Arsene Wenger and the chronicles of windmills

With a bit of Frankenstein thrown in for good measure

Arsene Wenger and the chronicles of windmills

If Don Quixote and Dr. Frankenstein had a lovechild he would be the Arsene Wenger of the past ten years.

In public his demeanour is more like Don Quixote. He is a French chevalier that, with his subservient and quite squire Steve Bould, is on a mission to bring the giants of the new world to their knees and slay the windmills of sugar daddies that have taken over the Premier League. He has taken on a quest to prove his love for his fairest lady, Stan of the Yank.

He tells stories of his braveries in the war of 400-signings. He cautions the fans of the evils of buying expensive players and warns them that without him the servants of the castle would have been homeless and hungry, all 600 of them.

He accuses the fans of crushing the fragile and delicate mental strength of his players and accuses the media of provoking the fans’ uprising.

And while all this happens Steve Bould rides his donkey behind his master and keeps his mouth shut. Steve knows recently he has been hardly reminiscent of the passionate legend once he was.

Behind the closed doors though, Wenger turns into Dr. Frankenstein. He tries to build a team from the scraps, bits and pieces he found in the bargain basket at the Dollar Store.

He knows he bought way too many spicy technical number 10s in the last few years but he smiles and tells himself “eh look, it’s ok …I’ve been very disciplined on that front in the last 10 years. Besides…it was my cheat day”.

And it continues. Like an alchemist he comes up with new formulas in pursuit of the impossible. He plays Sanchez up front; hasn’t decided whether Theo is a winger or a striker, and Chambers’ fate is determined by the flip of a coin; it could be right back, centre back or midfield …who knows?

After a few good results he screams “it’s alive”, soon to realize that it’s that time of the season when arms and legs of his beloved monster start to come off.

While working on his monster he asks Steve, his assistant: “Steve, doesn’t Aaron look like a little bit of a new signing with his new hair?” Steve without paying attention says “Yes, master!” as he watches the fans gradually gathering outside the castle with torches in their hands to bring Arsene’s misunderstood monster down.

Meanwhile, other clubs have accepted that the world has changed after the new TV deal broke the floodgates of the English Premier League. They have moved on. But he is still in denial. He fantasizes about a world where he could sign a Thierry Henry for a minimal fee. In his fantasies it’s still the 1990’s.


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  1. Gene Wilder

    Aug 30, 2016, 9:33 #92582

    Try the everlasting gobstopper. The flavour is 'Wenger'.

  2. mbg

    Aug 27, 2016, 0:22 #92466

    Gooner Ron, yes apart from signings (or lack off) obviously. we want wenger out.

  3. GoonerRon

    Aug 26, 2016, 20:02 #92454

    @ mbg (97928) - surely Wenger is entitled to take the credit for the signings considering he reports to no one and is in complete control of everything at the club?

  4. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 18:48 #92450

    GS, 97892, top post, couldn't agree more, lets hope all these AKB wengerites who think, and say, fans who don't worship their messiah like they do don't support Arsenal and the team read it, and then reflect and read it again. wenger out now.

  5. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:30 #92440

    Well done whoever spent the money and bought these players, or made or forced TOF to do it, either way TOF will take the credit for it you can be sure of that. wenger out.

  6. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 17:07 #92438

    Alan, your spot on there, it's probably killing TOF to have to spend, that's if it was him who spent it/bought at all. Wenger out now.

  7. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 16:01 #92425

    Hi Tony - ha ha. Not sure what what or who i was thinking of when i made that typo mate!

  8. John

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:58 #92423

    JANET John here and all very well chatting with yer WOB mates but the kids want their fishfinger sarnies and I'm working tonight. Told you before - Wenger is for life and make sure the fingers are on special offer! Bet you just love that RON manager bloke - must be one of Arsene's famous 600.

  9. jjetplane

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:45 #92417

    Rumours abounding that Perez is going out on loan to Everton which puts UA in a bit of a fix when added into the mix Mustafi is carrying a long term back problem reminiscent of another incisive buy (the life and times of Kim K) but should be fit for the top 4 run in. Gotta give it to Wengo - he's a ****ing scream!

  10. Stroud Road Gooner

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:30 #92414

    When Carl mentioned GS having a head the same shape as a bell-end,it reminded me of that guy who used to stand in the North bank back in the eighties who had a head the size of a coconut.Top man at that and he used to start a lot of the singing.I think his name might have been Stan but I can't be sure,anyone else remember him,I know he liked his ale and was also a chain smoker.

  11. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:23 #92413

    mbg - this guy Perez is not average, his stats last year were good. He looks really good. One area where I do happen to agree with Wenger is the whole price=quality issue. Of course there is a correlation between buying Messi or Ronaldo and being charged £200m for it because there is no doubting the qualities you are buying. But that really only applies to a handful of players in the whole world. And the idea that we should be competing with Barca, Bayern even Man Utd when it comes to attracting the most expensive star players... well, I would love that but let's be realistic. Even if the ideal scenario over the last 10 years had happened (ie: we stayed at Highbury and won the league every year since) we would still not be rivalling these clubs for the most famous players in the world. Some clubs are mega clubs that we will likely never match for money and influence. And you know what... I don't care about that! We weren't like that when I signed up and frankly I could've cared less then as well. Were Wenger to actually enact his transfer policies with more certainty and more regularity I don't even think this would be an issue. I agree that his hesitance, his reluctance to spend has made our situation negative when it could so easily be positive. We've dropped points already - that's all I need to know. I'm unhappy about that don't get me wrong. But I think we will turn it around because the squad (assuming the players mentioned are actually signed) looks solid. better than solid it actually looks properly strong.

  12. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 26, 2016, 15:02 #92412

    A quote from the Official History of Arsenal (1986) by Phil Soar and Martin Tyler; re the start of the 1983/84 season. "In the space of a few days first Man Utd then Liverpool came to Highbury and took three points. It was not that AFC lost both games, (the following two games, AFC easily beat Notts County and Norwich), it was that they were seen to be competitive." In other words, the 1983/84 side were going to be nowhere near challenging for silverware. Remember that these words are the OFFICIAL history. I wonder if the official history nowadays has the same outlook.

  13. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:50 #92411

    Peter, he's bound to be never heard off, TOF revels in that, signing players who we've never thought or heard off, never ones we've called for or wanted, and yes of course average too, and he'll be a hell of a lot more average when TOF gets his hands on him. We want wenger out now.

  14. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:48 #92410

    Ron - thanks mate I appreciate it. And believe me I'm not exactly convinced something amazing's going to happen but then this is football so you never know. Weird stuff happens all the time. And if we win everything (!) this year then I don't think anyone will be wiping egg of their face because we will all be too busy celebrating like mentalists to even care - because we're all Arsenal fans and hopefully a bit of real success would bring us back together!

  15. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:39 #92409

    Gooner Ron, you may be right but I certainly don't recall any of the WOB's using the term mong, retards, tards, etc, and worse, on/to AKB's. wenger out now.

  16. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:21 #92408

    Raw Carlings : Predictions, i'll give £50 per prediction to a charity of your choice if you get them right ( CL & PL) the others aren't winning predictions... let me know how you get on, somehow I think my money is safe...

  17. Tony Evans

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:21 #92407

    Hi Ron - I reckon my thong definitely needs freshening up a bit! (ref post 97888). Seriously though I agree that panic is in the air again, and whilst I obviously welcome the (hopeful) addition of two new players why the hell can't Wenger do his transfer business sooner - what is he trying to achieve by leaving it so late in the day. This late transfer dealing and (to me) unnecessary resting of our Euro players has once again cost us points. Not sure Perez is the answer up front either - this particular deal definitely has panic written all over it, and I have long since lost any confidence in Wenger's ability to spot a bargain. Still we live in hope don't we.

  18. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:10 #92406

    rarlour - good stuff mate. I like your posts a lot. Yes, ive seen a few bust ups among the away support this last 5 years. Im sure you have too by the sound of it. To be honest though, like last week end at Leics most of them are just rank idiots. Deep down, i think the most avid Arsene outers still retain their underlying respect and affection for him for who he is and for his work this last score of yrs. I d love it if he produced something amazing as you suggest. Gladly scrape the egg of my ugly face then!!

  19. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:07 #92405

    Two new players just before window closes, positive. Now , think back, if these 2 players were Ozil & Sanchez who had just been signed, with Wenger in charge, what hope is there, he's done nothing with them in the team, its not the players that are the issue, its Wenger. As I've stated before , I support Arsenal ( Not Wenger) I would love Arsenal to go on a winning run, and turn things round, don't give a hoot about Wenger , as he proved to be clueless the last few years, its a major panic buy, I hope it pays off.

  20. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 14:00 #92404

    Hey Ron and thanks for the reply. Yeah slap a beard on Chesney and you've got Mr Mustafi there's no doubt! And you know what, you speak a lot of sense - I shouldn't be being presumptuous about people's match day behaviour. I think maybe I'm just anxious the team gets some sort of proper backing because boy do they need it. I've been cheesed off with the various behaviours I've seen at the ground from those on both sides of the debate. It's so clearly counter productive that it's the one thing I wish we could all agree on - not fighting amongst ourselves! Still, whatever anyone thinks in the wider debate, it's pretty obvious to me that our transfer policy this summer has contributed to the negative atmosphere when it needn't have done. I think Arsenal should change the way they never respond to transfer gossip. They should have denied they were even interested in Mahrez and lied about Vardy - told the Sun or something that Vardy was just taking them for a ride etc.. Sod all this remaining aloof we're better than all that nonsense - lash out a bit and make it clear we won't be messed around. We want to feel like our club is strong, streetwise and will stick up for us when not everything goes our way. I think fans can accept a player turning us down if the club reacts and says - sod it, we've got bigger fish to fry!

  21. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:57 #92403

    My predictions for the season-CL-Winners/PL-Winners/FAC 4TH R COC-3RD R.Manager of the season Wenger (given 5 year extension and knighted)Player of the year-Ox

  22. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:50 #92402

    redshirts .... and i agree totally. Im not sure that anybody can sensibly disagree with that, unless theyve been on the Moon or perhaps in a black hole for a few years. rarlour says it matters not what motivates a buy. I think it does. Incoming players arent daft as to why theyre bought so late and neither are the players already in the Club who then have to mentally accommodate them last minute after finishing their pre seasons. Not helpful at all, even in semi pro footie. Its a rushed job and theres now a need to rush their inception as you say, though some transfers can of course be unduly complex and thus long winded. Good luck to them both i say though as im sure does any other supporter. COYG.

  23. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:38 #92401

    Decent points ralour, but yr labouring a bit. You shdt assume that those who want change dont back our players to the hilt. For myself and the 3-4 guys who i go to games with historically we all think change at the helm is needed, some of us whove felt that way for periods between 10 and 5 years since. It doesn't stop us supporting the lads at all.Marks likely in that category. Cant be sure, but the tendency on here amongst those who back Arsene unconditionally is that they never to rarely go to games or theyre just wind up merchants. Sadly a few rise to their bait. Like you thoiugh, if thses two deals are pulled off, it l be good. It freshens thongs up. Brings new dynamism and creates challenges to players. This is the root of the anti AW feeling i.e he and the Club have sat on and settles for mediocrity. Yes, they spent a bit on Ozil and Sanchez but the top Clubs freshen up each yr without fail and usually do it early doors not at closing time. A club has to so to stay at the top. We ve been just too happy to be in the vicinity. Theres the nub of it. PS Mr Mustafi looks like Chesney off Coro'n Street! I do hope hes not so nice and accommodating to forwards as Chez is to everybody!!

  24. Mungo

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:31 #92400

    Jamerson - is it true you look like Christopher Biggens? I think though he is a tad more butch

  25. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:20 #92399

    Nothing against this Perez fella and good luck to him I hope he is a big success but.....what happened to 'top top qualitee'? If he was really top drawer then the really big clubs, your barcas, madrids and Bayern would have been in for him, my point is he may be a decent player but we already have decent players, we have needed a world class striker since van pursestrings left 4 or 5 years ago. More lies from wenger that he will only buy when it adds to what we have already got...this is a panic buy however the club might dress it up, I have no doubt whatsoever that had we got 4 or 6 points from our 1st two games then this guy would be nowhere near our club

  26. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 13:00 #92398

    Hi Mark - whatever you think about why he's bought them (and let's be careful here, this is Arsenal so there's every chance something could go wrong with these two signings!) he's bought them and they're going to be Arsenal players. Don't let the current atmosphere stop you from getting behind these guys. I like the look of both of them. Clearly there's some fundamental disagreements going on between Arsenal fans at the moment - but we should remember we are all loyal fans whatever side of the argument you're on. I can see why Wenger's caused frustration and anger in some fans, but I can also see why some other fans are bemused by the strength of negative feeling. None of us are right and none of us are wrong if you see what I mean. There is room for Wenger to do something amazing and there is room for Wenger to screw up royally. Anything can happen - I'm looking forward to it now that he's actually spent some ****** money!

  27. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:59 #92397

    Hi Janet - I agree that the squad is potentially better than perhaps we think or to be more accurate, is perhaps better equipped to challenge than we or they think. There seems little belief amongst the squad or in the Club though that they can actually challenge. Its the years in the doldrums thats caused this. Cant AW lift the feelings of inadequacy in the Club vis the other challengers? I dont think so now. Too many years of just 'doing enough' have passed by. Strangely, i tend to agree too that they might have a good run in the CL this time. It would come at the expense of a title challenge though which you seem to allude to?

  28. Mark

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:55 #92396

    Why do you think Arsenal only bought these 2 Players on August 26th??? simple really because he NEVER intended to buy them. He wanted to avoid it at all costs BUT he's had another reality check about the ability of Chambers + Theo plus the injuries of Mert and fatique of Koshelny + Giroud. Wenger wanted to wing it but the first 2 matches have shown him this time the crowd wont let him ! i think the Arsenal fans forced the Club to grab what look like 2 very decent Players so for me fair Play well done to the fans.

  29. Janet

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:51 #92395

    All you fellas stop slinging mud at each other.We now have probably the best squad in the Premiership.My predictions-CL-Winners Premiership-4th FA cup 3rd round League cup-Winners.Player of the season Wilshere.Manager of the season-Wenger or Guadiola,I cant decide.

  30. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:31 #92394

    Jackson Sanders : Ding, Dong , only BellEnd on here is you, PS is normally added at the end of a note , not in middle, and copying notes/stats says it all really, cant rely on your own views or feelings, need to copy pointless stats to support your justification of Wenger, just like the possession stats, your stats are also worthless. PS ... add PS at the end you Plonker --- YKIMS

  31. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:15 #92393

    Jackson Sanders : Boring, Boring Sanders. Come up with a better argument & also validate/compare Wenger's Wages and what he has achieved these last 10 yrs against the other top managers (who win Silverware)...Also , your stat of 1 loss in 12 PL is selective, you chose to misses out games 13 & 14, which were Man U lost 3-2 , Swansea at home lost 1-2. If you state stuff, keep it real, not selective...Wenger & Regime Out.

  32. Jackson Sanders

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:07 #92392

    Buying players is normally just a way of keeping the Wenger out tub thumpers happy.I'm glad we didn't go overboard in our signings.Saw this the other day.2015/16 Manchester City finished fourth in the league after spending £174,906,800.PS GS-Do you have a head shaped like a bellend. 2014/15 Manchester United finished fourth in the league after spending £161,465,000. 2012/13 Chelsea finished third in the league after spending £96,622,000. 2011/12 Chelsea finished sixth in the league after spending £88,967,000. 2010/11 Manchester City finished third in the league after spending £156,907,000. 2009/10 Manchester City finished fifth in the league after spending £126,678,000. 2008/09 Manchester City finished tenth in the league after spending £134,891,000. 2007/08 Tottenham finished eleventh in the league after spending £80,969,000.

  33. Hi Berry

    Aug 26, 2016, 11:03 #92391

    Jackson Sanders...another post that has been directly lifted from somewhere else...remember reading the 'Sky TV package for Christmas' post a week or so ago. Let's be honest, we all know Jamerson has a history of multiple posting names so just to recap..Jamerson, Carl Rawlings, Leekey and Sanders are all the same person - in fact quite often posting one after the other....try not to respond.

  34. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 26, 2016, 10:24 #92390

    I hate it when we sign players.Prefer to just rely on Arsene and his brilliance.Too much money wasted these days by Premiership clubs.

  35. rarlour

    Aug 26, 2016, 10:08 #92389

    I see the air is still ripe with revolution at Gooner towers! Fingers crossed on these apparent new signings - in my humble opinion it's pleasing that Wenger has actually bought in the areas we needed players. Can we please start our season now Arsene - before we drop anymore points. Objectively - and assuming Mustafi and Perez are actually signing - the squad looks good.

  36. Ron

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:51 #92388

    Ive seen the Perez stories. I think that both his potential buy and Mustafi, to a lesser extent, are both buys to pacify the unrest. I would just give Rob Holding his chance now. We ve brought him in. Its great that hes English. Why hold him back if hes good enough? He seems a very level headed and determined young chap and i think he ll succeed as long as hes made sure of his role, his position made clear and that Steve Bould is allowed to really focus on the lad. I hope to be wrong but im not at all sure Perez is a marque up an anything that we have already at the Club. Sadly, theres an element of 'trolley dash' flavour in the air i think.The 2011 'dash' hasnt really worked has it guys.

  37. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:47 #92387

    Jackson Sanders : Insults again, if you have nothing constructive to say, best say nothing. Come back when you have something interesting to add. As I've said before, my Arsenal supporting credentials are fully validated... "3 bags of sweets for £1" anyone....You are unlikely to know what that means...

  38. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:12 #92386

    GoonerRon : Fair enough , so I assume the posts will be linked to results ...Arsenal Win, AKB's have the upper hand - Arsenal Lose WOB can get stuck in, does not change the fact that Wenger & Regime Lie, Spin and play the blame game, that cannot be challenged whichever side of the fence you are on... Latest 2 signing are panic buys to keep the natives from revolting, and he wont have a clue what to do with them. Wenger & Regime Out

  39. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:05 #92385

    Well finally the cobwebs have been blown off the chequebook. To be fair it's often too easy to say "just sign player A and player B", there's usually something going on behind every transfer that isn't disclosed. If you can believe all you read (mwahahahahahahaha) Sissoko has turned down Inter, Liverpool, Dortmund and us, to go to Crystal Palace. Now ask yourself; why would a player do that? Other than the inevitable M-O-N-E-Y.

  40. GoonerRon

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:04 #92384

    @ GS - what is the point of an AKB putting forward an argument as to why Wenger should stay? Most vocal posters on here have very fixed opinions (on both sides of the fence) because this argument has been going on for ages and their stance will not be changed irrespective of the rationale put forward on this very well trodden discussion. The fact is, there isn't anything that could be said to make you want to support Wenger and there isn't anything you can say to make an ardent AKB want to protest at games or not go to games at all.

  41. Mungo

    Aug 26, 2016, 9:02 #92383

    Gooner Ron - I do understand that all of us , yes all of us have been guilty at times of stretching truth and hurling insults. For the record I should point out that the Human Centipede 2 "Caravan From Hell" is not actually going to be released at the Cinema. My understanding now is that it was a home made production on super 8 using vacuum tubes, gaffer tape and a white coat nicked off Jamerson's nurse. I think Leekey deserves an Oscar for being the last in line as by that time the vacuum tube was really overloading . He does suffer for his art and for that he should be thanked

  42. Peter

    Aug 26, 2016, 8:54 #92382

    Well it looks like we are signing Lucas Perez from Deportivo reading this mornings internet. I watch Depor live and Lucas is average. He is 28 years old and yes he did scored 17 goals last year but missed around 17 more. For him it is a dream come true to got to Arsenal and maybe play in Champions League but also learn from Santi and Ozir. He is not the type of striker we want he is more of a winger as he has pace (we have that already). In my opinion he should go to Everton and we get Lukaku much better centre forward. Same old Arsene buying unknowns and trying to make them stars. Those days are gone. he is not worth 20 million.

  43. GS

    Aug 26, 2016, 8:46 #92381

    Jamerson, Carl, Leeky and all AKB's , I assume you love Wenger for his 1st 10years and therefore cannot see beyond that, and all his failings are ignored... The rest of us WOB, are judging him on his 2nd 10years which have largely been poor in terms of silverware, but that is not the issue. The Issue is his lies & spin and Wenger blaming everyone bar himself for his under achievements, its clear to see he has no plan, tactics etc. So lets keep the opinions civil, and if you can put the AKB's argument forward without any insults, I/we are willing to listen.. Don't mention " be careful what you wish for " if you can.... Come on, we are waiting.

  44. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 26, 2016, 7:20 #92380

    Leek, Is there something we should know? I remember your dear friend Colesey OAP who came on here throwing angry insults, being a bit racist, everyone's a mug blah blah blah. Then regular as clock work the poor old boy would reveal his unhappy loneliness by asking us to meet him in a pub. You would be in the background agreeing with all he said of course. Now you're inviting us down the pub? Coincidence or one and the same. Ps: no I won't be meeting you down the pub

  45. Charlie George Orwell

    Aug 26, 2016, 7:17 #92379

    Carl Rawlings: No, insults are usually relied on by those without anything intelligent, useful or constructive to offer.

  46. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 26, 2016, 6:27 #92378

    According to the Telegraph we rejected the chance to buy Perez the did a reverse 2 days later, think someone in the club got on the phone and said just buy someone. A strange way to run a club reminiscent of UTD's seasonal cock-up's prior to Mourinho.

  47. Leek fc

    Aug 26, 2016, 5:51 #92377

    Take the blinkers off mbg.

  48. GoonerRon

    Aug 26, 2016, 0:54 #92376

    @ mbg - I think it's fair to say insults often fly both ways across the 'Wenger divide' on here - not many can claim to be holier than thou that's for sure.

  49. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 0:43 #92375

    Well there you have it yet again folks, typical AKB wengerites, lose the argument/debate about their messiah and then resort to insults, how many times have we seen it on here ? Pathetic, lets hope TOF takes them all with him when he pisses off.

  50. GoonerRon

    Aug 26, 2016, 0:33 #92374

    Hopefully deals are close on the needed striker and and defender. Along with Xhaka / Elneny and Cech last year, that is the spine strengthened. Time will tell if they turn out to improve us or not, but at least for those fetishising 'some intent', this will probably be our biggest spending window ever. Is that a bit of optimism I can smell in the air?

  51. mbg

    Aug 26, 2016, 0:19 #92373

    Paul Ward, he'll only fook it up as usual as only he can and scrape through by the skin of his teeth. Wenger out now.

  52. Leekey

    Aug 25, 2016, 23:58 #92372

    Arseknewbest.... This coming from someone who thinks that Celtic still have a second leg to play against the Israeli champions. ha ha ha.

  53. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 25, 2016, 23:33 #92371

    JameeCarl and Leekie - You mean to say you stopped making mobile home-based love to each other to type those two efforts? E minus and F minus respectively. Get back inside each other, sniff some poppers, oil each other up and forget it ever happened...

  54. Leekey

    Aug 25, 2016, 23:20 #92370

    Fully agree Carl. I cannot see any attempts at honest researched arguments on this site. Once a pro Wenger comment is posted, the WOB's just go back over very much old ground. Time for change was a wet lettuce and they know it big time. 2 points I have posted more than once on this site is ......... You want Wenger out, do something about it rather than sit behind your keyboard and as I have said to Jeff, mbg and several others...... Home game, pub, engage in conversation, I'll be there.

  55. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 20:55 #92369

    Reports claim mustafi has signed for £35m

  56. mbg

    Aug 25, 2016, 20:32 #92368

    Everybody queuing up to shaft TOF now with all this powder he's been keeping dry for years (remember that one, Mustafi 50m lol love it)i'm surprised it hasn't dried up and blew away, keeping it for a rainy day was another favourite of the ABK's, well its f****g raining now wenger you old past it coward and no better man could be drowning, isn't it ironic now at the end of the day and all your money it isn't worth a f**k. go now you coward.

  57. Paul Ward

    Aug 25, 2016, 20:31 #92367

    Decent CL draw for a change, and linked with a 17 million quid striker, goes down as a good day in these rather grim times.

  58. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 19:14 #92366

    Raw Carlings : very good , funniest post this week - well done.

  59. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 25, 2016, 19:01 #92365

    Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.Also being careful with money is a good thing Arsenal should be applauded.'Many a mickle makes a muckle'I feel more secure when Arsenal are wealthy,would hate us to end up like Leeds or Portsmouth.

  60. Mungo (Bonzo's Brother)

    Aug 25, 2016, 18:29 #92364

    The Human Centipede Part 2: The Caravan of Hell! Staring Jamerson ( Dr Heiter ) Leekey, Carl Rawlings, and Jackson Sanders Opening at a cinema near you!

  61. Peter Wain

    Aug 25, 2016, 18:12 #92363

    so who is this nonentity we may be buying. Not a spanish international so cannot be that great. Wenger out now.

  62. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 17:56 #92362

    CL - PSG - Basel - Ludogorets ( Bulgaria ) for what it's worth .

  63. Bard

    Aug 25, 2016, 17:13 #92361

    Ron:tend to agree. Its been done to death. I am hoping that this inactivity in the current window will do for him. But it may be wishful thinking on my part

  64. Roy

    Aug 25, 2016, 17:06 #92360

    GS,Mark - Yrs, I bought them too. Percy Dalton's 30p a bag. Wenger/regime out.

  65. mbg

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:53 #92359

    GS, Mark from Aylesbury, those two halfwit JCL's wouldn't know what your talking about. wenger out.

  66. mbg

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:42 #92358

    Exeter, and in years to come fans will be saying the same about us, thank got those fans spoke out and voiced their concerns about that old fraud wenger way back then and got/forced him out or god knows where we'd be now. Go now you old fraud.

  67. MBG

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:30 #92357

    jj, and if that's the best stooge he can muster up to send he hasn't got many and they don't know much. We want wenger out.

  68. Ron

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:29 #92356

    David - spot on. GG was probably on the brink of the push. The bungs did the job for the Board didnt they. All things change. in football, theres an element required in running a Club that demands making changes even if there isnt a compelling case to make them. It keeps things fresh and new. Arsenal has been a drab, rather tiresome Club for too long. The drabness is masked though by this wondrous cloak of 'stability' that the Board and Wenger throw over it. A Coach, as with players in situ yr on yr after yr isnt in itself some thing that represents stability in my view. It does represent sterility though.

  69. Ron

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:11 #92355

    I think sits time for the Wenger in or out debate to be declared officially closed. There isnt an argument left that hasn't been ran surely? What we know is that hes not going until he chooses. Incredible, but there you go guys.

  70. David

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:03 #92354

    "The anti Billy Wright movement were not true Arsenal nor were the crowds who stayed away for Neil and Howe" - That must mean there have only ever been about 4,000 true Arsenal. I must be one of the somewhat true Arsenal having being one of the 17,845 against Birmingham in the mid-seventies, though I have to confess I only went because someone gave me a complimentary ticket. Apart from Rioch you can't say that Arsenal were ever hasty in sacking a manager. Mee got two or three seasons grace, and Neill/Howe also outstayed there welcome. Even George Graham should probably have been pushed before he was caught with his suitcase of used fivers. After the FA Cup and European Cup semis in 2009 it was clear that Arsenal wouldn't go on to be contenders for the top prize which was supposed to be the whole point of leaving Highbury.

  71. mbg

    Aug 25, 2016, 16:00 #92353

    John Gage, and it's very debatable indeed if it was him who spent the money at all.

  72. Mark

    Aug 25, 2016, 15:57 #92352

    just checked and as of today Arsenal have £158m in the bank and no debt.

  73. Bard

    Aug 25, 2016, 15:29 #92351

    Colonel Saunders; more rubbish about who's a real fan and who isnt. Boring mate been done to death. Jog on over to Untold where you can join the legion of sheep, who love the manager to bits whatever he does.

  74. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 25, 2016, 15:01 #92350

    GS - did you buy the bags of monkey nuts from the man in the Northbank? Now that is dedication.

  75. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:47 #92349

    C Raw : we are focusing so much on what we do have , that is why we want change. We have too much Spin & Lies, with a manager who has no clue on how to win games, titles , and Yes I am a supporter, if you want to know my credentials about supporting Afc I'll, tell you , I once bought " 3 bags of sweets for £1" from the guys on Avenell Road, if that isn't dedication, I don't know what is... Wenger & Regime Out.

  76. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:42 #92348

    Cyril- £1500 to watch eboue, absolutely scandalous isn't it haha you have to laugh. Mind you every penny I ever spent watching Bergkamp was money well spent, the best player I think I will ever see play for Arsenal, every time he got the ball I was out of my seat...sheer class!

  77. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:39 #92347

    “Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!” If you complain you're no supporter just a follower.

  78. Dandy Mod

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:17 #92346

    One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping-stone to something better… Colonel Sanders. Leave them be Jackson they just don't get Grandpa's logic! With mr W in charge we sure are going to be mighty better after all his failures!

  79. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:11 #92345

    Wenger In : No more money to Wenger, he has had plenty and has no clue ( see prev post ) . He is past it by about 10yrs, time has moved on , Wenger has not !!... Wenger & Regime Out.

  80. Wenger In

    Aug 25, 2016, 14:04 #92344

    So if people want Wenger to compete then he needs new owners who will give same budget as them.

  81. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:54 #92343

    If we follow Jackson's notion of support to its logical conclusion, Wright would've stayed on as manager, which would've meant no Bertie Mee, no '71 double. And if Neill and Howe had stayed on, no GG... which in turn would've meant no Wenger. The irony is, the history of which Jackson professes to be so proud would very different and much less successful if all fans thought like him. Thank god for those supporters of past and present that try to push the club to change and improve when it's clearly needed, like now. If everyone thought like Jackson the club would never have got anywhere.

  82. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:54 #92342

    Wenger In : your half right - SK is part of the problem, but tactics, game plan, motivation, winning mentality, turning a game round, transfer in/out, substitutions, excuses are all down to that is why most on here want Wenger Out along with the Regime.

  83. Wenger in

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:47 #92341

    Why the hell do people want Wenger out? You people are fools Kroenke is the problem. He has the fifth highest budget behind United City Pool Chelsea and always over performs and finishes above fifth. He has actually performed above expectations.

  84. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:35 #92340

    Jackson, what's very simple and clear is what you mean is support Arsene all the way. You can choose to blindly suck up the bullshine and idolise AW if you want but suspension of the critical faculty is not a prerequisite for supporting a football club, and never has been. Most on here will be able to see right through your feebleminded attempts to guilt trip them into line. When AW goes I suspect your interest in AFC will go too.

  85. Jackson Sanders

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:33 #92339

    Mark-The anti Billy Wright movement were not true Arsenal nor were the crowds who stayed away for Neil and Howe,otherwise they would have been there.You're saying only attend if Arsenal are winning.They would come under the banner of luke warm, fair weather supporters.

  86. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 25, 2016, 13:08 #92338

    Jackson congratulations on your second post considering your first was total plagiarism. So when the anti Billy Wright movement took hold , were they not true Arsenal supporters, or when the crowds stayed away for Neil and Howe? A more pertinent question is will you still support Arsenal post Wenger. Because from where I'm standing I'm not so sure you will. You're a typical know all know nothing superfan who disappears from these sites after defeat and crows when we win. You love Arsene first not Arsenal. When you realise this you can be a happier man and make a decision whether you continue onward as some of your Untold Brethren have said they will go. I also highly suspect that these hit out comments you are making are a panicky response to a question you are having difficulty dealing with. A chap on Untold today said that though he supported Wenger the AKBs are now outnumbered away and that he fears civil war if we lose or draw against Watford. That is the true reality, suck it up as we have been telling you this is going to happen and Wengos days are numbered

  87. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 12:57 #92337

    And another thing Jackson Sanders , the only constant at any Football Club are the Fans, everyone else comes along, takes money out and leaves, the odd special player leaves us with great memories the rest leave nothing, so when silverware & achievement is counted I think Wenger is not a great manager, just a good one ( 1st 10yrs) and very average (2nd 10yrs), but as an accountant he is top of the class.

  88. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 12:44 #92336

    Jackson Sanders : Fair enough, BUT does that mean we should bend over and get shafted. Your views are exactly what the regime want, that we behave like sheep and whatever they choose to do , we will accept?? that is where you are wrong, I love Arsenal fc, but I have no time for Wenger and the regime, due to Spin ,Lies, Spin, Lies, etc etc... Football is about winning and using money and players to the best of their ability, but when you have a clueless manager on £8m, who has No plan, No Tactics, No winning mentality, No ambition , No idea, and just keeps coming out with the same old excuses it does not make it fun anymore, the money from TV should be used for the benefit of the team, fans and the community, not to be banked by the 3 stooges while the rest of us suffer in silence....Wenger & Regime Out.

  89. cyril

    Aug 25, 2016, 12:41 #92335

    JS: With respect, I have been a season ticket holder for years. I get the 'we have debts to pay' mantra. However, all I know is that I went from paying £400.00 a year to see Bergkamp to paying up until a few years ago £1500.00 to watch eboue. [amend as you will in current times] ok, it's lovely to see Ozil and sanchez now but you get my point. Give me a break!!!

  90. Jackson Sanders

    Aug 25, 2016, 12:19 #92334

    Simple, you either support Arsenal all the way or you do not. Have you any idea how bloody lucky you are to follow a club with our history and how when the money was not there we still managed against the odds to qualify for the Champion's league bringing much needed revenue to the club following our move to the Emirates. Players who could not even spell loyalty left us high and dry and only for the loyalty of one man who know's were we would have ended up. We end up like spoiled children when things do not go our way. No team has a God given right to win this league no matter who they are. Last season proved that point to us all and now is the time to look forward and not back and get behind the team going into a new season. This is an Arsenal site so you shouldn't come on here with anything other than the support of the club unless you're a secret tiny totter, we have a great board and the Greatest manager in Arsenal's history. Together, Stronger, Better.

  91. cyril

    Aug 25, 2016, 12:01 #92333

    Bad; I agree with your last post. I also think his model includes the fact that the value of the bank account adds to the share value if he decides to sell up. And that is because when you sell the ownership of the club you sell the bank account as well. He has got us by the 'Niagara's' ol bean!!!

  92. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 11:57 #92332

    Squatter Wenger : Good post, thing is Wenger's scouts may find him talented youngsters but once he has them, what happens, they go backwards, he just does not seem to motivate, discipline or teach them anything new... As others have said, I believe Wenger got lucky in the early years by inheriting a great defence and players who did not need much coaching, ever since he needed to prove himself, he has been found wanting...Not winning back to back PL when we were at the top of our game is a major flaw for me... the rest we can all see, complete and utter shambles.

  93. Tony Evans

    Aug 25, 2016, 11:43 #92331

    Reading that Wenger treats Arsenal money as if it is his own is bad enough, but when he says he is afraid of spending big money in case he gets it wrong is unbelievable. I thought being on a 'salary' of £8.5M meant you were paid to make those decisions and get them right. I refuse to take Wenger / Arsenal seriously anymore - there is only so much bull**** I can swallow.

  94. Mark

    Aug 25, 2016, 11:19 #92330

    Squatter Wenger - totally agree. bear in mind Ranieri is an italian Coach who is hot on discipline and defending properly as well as full of Passion so theres 3 Qualities that he has over Jacques Tati. It wasnt anything to do with Wenger when Arsena's great Teams sorted Chelsea and Man U out on a regular Basis and competed for everything and won quite alot. it was NOTHING to do with Wenger. The high Standards had been set by David Dein and George Graham and the core of the Team what was there PRE-Wenger. They were self-managing, highly motivated bunch of guys. Once they had all left,along with Dein, Wenger has shown he had absolutely no clue how to go Forward.....

  95. Squatter Wenger

    Aug 25, 2016, 11:14 #92329

    Ranieri did in one season with Leicester what Wenger has been dreaming about and trying for 12 seasons: winning a title on the cheap and sticking it to the super rich clubs who buy titles. The difference is that Leicester not only had the best scouts, they have a coach who truly knows how to get a team to defend. Wenger doesn't know how to defend, and his scouts are mostly only employed to find talented teenagers.

  96. Bard

    Aug 25, 2016, 11:09 #92328

    Some really good posts. The thing is we are discussing as fans rather than seeing Arsenal from a business model perspective. My view ( unsubstantiated ) is that Stan is using Arsenal's financial health as leverage to borrow/fund the move of his NFL team. This is a reasonable explanation for not spending the £200m. Secondly if the fans turn and there is a lot of booing and negativity it damages the brand. Stan cant let that happen, because he is also damaged by association. Thats why Hick and co sold Liverpool. Wenger only has leverage of his own if the club are doing well and making a lot of money.

  97. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 25, 2016, 10:57 #92327

    Gazidis was interviewed by Wenger and works under him, I'm sure he's fulfilling his designated role just fine. The issue is the centralisation of power in Wenger. I don't know how many times club and Wenger himself have to say he isn't restricted in the transfer market. That's just AKBs trying to make excuses for him. He's made his 'principles' abundantly clear and it is these which are holding AFC back.

  98. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 25, 2016, 10:31 #92326

    Seven Kings - I think that's petty perceptive of you. Nobody has said the money cant be spent so somewhere someone is turning off the tap. If it's Wenger then he should be sacked as he is failing to fulfill a major competency of the role. The real weakness does appear to be Ivan, neither sufficiently skilled or savvy in the football world, prone to unhelpful and embarrassing public announcements and seen to be in the managers pocket. Ultimately I want Wengo gone but I have argued before that one of the infamous trio being replaced would probably benefit. As a trio they reach lower and lower.

  99. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 25, 2016, 10:19 #92325

    Bromley boy, read the Arseblog article on Kronke, I think most of us are well past their summary of what the "Kronke effect" is at Arsenal. I personally think Gazidis is the real problem, he is the CEO of Arsenal, his job is to badger the board for funding, set the targets and to see that the targets set are fully challenged. IG should be sitting Wenger down and questioning him as to why the club cannot compete in Europe, why they fail every year in the PL challenge, why we have so many injured players at the start of every season, why has he not freshened up the coaching, why are we missing out on so many young players, the list of questions AW needs to answer is endless. Gazidis as a proper CEO should be pushing Wenger to make sure the squad is complete and ready before the season starts, not make it up as he goes along. Kronke and the board have not said don't challenge for trophies have they? No what happens is that when Wenger enters IG office Ivan has to get out of his seat and go and sit in the chair on the other side of his desk. The club is run arse upwards and Gazidis's failure to carry out his contractial duties is why we are such a morose and dysfunctional football team, the pair of them need removing and replacing forthwith!

  100. GS

    Aug 25, 2016, 9:51 #92324

    Its all mess, don't want to see Arsenal lose, but I do want Wenger & Regime Out, one contradict the other, so how can we move forward?? As others have said the solution may be Fan power, but with a split Fan base we have a stand off, so I feel there will be a lot of pain, before any gain. Whatever happens, I always want Arsenal to win, but the sooner Wenger and the Regime leave the better for all of us...

  101. Bromley boy

    Aug 25, 2016, 9:06 #92323

    Good article on Arseblog in regards to Stan Kronke well worth a read . In full agreement with most of his points, I know most of our anger is vented at Wenger but we need to get Kronke out and not just Wenger, otherwise a puppet of Kronke will just take the place of Wenger, worringly what top manager would want to come to Arsenal at the moment. I'm going to predict an 8th place finish this season .

  102. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 25, 2016, 8:19 #92322

    Wellington Silva has left Arsenal after 6 years and O first team appearances. If memory serves wasn't Dick Laws sent to South America to sign the star and was therefore unable to complete the Juan Mata sale. Obviously great business by us 🙈

  103. jjetplane

    Aug 25, 2016, 7:56 #92321

    Sanders is no doubt a Kroneke stooge (4th one) and possibly an heir to the 'family bucket of secret spices' but yes a complete lift from Tony 'where's the science' Atwood and one of his most desperate pieces. Really is idiotic to think Wenger could lift the PL as he is now in a place where he would find it hard to lift the community shield. Two easy FA Cups (freak ones!) in 12 years and that is it and it would seem with the Ostrich no doubt moving upstairs no trophies will be won by Asano FC for many years to come.

  104. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 25, 2016, 7:45 #92320

    Jamerson Sanders - "No such thing as an easy game in the PL". Is this to become the AKB leitmotif, a cliche plagiarised from crap england managers down the years? You are scraping the very bottom of the barrel in order to maintain your tongue's position in weng's culo. Shame on you. Unlike you and your high principles (ho ho), I want Arsenal to lose and to carry on losing until Stan-K presses the big red button ideally ejecting weng, ivan the liar and himself out of N7. C'mon Watford - win and do us all a favour. It's the only way out of weng's spiral o'shyte, and to get the team back on a proper footing. Open the windows in your caravan - the gas from all of that potato juice must be overpowering your few remaining thought processes.

  105. KC

    Aug 25, 2016, 7:04 #92319

    Jackson Saunders, you have not mentioned the stadium move or the high season ticket prices, Wengers 8 mill a year, Gazidas salary, the transfer kitty not used, the TV money, the champions league money, the merchandise money. The stadium move promises. Time moves on, sure any fan not wanting to win the league is not really a fan but the vast majority of fans outraged at your God point to the thrashing we receive, the pathetic defending, the inability to compete in the Champions league, the inability to seriously challenge for the title, the inability to spend our resources and improve the squad, the obvious down turn in quality of football. If you had any football understanding you would see what is obvious, and if you had any will to win and a sporting mentality you would get angry at ground hog fourth. Your a typical there's always next week fan no real passion this is football man not fuc---- monopoly.

  106. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 25, 2016, 6:33 #92318

    Jackson Sanders - pretty sure you've lifted a fair amount of your input from others on Untold. You should really pay them royalties. I should also say that the reason you can post it on here is because it's an open shop not a closed shop as Tony is fond of saying. His little henchman Walter was giggling the other day saying " we are routing them out one by one " know doubt the sort of thing that Julius Streicher would have written many years before.

  107. Exiled gooner in portugal

    Aug 25, 2016, 2:48 #92317

    Wear your colours, there is only one place of importance, that is first place the champions the team that won the league. No one with any pride gloats about the fortunate runners up, who as we all know only have the **** to thank for finishing third in a two horse race to gift us the spot!! If football and uefa had not sold their souls to television. We wouldnt of played in the once prestigious European cup for 10 years!! Would you still be pointing out who finished worse than us then!! Or does your following of the Arsenal not go that far back? With that mentality no wonder Silent Stan , incompetent Ivan and Wonga Wenger keep pocketing a small fortune whilst mugging us real supporters off!

  108. John Gage

    Aug 24, 2016, 23:51 #92316

    Arsene Wenger likes to say that he is not afraid to spend money and he points to Ozil, Sanchez and Cech. The problem is that all these players were surplus to the requirements of their respective clubs. Real Madrid wanted to sell Ozil to fund their Bale transfer, Barcelona wanted to sell Sanchez to make up what they had spent on Suarez. Cech was sold after he was replaced by Courtois. Wenger explains his failure to buy players by saying teams don't wish to sell. But teams who wish to become champions always find a way. Juve didn't want to sell Pogba but Man Utd found a way. Everton was reluctant to sell Stones but Man City made them an offer they couldn't refuse. This type of ruthless, decisive action seems beyond Wenger. The reality is if you wish to be a club thay wins championships and European cups you can"t rely on a transfer policy of allowing big clubs to complete their transfers and then picking up the leftovers.

  109. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 23:44 #92315

    Jackson Sanders, then why the fook did you wait for this season to come on and comment on it ? Yes there's bell ends alright.

  110. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 23:18 #92314

    Some cracking posts on here today, this evening, but Exiled gooner in portugal, Post of the day. Go now wenger so we can all get pissed.

  111. Jackson Sanders

    Aug 24, 2016, 22:48 #92313

    Last season I read a comment from a certain person on the OG that went something like "the worst thing for Arsenal would be if Arsenal won the league with Wenger at helm because Arsenal would never win anything with Wenger". Now, I am all for reasonable criticism and I don't hesitate to give one but that comment was the stupidest thing I've ever read in the infamous AKB v WOB debate (which is a spectacular feat given the amount of junk one might have read over the years at various web-sites and blogs). However, from my POV, if someone wants Arsenal to get relegated so that Arsenal can "move on", he is either a fake Arsenal fan or someone who has an on-going trial and needs an evidence of his own Accountability.It's about time that a proportion of supporters of our great Club realised that its progress from time immemorial has been based on peaks and troughs. Not since the late 1930's have we ever managed to retain a championship. Arsenal will tend to win against the odds or clutch defeat from the jaws of victory, all in equal measure. The dark side of a minority of those who profess to support Arsenal FC is that they need scapegoats on whom to target criticism and displeasure. Usually it's a player or two but occasionally the manager. Even in the throes of any success, they still have to clutch dissatisfaction with some aspect that will satisfy their need for some doom and gloom. What miserable morose lives they must live. In the pub, their glass will always be half empty instead of half full. some fans who want wenger to be sacked or arsenal to finish outside the top 4 like to think they are "experts" in running a club,manage a team but somehow they haven,t realised there are no longer easy games in the pl,even the so called small clubs have bigger budgest that most teams in europe,how many times have we heard them last year screaming murder after we drew against a "mid-table team" but for the same team to beat one of the big 4 the following week but didn,t hear anything???These people are warts on a rhinos bellend.

  112. Cyril

    Aug 24, 2016, 22:05 #92312

    I really wish people would stop digging out this 67 year old grey haired man. He is in charge but not really in control. He doesn't have a chance to win against May or in May. He tries his hardest to get equal pay for all as he understands that it is wrong that some people earn astronomical amounts. He is a big Arsenal fan after all and has represented us in power for over 20 years here in this area. His suits and jackets don't seem to fit him and he can't get a seat on the board er sorry train.... For God sake leave Corbyn alone will ya !!!!!!

  113. Exiled gooner in portugal

    Aug 24, 2016, 22:05 #92311

    Kroenke, Gazidis & Wenger **** off please,great analogy. At least Brian Clough was pissed when he finished Forest off, Wenger is stone cold sober!!

  114. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 21:29 #92310

    GS, and just watch chambers improve now and turn into a good player under a manager who knows what he's doing, just for TOF to recall him due to more injuries and take the praise and acclaim for him been in great form, what a fooking fraud. wenger out now.

  115. jeff wright

    Aug 24, 2016, 21:10 #92309

    I have always thought that there was a touch of the Don Quixote about Wengo . With him tilting at Windmills in his deluded mind and of course he has had a couple of Sancho's obediently obeying his orders . Wengo ( yawn) looks rather confused and older than his years the stress is clearly showing and he can't handle stress .Last season's dismal failure by the 'specialist in failure' to grasp the golden opportunity that was presented to him on a plate in the league must be affecting him with Ran seizing it instead with a team of cut-priced journeymen grinding out results .There is always a price to pay for arrogance and greed and arrogant Arsene is paying it now with the chickens come home to roost and clucking away in disapproval. The pressure is on Wengo and there is nowhere to hide. Another bad result at Watford ,mind the gap, could see Wenger spiraling into melt-down and we have only played two games ! You couldn't make it up.

  116. KC

    Aug 24, 2016, 21:08 #92308

    Carl - when did Wenger last win manager of the year? Your beyond a joke, even opposition fans want Wenger to stay, that says it all. Perhaps your happy with top four each year, I want to be the best. As so many opposition fans want Wenger to stay perhaps your really one of them, by the way do you know where the Emirates is.

  117. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 21:07 #92307

    Roy, good post, and as much as it's welcomed it's just a dammed pity, like a lot of us on here, they didn't waken up three or four of years ago,(or sooner)we could have been rid by now and well on our way to rebuilding with his fingerprints washed off a lot of things, now we still have all that ahead of us. We want wenger out.

  118. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 20:30 #92305

    Hiccup, thanks for that - Untold is completely pointless , dragging fact just to prove ambiguous points that at the end of a game have no relevance. One positive for Untold is that it has great comedy value , I think tony is taking it to the Edinburgh fringe soon . Untold wenger out .

  119. Hiccup

    Aug 24, 2016, 20:18 #92304

    GS, Untold did analyse the penalties in the Leicester game. They awarded Clattenburg a poor mark for missing the penalty decisions. However, this was for missing fouls by Leicester players on Arsenal players in the box? Apparently Clattenburg made the correct decisions for the non awarded Leicester penalties, but missed the Arsenal penalties? 17 incorrect decisions against Arsenal and just 1 incorrect decision against Leicester. So you can be rest assured Untold have looked in to this game, and once again the ref was to blame for us not winning. I think Jamerson is on their ref review panel which is the same copy and paste article for every game.

  120. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 20:00 #92303

    Rarl cawlings : ha - ha , very funny . At least one brain cell is better than a vacuum , as your love for Wenger has left you living in the past . Get real and come up with a proper argument why Wenger should not go, stop with the pointless one liners as your just trying to convince yourself rather than anyone else . Are you leeky/Jameson's love child ??

  121. Bonzo

    Aug 24, 2016, 19:48 #92302

    Carl Rawlings "We have the greatest manager in the world" I'm sorry are you trying to be taken seriously? You'll have to do better than Untold freakery to last on here. Mike lasted 1 day.

  122. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 24, 2016, 19:36 #92301

    Bonzo,Arseneknewbest,GS.Which one you Arsene knockers is using the family brain cell today.If all you can do is grunt,stay stume A-holes.

  123. Bonzo

    Aug 24, 2016, 19:23 #92300

    Jamerson when you bought your caravan in Sizewell did you spend your companies money like its your money and feel concern for your 600 slaves. Or did you happily flash the readies to buy the 23ft rust bucket? I'm just wondering if your like that ****ing idiot Wenger.

  124. Augustus Flair

    Aug 24, 2016, 19:16 #92299

    Yeah, agree with aero192, it would help your cause Ali K if you spelt Steve Bould properly. Poor error I'm afraid, mate.

  125. Hi Berry

    Aug 24, 2016, 19:13 #92298

    David - it would appear he is too frightened to make the right decisions any more for fear of sullying his 'picking up gems for peanuts' reputation which to be fair was richly deserved when he first took charge but is sadly beginning to look like being in the right place at the right time as regards the French players he brought in. These days we buy lots of youngsters that have 'potential' but after a few years of not making the grade are quietly shipped out to Championship sides. Chambers (and Jenkinson for that matter) are two prime examples of players who, having had a couple of years to bed in, should be first team regulars (particularly Chambers at £16m) but on a psychological level are constantly being told they're not good enough by being loaned out. Chambers head must be all over the place following the decision to play Holding alongside Koscielny last week. Akpom is another example of someone who's been at the club a few years now and never gets a look in...what on earth must he think when he sees Walcott and Ox on the first team sheet. There was a centre half we had a few years ago (Bartlett??) who was loaned out to Rangers and was doing well by all accounts - where is he now? Gnabry, Wellington Silva, Joel Campbell...what is the point of having them at the club if they're never given a chance.....and the latest farce of Asano who has to be loaned out because he won't be granted a work permit....isn't there anyone looking into these things?Potential, potential, potential is all we seem to deal in these days and just like the first team, the potential never fully materialises.

  126. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 18:06 #92297

    Results for Chambers, Wenger allowing him to go out on loan, your best out of it son, Wenger will only send your career backwards... Wenger needs to go out on loan, with a view to permanent move.

  127. John F

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:48 #92296

    Good one Toronto.I always thought that Stan might be made up of different body parts.If you look at his hair it doesn't match the rest of him.At one time I thought what was on top of his head was an escaped Tribble from Star Trek but I like your idea better especially if you look under his nose it looks like the pubic hair of an orangutan.

  128. Bonzo

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:31 #92295

    A little rhyme for Wenger Lovers. Leekey's tackle is festering, It's been near Jamerson's nuts. A nasty rash is occurring After contact with Jamerson's butt. The caravan was rocking and screams that all could hear. As Jamerson rammed a butt plug Right up Leekey's rear.

  129. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:29 #92294

    Carl Raw : If Arsenal/Wenger were in Rio, they would have got knock out in the qualifying rounds, they would not have made it to the final to battle it out for medals.. I don't think you get Silver or Bronze in PL ( but you do get £100m ) , but maybe that doesn't matter in your view.

  130. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:15 #92292

    Meanwhile, in the real world, I just wanted to pay tribute to Celtic fans for using their team's game against some bunch from Tel Aviv to highlight human rights abuses in Palestine. Very heartening to know that there are groups out there who are not afraid to mix sports with politics in order to bring appalling injustices into the public eye. That high-minded and incorruptible group UEFA are thinking about fining Celtic - I wonder who they'll have to give the brown envelope of cash to and in which underground car park in Zurich. Wengo and his faux-socialist friends probably talk a good game about a two-state solution over canapes at their dinner parties. Trump-supporting Stan-K and his worshippers Leekie and Jamee on the other hand would see no wrong. Anyway, good stuff and best wishes to the bhoys for their second leg.

  131. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 24, 2016, 17:07 #92291

    All those athletes in Rio who won silver and bronze,are you saying they were wasting their time.

  132. KC

    Aug 24, 2016, 16:19 #92290

    Not sure why I'm bothering to respond but hey, best manager! Top four yes but what's the point, to enter a competition we can never win, results prove that correct. The league, the best managers win it, that's why they get the accolades. When did Wenger last win manager of the year.... Go on answer it.

  133. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 16:13 #92289

    Carl Rawlings: are you Jamerson/Leeky in disguise. Top 4 CL for 19years, very good, I buy a lotto ticket every week, don't win that either, but I,ve more chance than Wenger winning CL or PL ( also for your Info, Dy kiev have reach CL groups for a long time too (go check) ...Now go and spout your rubbish on Untold , if you have nothing better to say , as your not making any sense on here ( Troll) ... Wenger out.

  134. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 24, 2016, 15:54 #92288

    We have the greatest manager in the world, look at his record of never finishing outside the top four.No one else can match this.Where were all these other clubs last season,only Leicester with their industrial game pipped us mainly down to the referees awarding them suspect spot kicks.

  135. KC

    Aug 24, 2016, 14:35 #92286

    Could be funny if it was not true. As for Untold a complete fuc.... Embarrassment to all sensible Arsenal supporters.

  136. Avenell Road

    Aug 24, 2016, 14:24 #92285

    Hey I know we're a club in crisus but did anyone see that Ramsey has had a new haircut? Cooool!!!

  137. David

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:30 #92284

    There are plenty of good footballers out there that cost relative peanuts, but Arsenal haven't bought any for years. And many of them are French, where Wenger used to go shopping. Last year's PFA team... Payet £10m Mahrez £400K Vardy £1m Kante £7m Alderweireld £6m Morgan £1m Alli £5m. All pretty good? There are bargains yet Arsenal spend up to £16m on Calum Chambers... ... I have nothing against Wenger seeking out good value, but I can't think of any great bargains since getting Robin van Persie for a couple of million of Feyenoord 12 years ago.

  138. Roy

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:27 #92283

    Amusing indeed but a good analogy. What has been noticeable on the threads recently is an increase in those who no longer have faith in Wengers ability to do the job, with or without new players. This means that the writing is firmly on the wall for the terrible triumvirate. But since they have no honour or principles, they will just dig in their heels to the bitter end. So get ready for a long drawn out stand off before the inevitable conclusion by which time a place in mid table could be ours. Utterly spineless, the lot of them. Wenger out.

  139. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:13 #92282

    Untold has no relevance except to the blind. As all other views are banned, unless you support Wenger. Untold really has no point and bases its arguments on the blame game. It is a poison on our great club, distorting the facts for the gullible who are led astray by the editors, spinning stories to suit , just like their great leader. Possession has no merit when it comes to the final result in a game : Burnley 2 - 20% Liverpool O - 80% --- Afc 0 60% Leic 0 40% for bias refs, we were lucky not to concede 2 pens analysis that Untold...Wenger Out

  140. Analogue Manager in a Digtital Age....

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:07 #92281

    He arrived into English Football ahead of his time. he will leave English Football having been left behind by how it developed while he was here.... Quelle Irony !!

  141. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:03 #92280

    Nice one - I always had Wenger down as the b*stard love child of Edith Piaf (je ne regrette rien) and French film star of yesteryear Jacques Tati.

  142. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 13:00 #92279

    And after a few good results (against relegation fodder)we'll hear the scream of we're up and running, it's on. You couldn't make it up. Go now you failure, and take your screamers with you.

  143. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:52 #92278

    I know Leekey likes our reviews of Untold the winning article this week is about EWOBs, I'd guess this is some sort of acronym for Email WOB. That's me then! Apparently EWOBS exist but AKB is a bull**** term. Interesting viewpoint as I rather see it as opposing polarity. He then says EWOBs are younger well with all due respect I'm well past 40. It then blunders into talk of alcohol consumption. I assume the author consumed a fair amount prior to typing the article. Certainly interesting as well as being a very odd read.

  144. mbg

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:47 #92277

    He has taken on the quest (over the last eleven years)to prove his love of his pet projects and philosophies and failed miserably, and failing even more miserably as every year/season goes by, but just can't see it in his failed quest to prove everybody wrong. Go now you failure.

  145. CT Gooner

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:43 #92276

    Why do some Arsenal fans believe we have some Devine right to a top 4 spot, their idea of a good year??? The reality is there are several mid-table clubs showing ambition by investing in their squads and management teams. Will this ambition result in improved performance, we'll have to see, but the point is they are trying something different to change their fortunes. At Arsenal, our fool is either satisfied with our recent fortunes, or is scared to change. Either way, for a top club aiming for major honors, these should be grounds for dismissal.

  146. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:36 #92275

    Wear your colours - Arsenal had a unique opportunity last season with player power (rumour love affairs at Chelsea) causing the end of Mourinho, Van Gaal could never get the players on his side at UTD and City decided oddly to announce Pelegrinis departure half way through. That left just one big club in it. The team who was the strongest on paper and who was top at Christmas . Wengo blew it, total shambolic failure, an embarrassment of major proportions. Now Chelsea, City and UTD have steadied the ship, Spurs look like they are moving onwards as well. 2nd last year is yesterday's chip paper, a title 12 years ago means nothing now. Wengo is an old dog gone stale. The top teams will not be as accommodating this year you can bet on that, Let's hope that after the first thrashing we receive full bile is reserved for the failure in chief Wenger.

  147. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:35 #92274

    Best thing Wenger can do is prepare for life after Arsenal... Don't spend any more money on players as its money wasted. He needs to get himself a hobby to take his mind off football, and begin a new life away for Afc. He could always take up Whine tasting, Stock & Shares ( buy high, sell low ) he can do after dinner speaking & motivational talks teaching the go-getters of tomorrow. The world is your oyster Wenger, leave Afc with something, don't mess it up completely.

  148. G10

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:34 #92273

    I don't think it either appropriate or funny to mock a senile old man suffering with a mental health disorder.

  149. aero192

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:33 #92272

    "Bould", not "Bold", sorry just me being me. N'Kante/Mahrez/Vardy, all bought for pennies and rammed us down into second place so the value is always out there if you have the right people looking in the right places.

  150. Tony Evans

    Aug 24, 2016, 12:26 #92270

    Wenger will be in for Schwiensteiger at £2M - just up his street, and will no doubt convert him in to a centre-half! That just leaves the huge hole up front, but there must be some other cut-price bargain out there so don't lets worry! Thank God I don't care anymore, even though I still want to I just do not see the point.

  151. Wear Your Colours

    Aug 24, 2016, 11:48 #92268

    The other clubs may have moved on but the majority of them still finished below us last season.

  152. Stian

    Aug 24, 2016, 11:33 #92267

    Best piece on Wenger ever!!!

  153. Edmund

    Aug 24, 2016, 10:59 #92265

    Very amusing.

  154. Carl Rawlings

    Aug 24, 2016, 10:37 #92264

    It's not as if we're struggling.'Enough is as good as a feast'

  155. GS

    Aug 24, 2016, 10:05 #92262

    Toronto : Good light hearted post in these testing times...Wenger has been in an underachieving comfort zone for over 12yrs and does not want to let go, even though he is no longer up to the demands required to be a top manager/coach/WINNER.......Wenger, Go gracefully , before you are hounded out...the writing is on the Wall.

  156. deejay1952

    Aug 24, 2016, 9:57 #92260

    The truth hurts....