

    Aug 14, 2016, 20:02 #91661

    With you on the lower league stuff, Luton. My adopted team, as an exiled Londoner, is Chelmsford City, one deck below Boreham Wood, Yes, you get managerial guff (Rod Stringer is a master) and all the players' palaver but there is a kind of honesty about it all that I like. Anyway, Alexis Sanchez looked lost and our new boy Granit Xhaka every bit as bad as headless chicken Alberto Moreno to my eyes. But only one man presides over this shambles and I wholeheartedly agree with mbg when he says "Wenger out!"


    Aug 14, 2016, 20:00 #91660

    1996: Arsene who? 2004: Good old Arsene! 2016: Arsene - why? Dictatorships rarely finish well

  41. Bard

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:58 #91659

    No decent central defenders available and we ship 4 goals, who would have guessed that. Holding and Chambo traumatised and 2 injuries. Seems like groundhog day to me. Still as others have stated we will now sign a couple and Weng will tell us they were already in the pipeline. The charade goes on.

  42. jjetplane

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:43 #91658

    So one minute they're booing, then they're happy, then boos mingled with 'early start Monday Tabatha!' Good for Borehamwood and my team are going crazy beating anyone! lol! Must say that Mane moment with Klopp was worth a ticket! Cannot see Arsenal finishing above Liverpool and raving about Mane last season - puts Sanchez, Carzola and Ozil to shame. Anyone heard from Leek! Have to say there was some deviance to some of the scouse passing. More games like that and the PL might be worth a glance. Would not want to be facing Leicester next week .... Right - quick visit to the trauma centre at Untold - Amy Lawrence hey!

  43. Paul Ward

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:42 #91657

    Got to accept that was pretty bad . To concede 4 at home is never a good look, think Wenger got out of jail too . Those boos were very audible when they got they're fourth and only our spirited revival prevented full scale mutiny. Thought he played a strange team and would have started Santi and xhaka myself. Still will have to go up to the foxes now and win the game, anything else and we ll be 6 behind already . Much as we want Wenger out we have to accept he's our manager for now, let's beat foxes and then the hornets, 6/9 won't be too bad

  44. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:31 #91656

    So predictable it's we go for groundhog season number 9/10/11 whichever we're up to now. The excuses from wenger are beyond pathetic...our club is a laughing stock thanks to this fool, gazidis and kroenke. They should all do the decent thing and resign this very night, and take them over pampered pussies masquerading as Arsenal players with them. A disgrace and a farce all round.....again

  45. Bonzo

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:26 #91655

    Who's the chump A;) the fools who booed the protest but probably started booing Wenger today; B:) Leekey; C:) Jamerson; D:) All of the above

  46. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:21 #91654

    Did you hear this old waste of space of a manager ? and his bull****e excuses/spin ? the free kick was harsh blah blah, we lacked bit stability no fooking ****e you old fraud why do you think that was ? you waste of space, the tired old mental qualittee to come back thrown in, what mental qualittee ? and to come back from what ? you clown, and on been booed off by the fans (hear that AKB's ?) it wasn't pleasant (expect a hell of a lot more of it you embarrassment) but we have the mental strength to deal with it, again what mental strength ? you dinosaur, you or your little dwarfs don't know the meaning of it and couldn't spell it. And TOF saved the last bit of spin for last we were on a ten game unbeaten run before this (what ever the fook he meant by that and what that's got to do with it) you couldn't fooking make it up, what an excuse making waster, no dignity (and never has/had) whatsoever in defeat. Go now you waste of space you've destroyed this club.

  47. gazza

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:18 #91653

    upset with that performance but totally expected with the starting defence and our forward line.. once again a shambolic summer by wenger in the transfer window, wenger now coming out with his normal excuses again, groundhog day from a zombie like run club from the board and management, no wonder the players have no belief..!

  48. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Aug 14, 2016, 19:16 #91652

    I concur, Augustus. Just having a go at retaining a sense of humour at a time when things just ain't that funny. Aside from the good ole' Yanky Doodle Dandy entertainment of seven goals on a sunny day in a reasonably attended mutli - purpose venue. On the upside, Boreham Wood undefeated in the Conference after three matches. Two wins, one draw, great home win against Forest Green and a decent point at York yesterday. Defence is looking tight. Chairman Danny Hunter and first team coach Luke Garrard must be thinking that the decision to make the club a full - time pro operation last season is paying off in spades. They might want to think about ring - fencing their centre halves between now and the end of the month though, there might be another panic dip into the lower leagues from the club's premium business partner pretty soon...

  49. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:54 #91651

    Henry in the studio asking why players are turning us down and won't and don't want to come to us, with Souness grinning away, at least Henry grinned himself, he'll be in trouble for that.wenger out out out.

  50. bromley boy

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:50 #91650

    dont worry gooners on Aug 31st we will sign Johnny evans to save our season.

  51. Augustus Flair

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:36 #91649

    This is worse, Luton. Far worse. Just go now, you past-it old French fraud.

  52. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:21 #91648

    So anyway, I'm reminded of the opening day against Norwich in the early 90's when four were conceded at home on the opening day. If my memory's correct, Dixon chipped Dave for a classy own goal, Tone clapped the mural after the final whistle, and half the team were drunk. Which was worse, that or this?

  53. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:16 #91647

    Headless chickens the lot of them, and the biggest chicken of the lot sitting on the bench clueless like he's laying an egg. cluck cluck.

  54. Gooner 89

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:13 #91646

    Emergency call to the few remaining AKBs. Please return to Central Command before it goes into lockdown. Absolute garbage. Wenger should hang his head in shame, call a taxi and go back to Frnace where he can earn his money on. French. TV He simply is not fit for purpose WENGER OUT

  55. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 18:05 #91645

    Well AKB's wot you think of that ? wasters the lot of them go now wenger you excuse for a manager and take wally and all your wasters with you, your not fit for purpose. do the decent thing and resign tonight.

  56. Reg

    Aug 14, 2016, 17:53 #91643

    I'm guessing Jambo's caravan is in lockdown! Though he'll be jacking himself off about the speerit!

  57. Goonersol

    Aug 14, 2016, 17:53 #91642

    Thanks Wenger , sending out a young defender on his debut, and chambers who only started 2PL games last season, along with no cutting edge up front, come on AKBs justify that , you can see the players have no belief and most fans more so, we are a dead team walking, how much more can we take of clueless Wenger ,,,, oh , let's wait for his excuses.... Respect to the players , let down by a clueless manager .

  58. Johnc

    Aug 14, 2016, 17:46 #91641

    Wenger, Kronke and Gazidis outP

  59. Smithy

    Aug 14, 2016, 17:21 #91640

    Well that isn't a supprise! Absolute shambles. Stan, gazidis and arsene take a hike. We need a fresh start

  60. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 14, 2016, 16:01 #91638

    Leekey I know you care and I know manners mean a lot to you, as I see only you call him Mr Wenger. So I'm sure you will share your concern in fact anger that the Egyptian Judo participant. Broke all protocol by not shaking the Israeli opponents hand. Very very poor and even more embarrassing as he lost. What sort of behaviour is that, I mean talk about poor losing, bitter and the smallness of the man. I can't believe that anyone in sport would act that way. In fact if anyone can tell me if other incidents where this sort of behaviour has been witnessed then please let me know.

  61. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 14, 2016, 15:38 #91637

    Just seen today's line up, it's a disgrace that we are starting the season with such an underwhelming 11 as that. All summer wenger has had and just a 20 year old kid with zero premier league experience as the only new face added to a bunch of losers and bottlers, and to make it worse not only has Walcott not been sold but he is in the starting line up. 10 years of under achieving, under performing.. What does this waste of space have to do to be bombed out? typifies our manager in a nutshell. Wenger out

  62. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 15:28 #91636

    jw, yes sad isn't it ? same old same old for another season (yawn) with the same out come, humiliations, embarrassments etc, with the same old bumbling fool, wenger out tonight.

  63. mbg

    Aug 14, 2016, 15:16 #91635

    Ah it's back to he most important part, and the highlight of match days again for the season the sale of the gooner, but do us all a favour lads, keep photos of that crinkled old fraud of a manager out of it, even photos of him make you nauseous. we want wenger out we want wenger out.

  64. Goonersol

    Aug 14, 2016, 13:30 #91633

    Jamerson ( wind up merchant) you predict 4-1 but will blame ref if not achieved --- what that joker in the manager seat, he's the one not buying defensive cover , not the ref, he's the one not buying a striker, not the ref --- wake up Jamerson, leeky et al and see Wenger for what he is , a no ideas accountant......good luck to the boys today , with Wenger in charge they need it .

  65. Jamerson

    Aug 14, 2016, 13:10 #91632

    If I did own a caravan it would be the best around and probably pulled by my slaves Bonzo and AKBest.On a more serious note it will seem a bit strange watching the game in my living room rather than at the game,yet the builders are coming round on Wednesday to erect a wooden out house similar to what I had in Barnsbury yet with no bar as I live a far more mortified life these days.My prediction today 4-1 Arse unless the ref decides otherwise,I suppose with most of the WOB predicting us to finish about 8th they'll be hoping for a draw..

  66. jeff wright

    Aug 14, 2016, 12:18 #91631

    So another season under le fraud commences - or as Ivano would say another day another dollar . Wenger's whole transfer window or lack of ambition in it if you like depends on the result against Klolpp's crew if we win it will be all about great spireeeet and belief if not then another panic stricken trolley dash will ensue to try and placate disgruntled supporters or customers as Ivano and Syrupy see them . Many are of course happy to have the Prem TV show back on their screens and the likes of lee k fc can get it off down the pub wearing his dodgy made in Thailand AFC shirt giving it large or whatever depending on results - lee is never to be seen after a bad result. Others don't see football as being a matter of life or death but old Oscar Wild Bill Shanks did not agree claiming it was more important than that .Klopp and Wenger both have points to prove today - but Wenger needs to win BECAUSE anything less will be a failure and add pressure on to himself and his mentally fragile team.

  67. Alsace

    Aug 14, 2016, 9:14 #91629

    My copy arrived in the post. The bit "from the Spurs message boards" on the occasion of their historic third place is not to be missed.

  68. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 14, 2016, 9:12 #91628

    Kev - All the best to you, the other contributors and the volunteers who sell "Thee Gooner" at games this season. I can't help thinking that rather than a poster of one of our few stars, a better give-away might have been a handkerchief with weng's face on it, all the better to catch the tears this season and/or any Jamee/Leekie, ahem, excretions. In the away end looks an especially good read. May you sell billions of copies this year and end up with enough profits to launch a (very) hostile takeover against the merkinned marauder, ivan the liar and our former football manager.

  69. Mathew

    Aug 14, 2016, 9:03 #91627

    Can someone write an article on Theo's failures in an Arsenal shirt, before he fools again in one match and goes invisible for the rest of the season.

  70. Bonzo

    Aug 14, 2016, 7:09 #91625

    Wake up Leekey did you enjoy your night in Jambie's caravan.