How did it get this bad?

Complacent acceptance of mediocrity at the Arsenal

How did it get this bad?

Arsene – Tin God?

This is my first article this year, but it almost feels like I am typing up the same words from the past 10 seasons consecutively! Something some describe as Groundhog Day. But surely, such a phenomenon is just an illusion? Perhaps not for Arsenal fans, it is a recurring nightmare.

I am no longer interested in the debates about Wenger in or out. This is more about a common-sense review of where we are as a club. Human psychology show us that over the centuries, the patterns are the same, even though we claim to learn from history, but history continues to repeat itself; so, quite frankly, human beings are clearly incapable of learning from history.

You hire a Manager as an employee of the club, he wins a few titles, stays a few years and becomes a tin-god! Can't be touched, wont get sacked, doesn't have to win anything, still has the support of a lot of the fans (who have perhaps forgotten the aim of the game is to win or at least, try to win), won't listen to anyone, and definitely won't quit. It sounds very much like the rest of the human race doesn't it?

Over the years, people move around, be it the Saxons (Germans), Normans (French), Romans before them and Greeks from the years of Alexander the Great; and more recently, people moved to the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and the like. But if you ask those inhabiting those countries now, you would think they formed those countries from dust and are the eternal custodians of those lands. We don't want change, we can't tolerate anyone else, we think we're tin-gods, and NO, WE DEFINITELY won't listen. So, is Wenger so different from the rest of us?

All that aside, and noting that last weekend's defeat in the season opener, is no longer an oddity, as we have now lost three out of our last four opening day matches, some to much lesser opposition; surely, all indication is that in a sport that is becoming so dependent on summer captures and spending sprees, with fanciful managers (Pep, Klopp, Conte) who now pick the teams they want to go to, even if they don't last there (e.g. Mourinho) we should at least show some intent in the summer transfer market? BUT hey, we are the Arsenal. We do things differently and we have a manager who is so good, he doesn't have to do things the way the rest of the teams (including better teams) do it!

Fortunately, the top four is a slot that simply cannot be filled with four teams that exclude Arsenal. Our competition simply can't get it done! Slim possibility Wenger could have been forced out a few years back, if we didn't qualify for the Champions League (even though, not entirely sure why we play in the Champions League, other than to pick up the money, which again is a conundrum, as we don't end up spending it!!). We've made one solitary Champions League final in Wenger’s 20 years at Arsenal.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. The intelligent ones already know what the conclusions are. Hopefully we pick up three points at Leicester to lift some of the gloom for a few days at least

Enjoy the new season Gunners!

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  1. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 20, 2016, 20:20 #92041

    The Wenger era: the most successful in the club's history?? Not one European trophy won. No back to back titles. No protracted dominance of English football. Look back to the Chapman/Allison era: we came from nowhere to dominate English football for a decade - and we were arguably the best club side in the world. No contest.

  2. DocKen

    Aug 20, 2016, 3:00 #92005

    22 years since I started going to The Arsenal, never been as pessimistic about a season as this new 16/17 season. The same frailties have gone unaddressed in the off season: lack of leadership at the back, steel in midfield and goals up front. The Welsh centre back Ashley Williams, supposedly a target for Arsene in the recent past gets bought by Everton for a paltry £12M. Name me a better centre back in the Prem last 4 years, a man among men for Wales this past summer, oozes leadership and we let him go to a team challenging us for a Europa place next season. Ngolo Cante from the champions, best defensive midfielder in the Prem last season off to the west London Dandies for less than Xhaka cost, What? And now he suggests that we may not need to strengthen up fron as Alexis actually looks a lot like Suarez if you squint really hard. I fear for us, bad things are about to unfold while Arsene fiddles ans tells us we are better than we really are.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 19, 2016, 21:15 #91996

    Mike - Phew mate. After all that monotonous repetition, I get it. You want to be known as a fanboy. Each to his own. The thing is, Weng hates matchday consumers like you as much as he does us. And don't forget, you were to blame for some key losses last season according to the omnipotent chihuahua because you were apparently in the stadium and weren't cheering in the right way. So face it Mikey you're not just a fanboy, but a pretty crap one at that. I won't be watching the game against the Filberts - I'll just be hoping for an ignominious defeat and a figurative bloody nose for our specialist in failure as we get dilly ding dilly donged by a second vastly superior manager in one week. Mike - this is going to sound patronising (it's meant to!) but you really should know better with credentials like that. Were's your pride? Pre-wenger's dismantling of the club, we'd have been staunch allies - now we're diametrically opposed about a sad idiot who is wrecking our beloved Arsenal - whose fault is that?

  4. bromley boy

    Aug 19, 2016, 20:44 #91994

    Reading all these comments about Wenger dont forget there is still the issue of getting rid of Kronke cant see that being to easy either.

  5. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 19:15 #91992

    Exeter, yes I remember that super fan's postings (although his name long forgot)telling us about his great support and ranting and raving post after post trying to convert us all to his way of thinking what a prat, yes I don't expect this caped crusader of Arsenal or more likely his messiah arsenal fc to last long either. You couldn't make it up. We want wenger out.

  6. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:49 #91989

    Mark from Aylesbury, Exeter, alas we have another super fan, or is he a super super fan.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 19, 2016, 17:43 #91983

    Exeter - I'll give this Mike around a month, more if he has the stamina for it. It will be painful with aggressive humourless attacks on our lack of support. This will eventually draw in others who have also been insulted by this know-all, know nothing character. Mike will then disappear probably angrily trying to swat another target.

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:23 #91979

    Mike, you are a classic example of an older fan whose support for Arsenal has been hollowed out and replaced by support for Arsene. And you don't even realise it's happened. We used to have a couple of regulars like you on here who also thought they were 'super fans'. I could also go on and on about my own AFC history, but I have no wish to engage further with a member of the Wenger cult - an aversion further compounded by your pathetic, whiny, name calling post.

  9. jjetplane

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:18 #91977

    Totally lost how anyone could be a 60s Gooner right through to the end days at Highbury and not think 'where is my ****ing club!' Now they are brand ****ing Emirates and a total ****ing embarrasment to all gooners who wore original knitted Fred Perrys, invaded the Tottenham Royal and ruled Hackney Rd on Saturday nights. Wenger has not a cultural clue and is not deserving of support unless it's from a bunch of Poly Empiricists in bad jeans who jive on their night off and still have their pen pals from when they were in grammar schools. Fever ****ing pitch hey!

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:32 #91972

    Mike The key is humour albeit childish, better that than bitter misery.

  11. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:04 #91968

    jj, or paid for by wengers spin department themselves, or whatever Arsenal department he works for. we want wenger out.

  12. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:54 #91966

    Smithy, a week mate, more like eight nine years, and anyway like I've already said it won't make a blind bit of difference who or what we sign with wenger bumbling about trying to coach (cough) them. wenger out.

  13. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:43 #91959

    Jamerson...Time for your medicine, followed by a nap, as your not making sense....

  14. Tony Attwat

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:24 #91956

    The sort of sites I don't like are the ones that might (for example) falsify a reader's comments or encourage lots of people to bomb another site with repeats of their own articles or comments. My whole point is that I am not against people expressing their point of view, because I am free to express mine. I am concerned when people try to stop me expressing my point of view, or waste endless amounts of time putting forward arguments which have no effect. I'm not even against people who don't understand the notion of scientific evidence and logical reasoning - I am only annoyed when they endlessly try to stop the smooth publication of Untold without their interference.

  15. Mike

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:19 #91955

    I note Mark from Aylesbury is another with more arrogance with brain. You carry on with your childish sense of humour mate. It says a lot more about you than it does about me

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:38 #91950

    So a poor bloke in Southwold had Jamerson stroll up to him, dressed in a pink Mankini while lisping "ooh you sir, you let Mr Wenger get on and manage. Now eat your chips young man." Poor guy, he's probably still recovering from it. The chap probably supported Ipswich.

  17. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:20 #91946

    In his own daft way Jamie has a point, the media do drive the transfer madness to a large degree. I cd quite happily shoot the SKY presenters while their having their orgasms (ive a pathological detest for Jim White and its not just his accent!) over whos going where and as for that stupid ticking clock they use for the transfer window, dont get me started. The madness of it all is exemplified by donkeys now been sold for 32 Mill and bought by that idiot Pardew, who by the way is my tip for the first sacking of the Season. Dyche will follow soon after, he ll maybe last until Xmas.

  18. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 11:57 #91942

    Jamerson : Comedy Gold, you cant write that stuff ;) as for paying £40m, its only because he is now panic buying that prices are so high, if he had a plan and bought early, he would not be in this predicament...Hope Arsenal win tomorrow & Wenger Out.

  19. West Cork Frank

    Aug 19, 2016, 11:44 #91941

    The vast majority of posts since Mondays article have made some excellent points, notable exception is Die Wenger Die, you sad clown. I haven't posted because i have been trying to make sense of it all. I have longed believed that Wenger's rank incompetence, especially as regards his transfer policy was because if he bought the quality players we have so obviously needed for so long, he would have no excuse for us then coming up short. However, i think there is something far more fundamentally wrong. Wenger's ego- driven wish to stay as manager would surely mean that with him being in his last year contract-wise, he would surely, even with his arrogant mindset, sign the players we so obviously need. I don't think Kroenke would refuse him the money. Afterall, the ****e is truely going to hit the fan sometime soon and Kroenke, despite being a money- grabbing weasel is not stupid. He had the sense and ambition to move his NFL Rams team to the lucrative Los Angeles "market." No, what we are seeing now with Wenger is something akin to a schoolteacher losing control of the class. Yes the kids might turn up, do the bare minimum of work and not show the teacher up completely but things are not going as they could/ should. In short Wenger has lost the plot, his demeanour and contradictions tell me that he has no clue how to manage a piss-up in a brewery, never mind OUR club and he hasn't got it in him to change. RED ARMY !

  20. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 19, 2016, 11:42 #91940

    Watch out watch out for the Angry Mike, "I'll rip yer to shreds , I'll have yer ears!" For no one crosses big bad Mike as he furiously tapped into the University of the 3rd Age computer at Bournemouth lodge Seniors home. "Now where's Colesey OAP when you need him.?". What he's pee'd his trousers again!

  21. Mike

    Aug 19, 2016, 11:18 #91939

    @ Exeter Gunner I did enjoy being criticised by you. Being called a "fanboy" is most amusing. And being told I'm "not interested in how Arsenal actually do" was hilarious and just underlines the know-it-all attitude of people like you. I may be wrong but I'm guessing as you live in Exeter you don't go to see Arsenal play and you choose not to support Exeter. (I may be wrong; I'm not a psychic like you.) What I will tell you though is that this "fanboy" didn't jump on a winning bandwagon like many under Wenger. This "fanboy" grew up on the Highbury terraces in the 1960's when we lived in the shadow of Spurs and times were really dire. This "fanboy" was at Wembley when we lost to Leeds in 1968 and Swindon in 1969. This "fanboy" was at Highbury when we lifted our first European trophy in 1970. This "fanboy" was at White Hart Lane in 1971 when we lifted the title and at Wembley a few days later when we did our first domestic double. This "fanboy" was at the Stade de France for our first Champions League final and refused two offers of £1,500 for my ticket. This "fanboy" is in his 60's and still has a season ticket and travels over 200 miles for each home game. At a guess, this "fanboy" has racked up tens of thousands of miles watching away games over the years. What exactly makes you a ****ing expert?! Did you win Championship Manager on your play station during the school holidays? Don't tell me that I don't care what Arsenal do you patronising low life. The difference between you and me is that I "support" the club whereas you just want to be associated with glory to keep your sad little ego massaged.

  22. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 11:14 #91938

    Jamerson , welcome back, your words of wisdom are always welcomed ;) Have you thought of taking your act on stage, telling the crowd the one about the Ref bring comedy to an otherwise dark subject of Wenger out...So tomorrow ( as in all Arsenal games) if the ref is fair we will win ?? oh dear , oh dear, no wonder Arsenal are in a mess, both on and off the pitch with Jokers like you and Wenger.... I hope the boys win tomorrow, but with very little help from Wenger, Im not so sure...

  23. KC

    Aug 19, 2016, 9:45 #91937

    Typo, KR should have read KC. If you believe that the refs are bent and start judging results on decisions you might as well give football up. We all get good and bad decisions, it's strange, when we had a great team we won the league regardless of refs, fa and so on. Reference transfers, Wenger goes on about prices, does not mention the reason why TVs money! What's so upsetting is that he behaves like smaller clubs waiting until deadline or close to in order to save a few quid! once might get a bargain but in my view it's harder to buy the player as you give the selling club little time to replace. It's this frugal attitude that causes so much discontent. I would expect him to have 3 targets in mind for any one position and go from there, that's how he used to act. Now he doesn't seem to know who he wants and based on so many poor buys in the past he appears to have lost touch with reality.

  24. Bard

    Aug 19, 2016, 9:21 #91936

    KR and Mark. Its very funny whats going on at UA. Of course if you ban everyone who disagrees then it becomes a place of worship and not football site. The argument that all 'opinions' have to be evidenced based is ok except when you dont like the evidence. They have this stupid ref analysis going which is alleges to support the fact that Arsenal are being robbed by bad decisions. The point being if you alter the decision you then cannot predict what the outcome would have been if the decision had gone the other way will be. If Arsenal are denied a pen it doesnt mean that we would have won the game if we had been given it because you couldnt predict how the other side would have responded. Oh well back to boring business of trying to win the title. any news on the transfer front before Leicester ??

  25. jjetplane

    Aug 19, 2016, 9:17 #91935

    KR well said and Atwood is now crowing about new software paid for by Scientology Inc which has auto ban in full flow. Wenger would be proud of them and their stifling of the truth. So insane now they are doing ref reports on every club and the half dozen paid posters are lapping it up. Well done Walter/Wenger/W.....s .....

  26. KR

    Aug 19, 2016, 8:17 #91934

    UA - set up a site, write loads of reasons why Arsenal lose, the fa, the refs, the fouls, the temperature and so on. Then cry because people dare to disagree. Result ban them! They are what they are a gullible bunch with the vast majority never going to games and don't appear to get down when we lose. Sheep comes to mind.

  27. Smithy

    Aug 19, 2016, 7:51 #91933

    A week has gone by and we still lack a striker and 1/2 central defenders. What are the management staff and team at the club doing?Why are we not doing anything? I bet another loss on Saturday might speed them up. Saving wages I suspect . Do nothing until the last 12 hours of the market. Then do a mad trolley dash, find nothing and then pronounce a lack of quality in the market.....

  28. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 19, 2016, 7:16 #91932

    Matthew - good heads up on that article, boy wasn't it rambling. Not sure overall what I feel about Tony. It's not like he's rescinded my invite as I never received one in the first place. Ultimately he is taking a risk as it's rarely Arsenal that people have an issue with apart from Tony himself. It's always about Arsene. So yes remove any Anti Wengo commentary but what happens when he goes? The whole axis of the site is tipped with Wengophiles left with potentially nowhere to go or indeed speak about and Tony risking alienating his audience does he support or continually reflect his shortcomings against his messiah. Cynically I think Tony started getting very uncomfortable after the accusations of plagiarism and recently relationships with Arsenal. Either he is very thin skinned (likely) or there is something he has to hide. For the contributors it's more circular jerk and painful Brickfield Gooner contributions with his whoo hoo's and less genuine discussion. I' don't think I'll miss that .

  29. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 0:43 #91931

    I see police in Bristol are looking for more severed feet, they needn't worry about the owner he'll be along shortly as wengers latest signing.

  30. Matthew

    Aug 19, 2016, 0:17 #91930

    Our "hero" Uncle Tony is having a meltdown over on Untold. He's put out a big rambling post in which he said he's setting up software to basically block anything that criticises the Dear Leader.

  31. JM - LONDON

    Aug 19, 2016, 0:03 #91929

    People, don't comment about wishing Wenger dead by any means. It's not funny and will doubtless result in your family's door being put in during the early hours of a damp Tuesday morning by the investigating team if some maniac did cause his death.

  32. The German

    Aug 18, 2016, 22:22 #91927

    Arsene Wenger the billionaires bitch His only ambition to make a miser more rich Arsene Wenger the billionaires bitch His only ambition to make a miser more rich

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 18, 2016, 22:05 #91926

    Having an esoteric AKB-inspired discussion about the meaning of the word "mediocre" is futile. We're not mediocre - we're sh!t and as dull as ditchwater, and will continue so to be until the chihuahua is exorcised from our club. I know where dwd is coming from as weng used to generate huge amounts of antipathy in me - I lost all respect for him years ago and how he is a figure of fun. Let's hope we keep losing in the short term - it'll mean the end will come quicker. I think there's a good chance Leicester will roll weng over - Ranieri is a proper coach and will have a plan to motivate his team to redeem themselves for miraculously being doubled by us last year and for losing to Hull last week. We are a shower of sh*t thanks to our doddering former manager. Canada - good to hear from you - your judgement is as sound as ever. However, I disagree with your last sentence as victories now will only delay the dose of medicine that the club so badly needs - we have NO future with this idiot in charge.

  34. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 18, 2016, 20:18 #91925

    Good article from Brian Reade in the Mirror, ultimately he blames the board but says if it's Wenger being parsimonious then you still have to blame the board as they should sack him.

  35. Goonersol

    Aug 18, 2016, 19:30 #91924

    Without doubt the 1930's were Arsenals most successful period , the start of Wengers reign laid down the possibility for him to lead the club to greater glory, but he was found wanting - not winning back to back PL or any Euro silverware , puts Wenger way below Herbert Chapman in being Arsenals greatest manager .

  36. Paul Ward

    Aug 18, 2016, 17:03 #91923

    Don't think there's much debate that the 1930s were our most successful period, 5 titles in the decade , with the Second World War surely preventing more. Are we saying they don't count because Wenger wasn't at the helm, or they weren't plastered all over sky sports news? If people are gonna come on here calling themselves Arsenal fans at least know your history, we were a big club before Wenger and will be long after he's finally gone. Wenger Out/ Spend some F.....G money

  37. Bonzo

    Aug 18, 2016, 16:24 #91922

    Jamerson - what's all this bleeding "Elect" nonsense what is it the Social Democratic Satanist Party led by you know doubt the Prince of Darkness. Well he's awarded you with a few quid and a caravan in this life but I can tell you now he's sharpening up his pitchfork to ram it in your fat arse and roast your porky body in the fires of hell. Some payback for your Wenger drone you put us through.

  38. die wenger die

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:50 #91918

    look Wenger won't leave and board won't sack him only way to get rid of him is for him to die

  39. jeff wright

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:45 #91917

    Finishing second to Leicester 10 points adrift in the league from the position that we were in after beating them at the Emirates was mediocre. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand what mediocre actually means. So what if all the other teams were mediocre as well , how does that mean that Wenger's was not mediocre >? Mediocre is ,well mediocre. Also it's debatable if taking account of circumstances if every other club was mediocre . United's target and the spuds as well was a top 4 finish so only teams that were claiming to be trying to win the league can be described as being mediocre if failing badly to do so. City definitely were mediocre and so were Chelsea. Once safe from relegation though you have to wonder just how enthusiastic the blues were about qualifying for the Ropey Cup when they can mount an easier title challenge without the Thursday night nightmare of travelling here and there to play in it for the TV companies to show. Definition of an example of mediocre that applies to Wengo and co : A person or persons that are not very good at something or not very good at anything in particular, or something that is not very good: These people are just mediocrities.So er,Mike, these points seem to fit Arsene like a glove or a silly woolly hat on Bould's bald bonce. Is Bouldy mediocre or just an over-paid stooge >? Wenger is not very good at winning league titles from good positions from way back his record proves that. Just 3 title wins in 20 years is mediocre given the chances and teams that he managed during that period of time. Wenger is not very good at winning things in Europe,in fact he is worse than not very good - he is absolutely useless at doing so ! So he is in fact unarguably useless in Europe and just mediocre in the domestic league at winning it . 6 wins in the FA Cup over 20 years is about par for the course taking account of previous AFC managers time factors that they won the cup in during much shorter periods.However he is USELESS at winning the League Cup his record proves it and don't give me all that bull about , he has more important things to do ,because the old fraud celebrates winning Charity Shields and finishing 4th in the Prem like it was 1999 . You couldn't make it up.

  40. mbg

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:38 #91915

    Good question Canada, or another one even more appropriate that was once asked to a past it George best by room service as he lay on a hotel bed blind drunk with a blonde, where did it all go wrong George ? very very similar indeed, this past it manager lies on his Arsenal/Emirates bed, blind to what he's done/doing, or not done/doing, drunk on power which he shouldn't have and certainly doesn't deserve and he likes the blondes too. Go now you past it old fool.

  41. goonersol

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:31 #91914

    Metaphorically I agree with you.....hope you don't mean literally , as it would be in bad taste, and give the AKB's more ammo, lets keep it a dignified fight....Wenger Out.

  42. Mark

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:30 #91913

    look no further than the departure of David Dein as a critical turning Point for Arsenal. What we didnt know at the time was the directors who presented us with the Emirates Story would then sell out for huge mooney and not actually be around to see through their ''project''. We now have a totally different ownership and the Arsenal Heart has been truly ripped out and None of us really noticed it happening.

  43. die wenger die

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:25 #91912

    Wenger is the virus killing my club he needs to be killed hope some one stabs him

  44. goonersol

    Aug 18, 2016, 14:07 #91911

    *** if there is a website moderator, I don't think comments ref Wenger dying are appropriate, whether in jest or serious , as it has nothing to do with football matters and the plight of our club....

  45. rarlour

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:40 #91910

    I think it's possible to be frustrated and annoyed with the current situation - without getting all hot under the collar with Wenger. And we're far from mediocre - although I agree if you mean that we're not as good as we could be. I get it. It's frustrating - but get some perspective at least.

  46. die wenger die

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:39 #91909

    I hope wenger gets heart attack and dies

  47. Graham Simons

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:38 #91908

    You can make a pretty sound argument for the Wenger period being the most successful in the club's history due to the club's consistent top 4 finishes. Using the same sort of argument you could argue it is Arsenal and not Liverpool and United that has been the most successful English club due to the fact we've had continuous membership of the top flight. But personally I think the argument is a nonsense.

  48. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:38 #91907

    Eddie coming second when you should of been first is bad.failing to perpare is bad.i can live with mistakes in game management and signings not working out.but makeing the same mistake game after game and season after season and not learning from them is very hard to justify

  49. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:38 #91906

    Hello Theo Janson, nice to get a name check, especially as I post so infrequently now as the wearying charade goes on and on. You mention 'fanboys' and right on cue, two turn up just underneath your post. It is of course 'mediocre' to never challenge for the title or do anything in Europe. It is of course 'complacent' to celebrate being also rans and to think it's fine to just carry on the same way. But these people aren't interested in how Arsenal actually do. They are just interested in supporting and defending Arsene and they will spin, twist and outright lie almost well as their master to that end.

  50. goonersol

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:34 #91905

    Mediocre / finishing 2nd ?? pointless arguments...we are mediocre in our own pool of competition , nothing to do with the other 70 odds teams in the EFL, we placed ourselves to be judge against the top teams in Europe.."lets build the new stadium so we can challenge the best "... that is where we are mediocre, just scraping through CL groups, being beaten by Monaco etc, mediocre, I think so...finishing 2nd, big deal, once the race is over, its like a horse running on to finish 2nd when the winner has gone past the post....We are not leeds, or Notts Forest, we were once "The Arsenal", the Bank of England Club and all you tell me...Wenger Fc ??...

  51. Eddie

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:20 #91904

    coming second last year is bad? People are so hyperbolic that it really makes them look stupid. Look at the entire history of Arsenal and realise that this Wenger era is the most successful the club has ever been. If the fans were in charge then we'll be where Leeds are now!

  52. lari03

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:13 #91902

    Left to me Wenger would have being sacked long ago,circa 2003 or so. A fellow fan told me"you don't change a winning team" so someone please remind, when last did we win the league?

  53. Mike

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:12 #91901

    For future reference the definition of the word 'mediocre' is "of only average quality; not very good". On that basis, among English professional football teams bottom of the Championship or top of division 1 would be mediocre. If we want to talk in terms of just Premiership clubs it would obviously be 10th or 11th; or 'mid-table' as some people like to say. Your obviously struggling with reality so let me remind you; we finished ahead of 90 other professional teams and 18 other premiership teams last season. So to claim we are mediocre is simply another load of irrational bull**** rather than a fact...........but then when has this site ever let the facts stand in the way of a good moan?!! "The intelligent ones already know what the conclusions are". What a completely bizarre statement. Intelligent people look at facts not unsubstantiated flimsy opinions like this.

  54. Theo Jensen

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:07 #91900

    I haven’t written on here for a very long time as I realised a year or two ago that Wenger would never alter his deeply flawed modus operandi, and that consequently we would not be able to compete properly until he leaves. I agree with posters Ron/Jeff Wright/Exeter Gooner almost to the letter on most Arsenal issues, but the articles I have uploaded on here now and then have always been unique in emphasising just how weak the Premier League’s top clubs have become since 2009, as evidenced by their poor performances in the Champions League. Last season’s final league table proved what I had been saying all along about how the EPL standard is lower, and that Arsenal could have dominated the league with a quality manager. The relative spend argument was always as hollow as the inflexible and idiotic Wenger fanboys who trumpeted it. Leicester’s victory did not surprise me – it is what we have seen from Borussia Dortmund and Atletico Madrid in even tougher domestic leagues. Sure, those clubs struggle to hold on to players after initial success (though it can be sustained, as they have shown…), but Arsenal have a stronger long term financial base. As you imply though, Canada, Wenger’s fanboys cling to him based on nostalgia and will never change their minds no matter what the evidence. I recently discovered a quote which has become one of my favourites, which is particularly relevant to the damaging effect the AKBs have on this club now: ‘It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth.’- Arthur Balfour.

  55. Danish Gooner.

    Aug 18, 2016, 13:02 #91899

    It is very hard to enjoy this **** how.

  56. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 18, 2016, 12:50 #91898

    Canada Gooner - glad to see you back, don't be a stranger.