A Mexican Standoff

A dysfunctional management structure at Arsenal has created a difficult situation

A Mexican Standoff

Arsene – Will he pay the price for a board ‘asleep at the wheel’?

The final few days of the summer transfer window seem likely to provide Arsenal fans with more suspense and drama than we will see the rest of the season if the first two games are anything to go by. On one side is an increasingly beleaguered manager desperate to acquire a signing or two to address the gaping holes in the squad and on the other a host of clubs well aware of how much money Arsenal have in the kitty and in full knowledge of how desperate the club are. In the middle are the increasingly frustrated Arsenal fans who sense déjà vu all over again.

Does Arsene stick or twist? Does he swallow his much publicized principles and stump up the cash? This is a strategy that goes against the grain but has the advantage of calming the fans and giving himself an outside chance of competing. Or does he dig his heals in and go into the first half of the season with one experienced centre back and no upgrade on the striker front, claiming they cost too much? This strategy is potentially calamitous. It leaves him a couple of defeats away from fan mutiny. One imagines at boardroom level its also squeaky bum time and all this is before the season has really got underway.

That the club find themselves in this situation is quite extraordinary. True there is an element of bad luck, the injuries to Gabriel and Mertesaker coming together are unfortunate. However this was an accident waiting to happen. How many times has he gone into the season with barely enough quality to get by? Now it looks like this strategy has finally come back to bite him big time. But the truly startling revelation is the extraordinary lack of financial foresight. It would appear the club had no idea that the shedloads of dosh washing around the Premiership would substantially increase transfer fees thereby putting themselves at a serious disadvantage in the current window. I have written before that you didn’t need to be an accountant to see that one coming. What were they thinking?

The bottom line is that Wenger is between a rock and a hard place. He cannot win. He either abandons his principles or puts himself and his legacy in the firing line of mutinous fans. The current demise makes crystal clear just how dysfunctional the management structure at Arsenal has become. Whatever we feel about Wenger the board have a duty of care towards someone who has given so much to the club. The reality sadly is that they have been asleep at the wheel and the manager is likely to pay the price.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 20:44 #92306

    Lord Merse, yes indeed, that loook or luuuuk is one of the most annoying words that comes out of his gob, but at least when we hear him using it as an answer we know he's pissed off and annoyed at the question. Looook just fooking go.

  2. Avenell Road

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:29 #92293

    Carl Rawlings - your warnings are sooooo 2013

  3. jjetplane

    Aug 24, 2016, 15:40 #92287

    Over on UA is an article equating WOB types with fascists with the usual humanities essay format for 16yr olds and 60 yr old ex poly teachers of sociology. Since the great cleansing the site has been left to about three or four posters who are so dull or unhappy with such drab lives in say Dubai, Lagos they think they have a special relationship with Wengo. Probably some kind of Easter Island meets L Ron Hubbard type thing but the real fun is that not even the ring leaders are involved anymore. No wonder Jamerson and Leekie are on here all the time. Anyway - 'nice one Danny/nice one son/....' ps we put Newhaven out of the FA Cup! Seriously in awe of Eastbourne Utd! **** the PL - where are yer Pagham?!

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:30 #92271

    Sid, You read me like a book. I'd love to be on hand to see a bead of sweat fall from Jamee son's nose onto the back of leekie's neck in that caravan of lurve. Like you, I'm an old romantic really. Chris Dee, Hi Berry and Ron - three very accurate and eloquent posts that get to the heart of Wenger's complete lack of bottle and managerial ability.

  5. Sid

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:11 #92269

    Arseknewbest. Stalking Jamerson. Just admit it. You love him and want to be with him.

  6. Ron

    Aug 24, 2016, 11:06 #92266

    I dont want us to sign anybody Bard. Theres no point. The same types will arrive, same weaknesses, same square pegs. The problems at Arsenal arent the personnel at the Club, its them at the driving wheel as you say. Board out. Goodbye to AW. Short of that, the Club will continue to tread water.

  7. Hi Berry

    Aug 24, 2016, 10:15 #92263

    A Freudian slip by Wenger on why he is so cautious in in the transfer market: ‘You make big decisions and I believe you have to act like it’s your own money – like you’re the owner of the club and you can identify completely with the club, because if you don’t do that I think you cannot go far.’ This highlights three things....firstly that he is frightened of making a costly mistake to such an extent that it hampers his decision-making; secondly that the cost of a player overrides what improvement that player could bring to the team and thirdly if a signing is a failure it damages his ego to such an extent that he would rather not take the chance. You're in a high pressure job Arsene; if you can't make those decisions because you're worried you might get it wrong it's time to step aside for someone not gripped by the same fears. There are plenty of top managers who have bought players who have not worked out (there's a list as long as your arm at Arsenal), but does anyone think less of Alex Ferguson because of Veron or Forlan? - course they don't because he recognised the fact and shipped them out as soon as he could. £30m for Ferdinand? - everyone gasped but who was right in the end? Managers can't get everything right all the time but it's a job that involves taking risks and it would appear our manager wants only to play it safe - hence the continuing also-ran nature of the team.

  8. chris dee

    Aug 24, 2016, 10:00 #92261

    It doesn't matter who Arsene signs, or how many millions he spends.As long as he ignores the defensive organisation of the team we will never win the Premiership again under him. We can have a back four that includes Pique,Ramos,Hummels,Macherano etc etc but if they are not drilled into a defensive unit then forget it,because this makes the whole team less solid. Just look at Petr Cech,one season under Arsene and his defensive strategy, and he sometimes looks like a nervous 19 year old in his first season.And Arsene's insistence we play all games the Arsenal 'way' is just an abdication of duty by him.How on earth he could play 3 teenagers in the back four against Liverpool and not change our 'style' to protect these kids and just left them out to dry against experienced seasoned international forwards. Two games in 5 points behind United,City and Chelsea,great going Arsene!

  9. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2016, 9:49 #92259

    Just seen the strangest thing...after suspecting that carl rawlings is another pseudonym for our caravan dwelling suffolk self-lover, I googled "Jamerson Southwold" and the images brought up pics of Ivan Gazidis, Weng, Mourinho and various other Arsenal people as well some terribly bland bits of furnture. Very odd, not unlike the mobile home masturbator himself....

  10. Lord Merse

    Aug 24, 2016, 9:29 #92258

    Wenger has been here in blighty for 20 years and still his vocabulary consists of solely 'speeeeret' 'mental strenght' 'leeedle bit' and 'look' - and we commoners wonder why there is no communication at the rear (matron ....). Just what kind of schooling has the old bleeder had? ....

  11. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 24, 2016, 9:03 #92257

    We have to show patience.'the grass isn't always greener on the other side'

  12. Paulo75

    Aug 24, 2016, 8:52 #92256

    Quote the Manager "We are working all the time on potential transfers". Well those responsible are clearly not fit to carry out their job. Have renewed Silver membership in the hope that one day in the future our club will harbour ambitions to compete for trophies, but struggling to justify handing over money to attend games again under the current regime.

  13. Viscount Rothermere

    Aug 24, 2016, 7:40 #92255

    Wenger is an imbecile, there I've said it and I'm not taking it back

  14. Mathew

    Aug 24, 2016, 7:15 #92254

    Everton recruited Steve Walsh as their new Director of Football recently, although Arsenal was interested in poaching him too. There are rumours he was the key man in unearthing few talents and has been a force behing Ranieri in developing his squad. More than a change in manager, Arsenal needs to recruit someone of his calibre to do transfer business and oversee the teams strengths and weaknesses. Its a fact that Wenger's tactics are outdated, but he looks more worried about transfers, staff payments, club's financial stabilities etc, wonder how much influence he has on the first team performances.

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2016, 7:13 #92253

    Bard - I agree with almost all of that, except your penultimate sentence about the board needing to show a duty of care to weng. In the world of high-stakes capitalism, people pour scorn on woolly liberal concepts like duty of care. High wages and power trump all of that. Indeed, duty of care is even a myth in many public sector environments these days. It's just trotted out on training courses and when auditors are looking. Arsene, as we know, is partial to some players and their needs and not others. Smoking Jack, on the one hand, and Coquelin on the other are good examples. So he ain't exactly balanced when it comes to duty of care himself. The board and stan-k will think that the 8 million sovs that they pay chihuahua man every year for serving up this highly profitable dung is their version of duty of care. When the fall comes (and christ does it need to come soon: Book of Jamee son 3:16) then stan will have no compunction about forsaking weng for another. But Mexcian standoff is a great way to describe the current impasse. My hunch is that there'll be inaction and then pain for us and the club unless we have another setback against the mighty Watford this weekend. Celebrity Asano fan Dale Winton has been spotted outside the wok this morning with a supercharged trolley just in case a dash is deemed necessary by our former manager.

  16. Squatter Wenger

    Aug 24, 2016, 7:04 #92252

    What 'current demise'? We came second last season, above all the other rich, big spending clubs, won the FA Cup the two seasons before that, and never fail to qualify for the UCL. To Wenger and this board, exaggerated talk of a 'demise' is delusional waffle to be ignored with contempt.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 24, 2016, 6:02 #92251

    Carl Rawlings - brilliant just brilliant I knew we had one of those coming.

  18. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 23, 2016, 23:04 #92250

    "Be careful what you wish for!

  19. west facing cannon

    Aug 23, 2016, 22:48 #92249

    Any side assembled by Wenger is done so in a lazy way because quite frankly he knows that he can get away with it. A top four finish is all that is required of him to keep Stan the syrup happy. The late Danny Fiszman and Lady Bracewell-Smith could not have foreseen the motives of the slippery Yank. Hindsight certainly puts a different perspective on things. I now feel a level of apathy and indifference about Arsenal that once upon a time I would have scoffed at. I now think of the Premier League as a collection of 20 Banks that happen to each have a football team. Replace Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea etc with HSBC, Natwest, Lloyds etc and you can find remarkable parallels. Is this the vision that our founders David Danskin, Sir Henry Norris and Herbert Chapman had ? I think not ! People like Wenger, Kroenke, Gazidis etc should feel utterly ashamed that they disrespect the clubs rich history.

  20. Cyril

    Aug 23, 2016, 22:10 #92248

    Bard, that's a thought article. It's like when you decide not to gamble when you have a 6 and 7 in the pocket [texas] and then watch 5 and then 8 drop and wait for it 9 drops in the river card. Now you never thought it would amount to much but more importantly you have six straight cards and no picture. All the big players have pictures as so lump in heavy. They end up with a max 'pair' , If Wenger had gambled he would of cleaned out the whole table card by card. But ofcourse he EFFING NEVER GAMBLES. This hand has played out in SEVERAL occasions. This means he cannot be fit for any purpose anymore. He is what they call him in boxing ' a shot fighter' . He wants to do it but his brain is mangled, it's gone. BLESS HIM!!!!!

  21. GS

    Aug 23, 2016, 21:55 #92247

    Red member : your right, fan power , but the regime have done everything in their power to suppress it, with bans on banners , over zealous stewards and while the fan base is split I can't see an all out protest any day soon , if we have a run of bad results or are mid table in the new year, then maybe things may change, let's hope so . Wenger out .

  22. Red Member

    Aug 23, 2016, 21:43 #92246

    The power lies with the fans but look at what we have done with that power? NOTHING! The so called protest last season was a complete joke. Until "we want Wenger out" is sung all around the Emirates he is going nowhere. He will not walk and he is even less likely to be sacked.

  23. mbg

    Aug 23, 2016, 21:34 #92245

    Not setting foot in the place, dead right mate, we've heard a lot about the away fans turning and that's to be welcomed and well done to them for that, But maybe if they'd have took their head out of the sand and turned on him long before now instead of singing one arsene wenger when we were being embarrassed and humiliated at the likes of old Trafford and other places we wouldn't be in this fooking position now. And it will be interesting to see after we get our first win against relegation fodder or roll over some naïve manager and his second raters by two or three how long it will last, every win should bring a chorus of we want wenger out, now that will work wonders, but we'll see. Poor hard done by wenger my fooking arse. wenger out now regardless of results.

  24. Hiccup

    Aug 23, 2016, 21:24 #92244

    Bard, God knows if there is a strategy and what it is if there is one. Trying to make sense of this annual mess every summer is best left to the AKB's. At least their explanations give us a good laugh. And let's not forget, if we don't buy this summer, we can't wait until January, because as we all know there is no value in the January market. It's a scream isn't it. As for all valuations of any player we might be interested in going through the roof, who doesn't find that funny? All clubs are getting wise to Arsenal as time wasters when it comes to transfers, and the best way to deal with us is treat us as the joke we are. Anyway, the latest on Untold is that the media are biased and telling lies that Team GB came 2nd in the Olympics. It's not just Arsenal that the media lie about. Now I know the AKB's like to create their on league tables from the most passes completed to the most corners won, but accusing the media of misinforming the public that Team GB beat China to second shows some serious thinking outside the box. Wenger must stay so that Untold can stay!

  25. Snowbiggee

    Aug 23, 2016, 21:22 #92243

    Arsenal are not competing on the pitch. The manager should have been sacked five years ago.The short term solution is to replace the manager. The longer term goal must be to get the ownership to change. Obviously this going to be very difficult. Any agitation by the fans that pressures for a change at the club must be supported. We need to get out club back.

  26. Dial square

    Aug 23, 2016, 20:54 #92242

    We must have the most patient fans in all of football which other top club's fan base would put up with this complete Sh*t show we are watching unravel for the last 10yrs. We have been told lies since we moved from the marble halls to the cathedral of disappointment. Compete with the best my Ar*e only on ticket prices do we compete, we are now scratching around for a centre half in places even terry neal would not have looked. For a top club to have no transfer plan is just mind blowing. A wider problem is if we the fans can get him out who would want to come in? the job to rebuild our team/club is huge because it really is broken just watch the players out on the pitch they know its all wrong. Tof got rid of all the tough talkers a long time ago so no one in the team will speak up and get them playing for the club. And don't give me any more about how we,ve qualified for the champions league for the last x amount of years how many of them did we remotely look like competing in it? once when captain clueless couldn't shut up shop when in front. So I ask all the fans how go to the home games don't give them an easy time they have taken our club from us and so we need to take it back, bigger dictators than TOF have fallen it only takes a spark to start a fire. Get him out before it is too late.

  27. GS

    Aug 23, 2016, 20:23 #92241

    The only garbage on here is yours Jamerson, most are saying don't spend, as it will be a waste, leave the money for the new manager...read posts correctly before adding your comments , as your a trolling wind up merchant , why would you read and understand anyway- u r the weakest link- goodbye.

  28. Paul Ward

    Aug 23, 2016, 20:10 #92240

    Jamerson, are you suggesting we can win the league without augmentng the current (injury ravaged) squad through spending? Please tell us how. Who will score the extra goals we need to get over the line? Why will we be defensively better than last year? Sure we'd all love to know, so can you explain ?

  29. Not setting foot in the place again till he's gone

    Aug 23, 2016, 19:31 #92239

    Looks like one or two are beginning to go soft on Wenger because they believe we're in the end game. Be very careful guys, it'll only take take a couple of wins for that shiny new contract to appear on the table.

  30. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 23, 2016, 18:52 #92238

    Peter Wain - I don't think I've ever commented on an article from you and you so often make sensible points. I'm coming around to the point lets write off the season. Keep cash in bank and bring in someone new who at least can get on with other managers and make a decision. That complete donky Gazidis is a buffoon providing cover for inaction with his weedy we can't afford to make s mistake mentality. If we'd spent 28m on Fellani ( a mistake at UTD) I'm pretty damn sure we'd have sold him back off at 28m. Only loss is wages in between times. Of which Wengo is a master at paying mediocre players sky high wages. Get rid of Wengo and get somebody with ambition in.

  31. KC

    Aug 23, 2016, 18:45 #92237

    Bard, nice piece, appreciate you can admit and mention everything he has done for this club because he certainly has. I do sometimes wonder on here if it's because his French that some cannot see the facts and the obvious from his first half of his reign. Sadly he has lost a winning desire, become a sad joke of a figure who answers to no one, and lost touch with modern football. This slippery slope has been slowly getting steeper, not replacing RVP, then Vermaelen were pathetic and shocking football decisions. We had a midfield that included Arteta and Flamini, Flamini is the prime example of Wengers prudent ways, a midfielder that could not get into our team in his prime but can when he is way past his prime! thats how poor we have become and how low Wenger sets his sights. Now we hear he hates the window!!! How come? surely if you have money it's an opportunity to improve your squad, make them more competitive so on and so on. I am so pleased the away fans started the chant on Saturday, I have been saying for a long time if more fans turned up at the Emirates to voice their displeasure it would help pressure this regime, cause only that and finishing outside the top four will do that.

  32. Paul Ward

    Aug 23, 2016, 18:40 #92236

    Wenger may have been "unlucky" losing Gab n Merte to injury , but he's had plenty of time to replace them, besides Merte is too often exposed for pace and Gabriel's form last year was mixed at best. In other words we needed a proven defender before the inevitable injury crisis, the same can be said up front where he uses Welbecks injury to mask more glaringly obvious deficiencies. Personally I think it's gone beyond the quality of the playing staff, he is not getting the best out of the squad we do have, and most damningly of all the players too frequently lack motivation. Which ever way you look at the situation , it is very clear that a new direction is desperately required at AFC . Wenger out

  33. Welcome to the court of mad King Louis IV

    Aug 23, 2016, 18:02 #92235

    Great photo and Arsenal has definitely become a Spaghetti Western... Mad Louis is doing what he wants and owners and board bow down to him more and more you can see why so many fellow Managers dont like Wenger

  34. GS

    Aug 23, 2016, 17:46 #92234

    It's all a mess , the fans revolt has caught them unaware , because we believed the fodder they fed us for a quiet a few years , they never expected such an undercurrent of discontent. The regime fed us excuse after excuse and we accepted it, while they laughed and took the cash. Now we want answers & to try and suceed/compete, they have no clue what to do. They still want time?? Too late, the horse has bolted, the peasants are revolting....Wenger & regime out.

  35. Peter Wain

    Aug 23, 2016, 17:42 #92233

    if I were the board I would stop Wenger from signing any one. Lets face it we are not going to get top top quality that dreams has fled years ago. What we are more likley to get is overpriced rubbish. Better to wait until we have a manager in place who knows how to operate in the transfer window and buys early. Lets face it is likely that we will have no european football next season and sanchez Ozil and ramsey will be agitating for a transfer. So if we are sensible we should have a considerable transfer war chest to buy thee top top quality which we sadly have not over the last two years. One thing for sure if no signings before Wednesday Wenger is definitely a goner

  36. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 23, 2016, 17:19 #92231

    Exeter - exactly all this principle stuff is made up on the hoof by Wenger but issue upon issue are piling up and he's got no answer. A pragmatic coach would have bought Ashley Williams or a few years back Cahill without all the pissing around. Now onto MBG's point yes can't agree more, you piss off every manager in the division, you whinge and whine and don't accept the Wine, you then barter like you're a miser. So what do you get sweet FA. Due to the incompetent pathetic board no one can even front him. Which I'm sure Dein got down to the business and kept Wengo a 200 miles away. Now I thought we had Dick Laws but he seems invisible.

  37. David

    Aug 23, 2016, 17:12 #92230

    The only reason to leave it late is to snap up players getting dumped on the cheap. Schweinsteiger would be the sort of buy you could make, but the problem with doing that is getting the player match fit which means it is a month or so before they can play. I suspect this year will end up like 2011 signing Arteta, Benayoun, Mertesacker & Santos on Deadline Day. Per aside (and I don't really rate him), none did much for Arsenal.

  38. mbg

    Aug 23, 2016, 16:57 #92229

    Like I've already said all the other managers can see him coming now with all his dough he's been keeping dry and looking for a bargain, and as he hasn't a mate or friend throughout the prem managers having pissed most of them off with his whinging they'll take great delight in shafting him. Do you think they wouldn't have done Fergie (and others)a favour if he needed a player/players sharpish or on loan ?(but there again he'd have had his business long done by now with real players) you can bet they would because as bad as red nose was he had respect, and more importantly earned it and deserved it. go now wenger.

  39. mbg

    Aug 23, 2016, 16:42 #92228

    Bard, Drama and suspense mate, not for a lot of us we've seen it all before and have been saying it, and know the outcome is going to be every season, but maybe for some of the starry eyed AKB wengerites who still get moist listening to Jim (licks his lips)White with an hour to go who think he's going to change and produce, more fool them they deserve him. wenger out.

  40. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 23, 2016, 16:23 #92226

    Wenger's principles in the inflated market: Accept inflated amounts when selling players. Accept an inflated wage packet. Accept the fans playing inflated ticket prices. Just don't pay inflated amounts when buying players.

  41. David

    Aug 23, 2016, 16:13 #92225

    I'd rather he kept the chequebook in his pocket than pay £25 for Jonny Evans. Yes, £25 is too much. £25 million is an absolute joke. Seems odd Arsenal didn't go for Ashley Williams who would have been a better buy even with no re-sale value given his age. However, I think James Rodriguez at £60m would be worth a punt and show Arsenal have designs on being in the big league.

  42. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 23, 2016, 16:00 #92224

    We fans just have to face it, hard though it is to swallow, that we are never going to have the things we aspire to until the 3 lying con men are no longer at our club. I have given up hope until that day comes, which is another strike against them- stripping us of all the excitement, hope and anticipation that a new season used to bring to us supporters. These parasites truly have a lot to answer for, taking our once amazing beloved club away from us. **** all three of them...wenger, gazidis, kroenke OUT


    Aug 23, 2016, 15:50 #92223


  44. Danish Gooner.

    Aug 23, 2016, 15:40 #92222

    But the real problem is not so much the lack og signings the real problem is Wenger wouldnt have touched his transfer Kitty once if it had not been for the injuries to Mert and welbeck,it says a lot about the man,after a terrible disappointing season he still can not get himself to spend money to improve the squad,it is some kind of ocd with him or otherwise he is the most "tight" manager ever in modern day football.Mert is well past it so trying to ressurrect that old horse is beyond belief,welbeck is an so and so attacker but will never be a prolific 25 goals a year striker,thsi squad cried out for a Higuian a Morata etc but we now know for certain it was only tabloid bull****.Wenger would never and i repeat never use that kind of money on a football player no matter that he said he would use 300 mil on the right player,never.

  45. aero192

    Aug 23, 2016, 15:37 #92221

    I couldn't agree more. Wenger has been left to his own devices by an absentee administration more than happy with constant CL participation and healthy profits, Kroenke has openly stated this to be his policy - money not trophies. Which other organisation would allow the employee (Wenger) to sit on the committee that appointed his boss (Gazidis)? This cycle has run its course, Wenger's final year of current contract and the very real possibility of finishing out of the top four because we're being left behind, there's a new financial reality that must be accepted so long as the Sky money keeps rolling in and this must mean a new manager and maybe even a new administration?