Wenger’s Perpetual Quest for Quality in the Transfer Market

Er, ‘Spend some f***ing money’, anyone?

Wenger’s Perpetual Quest for Quality in the Transfer Market

Higuain – Would have been worth the financial risk

Quality! We all want it. When choosing a service or a product, we look for hints and clues to avoid the risk of buying a defective product or unsatisfactory service. Buying a footballer isn’t any different either.

In statistical terms “type II error” or consumer’s risk is the risk that a club takes to pay millions for a seemingly good player but then to realize he isn’t as good as they thought he would be.

Yaya Sanogo is a great example of this risk that is actually realized. Arsenal signed him in 2013 and continues to pay for his wages but Yaya has failed to become the striker we hoped he would be at the time when he was signed.

However, that’s only one side of the coin. As any quality or risk expert would tell you any decision about accepting or rejecting the quality of a player has another side and that’s known as a “type I error” or manufacturer’s error. That’s when you refuse to buy a player as he is deemed inferior but in actuality he is good.

Perhaps the best example of this error in judgment is the Gonzalo Higuain saga. In the transfer window leading to season 2013–14 Higuain was heavily linked to Arsenal. Wenger‘s valuation of the player prevented him from joining Arsenal. Napoli proved to be decisive and paid €39m for him.

In the period of three seasons Higuain managed to score 71 goals for Napoli. And this year Napoli sold Higuain for €90m. Napoli calculated the risk of signing Higuain correctly and they were rewarded for that while Wenger’s skewed vision of risk analysis punished the club as the evidence shows.

By his own admission, Wenger has a long history of almost-signing many great players. The list includes names like Messi, Ronaldo and Higuain. But not signing these players is equally blameworthy as signing players like Sanogo. However it seems Wenger not only does not learn from his past mistakes but also he boasts about it.

One may argue that in hindsight it’s easy to analyze yesterday’s decision with today’s knowledge but that’s not the point. The first point is, Wenger clearly puts so much disproportionate emphasis on minimizing the risk of signing a poor player that consequently it backfires and increases the risk of making another error in return.

The second point is, that even though Wenger is frequently vocal about doing everything possible to minimize the risk of signing players that don’t improve the quality of the team but even that risk analysis is not conducted properly at the club. The evidence for this is a long list of signings under his reign that includes names like Arshavin, Almunia and Chamakh, etc.

It’s yet to be seen if Arsenal will sign a high calibre player in the 2016 transfer window. But regardless of the outcome one thing is for sure. And that is, as much as Wenger and Gazidis brag about going to a great length of due diligence to secure the financial future of the club by avoiding the signing of inferior players, the club’s imbalanced approach to risk analysis has handicapped the club from achieving success. Perhaps they should loosen their purse string and pay for world calibre players as both type of risks demand equal respect and attention and both can impact the club financially as the history shows.

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  1. rarlour

    Aug 22, 2016, 12:32 #92144

    Objectively the squad is strong. If he signs two more (world class) players - a central defender and a proper right winger - then we will challenge. If he doesn't then we won't. Personally I think it's that simple at Arsenal right now. Everything else is bluster. He needs 2 world class signings. I have my fears but I've got my fingers crossed. I'm still on Wenger's side but I fully agree he needs to spend some ******* money!

  2. mbg

    Aug 21, 2016, 21:00 #92115

    Fast Hare, i'm not disagreeing with you but a lot of it had to do with the manager who bought them, and who they were coming to work under, any decent manager who knew what he was doing would have got far far more out of them and indeed maybe even made them into good players, but not wenger, he ruins them, especially young ones. wenger out.

  3. HowardL

    Aug 21, 2016, 18:56 #92105

    I agree entirely with the article, but like Chuxified I think Arshavin was far too good to be included with the likes of Bendtner, Denilson and Sanogo. Arshavin could be brilliant - Liverpool, Barcelona - but Wenger ruined him by playing him out of position. Does that sound familiar? I hadn't considered the "sour grapes" possibilities, however.

  4. Fast hare

    Aug 21, 2016, 12:14 #92074

    Wenger says he does not want to spend and waste on players who are not quality. Well he wasted precious money on three players from Southampton who turned out to be of poor quality and missed the one who turned to be world class. So much for his talent for spotting talent

  5. UTU

    Aug 20, 2016, 18:35 #92036

    Ian Wright bought for £ 2.5 Million, top of his game won the golden boot twice, FA Cups Legaue Cup, Cup Winners Cup and The Premier League over the Arsenal. Wenger a'int gonna spend, so as long as the cash keeps rolling in he is not under a real pressure.

  6. Devils Disciple

    Aug 20, 2016, 16:51 #92033

    Jamerson oh Prince of Darkness, I fear your predictive powers may be waning. You offer earthly powers and a promise of a caravan in Suffolk, oh when shall we raise the spirit of Astoroth? Are you still able to do this or has power waned. Show us a sign!

  7. Goonersol

    Aug 20, 2016, 15:54 #92032

    Jamerson: another gem , thanks . Hope the boys win at the King power , they won't get much help from the bench . Arsenal win & Wenger out !!

  8. Jamerson

    Aug 20, 2016, 14:04 #92028

    I'm predicting a huge win this evening to slightly calm the early season knee-jerking.I also predict the banner to make an appearance with a few WOBs getting thick ear's.

  9. jjetplane

    Aug 20, 2016, 12:26 #92022

    Yes John F Kanu was brilliant and the Chelsea win was a great afternoon and we were all singing at half time because we knew. Wenger didn't. Special mention for Bobby Pires (the goal at Villa) and Freddie and Ray against the Chavs. Great days out and great memories. Not a single player at the club who had any of the above's passion. Never been to the Emirates and at those prices never will and remember 25 pence to get in the north bank and a ST in the 90s costing 300. Used to to get your money's worth then and now you could well make a serious dent in 300 for one uniform game of little passion in a souless foodie outlet sports arena .... Off for cup game for 6 squid against Newhaven today. Who needs Asano FC other than the sad farks who did not make it to IKEA .... Joe Wilshere and Jack Hart are proud to announce a season of pool parties in Vegas ....

  10. mbg

    Aug 20, 2016, 10:27 #92014

    John F, yes he was at it way back then too, and even before that, hadn't a bloody clue, playing players out of position, a lot of posters on here have said he made his name off and because of those players and players like them who needed no coaching, and they were bloody right. Go now you old fraud.

  11. KC

    Aug 20, 2016, 10:20 #92013

    Ron, we agree re DB, I was a massive Henry fan, the day he pulled us back from the brink against Liverpool to save the title after blowing the treble amazing game to be at, a massive high not long after the low of CFC and being at Villa Park for the Man U semi. Plus his goals against the spuds they had no answer. For me DB, Pat, Henry and Brady the best I have witnessed, resigned to never seeing their kind again. We had it great that's why it's so hard to accept now! I dislike what Wenger has become but unlike so many on here really appreciate what he was. As an AFC fan I struggle to understand fans not appreciating the three titles, an unbeaten season, fa cups etc. On untold you have a cult like obsession of Wenger on here you get loads on anti Wenger me included now! In truth the real picture is some where in the middle, for me it's sad to see what total power becomes.

  12. goonersol

    Aug 20, 2016, 10:16 #92012

    sad farks : Our team in is turmoil and in a state of shambles due to the Wig & Clown, so no reason fans cannot have a pop at them, due to all their lies and spin...forums like this are for all views ( Good, Bad and Ugly) WE have been sold down the river of dreams " If you build it, they will come"...Joke, Wenger has proved to be a serial under achiever , who blames everyone else for the teams lack of success, but happy to take all the glory when he was winning.....Hope the boys win today, no thanks to wenger...Wig & Clown OUT.

  13. Bonzo

    Aug 20, 2016, 10:13 #92011

    Dear Jamee sad Farks- snigger I know what your trying to do. I must admit I'm struggling with your Elect nonsense fueled by Biblical quotes.com search word elect.... Yes lots of choices. Anyway just as old Thomas Aquinas liked a bit of theological change I am going to argue that you can be De-selected. I'm wondering if Wengo was one of your Elect? It's now gone rather wrong though hasn't it. A bit of the reverse Midas touch. Do you have any available Managers in your Elect committee? Please can they replace Wengo. Better keep moving Jamee. There's a sulphurous smell over Southwold and Old Nick wants his promises kept. His pitchfork Is nicely sharpened to ram in your fat Arse and roast you in the fiery pit.

  14. BigDavethe Gooner

    Aug 20, 2016, 9:01 #92009

    Here's something you may find interesting,Wiltord is Arsenal's 5th most expensive signing at £13 Million in the year2000. Do not listen to Wenger when he says he is happy to spend the clubs money,he as well as the other two is talking out of his arse-nal.

  15. Smithy

    Aug 20, 2016, 8:25 #92008

    In his press comments arsene said that Walcott, Akpom and sanogo are in his plans for our striking position. We'd have more hope with rod, Jane and Freddie - God help us!!!!

  16. Sad farks

    Aug 20, 2016, 8:15 #92007

    Give it a rest ya bunch of whiney ass cry babies. What a pathetic hotbed of discontent this forum is. And you call Liverpool the victims.

  17. Lord Froth

    Aug 20, 2016, 7:23 #92006

    At the moment I'd class being an Arsenal supporter as a football depression. You're in a deep hole and you know you're depressed but you feel unable to do anything about it. It's got so bad for me that I've totally lost interest. I stopped going to the games some years ago due to the high prices of tickets and this season I've even cancelled my Sky sports package. I'm just back to watching Match of the Day only now for the first time in about 25 years. Until Wenger goes supporting Arsenal has been ruined. It's a damn shame to support a sporting club that is seemingly not interested in competing at sport.

  18. John F

    Aug 20, 2016, 0:39 #92004

    Dennis used to thread those balls into the box for Freddie to run on to and knock into the net.Great combination but for some unknown reason Wenger moved Freddie out wide that was when I began to lose faith.Loved Kanu a great signing by Wenger as he took a gamble on his heart condition.If you get the chance look kanu up on u tube to remind you that for a short while he was unstoppable especially against chelsea.

  19. mbg

    Aug 20, 2016, 0:17 #92003

    Red member, your right there, not long in from my local where match was on, and my mancs mates raving about them (and Maureen) and are on cloud nine again with great expectations for the season, meanwhile back in la la land with the skinny teletubby we're dreading it with second raters and dwarfs with the only expectations embarrassments and humiliations. we want wenger out.

  20. mbg

    Aug 20, 2016, 0:00 #92002

    You know what I think it is ? where the problem lies ? it's TOF's red tie he hasn't changed it for f*****g years, I bet when he takes it off at night (that's if he doesn't keep it on) it stands up on it's own. wenger out.

  21. Big Dave

    Aug 19, 2016, 23:07 #92001

    Buy cheap buy twice, or in our case don't buy anyone and get over taken by our rivals.

  22. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 22:42 #92000

    Arseneknew - how well described there re Platt. Smack on. He sure was the King of Pointers wasnt he. All that manufactured urgency as he ran on with his quiff whisping in the wind. A comical sight he was. Stevie Williams is a good shout too. I really liked him. A real mongrel with a touch of poise and a lot of spite. Wenger wouldnt touch him with a bargepole given the chance today and if he did, SW would have been ushered out before you could blink. Yes, KC - Dennis was big news - for us. He still wasnt at the top of his game. Thats where we diverge. I loved DB and happen to think hes been our best player in my lifetime, but there were many question marks against him when he joined us. He answered all of the questions. Bergy was the difference between Wenger winning what he did and winning f--k all in my view. They can keep their Henrys et al. Dennis B was the key to the whole shooting match in those yrs 97 - 2002 for me.

  23. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 19, 2016, 21:55 #91999

    Ron - "He's here, he's there, he's every-f@cking-where, David Platt, David Platt". When a song recognises a player's supposed fitness rather than his actual prowess, you know he ain't all he's cracked up to be. The Mekon-headed midfielder was always a disappointment for me. My old mate Gianni Ferrari, the king of muswell hill gooners, used to say that all he did was point and shout a lot when he came on as a sub in the 89th minute. True that. But he did almost single-handedly win that 3-2 against his old club manure. I'd put Platty in that micro grouping of pseudo-intellectual former players who pepper their cliched analysis with big words, the definitions of which are a mystery to them. Such as Graham Le Saux, Gareth Southgate, Butch Wilkins, Joey Barton, Cantona and, er, Ian Rush (possibly one of the thickest humans in the northern hemisphere if the jokes are to be believed). Steve Williams was another at the top of his game when he signed for us.

  24. KC

    Aug 19, 2016, 21:51 #91998

    Ron, DB may not have been having a great time in Italy but as Viv Richards quite rightly stated form is temporary class is permanent. DB was a massive move at the time and the press were all over it, sure it suited him as he wanted out of his Italian hell. As for AA never was a fan he has never lived up to his obvious talent, if Wenger had a pop for not tracking back and we don't really know that, imagine Mourinho being his manager!! AA let himself down in fairness to Wenger a coward of a player, free loader who was never a team player and like so many Russians, moody, difficult and don't take to the premiership. Wenger has got loads wrong buying AA was one of them.

  25. Red Member

    Aug 19, 2016, 21:37 #91997

    Enfield Gooner - spot on. Season ticket holders should just shut up moaning. The failed protest of last season has created the situation this summer. Meanwhile those new signings in Manchester look good...

  26. Enfield Gooner.

    Aug 19, 2016, 20:52 #91995

    Stop moaning the fans had a chance to change things last season with the protest but that was a waste of time just get on with it or do what i did and don,t renew your season i don.t miss it one bit.

  27. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 20:40 #91993

    jj, the wig and clown and joe hart, i'm sure head & shoulders will love that, think of the potential for them there. You couldn't make it up, no wonder we're been laughed at and a joke. wenger out now.

  28. jjetplane

    Aug 19, 2016, 19:00 #91991

    Would be good to see Hart join up with Jack again and get the pool parties going again. Be great in the tunnel to with swearing to himself while Ox does a dance and gets injured. Wig & Clown meet Joe and Jack ... Asano Fc - where the laughs can be found all season, every season.

  29. Paul Ward

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:51 #91990

    Surely the Jonny Evans rumour is not true , horrible memories of fellow Man Utd reject Mikel Sylvestre are flooding back, if it happens his" quality" argument would be blown out of the water. Hoping Vardy doesn't come back to haunt us tomorrow, but fear that will be the story. Wenger Out

  30. Bard

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:48 #91988

    I read Joe Hart available, we need a keeper ?? He will do me. Jonny Evans ? Do me a favour.

  31. Old Man

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:44 #91987

    Certainly wont go on about my supporter pedigree. Just that I saw my first game V Chelsea in 1955- enough said? Ron so right and MGB spot on - don't give Le fraud a fiver!!!! Wig and Clown out!

  32. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:35 #91986

    Not sure if it can be reached or picked up in England but it's all over the NI sports news, a deal near done for NI international Jonny Evans, Johnny F*****g evans apparently he's injured, but don't quote me on that, you couldn't fooking make it up, this one if it happens even surprises me, as I suspect a lot of us. Go now you wenger you f*****g cheap waste of space.

  33. Bard

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:28 #91985

    Good post Toronto. There is another side effect. If you sign top players then expectations rise and you get found out very quickly. How many seasons have we said 'we need just a couple of top signings to push on'. 10 years is it? However as mbg says he could be managing Bayern and still not win anything. Top level sport is a cruel business, he has had more than a good run as many have said he should have left after Hull and had a nice statue in his name. He is risking getting hounded out the way things are going. Its a tragedy of sorts.

  34. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 18:02 #91984

    KC - respect as ever but the fact is that DB had been written off. Yes it was ploughing his own furrow up front fro Inter that didnt suit him but no way was DB thought of in footie as at the top of his game then. When Italian teams were ready to off load back then it was a big slight on yr career and reputation.To fail there was a bad scene for a player. BD was in many ways looking for redemption when he joined us. Do you seriously think Arsenal would have signed him back then had his stock been high? A few better bids in for him and AFC would have been gone like rats off a sinking ship, bottling the bidding war. Or even, do you think Arsenal circa 1995 looked attractive to him? Blimey, even we'd had enough. King Jeremy - dead on. Arshavin is a stain on Wengers integrity. Wenger lacked the guts to use him and let him run free and o his oen thing and blamed him for not tracking back to cover our s--te full backs as an excuse to drop him. AA had Wenger weighed up soon after he got there and told him what a tosser he thought he was. That screwed the bloke at Arsenal. Only choir boys prosper under Wenger. That semi final line up and loss v Chelsea was another in Wengers list of embarrassments wasn't it. Another pivotal moment when he deserved sacking. The so called fans on here fawning all over the two faced sod, metaphorically kissing his arse and at the games are as blind as bats when it comes to OGL. Really are.

  35. KC

    Aug 19, 2016, 17:32 #91982

    In all honesty we have never been a massive spender in the years I can remember. We lost Stapleton to Utd, Brady to Italy. I disagree re DB, just because the Italian game did not suit or Inter's play was more GG than Pep does not stop someone being in their prime. I saw DB playing in Holland and was so taken by his talent. I have never been so excited when the NOTW broke the story on that hot Sunday morning. Spent the week waiting for it to be confirmed. Wenger did once have magic in the transfer market, Anelka, Pat, Petit, Henry, Pires, Overmars, Llungberg, Cesc, Gilberto, and the much underated Edu, Dein got Campbell, got lucky with Cole who I believe Wenger was not sure about for far to long. The concern even in the great years was that Wenger was great at spotting offensive players, his weak point is defenders and keepers, I saw Senderos for one game and thought no, I saw Steponovs for 10 mins and was questioning what Wenger was watching. Now the offensive players have dried up the defensive niavety comes back to haunt us. The real disgrace about the club is that Wenger created success, got us Champions league year on year and we built a new stadium, if after all this over the last 20 years if we are not ready to compete we will never be under this regime. If so why the move? Sadly for business not football. I want Wenger to go but for a real football club that puts trophies at the top of its list we require a new owner ASAP.

  36. John F

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:56 #91981

    Good post Jeremy, yet another player played out of position by Wenger and thought the same about the Welbeck announcement.I have never understood his obsession with playing players out of position .He would of played Vardy on the wing if we had signed him.He said yesterday that he has handled 400 transfers and Arsenal fans should trust him.He also claimed that 99% of players that have left want to come back.If true it is probably because some have gone away and won something and then want to come back for an easy ride to see out their career on good wages.

  37. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:35 #91980

    Cyril : I think you've started something there...Kroenke & Wenger, now known as Wig & Clown, could catch on...

  38. cyril

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:20 #91978

    Ron, I was at the 3-2 game behind the goal. Ah great days, great atmospheres and cheap beer at 'the wig and clown' sorry Freudian slip - 'gown' that was meant to be !!

  39. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 16:17 #91976

    "There's only One Jamerson".....Another gem, keep them coming, on this cold Friday afternoon, the day looks brighter already......Wenger Out - Jamerson In.

  40. King Jeremy

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:49 #91975

    Arshavin was not signed by Wenger. He was signed under panic stations to stave off a shareholder rebellion. Remember the on-off-on nature of the deal that cold January day? He was foisted on Wenger, who disgracefully took his revenge by shoving him out on the Left wing, refusing to even contemplate playing him in his preferred position "in the hole", then dropping him without justification for the FA Cup semi final against Chelsea. Latest reports suggest that Mustafi may (finally) happen on Monday. Other than that, forget any forward being signed. This news about Welbeck being back "early" stinks to high heaven of the Arsenal PR time in full-on expectation management mode. Today he's "back in December", but expect an announcement in the 1st week September that he's had "little bit setback".

  41. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:43 #91974

    Obviously my last post was meant for the last thread, but i'm sure it'll be read anyway as super fans have x ray vision too. wenger out.

  42. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:32 #91973

    Wow what have we here ? is it a man ? is it boy ? No it's another super fan (of whom I wonder where did the other couple go to ?) all the way from the Highbury terraces what an achievement all he's had to do is get older, I've always been of the belief (and I've said it on here)anyone that feels the need to, or has to, tell all in sundry about their history of support is no fan at all. wenger out.

  43. Goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:30 #91971

    Ron : 6-2 ..... Mbg: spot on, clueless Wenger would waste any more money panic buying, sooner he goes , the sooner we can start planning for a better future .

  44. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:19 #91970

    goonersol - good stuff. Memory must finally be fading! Did we win 6-2 or 6-1?

  45. Carlos

    Aug 19, 2016, 15:14 #91969

    The manager answers solely to the majority shareholder whose objective is to have as big a cash mountain as he can; hence the search for "value" in the transfer market and the need for CL football. Winning or even competing in the CL is not required, just qualifying. As such Wenger has been a model employee, for which he has been handsomely rewarded, and will continue to be so for as long as he fulfils his terms of employment. Any notion that fans matter or that challenging for the top prizes is the club's primary concern is misplaced in the extreme. The manager's arrogance comes from the fact that he has met his employer's demands every year, with a runners up spot to crow about last season. My feeling is that his arrogance has blinded him and this season may prove to be problematic for him, as so many other clubs have sought to strengthen both in the dugout and on the pitch. Saturday's is a huge game for M. Wenger. If results go against him "value" in the transfer market will no longer be his primary concern, survival will be.

  46. andy1886

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:55 #91967

    As we're on a trip down memory lane I'd like to say that I thought Woodcock, before he had a nasty injury, looked a damn good player and a cut above the rest of the side. As for Platt how about the time when he was still at Villa and ended up in goal in front of the North Bank when Spink got injured? Better times.

  47. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:45 #91965

    Mbg you are right on it there. We could have Brazil 70 playing for us and TOF would probably have Pele playing as a withdrawn winger or something. We have a combination of TOF doing what he always does, and The Wig keeping a firm grip of the chequebook because of the Rams move back to LA. You couldn't make it up.

  48. mbg

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:36 #91964

    A lot of crowing about spend some f*****g money blah blah but what a lot of people are going to have to realise and accept is, (and this has been said, and proved over and over)it doesn't/wouldn't matter how much TOF spends, and it wouldn't/doesn't matter who he spends it on it's not going to make a blind bit of difference, because he hasn't/wouldn't have a fooking clue how to use them or where to play them, or coach them (and I use that term for him very lightly)he'd only play then out of position, TOF will try and convince them their something their not, he'll see a potential defender in a striker and that will be that etc etc, and if they refuse they'll be on the bench until they conform, and like always that will be the player ruined, and that of course is if he doesn't ruin them by/with injuries first. No this past it old man should not be allowed anywhere near money he's not the person to spend it, and never was, that should be for the next manager coming in who knows what he's doing and can spend it wisely and be fit to coach and use the players properly. Go now you past it old man.

  49. David

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:20 #91963

    "who the last player at the top of his game was who Arsenal signed? " - Thinking further about it, it would be Sol Campbell and he cost nothing. Don't suppose the spuds would let us have one of their current defenders for nowt.

  50. SarfLunden

    Aug 19, 2016, 14:10 #91962

    There's no point in moaning. Every CEO has said the club will spend money if Wenger asks them to. He doesn't ask. They don't spend. Until he goes it will just be the same as it has been since the new stadium gave him the excuse to throw the cheque book in the back of the draw and lock it away.

  51. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:57 #91961

    Ron : For the record and accuracy, Woodcock scored 5 against Villa.

  52. shu

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:48 #91960

    we all know that if he had signed Suarez for 50 mill on a 4 year deal we would have kept him for 2 years before Real/Barca came along and paid 90 mill. How could he or his people not se e this , the same with Higuan.

  53. David

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:32 #91958

    In defence of Arshavin and Chamakh both started out very well and with both in the team they had a pretty good run in 2010/2011 until they turfed up at Old Toilet and Park who only ever scored again Arsenal sent United clear never to be caught again. From that point on both became more and more peripheral. Chamakh was replaced by a fit again van Persie, and Arshavin just fell out of favour even after his fine perfomances against Barcelona. Also worth remembering Chamakh was a free Bosman transfer.

  54. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:30 #91957

    Good shouts David. Neither set the pulses beating did they, though i once saw Woodcock ravage Aston Villa by scoring 4 at Villa Park. Platt flattered to deceive anywhere he was in my view. Recalled only by his header in that 3-2 winning game v Utd at Highbury in 97. I was right in line with it that afternoon. We had 'atmospheres' in those days didnt we for the bigger games!

  55. Barry****peas

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:16 #91954

    It is apparent that the Kroenke Walmart business model is now in play. If we accept that the fees paid this year for Pogba & Higuain were excessive, we have to acknowledge that in today's market £25million - £30million is (unfortunately) standard fare. Which brings me to the business that other clubs have done, for players under Wenger's nose, that by the standards he is espousing should constitute very good value. 1. Samuel Umtiti - Transfer Fee £21.25m - With our scouting network, Wenger's understanding of Ligue 1, Umtiti's performance with Lyon and subsequently with France at the Euros, why the hell were we not in for this lad sooner? Barca have signed a young, world class centre back for £10m less than we are about to sign Mustafi for. Any rationale, anyone? Jese Rodriguez - Transfer Fee £21.25m - Again, beaten to the punch by European rivals for a developed Real Madrid Academy player not given game time because of their ridiculous array of forward players. Mario Gotze - Transfer fee £18.7m - The latest spate of Arsenal rumours are linking us with Draxler for £50m. Did we even enquire about this 24 year old, World Cup winning player who would have cost 1/3 the price and would have given Walcott the kick up the backside he requires? Lowe still plays him on the opposite wing to Draxler in the German national side. For £19m we could have signed a world beater that might make Sanchez & Ozil think twice about pissing off when their contracts expire. Ilkay Gündogan - Transfer fee £22.95m - £7m LESS than Xhaka. I know what Pep wants, Pep gets but did we even contest this one? Nathan Redmond - Transfer Fee £11.48m - Scored on his debut, a player that (on current performance trajectory) will definitely play for England. Not even a sniff. Mohammed Salah - Transfer Fee £12.75m - I know that the Loan Agreement was already in place with Roma, but what if we'd bid £14m for this electric right winger? The list goes on. Further quality for sensible prices? Have we asked Valencia for a price on Paco Alcácer? If Lyon say £60m for Lacazzette, there are deals to be done elsewhere. We aren't because the business model is getting in the way.

  56. David

    Aug 19, 2016, 13:14 #91953

    "last player at the top of his game was who Arsenal signed" - Tony Woodcock (£500K) or David Platt (£4.75m) - both were established internationals who were returning after successful stints in Europe. Sadly neither improved after joining Arsenal and in the case of Platt were demonstrably worse.

  57. David

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:58 #91952

    Looks like Wenger has just "signed" a striker. Welbeck will be back 3 months early so expect he to play in January and be as good as a new signing...

  58. Ron

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:46 #91951

    hard to really settle on who the last player at the top of his game was who Arsenal signed? Was it Alan Ball? Arguably he was in decline by 1971. Super Mac? Charlie Nicholas? Some will say It was DB but it wasnt. He was considered washed up or well on the way to being so when we took a punt on Dennis. The Clubs modern history record in buying 'big' of such ready made players is lamentable and the success of such players who they have bought is hardly heart warming. Its in the culture of the Club not to buy such players, its not just Wengers frailties in the market. The Club has always lacked bottle when buying, despite having the cash to spare. PS Its been pretty well documented since by the way that Higuain was never really a target. The media blew those rumours into over drive. Despite what we think of Wenger, he s just one in a long line whove been the same. Arsenal, however much we love or have loved them in the past are and always have been a cheap skate Club who creams its supporters. We ve produced many if not most of our best loved and most potent players, though those days are long since gone.

  59. West Cork Frank

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:38 #91949

    Wenger is now i believe a pale shadow of even the post- 2006 incompetent,arrogant " manager " he was. He simply does not have it in him to change, literally a dead man walking, although i fear he will still be offered a new contract. As others have said, even if any decent, self- respecting player would choose to sign for us, what real difference would it make ? Wenger would suck any quality or spirit, dare i say fight, out of them. As well as boycotting games/ season-tickets/ merchandise i am, after buying it from its first issue, going to stop buying The Gooner. We wonder, but know deep down how OUR club has been temporarily taken from us,by akb's stupidity/ acceptance of being treated as fools who only matter as regards money. Latest issue of The Gooner has such gems as " somebody could improve Giroud's pace to make him better" Duh ! If you don't have pace to begin with, it can never be improved on. Other articles tell us that supporters who, as we know, are threatened or in some cases assaulted by Wenger loving clowns for daring to say the bleeding obvious ,should just enjoy the football. Enjoy what exactly ? Same old same old insipid, gutless, abject performances yet again ? Another article states that there is nobody available who could do a better job than Wenger ! Anybody would do a better job than Wenger. RED ARMY !

  60. goonersol

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:31 #91948

    Wenger has left it far too late to sign any more players, whatever they cost now, they may have been £5/£10m cheaper if he had done his homework at the end of last season. For every 1 top player he has signed , he probably has signed 5 duds ( Stepanovs, Denilson, Chamakh etc) His judgement is seriously flawed in many ways, both on the pitch and in the transfer market...It is always a case of what might have been, close in the PL, and close to signing Messi, Suarez, Ronaldo etc, for the last 12years he has become a Nearly Man, well, time is Nearly Up...Taxi for Wenger. PS..more Comedy Gold from Jamerson, keep em coming.

  61. Chuxified

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:30 #91947

    Arshavin was OK. Wasn't that bad considering he hit the ground with superb performances. When it mattered he made his presence known and felt. Against Barca, and Liverpool in particular.

  62. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:13 #91945

    Reminds me of poor old John Lyall at West Ham. They were in one of their annual post-Xmas slumps and he was asked about new signings. "I'll buy when the player and price are right for West Ham" he replied. In other words we can't afford the best so will grab whatever's left. AW's "top top qualideeee" obviously referred to Gervinho, Sanogo, Chambers, Jenkinson, so on and so forth. Anyways can we beat Leicester tomorrow? 3 pts would deal a telling early-season blow to one of our rivals for the top six.

  63. KC

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:05 #91944

    Spot on, add to this money wasted on Bendtner, Senderos, Denilson and many more. Wenger gets it all so wrong so often. We are just consistent and that gets him out of jail, never now great and where the squad require two top drawer players he would rather spend on young possibles with many turning out to be duds that still have to paid for. He never mentions his so many failings in the transfer market. He just does not seem to understand that so many players will go on to be worth more than you pay, secret is to buy the quality and not the average.

  64. snow

    Aug 19, 2016, 12:01 #91943

    I dont even understand when he says he want quality players. What quality of player do he really looking for? And if he dont find anybody in this world, where he is gonna find that player?. Bayern, Barca, Real, Man U, Man City, Juventus all clubs have signed new players. Are those players dont have qualities to play for Arsenal?