The End is Nigh

Recollections of the end of four previous Arsenal managers

The End is Nigh

Don Howe – No respect shown by the club

I am resigned to another year of Wenger’s stewardship. He has one year left on his deal and I believe that he will go at the end of it. It is incredible the amount of power that he wields and as a result he is unsackable. In my time supporting the Arsenal I have seen four managers get the sack and I will reflect on how the sackings came about.

1. Terry Neill

The former Arsenal skipper took charge in 1976 having spent two years managing the Spuds. He then brought double winning coach Don Howe back to Arsenal in 1977 and oversaw the three FA Cup final appearances from 1978 to 1980 and the Cup Winners Cup final defeat to Valencia in 1980.

Terry Neill made some interesting signings during his tenure - Pat Jennings from Spurs and Malcolm MacDonald from Newcastle to name two. Unfortunately during that time we lost Liam Brady to Juventus and Frank Stapleton to Man United.

It was the inability to replace these two stalwarts that cost Terry Neill ultimately. He signed Lee Chapman and Tony Woodcock for a combined £1 million in the close season of 1982. Chapman was not a success and left a couple of season later going to Sunderland, then Sheffield Wednesday before becoming a title winner at Leeds.

Terry then signed Charlie Nicholas for a fee reported as being between £650,000 and £800,000 in the close season of 1983. Charlie was the hottest prospect in British football and it was a coup for us to sign him. However Charlie struggled and after a League Cup defeat to Walsall, Terry Neill was sacked in December 1983.

2. Don Howe

Don Howe took over as caretaker manager after Terry Neill’s sacking and the team finished strongly after he signed Paul Mariner and then played Charlie Nicholas in behind Mariner and Woodcock. Don signed Viv Anderson and Steve Williams but the Arsenal still struggled, ultimately finishing mid-table. Don’s legacy though is that he did blood the likes of Martin Keown, Niall Quinn, David Rocastle, Martin Hayes and a young centre back called Tony Adams who was behind the pecking order to Martin Keown.

Don resigned in March 1986 after he became aware that the board had approached Terry Venables about his job. So technically he wasn’t sacked but the writing was on the wall. As a result, Venables did not take the Arsenal job and Arsenal approached Alex Ferguson. But he would not take the job till after the World Cup as he was Scotland caretaker following the death of Jock Stein.

3. George Graham

George took over at the end of the 1985/1986 season and made Arsenal great again and for me does not get the credit he deserves. He got rid of the old guard and put his faith in the youngsters and won six trophies during his tenure. Anfield 89 is my favourite football memory. George was sacked in February 1995 following the bung allegations. He was the only manager to be punished at the time he was banned and subsequently came back to manage Leeds and then sadly take the Spurs job.

George Graham built the great back four and the defensive sessions he held were something of legend. He used to play seven attackers against the back four in training and apparently when the ball was in a certain area on the field each defender knew where he had to be in the defensive zone.

Unfortunately at the time Arsenal had a strict wage policy and we missed out on some signings, players who asked for a rise were thrown in the reserves. He ruled with an iron fist and sometimes the football was not easy on the eye but the memories of the commitment and fight of his teams brings a tear to my eye.

4. Bruce Rioch

Bruce Rioch took over the Summer of 1995. Arsenal had tried to get Bobby Robson but he was under contract at Porto. Bruce had got Bolton Wanderers promoted and had the previous season presided over a Bolton Wanderers cup win over the Arsenal.

Dennis Bergkamp and David Platt were unveiled as Rioch signings but it has since emerged that these were already in place prior to his arrival. The only signing he presided over was the free transfer signing of John Lukic the following close season.

The lack of transfer business with Rioch was rather peculiar, he was offered Zidane but turned him down because he felt that Zizou and Dennis could not play in the same team. Rioch oversaw a UEFA Cup qualification that season but he was sacked prior to the 1996/1997 campaign. Rioch had fallen out with Ian Wright and it has been said by various ex-players that the Arsenal board realised early on that he was not the right man for the job.

So there we have it, since then we have had Arsene Wenger for the last twenty years. He benefitted from inheriting George’s back four as George benefitted from the youngsters nurtured by Don Howe. What will Wenger’s successor benefit from? The cash mountain in the bank? Time will tell.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 17, 2016, 16:46 #91881

    Mark from Aylesbury, tattooist ? more like with a good old fashioned branding iron (to show loyalty)by the cowboys on Kroenkes ranch at round up time, slap heads image is optional (with or with out the syrup)on the other cheek, but think of the fun they could have in the mirror, tick tock.

  2. Dave bryanson

    Aug 17, 2016, 14:49 #91873

    As of those who sang "where is your cheque-book Terry Neill" I think their is an equivalence between the mood of the fried then and now, although there were probably only about 20k at the start of many games and far fewer by the end

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 17, 2016, 11:34 #91862

    Leekey - let's have a flag celebrating 20 years of Wengo's European trophy haul

  4. goonersol

    Aug 17, 2016, 9:19 #91852

    Cock'o leeky : Flag for the greatest manager Arsenal have ever seen ?? Do you know much about Herbert Chapman then ?? .........

  5. Avenell Road

    Aug 17, 2016, 8:41 #91851

    Is the end nigh though? I can see a new contract being dished out in May despite all the utter cr*p / incompetence

  6. Red Member

    Aug 17, 2016, 8:10 #91850

    Mbg - the only way Wenger will walk before May is if the majority of the Emirates want him gone. At present the majority still back him.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 17, 2016, 7:11 #91849

    Leek - it's you who seems to have the obsession about Untold your on about them all the time but oddly always write on here. Yes most of us realise the nutters created a flag, if Tony issued a decree that members needed their arse cheeks branded with Wengo's image. Pat would be straight down the tattooist. Sadly your delightful reports of how great Untold is leave us bemused and underwhelmed. Years ago Jonathon King used to do a programme called Entertainment SA where basically he would big up everything good about them and slate of Britain to the British public. Whatever happened to him I wonder? His programme reminds me of you.

  8. Reg

    Aug 17, 2016, 5:24 #91848

    Leeks - and I thought we were just a tiny minority. You really are sweating

  9. mbg

    Aug 17, 2016, 0:14 #91847

    GoonerSol, no it'll not, I do believe he'll not see May as our manager (and I use the term manager very lightly indeed)the forthcoming beatings embarrassments will see to that they'll just be to much, the crap about him never breaking a contract won't save him either (that can be easily got round) that's just a farce anyway (just another excuse and way he used to cover up his failings and failures over the years and to save his bacon) just like everything else to do with him, and connected to this old has been of a manager has been over the last ten years, no the countdown clock is ticking, he knows it and all his fans and followers know it too which can be plainly seen by their feeble tired attempts at backing him. Tick tock tick tock.

  10. Leek fc

    Aug 16, 2016, 23:46 #91846

    The end is nigh......... Don Howe..1986 No respect shown by the club.......... Arsene Wenger...2016 No respect shown by the fans.

  11. Jamie

    Aug 16, 2016, 23:21 #91845

    Instead of a flag, howabout an Arsene Wenger Half-Scarf to represent his two decades at the helm? One half made of silk and the other made of transparent paper.

  12. Leek fc

    Aug 16, 2016, 22:23 #91844

    How about a flag which represents the greatest manager the Arsenal have ever seen as opposed to a pathetic time clock. Ooopppps. Maybe another website has already done that. Maybe call it the legend flag?????

  13. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 16, 2016, 22:19 #91843

    Leekey better hope we best Leicester otherwise a **** storm starts building, lose against Watford it's open season on Grandma

  14. Goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 21:34 #91842

    mbg : good one , when it gets to zero, leeky and jamerson can go " cuckoo, cuckoo"...seriously , will it get to May ?

  15. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 21:19 #91841

    Back to my post 97288, could the Online Gooner not put some kind of a countdown clock up ? maybe call it the freedom clock ? (other ideas welcome) counting down the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes seconds to the last day of the season, when we finally get rid, with champagne corks popping, blowers, and party poppers going off all over the screen when it reaches zero, roll on May. wenger out.

  16. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 20:55 #91840

    CORNISH, nice one, I bet that AW bog roll would go down well, and would definitely find the groove better than TOF's second rate dwarfs, and it would flush away really smoothly, although the AKB wengerites would feel guilty and be apologising to their messiah at every wipe. wenger out tonight.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 16, 2016, 20:50 #91839

    Leek it's not a fact just your opinion. The opinion on here is that Attwood is a clown and at worse has a hidden agenda. The reason you can spout on here is due to openess of the website, much like Le Grove and others as well. The reason we can't spout off on Untold is due to Tony's desperate censorship. To be fair Myles Palmer operates a letter style blog so he can censor as well but Untold is censored. Also talking about count I rarely see more actual contributors on Untold so Tony's claims of supreme mastery need to be taken with massive pinches of salt.

  18. Paul Ward

    Aug 16, 2016, 20:06 #91838

    Firmino ,Wenger is only the third best manager we've had in my opinion, without question behind Chapman, and also behind George, whose trophy to length of service ratio is better than Wengers. We want him sacked not because we lost to Liverpool but because we haven't challenged for the major trophies for 12 years, not that surprising is it ?


    Aug 16, 2016, 19:46 #91837

    Well, as the few apologists for Der Fuehrer on here rightly point out, it is just the opening weekend BUT, it already looks as if the new young guns, I include Maureen, are going to ignite the PL this season& blow him away. Some doubt Klopp & maybe Conte but isn't it great seeing them doing their stuff from the touchline? Real passion, real showbiz & that's what the fans want - I felt envious! So Arthur is going to take some major thumpings in the coming months but HE WON'T GO AWAY! The simple reason being he has no idea what to do with his miserable, multi-millioned life. So, why cannot The Online Gooner help him out & offer some positive suggestions for a new career? I offer 3 for starters: 1. Director of football at one of the following clubs - the 2 Manchester Clubs, the 2 Liverpool Clubs, Chelsea or PSG (Barca, Real & Bayern would politely tell him to do one). 2. Director of Spin ( a newly created Government post) the idea being that AW fronts up press sessions on difficult areas like Railways, NHS, Brexit etc. by asking the questions the journos had not intended to ask & answers them with the usual platitudes or, his favourite "I don't know". 3. (my wife takes the credit for this humdinger) Starts his own Franchise selling favourite AW memorabilia. You can already buy Donald Trump toilet paper - superior quality, upmarket, 3 ply AW paper with his face from his different epochs printed thereon, should go down a storm & I would be up for a 12 pack straight away. What else can we offer the old chap?

  20. Goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 19:27 #91836

    Cock'o leeky : at least all views are welcomed on here even yours, not like Untold which is monitored by Kim Jung Un....

  21. Leek fc

    Aug 16, 2016, 19:21 #91835

    Sorry anusol. Just stating the facts. It may rile a few but whilst several on here secretly get hard when they entertain the untold website, Check out the post count on here, your website editor carries out the Tony Atwood mentality too but in reverse. Untold is pro Wenger, online G is anti Wenger. Differing opinions will be the downfall of the Arsenal not the manager.

  22. Bonzo

    Aug 16, 2016, 19:18 #91834

    Nipper of the Yard and the case of the dead Vicar; Nipper of the yard received the call at 03:40am. He picked up the phone quickly so that Mrs Nipper who was snoring next to him in her curlers was not awakened. " what's the call for Hoskins?" Hoskins answered "Sir there's been a foul murder in Southwold" Nipper groaned "why aren't the bleedin yokels dealing with it, got to be the first one in fifty years round their patch isn't it?" Hoskins answered "They think it's a job for the Yard Sir, there's funny emblems all over the caravan and the victim is a Vicar Sir" " Vicar!, Bleedin hell Hoskins get me a car and a driver quick pronto, is there anyone on the scene?" "Yes two others, one of them described as very skinny with a villainous look, he's shaking like a leaf says his name is Mr Leek, then there's this fat looking oddball dressed all in black who calls himself Jameson Prince of Darkness. We think the victim is called Brian... But Sir, before you go there's just one other thing. The floor Sir, it's covered with soggy Digestive biscuits!" At this Nipper let out a gasp. So the deviant behaviour hitherto only found in the worst of the Soho Dens, or the stews of Limehouse had branched out into the countryside. "Hoskins get a D notice from the Home Office, I want this contained I don't want the good citizens of Southwold shaking in their beds." Nipper got ready quickly and readied himself for the bloody interrogation ahead. He wouldn't spare physical violence to get to the truth of this foul deed!

  23. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 19:07 #91833

    Mark from Aylesbury, 97284, yes i'd imagine he'd make a good contortionist, next it will be pre submitted posts only, LOL. Go now you old fraud.

  24. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 18:47 #91832

    GMS report Arsenal close to making a signing, yeah right, close to ruining another player then. wenger out.

  25. KC

    Aug 16, 2016, 17:58 #91831

    I honestly believe that with Usmanov and Simeone we could join the big four in world football. Why not? My Chelsea mates sure enjoy their club more than me, it's just purgatory at present.

  26. Firmino

    Aug 16, 2016, 17:57 #91830

    One loss and everyone wants the best manager in arsenal history sacked. You are not real fans of the club.

  27. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 16, 2016, 17:42 #91829

    Johnhawleyetc. I've often thought that the White Hankerchief might be a good idea as there is little can be done about that. I think the odium for Untold is based on being silenced as they will not post non aggressive but anti-Wenger posts, the Lie which is Tony justifying his censorship on breaking his arcane rules when really they do not fit his world view, his lies as in quite prepared to lie in print regarding the Protest and despite his pretensions of being a serious journalist he has been caught plagiarising. Finally he allows nasty decisive articles and comments about Anti Wenger comments whilst complaining bitterly about the slightest slight. He's a nailed on hypocrite so he does give rise to comment

  28. goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 17:42 #91828

    Cock'o leeky : you exceed expectations again, anymore one liners ??

  29. Leek fc

    Aug 16, 2016, 17:37 #91827

    Another £23,000 Mr Wenger has earned today folks. Keep complaining but does he look bothered. Wenger must stay.

  30. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 16:58 #91826

    Red Member, be aware it's not the first time a certain troll has used the website editors moniker. wenger out out out.

  31. Reg

    Aug 16, 2016, 16:46 #91825

    Bard - I can only explain it as dictators syndrome. The more flak they get the more entrenched they become. Up soon is the "what's happening next season" questions that he's going to get at every press conference that Clouseau will hate. It is going to be the mother of all **** storms and totally self inflicted by the club. I can't remember any team performing with this level of uncertainty behind the scenes

  32. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 16:43 #91824

    Don't agree with those who think the dinosaur will sign on again, this is his last season alright I suspect he knows it himself too, and I believe it can even be speeded up also with the proper/right pressure put on him when more humiliations and embarrassments come, maybe Usmanov knows it too and has been keeping his powder dry (remember that one from the AKB's about their messiah ? tee hee ) and has been/is waiting for that moment to pounce, lets bloody hope so. Anyway it's one game down, the first week of the season all but over, and one less for us all to have to look at, listen to, or put up with TOF for, and as every game passes his end gets closer, the season will pass quickly they always do especially when we're enjoying ourselves hopefully even quicker with TOF's self inflicted demise, and we all can have a real reason to celebrate a last. We want wenger out.

  33. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Aug 16, 2016, 16:37 #91823

    If Untold Arsenal want to have a totally AW supportive site/editoral stance.then fair enough.if you dont like it then dont need for pitchforks and about waving white hankies like they do in spain as a show of displeasure.the stewarts can hardly take your hankie as your just blowing your nose?

  34. Bard

    Aug 16, 2016, 16:02 #91822

    It is an extraordinary state of affairs at the moment and tell us just how dysfunctional Arsenal have become. We only needed to spend £100m or so of the reputed £250m to acquire a couple of players. Unload a bit of dead wood. The fans would be happy ( even if it goes t*** up in the end). Instead for some inexplicable reason he shoots himself in the foot before the season starts, leaving an awful lot of fans close to mutiny. Talk about digging a hole for yourself. And lets remember Wenger is no Fergie, he is not thick skinned, he detests being booed or criticised. The pressure on the players now is immense and we have only had one game. They will know that another stinker at the ground will be a disaster. And does anyone believe that Arsenal have a plan B if Wenger walks?

  35. goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 15:58 #91821

    If Tony Attwood had no vested interested in Pro Wenger propaganda, why does he not allow Anti Wenger views, so the notion he is paid consultant "may" be true, otherwise all view would be welcomed, and also no scapegoats and blame on fans, refs, the press, sky, BT etc ,etc...Untold reflects the shambles that is Wenger's Arsenal at the moment...

  36. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 16, 2016, 15:44 #91820

    I think more fun is Tony having to twist himself in knots to remove entries. Apparently the latest is you cannot utter "I'll probably get banned for this" as guess what it gets you banned. You can have lots of fun disliking his posts and liking the most anti Wenger posts. So far you can see a nice 80/20 stat emerging and it's sending the moonies into a spin. I suspect he will end up doing invite only and those invited must adhere solely to his world view. Basically in its current state the site is doomed as he clings desperately onto a Wenger world view as more people leave. The lack of critique will be his downfall. Big Linda has already left leaving Big Mandy (Leekeys girlfriend) to pull up the slack ooh missus. She loves a bit of Kroenke.

  37. goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 15:30 #91819

    Red Member : I was banned weeks ago for my anti Wenger posts, you only get 1 shot at a post, then its goodbye. Joke of a site, as pointless as Wenger's tactics...

  38. Website Editor

    Aug 16, 2016, 15:14 #91818

    Red Member - Could someone clarify how Tony Attwood is a "paid consultant of the company that owns Arsenal"? He writes a page in the official programme (or used to) on Arsenal history, and I am uncertain whether or not he was paid for that. Does he do any work for Kroenke Sports Enterprises (if that is what is meant by "the company that owns the club", even if not factually correct as there are other shareholders)? I am no fan of the Untold Arsenal philosophy (criticising the manager means you do not support the club) but just want to get the facts straight here.

  39. Ron

    Aug 16, 2016, 14:31 #91817

    johnnieh - i think its debatable that 'we re 2 players away' etc etc. Thats been the mantra for years and 4 or 5 yrs ago may have been true. Not now in my view. There is a saud full of players whove been on easy street there for years and im not sure ANY new Coach will shake the cobwebs of them. Many wont fancy working for a living anyway and will want out once the deck chairs and loungers are put back in the garden shed. Wenger has been a passport to big wages for little effort for yrs for decent players and the shi-e hes harboured there alike. Many are late 20 s. Many are over rated never beens i.e yr Wallys and yr Ramseys and yr Willys and Wellys etc etc. Cechs well past it too. A truly top Coach would start again there and rip up Wengers blueprint. Wenger shouldnt be given cash. He should be sacked now and write off the season or let him see out this year and write off the season. Wheres the sense in letting him buy more injury prone crocks and lightweights that a new Coach wouldnt likely want? Too much Wenger coloured water has long since passed under the bridge there for it to be cleansed by 2 more players of the ilk that Wenger goes for. Merter, Cazorla, et al. These types need clearing out along with that clutch of usleess crocks ive mentioned. That squad is in a sorry state in my view, both physically and more so , mentally. None of them as well as Wenger are likely to win titles and CL s. They know it too, thats why they've all stayed there at that holiday camp on big bucks, stinking the house out.

  40. Red Member

    Aug 16, 2016, 14:18 #91816

    I would seriously encourage everyone on here to infiltrate the Untold Arsenal website. It is blatant propaganda on behalf of the club. It was revealed on there yesterday that the person who runs the site is a paid consultant of the company that owns Arsenal and he is constantly brainwashing some of the more easily led Arsenal supporters. You will probably get banned after a comment or two, but it will be worth it if that site could get closed down

  41. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Aug 16, 2016, 14:07 #91815

    Though things look bad cant agree with UTU that this is the worst in 40 years.for me that period when Brady left to GG coming was a hell of a lot worse. What is crazy now is we really are only 2 top players away from being champs.we would need a new manager to do that.AW it seems to me to not quite have come to see that there is a need for a marquee player to keep value in the brand yet we are told stan is in it for the money and AW is a professer.Juventus may be laughing at manu over that £100m.but to manu it was a statement of signings do this and after seeing us through to the new stadium it appears AW has lost his courage in the market.does anyone believe that talk in the media of us saving our pennies for a huge marquee forward?we were told last year that it would be this year we would sign one yet here we the board aware of the civil war on the stands and websites or is it just me that thinks there is one.just read some of the posts around this years survey and thawas before a ball was kicked.i dont remember things feeling this ugly in a long time.

  42. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 16, 2016, 13:59 #91814

    Is that true that Rioch turned down Zidane? I'd never heard that before, but that's got to be one of the biggest transfer cock ups of all time if so! Talking of transfer cock ups, the four mangers mentioned here never had anything like the financial fire power that Wenger has at his disposal and yet dithers and refuses to use! At least we were a proper FOOTBALL CLUB back in those days, not the disgusting, vile, hypocritical, money making, fan fleecing financial institution of today that kroenke, gazidis and wenger have turned our club into. Parasites all 3 of them, can't wait till the day they pxxx off

  43. UTU

    Aug 16, 2016, 13:10 #91813

    During the last 4 decades of Following The Arsenal I have never seen such a shambles at our Cub. Wenger will be given an extention, another 3 years at least. Year on the Year the same nonsense happens at The Arsenal but the stadium is still sold out most of the time, TV revenue, merchandise sales and the spacebowl's audience lap it up regardless of the Booing and Wenger Out Banners. Things will only change will the club stops making a profit. I will still meet up my mates and go to the odd away game but I a'int gonna fund this regime who are rinsing the fans big style.

  44. Ron

    Aug 16, 2016, 13:07 #91812

    JJ - i read you, but im not sure Wengs deserves such a poor summary of his context within Arsenals history. Everton and Liverpool and nor will Spurs will be dominating anything.In my view they simply lack the squads and theres nothing at any of thsoe Clubs to suggest theyre superior to even Wengers Arsenal. In Evertons case, it may the case that Koemans made a balls up going there. The players theyre signing are hardly World beaters despite the so called cash influx. Everton need a Stadium before theyre going anywhere. To call Goodison Park ramshackle is being very kind to it.

  45. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:50 #91811

    Would it be fairer if the article is summed up: Terry Neill; bad signings cost him his job; Don Howe; resigned on a point of principle (which tells you all about that man's integrity); George Graham; caught with his hand in the till and made a scapegoat; Bruce Rioch; keeping the seat warm for a year. The board even then didn't tend to reach for the panic button - nothings changed.

  46. KC

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:38 #91810

    This squad with a striker, centre half added will be of top quality. What it requires is a manager that It implements discipline mixed with defensive savy. The offensive players can play, they need a base to support and a manager that demands concentration with out the ball. That's what makes Wenger so sad, it's so close, but that's a 10 year story. I'm still not convinced this man will walk away from a £7 mill contract.

  47. Red Member

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:29 #91809

    Nozzer - the End is nigh is it??? there have been countless articles saying the same thing for at least 5 years....

  48. jjetplane

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:26 #91808

    Wenger is the single worst thing that has ever happened to Arsenal. The inherited defence kept him afloat with Utd leasing the Pl/Cup to him though some of the players (domestic titans) ran that doubles/s winning squad and no better illustrated than the impact of say Bobby Pires. Wenger has no one to hide behind and we can all see what he really is - so far away from any concept of football has to be laughable. No other club has ever wanted him and while the money has rolled in from tourists and careerists there has never been the energy of change and so a disgracefully under qualified accountant type has been left in the prime office only to venture out to have the piss taken out of him by fans, players, managers and the media for years but like any average career politician he has let it wash over him and all for a personal fortune. Some one over on Untold is still using the 'careful what you wish for' bollocks while others are taking the piss out of Man Utd in the most pathetic fashion. These people are not Arsenal - never have been and never will be. I give you six teams who will dominate this season - the Manchesters Utd & City, Liverpool & Everton & Chelsea and Tottenham. I leave Wenger to disinterestedly fighting it out with Southampton, Stoke, Palace, West Ham, Leicester. Oh the supposed humiliation of it all.

  49. jeff wright

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:19 #91807

    The new manager will have to perform miracles to quickly turn things around when Wenger finally departs . Everything Wenger from the youth set up ,medical regime, pay structure and what have you needs changing .We need a manager with drive and ambition to make us competetive again . Of course there will still be Ivano ,Syrupy Stan,Chipo and co but I have always been of the belief that Wenger doesn't make proper use of the money he has available and could, as Diamond Danny once stated, spend more if he wanted to do so. Wenger is doing what he always does at the moment - haggling over the money he pays for a new CB - instead of having got the deal done and the new player out on the pitch for the start of the season. Wenger has one valuation for selling players and another for buying them ,he expects big bucks for the ones he sells and to pay pea-nuts for the ones that he buys.This pisses off other clubs big-time and there is now days a reaction about that with clubs refusing to get legged over by tight-fisted Arsene . It is anyway, where Wenger is concerned, just about the 4th place trophy and not winning the league .Wenger just makes up the numbers in Europe every season and in any case lacks the tactical nous and drive to win the European Cup . Even if he did have the players to do so. In fact that has been the case at times in the past. Some managers of English clubs have won cups in Europe with worse sides than clueless Arsene fielded over the past ( yawn) 20 years. You couldn't make it up.

  50. Mark

    Aug 16, 2016, 12:06 #91806

    Dein tried to get Bobby Robson because Dein knew what he was doing. When Dein got Wenger in 96 he also knew what he was doing. Dein would have pushed Wenger out for certain about 3 years ago because Dein is a Football man who knows his Business. Arsenal have never been the same since Dein departed. dont Forget he wanted to come back in the form of Usmanov who by the way IS a shareholder who loves Arsenal and wants them to compete !

  51. Adelaide Gooner

    Aug 16, 2016, 11:22 #91802

    It's so hard to find any excitement about this season ahead. There's no enthusiasm and resl Gooners are just hanging in there waiting for this nightmare to end

  52. goonersol

    Aug 16, 2016, 11:13 #91801

    What time has told us is that Wenger is not a football manager, more of an accountant & spin doctor for his masters. I don't hate the bloke , but he has fooled us for too long and its time to go. Whatever players he has and what money he has or hasn't got, there is no reason not to have a plan, tactics,ideas, passion, drive, a will to win, it is his lack of all these things that I want him gone, not only that , he makes excuses and blames others , when all the time the problem lies at his door. Even now, he admits to not preparing the team, in any other profession this can be classed as Gross Misconduct and you would be Fired. Why does he not start preparing for the new season at the end of the previous one, spot the players needed and sign them at a good price, all this panic buying is pointless, also seems not many players want to join us anymore. More fool him, if he has no other life apart from Football, how can that be, when he does nothing to prepare Arsenal for the challenges ahead, just another of his pathetic excuses. Finally, what does he leave the new boss, a club in turmoil, with players who have been in the comfort zone for too long, wholesale changes needed, and possible a lot of pain, before any success.

  53. Ron

    Aug 16, 2016, 11:01 #91800

    The new bloke is to pitied going in there with Wenger stalking his every move from the shadows. I fear a Moyesesque debacle before it gets better. Perversely, perhaps the Club needs that to occur as Utd have done. Whats clear is that be it a debacle or not, at least it will be eventful and better than this tedium we have now.

  54. mbg

    Aug 16, 2016, 10:59 #91799

    And it can't come quick enough for this past it excuse for a manager who is long past his sell by date. wenger out tonight.

  55. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 16, 2016, 10:57 #91798

    I think the "final straw" for Terry Neill was when he suggested to the board going back for Alan Hudson for a second loan deal. The board then, obviously made of stronger stuff than our current incumbents, decided Terry had lost the plot and stood him down.